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(08/27/17) "Have Mercy on Me" (Quotes wk5)
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‘Jesus Quotes Scripture’ (part 5), Matt 9 & 12 from Hos 6.
Unique: Jesus quotes the same Scripture twice: Matt 9 (Matt’s dinner party) & Matt 12 (repeats it in the ‘fields’, refers to David in 1 Sam 21)
Quotes ½ of Hos 6:6, referring to the verse, but is also pointing to different aspects of Hos 6, as well as the entire story of Hosea (a Love Story).
“I desire mercy and not sacrifice” – I did 12 weeks/sermons on this in Swanage.
MATT 9: A Dinner party of tax collectors & sinners @ Matt’s [in Mk 2 & Lk 5, no quote].
Pharisees ask disciples, “Why?” and Jesus replies. Read vss 12-13.
Lk 15:1-2 prompts the 3-fold parable of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Lost Son (the silly, unaware of lost condition, intentional & willful estrangement) the Lost’s sicknesses.
So, what does quoting Hos 6:6 have to do with the situation? “Go and learn My desire!”
MATT 12: Following, “Come to Me, ALL you who labor … “ (Matt 11:28-30). The Story of David & his men in 1 Sam 21 [Mk 2 & Lk 6, no quote]. Read vss 1-8.
Hunger in the House & in the Fields. Hunger of the Lost & of the Disciples. Hunger for God! Should they not be fed? Judgment: Do they deserve condemnation or mercy?
To Pharisees: “Have you not read [like Palm Sunday re: Psa 8, pt 3] … “
“If you had known what this means”, i.e., known God’s desire, known God! Mercy!
The Reference: Connecting to Matt 9? Or, to Hos 6, again?
Let’s go to 1 SAM 21:1-9.
Note: Next chap, Saul has Doeg kill Ahimelech, 85 priests, and the entire village of Nob!
A lot of great messages: ‘Seek Bread, get a Sword!’ ‘The Bread first, then the Sword!’ ‘The Church that provides what’s needed in the Wilderness!’ ‘There is none like it!’
David & Hosea: “The Law calls for Sacrifice. Love desires Mercy. If you knew this, you would not condemn the hungry for being hungry!” Jn 8!
Hosea – ‘allegory’ of God as Husband & His unfaithful wife, Israel, the Covenant at Mt Sinai. But more!
Read Hos 6:4-7 (‘like men’ should read ‘like Adam’; ‘treacherously’ means ‘to cover’, implying ‘deceit’. “Who told you to cover yourself … “
MERCY [compassionate & kind]
Love: Grace, Kindness, Mercy. The Nature of Mercy is Compassion in our Misery
Moses: Breaks ALL 10 Commandments [Ex 32]! Guilty & Miserable. Ex 34:1-7, “Let’s try it again … (and the Lord passed by) The Lord, the Lord God, MERCIFUL and gracious … “
2nd Commandment, Ex 20:6, “graven images” will impact your worship, your ‘love’; “I am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers [those who hate Me] … showing MERCY to thousands [those who love Me].” Miserable, like Moses, letting God down.
2 Chron 20: In part 3, ‘Out of the mouths … ’. Weapons of Warfare: The Battle is the Lord’s! Praise Him! Read 2 Chron 20:21-22! We are Miserable when the enemy surrounds us, binds us! He shows us MERCY and delivers us, true to His Name & Covenant! Praise Him before!
Lam 3:22-23, “New every morning! Therefore, I hope in Him!” In every state of Misery.
David begins Psa 51, “Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your lovingkindness …”
Read Psa 40:6-8. Psa 136 all 26 vss end “For His MERCY endures forever!”
“Son of David [Matt 1:1], have MERCY!”
Matt 9: Two blind men ‘following’
Matt 15: The Canaanite woman with the ‘severely’ demon-possessed daughter, ‘send her away
Matt 20: Two blind men sitting, crying out, told to shut up, cry out MORE!
Mk 10: Blind Bartimaeus, cries out, Jesus calls him, he throws off garment, stands, and walks to Jesus.
The beginning and ongoing work of all Restoration is Mercy!
Jas 2:13, “Mercy triumphs [rejoices over and against] judgment [condemnation]”. “Go and learn what this means by DOING IT!”
Our Gospel: “Jesus died for your sins”? What about, “God rejoices over you in releasing you from your Misery and sense of being condemned!”
If we have known His MERCY, His kindness & compassion in a miserable state, then we should know His desire is that all who are miserable know and receive His MERCY, not ‘sacrifices of praise’ and ‘offerings’ that do not comfort anyone … not even Him.
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(11/05/17) "I Am No Better Than My Father" (Quotes wk 11.5)
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Jesus Quotes Scripture, part 11b, MALACHI
Last week: Restoration is a key word.
Our Quote: In Matt 11 & Lk 7, from Mal 3. We used both.
Trouble with Transition: John’s disciples, the ‘multitudes’, the Church today.
To “more than a prophet”. ‘Seeing’ & ‘Hearing’, Spiritual Maturity. Mal 3:1.
From the Old to the New, the End to the Beginning [Old Cov to New]! Jesus is ushering in the New Age, the New Creation, a “greater (bigger)” role!
