#Jean Caracciolo
d-bovet · 1 year
Exposition à Aix-en-Provence : le musée Granet révèle les trésors baroques de Naples :
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Massimo Stanzione, Salomé portant la tête de saint Jean Baptiste (détail), vers 1645, présentés dans l’exposition « Naples pour passion », musée Granet, Aix-en-Provence, 2023 © Fondazione Giuseppe e Margaret De Vito per la Storia dell’Arte Moderna a Napoli / Photo Claudio Giusti
Exposition à Aix-en-Provence : le musée Granet révèle les trésors baroques de Naples :
L'art napolitain est mis à l'honneur au musée Granet d'Aix-en-Provence dans une exposition exceptionnelle qui présente au public les chefs-d'œuvre de la Fondazione De Vito.
Alors que le musée du Louvre joue sa partition napolitaine avec une invitation très réussie au musée de Capodimonte, le musée Granet d’Aix-en-Provence reçoit jusqu’au 29 octobre les chefs-d’œuvre de la Fondazione De Vito, une fondation privée installée en 2011 près de Florence par un collectionneur et spécialiste de l’art napolitain du XVIIe siècle. Le parcours permet de suivre l’évolution de cet art italien méridional mâtiné d’influences espagnoles, vénitiennes et françaises. De somptueux exemples d’une peinture jouant des clairs obscurs à la Caravage et de l’abondance des détails réalistes qui sont, le temps de l’exposition, mis en parallèle avec les collections du musée aixois.
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À droite : Paysage avec la ville de Pugliano (vers 1870) de Giovanni Battista Filosa, présenté dans l’exposition « Naples pour passion », musée Granet, Aix-en-Provence, 2023 ©Guy Boyer
Naples à Florence
Créée il y a douze ans par un collectionneur amateur de l’art baroque napolitain, la Fondazione Giuseppe et Margaret De Vito est centrée sur la peinture italienne méridionale du XVIIe siècle. Sa collection, sa bibliothèque, ses archives et sa revue de recherches sur l’art napolitain ont été installées dans la villa d’Olmo, au-dessus de Florence. C’est pourquoi le parcours de l’exposition du musée Granet s’ouvre par une photographie de l’accrochage de la Fondation et un tableau de la fin du XIXe montrant la ville de Pugliano.
Une monomanie napolitaine
Toute la collection de Giuseppe De Vito, formée depuis les années 1960, tourne autour de l’Italie baroque. Même si, aux débuts, elle comptait quelques œuvres vénitiennes du XVIIe siècle, elle se spécialise rapidement sur la peinture napolitaine alors que celle-ci est mal étudiée. C’est pourquoi le collectionneur se transforme en chercheur : « J’achète pour étudier et j’étudie pour collectionner », avouait souvent Giuseppe De Vito. Après le musée Magnin de Dijon, c’est au tour du musée Granet d’accueillir ses trésors pour l’été.
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La Lapidation de saint Paul à Lystre (1642-1643) de Massimo Stanzione et son atelier, présentée dans l’exposition « Naples pour passion », musée Granet, Aix-en-Provence, 2023 ©Guy Boyer
Un parcours bien structuré
En une quarantaine de tableaux, le parcours bien structuré permet de comprendre les différents moments du Seicento napolitain, de l’héritage de Caravage jusqu’au naturalisme de la fin du XVIIe. Le début renferme d’incroyables chefs-d’œuvre tels que ce Saint Jean-Baptiste enfant, reconnaissable au roseau qu’il tient à la main. Dans ce choix d’un corps dénudé et grâce au coup de lumière qui vient souligner le geste maniéré de l’enfant, on reconnaît l’influence de Caravage, qui passe par Naples dans la première décennie du XVIIe siècle et va marquer les artistes par l’expression et le drame présents dans ses œuvres.
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Saint Jean-Baptiste enfant (vers 1622) de Giovanni Battista Caracciolo dit Battistello, présenté dans l’exposition « Naples pour passion », musée Granet, Aix-en-Provence, 2023 © Fondazione Giuseppe e Margaret De Vito per la Storia dell’Arte Moderna a Napoli / Photo Claudio Giusti
Un chef d’œuvre du Maître de l’Annonce aux bergers
Parmi les chefs-d’œuvre de l’exposition figure cette étrange personnage tenant une rose. Elle a été attribuée à un artiste anonyme, surnommé le Maître de l’Annonce aux bergers puisque celui-ci a peint maintes fois ce sujet religieux (Giuseppe De Vito a écrit plusieurs articles sur celui qu’il identifiait avec le peintre espagnol Juan Do, un collaborateur de Ribera). Ici, il s’agit d’une allégorie ou d’une scène cryptée puisque le personnage peint à mi-corps, fixant de manière intense le spectateur et semblant surgir d’un espace abstrait, peut représenter aussi bien l’Odorat qu’une Vanité sur le cours fragile de la vie.
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Figure juvénile humant une rose (vers 1640) du Maître de l’Annonce aux bergers, présentée dans l’exposition « Naples pour passion », musée Granet, Aix-en-Provence, 2023 © Fondazione Giuseppe e Margaret De Vito per la Storia dell’Arte Moderna a Napoli / Photo Claudio Giusti
Naturalisme et classicisme
Sous le titre générique de « Naturalisme et classicisme », la troisième section du parcours rappelle l’opposition entre les œuvres sombres de Massimo Stanzione et Jusepe de Ribera, dignes héritiers de Caravage, et le goût nouveau pour la lumière et la couleur que l’on trouve chez Paolo Finoglio ou Bernardo Cavallino. Ici, par exemple, aux deux héroïnes portant la tête de leurs bourreaux répondent la Vierge et sainte Catherine représentées dans une scène intimiste et élégante.
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De gauche à droite : Salomé portant la tête de saint Jean Baptiste et Judith tenant la tête d’Holopherne (vers 1645) de Massimo Stanzione et Le Mariage mystique de sainte Catherine (vers 1635) de Paolo Finoglio, présentés dans l’exposition « Naples pour passion », musée Granet, Aix-en-Provence, 2023 ©Guy Boyer
La nature morte triomphante
De Luca Forte (présent dans l’exposition avec une nature morte réaliste à la Courbet) à Paolo Porpora, la nature morte du XVIIe siècle en Italie excelle à traduire l’abondance et la joie de vivre. Elle devient d’ailleurs une spécialité napolitaine. Des amoncellements de victuailles débordent des paniers jetés au sol, les fleurs se mêlent aux fruits et aux poissons. Ici, Giuseppe Ruoppolo fait même figurer une soupière en faïence pour prouver son savoir-faire de peintre de nature morte et rajoute une tortue et un perroquet pour montrer qu’il sait également saisir le vivant. L’exposition se termine par une salle dédiée aux collections napolitaines du musée Granet, dont deux Mattia Preti et une scène du Maître de l’Annonce aux bergers. Une belle démonstration !
Nature morte aux fruits, aux citrouilles, au perroquet, à la tortue et à la soupière en faïence (1670-1680) de Giuseppe Ruoppolo, présentée dans l’exposition « Naples pour passion », musée Granet, Aix-en-Provence, 2023 © Fondazione Giuseppe e Margaret De Vito per la Storia dell’Arte Moderna a Napoli / Photo Claudio Giusti
@Connaissancedesarts #Connaissancedesarts
Article par Guy Boyer
EXPOSITION « Naples pour passion »
Musée Granet
Place Saint-Jean de Malte, 13100 Aix-en-Provence
Du 15 juillet au 29 octobre
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my-chaos-radio · 1 year
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Release: July 11, 1989
Chorando se foi quem um dia só me fez chorar
Chorando se foi quem um dia só me fez chorar
Chorando estará ao lembrar de um amor
Que um dia não soube cuidar
Chorando estará ao lembrar de um amor
Que um dia não soube cuidar
A recordação vai estar com ele aonde for
A recordação vai estar pra sempre aonde for
Dança sol e mar, guardarei no olhar
O amor faz perder e encontrar
Lambando estarei ao lembrar que esse amor
Por um dia, um instante foi rei
A recordação vai estar com ele aonde for
A recordação vai estar pra sempre aonde for
Dançando lambada
Chorando estará ao lembrar de um amor
Que um dia não soube cuidar
Canção riso e dor, melodia de amor
Um momento que fica no ar
Alberto Maravi / Gonzalo Hermosa Gonzales / Jose Ari / Marcia Ferreira / Ulises Hermosa Gonzales
The song Lambada is actually a plagiarism, because the music and parts of the text go back to the original title Llorando se fue (“She went crying”) by the Bolivian folklore troupe Los Kjarkas from the municipality of Cochabamba. She recorded the song written by Ulises Hermosa and his brother Gonzalo Hermosa-Gonzalez, to which Saya is danced in Bolivia, for their 1981 EMI LP Canto a la mujer de mi pueblo.
In 1974, the radio DJ Heraldo Caracciolo from Belém created a unified dance style for the various dance styles on his Latin American records – Merengue (Dominican Republic), Plena (Puerto Rico), Carimbó (Marajó Island), Salsa, Rumba and the other Brazilian dances Forró and Maxixe Names: Lambada. In Brazilian slang, the word means something like "slap" or "blow".
In 1976, Aurino Quirino Gonçalves, under his stage name Pinduca, released a song entitled Lambada (Sambão) as the sixth track on his LP No embalo of carimbó and sirimbó vol. 5. Another Brazilian record entitled Lambada das Quebradas was released in 1978.
At the end of 1980, a number of dance halls called Lambateria opened in Rio de Janeiro and other Brazilian cities. Márcia Ferreira recalled this forgotten Bolivian song in 1986 and recorded a legal cover version for the Brazilian market entitled Chorando se foi (same meaning as the original Spanish) with Portuguese lyrics; but this version was also without great success.
In 1988 in Porto Seguro, Brazil, the French producers Jean Georgakarakos and Olivier Lorsac (Olivier Lamotte d'Incamps) noticed a dance that was also relatively new in Brazil - the lambada. There were some songs for this dance that had the term lambada in the title or to which lambada could be danced. Among them was the 1986 song Chorando se foi by Márcia Ferreira, a Brazilian version of the Cuarteto Continental hit Llorando se fue, the first upbeat version with an accordion produced by Alberto Maravi, released in 1984 on the Peruvian record label Infopesa .
Back in France, Georgakarakos and Lorsac in Paris hire Brazilian singer Loalwa Braz (lead vocals) and acclaimed Argentine tango bandoneonist Juan José Mosalini, along with Jean-Claude Bonaventure (leader/producer, keyboards, synthesizers), Jacky Arconte (guitar ), Chyco Roger Dru (bass), Michel Abinssira (drums, percussion), Claudio Queiros (saxophone), Fania Niang and Monica Nogueira (backing vocals). The core of the group was made up of the Porto Seguro-born troupe Touré Kunda and was named after a provincial town in Zambia - Kaoma.
The song was then produced by Jean-Claude Bonaventure under the title Lambada, and a certain Chico de Oliveira was registered as the lyricist and music composer with the French collecting society SACEM, the pseudonym for Georgakarakos and Lorsac. The melody-carrying South American panpipe of the original was replaced by the bandoneon, played by Juan José Mosalini. The syncopated, ostinato-oriented rhythm emphasizes the rhythm-intensive form of the song edited by Alan Pype. This mixture finally adds up to an erotic-lascivious, dance-oriented recording. The song was presented at a music festival in Paris in June 1989 with great marketing effort and as a release from the LP Worldbeat in two size formats (single and maxi-single) on June 21, 1989 in Paris (CBS #655 011 7) and on a sampler published.
In France, the record stayed at the top of the hit parade for 12 weeks, in Germany for ten weeks. Lambada was also at the top in Scandinavia, Italy and Austria. On January 12, 1990, Kaoma wanted to transfer the Lambada dance fever to the United States in the New York Palladium, but this only succeeded in the US Latin charts (only number 46 on the pop charts).
