#Jesse Watters Primetime
Greg Owen at LGBTQ Nation:
Fox News host Jesse Watters continues to impress with his imbecilic takes on gender, anything gay, trans issues — and now what he’s mischaracterizing as “gender season.” In a recent Fox News segment which Watters calls “DEI Thursday,” the one-time “funny” Fox contributor and now pale imitation to Tucker Carlson twisted a nuanced personal video narrative, made by U.K. nonbinary activist Dee Whitnell, into a mocking takedown of a concept way over the JV host’s head. In Whitnell’s video, released earlier this month, they talk about how their gender expression is affected by the seasons. “I feel more masculine in the summertime. I wear more masculine clothing, I wear shorts. I normally have my hair up more and I just feel more ‘boy’, whereas in the winter – for some reason – girl mode comes out and I’m loving skirts and dresses and having my hair down.”
“This isn’t saying that all trans individuals experience this because that’s just not the case, or that seasons determine your gender identity or expression. However, it can influence it,” Whitnell explained. They described the concept as “genderseason”. For Watters and the far-right outrage machine, the video was music to their ears — and an invitation to ridicule. With a Grinch smile spreading across his pancaked face, Watters snarked with glee. “Bonfires, sandy beaches, pool parties, barbecues. Don’t you love summer? I love summer so much I’m thinking of identifying as it. It’s called gender season,” he said. “My pronoun: spring. But I might transition to summer.”  Like notorious takes on kids identifying as cats and classrooms filled with litter boxes, Watters’s lame comedy twisted Whitnell’s sincere and worthy thesis into an object of derision, mischaracterizing it as young people identifying as seasons.
Jesse Watters: unfunny moron.
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Barack Obama is Scum
If they did all of this to stop DJT from seeking a 2nd term, you can't tell me they didn't steal the 2020 election. If Biden & Kamala had actually won the 2020 election fair and square Obama would have no reason to keep the American people from voting for DJT. Why are they so afraid to let us exercise our constitutional rights to pick our own representatives?
I noticed a pattern during Trump's White House years. Anytime the Deep State would implement an attack on DJT or the Trump Administration the Obama's were conveniently out of the country. Notice they traveled to Australia for Trump's indictment. Coincidence?
If you haven't seen Jesse Waters Tuesday 4-4-2023 show I highly recommend you watch it. He discloses the smoking gun connection bw Biden, Obama and their political prosecution of Donald Trump. Let me warn you that you will either be infuriated, depressed, ill or all three. This Deep State plot against the Trump family and the American people should have these people tried for treason. I'm so angry right now that I can hardly type.
This guy is the smoking gun: Matt Colangelo. When Bragg couldn't find a way to as Dershowitz wrote "Get Trump" Obama transferred his ACTIVIST Matt Colangelo from DC to Manhattan, NY where they created a job for him to Get Trump. Colangelo is responsible for shutting down the Trump Foundation because the board didn't have "official" meetings (Trump & his kids), sending the 70 + year old accountant to Riker's Island, and today the ultimate harassment: putting "handcuffs" on a former President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.
From the Manhattan DA site:
"Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg, Jr., today announced the appointment of Matthew Colangelo as new Senior Counsel to the District Attorney. Colangelo, who most recently served as a senior official at the U.S. Department of Justice, will focus on the Office’s cases, policies, and strategies in housing and tenant protection and labor and worker protection, as well as the Office’s most sensitive and high-profile white-collar investigations."
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These videos are incomplete.
Check out Jesse Watters Primetime on Fox Nation. https://nation.foxnews.com/jesse-watters-primetime
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April 3rd A victimless crime
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mariacallous · 14 days
Watching Fox News these days is like being at open-mic night at a marginal comedy club.
Rightwing pundits, like a lineup of amateur comics, are trying out their new material and hoping it kills. So far, not so much.