John knew who he was [Isa 40], who he wasn’t [the Prophet], but not who he was [Elijah]. Jn 3:30! John is the ‘friend’ of the Bridegroom. The ‘least’ is the Bride!
Jesus ‘personalizes’ Mal 3:1.
The Essence: Messenger before Messiah. Forerunners & Pointers (signs).
MAL 3-4: Elijah & John
Read MAL 4:5-6 & LK 1:13-18. Restoration of Relationship on Two Levels (vss 16-17).
Our Father ‘who art in Heaven’, “No one comes to the Father … “ (Jn 14:6)
Messiah the Ruler! The ‘Church’ was not even thinking about Messiah the Restorer!
Jesus refers to His Father over 100 times in John! “If you’ve seen Me … I and My Father are One … The words & works, not Me, My Father”. The Ladder. Jn 13:1!
The Cross: If we only see Atonement, we miss Restoration with Father & Son, the Spirit of Love, Peace, Joy, and more! “All things” is NOW & YET! JESUS IS BIGGER!
Fathers [earthly]
Genesis Breakdown. Read Gen 5:1-3. Ex 4:24-26, Moses does not circumcise his son. Josh 5:5, Josh circumcises the next generation. Deut 4:9, 6:7 & 11:19, Eph 6:4, Prov 22:6. The Church is part of the Spiritual Growth & Development of ‘children’. The Primary ‘teachers’ are the DADS!!
Spiritual Fathers: “Though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers” (1 Cor 4:15). 1 Jn 2, ‘fathers’ in spiritual growth.
There was no ‘church’ in Genesis! It is birthed in the Wilderness (Acts 7:38) to help restore ‘fathers and sons’!
Elijah & John ‘parallels’: Opposed unrighteous gov’t (with the Kingdom, not ‘parties’), refused to play political games, chose wilderness with God over worldly comfort & position in the Temple [1 Kgs 17: Gilead, no lineage], a call to Repentance & Return to the Restorer of Hearts! Both Elijah & John have dubious ‘fathers’.
Elijah - Read 1 Kgs 19:4! “I am no better than” makes him perfect for a Call to Restoration.
John – Read Lk 1:18 at Gabe’s announcement. He repents, but John departs.
Read Ex 4:10. Moses [fatherless] makes him perfect to bring God’s Word.
Peter. How many times was he called? Lk 5:8, “Depart from me I am a sinner.” Perfect to bring God’s Righteousness instead of his own!
Paul, Phil 3:5-6, “concerning the law, a Pharisee; concerning zeal, persecuting the church; concerning the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.” Perfect to bring Grace!
TOO MUCH to unpack here.
Mt of Transfiguration, Moses & Elijah appear. As they come off the Mt, the Disciples ask about Elijah’s coming (Matt 17:11-13, “is coming … will restore all things … has come”).
Mal 4:5, ‘the great and dreadful day’, 2 ‘Days of the Lord’, 2 Comings of Jesus, 2 Comings of the Spirit of Elijah, who is currently restoring & will restore ‘all things’ [Acts 2]. US!
Read ISA 61:4 & 58:12.
Jesus: Restored right relationship [Righteousness] with the Father, but the Plan has been ‘All Things’, the Spirit (of Elijah) restoring, ‘on earth [Kingdom] as it is in heaven’, a New Creation [Gen 1] that will culminate with “new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells” (2 Pet 3:13), Relationships never seen before! Read ISA 2:2-4 & 11:6-9. “All things”
The Spirit of Elijah is the Holy Spirit [Elijah is somewhere else!] and He is here restoring “all things” that Paul says repeatedly, “Are yours!”
Q: Are we, the ‘greater’ ones, Restoring ‘all things’, something BIGGER?
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(10/29/17) "More Than A Prophet" (Quotes wk 11)
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Jesus Quotes Scripture, part 11, MALACHI
The Prophets: Isaiah [2 wks ago] & Malachi
Ministry: Not much known about him. Last book of OT [only 4 chaps, minor prophet, around 420 BC]; followed by ‘400 yrs of silence’. Contemporary of Nehemiah [walls of Jerusalem]; 1st return from Babylon, built the Temple, all part of the Restoration of Jerusalem.
Last time: The Law & Prophets called for Restoration of Relationship with God the Father through the Heart, a Heart given to God. Isa 49 (Matt 15) reveals ‘Prophetic Ministry (prophets & seers) had perverted God’s call to Restoration.
Our Quote: In Matt 11 & Lk 7, from Mal 3. We will use both.
The Setting: John the Baptist in prison, sends 2 of his disciples to confirm Jesus is Messiah. Read LUKE 7:18-23.
Q: Do you think vs 23 is for John or his disciples? Trouble with Transition [vss 16-17]. Read MATT 19:14 [in all 3 synoptics].
Read LUKE 7:24-28, “to the multitudes”. Q & A re: ‘Seeing’, to help them make the Transition, to “more than a prophet” quoting Mal 3:1. “MORE”! Jn 3:30!
Let’s go to MATT 11 to understand ‘part’ of “more”. Read vss 11-15. Again, Spiritual Insight & Development [last week’s ears] a matter of the ‘will’. John & Elijah.
John identifies with Isa 40’s ‘voice’, in Matt 3, Lk 3 & Jn 1:23. But in Jn 1:21, he does not know he is Elijah, “more than a prophet”. He knows who he is & is not, but not fully.
