#Jason Todd Moves to Blüdhaven
A Stone's Throw
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: The night Jason wakes up in the convalescent home, he's accompanied by his favorite nurse (Nurse Kathy). Nurse Kathy follows her instincts and decides to foster him in the nearby city of Blüdhaven. Soon, her partner and roommates become Jason's new family despite hopes that he'll regain his memories.
Chapters: 2/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Original Characters, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon
Additional Tags: Disabled Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne Doesn't Know Jason Todd is Alive, Angst, Fluff, Found Family, Jason Todd Has a Foster Family AU, Jason Todd Moves to Blüdhaven, Original Asexual Characters, Original Lesbian Characters, Amnesiac Jason Todd, "Missed Him By That Much" Trope, Hurt/Comfort, Resurrected Jason Todd
Chapter Two: To Blüdhaven
Boxes piled high by the front door of Kathy’s apartment usually would’ve made her sad, but these boxes signaled a warmer beginning and not an end. She tightened her scarf as she dusted the mantle and ceiling fan, standing on a stepping stool to complete her task. “You’re in good spirits this morning,” her male roommate smiled. He kissed her cheek and sat at the piano, warming up before playing Raindrops by Clifford Borg. “Moving day is upon us!”
Kathy grinned and stepped down. “Daniel, I made lunch for the movers… Do you think that’s a bit much?” Kathy questioned. 
“Oh no… Everyone makes paper bag lunches for movers,” Daniel teased her. She stuck her tongue out at him. “You’re a doll, Katherine. They’ll love it. You make the most beautiful lunches. If only you’d do it for yourself. What’s on your mind, Mummy?” 
“I won’t be his mother… He probably has a mother out there somewhere,” Kathy mumbled. Daniel walked over and wrapped his arms around her. 
“You’ll be his mother in the meantime… And who knows? He might choose you even after he remembers,” Daniel smiled, “How’s he been?” 
Kathy frowned, freeing herself from his comforting embrace to move boxes from the bedroom to the living room. “He’s always crying when I see him… And my supervisor isn’t there all the time to look out for him. I didn’t want to say anything because—.” 
“You didn’t want to think about it because we can’t speed up the moving date… Katherine… I’m sorry—.” 
“You didn’t know. The move to Blüdhaven should be a good thing, though. Shouldn’t it?” Kathy questioned. 
“You worry too much—.” 
“No, but what if he’s from Gotham and—. Maybe I’ll drive him out every weekend to take him on walks through the city,” said Kathy. Daniel took a large box from her, setting it aside. 
“The house in Blüdhaven is more accessible and much larger than anything we’d get here,” Daniel replied, “And Gotham isn’t the safest place for a kid like him. Blüdhaven isn’t much safer, but hey… Maybe the schools are better.” 
“School! Oh, god, Daniel… I have a meeting with his school tomorrow—.” 
“You rescheduled for Monday… Remember?” Daniel whispered. Kathy relaxed, pressing her forehead into Daniel’s shoulder. 
“Daniel, has anyone ever told you how important you are?” Kathy asked.
“Only from you, which means Lover and I have to talk,” Daniel half-joked. Kathy’s nose crinkled as she closed-eye smiled at him. Daniel kissed her cheek. They lugged the remaining boxes to the truck, and Daniel opened the car door for her. 
“I’m so nervous. Are you nervous?” Kathy questioned. 
Daniel gestured for Kathy to calm down, taking two hands with his palms facing down the length of his chest. “Breathe, Katherine. It’ll be alright soon. Once he’s with us, you’ll be fine. You’ve been that way since we were children,” Daniel questioned. The sun peeked through the clouds as a gust of wind blew past, rustling through the trees. The sky looked yellowish grey, painted by the smoke of the nearby factory. 
“I won’t miss the sulfur smell. I know that,” Daniel whispered. Kathy chuckled and nodded, trying to mask the persisting anxiety that buzzed beneath her skin. She slipped her shaking hands under her legs. “It’ll be nice to have a little fellow around.”
“He’s not so little anymore. I don’t think he’s realized that yet. A lot of time passed while he was comatose. He’s getting his balance back. His glasses have helped a lot,” Kathy replied. 
