#Javier Yubero
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aurreramutilak · 4 years ago
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1992.09.30 UEFA Cup 1992–1993 / 1/32 J2 Real Sociedad 2 – 0 Vitória SC
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unpensadoranonimo · 5 years ago
Opiniones sobre economía (10/4/2020)
Ahora que la realidad supera a la ciencia ficción - Benjamín Prado
El coronavirus es solo la primera crisis. Estas son las cuatro que la seguirán - Fareed Zakaria
El drama de una Europa insolidaria - Beatriz Yubero
La pandemia del coronavirus transformará para siempre el orden mundial - Henry A. Kissinger
No es la economía, estúpido, es la vida - José Sanclemente
Por qué los trabajadores esenciales son los que menos cobran - Javier Fumero
Radiografía de un oligopolio: tres países se reparten el mercado de la salud pública - Carlos Sánchez
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architectnews · 4 years ago
Tile of Spain award winners 2020
2020 Tile of Spain Awards, Architecture-Interior Design Prize, Buildings, Images
Tile of Spain award winners 2020
International Architectural Prizes – Building & Architect News
15 Dec 2020
2020 Tile of Spain Awards
Tile of Spain announces the prize-winners of its prestigious awards, celebrating the creative use of ceramics in architecture and design
The Tile of Spain awards promote the innovative use of Spanish ceramics in interior design and architecture both in Spain and abroad. Now in its 19th edition, the competition is organised by ASCER, the Spanish ceramic tile manufacturers’ association. The annual awards are regarded as a major global event in the industry, earning its winners a highly respected accolade.
First prize in the Architecture category, with a cash award of 17,000 Euros, goes to Mesura Architects’ Studio for Casa Ter, a detached home in the La Bisbal area of Catalonia. The jury highlighted the versatile use given to one single material in positions and functions of all kinds. They also praised the reinterpretation of a traditional material in a home that revitalised the landscape and its surroundings.
The winner of the Interior Design category, also receiving a cash prize of 17,000 Euros, is Arantxa Manrique Arquitectes for the Atlantis Gastrobar in Barcelona. The judges applauded how ceramic was used as a star feature of the whole project. They admired the refreshing, timeless appeal of the setting, which utilised tiles to create impact in a small space.
The award for the Final Degree Project, a category for architecture students with a prize of 5,000 Euros, goes to Andrea Puebla Yubero from CEU San Pablo University in Madrid. This proposal is for a centre for unaccompanied under-age immigrants. The jury was impressed by the invention of a new form of impluvium, going one step beyond traditional Mediterranean impluvium courtyard homes. They noted how ceramic materials are an intrinsic part of this project and a fundamental factor in its expressive capacity.
In addition to the first prizes, the judges awarded two special mentions in each category. For innovation in architecture, the Young Old House by Enrique Espinosa and Lys Villalba stood out for its bold new use of ceramic materials on a local, rural building. Also honoured was Runnymede College Campus by Rojo / Fernández-Shaw for mixing tiles sympathetically with more industrial materials.
In the interior design category, La Roca’s Camper store by Tomás Alonso caught the judging panel’s eye for its intriguing volumetric effect. A special mention also went to the project ‘Six homes in Cabrera de Mar’ by TWOBO Arquitectura for harmonising indoor and outdoor space.
The jury met online to make its deliberations and included Javier Villar Ruiz (of KKAA), Daria de Seta (Garcés-de Seta-Bonet Arquitectes), Jordi Ayala-Bril (Arquitectura-G), Izaskun Chinchilla and Lázaro Rosa-Violán on its panel.
The awards were sponsored by ICEX, Endesa and the Valencia Port Authority.