Read MAL 3:1. Q: Did you notice anything about the quotes? Jesus ‘personalizes’ it.
The Essence: The Messenger [Isa 40] before the Messiah. Forerunners [Heb 6:20]. We are forerunners!
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(10/15/17) "Whoever Keeps My Words" (Quotes wk 10)
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Jesus Quotes Scripture, part 10, Isaiah quotes
The Law [Mosaic] – 3 Times. Last time, “On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets” (Matt 22:40).
The next 2 weeks: The Prophets. Isaiah & Malachi
Ministry: Through 4 kings, S Kingdom, approx. 750 BC on the edge of the Assyrian Captivity. ‘Holy One of Israel’, ‘the Salvation of Jehovah’; Judgment, Commitment, Compassion.
Our quote: In all 3 Synoptics (Matt 13:14, Mk 4:12, Lk 8:10), from Isa 6.
Q: Do you have a favorite Isaiah quote?
The Setting: Jesus begins His ‘parabolic’ teaching ministry, ‘The Sower’, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” Spiritual hearing and understanding, an interesting Spiritual dynamic.
1 Cor 2:9-14, “Eye has not seen (Isa 64) … revealed through His Spirit … received the Spirit to know the things of God … natural man does not receive, spiritually discerned”
Read Matt 13:10. The Purpose of Parables.
He could have answered in fulfillment of Psa 78. Instead, He will explain How Spiritual Perception Works, i.e., our Spiritual Senses Mature. Read Heb 5:13-14 (Gen 3).
Read vss 11-15.
‘Mystery’: Not mysterious like we think; but outside the realm of unassisted natural knowledge. By divine revelation at a time and place appointed by God who will illumine by His Spirit. In the ‘natural’ sense, Mystery implies knowledge withheld. In the spiritual, it is Truth revealed. Q: So, does God select ‘who’ to give to? Food is given to the hungry. Whoever retains receives more. The Love loop: Revealed, Receive, Retain (‘Keeps’). Read Jn 14:15-16, 21, 23-24 [Note: Jn 2:10, same Grk word].
Why parables? To Reveal their Hearts & Lack of Spiritual Insight (Hearing & Seeing). A: Those who have turned to Him receive new ears! They get it! “Tasted & seen!”
Prophesied by Isaiah. Prophetic Fulfillment (‘again fulfilled’, not new) in an ‘odd’ way, not like Isa 9, 11, 42, 53 or 61! Of a Spiritual ‘condition’ endemic in Isaiah’s day & still present in Jesus’ day. Almost like Paul’s prophecy of an ‘age’ (2 Tim 4:3-4).
John quotes this same passage in 12:39-41 as a close to Jn 1-12, as the Passion Week begins. Luke concludes Acts with this same prophecy (Acts 28:27).
ISA 6:1-10, the quote is vss 9-10. Two Things before we read:
The Religious Leaders would have known the Isa 6 prophecy [revealed & written]. By ignoring & rejecting it (“Not me!”), they fulfill [complete] it.
Pay attention to Isaiah’s ‘seeing & hearing’ [receiving, vs 5] in the vision; then, the prophecy about those who do not ‘hear or see’, due to ‘dull hearts’ (Matt 13:10).
Read & Comment.
Trust. King Uzziah’s death became the Condition for Isaiah moving from the ‘Woes’ of Isa 5, to ‘Woe is me” in Isa 6. Which ‘king’ is enthroned (vs 5)?
Isaiah’s Experience. He responded to (received) the Vision he was given. Israel had been given many Experiences throughout their History. Their Response? Ignore & Reject. The Result? ‘Dull, callous, hard hearts’, going deaf & blind Spiritually.
Matt 15: The Law & Traditions, 2 wks ago, part 9. We skipped over the Isaiah quote, Isa 29.
Read Matt 15:7-9, then ISA 29:9-13. Again, the Condition of the Heart.
Vss 11-12, ‘the vision [Isa 6] of all’ is skewed, out of touch due to Perversion of Prophetic ministry. Relationship with God was supposed to be their Life!
Worship: Giving our Hearts to God, not just our Words. Our Words should be apparent in our actions, “Here I am! Send me!” The Father seeks such, “Who shall I send? Who will go for Us?” The Mysteries are given to those who have Kept His Word & Given their Hearts to Him. This Heart Condition, a heart given to God, is obvious, can be Seen.
Bottom Line
The Law (circumcision) & Prophets (return) were about the Heart, Love, Trust, a Call TO God.
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(10/08/17) "What's Hanging Around Your Neck?" (Quotes wk 9.5)
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Jesus Quotes Scripture, part 9b, ‘The Law [Mosaic Law]’
Conclusion from last week.
3 Times as a result of Questions. He answers with their ‘language’ [‘Whose authority’]; ‘completing & correcting’. Did not preach Law. Drawn into Legal dialogues.
Transgression & Tradition (Matt 15 & Mk 7)
Putting Traditions on the same level [or higher] as the Law, God’s Word.
Issue: Defilement from within, the internal Kingdom of the Heart!
Bottom Line: Faultfinding & Failure instead of Goodness & Grace.
Getting & Giving (the Rich Young Ruler in Mk 10 & Matt 19)
‘Possessions’, the lightning rod to reveal his ‘self-seeking’ heart.
