#Jessica Zyvarek Taylor
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randomfoggytiger · 9 months ago
Collector's Edition: Unseasoned Agents-- Early Love and Miraculous Do-Overs
(Dedicated to @doctor-caparty~)
Season 1 Mulder and Scully meet, fall in love, partner, marry, or parent in a variety of different ways, be it close enough to fudge canon or far enough to redo it.
Season 1 Canon Divergence
never learned to read your mind (Tumblr) and Part 2
She'd said he's the only one she trusts; he wants to trust her, but he can't make sense of her.
"I'm here for you, Mulder, not aliens or conspiracies," she says quietly, her voice steely. "I wouldn't put myself on the line for anyone but you."
He whips around and stares at her in shock. They aren't even partners, and she insists that's how it should be. But he sometimes wonders where they would be if she'd stuck around.
Scully leaves after the events of Deep Throat, drifting back after her father's death before eventually becoming Mulder's go-to pathologist and ride-or-die contact.
Sukie Tawdry's The Way Things Are (1) and The Way Things Are (2)
"You missed a spot," Mulder said, pointing to a smudge of tomato sauce on the back of a dish.
"Thanks." She dunked the dinner plate back into the soapy water. This was truly bizarre--washing up after dinner like an old married couple. If she didn't dwell on the details of an unwilling father, unwed pregnancy and unpleasant abduction, she and Mulder could be almost normal.
Post Miracle Man Scully and Mulder fall into bed together-- against her (and his) better judgment-- after a stressful case; and can't escape the consequences of one inebriated night: namely, an ensuing, accidental pregnancy, Mulder's enemies creating havoc and indecision, and an undeniable romance hurtling at full speed.
@agentwhalesong/sadandangstyagent’s (Ao3) In Vino Veritas
“You don’t fully trust me yet,” she lets out in a low voice.
He seems caught by surprise by her words because he immediately looks back at her.
“Of course I do.”
"Prove it, then," she dares, although smiling a little.
“Just tell me how.”
S1 Mulder and Scully celebrate her birthday after another monster case; and uncover a few things about each other during a light-hearted game of 'Two Truths'.
herewebloodygo's making this off(ish)icial
Mulder was excited.
         Too excited. It was starting to worry Scully, that expression of his: the slightly too-wide grin, teetering on the verge of goofy, tongue tucked in the corner of his cheek. She didn’t let her eyes trace that smile further. Not when it meant dealing with Fox Mulder’s dimples. That, she’d learned the hard way, was a post-ten o’clock job. In a pinch, post-caffeine at the very least.
S1 Mulder surprises Scully with an office nameplate; and she surprises him by acting on her feelings.
IStanYouStan5676's Hungry
“Anything I want?” He responds immediately with an adorable smile.
“Within reason,” she teases and she sees a hint of surprise and embarrassment flash across his face.
She cocks her head slightly.
“That was fast.”
“It was my favorite comfort food when I was a kid.” He shrugs.
S1 Scully surprises Mulder with two facts: that she can cook, and that she is inviting him to prove it.
SailorStarDust1 's Hear The Rain Fall
After a moment passed, she spoke in a muffled daze, “I don't know why I did that.” He startled at her being awake, but she turned slightly so he could notice her smile. “But...I like you, too.”
Long car rides, late nights, and a tired post Beyond the Sea Scully lead to broken down barriers, late night confessions, and more.
Season 1 AUs
Jessica Zyvarek Taylor's Waitress
"Are you still open?" He looked as if he was having the worst day of his life. And he was cute. Even if he had a girlfriend.
Pre-S1 parttime waitress Scully briefly meets Mulder while he is still in the clutches of one Phoebe Green.
@frangipanidownunder/Frangipanidownunder's A Different Kind of Pilot
“Excuse me,” the woman snaps. Scully stops. “I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there,” she says and looks beyond the glare of the agent, one Diana Fowley, according to her name badge, to see Fox Mulder skulking away, jacket over his shoulder, head down.
Pre-S1 Scully is investigating a virus strain uncovered by the X-Files team, disliking Diana and connecting with a discouraged Mulder.