As lambada music spread across the world in the hit parades, the composers of the original also took notice. The Hermosa brothers recognized their composition and hired a lawyer who mobilized GEMA. This confirmed a "strong agreement" with the original, whereupon a meeting between Hermosa and the French took place in Brazil in September 1989.[6] Legally inexperienced and confused by the complex copyright issues in a case that had gone international, the Hermosa brothers sued record label CBS for plagiarism in June 1990. The liner notes of the US LP version read: "Ulysse and Gonzalo Hermosa contributed to the realization", although Oliveira was still credited as the composer.
According to the French press, Lorsac had offered the Bolivians a settlement of $140,000 for the transfer of rights, but was turned down. An out-of-court settlement was reached in June 1990, whereby Lorsac, as publisher and promoter, would retain 25% of the royalties, while CBS, as record label, would receive 25% and EMI, as rightsholder of the original song, would receive 50%. Only with this comparison did the original composers gain recognition as legitimate authors. Ulises Hermosa didn't have much of the income because he died of leukemia in the USA on April 4, 1992.
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linguistlist-blog · 1 year
TOC, English Text Construction Vol. 15, No. 2 (2022)
ICYMI: 2022. v, 83 pp. Table of Contents Introduction: The (in)visibility politics of absences/presences Jessica Maufort & Marc Maufort pp. 113–117 Articles Animals squawking their mysteries: Narrative, poetic form, and the nonhuman in Laura Jean McKay’s The Animals in That Country Marco Caracciolo pp. 118–137 “Shadowtime”: Michelle Paver’s Dark Matter and ghosts of the Anthropocene Shannon Lambert pp. 138–155 A more perfect dissolution: Mining nostalgia in Samuel D. Hunter’s Greater Clements Lau http://dlvr.it/SrQQnL
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giancarlonicoli · 1 year
Berlusconi, il migliore e il peggiore di tutti, analisi e testimonianze: creò un impero, fu salvato dai comunisti
Berlusconi, il migliore e il peggiore di tutti, analisi e testimonianze di un venditore principe: creò un impero, ma in politica fallì: perché?
di Marco Benedetto Pubblicato il 18 Giugno 2023 - 10:37| Aggiornato il 20 Giugno 2023
Silvio Berlusconi non ce l’ha fatta: voleva essere immortale, poi si sarebbe accontentato di 150 anni, poi solo di altri 10-15, fino al 2030, ma la leucemia ha eseguito gli ordini superiori.
Certo è stato grande, in tutti i sensi, forse il più grande del dopoguerra: geniale, visionario, bugiardo, è diventato miliardario e all’età in cui tutti si va in pensione, lui è entrato in politica diventando d’emblé primo ministro.
Ha cambiato la vita degli italiani, ma non nel senso indicato dai suoi moralistici detrattori, bensì perché ha liberato milioni di pensionati e casalinghe dalla camicia di forza della Rai, dando loro migliaia di film gratis.
Come uomo e come imprenditore è stato meglio e peggio dei suoi rivali. Come politico ha mancato la missione (anche se qualche promessa l’ha mantenuta), lasciando l’Italia come prima: perché lui non faceva politica, voleva solo proteggere le sue tv dai “comunisti”. E per lui erano comunisti tutti quelli che non si piegavano alla sua volontà.
Da qui il partito azienda.  Nella vita intima è stato indecente, per questo è stato castigato in modo virulento e anche un po’ ipocrita, non per il suo fallimento politico.
(da Cronaca Oggi)
Scrivo l’epitaffio che segue per rispondere a una giovane di 16 anni che, nata nel XXI secolo, all’inizio del declino del de cuius, non tiene nel suo pantheon di miti, eroi e demoni, Silvio Berlusconi. Chiede: chi fu? Ci provo.
Mi sono un po’ dilungato ma il personaggio è difficile da liquidare in 30 righe.
La storia di Berlusconi è una epopea, un romanzo.
Per praticità, spezzo il lungo articolo di oltre 6 mila parole. Riporto qui sotto i titoli con link degli altri due pezzi. Spero troviate la forza di leggerli.
Comincio fissando una serie di punti. Se è vero che in un mondo di orbi il monocolo è re, Berlusconi aveva entrambi gli occhi bene aperti mentre i suoi avversari erano obiettivamente dei nanerottoli.
È stato un gigante, in mezzo a tanti nani. Ma non quel superman che certi suoi avversari in vita e ora in morte vogliono fare apparire, non è il titano che ha cambiato l’Italia.
L’Italia è cambiata sulla scia del mondo e col miracolo economico, Berlusconi ha surfato il cambiamento ed è diventato grande. Altri ci hanno provato e sono falliti.
Si può dire di lui ogni male ma come leader è stato grande. Ha saputo tenere vicini i suoi dirigenti e i suoi figli, anche se, guardando le foto del suo funerale, solo Marina (di cui tutti nel loro mondo dicono un gran bene, paragonandola al padre) e Luigi, il più giovane, appaiono all’altezza della situazione. Sconcerta Piersilvio, in jeans, una controfigura di Johnny Depp. Però lo capisco. Con un padre così, o lo uccidi o ti uccidi (come è accaduto con Agnelli) o fai un disastro (come da noti esempi in casa dei suoi rivali).
Nel mondo dei mass media in Italia nel XX secolo c’è stato solo uno pari a Berlusconi come innovatore al suo livello: Eugenio Scalfari. Scalfari segnò il punto di arrivo di un processo di rinnovamento della stampa italiana nel dopoguerra avviato dai mitici Longanesi, Rossi, Pannunzio, Guareschi, perfezionato dal suocero di Scalfari, Giulio De Benedetti, portato a compimento da Piero Ottone e da Scalfari al successo duraturo.
Ma Scalfari non sarebbe mai stato Scalfari senza il sostegno, la moderazione e la guida di Carlo Caracciolo, suo editore amico fratello.
Mentre però Berlusconi riconosceva la grandezza di Scalfari (un gradino sotto ma sempre nell’empireo, lo stesso sentimento di stima e ammirazione Berlusconi non provava per Caracciolo. Forse c’era di mezzo la questione di una donna.
Sottovalutare Caracciolo si rivelò per Berlusconi un errore fatale, lo vedremo fra qualche riga.
Ricordo un paio di momenti nel primo periodo della guerra di Segrate, quando Berlusconi si impadronì della Grande Mondadori che aveva appena acquisito il controllo di Espresso e Repubblica.
Berlusconi aveva fissato al lunedì una riunione con i dirigenti del nuovo super gruppo.
Era uno spettacolo.
Battute tipo: “Ho dormito poco perché stanotte alle 2 mentre lavoravo è arrivata mia moglie da San Moritz e cosa volete ho la moglie giovane”.
Oppure: “Questo è Confalonieri, il mio compagno di classe ricco, ora le parti sono capovolte”. Oppure si alzava, prendeva il fazzoletto dal taschino e spolverava un dirigente che aveva vantato i risultati della sua divisione. (Salvo poi licenziarlo mesi dopo perché era un incapace).
Erano i tempi in cui Berlusconi vestiva una specie di divisa: blazer blu e cravatta blu a pallini bianchi.
Peppino Turani mi preconizzava una brutta fine: “Lui li vuole alti e magri, tu sei piccolo e grasso”.
Alla seconda riunione già tre dirigenti si presentarono con la cravatta come quella del preside.
Dopo lo spettacolo, pranzo in mensa dirigenti. Mi trovo Berlusconi di fronte a tavola. Mi dice: “Ho bisogno di Scalfari e dei suoi articoli per ottenere la legge che mi metta in regola e al sicuro” (ammissione trasparente, ma anche i bugiardi dicono verità senza accorgersene, di quella posizione fuori legge di cui scrivo più avanti). 
In una altra riunione del lunedì Berlusconi si presenta con una dichiarazione del genere: “Ci ho pensato e ripensato. L’unico che per cultura ingegno e creatività sia alla mia altezza nel dopoguerra nel mondo dell’editoria è Scalfari”.
Poi si guarda attorno. Nel frattempo, si è alzato e si aggira nello spazio fra il suo tavolo e i banchi dei dirigeenti
Mi vede con l’aria ingrugnita. Ne avevo motivo. Mi ero alzato alle 5 del mattino per essere alle 10 a Segrate per sentire quelle scemenze. Ma lui pensa che sia in polemica con la sua tesi. Chiede: “Chi non è d’accordo? Lei Benedetto?”
Rispondo: “Ha ragione per Scalfari ma fossi in lei non sottovaluterei Caracciolo che anche lui qualcosa ha fatto in questi anni”.
Mi guarda colpito: “Certo certo ma Scalfari è più grande di tutti”.
Un simile errore Carlo De Benedetti non lo ha mai commesso. Ha tenuto sempre Caracciolo nel massimo rispetto, una specie di santo laico della sinistra, fino alla di lui morte.
E fu proprio Caracciolo, come vedremo, decisivo nella sconfitta di Berlusconi al termine della guerra di Segrate.
Berlusconi aveva, come si dice, una marcia in più: del genere che tu decidi di andare al bar e quando ci arrivi scopri che lui ti ha anticipato e lo trovi già lì. Scrivo questo per enfatizzare la capacità di Berlusconi di anticipare le mosse di amici e nemici, senza lasciare nemmeno il più piccolo spicchio di territorio scoperto.
A testimonianza ricordo una mia visita a un fondo di investimenti a Boston a fine anni ’90, nel periodo d’oro in Borsa di giornali e internet. Visitavo periodicamente gli investitori in tutto il mondo per illustrare quanto noi del Gruppo Espresso fossimo belli e bravi.
A un certo momento il mio interlocutore di Boston ricordò: “Un po’ di tempo fa sono venuti per conto di Berlusconi a comprare il nostro pacchetto di azioni Espresso. Noi non abbiamo venduto e abbiamo fatto bene”.
Rimasi colpito. La visita era avvenuta nel periodo acuto della guerra di Segrate (si veda più sotto) e Berlusconi rastrellava più azioni Espresso che poteva per bilanciare il più possibile il pacchetto dei vecchi soci. Quel fondo era piccolo e le azioni Espresso in suo possesso marginali ma niente era marginale per Berlusconi, nulla doveva restare intentato.
Questo è sempre stato uno dei suoi maggiori punti di forza.
È caduto quando si è creduto invincibile e sopra di ogni limite umano (fanfalucava di immortalità, dormiva tre ore per notte (salvo addormentarsi davanti all’interlocutore), si inventava la favola della nipote di Mubarak, si comportava come un valligiano in vacanza all’estero quando faceva le corna nelle foto di gruppo.
Che vergogna per un italiano vedersi rappresentato al G20 da un energumeno che, sempre al momento clou, la foto di gruppo, scatenò una tale confusione che provocò l’irritazione della regina Elisabetta al punto che quella strillò: “Ma chi è quello la (Who is that man)”.
Per non dire della amicizia con Putin. Ho qualche idea su cosa la motivasse. Preferisco non riferirne per prudenza.
E ancora faceva i bunga bunga sfidando le regole del decoro imposte a ogni governante in tutto il mondo, al punto che di recente a Londra hanno messo in scena un musical col bunga bunga come pezzo forte.  
Anche su Alexander Hamilton hanno fatto un musical. In esso però il braccio destro di Washington appare come il gigante che è nella storia americana, morto in duello per onore.
Anche se non furono momenti brillanti di politica internazionale,  in fondo queste forme di insensato esibizionismo si possono anche capire. Pensate, uno che siede su un patrimnio di alcuni miliardi di euro, domina la politica del suo Paese, in mezzo a una mandria di politicanti e burocrati spesso anche incapaci. Dareste di matto.
Berlusconi è caduto per il bunga bunga e le serate eleganti con donne di facili costumi. Lo hanno messo in ginocchio i pm di Milano.
I suoi nemici comunisti, il cui spauracchio gli servì per motivare il suo ingresso in politica e gli portò milioni di voti, non gli fecero poi tanto male. Anzi furono perfino troppo indulgenti. Non con le parole, certo, ma nei fatti. E il modo ancor m’offende. 