Daniel glanced at her as he followed the moving truck. Daniel popped a CD in and drummed on the dashboard. “Dodie called last night. I think he’s ready to talk about everything,” Daniel whispered. Kathy tensed. 
“Did we mess up, Daniel?” Kathy asked. 
“No, I think we were good parents… But—. I think it’ll take a while for it to sink in that we lied to protect him. This is a long drive, Katherine… You should call him. Let’s talk to him,” Daniel replied. Kathy nodded and frowned. “Together.” 
Kathy dialed the number, and let it ring twice before Dodie answered. “Hi, Ma,” Dodie mumbled. 
“Are you busy Dodie? I—. Dodie, I’m sorry, honey,” Kathy apologized. 
“Ma, I was mad at both of—. Is Dad there?” Dodie questioned. 
“I’m here, Dodie. Hi, Kiddo,” Daniel answered. 
“Good… Because I kinda owe you guys an apology. I know coming out to me was a big deal. I just—. No matter what was going on, you guys always put me first. I can’t begin to imagine what it was like for either of you. I guess I was upset because I felt like I never got the real Mom and Dad. I don’t know. I—. We all would’ve been different if you guys told me earlier. 
“Maybe—. I—. There’s so much I don’t know. How did I even—? I don’t—. Do I even want to know?” Dodie asked. 
“We were young, and we were curious. We realized almost immediately afterward that we’d mistaken our friendship for romance. We tried to move on, and we decided to keep pretending to be a couple. It seemed easier than coming out… And—.” 
“I told Daniel I was pregnant. We knew what we wanted to do. There was no question. We knew we’d love you… And to this day, you’re a testament to our friendship and how much we do love each other. Nothing has to change, Dodie,” Kathy added. 
“Well… Everything is a little different. Aren’t you guys dating people now?” Dodie questioned. 
“Well… Yes,” Daniel answered. 
“I want to meet them,” Dodie sternly replied. 
“Okay… Well, Walter’s in Blüdhaven. We won’t be there for a few hours but the house is pretty close to yours,” Daniel announced, “If you stop by and tell him who you are, he’ll let you in. I don’t when Sibyl—. Katherine, honey, when is Sibyl coming?”
“Oh… Um, she’s coming tonight. She’s done all the grocery shopping, so I’ll be able to make dinner. Oh! Dodie, sweetheart, can you stay for dinner?” Kathy replied. Dodie made a soft noise. “Dinner. Let’s do dinner. It’ll be good. We can all—. We can talk. You know about the little guy from the hospital? He’s coming home soon.”
“I’ll stay for dinner, Ma. I can’t stay over because I have work tomorrow morning, but I’d—. I’d like that… And I can take the day off with you to pick up the kid if you want me to,” Dodie offered. 
Daniel tapped her arm and nodded. “Oh, Dodie, that’s so sweet. I’d love that. I’m picking him up on Sunday. Can you do Sunday?” Kathy asked. 
“I can do Sunday. And Ma? Dad? I love you no matter what. You’re my parents, and I can’t stay mad at either of you. I want you to be happy if that counts for anything. I’m sorry I blew up when you guys came out,” Dodie apologized. 
“We—.” Kathy laughed and touched Daniel’s arm. 
“We love you, Dodie,” Daniel grinned. Kathy made a soft noise. She unwrapped a sandwich in her lunch box and held it up to Daniel’s mouth. He took a bite. Their intimacies outlasted their sham relationship. Things that were once pretend persisted as a declaration of love transcendent of romance while devoid of attraction. Their intimacy was platonic and unending.
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fluentmoviequoter · 6 months
Lost Time
Requested Here!
Pairing: Jason Todd x fem!wife!reader
Summary: Jason comes home to you, his wife, after a mission and makes up for lost time.
Warnings: fluff and comfort! brief mention of the Lazarus Pit and human trafficking
Word Count: 1.3k+ words
A/N: I really want to write a lengthy oneshot for Jason but I don't know if I capture him well enough. I don't get many DC requests but I love them so much!!
