#Jesse lingard imagine
ghettogirly · 3 months
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Enemies To Lovers
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30 Day Challenge My daily challenge with prompts, these fics will not be tagged only if they were requested by an account and they’ll be under 500 words. 23. Enemies to lovers Jesse Lingard  Word Count: 331 You and Marcus were hanging out around his, like you usually do.  As the doorbell went off, you jumped as neither of you were expecting anyone. Marcus jumped up and grabbed the door. “Hi” you heard him say as a male replied.  As you looked up, you saw Jesse coming into the living room where you were sat.  “Oh hi” you muttered as he simply waved at you.  You and Jesse had never got on at all, for some unknown reason you both didn’t see eye to eye.  “Why do you two hate each other? you secretly love him I know you too well” Marcus smirked as he re entered the room which was filled with tension.  “Never said I hated him, just didn’t see eye to eye for whatever reason. But I don’t think I love him” you bluntly replied.  “I am here you know” Jesse sarcastically waved at you.  “Sorry” you loosely shrugged your shoulders as you watched as Jesse’s face practically snarled at you.  “I’ll go get a drink, you won’t kill each other while I’m out the room for at least 5 minutes will you” he laughed.  “You love me, you just need to stop lying” he smirked as you let out a sarcastic cackle “Nope, don’t think I do babe. Flirting doesn’t work, you’re such a tease. I guess I’ll have to work my way out to see where we go from here” you replied.  “Maybe a date” Jesse quickly blurted out as Marcus walked back into the room.  “A date?!! What the fuck have I actually just walked in. You hated each other when I left and now you are dating? Jeez what ”Marcus laughed as the two of you were now blushing.  “I need to see you two on a date as you hate one another” you rolled your eyes at Marcus.  “Just stop making this anymore embarrassing please” you rolled your eyes at him again as Jesse was left laughing at his friend. 
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avenirdelight · 2 years
A False Accusation
Anyone You Like
They have a heated argument where she drops an accusation on him. He claims that it’s a false accusation.
⚠️ Curse words
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“You don't love me.”
She voiced the words to the room, clearly and firmly. Strangely enough, saying it out loud didn’t make her chest feel lighter like she’d thought it would. It still felt as suffocating as it had been.
“Wow,” he scoffed, his shoulders shook when he did. “That’s a terrible accusation, that.”
She glanced at him, but she quickly dropped her gaze again after she noticed the hurt plastered all over his face. He couldn’t believe that she had the audacity to say such cruel words.
“And also,” he continued, leaning forward on the sofa, propping his body with his elbows on his knees. “It’s a false accusation. That’s terrible from you.”
She was sitting on the other sofa across from him, leaning back and folding her arms in front of her chest. She could feel his eyes boring into her and she couldn’t resist the temptation to stare back at him. So she did.
She gritted her teeth. Those eyes were angry, those eyes had used to look at her in the most special way. She refused to believe that it was just in her head, that she was just making it up, because she had used to easily fall in love all over again every time she looked at those eyes but at some point, she started to feel that they’d changed.
“Really?” She challenged him, giving him a sharp look that matched his.
He scoffed again, pinching the bridge of his nose in stress. He shook his head. He couldn’t quite believe that she truly believed that he didn’t love her. Where did it even come from?
“Are you telling me that I lie every time I tell you I love you? Mind you, I say that every single day,” he said. But she was silent, so he continued. “Don’t I always give you everything? Make sure that you have everything you need, that you’re safe?” He asked. If she forgot about that, he was ready to remind her of all the things he did for her. Everything that he needed to sacrifice. “I give you my world.”
“You give me your money.” Her voice was firm and certain. And it stabbed him right in his heart. 
It wasn’t that she was ungrateful for everything he’d given her. Moving her into his big house, constantly buying her expensive gifts, taking her to travel the world on holidays, giving her a luxury life—but that wasn’t the reason she’d fallen in love with him. She was never in it for the dime.
She had fallen in love with him for who he was. Or at least who he had used to be.
“I’m thankful that you gave me this wonderful life but I really don’t need the latest Prada release or to be on a yacht every holiday. I don’t need new jewellery every time you feel sorry, I don’t need you to surprise me with flowers in the morning just for you to go missing for the rest of the day.” 
“I thought you liked them. Have you been lying, then?”
“I do appreciate them but that’s not the point! The point is I need you!” She sounded so desperate. She honestly had been feeling this way for a while and she hoped that this time he was really listening to her. “I just need a little bit of your time, for you to be with me, and not just physically. You’re with me but your head is somewhere else. I need you to just look at me, I–”
“Well, I’m sorry, okay?!” He cut her off, the tone of his voice rising up. “I’m sorry that my work demands so much of my time, it asks so much from me, I’ve always told you that from the beginning. My career is my life and there would be rough bumps along the way. Things get hard, things–”
“Yeah, that’s the problem, don’t you see??” Her tone was as high now, it was only adding to the tension. “You run away from me when things get hard for you. You don’t even want to share anything with me. You give me gifts and temporary attention to ‘make up’ for it. Every time!” She stood up from the sofa. She frustratingly pointed a finger against her chest, giving him a piercing gaze. “Am I so untrustworthy or unreliable? Am I that insufferable to deal with so you don’t want to open up to me?”
