#Jeon Wonwoo imagine
dirtysvthoughts · 15 days
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mafia boss! wonwoo x reader headcanons
tags/warnings: smut, female! reader, reader is shorter than wonwoo, some pwp, some worldbuilding before the smut (you know how i do), pet names (pretty girl, little one, etc.), mentions of love languages, mentions of lingerie, fingering, lots of kissing and making out, mentions of a dinner, apartment sex, kitchen sex into bedroom sex, make sure they wrap it up before you unwrap it! i’m actually highly upset i can’t have wonwoo blow my back out on a regular
author’s note: first of all, HEY BESTIES! i know i’ve been kinda silent, but i’m slowly getting back my will and motivation to write (do NOT take 3 classes during the summer). i’ve been dying to get my thoughts out on this after the lalali mv, and who knows - this may end up as a full length fic sometime soon 👀 let’s get into it!
-mafia boss! wonwoo whose gang started off small, and now he runs one of the largest mafia organizations in the country. he’s cunning, smart, sly, intimidating, even ruthless. those under him respect and admire him, from his vice-leader to the newer members. he strikes fear into several and he is not to be taken lightly or crossed. several groups have been eliminated with just a few words from his lips (like he said, he’s a monster).
-then enter you, his lover, whose entire lifestyle is the opposite of the one he leads. you’re just a simple office worker, but you’re fortunate enough to have some extra pleasures, like a lavish apartment and a decent social life. wonwoo has had his share of women and previous relationships, but you were different. you keep him level headed and grounded. your calm demeanor and intelligence are so very, very attractive to him. and of course, your looks and natural beauty were stunning. he’s protective of you and would prefer you rather not get involved in any of his business endeavors.
-even though he insists on not bringing you into his craziness, he wants to help you out and provide for you as much as he can. his acts of service have ranged from his captains running errands for you to even giving you large monetary gifts every few months.
smut under the cut!! minors DO NOT INTERACT FROM HERE!
-good god, sex with mafia boss! wonwoo would go two ways: rough sex with you screaming and begging for mercy or soft sex with you whimpering and moaning his name, telling you to hold your cum in until he says you can release it. either way, his dominance will be asserted.
-has multiple pet names for you, but absolutely loves calling you: “little one,” “princess,” “my darling,” and “pretty girl.”
-mafia boss! wonwoo has an OBSESSION with you in lingerie. he. can’t. get. enough. he’s bought you multiple sets, and of course has his favorites. absolutely loves it when you dress up for him, he will roam his calloused hands up and down your body, kissing your stomach as he toys with the hem of your panties.
-one of your sexual encounters was in his gang’s warehouse (before the group’s weekly meeting, so it was empty). he looked so dashing in his green gucci suit, hair pulled back into a bun - the wetness gushing in your panties making it clear you needed him. when he closes and locks the warehouse garage door, he crashes his lips onto yours while his hands grab your ass. he grunted something about missing you and how he needed to feel your tight cunt around him. at the moment, you’re unable to form words, but you feel the exact same way, all you could think about was him while you were working and the last time he fucked you silly. he walks you over to a table, lips still on yours and his hands now moving to take off your blouse. he tosses the white garment to the side, leaving you in your bra and work pants. once the back of your knees hit the edge of the table, he guides you to lay on top, clearing off everything in your way - objects loudly crashing to the floor. he caresses your face as his right hand works the clasps and the zipper on your pants, fingers slowly trailing inside your panties, and lightly touching your clit from the outside. you can help but bite your lip and moan his name, wonwoo smirking in response and he rubs the pad of his fingers around your part. “think you can finish before junghoon (his vice leader) gets here, little one?”
-another wonderful sexual encounter brought out his soft dom side. he wanted to spend some time with you, so you two set a date where he can come over to your place, have some food, and enjoy your company. on the day of, he rings the doorbell to your apartment, bringing with him a bottle of champagne, dressed in a white mock turtleneck with black pants. when you open the door, a smile appears on his face and you take his hand, leading him through the door. you just put him at ease, and he feels so comfortable around you. “i missed you my darling,” he whispers as he kisses your hand, a blush creeping on your cheeks.
-some time passes after dinner, and the two of you are talking in the kitchen with champagne still in your glasses. as you sit on the counter, wonwoo finishes washing the dishes, thanking you for the meal. you shrug and say it was nothing and you didn’t mind, but wonwoo insists that it was something more. “i know i don’t say this a lot, but i want to let you know that i do love you, and you mean a lot to me.” your heart melts at his words and you give wonwoo a hug as he comes back to your side. “i love you too, baby,” you whisper. a few moments later, you delicately press your lips on his, and he seals the deal. your tongues dance together as you continue to kiss, this time your hands are the first to move and they tug at the hem of his turtleneck, pulling it up to reveal some of his abs. he helps you out as his shirt goes higher, and it’s quickly tossed to the other side of the room. he returns the favor by taking off your crop top, revealing the bra that beautifully accentuates your breasts. he licks his lips as he kisses your neck, his hands moving slowly up your thighs. “w-wonwoo,” you whine, “i need you!” “i know, darling, i know,” he responds. “you’ll have everything you want and more tonight.” he carries you bridal style to your bedroom, lips still locked together as gently tosses you onto the bed.
-you’re pretty sure by now your neighbors can hear you moan for your partner, but you could care less right now - wonwoo was thrusting into so deliciously that you body pinged with each movement. he knew your body and he knew how to please you, and tonight he wanted to make sure just how much you meant to him. filthy phrases leave his mouth, calling you his baby girl, how perfect your pussy was for him, and all he wanted was to see your legs covered in his juices. you grasp onto your hotel-like white sheets, your face contorting as his deep voice and dick send you over the edge when he hits your spot and releases his load in you. you breathe heavily as you come too, saying his name over and over as if it was the only thing you knew.
“i love you little one,” he kisses your cheek as he pulls out, embracing you as you cuddle up to his side.
“mmm, i love you too.”
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mingtinys · 3 months
" i already have the world "
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pairing : jeon wonwoo x gn!reader
"13 ways to say "i love you" with seventeen"
warnings : none
word count : 0.5 k
a/n : unsure if i'm happy with this , but the writers block was BAD and so i ended up falling victim to the gamer!wonwoo trope
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You truly wonder how Wonwoo still finds it in himself to wake up as early as he does to make his various schedules. Especially when it's already two in the morning yet he's still locked in on his computer screen, furiously clicking away. Meanwhile, you're walking a very thin line of consciousness.
If it weren't for the giant glowing monitor and the voices shouting through Wonwoo's headset, you probably would've lost your battle against sleep by now. And judging from the increasingly irritated shouts of Seungcheol and Jihoon for Mingyu to "go left," it sounds like Wonwoo's team is losing theirs.
"Your other left, idiot," You just barely make out Jihoon's exhausted words. "Wonwoo, please help him, you're closest."
"Yeah, I'm already on it. Someone cover me–" There's a pause, then a sad tune plays and you force your eyelids back open just wide enough to catch the giant "LOSE" written across the display. "Never mind, good game."
"It was most definitely not," Seungcheol complains.
"One more round?" Mingyu asks, even though this is their fifth "one more round."
"Yeah, just give me a minute and we can start," Wonwoo says before promptly muting his mic. He nudges you with his shoulder, earning a very unamused groan back in response.
"You can go to bed if you want," he chuckles.
"Alone?" You whine, which only makes him laugh more.
"You're right, what a ridiculous idea," he teases. "This is the last one for real this time, promise."
You're head falls to Wonwoo's shoulder with a sigh. He readjusts, allowing you to rest more comfortably. With your newfound pillow, sleep easily consumes you.
Your breathing slows down to a steady pace almost instantly and Wonwoo glances down with a soft chuckle. "I'm sorry I kept you up," he whispers, placing a feathery kiss on the top of your head.
He unmutes his mic. "Hey, sorry guys, I'm gonna log off for the night."
"What? Dude, we're just about to start. Please don't leave me with Seungcheol and Jihoon!" Mingyu urges. Wonwoo contemplates it, a match would only be around twenty minutes. But one more look at your sleeping form and that thought is gone as soon as it comes.
"Sorry, it's late, good luck though."
"Wait!" Mingyu tries again. "What if I buy you lunch tomorrow?"
"Goodnight, Mingyu."
"A coffee? Your favorite pastry from that bakery half an hour away? The world? What's it gonna take?"
"Mingyu, stop being dramatic and let the man go to bed." Seungcheol chastises.
Wonwoo secures his arm around your waist and pulls you against him when he notices your head slipping from his shoulder. An action that makes you snuggle further into his side in your unconscious state. Perhaps his heart has gone a little soft, but no offer could possibly amount to the moments like these he gets to spend with you.
So while lunch and a coffee is a tempting offer, it simply doesn't compare. "Besides," he says in a last goodbye into the mic. "I already have the world."
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taglist: @matchahyuck @dontwannaexsist @minnieminshi
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junrenjun · 2 months
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alpha!wonwoo x beta!reader (mentioned ot13 x reader)
genre: angst, fluff (wow are we sensing a trend here?)
wc: 1897
warnings: mentions of arguments, implications of violence (jokingly), slightly suggestive at the end, polyamory
summary: wonwoo and the pack return to the apartment after practice to a sulking seungcheol and a missing y/n.
a/n: here's wonwoo's part! you can start to see some hints of reader and the pack's past, especially with wonwoo and seungcheol. enjoy :)
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Wonwoo was, to put it quite plainly, tired. Exhausted even. Today’s schedule had them learning two completely new dances and his brain kept getting them mixed up. Don’t get him wrong, he loves the performance unit and respects their choreographers, but they might have been a little in over their heads. 
As they finished the last hour of rehearsal, he couldn’t keep his eyes off the clock. He was counting down the minutes until he could go home and bask in the presence of his beta. Maybe it was due to the fact that Wonwoo’s rut was set to hit within the next few weeks, but he felt the need to be around you 24/7. To the point where you told him that he was becoming a “grade A clinger.” He couldn’t quite bring himself to care though, you were taking the affection in stride. It was a clear improvement from when he first integrated you into the pack. 
The alpha shook his head to bring him back to the present, right as the choreographers finally cleared the group to head home for the day. Wonwoo doesn’t think he’s ever packed his practice bag faster. Vernon seems to take notice of this. “You good bro?”
Wonwoo doesn’t even look up as he shoves a hoodie over his head. “Yeah, I just can’t wait to get home.”
He sees Vernon’s lips curl into a smirk from the corner of his eye. “So you can whisk y/n away to your room and keep her to yourself for the night? The rest of us would like a little time too. Nice sweatshirt by the way.”
A scent that is clearly not his own invades his senses. He looks down and curses. This hoodie is definitely not his. How did Mingyu’s sweatshirt even get into his bag in the first place? Remembering Vernon’s first comment, Wonwoo finally looks up at his packmate. “I don’t steal her.”
Vernon snorts and mumbles out a “whatever you say dude,” before turning on his heel to go bother Seungkwan. Shocker. Wonwoo resists the urge to roll his eyes. His packmate’s words start to take effect though because he’s pulling out his phone and texting you.
“You can tell me if my clinginess gets too much you know? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or steal you away from the rest of the pack.”
He sends the message before shoving his phone in his (Mingyu’s) pocket. The rest of the pack is slowly making their way to the door, so he follows suit. As they sluggishly head to the vans, he observes his mates. Junhui and Minghao are conversing in Mandarin, Vernon has his arm over Seungkwan’s shoulder and is attached to him like a leech, and Jeonghan is typing away on his phone.
He feels his own phone ping in his pocket and rushes to grab it, hoping you had responded. He deflates when he realizes it’s just Jeonghan, who must have been texting the group chat when he looked over.
“Getting Japanese for dinner. If you want something, say what you want now or forever hold your peace.”
The group chat instantly explodes with everyone’s orders. Wonwoo quickly sends what he wants but frowns when he realizes neither you nor Seungcheol have responded. He tries to brush it off but it’s difficult. He knows that your phone barely leaves your side. 
He purposefully climbs into the seat next to Jeonghan when they get into the van. The omega raises a questioning eyebrow at him. He knows that Wonwoo prefers sitting by Jun and Minghao on the way home after a long day. It is usually the quietest after all.
“What’s wrong?” Jeonghan finally questions.
Wonwoo bites his lip. He’s really questioning himself now that he has to voice his concerns out loud. Is he being overdramatic? Is this just him being a clingy alpha in almost pre-rut? Might as well just get it out he supposes. He knows the pack omega won’t make fun of him. “Have you heard from y/n? I texted her earlier and she hasn’t responded. And then you asked for everyone’s dinner orders and she and Cheol didn’t respond.”
The alpha perks up when Jeonghan responds. “I was kind of worried too. I texted him like 30 minutes ago asking what he wanted for dinner. Never responded so I just decided on the Japanese place he likes. I figured he was sleeping or something, I don’t know. It’s weird that y/n hasn’t responded yet though.”
The omega doesn’t even finish what he’s saying before Wonwoo is clicking your contact and calling you. The phone rings for what feels like an eternity. And then, he hears your voicemail greeting. Fuck, something is wrong. He can feel it.
Jeonghan feels Wonwoo’s uneasiness from his side. He reaches out and runs his hand through the alpha’s hair, murmuring something about how it’s only a few minutes until they get home and that they would figure it out together. Wonwoo isn’t sure he’s actually going to survive these next few minutes without imploding, though. 
After the longest 5 minutes of his life, Wonwoo yanks the van door open and races to the pack’s apartment. He’s slightly comforted by his pack omega’s presence hot on his heels. At least he knows he’s not a delusional, overbearing alpha for worrying like this. Jeonghan steps in front of him to unlock the front door and Wonwoo releases an audible whine. Your scent hits him like a truck and it smells like stress. You’re distressed and he’s not there to calm you down. What a horrible, terrible alpha his mind tells him.
He and Jeonghan step into the entrance, the rest of the pack finally catching up and throwing questioning shouts into the air. Wonwoo immediately goes to search for you when his mate throws his arm out to stop him. “She’s not here hyung.”
Wonwoo’s eyes practically bulge out of his skull. “What do you mean?”
The omega points to the shoe rack by the door. Your shoes are gone, and in their spot, sit your usual house slippers. Seungcheol’s, however, sit undisturbed. Jeonghan turns and heads straight for the pack alpha’s room, leaving Wonwoo to fend for himself when the pack immediately begins to question him. 
The alpha offers no response, sitting down at the kitchen table and sending a location request to your phone, hoping and praying you send something back. The others seem to take the hint and disperse until everything works out. He hears Jeonghan call out to him from Seungcheol’s room. “I don’t think he knows where y/n is at.”
Wonwoo sighs. “I just requested her location. I’m hoping that she has her phone on her and can respond. If not, I’m not sure what to do.”
Jeonghan responds. “Well she’s always on that damn phone, so hopefully she’ll send her location back soon enough.”
The scent of angry alpha lingering in the kitchen has Wonwoo freezing in his tracks as he catches a whiff. It’s not just angry alpha, it’s angry Seungcheol. Something definitely happened between you two. Knowing his stubborn pack alpha, some sort of argument. 
Wonwoo wanted to scream at Seungcheol. Let him hear every nasty word that comes to mind. But he couldn’t. Not when you were unaccounted for, and, based on the silence coming from his room, the alpha is already beating himself up over whatever happened.
The sound of a text notification rouses him from his thoughts. You had finally responded with your location. Wonwoo can’t help but slap himself on the forehead when he sees where you’re at. Of course you’re at the cafe that you first met him and Seungcheol at.
He’s quick to rush to the door, grabbing an extra coat as he knows you probably didn’t grab one for yourself. He forwards your location to Jeonghan and is taking the stairs two at a time down to the street level. 
The wind is bitterly cold, but at this point, Wonwoo doesn’t think he can really feel it. Though he does sigh in relief when he steps through the entrance of the cafe. Whether that be because of the warmth or because he’s spotted you near the back, at a table he remembers all too well. You’re lying your emotions out for him to see without even saying anything. 
He walks right up to you and hands you the coat (which he now mistakenly realizes is Seungcheol’s) without a word. You take it from him, putting it on regardless of the owner’s scent, and get up to leave. The silence is heavy as you walk back to the apartment. He’ll take your silence over your absence any day though.
Eventually, you slow down and give Wonwoo’s hand a squeeze to signal him to stop walking. He pulls you off to the side and out of the way of the other pedestrians. “What’s wrong?” he questions after a moment.