Choice: ‘Have’ & ‘Enter’ life? Or, ‘Be’ & ‘Come’, BECOME ‘perfect’ (Matt 5:48; Rom 8:29), like Father [Matt 5] as a Son, like Jesus, and inherit Eternal Life.
Bottom Line Q: What was the ‘one thing’? A Heart to give (not a ‘head’), not just take and have, to become like his Father! A Giver! Original Q: “What must I do to get ahead?”
Today: The 3rd time Jesus quotes the Mosaic Law
Stone & Spirit (Matt 22 & Mk 12)
Jesus started His ministry with 3 Temptations [tests] in the Wilderness. Has He ever left? His ministry is drawing to a close with 3 more! Following Palm Sunday & Monday (Fig Tree, Authority Questioned, 3 Parables identifying Problems), we get 3 Tests on ‘the same day’:
Read MATT 22:15-18. The Herodians (‘hypocrites’) & Money (world system). Jewish Political Party in support of Herod, worked with Religious Leaders. Compromise. ‘Render to Caesar … render to God [‘image’]’, ‘Thou shalt not tempt/test the Lord’.
Read MATT 22:23-24. The Sadducees & Doctrine over Oral Traditions. Read vss 31-32. Self-reliance. ‘Man does not live … but by every word that proceeds’ [Deut 8], 40 yrs after the giving of the Law at Mt Sinai!]. Led by a Living God of Living Saints!
Read MATT 22:34-40 & MK 12:29-31. Jesus quotes the Shema (1 of 2 prayers commanded to be recited daily, morning & evening; Num 15, Deut 6 & 11). But adds, ‘the second is …’, still from the Mosaic Law (Lev 19:18), but not asked. Rom 13:10!
LOVE: Vertical & Horizontal the same (Mk 12:31, ‘commandment … these’).
‘Hang’ – The ‘public peg’ of the Law or their ‘phylacteries’ (Matt 23:5).
Wilderness Worship, God of Stone Laws, the ‘first’: “Which one is the most important?”, like a ‘To do’ list. Stone Laws mean Stoning People
Q: Did Jesus overcome the Wilderness tests by the Law or the Spirit (Lk 4)? Both.
The ‘second’, Spirit of the Law: Read Zech 7:8-12 (4:6, ‘Not by might … Grace! Grace!’) & Rom 7:6!
‘The Second’: Jesus levels the playing field, Love for God & others is the same thing (1 Jn 4:20-21). It’s not a matter of Law, but Spirit. “God is Spirit” (Jn 4:24)!
They were NOT Kind, Gracious, or Loving to their Neighbor & Brother, Jesus.
‘You shall worship the Lord your God; Him only shall you serve’. Wilderness Worship is of Stone. Living Worship is of the Spirit. The Church is built on a Rock of Revelation!
Matt & Mk close a little differently, reversing David’s Psa 110 & ‘all the questions stop’.
3 Takeaways, ‘Jesus quotes the Law’:
To deliver us from Traditions that instill a Faultfinding & Failure mindset to one of Goodness & Grace!
To help us become like our Father, Givers!
To reveal True Worship is not in Stone, but in Spirit and Truth/Word (Jn 4:23-24). Q: Who is seeking who?
The ‘first’ – ‘seek a stone God’, made from our hands, in our image.
The ‘second’ – ‘Father is seeking you!’ “Seek and you shall find” God, your Father, is seeking YOU! Not to stone you, but to save you!
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(10/01/17) "Tradition Above Relation" (Quotes wk 9)
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Jesus Quotes Scripture, part 9, ‘The Law [Mosaic Law, not Genesis]’
Natural follow-up to last week’s Sermon on the Mount
3 Times [besides last week’s] resulting from Questions. He answers with their ‘language’; ‘completing & correcting’. Did not preach Law. Drawn into legal dialogues.
Relevant today: The Church takes OT Scriptures and applies them to various current Issues; but then, elevate ‘traditions’ to the same or higher levels than, “But I say”.
Transgression & Tradition (Matt 15 & Mk 7)
Read MARK 7:1-5 & MATT 15:2-3.
Washing due to defilement with ‘unclean’ people & things [market, Roman courts, common business, etc.]. Tradition says, “Except you wash, you eat not!”
Matt 23:25-26, the 6th Woe of 8 (“outside … self-indulgence”). Appearances.
The Point: Putting Traditions on the same level [or higher] as the Law, God’s Word.
Read MATT 15:3-6 & MK 7:8-13.
Pharisees’ concern: Transgressing [breaking, rebelling against] their Traditions.
Traditions: Paul’s encouragement to Embrace & Maintain Traditions. See 1 Cor 11:2 [commends], 2 Thess 2:15 [‘hold’] & 3:6 [‘withdraw from those’].
Jesus’ concern: Transgressing God’s Law, ‘Honor’ [Deut 5:16], ‘curse’ [Ex 21:17]
Corban: Read p. 400, ‘Manners & Customs of the Bible’, by J.M. Freeman
4th Woe in Matt 23:16-22 is indirectly related to Corban.
Read MATT 15:10-20. Defilement from within, again, the internal Kingdom of the Heart (last week)! Rom 14:17!
Bottom Line: Faultfinding [vs 2] & Failure instead of Goodness & Grace.