“Don’t.” He shook his head, clenching his fists. “Don’t start making up things now. I never for a second think about you that way.”
“Well, you always make me wonder. Wonder why you shut me out.” She shrugged. “It’s the truth, you can’t deny it. You always leave me out of things.”
“I’m just protecting you!” He abruptly stood up. “I can’t– I’m sorry if it’s hard for me to share things that I know would just hurt you and stress you out!” He moved his hands animatedly and quite angrily. “Don’t you understand?! I am saving you the troubles and the pain!”
“I want the f*cking pain!!” 
Her voice pierced through his ears and he froze in his place, feeling shivers down his spine. He clenched his jaw and gulped. The anger, the desperation, the pain that she had been holding in, she’d just let it all out. She’d gotten so upset at this point, the tears quickly pooled in her eyes and threatened to fall. It pained him even more. He had never seen her like this.
“I’d rather feel the pain, suffer with you.” Her voice was small and timid this time, but there were so many emotions in it. “I’d choose that, rather than feeling left out and not appreciated. I promise you that’s the worst thing to feel. I hate it. I absolutely f*cking hate it.”
He sat back down, burying his face into his hands, trying to compose himself and find the right words to say. He felt her anger, her sadness, but he also needed her to understand that he did everything for a reason.
He let out a little sigh as he looked up to her. Her tears were already streaming down her cheeks. 
“I don't live a normal life and all I’m trying to do is to keep you out of the abnormalities and all the absurd things. The sh*t people say out there, it gets scary sometimes. People are actually willing to do foolish and crazy things to bring me down.” He spoke with a more gentle tone, trying to reason with her. “And if you’re hurt, if something bad happens to you, I won’t be able to forgive myself.”
She wiped her tears away with her shaky hands, before she hugged herself with arms, trying to provide herself some comfort. He didn’t only sound serious, he also sounded sorry.
“What do you want me to do, then?” He stared at her with tired eyes. The anger in his eyes had worn off, it even looked like he was going to cry. “I’m sorry. I really am.” His voice was a bit shaky. “I’ll do whatever makes you happy. Please. I can’t lose you. What am I going to be if I lose you?”
Her heart clenched painfully. She couldn’t deny that it was heartbreaking to see himself asking the question—like he was really scared to lose her, like his world would crumble down in an instant if he lost her. She had never seen him like this before. He’d always appeared strong in front of her, like nothing could ever bring him down, like no one could ever catch him looking weak.
“Every single thing that I’ve ever done is to protect you and to make you happy, to earn your love. Most of the time I don’t think I deserve you, you know. Because you deserve more than this f*cking fool,” he said pointing at himself. “Who apparently doesn’t know how to love. I’m sorry if I’ve done it the wrong way and made you feel the opposite way.”
Without her even realising it, what she’d been wishing to see was happening right in front of her—for him to open up to her and show his vulnerable side. Her tears fell again, but for a different reason this time. She felt his confusion, his sorrow, and she was hurting with him.
After a moment of deafening silence, he suddenly stood up. He approached her, who was just standing with her head down. He grabbed her by her waist and turned her to look at him. He fixed her dishevelled hair, tucking stray strands of hair to the back of her ears. He lifted her head up by her chin, before he continued to wipe her tears again. Every touch was so gentle, every touch felt gave her warmth and comfort that she’d been longing.
“Look at me, please,” he said. She finally shifted her gaze up and stared back at him. His eyes were looking at her fondly. “I love you so much. Please believe me.” He choked up, trying his best to convey his feelings through his voice. “I took you home to my mum and told her you’re the most special person in my life, I try to treat you like a queen, I see you and talk about you like you’re my prized possession, because you are.”
She listened to him. She tried to really listen to him. And honestly, this time it wasn’t so hard to believe him. She appreciated that he was finally opening up, even though it had taken them quite a long time to get there, not to mention all the struggle they had had to go through. But he finally found his courage to be fragile.
“Do you know what? You don’t have to be strong all the time,” she said as his hands fell to her waists and safely rested there. Her voice was almost a whisper. “I’m your girlfriend. You have a responsibility to protect me, but I also have a responsibility to be your partner. So let me do my part.” She held his face and stroked a thumb on his cheek. “We do this together. We’re supposed to go through happiness and sadness together, we go through all the troubles together. You hear me?”
“Yeah, I hear you.” He nodded. “I’m really sorry, okay? I love you,” he said again, before she pulled him into a hug.
“I love you too. I love you,” she mumbled against his shoulder. She heard him letting out a sob as his chest and shoulders shook. He held her tight, and it had been a while since it felt like this. She felt heard and seen. She felt loved. It was all she ever wanted.
And he couldn’t describe the wave of relief that washed over him. He really thought that his biggest fear, losing her, was really going to happen. He realised that he’d actually failed her. All this time he had loved her his own way which he thought was the best and the safest way but apparently, it didn’t give her the safety he wanted for her. She was right—they had to do this together, and it meant that he had to listen to her, count her thoughts and feelings.