Le mutazioni del Pci con D’Alema e Veltroni, Bersani (quello della diretta con i grillini, zimbello dei taxisti e degli ordini dei callisti e dei giornalisti), Napolitano (santificato da Repubblica ma sul cui operato, specie proprio a fronte di Berlusconi, avrei qualche riserva) lo lasciarono sopravvivere quando avrebbero potuto finirlo, rinunciarono ad elezioni anticipate che avrebbero portato la sinistra in trionfo al Governo, gli diedero nuova vita quando potevano terminarlo, gli permisero di scegliersi il successore, furono sue alleate nella guerra contro i giornali.
Voglio pensare che si sia trattato solo di incapacità. 
Come uomo e come imprenditore Berlusconi è stato meglio e peggio dei suoi rivali. Come altri, che non nomino per evitare querele, fu bugiardo, fedifrago, doppiogiochista, fabbricante di nero e distributore di mazzette. 
Solo che Berlusconi fu più bravo dei rivali, nel senso che fu più spregiudicato e irrispettoso della legalità di loro. Un po’ come i cinesi, per i quali i vincoli esistono per essere aggirati e violati.
Fu soprattutto un grandissimo venditore.
C’è una scena nel film “Loro 2” di Paolo Sorrentino che esprime meglio di qualsiasi altro tentativo l’essenza di Berlusconi: un supremo venditore. In quella scena, inventata forse ma tanto verosimile, Berlusconi riacquista fiducia in se stesso riuscendo a vendere con una sola telefonata a una signora scelta a caso sull’elenco telefonico un appartamento in un complesso edilizio che non esiste.
Così fu col milione di posti di lavoro che promise di creare, con la prospettiva che anche gli italiani meno abbienti avrebbero avuto la stessa sanità degli svizzeri, col mitico “contratto con gli italiani” firmato in diretta tv davanti a un dubbioso e divertito Bruno Vespa.
Come politico, invece, ha mancato la missione (anche se qualche promessa l’ha mantenuta, ma non rileva a fronte del fallimento complessivo) lasciando l’Italia come prima e peggio di prima.
Ma lui non faceva politica, voleva solo proteggere le sue tv dai “comunisti”. Da qui il partito azienda. Da qui la sua folle invenzione del tfr espropriato e affidato ai sindacati per tenerli buoni.
Con tutto il suo anticomunismo ha presieduto alla trasformazione dell’Italia in un modello di socialismo che ci vede fermi da 20 anni.
A lui importava che i comunisti, gente in prevalenza per bene anche se capace di nefandezze in nome della obbedienza al Partito, gli reggessero il sacco nella feroce guerra ai nemici delle sue tv (la complicità era favorita dal fatto che la Rai, dove la sinistra imperava, fonte di impiego per redattori programmisti e autori, nonché di appalti, non poteva non essere coinvolta in una riduzione degli affollamenti pubblicitari). E questo dava parecchio fastidio.
Per il seguito leggere qui
Berlusconi e gli spot, il Pci di D’Alema lo aiutò contro i giornali, Scalfari e Caracciolo alla guerra di Segrate
e qui
Come Berlusconi costrinse Cuccia a salvarlo: persa Repubblica, a fondo con Standa, la politica lo tolse dai guai
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brian-in-finance · 3 years
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Gold Derby Film Awards
“Dune” is the most nominated film at our landmark 20th annual Gold Derby Film Awards honoring the best achievements of 2021. The adaptation of Frank Herbert‘s sci-fi novel has 11 bids including Best Picture and Best Director (Denis Villeneuve). Watch the announcement video above. Scroll down for our complete list of nominations in all 22 categories, and vote for the winners right now in our predictions center. You can register for a free account here if you’re not a Gold Derby member already. You have until Sunday, February 27, to get your votes in.
“Belfast” — Laura Berwick, Kenneth Branagh, Becca Kovacik, Tamar Thomas, Producers
“CODA” — Fabrice Gianfermi, Philippe Rousselet, Jerome Seydoux, Patrick Wachsberger, Producers
“Don’t Look Up” — Adam McKay, Kevin Messick, Producers
“Drive My Car” — Tsuyoshi Goro, Misaki Kawamura, Osamu Kubota, Sachio Matsushita, Yoshito Nakabe, Keiji Okumura, Jin Suzuki, Teruhisa Yamamoto, Producers
“Dune” — Mary Parent, Denis Villeneuve, Cale Boyter, Joe Caracciolo Jr., Producers
“Licorice Pizza” — Sara Murphy, Paul Thomas Anderson, Adam Somner, Producers
“The Power of the Dog” — Jane Campion, Roger Frappier, Emile Sherman, Tanya Seghatchian, Producers
“tick, tick… Boom!” — Julie Oh, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Producers
“Titane” — Amaury Ovise, Jean-Christophe Reymond, Producers
“West Side Story” — Steve Spielberg, Kristie Macosko Krieger, Kevin McCollum, Producers
Kenneth Branagh, “Belfast”
Jane Campion, “The Power of the Dog”
Julia Ducournau, “Titane”
Steven Spielberg, “West Side Story”
Denis Villeneuve, “Dune”
Jessica Chastain, “The Eyes of Tammy Faye”
Olivia Colman, “The Lost Daughter”
Lady Gaga, “House of Gucci”
Alana Haim, “Licorice Pizza”
Kristen Stewart, “Spencer”
Nicolas Cage, “Pig”
Benedict Cumberbatch, “The Power of the Dog”
Andrew Garfield, “tick, tick… Boom!”
Simon Rex, “Red Rocket”
Will Smith, “King Richard”
Caitriona Balfe, “Belfast”
Ariana DeBose, “West Side Story”
Ann Dowd, “Mass”
Kirsten Dunst, “The Power of the Dog”
Ruth Negga, “Passing”
Mike Faist, “West Side Story”
Ciaran Hinds, “Belfast”
Jason Isaacs, “Mass”
Troy Kotsur, “CODA”
Kodi Smit-McPhee, “The Power of the Dog”
“CODA” — Sian Heder
“Drive My Car” — Ryusuke Hamaguchi, Takammasa Oe
“Dune” — Jon Spaihts, Denis Villeneuve, Eric Roth
“The Lost Daughter” — Maggie Gyllenhaal
“The Power of the Dog” — Jane Campion
“Belfast” — Kenneth Branagh
“C’mon, C’mon” — Mike Mills
“Don’t Look Up” — Adam McKay
“Licorice Pizza” — Paul Thomas Anderson
“Mass” — Fran Kranz
“CODA” — Eugenio Derbez, Daniel Durant, Emilia Jones, Troy Kotsur, Marlee Matlin, Ferdia Walsh-Peelo
“Don’t Look Up” — Cate Blanchett, Timothee Chalamet, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ariana Grande, Jonah Hill, Jennifer Lawrence, Melanie Lynskey, Kid Cudi, Rob Morgan, Himesh Patel, Ron Perlman, Tyler Perry, Mark Rylance, Meryl Streep
“Mass” — Reed Birney, Ann Dowd, Jason Isaacs, Martha Plimpton, Breeda Wool, Michelle N. Carter, Campbell Spoor, Kagen Albright, Michael White
“The Power of the Dog” — Benedict Cumberbatch, Kirsten Dunst, Sean Keenan, George Mason, Jesse Plemons, Kodi Smit-McPhee
“West Side Story” — Ansel Elgort, Ariana DeBose, David Alvarez, Mike Faist, Brian d’Arcy James, Corey Stoll, Josh Andrés Rivera, Rita Moreno, Rachel Zegler
Ariana DeBose
Alana Haim
Emilia Jones
Kodi Smit-McPhee
Rachel Zegler
“Dune” — Greig Fraser
“The Power of the Dog” — Ari Wegner
“Spencer” — Claire Mathon
“The Tragedy of Macbeth” — Bruno Delbonnel
“West Side Story” — Janusz Kaminski
“Belfast” — Una Ni Dhonghaile
“Dune” — Joe Walker
“The Power of the Dog” — Peter Sciberras
“tick, tick… Boom!” — Myron Kerstein, Andrew Weisblum
“West Side Story” — Sarah Broshar, Michael Kahn
“Cruella” — Jenny Beavan
“Dune” — Jacqueline West, Robert Morgan
“House of Gucci” — Janty Yates
“Spencer” — Jacqueline Durran
“West Side Story” — Paul Tazewell
“Cruella” — Nadia Stacey, Naomi Donne, Julia Vernon
“Dune” — Donald Mowat, Love Larson, Eva von Bahr
“The Eyes of Tammy Faye” — Linda Dowds, Stephanie Ingram, Justin Raleigh
“House of Gucci” — Goran Lundstrom, Anna Carin Lock, Frederic Aspiras
“Spencer” — Wakana Yoshihara, Sian Wilson, Stacey Panepinto, Nicola Isles
“Don’t Look Up” — Nicholas Britell
“Dune” — Hans Zimmer
“Encanto” — Germaine Franco
“The Power of the Dog” — Jonny Greenwood
“Spencer” — Jonny Greenwood
“Be Alive” from “King Richard” — Beyoncé, Dixson
“Dos Oruguitas” from “Encanto” — Lin-Manuel Miranda
“Just Look Up” from “Don’t Look Up” — Nicholas Briteell, Ariana Grande, Scott Mescudi, Taura Stinson
“No Time to Die” from “No Time to Die” — Billie Eilish, Finneas O’Connell
“So May We Start” from “Annette” — Sparks and Leos Carax
“Dune” — Patrice Vermette, Zsuzsanna Sipos
“The French Dispatch” — Adam Stockhausen, Rena DeAngelo
“Nightmare Alley” — Tamara Deverell, Shane Vieau
“The Tragedy of Macbeth” — Stefan Dechant, Nancy Haigh
“West Side Story” — Adam Stockhausen, Rena DeAngelo
“Dune” — Mac Ruth, Mark Mangini, Theo Green, Doug Hemphill, Ron Bartlett
“No Time to Die” — Simon Hayes, Oliver Tarney, Paul Massey, Mark Taylor
“A Quiet Place, Part II” — Erik Aadahl, Ethan Van der Ryn
“tick, tick… Boom!” — Todd A. Maitland
“West Side Story” — Gary Rydstrom, Brian Chumney, Andy Nelson, Tod A. Maitland, Shawn Murphy
“Dune” — Paul Lambert, Tristan Myles, Brian Connor, Gerd Nefzer
“Eternals” — Stephane Ceretti, Matt Aitken, Daniele Bigi, Neil Corbould
“The Green Knight” — Eric Saindon, Michael Cozens
“Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” — Christopher Townsend, Joe Farrell, Sean Walker, Dan Oliver
“Spider-Man: No Way Home” — Kelly Port, Chris Waegner, Scott Edelstein, Daniel Sudick
“Encanto” — Jared Bush, Byron Howard, Yvett Merino, Clark Spencer
“Flee” — Jonas Poher Rasmussen, Monica Hellström, Signe Byrge Sørensen, Charlotte de La Gournerie
“Luca” — Enrico Casarosa, Andrea Warren
“The Mitchells vs. the Machines” — Michael Rianda, Phil Lord, Kurt Albrecht, Christopher Miller
“Raya and the Last Dragon” — Don Hall, Carlos Lopez Estrada, Osnat Shurer
“Billie Eilish: The World’s a Little Blurry” — R.J. Cutler, Michelle An, Chelsea Dodson, Anthony Seyler, Trevor Smith
“Flee” — Jonas Poher Rasmussen, Monica Hellström, Signe Byrge Sørensen, Charlotte de La Gournerie
“The Rescue” — Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, Jimmy Chin, John Battsek, P.J. van Sandwijk
“Summer of Soul” — Questlove, David Dinerstein, Robert Fyvolent, Joseph Patel
“The Velvet Underground” — Todd Haynes, Christine Vachon, Julie Goldman, Christopher Clements, Carolyn Hepburn
“Drive My Car” — Ryusuke Hamaguchi, Tsuyoshi Goro, Misaki Kawamura, Osamu Kubota, Sachio Matsushita, Yoshito Nakabe, Keiji Okumura, Jin Suzuki, Teruhisa Yamamoto (Japan)
“Flee” — Jonas Poher Rasmussen, Monica Hellström, Signe Byrge Sørensen, Charlotte de La Gournerie (Denmark)
“Parallel Mothers” — Pedro Almodóvar, Agustín Almodóvar, Esther García (Spain)
“Titane” — Julia Ducournau, Amaury Ovise, Jean-Christophe Reymond (France)
“The Worst Person in the World” — Joachim Trier, Thomas Robsahm, Andrea Berentsen Ottmar, Dyveke Bjørkly Graver (Norway)
Remember… you can register here for a free account to vote for your favourites to win.