Read Song of Solomon 1:6 & 4:7.
Getting & Giving: The Rich Young Ruler (in all 3 Synoptics)
Read MK 10:17 & MATT 19:16. Two different Concepts:
Mk ‘inherit’ & Matt ‘have’: Both imply ‘possessions’, but inherit is a Family matter.
Read MATT 19:17-19. Jesus gives him the opportunity to realize his activities have been self-seeking, rewards oriented: In other words, obeying the 2nd Tab while not honoring God first.
Jesus refers to ‘entering life’, not ‘having life’, through the relational Commandments.
Read MATT 19:20 & MK 10:21-22. Choice: ‘Have’ & ‘Enter’? Or, ‘Be’ & ‘Come’, BECOME ‘perfect’ (Matt 5:48), like Father as a Son [inherit], like Jesus.
Bottom Line Q: What was the ‘one thing’? A Heart to give, not just take and have, to become like his Father! A Giver!
A Heart to give, not a ‘head’. A + head = ahead, to get ahead. Original Q: “What must I do to get ahead?”
To be concluded
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(09/24/17) "The Law is Fulfilled" (Quotes wk 8)
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‘Jesus Quotes Scripture’, part 8, the Sermon on the Mount (unique to Matt, to the Jews).
Read vs 1. A pic of Ex 20: The Word came down, Jesus/the Word goes up. They couldn’t come, now they come. God in stone, God in the flesh. Emphasis of ‘doing or not doing’ [Law], to ‘being’, from Religion to Relationship [Love]. Last week Heb 12, the old & new!
The 8 Beatitudes [vss 3-10; vs 11 personalized to Disciples]:
Nothing new ‘Blessed’. Reminders of OT Scriptures [particularly the Psalms], and the History of Israel [His audience] & Humanity [beyond Israel].
‘Poor in spirit’ is an OT theme: Reaching the end of ‘self’, ways, pride, etc.
‘Mourn … comfort’: A Sense of Repentance or Remorse
Quote: “The ‘meek’ … inherit the earth” (Psa 37:11; “those who wait on the Lord”)
‘Hunger & thirst … filled’ – Seek God!
‘The Merciful’: Very close to Psa 18:25, same thought
‘Pure in heart … see’: Very close to Psa 24:4, same thought
‘Peacemakers … sons’: Psa 34:14, “Seek peace and pursue it”. Here, we’re looking at the Family resemblance! Isa 9:6-7, “For unto us a Child … a Son … His Name shall be called … Prince of Peace”.
‘Persecuted for righteousness sake’ Read Heb 11:32, 36-38, “of whom the world (man’s created) was not worthy”. Righteousness and a Lifestyle committed to it/Him does not fit the World’s Values or Systems. Jn 15:20, “If they persecuted Me … “
Read vs 17: ‘Complete’ what the Law was lacking. Two things:
Their Leaders had distorted the Law & added ‘meanings’, making ‘assumptions’. Rev 22.
The Law was given as Teacher to lead us to Christ, the Lawgiver & Completer. Galatians takes issue with this. See Gal 3:13-14, 19-26.
6 Quotes [Mosaic Law] & Paraphrases [vss 21-48]
6 times, “You have heard that it was said by them of old … “ Q: Who said it? Jesus usually says, ‘It is written’ or ‘Have you not read’ or Isaiah said. “You have heard it is was said by … “ “BUT I SAY … “: Completion & Clarification of Intentions as Israel opted for Religion [doing], rejecting a Relationship [being] with their Father [Ex 4:22].
Begins: Decalogue Commandments 6 & 7 (vss 21 & 27, Murder & Adultery), both Heart issues, Anger & Lust.
Anger (Cain): Offspring of Fear (Adam) & Lies re: Longings (Eve, ‘desired tree’, ‘deceived’; 1 Jn 2:15-17 lusts but the emphasis is Love). Jas 1:14, 2 Cor 11:3!
Read Matt 5:27-30. Is Jesus prescribing self-mutilation? Or, make your desires ‘single’, only One Tree, 1 hand, 1 eye, ‘one thing’, 1 desire: Love. Jas 1:8, ‘double-mindedness and instability’ re: Faith. What about our hearts?
The Call: Reconciliation (others) & Singleness of Heart (for God).
“Furthermore … “, connects Marriage & Divorce (vs 31) to Lust & Anger. Read vss 31-32. Deut 24, the Law & Divorce. Pharisees would grant divorces at the pleasure of the husband for ANY reason [Men & Money]. “It has been said”, justifying a lax attitude towards Marriage (Gen 1-2), our ultimate Relationship as His Bride.
Matt 19 & Mk 10, “Moses wrote because of the hardness of your hearts”
Read vss 33 & 37: Oaths/Vows. The implication is the 2nd Commandment: For a Vow to mean anything, it needed to be sworn by something ‘higher’ than self, i.e., by heaven, by earth etc., in the Name of the Lord. Note: ‘In vain’ means ‘pointlessly’. Read Heb 6:13 & 16. From Lev 19 to Num 30 to Deut 23 you can read about ‘vows’. 2 Things: 1) No oaths! The ‘will of God’ [Jas 4:15]. 2) No empty promises! Let your word be your word.