He would try. He promised he would try his best to see her how she wanted to be seen, and love her how she wanted to be loved. Because she was the most important person in his life, and he’d do anything to make himself deserve her.
i had this sitting on my draft and i almost forgot about it! i kept switching between john and hendo when i wrote it. tell me who you imagined this! i hope you enjoyed it<3
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My Masterlist🤍
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https-sonshine · 2 years
Muy Grande
pairing : son heung-min x reader
word count : 911 words
warnings: slightly suggestive, slight cursing
authors note: hey guys this is a small draft from the fanfic i’m working on.i haven’t written in a while so i’m not quite sure if i’m doing it right. please feel free to leave constructive criticism and let me know what you guys think about it 😅
Son watches you.
The humid summer air envelopes him and makes him clammy as he watches as you pull your shorts down. Denim stutters against your skin as sweat cling to them. With your back against the brick wall, you lift your feet to stand on tiptoes. Your cheeks look soft and shiny under the dim alleyway light. Watching you start to relieve yourself, the puddle under you grows. Something is intoxicating about the look of instant relief on your face.
Fuck. Why am I getting harder?
A night out drinking sealed his fate. He knew he should've been resting for the upcoming match. Drinking wasn't his thing. Inevitably, he had been a victim of peer pressure. He didn't expect to meet you. You were like coming up for a breath of fresh air. Underneath his cherry smile, he had been drowning in the pressure of leading his team through the world cup. He didn't want to disappoint his country. He was sure you had yet to learn who he was and that you would have no recollection of tonight's events. His thoughts wandered to your friends, your boyfriend.
What kind of boyfriend purposely tries to pimp their girlfriend out? Is there not a limit to showing off?
However, that thought left his head as soon as it knocked his mind. After all, it was none of his business. Since that dreadful drinking game, you had stuck to him like glue. Rocking back and forth uncomfortably, you tugged on his shirt sleeve.
"Preciso de urinar," she slurred.
(I need to pee)
"Urinar, o toalete," you exclaimed whilst rubbing your legs together.
(Pee, the toilet)
His mouth formed an O shape as the realisation hit him. He looked around, but it seemed unlikely that any English players would return soon. Son wiped his sweaty palms against his shorts and carefully pushed you two through the crowd in search of a toilet.
The familiar sight of a female stick figure caused him to exhale a breath he didn't know he was holding. He strengthened his grip on your hand and dragged you towards the long line of women.
"A linha...." you muttered, causing his eyebrows to shoot up.
(The line...)
"É muito longa, linha longa, longa," you kept repeating like a chant.
(Is too long, line long, long)
He ran his hands through his head, mouth slightly open, yet no words could come out
"Linhaa longa" you let go of his hand and pointed towards the line.
(Linee is long )
"Line too long?" he said, making you nod mindlessly.
How did he end up here? He asked himself again. Before he could start feeling sorry for himself, he noticed the pretty girl was no longer standing before him. Instead, she was stumbling toward the bar's exit. He quickly made his way towards you just in time to witness their pathetic attempt at pushing a pull door.
"A porta não abre porque" he saw you pout and squeeze your eyes shot before you pointed at the door
(The door isn't opening. Why? )
"It's a pull door," he lightly chuckled whilst pulling the door open
Her eyes bored into his. Suddenly, her face cracked into a smile.
"Muy grande" is all she said
(You're so cool)
God, what he would do just to see her smile like that again
And this is how he ended up in this humid summer air instead of the comfort of his hotel room.
At the entrance to the alleyway, he stood guard to ensure you didn't attract anyone's attention. To ensure that no creeps were doing what he was doing right now.
Despite being finished, you haven't shimmied back up the wall. Or re-put your shorts on. Son observes as you tilt your head to the side, glistening eyes meeting his gaze.
Don't be weird. Don't make this weird.
"Sorry, I'm sorry-"
"Está bem," You giggle and continue to sit there for a little while, the alcohol in your system making your brain sluggish.
(It's okay)
"Merda, eu estou perdido"
(Shit, I'm wasted)
"Your pants are not on," he quickly says before turning around, which causes you to look back down at your bare legs encased in shorts. He hears a muttered "Merda" from behind him, which prompts him to turn around as your hands clumsily pull the sides up, underwear and all. You don't even button them before standing back up in such a shaky manner that Son extends a hand to you for support.
As you start strolling out of the alleyway, he can't help but notice your panties poking out from above your waistband
"Wait, wait!" He shouts, "Button your shorts first," grasping your arm to stop you.
You waste too much time fumbling with the zipper and button before giving up and letting your hands drop to your sides.
"Voce nao fala portugues voce?" she mumbled before biting her lip.
(You don't speak Portuguese, do you?)
"Can't," you hiccup, "do it for me."
Son hesitates before coming up from behind you. Your panties are twisted and sitting high on your hips as a result of how forcefully you shoved them up. The front of the shorts are entirely exposed and barely holding on.
The warmth of your body pressed against his only made him harder, his shaky fingers not taking long to push the button through.
His hands drop, and he slowly moves from behind you, scared he's made you uncomfortable. You turn around, closing the gap between you two, faces close, sparkly eyes smiling at him with an emotion he can't make out.
"The others must be wondering where we are," you say before remaking your way out with faltering steps.
Completely unaware of what you've just done to him.