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buz-muet · 4 years
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  La Peau  (1981) Film de Liliana Cavani
Marcello Mastroianni : Curzio Malaparte Ken Marshall (VF : Patrick Poivey) : capitaine Jimmy Wren Alexandra King (VF : Béatrice Delfe) : Deborah Wyatt Carlo Giuffré (VF : Henri Djanik) : Eduardo Mazzullo Yann Babilée : Jean-Louis Jeanne Valérie : la princesse à Capri Liliana Tari : Maria Concetta Peppe Barra (it) : Sarto Cristina Donadio : l'amie de Rosaria Rosaria della Femmina : la maîtresse de Jimmy Jacques Sernas : le général Guillaume Claudia Cardinale (VF : Béatrice Delfe) : la princesse Consuelo Caracciolo Burt Lancaster (VF : René Arrieu) : le général Mark Cork (Clark) 
Le personnage central est un officier de liaison italien auprès des Alliés, à Naples, fin 1943, au début de la campagne d'Italie. Entre la misère et les décombres d'une ville qui vient de sortir de la guerre, le peuple de Naples tente de continuer à vivre. Des prisonniers allemands vendus au poids, un char américain démonté pour être vendu, des enfants donnés aux soldats nord-africains pour être abusés, une "sirène" servie au cours d'un dîner « Renaissance », et de nombreuses autres scènes de la folie ordinaire de cette guerre, dont l'apothéose est la tragique éruption du Vésuve. Le film se termine avec le viol d'une femme pilote américaine par ses compagnons d'armes. Un jeune Italien, heureux de voir les Américains entrer dans Rome, se fait écraser par un char : un petit incident pour les militaires, le signe d'une terrible défaite pour Curzio Malaparte.
Le Film :    https://ok.ru/video/1988143155962
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berenice22 · 7 years
L'amour, L'amour
L’amour, L’amour
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DO YOU REMEMBER the Countess de Lave in Claire Booth Luce’s 1939 classic, The Women?
“L’amour, l’amour,” she exclaims while drowning herself in champagne. “That’s French for love.”
But, what is it?  L’amour, for which everything must be sacrificed. L’amour, in the name of which everything may be justified. Is it an emotion? An ineffable feeling of affection so tender that one cannot…
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italianartsociety · 6 years
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Posted by Samantha Hughes-Johnson.
Lorenzo Bartolini was born in Prato on 7 January 1777. As a youth, he began his artistic studies at the Florentine Academy of Fine Arts before moving to Paris in 1797. By 1799, Bartolini was present in the studio of Jacques - Louis Davide and shared workshop space with Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres and Pierre-Nolasque Bergeret. An advocate of Napoleon Bonaparte, Bartolini acted as a drummer in The Little Corporal’s army and subsequently benefitted from Napoleonic patronage. In 1807, Bartolini was suggested as Director of the School of Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara and in 1812, he was granted honorary membership of the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence. In 1839, he was offered a chair at the latter institution, which he accepted. It was at this point in his career that Bartolini felt that he could safely abandon his neoclassical training and the ideal representations associated with this style. He would subsequently concentrate his artistic efforts on faithfully reproducing figurative subjects in both two and three - dimensional forms, painstakingly replicating details derived from his own scrupulous scientific and natural observations.
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References: Franca Falletti, Silvestra Bietoletti and Annarita Caputo eds., Lorenzo Bartolini: Beauty and Truth in Marble, Florence and Milan, Giunti Editore, 2011.
Lorenzo Bartolini: Scultore del bello naturale, With essay contributions from Cristina Acidini, Silverstra Bietoletti, Leticia Azcue Brea, Annarita Caputo, Maria Theresa Caracciolo, Maria Virginia Cardi, Grégoire Extermann, Franca Falletti, Andrea Grecco, Michele Gremigni, Elena Karpova, Anna Gallo Martucci, Barbara Musetti, Ettore Spalletti, Caterina Olcese Spingardi, and Lucia Tonini, Florence and Milan: Giunti Editore, 2011.
Deborah Menaker, ‘Lorenzo Bartolini's Demidoff Table.’ In Metropolitan Museum Journal, Vol. 17 (1982), pp. 75-86.
Barbara Ann Day - Hickman, Napoleonic Art: Nationalism and the Spirit of Rebellion in France (1815-1848), Newwark, New Jersey: University of Delaware Press, 1999.
Images: Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, Portrait of the Sculptor, Lorenzo Bartolini, 1820, oil on canvas, Louvre Museum. Wikimedia Commons.
Lorenzo Bartolini, Bust of Napoleon, c. 1810, white marble, on a white marble socle. © 2018 Artnet Worldwide Corporation.
Bust of Elisa Baciocchi Bonaparte, Princess of Piombino and Lucca, Grand Duchess of Tuscany,c. 1809, marble. © 2018 Sotheby's.
Malvezzi Angelelli Monument, after 1827, marble, Columbario Hall, Certosa Monumental Cemetery, Certosa di Bologna.
The Demidoff Table, 1845, marble, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of le Duc de Loubat, 1903. Public Domain.
The Campbell Sisters Dancing A Waltz, 1821-1822, marble, purchased jointly by the National Galleries of Scotland and the Victoria and Albert Museum, with the aid of the National Heritage Memorial Fund, the Art Fund (with a contribution from the Wolfson Foundation), and a donation in memory of A. V. B. Norman, 2015. © National Galleries Scotland.
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iilssnet · 3 years
ITLOS and its structure, duties, Composition,jurisdiction, competence and authorities
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The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea is an independent judicial body established by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea to adjudicate disputes arising out of the interpretation and application of the Convention. The Tribunal is composed of 21 independent members, elected from among persons enjoying the highest reputation for fairness and integrity and of recognized competence in the field of the law of the sea. The Tribunal has jurisdiction over any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of the Convention, and over all matters specifically provided for in any other agreement which confers jurisdiction on the Tribunal (Statute, article 21). The Tribunal is open to States Parties to the Convention (i.e. States and international organisations which are parties to the Convention). It is also open to entities other than States Parties, i.e., States or intergovernmental organisations which are not parties to the Convention, and to state enterprises and private entities "in any case expressly provided for in Part XI or in any case submitted pursuant to any other agreement conferring jurisdiction on the Tribunal which is accepted by all the parties to that case" (Statute, article 20) The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea was opened for signature at Montego Bay, Jamaica, on 10 December 1982 and entered into force on 28 July 1996. A subsequent Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the Convention was adopted on 28 July 1994 and entered into force on 28 July 1996. This Agreement and Part XI of the Convention are to be interpreted and applied together as a single instrument.  The Convention establishes a comprehensive legal framework to regulate all ocean space, its uses and resources. It contains, among other things, provisions relating to the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the continental shelf, the exclusive economic zone and the high seas. It also provides for the protection and preservation of the marine environment, for marine scientific research and for the development and transfer of marine technology. One of the most important parts of the Convention concerns the exploration for and exploitation of the resources of the seabed and ocean floor and subsoil thereof, beyond the limits of national jurisdiction (the Area). The Convention declares the Area and its resources to be "the common heritage of mankind". The International Seabed Authority, established by the Convention, administers the resources of the Area. Part XV of the Convention lays down a comprehensive system for the settlement of disputes that might arise with respect to the interpretation and application of the Convention. It requires States Parties to settle their disputes concerning the interpretation or application of the Convention by peaceful means indicated in the Charter of the United Nations. However, if parties to a dispute fail to reach a settlement by peaceful means of their own choice, they are obliged to resort to the compulsory dispute settlement procedures entailing binding decisions, subject to limitations and exceptions contained in the Convention. The mechanism established by the Convention provides for four alternative means for the settlement of disputes: the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, the International Court of Justice, an arbitral tribunal constituted in accordance with Annex VII to the Convention, and a special arbitral tribunal constituted in accordance with Annex VIII to the Convention.  A State Party is free to choose one or more of these means by a written declaration to be made under article 287 of the Convention and deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations (declarations made by States Parties under article 287). If the parties to a dispute have not accepted the same settlement procedure, the dispute may be submitted only to arbitration in accordance with Annex VII, unless the parties otherwise agree. The Tribunal is open to States Parties to the Convention and, in certain cases, to entities other than States Parties (such as international organizations and natural or legal persons) (Access to the Tribunal). jurisdiction The jurisdiction of the Tribunal comprises all disputes submitted to it in accordance with the Convention. It also extends to all matters specifically provided for in any other agreement which confers jurisdiction on the Tribunal. To date, sixteen multilateral agreements have been concluded which confer jurisdiction on the Tribunal (relevant provisions of these agreements). Unless the parties otherwise agree, the jurisdiction of the Tribunal is mandatory in cases relating to the prompt release of vessels and crews under article 292 of the Convention and to provisional measures pending the constitution of an arbitral tribunal under article 290, paragraph 5, of the Convention. The Seabed Disputes Chamber is competent to give advisory opinions on legal questions arising within the scope of the activities of the International Seabed Authority. The Tribunal may also give advisory opinions in certain cases under international agreements related to the purposes of the Convention. Disputes before the Tribunal are instituted either by written application or by notification of a special agreement. The procedure to be followed for the conduct of cases submitted to the Tribunal is defined in its Statute and Rules. Members of the Tribunal since 1996 NameStatePeriod of OfficePresidentVice-PresidentAkl, JosephLebanon1996-2017 2005-2008Anderson, DavidUnited Kingdom1996-2005  Attard, David JosephMaltasince 2011 2017-2020Ballah, Lennox Fitzroy*Trinidad and Tobago2002-2003  Bamela Engo, Paul*Cameroon1996-2008  Bouguetaia, BoualemAlgeriasince 2008 2014-2017Brown, Kathy-AnnJamaicasince 2020  Cabello Sarubbi, ÓscarParaguaysince 2017  Cachapuz de Medeiros, Antonio*Brazil2016-2016  Caminos, Hugo*Argentina1996-2011  Caracciolo, IdaItalysince 2020  Chadha, NeeruIndiasince 2017  Chandrasekhara Rao, P.*India1996-20171999-2002 Cot, Jean-PierreFrance2002-2020  Duan, JielongChinasince 2020  Eiriksson, GudmundurIceland1996-2002  Gao, ZhiguoChina2008-2020  Gómez-Robledo Verduzco, AlonsoMexicosince 2014  Golitsyn, Vladimir VladimirovichRussian Federation2008-20172014-2017​ Heidar, TomasIcelandsince 2014 since 2020Hoffmann, AlbertSouth Africasince 2005since 20202011-2014Infante Caffi, María TeresaChilesince 2020  Jesus, José LuisCape Verdesince 19992008-2011 Kamga, MauriceCameroonsince 2020  Kateka, JamesUnited Republic of Tanzaniasince 2005  Kelly, ElsaArgentina2011-2020  Kittichaisaree, KriangsakThailandsince 2017  Kolodkin, Anatoly Lazarevich*Russian Federation1996-2008  Kolodkin, RomanRussian Federationsince 2017  Kulyk, Markiyan Z.Ukrainesince 2011  Laing, Edward Arthur*Belize1996-2001  Lijnzaad, LiesbethThe Netherlandssince 2017  Lucky, Anthony AmosTrinidad and Tobago2003-2020  Marotta Rangel, Vicente*Brazil1996-2015  Marsit, Mohamed Mouldi*Tunisia1996-2005  Mensah, Thomas A.*Ghana1996-20051996-1999 Ndiaye, Tafsir MalickSenegal1996-2020  Nelson, L. Dolliver M.