#Jason is blind AF
shattered-glasswork · 8 months
Octavian HeadCannons
just some head cannons about my favorite boi
Used to act like a big brother to Jason and Rayna
Favorite ice cream is sherbet cuz he likes the colors
Hates his gift of prophecy and views it as a curse
Listens to Nirvana
Becomes emotionally attached to anyone who shows him the smallest bit of kindness
Bought Jason glasses because he's the only one who knows that he couldn't see (and then they got broken)
Trans F/M
Has homophobic parents
Loves novels from the villains pov.
Awkwardly tall (like 7 ft exactly)
Will only eat with plastic utensils (if he eats) 😅
Dating Mike Kahale
Had a narcissistic mother and an absent father
would refuse sleep for as long as he physically could because he felt like he deserved it
He can shape shift into a desert fox (he's a legacy of so many gods it would not be surprising)
Did gymnastics as a kid but had to quit when he was sent to the legion
Got tired of being ignored by the legion so he became a spy for the Titan army
His love language is giving gifts
He has sh scars all over his arms and when he lights up the temple with thunder you can see them pretty clearly
Him and Bryce lawrence (the guy Nico killed) were cousins
Good friends with alabaster
Sometimes uses himself for auguries, but nobody knows about it, except Jason, but he disappeared right before he was about to tell Reyna and then forgot everything
Michael lended him a hoodie so he could take his binder off because the dumbass wouldn't take it off and it was hurting him (he never got it back)
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tedllasso · 1 year
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producer Jason is 🥵 af. 
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candysweetposts · 5 months
Possible backstories for Jason (with ep 1&2 knowledge)
Let's see if any of these come true
His parents are rich af and that's a problem
Because of their status, his parents had high expectations of him and pushed him to excel in everything comparing him with every one of their friends' children. This led either to:
him distancing himself from his parents and starting his own company, proving he's better without them.
he inherited the company from his parents, but still resends them by becoming a troublemaker, making sure they "pay" for how he was treated.
2. His parents are still rich af but the problem lies elsewhere.
In this scenario, his parents are generally good, but:
he either has an older sibling/relative who is looking down on him or he was bullied. These could lead to him having a sort of complex and perpetuating what he went through to others, i.e. looking down on others and bullying his employees. At the same time, he hates personal discussions and hardly expresses his inner thoughts, basically "wearing a mask" to succeed.
at the same time, he could've been too spoiled as a kid and developed this complex where everyone should serve him and he's the center of the universe, being blinded by money and status.
3. He comes from a normal family or even a poor family
Here, it starts with his dream of overcoming his condition/ wanting more from life and reaching the top. So he works hard and studies a lot and luckily starts his own company because of his vision. He becomes arrogant but doesn't forget where he came from/ still wants more, becoming a basic rich guy.
These are what I could think of based of how I interpreted him in my mind. We can easily combine some of these and make new ones.
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teecupangel · 1 year
*Jumps through the window with a tea in hand* OK.. ok ok! I just read Desmond as Talia brother and now..... Desmond and Bruce! That's it! You will not tell me that Bruce looked at our crazy assassin and didn't have some sort of awakening! That's it! *puts the tea on the table and leaves through the sealing*
Here’s the Desmond is Talia’s twin brother idea for those curious.
Oh man, this could totally be part of the Desmond is Talia’s twin brother AU and Desmond is Bruce’s bisexual awakening. Hell, he might even try to shake it off and keep pushing the idea that he isn’t attracted to Desmond, he’s attracted to Talia and Desmond looks like Talia (it would be super funny if they were twins but Desmond still looks like Desmond and does not look that similar to Talia at all).
Talia noticed it, of course, and it’s just one more rivalry she has with her brother (which she’s winning!). Desmond isn’t blind, of course. He noticed that Bruce likes ‘like’ him but he ignores it because what else was he supposed to do in this situation? He has no interest in Bruce other than to see just how he would ‘grow up’ under the tutelage of the League of Assassins.
He became Batman.
And Desmond wasn’t going to lie. He found Batman hot in so many ways that really just showed just how fucked up the way he was raised… twice.
But Batman also annoys the hell out of him, most especially because of his no killing code so…
Desmond’s relationship with Bruce: Desmond is the kindest of the League members Bruce trained with and they have some kind of friendship.
Desmond’s relationship with Batman: Strained af. Reluctant allies most of the time but Batman spend most of his time trying to stop Desmond from killing a criminal. This usually ends in some kind of debate between them about just how much suffering and death a person needs to do for Batman to finally see they’re beyond saving and it even goes as far as Batman challenging the three tenets of Desmond’s Creed (which is slowly making its way to the League). Jokes on him because he still has the Bleeds’ memories of questioning the Creed and its tenets so Desmond doesn’t mind.
Of course, this does turn into some sort of weird love… tripod with Bruce in the middle and Talia, Desmond and Catwoman.
You know what would be funny? If Desmond doesn’t want to be part of any romantic entanglement and he knows his attraction to both Bruce (emotional) and Batman (physical) is dangerous but being Talia’s brother means he has the obligation not to suppport their relationship so he could annoy Talia so he goes “I ship Batman with Catwoman” even when he doesn’t really care.
Catwoman, on the other hand, finds Batman’s ‘romantic’ entanglement with the twins funny and ships Batman with Desmond because Desmond is nice to her (as one of the few rogue galleries that aren’t exactly in need of being assassinated. Plus,, she sees Desmond’s magpie tendencies as a kind of kinship with him).
Talia ships herself with Batman, of course, and the fact that there seemed to be some attraction between Batman and her brother is… more or less giving her complicated feelings.
Among the BatFamily, Jason is absolutely shipping Desmond with Bruce/Batman. Damien is torn between wanting his parents to find some common ground (and maybe more) and by the fact that he wants his uncle to be happy. The others want no part of it and just want to see the drama unfold while being worried about the damage it’ll have on Bruce if it does unfold.
Cass is raised by Desmond in this one so she may or may not be part of the Batfamily. Regardless, she would want her baba to be happy but… does it really have to be Batman?
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piperscharm · 10 months
Okay so, I’ma be real. I was kinda disappointed when they got together. I thought we were gonna have “Not Every Boy/Girl relationship is Romantic” representation. But as I read more of their relationship after that, I learned to love their relationship, because its not ALL romantic. They still have that same close friendship they did before they got together and I love that. Their 5 book build up was absolutely awesome tho tbh. Love a slowburn. They are genuinely cute, silly and fun. They are the old married couple at camp teaching the campers cool stuff together. They really compliment each other. Something so personal and perfect about their relationship is that they are both different kinda of smart. Percy is street smart and Annabeth is academically smart. Also, they are both strategic in their own ways and are strong af. The fact that they are basically each other and healing the other while healing themself is precious to me. They are both insecure and feeling lonely in a demigod world, but they found and completed each other.
Yeah, no. Super forced, and not stable. Piper is loving someone who she doesn’t even know, hence her having false memories of him. Jason doesn’t even know her and instantly fell in love. Personally, I’m not a believer in love at first sight. You have to get to know the person to truly love them for all they are. Piper is insecure and a girlboss and this relationship is keeping her alive in HoO, because she is so angry at the world. She’s living off Jason practically and thats not healthy for either of them. Jason is progressively learning about her, but it’s so middle school relationship stuff. Its really shallow love and Piper needs more than that as a child of Aphrodite. Jason needs that too because that’s just how he is but they’re relationship is built of the stress and desperation of war. So yeah. Sorry if this isn’t accurate, I haven’t read HoO in a bit and I’m not good with characters lol.
