#Jess & Nate
vegetabletaxi · 1 year
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i never posted this :O fammy...
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burnnotice · 8 months
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happy valentines day!!!!!!!!!!
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leviiackrman · 2 months
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"Always have an escape plan. And if all else fails? Break a window."
more edits || character page || adapted templates: x.x.x
Tag list (ask to be added or removed): @carrionsflower @statichvm @risingsh0t @simonxriley @tommyarashikage @kanos @bbrocklesnar @confidentandgood @unholymilf @florbelles @thedeadthree @shellibisshe @roofgeese @aezyrraeshh @faerune @tekehu @jackiesarch @minaharkers @sergeiravenov @carlosoliveiraa @rosenfey @greenecreek @queennymeria @heroofpenamstan @alexxmason @tethrras @jamessunderlandgf @a-treides @solasan @bigbywlf @delzinrowe @fenharel @imogenkol
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jesse-cosay · 9 months
pls share no exit au i want to cry
The no exit au is exactly what it sounds like. Jesse gets his first exit and Lake can't come with. There are not return trips on the train, not for impossible/unsolvable problems at least, and Jesse can't get back to them.
This was partly inspired by Weevilo's fic, which really got me thinking abt the possibilities of what would happen if Jesse hadn't come back!
In this au they didn't run into the apex, and were on the train a little longer because there was no Big Confrontation to push Jesse's number over the edge.
Jesse gets off the train and still tells Nate everything, Nate believes him to some extent, but his parents don't. Because really, who would? It sounds crazy and Jesse has been a missing person for months.
Eventually, he goes through some therapy (real therapy) once things settle down, but it's a struggle because everyone and everything is telling him to let go of Lake. To move on.
But Lake is still alive. Still out there. And it's a lot harder to move on from something (someone) when you know that they don't want you to.
Without any real support (because while his family loves him, they can't truly believe the stories Jesse tells them without proof), Jesse gets a bit depressed. He hangs out with Nate a lot more too, since Nate says he believes him.
Nate, consequently, feels a bit of responsibility towards Jesse. He sees how his parents not believing him hurts Jesse, he sees how distressed Jesse can be after a particularly bad day, and he sees just how sad Jesse is when he talks about Lake or the train. Like he misses it.
With Nate as Jesse's only confident, it takes a toll for him, too. And after a few years of the two of them stewing the train does come back.
But it comes for Nate.
Who (though not immediately) soon stumbled across Lake. A shiny metal person, just like his brother had described to him. Except different. Older and taller- not as warm and friendly as he'd pictured.
It doesn't take long for Lake to make the connection, to see the resemblance. Nate and Jesse looked so similar. They promise to help him off the train because Nate is a connection to Jesse they never thought they'd have again.
Nate gives Lake hope. He tells them stories, he's silly and happy to explore the train- something that Lake hasn't been in a long time.
And Lake sees the way Nate tries to take others pain and make it his own. They see the way Jesse's grief has become Nate's. How he feels responsible. And even when Nate is helping them, whether he realizes it or not, Lake reminds him that those problems aren't his. That he can't control other people or how they feel. That it's not his fault.
I should also mention that Nate's number starts out broken, because really his problem is that Lake is on the train (the reason the train picks up Jesse in canon), but once he learns not to make other people's problems his own, it zeros instead. Because Lake being on the train was never his problem to begin with.
Then it's Lake and Nate standing at the exit, with Jesse on the other side.
And it's- they can't touch. They can't go through the door, because it's Nate's exit. But they still talk a little.
"I waited for you. I was always waiting for you. I'm not gonna go anywhere this time."
Nate and Lake argue about his exit, because Lake wants him to go back and Nate has decided that- while Lake being stuck on the train isn't his problem, he doesn't really care. He may have learned his lesson and got his exit, but he isn't going to make the same mistake and leave them there.
So they go to the engine and confront one-one much like in canon, devising a plan before they get there instead of after.
And they all live happily ever after!
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storiesaremylife · 1 year
I love the Herondale relationship with brothers in law
Jace and Will: older brother of their wife is a BastardTM, man who married their sister is all right but they had an antagonist relationship with him that they're reluctant to let go of
Then James daring to be different, where his wife's older brother is his school bully but slowly became better (but they still have a playfully antagonistic relationship), and the man who marries his sister... is just his bro? They're besties actually?
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jackchampioncumpit · 2 years
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Cooper Van Grootel as Young Jesse in One True Loves (2023).
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 10 days
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spacerockband · 10 months
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it's for the best we get our distance
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bichobolitach · 10 months
Hey I’m the guy who asked a bit ago for the Nate and Scott one and I saw your reply it maybe would be funny if u did Kyle trying to rizz one up then the other punches him or smth 💀
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Sorry darling I already had an artistic vision by the time the second ask dropped
Live Jesse reaction:
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teddypickerry · 8 months
listen…. LISTENNNNN…. i thought my fanfic days were behind me. i really did. it’s been almost six months since i last wrote one i actually gave a shit about. but... butttttttttt… you guys YOU PULL ME BACK IN!!! YOU ALWAYS PULL ME BACK IN!!!! so as of officially…. my requests are back open *i stare at the ground, i shake my head, i die.*
… p.s. i will not be responding to any old requests bc most of them are 6+ months old. so please, fill up that inbox. ;) & if you want secondary parts to old series, please let me know!
