#Jellal HCs
yamishika · 1 day
HCs about Jellal : Pre abduction / Jellal backstory
Since I am in a slump and have been struggling to find the motivation to write again and continue with my works, I thought I would just share my HCs regarding what I had thought about Jellal’s life Pre-Tower Of Zeref/canon events.
I am aware of the canon backstory that had come out about Jellal in 100YQ, but this is just my HCs/narrative that I had in mind and had been writing about way before the revelation. I wanted to share it just to see if anyone else likes the direction of it and just to get me back into the mindset of thinking about Jellal again since it's been some time.
I will mention though my HCs are more of a grittier, almost seinen like origin, so it can get pretty distressing, however with the darker themes of Fairy Tail I thought it could fit.  Just a heads up...This is a pretty long read so thank you to those who are patient with it, i'm sorry I write so much. I will however include some art alongside the HCs to show what the vision was for the narrative so it's more concisive! Note : Smaller bulletpoints/text in the the post are basically related to the parent bulletpoint or image above (I don't know how to format properly on this-) CW & TW : Darker subjects mentioned and discussed, possibly some distressing art beneath
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Map of Almeta : Altaïr is the capital (The heart), there are smaller countries around it which are also not recognised by the main kingdoms (it looks big on the map but it's not THAT huge.)
First of all Jellal’s birth country (Almeta) is not on the main continents of Earthland (so neither Ishgar, Guilitina etc), rather it exists/existed as it’s own entity, completely detached from the known kingdoms due to a dark history that has caused the people as a whole to flee away from the influence of magic and in doing so, are not connected to the mainlands. 
Despite being detached to the forefront of civilization, Almeta is aware of the existence of the other continents/countries of Earthland, however the existence of Almeta is not apparent for those outside of it. To the point that it does not exist on maps (Of course this is because I wanted to be inline with the canonverse, but also there is a reason for the country being hidden which ties in with the lore of my HCs too)
Almeta actually demonises the use of magic, considers the use of it lawless and eventually leading to corruption, however in the same breath the country prides themselves as being the holders of Heavenly Body Magic - Only due to the fact this was the magic that was bestowed upon them by their gods after immense hardship and tyranny.
The only ones who can actually wield/use magic in Almeta are the protectors who are sworn in service to the nation. 7 bloodlines who are said to preserve the founder’s will, Fernandes being one of them.
That being said, now going into my HCs about Jellal directly…
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Jellal (5-6yrs) seeking freedom beyond confinement
Jellal was born as an heir into nobility/priestly lineage
His mother (Kaileen) was a serving priestess (Heavenly Priestess), highly esteemed and revered in the nation alike to a goddess, whereas his father (Rais) was nothing of the sort and actually grew up as seen as a ‘threat’ to society. Regardless of the obvious mismatch, his parents married secretly in a said ‘love’ marriage and when Jellal was conceived a few years after, he was kept a secret from most of the nation who still wouldn’t approve of the marriage yet.
Jellal’s father was not in the country for his birth, he had gone on an expedition organised by the country to the continent for ishgar to take part in diplomatic matters between Almeta and the mainland, as Almeta was seeking to form bonds with Ishgar for the sake of creating new opportunities and gaining more knowledge for it’s people.
That being said there was an attack on Almeta a month before Jellal’s birth and that kept Jellal’s father from returning whilst also pushing back the said ‘reunion’ date until 8 months since the attack, it was uncovered that his father was deemed the orchestrator of the attack and was said to have fled the country through the expedition.
Due to Jellal’s mother’s connection to his father, she was immediately deemed as a co-conspirator and eventually the law of Almeta deemed her to be punished for her husband’s treason, which in turn stripped her from her noble rank entirely and with that, Jellal’s was too.
Almeta’s culture was very governed by their religion, one would even say the following/belief was similar to indoctrination, and any sin against the country and it’s people was considered unforgivable. So those who were tied to such sins (i.e. Jellal and his mother) were to be deemed outcasts, marked for their wicked connections and ‘devilry’.
This goes onto my HC of Jellal’s tattoo origin : (since Mashima never covers that)
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Jellal (1 yr+) and his mother Kaileen in confinement
The tattoo on Jellal’s face was a marking put upon him and his mother to identify to the people that they were the ‘cursed’ and forsaken. So called ‘devil blood’ runs between them and they weren’t meant to be seen with the same status as other citizens due to their connection to someone (Jellal’s father) who was now proclaimed a devil by Almetian law.
To add, the design of the tattoo originates from the corrupt empire that had tormented/sieged and violated the citizens of Almeta before the founding of the country.  
The tyrant who had been behind all the suffering, before his death the insignia was carved into the right side of his face to mark him as the ‘first Devil’, which the tradition carried on by the people and by the ruling of the gods to mark those who follow in footsteps of the tyrant and those associated with the same.
Because of the condemnation Jellal and his mother Kaileen faced, he did not grow up as a normal child. Rather he grew up in captivity, his childhood years being wasted away by growing up in something barely short of a prison, completely deprived of freedom and he was always questioning as to why he was the one suffering like this, why his freedom was being stripped for sins of someone else.
^ This dynamic spurns into why Jellal has such a deep vying for freedom, the will for it is deep rooted beyond his time in the tower of heaven.
On top of being basically kept in confinement, Jellal and his mother faced horrific abuse for years, being the target for degradation, humiliation, cruelty, in Jellal’s case covert racism, and in his mother’s case objectification. The people were not kind to them at all, their gods had ordered the mistreatment of the ‘damned’ as it was seen as a symbol of ‘belief and submission’.
Now going onto where the canon bits of Jellal tie in with the narratives of this HC :
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Jellal (5-6yrs) reading/looking at the book about the saint he idolises
Despite all the severe adversity and unfairness Jellal faced growing up, his way to cope was through a book that he somehow had that detailed the tale of a man who had faced similar adversity and was considered an outcast, who eventually went on to fight the tyrant and save everyone from great evil and be claimed as a hero.
The man in question is actually the founder of Almeta, Saint Siegrain, and Jellal idolised this man’s story to a fault. At first it was an innocent admiration, but as the world and it’s treatment becomes more clear to Jellal and his understanding of justice and himself becomes raw, Siegrain’s story became something he internalised and used to make sense of his own life and to give him hope too.
Saint Siegrain was actually the twin brother to the tyrant, and because of their likeness the facial tattoo that Jellal has, was carved onto his twin brother both as punishment and to differentiate the both of them.
Saint Siegrain was said to have been the one gifted with the destructive power of the heavens (Heavenly Body Magic) that the gods taught to him in his darkest moments under captivity by his own brother’s tyranny (I think you can tell what this is meant to parallel for Jellal)
However naturally as Jellal tried to cling to this idealistic ‘saint’ personality, the darker sides of his personality that started to grow naturally from the circumstances and injustice he grew up in became a fear for him. 
He always had a pretty black and white understanding of things, the conditions he grew up didn’t make it any better, but as a result Jellal’s darker side was something he denied on such a deeper level that he eventually went on to develop a split personality (Siegrain), who started to properly manifest when he was taken into slavery.  
His compartmentalization of his personality comes from not just wanting to align with his idol’s (Saint Siegrain) story, but also because he doesn’t want to acknowledge what it could mean if he does have these darker traits. As then he actually would be like the ‘first devil’, or the one he mostly despises, his father Rais - The one who gave him said ‘devil’ blood. And he wants to be the furthest thing away from either, because that would mean falling in line with the fate he wishes to reject.