You look at him from between your lashes. His heart sinks a bit. “Why can’t I do the one thing my subgender was made to do?”
He’s taken aback. “What are you even talking about?”
You look away from him shamefully. “A beta is supposed to be the neutral party in a pack. Someone who can resolve problems or whatever. I feel like all I do is cause problems.”
This is odd coming from y/n “fuck subgender stereotypes” of the Choi pack, which is probably the most unconventional pack to walk this planet. You’re not one to care for comparing someone’s behavior to their designation. 
He sighs when he remembers that an argument between you and Seungcheol is most likely the reason this whole ordeal happened in the first place. “If Cheol made you feel like this I’m going to bash his skull in.”
Wonwoo could’ve caught the eye roll you gave him from a mile away. “That’s a great idea Woo. Murdering your pack alpha.”
Curse you for your defense mechanism being sarcasm. “I’m just saying. And the rest of the pack would probably back me up too.”
Another eye roll. He thinks your eyes are going to get permanently stuck if you keep that up. His sassy little beta, a small voice says in the back of his brain. Ok, his rut is definitely coming early if those are thoughts he’s getting while having a serious conversation.
While he’s trying to clear that thought from his head, you tug on his hand and starting leading him back to the apartment. You can feel his quizzical stare, so you turn around and say, “come on Woo, I’ve got a pack alpha to apologize to. Then maybe you won’t bash his skull in.”
It’s his turn to roll his eyes and groan. Yeah, you’re definitely the one causing problems like you claimed a minute ago. Damn, your sarcasm is really rubbing off on him. 
You turn around again and do a double take at the sweatshirt he has on. You look up with a practically shit eating grin. “Nice hoodie by the way.” He’s going to have to have a talk with you about planting his packmates' clothes in his bag. You’re probably doing it so he smells like pack. Little minx. Damn, he really needs to get laid because what is going on with these dirty thoughts.
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markberries · 2 years
feelings ﹒ jw
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synopsis ﹕ the best way to deal with your crush on jeon wonwoo was to avoid him at all costs. now that you're stuck having dinner with him alone, there was no way out.
genre + ﹕fluff, slight comedy, idol!wonwoo, non idol!reader, best friend + matchmaker mingyu, fem reader, reader has a big crush on wonu lol, reader is also an awkward mess, the TINIESTTT bit of angst but that's because reader overthinks a lot
wc ﹕3k
warnings ﹕reader is kinda insecure + compares herself to others
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there he was, in all his glory, black hair neatly styled with a simple outfit that consisted of grey sweats and a black t-shirt.
“here’s your chance! go talk to him,” mingyu pushes you in the direction of your crush. you awkwardly stumble over your feet, nearly falling. your crush, jeon wonwoo, whips his head towards you.
your heartbeat grows louder, your ears growing hot as you quickly turn around to avoid eye contact.
“what are you doing? go over there,” mingyu eggs you on even more, making your stomach do uncomfortable flips.
yes — you had a crush. as dumb as it sounds, you’ve been absolutely infatuated with jeon wonwoo ever since the day you met him. your best friend, kim mingyu, has been trying to set the two of you up for ages.
unfortunately for you, you could never muster up the courage to even look in wonwoo’s direction. even if he tried to strike up a conversation as you waited for mingyu outside the practice room, you always found a way to avoid him or keep the talk short. you would say it’s one of the worst traits about you.
of course you want to talk to wonwoo, ask how he is or be able to grow closer to him, but you couldn’t. your anxiety would overpower you, resulting in awkward stuttering or statements that didn’t even make sense. or in the worst case scenario, you would find a way to basically run away to do something else if you saw him coming your way.
“i can’t,” you fix your outfit self-consciously, straightening out your pencil skirt. mingyu ruffles your hair playfully, sending you in full panic mode to adjust it.
“he’s coming over here,” mingyu states, drinking out of his water bottle. your eyes grow wide, shambling to stand side by side with mingyu. he smiles, trying to hold back a laugh.
mingyu was right, wonwoo was walking towards you two. you can’t move, your feet feel planted in place as a hundred thoughts race through your mind. wonwoo’s face lights up as he gets closer.
“y/n, nice to see you,” he greets you, earning a nervous smile from you. mingyu elbows your side subtly, reminding you to say something.
“hi,” you say quietly, making you internally face palm at yourself. he looks so pretty even after dancing for hours, his forehead glistening with sweat and his skin glowing. he adjusts his black rimmed glasses, pushing them up. you can’t help but admire him, his brown orbs fixate on you as you continue to stare.
mingyu clears his throat, wonwoo’s eyes flicking towards his direction instead. “y/n and i were just about to go get food.”
“yum yum,” you say out of nervousness. you cringe at yourself.
you shift your attention to mingyu, who is already looking at you with a smug grin.
“y/n is really hungry but sadly i’m really tired and i just want to sleep,” mingyu tells wonwoo, with a fake frown on his face as he keeps his eyes on you. you furrow your brows, glaring at him with an ‘i’m going to kill you’ look. leave it up to kim mingyu to try and play matchmaker with every opportunity he gets his grip on.
“oh,” wonwoo says, “i don’t mind going with you, y/n.”
you step on mingyu’s foot, making him wince in pain. thankfully, wonwoo didn’t notice.
you clasp your hands together, “actually i–”
“great! hope you guys have fun,” mingyu pushes you again, and you almost land straight on the floor. thankfully, wonwoo’s fast reflexes catch both of your shoulders as mingyu runs away to talk to minghao like a little kid.
wonwoo’s touch has your entire face heating up as he looks at you with concerned eyes. “are you okay?”
your breath hitches, straightening your posture quickly while avoiding eye contact. the amount of anxiety coursing throughout your body was unbearable, you could barely even talk to wonwoo. how were you going to sit and have a meal with him alone?
“yeah, i’m fine,” you spew out a white lie. you two begin walking to the back exit of the building to avoid being seen by fans, wonwoo’s keys jingling inside his pocket. you’re nervously obsessing over what to say, or if you should speak at all.
the lights of the building hum quietly, but it’s barely audible as conversations from many different people tune it out. wonwoo adjusts his hair and puts on a face mask, giving you a chance to steal a glance at him. his presence alone has your heart skipping beats, as you imagine all the possible outcomes of your small little outing together.
you reach the exit, wonwoo politely holding the door out for you. your lingering embarrassment still has a hold on you, making you stare at the ground and mutter a “thank you” in a small voice.
“is there a restaurant you have in mind?” wonwoo’s voice breaks the silence, making a small part of you jump. he sticks his hands inside of his pockets, still walking alongside you, but head fully turned towards your way.
“no, you can choose,” you try to reply in the sweetest voice you could find within your vocal chords.
his face lights up, “hm, let’s go to homulang then. it has ramen, katsu, a lot of japanese cuisine. is that okay with you?”
you respond with the nod of your head, butterflies erupting within you because you were merely walking with him. no one else, just the two of you. you were still slightly irritated with mingyu because you knew that the only things coming out of your mouth would be short sentences every once in a while, or nothing at all.
you truly couldn’t help it, after all, wonwoo has millions of fans all over the world and probably a lot of other idols who find him cute. insecurity would eat you up constantly with the thought of dating wonwoo, or even just trying to explain how you feel to him. he’s also way too busy, you didn’t want to trouble him with anything else.
it’s still quite early in the evening, 6:14 pm to be exact. the sun shines down onto the pavement, clouds scattered in the blue sky. you walk by civilians on the street, no one paying attention to you two as your feet pat against the gray concrete. the cars driving past you result in a slight breeze, but it’s satisfying in the hot weather.
you feel the urge to run away building up inside of you. there’s only one thing going through your mind; holy shit, i’m hanging out with wonwoo! you feel self conscious just standing next to him, wanting to cover your face or wrap your arms around yourself.
once the restaurant is in your field of vision, you grow more tense. you straighten out your posture, adjusting your hair. he reaches out to open the door for you once again, letting you inside first. the waiting area is crowded, which means you have to stay close to wonwoo. you feel his hand rest against your back, causing you to swallow harshly.
the hostess greets the two of you with a smile, her eyes lingering on wonwoo as he removes his mask.
“table for two, please,” wonwoo tells her politely. her face lights up, grabbing a hold of two menus.
“great! right this way please.”
gosh, it feels like everything is finally beginning to sit within you. you’re going to be sitting here, with wonwoo. talking. for at least an hour. you feel sick just admitting it.
he pulls your chair out for you, and you can’t say you’re surprised. you didn’t fall for him solely for his good looks, in fact, you very well loved how much of a polite person he was.
the hostess walks away, bright smiles directed to wonwoo only. you awkwardly bite the inside of your cheek, taking note of how gorgeous she looked. wonwoo didn’t seem to pay much attention to her longing gaze though, just casually opening the menu.
“oh my god! y/n?”
a voice startles you. it doesn’t make it any better since your senses are heightened due to the amount of anxiety pitting inside of you. your head snaps towards the voice, and you’re staring up at a woman with long black hair and a grin.
“seoyeon,” you breathe out, standing up to give her a hug. wonwoo watches your interaction in silence, grazing his fingertips along the plastic menu.
“it’s so great to see you! you look so different, in a good way! you’re so pretty,” she gushes. you can’t help but shyly look down, bowing your head slightly to thank her.
“you look great, too. by the way, this is wonwoo,” you introduce him, making his eyes shoot up to hers.
“nice to meet you,” he says.
seoyeon was an old friend of yours from high school — she was well adored by everyone and not to mention extremely desired. you wouldn’t say you were the best of friends with her, but you were quite close.
“oh sorry, am i interrupting something?” she inquires innocently. you open your mouth for a moment, awkwardly looking between the two of them and waving your hands.
“n-no,” you’re able to stutter out. “but other than that, what brings you here?”
she points to her name tag sitting upon the shirt of her uniform. “y’know, duty calls! but i’ll leave the two of you alone now. let me know when you’re leaving though! i want to talk to you again.”
she waves goodbye, walking to another customer’s table. that leaves you with no one other than wonwoo. you look at him for a moment, his eyes already on you. you force yourself to look back down, but you can see the small smile he has on his face from the corner of your eye.
he exhales softly, “what are you getting?”
you don’t say anything for a second. oh no, is this a test? is he asking me to see if we have things of similar interest? what if i answer wrong? i should say i’m getting the prawns— wait no, he hates seafood!
“i think i’m going to get the pork cutlet,” you answer firmly. wonwoo lets out a small chuckle, which sounds like absolute music to your ears.
“it’s just me, don’t worry. you can be yourself.”
that was the problem, it’s just him. the guy you’ve been crushing on for years. you can’t just be normal, because every time you try to even say something to him, you feel like wrapping yourself in a dozen blankets and hiding forever.
you’re so caught up in your own thoughts you accidentally knock over your cup of water, not even registering it at first. it’s not until wonwoo’s gripping at the napkins, scrambling to clean up the mess, is when you finally notice it.
your eyes widen, standing up in your chair as you try to help him. you could just cry right now, not only were you terrible at conversation starters, but you utterly embarrassed yourself in front of wonwoo.
“i’m so sorry,” your voice shakes, wiping aggressively at the dripping water.
“it’s okay,” wonwoo tries to reassure you while standing to assist in cleaning. in your mind, it’s just the gentleman in wonwoo trying to not make you feel bad. there’s just too much happening around you, it makes you want to burst into tears.
“i’m sorry,” you repeat yourself, hands shaking.
“y/n,” he says softly, all while placing his hand on yours. “i promise it’s okay.”
his kindness makes you calm down a bit. after about three more “i’m sorry's”, and wiping the remaining water, you sit back down.
wonwoo adjusts his glasses once more when he takes his seat again, trying to see if you were still shaken up. you know that he doesn’t understand why you’re so on edge, but you can tell that he’s trying to make you feel better. in reality, you’re just overthinking absolutely every movement you make.
you are aware that this dinner would feel like hell for you, even if you were spending time with the one guy you hold admiration for. it didn’t matter, because you were already here. you were sure that if you came up with a lame excuse to leave, wonwoo would see straight through your lie.
so whether you like it or not, you were going to have to power through this.
surprisingly, tonight was not that bad. in fact, you and wonwoo ended up staying at the restaurant for longer than one hour. you learned a lot about him, some things you already knew, but others you didn’t.
he talked about how initially, he was a vocalist. it wasn’t until people commented on how good his rapping was, did he start to look more into it. he told you all of his book recommendations when he heard you loved to read, and although you couldn’t completely get over your nerves, you still had a good time.
“thank you for uh, coming to get food with me,” you tell wonwoo awkwardly, waiting for the bill to arrive.
“it was fun. i hope you talk to me more in the future though, because i thought you disliked me,” he admits. your eyes widen, shaking your head.
“no, no! it’s not that.. i’m just.. bad at talking,” you half lie, mumbling quietly. wonwoo lets out a sigh of relief, “that makes me feel a bit better.”
the reason it was a half lie was because you were bad at talking, just only to wonwoo. with the other members you were fine, but every time he came up to you, it felt like all your speaking abilities would run out the door.
your waitress finally comes back with the bill, bringing a card machine with her. you open up your bag, taking your debit card out.
“i’ll pay,” wonwoo offers, also holding one of his cards out.
“please don’t, i’ll feel really bad if you do,” you immediately decline his offer. you reach to tap your card on the machine, but wonwoo is faster. he beats you to it, thanking the waitress.
“hey! i said don’t!”
wonwoo shrugs his shoulders, “you’ll pay next time then.”
his words affect you in two different ways. on one side, you’re squealing internally because wonwoo is actually interested in hanging out with you again. on the other side, you’re overthinking everything, wondering if you’re going to embarrass yourself like today.
the both of you gather your things to leave, walking to the door. you tell wonwoo you have to say goodbye to your friend first though, walking towards seoyeon who is organizing receipts at one of the registers.
“hi, i’m about to go,” you pipe up, making her look towards you.
“oh! before you leave, i wanted to ask about your friend, wonwoo,” she informs you. your heart beats a little faster, dreading what she is about to ask.
“is there anything going on between the two of you? because you know.. he’s really good looking..”
of course seoyeon was interested in wonwoo. after all, that was just your luck. and you couldn’t really lie to her, that would be unfair to both her and him. because no matter how you look at it, there really wasn’t anything going on between the two of you. you were just friends. or at least, wonwoo thought so.
all you had was a crush on wonwoo, a crush that you were never able to build up confidence to pursue. this was quite literally the only time you and him had gotten to spend time together alone. plus, you believe seoyeon and wonwoo would be great together. you’re too awkward and can barely speak to him, and she’s so confident.
so as much as it pains you to answer, you shake your head no.
“oh thank goodness, i didn’t want you to think of me as a homewrecker or anything,” she laughs. she quickly writes her number on a napkin, handing it to you. you reluctantly take it, cursing yourself for not having enough courage to confess to him.
you quickly say your goodbyes, leaving the restaurant to find wonwoo. he’s standing outside, waiting for you as you walk out.
“you’re choosing the place next time, by the way,” he states. you nod your head, holding the napkin in your hand.
“what’s that?” he asks you. you stare down at it, getting more upset with yourself by the second.
“my friend wanted me to give me your number,” you breathe out, “she asked me if there was something going on between us.. i said no and she asked me to give you this.”
“oh, i see,” wonwoo replies, almost sounding disappointed. you begin to panic again.
“i’m sorry! i should’ve said that you don’t have time for dating or that you um.. you weren’t interested, but i didn’t give her any of your information so don’t worry.”
“it’s not that,” he tells you, taking the napkin from your hand and folding it neatly. “i just thought that there was something going on. with us.”
“oh,” is the first thing that pops up in your head. you don’t even notice what he said at first, only being thankful that he wasn’t mad at you for trying to set him up with a friend of yours.
but then it hits you.
you’re honestly at a loss for words. he had to be joking, god, you really hoped this was some really cruel joke. if it wasn’t, that means wonwoo was somewhat interested in you, and actually perceived you as a person (something you did not want).
“um.. ah.. wow.. you’re cool! wait— not just cool, i really like you, wait no, not really like you. like normal person like you. no that’s not right either, i like you more than just normal person liking!”
he can’t help but stifle a laugh, placing an arm over your shoulder. you stand frozen, eyes wide while he looks down to you. when the hell did his face get that close?
“i know you do,” he smiles.
“but i thought you thought i disliked you?”