Donna/donnah’s (Gossamer, mulderscreek) Short Encounters (Ao3)
They had spotted him and as always gave him as much space as possible, which meant nearly crushing the little redhead. He saw that and reached for her, moving in her direction. Might as well use his pariah status to protect her. She realized what he had done, even if she didn't understand it, and thanked him with her eyes. He nodded slightly, and a little stiffly. The elevator was unnaturally quiet, but it often was when he took it.
Pre-S1 Mulder and pathologist Scully meet after her detailed work helped break a case.
@thatgirlxf/Thatgirlxf's A Rebound Date (Tumblr)
Scully was just thinking that maybe it’s time for them to have talk and reevaluate their relationship. She is hoping Jack will show up soon as she didn’t have much time left of her lunch hour for she was due back at Quantico for an autopsy at one.
Pre-S1 Scully meets Mulder properly sometime after accidentally spilling coffee on him.
Trixie's (whispersofx, alt. whispersofx) Quissi
Containing a chuckle at the image, Mulder pulled his lower lip between his teeth, debating how much to tell her. “I’m just doing a little investigating independent of the Bureau,” he hedged, going for a half-truth....
Are we soul mates, or two people who just happen to have an above-average working relationship?
“And of me?” she countered, and he could =see= the raised eyebrow.
“Scully, you wound me. It’s not like that at all. If I didn’t want you to know about it, would I be talking to you right now?”
“Yes,” she answered, without missing a beat.
S1? Mulder and Scully work through the trauma caused by her ex-husband Jack Willis (along with her infertility and the responsibility and adoption of Willis's affair child.)
CaptainLyssa's To FBI or Not To FBI
“You own this place,” Scully stated, safe in the sudden knowledge.
Turning his back on the blond behind the bar, he requested, “Shh, don’t tell anyone. It’s a secret,” before suddenly asking, “did you drive here, Dr Scully?”
“It’s just Scully, Fox,” she tested his Christian name. It sounded…wrong somehow. In her mind Dana couldn’t get passed calling him Mulder.
“It’s just Mulder, Scully,” he returned....
Pre-S1 Scully, too short to qualify for the FBI, became an overworked ER doctor... and meets Mulder while they're both commiserating over their jobs. From a first meet at his establishment, they fall into an incredibly fast relationship that gets caught up with Melissa's sixth sense, Mulder's hospitalization, Diana's suspicious return, and Scully's unexpected pregnancy (that may or may not have to do with Mulder's mytharc genes.)
Erin M. Blair's (Ao3)
Key to My Heart
The day arrived when Mulder and Scully came to a final truth. They decided to exchange keys to their respective apartments.
S1 Mulder and Scully swap apartment keys... and more.
Trilogy 01 - The Meeting, Trilogy 02 - The Engagement, Trilogy 03 - The Announcement, Where's Mommy?, How's Katherine?, Tell Me A Story, Positively Yours, and Discovery Of A New Hope
"My brother is visiting, and he wants to meet you," Samantha replied. "Tonight."
"Right now, he works in the FBI but it's been slow lately," Samantha replied.
"Where at?"
"My mother's," Samantha answered.
Although Pre-S1 Scully and Mulder meet through Samantha, she is still assigned. and they still spend the next six years or so juggling an impending marriage, a growing family, a Duane Barry abduction and return, a Fight the Future adventure, and more.
Newfound Love
Samantha looked at her brother and threw herself at him in a trembling hug. "I lost her, Fox. I lost Dana." She paused. "First, I've lost you for most of my life and now I lost her. They are trying to..."0
S2 Samantha and Scully work on the files find Mulder-- who'd been abducted as a boy-- right under their noses. Or, more accurately, Mulder found them.
@mulders-boyish-enthousiasm's (Ao3)
Fox Next Door and Pool time
‘Okay… Mulder. Call me Scully, then,’ she replied tit for tat. ‘What did you say you needed?’   
‘Oh! Right,’ he tousled his hair with his fingers and put his hands in his pockets. ‘Could I borrow some butter please?’ Mulder with a slight hesitation.
She blinked twice and let him in.
Pre-S1 Mulder is Scully's new neighbor, charming his way into her heart by borrowing her butter and scaring her late at night.