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valentinajadehill · 1 year
jesse lingard masterlist
sports branch o
can't take my eyes off you o
okay stop already- bloody hell ft marcus rashford o
lie detector part one, part two ft marcus rashford, jadon sancho and paul pogba o
hold your hand out randomly ft marcus rashford, jadon sancho and paul pogba o
stuck in a lift ft marcus rashford, jadon sancho and paul pogba o
sing or swim ft marcus rashford, jadon sancho and paul pogba o
always got you nugget ft marcus rashford o
facade o
doe eyes o
is it a match, part two o
you didn't tell us o
avoid, punch, date or marry o
best friends would include o
rate his instagram posts o
best friends o
why are you blushing? o
like father, like son o
stolen kisses o
boxer o
audience with adele o
tiktok pranks o
public o
not funny o
f1 driver number o
blurbs / oneshots
movie ft marcus
date night
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macybeckham7 · 2 years
jesse teaching your baby who can't even walk yet to kick and play football
He held YDN and gently swung her little legs to the ball to get her to kick the ball, you watched as he explained to her the beautiful game of football. Jesse was definitely on the project Mbappe as he wanted her to be the next big thing in the footballing world. ‘She can’t even walk yet babe’ you say which he just looks at you, like you just said something stupid. You watch as he gets her to score a goal, and picks her up and celebrate as if she scored in the World Cup final, YDN letting out an adorable little giggle as she thought he daddy was silly.
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hendolish · 6 months
England NT Fic Recs ♡
never know where to start for a pairing or you're new to england nt rpf? here's a shameless collection of my favourite fics to give you a head start 🫶🏻 ———
Jack Grealish/Jordan Henderson
melt by inlovewithnight (8k)
soulmate au where you feel everything your soulmate does and can't bear being too far away from each other. they're just so at ease and in love with each other in this. probably my favourite hendolish fic! <3
About as subtle as an earthquake, I know by Lizz_88 (Bluejay00) (68k)
jack's a stripper, jordan's himself. so much more than what it says on the tin! all the characters are super complex and it takes a lot of work for these two to get together (with no shortage of lap dances and smut along the way) <3
Calm Before The Storm by preachingdoll (6k)
post-euro 2020 heartbreak jack needs a bit of help coping. jordan's there to offer a helping hand... the smut and dirty talk is 10/10
best worst behaviour by Bellelaide (25k)
kind of a hendolish classic, jordan puts bratty jack in his place.
John Stones/Jordan Pickford
Sun City AU by Bellelaide (series, 40k)
honestly one of my favourite fics ever, let alone footie-wise. jordan's on a very british all-inclusive holiday at a hotel where john works. the vibes are just immaculate, you can visualise everything so clearly and there's so much depth to their characters!
Ice Melts by Bellelaide (7k)
enemies to lovers kinda? john doesn't think much of jordan before the 2018 wc but the further they get in the tournament, the closer they become. amazing characterisation and banter as always.
Helping Hand by slatkomore (14k)
with john's career ended abruptly by an injury, he turns to coaching instead and soon becomes the england u19s manager where he meets the goalkeeper coach, jordan pickford...
your world cup or mine? by Bellelaide (15k)
john goes to sleep at the 2022 wc and wakes up back in 2018 where he and jordan aren't together and barely friends. such an interesting concept and dynamic!
Jack Grealish/John Stones
The Things We Did and Didn't Do by InTheFicOfIt (series, 104k)
john and jack sleep together in the aftermath of the euros, the following fic explores everything that comes after, including jack moving to man city and their friends finding out. i'm never usually tempted by this pairing but this fic is so damn good! it's written so wonderfully and there's so much of it- i couldn't put it down!
Ben white/Aaron Ramsdale
happy together by foxholecourts (1k)
this fic perfectly encapsulates their vibe for me. the back and forth between the two of them is just delightful and exactly how i imagine them to be together, but it's also as equally sappy! i love these two idiots sm <3
watching you watching me by foxholecourts (2k)
ben likes to be watched... 10/10 benaaron characterisation from this author as always.
sweettalker by Anonymous (5k)
smut with a lot of dirty talk about the other arsenal lads. ben is very complex in this- an interesting take on their relationship!
I’m Not In Love by ceraunophilex (1k)
aaron falls in love immediately, ben slowly warms to him. short and sweet.
Jordan Henderson/Trent Alexander-Arnold
Shake Me Into the Night by orphan_account (17k)
always hits me right in the feels. based around liverpool winning the champions league, the writing is so detailed and amazing!!
Jude Bellingham/Reece James
the sun and the rainfall by ohsusie (series, 6k)
jude asks reece about some of the rumours surrounding him to help him broach a sensitive topic of his own. reece gives him some guidence. they're so sweet in this!
Dele Alli/Eric Dier
In This World Of Ours by dierdele (53k)
the classic deledier best friends to lovers 2018 world cup get-together fic. you can't beat it, literally so cute oml.
Marcus Rashford/Jesse Lingard
both your hands in the holes of my sweater by yvenger (jjjat3am) (3k)
this one is so much fun hehe, the ~2018 man u squad if they were a sunday league team where jesse's very confident and marcus has a huge crush on him. love the inner dialogue so, so much. ending is super cute!!
i can feel that body shake by princessrosberg (3k)
an england nt night out leads to them getting together and their first time! jesse and marcus characterisations are on point, esp the way they talk to each other <3
Harry Kane/Gareth Southgate
All Good Things... by orphan_account (12k)
their established relationship is so cute in this! post-2018 wc and preparing for the euros, england team banter is perfect.
wished by orphan_account (23k)
gareth is harry's p.e teacher at school. listen… no comment... there's a reason it's the most kudos-ed southkane fic
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all-about-cr7 · 2 years
Ten Hag the liar and hypocrite: “Cristiano remains an important part of the squad”
🗣Ten Hag when asked if he thought Ronaldo would stay for the rest of the campaign, and if that was what he wanted (21.10.) “Both. It is for this game and then we continue. It's a strike. As we said in the statement, Cristiano remains an important part of the squad and I count on him for the rest of the season.”