“well,” he starts as you two start walking in the direction of the dorms, “i decided all those times you were avoiding me or having trouble speaking were either because you hated me, or you liked me.. you told me otherwise, hence why i know you have a little crush on me.”
you go silent, the nerves taking over you once again. wonwoo knew? and not only that, wonwoo didn’t find it weird. in fact, he actually reciprocated your feelings. you’re too busy trying to wrap your head around everything that you don’t realize how he presses a quick peck to your forehead.
when you do come to terms with it, your face and ears begin to heat up. your heart is racing, your entire head on cloud nine. wonwoo smiles to himself, proud that he made you flustered.
“oh my god,” you whisper to yourself.
“i’ll kiss you for real, next time.”
“oh okay— wait, what?”
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ssentimentals · 9 months
next to you {jeon wonwoo}
pairing: wonwoo x gn!reader
prompt: 'i won't give up on you' (this work is part of my 1k event, go check out other works of mine here)
warnings: none, this is pure fluff!
steady. this is what wonwoo appreciates the most about you. waves can come crushing, thunder can roll over with a shout, but your resilience doesn't waver even for a second. wonwoo appreciates consistency (something that not a lot of people can manage) in your actions and behaviours; you amaze him in that way. when you two were introduced to each other, from the very day one you appeared to be kind and respectful and after two years nothing changed. you were constantly good and it took him embarrassing amount of time to realize that his awe with you has a romantic undertone. that your constant occupation of his thoughts was not due to you two being good friends. that his desire for your steady presence went beyond what one feels for another in platonic relationships. you were good and you were steady and jeon wonwoo selfishly wanted it all for himself.
he often wondered if you ever felt heavy. caring so much for people around you, having to be the rock for them to lean on, always being responsible for everything and everyone. he often wondered if you find all these things to be burdensome, if you ever just want to let go and give away those responsibilities. do you really want it? he wants to ask when you volunteer to be a leader. do you need help? he wants to ask when you brush off someone else's worries about you. do you feel lonely? he wants to ask when you stay up late all on your own. wonwoo goes tongue-tied and instead of asking those questions, he settles for quietly being next to you. he may not offer the right words, but he can take care of you in his own ways; little ways, yes, but no less meaningful.
'woo?' you look up in surprise, when his figure casts a shadow on your table. 'what are you doing here?' taking a look over your shoulder at the clock on the wall, you glance back at him with a frown. 'it's one am.'
'i can ask you the same thing. it is one am, what are you doing in the library?'
he smiles at the way you stare at him indignantly. 'i need to finish our group project, deadline for submission is tomorrow morning.'
of course you are the one finishing this project. of course you are the one who's sitting in the library at one am, fixing presentation, going over slides, checking everything. wonwoo is part of your group and he takes small relief in the fact that his part is polished and you won't spend much time on it. 'and i brought sandwiches,' wonwoo puts his backpack on the chair and pulls out few wrapped chicken sandwiches from there. they're still warm and he smiles happily, putting two right in front of you. 'fuel for brains, so you'd finish this up faster.'
smile that you send his way leaves him in ruins. 'thank you, woo.'
wonwoo nods. he gives you an excuse that he'll go and bring you two tea but in reality he needs a breather, because you don't control the force of your smiles and you have no idea what they do to him. he massages lightly left side of his chest where heart is supposed to be and sighs, settling for two cups of green tea in cafeteria. he wishes... for a lot, actually, but at most he just wants to be next to you. he assigned to himself this role of your friend, because even the rock on who everybody leans on will someday need to lean on someone else. wonwoo lives in futile hopes that maybe he'll be there at that moment. maybe you'll see something else in him, something apart from just a fellow classmate or a good friend. maybe you'll look at him in that moment and will see all of his devotion and his readiness to just..stay here and not leave. stay right next to you.
'your tea is ready.'
he takes steaming cups and carefully makes his way back to the library. wonwoo sometimes thinks that you know. that you are aware of his feelings towards you and just pretend not to notice so it won't complicate your friendship. sometimes he thinks that maybe you don't know for sure but that you have an inkling, a guess. option in which you have no idea about his feelings is not on the table, because you are very attentive and his special treatment for you could not have escaped your gaze. he doesn't really know nor understand reasons for your silence regarding his feelings, but he doesn't question them. what you two have now is good and steady and it's almost enough. something tells him that this situation will resolve itself without his direct involvement and he follows his inner voice, not confessing.
wonwoo looks up from the stairs and notices you standing at the entrance to the library, waving to him with a smile on your face. you look tired and bags under your eyes grow more and more prominent with each passing day, but he still finds it hard to look away from you, still can stare at you all day and night and find it incredibly entertaining. 'figured you'd need help with the door,' you say lightly, gesturing to his occupied hands. holding door open for him, you take a peak at the cups, smiling: 'green tea? you're saviour, woo.'
your words settle against him like a warm blanket, like a much needed hug. there's no one in the library apart from you two but you both still keep quiet, voices hushed and low by a habit. 'is there a lot left? in presentation, i mean.'
'not much, around 5-6 slides,' you help him by taking one cup from his hands. 'why are you here, woo? i don't think you came at this hour to the library to give me sandwiches.'
but i did though. wonwoo first thinks he'll judge dodge the question but his sleep deprived mind refuses to come up with anything, so instead he lets out a rather provocative: 'is it really that hard to believe that i came exactly for that?'
he knows it's a wrong thing to say the second words leave his mouth. you don't meet his eyes and everything in your posture screams tension. it's too late to take the words back, so wonwoo lives few horrible seconds with knowledge of his own fuck up. you're not helping the situation by staying silent, so he blurts out the truth: 'i just want to help.'
at this you look up, raising your right eyebrow. 'help with presentation?'
'no,' he answers honestly because apparently his brain has a trouble with letting him say anything but the truth. 'although if you need help with that then of course i'll help.'
you lean back, staring at him with a quiet challenge in your eyes. there's determination set deep in your features and he loves you for it, for your ability to push forward even when you're uncomfortable, for your constant need to get to the bottom of something. 'if you're here to not help with presentation then with what?'
you know the answer just like he knows the answer. you're almost daring him to say it, challenging him and wonwoo usually never raises to the bait, but this doesn't feel like one, not really. he mostly feels like this is some kind of test only you know the meaning of and he has to pass it. 'to help you,' he says, looking straight into your eyes. 'someone has to.'
words hit too close to home, it's obvious by the way your jaw locks and how you bite your bottom lip. your eyes water and your voice cracks in the end as you ask: 'and you think i need help? do i look like someone who needs help?'
venom in your voice doesn't deter him. wonwoo knows you too well, he learned to circle those high walls you built, he managed to climb on top of them all during these two years and he knows your defensive mechanisms as back of his hand. 'everyone needs help,' he says, staying elusive but answering your question at the same time. 'and everyone needs someone to take care of them. including you.'
you're barely holding your tears back, he can tell. he wishes you wouldn't. he wishes you'd cry freely in front of him, wishes you'd find his presence comforting enough to let go. 'asking for help and leaning on someone does not make you weak,' he continues in a hushed whisper that pierces your heart like an arrow. 'knowing your limits is a sign of maturity. you can't do everything on your own, that's stupid and reckless. and you're neither of these things.'
this gains him a small smile from you and a watery laugh. few tears escape your eyes and you quickly wipe them off without turning away. small victories, he guesses. 'that was a nice ted talk,' you mumble, taking a deep breath to calm down. your eyes are full with unshed tears when you look back at him again. 'and? is that you saying that you are the one who will help me and take care of me?'
wonwoo licks his lips. 'i like to think that this is what i've been doing for the past year at least.'
you lock your arms over your chest, shutting off from him. 'as a friend. with no ulterior motives, i hope.'
'you know that there were none.' wonwoo holds his voice steady even if he is offended by your words. he knows you don't mean them that way, knows it's just another test. 'don't insult me like that.'
your expression crumbles and you hide your face behind your hands in a loose attempt of not showing him your tears. your shoulders shake a little but you quickly regain control of yourself back, sniffling. 'i'm sorry,' you say and then repeat again, clearing your voice: 'i'm sorry, you are right, i know that there were none. i don't know why i said that, i'm sorry. it's just-' you take a deep breath, curling into a little ball on the chair. '-i think you don't..know me? like you know one version of me and you think so highly of me and in truth i..' you look over your laptop and then back at wonwoo. 'i hate it all. i hate being a leader, and i hate having to finish all these stupid presentations and-'
you fall silent and wonwoo lets silence linger in the air between you two, not saying anything too. he's not surprised at all, because he knew all of it. he just hopes you feel better saying it all out loud. 'tea is getting cold,' he says quietly after a while.
you blink out of your thoughts at his worsd and huff, remembering about your cup. maybe it's the wrong move to say something right now, but wonwoo fears there might never been another night like this, so he goes for it: 'i don't think anything less of you. you can say a lot of things like that and they don't make you a monster that you're really trying to make me see in you. i won't give up on you. even if you decide to tell everyone to fuck off and ask someone else to lead, even if you decide it's time for you to turn into a hermit. i'll stay right next to you anyway. because you are a good person. core of you, base of you is good. your heart is pure gold and i'll stand by it no matter what.'
that's my confession, he thinks, staring at your wide eyes. my love confession to you. and he knows you understand. he knows from your wide opened eyes that you know it was a love confession. all you can do is accept or reject it and he is fine with both options, truly. as long as he can stand next to you, like a friend or like a lover, he is fine with it all.
'i never- i had a feeling, but i never entertained the thought that it actually might be true...' you whisper, cicling edge of the cup with your finger. 'you always took care of me.'
'i did.' wonwoo agrees, because it is true.
'and you will take care of me in the future even if i decide to just stay friends.'
it was not a question but wonwoo still answers: 'i will.'
your smile is an eighth wonder of this world. it can stop the rain and can make flowers bloom in wonwoo's heart. you lean in with a decision taken: 'then please, stand next to me, just like you said. not as a friend, but...' you reach out with an open palm towards him. 'as a lover.'
wonwoo has never made a decision faster in his life. your hand feels soft and nice and right in his. he doesn't have to say anything, everything can be understood from the way he looks at you. by your reddening cheeks he can tell that you also got everything. 'let's eat those sandwiches and i'll need fifteen minutes more for this presentation. then we'll go back to the dorms, okay?'
wonwoo simply nods, interlacing your fingers together. as you squeeze his fingers back with an reassuring smile, he thinks that he'll be okay with anything you ask. 'okay,' he still voices out, smiling. okay.
a/n: i'm unexplainably in love with this work. is it weird to say stuff like that about something you wrote? anyways, this is very self indulgent but i hope you liked it too. <3 - nini
tagging @prpldahy and @wonvsmile as it was your request <3
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because-of-a-friend · 9 months
A Day At The Library
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Thanks for the request friend! This is a very cute idea!
Warnings: None
Word count: 1.9k
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The call of the guards announcing that Prince Wonwoo is approaching has nearly become a daily occurence in your life. He will stop in your library at any moment, he always does. It used to puzzle you, how often he came. But then you remembered he lived in a castle. The library he had there was sure to never be overwhelmed by any number of books he purchased from your shop.
It also explained why he came so often. That wing of the castle had only just been built. He had plenty of shelves to fill with books. You had found yourself admiring the fact that he came to handpick his own books himself. You knew there were many scholars and tutors within the castle who the prince could have sent out to fill the library instead.
Although, the first time he had come to your little shop, he had come on his own after sneaking out of the castle. You had heard the little bell above your door ding, signaling someone had entered. "Welcome!" you called, "I'll be right with you!" You had quickened your pace in stocking the shelves with a new shipment of the books, wanting to be available for your customer.
You had bent over to grab another stack and stood up only to meet eyes with someone through the shelves. His eyes had widened for a second before his they crinkled in the tell-tale sign of a smile. You let the stack of books collect in your arms as you smiled back, "Hello, there. I'll be right here if you need me!" You assured.
"I'm just looking, but thank you," the man said. You nodded and continued your work. Once the shipment of books had been completely sorted into the correct places, you took your place behind the counter. The man looked carefully at each of the books that made their home in your little shop. Although he gave attention to all of them, you could see his gaze consistently drawn back to a red, leather bound book with gold lettering. It was an astronomy book, one of the most beautiful in the shop. Also one of the most expensive, which was what kept most people from buying it.
But eventually the man picked it up and ran his fingers over it carefully. He gazed so lovingly over the pages that you couldn't help but stare at him with a smile on your face.
"This one, please," he asked, setting the book gently on your counter.
"I'll be sad to part with this one, but I'm happy it has finally found a home," you state, taking the man's coin from his hand.
"You talk about the book as though it's your friend," he chuckled.
"All these books are my friends," you gestured around your shop. "If I didn't think they could be, I'd get rather lonely around here."
The man smiled while taking the small coins he received in change from your hand, "Well feel free to come visit your friend anytime." He held the astronomy book up. "But for now, we must both take our leave." He looked out the shop window at two palace guards passing by then quickly walked in the opposite direction of them.
"Librarian! Librarian!" three children ran into your shop.
"What is it?" you had asked, alarmed by their volume and suddenness.
"What business did Prince Wonwoo have in your shop?"
You had been shocked to learn that it had been the Crowned Prince himself in your shop, mortified that you hadn't realized it was him, and worried after finding out he had snuck out of the castle that day. But then he had started visiting town more often on adventures that had actually been permitted by his parents.
His purchases from the bookshop had given you a journey through the interests of the prince. First it was all astronomy. Then he had gone through a phase of clearing out your poetry section nearly every week. He had dabbled a bit in cartography books. In his current phase, he had been buying up your botany catalogues.
You wouldn't admit it, but you had been stocking up based on what had been sparking his interests.
And Prince Wonwoo would never admit it, but the reason he came to a small bookshop in the town instead of getting someone in the castle to fill his library, was because of you.
Prince Wonwoo felt light and airy as he stepped into your shop to be greeted by your smile, "Welcome, Your Majesty."
"Good afternoon [Y/N]," he gave a smile back, only hoping his could be as radiant as yours. "How is my favorite librarian?"
You laughed softly at the comment, a sound that always made Wonwoo's smile grow even larger. "I'm doing better than ever. The future of my bookshop is promised since it has become the main vendor for a certain prince."
Wonwoo hoped he wasn't blushing. "Well that's a relief. I would be quite disappointed if this place were to shut down." He was already amongst the shelves of books. He noticed that you had already restocked the botony shelf, the fact made the tips of his fingers tingle. He reached immediately for one with light green binding.
"I figured you would like that one," your sweet voice sang through the shelves of the shop. "It includes plants out of our region. I thought you might have enough books documenting our native selection."
Wonwoo flipped through the pages, his eyes taking in the sights of flowers he couldn't have imagined in his wildest dreams. "I do like it," he confirmed. He paused before deciding to take a bit of a risk. "I also like having a librarian that seems to cater so carefully to her clients." There was silence for a moment, Wonwoo felt his heartbeat all the way down to the tip of his toes.
"I do my best," you responded, a laugh accompanying your words. You always laughed around him, that was good, right?
"You wouldn't happen to have a zoology section?" Wonwoo asks, the light green book now held firmly in his grip. It would certainly be going home with him.
"Zoology now, huh?" you call, stretching your arms to stock books on the highest shelves.
"My professor was telling me of incredible creatures from other lands. It sparked an interest, I suppose," Wonwoo offers shyly. You appear from around a bookcase, ever-present smile on your face.
"Exotic zoology. My, what incredible studies our prince takes part in," you say. Wonwoo notices that your tone is not one of mocking, but of genuine praise and awe. He uses an imaginary scratch on the back of his head as excuse to duck down. Hopefully it will keep you from noticing the way his face flushes. "I figured this was coming, so..."
Wonwoo watches as you walk a few bookshelves over and then place yourself in front of a specific section. He tries not to read too much into how you seem to already have books in mind for him as you pluck them from the shelves. There's three books in your arms making a sizable stack of themselves as you make your way back too them.
There's a thick one with deep black leather bound to it, "This one covers just about everything. Although, it is a more difficult read. I haven't forgotten that you like a challenge."
Next there's a red one. Slightly muted in pigmentation compared to the astrology book he first bought, but still beautiful, "This is exotic animals."
The last is a light yellow one. Wonwoo thinks every time you pick a book for him, the cover becomes his favorite color. He's commissioned several paintings based on the hues you've made him see. "This one is local fauna, since I know you'll want it eventually." He had been careful taking the other two books from you. But after you explained the third, he let his finger slide over yours as he accepted it.
You don't react, just smile at him the way you always do.
Wonwoo doesn't know what this means, but he hopes to find out.