They’re cute tbh. Age gap is a little scary, but I read something proving that they’re closer in age if you look closely. Anyways, I really like these two. They were crushing on each other before war and were really the only ones there for each other before Percy came to save the day for the Fifth Cohort. They literally had a normal crush on each other, like Percabeth but they didn’t do anything super dangerous together that brought them closer I’m guessing. Their quest with Percy brought out parts of Hazel and Frank that they needed to learn about in order to pursue a healthy relationship. They learned of each other’s pasts. On the Argo II, Frank being jealous of Leo is so cute honestly. Hazel comforting him for it too is awesome and its a cool dynamic. They are just a cool, calm, awesome power couple. They are super powerful and it was so cool to see them discover themselves together and loving each other for it. And interracial representation?? Hello?? Awesome rep, I think. Their cultural differences didn’t stop them and that’s so good for them.
No. Just, hell no. It’s a relationship sculpted of desperation. Calypso being nice to him all of a sudden on the beach was uncalled for. Enemies to lovers can NEVER be rushed. They were super rushed. Both of them are desperate too. Calypso was desperate to get off her island and Leo was desperate for a partner after seeing everyone else have one. That is not healthy ‼️‼️ Also, Calypso is mean to Leo?!?! Calypso is bossy and kinda sorta rude to him. Like, hello??!? Leo is a little blinded by the desperation of love to realize this. If they really wanna make it work, get couples counseling from Percabeth, they are by far the healthiest couple. Caleo was def something Rick pulled outta his ass.
Solangelo is my biggest ship, I love them, but I do have some opinions fs. First of all, they are beautiful in theory. I love thinking of what they could’ve been. Yeah the canon’s cool, but Rick doesn’t know how to write gay characters. So most their content is different from the straight couple until TSATS. TSATS was much better writing. Rick had helped from a queer author so they acted like any other couple once again. Second, I love their simplicity. Like, they saw each other in war, thought the other was cute and was like “oh what the the heck?” and eventually got together after the war showing it was not desperation but real. Honestly, I think it started out as a crush then some shallow dating, but after being through the Tower of Nero and that whole thing, it started to get more real. In TSATS, we see them get a deeper connection. They’re whole little shallow crush thing is getting deeper and that dynamic is awesome. Also, they complement each other, and they’re dynamics are awesome. But I really love that they teach each other things. Like Will teaching Nico to embrace his light but to not forget his darkness. Nico teaching Will to embrace his darkness but not to forget his light. They are learning to be healthy and how to do this relationship stuff. I could go on forever about them and not be done so I’ll stop here.
I think that’s all, so yeah!!! I would love to hear agree/disagreements btw :)
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lemonking00 · 2 years
Dumb Headcanons with LK!
I have a headache and feel like shit but whatever. 
Today Imma go off about Jason Todd
Okay so we know this man has enough trauma that if it spilled into the ocean you could drink it and it would take like sad boy soup (please don’t drink the ocean). But I thought it be funny just to go off about some of the silly HCs i have about this man. There are some that are more not so funny haha, but I will put a TW before them so you can skip over. anyways, enjoy.
Everything is under the cut cuz this bitch long af
FtM Jason
I vibe with both cis and trans Jason but FtM Jay will always hold a special place in my soul. that being said, I feel like this boy either didn’t really have a chest (through hormone blockers or just genetically not having a big chest.) Or he had some of the biggest honkers known to man. 
If Jay has a small chest I feel like he keeps up with a very strict workout regiment so he doesn't develop fat in and around his chest area. Boy is so flat that he didn’t need to get top surgery (lucky bastard) so he has no defining scars. Tho I do think he feels like his chest doesn't look right sometimes and kinda freaks himself out.
If Jay has a big chest I don’t think it’s because Bruce is transphobic or anything, but because Jay either a) didn’t tell Bruce tell later on. Or b) Didn’t find out he was trans tell a few years after he hit puberty. Could also be a bit of both. Like Jay figures out he’s not a girl when he around 12 (So when he first meets Bruce) but doesn’t tell Bruce until one day Bruce asks why Jay always has some kind of tenser bandage around his chest (Jay’s around 13-14). Jason finally gives in and comes out to Bruce. Que getting a stern talking to from Alfred about the importance of binding properly and all that jazz. He gets on T as a gift for his 15th B-day. Kinda sucks cuz he dies not too long after. After he wakes up he’s very much so pissed about everything (Especially the fact that he still has tits) Anyway, a few months after being in life pt2 the electric boogalo he goes up to literary anyone he knows that can use a knife and not fuck up and asks them to yeet his teetes. So his scars are kind funky. Don’t get me wrong his chest looks great and is not misshapen in anyway, but the scars are kinda funky.
Jason Todd needs glasses
If seen some art and fanfics where he has reading glasses and it always makes my brain feel fuzzy/pos. But here me out, what if this boy just needs glasses. Like hes not blind af but its to a point that if he doesn't have contacts in everything is slightly fuzzy. his eyes were fine before the pit, but now they’re just slightly fucked. He usually has contacts in (cuz glasses don’t exactly fit under his helmet) but he does were his glasses when he isn’t on parole or is just chilling. makes for a good disguise though because not many people know he needs glasses.
Jay Hates the taste of blood (TW mentions of: Blood, Puking, The way Jay died, PTSD.)
Jay HATES when blood get’s in his mouth. If he get’s a nose bleed or a cut on or around his mouth he’ll do everything in his power to not get it in his mouth.
When he has blood in his mouth it makes him think about how he died cuz ya know he got boinked to death (He doesn’t always get flash backs from this but he does get very uncomfortable whenever he tastes blood.) There’s also a very good chance that he’ll just puke his guts out if the blood sits on his tongue for too long. If his on a mission or parole and has his helmet on he will rip it off to either spit out the blood or so he doesn’t puke in his helmet. 
He also can’t stand the taste of metal but it freaks him out slightly less because it cold and not warm.
Jason colour codes people (TW mentions of: Panic, jay’s death, maybe some PTSD)
I have no clue how to describe why i think he does this but Imma try. So basically when jay dies the last thing he remembers seeing is joker (obviously) but with that comes the fact that The Joker is very colourful. The green purple combo especially made him uncomfortable. so eventually he decided to colour code the people he knows so hopefully he’ll fell less shitty when seeing certain colours. (He either learnt this through a friend/family or from a therapist.)
Red: Tim Drake
Orange: Roy Harper
Yellow: Duke Thomas
Green: Damian Wayne
Blue: Dick Grayson
Purple: Kori (Koriand'r)
Black: Bruce Wayne
White: Alfred Pennyworth
Gray: Bizarro
Green and purple combo still make Jay feel uneasy but he’s a lot better now that he does this.
That’s all I can think of rn but i may add more at a later date. If you wanna share your HCs with me I’d love to read them!! That’s all for now until next time!!
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celticcrossanon · 3 years
BRF Reading - 27th of September 2021
This is speculation only
Cards drawn 23rd September 2021
Question: How is Her Majesty the Queen?
Note: This reading was done before the NYC pseudo-royal 'tour'.