Take Jesse Watters (please). The primetime successor to Tucker Carlson was grasping at straws – yes, literal straws – the other day as he looked for a way to put down Tim Walz. How best to mock the popular Minnesota governor who is Kamala Harris’s running mate?
“Women love masculinity and women do not like Tim Walz, so that should just tell you about how masculine Tim Walz is,” Watters said on the roundtable talk show he co-hosts, The Five.
With that setup, he tried to prove his point.
“The other day you saw him with a vanilla ice-cream shake. Had a straw in it. Again, that tells you everything.”
The joke, or whatever it was, didn’t really land. Most people know that Walz is the opposite of a wimp. He’s a famously regular guy – America’s dad – who will use his newfound power to demand that all Americans own jumper cables and know how to use them.
The straw-grasping is getting a little desperate these days as Harris and Walz spread their forward-looking message, and as their rivals – the felon and adjudicated sex offender Donald Trump and his running mate, JD Vance – prove themselves less appealing by the day.
“Fox is really feeling the loss of Tucker Carlson right now,” theorized Matt Gertz, a senior fellow at Media Matters, the progressive media-watchdog non-profit, who watches a lot of rightwing cable news as part of his job.
“He was very effective at lifting something from the rightwing fever swamp and making it into a coherent message” that could spread through the conservative ecosystem.
Failing Tucker’s contributions to the commonweal, Fox and its pundits are floundering. They keep trying new approaches to replace their well-honed attacks on Biden – his family’s supposed corruption (“Biden crime family”) and his age (“senile”).
Over the past week, Fox tried to gin up controversy over Harris’s “code-switching” – the use of a different accent or speaking style when speaking to Black audiences. Fox’s White House correspondent Peter Doocy pressed the question at an official press briefing.
“Since when does the vice-president have what sounds like a southern accent?” Doocy demanded. The press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, dismissed him and moved on after posing a query of her own: “Do you think Americans seriously think this is an important question?”
Maria Bartiromo focused on this “southern accent” scandal on her Fox Business show, using a clip of Harris speaking to an audience in Detroit about how unions have helped win benefits for all Americans, like paid sick leave and a five-day work week, by repeating the phrase: “You’d better thank a union member.”
The pro-Trump cable network didn’t help its own cause with that one. “The funny thing about Fox News being mad at Harris for code-switching,” one observer noted on X, “is they had to play the clip of her talking about how great unions are over and over again.” You can’t buy that kind of media exposure.
The well-circulated photograph of Tim Walz’s family members wearing pro-Trump T-shirts fizzled, too, though it got a good ride on Fox for a day or two. Soon enough, it became clear that these were mostly distant cousins, a Nebraska branch of the family. Walz’s sister told the Associated Press she didn’t even recognize them. Walz does have an older brother who favors Trump, but most Americans are familiar with family disputes over politics.
Gertz told me that Fox pundits were sent reeling by Harris’s ascension and are “very shook by the ‘weird’ narrative” that Tim Walz has popularized. That’s the idea that Trump, Vance and their ilk are deeply strange people – way out of the mainstream with their nasty putdowns of “childless cat ladies” and their outlandish conspiracy theories. It applies all too well to the Fox personalities as well as the politicians they promote.
There’s time, of course, for Fox to come up with an effective message. Until something hits, we’re going to see a lot of painful tryouts.
The alternative, of course, is obvious: just don’t turn it on.
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mightyflamethrower · 3 months
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Former Obama fundraiser Allison Huynh announced that she is pulling her support (and money) from the Democratic Party and investing it into former President Donald Trump’s campaign. 
The co-creator of Willow Garage, a company that created robotics and AI systems, said she was “divorcing” the Democratic Party, citing several reasons that have added to her final decision to vote for Trump this November. 
“Like any divorce, there’s not just one thing, there’s a series of things that led up to it," Huynh said on "Jesse Watters Primetime.”
Since Biden took office four years ago, the U.S. has seen unprecedented levels of crime, inflation, and illegal immigrants crossing the southern border, resulting in Americans— even Democrats— abandoning the president. 