The seasons pass and Wonwoo finds subject after subject to study. In reality, his professors have told him many times that he is a well-rounded student who is knowledgable on many subjects. But he insists that he needs to learn more. There's always more and there are still empty library shelves.
After some time, Wonwoo's parents send his professors off to take a break. Wonwoo is devastated. His parents think he may really just love learning that much. But truthfully, Wonwoo now has no excuse to go to the librabry without subjects to learn. He stares at the number of empty shelves in his own library. He can find one, he's sure.
The shop door dings as someone enters. "What is it today?" you say as you see the prince's ruffled black hair. "Are we off of local history and onto history of foreign lands? Or have we moved off of history entirely?"
"I actually came for fiction today," he grins.
You pause dramatically in your movements, "I'm sorry? Our prince of many interests is looking for simple fiction?"
Wonwoo laughs before he nods, "I'll need much to entertain myself while my professors take an extended break."
"Then let me introduce you to all of my favorites," you say excitedly. Wonwoo has the largest stack of books that he's ever had in your store by the end.
"You have a lot of favorites," Wonwoo admires each and every title, excited to follow behind you on the adventures you've taken before.
"Well I wouldn't keep a shop full of books if I didn't like them," you shrug. You take a moment to study Wonwoo and the pile. "Would you like help taking those back?" His head snaps up. "I don't mean to intrude," you back off immediately, "it's just a lot for one person to carry."
"Oh I didn't feel any intrustion. I was just surprised," his expression softens as he realizes he looks like he took offense. "Technically visitors are only allowed in the palace on invitation from the King and Queen."
"Ah, I understand," you stew with him in silence for too long. "Well you could also store some here for the time being and take them back overtime. I don't mind holding them for you. You could even read them here if you like."
"That's a nice offer."
"Well, we should enjoy it while it lasts, right?"
"What do you mean 'while it lasts?'" Wonwoo looks concerned up at you.
"Once your library is filled, you won't be coming around here anymore," you share a look with him. "I hope I'm not out of line if I say that I will miss your company when that day comes."
Wonwoo feels content. He has his answer. You gave it to him willingly. Without saying words. Without him having to ask.
"Well you don't have to worry about that," he says nonchalantly.
"Oh?" you inquire.
"No, I mean, once my librabry is complete, I'll need someone to help me tend to it," Wonwoo hesitates before he lays his hand over yours where it rests on the books. The ones you handpicked just for him.
"If I didn't know any better," you say, "I'd say you wanted to keep me around for awhile longer."
"Yes [Y/N], I'd like to keep you around for as long as possible."
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inkedobsidian · 9 months
~Interview Process~
summary: Y/N helps her current boss find his replacement through a trick, and it goes exactly to plan
pairing: CEO!WonwooxPA!Reader
warnings: mentions of businessmen being assholes, fluffy otherwise
word count: 2,592
a/n: This is my first post for a SVT member so it had to be Wonwoo. The CEO's name and his wife's name are all fictional I just thought of them on the spot. Also since I just finished Business Proposal I thought the world could use a little more CEO!Wonwoo. Requests are open and I have a prompt list too if you want any ideas! @celestialpearls
Master-list - Prompts
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The day Kim Seung-Woo, the CEO of a popular tech company and also your direct boss announced his retirement the tech world was shocked. Seung-Woo was barely in his late 30’s but the net worth he’d created had allowed him enough freedom to retire as soon as his wife was about to give birth to their first child. You had been his receptionist/assistant in the first few years of the company but as the company grew your responsibilities became more focused on being a personal assistant to Kim Seung-Woo. This had given you a close bond with him and his wife Hwang Sun Hee, you’d started working there at 17 and here you were nearly a decade later at 25.
This meant that you were treated a lot more personally than every other employee but that also meant you were pulled into Kim Seung-Woo’s ‘antics’ a lot. Considering he had built the company from a garage to a multi-billion won company it was also commented on how ‘normal’ he remained. Kim Sun Hee was the same woman he started dating as a teenager, being through broke times together they always kept each other in the mind set to not take anything they had for granted. This made Seung-Woo dead set on not letting someone run his company who would only respect the top players and not everyone in the company.
“I don’t understand what me dressing up as a janitor is going to do to help, surely how they treat me as your assistant will be enough?” You spoke candidly to Seung-Woo and Sun Hee as they sat across from you at the coffee table. Sun Hee laughed as she knew Seung-Woo had thought of a new ‘test’ for the candidates to replace him.
“See dumb people would disrespect you not thinking you had any influence, but smart and crafty people will be fake kind and then mistreat you once I leave. Only a special and deserving kind of person will be nice to even the lowest person in the building aka. the cleaner.” Seung-Woo spoke so informally and calmly that you almost wanted to burst into laughter at how confident he was in himself and his idea. Sun Hee just patted his hand in an ‘of-course’ dear kind of way that made you look at them both with such adoration, they genuinely have become extended family to you over these years.
So the next day you were here waiting for Seokmin to arrive as he was covering for you for the few hours of interviews. Why Seung-Woo picked the most un-serious person for an entire day of essentially tricking people was beyond you, Seokmin could barely hold in his laughter at the idea.
“All of the calls are just being sent to the phone in the other office for the time period for me to answer all you have to do is do your normal job from my desk, then call me 10 minutes for a candidate is due for me to come out then call Seung-Woo when candidates are here. I know need to go change…” You gave Seokmin a pat on his back as you slowly walked away, you could already hear his laugh as you walked to the staff room on your.
“It’s fine, it’s only 5 hours and they promised BBQ…” You whispered to yourself. You weren’t completely against wearing comfy clothes for 5 hours of your shift but the whole premise did seem rather strange. However, it proved to work perfectly.
Your entire role was to do your job from the empty COO office, then when a candidate was due you were supposed to ‘clean’ around the waiting room and ask the candidate to move politely so you could clean where they are to gauge their reaction. You had to admit 3 hours in it was working amazingly. Every single candidate that had walked in had been amazingly polite to Seokmin, then more than 50% were rude to you just for even being in the room while they were “trying to focus”. Every single time it happened Seokmin would write a red circle next to their name.
You couldn’t lie after 3 1/2 hours of this you were tired and you were also tired of being randomly shouted at by men in suits that you couldn’t help but laugh at internally. If only they knew that the hiring decisions were based almost entirely on their interaction with you. You’d almost zoned out when the phone rang again and it was Seokmin.
“You got 10 minutes until the next one if you wanna head down.” He had the same tone in his voice that he was smiling as he spoke and it made you feel a little better that at least someone you got along with was in the same space. You began to plug your headphones back in and made your way out of the office pushing the cleaning cart. As you were about to turn the corner you felt a small tap on your shoulder. As you unplugged your headphones you saw a man almost the same age as you staring back at you with an awkward lopsided smile. He immediately introduced himself and bowed which shocked you, that didn’t even happen when you were dressed normally by a lot of people.
“I'm sorry to interrupt you are probably very busy but do you know the way to Kim Seung-Woo’s office? I’m here for an interview.” His voice was deep and smooth and for a second you forgot yourself how to get there. His tall and wide frame made him look imposing especially the full black suit and slicked-back hair but his politeness made the energy around him feel calm.
“I’m actually heading that way now if you’d like to follow me!” You were just finally glad you weren’t dealing with snide or sometimes pure rude comments. You walked around the few corners in comfortable silence and when you reached the doors that had “Kim Seung-Woo’s Office” etched into the plate the candidate actually jogged ahead to grab the door for the cart. He stood to the side as you pushed the cart through and you gave a curt bow of the head as you walked past. You decided to just go to the opposite side of the room and let him speak to Seokmin then sit down.
“Jeon Wonwoo here for an interview at 4 pm.” He spoke in the same soft and calm voice to Seokmin who just beamed back positivity and offered him a drink before telling him to take a seat. This was your cue, Seokmin would leave the room and you would ask them to move. Just in case anyone held their tongue around Seokmin, you didn’t expect anything from this candidate so you weren’t as nervous.
Seokmin waited 2 minutes for him to sit down before he left to make whatever drink he’d asked for. This was your cue, you tried to nonchalantly walk up to him but as he noticed you approach he stood up already and moved to the side. This shocked you as most people weren’t aware you were even there until you spoke to them.
“Ah, I’m sorry I’ll be very quick and you can take a seat.” You smiled politely and very quickly swept underneath the chair as he stood there holding both hands behind his back, just waiting. As you stood up again to move back you gave another bow for a brief apology.
“Nonsense you have a job to do I understand.” He spoke as he gave you the same bow in return and took the same seat again. Now you understood Seung-woo's point, you couldn’t tell him that though it would give him far too much ego as Sun Hee would say.
Finally, Seokmin returned, gave Mr. Jeon his drink, and went into the interview room for the second part of his interview. He was the only candidate that day to leave with a green tick against his name, which was good enough for Seung-Woo but you didn’t hear anything else about the process after that day. You just feared having to do that for a whole day again.
A whole month later you were finally at that BBQ that was offered for your fun day of dress-up. It was at the same BBQ place you had joined the Kims for dinner once a month every month since you joined the company. It was a small family-owned restaurant in the same area where Seung-Woo and Sun Hee used to have their first house, you guys had never moved to a different restaurant this place was too loved. You always dressed and spoke casually here that was just how the 3 of you worked. However, this time the table was for 4.
You were waiting at the front of the restaurant for the couple to arrive when someone tapped you on the shoulder again. As you turned you saw Mr. Jeon again, he was giving the same smile but this time his hair wasn’t slicked back and he was in a much more casual outfit, he was also wearing glasses this time. He must have worn contacts for the interview, you didn’t know why though the glasses looked great.
“Excuse me, have we met before?” He asked almost unsure of himself. It had been a month since so his voice was almost certain but he also didn’t know your name to be certain. Just as you were about to speak you heard Kim Seung-Woo’s voice to your right.
“Ah yes this is Y/N L/N, she’s my assistant. You however met her in her lovely janitor outfit, which will be explained I promise but let’s sit down first.” He said pulling you into a side hug and then Sun Hee embraced you as well. Wonwoo was confused, he couldn’t deny that, it was rare for a CEO to treat people with this much kindness. It was a nice change for him.
As you all took your seats are your regular table the entire situation was explained to Wonwoo who you could tell was holding in laughter at certain points of the story, especially every time you interrupted Seung-Woo with a small anecdote about something someone said to you. It was nice to see the relationship you had built over the years. Wonwoo was still unsure why he was invited considering he hadn’t been offered the job or even contacted about it.
“Before we get to the enjoyed part of this evening, I wanted to talk about the topic at hand.” Seung-Woo all of a sudden became very serious, it was almost like the music in the restaurant lowered itself so he could be heard. “Mr Jeon, May I call you Wonwoo?”
“Of course, sir.” He replied quickly, it was honestly a massive honor.
“Wonwoo, I would like to offer you this jo-my job. However, this job offer is conditional,” You had no idea what the conditions were, it was never something discussed but then again you didn’t discuss everything, “The obvious one is the shares of the company I keep which we already discussed in the interview if you’re comfortable with them and we already spoke that they could be discussed should you have children of your own.”
Wonwoo nodded along as he spoke, the conditions were more than generous considering the job Wonwoo would be taking, it was almost too good to be true.
“Now this is the most un-conditional one and it will actually be drafted into the contract. Y/N L/N’s job is secure. She will always serve the CEO as the assistant and her salary will never drop from where it is, it will only ever be increased should her job increase,” Now this took you by surprise. You knew the Kim’s treated you like family over this past decade but this really put the icing on the cake of it all, the emotions almost overwhelmed you and then you felt Sun Hee reach for your hand, “She’s worked for us since the beginning and frankly she was the person that made us realize we wanted to raise a child, and I want to protect her as I leave.”
This entire gesture made Wonwoo smile in a way he couldn’t describe, the spot he was taking was big shoes to fill and he knew that but the idea that the person in charge cared about people so heavily warmed his heart. Wonwoo had absolutely no protests to keeping Y/N around but why would he, if Seung-Woo had nothing but good things to say about her then she would be a brilliant help to Wonwoo as he got settled.
“Okay now before I cry can we finally..” Y/N said as she held up her glass of soju and looked down at the grilling meat. Seung-Woo laughed at this as it was very typical and he grabbed his own glass, and then everyone followed suit. It immediately all became a celebration for Wonwoo and his new position and the drinks flowed in accordance. Maybe since it was Monday the next day you think everyone would have drank significantly less…
However here you were at 8:50 in the elevator going up to your floor, today the diary was all clear just to get Wonwoo used to the floor and his space then Seung-Woo would be here for the next month the do a full cross-train of every floor and section they have before he finally retires 3 months before Kim JR. is born. The walk to the office was easy and surprisingly the door to Wonwoo’s office was already open so he must have found his way this time.
“Good morning, Mr. Jeon. I just got you a regular coffee for this morning but if you let me know what you prefer then I can grab it for you tomorrow.” You say giving a curt bow. He returned the action immediately.
“Please Ms. L/N call me Wonwoo. I know you called Mr. Kim by his name I’d like to keep it casual and comfortable like before.” He said smiling at you, he also wore his glasses today instead of contacts. Maybe it was because of the off-handed, maybe tipsy comment you made about the glasses suiting his face whatever you meant by that.
“Well then, Wonwoo. Feel free to call me Y/N. You have a really easy time this morning before the parade of media in the afternoon. All your log-ins are in the diary you just need to get logged onto everything this morning and just settle in. If you want you can check your calendar to see what’s set and just give me a call when you need me.” You smiled back, you knew the vibe would be different from Seung-Woo but you’re hopeful for the future.
“Thank you, Y/N. I look forward to working with you.” His face almost transformed when he smiled, he was usually so stern looking but the moment he smiled it was like everything softened. Seung-Woo had made the perfect choice to continue his legacy with smarts and kindness at even levels.
“I look forward to working with you too Wonwoo.” You said as you closed the door and took a seat at your desk again. Wonwoo looked down at the cup you placed on his desk that had “Happy 1st day!!” scribbled onto the cardboard cup and he couldn’t help but smile again as he took a photo of it to save in his phone.
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satoruvt · 1 year
[9:09 PM]
wonwoo, 507 words, fluff, sfw, no warnings.
a/n: life has been nothing but upsetting since ulting wonu. i love him a lot
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“You’re still out here?”
You jump a little in your seat, feeling your heart rush suddenly at the sound of another person. Wonwoo’s walking closer to the fire, hands in his pajama pants pockets with a small smile on his face. 
“Yeah,” you say after a moment, trying to catch your breath after your little scare. Wonwoo hums. “I can’t sleep well away from home.”
“Me either, most of the time,” he responds.
To celebrate the end of finals and the beginning of your most conscious summer yet, Soonyoung booked a cabin out in the middle of nowhere. Two and a half weeks of nature and quiet, which was enough to get you to come along. You don’t really know if you’d call it camping, the way Soonyoung and Jun do, but it’s close enough, for now.
You’d met Wonwoo twice before you came out here. The first time at Soonyoung’s house as you were coming and he was going, and the second at your university’s art exhibition. He’d looked dreamy then, round glasses and earthy tones, thoughtful and gentle.
He’s looked even better during this trip. No makeup and fluffy hair, comfy clothes and dirtied sneakers. Soft laughter and a quiet voice. Even now, in the warm, warm light of the fire, he’s tender. You’ve spent a lot of soft moments with him over the last two weeks, sharing thoughts about books and laughing at everyone’s antics.
(And… different moments. Intimate moments. Fingers intertwining and little gasping laughs and Wonwoo’s eyes in the low lamplight in your room.)
“Weird that the trip is almost over,” you murmur, looking at the sky. The stars are so bright away from the city. “Feels like we’ve been here forever.”
“Yeah,” Wonwoo says. Crickets chirp behind his voice with the flicker of the fire, a beautiful soundtrack. “Any plans once we get back?”
You sigh, rolling your neck before looking back at him. “Work, probably,” you say, hoping he senses the pain in your voice. He seems to, given the half-amused, half-pitying smile on his face. “You?”
Wonwoo hums, tapping his leg and looking around like he’s thinking, but you get the feeling he already has his answer. Especially when he looks at you. “Seeing you more often, hopefully,” is what he seems to decide on, lips pursed in a playful smile.
You will your suddenly pounding heart to calm down, pulling the blanket you brought outside with you further up your body as a momentary distraction. “Yeah? I’m not just a summer fling?”
