acekimagenda · 9 months
I sketched this immediately after the asia tour trailer came out and never posted lmao
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iirc the stupid dialog balloons I usually add were supposed to be something like
Jeff: "what do you want from me"
Sunshine: "better question is, what do WE want"
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gmmmtv · 5 months
“average person would fuck their clone in an instant” factoid actualy statistical error . average person would hesitate to fuck their clone. jeff satur who fucks 300 of his clones each day is an outlier and should not have been counted
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khathastrophe · 5 months
Jeffcest this Jeffcest that, I will not hear it until he is pulling these moves from Taemin's book:
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mortimerlatrice · 1 month
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a gift for @emberfaye for the @jeffffffffest which can also be found in the collection on ao3!
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brother-lipsmackariah · 4 months
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Kim deserves multiple boyfriends who look exactly like him
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crumchycow · 4 months
yknow what i really want but probably wont happen,,, i want jeff to play multiple characters in happy ending and also for barcode to play a character in it, just because i think it would be really fucking funny to have shipping wars between jeffbarcode and jeffjeff (or perhaps even jeffjeffjeff..?)
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arewedoneyet · 4 months
via cc.xx.124 @ tiktok
are you thinking what i’m thinking?
do you see my vision? 👀
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mousydentist · 4 months
fall across the sky 
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A collaboration by @mousydentist, @airgiodslv, and @shubaka, a multimedia fan creation for the extended universe of Jeff Satur's music videos, created in part for the VoiceTeam 2024 Sea Witch challenge.
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Read the fic, see the full gifset, and enjoy the audio track on AO3!
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vani-ash · 4 months
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i have too much free time based off this post
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jeffffffffest · 4 months
JeFFFFFFFFest 2024 Gift Exchange
This exchange is for fanworks based on Jeff Satur’s music videos and related media.
‘Related media’ includes characters such as the rain god from Jeff’s Halloween fan art Instagram post, or the fallen angel from Call Me by Fire. A resource list with links to media will be available in the Discord server (link to join).
While all Jeffs may be used as visual/auditory/character inspiration, characters from acting roles (KinnPorsche, He She It, Ingredients) are not the focus of this event. Crossovers such as Kim/Sunshine are in the spirit of the event, but a direct KinnPorsche fanwork is not.
Is it because of all of the Jeffs possibly named Jeff? Is it because that’s how we’re feeling after each new release (F!)? Is it because they represent all of the Fun Fabulous Fanworks we’ll be creating? Yes. (There are eight Fs for Space Shuttle No. 8, if you care.)
This exchange is open to all types of fanworks, including text, visual art, audio, and video. The sign-up form will prompt you to list which types of fanworks you’d like to offer and receive. Everyone will be matched with a recipient who meets their fanwork types and prompts as closely as possible. Assignments will remain private until the collection is revealed, so please keep that information secret from your recipient!
You are only required to create one fanwork, in the medium of your choosing. If your recipient requests visual art or written text, you can choose which type of fanwork to create based on their prompts and what inspires you the most. If you’re inspired to create multiple fanworks, that’s a bonus, but not expected or required.
Once assignments are sent out, a channel will be opened in the Discord server for people to share their prompts if they choose. You’re welcome to create additional fanworks as 'treats' based on those prompts and submit them to the AO3 collection. There’s no limit to how many prompts you can fill or how many works you can create!
After the reveal, there will be a 'remix round' for fanworks inspired by the posted exchange works. This is a free-for-all where anything goes! You can make fanvids inspired by art, record podfics of written works, or anything else that inspires you. You can opt out of or limit your participation in this round with a permission statement.
Both the 'treat' and 'remix' rounds are completely optional, and as such we encourage you to create anything, no matter how small or how unfamiliar you are with that form of fanwork! This is a great place for fanworks like moodboards, fanmixes/playlists, and anything else that doesn't fit in the main gift exchange. Of course, large prompt fills are also welcome!
