#Jeff and his mom
nunesbytko · 2 years
Netflix- Dahmer -Monster - The Jeff Dahmer Story Episode 3, “Doin’ a Dahmer”
1959- When Jeff is still a baby bump,
  She's out pregnant, in the snow, the are going to see the doctor.
  26 pills a day for Joyce! Jesus!!!
They've been arguing since the day that child was conceived I think,
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------   1977- Father son bonding. Fishing.
  Lionel "Sooooo you dating any girls son?"
  "I don't really like any of them"
Lionel- "Riiiiight cooool yeah....."
  Sex talks are always cringe. But I'm guessing the did sex Ed in the late seventies. So Jeff knows about sex and protection and where babies come from? This so so hilarious and Jeff politely just shut this down. I mean, I'm sure a straight kid would do the same because It's so embarrassing to talk to your parents about hormones and crushes and stuff.
  Each Father son hobby takes him one more step over the edge.
  He's trying to be normal. He heeds his dad's words and he tries to get hard over women. He wants to. He wants to please his parents and "get his sexuality right" So many kids and teenagers go through that staged of thinking their sexuality can be changed. If they just look at society's preferred gender choice for them, then they will magically become straight.
  Shit. Joyce is running after UFO's!
  Wanking over guts- didn't expect that,
  Mimicking disabled people- classy Jeff!
  You're giving Jeff a mini pig to dissect, to take home! The teacher is nuts.
I think Lionel should have got full custody.
  The mother Joyce just takes David and dumps Jeff huh?
  Jeff - "I'll get to live with you right?!
"We'll....figure that out" Lionel, you aint shit, you know that right.......
  Lionel...sometimes both of his parents weren't shit honestly. He's seventeen he's still a teenager and he still needs parenting.
  The Joyce scene. I get she's venting, she's ill but there's some stuff you should never say to your kids. She could have at least ASKED if he wanted to come with. She's his mother and just doesn't give a shit. It's sad. Sooooo he's a teen in an empty house. No job, just school. His Dad's hooked up with Sherri god knows where and his mom hates his guts.
-------------------------------------------------------------------   He's enjoying that Jogger!
  Where is Jeff getting the money for food and beer????
Jeff waiting for that jogger with a bat???
  Oh my goooood!!!!
Okay so the jogger didn't come in, he ran, thank god.
 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Joyce is a saving grace at this women's counselling place. Does Dottie know how she's treated her Teenage son? Lol. She's here for random strangers but dumped Jeff like a sack of shit though......
So Jeff clearly doesn't give damn about school???
Of course Jeff his going to stop for a shirtless hitchiker! This is Steven hicks, his first victim. Jeff invites him for drinks and weed. He's as happy as larry now.
  Lionel where are you???
  Steven is one of those encouraging touchy feely people and Jeff is lovin it! This is funny! He must have thought that he'd died and gone to heaven! Weight training is done and Steven wants to get to this concert.
  Jeff innocently kisses Steven and he freaks out. He demands to be taken to the concert.
  Is Jeff crying though?
  So they argue and a pissed Steven leaves, turns back. Pushes Jeff and calls him and Fuckng asshole Faggot" Jeff loses it and kills him with the dumbbell from the weights. He genuinely thinks that Steven is messing around. Loses it when he sees all the blood.
  He cuts the body up and plans to take Steven to the dump. He gets stopped by cops for drunk driving. Of course White Privilege, they let him go. But are police immune to the smell of blood? If it comes from a white guys car.
  Why can't they smell anything????
The cop - You're a white kid even though you could have killed someone drunk, I'm, not gonna ruin your precious life okay. Get out of here"
  Great scene as he throws Stevens remains up into the sky. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great Ep,
  I wonder if all those pills Joyce were taking had an effort on him?
  Great scenes with Joyce and her son, what were Jeff's views on women anyway?
  I did feel sorry for him, when both of his parents left. That was a huge force in why he had those abandonment issues.
  Every time his family try to talk to Jeff about girls, I die laughing.
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shubaka · 10 months
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Q: Talking about darkness, what makes you fascinated by darkness?
A: I wouldn't say I'm fascinated by darkness, but I feel that darkness pulls me in, draws me in. Since I was a kid, I've been into horror comics a lot. I remember the first comic series my mom bought for me was called School Ghost Stories. I don't know if it's still available. It had about 12-13 volumes, I can't remember. It was a collection of short horror stories, somewhat similar to Junji Ito's works. It was something that always left a strong impression on me every time I read it. After finishing it, I would look for more horror stories to read, a lot of different ones.
My mom liked them too; she would buy them, and some were really terrifying (laughs). About witches or named "Survival," or something like that. So, I started getting into reading horror comics. Every time I went for karaoke, every Sunday, I would buy several comics and read them at home. Four volumes every Sunday.