You mean it jokingly, and you know Wonwoo can tell. But still, he’s kind in the way he answers, “nah. I think I like you a little bit.”
You meet his eyes over the flames of the fire, something a little more still unspoken between the two of you. Sweet and simple, and important even still. So you nod, look out at the forest again in hopes it’ll do something to cool the heat in your face.
“I think I like you a little bit, too.”
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ksyongi · 2 years
wonwoo thoughts
so i feel he's not big on pda or anything but at home, behind closed doors he is not. from clinging to you and giving you countless back hugs and resting his head on yours to many hours of kissing. wonwoo finds it an intimate thing. he'd make up for all the time outside just standing next to you with solely an arm around you. he'd be too shy to hug you back in public, he wants it all to be private no matter what.
from a quick peck you give him, it'll escalate quickly. wonwoo would wrap his arm around your waist and pull you onto his lap. your hands would comfortably rest around his shoulders. his head tilted downwards trying to find the best angle whilst just you explore each other's mouths. you don't expect him to make any small remarks during breathers. he just wants to pull you back and kiss you through the sunset, through the day. he'd whine when he finds it too short a duration or he would pout when you have to do something. "something more important than kissing me?" he would remark. he would only stop when both your lips are swollen. crystal clear that you were kissing moments ago. he would end it with a small smile playing on his face and a nice cuddling session on the couch.
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sunniques · 20 days
— 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞, 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞
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➺ PAIRING: jeon wonwoo x female reader
➺ GENRE: boyfriend’s dad au, smut
➺ SUMMARY: your boyfriend’s manipulative father helps you get revenge in the nastiest way possible.
➺ CW/TW: yandere themes, slight obsession, age gap, cheating, manipulation, baby trapping, dry humping, panty stealing, mentions of masturbation, wonwoo is a depraved perv, dilf!wonwoo, nipple play, spitting, fingering, some cum play, unprotected sex, squirting, creampies
➺ WC: 4k
NOTE: don’t like, don’t read. @wonustars hope you like it <3
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Wonwoo is a sick man.
He knows this, he acknowledges it, and most importantly, he hides it.
When people thought of Jeon Wonwoo, they thought of a respectable lawyer, widower, loving father of two. And they were right. He had never done anything to indicate otherwise. Not publicly, anyway. For years he’s hidden his most depraved side without letting anyone know it existed.
His facade all starts to crumble when his son comes home from college with a lovely girl who he’s apparently head over heels for. Wonwoo recognizes the starry eyed look in his son’s eyes, and instead of being happy for him, all Wonwoo can feel is faint disgust and disdain. It’s pathetic and vile, but it’s a feeling that he can’t get rid of no matter what he does.
It gets worse when you start coming around more often, prancing around in your little shorts and skirts like Wonwoo doesn’t get hard just seeing your exposed skin. He’s sick for stealing your dirty panties when you come over and using them to jerk off, but again, he can’t stop his despicable actions. His obsession with you only grows as time goes on, and eventually he decides that he’s going to have you no matter what.
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The first step in Wonwoo’s sick plan is showing you just how lavish life is with a man who can provide. He ruthlessly cuts his son off, insisting that getting out in the real world and being independent is necessary. It’s easy to ignore his son’s protests and clamors about how unfair it is that his sister doesn’t get the same treatment, mostly because he sees how fast this strategy works.
When he overhears his son tell you he actually can’t buy you the bag you’ve been wanting he can see the disappointment in your face. Wonwoo is smart enough to know it’s less about the bag and more about the seemingly empty promise. It makes sense since his son can no longer pay for your food or makeup or any clothes you like. His son can’t even get you lavish gifts you’d grown accustom to.
That’s why when your birthday rolls around, you don’t expect much. It’s perfect because you don’t expect to be spoiled which makes your reaction that much sweeter.
“Mr. Jeon!” You cry out in shock when you open the bag your boyfriend’s dad gave you. “I-I don’t know what to say! This is– I mean—Thank you!”
Not only did he gift you an expensive bag that his son had failed to give you, he also got you the biggest bottle of your favorite perfume, some clothes, and a very expensive necklace. Wonwoo smirked smugly when you hugged him, loving how you pressed your entire body against his. His son couldn’t have known, but he saw the way you started to look at him with less appreciation. Of course, it was only natural. After all, all women loved a man who could provide.
The next step was something Wonwoo couldn’t really be blamed for. All he did was have his coworker and her pretty daughter over for dinner when you were away visiting your family. He can’t be to blame for the fact that his son is a weak man who hasn’t truly accepted monogamy. Sure, he did push it along by leaving two college kids alone in a house full of liquor. And yes, he was responsible for them often meeting up whenever you weren’t around, but again, it wasn’t entirely his fault.
The final step to this long winded plan was making sure you found out.
Wonwoo is lucky his daughter has more of a moral compass than he and his son combined. The second she realized what was going on, she didn’t hesitate to tell you. Admittedly, he was saddened to know how heartbroken you initially felt. However, when he saw you again, you seemed void of that. All he could see was your thirst for revenge.
Luckily for you, he was more than willing to help you make that happen.
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You still haven’t broken up with Wonwoo’s son, much to his annoyance. In fact, you’re acting like nothing’s wrong even when you come along to their vacation home during the summer. His son is hardly paying you any attention and his daughter has gone off with her friends somewhere, leaving you to your own devices.
“Hey, babe. I’m running to the store real quick. Need anything?” Your boyfriend asks without looking up from his phone.
Before, he would’ve insisted you go with him. Things change, but you don’t care. Not anymore.
“No thanks. Be safe.”
He doesn’t kiss you goodbye, and you’re glad.
Your eyes drift over to Wonwoo, appreciating how good he looks. The perfect idea for revenge had occurred to you a while ago, and with the older man quietly sipping on some liquor on the couch, you know there’s no better time than the present to set your plan in motion.
Boldly, you get up from where you’re sitting and slide onto Wonwoo’s lap. Your panties are already slick with your arousal as you sit directly on his crotch. Dark eyes look at you in surprise when you gently start to grind your panty-clad pussy down without any qualms. All you do is smirk seductively before you go to kiss and suck on Wonwoo’s neck.
“Sweetheart.” Wonwoo groans, cock already hardening because of the wet heat that’s pushing down on him. “What about—?”
“Your son’s an asshole.” You say bluntly. “And I want him to feel as shitty as I do.”
You pull back, expecting Wonwoo to push you off of him or tell you what you’re doing is wrong. Instead he only laughs and goes to kiss you. A quiet squeal escapes you when he starts to lick into your mouth. You’re quick to melt into the kiss, moaning into his mouth when Wonwoo starts to guide your hips down onto his covered cock.
The sound of a car door slamming has you pulling away. You smirk when Wonwoo groans in disapproval. The wet spot you’ve left on his pants only turns you on even more, and all you do is wink at him before running upstairs to the guest room he provided for you.
The rest of the evening goes by without incident, well except for the fact that your boyfriend got a little too drunk on wine and was now passed out on the couch. His sister only looks at him with disgust and announces that she’s going to bed. You know the truth. Earlier, she confessed that she was going to sneak out to go clubbing with her friends. This was perfect since you were going to need her gone to execute your plan.
“Goodnight, Mr. Jeon.” You purr as you stretch your arms over your head, noticing his eyes drift down you where your skirt had ridden up.
You don’t bother to hide your smirk as you go upstairs. As soon as you get to the room, you leave the door open, slipping out of your clothes and putting on a tiny night shirt that came just above your belly button. You get on the bed and settle on your side, cunt still thrumming with arousal. All you can think about is getting fucked raw by your boyfriend’s dad, and you hope he hurries up and gives you what you want.
Slowly, you slide your hand into your panties, teasing your fingers across your swollen clit. It’s easy to lose yourself to the pleasure. Especially since your mind can’t stop replaying what happened earlier in the day. God, was Mr. Jeon a good kisser. Way better than his pathetic son. You mewl quietly, wishing the ache between your legs was being soothed by someone else.
Wonwoo almost cums in his pants when he sees you on the bed. You’re only wearing a small shirt and panties, which makes it easy to see what you’re doing. He smirks, slowly undressing himself as he approaches you. It’s funny how you don’t notice him until he slides in right behind you.
“Need some help?”
You pussy throbs in excitement, and before you can answer him, you feel his hand slip down your body to cover the one you have in your panties. The mewl you let out makes his cock twitch and throb. Wonwoo holds back a groan, ready to have you in the way he’s dreamed of for months.
“You have to be quiet, sweetheart.” His breath fans against your ears. “I can’t have my kids walking in on us when we’re just getting started.”
You almost tell him his sweet little daughter is out partying with her friends so there’s no real reason to keep quiet, but you resist. After all, no one would be able stop you from fucking the insanely hot man playing with your pussy.
“So fucking wet.” Wonwoo whispers hotly. “What were you thinking about?”
“You.” It’s easy to admit, especially because you can tell how much he likes it. “And how fucking wrong this all is.”
Wonwoo hums, and it somehow seems like he’s gloating. His fingers circle your throbbing clit over and over until you’re squirming against him. “Maybe, but you like it. That’s why you’re dripping all over my hand. You like your boyfriend’s dad playing with your pussy that much, huh, baby?”
“Fuck yeah.” You hiss, eyes falling closed when he pinches your wet clit. “You’re so fucking hot, Mr. Jeon. Way better than your pussy ass son.”
Wonwoo’s dick presses against your ass as he rolls his hips to grind against you. Juices gush from your cunt as he groans into your neck. “I fucking knew it—I’ve always known it. Even before you were grinding your wet pussy on me.”
You bite your lip, slightly embarrassed that he knew you were attracted to him this entire time. It’s not like you can be blamed. He’s one of the most attractive men you’ve ever seen, and obviously he felt some bit of attraction for you as well.
“Roll over and show me those pretty tits, baby.” Wonwoo rasps in your ear.
His words has more of your arousal coating his long fingers. You’re feeling hot all over, and you don’t hesitate to comply. You twist your body before you pull your shirt up to let your tits free. Immediately, your nipples harden under his dark gaze
“That’s it.” Wonwoo groans deeply as he rubs your pussy harder. “Prettiest tits I’ve ever seen. Fuck. Makes me want to suck on them until you’re creaming all over my fingers.”
You moan and arch your back into him. Wonwoo licks his lips and stops rubbing your pussy to pull off your panties. He grabs his cock and rubs it along your pussy. You cry out quietly when you feel his hot cock skip between your wet folds and drag against your clit and dripping hole. By now you’re panting, hips writhing from the stimulation. Wonwoo drags wet fingers up to pinch your taut nipples.
“You’ll let me suck on your sweet tits, won’t you, sweetheart?”
“Yes!” You agree immediately, feeling an arousing thrill when Wonwoo lets out a deep groan.
He twists your upper body some more until your back is against the mattress. Your hips are still twisted at an angle so his cock can keep rubbing against your pussy. The position isn’t uncomfortable, and you watch with anticipation as Wonwoo ducks his head to drag his mouth across the swell of your breasts. His eyes never leave yours when his mouth dips down to suck on one of your sensitive nipples. As you feel the hot wet suction, your eyes slip close with a whine.
You grind your cunt down on Wonwoo’s cock, dripping slick all over him. He moans against you nipple as he slowly drags his dick back and forth to stimulate you. The head of his cock leaks precum making your pussy messier and stickier. You drag your hand through Wonwoo’s hair, sighing and mewling as his hot mouth suckles on your hard bud.
“Fuck, just like that!” You mewl, arching your back to shove more of your tit into his mouth.
The next time he catches your gaze, you can see his pupils blown wide and a light blush spread across his face. It’s so attractive that more of your arousal drips onto his cock. Wonwoo then sucks a bruise on the curve of your breast, teeth gently digging into the soft skin. You gasp at the dull ache, pussy clenching around nothing.
“So fucking sweet.” His voice is low and raspy, tongue lapping at the bruise he left behind.
You whine and arch up into him more. “S-Shit, Mr. Jeon. This is so fucking dirty.”
He just grins at you wickedly, hips swirling against you so his cock brushes against your throbbing clit. Wonwoo starts to press wet kisses on your tits tenderly, dark eyes never leaving yours. “It is, and yet you still like it. That’s why you’re not trying to be quiet. You want my son to know your little pussy is aching for my cock.”
You moan loudly when he starts to roughly suck on your other nipple. He’s not bothering to keep his own moans quiet as he swaps back and forth between your nipples until they’re both puffy and sore. As he works his teeth and tongue on your hard buds, he grinds his cock up against your slick hole making you part your legs further.
“I know you want it, baby.” Wonwoo says after he’s satisfied with the marks he’s left on your tits. He rubs his leaking tip against your clit to hear you moan again. “Want me to split you open on my fat cock, hm? I’ll show you how a real man fucks.”
“Fuck—please.” You whimper desperately. “Need you to fuck me, Mr. Jeon.”
“Call me Wonwoo, sweetheart.” He groans as he gets up and positions you so you’re fully on your back.
You mewl when Wonwoo rests his dick on your stomach. The sight is dizzying in the best way—an arousing image of how deep he’ll reach inside you once he slides into your pretty pussy. His leaking tip is almost to your belly button, and he wishes badly that he could take a picture. Wonwoo licks his lips as slowly rubs his cock through your slippery folds, covering it with your juices. His fat tip brushes against your clit and makes you whine.
You moan when he eases his cockhead past your slick folds. The squeeze of your hot cunt is tight, and it makes Wonwoo roll his hips into yours, fucking himself deeper into your clenching pussy.
“Wonwoo!” You mewl, already feeling so full even though he’s not even all the way inside.
Just hearing you moan his name has him thrusting forward and burying his cock balls deep inside your wet pussy with a deep growl. You cry out loudly, tits bouncing at his roughness. Wonwoo’s large palm immediately covers your mouth, cock throbbing inside you.
“Shh, baby. You don’t want us to get caught do you? What would my son say is he walked in and saw his dad fucking his girlfriend’s tight little cunt?”
You moan against his hand, pussy clamping down on his dick tighter than before. Wonwoo clicks his tongue, slowly grinding deeper into you. The thought turns him on too, more than he would ever admit.
“Oh? You like that?” He hums as you buck your hips up to meet his slow thrusts. “What a dirty little slut.”
Wonwoo keeps your mouth covered as he slowly fucks your cunt. All you can focus on is how stretched open your pussy feels. You keep whining and moaning as he bullies his cock into your fluttering hole. Even though they’re muffled, the cute little noises you’re making are driving Wonwoo closer to the edge.
“You’re so fucking tight, sweetheart.” Wonwoo groans. “Feels like you’ve never had a cock this big stuffing your little pussy.”
Wanting to hear you, he removes his hand.
You shake your head before you moan out an answer. “You’re the biggest—fuck—I’ve ever had.”
Wonwoo’s cock twitches inside you as he goes to cover your mouth with his. You two share a series of wet kisses between your filthy moans. His thick cock keeps rutting into your squelching pussy and slamming into the spongy spot inside your cunt that makes you keep tightening around him. At this point your mind has gone fuzzy. All you can think about is the man on top of you and the orgasm coiling in the pit of your stomach thanks to him.
In the haze of skin slapping together and the arousing scent of sex, Wonwoo feels like he’s found heaven. He’s absolutely thrilled to have you how he’s wanted since he first saw you. After months of planning, he finally has you trembling on his cock. Wonwoo groans lowly when you squeeze even tighter around him. You whine, moving your hips to meet his thrusts.
Wonwoo smirks when he sees your fucked out expression. He can’t care that his son is passed out downstairs while he’s quite literally fucking his sweet little girlfriend’s brains out. It’s what you deserved after all the hell his idiot spawn put you through.
“Looks like you’re already addicted to my cock, baby.” His laugh is so attractive that it makes your pussy flutter.
A deep pleasure shoots up your spine as Wonwoo fucks you hard and deep, plunging his cock into your sopping cunt. You cry out his name, feeling a pleasure you never have before. His hand moves between your bodies to flick and rub your sensitive clit.
“God, sweetheart. Fucking love how your sweet cunt squeezes my cock.” He groans in delight.
Wonwoo’s fingers keep rubbing your sensitive clit until your back arches off the bed. Wet slapping and loud squelching fills the room as the coil in your stomach abruptly snaps. Your legs clamp around his slim waist at the same time your cunt tightens around his dick, milking him for all he’s worth as your arousal gushes around his throbbing length.
“That’s it, baby. Milk this fucking cock.” Wonwoo growls as his hands spread you open even more. “Fuck. I’m gonna fill you with my cum and watch it spill out of your pretty pussy.”