Despite the narrative of the tale, Jellal is actually the ‘Saint’ persona, whilst ‘Siegrain’ is the ‘Devil’. (This can be explained in more detail later if wanted, but I wanted to stay true to canon here in some way).
Siegrain is the persona of Jellal who seeks freedom beyond everything and to rise beyond Jellal’s ‘damned’ fate, yet he’s a manifestation of all the traits/beliefs and ideals that Jellal denies due to his unhealthy idolisation and rejection of said ‘fate’ - He is a twisted persona that both wishes to protect Jellal yet also resents him, but Jellal’s denial of his darkness is so deep that he does not seem Siegrain as part of him at all - Rather Siegrain is his confidant, his friend, his closest, yet his destruction (Their dynamic I had in mind is very Jekyll and Hyde inspired - The extremes and absence of morality)
Because of how ingrained Jellal’s black and white thinking is, this trait of his doesn’t really ever go away even after post TOH events.
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Jellal (7-8yrs) making prayers to the gods who he eventually finds out condemned him
Due to Jellal’s upbringing and the gods having basically fated his misery, it’s no surprise why he hates them. At first he prayed to them believing they would intervene for him like the Saint, but then he learned they condemned him for a sin which wasn’t his own and despised them there on out.
The only reason he eventually aligns with Zeref is because he sees his power as the thing that can break him out of his fate + ‘chosen one’ like the saint. 
Extra information about the canon info and how it ties into the HCs: 
How did Jellal get to the Tower Of Zeref? : He was abducted when the cultists of Zeref came to the Almeta and raided the country who were taking part in a huge festival for their gods, and seeking to sacrifice Jellal and his mother in order to earn the gods’s favour again…
Jellal’s personality when he arrived at the Tower Of Zeref? : Despite having been the abused ‘good boy’ in his home country, when arriving at the Tower of Zeref, Jellal takes the chance to reinvent himself. Trying to be confident, positive and everything that his past did not allow him to be.
Nirvana? : In my HCs Jellal actually knows the existence of Nirvana before he is abducted. He is told about it through his Grandfather in an innocent talk he was having about how he could ‘reverse’ his devil blood and be ‘good’ again. But that then spurns Jellal/Siegrain to actually search for Nirvana and information on it when he infiltrates the magic council.
Heavenly Body Magic (HBM)? - As established in the HCs that Almeta prides being the holders of Heavenly Body Magic, during the raid of the country the cultists steal their books and when Jellal rises to power in the tower he teaches himself the material + has a natural affinity towards the magic due to his bloodline having studied Heavenly Body Magic and being attuned towards celestial power. 
Survives being drowned in Ethernano? : Alongside being the heir of a bloodline powerful in magic ability (Fernandes), the Fernandes bloodline were known to take part in methods that would elevate their magical capacity and power + Jellal’s father had apparently been part of one of the countries underground experiments - Ethernano Absorption.
Ethernano absorption was a project done in order to increase the natural threshold for ethernano in the bodies of humans even in huge quantities, and to be able to filter out toxic potential so it could power said individual. 
Because his father underwent the experiment, Jellal being his child has also reaped the benefits of the experiment and has been able to absorb large amounts of ethernano to both draw power but also be able to survive incredulous circumstances such as being drowned in the pure substance since his body is capable of not succumbing (well better than the average human/wizard)
Scarlet? : Jellal’s favourite colour is red because it was the only colour that looked lively and caught his attention when living in confinement and everything was grey. He learned the name of the colour Scarlet when he learned of a flower that had it’s name in it’s description. 
Cats? : Because most people despised Jellal growing up, his friends were nature. He had cats that he considered friends and hence has a fondness for them.
Erza? : Jellal comes to the Tower of Zeref paranoid, despite trying to reinvent himself he feels that he is being seen through. He is wary of everyone around him. He names Erza in the midst of trying to be confident and doing something nice for someone (it's more explained in my fanfic), but it’s her kindness and her ability to see the good in him despite himself which really makes him fall for her.  
Origins? : Jellal never tells anyone about his true upbringing. He doesn’t outright lie as he is bad at it, but he is vague about what happened during the abduction so they can assume their own narrative and he seems more alike to the rest , as he is aware his childhood wasn’t anything normal, and he doesn’t want to tell anyone lest they discard him after finding out his truth.
Desire for Heaven? : As canon Jellal is obsessed with the idea of heaven and Zeref being the way to obtain it, in this narrative the reason why Jellal/Sieg is so adamant to achieve it is because he has been told Heaven is the perfect place. No misery, no pain. Everything will be peaceful and those who get there would not suffer anymore. (So tying it kind of into the abrahamic religions belief)
But. Because of Jellal being marked a 'devil', he is apparently not fit for heaven on his own and due to being outcasted, he wants to achieve heaven in his own means, defy his fate regardless what sacrifice it requires...Because it would all be worth it in the end.
It starts of as an innocent ideal, to combat the injustice of the world that he and many others have experienced, however then devolves into a controlling obsession, devotion in an attempt to spite the gods themselves and save him from his destined damnation
Extra information about HCs of Jellal and everything else : 
Almeta (pronounced - Al-me-tchi-a (it isn't pronounced how it's written, but this is only according to my HC-) : Means 'Ambitious' (in Latin)
Jellal’s surname comes from his mother’s side, whilst his forename comes from his father’s origins (who is considered a foreigner even in Almeta - Aramian/Azrakh (Equivalent of Arabian/Middle Eastern origin here).
When younger Jellal showed more resemblance to his mother (i.e in softness and colour), but growing older he resembles his father’s features more (and this is why the disgust and hate on him was so great in Almeta).
His father is the one who he gets the blue hair from (and growing up Jellal hated it and wished for something normal because his blue hair tied him to the ‘devil’). He started to appreciate it more because of Erza. (Unnatural coloured hair is actually not common in Almeta so Jellal stuck out like a sore thumb)
Jellal’s father is affiliated with the Tower of Zeref.  
One of the gods worshipped in Almeta is ‘Zerith’, but that being said he is not worshipped in a traditional sense. The other gods are worshipped in reverence and will, whereas Zerith has the reputation of chaos and destruction, so Zerith is worshipped out of fear.  
Because of Almeta’s connection to HBM, the country has a huge reverence for the stars and celestial wonder.  
There are subtypes of Heavenly Body Magic - Jellal’s one he studied is mainly offensive and somewhat all rounding. But the defenders of Almeta learned Heavenly magic that was extremely versatile - it could be performative, destructive, healing, defending etc.  
Jellal is actually not aware of what rank his family/mother or he could have had, he does learn Fernandes was an important people in the country but he is not aware to what extent.  
When Jellal’s mother was stripped of her rank, she was also stripped of her magic alongside and forced to live objectified and degraded for her ‘treason’ to a devil.  
His mother eventually went mad under the harsh persecution, abuse and from living in confinement. She began to hate Jellal and everything about him when she couldn’t separate him from his connection to the man who damned them.
Almeta’s inspiration is similar to the crusader period of the holy lands (hence emphasis of religion, mixed cultures, hierarchy etc). (was lowkey inspired by AC1 setting for this)
Ultear’s manipulation is a catalyst for something that was already afflicting Jellal rather than just completely brainwashing him.