Tile of Spain is the voice of the Spanish tile industry, representing more than 125 tile manufacturers. For details of this and previous years’ awards, visit www.tileofspainawards.com
Winners of the 2020 Tile of Spain Awards images / information received 151220
Location: Spain
Spanish Architecture
European Architecture
Architecture Awards
Tile of Spain Event, London
Contemporary Interiors
European Copper Architecture Awards
Stirling Prize
Architecture in Spain
Museo de al Memoria de Andalucía, Granada, southern Spain Design: Alberto Campo Baeza photo : Javier Callejas Museo de al Memoria de Andalucía
Merida Factory Youth Movement, western Spain Jose Selgas, Lucia Cano, architects image from selgascano Merida Youth Factory
Centro Niemeyer, Avilés Oscar Niemeyer architect photo : Ángel Navarrete Centro Niemeyer
Spanish Architect
Pritzker Prize Architects
Comments / photos for the Winners of the 2020 Tile of Spain Awards page welcome
The post Tile of Spain award winners 2020 appeared first on e-architect.
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architectnews · 5 years ago
Lima Convention Centre: LCC Peru
Lima Convention Centre Peru, LCC Building, Peruvian Architecture
Lima Convention Centre (LCC)
2 August 2020
Lima Convention Centre Building
Design: IDOM
Location: Lima, Peru, South America
Lima Convention Centre Building – LCC
Cliente Constructora OAS, Sucursal del Perú
Área 86.000 m² Fecha 2015-16
The project and construction of the Lima Convention Centre (LCC) is contextualized by the agreement between the Peruvian State and the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to hold in Lima the 2015 Board of Governors. The Peruvian State saw this event as an opportunity to extend and improve the congressional infrastructure available in the capital of Peru.
Strategically located in the Cultural Centre of the Nation (CCN) – next to the National Museum, the Ministry of Education, the new headquarters of the National Bank or the Huaca San Borja – the design of the LCC was to satisfy four strategic objectives: being a cultural and economic motor for the country, representing a meeting place at the heart of the city enrooted in the collective Peruvian culture, turning into a unique, flexible and technologically advanced architectonic landmark and finally, triggering the urban transformation of the CNN and its surroundings.
The near 15,000 m2 of net area correspond to the 18 multipurpose convention halls, their sizes and proportions varying from 3,500 m2 to 100 m2, which allow for up to 10,000 people to attend simultaneous events. The rest of the programme is completed by four underground car-park floors as well as several uses above ground that complement the conference rooms. These would include areas for translation and general management of the centre, stockrooms and toilets, workshops and areas for maintenance and material distribution, kitchens and dining areas, exhibition halls, cafeterias and relaxation areas. This all generates a total built up area of 86,000 m2.
Its strategic location grants the LCC the possibility of becoming an urban landmark, thanks to its community-building capacity. Both the general implantation and the disposition of entrances and programme allow for the people of Lima to make almost the entire facility theirs with a certain degree of liberty, particularly the ground floor. In this way, the project contributes to enhance and unify the urban area of the CCN, revitalizing the current Comercio Street – natural link with the underground – and reinforcing its pedestrian and civic character, which in the near future will be baptized Culture Boulevard.
The general volume is organized into three time-physical strata clearly differentiated, symbolically related to the country’s history, time and memory:
– The present is represented by the great internal void – Nation Rooms – which harbours the two transformable rooms of about 1,800 m2, one of which can open up entirely to the city by clearing its perimeter of the acoustics panels that make it up, generating a sheltered urban plaza over 2,500 m2.
– The past, the heart of the project, is an outdoor area inspired by a great huaca – Lima Lounge – generated naturally by the disposition and the difference in height of the convention halls.
– The future is a great vitreous volume – International Room of Nations. It’s a highly technical conventions facility which invites the rest of the world to come to Peru for its entrepreneurial capacity and its promising future.
Both the construction methods and the materials used on the different elevations of the building – glass, GRC panels and metal-sheet – have been conceived to blend in with their immediate urban surroundings, establishing a link in terms of appearance with the buildings that make up the CCN.
The layout of the rooms is in line with both the proportions derived from the acoustic and visual conditions and the relation between these and the public distribution spaces and the disposition of these and the terraces that overlook the city. The 1/3 ratio between the net area of the convention halls and the public circulation area – not including terraces – guarantees the correct functioning of the building. The generous proportion between the area of each room and the number of people attending the venue – 1.5 m2 per person – ensures more than enough space to put in each room both the seats and the usual coffee-break and relaxation areas.