You whine out, wanting nothing more. “Yes! Fill my pussy with your cum!”
Wonwoo growls into your skin, ramming his dick straight into your sweet spot until he reaches his own climax. With a loud moan of your name, he spills his hot cum inside your cunt. Thick ropes of his seed paint your walls as he keeps stuffing you full until it leaks out around his cock.
It feels like you’re stuck in a blissful haze, and it’s only until Wonwoo slowly pulls out of you that you come back to your senses. His eyes are dark as he watches his cum slowly drip out of you. It’s an erotic sight, you’re sure, and you can’t help but want more.
“Wonwoo.” Your voice comes out in a sigh. “Think you can go again?”
The older man groans in his throat. You’re insatiable, and so is he. Fuck. He knew you were perfect for him.
“For you? Always.”
Your eyes roll back when the bulbous tip of his length nudges your tender pussy. Wonwoo smirks and presses forward. His aching cock penetrates you in one deep thrust. Large hands hold down your squirming hips as he sheathes his big cock to the hilt. Wonwoo groans when your juices spill around his girth. He leans back and lets a string of spit falls straight onto your pussy. The filthy action makes you moan wantonly.
“Your sweet little cunt is driving me crazy, sweetheart.” Wonwoo hisses as you clench around him.
Your hot cunt is pulsing and soaking his cock as if you’re claiming it as your own. It makes him smirk. Wonwoo keeps pounding into your creamy cunt until only lewd squelching and pornographic moans fill the room. He can’t even think about his son anymore. All he cares about is splitting you open and molding your tight pussy to fit the shape of his dick.
“You just love this cock, don’t you, baby?” Wonwoo moans.
“I do—Fuck. Feels so fucking good!” Your voice is loud, and you’re both beyond the point of caring. “I love your cock. Love how you fuck my little pussy.”
His fat cock is splitting you open deliciously, weeping tip reaching your cervix with every strong pound of his hips. You’re already close again, and you know this next orgasm is going to be more intense than the last. Wonwoo seems to feel it too because he keeps driving his cock into you savagely until your thighs are trembling around him. His cock is piercing directly into your g-spot then drawing out, letting you feel every vein before plowing back into your sopping mess. His rough thrusts never lose their strength or depth. Not when you scream and convulse around his cock.
“God, you’re such a nasty slut.” Wonwoo groans. “You don’t even care that your boyfriend can wake up any moment and find you dripping all over his dad’s cock.”
You manage to smirk at him. “He has no right to be angry. Not when you’re fucking me better than he ever did.”
Wonwoo smirks back at you, thrusting deeper if possible. Your depraved words make a sick thrill shoot straight to his cock. It turns him on more than it should. Dark eyes are glued to your sopping cunt. The sight of you stretching to take his cock is so hot that he almost cums right then.
“Oh my god!” You cry out as your pulsing walls constrict around the dick ramming into you.
You let out a loud cry when Wonwoo’s spit lands where you two are connected. A guttural groan escapes him when your pussy squeezes his throbbing cock and your juices spill all over him. You topple over the edge he’s been pushing you toward, squirting all over his cock and abdomen. Your release covers him, dripping down his cock and to his heavy balls.
“Cum in me!” You plead loudly. “Stuff me full again!”
Wonwoo’s fat cock keeps sliding along your convulsing walls. The tip of his cock slams into your spot unrelentlessly, making you see stars. You keep falling apart as the older man uses your body how he wants.
“Just look at your pretty little pussy, squirting all over this cock like you own it.” Wonwoo’s grin looks wolfish and unfairly attractive. “Now I have to fill your slutty pussy like I own it.”
Wonwoo groans your name deeply. His hips are flush between your thighs as he presses to the hilt, his fat cockhead rutting into your most sensitive spot. Your toes curl tightly as you scream out his name once again. All you can see, feel, and think about is your boyfriend’s dad. His hot cum fills you up, coating every inch of your wet walls, stuffing you to the brim.
The older man falls forward a bit and buries his face in your neck, biting your sweaty skin and fucking his cum deeper into you. In your aroused daze, you can’t recognize how intoxicated he is over the feeling of you and your tight cunt.
When Wonwoo finally he pulls out, his hand lands on your tingling core. He cranes his neck to watch his fingers enter your hole. Licking his lips, he gently fucks his cum back inside you and gently toys with your messy pussy. Growls rumble in his chest as his cum slips out of you and down to your smaller puckered hole. The sight makes his cock twitch and ache all over again.
“My cute little slut.” Wonwoo coos as you slowly start to drift off to sleep. “All nice and bred—just like I’ve always dreamed.”
You look precious while you sleep, and Wonwoo can’t help but feel completely satisfied that he came inside you while you were ovulating. His son was such an idiot for not cherishing you how you deserved, but it was for the best.
Now you were all his. Only his.
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dirtysvthoughts · 2 years
can you write something about gamer wonwoo and sucking his cock? i am down bad for this man 😩
a/n: anon thank u for this request, ily 🤍 gamer wonwoo is my absolute weakness, let’s be down bad for him together~
i got EXTREMELY carried away omfg this was supposed to be short, but here’s a word count and some tags, below:
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word count: 1.3k
tags/warnings: gamer! wonwoo, female! reader, dick sucking, bratty! reader, reader is kinda a tease, dom! wonwoo (but you test his composure), use of nicknames/pet names (daddy, princess, baby girl) very slight mentions of manhandling (really just tossing reader on the bed)
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so let’s say you both had a few days off from work and you were spending your time at his place. bordering on the last days of your break, you were getting extremely horny and craving for wonwoo to touch you in certain places.
but you had a problem. today he had chosen to game, and he had been playing for hours now. you knew it wasn’t intentional, but with his eyes glued to the screen, he wasn’t paying you that much attention, only giving you a few kisses here and there whenever he took a break.
so what could you do? wait for him to get off and fulfill your needs? or take matters into your own hands?
as you sit on wonwoo’s bed, your mind wanders to how he would look on top of you- his broad chest, his strong arms, his sweet smile, and his deep voice telling you how wet you were for him and how his cock was made for you..
you look down at your thin pajama shorts, and boom - a wet spot almost visible, biting your lips you look at your boyfriend, still focused on his game.
“something’s got to be done,” you think to yourself.
you slowly walk over to wonwoo, and when you get to the back of his chair, you massage his shoulders and slowly kiss his neck. he adjusts his headphones so he can talk you properly.
“baby,” he smiles anxiously covering up his mic, “what’re you doing? i’m still playing.”
“nothing,” you say in between kisses, your hands working your way down to his chest. “keep playing your game, wonwoo.”
he gives you a look to let you know that whatever you were trying to do needed to wait until he was done. but were you in the mood to follow directions? not really.
so while he wasn’t paying attention, you crawled underneath his desk and positioned yourself to where his legs were in front of you. your hands roam his thighs as you work your way up to his crotch, palming him over his sweats. you internally moan at how big he is and you hadn’t even gone underneath his pants yet. you were so far gone.
wonwoo begins fidgeting and you know bit by but he would eventually break down and give you what you both needed. you continue palming him when he suddenly grabs your wrist, pushing his chair back so he could see your face. “are you asking for trouble? i’m still playing, can’t you just wait for a few more minutes?”
“mmm, not really,” you smirk at him, pulling down his waistband, revealing his boxers and how hard he already was. you mouth over his boxers, kissing his dick and continuing to palm him. he grunts at the feeling and he moves his hands to play with your hair, completely forgetting that his mic was still on.
“hey, wonwoo, are you good?” one of his friends asks. without hesitation, wonwoo mutes his mic, minimizes the game, and takes your chin in his thumb so you’re looking directly at him.
“you really don’t wanna play fair, huh..”
he tosses his headphones on his desk, still maintaining his eye contact with you. “let’s make a deal, baby. i’m gonna keep playing my game, but i’ll allow you to do what you want. if you can be quiet until i’m done, you’ll get a reward.”
“and if i’m not?” you ask taking his thumb into your mouth, gently biting down on it. he chuckles darkly as he runs his hand through his hair, sighing at how your bratty behavior was turning him on so much.
“then we’ll see what happens won’t we?” wonwoo says he swipes across your lips.
you help him take off his sweats and his boxers and they both pool at his ankles. he puts his headphones back on and you realize that finally, you’re getting what you want.
before you disappear under his desk again, he calls his name to get your attention. “what’s our deal?” he asks.
you sigh, “stay quiet..”
“perfect, baby girl,” he smiles at you, and that’s the last thing you see before his attention goes back to the screen. “hey guys, sorry about that, what’d i miss?”
you rest your hand on his thigh and you take wonwoo into your mouth. you slowly go up and down, your eyes nearly rolling to the back of your head. he felt so perfect in you and you had every intention to let him know how amazing he was.
you moan and the feeling causes wonwoo to shudder and nearly let out another groan. to your surprise, he doesn’t say anything to you - not even a warning. too focused on his game? maybe..
you take this to your advantage and add a little tongue to the mix, licking his tip, enjoying how beads of his cum were forming and they were all for you to taste.
“fuck, wonwoo,” you say loud enough for him to hear, but not loud enough to be heard through his headphones. “mmm, you taste so good, you feel good too.. i can’t wait to get you inside of me,” now alternating between licking and kissing, not even noticing that his hands were holding your hair, guiding your neck to take him deeper.
“shit,” he sharply says, not sure if that was meant for you or because he had made a mistake while playing.
“are you feeling good baby? cause that’s all i want you to feel.. let me pleasure you, please daddy?” you end on a pleading tone, that daddy sounding like it was covered in sugar. you knew wonwoo was affected at how his dick twitched.
“is someone with you wonwoo?” another friend asks.
“yeah, i can kinda heard someone in the background, do you need a minute?”
“nah, it’s all good,” wonwoo somehow manages to grit through his teeth, knowing that was a complete lie. he knew you were gonna challenge him and test his patience, but not so much so to where he was about to throw his headphones off, clear his desk of everything so that way he could rip your panties off and fuck you like a porn star right then and there. “we’re almost there you guys, so pick up the pace.”
finally wanting to taste all of him, you decide to pick your speed and go faster, your head bobbing and your moans growing louder and higher in pitch. you bring your free hand down to your crotch and finger yourself to get you closer to the edge.
you sucking faster completely throws wonwoo for a loop and he can no longer hold back. he throws his head back against his chair and moans out your name so beautifully that it’s nearly enough to make you cum immediately.
“fuck baby, keep going, please..” he moans out, and his friends go into chaos. you hear sounds of disbelief, shock, and even whooping. he exits the game without saying a word and tosses his headphones across the room. he pushes his chair back revealing his full body and takes your hands into his to pull you out from underneath his desk.
he lifts you up and carries you to the bed, tossing you like a ragdoll. “wonwoo..” you call for him, missing his touch. your eyes shift to his body as he pulls his shirt over his head, his toned chest and broad shoulders on full display. you knew by now your panties were completely ruined.
he chuckles darkly as he places himself on top of you, caressing your face into the palm of his hand. “that was a fun game you played princess… i should’ve known you would’ve broken that deal, but i still gave you a chance.”
he gives you a deep kiss and you lean into him. when you separate, your lips are still centimeters away from each other.
“wonwoo, i-” he cuts you off and places his finger on your lips. “good girls don’t get to talk before they get their punishment. so guess what baby? now it’s my turn to play with you.”
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itssunshinetoday · 1 month
❁ pictures you've taken of your boyfriend, wonwoo
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More of the boyfriend pictures series
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blue-jisungs · 2 months
soft-hearted jealousy
#author's note ... i love wonwoo so fucking much did i ever guys tell u that. anywho this one is for zanzan bc i got inspired when we watched the kode ep <//3 and big big biiiig shout out to my beloved @l3visbby for proofreading <3 love u mother
#summary ... you're a little jealous of wonwoo n kerias frienship<//3
#word count ... 986
pssst the fic is referencing this cute vid:( wonwoo looked so good in it btw like what the actual fuck. also keria is my height and i fainted when i saw them hug bye
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the door opened with a soft click and then all you could hear was soft patting of wonwoo’s footsteps against the wooden floor. 
sighing, you switched youtube to instagram and tried to act unbothered. but how could you? a reel of a new video featuring your fiancé popped out. a video you have just watched and it made you… a little jealous. 
“bedroom?” wonwoo called, trying to locate you. 
“yea” you hummed back, loudly enough for him to hear you. scrolling down, you noticed another reel. 
the love of your life with a cute, gamer boy. 
puffing your cheeks, you decided to exit instagram as well and check if you had any mails or texts. 
wonwoo entered the room, a small crease between his brows. 
“is everything alright, darling?” he asked, voice smooth as honey. which pissed you off even more. how dares he sound so attractive when you’re mad at him? 
“yes” you grunted a little too sulkily, drawing his attention. 
“oh really? because you didn’t run up to me once i entered the house” wonwoo teased and walked up to the bed, stretching his arms. you lost the battle with yourself and watched him, biting the inside of your cheek. how could one look so good in a plain white t-shirt and jeans? 
“yeah, im fine. how was your day?” you sighed and looked away once you saw he noticed your gaze. with a small smirk, he laid down next to you. the mattress dipped under his weight but that restored the balance – it somehow felt empty when he wasn’t there before. 
“it was good. me and mingyu did a live… i talked to my new friend… we might play a bit today” he answered, eyes tracing your face “oh, the video is out! did you see it?”
you hated how excited he was. and how much you liked it. keria is… 
“cute. i liked it” you mumbled and turned his back to him, fighting a smile. this is ridiculous. 
but it’s just not fair that wonwoo looked so handsome in that video and threw some flirty comments. he was so cocky in it too… 
“cute? yeah, keria is so adorable” wonwoo chuckled and you looked at him through your arm, shooting him a glare “what? what is it?” 
“nothing” you grunted. wonwoo’s lips broke into a grin, finally figuring you out. 
“something is clearly wrong. come on, talk to me” he purred, his hand sneaking its way under your t-shirt. 
“you looked good in the vid” grunting, you tried to surpass a smile. the warmth of his skin on yours sent shivers down your spine but your tried to remain calm. and not fold. 
“really? thank you, darling. keria said he liked my jacket” your fiancé hummed and leaned a bit closer, fingers tapping gently against your ribs. 
you couldn’t control the huff that left your lips. 
“we got along really well, i like his company. he’s so sweet” wonwoo continued to tease you and apparently that did the trick. 
“if he’s so sweet why don’t you date him, hm?” murmuring, you tried to hide your face in the pillow. wonwoo’s fingers ghosting over your skin in a circular motion made you melt, making it impossible not to crack.
“forget it. go play your stupid games” you scoffed and wanted to move further away from him but wonwoo was quicker. he pulled you closer, calloused hands resting on your hips. 
“are you, perhaps… and i might be wrong here… jealous?” wonwoo’s cat-like adorned his features and you turned around, finally facing him. ebony eyes looking at you with amusement but also love, so much love, in them.
“yes, you’re wrong” you finally broke and cracked a smile, poking his buff chest. wonwoo tenderly grabbed your hand, placing it flat against his chest. his heartbeat softly drummed beneath your palm, making heat rise to your cheeks.
“come on, you know i would never…” he started and you shook your head. 
“it’s stupid and not that serious” you whined, covering your face with your other hand “it’s not the way you were… so flirty… and charming…”
“oh, pretty” wonwoo laughed wholeheartedly, the warm sound of his laughter bouncing off the walls of your shared bedroom. 
you leaned closer and hid your face in his chest, the smell of cologne filling your nostrils. his tender hands moved to the back of your neck, massaging it gently. 
“i made my angel jealous… by talking to my friend?” wonwoo sighed dramatically and you could hear the smile blooming on his lips. 
“it wasn’t just talking! you were so flirty…” your voice was a bit muffled by the material of his t-shirt “or i just… don’t know. you were really something that day, you know? so what if i’m a little jealous, i just don’t want to share you with the world… that much” 
wonwoo’s heart skipped a beat and he observed how you raised your head up. eyes meeting his, cheeks dusted with pink. you were so cute like that… cuter than keria. 
“can i make it up to you?” he hummed, hands trailing to cup your face. 
“a kiss. and no flirting with others, even if it’s a cute guy” you pouted and wonwoo leaned, capturing your soft lips in a sweet kiss. 
before you had a chance to deepen the kiss, he leaned away with a small frown. 
“but you do admit he’s cute, right?” your fiancé asked and you smacked his chest lightly.