Okay that was a really extensive post.
These HCs are based on a narrative I had created trying to do a character study on Jellal, trying to put more reason to his behaviours as a villain aside from Ultear’s manipulation. I wanted to really focus on the ideal of freedom for Jellal, the effect of sins and just building up his mentality from the ground and how it could have been moulded in the Tower of Zeref.
I didn’t want Ultear’s intervention to completely take away his accountability whilst in the same breath exploring what could actually turn someone to align with such ideals despite the circumstances. Especially since Jellal has so much potential.
I really love Jellal and just wanted to share my brain rot i’ve had on him, I know it’s of a darker and more philosophical/psychological angle and there are layers, but I just hope everything I have written has been cohesive and if there are any questions about it, I’d love to answer! I have a lot I could say on these HCs, but I don't want to exhaust it all in one post (the post is already so long to begin with ><)
Thank you so much for taking the time to read all of this, truly.
Please do let me know your thoughts if you have any! ^^
PS : If anyone is interested in reading the fanfic I have been writing which implements the above HCs and narrative, i’ll link it below.
Also I will link the rest of the art I have been getting done related to this narrative for Jellal.
Thank you once again for reading all this 🤍
14 notes · View notes
Best thing about Gray is that he's so calm and easy going and chill so literally everyone gets along with him.
Everyone loves Gray in universe, no one has any complaints about him personality wise (minus Natsu). Getting to go on a mission with him is a breath of fresh air.
Joint guild missions have non ft wizards breathing a sigh of relief that they get to work with him.
Gray is genuinely such a good presence for most people that they tend to feel at ease around him and he doesn't even realize it.
107 notes · View notes
nocentis · 1 year
let her kiss his brand...
He sees her in the way that bees see flowers; the way that leaves see sunshine.
╳┆Honey spilled over the horizon and painted the high tide. Gilded fingers twisted into the amber silks draped upon the throne of cloud, wrapped them up in their glittering palms, around their wrists, and the day's ruler hoisted themselves slowly to claim, leaving blood and syrup in their wake. Their white robes did little to shield their pride; their radiance. There was something to be said about that immeasurable beauty and the karmic toll of viewing it. The price of a look, one held long enough to truly see, was to surrender the gift of future sight. There was something to be said about the periphery. Something about those colors, that warmth, that marvel, and how maybe close enough should be good enough, and why couldn't it be? Something about the cost of love, something about moderation, and maybe something about the comfort of cowardice.
Winter and Spring began their waltz, slowly slinking ‘round and ‘round with fingers interlaced high above their heads, eyes locked in lovers’ snares. Winter, condemned to play the role of callousness; of indiscriminate reaping, and Spring, the tender, the nurturer, tasked with the labor of rebirth. They found their compromise in the snowdrop’s bloom; in its frozen dew. They found it in the chill of the morning and the warmth of the afternoon, in the cool breeze, in the jewel-toned sky and the first blades of grass yet bitten by frost.
It must’ve been love, he thought, for what else could compel the harsh hand of Winter, cold and cruel as it was, not to strike, but to dance? It must've been love, he thought, because when Winter slipped from her grasp, Spring, in her loneliness, would begin to weep. Beautiful things bloomed from her pain, and so her pain was expected, demanded again and again. It must've been love that drove Winter to destroy those sorrow-sewn fields so that Spring would come back to him comfortably, and so just for a little while, they could find peace together.
Today, they were dancing.
╳┆The swell in his chest shined through his broadened shoulders, the length of his neck, the lift of his chin. Still, the habit of treading brazenly, maskless, through stone-laid streets, was one he’d yet to pick up. His formal pardon hadn’t barred the eyes from prying, and it certainly hadn’t muted the whispers. If anything, they’d only grown louder, more opinionated, so he'd yet to find comfort in the breeze's naked palms.
The repetitive swish and clang of his garb and the thud of his armored boots against the cobbles were familiar enough to become mute to the mind, like absorbed by his black-bleeding subconscious. Gone with it, the songbird’s tune, the whistle of the breeze, the sway of the trees. But not today. No, today he heard it—the way the wind howled in harmony with the river’s steady rush, the beat of his own pace, the trill tittering above, the cheerful chatter of life—like it was his first time. In a way, he supposed it was. Every other time he’d walked this path, he’d walked it with closed eyes and wool-stuffed ears, in thrall to the rotten echoes of his own mind. But not today. No. Today, his chin held high, as his spirits did.
He must have looked every bit the manic fool that morning, sliding through the doors of the Fairy Tail guild at the first wink of sunlight, sporting that glued-on grin he'd still yet to unstick, with nothing more to present than a pair of mismatched daffodils and their attached note. Thankfully, Mirajane and her sister, Lisanna, were already in-house preparing for the day ahead, undoubtedly taking advantage of the peace and quiet of the empty hall while they still had the opportunity. Though naturally surprised to see him so elated, they were both pleasant in their greetings and eagerly agreed to deliver his message (though he was nearly certain they were teasing him about his intentions with their fair lady Erza).
His cheer was met equally and enthusiastically. Both sisters were practically teeming with glee by the time he turned to leave, giggling and covering their mouths like they knew something the rest of the world was yet privy to. While he found their giddiness puzzling, he surely welcomed the departure from gloom; from the doom-written reeds he so often dragged in. It was nice, he thought, to share weightless words, to have a laugh, to venture beyond Winter's shadow into the first light of Spring.
From there, he'd practically skipped to his next task. Never in so many years of travel had he received such bemused faces from passersby. He'd actually paused once to check his skin, just to make sure he wasn't actually glowing. Heaven knew how long it'd been since he felt something so carefree as genuine excitement. Long enough that he found it uncontainable. Long enough that it felt like sunshine in his chest, crawling up his throat, bursting through his teeth.
Mrs. Ito was no exception to the day's pleasantries. She'd always been kind in the short time he'd known her. Recently widowed, she decided she had too much house and not enough home, in her own words, so she moved in with her eldest son, his wife, and their children. He'd met with them all one evening for dinner (Mrs. Ito wanted to know to whom she was handing over her home), and even after stories were shared and intentions were laid, he was met gently with understanding smiles, warm hands holding his own, and Mrs. Ito's hushed, "It's time to go home, son."
When he arrived to pick up the keys—his keys to his house—she greeted him fondly, like they'd always known one another. Her son stood in the doorway as he exchanged the gift of home with a box of market candies, his smile slowly melting like he'd finally found the bitter side of sweet. He'd waved goodbye with a promise to visit again soon, but as he turned towards his new tomorrow, he missed the pinch in Mrs. Ito's brow and the tears that followed. He missed the shake of her shoulders as her son ushered her back inside and the red-rimmed eyes that lingered on his back.
His elation carried him through thinning streets and into the countryside. Horse-drawn carriages passed him by with blinders on, kicking up dust and bouncing rocks off their spokes as they went. The folks tending their land paused to spare him a sprinkler's glance. Just around the bend, there sat a humble brick house on a quaint piece of land. Its stone pathway stood out in the sparsely grown, mostly browned lawn, and it drew a path straight towards that painted-red front door. The very same one that he was now standing in front of, staring at.
