#Jere has a “it should be me in her place” face
stealthywing · 27 days
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ist4rgirlo · 1 year
all i can think about is conrad bringing home bimbo!reader. like everyone knows belly likes conrad but he sees her as a sister so belly’s being rude and asking snide backhand comments but she’s not realizing it and actually thanking and answering belly with a smile. so now everyone realizes she’s not the smartest person but susannah LOVES her! (and connie baby is looking so happy and proud 🥹)!!! i’ve been looking for one like this but i can’t find it and can’t stop thinking of it!!!!!
────────────── 𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐧𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 - 𝐜.𝐟
warnings: FLUFF, belly being a b*tch, shit talking, physical touch (LMK IF IS MISSED ANYTHING)
requested by: anonymous
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To be honest, no one expected Conrad to have a girlfriend like you. Everyone said that you were far from his type, you weren't dumb - you were just slow and doesn't know certain types of words or slangs. For Conrad, you were one of the most smartest person that he knew, well basically because he got to know you. You don't really show it but you have so much potential especially when it comes to fashion and make-up! a plus is that you are really good with art.
About his type, they always thought that it would be Belly and Conrad that would end up together, knowing that Belly is literally in love with him ever since they were kids, before you happened, they had a special bond - a bond that to the point where they were just inseparable, Belly thought that it was something so beautiful, It was her dream to be with Conrad.
Not until she knew that he had a girlfriend, and that he just treats him like a sister and nothing else.
Conrad's Pov
"Connie, you should bring that girlfriend of yours here sometimes!" Mom exclaimed, happily. Ever since I brought Y/N here, she was all mom asked from me, even her and Jeremiah instantly clicked. You can say that amongst the girls that I have been with, Y/N is surely my mom's favorite.
I smiled proudly, "I'll try, Mom. She's busy and I don't want to interfere with her personal life, but I'll ask. I'm sure she'll say yes especially if it's your request" I rubbed my mom's shoulder, she nodded.
She stood up and walked towards the kitchen, "Well tell me when she's coming so I can invite the Conklin's too, I'm sure her and Belly will get along really well." I just hummed and nodded. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Y/N asking if she can come here for dinner, she immediately responded saying yes. I smiled.
I saw my mom's figure come into the living room, I looked up - smiling at her, she tilted her head looking at me confused, "Well, it looks like you favorite girl is coming" I said giddily. My mom squealed, "Omg! I am so excited, I will cook her her favorite!" she said before going to the kitchen, to list down foods that she know's Y/N will like.
Y/N's Pov
"Mom! We're here!" Conrad yelled, his hand rubbing your waist gently. You saw Susannah walked towards us, she went up to me and hugged me "Oh gosh! You're finally here, I missed you" she cooed, pulling away - placing her hands on your face gently. You smiled, looking at her "Oh Susannah, I missed you too! Here I got you your favorite" You said, handing her the dessert that she liked. She gasped, and grabbed it from you gently "Oh you didn't have to!" she said, pouting a little. You shook your head "It's okay! I wanted to" You smiled before looking up to Conrad who was already looking at you - smiling lovingly.
Jeremiah came into the view, walking towards you - pulling you in for a hug. "Hey, you!" he said, smiling. "Hi, Jere" I looked at him, smiling. "Looking good as always" he said, twirling me a little bit. It wasn't anything that was awkward between you and Jeremiah, even Conrad doesn't find it awkward. Ever since Conrad brought you here for the first time, you and Jeremiah just had that sister & brother bond.
You felt Conrad hand on your waist, "Baby, this is the Conklin's. This is Steven, Belly, and Laurel. You already know who they are since I did talk about them to you." Conrad said - smiling, turning you gently to face the Conklin's. You saw Laurel smile at you before walking towards you for a hug, "It is nice to finally meet you" she said, before pulling away. You saw Steven wave while Belly was just there, looking at you up and down, but you just chose to ignore it and just smiled at her.
After a while, you all went to the dining room to start eating. "Here you go, sweets. Eat lots yeah?" Conrad said, grabbing food for you - placing it on your plate, you heard Belly scoff "What? you got no hands? can't get your own food?" she mocked you, you looked at her confused. Steven nudged her with his elbow "Belly, stop it" he said, you looked around, all of them were looking at her, Susannah had a stern look on her face. Belly rolled her eyes, groaning "Calm down you guys, it was a joke!" she said, looking at you smiling, Susannah sighed "That wasn't a good joke, Belly" she said, reaching for you gently. Belly looked at her and said sorry. You just smiled back nodding, going back to eating your food.
You felt Conrad's hand on your thigh, you placed your hand on top of his - you felt his hands lock in with yours. You looked up and saw him give you a reassuring smile, you nodded and smile, telling him that you were okay. "So Y/N.. what is your major?" Laurel asked, you furrowed your brows, not familiar with the word until Conrad whispered to you "It’s what you do in school, baby" he said smiling, Belly chuckled - not believing what she just saw "Oh! Uhm I major in fashion design!" you exclaimed happily, smiling at Laurel. She nodded before smiling at you "Well It is obvious, just look at what you are wearing." Belly said, looking at you up and down, "Isabella." Laurel warned her, grabbing her arm gently
you smiled - thinking that it was a compliment. "Thank you!" you said, looking at Belly - she just looked at you like you were crazy which made you shrug you shoulders - looking at Conrad. He was looking at them, his brows furrowed. You felt his hand tighten around your thigh, you placed your hand above his - rubbing it gently, He looked at you - his gaze softened, he smiled.
After you guys were done with dinner, Conrad decided to walk you around the house. You guys were now at the back of the house, at the pool with your feet's dipped in it. Conrad reached for your hand, caressing it gently "Sorry for earlier, darling. I'm sorry for not defending you or saying anything to Belly" he said, before tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. You turned to him, brow furrowed, shaking your head "Why are you sorry? nothing happened earlier, Connie. I am okay, whatever they said didn't hurt me okay? I'll try my best to get along with Belly." you said, smiling still unaware of Belly's action.
Conrad eyes softened "Oh my love, you are too kind. Sometimes it scares because then people will try to get advantage of you" he paused, caressing your face "but it's okay, i'll be here yeah? I'll defend you and I will stay right by your side, always so don't worry about getting along with her. You don't have to do that, baby. Just think about mom and everyone else, they absolutely love you." he said, before pulling you in for a kiss.
Conrad is just deeply in love with you, he doesn't care what other people think as long as you are there beside him. He was just high over heels, he absolutely adores you and treasure you, he wouldn't ask for more. He just felt like the luckiest guy to have someone like you.
I JUST LOVED WRITING THIS! it is honestly one of the cutest and wholesome oneshot i've ever written. Conrad is just so inlove with reader and I AM UP FOR IT, I want a love like this UGH. Thank you, anon for requesting this <3
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Prologue - Max POV ~ MC Female
Keep it together.
I stare blankly as my brothers exit the room.
Keep it together. Hold your smile.
My eyes go to the woman on my right for a split second. The mere sight of her is enough for my slow heartbeat to almost stop. What the hell am I going to do?
Keep it together. Hold your smile. Don’t look at her.
Looking back at my brothers, I see all three have just stepped outside the room, all three pairs of eyes looking at us. Derek’s eyes, curiously enough, are set on the woman, no trace of frustration left in them. Since I’ve known him, his eyes have always said the truth that his mouth cannot. It may annoy him when I say it, but it’s a trait I’ve always admired of him. His honest eyes.
And speaking of eyes, Alex’s are the most insistent, demanding that I look at him. When I relent and gold meets gray, he pins me with his stare, promising to not let go until I answer his question. The way he stands, arms crossed and the tension on his shoulders, as well as the squint in his eyes as he examines my face. All of them are a clear sign of his worry and a vow to intervene if I so much as hesitate to answer him.
Do you want to do it?
He’ll do it. If I say no, hesitate, or show fear... he’ll take my place. And honestly, it’s a very tempting offer.
But with just one glance at Jere’s face, I know I can’t take Alex’s offer.
I can’t take away that joy from him, that excitement he feels knowing he has helped another person. It’s written all over his face. More so knowing his big brother has supported him, as always.
And I’ll first be stranded alone on the sea than take that away from him.
So, I will do the only thing I know. What I am best at.
I’ll hide behind a smile and lie.
Instantly, Alex’s stance relaxes, and his eyes soften. He believes me.
Just before Father closes the door, I see the teasing smile Alex shoots at Derek and how the latter, feeling Alex’s stare, avoids his eyes at all costs. And Jere’s bright smile as he’s lost in his thoughts, surely thinking about how he’s happy we got to help this person.
My smile gets easier to hold just by looking at them.
“Maximillian,” Father’s voice yanks me back to reality.
“Yes, Father,” my voice responds on its own.
“Do you remember the first step?”
“Giving her my blood.”
“Normally, yes,” he corrects me. “But in this case, given the state of her injuries, it will be best to clean and close those wounds.”
There’s a glass of water on Father’s desk. I take out my handkerchief, wet it on the water, and walk back to the woman.
Father stands a few steps behind me as I start cleaning the woman’s arms. And the more dirt I remove, the more cuts appear on her arms with only just a few bruises.
Looking closely at the cuts, it’s obvious they’re no mere accident. Someone did this. As for who, I’ve no the slightest idea. But nevertheless, I’m curious. Why would someone end up like this?
No, now that I think of it... I don’t care. It’s not my business.
When her arms are as clean as necessary, I lift up her shirt just enough to clean the deep cut on her belly.
Now, this is more serious...
I’m no expert, but I would bet she was stabbed. A quick thrust with a knife or dagger. But it’s strange, now that I look at it closely, it’s not that deep nor cutting anything important. Could she had survived if we had reached her sooner?
Would she be out of my life now if I had found her just a little bit sooner?
My eyes drift to her face. Unconsciously, I clean her cheeks and forehead.
This face. From now on, I’ll be seeing this face every day. Every single day.
Her eyes remain closed. What color could they be? I swear if she has those same wretched eyes...
“That should be enough.”
Father’s voice startles me. I spring back towards the desk, feigning that my intention was to clean my handkerchief with water.
When I turn back, Father’s kneeling beside her, most likely examining her injuries.
“Did you notice?” he asks.
“That those cuts don’t look accidental?”
“And what else?”
“And it looks like she was stabbed. The wound is not that deep, almost as if it was not meant to be lethal.”
“Perfect,” I smile a little at my father’s compliment. “What a mystery, don’t you think? To know what happened to this girl. But I am more worried at what this implies.”
I know what he means. “Someone is after her.”
He nods. “We cannot be sure until she confirms it, but it could be possible. I’ll give instructions to Alexandre to be alert until she wakes up, in any case. Better to be safe.”
I nod, take a breath, and walk towards them again. Father stands up and gestures for me to kneel beside the sofa.
“Close those wounds with your blood,” he says.
Trying not to think much, I rip open the skin of my index finger with my nail. My cold blood slips slowly from the cut.
“You will need more than that to close the bigger wound.”
I make another cut, deep and longer, on my palm. My blood flows more freely and constantly now. I place my palm on her arm, spreading my blood all over her skin. Then, the other. Lastly, I make a fist and let my blood fall over the cut on her belly.
When I open my hand again my wound has disappeared, as well as all her cuts.
“Your blood has come into contact with hers. Now, she has to drink your blood.”
I make another cut on my hand, letting my blood slip between her lips.
“That’s enough,” Father says, and I take back my hand. “It’s time you drink her blood. Do not take much, or else she won’t survive.”
I was dreading this moment.
Don’t think. Just do it.
I lean in, not daring to look at her face again, close my eyes, and bury my face on her neck. And before my head has a chance to think, I sink my teeth into her skin.
I barely took a sip before I was forced to back away.
“What was that?” I blurt out as I stand up and take a few steps back.
What the hell? That never happened before. That thrill, that feeling, that connection. It never happened before, not even when Father turned me into a vampire.
“That’s what a vampire feels when turning a human into their creation.”
No. I did it. No. No. No.
I fucking did it.
What am I gonna do? I’m stuck with her. For fucking eternity.
“You’re not alone, Maqueas.”
Father’s voice brings me back, his face full of worry. Damn, now I’ve made him worry. I’ve let my mask fall.
“We are with you. I am with you. You won’t be doing this alone.”
I nod and gulp, trying to forget the blasted taste of her blood. Why does her blood have to be so...
“I’m sorry, I’m fine. It’s just... It just dawned on me. All this.”
He doesn’t respond, blink, or look away.
With slow steps he walks to me, standing right in front of me. Before I can do anything, I feel his hand on top of my head.
Even though our skin is cold, my senses tell me his touch is warm. Warm, reassuring, and protective. He has always felt like this to me.
“I know you can do this, but that doesn’t mean you’re alone.”
My heartbeat returns to its slow and almost imperceptible rhythm. I didn’t even realize it was beating fast before.
When he’s sure I’m okay, he takes his hand back from my head and goes to the door. I walk towards the woman and carry her in my arms, just like Jere did before. I turn towards the door, and Father opens it.
Derek’s nowhere to be found. But Alex and Jere are standing there, waiting for us.
Seeing both of them calms my mind. Father is right. I have them. All of them.
I’ll be fine.
Looking at Jere’s smile, I know I can’t let him down. So, I have to be fine for them.
Even if I lie to myself.
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landos-meat-rider · 1 year
1999, part two
oh my gosh this ones a long one im sorry💀💀
i hope you like it and lmk if i should change anything/parts you liked!!
warnings: swearing, shitty boyfriends, angst
conrad fisher masterlist
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༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。˚ ༝
*ding dong*
I hopped up off the couch with a huge grin on my face and rushed to the door.
“Hey!” Dean laughed as I all but jumped on him laughing myself, “Hey, I’ve missed you!” I say.
Dean has been a family friend for a decade now at least. We've always been best friends and mostly everyone at school thought that we were dating long before we actually were which is why it was strange that my family would find me and Dean dating, ‘a joke’. I remember when I had first told them and they straight up laughed in my face. After that interesting conversation, Belly and I had another one in our room.
“Are you sure about him? I mean Dean’s nice but…”
“But what?” I asked
“But he's just not… I don't know I wouldn't have expected you to go after some perfect guy like Dean, I didn't think that was your type.”
What Belly had said had me thinking and overthinking for weeks after.
“M’sorry I’m late…” Dean smiled apologetically at me, “Traffic was shitty.”
“No worries, you made it just in time for the bonfire. Belly and the boys already left to set it up about an hour ago so it should be in full swing by now.” I smiled up at him with my arms wrapped around his neck as he pecked my nose and muttered a simple “okay.”.
We make our way to the beach in Dean’s jeep and arrive at the bonfire in about fifteen minutes.
“Can you see them anywhere?” I ask Dean as we look out at the huge group of tipsy teenagers trying to make out any figures that we recognise.
“Uhmm…yeah, right there!” he says pointing far off in the distance to what looks Belly and Steven, already fighting.
We make our way down and meet Belly and Steven focused on a game of beer pong. God, I haven't seen them that focused since…to be honest I don't think I've ever seen them this focused.
“Huge bets must be on the table otherwise there's no way these two crackheads would be this focused,” I say to Dean. His reply gets cut short by a voice saying,
“Sure as hell are, they’re debating what we all should do tomorrow; surfing or shopping”.
“Oh! Dean this is Thérèse! And this is Jere” I say smiling at my childhood friends.
After a couple of ‘hey how’s it going’s are exchanged, they all end up joining Steven and Belly’s surf or shop debate. Thérèse doesn’t even look at me when I try talking to her and I only get one-word sentences as answers.
Thérèse and I have been friends almost as long as Belly and Taylor. We were really close as children but grew apart as she lived here in Cousins and Belly, Taylor and I didn't. We still kept in touch and tried to call each other as often as we could, she knew everything about me. Things got weird when I told her about me and Dean. She didn't call me, left me on delivered or read and just stopped talking to me altogether.
I hang around them for a bit until I get uncomfortable and decide to take a walk.
“Hey I’m gonna go for a walk, okay?” I say to the group. 
A couple of ‘yeah sure have fun’s are heard until Dean speaks up.