*Grenada1996-20142002-20051999-2002Paik, Jin-HyunRepublic of Koreasince 20092017-2020 Park, Choon-Ho*Republic of Korea1996-2008  Pawlak, StanislawPolandsince 2005  Treves, TullioItaly1996-2011  Türk, HelmutAustria2005-2014 2008-2011Vukas, BudislavCroatia1996-2005 2002-2005 Warioba, Joseph SindeUnited Republic of Tanzania1996-1999  Wolfrum, RüdigerGermany1996-20172005-20081996-1999​Xu, GuangjianChina2001-2007  Yamamoto, Soji*Japan1996-2005  Yanai, ShunjiJapansince 20052011-2014 Yankov, Alexander*Bulgaria1996-2011  Zhao, Lihai*China1996-2000   Administrative Sessions The Tribunal holds two administrative sessions a year to carry out functions not necessarily related to cases. These include the preparation of budget proposals, adoption of an annual report to the Meetings of States Parties, consideration of organizational and procedural matters related to the Tribunal and the preparation of further reports and publications. To date fifty administrative sessions have been held by the Tribunal. The Tribunal has established six committees to deal with matters not directly related to cases. Each committee is constituted annually. The committees are as follows: Committee on Rules and Judicial Practice The Committee on Rules and Judicial Practice is entrusted with the function of reviewing the Rules of the Tribunal and their application, the Resolution on the Internal Judicial Practice of the Tribunal and the Guidelines concerning the Preparation and Presentation of Cases before the Tribunal. The Committee is responsible for proposing any modification which it may determine necessary or appropriate for the consideration of the Tribunal. The Committee is chaired by the President of the Tribunal, Judge Hoffmann; its other members are Vice-President Heidar and Judges Pawlak, Yanai, Kateka, Paik, Chadha, Kittichaisaree, Kolodkin and Kamga. Committee on Budget and Finance The Committee on Budget and Finance makes proposals to the Tribunal on budgetary and financial matters. In particular, the Committee is responsible for considering and making recommendations on draft budget proposals and financial regulations, as prepared by the Registrar, and on the management of the finances and accounts of the Tribunal. It also reviews the accounting and financial reports of the Tribunal and makes recommendations thereon, as necessary. Judge Yanai is the Chairman of the Committee; the other members of the Committee are Judges Jesus, Pawlak, Bouguetaia, Kulyk, Cabello Sarubbi, Chadha, Lijnzaad and Duan. Committee on Staff and Administration The Committee on Staff and Administration is mandated to make recommendations to the Tribunal on matters concerning the administration and the staffing of the Registry, with special reference to the terms and conditions of service and the procedures for recruitment, discipline and separation from service. The Chairman of the Committee is Judge Lijnzaad; the other members of the Committee are Judges Jesus, Kulyk, Chadha, Infante Caffi and Caracciolo. Committee on Library, Archives and Publications The Committee on Library, Archives and Publications advises on the organization, requirements and functioning of the library including, in particular, policy and procedures for the development of the collections. The Committee also makes recommendations concerning publications, with special reference to the nature and format of publications to be issued. The Chairman of the Committee is Judge Kolodkin; the other members of the Committee are Judges Attard, Gómez-Robledo Verduzco, Kittichaisaree, Infante Caffi and Kamga. Committee on Buildings and Electronic Systems The Committee on Buildings and Electronic Systems makes recommendations with respect to the permanent premises of the Tribunal, including associated electronic systems and services. In addition its mandate encompasses the works of art, information systems and electronic equipment for the premises. The Chairman of the Committee is Judge Cabello Sarubbi. The members of the Committee are Judges Kateka, Attard, Duan, Brown and Caracciolo. Committee on Public Relations The Committee on Public Relations is responsible for preparing and proposing measures to promote the work of the Tribunal with a view to the wider dissemination of practical information on the activities of the Tribunal, and for maintaining its relations with other international organizations and institutions, international bodies and conferences dealing with international law, law of the sea and maritime law. The Chairman of the Committee is Judge Paik; the other members of the Committee are Judges Pawlak, Bouguetaia, Gómez-Robledo Verduzco and Brown. UNCLOS The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea was opened for signature at Montego Bay, Jamaica, on 10 December 1982. It entered into force 12 years later, on 16 November 1994. A subsequent Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the Convention was adopted on 28 July 1994 and entered into force on 28 July 1996. This Agreement and Part XI of the Convention are to be interpreted and applied together as a single instrument.  The origins of the Convention date from 1 November 1967 when Ambassador Arvid Pardo of Malta addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations and called for "an effective international regime over the seabed and the ocean floor beyond a clearly defined national jurisdiction". This led to the convening, in 1973, of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, which after nine years of negotiations adopted the Convention.  The Convention establishes a comprehensive legal framework to regulate all ocean space, its uses and resources. It contains, among other things, provisions relating to the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the continental shelf, the exclusive economic zone and the high seas. It also provides for the protection and preservation of the marine environment, for marine scientific research and for the development and transfer of marine technology. One of the most important parts of the Convention concerns the exploration for and exploitation of the resources of the seabed and ocean floor and subsoil thereof, beyond the limits of national jurisdiction (the Area). The Convention declares the Area and its resources to be "the common heritage of mankind". The International Seabed Authority, established by the Convention, administers the resources of the Area.  The text of the Convention, information regarding its historical background, and further information may be found on the website of the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea. Relationship with the United Nations Although the Tribunal was established by a United Nations convention, it is not an “organ” of the United Nations. Even so, it maintains close links with the United Nations and in 1997 the Tribunal concluded an Agreement on Cooperation and Relationship between the United Nations and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, which establishes a mechanism for cooperation between the two institutions. United Nations General Assembly Observer Status At its fifty-first session, the General Assembly of the United Nations granted observer status to the Tribunal (General Assembly resolution A/RES/51/204 of 17 December 1996). Observer status enables the Tribunal to participate in the meetings and the work of the General Assembly when matters of relevance to the Tribunal are being considered. The United Nations General Assembly considers the agenda item ‘Oceans and the law of the sea’ every year. The President of the Tribunal is invited to address the General Assembly on that occasion. The General Assembly has adopted numerous resolutions on this topic. Statements of the President General Assembly resolutions and decisions relating to Oceans and the Law of the Sea United Nations Appeals Tribunal An agreement between the Tribunal and the United Nations Appeals Tribunal was concluded and signed by the President of the Tribunal on 23 June 2010 and by the Secretary-General of the United Nations on 13 July 2010. The Agreement extends the competence of the United Nations Appeals Tribunal to the Tribunal with respect to applications alleging non-compliance with the terms of appointment or contracts of employment of staff members of the Registry. International Civil Service Commission In 2016 the Tribunal became a participant in the International Civil Service Commission, an independent body established by the United Nations General Assembly to regulate and coordinate the conditions of service of staff in the United Nations common system. Privileges and Immunities Statute of the Tribunal The  Read the full article
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giallofever2 · 5 years
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I miei primi 40 anni aka My First Forty Years aka Mes quarante premières années
Data di uscita: 5 novembre 1987
Regista: Carlo Vanzina
Musica composta da: Umberto Smaila
Paese di produzione: Italia 🇮🇹 , Francia 🇫🇷
Sceneggiatura: Carlo Vanzina Marina Ripa di Meana Enrico Vanzina
Interpreti e personaggi
Carol Alt: Marina Caracciolo
Elliott Gould: Nino Ranuzzi
Jean Rochefort: principe Riccio
Pierre Cosso: duca Massimiliano Caracciolo Villalta
Capucine: principessa Caracciolo Villalta
Teo Teocoli: Franco Bonetti
Isabel Russinova: Doris Caetani
Riccardo Garrone: padre di Marina
Paola Quattrini: madre di Marina
Carlo Monni: albergatore
Sebastiano Somma: Rodolfo Merisi
Claudio Insegno: paparazzo
Massimo Venturiello: Roberto D'Angelo
Pier Maria Cecchini: Zanza
Giuseppe Pambieri: Carlo Donati Dadda
Martine Brochard: marchesa Caetani
Isabella Rocchietta: Lucrezia Caracciolo bambina
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linguistlist-blog · 1 year
TOC, English Text Construction Vol. 15, No. 2 (2022)
2022. v, 83 pp. Table of Contents Introduction: The (in)visibility politics of absences/presences Jessica Maufort & Marc Maufort pp. 113–117 Articles Animals squawking their mysteries: Narrative, poetic form, and the nonhuman in Laura Jean McKay’s The Animals in That Country Marco Caracciolo pp. 118–137 “Shadowtime”: Michelle Paver’s Dark Matter and ghosts of the Anthropocene Shannon Lambert pp. 138–155 A more perfect dissolution: Mining nostalgia in Samuel D. Hunter’s Greater Clements Lau http://dlvr.it/SrMdXc
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bobwilsonme · 5 years
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Milan Fashion Week Milan Fashion Week is a clothing trade show held semi-annually in milan italy the autumn winter event is held in February March of each year and the spring summer event is held in september-october of each year history and operations Milan Fashion Week established in 1958 is part of the global big for Fashion Week's the others being Paris Fashion Week London Fashion Week and new york fashion week the schedule begins with New York followed by London and then Milan and ending with Paris Milan Fashion Week is owned by kamran Asian al della moda italiana a non-profit association which disciplines coordinates and promotes the development of Italian fashion and is responsible for hosting the fashion events and shows of Milan the camera Syndicale della moda italiana was set up on jun 11 1958 this was the forerunner of the body which subsequently became the camera nazionale della moda italiana proprietors of the most important establishments in Italy including some private establishments which in those days played a crucial role in the promotion of this sector were present at the memorandum of association roberto capucci emilio schuberth maria antonia princess caracciolo Jannetty alberto fasciani Giovanni cjd German amaru celli simonetta colon adesso Soros squared Joel veneziani Francesco borrello giovanni battista Joe Genie and the lawyer peach show / e co the events dedicated to women's fashion are the most important the summer events dedicated to men include menswear and milano moda whoa mo in 2013 the fall/winter Milan Fashion Week started on january twentieth with Paula Franny and was followed by shows from major fashion houses such as Armani Roberto Cavalli dolce & gabbana TRO fendi Ferragamo Gucci jil sander Marnie maxmara missoni moschino Philip lean prada Pucci john richmond Todd's Versace etc but also by shows from new labels and younger days niners such as or zsa zsa Cristiano biryani Gabrielle Colangelo marco de vincenzo stella jean chico Luol d msgm na degree 21 Fausto Puglisi francesco scognamiglio etc on November 20 2013 giorgio armani announced he has decided to join the italian chamber of fashion locations milan fashion week including more than 40 shows each season transforms the city into a touristic hob by simply creating various venues for the show's selecting the most elegant and influential palaces to become the stage for design example of location our Palazzo rial Palazzo sir baloney and many others controversy in 2014 greenpeace protested to demand toxic-free fashion by hanging signs in the galleria vittorio emanuele to shira Campion of greenpeace italy said the demonstration was set up to ask italian brands especially versace because it has the highest level of hazardous chemicals in its products to publicly commit to eliminate harmful substances from the various stages of production references see also Berlin Fashion Week London Fashion Week New York Fashion Week Paris Fashion Week external links Milan Fashion Week official site Milan Fashion Week As found on Youtube
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Paolo Savona
Carlo Jean
Lucio Caracciolo
Alessandro Politi
Giancarlo Elia Valori
Giulio Sapelli
Federico Rampini
Federico Rampini merita una citazione particolare perché pur non essendo nato squisitamente come studioso di Geopolitica ha avuto ed ha la passione, l’arguzia e l’esperienza internazionale per intercettare ed interpretare alcuni fenomeni carsici molto prima di altri celebrati studiosi e di rappresentarli con analisi lucide e lungimiranti …
In particolare ilsuo libro/spettacolo itinerante “Le linee rosse.Uomini, Confini, Imperi: le carte geografiche che raccontano il mondo in cui viviamo” nelle modalità popolari e divulgative con cui ha rappresentato al pubblico questa affascinate disciplina che è la Geopolitica, al di fuori dei paludati ed esoterici convegni in cui solitamente la disciplina viene trattata, è una svolta benemerita in quanto fa intendere a tutti quanto la comprensione delle dinamiche geopolitiche abbiano una ricaduta diretta sulla vita di tutti i giorni dei cittadini…
Pertanto “chapeau” a Rampini con il quale mi scuso per la dimenticanza …
I MAGNIFICI SEI CHEF STELLATI ITALIANI NEGLI STUDI DI GEOPOLITICA E DI INTELLIGENCE + UNO Federico Rampini merita una citazione particolare perché pur non essendo nato squisitamente come studioso di Geopolitica ha avuto ed ha la passione, l'arguzia e l'esperienza internazionale per intercettare ed interpretare alcuni fenomeni carsici molto prima di altri celebrati studiosi e di rappresentarli con analisi lucide e lungimiranti ...