Internal flow patterns have been structured as two independent systems, according to the different requirements regarding access and evacuation speeds. A central set of escalators and lifts offer quick access to all levels. On the other hand, staircases – totally independent from the escalators system – go through the different interior and exterior areas of the building, allowing for the contemplation of Lima from varying heights from all the building’s façades.
The operative and functional flexibility are keys to the comprehensive design of the LCC and are orientated towards maximizing the economic and social success of the project. Nearly all rooms can be extended or reduced thanks to the acoustic panels that limit them, making it possible to have several spatial distributions.
Technically, the mandatory condition by which the great 5,400 m2 room, with capacity for 3,500 people, was to be free from pillars – along with the seismic inconvenience of using propped up structures –, turns the conceptual and structural proposal into a challenge, since it implies putting the great room on the last level. Placing a sheltered volume the size of a football pitch at a height of over 30 m is a challenge to both the structural approach and the building’s internal mobility – access and evacuation.
This condition in turn generates a 9,000 m2 flat roof which will literally be a fifth façade for the people in the National Bank – over 100 m tall – as well as for whoever might be in the high-rise buildings that might be erected in the future. This façade condition of the roof, along with the will to simplify the routes of the HVAC ducts, have determined the position of the HVAC machinery on the East elevation. It is left to the building envelope to solve its image.
Lima Convention Centre – Building Information
Cliente: Constructora OAS, Sucursal del Perú Área: 86.000 m² Fecha: 2015-16
Constructora-Cliente /Construction Company-Client CONSTRUTORA OAS SA SUCURSAL DEL PERÚ.
Estudio / Office IDOM
Arquitectos responsables / Lead Architects Tono Fernández Usón, César Azcárate, Javier Álvarez de Tomás
Gestión del Proyecto / Project Management Javier Álvarez de Tomás
Arquitectos / Architects María Cortés Monforte, Jorge Rodríguez, Alejandra Muelas, Enrique Alonso, Adrián Jabonero, Roberto Moraga, Armide González, Nazaret Gutiérrez, María Amparo González, Lucía Chamorro, Jesús Barranco, Magdalena Ostornol, DESSIN-TECHNISCH, Borja Gómez, Pablo Viña, Luis Valverde
Coordinación equipo Lima Team Coordinator Lima Miguel de Diego
Coordinación equipo Madrid / Team Coordinator Madrid Alejandro Puerta, Carmen Camarmo,
Estructuras/ Structures Alejandro Bernabéu, Javier Gómez, Mónica Latorre
Climatización / HVAC Engineering Antonio Villanueva, Ramón Gutiérrez, Mariano Traver, Celia Monge (SOLVENTA)
Luz / Lighting Noemi Barbero
Agua / Public Health Engineering Ramón Gutiérrez, Mariano Traver, Javier Martínez (SOLVENTA)
Electricidad / Electrical engineering José Antonio Yubero, Luis Martín, Carlos Jiménez, José Manuel Jorge, Javier Martínez (SOLVENTA)
Telecomunicaciones / ICT Engineering José Antonio Yubero, José Manuel Jorge, Carlos Jiménez, Luis Martín, Javier Martínez (SOLVENTA)
Acústica / Acoustics Mario Torices
Técnicos / CAD Óscar Martín Corpa, Carlos Mendoza, Alexander Chic, Sergio Lozana
Administrativos / Administration Banesa Marrero Castro
Fotografía / Photographs Aitor Ortiz
Lima Convention Centre: LCC Peru images / information from IDOM
Location: Lima, Peru, South America
New Peru Architecture
Contemporary Peru Architecture
Peruvian Architecture Designs – chronological list
Casa Lapa, Pucusana, Lima, Perú Design: Arq. Martin Dulanto Sangalli photo : Juan Solano Casa Lapa in Lima
The Panda House, Cañete Design: Da-Lab Arquitectos photograph : Renzo Rebagliati “RENZINO” The Panda House in Cañete
Lima Architects – architecture studios contact details listings on e-architect
Peru Architecture
New Peruvian Houses
Lima Buildings
South American Architecture
Argentina Buildings
Comments / photos for the Lima Convention Centre: LCC Peru page welcome
The post Lima Convention Centre: LCC Peru appeared first on e-architect.
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