“What? Why would you wanna do that?” he runs a hand through his hair but refuses to look at me and focuses on the beer pong instead.
“I don't know I'm bored I wanna go for a walk?” I say back, surprised at his weird behaviour.
He looks at me as if I just grew two heads and says, “Well then if you didn't want to spend time with me why did you invite me here in the first place?” 
“Dean calm down it's not that big of a deal it's just a walk,” I say raising my arms up in defence.
Why was he being so weird?
“Dean it's okay just let her go.” Thérèse smiles at Dean.
“Fine. Whatever. Do whatever you want.” he runs a hand through his brown hair again and focuses on his beer pong shot again.
Belly, Jere and I share confused looks before I turn around to walk, Steven being too occupied cracking jokes with Dean and some girls around them to notice a thing.
I need to clear my head.
I walk until I'm far from anyone at the party and sit down on the sand, looking out at the sea.
It starts to get windy so I tuck my knees against my chest and stare out to the ocean, trying not to think of anything, or anyone for that matter.
But trying not to think about it just makes me think harder.
Why was Dean being like this?
All weird and controlling…
And what’s up with Thérèse?
I've apologised countless times and I don't even know what I did wrong…
“Here.” A voice breaks the soft gusts of wind and soothing crashes of the water against the sand. And my thoughts.
I look up and see Conrad looking down at me with his hand stretched out in offer of the faded red zip-up he's holding.
I tilt my head to him in question.
“You look cold.” he says looking at my arms covered in goosebumps.
“Oh…thanks.” I laugh softly accepting the hoodie and putting it on being engulfed in his cologne. I pat the sand next to me and offer for him to sit.
He sits next to me in silence as I put my head on his shoulder, both of us staring out to the water.
“How’s Susannah? I didn't get to talk to her much before mom stole her away.”
Conrad and I softly laugh as he says, “She's doing good. Cancer’s almost gone.” he says, putting a smile on both our faces.
We sit there for a while in silence, letting the crashes of the waves and the gentle breeze of the wind calm us down from all the commotion going on in the distance.
“Hey Con?” I ask softly.
“Hm?” he gently hums back.
“Are you okay?” I ask.
There's a short pause before Conrad takes a breath in and says “Yes, Of course. I'm fine.” he says with a smile, but the shakiness in his exhale tells me otherwise.
“Are you sure?” I press on trying to get him to break so he can tell me what's wrong.
Another pause.
He turns to me and smiles and says, “Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”
Before I can respond, he reaches his hand out, tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear and looks at my eyes.
Some say the eyes are the windows to the soul. In Conrad’s case, they might as well be holding up big bright signs that say how he's really feeling.
Conrad might be able to put up a happy façade in front of anyone but three people.
My mom
If his body language doesn't say anything then his eyes do, they always do.
And right now his eyes looked glassy. Soft. Hurt.
“Con…” I start to say until my voice gets interrupted by another much deeper and louder one.
“Y/N!!” Steven runs up to us, “Oh hey Conrad good thing you’re here too, GUESS WHAT?”, he screams in front of us.
“Ugh, Steven stop screaming my head hurts.” I mumble as Conrad asks “What?”
“WE’RE SURFING TOMORROW YEAHHH!!” he roars happily
“I’m guessing you won beer pong?” I say.
“Hell yeah, Belly and Dean ate my dust!” he boasts
Jeremiah and Belly had caught up with him now and sat alongside Conrad and me as Steven tried reenacting his win.
“So how’d he actually win? He couldn’t have done it himself, guys drunk as shit.”, Conrad says laughing along with us as Steven trips over his own feet.
“I helped him.” Jere says in a low voice not to take Stevens's joy of his delusions away.
“Hey where’s Dean?” I ask Belly as Steven finishes his (horrible) acting and sits with us exchanging embarrassing stories of me and Belly with Conrad and Jeremiah.
“Uhm, I’m not too sure I think he said he was going to go look for you after we finished. Thérèse said she’d help.”
Thats weird.
Steven had already found me and he could’ve just called me if he was worried?
And why would Thérèse want to help? last I checked she hates me.
“I’m gonna go find him.” I said, getting up and brushing the sand off my legs.
Conrad looks up at me as I leave. His eyes don’t leave my back as I walk away and I can feel them slowly burning a hole through my back to my heart.
I take my phone out of my back pocket and call Dean.
One ring.
Two rings.
I hang up.
I try calling him again.
I see Dean’s jeep in the distance and what looks like to be him in it. I keep trying to call him to see if he’ll pick up.
I run to the car, open the door and say, “Hey why aren’t you-”
I get cut off as tears fill my eyes and hurt fills my heart.
Dean’s phone is on the passenger seat constantly vibrating as he’s in the driver making out with Thérèse.
“What the fuck Dean?!” I shout as Dean and Thérèse finally break away from eating each other's faces.
“Oh! Uhm…hey babe! Thérèse and I were just talking…” he slurs as Thérèse puts her arms around him and starts kissing his neck.
“Thérèse what the fuck get off him!” I say blinking back my tears refusing to cry in front of them.
“Why should I? I’m a better kisser anyway. Did you really think Dean came all the way down to Cousins to visit you?” she says with a sick smile as she spreads her lipstick around Dean’s neck and collar.
“You know what forget it. You two assholes deserve each other. Don’t bother to come back in the house to get all your stuff Dean, it’ll be out on the front yard.
I turn away before they get a chance to see my tears and walk down to Conrad’s car.
I take my phone in my hand and shakily call Conrad after blocking Dean and Thérèse off everything.
“Hey where are you?” he answers.
“Connie can you…can you drive me home please?” I say sniffling.
“What? Where are you? What’s wrong” he says in an alarmed voice and I can hear him getting off the sand and telling the others he was going to take me home.
“Just…Please drive me home Con…” I say desperately.
“Okay yeah sure, where are you y/n?” he asks in a more controlled voice.
“I’m next to your car.” I say sniffling again.
“Alright y/n/n I’m nearly there, don’t go anywhere okay?”
Two minutes later and Conrad finds me leaning on his car. He comes up to me and immerses me in his arms, softly shushing me as I sob in his chest.
“Shhh.” he tries to soothe me and runs his hands through my hair.
“Come on. Let’s go home.” he kisses the top of my head as my cries die down and opens the car door for me.
The drive home is almost silent except for the faint noise of the radio playing and my sniffles. Conrad reaches out and holds my hand in a red light. I look at him and he softly smiles in assurance.
When we finally reach home I go straight to my room ignoring Mom and Susannah’s calls of worry. I sob into my pillows as I hear them knocking on the door.
“Y/n honey? What’s wrong can we come in?” they ask. I love them to death but I don't want them right now.
I want Conrad. I need Conrad. I always have.
It's as if they can hear my thoughts because in two seconds Conrad opens the door, comes straight in and sits on my bed next to me.
He doesn’t say anything but brushes the hair out of my face looking at me sadly.
“Wanna tell me what's wrong now? Laurel and Mom are worried sick, they might tear my head off if I go back out there without an answer.” he says quietly making me laugh a bit.
He wipes away my tears with his thumbs and says, “Hey where’s boy toy?”
I look up at him questioning, “Boy toy?”
“Yeah, that boyfriend of yours. Jere called him Boytoy he said he was kinda weird. Did he do something to you?”
I sniffle and silently pray that my voice doesn't give out as I speak, “He uhm…I went looking for him and I saw him with Thérèse they were uhm. They were making out in his car.” I tell him everything, how I found them, what I said, what they said, all while trying to blink back more tears and clearing my throat so it doesn't break anymore.
“That's fucked up I’m so sorry Y/n.” he says softly.
“Wait hang on, Thérèse? Wasn't she your best friend?” he looks at me with furrowed brows.
“I mean I thought she was but after I told her about Dean she just… I don't know she just switched up.”
“Doesn't matter about her she was always a toxic friend anyway. And this Dean seems like a pussy too. I’m sorry but I'm glad things are over with you two, Jere told me how he shouted at you on the beach earlier.”
“Yeah he was really insecure,” I laugh with Conrad. “He said he was jealous of you and Jere when I saw him the other day.”
“Then why are you crying lovie?” he says so softly I barely hear him.
“I don't know, I guess I'm not crying over him… I think I'm crying over the fact that no one really cares. I don't know it’s stupid.” I stare down at my hands, embarrassed by my choice of words.
Hold me close and say you care
‘Cause I'm in love with your brown hair
Conrad wraps his arms around me and puts one of his hands under my chin, forcing me to look up at him.
“I care.” he simply says. The look in his eyes could make my knees give out in a second if I wasn't already sitting down. I take a deep breath and try to brush his comment away. There's no way he can just
come back and say he cares when he hasn't bothered to answer my calls or read my texts in almost a year. There's no way I'm doing this again with him.
I try changing the subject by bringing my hand up to his hair and running my fingers through it.
“I love your hair Con.”
He gently takes my hand away from his hair and repeats himself.
“I care Y/n.” he says staring into my eyes. He lets go of my hand and brings his to the back of my neck leaning in close.
The way you touch me is a curse
And I'm not willing to let it all
His lips brush against mine sending electric shocks through my body but I refuse to let it go any further. He doesn't get to do this.
I pull away from him as fast as I can and make distance between us.
Physical distance. Since he has the emotional distance covered I might as well take over and finish it with physical.
“No don’t do this Con.” I say shaking my head as I pace around the room blinking away more tears.
“Don’t do what?” he says confused by my actions.
“Don’t play dumb Conrad you know what I mean.”
“Y/n what are you talking about? I-I'm sorry I kissed you I just… I thought you liked me.”
“No Conrad don't.” I say looking up at him through glassy eyes, trying to shake away the anxiety slowly creeping up at me.
“Don't what?! Are you even going to tell me what I did wrong, can you just talk to me?!” he says angrily, standing up from the bed too now so we're both staring at each other from the ends of this room. This God-forsaken tiny room with the walls closing in.
“Can I talk to you?! Oh Conrad that's rich coming from you.” I sneer angrily at him.
How can he of all people say that to me?
“What the fuck are you talking about, what did I do?” he says, his voice growing louder with every word.
“What did you do?” I laugh, “No Conrad let's talk about what you didn’t do. You didn't answer my calls for a whole year, you didn't answer my texts for a whole year, you weren’t there when I needed you Con, you weren't there when mom and dad got divorced like you said you’d be, you completely ignored me for a whole fucking year Con you can't just make it all up by saying you care and kissing me, you can't do that Con not when I've always been there for you, not when I've always cared for you and loved you for this long Con you can’t, you can’t, you can’t!” I finish, out of breath as Conrad looks at me with a hurt expression on his face.
“I…” he starts off but I hold my hand up to him to tell him to stop talking.
I don't want to hear what he has to say, I can't. I close my eyes and say “Please just go away Conrad.”.
When I open my eyes again he's nodding, trying to hold back tears in his gorgeous blue eyes. I look away before a tear can fall from them.
One tear from his eyes, one word from his mouth and I know I’ll go running back to him. But I can't, I refuse to after how he hurt me.
Watch your mouth and wash with soap
'Cause I just hate the way you spoke
Green eyes make everything feel numb
And I'm not willing to give it all up
He closes the door silently behind him and I crash into my bed, sobbing into the jacket he gave me.
And I'm not wasting time again
Closure instead of sex
And I'm not wasting time again
You said I fucked up and ruined your life
But little did you know you ruined mine
༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。˚ ༝
well that was a journey🤡🤡
lmk what you think and please feel free to request anything on my bio even things for part three!! (no smut please)
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elcpsstuff · 1 year
The Summer I Remembered You (C.F) (Part 16)
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your the light in my darkness, I don’t deserve you.
A/N: Hey all! I know i’m killing y’all with this angst but trust me it will be worth it <3 alright, enjoy🫶🏻
Conrad POV:
From the moment we were kids, she caught my eye.
One of my first memories of the summer house was her. She came with her family for the first time at 3 years old, and even though it’s vague I remember it. Her.
Something about her hair, her eyes, those dark eyes I could stare into all day. Some people say blue eyes are alluring, and they might be, but dark eyes drive me crazy. Hers especially.
The true beginning of our friendship was when she was 10, I was 11. We had all gone to the boardwalk that day and I came back from ring toss with Jere to see yn staring off into space. I then realized she wasn’t staring off into space, it was someone.
Belly, Laurel, and my Mom. All posing in this cardboard frame you put your head in. It occurred to me there was only 3 spots, and yn was the odd one out. I knew she always felt left out, different. When your parents die like that, it’s hard not to.
I heard her sniffle and that’s when I walked over to her and placed my hand on her back. She turned around and jumped a little. She was always really jumpy.
“Conrad- what are you doing?”
I furrow my eyebrows, “What do you mean?”
“I thought you were at ringtoss.”
“Me and Jere- we finished.”
“Oh.” She whispers and she begins to shy away from me, right before I grab her wrist.
“Wanna play a game?” A slight smile escapes my mouth when I see her eyes widen. She nods and we began to walk over to the carnival games, except my hand never left hers.
That day, we played for hours. We played for so long we lost track of time, and when Susannah and Laurel scolded us for running off from the group, it was okay because I knew I made her happy.
That was just the start.
After that day, we were inseparable. We did everything together and everywhere. We would surf for hours and eventually just float on the water talking about our lives.
“You should come boating with me and Jere tomorrow. My dad would be fine with it.” I said as the water drowned my feet. The salt got in my eyes occasionally.
She laughed, a beautiful and honest laugh. “I’m kinda scared of boating.”
I sat up on my board and steadied myself, making sure not to fall. “I’m sorry, what? You never told me that!” She sits up as well and shrugs her shoulders a little bit. “It’s never something i’ve really thought about, and it’s really embarrassing considering we stay here all summer.”
I paddle closer to her and touch her board, keeping me at arms length so I could get closer to her. “I could teach you, you know?”
“I don’t know..”
“Think about it, we’d have so much fun. Besides, i’m already your tutor for everything else.”
She splashed me with water and the salt burned my eyes, but It didn’t matter because as soon as I gained vision again I was tackling her in the water.
It was true, though. I really did tutor her through everything. Like literally almost every subject.
One summer, going into her sophomore year she had to do summer school. She hated it, like she hated a lot of work. She practically forced me to stay inside, but I would have done it anyways.
“I don’t get it.” yn digs her head into her hands and aggressively groans. I chuckled a little and gently grabbed her hands, making her face me.
“It just takes practice.”
She huffed at me, “I’m so dumb.”
“Hey, no your not.”
“I try and get it, but I just suck at math. Geometry is so hard.”
A smirk escapes my lips, “Well, that is why i’m here.” My hand inched closer to her and our fingertips grazed each others, but we never held hands. That night I stayed up with her until 1am to finish her homework. I even made us coffee.
But I wasn’t just there for her, she was there for me. When I bled, she bled.
We had only ever gotten into one fight, and that was years ago, summers ago. Me, Belly, yn, Jere, and Steven had all gone to the mall and Belly, only being 11 needed supervision. Yn said she would watch her and we would all meet back at the foot court in 1 hour.
1 hour passed, and they didn’t come back.
I blamed myself, after the fact because yn didn’t have a phone to tell me anything, but I was worried sick. If something had happened to her- them, I don’t know what I’d had done. I would’ve gotten in a shit ton of trouble too.
When I couldn’t find them, I made my way back to the food court only to see yn and Belly at our table. Anger and relief filled my lungs and took over my body all at once.
“Where were you guys?!” I raise my voice, startling Belly a little bit. She hide behind yn and Jeremiah even looked startled.
“Don’t, yn.” I shake my head, “You were supposed to come back here in an hour. We all trusted you with Belly, and I thought something had happened to you guys! What the hell were you thinking?!”
Her face was something I never forget, the sheer and utter look of embarrassment. She looked scared.
Steven and Jeremiah stayed silent, obviously not wanting to interact and get in the middle.
“I’m- i’m sorry..” She whimpered. My heart was breaking
“We’re leaving. Let’s go.” I groan and grab the bag me and the boys got with our prizes from the arcade. No one said anything, and I stole glances at yn but she never looked my way.