The key poised betwixt his fingers had been left to steep in his pocketful of sunshine long enough for the heat to transfer, and now it was burning, blistering his skin, and it felt something like rejection. Like the soul of the land had its hands on his shoulders and was shoving him backward. Like he wasn't meant to be here. He was never meant to have this.
But he wasn't ready to give it up just yet.
He tapped the door with a single knuckle, just to see if it'd turn to ash. It held steady, materially, before him, just the same as it ever looked. Its bricks spoke no threat of crumble, its roof showed no sign of collapse, and yet none of it truly felt real. Even as his head bowed and his forehead pressed into that cool crimson, even as he traced the ridges of the keys in his palm, even then, he couldn't bring himself to believe it.
A moment of silent prayer. A deep, grounding breath. Eyes open, back straight, he finally found the will to turn the key. The door slowly creaked open, allowing light to pour in through the front door.
His lingering joy was a sweet wine on the brink of spoil, turned to vinegar in his gut. The morn's candied shell cracked between his teeth and its well-concealed bitterness flooded his tongue like it had been waiting for the opportunity all along. It leaked from the corners of his still-smiling mouth, even as his lips began to twitch; even as heat brimmed his eyes and tears threatened to spill. He stood in the doorway, still, watching the walls of that front room stretch higher and higher as the moment dragged on, like he was waiting for something—something like Karma—to come along and destroy it all, strip it all away; to take from him again, as he'd taken from so many others.
He forced himself to step inside, to turn, to close and lock the door behind himself.
And then it was quiet. Devastatingly so. Gone were the wind, the leaves, the birdsong and the horses' trot. Static rushed in to fill its place, skating rings around his ears, and his periphery began to blur, his chest to ache—oh, he felt ill, and the dam threatened to burst, and his throat tightened until he audibly choked. A hand rose to cup his neck, and another to cover his mouth, stifling his upward bubbling sob as heat rose to cloud his vision. He sunk to his knees as the first tears fell, crushed by the weight of overwhelm, one hand scratching helplessly against hardwood while the other heeled at his bleeding eyes.
How audacious could he be? Already living on borrowed breath, daring to walk the path of the benevolent man. Now he dared to seek normalcy for himself, to smile gleefully while so many still woke in a cold sweat, in terror, at the sight of him, and others would never wake at all. A sick joke. He hardly deserved a proper burial, much less a place to lay his head, and yet he wanted it still.
He turned and sat with his back pressed against the front door, and he tried to find comfort in the nothing. He tried to find comfort in the emptiness, the darkness, the hollow and desolate, but the shadows had autonomous hands. Those mangled fingers were rotten down to blackened bone and had mouths where their nails should've been, and they'd been picking at the threads of his mind's drawn curtain, picking, pulling, unspooling, until they made their hole big enough to climb through. When they finally reached him, they were dripping ink like blood, wrapped up in memories' silk that they used to bind him where he was.
How long had it been? He was a child when he'd last called a house like this his home, before the raid. If only his mother and father could see him now, what would they say? Would they smile? Would they cry? Would they be proud of their son, even to this day, with all years considered, and would they love him still? Would they hand their heads in shame, or would they lift their chins in disgust? He never got the chance to know them well enough to answer those questions with any certainty.
His head thumped against the wall, tears trailing unbidden as he stared through the ceiling. His breath shook as he exhaled, voice straining when he pleaded directly to God, "Please," his face curled inward and he nearly choked, "It's more than I deserve, but please, may I have this?"
But it wasn't God who'd condemned him. It wasn't God who'd damned his soul to roam, so God need not answer.
The silence was a swarm that eventually overtook the sounds of his wet misery. The numbness accompanying that insidious peace was a welcome shift. It gathered over his shoulders and draped from him, robe-like, as he finally rose from the floor, intent on washing his face.
A few short steps brought him to the bathroom. He blindly palmed at the wall until he found the switch. Light sprung from the top down, bathing the back of his hand as he turned on the sink. He let it run over his fingers until warm and watched years-old blood run off and stain the porcelain. The water he gathered in his palms was soon spilled over the flesh of his face and beyond his sleeves.
While the salt may have washed clean, the evidence of his deluge clung to the skin beneath his eyes and around his nose in Pollock pink. That much became obvious the very second he met his own glassy stare, though its juxtaposition to the hot iron's bite made its consequence seem all the more fleeting. The tips of his fingers idled against his still-dripping skin, at first tracing the risen path, then covering it. He tried to imagine what he might've looked like without it. Would he look more youthful? Would he look kind when he smiled? Would children be less afraid when he waved to them?
He supposed it didn't matter. The choice was never his to have. That glowing sunset crest lived inside of his eyelids, lurking there, daring him to blink. Within each lapse, he saw the devil's eyes. He saw split-curl smiles and broken teeth outlined in stolen blood. He heard the devil's laugh, shrill and gleeful and giddy, and felt its dank breath against his neck, and he felt its hands curling around his ankles, his wrists, his arms and legs, puncturing his skin with nails of obsidian glass, and he felt it climb onto his chest, crack his ribs, and he felt his face begin to sweat, even though he was so, so cold.
It was so, so cold. White cold. And he was awake. Wide-eyed, shocked mute. His skin shrieked as its moisture fled, and it began to peel away, to bubble and blister and burn—God, it burned, and the smell—
Knock-knock, knock!
His visitor's early arrival nearly sent him out of his skin. He quickly turned the water off and killed the light, and he hoped that his sorrows stayed in the drain depths where they belonged.
The door swung inward, and she was there, waiting patiently, graciously, for him like she always had. His breath turned to dust in his lungs.
In her hands, those inverted daffodils dressed in yellow and white, not a petal out of place. Gold spilled over her crown, revealing that halo he'd always known was there. The breeze tossed her scarlet flames about semblant of Venus, and rosey lips sat in their gentle curve, smiling softly at him, yet before they could split to spill a greeting, he'd already begun to pull her towards him. As he wrapped himself around her, his eyes began to burn again, and the second he felt her hand at his back, returning his embrace, he broke, and the tears spilled forth once more. His head fell to rest against her armored shoulder, and through the rain, he began to laugh.
She pulled away to view him at arms' length, mouth slightly parted as though a question had come to peer through her teeth. He wiped at his face with tremors in his hands, chuckling softly when Erza finally shoved out, "Tears?"
"It's silly, really," he holds up the keys, "I'm overwhelmed."
It didn't take her long to put it together.
Warmth graced his jaw with the weight of a whisper, so faint he'd thought surely that he'd imagined it. That is, until it struck again, soft and sweet against his cheek, beneath his eye, his forehead. His eyes blinked open as she sunk back to her heels, bashfully peering up at him through the veil of her lashes; waiting for him to do something, anything.
The raucous buzzing faded into a melodic hum like the swarm had finally found its queen.
His blood sang as it rushed red-hot through his shoulders, crawled up his neck, and began burning its way through the skin of his face. The ear-popping clarity of his thought-storm's sudden abandon left him staring mindlessly with eyes much too wide and jaw much too lax, narrowly remembering to breathe, until her shy expression began to melt into something more reminiscent of unease, like she was preparing to flee.
Perhaps a touch too quickly, he grabbed her hand, careful to keep his grip loose enough that she could pull away if she wanted. Slowly, surely, his opposite hand reached to tuck her hair behind her ear, and his palm cupped her cheek in a silent plea not to retreat from him. A silent plea to stay here, right here, in this moment, in his grasp, just a little while longer.