Huynh lives with her family in San Francisco, where crime and looting have been a significant problem for years in the city. She said that Democrats police the wrong things and instead should focus on policing violent criminals. 
“The things that we need to police are violent criminals that are scattered throughout the streets of San Francisco, people defecating, shooting up heroin in front of me and my kids, and allowing criminals to go in and steal from our grocery stores, shutting down grocery stores," she said. “He’s asleep at the wheel,” Huynh said of Biden. 
On the contrary, Huynh spoke highly of Trump when she met him for the first time at a fundraising event at Mar-a-Lago.
“He was light and funny and intelligent,” she said. “The people there were down-to-earth. I was happy with how knowledgeable Trump is about what is going on with the country and the economy. He had the information. He is all there with the things that matter: education — his kids are well-educated -— fighting crime, immigration, and business.” 
She also spoke highly of Trump’s 2016 Jobs Act, saying it was a good policy that “encourages investment, which helps to sustain this country.”
If DT isn't elected expect the American Republic Experiment to devolve into total chaos.
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darkmaga-retard · 4 days
“There’s a cover-up going on. That’s definitive.”
The Vigilant Fox
Sep 13, 2024
Senator Josh Hawley revealed on Jesse Watters Primetime that Secret Service whistleblowers told him that the woman placed in charge of Trump’s security at the Butler, Pennsylvania rally happened to fail her training exams not just once but possibly multiple times.
The woman in question was not just in charge of security for the Butler, Pennsylvania rally but “put in charge of the entire trip,” including overseeing security arrangements from the moment Trump’s plane landed in Pennsylvania to his departure.
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1americanconservative · 11 months
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Fox News’ Jesse Watters had some particularly harsh words for homeless people when discussing California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s (D) recent comments about the issue in the state.
Newsom appeared on Monday night’s Hannity where he acknowledged the city’s homelessness problem as a “disgrace.”
On Tuesday’s episode of The Five, Watters said homeless people “have failed in life:”
“Being in a city run by Democrats is like being in a bad marriage where you pretend everything’s great — you know the couples — but it’s just so they don’t have to talk about how bad things really are because once you acknowledge there’s a problem, you have to do something about that. So Gavin’s now at maybe mid-field, but he has to understand, homelessness is not about lack of affordable housing — It’s about drug addicts that want to wander around and live in tents on the sidewalk. And so, you can’t coddle antisocial behavior, you can’t subsidize anti-social behavior — you have to stigmatize it. You can’t celebrate people with purple hair and nose rings, four kids with four different men who are dressed like trash, and make them out to be some sort of cutting-edge heroes.You have to call them what they are: These are people that’ve failed in life and they’re on their deathbed. And if we’re not honest about it, we’re never going to fix the problem.”
It took a moment for the rest of the co-hosts to figure out what to say to that, but Judge Jeanine Pirro finally weighed in.
“There’s one group in San Francisco that’s so inundated with crime, and drugs, and homelessness, they did their own GoFundMe and raised $25,000 so they could buy these 1,400-pound planters so that the homeless there couldn’t pitch a tent in their neighborhood,” she said. “Maybe we ought to do more of that… and by the way, the people in these, the homeless people — they’re the walking dead.”
Pirro said when she was a judge, she asked a homeless man what he did for a living so she could set bail.
“He said, ‘I am the walking dead.’ He was a druggie. I mean, he knew it.”
Watch the video.
Jesse Watters wants viewers to know: he really, really hates homeless people. In a segment on Friday night, the primetime Fox News host launched into a tirade against San Francisco’s homeless population. “San Francisco’s been hollowed out,” Watters said, monologuing over footage of homeless San Franciscans. “All that’s left is rich tech titans working from home and just bags of flesh mutating on the sidewalk.” Over the course of nearly ten minutes, Watters also called San Francisco’s homeless population “urine-soaked junkies” and “vagabonds and zombies.” He referred to the city as a “fentanyl caliphate” that had given its homeless population permission to “rape, rob, and steal” without consequence.