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melbynews-blog · 6 years
Bilderberger-Treffen 2018, Turin – geheime Verschwörung?
Neuer Beitrag veröffentlicht bei https://melby.de/bilderberger-treffen-2018-turin-geheime-verschwoerung/
Bilderberger-Treffen 2018, Turin – geheime Verschwörung?
Von Peter Helmes
Heute beginnt das Bilderberger-Treffen 2018 im italienischen Turin, das bis zum 10. Juni fortgesetzt wird. Die Teilnehmer zählen sich zur meinungsführenden Elite aus der oberen Wirtschafts- und Finanzwelt, aus der Politik (z. B. Bundesverteidigungsministerin von der Leyen, die nicht zum ersten Mal dabei ist) und aus führenden Medien(-gruppen).
Folgende Themen stehen u.a. heuer auf der Tagesordnung:
◾Populismus in Europa
◾Die Herausforderung der Ungleichheit
◾Die Zukunft der Arbeit
◾Künstliche Intelligenz
◾Die USA vor den Halbzeitwahlen
◾Der Freihandel
◾Saudi-Arabien und Iran
◾Die Welt in der Ära des „Postfaktischen“
„Too Big to Jail“
Seit ihrem Bestehen werden „die Bilderberger, wie sie kurz genannt werden, kritisch beobachtet – meist höchst massiv. Das Zusammentreffen von Hochfinanz, führenden Politikern, „Grauen Eminenzen“ (wie z. B. Henry Kissinger) und Wirtschaftsführern gibt zu allerlei Bedenken Anlaß – wobei diese nicht immer frei von Verschwörungstheorien sind.Der ehemalige BBC-Journalist Tony Goslin, der seit 20 Jahren zu den größten Kritikern der Konferenzen gehört, bezeichnet die Bilderberger als ein „kriminelles Syndikat, welches mit Krieg Geld verdient“. Aber aufgrund ihres Einflusses und ihrer Machtfülle seien sie „Too Big to Jail“ (Goslin).
Nicht wenige Kritiker meinen, die Bilderberg-Gruppe bildete eine geheime Weltregierung und würde während des Treffens wichtige politische Entscheidungen fällen. Nichts Genaues erfährt man in der Regel nicht, da sich die Teilnehmer zum Schweigen verpflichtet haben – was natürlich die Spekulationen noch mehr anheizt.
Deshalb wird die Gruppe der aktiven Politiker besonders attackiert. Goslin: „Es kann nicht sein, dass aktive Politiker an einem Treffen teilnehmen und Schweigegelübde ablegen, dass sie nichts darüber sagen werden, mit wem sie gesprochen haben, was besprochen wurde und größtenteils die Bilderberg-Konferenz nicht einmal erwähnen…“.
Vielleicht erfahren wir in diesem Jahr etwas mehr aus Turin. Die Auguren vermuten, es werde vor allem über Krieg gesprochen (z.B. gegen Russland und/oder Angriffskrieg gegen den Iran, der dann von Saudi Arabien und Israel geführt würde).
Angekündigt ist die Teilnahme von 140 Persönlichkeiten (siehe nachfolgende Liste) von A wie Paul Achleitner, Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender der Deutschen Bank; über B wie José Barroso (ehem. EU-Kommissionspräsident, jetzt Vorsitzender von Goldman Sachs), zuvor Präsident der Europäischen Kommission; über C wie Bernard Cazeneuve, bis 2017 französischer Premierminister; über D wie Mathias Döpfner, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Axel Springer SE (und Time Warner, Vodafone usw.) usw.
Eine faustdicke Überraschung: Der Vatikan ist zum ersten Mal vertreten
Seit der Wahl von Papst Franziskus 2013 findet eine Annäherung zwischen dem Vatikan und den mächtigen, formellen und informellen internationalen Institutionen statt. Die Anwesenheit des Kardinalstaatssekretärs beim diesjährigen Bilderberger-Treffen schließt diesen Annäherungsprozeß plakativ ab. Parolin bestätigte bereits seine Teilnahme.
  Dabei geht es nicht nur darum, daß der Vatikan durch seinen höchsten Regierungsvertreter daran teilnimmt, sondern darum, daß die Bilderberger diese Teilnahme akzeptieren. Wo früher Unvereinbarkeit galt, scheint inzwischen ein so hohes Maß an Übereinstimmung erreicht, daß selbst eine Verschmelzung in gemeinsamen, okkulten Gremien möglich geworden ist.
Anders ausgedrückt: Die katholische Kirche unter Papst Franziskus fügt sich in die weltlichen Machtzentren ein und ordnet sich diesen unter.
Papst Franziskus scheint sich „bei politischen Themen wie Klimawandel, Masseneinwanderung, Fake News, Soziale Netzwerke…“ wohler zu fühlen. „Der Eindruck, den er vermittelt, ist der eines Menschen, dessen wirkliche Berufung mehr die zum Weltführer als zum Steuermann von Petri Schiff zu sein scheint“, so InfoVaticana (Quelle).
Teilnehmerliste (ohne Gewähr)
(Die Namen der deutschen Teilnehmer sind fettgedruckt.)
CHAIRMAN STEERING COMMITTEE Castries, Henri de (FRA), Chairman, Institut Montaigne Achleitner, Paul M. (D), Chairman Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG; Schatzmeister, Foundation Bilderberg Meetings
Agius, Marcus (GBR), Chairman, PA Consulting GroupAlesina, Alberto (ITA), Nathaniel Ropes Professor of Economics, Harvard University
Altman, Roger C. (USA), Founder and Senior Chairman, EvercoreAmorim, Paula (PRT), Chairman, Américo Amorim Group
Anglade, Dominique (CAN), Deputy Premier of Quebec; Minister of Economy, Science and Innovation
Applebaum, Anne (POL), Columnist, Washington Post; Professor of Practice, London School of Economics
Azoulay, Audrey (INT), Director-General, UNES
Baker, James H. (USA), Director, Office of Net Assessment, Office of the Secretary of Defense
Barbizet, Patricia (FRA), President, Temaris & Associés
Barroso, José M. Durão (PRT), Chairman, Goldman Sachs International; Former President, European Commission
Beerli, Christine (CHE), Former Vice-President, International Committee of the Red Cross
Berx, Cathy (BEL), Governor, Province of Antwerp
Beurden, Ben van (NLD), CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc
Blanquer, Jean-Michel (FRA), Minister of National Education, Youth and Community Life
Botín, Ana P. (ESP), Group Executive Chairman, Banco Santander
Bouverot, Anne (FRA), Board Member; Former CEO, Morpho
Brandtzæg, Svein Richard (NOR), President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA
Brende, Børge (INT), President, World Economic Forum
Brennan, Eamonn (IRL), Director General, Eurocontrol
Brnabic, Ana (SRB), Prime Minister
Burns, William J. (USA), President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Burwell, Sylvia M. (USA), President, American University
Caracciolo, Lucio (ITA), Editor-in-Chief, Limes
Carney, Mark J. (GBR), Governor, Bank of England
Castries, Henri de (FRA), Chairman, Institut Montaigne; Chairman, Steering Committee Bilderberg Meetings
Cattaneo, Elena (ITA), Director, Laboratory of Stem Cell Biology, University of Milan
Cazeneuve, Bernard (FRA), Partner, August Debouzy; Former Prime Minister
Cebrián, Juan Luis (ESP), Executive Chairman, El País
Champagne, François-Philippe (CAN), Minister of International Trade
Cohen, Jared (USA), Founder and CEO, Jigsaw at Alphabet Inc.
Colao, Vittorio (ITA), CEO, Vodafone Group
Cook, Charles (USA), Political Analyst, The Cook Political Report
Dagdeviren, Canan (TUR), Assistant Professor, MIT Media Lab
Donohoe, Paschal (IRL), Minister for Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform
Döpfner, Mathias (D), Chairman and CEO, Axel Springer SE
Ecker, Andrea (AUT), Secretary General, Office Federal President of Austria
Elkann, John (ITA), Chairman, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
Émié, Bernard (FRA), Director General, Ministry of the Armed Forces Enders, Thomas (DEU), CEO, Airbus SE
Fallows, James (USA), Writer and Journalist
Ferguson, Jr., Roger W. (USA), President and CEO, TIAA
Ferguson, Niall (USA), Milbank Family Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Fischer, Stanley (USA), Former Vice-Chairman, Federal Reserve; Former Governor, Bank of Israel
Gilvary, Brian (GBR), Group CFO, BP plc
Goldstein, Rebecca (USA), Visiting Professor, New York University
Gruber, Lilli (ITA), Editor-in-Chief and Anchor „Otto e mezzo“, La7 TV
Hajdarowicz, Greg (POL), Founder and President, Gremi International Sarl
Halberstadt, Victor (NLD), Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Chairman Foundation Bilderberg Meetings
Hassabis, Demis (GBR), Co-Founder and CEO, DeepMind
Hedegaard, Connie (DNK), Chair, KR Foundation; Former European Commissioner
Helgesen, Vidar (NOR), Ambassador for the Ocean
Herlin, Antti (FIN), Chairman, KONE Corporation
Hickenlooper, John (USA), Governor of Colorado
Hobson, Mellody (USA), President, Ariel Investments LLC
Hodgson, Christine (GBR), Chairman, Capgemini UK plc
Hoffman, Reid (USA), Co-Founder, LinkedIn; Partner, Greylock Partners
Horowitz, Michael C. (USA), Professor of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania
Hwang, Tim (USA), Director, Harvard-MIT Ethics and Governance of AI Initiative
Ischinger, Wolfgang (D / INT), Chairman, Munich Security Conference
Jacobs, Kenneth M. (USA), Chairman and CEO, Lazard
Kaag, Sigrid (NLD), Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation
Karp, Alex (USA), CEO, Palantir Technologies
Kissinger, Henry A. (USA), Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.
Kleinfeld, Klaus (USA), CEO, NEOM
Knot, Klaas H.W. (NLD), President, De Nederlandsche Bank
Koç, Ömer M. (TUR), Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.
