#Jasper is very goody two shoes coded so he would have concerns if he heard about what went down at Aguefort at all
whoblewboobear · 3 months
In my fic, Jace really is a mix of eldest and youngest sibling while still firmly being the middle child of his family. He loves his older brother and little sister so much and admires them for all that they are but god damn do they stress him tf out too.
Jace Family ramblings under the cut
Jasper is the wizard that Jace always wanted to be and looks up to. He’s well-read, confident, worldly, and unfortunately the black sheep of the family because his magic never came innately to him like Jace’s did.
When Jasper was 18 and Jace was 16, he immediately left on what pretty much became a life long adventure with his party. They haven’t see each other in person since then. It’s been give or take 30-ish years.
They talk on their crystals whenever Jasper is somewhere that has service but it can go months or longer before Jace hears back. When they do talk it’s like they never stopped.
Jasper and his partner, Melanie, are married and still actively adventuring with their same party. They want kids, but they also don’t wanna put down roots quite yet. Jace misses him a ton but part of him is still upset he never came back for their dad’s funeral. Jace had to put his life on pause to make the funeral and end of life arrangements for their dad on his own. He had to grieve on his own as well.
They didn’t have crystals when it happened but Jace did manage to get the message out there, Jasper just didn’t respond. He did bring it up much later, well after their dad was in the ground. It still doesn’t sit right with Jace, but he loves his brother.
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Talariel is about half Jace’s age and an absolute whirlwind. After their mother divorced Jace’s bio dad, she remarried and they eventually had Tala. She’s high-elven like their mother and Jace’s stepdad so she has all the usual FH high elf quirks to her and then some to account for the general weird vibe nepo babies tend to have.
During college she lived with Jace for a couple years in his shitty downtown apartment. By the time she moved out she surprised him with the keys to a new place closer to Aguefort (fully furnished in the way Jace would love with just a few unfurnished rooms for him to get creative with.)
She may be a sorcerer, but she’s a rogue and a bard at heart (idk if the multi-class math works out and I’m not gonna check okay, she has poetry and sneakery in her heart!)
If there’s gossip that needs to be found out or secrets to uncover she’ll find them. So when she hears about Aguefort being the epicenter of an apocalypse- ‘the gross little degenerate school’ her brother teaches at, she has to know more and lo and behold her dear brother is involved. She immediately gives him shit for it over text. It’s all in good fun until she realizes something is very wrong.
When Jace tells her he was killed, she plays it off for him, but it doesn’t sit well with her. If she ever meets Porter, it won’t end well for him. She may be eccentric, but she is deadly. Maybe a lil evil too 🤷🏾 she has a long life ahead of her and if there’s something she wants to do, she’ll do it if it’s fun.
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Jasper and Talariel Stardiamond y’all will always be famous to me~
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