Later that night, I felt like utter shit. I wanted to apologize, but how? We’ve never fought before, and it was an unfamiliar feeling. I knew I was too harsh, the truth was I don’t know what I would’ve done if something happened to her.
I knocked on her door that night. I never knocked, but now I was. There was no answer so I made the decision to open the door anyway.
She was laying on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. A smile crept up on my face without realizing it. She was always so deep in thought, so deep in life. That’s something we always shared. It bonded us.
“Mind if I come in?”
“I guess.” She mumbled against her pillow. I closed the door and sat on the edge of the bed. There were so many things I wanted to say. I felt shitty.
“I’m really sorry about today..” When she didn’t say anything, I titled her head to make sure she was looking at me. “yn, I’m serious. If something would’ve happened to you and Belly—”
“I know. It’s just weird..”
I raise an eyebrow at her statement because I really don’t know what she means. “What’s weird?”
She shrugs, “I don’t know, I mean.. we’re friends and all but—”
“Your not just my friend, your my best friend, yn.”
“Okay, so you yelling at me was kinda weird.” Even in the dark, I noticed her cheeks light up. A small grin appeared on my face and I crept in bed next to her.
“Don’t be mad.”
“I’m not!”
“Mhm, baby.”
A groan slips from her mouth as she wacks me with her pillow, “I am not a baby! Only a year younger than you, you know.”
“You aren’t a teenager, yet. Like me.”
“Shut up, you dork.”
The rest of the night was spent talking and laughing, and we never discussed that day again. Everything went back to normal.
Now, things will never be the same.
“You ladies get serve first.” The ref looked at me and Frankie and I nodded. This game was important. Really important and if we wanted to beat Taylor and Belly, we had to win this.
Conrad’s eyes burned into my back, I didn’t even have to look to know what he’s doing. Out of the corner of my eye was Nicole handing him a glass of water. Typical.
The game was intense, but we ended up winning by a landslide. Throughout the game I heard Conrad say my name and cheer me on but I couldn’t tell if it was one of his mind games.
Belly clapped but I could tell it was getting to her. The competition. We had always been on the same team and we both had a point to prove. We both wanted to win but only one team could. It had to be me.
After a couple of rounds Belly was on again, and Jeremiah was looking at her intensely, this confused yet admirable look.
I walked closer to him and put my hand on his shoulder, making him face me. “Hey, yn.”
“What’s got you so stressed?” I motion to Belly playing and he shakes his head. “Oh come on, you don’t get to badger me about Conrad and then think nothing else comes out of it.”
“I don’t know, I mean, we kissed and all-”
“I’m sorry, huh?” Jeremiah’s face turned red and I couldn’t believe my own eyes. “I’m gonna take a guess and hope it’s not Conrad your talking about?”
He flicks me on the forehead before shaking his head, “Yeah, you idiot. I kissed Conrad.”
“Okay i’m being serious!”
“Okay okay,” I sigh, “So you and Belly kissed? When? Like was it yesterday or were you alone—”
“We were in the pool a couple of nights ago and I kinda confessed to her.” He pauses but I nudge his shoulder because I know he has more to say, “Then we were kissing but— I just don’t know.”
I raise an eyebrow at him, “Shouldn’t this be good?” And It should be. There was always a vibe between them that I couldn’t ignore. Nobody could.
“It should be, if she didn’t still have feelings for Conrad.” The words took me by surprise even though I shouldn’t be. Belly loved him. I could never really tell if he felt the same way because I never brought it up. It was never something I wanted to know because I think it would hurt me too much.
Me and Jeremiah are interrupted by Taylor yelling, “Hello! Can you sub?”
I look at Jeremiah and shrug before he takes Taylor’s jersey. Belly and Jeremiah playing volleyball was never something I imagined. Jeremiah wasn’t that good but he kept up with a cranky, crazy, volleyball obsessed Belly.
Belly and Jeremiah won their round and when it was me and Frankies turn, my throat throbbed. I was way more nervous then I should have been.
“Hey, why are you freaking out?” Frankie tapped my shoulder and I shook my head. I was in my own thoughts.
“I’m fine.”
“No, your not.”
“I really am.”
In reality I don’t think I was because I felt my hands begin to shake. This desire to win had become bigger than ever. It wasn’t just about volleyball, it was more.
I had to prove myself, nothing else mattered.
The nerves didn’t get better when the game started but I was able to manage it for a while. We were winning at first but I could get the thought out of my head.
Belly hates you. Laurels fed up with you. Something is wrong with Susannah this summer. Conrad is so fucking complicated but I still love him. Everything—
The ball comes flying to us and before I can respond to the voice, the ball falls straight in front of us.
“What’s going on with you?” Frankie comes close to me but I shake my head. I don’t know what was wrong with me. This never happens, ever. I never let the pressure get to me. I looked at the scoreboard and it was 19-15. Two more points and we were out.
“I can’t play.”
“Yes you can, yn—”
“No, I can’t.”
Frankie’s face changes from confused to content and she grabs ahold of her knee. “Ah, shit. I think I might have slammed it on the way down. I’m still not fully healed from the injury this season.”
“We can drop out?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, yn. Someone else will sub in.” And when she gestures towards the only person who can sub in, my heart drops.
Conrad looks up at us and Frankie motions him to come on the court. Our timeout was ending soon so I could exactly run. I would embarrass Susannah and make everything more shitty. What if Conrad was still angry about before? I had every right to be angry but what if he was for some reason? What if—
“Hey, hey.” I felt a hand on my cheek and when I turned around I saw Conrad. My body turned to flames but then a calm wave washed over me. He always left such a strange feeling in my stomach.
“It’s fine. We���re fine.” It’s fine. We’re fine.
Those words stuck with me as I gulped the fire in my body down.
I thought playing with Conrad would only worsen everything I was feeling, but weirdly, I was fine. We were fine. We ended up tying the match 20-20 and before the last point Conrad cupped my face and said, “This is ours, okay?”
It was no secret I used to teach Conrad how to play volleyball. Conrad wasn’t bad at anything, that was for sure but when we were younger I was convinced I would teach him something like he taught me things.
Looking back at it, he knew how to do all of these things, but he pretended for me. Classic Conrad.
We ended up winning the point when Conrad had a really good hit. Without thinking I ran into his arms and squeezed him tight. He didn’t hesitate to embrace me back.
“Told you.” I didn’t have to look to know he was smirking.
“Shut up, Connie.”
“Connie now, huh?”
Now, it was time to face Jeremiah and Belly. Jeremiah had improved in their recent games, but I still felt confidant. Conrad was on his game.
The game was tied the whole time, each team going back and fourth. It’s almost surreal that in the final we’re the people who have been such an enigma to me. Jeremiah and his confusing feelings for Belly. Belly the same to Jeremiah, even though she gets mad at me for Conrad. I know she does.
Frankie, Taylor, Shayla, and Steven were all cheering on the sidelines and my energy level had never been this high. My digs were great, Conrad’s serves and hits were on point, everything was great.
it was 20-19 and we were up. Just one more point and all of this would be over.
Conrad gave me his charming smile before going back to the service line, and I knew we would be alright.
And we were.
We won the point and before I could react Conrad hoisted me up into his arms, and nothing else mattered. Win or lose, (even though we very much won) this was perfect, this moment.
Grow the hell up yn, there’s more going on then your petty feelings for me.
Except for that.
Once Conrad lowered me, Susannah and Laurel came over with the trophy, and Susannah was beaming. She even winked at me before handing me the trophy.
“You guys were amazing! You’ve always been the best team, you know.” I blushed at her words and Conrad hugged my shoulders before saying, “I knew that.”
Susannah then looked pleadingly at Conrad, studying his face. Eventually, she said “Well, you haven’t asked her yet?”
Conrad’s face dropped and I cleared my throat. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, well, I thought Conrad might ask you to the deb ball since you haven’t found anyone to go with? Besides, Conrad would do anything for you—”
“Oh.” I whisper.
I gently pushed Conrad away and my throat felt like it was closing. I don’t know what came over me but it was strong enough to push Conrad Fisher away from me.
“I- we should probably get going.”
Before he could finish I was rushing away. Anywhere but there. Unfortunately Conrad had long legs and was so fast, which was something I used to admire but not anymore. Not in this moment. His hand wrapped around mine which prevented me from moving.
“Hey- wait, did I do something?”
I scoff and face him, “Do something? Are you serious?” I noticed his Adam’s apple bob up and down. “If i’m not mistaken my petty feelings for you get in the way of everything.”
“No, no. They don’t. I’m sorry yn.”
“Are you? Because it seems like you’ve been saying a lot of shit to me lately.”
“It’s because I care too goddamn much, okay?!”
“So because you care, you scream in my face and make me feel worthless? Is this your way of asking me to the deb ball?”
“I- I was gonna ask you, I just—”
“No, no. I get it. Nicole wouldn’t really like that, would she?”
“Are you serious?”
“You know, I am. I’m not playing your fucking games anymore Conrad. Whatever this is, or was,” I motion between him and me, “It’s done. Please, just stop. Okay? Your causing me unnecessary pain I wish I didn’t have.”
He didn’t say anything and I didn’t want him to. I walked off without saying anything else.
A/N: IM SORRRRRY GUYS! Only 3-4 more chapters left, I can’t believe it. This story has developed sooo much and i’m gonna be so sad to see it go.
tag list: @kkrenae @callsignwidow @drikawinchester @johannelis2302nely @allnrsnz @galaxy13sworld @paytonloiselle @i-think-you-are-gr8 @imaspecialpersonwhoneedshelp @awatt31 @user0440822 @jackierose902109
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oscarthedino · 8 months
Jeremiah x y/n
Summary: y/n Conklin is the middle sister of Steven and belly. You have been dating Conrad sense last summer but lately you have been noticing he was off. As summer is now approaching fast you can’t wait to see him and also hope you can figure out what is going on with him but you can’t believe what’s actually going to happen this summer.
Warnings: cursing, mention of death/cancer, cheating, possibly assault and smut
Chapter 4
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You keep staring at the note everything flooding back. Your shoulder now pounding still as the sleep wears off. All of this was a complete mess and you knew you were about to get the worst of it when you went down stairs. Your head is now pounding to and you look over again and grab the smoothie taking a sip, damn this really does do wonders you think to your self. You lay in bed for a little bit longer but decide it’s time to go down stairs before your mom comes up at yells at you more.
You make your way down stairs and hear most everyone already awake. Your mom is sitting at the counter and Jeremiah and Steven are in the kitchen with jere trying to get Steven to get out. When you get to your set leaving a space in between you and your mom you look around for Conrad and see him sitting on the couch, you both make eye contact with each other and there a thousand words said between that. You get pulled out of your trance by Jeremiah.
“Hey you want some Cereal”
Even though you had the food upstairs you where still really hungry “yeah sure” you told him and he poured you a bowl
“How’s your shoulder” he asked you then immediate regret lined his face as he looked over at your mom.
“What happened to your shoulder” she asked almost annoyed looking at you. You also notice how Conrad sits up a bit to now looking at you again.
“Oh um someone bumped into me is all and I fell on my shoulder, I should be fine” you tell her trying to move it to show her but instead pain lines your face.
“Always something” laurel says looking back at her computer, you just stare at your cereal nor hungry anymore.
A few seconds later and belly walks in with a big bruise on her face from last night. She sits now in between you and your mom and tells Jeremiah.
“Hit me” while placing her hand on the table
“Coming right up” he tells her smiling super big
I really got to ask him about this you think to yourself something has to be going on. Your thought is half cut off by your mom.
“Omg belly what happened to your face” she asks belly concern dripping her voice completely opposite of how it was when she asked you why you were hurt.
“I got bumped into” you tells her mom looking at Conrad
“You look fine to me” Conrad mumbles
Your mom’s face still laced with concerned doesn’t ask any more questions. Susannah comes almost running into the room looking at both you and belly.
“Girls…. I have a question” you tells you and belly “I signed both of you up to do the deb ball this year!” She is almost jumping up and down.
You and belly both just sit there for a moment thinking. I mean it give me something to do this year plus my friends are doing it, you know what screw it”
“You I’ll do it why not” you tell her. Everyone stops what there doing and looks at you.
“Yeah I’ll do it to” belly says looking at you with a smile. At this point everyone’s jaws are on the floor.
“You mean those two things are going to be in a ball” Steven says looking at as
“Ofc they are Steven” Susannah tells him “they are both beautiful young ladies” she looks at both of you her smile so big.
“This sounds… expensive” your mom says
“Don’t worry about that laurel” Susannah tells her. At this point nothing is going to stop her from us being a deb. “We have to go shopping” she tells me and belly “and ofc the boys will be taking the both of you” she adds
I look at Conrad waiting for a response but Jeremiah answers first “ummm yeah no I don’t do that” he says “sorry belly”
Conrad looks at you and says “idk y/n I already did it last year” then goes back to his phone
No one says anything as I sit there pale faced almost embarrassed at Conrad’s words but if I’m being honest I’m not surprised. Belly brakes the silence by saying “wow guys you don’t need to fight over me. But don’t worry I will be finding my own date”
“Ok so lady’s go get ready and we are going shopping!!” She almost screams.
You and belly look at each other in knowing that this is not going to be that fun. Don’t get me wrong you and belly love shopping just not with the moms they get to… into it.
Jeremiah shouts before him and Steven leave “we got to go time to go make some moneyyy” he says dabing Steven up.
I forgot he was working this summer you think as a small but of sadness creeps its way up. You and belly move to the table to finish eating your food. As you stand to move you have both your water and cereal to carry and as you go to grab your water with your bad arm and pain shots up your arm and you wince in pain.
“Are you ok” susannah comes up to you worried. Well at least someone cares you think.
“I’m fine had a small fall” you tell her not wanting to worry her.
In all honesty you should probably get it checked out but you don’t want to worry anyone or make a bigger deal then it is especially after how your mom reacted. You both sit there finishing your breakfast but you leave for your room when you see belly eyeing Conrad swimming in the pool. Could she make it more obvious? You where literally sitting right Next to her and she is staring at YOUR boyfriend omg idk if I’m going to make it through this afternoon.
You thrown on a tank top and I pair of jean shorts and sit to do your makeup. You decided to go for a softer look today sense you where going out with your mom. As you’re getting ready you hear a knock at the door.
“Come in” you say thinking it’s belly or Susannah but slowly realize it’s not when you hear Conrad behind you.
“Hey” he says stepping into your room and closing the door to come sit on your bed.
“I thought we should talk” he tells you picking up a stuff animal on the bed.
You turn around to face him “yeah probably. Umm thanks for the breakfast this morning”
“Ofc, you seemed like you had a rough night” he said looking at your shoulder which has a judge bruise on it now
“I’m fine , don’t worry it will heal” at least you hoped it would without having to ask your mom to go to the doctor.
“Look about yesterday” he says pausing “ I really didn’t mean to hurt you I just didn’t know how to tell you”
“I understand what ever going okay is hard for you but I need you to talk to me, you quitting football is huge. I don’t know why you don’t trust me” you almost whisper the last part.
“I do trust” he says hastily “I just didn’t want to disappoint you I have a lot with school going on right now”
“What’s actually going on” you ask Conrad
“It’s just school I promise” he says but not able to look you in the eye
“Why can’t you just tell me the truth” you almost yell standing up from your vanity.
He runs a hand through his already messy hair “I’m not I swear”
“And for some reason I don’t believe you” you almost laugh after saying that “and everything with belly what the hell is that”
“Nothing is going on between me and belly” he says almost defensively
“We both know she likes you” you tell him “I don’t understand why you can’t except that and do something about it” your almost yelling now “ do you understand how hard it is for me to watch my sister look at you like that how she almost flirts with you, you do absolutely nothing about it to”
“I promise you I don’t like her like that I only like you, and idk how to tell her I don’t want to hurt her feelings” he tells you
“What about me though” tears start to swell but you won’t get in front of him. You won’t show how much this affects you. “What about hurting me”
“I don’t want to hurt either of you” he runs a hand through his hand again and is squeezing your stuff animal so tight.