JenAndrews's Skyland Mountain (AU)
They lay there in silence for some time. Scully closed her eyes, waiting patiently for her baby to let her know he or she was alright. Mulder stared up at the sky, watching the leaves of the trees sway above him. There were more clouds now then there had been this morning, but the sky was still blue. The sunlight danced through the branches and across his face. The sound of Scully’s breathing, the wind and the birds allowed him to drift away from his body and his pain. The only anchor stopping him from flying away was Scully’s fingers wrapped around him.
S2 Mulder, adrift and hopeless, turns to drugs as a self-destructive coping mechanism...but accidentally runs a very pregnant Scully off the road during his suicide attempt.
@wexleresque/hellsteeth's lost time (Tumblr)
Her hair is redder, vividly so against the chalky pallor of her face, the angles of which are sharper than they had been just yesterday. There are lines where there hadn’t been. Not many, but enough to draw her attention. She looks older.
Turning to Mulder, she sees her own shock and confusion reflected in his expression. Whatever she was going to say dies on her lips as she looks at him more closely.
It’s definitely Mulder, there is no denying it. She’s known him for only a handful of days, but the glint in his eye is unquestionably him. But gone is the springy lock of hair that has been flopping against his forehead for two days and the lankiness she’s come to associate with him invading her space to intimidate her.
Requiem Mulder and Scully return from Bellefleur with amnesia, consequently losing memories of the last seven years. While relearning their professional history from Skinner and her mother-- and, most importantly, the files-- the truth of their personal relationship (and her pregnancy) begins to become undeniable.
AU where on a drunken night after a stressful case in season 1, M and S end up having sex and Scully gets pregnant.
He rubs a hand over his face, overwhelmed. "I just... I never expected this. I was always afraid that... if I ever had a kid... it'd just be something else they could use against me." Scully does stand now, so calm it almost scares her. She says, "You don't have to be involved, Mulder. I mean that genuinely. We don't work together anymore, this isn't your life..." She can't say she wouldn't miss him, ridiculously so, but she also can't say that she WOULD miss him out loud. "You can walk away," she adds. "I promise I won't hold it against you." He shakes his head so immediately it surprises her, if only because of the shocked, uncertain look on his face. "Or you can stay involved." She extends her hand, takes his and squeezes it. "Think about it, okay?" she offers. "Take some time."
Post Lazarus Mulder and Scully fall into an unspecified relationship... which Little Green Men Mulder and Scully have to confront when she finds out she's pregnant.
in another world - Chapter 22
it happens in vegas, of course, and it happens because of langly and melissa. mulder’s on a trip with the gunmen, following up on some tip they’d gotten, and melissa and dana are on a vacation together. it’s directly following mulder’s breakup with diana, and he’s been moping around the hotel room the entire time; dana is in the midst of stressing over a big test for medical school, and has refused to leave the hotel room so that she can study to the point of driving melissa crazy.
Mulder and Scully meet, marry, and annul in Vegas before they're partnered.
Half-Light Universe
It’s not a question at this point of how many times this has happened, but a question of “is this the time that will do it”. Mulder could try and romanticize it, but there’s nothing there to romanticize. He holds Scully as she bleeds out. And then he’s shot in the back.
Revival Mulder and Scully are shot, snapped out of their hellish universe, being handed a second chance to get their lives right. The mytharc unfolds more reasonably, with the truth coming to light and Samantha making her way home-- hope, healing, and second chances for all.
Five Moments Mulder and Scully Shared (And One They Didn't) (Tumblr)
“Who needs a bed? I think the couch serves our needs perfectly fine.”
“Mulder, I'm not having this argument again. Two full grown adults cannot sleep on a couch every night.”
“Hmph.” He crosses his arms stubbornly. “I say we wait for a water bed to mysteriously appear again.”
half-light Mulder and Scully sharing moments in their new life.
miraculous (Tumblr)
When it's over, she knows. More sure than she was before. She hears the earsplitting cry, and she just knows. The doctor holds him up and it's him. Her son.
half-light Mulder and Scully are reunited with their son in a better life, a better world.
luminosity (Tumblr)
She tucks William in, reads two books and kisses him goodnight, leaves the door cracked just like always. She finds Mulder in the kitchen, strangling a Walgreens bag in his hand. “I got it,” he says abruptly, shoving it at Scully.