And she did. She stayed. She smiled gently, warmly. Her head fell to rest against his chest and she leaned into his sway. There, in the silence, they found their rhythm. They began to dance.
"Welcome home, Jellal." -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @mamorigami
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astraebled · 4 months
💬 + Jellal has a secret candy stash.
★ |  * ⋆      -   -  - –  INBOX !  *  ﹡                  ﹡     ✧ * ☇  ( @pretiumus ! )
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He does. “For Meredy and I.” Jellal likes collecting them from places they visit and having taste tests with her. It is a long-withstanding tradition of theirs.
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moonwreathe · 1 year
also why do we only ever see one instance of Ultear using magic to possess someone? You would think she would’ve used that trick more than once.
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cutecatlov3r · 1 year
she/they ! 8teen . call me A !
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bnha ↓
izuku x reader [innocent religious boy is corrupted by you .]
bnha x reader [masked men get their chance to ruin you .]
what song they'd fuck you to [bakugou, kirishima, denki, sero, shoto, izuku, shinso, and tamaki]
dabi x reader [you're his personal ashtray .]
dabi x reader [toxic ex-bf! dabi hcs]
keigo x reader [pre bf! and bf! keigo hcs]
denki , sero , kirishima , katsuki x reader [getting ran through .]
iida, shoto, izuku x reader [getting ran through .]
katsuki x reader [twt link .]
katsuki x reader [he’s gone(?)]
kinktober [katsuki bakugou]
jjk ↓
what song they'd fuck you to [gojo, megumi, itadori, yuta, inumaki, and nanami]
gojo x reader [he loves mocking you .]
nanami x reader [daddy! nanami hcs /// healing daddy issues]
itadori x reader [delulu itadori hcs]
kinktober [nanami kento]
aot ↓
what song they'd fuck you to [eren, jean, and armin]
hq ↓
what song they'd fuck you to [hinata, kageyama, tsukishima, nishinoya, sugawara, iwaizumi, oikawa, atsumu, osamu, suna, bokuto, akaashi, kuroo, and kenma]
kenma x reader [enemies to lovers, some drabbles]
nishinoya x reader [daddy! nanami hcs // healing daddy issues]
kinktober [hinata shoyo]
fairytail ↓
what song they'd fuck you to [natsu, gray, gajeel, jellal, and zeref]
blue lock ↓
what song they'd fuck you to [bachira, isagi, sae, rin, nagi, and reo]
bachira x reader [pervert! bachira hcs]
sae x reader [punishing you for giving him a hickey .]
kinktober [bachira meguru]
sk8 the infinity ↓
reki x reader [ruining him .]
demon slayer ↓
tanjiro x reader [twt link .]
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akalikai · 1 month
As much as I love the popular pairings in Fairy Tail (other than Miraxus because I hc Mira as ace lesbian), I love rarepairs just as much.
Lowkey based on my fic that has Jerza, Erzajane, and Jellaxus
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Also if you couldn't tell, Jellal is my babygirl. I don't thank Hiro Mashima for much but I DO thank him for making Jellal the subbiest sub to ever sub
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lymmielove · 3 months
LEVY “LIKE THAT” MCGARDEN HCS | for @ray-desoleil and for me too lol
- Natsu and Lucy brought Daybreak back to the guild so that Levy could use her magic to break the spell on it. Lucy gave Levy a share of what her and Natsu earned.
- Inspired by that one official sketch from Mashima, Levy is very skilled at shooting and gunslinging in general. She goes on jobs with Bisca and Alzack sometimes when she’s not up for a group mission with Shadowgear.
- Speaking of Shadowgear, they have broken up multiple times, most initiated on Levy’s part because you can take the girl out of the feral environment but you can’t take the feral out of the girl (The feral: Growing up with Natsu Dragneel)
- Trains with the Thunder Legion on the regular. Bickslow doesn’t like Jet and Droy. Freed just wants to have someone to rant and yap about Word Magic to, to which Levy provides.
- Levy is secondary human google. The primary human google is Freed.
- Levy shot one of the council members when she was a kid because they made Gray cry.
- All the Guild Kids have gotten kidnapped. No, I will not elaborate.
- Levy’s bandanas can also double as effective restraints for any type of magic EXCEPT Dragon Slayer, God Slayer, and Demon Slayer.
- I’ve said this before but imma say it again, Freed took Levy on as an apprentice after the events of the Grand Fairy Tail Fight.
- When Gajeel got accepted into the guild, she did get her get back. She made him swallow non-iron bullets via her gun. Best believe the Fairy Tail Guild Kids were wooping and hollering. Lucy started screaming. Makarov banned Levy from missions for a month and a half afterwards but in everyone else’s eyes and hers, it was worth it.
- The real moment when Gajeel fell for her was when she flipped him on his ass in a fight.
- Levy rewrote the Book of E.N.D.
- She chopped her hair short as a kid in Fairy Tail. It used to be down to her ankles.
- All the dragon slayers like to have Levy with them in a fight because as long as she had magic, she’s walking fuel for them.
- Levy and Jellal are cousins, sorry I don’t make the rules, they just are.
- Her wardrobe consists entirely of cargo pants, compression shirts, fingerless gloves, and belts of many kinds and colors with matching holsters for her guns.
- Locks up the alcohol cabinet with runes after she learns from Freed, just so Fairy Tail as a whole can lower their alcohol budget.
- Is on ‘Make sure Natsu doesn’t eat all our rations’ duty when it’s a Guild Kids Only mission.
- Natsu’s second favorite. The first? Gray.
- Puts her books in alphabetical order instead of arranging them from series to stand alone.
- Can sew and stitch, the Guild Kids’ jackets have emblems and symbols all over them.
- Is the reason why Gajeel wears headbands.
- Gave Gajeel bangs by accident.
- Has matching piercings with the OG 5 (Cana, Gray, Natsu, Her, and Erza, in order of joining)
- Calls Romeo “Lover Boy” based on the story, it drives Romeo insane and it gives her joy.
- Gave Romeo his middle name.
- Fought Macao over parental rights. Romeo interrupted and proudly said that all the Guild Kids are his parents/older siblings. They all cried.
- Nails grow fast, but has a problem with chipping them a lot so she gets acrylics.
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writing-and-rebloging · 7 months
Found this in my drafts and while old, it was quite good? So, Oracion Seis and Crime Sorciere hc, because why not!
While they "voluntarily" join CS, it's no secret that oracion seis were children kidnapped and forced into slavery by a cult, who's first hope of upheaval turned around, simply replaced the cultists with even colder cruelty, and Macbeth is particularly bitter about the way things turned out.
Years of being helpless, years of enduring torture in the name of becoming strong and being able to stand on his own, but even after he beated Jellal to a pulp in the Nirvana incident, the second Jellal had him by the collar, yelling in his face, Macbeth felt like a child again. Weak, useless, unable to defend himself, with the only choice of compliance to survive. Jellal did threaten to throw them in a hole again, after all.
Macbeth's relationship with Meredy is strained at best. He doesn't particularly have anything against her, other than siding with the man that abused them, even if for a short while, but Meredy hated his guts from the get-go, and with good reason.