“i wish we could adopt him” you laughed, and a grin formed on wonwoo’s face. 
“i’m afraid he’s a little too old for that…'' hiding his face in your hair, you decided to wrap your arms around his waist. 
“he’s 21… still a baby…” you huffed and shortly after, the sound of your laughs mixed in harmony. you guessed you might forgive him, it wasn’t really serious in the first place. 
masterlist <3
taglist. @mirxzii ,, @primoppang ,, @l3visbby ,, @nicholasluvbot ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @mon2sunjinsuver,, @eternalgyu ,, @rubywonu ,, @haecien ,,@mine-gyu ,, @nonononranghaee
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markberries · 2 years
hardcover ﹒ jw
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synopsis ﹕ with your issues with trusting people, you had a small group of friends and you enjoyed it like that. a cute guy at a library challenges your lifestyle by asking you out.
genre + ﹕ fluff, small bits of angst (only because reader has trust issues!!), non idol!au, gn reader (i think... lmk if theres anything that indicates otherwise)
wc ﹕ 4.2k
warnings ﹕ none
note ﹕ lord i saw the photos of wonu from this award show and went CRAZYYY... so yes here is a cute lil fic of wonu <3 i worked rlly hard PLS ENJOY
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your eyes fix on the space between the books on the shelves, eyeing a guy who was in the aisle next to you. his black rimmed glasses are sitting upon the bridge of his nose, his fingertips running along the collection of stories sitting in front of him.
this man had caught your eye a couple months back. he was undeniably handsome, and he always came in on fridays around four o’clock. no, you were not being creepy — you had been coming to this library at that time before you even saw him. a cute guy who reads wasn’t going to change your schedule.
you’re so busy admiring him that you accidentally knock a book off the shelf, making yourself jump out of shock and the cute library guy shoot his eyes towards your direction. you panic even more, dropping a couple of other books to the ground.
“shit,” you whisper to yourself, bending down to pick up the fallen books. while you’re collecting them, you notice another hand reaching to help you out.
you nearly shriek when you see the cute guy from before assisting you. he’s even more handsome up close, it’s almost like aphrodite crafted him herself. 
“thank you,” you say awkwardly. he smiles, and dear god, his smile is so undeniably cute. the both of you stand up straight, and he’s politely taking the books from your hand so he can place them on the shelf himself.
“no worries,” he replies. his black hair casts a shadow over his brown eyes, it looks soft to the touch and recently shampooed. 
after months of conveniently being in the library at the same time, you would think that starting a conversation with him would have been easy. maybe asking “what’s your name?” could have easily been a conversation starter.
instead, you choose to thank him again and walk away. you’re immediately face palming at yourself when you do, losing probably one of the only chances you’ll get to talk to him. 
you glance back at him. the sleeves of his white turtleneck are rolled up to his elbows, accompanied by black pants that suit his tall frame nicely. there’s a black leather book bag that sits across his body, with silver buckles and a cute gray cat charm attached to it.
after a couple of minutes, you navigate your way through the maze of wooden bookshelves to the self check-out. you place the books you chose to be your fixation for the next couple of days, which ranged from horror to memoirs, onto the counter.
you are happily focused scanning the books and placing them in your tote bag, up until the pretty library guy takes his place at the checkout next to you. you choose to ignore the feeling of your heartbeat picking up the pace, directing your gaze back to the checkout.
“i read that one.”
you sharply turn your head in the direction of the man, who is looking down at the book sitting in your bag. you reach your hand to check which novel he was talking about in particular, the title “sweet hereafter” staring back at you. you look back up at him, a soft smile on his face.
“oh,” you pause. you can’t help it — you had always been an awkward person while talking to strangers, especially if you find them attractive. “is it good?”
he offers a soft smile with the nod of his head. “yeah. won’t spoil it though.”
you take note of the raindrops hitting the ground outside, people with umbrellas in their hands, and hoodies pulled over their heads. you were never the type to carry around an umbrella, you thought a hood was always sufficient enough. 
you enjoyed the rain, something about walking in it while the night sky watched over you was calming. it was a white noise that allowed your thoughts to flow. 
you hold your library card under the red scanning light, waiting to hear the “beep” noise before returning it to your wallet. you finish checking out your books before the guy is, making eye contact with him as you make your way to the automatic sliding doors.
you’re halfway out the door before you hear his voice again.
the sound of him calling out for you makes you stop in your tracks, turning around to see him slightly jogging towards you. he takes out a small black umbrella from his bag, leading you outside of the library to open it.
“do you walk home?” he asks, holding the umbrella over both of you. droplets of water make pitter pattering noises against the circular canopy, a gust of wind hitting your face.
“yes i do,” you reply, looking up into his eyes. “why?”
he sucks in a breath, straightening his posture. “i’ll walk with you. or not, if you’re not comfortable with that.”
his offer takes you back for a moment. it makes you feel nervous and shy, that such a good looking man even took notice of you in the first place. 
“okay, sure,” you muster out. the cold breeze tickles your skin, letting an icy feeling creep along your face. you can barely feel your ears, your bag on your shoulder and hands shoved into the pockets of your black winter coat. 
you almost forget that you actually had to walk home. you begin leading him down the concrete steps onto the sidewalk as you both walk side by side in the direction of your house.
“i’m sorry if this was weird,” he sighs. he makes sure that your head isn’t being hit by the rain, even if that means getting his hair a little wet. “i’m wonwoo.”
“it was really kind of you to offer, actually, i’m y/n,” you look up in his direction. 
“i just see you all the time, thought it would be nice to finally say something,” he explains himself. you feel yourself growing shyer, the thought of him trying to grow enough courage to speak to you making your heart flutter.
“that’s cute,” you compliment him. you’re not sure where your surge of confidence came from, but you’re satisfied with it when you see his eyes widen as he holds back a smile.
“do you want to grab a coffee?” he asks, nodding towards a coffee shop along the line of stores in front of you.
“sure,” you agree with absolutely no hesitation. 
you hadn’t dated anyone for two years. the last person you had been with, needless to say, had broken your heart. you were encouraged by your friends to go back into the world, meet new people and perhaps begin thinking about romance again.
in your full blown opinion, it was exhausting. you didn’t like all the energy it took to get to know a person, explain everything about your life, only for them to pack up and leave. you could say you had a slight issue with trusting others.
when you reach the coffee shop, wonwoo holds the door open for you. you’re greeted with the smell of grounded coffee beans and freshly baked goods, the smell is pleasant and itches a spot in your brain that you can’t quite explain.
quiet r&b music plays throughout the store, baristas wearing brown aprons working hard behind the counter. you admire the light up signs hung on the walls, not straining on the eyes but bright enough to let a sense of calm wash over you. 
wonwoo leads the both of you happily to the register. the cashier’s eyes light up when spotting the two of you, greeting the both of you with a smile.
“hi, can i get a medium white mocha? and—” wonwoo turns to you, switching to a slightly hushed voice, “what would you like?”
“oh! i’ll have uh, a matcha latte.”
the cashier punches your order into the till, wonwoo handing the worker cash before you could even protest. you can’t hide the butterflies that erupt in your stomach, even being in your twenties, men like wonwoo made you feel like you were back in high school.
“do you want to sit?” he asks, gesturing to the unoccupied tables around the two of you. you nod your head, letting out a “sure”. 
the both of you sit across from one another, you’re a bit nervous to make direct eye contact with him, but you’re able to gather enough bravery to finally do it.
“i’m going to be honest with you,” he sucks in a breath, resting his hands beneath the table. “i’m not the type of guy to do this.”
the statement makes you let out a small laugh, shaking your head. “it’s okay, i don’t usually do this either.”
“that’s good to hear, guess that makes me special,” he smiles, looking down at his hands. 
“i had always planned to say something to you, but i always felt too scared to,” you admit. his head perks up, a look of surprise on his face.
“really? you’ve thought of talking to me?” his reaction is cute, and it makes you regret not talking to him sooner. 
“.. it’s kind of embarrassing,” you pause as the cashier brings your drinks. you both thank her, returning back to your conversation.
“i don’t know, you’re just so attractive i thought you would have had a partner, or something like that.. and it would have been worse if you had rejected me..”
wonwoo’s chuckle is like music to your ears. it makes your heart skip a beat as you bite the inside of your cheek out of habit.
you place your hands on the paper cup, bringing warmth to your fingertips. you had never pictured yourself speaking to this man, let alone sitting across from him on a date? although you weren’t sure if you could call it that, for all you knew, maybe this was just two strangers getting coffee.
“well, i don’t have a partner, if that helps,” he comments. he brings the cup to his pink chapped lips, although you can still see the smile on his face. 
“i hope not,” you reply back. you don’t even register that what you said may be labeled as flirting, you were just speaking your mind.
“so, y/n,” he starts, “why don’t you tell me about yourself?”
“oh!” you don’t know why you’re surprised by the question, it’s not like you expected to sit here and take turns exchanging book recommendations.
“well, i studied english school.. i’m an editor, my social battery tends to run out really quickly so i’m sorry if there are times when i’m quiet.”
“it’s fine,” wonwoo reassures you. you’re a bit shocked that a guy like wonwoo is single, so far he’s been nothing but sweet and there’s seemingly nothing wrong with him.
“but what about you?” you inquire back to him.
“let’s see,” he clicks his tongue, “i was a business major. i have a roommate and i own a cat.”
you almost giggle at the facts he decided to tell you. wonwoo did look like a cat person, pulling up his sleeves to cover his hands and soft features glowing underneath the soft yellow light and grayness of the sky outside.
“you always seemed like you were avoiding me whenever you saw me,” he states, fingers tapping against the table. you hide your shy smile, looking away from him.
“i’ve never been good at talking to people, if you hadn’t said anything first then i don’t think i would have talked to you at all.”
he laughs, covering his mouth, “i’m glad i said something then.”
yeah — you’re sure that you wouldn’t have spoken to him. on top of him being absolutely gorgeous in a somewhat intimidating way, you had your own issues to deal with. you believe you’re over your break up, but there’s still some underlying complications that you haven’t solved.
you couldn’t just ignore the trust issues that you struggled with after your break up. it was like a constant waiting game for you, seeing who would leave you first. whether it was friends or boyfriends, it got so horrible to the point where you became self destructive.
if you felt like someone was going to leave, you would do it first. even if they never had it in mind, there was always a small voice in your head telling you they were going to abandon you. so yes, needless to say, you were the type of person who required constant reassurance.
so, in the end, you avoided making friends. you only had three best friends, and a couple of acquaintances and work friends. you preferred it that way, it felt safe.
“i’m sorry, i’m not really good at talking,” you sheepishly admit. 
“it’s okay, i get it, what do you want to talk about?” he questions kindly. you glance downwards for a moment, not exactly knowing what to do.
“i’m not sure, maybe you should start..”
his teeth graze his lower lip as he leans his head on his right hand, propped up by his elbow on the table.
to say you were bad at dates was an understatement, because you were absolutely horrible at them. it took you awhile to warm up to someone, to know if they would find what you say odd — to be yourself. 
“hm, i enjoy watching horror movies, although i don’t get scared that easily, they’re still fun to watch,” he tells you. your eyes light up, nodding towards him.
“i do too, this is really weird but i think it’s kind of fun to scare myself, especially when i’m with friends,” you express. 
“maybe we should watch one together then.”
you bite back a smile, hiding your face in your hands for a small moment. wonwoo looks proud of himself for making you flustered so easily, sipping on his coffee with a confident look on his face.
something feels different about being with wonwoo. you don’t know if it’s the calming environment you’re in, or just him in general. you feel relaxed, not as uptight as you were on previous dates. 
you’re not one hundred percent sure what it is, but you know that you just want to be with him here — right in this moment.
“it was really nice to meet you, wonwoo,” you stare up at him with kind eyes, folding up the piece of paper with his number on it.
you weren’t lying, you did have a good time with him. he let you do most of the talking, perhaps it was to help you put yourself at ease, but he did tell you about himself as well. the facts about him was mixed in with stories of him and his friends, especially his roommate, mingyu.
“likewise,” he responds. he looks at you for a longing moment, street lights shining down on the two of you. you’re both standing outside of your small townhouse, all kinds of thoughts running through your head.
“can i kiss you?”
you freeze, eyes widening as you process what he had just asked you.
of course you wanted to kiss him. you were just nervous, wondering if he just wanted one thing from you. you were scared that if you kissed him right now, you would get too attached, and he would realize that he actually didn’t want to go on another date with you.
you were thinking too far ahead for a guy you just started talking to, but you couldn’t help it. after all your past badly ended relationships and friendships, it was the only thing you could do. 
“not today,” you conclude. he just looks down and laughs, pushing his glasses up.
“next time,” he nods.
you two say your goodbyes, waving to each other as he walks off. you walk up the steps to your home, unlocking and opening the door before taking off the black mary jane shoes off your feet.
you walk to your bedroom, immediately collapsing on your bed as you stare up at the ceiling. the sheets envelope you warmly, making you reconsider changing into your pajamas and just sleeping in the clothes you’re in instead.
wonwoo was a nice guy, there was no denying that. you’re just too nervous and afraid to get involved in a new relationship. you liked having your small group of friends. you didn’t want to go back to the way it was; getting close to everyone and just having them leave you behind, again.
you were sure wonwoo could find someone more interesting than you, someone more fun and someone who was confident in their own skin.
so, while staring at his phone number written in black ink, you decided you would not call him to meet a second time. not only to spare yourself another heartbreak, but for his own good as well.
“it’s not a bad thing to befriend new people,” your best friend, xyza explains. the both of you browse through clothes at a shop you found cute.
“i know, i just don’t know if i’m in the right mindset to date,” you reply with a sigh.
it had been three weeks since you had been on a date with wonwoo. you hadn’t gone to the library the last two fridays either, embarrassed for him to see you.
“mm,” xyza hums, “i understand that. i’ll give you my full opinion, if you want to hear it though.”
“sure,” you breathe out, holding up shirts while contemplating on how they would look on you.
your friend turns to you, catching your attention as they begin to explain how they think of your situation.
“it’s valid that you’re scared to get to know him, but from what you have told me, he doesn’t seem that bad. you’re just getting to know him, and he approached you first. i’m sure if he wasn’t looking for something with you then he wouldn’t have said anything at all. it’s not going to be easy, but even if it’s not with him, you should try bonding with new people again.”
xyza’s advice was always well thought out and helpful. your best friend was right, and deep down you knew that. the only problem was that you couldn’t just ignore the doubt that sat in the pit of your heart.
“it’s fine, i’m sure he’s forgotten all about it,” you wave off the complication at hand. 
“whatever you say,” xyza shrugs while side-eyeing you. 
the both of you exit the shop, laughing at stupid inside jokes you continue to crack. you decided that you would go to the library today, convincing yourself that wonwoo wouldn’t try to talk to you because he probably found someone else to take interest in.
you see the familiar two story building come into your field of vision, different kinds of people sitting at the tables inside. some were students, some were kids, and some were just elderly people looking to indulge themselves in a nice novel.
“are you coming inside this time?” you ask xyza, looking towards them. you
“yeah, i guess, maybe i’ll see this wonwoo guy,” they reckon, anticipation lacing their voice. you both enter the quiet environment, using the automatic hand sanitizer station at the entrance.
speaking of the devil, your eyes land on the familiar dark haired man standing in one of the aisles, a cup of coffee in his hand and a book in the other. he’s too focused on reading the piece of literature to even take notice of you, but you don’t mind. you don’t expect him to speak to you either. 
“that’s him,” you whisper to your friend, nodding towards his direction. xyza glances at him, inspecting his features.
“wow,” they say in a hushed tone. you have to hold back your laugh at xyza’s reaction to avoid getting stares from the others in the library.
“okay that’s enough, being in here reminds me of when we were in school, i have to get out of here,” xyza whines quietly. 
“fine fine, i’ll see you sometime this week, probably,” you respond. 
xyza nods, waving their hand while smiling. you huff out a breath, turning away from the entrance and walking to one of the fiction aisles.
you finally felt a bit more relieved to be in a place where wonwoo couldn’t really see you, but that was all shattered when you turned around to see him standing behind you.
“you didn’t call.”
oh shit. 
you’re unsure of what to say, thoughts scrambling in your head with wonwoo’s hardened gaze on you.
“i’m sorry, i just thought you didn’t really like me,” you lie. you’re not sure if you should tell him about how you truly felt, or what you were thinking. 