“Thank you.” She takes the bag and sets it on the counter. “It's okay, Mulder, really,” she says soothingly, putting a hand on his jaw.
“Are you sure?” He's apprehensive, practically bouncing.
“I'm not, but we'll know in a few minutes.” She motions to the bag on the counter. “And besides that, this feels different than when I was sick. It feels the same as it was with William.”
half-light Mulder and Scully are excited for another little miracle.
@defnotmeyo’s (Ao3) Unnamed
She can laugh at him but these punks? One more concentrated burst of laughter and hiding their faces behind their hands and she is going to put them over the bar.
Mulder and Scully overhear two people laughing over his theories... two people who turn out to be the married version of themselves.
HumphreyWrites/sure-fine-skullz/spookysadsophie/s-humphrey/sophie-writes-things/sophiewrites/SophieRobbins’s (Alt. Tumblr) Losing Nine Minutes
“We lost nine minutes, Scully!”
She furrowed a brow in confusion and looked down at herself. She was no longer pregnant, in a strange car, and on a strange stretch of highway.
What on earth was happening?
The last thing she remembered was going to sleep with her husband and Emily sandwiched between them because she had a night terror. Fox looked confused, as she studied herself in the car mirror.
Mulder and Scully experience alternate universe versions of each other, briefly; then take their relationship to the next level when reunited (aided by the fact he got her pregnant.)
Neoxphile's (Ao3, mulderscreek) and FelineFemme's Family G-Man, The - Season 01
Instead of answering him right away, the woman reached into her coat and pulled out an envelope. Just an ordinary green one that Christmas cards came in. She thrust it into his hand.
"Here. If you really think you can help them by changing those things about their pasts, open this card when you get home, and read it. As soon as you do you'll get the chance to help them."
Mulder time travels to Season 1, working towards a happier life for Scully: a stable relationship, a family, and no abductions-- though, of course, not without new hiccups or dangers occurring along the way. (The rest of the series can be found located on both authors' pages.)
cgb's Unfamiliar (Jump to the Left Remix)
My name is Fox Mulder, I am thirty-six years old, my sister's name is Samantha, my mother's name is Teena and my father's name is Bill. I live at 2790 Vine Street, Chilmarc, Massattuchetts...
Something isn't right. There's something he's supposed to remember.
He starts again. Fox Mulder starts again:
My name is Fox Mulder, I am thirty-six years old, my sister's name is Samantha, my mother's name is Teena and my father's name is Bill...
His father's name is Bill. That was it. They told him his father wasn't his father.
Mulder is a hybrid on the run; and Scully is an innocent target the Consortium exploits for his destruction.
Thanks for reading~
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lilydalexf · 4 months ago
hello! Do you remember who wrote a fic based on the parent trap but it was with two little boys named William and Sam ? It was multi chapters
You're probably thinking of The Parent Trap by @markwatneyandenesemble. Its summary: AU based on the 1998 film The Parent Trap, wherein Mulder and Scully get separated after the birth of their twin sons, for the safety of each of them. Eight years later, Mulder has landed in England, seeking treatment for Sam, his son, while Scully remains in the DC area with son, William. Unsure the threat has fully passed, but wanting to give their children a normal childhood, they unknowingly send their sons to the same summer camp, where they meet and attempt to solve the eight year old mystery of how they got separated, why they never knew about each other, and how to get their parents back together.
I had a vague memory of there being other stories being based on "The Parent Trap," so here are a few more even though they are probably not the ones you're looking for. I do not know if I have read these but am sharing them anyway because it is amusing for "The X-Files" to cross over with "The Parent Trap."
The Crazy Clone Trap part 1, part 2 by eponine119 and Jessica Zyvarek Taylor
Mirror of Love by Tanja, which has two follow-ups: Diary of F.W. Mulder and Diary of D.K. Scully
The Parent Trap: X-Files Style by Diana Alexander
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