Meredy was forced to watch Jellal get beaten up, told to stay put, and had to watch an illusion of the only person she holds as dear as Ultear getting murdered. And she's rightfully resentful of the fact. She held it against Jellal even, for a considerable while, before she could bring herself to forgive him. But it's different with the others. They're nothing of hers, and while Richard may explain their pain and qualms about Jellal, the fact remains that he's the only one she has left, and she refuses to see that fight in a different light. Partially because she knows Jellal's and her own intentions, the noble core of redeeming themselves however messed up it's execution was, and partially because they're strangers and she places the ones she loves before random people. Perhaps, if she ever got truly close to them, she'd see it was the worst call possible to try and fight them.
While not as bad as it could have been, they were still cruel, and Meredy can't let it go just like that, especially with Macbeth. He was the one who casted the illusion, who decided to show her her worst fear to keep her away and desestabilize her, and even when she initially tried to put on a mask and approach them with kind words, only Richard met her halfway, while the rest openly rejected her. It would be a long way before it's water under the bridge, if ever. Conscious or not, his actions would come across as antagonistic to her, even if he has a good point. At the end of the day, Jellal is the only one she has on her corner, and as such, she will defend him to the bitter end, even when his methods are wrong. Or perhaps, especially when his methods are wrong. With time and an apology, or some acknowledgment that he hurt her, however faint, it could be bridged enough for actual kind words, but until then, Meredy will defend her position of politeness being the best she can do.
While civil, the them vs us mentality remains, and it's mostly up to Jellal and Richard to try and make the bridge, if it can be built at all.
Although he's highly social, Erik is also the protective kind, and between the things in their childhood that involved Jellal, the beat up, and Meredy's hostility, he's left with no desire to interact with those two outside of a surface, amicable workplace relationship, and prefers to hang out with his brothers and sister.
While they are the girls of the group, Meredy and Sorano don't get along. Meredy felt like maybe she could approach the woman, they're the only girls after all! But it didn't work at all. Meredy holds too much of a grudge, and Sorano is downright vicious. Meredy doesn't like them, and Jellal even humiliated them while doing the "convincing"; calling their names, recounting their lives. Yes, Sorano wants to be free, and maybe good enough to go back to her little sister, but she's also petty and proud, so she won't even even pretend to like them.
Richard is the most open of OS. He believes they can heal and move forward, and Jellal is trying to make amends, so why not try? Yes, he'll still protect his siblings above all, but he will talk to Jellal and Meredy casually and try to bring the group together.
Sawyer is probably the easiest to convince out of the four of them, but it's still not easy. No mater how much Richard tries to put in a good word, the fact remains that Jellal was just as bad as the cultists, and Sawyer wanted to run away from everything too much to simply accept being in the same space as that man. He far prefers to hang out with his siblings anyway. He may open up to Meredy in the end, but it's a long shot.
They are happy for Meredy and Jellal, in a way, mostly out of longing for the same. If Jellal of all people can get together with Erza and potentially join Fairy Tail, they can find their brother and sister and go back to them. They can live peaceful lives with the ones of their choosing. They can actually have connections and forgiveness. ...right?
Speaking of siblings. It takes less than two hours for the others to accept Wally and Yukino as their own siblings, and they're just as fierce while protecting them as they are with the siblings they grew up with.
After the guild was dissolved, none of them spoke to Jellal for pleasure alone. Whether it was information exchange or something else, there's always business involved.
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nenupharhein · 5 months
Fairy tail goofy hc
Mostly queer, FR/ENG (/créole vite fait genre une phrase)
POV Natsu et Happy :
Lucy becomming more and more buff as she train.
One day Natsu thought he got the concept of gendre but no.
One time Sting try to eat himself bc he was so hungry, bc he can eat what's white.
Erik real name is Eric but he thought it was more swag with a K.
Erza is a tismé sucré des îles sucré au surce carameliser.
Meldy has a jelly fish hair cut.
JELLAL IS TRANSFEM, because she is too cool to be a man, so erza is a lesbian !!!!!!!
Natsu is poc and Zeleph is white as an ass
Mavis speak creole, bc she's from Tenro
Jubia got mommy issues (i will explain later)
Erza is buff lika Patty on tiktok.
The girl and girlies got an MMA club (the sport not the assurance)
Readers do art therapy on demand
Macbeth is non-binary. They never got over the closure of skyblog. Mira give them her old wardrobe and Luxus his old CD.
Erik is immunized to every poison but he's lactos intolerant that dumbass
Lucy got a carabiner for her keys bravo les lesbiennes
Crime Sorcière became a registred guild and with the help of the concil then try to reinsert crimminals to society (i will explan later)
Cana is from the south of France, le pastis o con putaing
Bacus is from Bretagne, BREIZH DA VIKEN
Zoro from one piece is vendéen
Makarof the first time he saw Natsu eating fire : Ti marmail la la baise la science (the expression is from my mother idk)
Gadjeel eats his own piercings when he is hungry
Lisana have been influence by edo-Lucy, so is now roasting the shit out of everyone. Her favorit sentance is : elle comme ou quoi cette pute ?
(Sorry for the last one, that was a french meme. Sorry for my frenchness)
Reby and Mirajane host a podcast and invite the guild members, and some time other guild. (Once they had crime sorcière as guest , and they get the council au cul) (for the defense of crime sorcière, they thought it was a podcast for fairy tail members only)
Macbeth is a huge fan of Mozart l'opéra rock, their favorite song is "L'assassymphonie"
Gadjeel has the certificate (or whatever it is) to pierced people, but only Reby can get free piercing.
So Reby got a navel piercing, and some on her ears
Erza a a scar on the right eye (the one she cover), because action has consequences and healing everything without scars is boring. Or if not a scar she can't see with the fake eye or something. At least she can never cry from that eye again.
She has also a scars burn on her arms since she stopped the fight between Nastu and Grey
Wendy healing magic (or any healing magic i guess) is like an acceleration of the healing or scarring process, so it live scars and stuff.
After Jubia sacrificed herself to save Grey, she get chronic Pain (or something like that, idk i'm not a doctor)
Jubia is bi, when she says "rival in love" when talking about Lucy, she's talking about the rivality between Lucy and Grey. She's in love with both of them. (Jubia also had a crush on Erza, but every girls in ft got a crush on Erza)
Sting il a découvert sa bisexualité a l'envers, il pensait être gay et un jour il a eu un crush sur une meuf (too lazy to translate this one, but it's like the Chevalier de Lorraine in Versailles)
Bisca and Arzak are bi4bi
Erza get actual armor, not the things she has on the anime where she's half-naked most of the time.
And they also have magic clothes that can resist to magic, so they don't finish half-naked
Sting discovered his bisexuality in reverse, he thought he was gay and one day he had a crush on a girl (not lazy anymore)
Yukino and Minerva are dating 🥰💗🎀
I have many hc but i forget the rest. I will do an other post maybe. Maybe focus on a specifique character.
Also I don't know how to use Tumblr so forgive me.
I also can't speak a proper english sorry
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nagirambles · 1 year
Hi I was wondering do you have any HCs or theories on Mira , Laxus or Erza as guild masters ? All 3 of them have potential Mira cause she likes how rowdy the guild is , plus she worked with the master as well , Laxus he had character development as well as wishes to be the master while Erza did come the master for a short time we never seen what type of master she would have been. Hope this ask ok,hope your doing ok and ignore the haters ,their just losers. sending love your way🎂
This sounds like a fun idea! I talked about Laxus being Guild Master before so here, I'll focus on the other two this time then.