“Like you didnt want to hurt me when you told me in front of everyone you wouldn’t take me to the ball” you are definitely screaming now but you don’t care.
“I don’t want to do it ok I already did it and it want for me why can’t you understand that” he says yelling now to.
“Why can’t you do it for me” you sigh looking away to compose yourself. “I feel like you only care about yourself, I don’t remember the last time you just called me to talk to me or was the one who wanted to set something up. I understand your going through something right now but you won’t even tell me so I can be there for you”
“Nothings going on why can’t you just except that” he yells now standing up.
You turn back around to face him “because I know you’re lying to me!!! You have never acted this way about school or have held stuff from me”
“I don’t have to tell you everything fucking thing about my life” he walks closer to you
“I don’t need you to tell me everything I need you to tell me the important things” you say frustrated that he doesn’t understand.
“I’m trying ok y/n I’m really trying” he tells you reaching for your hand
You pull your hand away “Obviously not enough” the tears that have built up finally fall. “You don’t have to even think or worry about taking me to a deb ball anymore, I can’t do this hiding things and secrets where done get out” you tell him turning around to go to your vanity again
“Y/n don’t do this please” his voice breaks a little
“Please Connie don’t make this any harder get out” you say once more and watch him leave through the mirror. You finally hear the click in the door and let all the tears fall they steam down your checks in waves ruining your makeup you just did but you don’t care. Your heart hurts so much but you knew deep down it was right you guys would have never lasted.
After about 20 mins of sobbing you finally pull your self together enough to fix your makeup and head downstairs to meet with belly and the moms.
You get downstairs and the three of them are already down there but they all must notice your still red eyes or heard the screaming coming from your room.
“Are you ok y/n” belly asks looking at you
“I’m fine me and Conrad broke up” you tell the three of them. I mean they would have to find out eventually but just saying the words made your heart hurt.
You know all of them are staring at you but you wipe the tear that escaped grab your bag with a wince and walk towards the car. “ you guys coming” you ask over your shoulder.
The next few hours go by in a flash. It’s a mix of your mom and Susannah picking out respectable almost work clothes with your mom criticizing how things look on you and praising belly like normal. No one brought up your break up the entire time and went on like nothing happened thank god but you could tell Susannah was worried.
You finally make it to the dress part but after trying on all these clothes your shoulder feels like it’s about to fall off. But this is your favorite part, you’ve always loved dress shopping no matter how much pain you were in.
After what felt like at least an hour of just trying on dresses and keeping a straight face every time you had a pull a dress up over your shoulder but it all was worth it when you and belly stepped out of the dressing room and moved over the the mirror. You let out a small gasp as you looked in the mirror. You had the most gorgeous dress it was off the shoulder and the bottom flowed so nice it was all lace but it wasn’t to puffy , the bodice was made of lace flowers that scattered down to where your feet where. It looked heavenly and you were in love, but when you looked over at belly she didn’t have the same look I mean the dress was beautiful and very big but.. it wasn’t her.
“Y/n don’t you think we should get something that covers your shoulders more. You don’t even bother turning around you just hope your mom will let you get this one.
“Oh don’t worry about it laurel” Susannah says “doesn’t it look like that dress was made for her”
Before anyone else could say anything the store clerk comes up holding a beautifully simple dress “would one of the girls like to try this on” she asks us but it is mostly aimed at the moms. I give a thank you look to Susannah.
As I look over at belly though her eyes lit up when she saw the dress but disappointment replaced it when Susannah said “no I definitely think these are the ones” and the clerk walks off with the dress.
“So girls why don’t you change out of the dresses and me and your mother will go pay” Susannah tells us standing up. Me and belly both give her a nod and walk back into the changing room.
You start to take your dress off but obviously your shoulder has had enough for one day and are you pull it off your shoulder blinding pain hits you and you a small almost whimper comes out.
“Y/n are you ok” belly asks you from the stall next to you.
“Yes” you say trying to make sure your voice isn’t shaky and apparently you do a good job because belly doesn’t say anything else.
You lean up against the wall and sink to the floor the dress now sitting next to you as you hold your shoulder while silent tears fall for what feels like the thousandth time in two days. You tilt your head back against the wall and memories flood back from last night. Jeremiah helping you, the feeling of his hands on your skin, his body behind you supporting, his cologne that the boys always tease him for wearing that smells like the beach wrapped into a sent.
You let out a small laugh. Omg what is wrong with me I sitting here thinking about Jeremiah when I just broke up with Conrad, what the fuck is wrong with me. This summer was supposed to be the best, I was going to see Conrad again, spend time with my best friend Jeremiah, get an amazing tan and avoid my mom. Now I’m sitting in a dressing room thinking about jere crying because I hurt my shoulder last night at a party I didn’t even see Conrad at except for flirting with my sister. This is already a mess instead of the summer I wanted… I needed.
You eventually got up and put your clothes on with a struggle and now you all are home and you’re getting ready for the first I guess you can call it class. You picked out one of your favorite outfits it’s a white sundress that goes down to the floor with blue flowers detailing it cuts off right about your chest and ties.
You’re sitting on your bed ready to leave but decide you should ice your shoulder. There is a knock on your door before you see Susannah walk in and sit next to you on the bed. “Hi sweetie” she says scooting up close to you.
“How are you doing” she asks but I know she means more than my shoulder.
“I’m fine” you tell her and let out a big sigh “I really tried Susannah I really did try and I wanted it to be work and be ok” you look at her
“ ik you did and that’s all you can do” she smoothes a hand down my curled hair
“I wanted to help him so much, but I couldn’t and he wouldn’t let me” the tears start to well up but you refuse to let them fall especially because of him. “He wouldn’t tell me anything and him and belly I… I just i couldn’t anymore”
You lean against her before she says “sometimes the best you can do and most you can help people is letting them go no matter how much it hurts. Not everyone is right for each other even you with Conrad.” now rubbing a comforting hand down my back.
“I know” you let out a long breath “I’m worried about him”
“I am too”
You both sit there in silence and each other company. These are your favorite moments with Susannah the ones were it is just the two of you and you know she is always there for you. you hear belly calling for saying it’s time to go and you give Susannah one last hug.
“Have fun honey” she tells you as you leave the room.
Your mom drives you and laurel the country club where the Deb ball and class are. You sling your over the shoulder bag on your shoulder a wince a little at the action and luckily no one notices. As you are saying by to your mom you hear belly call out to someone.
“Hey jere” belly yells. You look over as your mom drives away and you see Jeremiah Carrying towels with no shirt on and just his bright red lifeguard swim shorts. You can’t help but look him over but stop your self. No you can’t be doing that he is your best friend you tell yourself.
“Omg belly is that you” he says “ I almost didn’t recognize you”
“Ikr me and y/n got all dressed up for this thing” she tells him and he looks over to you. You can’t help but notice something in the way he looked at you and your breath catches but you have to ignore it and you do.
“Well why don’t I walk you guys there” he tells you both
“That would be perfectly” you say and he goes to set the towels down on his golf cart. The entire time he is joking around with belly and you can’t help but laugh at it to but when you make it to the room it all stops because everyone is staring at you. Turns out the two of you are a little late.
“Paige” Jeremiah says taking the hand of who must be in charge of everything.
“Jeremiah, why don’t you have a shirt on” she asks him
Jeremiah completely ignores the questions and tells her “these are the young ladies my mom told you about belly and y/n”
“Well why don’t the both of you head over to your table” she tells us. Me and belly are walking over to are table when I hear Jeremiah Ask “ooo are those the small Brie and prosciutto sandwiches with jam”
“Yes they are but they are for the girls” Paige tells him walking away before you see jere run to grab one. “Jeremiah those are for the girls” she says again but he already stuffed it in his mouth and was out the door. You can’t help but laugh a little at that.
You and belly find your table and you’re so happy to see that Nicole and Shayla are at it. “Omg hi” you say sitting down next to Nicole and belly sits between you and Shayla
“Hi, I’m so happy that you decided to do this you to belly” Nicole says looking over at her “I’ll be your guys big sister” she tells everyone
“Ugg I can’t believe I actually have to do this” Marcia says who is one of the girls at the table
“At least they are letting you bring your girlfriend”Shayla says
“Yeah I only asked that because I thought they would say no” Marcia says and we all laugh a little at that.
“Speaking of dates” Gigi says who has beautiful big brown eyes and blond hair “ belly are you dating Jeremiah”.
Before either me or belly can answer who just shoved a giant piece of cake in her mouth. Nicole says “actually y/n is dating Conrad and belly isn’t dating anyone” she looks at belly and adds “that’s just what y/n told me”.
You choke a little on the water you took a sip of and everyone at the table looks up at you “actually me and Conrad aren’t dating anymore” you tell them picking at the food on your plate.
“Wait really” Shayla says looking at you with concern the say face you have seen on everyone’s face lately.
“Yeah anyway” you say trying to avoid the question “why are you asking Gigi”
“It’s because she has had a crush on him sense he got a six pack” Nicole says laughing and gigis face turns a little pink.
“I kinda like him before that” she says and we all burst out in laughter before we all go quiet when Paige starts talking about the ball.
You pull out your phone bored and start to scroll through it. Nicole nudges your arm and is holding a flask under the table. You smile up at her grabbing it and pouring some of it into my drink before I pass it to belly. She gives me a strange look before she grabs it to and I smile at her losing up. When you look up you spot those little sandwiches that Jeremiah stole and pull up your guys texts.
You: I will bring you some of those sandwich’s so next time you don’t get in trouble lol
Jere: omg thank you I will meet you outside the pool after my sift 🫶
You: I can give them to you at home my mom is giving me a ride back with belly
Jere: I will give you a ride home don’t worry I want my sandwich’s
You: ok fine
For some reason your heart rate picked up at that but you don’t know why and you know it shouldn’t. You can’t have this type of feelings for him ever he is not only your best friend but now your exs brother.
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stilldancewithyou · 10 months
the ending (part 1)
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Summary: This is how I imagine the story should end if there was a season 4 and/or book 4 or expanded epilogue to the books. This is taking place a couple years after Belly and Conrad's wedding and it is kind of a mix of the show and the books with some extra added things. It's based on this.
Warnings: none that I can think of, except this is basically one giant spoiler, if you have not read the books, I would recommend proceeding with caution because there are SPOILERS AHEAD. otherwise this is just overloaded with cuteness and all the Belly and Conrad married couple content the books didn't give us.
Word Count: 1783
Sunlight streams through the windows, illuminating the whole house in a way the sun only does in the summer. Everything is ready, and everyone will be here soon. I take one last walk around the house, making sure everything is in its place, that everything is perfect. It has to be perfect, just like Susannah would have done it. There's vases of blue hydrangeas that Conrad helped me cut from the bushes outside scattered throughout the house, and the kitchen is stocked with cereal.
I look up at the pictures on the mantle, Conrad and I on our wedding day; Conrad with Jere and Steven; Taylor and I; a group photo of all of us and Laurel; one of Con, Susie and I on the day Susie was born; and a Fisher family Christmas portrait that Conrad absolutely hates; and in the center, a shot of Susannah and all of us kids from the last summer we spent with her here. I smile, reaching up to gently touch the frame with my fingertips. Susannah would be so happy we're having a big Fisher-Conklin family summer at the summer house again.
I open the sliding door and step out onto the back deck, looking out at the ocean and feeling the sun warm on my face. It's warm but not too warm out, and the sky is clear and blue. A perfect Cousins beach day.
"It's a perfect Cousins beach day," Conrad says as he comes outside behind me, shutting the door very carefully and quietly.
"Yeah," I laugh, looking over at him fondly. "It's like you just read my mind."
He chuckles and then he's silent for a long moment as he takes in the view in front of us and the sunshine. "It feels like my Mom is here," He says softly, and I can see the sadness momentarily flicker in his eyes.
I lean towards him, putting my arms around him gently. "Susannah would never miss a summer in Cousins."
"No," He smiles, burying his head in the space between my shoulder and neck, "she wouldn't."
I'm suddenly aware of another person who is also, at this moment, missing. "Con, where's Susie? Did you check on her?"
"She's sleepin' like a baby, Belly," Conrad replies, with that smirk on his face that has always driven me crazy. "She timed her nap perfectly, she should be wide awake and well rested by the time everyone gets here."
"I should go get her ready. Knowing my mother, she will be here exactly on time," I tell him, starting to untangle myself from his embrace. I would stay in his arms forever if it was up to me.
He laughs, thinking this over. "Oh yeah, Laur will definitely be on time. Jere on the other hand, will absolutely be late. Him and Steven both." He turns to watch me open the door and head back inside. "Do you need help with Suz?"
"No, I've got it under control Con. Can you just do one last check and make sure we didn't forget anything?" I ask him.
"We already checked, like, four times, Bel, but you know I'll do anything for you," He can't keep the smile off his face as he follows me inside, stopping to kiss me for a moment, soft and slow. He smiles against my lips before he pulls away slowly and reaches out to push my hair out of my face and tuck it behind my ear, letting his thumb brush against my cheek gently. "I love you."
Hearing Conrad Fisher say those words to me will never get old. Even after all these years, I still get butterflies and blush like a little girl every time he says it.
"I love you too," I smile at him, stealing one last kiss. It feels like getting the last word, getting the last kiss before I go upstairs. I have to kiss the smirk off his face, smooth out his lips, remind him that he's mine. Even though I know no matter how many times I kiss that smirk away it always comes back.
Upstairs, Susie is laying in her crib, just waking up. When she sees me she sits up, reaching out towards the bars on the side of the crib. Her blue eyes open wide, looking up at me and daring me to take longer than five seconds to pick her up. She has her father's eyes and his attitude. It takes me longer than five seconds to cross the nursery, so she pulls herself up, shaking the bars and making fussy, grumpy baby noises, devolving into crying. "Ma-ma!"
"Mama's got you, Susie," I say, lifting her out of the crib and holding her close to me, her little head resting on my shoulder. I rock her gently to soothe her, and her fussing slowly calms down. "I know, I know, it's hard to be a baby."
I lay her down on the changing table and play peekaboo with my hands, earning a smile and the sweetest little laughter from her. As I change her diaper and get her dressed in the pretty little baby sundress I picked out for her to wear today, I can hear quiet thumps and thuds from Conrad downstairs. He's opening and closing cabinets and doors, and moving things around. I smile to myself, knowing that despite him teasing me, he really is doing a final check. I know he wants this summer to be just as perfect as I do. Susie was born at the very end of last summer, so this is the first summer of her life, her first summer in Cousins. I know she won't remember it, but I want it to be special for her anyway, just like Susannah would have.
Susannah would be so happy that there's another little girl in the family, a Fisher girl. She'd be even happier to know that the nursery is in my old room, the one that was once Susannah's childhood bedroom. And she'd be absolutely thrilled that Conrad and I have made the summer house our home. It's my childhood dream come true. For me, this house has always been my home. Living here is like an endless summer in some ways, although every season in Cousins has its charm, especially winter. Waking up every day in this house with Conrad Fisher, I've never felt more at home.
I carry Susie downstairs, now that she's dressed and freshened up. Conrad is in the living room, refolding a blanket and fluffing up pillows on the couch, and his face lights up and breaks into a smile the second I walk in. "There's my girls," He smiles, giving me a quick peck on the lips and taking Susie into his arms. "Look at my pretty baby, all dressed up," He coos to her.
"She's all ready for her first summer," I say, smiling at the baby, "aren't you, pretty girl? All your favorite people are going to be here any minute."
"Yeah, you're so excited to see Uncle Stevie and Uncle Jere, aren't you?" Conrad says, still cooing in his baby-talking voice. "And Grandma Laur-" He's cut off by the sound of a car door shutting outside, and we hurry over to the door together to peek out the window, and speak of the devil, my mother is smiling and carrying some of her bags to the porch. When we open the door, my mother is standing there beaming at us. I don't think I've seen her this happy in a long time.