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Interpretation: She is at the end of a cycle, reviewing her life, and stressed about current and future situations within the monarchy.
Card One: The World. This is one of two major arcana cards in the reading, and a dominant energy of the reading. The world card is about being at the end of a cycle, looking back to review the work done to reach this place, and taking time to celebrate before you step into the future. This is what Her Majesty is doing.
Her Majesty is reviewing her entire life as a monarch, with all the successes and failures, and reflecting on everything she has learnt and done that has brought her to this point in time: on the verge of celebrating her platinum jubilee. She is taking a moment to review and reflect on the past before she moves into the future, starting with the celebrations next year. She knows that she no longer has 60, 40, or even 20 years ahead of her, and she is using this time to reflect on her life as Queen and to try and distil what she has learnt into advice that she can give to her successors.
Card Two: The Six of Wands. This is card about the success of a project and celebrating that success. It can be the success of a project or achieving an important milestone. The card shows Jason holding triumphantly aloft the goal of his quest, the golden fleece.
In this reading the Six of Wands is the Jubilee celebrations for next year, a milestone celebration for Her Majesty. The Queen is looking over the Jubilee plans and giving her input for the public celebration of her years as a monarch. The energy here is of an activity that is relaxing and relatively stress free, so I think she is enjoying the planning.
Card Three: The Seven of Wands. This is a card of conflict, and the cards before and after it show what the conflict is about - the Jubilee and Harry (the Hermit card). The Seven of Wands can be about holding your ground or your position against threats to it. The picture shows Jason and his followers fighting with the supporters of his usurper uncle.
This card shows conflict, and the conflict is between HMTQ and Prince Harry. It concerns the Jubilee celebrations. Her Majesty has taken a certain position on this - most likely concerning Harry's involvement - and is fighting to hold her ground against the supporters of Prince Harry/Prince Harry himself, who most likely wants a greater involvement (like Jason's usurper uncle wanted to keep ruling the kingdom, Prince Harry wants to have his old place in these celebrations).
Card Four: The Hermit. This is the second major arcana card of the reading, so it is the second strong energy of the reading. The card shows the god Kronus, also known as Saturn, who we see today in the figure of Father Time.
This card has two energies. The first, minor energy is that of a sun-sign Virgo, as the Hermit is the card of Virgo. Prince Harry is a sun-sign Virgo. This energy of Prince Harry is tied into the previous card of conflict.
The second and stronger energy of this card is that of being alone, as the Hermit is alone, and of age and approaching death, as per the figure of Kronus/Saturn/Father Time. Her Majesty knows that she is at the end of her life, and the celebrations for next year may very well be the last major celebrations of her reign. She feels alone, bereft of support, as Prince Philip is no longer with her, and she misses him. This energy is of age, the death of loved ones, and mourning for them. I feel that her parents and her sister are also in her thoughts. Her Majesty is the last one left of her family 'group' - her parents, sister, and husband have all gone before her, and this makes her sad. She would have liked at least one of them to be with her for her jubilee celebrations (realistically Philip or Margaret), but that was not to be.
Card Five: The Nine of Pentacles. This is the card of someone who has worked hard and who is contemplating the fruit of their labour. The card shows the craftsman Daedalus standing and contemplating the result of his lifetime of work - the golden pentacles at his feet.
This is what the Queen is doing - looking over her lifetime of work and contemplating her legacy, soon to be celebrated as her Platinum Jubilee. However, the Nine of Pentacles is also a card about being single, and Her Majesty is recently widowed. The energy here is threaded through with sadness and loss. In the midst of preparing for her jubilee, HMTQ feels the loss of her husband keenly. She is reminded that she is once again alone, without the man who has been the rock of her long reign, and she feels this keenly.
Underlying Energy One: The Four of Cups. The card shows Psyche sitting between her sisters, as they gossip with her about her marriage and her husband. The gossip makes Psyche discontented with her married life, as she never sees her husband and gossip says that he is a monster.
The Four of Cups is a card of emotional dissatisfaction. It can mean being disappointed in something, or feeling disillusioned with life in general. In this deck, the suggestion is that those feelings arise from listening to gossip. It can also be a time when you are reevaluating things internally, and not taking any new opportunities because you want to be sure within yourself that they are the right thing to do before you pursue them.
This is how HMTQ is feeling underneath it all. She is aware of gossip, which here is coming across as public opinion/what people are saying, and it is bothering her. She is dissatisfied with how things are going or how they have turned out. She is rethinking or reevaluating her decisions as she is no longer sure that they are correct, and she doesn't want to proceed any further along a set path until she has worked out the right thing to do.
Underlying Energy Two: The Eight of Swords. This card shows Orestes trapped in a semi-circle of swords. On one side are the Furies, beings that torment him for murdering his mother, and on the other side is the god Apollo, who laid on Orestes the task of murdering his mother to avenge his father.
The Eight of Swords is a card of feeling very stressed and trapped, but that feeling is only in your mind. If you look at the situation carefully, there is a way out, as Orestes could walk backwards out of the semi circle of swords and run away from the Furies, but usually the person can't see the way out of the situation.
With respect to the dissatisfaction in the Four of Cups, HMTQ feels trapped and extremely stressed. She knows that the situation is causing people to feel very upset and vindictive (the Furies), and that this anger is directed at the BRF (the god Apollo). She can not see a way out of the situation, and that is the cause of her stress. The way out is likely to involve going backwards in a situation, and here the energy is of rescinding something that she has said, or taking back a gift that was made, and she does not want to do that as it is against her precepts of good behaviour, so she is blind to that solution as it is something that one just does not do in her eyes. The situation most likely involves someone or someones who HMTQ sees as trapped by their behaviour (as Orestes is trapped in the semi circle of swords), and she is unable to influence them into better behaviour (Apollo is looking very stern but Orestes is so stressed that he is not listening to Apollo), and so the anger at their actions falls on the BRF as a whole as well as on that person or persons.
Underlying Energy Three: The Three of Wands. This card shows Jason standing on the shores of a river. he has lost a sandal, and by that sign is identified as the rightful king. The usurper king, his uncle Pelias, kneels before him and offers him the crown.
The Three of Wands is a card about initial success in a venture. A project has been started and so far things have turned out well. More opportunities are available to you, and they will enable you to expand your current venture, but you have to go looking for them and that may involve venturing out of your comfort zone.
In this deck, the Three of Wands is my card for the line of succession - the passing down of the crown to the next legal inheritor - and it is this energy that is coming through here. HMTQ is worried about the line of succession. It is not an energy of confidence, but one of concern. This could just be a mother worried about how her son will cope with the responsibilities of a new position, but the energy feels like more than this. HMTQ is worried about what sort of king Charles will be, and how his reign will affect the future of the BRF. She has genuine concern about his ability to be a ruler and not second in command. I'm not getting that she thinks he is unfit to rule, but rather that she thinks his judgement is questionable at times, and that she thinks that he may make decisions that will not be in the best interests of the country and those decisions will come back and damage the monarchy, to the detriment of the future heirs, William and George.
Underlying Energy Four: The King of Cups. This is the card of a water sign person, particularly a Scorpio, and here it stands for Prince Charles, who is a sun sign Scorpio. Taken with the card before it (the Three of Wands), this tells me that Her Majesty's concern with the line of succession is focused on Prince Charles in this case, and with the future of the monarchy as represented by her heir.