Read vs 38 (Ex 21 & Lev 24). This was meant to discourage Violence & restrain Retaliation & Retribution. Suffering loss rather than vindication. But more, if you look at the 3 examples! Giving to those who take from you. What you lose [give] makes room for greater gain.
Issues: Entitlement [‘my rights], ‘getting one up’ instead of leaving it with God, and Dignity (Gen 1:26-27). Read Jn 18:23. The 3 Examples Jesus gives have to do with Dignity as a Son & Equality as Humans.
Read vs 43, the last ‘quote’. Lev 19:18, “Love your neighbor” does NOT add ‘and hate your enemy’. This is obviously an Addition & Assumption by the Religious Leaders; a ‘logical’ conclusion, i.e., “Love your own kind, hate others”.
“BUT I SAY … Love, Bless, Do good, Pray for“
If Jesus had left us a ‘Religion’, these are the 4 Commandments!
The ‘old’ is still in place [Law, ‘doing’], but the ‘new being (new creation)’, the Son with the Father is the only Way to obey.
Internal Kingdom of the Heart is the Issue, where the problems are, which manifest Externally. Faith in Him.
Legalism & Love: Love makes up for what Legalism lacks.
Religion & Relationships, with Him and each other.
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Steve continues his series on #JesusQuotesScriptures, this week looking at Matt 21 and Psalms 118
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Steve continues his series on #JesusQuotesScriptures, this week looking at Matt 21 and Psalms 118
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Steve continues his series on #JesusQuotesScriptures, this week looking at Matt 21 and Psalms 118
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Steve continues his series on #JesusQuotesScriptures, this week looking at Matt 21 and Psalms 118
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(09/10/17) "The Cornerstone of Grace" (Quotes wk 7)
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‘Jesus Quotes Scripture’ (part 7), Matt 21:42 [Mk 12:10, Lk 20:17] & Psa 118
All 3 Synoptics, the day after Palm Sunday [Note: Parts 2 & 3 were on Palm Sunday]
The Stage
Vss 18-22: Monday, FIG tree [Israel] teaching re: FAITH & PRAYER, “Have faith in God” Last week: ‘Dry’ tree [Lk 23] means withered. The Implication: Obedience.
Vss 23-27: Goes into TEMPLE [again], His ‘Authority’ is questioned re: the cleansing the day
before]. The Insinuation, “WE didn’t give it to You!”
Authority [exousia]. Rom 13 [civil gov’t] & Jn 19:11, Jesus to Pilate.
Evolution of the Grk wd: Origin ‘permission to do as one pleases’ TO ‘the ability or strength with which one is gifted [put on]’ TO ‘the power of authority’ or ‘right to exercise power’. It moved from the AUTHOR of Authority to POWER. This meant the ‘one who had the power of authority must be obeyed, subject to THEIR will!’
Religious Leaders & Lawyers are consumed with who has the Power, not the Author!
“I will ask you one question” re: John’s Baptism, “Where was it from? The Author?”
Read vss 25-27.
Vss 28-41: Two Parables. The first one begins, “So, what do you think?”
‘The Two Sons’ [vss 28-32], ‘Which one did the will of his father?” From Cain & Abel to Lk 15. Jesus answers the Q re: John (vs 25, ‘Where’) in front of the crowd in vs 32!
“Hear another one!” ‘The Wicked Vinedressers’ [vss 33-41]. Violently seize the vineyard, kill the Son; pass judgment on themselves. Read vss 40-41.
‘Rendering fruits’: People, Represent Him [Gal 5 ‘of the Spirit’], Works.
Isa 5, the Song of the Vineyard. Israel (vs 7).
The Quote, Psa 118:22
Read vss 42-46.
“Have you never read … “ AGAIN! 2 wks ago, Matt 12 re: David. Here, the day before on Palm Sunday in vs 16, ‘Out of the mouths of babes‘ Two days in a row!
Exposing Q: Embrace or Expel. Read Jn 3:19-20. Embrace the Chief Cornerstone of the Kingdom of God or Expel/Kill the Son & Seize the Inheritance! Vss 46 & 26.
Psa 118! The Song they were singing in the streets the day before (waited 1000 yrs to sing)!
Vs 43: His Judgment on NATIONS [vs 32, ‘tax collectors and harlots’, the ‘first son’] re: bearing/rendering His Holy Fruit (Ex 19, 1 Pet 2:9) as a Holy Nation
Vs 44: His Warning to INDIVIDUALS re: the Stone & the 2 Falls (‘broken’ & ‘powder’)
‘A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense’ (1 Pet 2:8; Isa 4, Rom 9). Potter & Clay.
‘A stone was cut out without hands’ (Dan 2:34). Read Dan 2:34-35. ‘Powder’: An illusion to Matt 3:12 ‘chaff’, His ‘winnowing fan’. Perhaps this is part of what Paul meant in Eph 4:14 ‘blown away by winds of doctrine’?
The Stone
So many subjects: Judgment & Authority, the Holy Nation & Fruits. Let’s do ONE takeaway.
Psa 118:22, “The stone which the builders rejected”. Read vss 22-24.
Builders/masons rejected stones, then sometimes changed their minds, realizing its fit. Judgment of when and if a stone is ever ready, the cornerstone being crucial. Religious Leaders (builders) decided ‘what’ the Cornerstone, Foundation, Authority should be.