Graeme Souness is spot on in his Daily Mail column: “Look what Manchester United have reduced Cristiano Ronaldo to - it's so sad!”
It’s a desperately sad situation that Cristiano Ronaldo finds himself in. Here is a player who has taken Manchester United to the heights and scored goals for them which will live long in the memory — yet look what that club have reduced him to.
What we saw at Old Trafford when the team played Tottenham on Wednesday night was a player plainly angry, upset and deeply frustrated — stuck on a substitutes’ bench while players he will rightly consider himself superior to were out on the field.
For a player as hugely competitive as him, that will have been agony. An experience he will never have imagined himself facing. I have to say that I can understand how he feels.
This is a situation entirely of United’s making. A problem they just didn’t need to create. Erik ten Hag has made some bold and courageous decisions, trying to instil discipline and unity. But how did he think this situation with Ronaldo was going to work? How did he think the player was going to respond to being asked to sit on a bench, run up the touchline doing warm-ups, only to remain redundant and unused, with the cameras trained on his every facial expression?
People should only be talking about that performance against Tottenham but instead it is this. Ten Hag and United have shot themselves in the foot and not helped themselves one bit.
For Ronaldo to have refused to come on to the pitch when requested by Ten Hag is clearly something the manager cannot accept. Such a fundamental breach of the team ethic is the first step on a road to ruin.
But it is not hard to imagine how the conversation went between the two of them when changes were being made and he was asked to go on after 87 minutes, to run down the clock. A three-minute role at the dog-end of a 2-0 win is an indignity that this player will not have expected to be reduced to.
Every player must be ready to play, however great or small the role, but I do think there has to be particular consideration for Ronaldo, given his position in the game and his contribution to it.
He told United before the start of the season that he wanted to go. He made no pretence about that. What has ensued is much like Jesse Lingard’s treatment by the club last season, only on a far greater scale. United could have sold Lingard to West Ham in January, chose not to and then didn’t use him.
If I was Ten Hag, I would be concerned about having Ronaldo around the place because if you are not going to use him, you know he’s going to have a voice in the dressing room. That’s certainly not conducive to a harmonious working environment.
The communication between manager and player is clearly not what it should be and despite what happened on Wednesday, I think it is incumbent on United to do better by him. To go to whatever lengths necessary not to humiliate the man in such a way.
He will certainly feel he is not being shown any respect, in what is without doubt the worst period of his career. He is being tested in a way he would never have expected, at the twilight of his playing days.
He seemed to reflect that in the statement he put out on Thursday night. These seemed to be the words of a man genuinely taking responsibility for his actions, rather than running from them. He was in at 8.30am to train with the Under 21s on Friday.
But if the current situation persists and he is put through more of these indignities on the substitutes’ bench, his behaviour could continue to be off. And that could lead to what I think will be the worst outcome of all this: that United’s supporters will remember him for what’s happening during the rest of this season, or at least for as long as he is kept in Manchester, rather than those golden years and brilliant goals.
If this continues, United will end up destroying Ronaldo’s legacy. The least the club owe him is not to allow that to happen. To stop putting him through this
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inpursuitofmeaning · 6 months
March 13th, 2024
4:02 PM Sat in Starbucks (shocker). Sandwich in my bag, hot chocolate (from home, ironically) in my belly. Emotionally draining day for reasons that I can't speak into the void, but Korean waits for no one! Currently studying some irregular verb conjugations, while people-watching outside. I saw some people sat on the university sign. They looked like they had just finished a run. I like to run too. I wish they knew that. I could tell them "hey, I like to run" and they'd said "cool, me too" and id say "want to run at a similar pace to the same meaningless bench and back sometime?" and they'd say "cool". I could make running friends.
I am proud of myself for going to the gym this morning - but I am craving a bit more. Since I retired from varsity athletics I've taken a break from being active consistently, under the guise of "I dont need to prove myself anymore" and "Im re-buildling my relationship with sport". But I still crave more.
More adventure, the gravel roads I once roamed. Truth is, I've been scared to ride into Gatneau park from Ottawa. Too nervous. Yet I say I want to bike across Africa, across the world. For the last several years it has stopped me. How am I supposed to be the metaphorical lovechild of James Bond, Indiana Jones, and Lara Croft if I can't even control my nerves enough to adventure across the boarder? Right then, as my dad would say "book your ideas up". Enough staring at the roads on google maps, studying their ever nuance. Enough checking other peoples rides on Strava and wallowing in self pity.