Major Arcana Cards: The World and the Hermit. Her Majesty is aware that she is at the end of a cycle, and she is reviewing her life as Queen and looking at the results of her life of service. She feels very alone as she does this.
Dominant Suit: Three of the nine cards are wands, the suit of PR and of creative energy. In this reading, wands are coming across as how the actions of individuals within the line of succession are affecting the stability of the monarchy through their affect on the public perception of the monarchy, both now and in the future.
Conclusion: Her Majesty is at the end of a cycle, and she is looking back over her past in preparation for what is to come - the celebration of her Jubilee and, eventually, the end of her reign. She is enjoying planning the milestone celebration of her Jubilee, but with this comes conflicts with Prince Harry. She feels very alone and very single as she reviews her life's work and contemplates it from the perspective of being at the end of her reign. She is missing Prince Phillip very much in all of this. Underneath it all, she is dissatisfied, worried and stressed about the positions of various members of the family, and she is reviewing her actions with respect to those people. She also has concerns about Charles's judgement as future king and how that will affect the monarchy.
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teamfreewilllover · 2 years
My Stranger Things Predicitons
Max: Will be possessed by Vecna again, Eleven will try to save her but Max will go blind in the process
Lucas: Will watch Jason be possessed by Vecna and die, Erica will save him from also being possessed.
Eleven: Vecna will try to possess her but Mike will save her but die in the process, telling her he loves her before dying.
Will: Comes out to Jonathan and Mike, Jonathan is accepting but Mike freaks out and runs away.
Dustin: Is almost killed by the bats but is saved by Eddie who sacrifices himself
Steve: Saved from the bats from Robin who is mortally wounded/possibly dies.
Nancy: Saves herself from Vecna, and learns a way to stop him.
Jonathan: Is shot while trying to rescue/saves El, his fate isn’t revealed.
Murray: Sacrifices himself so Hopper and Joyce can escape, has epic last words.
Joyce/Hopper: Get together and leave Russia together.
Argyle: Lives, probably high af during all of this.
Dr Brenner: Dies, maybe commits suicide.
Billy: Remains dead, but Max’s see’s him in her mind again.
Upside Down opens up in the last five minutes, bats come through and start killing people. Last shot is Vecna coming back to Earth and it is left on a cliffhanger.
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Any thoughts on these predictions?
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limmastyles · 2 years
Why could Bex get into the restraining order as a protected person (like Jason and her kids) but not her alleged „bf“?! Like does no one find this fishy af?! How do harries and shippers explain this??
A very good question for those who believe in holivia. Thanks to this order, we have a lot of hard evidence that their relationship is fake, but many people are still blind
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elareine · 3 years
If you could, can you please write JayTim or RoyTim (whichever one you want) trying to be romantic and woo Tim (maybe with some puns, I love puns), but Tim is a bit oblivious towards it, because the other is so cool, therefore they must be trying to make friends and be nice with him and nothing more. So when he does finally realize its an italicized "Oh" moment.
Hi lovely!! Thank you for waiting so patiently for this fill. I... ended up making it JayRoyTim, I hope that's okay? It just fit so well, but I can totally write something else with JayTim or RoyTim for you if you want :)
Also, it turned out to be about pick-up lines more than wooing, sorry. I might’ve gone overboard with googling the puns. It's long enough that I put it on ao3, too. What's your username on there? Then I'll gift it to you.
if you were a transformer (you’d be optimus fine)
“Well, here I am.”
Tim looks up, utterly confused. “I didn’t call for you, but… that’s… great?”
Roy waggles his eyebrows. It looks faintly disturbing. Redheads should maybe not do that. Or, actually, Tim revises mentally, thinking of literally every other redhead Dick ever dated—that’s just Roy. “What are your other two wishes?”
“Coffee and some silence to finish working this case?”
Roy looks weirdly deflated at that, but he does get him some coffee. Tim soon forgets about it.
(“How’d it go?”
“Does obliviousness run in the family?”
“Yes. Yes it does. Have you met Bruce?”
“…okay, fair. Your turn next.”)
“Jason? What’re you doing here?”
Sure, Jason and Roy have been spending a lot more time in Gotham lately. Something to do with a case, Tim assumes. Maybe even with the one that they worked on together in Star City five months ago?
Anyway. They’ve been around, is what Tim is saying. Not at the manor, but at Tim’s apartment and his workspace, cause apparently it’s not worth rebuilding their safe house after it went up in flames, and Bruce and Damian are too often at Dick’s place. He’s not exactly surprised to see either of them anymore. (Pleased, yes. But not surprised.) However, Tim has no fucking clue why Jason is currently grinning at him from the other side of the library desk.
At least Tim has the good sense to check his name tag before he gasps: “Jason?”
“Oh, hey, Tim.” Jason’s grinning. “Guess you figured out my new job, huh?”
“Yeah.” Tim shakes his head. “Color me surprised.” So this is what Jason’s spending his days doing. He’s gotta be shadowing someone, right? Tim’ll ask him tonight.
“I’ve always liked this place.” Jason’s gaze is far away for a moment. Tim badly wants to know what he’s remembering. Then the older man seems to come back to himself and gives Tim a weird—maybe angry?—look. “It’s a good thing I’m a librarian, too, cause I’m totally checking you out.”
“Alright, I can take a hint.” Tim grabs his book and demonstratively walks over to the self-service scanners. Really. How rude.
(“Are you telling me he managed to resist you in your cardigan?”
“Aww. C’mere, babe.”)
So Roy blows things up all the time. No, really, Tim now totally understands why Dick was so happy when he heard the duo is camping out at Tim’s place for a change. His older brother even gave Tim a thumbs-up, for God’s sake. He must’ve known.
Cause yeah, there’s at least one explosion every two days. Or Roy dropping something cause he’s too focused on what he’s thinking to remember what his hands are doing. Or something dropping on him. Jason seems used to it; he just catches whatever it is or laughs at Roy. Tim… is starting to learn to do the same, actually. Whatever Roy comes up with at that moment is usually worth it, and besides, he’s kinda adorable.
Aaaaaaanyway. (He’s using that word a lot in his own thoughts right now. Almost as if he’s avoiding thinking about something. Hmm.) Tim’s not surprised when Roy walks into a room, stumbles, and slaps a hand over his eyes with a dramatic exclamation.
Tim, in shorts and not much else cause he got drenched in pollen earlier, just raises an eyebrow. “Alright, Roy?”
“Nope.” Roy’s hand is still covering his face, but Tim can still see his grin underneath. “I’m gonna need your name and phone number for insurance purposes.”
“Roy. You have both of these things,” Tim explains slowly, wondering if Roy sustained a brain injury or accidentally dosed himself on something. “And why insurance?”
“I was blinded by your beauty.”
God. Sometimes Tim wonders about the original Titans and their socialization for the two dudes if this is how they think making friends works. Then again, Kori, Donna, and Dick probably appreciated constant compliments about their beauty. It all makes sense. Roy must be so used to it that he even uses those same methods when someone unexceptional like Tim is around.
He smiles gamely. “I’m looking forward to hearing that phone call. Must be almost as great as the time Bruce tried to convince his insurance company that Clark dropping on his car wasn’t an act of God because God is demonstrably not a Kryptonian. Neither was the giant ape punching Clark out.”
Roy drops his hand at that. “…Batman did what?”