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thebiscuiteternal · 24 days
Fox News host creeps out colleagues with sexist jab at Harris
What a gross little freak he continues to be.
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elrod-vbss-91 · 1 month
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Ben Blanchet at HuffPost:
A spokesperson for Donald Trump suggested that the former president could seek “revenge” over the hush money case should he win the presidential election in November. Fox News host Jesse Watters asked Karoline Leavitt, Trump’s campaign press secretary, on Wednesday if there will be “any revenge directed at the people” who put together the case together. “Well certainly people need to be held accountable for the crimes that have been committed over the last several years that we’ve seen them lie, we’ve seen them abuse our justice system,” Leavitt said.
[...] Leavitt went on to claim that President Joe Biden has targeted “innocent” Americans such as the Jan. 6 rioters charged for their roles in the deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol. “They’ve thrown [them] in the gulag in Washington, D.C.,” said Leavitt, who added that Trump said he’d pardon the rioters on “day one” of a second term. She continued, “Yes, justice needs to be served for the good hearted Americans across this country who want to see an equal application of the law and this trial proves that we don’t have that in America right now.”
Appearing on Fox Noise's Jesse Watters Primetime Wednesday, Trump campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt suggested that criminal defendant Donald Trump wants to enact revenge against those prosecuting him should he win election.
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sighphi · 7 months
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tearsinthemist · 4 months
Remember the source.
The WSJ is a division of Dow Jones, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. The paper's primary focus is business and economy but also covers other areas of news.
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realtalkingpoints · 7 months
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darkmaga-retard · 15 days
By Debra Heine
September 4, 2024
Most of the agents on former President Trump’s protective detail during his Butler, Pennsylvania, rally on July 13 were Homeland Security personnel who had little protective training, according to Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.).
Hawley told Fox News’ Jesse Watters Tuesday night that he had been informed by a whistleblower that the day Trump was almost assassinated, he was mostly guarded by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents who had only received a short and glitchy online training session before the rally.
From a rooftop only 450 feet away, 20-year-old Thomas Crooks was able to fire eight rounds, hitting Trump in the ear, critically injuring two rallygoers, and tragically killing retired fire chief Corey Comperatore.
“A two-hour, online webinar. And I’m told that half the time, the sounds to the webinar didn’t even work,” Hawley said on “Jesse Watters Primetime.”
“So think about this: The former president of the US … is sent out on stage, most of the people there are not trained, they’re not qualified. They only got a webinar training and even that didn’t work,” he added.
“It is absolutely outrageous.”
Hawley has sent a letter to Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe demanding an explanation to these latest revelations.
The senator quoted the whistleblower as saying:
Imagine 1,000 people logging on to Microsoft Teams at the same time after being informed at the last minute that everybody has to login individually. Once it got rolling, the Secret Service instructor couldn’t figure out how to get the audio working on the prerecorded videos. All told, they restarted the videos approximately six times … the content was not helpful.
Hawley said in the letter that the training, according to the whistleblower, was not “substantive” and left the agents “ill-prepared for the protective mission to which they were newly assigned.”
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cultml · 5 months
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muddypolitics · 5 months
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(via Fox News Primetime Shows Ignored Arizona Abortion Ban Ruling)
A review of transcript data by Rolling Stone found that between 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET, peak cable news viewing hours, Fox’s primetime shows mentioned the Arizona Supreme Court decision exactly zero times.
The Ingraham Angle, Jesse Watters Primetime, Hannity, and Gutfeld! all failed to acknowledge the leading news story of the day. Instead, the shows spent a significant amount of time accusing NPR of hiring too many Democrats and fear-mongering about transgender athletes and the NCAA along with their regularly scheduled diatribes about immigrants and the Biden administration. The trend was first spotted by the progressive watchdog Media Matters.
keeping the truth and the important issues out of the minds of the maga-boys...
just another day at FOX
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