I am the only thing getting in my way. The city makes me nervous, and I crave the comfort of the quiet roads I know. I used to explore those on my own, trying out new routes. Why is this any different? I guess it's a little different knowing I'll see other people. Being lost on your own is one thing, but being lost with hundreds of other cyclists around you is another. Okay - it's decided. I will go this weekend. I will get up nice and early and try it out. Im scared, but now I've put this thought into the void; I can't back out because I can't let the void down! I just have to imagine that David Beckham is reading this. If David Beckham thinks I am going on a bike ride - then I have to go. I can't back out knowing David Beckham has a perception of me. Backing down is not the Mancinaun way! Thank you for listening, void. From this adventure, you might get a more interesting blog post. Right then—now that that's sorted—I have to go and do some Korean. I don't want to let down Jamie! Speaking of, she loves soccer. "Manchester?! Do you know Jesse Lingard?" she says with glee. Of course! I proclaim. He plays in Korean now!" We spoke for a third of the lesson. I booked five more lessons.
0 notes
For the baby blurbs, please could you do one with Jesse Lingard, about whatever you feel like?
You and Jesse were looking around the shops for baby clothes, after deciding that you didn't want to find out the gender of the baby until you've given birth. You had to find as many neutral clothes as you could. "Those boots are adorable" you showed Jesse as he came back round the shelves with what felt like a million baby clothes in his arms. "Oh they are sweet, get them" he smiled as he passed all of the clothes he had in his hand. "Do we really need all this?" you asked him as you glanced at all the clothes. "No but the baby does need them" he quickly shrugged, trying to justify himself. "Hmm okay Jess, guess the baby needs them" you laughed as you put the clothes in your basket with the many other things that you probably didn't need.
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avenirdelight · 2 years
A Little Bit Of Jealousy
Jesse Lingard
Jesse is jealous and she knows it’s because she got too close with her best friend at a party. [Requested]
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She knew that Jesse wasn’t pleased. That pout on his face could be noticed from metres away. She didn’t know that Jesse was the type to get easily jealous, but well, you learn new things every day.
The thing was, it had been long since she wasn’t single anymore, since that day Jesse suddenly confessed his love and asked her to be his girlfriend, which she’d said yes to. Sometimes she just forgot the fact that she was dating someone. She hadn’t been dating for quite a while—had gotten a little bit too comfortable being single—so she was easing herself into her new dating life.
Sometimes she forgot that she couldn’t get too friendly or too comfortable anymore with her long-time best friend, Marcus.
You know the friendly gestures—forearm holding, side hugging, a light slap on the arm when the other person was telling a good joke. She was just used to all that with Marcus because they had been friends since forever. He was someone she always felt comfortable with and that was exactly the problem for Jesse.
They had been at Jadon’s birthday party. She and Marcus had been in the living room with some friends and other guests, chilling and hanging out, whilst Jesse had gone to get her some drink. When he came back, she had been laughing at Marcus' joke, hugging his arm because the joke had been genuinely funny. Jesse had seen the scene and it hadn’t pleased him, hence the pout on his face for the rest of the party. The car ride home had been awkward too, making her realise that she had done something wrong.
“I know you’re upset.” She decided to speak up the next day, as she stood in the middle of her living room. “And I might have figured out why.” She bit the bottom of their lips. “You don’t like the way I’m around Marcus. I got too comfortable with him yesterday at the party and it upset you.”
Jesse didn’t answer for a moment, didn’t even meet her gaze, as he threw himself on the long couch. He let out a long sigh and got his phone out of his pocket, immediately started scrolling. “It’s fine… He’s your best friend…”
“He is. But you’re my boyfriend and… You have the right to be jealous.”
“Jealous?” Jesse chortled, his eyes darted up and met hers. He looked like he was surprised by her statement that almost felt like an accusation.
“Are you not jealous?”
Jesse only shrugged and turned his attention back to his phone. “I don’t know,” he said. “Why would I be jealous of your best friend?”
“Because you’re my boyfriend?” She repeated, stating the obvious. She sat down beside him on the edge of the couch, placing a hand on his thigh. “You could still be jealous even though Marcus is my best friend.”
She playfully tugged the sleeve of his jumper, trying to get his full attention. And it worked because Jesse immediately dropped his phone.
“Right, okay, I am jealous.” Jesse sighed again. “But I feel like I’d upset you if I asked you to, you know, tone it down a bit with Marcus. I respect you guys, I don’t want to ruin your friendship and make it weird between all of us.”
She tugged the corners of her lips into a faint smile. Her stomach fluttered a bit from the fact that Jesse was indeed jealous.
“Aaand, you’re smiling,” Jesse commented. “You’re actually enjoying this, aren’t ya? Were you doing everything on purpose? To make me jealous?”
“I swear I’m not!” She denied, shaking her head. “I’m just… Glad to know that you care about my friendship with Marcus. Not gonna lie, it means a lot to me. Some guys won’t even let their girls have male friends, you know.”
“I’m fine with it.” Jesse shrugged, slightly jutting out his bottom lip. “I’m just jealous of how comfortable you are with him. I mean… Sometimes I feel like you’re being shy with me, or like you’re holding back, and– I just wish that you feel as comfortable with me. You get me?”
She nodded, more like in agreement because to be honest, Jesse wasn’t way off. “Yeah, I know. And I’m sorry but I’m still getting used to everything, getting to know you better, you know what I mean? I need a little bit more time.”
Jesse sighed as his hand travelled to her waist and rested there. “Hey, no pressure, yeah? Take your time. Forget about it, I shouldn’t even be jealous–”
“Okay, I need to stop you right there,” she cut him off, leaning forward so she slightly rested her body on top of him, tapping her hand on his chest. “No pressure, I know. But seriously, though, you have the right to be jealous. You’re cute when you do.”