(“You were doing so well, too.”
“I knoooow. How much more obvious can we get?”
“I dunno, but I intend to try.”)
“Do you like Star Wars? Because Yoda only one for me!”
“Haha. No. Star Trek or die.” Tim’s answer is automatic. He’s had these discussions soooo many times with Kon before. Of course Jason also goes for the space cowboy soap opera.
Besides, Jason’s boyfriend is standing right next to him. He doesn’t mean to sound flirtatious with Tim. Or maybe he does, and it’s just good fun? Or maybe teasing him? Tim can’t figure it out, but he knows he doesn’t like the weird hollow feeling he gets in his stomach when he thinks about it, so he changes the topic.
And makes both of them sit down to watch some classic Captain Kirk, of course.
(“Should I be insulted by that pick up line?”
“Nah. There aren’t that many lines that imply a polycule, though.”
A kiss. “Alright.”)
One of the things Jason and Tim have in common is their predilection for motorbikes and fiddling around with them. Not that makes them unique in the batclan; Tim has never spent days quietly working side-by-side with Dick, though, the way he does with Jason. They started out with separate projects. Then Jason saw this vintage Ducati at an abandoned warehouse he was about to blow up and, well… Would be a shame, right? Tim just happens to have had one of these before—regrettably lost to one of Harley’s exploding baseball bats—so he offers his expertise.
It’s not because it means bending over the engine with Jason, closer than they ever are, their hands brushing when they hand each other instruments. It’s not.
Roy doesn’t join them. He’s too polite to say so, but he finds normal cars and bikes boring af. Doesn’t stop him from popping his head into the garage and whistling when he sees that they are shirtless and covered in grease. It’s a damn good look on Jason, so Tim can’t fault him for that.
Roy follows it up with a: “Are you a parking ticket? Cause you got fine written all over you.”
Tim can’t help it; he blushes at the suggestive tone. Those two never stop flirting with each other, do they? So far, he has managed to avoid stumbling over them while they’re making out (not that they’re making that easy—the kitchen? Really?), and he’d like to keep avoiding that, thank you very much. He’s already feeling guilty enough for his fantasies as it is.
“Uh. I should clean up,” he mumbles and flees.
“…do you think that was a rejection?”
“Nah. He was definitely checking me out before you came and fucked it up.”
“That’s saying something if you noticed it.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”)
So Tim has magically acquired cat ears and a very fluffy tail. Don’t ask. They’re gonna go away in eight hours, and until then, he’s gonna stay in the cave and work himself to distraction. Jason seems intent on keeping him company, though.
(It’s nice. Tim loves hanging out with Jason—that’s not the problem. The issue is that Tim is looking ridiculous, and Jason is being nice about it, and none of this is helping his stupid crush go away.)
They’re absently chatting about nothing until Jason says: “Kinda a pity you’re a cat, though.”
Tim looks up. Huh? Admittedly, he never pegged Jason as the type to go for catboys (though maybe… he did hang out with Kyle… perhaps it’s just that he definitely doesn’t go for Tims), but that’s still a weird pronouncement.
Jason is grinning. “If you were a chicken, you’d be impeccable.” He pauses. “Wait. Like even more than you already are. Uh.”
Tim sighs. Great. And now Jason is making fun of him again. “Whatever.”
(“A chicken?”
“Shut up. I panicked.” A sigh. “He was so cute with these ears.”
“…yeah, he was.”)
“You must be tired. You’ve been running through my mind all night.”
“I’m not tired,” Tim says automatically. Why does everyone keep asking him that tonight? Surely the shadows under his eyes can’t be that bad? He used concealer!
Something in Roy’s expression softens. “Aww. C’mere.” He pats the space on the couch next to him, and when Tim sits down, Roy pulls him half of on top of him and into a hug. “Relax for a bit, little bird.”
Tim sinks into the embrace, boneless all of a sudden. Roy just has that effect on him. Tim vaguely remembers thinking of him as his oldest brother’s cool friend and then Jason’s cool boyfriend, kind of a fuckboy but clearly good for Jay.
Now? Now, Roy just makes him feel safe.
(“So you spent the night on the couch just so he could sleep in your arms?”
“Yeah. Totally worth it.”
“I just wish we could do that with him every night. Bet he fits perfectly between us.”
A pause.
“We might have to up the ante or switch tactics.”)
They’re talking about their favorite books—Tim doesn’t read as much as Jason does, but they discovered a shared love of sci-fi weeks ago—when Tim says: “Actually, that book kinda reminds me of you.”
“Overly dramatic but good.”
Jason makes an offended noise, and Tim grins.
“I’m not sure which part I should argue about first.” Jason pretends to think.
Tim is always down to tell Jason that fuck his self-perception—Jason is a good man, one of the best Tim knows; that also feels too revealing right now. Instead, he gets up from their comfortable position on the couch and grabs the first stack on the table, carrying them over to the shelves to replace the gaps. “What kind of book would I be?”
“Babe, if you were words on a page, you’d be fine print.”
“Annoying and no one reads it?” Tim asks without turning around, trying to ignore the babe. That’s. That’s gotta be a slip of the tongue, right? Force of habit from spending so much time with Roy?
“No, fine,” and the emphasis is clear this time. Jason continues before Tim can reply: “Though if we’re talking books…”
Tim whirls around. “Save it. You don’t have to make fun of me just because I—“He swallows down the words.
Jason looks alarmed. “Tim—“
As if he can smell trouble, Roy chooses that moment to enter the room. Tim has barely heard him approach, Jesus. He doesn’t want to have this argument in front of Roy, though, so he just stands there in the middle of the room. Jason, too, has stopped speaking.
Roy, of course, takes one look at the awkwardness and decides to make it worse. Or more confusing.
“Did you just come out of the oven?” he asks.
“As this isn’t Hansel and Gretel, no, I didn’t.” Tim checks his shirt, just in case this is an actual conversation opener and not just a weird attempt at a distraction. “Do I have soot on me?”
“Nope.” Roy shakes his head, and he’s smiling that smile again, the one Tim is startled to recognize, the one he thought is reserved only for Jason— “Because you’re hot.”
And finally, Tim gets it. “Me?”
“Yes, Tim.” Roy’s moving in closer. “You.”
There’s a soft touch to Tim’s shoulder, and Tim whirls around, expecting Jason to be mad, cause his boyfriend is—is hitting on Tim, right, that’s what’s happening, Jason can’t be happy—
Jason is smiling down at him. His hand is still resting on Tim’s shoulder, but it slides down to his collar bone, a gentle presence as he murmurs: “You’re so beautiful that you made forget my pick up line.”
Oh. Oh.
Tim says the first thing he can think of: “Are you a raisin?”
Jason starts grinning. “I’m not even gonna qualify that with an answer.”
Tim smiles back. “Cause you’re raising my hopes for a kiss right about now.”
And he gets one. And then another, and then Roy joins in, kissing Tim’s neck and then his mouth and—Yeah.
They’re too busy for any more pick up lines right now.