"Hi Laur! We're so happy you're here," Conrad smiles sincerely at her, moving in for a somewhat awkward hug since the baby is still in his arms. Susie is smiling wide at her, showing off her four little teeth.
I hug her next, and she squeezes me tight. "Belly, it's so good to see you. You're glowing, bean."
"Thanks Mom," I smile at her. "Now put your bags down and make yourself at home. Conrad will help you carry your things in."
"I'm holding the baby though, so I don't know if I can," He says teasingly, smirking. I know he was going to do it anyway, without anyone ever having to ask; he's still the same old Conrad who is all about duty and doing the right thing. But he likes to joke and tease, even when he's fooling no one. Or at least not fooling me.
"Don't worry, I'll take her off your hands, Connie," my mother smirks right back at him, reaching out and taking the baby into her arms.
Conrad chuckles and calls out, "Thank you, Laur!" as he walks toward the door to carry her bags in just like I knew he would from the beginning.
I look back over at my mom and smile. She's smiling at Susie and Susie is smiling right back at her, listening wide-eyed to everything my mother is saying to her. "I'm so glad you're here, Mom," I say to her.
"Me too," She smiles, "I wouldn't miss Susie's first summer in Cousins for the world. Susannah would never let that happen." She looks at Susie, who lets out a little laugh. "She would have loved you, Susannah Laurel Fisher."
Conrad comes back in then, arms full of my mothers bags and sets them down with a thump. "Geez Laurel, did you pack your entire house?" He jokes.
"No, I just packed the essentials, plus I stocked up on all the good bulk stuff at Costco. We should have everything-" My mom looks at all her bags as if she's remembering something. "Oh shoot, I completely forgot my diet Coke."
"Don't worry Laur, we've got you covered. We made sure to get some for you," Conrad grins at her.
"You must have had to drive so far to find it. I used to always complain to Susannah about how they don't sell it here," My mom says.
"Oh it was no problem. We wanted to make sure we had everything for everyone," Conrad assures her. "Speaking of everyone, the others should be here any minute now."
As if on cue, we hear a car pulling up outside. When we all move towards the door to peek out, we see Steven emerging from his car with a big grin on his face.
I guess now I know how the boys felt at the start of every summer, waiting for us to arrive. This is the hardest part, all the nerves and anticipation and waiting. Thank goodness the waiting will be over soon. Jeremiah and Taylor shouldn't be far behind Steven, and once they get here the summer can officially begin.
I had originally planned on writing the whole thing as one long one shot, but I decided to just do it in parts so you can get a glimpse at what I've been working on. I hope you liked part 1. stay tuned and please let me know what you thought of this and if you want to read more!
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emmylubooks · 2 years
please write a fic about reader walking in on aubrey and conrad like in book 2 at susannahs funeral :(((( and conrad is in the basement with aubrey crying and the (reader/like belly) walks in on them :(((( and then conrad runs after reader and tells her like it’s not what it looks like
Hi! Okay here it is. I hope you enjoy ♥️
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I didn’t know what to do to help Conrad. I didn’t know what to do to help anyone. Because, what do you say when someone loses their mom? You can’t give them the only thing that they want. You felt useless and you felt even worse that you had to attend your own family emergency, missing the first hour of Susannah’s life celebration.
“Hey, y/n,” Jere smiles, as I walk in the door. He’s still smiling but a duller version of himself.
I put your hand on his back, “I’m so sorry. I’m here if you need me.”
He nods, “you always are y/n/n. Oh, by the way… Con is in the basement.”
“Thank you, Jere,” I say, opening the door and walking down the stairs.
I freeze to take in the image in front of me. Aubrey is here, not only is she here, my boyfriend’s head is in her lap. She’s playing with his hair like it’s second nature to her… I guess at one point it was. I watched as his hand rubbed on her knee until my eyes were too blurry from tears to see.
He noticed me not long after I was standing there, the second he stood up, I turned to run up the stairs.
“y/n!” He yelled. “Y/n! Please it’s not what it looks like I swear.” He grabbed my arm to keep me down with him.
I shot around and looked at him, “What the hell else could it be? What else could it be, Conrad? Because it sure as hell looks like you are cheating on me.”
I hated that I was making it about me, it was his mom’s funeral and I was picking a fight with him. What the hell was wrong with me?
“I’m not cheating on you, y/n. Please, please just let me explain,” he whispered, tears welling in his eyes. “I can’t lose you, I can’t lose you too. Please.”
“Talk,” I whisper, looking down at our feet. His black socks he wore with his shoes and my black heels, still, from the funeral, my feet were killing me. I should have taken them off before I came downstairs because now I’m stuck.
He took his finger and lifted my chin so my eyes met his, “I’m not cheating on you. But I am an idiot. I’m sorry, y/n/n. Nothing is going on, I’m an idiot and I’m hurt and I was crying and she was there. She asked if I wanted to lay with her and I didn’t even think. I don’t love her, I don’t care about her. I only love you y/n y/l/n.
I took a deep breath and wiped my eyes, careful to not mess up my makeup. He wouldn’t cheat on me. He’s Conrad. People might say hes not the most loving or that he doesn’t show love in the ‘right way’ but he would never cheat on someone. And when he says he loves you, he means it. He’s not the kind of person to just throw that word around. Conrad is the person who means what he says
I reached up to wipe his eyes. “Don’t mess up my mascara,” he whispered, causing us both to laugh sadly
“Oh, too late,” I whispered.
He looked at me like he was studying my face, “Can we go to my room?” He whispered.
“Of course.”
He took my hand and guided me to his room, pulling me onto his bed. I sat next to him and rubbed my hand in little circles on his back.
He studied my face with the same look as downstairs and quickly took my face in both of his hands, pressing his lips onto mine with more urgency than he ever has. It was amazing and I spent a few minutes lost in the bliss of his new hunger for me before I finally pulled away.
“Conrad, what are you doing?” I asked.
He frowned at the disconnection from my body, “I want you, y/n. I want all of you, and I’m going to prove it to you.” He moved his hands to my face again and started kissing me again. Placing a trail of kisses from my neck back to my lips and across my collarbone.
I pulled away again, “Conrad, stop.” I knew he would. Even if he actually wanted to do something, the second I told him I didn’t want to he would stop without a fight.
He looked at me with tears in his eyes, “But I need you. I need you to stay. I can’t lose you y/n. Please, please I can’t.” The tears started falling faster down his face.
I softly kissed his cheek and pulled his head down onto my chest, “Hey,” I whispered. “I’m here. I’m not leaving. Just stay here and breathe with me.”
He grabbed onto my dress as tight as he could, struggling to match my breaths, “Please please please, y/n. Please y/n/n.”
“Conrad,” I whispered, kissing his head. “I’m here forever and always. I promise. I promised you, and I promised your mom. I’m not breaking it.”
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lansangprincess · 1 year
If the Jere "cheating" storyline shows up in the TSITP series, it would be a big fuck-you to the bi community
Making showJere bi has been one of my absolute favorite things about the adaptation of the show. I think the normalization of having a queer love interest is so beautiful and amazing and I've gushed every single time somebody in the show brought it up without any hesitance or reservation. It's not something that Belly thinks is a big deal AT ALL and I'd even argue that his security in his sexuality and personhood is one of the things that Belly admires most about her best-friend-turned-boyfriend.
I only read the first book when I was younger so this storyline of bookJere hooking up with someone when he and Belly were briefly broken up wasn't something I was aware of in S1. But now, I've gotten so much more invested and have learned some things about the books that might show up in the series, one of them being Jere "cheating" on Belly.
Not only is it completely out of character for showJeremiah (can't speak abt the books but I've heard it was also very OOC for him there), it reinforces the stereotype that bisexuals are insatiable and don't respect the boundaries they've set with their partner. But even if you remove the fact that it feels very out of place for Jere, the ultimate reason why this storyline would piss me off so badly is that—
All the other main characters (who are presumably straight) have engaged in cheating or gray-area cheating so far (just like bookJere) and none of them have been held accountable for it
At least not to the point that I think they should have been. For example, Staylor is now a beloved couple—and I myself think they're great—but I found it so weird that both times they've gotten together was while they were in relationships with other people and barely anybody acknowledged that. It was completely brushed off by the characters in the show and the real life audience.
Cheating sucks no matter who's doing it or what their sexual identity is but if all the characters in the show have engaged in this problematic behavior and it only becomes a big deal when the canonically queer character does it—it would be a huge slap in the face.
A real fcking gut punch. It would literally make me sick and have no trust in Jenny Han to handle any queer representation/storylines which she's noticeably been trying to do in these recent years.
As I've said, I've loved Jere's queerness and the normalization of it is something we need to see and need to keep seeing as an audience. It would absolutely break my heart as a queer person if all his character growth leads up to an unnecessary plot point that I know will lead to real life discrimination and bigotry (if you're on tsitp twitter you will know what I'm talking about).
Jenny, please, just don't do it.
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heyyyitsmegia · 11 months
You're Safe With Me
I would like to take a moment and thank my friend @spopas7 for being so kind to me and helping with this story. She has been such a blessing to me and this story wouldn't be possible without her. We both wrote this story together and we are currently working on a Thanksgiving story for you guys as we speak. So... thanks to my bestie for helping me and encouraging me to continue writing. You are the best and I love you. So without further ado... 
You're Safe With Me:
As I smoothed out the crinkles in my cowgirl costume, the flickering candlelight in the room danced across my skin, illuminating the freckles on my cheeks. My heart raced with anticipation as I admired myself in the mirror, my vibrant red hat perched jauntily on my head. Just as I thought I was ready, the door swung open, and there stood Jeremiah, clad in a Woody costume that hugged his muscular frame in all the right places.
"You look hot," he said, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he twirled me around.
Blushing, I giggled and replied, "Thanks. You do too, cowboy."
Jeremiah suggested we should get going. I wanted to walk to the party, cherishing each moment we had together under the starlit sky. Entrusting our hands to one another, we set off into the dark Halloween night.
As we arrived at Clay's house, the front yard was transformed into a haunted wonderland. I gazed in awe at the elaborate decorations, a ghostly apparition floating through the fog, while eerie sounds filled the air.
Drawing me close, Jeremiah's warm whispers tickled my ear. "Let's take pictures, so we can remember this Halloween forever."
I nodded, my heart swelling with love. We stepped inside the photo booth, capturing moments of joy and silliness. One photo of Jeremiah kissing my cheek, another with our tongues playfully sticking out, and finally, a tender gaze exchanged between us.
Exiting the photo booth, we collected the cherished mementos before catching sight of Taylor and Steven. Rushing over, we asked them to be part of a group picture. As the flash illuminated our laughing faces, I carefully tucked the photos into my purse, knowing they would forever hold the essence of this magical night.
Finding our designated table, we settled in, my purse finding its place next to me. The dimmed lights, shadows twirling across the room, and the scent of pumpkins blended seamlessly with the festive melodies floating through the air.
Jeremiah turned to me, his eyes brimming with affection. "Belly, may I have this dance?"
Beaming, I took his hand, feeling the warmth spread through my entire being, as if a million stars were alight inside me. We twirled and swayed, lost in our own world, our hearts beating in harmony.
"I love you, Bells." Jeremiah whispered in my ear.
"I love you too, Jere."
We danced for a little longer before Jeremiah announced he was going to go get drinks. Steven offered to help him. Me and Taylor continued to dance. We were having fun dancing together when I felt someone tap my shoulder.
I turned around, and there was Conrad. His hair was disheveled, and his clothes were one big wrinkle. "Conrad?"
"Hey Bells!" He beamed.
"I just came from another party... I thought that I would come by and see you!"
I rolled my eyes at him. He was drunk. I could tell. Anyone with working eyes could see that he had been drinking.
"Leave me alone, Conrad. You're drunk."
"You're being... ridicu-lush... 'm not that drunk..."
"Just go, Conrad!" I said, my lips tight.
"I don't... I don't know if I... I... if I wanna go..."
"Just go!" I screamed.
"Oh, come on, Bells. D-Dance wi-with me." He forcibly pulled me toward him, and I fought to get out of his arms. He released me, and I fell to the floor. As soon as I hit the floor, I felt a searing pain in my ankle. I looked up at Taylor in tears.
Taylor rushed over to me and asked, "Do you want me to go get Jeremy?" I nodded.
Jeremiah came running toward me, with Taylor right behind him.
"Belly, are you okay?" Jeremiah asked. I winced in pain, tears streaming down my face.
"What the fuck, Conrad!" Jeremiah screamed, "Get out of here!"
Jeremiah scooped me up off the floor and into his arms. He carried me to an empty room and sat me down on the couch. He took off my right shoe, and he looked down at my ankle.
"Yeah. It's twisted," he said. "I'm gonna go get an ice pack. Stay right here."
I nodded and watched him walk away. I looked down at my ankle. It was swollen. I heard footsteps, and I thought it was Jeremiah with my ice pack. But when I looked up, I was face-to-face with Conrad.
"Conrad. I told you to leave me alone." I said, angrily.
He steps closer to me and says, "I miss you, Belly. I still love you. I hate that Jeremiah and you are a couple. I want you to be with me, Belly."
"Well, it's too late for that, isn't it, Conrad? You had me. And then you left me. I love Jeremiah now. Not you."
He gets closer and says, "Come on, Belly, I know you still love me."
I try to push him away. "Go away, Conrad!"
Jeremiah comes in then. He sets the ice pack down on my ankle and grabs Conrad by the collar. "I thought I told you to leave!"
"I came to talk to Belly, if that's alright, Mom." Conrad mocks. The anger inside of me rises, and I push him. He stumbles.
"Go!" I say.
"Sure. But, I just have one question for Belly before I leave," he laughs and looks at me then and grins, "Belly? Which one of us is a better kisser?"
Before I know what I'm doing, my fist is striking Conrad's jaw. He stumbles backward and holds his jaw. He looks at me in shock. Like he couldn't believe I had hit him.
"I'm going to kill you!" He lunges at me, but before he can hit me, Belly steps in between us, and Conrad strikes her cheek. She stumbles backwards, pain etched across her face. I caught her in my arms. The sight of her bloodied cheek ignites a fire within me—a fire that screams for retribution.
"Belly, are you okay?" I asked, panic coursing through my veins. She winced in pain, her tears mingling with the blood rushing to her cheeks. Conrad's punch had caught her by mistake, but it was enough to send shockwaves of rage through me.
"What the heck, Conrad! You just hit my girl! What is wrong with you!??" Belly holds on to me tighter.
"Conrad, if you don't leave now, I will have someone escort you out," I growled, my voice laced with fury.
His expression a mix of defiance and spite, Conrad glared at Belly and muttered, "Fine... I'll go. This party's dead anyway." With one last venomous glare, he stormed out, leaving the room in an eerie silence.
Belly's tears flowed freely as she clung to me, her body trembling in my arms. I help her sit back down on the couch.
"Bells, how does your cheek feel? It's really red." I said.
"It hurts, but it will be okay." She puts the ice pack back on her ankle.
Gently, I brushed her hair away from her face, my eyes filled with remorse. "I'm so sorry, Belly. I didn't mean for any of this to happen," I whispered, my voice laden with guilt.
"It's not your fault," she says. "It's Conrad's."
Taylor and Steven walked in then.
"Are yall okay?" Taylor asked.
"Yeah, we are fine," I said. "But we are going home. Belly needs to rest."
Steven's eyes darted to Belly's ankle, which was visibly swollen and red. His face contorted with anger, but he kept silent, turning and walking away. Taylor watched him leave, utterly confused by his reaction. She turned back to Belly, worry etched on her face. "Do you need any help?"
"No. I got it."
Taylor nodded understandingly and said, "Take care of her, Jeremy."
"I will." I said.
I picked Belly up bridal style.
"I have to get my purse." She said.
"We will get it on the way out. First, I'm going to get a wet paper towel for your cheek." We went through the kitchen, and I got a wet paper towel. I gave it to Belly, and she put it on her cheek.
I walked back through the party with Belly in my arms. I got her purse, and we walked outside. When I walked outside, I heard shouting. Immediately, I knew the voices. Steven and Conrad.
"I should beat the shit out of you," Steven yelled.