Eventually, it became like I was addicted to the vibe of darkness. This complexity and profoundness it's within us without me being aware of it. Then it comes out in my musical works and performances all the time, without being aware. I feel like it's just me. It's something I consume, and then it becomes a part of me. (x)
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batcavescolony · 10 months
I saw a comment awhile back about Tommy Shepherd and how they didn't understand why Tommy didn't stay with the Kaplan's. they're such nice, kind people, and they felt it was wrong that Tommy didn't stay. but I can't help thinking that that was the problem. They were kind, they were nice, and they were everything Tommy didn't get.
Imagine finding out you're the reincarnated child of the Scarlet Witch, and your brother got reincarnated too! But you got shitty parents who don't care about you and didn't fight for you when you were being turned into a human weapon. Then you meet your soul twins parents, and they are kind and loving to everyone, even you, and you just can't help but wonder. Why did my twin get kind, accepting parents, and I got ones that couldn't care less? What did I do to deserve what I got? So I think the Kaplan's were nice and kind and loving, and everything that Tommy didn't get was just too much.
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edutainer2022 · 6 months
It's a little two-part glimpse into Dad Jeff going away into the sky. And Scotty being not happy about it. Baby Virgil features briefly too. Jeff Tracy tells himself things that tide him over more difficult times (but are not necessarily true).
It was unbearable. The little face of the boy in his arms was wrought with boundless grief. Bright blue eyes full of tears and fear.
"Daddy, no gooooo! No gooooo!"
Tiny hands were clutching the collar of his uniform. The boy's voice was choking on sobs and Jeff felt his heart being ripped out. He was due at the base for a pick up and relocation for training before the Moon mission. He was a breath away from calling in his resignation right then and there and never leaving his son ever again. He forced himself to exhale and hoisted the child higher, bringing their forheads together. That gave Jeff a chance to blink away tears of his own:
"It's okay, Scotty. It's okay. Daddy will be back soon. I have a very important job for you, Bluejay. Look after Mommy and Virgie, when I'm gone, okay? Can you do that for me?"
The child's sobs halted for a moment it took him to nod very earnestly. Jeff leaned in to kiss the boy's forehead and then kiss away the tears from the blotchy little face as best he could. He turned to his wife with an apologetic smile.
Lucy was hovering in the doorway all this time, ready to intervene. Dad's departure for the Moon was a matter of wide-eyed wonder and endless enthusiasm till it was actually time for Jeff to leave. Then it quickly dissolved into a Greek tragedy. Her own hands were full with the baby. Little Virgie didn't yet understand what was happening, but he developed an uncanny ability to pick up his brother's moods. So to echo Scotty's desperate pleas, the baby's tears were now inconsolable.
Scotty settled to hug Dad's neck, so Jeff beaconed his wife with Virgie to step into the embrace. She leaned her head on his shoulder as he reached to kiss the baby.
"Are you really gonna be okay?"
She smiled up at him. So beautiful.
"We'll miss you like crazy, Flyboy. But we'll be alright. We're in good hands."
She lifted a hand to rub soothing circles on Scotty's back. The baby calmed down too and looked ready for a nap. Jeff gave himself extra minutes to just hold them all together. He didn't know yet he was already holding three sons in that embrace. Baby Johnny was to arrive while he was still thousands of miles away on the Moon. But in that moment he needed to capture the perfect memory of balance and fulfillment that would tide him over a long night in space. They were going to be alright.
It was unthinkable. The whole situation was his worst nightmare come true. The hijacked Zero-X was obviously speeding up and overheating. He ran a quick math and the fallout would quite easily cause an extinction of life on the planet. Unacceptable - his sons lived on that planet. His mother and friends. What made matters worse was giving in to Scott's big blue pleading eyes to let him come with him in One and watch the T-drive launch. Little Allie definitely learned to step up his puppy eyes game from the best. So Jeff was now stuck with the impossible variables of his son in the blast zone and One's still untested autopilot.
"Scott, I need you to take over the controls for me!"
He was halfway out of the pilot seat, leaving One on hover. Bright blue eyes, flooded with horror, shot up at him from where Scott was adjusting the harness by the cargo doors (oh, goodness, the boy was actually prepping to board Zero-X himself!)
"Dad! You can't go down alone!"
There it was. Daddy, no gooo! Jeff had to brace himself to enter full Commander mode.
"I need you to follow Zero-X flight path, align in formation. Once I board the hull, you will bank and scout the possible fallout zone perimeter in a thousand miles radius. I need you to shoo, tow or scare away anything that will be flying or floating there, understood?"
Jeff was sorely tempted to set the milage at a farther distance (as far and as fast away as possible, just fly away, Bluejay!), but he couldn't risk Scott questioning his intent in the moment. Blue eyes were still flooded with disbelief, pleading and barely concealed tears.