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msookyspooky · 3 years
Jason Dean must be just haunting your Pinterest rn 😂😂 THE POWER IS TOO STRONG. WE UNLEASHED SOMETHING INHUMAN 😭 I was kinda joking, but I honestly wouldn't mind if JD was in it even tho I'd prefer an actual NORMAL love interest cause we all know Derek is.....sketchy 🤐 and I just want us to feel like a normal guy CAN love us 😣 Randy's the only other one 😥 I also just prefer the idea of it only being Scream centered buttt that's up for u to decide 👀 just wanted to let u know that no matter WHAT u decide to do we're gonna love it GUARANTEED ❤ don't feel pressured if you have other ideas that u feel are better.
Like idk, our bby Randy surviving and being the guy barking up our tree in 3 😩 he's such a sweetie even if realistically we all know which 2 clowns own our heart 🤡🤡 orrr creating your own character to try to vie for our attention. I feel like obv our trust issues will be even worse in 3 sooo it's safe to assume we're going to push away potential suitors anyway 😂 ch 14 revealed that we clearly recognize we really aren't over them too which destroyed us more 😭 so maybe there'll be NO suitors other than Billy and Stu? Who knows 🍵
Also can we just appreciate how GORGEOUS you are ❤ your makeup looks sooo pretty in your pic. I can barely apply eyeliner 😭
AWWWWWWWWWWWW 🥺💘 U are so freakin sweet ily!!!
(The make up is me just prying my eye open an inch from the mirror and hoping it looks even bc I am blind af but thank you!!!!)
Anyways, yeah. I think our trust issues will be WAY overwhelmed. Annnnddd ngl I am adding a guy that YN isn't into but he's into her and it has Billy and Stu freaking out lmfao. Just a taste of jealousy 🤌
Lol It damn well might be Jason because I just saw him on my tumblr stuff for you...I've only watched Heathers once I think you all did unleash something bc wth ☠ He is haunting me 🤣😭🥴
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malecsecretsanta · 4 years
Merry Christmas, antisocial-af!
Why did I even agree to this in the first place?
Alec wondered to himself as he checked his watch again for the tenth time in the last five minutes.
His date was late, exceedingly late in fact, and he was beginning to feel pathetic; the waitress had been giving him a look of pity for the last half an hour.
Alec had begrudgingly agreed to be set up on a blind date by his sister.  It had become the general consensus among his siblings that he needed to get out and finally meet somebody.
“You need to get laid big brother.” Isabelle had said with a smirk as Jace had laughed.
“She’s right man.” Jace had agreed wholeheartedly. “At the very least it’d lighten you up a bit.”
Alec had been incredulous.  “This is really none of your business and I don’t think—”
“I know someone!” Isabelle piped in suddenly with a grin.
“See!  Problem solved Alec.  We’ll get you laid soon enough.” Jace had said clapping Alec on his back.
Why he had eventually agreed to the blind date was anyone’s guess, even Alec himself was questioning it, especially since the guy had apparently decided not to show.
“That’s it.  I’m—”
“I am so sorry I’m late!”
Alec looked up startled.  In front of him was what had to be the most uniquely beautiful man he’d ever laid eyes on.  His hair was swept up in an elegantly wavy coif with blue highlights, his eyes were traced in black eyeliner with some kind of shimmery eyeshadow that helped bring out the beautiful bronze of the man’s eyes.  His lips were plump with a slight pink gloss to them, which Alec wanted nothing more than to kiss.
Alec shook his head and closed his eyes.
Get a hold of yourself Alec.
He took a deep breath and opened his eyes, finding his blind date looking at him with wide eyes.
“Look, you’re probably angry with me, which I totally get, but I have a very good excuse I swear—"
The man stopped rambling as Alec held up both his hands indicating that the other man should stop.
“You’re here now, which is all that matters, right?” Alec said straightening up and focusing his attention on his date.
The other man smiled softly at Alec and gently nodded his head.
“Right.  Let me formally introduce myself, I’m Magnus, Magnus Bane.”
The two men shook hands and neither one could keep the smiles off their faces.
“Wow, Isabelle really hit the nail on the head with you.” Alec couldn’t help but say, feeling himself blush as his own words hit his ears.
The other man, Magnus, was quiet for a moment, looked unsure before a Cheshire grin spread over his face.
“Can’t say I heard as much about you, but I don’t think words could do you justice Alexander.”
Alec paused a moment, his full name coming from the man in front of him causing a shiver to radiate up his spine.
I like that.
Alec chuckled and smiled back at the man who seemed like such a force of nature, all he wanted was to try and contain it just for himself.
So, the two men chatted and laughed and drank together for the next couple of hours.  The waitress who had previously been looking at Alec with pity was now looking on at him with envy.  It felt really good he had to admit to himself.
Magnus was an impressive man.  He owned his own night club (he’d been helped out with a loan by his grandmother), but he’d been the one to turn it into a successful venture.  He was also an artist; painting was his main forte, but he also enjoyed writing poetry every now and again.
“Maybe one day you could show me a piece of your work.” Alec had said nonchalantly.
Smirking Magnus had replied with, “Maybe one day I’ll let you see my piece.  I’ve been told it’s quite impressive.”
Alec had nearly choked on his food at that.
“I didn’t—That’s not—”
“Alexander, relax,” Magnus had said reaching forward and clasping his hand over Alec’s. “I’m just flirting with you, no need to get flustered, though I must admit you’re even more adorable now than you were ten minutes ago.”
“I’m sorry gentleman, but we’re closing in five minutes.”  It was their waitress who did have guilty look on her face.
Magnus swiped the check from her before Alec even had a chance.
“It’s on me my dear Alexander.  I was late after all.”
Alec couldn’t stop the stutter that made its way out of his mouth as he tried to protest, but it was a losing battle.  The man before him had bewitched him.  Everything about Magnus Bane left him feeling hungry for more.  His sister sure knew how to pick guys.
They ended up exchanging numbers, promising each other to text when they made it home safely.
Magnus took Alec’s hand in his and placed a gentle kiss to the top of it.  Alec’s eyebrows were up to his hairline as Magnus looked up meeting his gaze.
“Goodnight, sweet prince.”
And in a flourish Magnus Bane was gone.
Alec was in a daze most of the way home.   He also had the biggest smile on his face.  Izzy definitely had outdone herself.
His phone rang suddenly, and he answered without thinking.
“Hey Isabelle, what are you—”
“Did Jason show up?”
Alec looked at his phone in confusion.
“Um, who’s Jason?”
“Shit, what an asshole, I should have known.”
“Iz you really need to figure out what you’re saying because I just had the best date I’ve had in years, and you’re kind of freaking me out here.” Alec said stopping.
“Well, I don’t know how that would have been possible Alec, because the guy I fixed you up with turned out to be a total prick and decided not to show.  I had been so scared you’d just sat there all night alone…"
“Ok Izzy wait a second.  So, if the guy who you set me up with didn’t show then who the hell did I have dinner and desert with for the last two and a half hours?”
“Oh, Alec I—I’m not sure.  Two and a half hours, really?  That’s Amazing!”
“Not the point Iz.” Alec said impatiently trying not to freak out.
“What was the guy’s name?”
“I don’t think that matters—”
“Alec just tell me the guy’s damn name.”
Sighing Alec shook his head.  “Magnus Bane.  That’s his name.”
There was a moment of silence before Isabelle started to scream on the other line.  Alec had to hold the phone out from his ear.
“Iz? Isabelle?  Can you stop screaming I kind of need my hearing.”
Laughing Isabelle stopped her yells and took in a few deep breaths.