Conrad says "I.... I thought you were on my side. I was trying to tell Belly that I was still in love with her."
"You had to be so angry about that... that you hurt my sister! No wonder Jeremiah is better for her!" Steven responds.
Conrad just looked at Steven in disbelief when he said that to him.
Taylor finally finds Steven and runs to him. "Steven, stop right now!" Taylor yells, placing her hands on his chest and pushing him back.
"No. Not until he apologizes." Steven responds angrily.
Jeremiah sets Belly down on the ground and wraps his arm around her shoulder. They walk over to them.
"He's not worth it," I whisper to Steven. "Just leave him alone."
"Yeah. It isn't worth it," Steven replies, looking at Conrad. "Don't ever come around me or my sister again!" He says to Conrad. Taylor takes his hand and leads him back inside.
Conrad looks at me and Belly. He shakes his head. Belly holds onto me tighter.
"It's okay," I tell her. "You're safe with me."
Belly looks up at Jeremiah. "Thank you. I'm glad I'm here with you."
Conrad waves us off and walks away. Me and Belly start to walk away when Belly says, "Ow. My ankle. I don't think I can walk, Jere."
I smile. "Hop on girl."
She giggles and climbs on my back. She nuzzles her head into my neck. I carried her on my back the whole walk home.
When we got back to the summer house, I carried Belly upstairs and into my room. She fell asleep. Luckily, she was a heavy sleeper. I laid her down on the bed and took off her shoes. I took off her cowgirl hat and unbuttoned her shirt, leaving on her white tank top that she was wearing underneath her shirt. I went to her room and got her favorite fall plaid pajama pants that my mom gifted her one Halloween. They were different colors of brown. She loved wearing them during the fall season. I headed back into my room and carefully but quickly put them on her. I then grabbed an extra pillow and propped her ankle on it. I then pulled back the covers, making sure she was safe and warm. I changed into my night clothes and climbed into bed with her.
She stirred, opened her eyes, and said, "Jere?"
I cuddled her to me, stroking her hair, and I whispered, "Shh. Go back to sleep."
"Hmm," she mumbled. "I love you, Jere." She whispered.
I kissed her forehead and said, "I love you more."
She went back to sleep, and soon I went to sleep too.
I woke up to someone moving stuff around. It was coming from Conrad's room. I started to get up, to tell him off. I was still pissed about the party. I had contemplated it for a second, about going to talk to him, but before I could make up my mind, I heard the front door slam shut, followed by a car driving away. Belly jumped up, startled. I grabbed her and started rubbing circles on her back.
"What was that?" She asked me, frightened.
"Shh.. it's okay. It was just the front door.." I said, softly.
She fell back asleep really easily after that, and so did I.
As the sunlight peeked through the curtains, casting its warm glow into the room, I looked down at Belly and saw that she was still asleep. I carefully got out of bed and went downstairs. I crept into the kitchen, ready to cook up a delicious surprise for her. The tantalizing aroma of pancakes filled the air, as the batter sizzled on the hot pan. I busily arranged sliced strawberries on the side, garnishing the pancakes with a drizzle of syrup.
As I was fixing her breakfast, the front door opened, and Conrad walked in. He goes down the hall. I try to ignore the anger that is rising up in me, and I put the breakfast on the tray, ready to take it up the stairs, when Conrad steps into the kitchen.
He just looks at me and says, "I came to get some medicine for my headache." He shows me the aspirin.
I look at him and say, "What you did last night, especiallyto Belly, is not forgivable. You hurt her. And waking her up in the middle of the night. You really don't care about anyone but yourself."
Conrad just looked at me; he blinked, opened his mouth, and then closed it. He looked down at the ground, sighed, and then looked back up at me.
I waited for him to say something. Anything. But he didn't. I rolled my eyes, grabbed the tray that the breakfast was on, and walked past him and to the stairs. As I was going up the stairs, the front door closed behind me. He didn't slam it this time. I stopped and looked back, the glare of his windshield casting a shadow across the wall. I watched as the shadow disappeared as he drove away. I shook my head and continued up the stairs.
Quietly, I entered my bedroom, where Belly lay, still tangled in dreams. Leaning down, I brushed a gentle kiss upon her rosy lips, whispering, "I made breakfast."
Belly's eyes fluttered open, her excitement bursting forth like fireworks. "Oh my god, Jere," she exclaimed, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks. "You made me breakfast!" The happiness in her voice was music to my ears.
"Only the best for my girl," I replied, a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth. Sitting beside her on the bed, I held her hand tightly, reveling in the tender connection between us.
"I love you, Jere," Belly confessed, her eyes brimming with adoration.
"I love you more," I replied, my voice filled with unwavering conviction. I picked up a forkful of fluffy pancakes and brought it to her lips, watching as she savored the taste. In return, she playfully fed me a pancake, our lips meeting in the middle for a sweet and decadent kiss.
Giggles enveloped the room as we laughed, feeding each other pancakes and relishing the delicate flavor of strawberries. In that moment, it was as if time had stopped, leaving only the two of us and the unspoken promises of a love that would forever be infinite.
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frogsare-friends · 11 months
I'm Not Built for Helping Myself
chapter index | chapter 5 (you are here)
Things have been tense all week, Laurel's been yelling at dad since she found out. Conrad's pissed, but so am I. He's mad I'm not more upset, but I don't get how he is. I don't see how he can still be surprised. He's been doing this shit for years, disappointing us, disappointing Mom. He'll be here any second, and I'm terrified to see Laurel's reaction if he brings Angie in with him.
He does.
"What the hell, Adam? You better be kidding me," and she sounds like she might actually kill him, if only for the satisfaction of knowing he's rotting in hell.
"Laurel," my dad tries to calm her down. As if he wasn't the one that made her mad, as if he wasn't the one that ruined everything. He sends Angie outside before she can even get a word in. Then again, it's not like any of us gave her a chance.
"No. What the fuck, Adam? You can't bring her here. Not now. Not like this." They're both screaming now. Jeremiah's face is blank, not looking at either of them. I don't know how he can just sit there. All he ever does is just sit there. I don't understand how he doesn't care, how he's able not to.
"This is my house, Laurel. I own it. I can bring her here if I want to." He sounds so irritated, like the fact that he has a family, has two kids, had a wife, is like a fly buzzing around his head. Like he just wants to swat us dead and not think about us anymore.
"This is mom's house. You might own it, but it's never been yours," I tell him. Because how could he ever think that. How could he act like any of this was his. He got to fly to London whenever he didn't want to deal with her, or us. He always wanted to have a family, but he never wanted to have to deal with them.
"Your mom is dead, Conrad. It's my house, it's our house. I'm allowed to move on," and I can tell he doesn't even hear what's wrong with that, what's wrong with him. What is wrong with him?
"Adam, I need to talk to you upstairs, now." Laurel tells him, that same "Adam"-ey tone her voice always has when dealing with him.
"No, Laurel. This is none of your business. This is between me and my kids."
"No, Adam. This is between you and Beck. And you can't keep taking it out on them." Laurel's getting quiet. It's always scary when she's quiet.
"I'm not taking anything out on them, Laurel." And this fucker actually believes that's true.
"Yes, you are, Adam. It's not their fault." And suddenly I'm not sure what they're talking about. Maybe about him cheating on Mom, maybe about her dying. I can't be sure anymore.
"I never wanted this, Laurel. I never wanted to have to do this alone." And, god. How could my mom marry a guy like this? I'm trying to think of something to say, anything. But before the words can cross my mind I hear Jeremiah.
"You never wanted to do this at all! Any of this! You never wanted this! You never wanted us! We needed you! We needed a dad! And you weren't there! Maybe it wouldn't be so hard to 'do this alone' if you had done fucking anything in the first place. But you didn't! You fucked off to London every time we needed you! Mom was dying and you weren't even there! You came home for one fucking week for her funeral. So I'm so sorry that you've moved on, but it's a hell of a lot easier to move on when you were never there in the first place!"
And he leaves. Laurel looks shocked, my dad looks… unbothered, indifferent, detached. Whatever fucked up word anyone could use to describe the fucked up face my dad is making. And I get it now, just a bit. I get why Jeremiah isn't mad at him, well- I get why he doesn't act like he's mad at him. What's the point of being mad at someone that couldn't care less? If I had said that, he might've killed me. God, Jere doesn't realize how fucking lucky he is.
I'm deciding whether I should go out and talk to him or not when Belly walks in. It's obvious she heard everything, she tries to walk outside, to go comfort Jere. I wanna let her, I want her to be able to fix it, fill the hole in his heart that he was born with. But her and I already tried that, I can't imagine it'd work any better for them. She always knows what to say, how to make him feel better. But right now he needs someone who gets it, who understands, even a little, what it's like to grow up in that house. Who understands how bitter the happiest moments there are.
I stop her.
"I got him," I tell her, noticing the scared look on her face. Scared I'd mess it up, and maybe I will. But I have to try.
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ist4rgirlo · 1 year
─ 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 - 𝐜.𝐟 : 𝐈𝐈
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Summary: Now that your life has turned upside down, are you still willing to put your siblings' feelings first? Or would you rather fight for your feelings and do what makes you happy regardless of the consequences that might result in the future?
Prev ; Next || Conrad Fisher x fem!reader || My blog
Warnings: S2 SPOILERS! panic attacks (lmk if i missed anything!)
Belly's Pov
Me and Jeremiah decided to go to Aunt Julia's house — just to try to talk to her, maybe we can do something — maybe we can stop her from trying to sell the house.
We even decided to buy her flowers as an offering. As we arrived to her house, I took a deep breath and decided to hop out of the car —Jeremiah following behind me. I walked towards the door with Jeremiah beside me before ringing the door bell.
Aunt Julia opened the door before saying "Can I help you?" she asked. Jeremiah walked towards her and hugged her "Hey Aunt Julia" he said smiling — before pulling away. "Uh uhm Conrad told me you were here"
Aunt Julia looked at Jeremiah "Oh Jeremiah" she paused "and you are?" referring to me "I am Belly, Belly Conklin. Laurel Park’s daughter, Susannah's bestfriend" I told her smiling gently — giving her the flowers that I was holding.
"Oh wow, it's been so long" she said, scratching her forehead. "Uhm, we just wanted to say hi and maybe talk a little bit" Jeremiah chuckled before looking at her and smiling.
"Look uhm if its about the house, I'm sorry. It's decided" Aunt Julia said — smiling gently. Jeremiah's mouth frowned.
"Uhm we're actually doing an open house tomorrow."
"You.. you have to know how much that house means to Jeremiah and Conrad. That was their place, how-how can you let go of such a-a magical place?" I asked Aunt Julia.
"I remember her calling it that" Aunt Julia paused "But i-it's not personal" Jeremiah looked at her — brows furrowed "I bet" Jeremiah smiled sarcastically.
"I'm sorry, I have to go back to work" Aunt Julia said before closing the door. I looked at Jeremiah — I place my hand on his shoulder and patted it. We walked towards the car and drove off.
"I'm sorry, Jere" Jeremiah looked at me "It's okay, we cant really change someone's mind" he said — placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Where'd you guys go?" Conrad asked — his hair wet, he was wearing a surf suit. "We went to Aunt Julia's house" Jeremiah sighed.
Conrad face started to fill with hope "H-how did it go?" I looked at him "She's sure about this, Conrad. I don't think we can change her mind." I said -- he nodded before saying "Ofcourse"
It seems like the news that we were here in Cousins have spread fast as Taylor and Steven are on the way here. Apparently, me and Taylor were bad at lying thats why Steven knew about it immediately.
I hoped that Y/N was with them but Steven said no. He tried to push her to go but she said she need to do much more important things, I just miss her. We all thought that this news would make her come here but we were wrong.
Conrad and Jeremiah decided to talk to their dad. “Dad should be calling soon” Conrad said, informing Jeremiah.
“Do you guys want to talk to him alone?” I asked — not wanting them to be weirded out that I was there. “I-I can wait upstairs.”
As Jeremiah sat down, Conrad looked at me before saying “You helped me and J get this far. Plus its your house as much as it is ours” he smiled gently. I sat down as the phone started to ring.
We did everything, everything to save the house. Nothing is working, their dad is just letting it go. He just kept on sayong that it was legally Aunt Julia’s — it seemed like he never cared for it, for the house.
As the call ended, Taylor and Steven arrived to the house, surprising Conrad and Jeremiah. They were confused about why we looked down — I forgot to tell them that the house is on sale.
“We’re losing the house” Jeremiah said, sighing. “They’re putting it up for sale”
“Oh Cinderbelly” Taylor said as I stood up to hug her.
Conrad’s Pov
Here I was again, looking for her. Trying to see if she came with Steven and Taylor but no. She hasn’t even responded to my text. Maybe she’s busy.
I walked towards Jeremiah, sitting down beside him. “Hey” I said, patting his shoulder.
“You know, I thought I could convince dad. I thought we could” He sighed.
I nodded and sighed “I thought so too.” chuckling a little bit.
“It’s just.. it feels like everything is slipping away and-and the house is the only thing - the last thing tying us together” It was true, it did feel like it — we didn’t expect that we’d get together like this, that we’d be complete because of this reason.
“We’re not giving up, Jere” I looked at him shaking my head “We’re going to do something about it, I don’t have a plan. Not yet but I’ll do everything, we’ll figure ig out together.” I told Jeremiah. He nodded.
“I-I just hope she’s here, she’s the only one missing Connie” Jeremiah said — referring to Y/N. She just made everything less worse for everyone, I hope she was here too.
“Me too, Jere. Me too” I paused “You know, we should hang out tomorrow. Just all of us staying here for open house, that’d be a good plan” I chuckled
Jeremiah chuckled then nodded “Yeah we should definitely do that”
As me and Jeremiah got done talking we went inside the house and decided to hang out with the rest. They all sat down in their own places. “So what do you guys want to watch?” I asked.
“We should do… this one” Belly said — holding up mom’s favorite movie. I smiled taking it from her hands as I walked towards the tv — i mouthed a “thank you” to Belly.
After that, I went and sat the down on the other couch until I looked at my phone — recieving a text. I felt my chest tighten, I need to get out of the house. I stood up from my seat and went straight to the beach.
It was happening again, It attacked me again. I couldn’t breathe, it felt like someone was choking me. I pulled out my phone again — looking if the text was real, it was, I got in but what about Jeremiah, I can’t.
My mind filled with worried, with anxiety, not until another text popped up. It was like a coincidence, the text — my breathing is okay now, my heart is beating at a normal pace. The text was from the one that I have been waiting for.
She responded, it was from Y/N. She was going to come here, she’s coming here to Cousin. We’re complete now.
taglist : @maybankslover @urmomisafinewoman @user3729107491 @melllinaa @anthgoldenhrry @arunabrak @amj2277 @whoisalexa @remuslupinwifee @gulphulp @layanderson @astrvalee @goldenmoonbeam @podiumprincess @johannelis2302nely @silcintilla @smw-96 @apollo3475 @drikawinchester @fangirl-kimora @sanjanapm @milyswrld @scysuxx @starkeylover @fallingforel @mysticalstarlightflower @ifilwtmfc
the next part is here !! hope everyone likes it :)) lmk if y’all have requests and if you guys want to get tagged <3
love lots !!
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evermoresversion · 1 year
hi! I just recently came across your fics and I’m loving them! I wanted to ask for something with steven conklin and a fem!reader, i was thinking maybe something that starts with angst like maybe she overhears him talking about how annoying she is and clingy but in the end it was all a misunderstanding and he makes it up for her or something.
Anyway if it’s inspired in any taylor swift song it would be even better! Thank you for all of your fics they’re amazing!
PS| Sorry if you can’t understand something, I’m Spanish and English isn’t my first language😞
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A/N Oh, don't worry, babe, English is not mine either. Thanks for the request. <3
PAIRING Steven Conklin x Fem!Reader
TW/TAGS A little bit of angst but fluff at the end.
SUMMARY You overheard a conversation Jeremiah and Steven were having, but him asking about you earlier and made another comment lead to a misunderstanding.