Please bring complaints or concerns privately to the exchange mods; we're here to help make this a positive experience for everyone! A complaint form (anonymous by choice) can be found here, or feel free to reach out to a mod on discord or tumblr. Respect all DNWs (including requests for no NSFW content) and include appropriate content warnings in posts and discussions; when in doubt, at a minimum, AO3 warnings should always be tagged/warned, or talk to a mod if you're unsure. To ensure that artist credit is always appropriately given, the use of AI and/or gifting AI-generated content is strictly prohibited.
Bigotry and harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. Respect and be mindful of all fellow community members.
If you have questions for your recipient or about the exchange in general, please contact one of the mod team. If you need to drop out for any reason, please let the mods know as soon as possible. Your moderators for this event are @airgiodslv, @mousydentist, and @shubaka (on discord and tumblr).*
*To the best of our knowledge, none of the mods are secretly Jeff.
Sign-ups:  June 1-20
Assignments Out:  June 23
Check-in: July 21
Deadline:  August 4
Pinch-hits:  August 5-11
Reveal:  August 12
Remix round: August 12-25
For the most up to date information, please refer to this blog (posts tagged #logistics) and/or join our discord server. Also, we're aware that things happen! We want to make this event as fun as possible, so if you ever feel overwhelmed, please talk to a mod at any time about an extended timeline or enlisting a pinch-hitter. The pinch-hitters have from August 5-11, so please let us know ASAP if you need support.
Our AO3 collection is here. Links to fics and posts made on other sites (eg, tumblr, twitter, archive.org) will be reblogged/cross-posted to this blog. If you don't want your gift to be on tumblr, please reach out to a mod ASAP so we can make other arrangements.
Sign-up Form
The sign-up form can be found here! Reminder that sign-ups will be open until June 20th.
Happy Jeff-ing everyone! 🪐
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dr-lemurr · 1 month
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My @jeffffffffest gift for @airgiodslv.!
On ao3 there are also some accompanying words.
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acekimagenda · 8 months
Since today is apparently a sharing old art day for me here's a little unfinished something 🫣 I got bored of it halfway but I thought it was funny when I was making it so idk
blindfolds ✓, chains ✓, celfcest ✓ - u get the idea
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rainbowcolored7 · 8 months
In honor of Jeff Satur's kinky obsession with his own clones/alters and the galaxy brain of @acekimagenda I present you with 'I will consume you' but make it jeffcest dtiys prompt!
Reblog this post with your artistic vision of the Jeff version of the VegasPete bathtub scene or post separately and tag #jeff satur dtiys.
Obviously feel free to use whatever reference pictures you want or use the ones below. Can't wait to see what y'all come up with!
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jakoloredart · 8 months
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Click for HQ, main blog @rainbowcolored7
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airgiodslv · 23 days
I skipped the July creation wrap-up because nearly everything I worked on was for challenges revealed in August. There's a lot!
Guess That Voice: WIK Edition
KinnPorsche, Kim/Chay, rated T
Kim is grilled within an inch of his life about Wik’s personal life, his projects, and his future plans. Chay takes meticulous notes on his phone the whole time. Kim has trained with professional interrogators who are less intimidating than Chay crafting a bomb to drop on Twitter.
“It’s not for Twitter,” Chay corrects him. Kim has a short-lived moment of relief before Chay clarifies: “I’m writing Wikfic.”
(Fic Text + Podfic)
The Shadow Lyctors
Jeff Satur Cinematic Universe & The Locked Tomb Series - Tamsyn Muir, rated M
Moonshine was the cavalier primary to Sunshine, Third Saint to serve the King Undying. It is unclear whether this was his given name, or how Sunshine has memorialized him after death. Sunshine calls him ‘an Alexandrite’, referring to the branch of Sixth House cavaliers whose attractiveness and skill earned them an education in erotic poetry and a Cohort assignment, for the express purpose of finding a mate to diversify the ailing Sixth House gene pool.
Given Sunshine’s sense of humor, it is possible this was a joke.