Jesse chuckled as he shook his head, his whole shoulder shook. “See? I knew you were secretly enjoying it! Now come here.”
Jesse shifted on the couch and made some space for her. She laid beside him and instantly  snuggled up to him, as he wrapped his arms around her. He planted a kiss on her forehead, drawing a faint smile on her face.
The boys she’d used to date never liked her friendship with Marcus. They’d always gotten overly jealous and it had been unbearable for her. But she could handle a little bit of jealousy—Jesse’s jealousy was completely fine. It was even better to know that Jesse respected her too and she would try her best to do the same.
his tiktok videos have been all over my fyp. great content.
if you want to be on my tag list, please fill in this form.
[jesse lingard tag list: @smileytaa @muglermami @mehrmonga @landosmilkjug @kayleea122 @blueanfield @johnstonesfc]
My Masterlist🤍
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mtm99 · 2 years
imagine being a Jesse lingard and mason fan. I promise you nothing mason does it anywhere near as cringey as him hahaha
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mountswhore · 3 years
𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 (𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝)
happy birthday (part two here)
they’re mine
nothing matters more than you
favourite girls
number one girl
drop the act
not completely alone
bless your soul
for his girl
champions league baby
this very moment
i can change that
my MJ
worst days
it’s normal
down under
that feeling of relief
good boy
love doesn’t follow time
they all know now
beauty and the beast
just like his daddy
undeniably yours
too distracting
𝐛𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 (𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝)
out of love (part two to 'happy birthday')
𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐝 (𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝)
my little robin
this year
𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐬 𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐝 (𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝)
christmas at ours
well done
hot chocolate
come with me
boo boo
𝐣𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨 (𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝)
tipping point
good job
only if you do it
that damned dress
close to you
a day of belle
bonded like glue
this is suffering
you heard me
𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐜
keep you with me
you know what you did
my smart girl
coming with you
𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬
zoo date
𝐤𝐚𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐳
bon appetit
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judebellswife · 3 years
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Ben Chilwell ; Ben Pavard ; Christian Pulisic ; Héctor Bellerín ; Jesse Lingard ; Kylian Mbappé ; Mason Mount ; Rúben Dias ; Ruben Loftus-Cheek ; Jude Bellingham ; Dusan Vlahovic
( more coming soon )
— rule :
• don’t write smut.
• mention of death, or any event that related to this topic.
• talk bad about other celebrity, athlete, any human being.
— thank u! ୨ৎ
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threelionsgirl · 3 years
Can you bring please write something about reader dating Jadon and being really good friends with Jesse and always babysitting Hope when needed and today (20/02) being one of those days and reader and Hope watching Man U game together from home and Hope just being really cute when Jadon and Jesse come up on the TV (kinda like her stories) ❤️❤️❤️
babysitting | jadon sancho
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warnings: none, it's fluff!
word count: 1151
notes: ok, I had some personal problems, and I'm slowly getting back with the requests, soon they will be open again
"Is it really okay?" Jadon asked. He was standing next to you in the car parked in front of Jesse Lingard's house.
"Yeah, Jad, why wouldn't I be?" You asked, taking off your belt and opening the door. He did the same and found you on the other side. That day, you agreed to do Jesse a favor of being Hope's babysitter during the Manchester United game. Before the game started, Jadon took it upon himself to drive you to his teammate's house and take the opportunity to pick Jesse up so the two of them could go to the Stadium together.
"I thought you wanted to see me at the Stadium today." He hugged you around the waist and guided you to the door of the house.
"I like to see you anywhere, whether it's at the stadium or on television." You left a kiss on his cheek. "I can do that favor for Jesse, he's my friend too, and I love that little girl."
Jesse had explained that Hope's nanny had had a health problem in the last hour and as hard as it wasn't difficult to find another one, he didn't trust just anyone to look after his daughter. He was a present father, when the three of you went out or made plans at home he always took Hope, you and Jadon loved the little girl, you felt like you were her real uncles. When Jesse asked you to stay with her during that game, you quickly agreed without much thought.
You rang the doorbell and soon Jesse answered the door, ready to go to the game.
"Hey bro." He greeted Jadon first and then quickly turned to you. "Y/N, you don't know how grateful I am for the help."
"Jesse, you know that whenever you need it, you can ask."
When you entered the house you saw Hope on the sofa in the living room, she turned her head towards the door and when she saw who the visitor was she ran out towards the two of you and hugged your legs. "Uncle Jadon and Aunty Y/N."
"Hey little girl, how are you?" Jadon ducked down at Hope's height, and she smiled. She was wearing a huge Manchester United t-shirt that you deduced was Jesse's, you held back your laughter, it was so big you didn't know how she hadn't tripped over the bar yet. That must have been Lingard's doing, for sure.
"Right, Hope, daddy will be away for a few hours during the game Aunty Y/N will look after you."
"Yay!" She celebrated by clapping her little hands. Jadon left Hope with Jesse, so he could say goodbye to her.
"Behave yourself, don't disobey Y/N, daddy loves you."
"I love you too, daddy." She left a kiss on Jesse's cheek, and Jadon took the opportunity to say goodbye to you.
"See you later?"