David wrote Psa 118. He ‘prevailed over’ Goliath ‘with a sling and a stone’ (1 Sam 17:50), though he was originally rejected (1 Sam 16:11/Psa 51:5, 17:28-29).
Read Zech 4:6-7! “Grace! Grace!” Remember Ex 34? “Merciful and Gracious!” This is the Cornerstone of the Building (Eph 2 & 1 Pet 2), the Nation & the Kingdom! It all rests on this! “This was the Lord’s doing! And it’s marvelous in OUR eyes! THIS is the DAY the Lord has made … “ Our Strength & Song rests on this Stone!
Rendering fruits: People of Grace! Spiritual Fruits of Grace representing Him! Works of & by Grace [Matt 5:16]!
Zech 12-13 Warning! Here in Matt 21, the Builders who have no Grace fruits reject the Stone, the Son, not being Gracious to Jesus [vss 26 & 46] to the point of killing Him. So, what will happen? Broken then Powder?
The Point: There is still time to Repent, Relinquish Authority back to the Author, and become a ‘living stone’ in the Building (1 Pet 2:5), resting on Jesus & the Spirit of Grace!
“Come join us tax collectors & harlots, receivers & renderers of Grace!”
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(09/03/17) "Cover Me" (Quotes wk 6)
DOWNLOAD AUDIO: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
‘Jesus Quotes Scripture’ (part 6), Lk 23 & Hos 10 [Rev 6:16].
Unique to Luke, like week 1 [Lk 4].
Read Lk 23:26-27. Common scene to all 4 Gospels; Simon’s not mentioned in John 19.
‘Women’: A ‘great multitude’, Jesus was a great Liberator of all. Lk more than anyone advances the important role Women played [Lk 1, ‘Blessed are you among women’ 2x, 8:1-3 they traveled with Him, etc.].
‘Simon of Cyrene [E Libya]’
Mk 15:21, “father of Alexander and Rufus”. The boys must’ve been well known.
Read Rom 16:13, Paul’s greetings at the end of Romans. Was this event instrumental in the conversion of the fam, the ‘mom’ like a mother to Paul?!
‘Coming from the country’, probably dreamed of this day, Passover in Jerusalem. Imagine. He came for one thing and got another. The unexpected!
Roman law. Level of anger at the Romans. Maybe at Jesus. What happened?
Testimony: When my father died, the first thing I did was drive to the church building …
Read vss 28-31.
‘Daughters of Jerusalem’: Some say this is just an identification of where they lived, as opposed to other regions. But this is an OT reference. Three OT references come to mind:
Isa 36-37 (2 Kgs 18-19 & 2 Chron 32). Long story. The ‘daughters of Zion & Jerusalem’ are laughing and shaking their heads! Do not weep for Me!
Zech 9:9, “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you! He is just and having salvation … “ Do not weep for Me!
Song of Solomon. The ‘daughters of Jerusalem’ are referred to repeatedly! A Love Story!
Point: Worst possible event of His life and He’s thinking of others, warning others, caring for others, encouraging others to look beyond the Present to the Promises!
Love: Could this be the thing that drew Simon & fam to Jesus? Love for others draws.
“Weep for yourselves & children … The Days are coming” when ‘THEY’ will do 3 Things:
The Blessing of (Psa 127:3) will be turned into it’s NOT a blessing! 1) Situation ethics. 2) They take license to say ‘good is evil and evil is good’! Read Isa 5:20. The Blessings will be perverted and inverted in their sinful state: ‘THEY’ will say, not Him,
Hosea 10:8, “THEY will say … “
Last week: Hosea & his Unfaithful wife. “I desire mercy, not sacrifice” (6:6)
Vss 1-8: Blessings became opportunities for promiscuity & idolatry, deceitful, exchanged Bethel [house of God] for Beth Aven [house of vanity], priests who are entertainers, disgrace themselves before the enemy! Read vs 8, Warning on the brink of the Assyrian captivity [722 B.C.]. But Jesus quotes it as a ‘coming’ event with a Gen 3 response!
Interesting: Hosea (784-captivity ‘Cover us! Fall on us!’), Jesus quotes Hosea pointing to 722 B.C. & 70 A.D. (the destruction of Jerusalem). History repeats itself! Then, in Rev 6:12-17 we get another prophecy about a coming event [opening of the seals, the 6th seal]
Nature of the Prophetic & Warning re: Choices & Consequences? Pattern Prophecy.
Do we need a prophetic word to tell us what our (USA) unrighteous choices will bring?
We have Principles, Promises, and Precedents.
Love’s Warning, Judgment & Removal
The Church rises up against Abortion, Homosexuality, Same Sex Marriage. Q: What do you think of when you think of the ‘sin of Sodom’ & its destruction? Read Ezek 16:49-50.
Esau (Gen 25:32), What has Western culture exchanged, sold their birthright for?
‘THEY will say, ‘Cover us! Bury us!’, judging God’s Judgment [Matt 25]. Could the Nature of Judgment, Consequences for our Choices, be to say to the LORD, “Cover us! We fell!”?
Love covers [Prov 10:12, 1 Pet 4:8] on a Human level. Jesus took away, Lev 16’s Scapegoat, removed, sent it away ‘once for all’!!! God’s Judgment, our Father’s Judgment. The Daughter of Zion, of Jerusalem rejoices at God’s judgments.