Köcher, Renate (D), Managing Director, Allensbach Institute for Public Opinion Research
Kotkin, Stephen (USA), Professor in History and International Affairs, Princeton University
Kragic, Danica (SWE), Professor, School of Computer Science and Communication, KTH
Kravis, Henry R. (USA), Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, KKR
Kravis, Marie-Josée (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute; President, American Friends of Bilderberg
Kudelski, André (CHE), Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group
Lepomäki, Elina (FIN), MP, National Coalition Party
Leyen, Ursula von der (D), Federal Minster of Defence
Leysen, Thomas (BEL), Chairman, KBC Group
Makan, Divesh (USA), CEO, ICONIQ Capital
Massolo, Giampiero (ITA), Chairman, Fincantieri Spa.; President, ISPI
Mazzucato, Mariana (ITA), Professor in the Economics of Innovation and Public Value, University College London
Mead, Walter Russell (USA), Distinguished Fellow, Hudson Institute
Michel, Charles (BEL), Prime Minister
Micklethwait, John (USA), Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg LP
Minton Beddoes, Zanny (GBR), Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
Mitsotakis, Kyriakos (GRC), President, New Democracy Party
Mota, Isabel (PRT), President, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Moyo, Dambisa F. (USA), Global Economist and Author
Mundie, Craig J. (USA), President, Mundie & Associates
Netherlands, H.M. the King of the (NLD),
Neven, Hartmut (USA), Director of Engineering, Google Inc.
Noonan, Peggy (USA), Author and Columnist, The Wall Street Journal
Oettinger, Günther H. (D / INT), Commissioner for Budget & Human Resources, European Commission O’Leary, Michael (IRL), CEO, Ryanair D.A.C.
O’Neill, Onora (GBR), Emeritus Honorary Professor in Philosophy, University of Cambridge
Osborne, George (GBR), Editor, London Evening Standard
Özkan, Behlül (TUR), Associate Professor in International Relations, Marmara University
Papalexopoulos, Dimitri (GRC), CEO, Titan Cement Company S.A.
Parolin, H.E. Pietro (VATIKAN), Cardinal and Secretary of State
Patino, Bruno (FRA), Chief Content Officer, Arte France TV
Petraeus, David H. (USA), Chairman, KKR Global Institute
Pichette, Patrick (CAN), General Partner, iNovia Capital
Pouyanné, Patrick (FRA), Chairman and CEO, Total S.A.
Pring, Benjamin (USA), Co-Founder and Managing Director, Center for the Future of Work
Rankka, Maria (SWE), CEO, Stockholm Chamber of Commerce
Ratas, Jüri (EST), Prime Minister
Rendi-Wagner, Pamela (AUT), MP (SPÖ); Former Minister of Health
Rivera Díaz, Albert (ESP), President, Ciudadanos Party
Rossi, Salvatore (ITA), Senior Deputy Governor, Bank of Italy
Rubesa, Baiba A. (LVA), CEO, RB Rail AS
Rubin, Robert E. (USA), Co-Chairman Emeritus, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Treasury Secretary
Rudd, Amber (GBR), MP; Former Secretary of State, Home Department Rutte, Mark (NLD), Prime Minister
Sabia, Michael (CAN), President and CEO, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec
Sadjadpour, Karim (USA), Senior Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Sáenz de Santamaría, Soraya (ESP), Deputy Prime Minister
Sawers, John (GBR), Chairman and Partner, Macro Advisory Partners
Schadlow, Nadia (USA), Former Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy
Schneider-Ammann, Johann N. (CHE), Federal Councillor
Scholten, Rudolf (AUT), President, Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue
Sikorski, Radoslaw (POL), Senior Fellow, Harvard University; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Poland
Simsek, Mehmet (TUR), Deputy Prime Minister
Skartveit, Hanne (NOR), Political Editor, Verdens Gang
Stoltenberg, Jens (INT), Secretary General, NATO
Summers, Lawrence H. (USA), Charles W. Eliot University Professor, Harvard University
Thiel, Peter (USA), President, Thiel Capital
Topsøe, Jakob Haldor (DNK), Chairman, Haldor Topsøe Holding A/S
Turpin, Matthew (USA), Director for China, National Security Council
Wahlroos, Björn (FIN), Chairman, Sampo Group, Nordea Bank, UPM-Kymmene Corporation
Wallenberg, Marcus (SWE), Chairman, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
Woods, Ngaire (GBR), Dean, Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University
Yetkin, Murat (TUR), Editor-in-chief, Hürriyet Daily News
Zeiler, Gerhard (AUT), President, Turner International
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giuseppenoc · 6 years
Bilderberg 2018 Turín - Italia
Un Nuevo artículo ha sido publicado en https://web2meet.net/bilderberg-2018-turin-italia/
Bilderberg 2018 Turín - Italia
El Club Bilderberg 2018
Realizará su reunión anual entre el 7 y el 10 de junio en Turín, Italia. Entre los participantes de este año se encuentran: el ex secretario de Estado de los EEUU, Henry Kissinger; el rey Guillermo de Holanda; el Secretario General de la OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg; miembros de juntas directivas de Google y Facebook; presidentes de corporaciones petroleras (Shell, British Petroleum, Total); primeros ministros; presidentes de bancos internacionales (Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Santander, Lazard, KBC); el presidente del Foro Económico Mundial de Davos; ex-directores de la CIA y del servicio de inteligencia MI6 británico; el director de la UNESCO, CEO’s de medios de comunicación globales (Turner, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Economist, Bloomberg, PRISA).
Por primera vez en 66 años, fue invitado el Secretario de Estado del Vaticano, el cardenal Pietro Parolin.
En total serán 128 participantes de 23 países.
Agenda de 12 temas:
El populismo en Europa: la amenaza de gobiernos «populistas» en Europa a las intenciones de Bilderberg.
El desafío de la inequidad: invitado especial, el Vaticano.
El futuro del trabajo: se hablará de la robotización
Inteligencia Artificial: uso de esta tecnología en lo civil y en lo militar (a cargo de la empresa Google Deep Mind)
EEUU ante las elecciones de medio término: En noviembre de 2018 se realizarán las elecciones legislativas para remplazar la Cámara de Representantes y un tercio del Senado norteamericanos. Para la élite liberal-financiera será una oportunidad crucial para intentar restarle poder a Donald Trump.
El libre comercio: En el nuevo mundo de Trump y el brexit, la emergencia de los proteccionismos y nacionalismos.
El liderazgo mundial de los EEUU
Computación Cuántica: es el nuevo paradigma de computación distinto al de la computación clásica basada en el binarismo de unos y ceros.
Arabia Saudita e Irán: El enfrentamiento entre estos dos países podría devenir en la próxima gran guerra en Medio Oriente.
El mundo de la “posverdad”: Tema que comenzó a ser estudiado cuando la emergencia de las redes sociales posibilitó la multiplicación de sitios, blogs y portales alternativos que rompieron el cerco mediático tradicional.
“Acontecimientos actuales”: Espacio para el debate de temas misceláneos que siempre tienen su lugar en la agenda de Bilderberg.
  Lista completa de participantes a Bildeberg 2018:
Castries, Henri de (FRA), Chairman, Institut Montaigne
Achleitner, Paul M. (DEU), Chairman Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG; Treasurer, Bilderberg Meetings.
Agius, Marcus (GBR), Chairman, PA Consulting Group.
Alesina, Alberto (ITA), Nathaniel Ropes Professor of Economics, Harvard University.
Altman, Roger C. (USA), Founder and Senior Chairman, Evercore.
Amorim, Paula (PRT), Chairman, Américo Amorim Group.
Anglade, Dominique (CAN), Deputy Premier of Quebec; Minister of Economy, Science and Innovation.
Applebaum, Anne (POL), Columnist, Washington Post; Professor of Practice, London School of Economics.
Azoulay, Audrey (INT), Director-General, UNESCO.
Baker, James H. (USA), Director, Office of Net Assessment, Office of the Secretary of Defense.
Barbizet, Patricia (FRA), President, Temaris & Associés.
Barroso, José M. Durão (PRT), Chairman, Goldman Sachs International; Former President, European Commission.
Beerli, Christine (CHE), Former Vice-President, International Committee of the Red Cross.
Berx, Cathy (BEL), Governor, Province of Antwerp.
Beurden, Ben van (NLD), CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc.
Blanquer, Jean-Michel (FRA), Minister of National Education, Youth and Community Life.
Botín, Ana P. (ESP), Group Executive Chairman, Banco Santander.
Bouverot, Anne (FRA), Board Member; Former CEO, Morpho.
Brandtzæg, Svein Richard (NOR), President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA.
Brende, Borge (INT), President, World Economic Forum.
Brennan, Eamonn (IRL), Director General, Eurocontrol.
Brnabic, Ana (SRB), Prime Minister.
Burns, William J. (USA), President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Burwell, Sylvia M. (USA), President, American University.
Caracciolo, Lucio (ITA), Editor-in-Chief, Limes.
Carney, Mark J. (GBR), Governor, Bank of England.
Cattaneo, Elena (ITA), Director, Laboratory of Stem Cell Biology, University of Milan.
Cazeneuve, Bernard (FRA), Partner, August Debouzy; Former Prime Minister.
Cebrián, Juan Luis (ESP), Executive Chairman, El País.
Champagne, François-Philippe (CAN), Minister of International Trade.
Cohen, Jared (USA), Founder and CEO, Jigsaw at Alphabet Inc.  <<<—Google.
Colao, Vittorio (ITA), CEO, Vodafone Group.
Cook, Charles (USA), Political Analyst, The Cook Political Report.
Dagdeviren, Canan (TUR), Assistant Professor, MIT Media Lab.
Donohoe, Paschal (IRL), Minister for Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform.
Döpfner, Mathias (DEU), Chairman and CEO, Axel Springer SE.
Ecker, Andrea (AUT), Secretary General, Office Federal President of Austria.
Elkann, John (ITA), Chairman, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.
Émié, Bernard (FRA), Director General, Ministry of the Armed Forces.
Enders, Thomas (DEU), CEO, Airbus SE.
Fallows, James (USA), Writer and Journalist.
Ferguson, Jr., Roger W. (USA), President and CEO, TIAA.
Ferguson, Niall (USA), Milbank Family Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University.
Fischer, Stanley (USA), Former Vice-Chairman, Federal Reserve; Former Governor, Bank of Israel.
Gilvary, Brian (GBR), Group CFO, BP plc.
Goldstein, Rebecca (USA), Visiting Professor, New York University.
Gruber, Lilli (ITA), Editor-in-Chief and Anchor “Otto e mezzo”, La7 TV.
Hajdarowicz, Greg (POL), Founder and President, Gremi International Sarl.
Halberstadt, Victor (NLD), Chairman Foundation Bilderberg Meetings; Professor of Economics, Leiden University.
Hassabis, Demis (GBR), Co-Founder and CEO, DeepMind.
Hedegaard, Connie (DNK), Chair, KR Foundation; Former European Commissioner.
Helgesen, Vidar (NOR), Ambassador for the Ocean.
Herlin, Antti (FIN), Chairman, KONE Corporation.
Hickenlooper, John (USA), Governor of Colorado.
Hobson, Mellody (USA), President, Ariel Investments LLC.
Hodgson, Christine (GBR), Chairman, Capgemini UK plc.
Hoffman, Reid (USA), Co-Founder, LinkedIn; Partner, Greylock Partners.
Horowitz, Michael C. (USA), Professor of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania.
Hwang, Tim (USA), Director, Harvard-MIT Ethics and Governance of AI Initiative.
Ischinger, Wolfgang (INT), Chairman, Munich Security Conference.
Jacobs, Kenneth M. (USA), Chairman and CEO, Lazard.
Kaag, Sigrid (NLD), Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation.
Karp, Alex (USA), CEO, Palantir Technologies.
Kissinger, Henry A. (USA), Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc..
Kleinfeld, Klaus (USA), CEO, NEOM.
Knot, Klaas H.W. (NLD), President, De Nederlandsche Bank.
Koç, Ömer M. (TUR), Chairman, Koç Holding A.S..
Köcher, Renate (DEU), Managing Director, Allensbach Institute for Public Opinion Research.
Kotkin, Stephen (USA), Professor in History and International Affairs, Princeton University.
Kragic, Danica (SWE), Professor, School of Computer Science and Communication, KTH.