I really do think any of the prominent characters in the guild becoming guild master would be a good finality to the character arc for them, and I really love that about Fairy Tail. Other than these three I can think most notably of Cana having an amazing reign as Master. But we're not here to talk about that.
Starting with Erza! She pretty much did become Master but Mashima was a coward I'm joking so. I honestly think she could become the honourable female leader that Knightwalker couldn't be post-Edolas. Revered, respected, and beloved in Magnolia--- noble, humble, and graceful. Honestly, I think she'd most fit the image of a 'guild master' that we expect to see in fantasy stories. The badass woman in the back of the guild, whose sword can destroy continents, who everyone fears and relies on. She lets everyone run wild in her guild, she joins in and encourages brawls, sometimes she even starts them! She beats you up with a smile on your face. But when danger comes, she's the front of the line, roaring to declare the charge. I suppose when the generation comes around, she'll be known as 'greatest female swordsman in the nation, the guild master of Fairy Tail', and she would be such a prominent draw. She's the kind of character you see in fantasy stories set up at the end goal or something, and she undeniably lives up to the name. Fairy Tail will definitely start growing more into its name with her as the Master, and I really do feel it's such a fun way for the guild to advance and live on with Mavis' whimsical spirit.
Erza becoming guild master means a lot to her as a character. She comes to the guild to chase after the remnant of Grandpa Rob, and it's so fitting for the message of 'putting yourself at risk to protect what's important to you/family' that FT represents. She has this dilemma the most in the guild, it's a struggle she constantly reminds herself to overcome from TOH to Tenrou (you don't die for your friends, you live for them). She stops Jupiter, she stops Natsu vs Gray with her bare hands. She sacrifices all her feelings to hand Jellal over to the council in Nirvana, and later helps Wendy out of the same broken heart. Remember when Rob died to protect her, and Makarov (almost) died to protect Fairy Tail at Alvarez-- it seems fitting that this selfless desire to see the next generation persist all lives on in her. She continues a parallel, and the position just seems right. She has genuine character growth that doesn't discredit her selfless nature as dumb and unnecessary-- she slowly grows to learn what's worth sacrificing for, what's worth living for, and when to make tough decisions, and all of that are great building blocks to becoming someone that can lead the next generation of selfless idiots.
Onto Mirajane! I envision Mira being so unsuspecting honestly. Imagine the boss of a big company coming by in a janitor's outfit, cleaning the floors. She leads VIPs to the empty master's office and serves them tea and stares at them from the doorway. She waits until a full ten minutes has passed before cracking up and telling you she's the Master, actually, how do you not recognize the person you have a meeting with? That's Mirajane. That's Mirajane, poster girl and barmaiden of Fairy Tail, who serves everyone beers and cocktails day in and out. She has so much patience she lets the guild absolutely wreak itself to pieces, she'll rebuild it, it's fine~ she wouldn't even react if you accidentally destroy a whole upper floor. Total ara ara character, unbeatable big sister energy. Everyone worships her and hails her like a goddess. Because of this, I also see people underestimating her/thinking her position is something earned from being pretty, especially when her she-devil stories fade to history.
While I think Erza would continue taking plenty of missions everywhere, Mirajane would stay where she is in the guild, like Makarov, staying there and being the one consistent face that always welcomes you home no matter what you do, how long you've been gone, and what hour you've returned. She would wish you a safe journey as you go, and you can always be back with a warm meal and a dear song and party. (Just like how they all welcomed Lisanna home.) She becomes the living symbol of home and love and family to everyone in FT, and I think that's very fitting for the character that's always symbolized motherhood and big-sisterhood to me in Fairy Tail. She has the most love and warmth in the guild that she extends to anyone (Yukino, for example) and she's definitely the kind to pick up stray children and bring them into the guild. Of course, when mom's angry, everyone better pray for their lives!
That's all! Thanks for the ask!
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yamishika · 8 months
have any other ethnicity headcanons for fairy tail characters?
Fairy Tail Characters Ethnicity HCs
I don’t have as much extensive proof as I do for my Erik headcanons post but I will explain my thoughts for why I think certain ethnicities.
Natsu Dragneel : Japanese + Greek? (Because of the clothing style in his past flashback with his biological family)
Erza Scarlet : British + ? - I say British because she reminds me of Lara Croft who in her older days had reddish hair, also English history is big on knights, which Erza is. The other half I can’t tell as I don’t actually know what to think of her father Rung as. He seems like a POC though. (Maybe Mexican?)
Lucy Heartfilia : British / American - Because Lucy’s heritage as a noble it reminds me more of English nobility, but then her characteristics remind me more of american for some reason (it doesn’t help that Lucy looks a lot like Ashley Graham from the original RE4 and she’s American so I am kind of biased there)
Gray Fullbuster : Canada or Serbia (I think that’s mainly because I am making the link of cold countries though). Also if with Serbian I can see Ultear and him coming from similar places)
Gajeel Redfox : Native American (His hair and features remind me of Native Americans and I don’t know he kind of reminds me and looks like of Ratohnhake:ton / Connor from AC3) Juvia Lockser : Spanish + Russian (Spanish as the name Juvia is Spanish origin and Russian since the ushanka she wears and her clothing style in general)
Jellal Fernandes : Mixed ethnic - Mixed Arab (mainly Levantine Arab) + Brazilian, but then in my HCs he’s also part Desi too since the name Jellal is most prominent in India (And I want Erik to have a desi bro in CS). And the Arab/South asian idea came from him wearing Kohl/Surma in S1 in the anime. 
Ultear Milkovich : Serbian with mixed Central Asian or Kazakh (Again cold countries but since Ultear looks Eurasian but with dark features these countries came to mind. Serbia because apparently the name Milkovich is Serbian origin)
Macbeth/Midnight :  English w/Scottish + Irish + Japanese - English/Scottish/Irish is a given since his name ‘Macbeth’ but since his aesthetic is alike to Visual Kei, I see Japanese influence. But I don’t know, I just can see Macbeth with a british accent, maybe that’s just me.
Sorano Aguria : French and Korean/Japanese (I don’t know why I have the French, it just fits me when discussing with my friend @acutemushroom. Korean/Japanese because despite having a Japanese name (her and Yukino) due to her features she gave me kind of Korean vibes for some reason)
Sawyer : English (I can’t explain other than the name. But I thought of Romanian too for some reason, so English + Romanian?)
Richard Buchanan : South African + Scottish? (My only thought for this was because Buchanan I knew it as a last name big in South Africa, and Scottish is probably because of the red hair and ruddy complexion that I know scottish people can have)
Meredy : Irish (I don’t know why, it was hard to think of anything for her)
Kinana : Desi (Since the name Kinana is an urdu name apparently - So Pakistani) 
Cana Alberona : Irish + Italian (Guildarts gave me tanned Irish vibes for some reason and Alberona is I believe an Italian name)
Minerva Orland : Chinese + Latina (She wears a Cheongsam and her hair reminds me of Chinese culture but then I see Latina too) BUT, maybe she has Egyptian too and Italian since Minerva (Italian/Latin) but the blue eyeliner/eyeshadow she always has is alike to Malachite powder that was used by ancient egyptians 
Laxus Dreyar : Ukrainian + Russian (He gives me eastern europe vibes and also his features) but also since he's Makarov’s grandson he’d have Russian in him 
Makarov Dreyar : Russian - (I think his full name is of Russian origin but I can't be sure.) These are the HCs I have off the top of my head, hope this answers your question!