"Dad, please! Let me come with you! You'll need help!"
Daddy, no goooo!
"That's an order, Thunderbird!"
When he'd come to in the Zero-X wreck, in the middle of the galactic nowhere, and for endless years to come, he'd try and soothe himself with the knowledge Scott obeyed the order and got safely away from the blast. From that point on Jeff would try to convince himself he was not worried. Scotty knew what his job was. He'd look after his brothers and Grandma. They would be alright.
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hadeljoshi · 9 days
nobody is laughing. you are sick in the fucking head!!!
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butch4maryoliver · 6 months
save me mary oliver save me
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get-rammed · 1 year
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So I zoned out a few minutes ago and came to a realization-
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jade-muffins · 4 days
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That's him without the white makeup. Now one can't tell cuz it's not colored and he still looks tired, but the white makeup helps cover the extra wrinkly bits from the scarred up glasgow smile and also his horrendous eye bags and how sickly he actually looks
Bonus Jeff doodles:
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mostlikelyshutup · 16 days
jeff davis really said, "oh spencer reid is popular? let me put his exact character in this new tv show im creating about teenage werewolves."
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handsomegentlebutch · 6 months
My 3 little cousins were baptized today. "Triggered" is kind of a strong word but being in a catholic church again... I'm a little fragile rn ngl.
#butch speaks#it was hard not to shake as i held J over the basin to have the water poured on his head#when he was cleansed of sin. as if a little kid could ever knowly or intentionally offend a so-called loving god#the words came naturally to me#but they meant nothing#i remember when they used to mean something. when i begged gods forgiveness for my sin (being a lesbian) and tried to pray the gay away#i remember how much i wanted to die bc i could never truly embrace the sacred#i STILL deal with the complex of catholic guilt. its a very real thing. its hard to shake#i cant help but wonder if the catholicism ingrained in my brain is why i have a hard time with casual dating n sex#fun fact: there was a point when i was a teen that i got REALLY catholic#i prayed everyday. i talked to my patrin saint (st agnes) every day. i wantsd to become a nun#the thought of marrying a man mad me more sad than feeling like an alien did. so id marry the church as a nun.#not the way to hide being a dyke when ur fam is catholic btw LMAO#the first priest i knew was father joe. i loved that guy. he was so kind. friendly. briming with love.#he was one of my biggest references for what a good person was like#he talked about gods love a lot. how its for everyone. no one is exluded. ever.#he used to look right at me when he said stuff like that. a few other kids too. all of whom grew up to be queer#then father joe passed away. our church merged with another church. father jeff was the priest there.#he was kind but not as kind. he talked about hell and sin more. he looked at the same kids father joe did.#but the kindness in his eyes wasnt there.#that wasnt for us.#my family wasnt even THAT catholic#i went to church every sunday i did vacation bible school and catechism classes and youth group#i was an altar servant and in the choir#i even used to speak/understand a little latin#imagine how much worse id have been if my mom could have afforded catholic school lmao#grateful to have grown up poor in that regard#hm. actually... reading my own tags. mayne we were pretty catholic actually.#fucking hell.#i need to have lesbian sex in a church before god and everyone. mayeb that would fix me.
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nickpeppermint · 1 year
Okay, do we have any headcanons for Jeffs mom, or is he some kind of astroboy like android or a homunculus from the test tube, or just Dr Andonuts clone, cuz
Its sounds more realistic than a woman having enough chemistry with this man to create another human being
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Authority (Vandermeer) should've been adapted as a radio drama (horror podcast)
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fanaticdomainexpert2 · 9 months
jeff getting to fanboy over jimmy lin and showing him to mama satur
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aidansloth · 2 years
gareth is super messy and unbothered by it but jeff freaks out whener he sees mess
so whenever jeff goes over to gareth's he cleans his entire room while gareth sits on his bed
YES. gareth will sit on his bed like 😃 happy to just be there with Jeff
Jeff on the other hand is focused on getting his room in order cause???how can Gareth think in this mess???does he not get tired of it???he's determined to do this for his boyfriend. he does so much for him, why shouldn't that be reciprocated??? so he WILL make his bed and put all his stuff in order.
at one point Gareth will grow restless and want his boyfriend close
"not now, your figurines won't stay up"
"I don't give a fuck about my figurines'"
"well you should"
"Jeff please I just wanna cuddle *puppy dog eyes*"
"...fine. but later I'll rearrange your shelf"
"whatever makes you happy honey"
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milimeters-morales · 2 years
Peter after not speaking to Miles for months: hey man- WHAT THE HELL?!&:@;8
Miles, now 6’4: what?
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jeffbiblesupremacy · 2 years
Jeff is a mommy's boy
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