Picture from Pinterest (WFA Jason >>>)
Masterlist | DC/Jason Todd Masterlist | Request Info
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Jason Todd leaves, it’s what he does. Sometimes there are warnings, direct and indirect, but other nights he leaves while you sleep or simply doesn’t come home when he should. That’s who he is, what he does. There is more to Jason than meets the eye; he isn’t just Jason, Red Hood, or Bruce Wayne’s dead and nearly forgotten son. One piece of Jason makes him whole: being your husband brings him back, every single time. Jason leaves, but the time you spend alone is spent in confidence that he will come back to you, even if he’s broken and crawling.
While Jason is in Blüdhaven helping his brothers with a mission that Bruce doesn’t know about, you spend the time alone missing him. He hates leaving you, but you understand. That doesn’t mean, however, that you just wait for him to come home. Being married is supposed a 50/50 arrangement, yet you have given everything to Jason and there is not a single thing you wouldn’t do for him.
Tonight, nearly 96 hours after you last saw Jason, you make yourself comfortable with one of his books. The pages are yellowed from use, and highlights and notes fill the margins and the empty pages. Each word reminds you of Jason, and though you miss him, you refuse to look at his empty side of the bed. In the time since he left, promising to come back to you with a kiss and a tap to your wedding ring, you have read several of his books, cooked his favorite meal, and baked his favorite goodies. The distractions you created are all centered around Jason because despite what you tell yourself about needing to think about other things, Jason Todd takes up every single one of your thoughts. He’s captivating, and you never want to escape him.
Your phone beeps as you finish a page of Frankenstein. After taking a calming breath, you read the message from Barbara.
The bats are Gotham-bound.
The message makes you smile, and you rise from the bed to prepare for Jason’s return. He has come home without a scratch, drenched in blood, and everything in between. In sickness and health, you vowed, and you plan to keep it. With his favorite food already prepared and water heating in the kettle on the stove, you sit on the couch and wait for his entrance. The front door is behind you, and you watch as the Red Hood lands on your fire escape and expertly navigates into your home. His home.
The couch is empty by the time he turns from the now-closed window, and your arms loop around his waist as he moves. Jason chuckles at your immediate attention and pulls his helmet off.
“Miss me?” he asks.
You can hear his smile in his voice, and as Jason’s arms wrap around you, you sigh and release every fear and worry that had been pushed into the back of your mind.
“I need to shower,” Jason says, though he doesn’t move his hands from your back. “Blüdhaven is gross.”
“And Gotham is known for its cleanliness,” you argue.
“Get off,” Jason grumbles.
He raises his hands to your shoulders and easily pushes you back. You look at him as you raise your hands to hold his wrists. Jason’s gaze is soft and his touch is softer.
“Ten minutes,” he requests quietly.
“Someone needs pampering,” you tease. “Take your time. There’s food and tea if you want any.”
“Just wan’ you,” he murmurs.
Jason leans in and kisses your forehead quickly. He avoids your hands as you reach out for him. You laugh as he walks away, and the sound brings Jason home. He’s physically home, yes, but he is only home when you are completely and wholly with him.
The water echoes through the apartment as Jason enters the shower, and you prepare two mugs of tea before carrying them into the bedroom. You would wait forever for Jason, but as you lean back and close your eyes, content listening to him move through your shared home, you know that you’ll never have to wait long.
When Jason enters the bedroom clad in a pair of Wonder Woman sweatpants and smiles at you, everything seems better. The darkest Gotham day can’t cast a shadow on what you and Jason have. Before Jason left, he told you all you needed to know about the mission, and you won’t bring it up again. If he wants to talk about it, he will, and you’ll listen.
You raise the blanket as Jason approaches the side of the bed. He doesn’t hesitate to join you and pull you closer. After looping your arms over his shoulders, you push your fingers into Jason’s wet curls and twist them gently around your fingers. His white streak is closest to you, yet you concentrate your attention elsewhere to keep your eyes locked on his.
“You read it again, didn’t you?” Jason asks.
His eyes threaten to flutter closed, but he forces them open to talk to you.
“Read what?” you whisper.
“Tell me what I missed,” he requests.
You know he can see his books piled on your nightstand, but you enjoy the smile he gives you when you pretend not to know what he’s talking about. Jason pulls your hands away from his hair, opting to hold you against his side. You lay a hand over his heart and gently trace the bottom of a scar. You know his scars by heart, and each story behind them is ingrained in your memory.
“Not much,” you answer after a moment.
“Did you do anything? Because everything you do is important, and I want to hear about it,” Jason argues.