"I'll be here waiting." You replied before sealing your lips on his in a goodbye kiss. You stood in the doorway with Hope as the boys got into the car and waved one last time. When they were gone, you ushered Hope inside and closed the door.
"Y/N we're going to watch the game?" Hope asked. "I want to see daddy and uncle Jadon."
"Of course we are! But don't you want to eat something first?" You asked, looking at the kitchen. Hope nodded her head in agreement, and you held her hand out to the kitchen. You sat her down on one of the chairs at the table, so you could look for the ingredients to make sandwiches.
"Hope, why are you wearing this huge t-shirt?" You asked, opening the fridge.
"Dad said he couldn't find my t-shirt, but for luck I had to wear it on United match day, so he got one of his own."
You rolled your eyes and let out a laugh at the explanation, knowing the friend you had. "That's something only Jesse would do."
You prepared two sandwiches, one for you and one for Hope. You ate chatting a lot, when you finished the game hadn't started yet, so you decided to go up to her room to look for a Manchester United's jersey that was her size. You found the small size jersey with "daddy" written on the back along with the number 14. You put it on Hope along with the white Manchester United shorts and red socks.
You decided to come downstairs with Hope when the game was about to start. You sat on the couch and kept her sitting on the carpet, so you could braid her hair. The pre-game started and Hope ran in front of the TV as Jesse came out of the tunnel.
"DADDY!" She screamed and you almost died with such cuteness. She kept following the screen until Jesse's face disappeared.
"Y/N where's uncle Jadon." She said, leaning her little hands on your knees. You smiled at her and ran your hand through your hair.
"He'll show up soon." You replied, perhaps more to yourself than to Hope. You could feel the same energy Hope felt with Jesse when she watched Jadon play, it was a genuine passion.
"LOOK, LOOK! IT'S DADDY!" She shouted, pointing her finger at the screen, halfway through the first half. The camera wasn't focused on Jesse, but somehow she knew that the player she was pointing at was her father.
"Yes, that's him!" You replied and pulled out your mobile phone to start recording Hope and sending the videos to Jesse.
"Uncle Jadon is down!" She made a horrified face, crossing her arms as Sancho took a foul. You sighed with relief when he soon got up, but laughed at Hope's worried gestures.
Most of the time she watched the game sitting cross-legged on the carpet, but she stood up every time Jadon or Jesse appeared on the screen. You were finding it adorable. She did a really cute little dance on Bruno Fernandes' goal in first-half stoppage time, celebrating as if she were with the players. The game ended 4-2 and before long Jesse and Jadon were back. You congratulated Jesse on the match and while Hope did the same to him, you hugged Jadon.
"Hey baby, congratulations on the win." You said, sinking your face from his neck.
"Thanks, love, so did you girls have fun?"
"More than I imagined." You stated, and Hope shook her head. "Jesse, Hope is your number one fan."
"I'd be disappointed if she wasn't." He smiled, taking her on his lap.
"Seriously, I need to show you the videos." You laughed and the four of you went back to the couch. You sent the videos you recorded to Jesse's phone and concluded that watching Manchester games was good, but watching with Hope was so much better. She was able to put a smile on your face, even if the team was losing.
🏷: @mountchilly
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emwritesfootball · 2 years
Rooftop Tension | Jesse Lingard
You + Jesse, sexual tension up the roof when sharing a hotel room
A/N: pretty sure this had been a blurb request before I stopped but you’re getting a slightly-longer-than-a-blurb word count on this, my dear x
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You took a long sip of your drink as you stared out at the sunset from the rooftop balcony of the hotel you were sharing with Jesse. What was originally going to be a girls’ weekend staycation with your best friend had turned into a last-minute desperate invite to your guy best friend. Jesse had eagerly accepted and you knew how needed this long weekend was for both of you. 
“Enjoying the view?” Came Jesse’s voice and the man appeared beside you, his own drink in hand. He’d upgraded the room without you knowing, the ‘thanks for the invite’ gift surprising you in the best way.
“Which view?” You teased, giving him a look that read you or the sunset? If you were honest with yourself, the sexual tension had been present between the two of you from the beginning but timing had kept either of you from acting on it. Now, both of you were unattached and you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t been hoping something would happen between the two of you in this hotel room. 
Jesse smirked at your reply, resting his elbows on the balcony railing which caused his forearm to brush against yours. “In my opinion, they’re both beautiful,” he murmured, the words making your stomach dip. 
Now was your chance, and you decided to take it. “You know, getting kissed at sunset is on my bucket list…”
You felt Jesse tense beside you and for a moment you thought you’d fucked up. He sucked in a breath and turned to face you. “Well, then, it’s a good thing that’s on my bucket list, too.” 
“Really?” You asked, your gaze flicking from his eyes to his mouth, and you noticed him doing the same. 
“Really,” he whispered, his hand cupping your cheek right before he leaned in and covered your mouth with his.
The kiss was everything you’d been dreaming of, Jesse pulling you as close as possible without making a scene. Your head was still fuzzy when the kiss ended, both of you breathless. “What do you say we take our time, finish our drinks, and wait ‘til the sun goes down before heading back to our room?” He murmured, giving you a light kiss. “Just because we’ve been waiting forever for this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make it special.”
“That sounds perfect,” you breathed, your body already anticipating just how good the night with Jesse was going to be from that kiss.
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