The music was pretty loud at the party Taylor and Belly had forced you to go to.
All of your small group of friends was there, so all the more reason they said 'you should go'.
But you didn't want to, you didn't like it at all.
But you decided to give them the luxury of your presence. That same afternoon Taylor helped you and Belly to choose what both would wear, the blonde said that y'all had to be the trio of hot friends.
She used the word 'hot' quite often, and sometimes you made fun of it.
"Oh shut up, you look super hot."
Anyway, you loved her just the same.
Already at the party, it had been at least an hour and your glass was empty, so you went to the drinks bar to pour some beer into it.
"So you and y/n are something?" Jeremiah asked Steven, upon hearing your name you decided to stay and listen a little longer.
"Oh yeah, we've been together for a couple of weeks."
"And what is she like? That is, in the relationship."
"I understand you." He laughed taking a swig of his beer and then looked at Jeremiah. "Super clingy..."
"Are you going to drink something?" a boy asked you while you were still at the drinks bar.
"Oh, no, I'm sorry."
When you listened to Jeremiah and Steven's conversation again, you were surprised by his words.
"Yes, it's annoying but it's not something I haven't been able to handle until now." and then they laughed.
You frowned listening to him, did he think you were annoying?
You left there as quickly as you could towards the stairs of the porch of the house.
On Steven's side, he started to worry when he didn't see you anywhere.
"Jere, I have to go, I have to take y/n home."
"Yes, of course, see ya, be careful."
"You too."
And then he started looking for you throughout the house until he left it and saw you on the porch.
"Ah, there's my girl." He stood in front of you so that he could see your face. But you didn't even look him in the eyes. "What happened?"
"Do you think I'm annoying?" you asked quietly and looked at him to hear his response.
"What? No, of course not, why do you think that?" He sat next to you and you sighed, running your hand through your hair.
"I overheard your conversation with Jeremiah, not on purpose, but I overheard you."
And then that conversation came back to Steven's mind and he relaxed at the memory.
"No, he asked me if a girl who has been in love with me since... forever, I think, wasn't annoying, even you've seen her try to flirt with me, love."
You looked at him from the corner of your eye, playing with your hands and you remember that boy interrupted you, it could have been in that small period of time where you didn't listen when Jeremiah said that.
"Come here." He murmured opening his arms, you approached him and he immediately hugged you. "I love you."
"I love you too." You smiled as he rubbed your back, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
"Let's take you home." He stood up offering you one of his hands and you took it to get up. He guided you to his car and the entire way to your house he didn't let go of your hand.
disclaimer ── evermoresversion © 2023.
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The Summer I Fucked Up (Ch 33)
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A Conrad predominant retelling of The Summer I Turned Pretty TV show and book series.
Did you read the books and want to understand what was going on in that little noggin of his? Read my fic to find out that this man has zero thoughts
Chapter list
Torture. That’s what dinner that night was.
They’d all gone to the new restaurant in town, all the kids and their parents too. Conrad sat as far away as physically possible from the happy couple which, unfortunately, seated him right next Jere’s asshole friends.
Belly wasn’t looking at him like last time, and Conrad couldn’t look at her. He felt like he was going out of his mind. Sitting there at the table with everyone, cheersing when his dad made a toast, trying not to watch when Jere kissed her in front of all of them.
He hated the contempt that pulsed through him at the sight of Jere, especially around Belly. Jere was still his brother who he loved dearly, but it had already been hard enough accepting Jere and Belly’s relationship before he’d heard he slept with some girl in Cabo. Now it was nearly impossible. Made worse by the fact that he now knew that Belly loved him back too.
It was just Laurel and Conrad at the house after dinner. They’d come straight back when Jere and Belly took their friend’s for ice cream at the boardwalk and John and Adam went back to their hotels.
Conrad placed one foot on the stairs, intending to just go crash, when Laurel stopped him, “Hey, let’s have a beer, Connie. I think we deserve it, don’t you?”
They sat at the kitchen table with their beers. She clinked his beer, saying, “To . . . what should we toast to?”
“What else? To the happy couple.”
Bitterness laced his tongue.
Without looking at him, Laurel said, “How are you doing?”
“Good.” He played with the label on the bottle. “Great.”
“Come on. This is your Laura you’re talking to. Tell me. How are you feeling?”
“Honestly?” Conrad swigged his beer. “It’s pretty much killing me.”
He hadn’t admitted it to anyone else. He’d avoided it when the topic had been broached, but the last few days had him feeling like a raw nerve.
Laurel looked back at him, her face tender. “I’m sorry. I know you love her a lot, kid. This must be really hard on you.”
He couldn’t reply, his throat was closing up. Pressure was building up behind his eyes. He was going to cry in front of her. It was the way she’d said it, Conrad felt like his mum was right there, knowing without him having to tell her.
He felt so empty. He just wanted his mum. If she was here, everything would make sense, he could get through this. Maybe they wouldn’t even be here at all. Maybe it would have been him and Belly. They’d be happy and in love and it’d be a summer just like any of the others where they were all together. The animosity wouldn’t be pulling them apart.
Laurel reached over and took his hand in hers. It was slightly rougher than Susannah’s had been. He tried to pull it away, but she held on tighter.
“We’ll get through it tomorrow, I promise. It’ll be you and me, kid.” Squeezing his hand, she said, “God, I miss your mom.”
“Me too.” He bit his lip. It threatened to quiver.
“We really need her right now, don’t we?”
Conrad couldn’t hold it in anymore. He bowed my head and started to cry. Laurel stayed holding onto him.
His dreams were the only place he got to experience anything pleasant these days, so he was not impressed when Steven shook his bed, waking him.
“Have you seen Jere?” he demanded.
“I was asleep until three seconds ago,” Conrad muttered, eyes still closed, hoping he could recapture the dream. He couldn’t remember anything other than a silky sensation through his fingers and some twinkling fairy lights. “How could I have seen him?”
Steven stopped shaking the bed and sat down on the edge. “He’s gone, man. I can’t find him anywhere, and he left his phone. What the hell happened last night?”
Conrad shot upright, swearing internally. Belly must have told him. Why else would Jeremiah be missing on the day of his wedding without any of the essentials? “I don’t know,” Conrad said, rubbing his eyes.
“What are we gonna do?”
Conrad got up, and started putting on whatever clothes he could find. “Go ahead and get dressed. I’ll look for him. Don’t tell Belly anything.”
Steven wasn’t sure about keeping Belly out of the loop, but Conrad convinced him that if he wasn’t back in an hour, he could tell her. He’d also told Steven that he thought he knew where Jere was, but that was a fat lie. He had no idea, but he knew that he broke it, so he had to be the one to fix it.
Laurel stopped him on the way out, saying she was looking for Jere too to give him something. Conrad lied to her too, saying that Jere was out getting something for the wedding and that Conrad was going to meet him now. When he offered to give it to him, she gave him an envelope from his mother’s stationary with Jere’s name on the front.
Smiling, Laurel said, “You know, I think it might be nicer this way, coming from you. Beck would like that, don’t you think?”
He nodded. “Yeah, I think she would.” There was no way Conrad was coming back without Jere.
He didn’t have any idea where Jere would have gone, so Conrad couldn’t do anything but drive around and check place in Cousins. Conrad checked his watch every 10 seconds, overly aware that his hour was slipping away. He was just praying that Jeremiah hadn’t gone to Boston.
Where would Jeremiah go if he was upset? To Susannah. But where? In Cousins she was everywhere. Then it came to him—the garden. Maybe Jere had gone to the garden at the shelter.
He called Steven and got an extra half an hour before Steven would tell Belly that Jere was missing.
Pulling into the parking lot, Conrad spotted Jere’s car straight away. Equal measures of relief and dread flooded his body. He’d found Jere, but it was Conrad’s fault he’d even disappeared in the first place.
Jere was sitting on a bench by the garden, his head in his hands. He was still in last night’s clothes. His head snapped up when he heard Conrad coming. “I’m warning you, man. Don’t come near me right now.”
I kept walking. When I was standing right in front of him, I said, “Come back to the house with me.”
He glowered. “Fuck you.”
“You’re supposed to be getting married in a couple of hours. We don’t have time to do this right now. Just hit me. It’ll make you feel better.” Conrad tried to pick up Jere’s arm, and he shoved him off.
“No, it’ll make you feel better. You don’t deserve to feel better. But after the shady shit you pulled, I should beat the crap out of you.”
“Then do it,” Conrad said. “And then let’s go. Belly’s waiting for you. Don’t make her wait on her wedding day.”
“Shut up!” he yelled, lunging at Conrad, grabbing a fistful of his shirt. “You don’t get to talk to me about her.”
Conrad had never seen this side of Jere before. Conrad had been the one quick to anger. Jeremiah had always hated when he fought. He never seemed to have a hateful bone in his body. Now, Jere had this terrible look in his eyes, and it was Conrad’s fault.
“Come on, man. Please. I’m begging you.”
“Why? Because you still love her, right?” He didn’t wait for Conrad to answer. “What I want to know is, if you still had feelings for her, why did you give me the go-ahead, huh? I did the right thing. I didn’t go behind your back. I asked you, straight up. You told me you were over her.”
“You weren’t exactly asking for my permission when I walked in on you kissing her in your car. Yeah, I still gave you the go-ahead, because I trusted you to take care of her and treat her right. Then you go and cheat on her in Cabo during spring break. So maybe I should be the one asking if you love her or not.” As soon as I got the last word out, Jere’s fist was connecting with Conrad’s face, hard. It was like getting hit with a ten-foot wave—all I could hear was the ringing in his ears. Conrad staggered backward. “Good.” He gasped. “Can we get out of here now?”
He punched him again. This time Conrad fell to the ground. The taste of metal filled his mouth.
“Shut up!” he yelled. “Don’t talk to me about who loves Belly more. I’ve always loved her. Not you. You treated her like garbage. You left her so many times, man. You’re a coward. Even now, you can’t admit it to my face.”
Breathing hard, Conrad spat out a mouthful of blood and said, “Fine. I love her. I admit it. Sometimes—sometimes I think she’s the only girl I could ever be with. But Jere, she picked you. You’re the one she wants to marry. Not me.” Conrad pulled the envelope out of his pocket, stumbled up, and pushed it at his chest. “Read this. It’s for you, from Mom. For your wedding day.”
Swallowing, he tore the envelope open. Conrad watched him as he read, hoping, knowing, his mom would have the right words. She always knew what to say to Jeremiah.
Jere started to cry as he read, and Conrad turned his head away. He wished that Susannah was here to sort it all out, to talk to them both and calm them down, but the letter would have to do in her absence.
“I’m going back,” he finally said. “But not with you. You’re not my brother anymore. You’re dead to me. I don’t want you at my wedding. I don’t want you in my life. I want you gone.”
“I hope you said everything you needed to say to her. Because after this, you’re never seeing her again. Or me. It’s over. You and I are done.” He handed Conrad the letter. “This is yours, not mine.”
Then he left.
Conrad sat on the bench and opened the paper up.
Dear Conrad,
My sweet boy. Today is your wedding day and it’s one of my deepest regrets that I am not there to witness it, but I hope that you feel nothing but happiness and excitement. I imagine you in your suit, maybe wearing the cufflinks that your father wore at our wedding, waiting at the alter with bated breath.  
I picture you with someone bright, in all sense of the word— someone radiant. You used to be so scared of the dark, but lately you get so caught up in it, I’m sometimes afraid you’ll forget about the light. I hope she reminds you of it. I hope she keeps you there.
I am grateful, though, that I got to see you in love at least once. Maybe all my hopes and dreams and jokes came true and you’re marrying her. But if destiny has other plans, I just hope she makes you just as happy. I hope that it’s easier for you to express. My dear Connie, I want you to love openly and without restraint. It’s my deepest wish for you.
All my love always, Mum
Then Conrad started crying too.
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killerqueenishere · 4 years
Oblivious | Young! Remus Lupin x F! Rrader
Warning: a lot of fluff and oblivious Remus
Description: You liked a Remus for a long time but he is just being oblivious
Prompt: 25. A: You find me attractive?
B: About time you noticed.
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You were friends with Marauders since day one at Hogwarts, you were like little family, James and Sirius looked after you like big brothers, however you were closest to Remus, you two had so much in common, you would often read in common room next to the fireplace talking about book that you are currently reading or you would study in the library or watch stars in the astronomy tower.
On every full moon you were next to him transformed in your animal form and the morning after you would sit next to his bed in hospital wing.
You wasn't sure when you catched feeling for him, but no one could blame you, who wouldn't catch them? He was the kindest man alive, he was smart and gentle, he would always bring you chocolate when you feel down, he said that chocolate always helps, like charm, but it was more him that worked like charm for you.
You were at potions, sitting next to Lily, stealing glances at Remus from time to time, Lily nudged you "Why don't you tell him already?" She asked "Well I did told him indirectly that I like him" quiet sigh left your lips "Well he is either stupid or so damn much oblivious to your crush, I mean everyone can see it" your eyes widened at that "What do you meam everyone?" You turned to her "Well Sirius and James noticed your crush, but just our little friend ower there didn't" she said as a matter of fact "Oh Godric" you mumbled.
You knew there is a question of time when James and Sirius would bring that up.
The class was dismissed, you collected your things and started walking out of the class room with Lily by your side, soon the tree boys joined you.
James and Sirius immediately started talking about their newest prank, but to be honest you didn't even listened to them. Light tap on your shoulder brought you back to reality
"Sorry, have I scared you?" Remus asked "No, it's all good" you smiled up at him "You were a bit lost, is everything alright?" He asked while concern was written all over his face "Everything is alright, thank you" you smiled at him "Hey, Remus, do you wanna go to Hogsmade with me?" He smiled at you "Of course"
When you arrived to transfiguration class room you took your usual place next to Lily
"We are going to change pairs" you and Lily immediately looked at each other "So Lily Evans and James Potter" Lily groaned at that "Y/n Y/l/n and Remus Lupin" you got up to change seats with James.
You gave bright smile to Remus while talking a seat next to brown haired boy "You need to do essay together" McGonagall described what you all will be doing for said essay.
When the class was dismissed you got up to leave with your friends when you heard Professor telling you to stay behind.
"I will catch you guys later" you saidwhile turning around. You were standing in front of McGonagall "Is everything alright professor?" She adjusted jer glasses "You should really be more straight forward and direct while confessing Mr Lupin that you like him" you felt your face staring to burn with colour "Sorry professor, but I don't like Remus" you laughed nervously "Oh please you can't deny it when that is obvious, well apparently not to Mr Lupin" you swallowed "You are free to go but just do as I said, it is painful watching you both staring at each other in every class" mumbling a little alright and thank you, you left class room.
You were thinking the whole way to the great hall, you didn't even realised when you got inside of the big room until you saw boy with his nose in the book like usual.
You took place next to Lily, "So what Minnie wanted? Are you in trouble" James asked "Don't be stupid James, her in trouble" Said Sirius "No I am not in trouble" Sirius smiled at James "So wha-" but you cut James "Remus do you want to go to the library to start with our essay?" The boy rised his head to met your y/e/c eyes "Yeah, let's go"
Remus was explaining things to you, which part he will do and which part you will do, you loved when he was explaining things to you, you would sometimes pretend that you didn't understand something just so you could listen to him talking
"I love when you explain things to me, I mean I love you talking in general" you said cutting him mid sentence, you noticed that his cheeks got light pink colour "Um, thank you" he laughed a bit nervously while he ran his finhers through his hair "I love when you do that" you commented while looking at his hair and if Remus wasn't blushing before he was definitely now "Thanks" he said that so low that you almost didn't catch it.
You would occasionally look at him from time to time, how he bit his bottom lip when he was writing or how he would occasionally run his fingers through his fluffy hair, you loved observing him from time to time, but you sure wasn't staring or that is what you told yourself at least.
"Hey Rem" he mumbled an answer still looking at his paper "Wanna go to the Astronomy tower tonight?" He rised his head "Yeah sure" you smiled "Great"
Astronomy tower
You were next to each other looking at the stars, he would occasionally show you constellations that he has noticed and that will always lead to him telling you facts about that specific constellations.