“Alec, Magnus Bane?  He’s only one of New York’s most prominent eligible bachelors.  He frequents bars, restaurants, and night clubs sometimes. And he, Oh!  He must have seen you were a damsel in need of rescuing and decided—”
“Isabelle, I am not a damsel.”  Alec interrupted, feeling all the hope and excitement from the date drain from him.
There was another moment of silence before she answered.
“Alec listen, I didn’t mean anything by that.  Magnus Bane has very high standards when it comes to those he takes interest it, he might have a reputation of sorts but he really is a good guy, at least from what I understand.”
“Iz if you think that’s suppose to make me feel better—”
His phone buzzed and he noticed a text message from Magnus.
“Not home yet, but I can’t stop thinking about you.  Tonight, was fantastic, but I have a confession to make.  I wasn’t your blind date.  I saw you sitting there looking absolutely stunning and the idea of leaving you alone seemed cruel to me.  So, I took a chance and I am glad I did.  If you forgive me, I’d like to see you again.  What do you say?”
Alec felt the wind knock itself out of him, and he actually smiled.
“Isabelle, I’ll call you later I have a text to respond to.”
And without letting her respond he hung up.
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thestangossip · 3 years
That Ryan and Blake blind, i think thats Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet tbh. There was another blind very similar to it but said DC superhero actor. Plus ppl have said for years they r in an open marriage and theres been stories where Jason asks women if theyre "free tonight" etc. everyone also seems to forget he cheated on his fiancee with Lisa and she ended up getting pregnant
its also said he hooked up with Emilie Clarke when they were filming got, and extras used to say he take her into his trailer. Jason also mentions Lisa in interviews all the time.
The amount of dirt about Jason is really surprising tbh, bc no one talks about it.
The thing about Jason and Lisa… I think they just have an open marriage like Will Smith and Jada Smith. I think Lisa is bisexual for sure and they have an active poly lifestyle. That’s the vibe they give me. You can be happy and poly. I also don’t get fake vibes.
I think Blake and Ryan are fake AF. They give me trying to hard to give off the perfect marriage and Blake’s career has been in the shitter for years. If she lost Ryan she’d be nothing. I think it’s more likely that Ryan is a cheater (not poly) and Blake puts up with it. She wants to keep her status in Hollywood.
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queerb · 3 years
Tagged by @sternbagel, thank you! :D
Five songs you’ve been listening to on repeat
Follow Me Home from Arlo The Alligator Boy. THE song for your found family needs.
Wolfpack by Blind Channel. The lone wolf dies/but the pack survives is a lyric to be sung with PASSION, okay?
Bitter by Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! I had this song memorized within 24 hours of it dropping, I’ve been waiting SO long for new shit from them
Jason’s Mom by Ice Nine Kills. Speaking of songs I’d been waiting forever for; they dropped this on Youtube for Mother’s Day last year, and didn’t put it on Spotify until Mother’s Day of THIS year.
My New Swag by Vava, feat. Ty and Nina Wang. It’s part of the Crazy Rich Asians soundtrack and it’s sick af. Try walking to it, you’ll feel awesome.
Last movie
Arlo The Alligator Boy. It was cute, good enough that I watched it twice and I’m looking forward to the series that’s supposed to follow it.
Currently watching
Brutalmoose’s Brutal Foods videos. Nothing like watching a grown man in a repurposed mustard bottle costume fry twinkies in his kitchen.
Currently reading
The Well of Ascension, second book of Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn series. It’s so good, y’all.
I’m gonna tag @androidlapis, @yamchaas, @trust-me-im-cooler-than-this, @vlyrus, and anyone else who feels the urge to do this 😂
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crazyyfilmyfreak · 4 years
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The Devil All the Time ( 2020 )
"There's a lot of no-good sons of bitches out there"
Okay alright first of all 
This is not your generic go-to netflix crime thriller if you are watching it with that intention everything is wrong with you 
This Film is dark , not just dark but dark as hell which is filled with gore elements which also includes a multi layered story telling and the film is filled with a group of astonishing cast members and every one of them has a potential to carry the whole film on their shoulders with no hard work but just with grace and ease so these reasons altogether might have over hyped few people's expectations and i think that is the main reason why i am seeing some mixed reviews here and there online or maybe just because you started watching this film with a very wrong intent or wrong mind set like i said before and i am stressing this so much because of in my opinion this film is just perfect maybe there are flaws obviously every film will have flaws but i just couldn't see them ? Maybe because i am a big fan of tom holland i might be little biased but to me this film is top notch and this is a perfect film film 
Now speaking about the cast & film overall 
This is a very slow paced slow burning piece of art 
It takes you to the places you can never think of mentally and it makes you feel completely lost in emotions by the end of the film making you numb 
Antonio Campos is a fucking genius i love his way of story telling 
He's honest , he knows what he is doing , he loves taking risks and he never fears when ever he goes out of the conventional film making style and i very much love how he connected every character in the film like i mean every character in the film is interconnected and if you remove any one character you will feel the void , disturbance and unbalance in the film. 
Film lovers might argue with me or hate me for saying this but i feel this film is so much better than christine 👀🤝🏻 atleast to me ? And this is coming from a person who also loved it a lot 
Now the cast 
I cant speak about everyone in the film because this has such a long list of talented actors 😭 who rocked in the film i am only going to speak abt some of my favourite performances as of now i promise to speak about every other cast member and their performance in the later days coz i am very sure this is a film i am going to talk a lot from now and this is also a film that i am going to watch and enjoy in the future days 
I have been seeing this dude's films even before the civil war where he played the spidey role and i always felt he was a very raw and potential actor since his childhood but after seeing him in civil war and spider man hoco its just impossible for me to not like him as an actor ? HE IS SO GOOD ON SCREEN and he makes you believe everything when ever he's on screen maybe its swinging from wall to wall or putting a donut or whatever into a guys mouth while kicking his ass and making it look bad ass af🔥 few might feel this are such a silly examples to say but to me this is about how tom brings a realistic approach to a scene and makes it good and i have always been a big fan of tom holland since spiderman hoco and this is nothing related to tdat but y'all might already know timothee was the second closest option of mcu to cast as spidey and tom grabbed that role ever since tom is just busy with mcu films and where as timothee had a incredible and unbelievable growth as an ACTOR for real to me that is stunning because he did it in such short of span and to me as fan of tom holland part of me was always loving him as spidey but a big heart of me felt a void and sad because tom is missing a lot of great opportunities which has a chance to showcase his real acting abilities which made me think what if timothee got the spidey role instead of tom? Maybe we would have seen a serious tom holland as an actor and this thought killed me everytime but everything happens for a reason and tom holland is undoubtedly the best spidey we have ever got and anyways when films like tdat happen many people realise and understand how great and how fucking incredible tom holland is as an actor and i love when everyone appreciate him for this !! It makes my heart very happy and this is the exact reason why this film is so personal and special to me 
Sorry for completely deviating from the film but this is tumblr and i am not a serious film critic lol so forgive me. 
And speaking about his performance in the film he is just surreal and outstanding . The character that he played is a very complicated one not many relate to that character but every one can understand his emotions, actions and intentions in the film and all the credit goes to tom for bringing a life to that character and playing it in such a beautiful way listen to me very carefully when i am saying this not many actors from this generation can bring bundle of emotions at the same time in a same scene but tom holland does that with such an ease and i stg i am not exaggerating if you watch the film you will know what i mean !! And i am very proud to say i am his big fan 
Now Robbert pattinson 
What the fuck should i talk about this asshole 😂🖕? 