Kravis, Henry R. (USA), Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, KKR.
Kravis, Marie-Josée (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute; President, American Friends of Bilderberg.
Kudelski, André (CHE), Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group.
Lepomäki, Elina (FIN), MP, National Coalition Party.
Leyen, Ursula von der (DEU), Federal Minster of Defence.
Leysen, Thomas (BEL), Chairman, KBC Group.
Makan, Divesh (USA), CEO, ICONIQ Capital.
Mazzucato, Mariana (ITA), Professor in the Economics of Innovation and Public Value, University College London.
Mead, Walter Russell (USA), Distinguished Fellow, Hudson Institute.
Michel, Charles (BEL), Prime Minister.
Micklethwait, John (USA), Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg LP.
Minton Beddoes, Zanny (GBR), Editor-in-Chief, The Economist.
Mitsotakis, Kyriakos (GRC), President, New Democracy Party.
Mota, Isabel (PRT), President, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
Moyo, Dambisa F. (USA), Global Economist and Author.
Mundie, Craig J. (USA), President, Mundie & Associates.
Netherlands, H.M. the King of the (NLD).
Neven, Hartmut (USA), Director of Engineering, Google Inc..
Noonan, Peggy (USA), Author and Columnist, The Wall Street Journal.
O’Leary, Michael (IRL), CEO, Ryanair D.A.C..
O’Neill, Onora (GBR), Emeritus Honorary Professor in Philosophy, University of Cambridge.
Osborne, George (GBR), Editor, London Evening Standard.
Özkan, Behlül (TUR), Associate Professor in International Relations, Marmara University.
Papalexopoulos, Dimitri (GRC), CEO, Titan Cement Company S.A..
Parolin, H.E. Pietro (VAT), Cardinal and Secretary of State <<<— VATICANO.
Patino, Bruno (FRA), Chief Content Officer, Arte France TV.
Petraeus, David H. (USA), Chairman, KKR Global Institute.
Pichette, Patrick (CAN), General Partner, iNovia Capital.
Pouyanné, Patrick (FRA), Chairman and CEO, Total S.A.
Pring, Benjamin (USA), Co-Founder and Managing Director, Center for the Future of Work.
Rankka, Maria (SWE), CEO, Stockholm Chamber of Commerce.
Ratas, Jüri (EST), Prime Minister.
Rendi-Wagner, Pamela (AUT), MP; Former Minister of Health.
Rivera Díaz, Albert (ESP), President, Ciudadanos Party.
Rossi, Salvatore (ITA), Senior Deputy Governor, Bank of Italy.
Rubesa, Baiba A. (LVA), CEO, RB Rail AS.
Rubin, Robert E. (USA), Co-Chairman Emeritus, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Treasury Secretary.
Rudd, Amber (GBR), MP; Former Secretary of State, Home Department.
Rutte, Mark (NLD), Prime Minister.
Sabia, Michael (CAN), President and CEO, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec.
Sadjadpour, Karim (USA), Senior Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Sáenz de Santamaría, Soraya (ESP), Deputy Prime Minister.
Sawers, John (GBR), Chairman and Partner, Macro Advisory Partners.
Schadlow, Nadia (USA), Former Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy.
Schneider-Ammann, Johann N. (CHE), Federal Councillor.
Scholten, Rudolf (AUT), President, Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue.
Sikorski, Radoslaw (POL), Senior Fellow, Harvard University; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Poland.
Simsek, Mehmet (TUR), Deputy Prime Minister.
Skartveit, Hanne (NOR), Political Editor, Verdens Gang.
Stoltenberg, Jens (INT), Secretary General, NATO.
Summers, Lawrence H. (USA), Charles W. Eliot University Professor, Harvard University.
Thiel, Peter (USA), President, Thiel Capital.
Topsøe, Jakob Haldor (DNK), Chairman, Haldor Topsøe Holding A/S.
Wahlroos, Björn (FIN), Chairman, Sampo Group, Nordea Bank, UPM-Kymmene Corporation.
Wallenberg, Marcus (SWE), Chairman, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB.
Woods, Ngaire (GBR), Dean, Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University.
Yetkin, Murat (TUR), Editor-in-chief, Hürriyet Daily News.
Zeiler, Gerhard (AUT), President, Turner International.
0 notes
jamariyanews · 6 years
Quello che ci hanno detto sulla Libia era tutto falso.
Libia: e se fosse tutto falso?
14/06/2011  In questo Dossier un po' di buoni argomenti per riflettere sulla guerra, sulla missione Nato e sugli obiettivi dell'intervento militare.
La guerra della Nato in Libia (operazione “Protettore unificato”), alla quale l’Italia sta partecipando, è presentata all’opinione pubblica internazionale come un intervento umanitario “a tutela del popolo libico massacrato da Gheddafi”. In realtà la Nato e il Qatar sono schierati, per ragioni geostrategiche, a sostegno di una delle due parti armate nel conflitto, i ribelli di Bengasi (dall’altra parte sta il Governo). E questa guerra, come ha ricordato Lucio Caracciolo sulla rivista di geopolitica Limes, sarà ricordata come un “collasso dell’informazione”,  intrisa com’è di bugie e omissioni.      Le sta studiando la Fact Finding Commission (Commissione per l’accertamento dei fatti) fondata a Tripoli da una imprenditrice italiana, Tiziana Gamannossi, e da un attivista camerunese, con la partecipazione di attivisti da vari Paesi.       La madre di tutte le bugie: “10 mila morti e 55 mila feriti”. Il pretesto per un intervento dalle vere ragioni geostrategiche (http://globalresearch.ca/index.ph p?context=va&aid=23983) è stato fabbricato a febbraio. Lo scorso 23 febbraio, pochi giorni dopo l’inizio della rivolta, la tivù satellitare Al Arabyia denuncia via Twitter un massacro: “10mila morti e 50mila feriti in Libia”, con bombardamenti aerei su Tripoli e Bengasi e fosse comuni. La fonte è Sayed Al Shanuka, che parla da Parigi come membro libico della Corte penale internazionale – Cpi (http://www.ansamed.info/en/libia/news/ME.XEF93179.html).      La “notizia” fa il giro del mondo e offre la principale giustificazione all’intervento del Consiglio di Sicurezza e poi della Nato: per “proteggere i civili”. Non fa il giro del mondo invece la smentita da parte della stessa Corte Penale internazionale: “Il signor Sayed Al Shanuka – o El Hadi Shallouf – non è in alcun modo membro o consulente della Corte”(http://www.icc-cpi.int/NR/exeres/8974AA77-8CFD-4148-8FFC-FF3742BB6ECB.htm).      Ci sono foto o video di questo massacro di migliaia di persone in febbraio, a Tripoli e nell’Est? No. I bombardamenti dell’aviazione libica su tre quartieri di Tripoli? Nessun testimone. Nessun segno di distruzione: i satelliti militari russi che hanno monitorato la situazione fin dall’inizio non hanno rilevato nulla (http://rt.com/news/airstrikes-libya-russian-military/). E la “fossa comune” in riva al mare? E’ il cimitero (con fosse individuali!) di Sidi Hamed, dove lo scorso agosto si è svolta una normale opera di spostamento dei resti (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPej4Ur_tz0). E le stragi ordinate da Gheddafi nell’Est della Libia subito in febbraio? Niente: ma possibile che sul posto nessuno avesse un telefonino per fotografare e filmare?      L’esperto camerunese di geopolitica Jean-Paul Pougala (docente a Ginevra) fa anche notare che per ricoverare i 55 mila feriti non sarebbero bastati gli ospedali di tutta l’Africa, dove solo un decimo dei posti letto è riservato alle emergenze (http://mondialisation.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=24960). 
Ragazzi libici sfollati da Misurata.
L’opera di demonizzazione del nemico, già suggerita con successo dall’agenzia Wirthlin Group agli Usa per la guerra contro l’Iraq, è riuscita ottimamente nel caso della Libia. “Gheddafi usa mercenari neri”. I soldati libici sono sempre definiti “mercenari”, “miliziani”, “cecchini”. In particolare i media sottolineano la presenza, fra i combattenti pro-governativi, di cittadini non libici del Continente Nero; i ribelli a riprova ne fotografano svariati cadaveri. Ma moltissimi libici delle tribù del Sud sono di pelle nera.      “I mercenari, i miliziani e i cecchini di Gheddafi violentano con il Viagra”.  Il governo libico imbottirebbe di viagra i soldati dando loro via libera a stupri di massa, è stata l’accusa della rappresentante Usa all’Onu Susan Rice. Ma Fred Abrahams, dell’organizzazione internazionale Human Rights Watch, afferma che ci sono alcuni casi credibili di aggressioni sessuali (del resto il Governo libico e alcuni migranti muovono le stesse accuse ai ribelli) ma non vi è la prova che si tratti di un ordine sistematico da parte del regime. Ugualmente fondata solo su contradditorie testimonianze (e riportata solo da un giornale scandalistico inglese (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1380364/Libya-Gaddafis-troops-rape-children-young-eight.html) l’accusa di sterminio di intere famiglie e di violenze su bambini di otto anni.      “Gheddafi ha usato le bombe a grappolo a Misurata”.  Sottomunizioni dei micidiali ordigni Mat-129 sono stati trovati nella città da organizzazioni non governative e dal New York Times.  Tuttavia,secondo una ricerca di Human Rights Investigation (Hri) riportata da vari siti (http://www.uruknet.de/?l=e&p=-6&hd=0&size=1) potrebbero essere stati sparati dalle navi della Nato.      “Strage di civili a Misurata”. Negli scontri fra lealisti e ribelli armati sono certo morti decine o centinaia di civili, presi in mezzo. Ma ognuna delle due parti rivolge all’altra accuse di stragi e atrocità.
Un soldato dell'esercito regolare libico, ferito, con il figlio a Zliten.
     Decine di migliaia di vittime civili…effetti collaterali dei “missilamenti” Nato. Oltre alle centinaia di morti civili nei bombardamenti aerei iniziati in marzo (oltre 700, secondo il Governo libico), e a centinaia di feriti tuttora ricoverati negli ospedali, la guerra ha provocato oltre 750 mila fra sfollati e rifugiati: dati forniti da Valerie Amos dell’Ufficio umanitario delle Nazioni Unite, ma risalente al 13 maggio. Si tratta di cittadini libici trasferitisi in altre parti del Paese e soprattutto di moltissimi migranti rimasti senza lavoro e timorosi di violenze (solo nel poverissimo Niger sono tornati oltre 66 mila cittadini: (http://www.mondialisation.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=24959).Oltre 1.500 migranti sarebbero già morti nel mar Mediterraneo dall’inizio dell’anno.        Atrocità commesse ai danni di neri e migranti. Secondo le denunce di Governi africani, di migranti neri in Libia, e le testimonianze raccolte da organizzazioni umanitarie come la Fédération internationale des droits de l’homme – Fidh (www.lexpress.fr/actualite/monde/libye-des-exactions-anti-noirs-dans-les-zones-rebelles_994554.html), nell’Est libico – controllato dai ribelli - innocenti lavoratori migranti sono stati accusatidi essere “mercenari di Gheddafi”e linciati, torturati, uccisi o comunque fatti oggetto di atti di razzismo e furti. I ribelli, come proverebbero diversi video, hanno giustiziato e seviziato soldati libici in particolare neri (http://fortresseurope.blogspot.com/search/label/Rivoluzionari%20e%20razzisti%3F%20I%20video). La comunità internazionale ha finora ignorato queste denunce.      Fatte cadere tutte le proposte negoziali. Fin dall’inizio della guerra civile libica, sono state avanzate diverse proposte negoziali, prima da Governi latinoamericani e poi dall’Unione Africana (Ua), che prevedevano il cessate il fuoco ed elezioni a breve termine.  Sono state tutte ignorate dalla Nato e dai ribelli.
Preso da: http://www.famigliacristiana.it/articolo/libia_140611115251.aspx
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