You turned your head to look at him, his face was illuminated by the moon he looked even more beautiful now, eyes glittering from and smal smile was evident on his face, even with his scars he was breathing, you feelt your heart beating faster "You are beautiful" you didn't realised that you said that out loud until his face turned to look at you "What?" He asked, surprised look on his face "You are beautiful, I didn't know that you could look even more attractive than you already do but whit moonlight illuminating your face like this I realised that I was wrong" you said without breaking eye contact " Wait you find me attractive?" "About time you noticed" you said smiling "Why?" He asked like it wasn't already obvious "Because I could watch you for a single minute and find a thousand things that I love about you" you were at the end of the sentence so nervous, because jere you are confessing your feelings to the most perfect guy at Hogwarts and he was just looking at you confused "But how can you?" He asked turning his head away from you "I'm a werewolf" he said that like it is a proof that you shouldn't feel that way from him "So? What that has to do with this?" You asked "Well I am a monster" he said whit his eyebrows furrowed "No, you are not!" You took a step closer to him "You are not a monster Rem" you put your hand on jis cheek "I wish that you could see yourself the way I see you" he closed his eyes and took a deep breath "I love you and if you'd let me I can show you how much of an amazing and kind person you are, I can show you that you are not a monster" he placed his hand on top of yours "I love you too" your heart skipped a bit at his confession "But I am scared that one day you would wake up and realise that I am a monster" his look was full of pain "That will never happen, please trust me" he took a deep breath "I trust you" you smiled and finally after minutes smile found it way in his face too "Can I kiss you now?" If you could you would melted at that "Of course" he leaned in slowly until his lips met yours in sweet kiss.
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Chapter 14 -- Perfect Harmony | Charlie Gillespie
Summary: Emily Fox is a talented 17-year-old with a passion for all things music. Her dream is to become a successful singer-songwriter one day. But to achieve that dream, she needs to get into one of the most prestigious music schools in her district – it’s all been part of her plan since she was six. Sadly enough, those schools cost a ton of money that her parents don’t want to invest. They don’t even want her to pursue her dream. So, now Emily’s hustling, working at the music store to save up to get into college. That’s until she meets Charlie, an annoying seventeen-year-old boy with the same dream as her. The only difference is, he’s just doing it. He doesn’t need a fancy college to pursue his dream to become famous with his band. He just writes his songs and books small gigs here, there and everywhere. Will meeting Charlie defer her from her dream college, or will he actually help her achieve the dream?
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x OC (Emily Fox)
Warnings: mentions of death, sexual assault
Important note: the characters of Charlie, Owen, Jeremy and Madison are based on the characters they play on the show and i do not own their names, only OC are mine. The songs aren’t mine either, they’re all from the show except for one.
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Chapter fourteen 
~|Charlie Gillespie|~
Life is good on the other side of Hollywood. The song really does stick. Life with Emily has definitely changed me for the better. I feel like I’m soaring on clouds every time I’m around her or even think of her. And my songwriting has gotten better too. “Where have you been?” My mother’s bone-chilling angry voice greets me when I enter the kitchen. “You’ve been out nearly every night of the week, not returning until late.” This is not going to be a fun conversation. “I was rehearsing with the boys, ma,” I say as I grab a bottle of water from the fridge, hoping to escape this talking-to quickly. “Again? What about school, Charlie?!” “I did that before I left for rehearsals,” I lie. Why would anyone work for school when there are no tests this week? That’s just working for nothing. This whole school-thing is a waste of time when you think about it. I want to be a Rockstar, get Sunset Curve famous. “You don’t think I would actually believe that, right?!” Her voice rises with the second. “Believe what you want, mom. There’s nothing going on this week anyway.” I probably should not have said that because mom’s expression changes from angry to furious. “That’s no reason not to work for it, Charles Gillespie!” The full name takes me back to Emily calling me Charles and it’s enough for my brain to give my lips permission to curl up. “You think this is funny, do you?” The smile vanishes as soon as it came. “No, mom! But I got this, okay? This is my life and I’ve got control over it, okay? You have to let me live my life, mom!” The screaming match lures my father into the kitchen as well. “What’s going on here?” he asks, clearly annoyed we’d disturbed his favorite show. “Your son over here thinks he has control over his life and doesn’t need to work for school anymore,” mom explains, the volume of her voice goes down, but the anger’s still there. “I mean, he’s seventeen, honey…” At least dad understands me, “He’s going to learn how to live life by making mistakes, you got to let him make them.” “You’re seriously going to take his side right now?!” The volume raises again. “Mom! This has nothing to do with taking sides! If you didn’t breathe on my neck like you always do, you would know how amazing the band is doing and that I have an amazing girlfriend! But all you care about is controlling my life!” I freeze when I realize what I’d just yelled at my mother. “Just let me live!” “You’re seventeen, Charlie! You don’t know what you’re doing with your life!” At least she’s not reacting to my girlfriend-news I’d just blurted out to them. If she ever talks shit about Emily, I swear to God, it won’t be their finest day. “No, I don’t! But that’s normal, okay?! I want to figure out life by myself, with my band, with my girlfriend. So, stay out of it!” I push past her and dad, grab my backpack and leave the house again, cycling to Jeremy’s garage again. I know I’m always welcome to crash there after a fight with my parents. Owen and Jeremy are both still in the garage, cleaning up, chatting. When they see me, their grinning faces fade into worried glances. They already know what’s going on. I drop my backpack on the floor and plop down next to Owen onto the couch. “You okay, man?” Owen asks. “Yeah, just my parents being controlling again, you know?” He offers me a sympathetic smile. “Hey, Jere, do you mind me crashing here tonight?” “You can stay as long as you want,” he replies with a smile. “Thanks, man.” “I’m staying the night too,” Owen tells me, “Parents still aren’t talking to me.” “How long since you came out to them?” I can feel my heart breaking at the thought of Owen just being himself and completely being obliterated by his parents, the people who are supposed to love you unconditionally. “About a year…” Heart shattered. “At least I still got Luka.” I smile as I think about Owen’s sister. In 6th grade, she used to babysit us, even though we thought we were old enough to stay home alone. But Luka actually was the best babysitter ever. And I can’t deny I had a little crush on her at one point. It did blow over when she ditched us one time to go on a date. Besides being the greatest babysitter ever, she’s also been a great sport in Owen’s coming out. She was the first one he told besides us. Not only that, she’s also the biggest Sunset Curve fan. “How is Luka?” I ask, which earns me a sharp glare from Owen. “I’m just curious.” “She’s navigating college, so home isn’t where I want to be at the moment.” “Right, must be tough for her too,” Jeremy chimes in. “Yeah, must be tough having your parents worry about your every move.” I note the sarcasm in his voice and offer him a sympathetic smile, hoping that’ll help somewhat. I also feel slightly attacked by his comment. “Hey, at least we’ve got each other,” I tell him, patting his shoulder.   “And us is all we need,” Owen agrees with a small smile shining through. “And Emily!” Jeremy’s mention of Emily simply makes me smile again. Even the mention of her name makes me smile. I guess that does show how whipped I am for this girl. I wish I could tell her though. “She’s amazing, isn’t she?” Both Owen and Jeremy nod their heads, agreeing with me. “You’re so in love with her, bro,” Owen says. “Have you taken her on a date yet?” Jeremy wants to know. “No, not really. Unless you count sorting invoices at the Music Store or secret make-out sessions on her balcony?” They now shake their heads in response. “Why don’t you take her out on a date? Cute little picknick? Movie?” Owen suggests. “Yeah, if you want, you can take her here, we’ll set up like a projector and a screen, decorate with Christmas lights, and buy some food.” I stare at Jeremy for a little longer than I’d like. Did that really come out of his mouth? That’s a decent idea for once. “I don’t know if she likes romantic gestures like that though?” I manage to bring out once I’ve recomposed myself. “What girl wouldn’t like watching a movie on a big screen with her boyfriend, eating food, surrounded by pretty lights?” Owen reasons. That’s a good point. “Will you guys help me set up though?” They nod in response, and we get to work straight away. Jeremy goes inside to grab the projector and a large white sheet we hang up in the garage while Owen and I go on the hunt for the Christmas lights. According to Jeremy, we’d find in the attic. “Have you told Emily about us yet?” Owen asks me when we’re in the attic by ourselves, searching for the box with the decorations. I look up at him for a second before turning to a cardboard box to my right. “Uhm, no… I’m not sure how to tell her I used to date my bandmate?” “Emily’s cool, man. Her favorite uncle was gay and now she lives with his husband and they both know I’m gay, but she never treated me any differently.” “Yeah, but isn’t there a difference between being friends with a gay person and dating a pansexual person?” Owen shrugs whilst fishing a bundle of fairy lights out of a box. “It’s both very queer. I’m sure she’d be cool with it.” “I’ll see what subjects we’ll talk about tomorrow. Might tell her if it comes up.” “Good call, man.” I take a few more bundles of string lights and join Owen downstairs. While Jeremy hangs the white sheet and installs the projector, Owen and I decorate the place with all the Christmas lights we found. Warm whites, cold whites, and colorful ones. It serves for a fairytale looking glow throughout the entire garage. “Why didn’t we do this earlier?” I ask, admiring our work. “It really does give it a more calming atmosphere, doesn’t it?” Jeremy agrees. “Okay, I set up the projector, you just got to plug in a laptop and you’re good to stream your favorite or most romantic movies.” I pat him on the back, offering him a thankful smile. “Thanks, Jere. This was an amazing idea.” “Emily’s going to love it,” says Owen whilst looking up at the lights surrounding us. “Let’s go to sleep now and after school tomorrow, we’ll go shopping for food and set it all up for both of you to enjoy.” Jeremy’s almost giddy with excitement. It really is adorable. Jeremy hands Owen and I a sleeping bag and takes one for himself too. The three of us are used to sleeping on the floor of the garage. Many nights were spent like this ever since Middle School whether it was for sleepovers or when either Owen or I had problems at home. Jeremy often asked us to come over if he’d had a bad day too. Just fun little sleepovers between three best buddies. And they really are the best.
“Won’t be at the Music Store tonight. Find me at Jeremy’s garage to find out why. Wear something comfortable x” I send Emily the text after school just before the boys and I go grocery shopping in Jeremy’s fridge. He did ask his mom to buy a few extra snacks and things, saying it was for rehearsals. I’m glad he didn’t tell her about Emily and me yet. “Okay, we’re all done here!” Jeremy exclaims excitedly, looking at the finished product. My heart is beating faster and faster, scared Emily won’t like it, scared she doesn’t feel the same. “Hey, guys!” Emily’s voice startles me, and all three of us turn around to see her enter the garage. “What’s going o—” she freezes in place, noticing the fairy lights and the big screen. “Wha—” She looks adorable with her eyes bulging out and her mouth agape. I’m frozen for a moment. My feet don’t want to move even when I tell them to. “Charlie said you guys never had a proper date,” Owen springs into action, stepping forward and taking Emily’s hand, “So, we kind of put something together for you guys.” He leads her towards me. I doubt she’s even listening to what Owen’s saying as she’s still gazing around in surprise. “Hope you guys enjoy!” The two dip out of the garage, leaving Emily and me by ourselves. I let her take in the sight for a moment before grabbing her hand and leading her towards the mountain of pillows and blankets. “Charlie…” she breathes out, “This is beautiful.” She sits down while I go to the laptop to pick out a movie, settling on Aladdin since she made a comment about it the other day. I then hand her a glass of orange juice and place the snack platter between us whilst sitting down. “I wanted to do something special for you,” I tell her and clink my glass against hers. “Do you like it?” She nods her head vigorously. “I love it!” She leans in and presses a kiss to my cheek. “Who’s idea was it to do the cinema and the fairy lights?” “Surprisingly, Jeremy’s,” Emily’s eyes widen in surprise. “Yeah, I was shocked too.” “Such a surprising guy, that one.” I nod in agreement. “Let’s watch the movie, shall we?” Emily nods her head and we settle into the cushions. At first, we just sit shoulder to shoulder until she starts fidgeting. “Not comfortable yet?” “I can’t find the right way,” she chuckles, crossing her legs. “Come here,” I open one arm as I lean into the cushions behind me. Her cheeks flush pink as she leans in and rests her head on my shoulder. “Better?” I drop my arm around her shoulders, pressing her closer to me. “Much better,” she mumbles. I’m pretty sure she can hear my heart beating quicker, especially when she puts her arm across my stomach. “Can I confess something?” she asks around halfway into the movie. I look down at her, finding her staring at me, and nod. “I totally watched Aladdin with Uncle Mitch yesterday because it reminded me of you.” I can’t help the smile on my face at how endearing she sounds right now. “I picked it for today because it reminded me of you too.” Emily chuckles slightly and sits up straight to take another sip of her orange juice. “You want to watch something else?” She shakes her head. “Let’s just talk for a while?” I agree, but I can’t help to feel nervous. “I feel like I don’t know that much about you yet, but I somehow feel like I’ve known you for years, you know?” “Yeah, I totally feel the same,” I confess, “Don’t people play that Twenty-Questions game on the first date?” She takes a piece of cheese and pops it into her mouth. “Yeah,” she says after swallowing, “That’s a good idea! I’ll start!” She presses her lips together and looks up at the ceiling, seemingly thinking of a good question to ask. “A simple one; what’s your favorite color?” The color of your eyes. “Uhm… blue, I think? Yours?” “Yellow! It’s a happy color,” she gives me the cutest smile I ever did see. “Your turn!” “Uhm… Do you have siblings?” “Nope, only child over here.” I raise my hand for a high five, saying, “Same, girl!” and she slaps her hand one mine excitedly. “What’s one secret you’re still keeping from your mom?” Her question stumps me. Not that I don’t know the answer, because I do. The nerves just suddenly settle in. She’ll be cool. “That I dated Owen for about a month last year and that I’m pansexual.” Her eyebrows rise in surprise. “Pansexual is the attraction to people regardless of their gender, right? Just so I got it right.” “Yes, exactly,” I gaze at her, awaiting her response of running out of the garage and never coming back, but she stays put. “How was it dating Owen?” She asks instead. “Not great. I mean, Owen was a great guy and we had good moments together, his parents just… never really accepted his sexuality. They still don’t, so being with him was a little rough. We broke up because we realized it didn’t really fit, I guess? With his parents and the band and stuff…” “How did you start dating?” Our game of twenty questions has become a little one sided and about one topic in particular. “He’d just told his parents and they got into a fight, so he came here. Jeremy wasn’t here yet, but I was since I’d run away from my parents too after a fight. He had a panic attack, so to stop him from panicking, I kind of kissed him?” She smiles an endearing smile. “But it’s my turn to ask a question now!” “Right, sorry!” “If you ever got trapped on a deserted island with one friend, who would you choose?” I ask, hoping to be rid of all the questions about me and Owen. Though I love the fact she didn’t up and run. She stuck around and is actually interested to know more about my past relationships and my sexuality. She would only ask if interested. “Madi, probably. I—” she cuts herself off, her eyes widening as if she’d just remembered something. “Oh my God. Oh. My. God!” She scurries off the ground and grabs her backpack quickly. “Madi asked me to hang out tonight after my shift and I told her it was okay since we didn’t plan any band practices! I totally forgot! She’s going to kill me!” She fishes her phone out of her backpack and quickly types in a message while I get up from my spot. “I’m so sorry, Charlie!” She gives me an apologetic look. “It’s okay! We’ll do this over one day. Go to Madi!” A relieved smile cracks through right before she grabs my face and kisses me on the lips. Just a quick, passionate peck, and off she goes, leaving me a little woozy from the electricity that just zipped from her lips to mine and through my entire body. An amazing girl, that one.
Taglist: @parkeret​​ @lukeys-giggle​ @hannahhistorian92​ @gingerxarmy​ @marinettepotterandplagg​ @lovesanimals​ @thequirkybookaholic​ @calamitykaty​ Lemme know if you want to be on my taglist for this story/any of my other works!
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