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lovelymessybubbly · 10 months
TAMA HOW HAVE I NOT NOTICED YOUVE DRAWN FAIRY TAIL AAAAA THAT WAS MY FIRST LOVE OMG who were your favorite lers and lees in the series (canon or not)? personally i love to see lee lucy and lee jellal whenever i can and its my personal hc that mira is the most feared ler in the guild and laxus is secretly also a big ler that only a few people know about (and are victim to) like the Thunder Legion, natsu, elfman etc.
yessss i love fairy tail !!! it was my third anime EVER hehe °₊·ˈ∗♡( ˃̶᷇ ‧̫ ˂̶᷆ )♡∗ˈ‧₊° my adorable fav natsu doubles as my favorite lee/ler of the series haha. he has such an energetic and playful personality that makes him such a fun tickler !! and all the ways he messed with lucy and erza in the show always had me feeling so giddy hehe, he is just such a natural tease and a big goofball at that, so it fits well to me. of course, being such an adorable ray of sunshine with so much energy and spunk, i cannot help but want to tickle the living daylights out of him every time i see him ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡ my cute little dragon !! like i just wanna scoop him up and scribble all over his midsection until he’s wheezing out pleas.
second fav lee is erza because, well, she is just a natural lol. such a tough and scary young lady but so so ticklish !!! i love how it just makes her melt immediately and she basically has no resistance to it, but she never seems to actively hate it, either.
i also love lee lucy so i agree w you there, another example of just a NATURAL lee lol ꉂ (′̤ॢ∀ ू‵̤๑))ˉ̞̭♡ she is just so jumpy and giggly and easily flustered and she totally likes it too hehe. jellal is not really my type but he was uber cute in the games arc lol and he has a really sweet laugh.
ler mirajane is SUCH big brain and she is definitely an absolute menace. i mean, a sweet and soft spoken girl with a hidden violent and intimidating side. i can easily imagine her gently approaching perhaps a belligerent guild member (gray? cana? you decide) and just LAYING into them with horrifying speed and technique, bringing them to their knees and drawing out undignified squawks and howls easily, all while retaining that innocent and angelic smile on her face (੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡
subtle ler laxus makes a lot of sense too. the little shit. he is definitely the smug type, one who gloats about how easily he can take you down and how helpless you looked laughing and pleading like that. also probably an angry tickler; like if you tease him too much and he gets to fuming he will wreck you in seconds whilst whining and grumbling the entire time. “oh you think its funny huh? how about this? is this funny to you?” petty shit like that. but then again, an attitude like that just makes me want to tickle attack him instead (๑✧◡✧๑)
sorry for the long response, i love all of those goobers so much ♡͙♡͚₍⸉ॢ⸍͕͈ ˕̫ ⸌͔͈⸊ॢ₎♡͚♡͙
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nocentis · 3 months
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Heavenly Body Magic
╳┆Heavenly Body Magic allows the user to draw energy from & conjure celestial bodies consistent with meteors, stars, and black holes. The properties of some celestial objects may be applied to the caster (such as Meteor), whereas other objects can be launched as unnamed projectiles of light or arranged as constellations which strike from above.
Known Heavenly Body spells include Meteor, Grand Chariot, Altairis, Pleiades, Jiu Leixing, Orion, and forbidden spell Abyss Break.
Jellal has permanently retired Altairis & Abyss Break.
True Heavenly Body Magic
╳┆True Heavenly Body Magic is the successor to Heavenly Body Magic. As such, a solid foundation in HBM is prerequisite to the use of THBM.
This ascension of HBM is highly volatile and incredibly difficult to control. Wielding such spells requires a high level of concentration, precision, and a wealth of magic power. That said, it is also very taxing on the user’s body. Just one spell can be enough to significantly deplete even an accomplished mage's magic energy. For this reason, THBM spells are often considered "finishing" spells.
Some True Heavenly Body spells have HBM counterparts, such as Grand Chariot, Pleiades, and Orion. Accomplished mages may scale these spells up or down depending on the circumstance and level of force required at the time of casting. Other spells, like Sema, are unique to True Heavenly Body Magic and have their own ascended versions (ex. Deus Sema). They are also much more difficult to temper in terms of scale and lethality.
Jellal does not cast these spells unless the circumstance deems it absolutely necessary.
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astraebled · 2 years
“would you rather… wish upon a shooting star or not wish at all”
★ |  * ⋆      -   -  - –  INBOX !  *  ﹡                  ﹡     ✧ * ☇  ( @caelitus ! )
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      " ― Ah, shooting stars. They're beautiful, aren't they ?"
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     "Whenever I'm graced with the sight of one, I always make a wish. Little nothings, really - a peaceful night of sleep, an easy trip on the road tomorrow ―" ( something that'll make Meredy smile. some soothing happiness for his guildmates. good health for Erza, miles and miles away. )
Some could call the concept of a wish upon a star ― childish, groundless, a waste. But not him, never him.
Not when you carry the magic of the sky upon your fingertips. Not when you can call upon the stars && bring down the heavens. The magic of the astral bodies is one he is closely familiar with ― so he would be a fool to underestimate it.
                                                                                                 AND YET.
                  ( his smile is shy, with the hint of his inescapable sadness )                                                                                                           .
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     "But no shooting star can grant me what my heart truly desires. As powerful as the heavens are..." [ TIME BENDS TO NO ONE. ]      "What's written is set in stone  ― and I can only make due of the cards I've been dealt."
All these wishes, are they not a bitter reminder of what he can never have ? Does his heart not squeeze every time he ponders upon what to manifest, knowing what he wants is out of reach ?
                                           Is that painful reminder worth wishing at all ?
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casperrrtheghostt · 2 months
fairy tail as kids hcs cuz they’re really really dear to me pls make a spinoff with them all as kids hiro mashima (including AU where wendy was in the guild when she was a baabbyy)
-since they did Not grow up around older women, most of the girls freaked the fuck out when they first got their periods. like genuinely they were BAWLING and CRYING and everyone was freaking out BECAUSE THIS IS A GUILD FULL OF YOUNG BOYS, TEENAGE BOYS, AND A GUY RUNNING THE GUILD 😭 all the guys thought they were dying too before they got porlyusica to help out.
thankfully when wendy first got her period, all the other girls were like. 17+ nd stuff so they all helped her (she still panicked and bawled her eyes out too though)
-wendy took a bit longer to develop with her power, due to her losing grandine so young and not having that much help with her healing magic. Porlyusica bonded with wendy earlier on in age and that helped her learn, but it still took her till she was about 11/12 to be able to not be tired using her magic too much.
-natsu grew up WAY more protective of wendy than how much he even is now, even if he’s proud of her for how strong she is now he still thinks of her as a little baby and swears that he will protect her. (they call eachother sister and brother, since they did grow up together like siblings in this AU)
-in this AU mystogan still found wendy, but instead of leaving her at cait shelter, he left her at fairy tail. eventually, mystogan also joined fairy tail, but wendy didn’t know anything about him due to him being so secretive. (had to think about this so the whole “wendy thinking jellal was mystogan” story part of the show wasn’t messed up.)
i’ll be writing more trust
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