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yardsards · 2 years
a collection of some production arts from the book 2 dvd that i thought were cute
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the commentary track said one of the earliest drawings they made of jesse was him putting sunglasses on a deer, this is likely that drawing
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(miles was what they were originally gonna call jesse)
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rom-dot-com · 2 years
I swear, Janae has some of the best lines 😂
Walking in on Natewyn kiss in 1x08 —
“Oh what?! You are fresh out of prison, huh?”
“Okay great, I’ll go look downstairs, and you guys keep looking in each other’s mouths!”
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burnnotice · 1 year
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drew some burnt notices crazy right
(did not giggle nor kick my feet while drawing sam)
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praline-elegy · 2 months
Sry I’m new to this fandom (fence) rly but I have a few of these:
#20-Nicholas with seiji
Anon is requesting headcanons from this prompt meme.
4 - Driving: Kyle crosses me as the kind of person to be cocky and for good reason. I think he’d get his driver’s license as soon as he turned 16 and actually be a good driver. I could also see him as the type to test well when getting his learner’s permit, but suddenly be faced with the reality of how scary driving is once he’s behind the wheel. So he’d either be one of the first or very last out of his friends to get his driver’s license (but still first for the learner’s permit).
6 - Hugging: Harvard crosses me as either really awkward or really generous with hugs. Perhaps generous with friends and awkward with acquaintances? With arms like that there’s no way he wouldn’t give a great hug, but whether he likes to give them really defines the quality of the embrace.
7 - Kissing: I think Thomas would be shy with romantic pda but would be all for it if it was familial (parents or his brother Aster kissing his cheek or forehead). In private, I think he’d love kissing to an embarrassing degree, to the point that he’d turn pink if he got walked in on, even if nothing below the belt was happening. A very shy kiss-fiend if you will.
9 - General physical contact: Nate is a very friendly character, so I think that his welcoming nature translates to his touch. He’s very comfortable with casual physical intimacy. Because of that, I think Nate could get away with being touchy-feely with people he has a crush on (but whether he’s brave enough to is another question). I also think that he suffers a facet of “nice-to-everyone” syndrome, where he’s so casually physical with everyone, the person he crushes on won’t notice the difference because “Nate does this with everyone.”
10 - General physical appearance: Jesse’s aware that he’s conventionally attractive. He knows it and he lives it. He likes his blonde hair and blue eyes, but sometimes he wonders what he’d look like with more of his mom’s features. Everyone tells him that he looks like a copy + paste of his father when Robert was his age, and at first he reveled in that knowledge, but as he got older he felt a bit confined in that image. He’s probably considered dying his hair to match his mom’s in the past, but never quite went through with it. There’s a box of brown dye sitting in the back of his closet that he bought when he was 15. He’s either never told anyone this, or only told Seiji this.
11 - Wardrobe: While I love Sungchul, I don’t have any concrete opinions about his wardrobe. He probably owns a bunch of good quality basics (like egyptian cotton or pure cashmere) and the only graphic tees that he owns are from Halverton or ones that he’s received from participating in sporting events.
12 - Jewelry: I don’t really think about Marcel too much to have thought about it, but he either crosses me as someone who doesn’t wear any, or wears a couple of rings on his fingers.
16 - Anger: Scott’s a very friendly kind of guy so I imagine he’d be the type to have a simmering kind of anger. The quiet kind that doesn’t happen often but when it does it’s really bad. Scott’s emotions often turn to exasperation or frustration rather than anger, so most of his friends (except a select few) have ever seen him mad, and when he is, he’s furious.
17 - Soft spot: Scott has a soft spot for cats. There’s an outdoor cat that often visits his house and Scott has a dedicated pile of cat treats in his pantry for her. He turns into pudding when it comes to her. She hopped onto his back and laid there once while he was doing push-ups and he Did Not Move until she got off (luckily Scott was already laying prone on the ground, otherwise planking for more than two minutes would’ve been miserable). (He’s also pudding for his crush/boyfriend, but I’d also argue that anyone would be soft for the people they love).
20 - Nicholas’ relationship with Seiji: I like to headcanon that Nicholas is touch-starved and the moment that Seiji finds out, he tries to touch Nicholas more often in meaningful ways. A squeeze of the bicep for comfort, shoulders pressing together to acknowledge the other’s presence, massaging the cramp out of Nicholas’ hand after fencing, and then lingering there after the ache is gone. Intimacy in small gentle touches.
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lake-cosay · 8 months
jesse cosay holds a stuffed animal while he sleeps u cant change my mind
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userlaylivia · 2 years
@another-step-you-take, @mrstaylorswift
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