My dude's been killing it since remember me and as an actor like i said in the Tenet Review he has matured a lot as an actor since good time and he played a very powerful and sick role in the film i am not gonna spoil it for others just go and watch the fucking film atleast for him he did a great job and i dont understand how the women and gays are dealing with him? Seriously even as a straight guy its hard for me to concentrate on the film or scenes where ever he's present because this asshole is so fucking hot and sexy 👉👈 The directors should either deglamorise him by making him fat or bald or just hide his face with prosthetic make up or sth just like how directors hide tom hardy's face in every film he's in 🙄. Now coming back to his performance its really hard to dominate him when ever he's on screen dude just want all the attention towards him , such a selfish actor huh 
Bill Skarsgard 
He played a very important and crucial role in the film he maynot have big screen time but we can totally feel his presence through out the film i think this one sentence explains how important his character is to the film and how well he potrayed the role and he's the only guy in the film who got an incredible character growth throughout his journey in the film
Harry Melling 
It would be very unfair if i dont speak about harry's performance in tdat 
DUDE KILLED IT . HE SCARED ME WITH HIS EMOTIONS AND EXPRESSIONS . He didn't even a play a negative role but he just added a lot of depth not only to his character but also the film with his intimidating portrayal 
Sebastian stan 
This is the most honest and a very raw performance from Sebastian stan so far ( i am saying this based on the films that i have seen of his ) i just wish he had more screen time thats the only thing that i didnt like in the film also there are so many blanks that needs to be filled about his character 
Eliza Scanlen
I dont remember her from any film or tv series that i have seen before but she's outstanding in the film , the character doesnt have much something new to offer so i can't speak a lot for her but as far as the character concerned she did her best and her performance is a impressive one and many people are gonna love her . 
Riley Keough 
Unlike the previous films & tv series she's been in 
This film gave her a very challenging role and she's the only women in the film who's been through ups and downs and has a very complicated but a impressive character growth with minimal limitations and dimensions 
She was fabulous and incredible . It just stuns me how the character has begin and how it ended at the end 
And special mention to jason clarke and the old couple who played grandparents ( kind of ) to Arvin Russel and lenora . Not all heroes wear the cape. 
Finally despite the mention of god several times in the film this is not really about god at all its about the DEVIL , The DEMON that carries and plays a very pivotal role in the film you cannot see it but you can sense it and feel it 
Its about the blind faith, its about the irreversible & inescapable fate . I really love how Antonio Campos has connected all the dots by the end of the film with a very impressive film making and with a steady gothic theme running till the end internally and i haven't completely finished the book ( The devil all the time ) but if anyone really wants to completely bring the book life they cannot do it in a single film it will take you atleast 4 or 5 tv series to do so but Antonio Campos did it with a single film and added a very deep meaning to the core of the film w/o deviating from the roots of the book & even touched the aspects like duality of a man and some of you grateful fucks are complaining about him 
OBVIOUSLY films ard subjective but you all need to be more open about this film 
In simple words please fucking watch this film guys 🤗❤ 
This one is not for everyone but everyone will have atleast a small aspect in the film that y'all are going to like / love / hate / discuss about. 
The devil all the time is violent , brutal , honest and perfect in every possible way atleast to me and i really want you all to watch it if you're into such type of stuff 
Remember No country for old men ? Now make it 10 times more violent but add some meaning to it with a realistic approach but more slow burning drama and a little bit of darkness ... now that is what The Devil all the time is .
Gif credits : Milesgmorales
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bisexualsforprompto · 5 years
Idea (Yee another one)
Soulmate AU where the two (or more) souls connected romantically share each other’s injuries. Ex: Person A runs into a table and person B wakes up with a bruise, but they spilt the pain evenly, so it might just sting for the two of them instead of hurting badly for one person. (Broken bone would resolve to the pain of a bruise for both)
Interesting to explore as a Jasonette or Joninette fic
Jasonette Verision:
Marinette wakes up with bruises and sometimes even broken bones (this can occur if Jason gets seriously hurt)
Jason wakes up with bruises sometimes, mostly just things that would show up for somebody clumsy.
When Jason is being beaten by Joker Marinette is in class, she’s holding on for dear life but she ends up passing out.
Both Jason and Marinette die
When Jason is brought back by the Lazarus pit Marinette comes back to life as well.
Because she was the guardian when she died nobody took her miraculous off her, so she had it when she “woke up”
Tikki was able to help her get out of her coffin and stuff because kwamis don’t die and they can phase through objects (obvi)
Marinette has a fury burning inside her because Jason’s emotional pain bled onto her when she was revived
Marinette hides away so no one knows she’s alive again
She becomes Ladybug once more and Hawkmoth became active again when he realized the miraculous was back into circulation (which causes Adrien to be active again)
Marinette has major bloodlust as Ladybug (thanks to Jason) and she finds out who Hawkmoth is and brutally beats him, Chat stops her from killing him.
Chat falls out of love with her, she was never the same when she came back
With Hawkmoth defeated and the butterfly miraculous back in her hands, Marinette knows she must leave Paris or else somebody would find out she was alive (she can’t have that happen, it was a miracle nobody realized she was Ladybug when she died, that would seal the deal if Ladybug was active the same time Marinette came back, besides she didn’t even know how she came back)
Fate brings her to Gotham, since she has all the miraculouses she has Kaaliki open a portal to somewhere in America, far away from France
Jason is in his angsty Red Hood Phase when Mari arrives
Red Hood protects her when some idiots tried to rape her (his strict moral code that women should not be taken advantage of, etc. etc)
He realizes that she’s his soulmate because she when the idiots hurt her he gets hurt in the same place
He starts to keep tabs on her
Marinette goes to Gotham University
Jason enrolls too (he protecc)
All I have for now, if someone continues or writes into a formal fic please tag me!!!!
Joninette version:
Marinette thinks she doesnt have a soulmate because she never gets injuries from them (it be like that when your soulmate is a practically indestructible kryptonian)
Jon knows he has one cuz Mari is clumsy af
Less blood and angst in this version, they meet when Mari visits her uncle in Metropolis for a month in the summer (Hawkmoth is defeated, but she still wields the LB miraculous) (spoiler alert her uncle be Lex Luthor and the Light knows about miraculouses and reallllly wants them, and of course he knows LB is his niece he’s not blind)
Jon runs into her first as Superboy, they both get crushes on each other
Lex realizes he won’t be able to get her miraculous in the span of a month (this things take delicate time and care)
Lex offers for her to stay with him when school starts up so Mari can go to an American high school (thinking she’d either be a junior or a senior here)
Mari and Jon meet at Metropolis High and Mari finds Jon a great friend but Jon still crushes on her (obvi she doesn’t know he’s Superboy)
When Clark finds out his son’s new friend is Luthor’s niece (Jon doesn’t know but Clark finds out cuz reporter things) he basically forbids him to see her
Well that pisses Jon off cuz he doesn’t care who she’s related to.
When he starts to frequently visit as Superboy and they eventually start a relationship Lex be like “well I can use this to my advantage and kill two birds with one stone” (get rid of Superboy, get the miraculous)
Plotting and adorable relationship antics
All I have for this one too, if anyone continues please tag me!!!!!
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