(A fandom Wiki for a fictional book trilogy)
Podfic Triptych + Ficlet: Sunshine and Rain, written by TheCookieOfDoom, shubaka, and AirgiodSLV
Jeff Satur Cinematic Universe, Sunshine/Rain, rated T
untitled ficlet, written by TheCookieOfDoom The being coalesces from smoke and shadow.
from where the light shines, written by shubaka The Rain God discovers a man on a rooftop, lying in a pool of his own blood.
ghost light, written by AirgiodSLV On the night of Wan Ok Phansa, Sunshine dances on the Mekong River.
by the light of the sun, a remix of to have and to hold by shubaka
Jeff Satur Cinematic Universe & Wuju Bakery, Sunshine/Ghost, Sunshine/Passion, rated G
Most people forget that Sunshine is the scion of a dynasty himself, too used to thinking of him only as Prince Raon’s companion.
Passion, however, forgets very little that could prove useful to him.
hiraeth and hwyl, written & performed by The Sentient Hive (AirgiodSLV, CompassRose, ellejabell, epaulettes, kitkat50311, mahons-ondine, minnabird, sisi_rambles)
Howl's Moving Castle - Diana Wynne Jones & Piranesi - Susanna Clarke, rated G
You find yourself looking at a door.
It looks like an ordinary door, but you’re somehow certain that it isn’t.
In theory, you could open the door…but something warns you off.
You might not survive, if you pass through that door. You might no longer be you.
Podfics & Audio:
you could cut ties with all the lies (that you've been living in), written by Nemainofthewater
Nirvana in Fire, Lin Chen/Xiao Jingyan & Mei Changsu, rated M
“Sir Sū,” Jĭngyán said, “Forgive me, but I can’t help but feel strange referring to you in such a manner after such intimacies.”
“Ah,” said Lìn Chén, abruptly thrown out of his warm, post-coital state, “No, Your Highness is going to have to trust me on this, calling me Chángsū is really going to spoil the mood.”
Listen to the radio, audio collage of music & interviews by Jeff Satur, with art by TheCookieOfDoom
On a desolate planet under distant stars, these heroes fight against the corporations that control society. Late at night, you can hear them broadcast to each other on pirate radio frequencies, sending secret messages across the airwaves...
"Fuck it, I'm adopting her," said John Gaius, not knowing the paperwork wasn't necessary, written by Naamah_Beherit
The Locked Tomb Series - Tamsyn Muir, rated T
Gideon, a highly distinguished Cohort lieutenant, saves the day—and the girl—and then gets stuck in the lift of The Erebos with a man feeding her peanuts as if they have all the time in the world. They don't, but if he doesn't mind, then why should she?
baby I, baby I, I'm caught in the middle, written by IsleofSolitude
KinnPorsche, Kim/Chay, Chay/OMC, rated E
Seth has had threesomes before. He knows he’s great at sex—that sex with him is something Chay enjoys immensely. He and Chay have a strong relationship, he knows Chay intimately. He’s never had a third with him and an omega during a heat before, but Kim’s sort of attractive. Besides, they are in his home. There’s no reason to not be okay with it. If things go badly, he can just kick Kim out.
(the steal the show inspired threesome omegaverse inspired by a dream)
love, let my love inside go free, written by daltoneering
KinnPorsche, Kinn/Porsche, rated E
They burst to the surface gasping for breath, water clogging Porsche’s ears, distorting the brightness of Kinn’s laughter across the pool into muffled echoes along the tall glass walls of the building. He grabs for the side, lungs screaming.
“Fuck! You want to drown me?”
Kinn shows Porsche just how grateful he is for the perfect first date.
History Talking to Itself, written by Sour_Idealist
Teixcalaan Series - Arkady Martine, Mahit Dzmare/Three Seagrass, Yskandr Aghavn/Nineteen Adze/Six Direction, Past Mahit Dzmare/OFC, rated T
Twelve excerpts from Teixcalaan and from Lsel Station.
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queer-chaos21 · 8 months
Someone once told Jeff to go fuck himself and he took that as a challenge
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