“you know, if i didn’t really like you, i wouldn’t have asked to kiss you or asked you out. if you weren’t interested in me, you could have been honest. you didn’t have to avoid me and stop coming to the library.”
you were a bit frustrated because of how off his take of the situation was. you were definitely interested in him, that was for sure. you exhale, closing your eyes for just a moment, deciding to just tell him the truth.
“i wasn’t avoiding you because of that. i like you, i’m just not good with others and my trust is.. really weird. i get attached to people easily, and having people walk out on me in the past really affected me. it’s stupid but i thought you were just infatuated with me and you would find someone else.”
you were finally able to voice out your difficult situation to someone other than your closest friends. you didn’t know if you felt good about it, all you were aware of was the feeling of your stomach dropping and the fast pace of your heartbeat.
wonwoo looks like he’s thinking of what to say, and you were just expecting him to say “oh, okay,” and walk away. but he doesn’t.
“i’m sorry, i can’t fix something like that, but i can help you work on it. like i said before, i do like you. i’ve had a crush on you for weeks, and when we went out i thought there was a connection between us. you’re funny and outgoing, and awkward, but in a cute way. i was a bit upset when you didn’t contact me these past few weeks.”
a feeling of solace washes over you, your posture and facial features softening when those words come out of wonwoo’s mouth.
“and listen, i’m not the type of guy who gets up and leaves a person’s life,” he reassures you with a smile. 
“that’s really good to hear,” you laugh quietly, “and seriously, i’m sorry i didn’t say anything to you. as you can tell, i’m not very experienced with confrontation.”
“it’s okay, i understand you now, but..” wonwoo leans against the wall, crossing his arms while keeping his eyes on you, “will you go on another date with me?”
“of course, and i’ll actually text you after this time too,” you joke with him. 
you feel so much better after telling wonwoo the truth, and hearing that he had actually been admiring you for awhile. you were sure that someone like him had pretty people drooling all over him.
“one more thing,” wonwoo clears his throat, taking a step towards you. “can i kiss you this time?”
a familiar sensation of warmth creeps across your face, but you try your best to appear confident while looking up into wonwoo’s eyes. his face is so close to you, you take note of his peach scented fragrance while your stomach does cartwheels.
“yes,” you say quietly.
wonwoo takes off his glasses and places them on a shelf, then he dips his head down slowly, your eyes fluttering shut as he places his lips on yours. they were warm, and soft like a pillow. he still tasted of coffee, his scent was so dizzying it almost seemed addicting. 
you wanted to open your eyes to see his face, which was probably full of delight, but you chose to savor this moment while his arms snake around your waist to pull you closer. he exhales through his nose, while you place your hands on both of his cheeks. 
it was not a kiss full of want or lust, but one full of calmness that overwhelmed every sense in your body. you were only focused on him, not the fact that those with access to the security cameras would be able to see this scene unfold in front of them. butterflies continued to flutter in your stomach, creeping their way to your chest while wonwoo held you close.
you both pull away from each other. even after years of not kissing anyone, you were certain that this was the best kiss you had ever encountered.
“huh,” you’re at a loss for words, anxious that if you said anything more you would be stuttering and mumbling absolute nonsense.
you knew that getting over your past wouldn’t happen in the flick of the wrist, and that it would be difficult. you were just happy that wonwoo understood why you were like this, and that he offered to help you.
“so,” wonwoo starts, hands still holding your waist, “about that second date..”
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ssentimentals · 11 months
seventeen members as their natal chart: wonwoo
sun in cancer, moon in leo
this man is compassionate and rather hesitant of taking first steps towards anything, has trouble with expressing his emotions; deep and thoughtful, it takes time for him to warm up to another person and let them in, he's very creative and warm, is kindhearted and loyal, very protective of loved ones
you blink at the sudden warmth that settles upon your shoulders. looking up, you stare preplexed at wonwoo, who slowly sits next to you, tugging at his sweatshirt sleeves. 'it's cold,' he offers as an explanation for giving you his jacket, not even looking at you.
it's a bit weird, to be honest. you and wonwoo are not exactly close and nor are you on friendly terms for him to suddenly act chivalrous. 'but you are cold too,' you point out, not blind to his shivering form.
'it's okay, keep it,' he says, seeing how you move to take it off. 'you shouldn't get sick.'
'and you should?' you ask, still weirded out by his behavior.
wonwoo is rather reserved and you two didn't have a chance to get to know each other; besides, he didn't look enthusiastic to start any conversation, so you let him be, figuring out that he just didn't like you. which was fine as you kept telling yourself, when in reality it hurt a little (a lot). for the first time wonwoo turns to look at you, his eyes warm and his smile small as he shakes his head: 'please keep it.'
'thank you,' you say at last, pulling the jacket back on. it smells heavenly and does a great job of keeping you sheltered from the wind. 'i thought- sorry, i thought you didn't like me.'
wonwoo's head hangs low as he takes a deep breath, steadying himself. cringing like he's in pain, he turns to you, biting his lower lip. 'i don't not like you. i'm sorry if it came out like that. i'm just not very good at....'
he stops, frowning. realizing that he can't find words, you decide to help him out: 'starting a conversation?' wonwoo nods, laughing shyly. 'i figured that one out pretty quickly, yeah.'
it is surprisingly easy to keep the conversation going with him once it started. you both go back and forth over your impressions of each other and it shocks you to find out how wonwoo actually took care of you in very not obvious, hidden ways. 'wait, it was you?' you question, mouth agape. 'but you didn't say anything! oh my god, wonwoo!'
his shy answering smile only makes your heart flutter. 'now you know,' he says quietly, looking at you hopefully. it feels like he wants to add something else, but he purses his lips, saying nothing.
understanding perfectly the unspoken words, you smile and reach out to take his hand in yours. 'now i know,' you confirm, giving his hand a squeeze. now i know that you like me.
very giving person, can even suffocate and overwhelm his partner with his affection and attention; ideally needs someone who loves to be babied/nurtured and who can stimulate him intellectually, is very devoted and loyal, tuned into other's emotions and is attentive enough to notice smallest changes
'this is embarrassing,' you whine, hiding under the blanket. it's rather suffocating though, so you peek out just enough for wonwoo to see half of your face. 'go away.'
he only chuckles, shaking his head. fondness radiates in waves from him as he comes closer, sitting at the edge of the bed. 'love, it's not embarrassing. let me see, hm?'
you shake your head. 'most of the normal people catch chickenpox when they are like, babies, and here i am! don't look at me, don't- wonwoo!' you shout as he starts to tug at the blanket. 'no, i don't want you to see me like that!'
he simply stares at you with the gaze that makes you whine even louder, but let go of the blanket, letting him pull it down. wonwoo's attentive gaze swipes over your body, noting all of the red dotes on it and then he makes eye contact with you, smiling at you adoringly. 'to see you like what? all beautiful, wearing my old clothes? precious.'
'jeon wonwoo!' you reach out to smack his hand, when he places it on top of your knee. 'i look horrible and-'
'no,' he interrupts, voice dropping lower as he stares at you intensely. wonwoo lets you get away with a lot of stuff, but not with you thinking/talking badly about yourself. 'you do not look horrible, don't say that. it's just a chickenpox and if treated right, it'll disappear in a week or so. i'll take care of you, darling, don't worry, i had it when i was a little kid. hey, c'mon, look at me-' he coaxes you gently, lifting your chin with his fingers, '-you are still beautiful, love.'
'i don't feel beautiful,' you mumble, getting emotional.
wonwoo frowns, torn just by looking at the way you pout. if he could, he'd give you his eyes so you could see how he sees you, how you are in his eyes. after that you'd never feel yourself any less than beautiful. 'i'll take care you,' he repeats, because there's nothing else he'd rather do. 'and you'll feel beautiful again in no time, okay love?'
it's hard not to give in to wonwoo, not when he stares at you like whole galaxy is in your eyes, not when you can feel his readiness and desire to put everything away and make you a priority. 'okay,' you agree quietly, smiling at the kiss on the nose you receive. 'i love you.'
he leans in, pecks your forehead first, then goes down to your eyelids, stops at your nose and presses two firm smooches on your cheeks. 'i love you the most,' he whispers like a promise before sealing your lips together.
a/n: i haven't written anything for wonwoo in such a long time, i'm sorry if this is rusty :/ - nini
tagging @prpldahy and @peonycandy (hope this request turned out to be good!), my masterlist is here
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Seventeen Reaction: Your Birthday
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Thanks for the request anon! I hope you don’t mind, since you wanted either, I just turned it into a reaction so that way both could be included (I also feel like I’m best at this writing format lol).
Remember gifs aren’t mine! If you like them, pls click through and show their OPs some love!!!!
Warnings: None I think, let me know if I missed anything!
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Seungcheol is the perfect boyfriend to celebrate a birthday with. He is attentive and listens so anything you mention throughout the year that you might want or  an activity you want to do- he’s going to remember. He loves to spoil you, so expect gifts throughout the day. He probably wants to spend a lot of time one on one and show you how happy he is that you’re in his life, but he also realizes you want to see your friends and family. He’ll probably plan two events. There will be a really big party for everyone in your life. He stresses over making it perfect lol. He wants you to have a good time with the people you love without any other worries. After that, he’ll want a nice dinner with just the two of you. You get to pick any restaurant you want, he’ll make it happen. Any birthday with Cheol feels like a perfect rom-com romance scene. 
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I don’t know why but something makes me absolutely positive that this man gives you as many flowers as possible on your birthday. You wake up in the morning to flowers, you come downstairs to flowers, you get into your car to flowers, you come home to more flowers, every time he sees you- a flower. “Hannie, what on earth are we supposed to do with all of these?” you ask, feeling as though your house is nearly overflowing with flowers. He’ll probably do something really cute like press some flowers from each bouquet and put them around a picture of the two of you as a gift for your next birthday:(. Each birthday with Jeonghan is just tons of flowers. He’ll do other things as well: he tries to make you a cake every year (he’s getting really good at it), he’s also into getting you nice jewelry, he’ll take you to do whatever you want to do that day. He doesn’t like planning lots in advance because he prefers to do what you’re in the mood for that day. But he’ll make it fun no matter what.
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Joshua simply does not trust his intuition enough to plan anything for your birthday on his own. Don’t get me wrong, he’ll take care of it all. But before he does, he will ask you directly what you want and what you want to do so he can give it all to you exactly how you want it. He’ll try to get you at least one gift or plan one activity that you’re not expecting so that you’ll have a little bit of a surprise, but he feels a lot better knowing that most of it is what you definitely want. Usually he likes to include a handwritten letter telling his favorite memories with you in the past year and how much you mean to him. That way with a few extras, you’ll have not only the birthday you wanted, but also some gifts from his heart to show how much he cares. He just wants you to have a good birthday.
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As always, Jun is a bit of a wild card. He’s also unsure he knows what to plan for you. But instead of asking you, he just tries different things every year. From giant parties to quiet dinners, Jun has done it all for you. It’s always exciting to see what adventures your birthday will hold this year. Since he’s done so much for your birthday, he always tries to find somewhere new. Trips, museums, festivals. One year, he even took you around town to every place you could get something for free when it’s your birthday. He’s not too big on gifts, most of his effort goes into the experiences he tries to create for you. So usually, you get one really nice, thought-out gift from him along with a day of fun.
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Hoshi loves birthdays. Like absolutely loves them. He gets more excited about your birthday than you lol. Hoshi is like a little kid on Christmas on your birthday. He’ll wake you up at the crack of dawn and already be yelling about how it’s your birthday. There’s no way you’re not partying. Hoshi wants you to have the most fun with all the people who care about you. So whether you go out on the town or throw a party at home, Hoshi is going to make sure you’re being celebrated. He’s BIG on gifts. Gag gifts, serious gifts, humorous gifts, sentimental gifts. He’ll do it all. You love it but usually by the end of the night, you’re wondering how on earth you’re going to out-do him for his birthday lol.
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Wonwoo also doesn’t like to plan for you in case he messes up. But he truly tries his best. His go to is a nice dinner. Wonwoo knows how stressful life can be so he tries to make sure it’s a day of rest for you. He’ll make breakfast for when you wake up. He books you a spa appointment with all the extras that you could want added. One year you actually convinced him to go with you. He’ll never forgive you for the hundreds of pictures you took of him with a towel wrapped around his hair and cucumbers over his eyes. Anything that soothes you, he will make happen that day. He’ll make you your favorite warm drink, make sure any work calls are blocked, and just let you do whatever relaxes you. Then he ends it all with a very nice dinner with a nice bouquet of flowers and a sweet gift. 
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This nerd probably writes you a song for your birthday. It’s not his fault he’s so cheesy, that’s just one of the only ways he feels comfortable expressing his true feelings. Also because it’s him, the song is actually very beautiful and well made, not a cheesy cheap song. He literally doesn’t know how to plan a birthday. He usually depends on your friends to help. They say what they need and he makes sure it happens. He’ll add his own little touches to the party to make it a little bit his and just to know he did something for you. He’ll also stress over what to get you. This stuff really does not come easily to him. Not because he doesn’t care or because he doesn’t know you. But because no idea seems good enough. So he may need a little help with gifts and parties, but it always turns out perfect.
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Seokmin is also super into birthdays. He loves getting to celebrate you on your day. He’s not into super big parties. He’ll probably plan a small gathering with your closest friends and family. He might even plan a day trip to the beach or somewhere for all of you. He’s the type that calls each person personally and tells them how much it would mean to both him and you if they could come celebrate your birthday :(. It results in a slew of comments from everyone in your life implying that you need to marry him. He just wants you to have fun with all the people you love on your birthday. He’s also the type to just get you one or two really nice gifts that he put a lot of thought into.
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If you have a party that includes friends and family, Mingyu will make sure it’s planned for a different day. He’s a little selfish, he wants you all to himself on your actual birthday. He wants to spend every moment all over you. He’s also a big fan of lazy days on your birthday. You’ll spend most of the morning cuddling. If you want to go out, he’ll still be nearly on top of you the whole time. He’s holding your hand, hugging you from behind, sitting next to you instead of across from you in restaurants. He also doesn’t do much planning, he lets you lead the day. He’ll take you anywhere you feel like going and pay for absolutely everything. Do not even try to pull your wallet out, it’s not happening. If you so much as look at something like you want it, he’s buying it for you. He just wants to spoil you on your special day.
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He’s also a fan of more intimate gatherings for your birthday. If he plans a party it’ll just be close friends and family. He really likes taking you on trips for your birthday. Usually pretty nature spots but if you prefer something else, he’s happy to go there too. They’re very nice trips too, usually a week long, with lots of activities planned, and plenty of time to just rest. Like Mingyu, if he sees you out shopping during the trip, he’ll buy you anything you want. He’s also your personal photographer so you have plenty of nice photos to show off once you get back. When it comes to gift he cares more about sentimental type gifts. He wants something that shows he cares or something he put a lot of effort into making himself (your apartment is filled with very nice art painted by him). He just wants to show you he cares.
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Also not much of a planner. He’ll let you lead the way for your birthday but he’ll hype up whatever you want to do. He also does a lot of research to make sure you get the best out of any experience you want. He does anything he can to make sure the day runs smoothly. He’s much bigger on gifts. He will shower you in gifts. He spends the whole year buying the things he knows you want just to give it all to you for your birthday. He is very intuitive when it comes to gift giving, you’re never disappointed by a gift from Seungkwan.
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Also prefers for your birthday to be just you and him. And also a big fan of trips on your birthday. He also likes taking you to very unique experiences. Maybe there’s an art exhibit temporarily in town, or a festival, or a show. If he does a trip it’ll be one that he saved up for for a very long time and be a once in a lifetime experience. Your birthday is special so he wants it to be full of things you don’t usually get to do. If you do throw a party he’ll pick very interesting venue locations so that it’s still something special. His gifts will also be more of the sentimental type. And often he gets you tickets to more fun things to do. He believes spending time with you while doing his best to make you happy is the best gift he has to offer.
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Strangely good at planning birthdays. He’s the oldest in his family so he can be very responsible. He always knows exactly what you want and makes sure that it happens. You want a big party with all your family and friends? He’s planning for weeks to make sure it’s perfect. You want a nice dinner with you and him? He’s made reservations at the nicest place in town. You want to go on a trip? Name the place and he’ll book the tickets. You just want to hang out around town and do whatever comes up? He’s packing a backpack to make sure you guys are prepared to stay out all day. When it comes to gifts, however, you need to tell him exactly what you want. He’ll get it, but he needs guidance lol.
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