Vs 31 is a Proverb. Read it again, “If THEY do … “
There are a lot of views. What do you think?
Green tree provides shade, alive, potential & possibilities for bearing fruit, to Bless! By the way, God’s people were not called to do sacrifices under green trees, convenient worship. This is found repeatedly in the OT, using the ‘shade’, ‘green tree’ to do sacrifices & other forbidden things.
Dry tree is worthless and useless, only good for burning. ‘Dry’ means ‘shrunken, withered [by a variety of methods]’. Man with the withered hand.
“If THEY do these things to their only Hope, their Salvation & Shade, what will they do to those who do not serve their purpose, who they consider worthless?“ Sin’s Judgment.
Remember, Week 2, Isa 56? Read vs 3. The Guilty (Hos 6:6, “I desire mercy”), Helpless, Hurting & Hopeless need to know there is a Green Tree to not only cover them, but remove their Pain, send it away, instead of being a ‘THEY’.
Jesus tells them to ‘weep’ because ‘THEY’, those who could secure the Hope & Future of Israel will Pervert the Word, Call to the Mountains instead of the LORD, and Continue to Destroy Life.
What will they do to a dry tree? Embrace it, as THEY always have; which is why they’ll call to the ‘mountains’ of this world to ‘cover them’ instead of calling on the ‘mercy of God’.
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(08/20/17) "Without A Cause" (Quotes wk 4)
DOWNLOAD AUDIO: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
‘Jesus Quotes Scripture’, part 4, from John 15, the walk from the Last Supper to the Garden.
John: All his quotes are Unique to his Gospel [last one, 30-60 yrs later than Synoptics].
Jn 15:25 does not point to an entire chapter, like Isa 56, Jer 7, or Psa 8. Prophetic Fulfillment & Significance like Isa 61 & 42 [week one in Lk 4].
Read Jn 15:18-27 (vs 25 = ‘fulfilled’ Psa 69:4).
Psa 69: One of the most descriptive prophetic chaps in OT of Suffering Messiah (Isa 53, Psa 22).
Jesus at both ends of Ministry [vs 9 in Jn 2:17, vs 4 in Jn 15:25, views of the Cross].
“They hated Me without a cause” [an expression Psa 25:3, 35:7 & 19, 109:3-5, 119:161, et al]
‘hated’ = Detested to the point of persecution, action
‘without a cause’ = ‘gratuitously [pointlessly with pleasure], freely, no purpose, devoid of cost, reason, or advantage: FOR NOTHING! INNOCENT. Read Prov 1:11.
Last week: David & Goliath. In 1 Sam 17:29, “Is there not a cause?!”, a ‘matter, something to be concerned about, to take notice of, to deal with’. In 19:5, Jonathan intercedes & challenges Saul’s hatred for David. Read it.
“Reason often goes out the window when Hatred is allowed to enter the Door [heart].”
Q: Have you ever been hated without a cause? Q: Ever hated someone pointlessly?
“But I’ve got a good Reason to hate!” But do we have a Right?
Gal 5:20, ‘hatred’ means to be hostile to someone, a ‘work of the flesh’, not ‘of God’. Read Rom 8:7. Hate things, not people. Read Prov 8:13.
Q: “Do we ever have a right [‘justified’] to hate someone?” No. Q: Why would we?
Q: Does God hate? Yes! But not People & with a Purpose.
“I hate robbery” (Isa 61:8; Jn 10:10), ‘feast days & palaces’ (Amos 5:21 & 6:8) hypocrisy. Read Zech 8:17 & Prov 6:16-19. Things, not people.
Q: Do people hate God? Yes, personally. Their ‘cause’? Doctrine [what they believe to be true], Human ‘of man’ Nature of Shame & Blame, and Pain.
5 If’s Summary (vs 22 is actually ‘But’)
The World [its Systems & Ways] hates the Presence of God, Jesus & Us. ‘Play the game’, ‘follow their rules’ and they’ll love you! When you live by the Principles Jesus did and gave us, there’s persecution. If they embrace His Word, they’ll embrace yours, too. Same Word! Jesus came & revealed this, so everybody is now accountable for their response. It was prophesied, they will hate Me (God) for no reason … for the Kingdom of God and our Way of Love.
Vss 26-27: When the If’s come [vs 18], so does the Spirit that testifies of Jesus because our witness of how we handle the If’s is like Jesus did.
Read Matt 6:24, Lk 14:26 & Rom 9:13, ‘love less’, not ‘hate’.
Read Matt 5:43 & Eph 2:15. It’s clear!
David in Us
Psa 69:22-28 David lists over 10 curses on his enemy: Ensnare them, darken their eyes, pour out Your indignation, destroy their homes, let them be blotted out of the Book of Life!
Psa 5:5 “You hate all workers of iniquity!“ Q: Does He? Psa 103:1-3, ‘forgives us all our iniquities’. David corrects and overcomes his own feelings. Maybe Psa 51 helped (2 Sam 11).
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(08/13/17) "The Story of Glory" Pt 4/4 (Quotes wk 3)
part 1/4 Steve continues his series on 'Jesus Quotes Scripture' this week looking at Mat 21 where He quotes Psa 8
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