You lean closer and spread your fingers flat against his skin. His heart thrums steadily beneath your hand, and you think your heart beats in time with his.
“Maybe you just married me for the post-mission cuddles,” you say.
“Or maybe I just married you because I love you. I love you for accepting all of me and loving the parts that I don’t let anyone see.”
“Jason,” you hum.
“You didn’t tell me about what I missed,” he replies.
The first raindrop hits the window, and Jason is reminded that he’s back in Gotham. He’d move to Metropolis and listen to Clark as long as you were by his side, but being in your arms in his home town is a feeling unlike any other.
“I’ll take it you didn’t go to the manor,” you deflect.
“Why would I when I have a beautiful wife waiting at home for me and four days to make up for? Lost time with you will always be more important than Bruce.”
You sigh before you begin telling him about what you did. There isn’t much to tell. You read one of his books, cleaned, cooked, baked, and read another book.
“You baked?” Jason interrupts. “And didn’t bring it up until now?”
“I thought time with me was more important.”
Jason furrows his brows as he turns, pulling you to lay on top of him. When you first started dating, Jason was hesitant to initiate any sort of physical touch. Not long before, he had been Gotham’s most-feared crime lord and the rage caused by the pit was still present. Now, there is nothing to stop Jason from touching you: no fear of hurting you, no concern of scaring you away, and no doubt that you won’t love him once you see his darkest secrets. Jason’s scars, his past, and his nightly activities make him the man you love, and you love those parts of him, not the other way around.
As you cuddle with the man who recently scared human traffickers into turning themselves in to the authorities rather than running into him again, you simply enjoy being together. Your husband Jason and Red Hood Jason aren’t the same, yet you love them both equally.
“Do you really want to make up for lost time?” you ask over the rain.
Jason thinks your voice is more soothing and melodic than any rainstorm could dream of being. He pries his eyes open to answer, “Every second of it.”
You nod and lay your head against his chest. With your hearts pressed to one another and your fingers intertwined with Jason’s, you know that you are loved, and Jason knows you will always be here when he comes home.
You’re nearly asleep when you mumble, “’S a lotta time.”
Jason smiles but doesn’t move because he doesn’t want to disturb you. “Never enough time with you,” he whispers against your temple.
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gothamhappiness · 1 month
Don't hurt Red Hood, Batman! (Jason Todd x f!reader)
Warnings: no proof reading, language, Batman is mean, mentions of fighting and wounds, reader got some nerves and aimed at Batman
You were living on Red Hood territory.
Actually you stayed in Gotham thanks to him. You felt safe thanks to him. Yes, he was the new crime lord in town, but women and children were off limit. Innocent people were off limit.
You knew Red Hood killed people but he killed bad people and kept innocent civilians safe. You weren’t for the killing, of course not. And yet you were grateful for what Red Hood was doing, for people like you. You weren't afraid to walk at night anymore.
The first time you saw Red Hood, he was arguing with Batman and Nightwing. Actually, Batman was fighting with Red Hood and Nightwing was in the middle, trying to stop them.
You didn’t really think before grabbing the small gun you had in your bag. And you were clearly out of your mind when you aimed at Batman.
"Leave him alone!" You screamed
The three men froze. You didn’t really think you would hurt anyone, you just felt better having a gun in your hand to face the dark knight
"Go away" Batman sternly told you and Nightwing moved his head to silently ask you to do the same
"No, you, go away. Leave Red Hood alone."
"What?" The three men muttered
"He is doing good for people like us. You don't give a shit about us, Batman. Go play with Harvey Dent or Oswald Cobleppot, and let Red Hood saves us from Black Mask and his goons." You stubornly replied
"Look..." Nightwing started but you cut him off
"You are both on his territory anyway" you said
"His territory? Wait you are in agreement with this?" Nightwing asked and you nodded instantly
"I live here, Red Hood keeps us safe without asking anything in return. He even feeds children of the street. What did you two do about it? Aren't you supposed to be in Blüdhaven, Nightwing, anyway?" You clearly knew no fear that night
Red Hood had sat down during the exchange, he was hurt but more importantly he was stunned that someone was actually taking his defense.
"He is a criminal" Batman finally said
"So are you" you replied
"He is trying to do justice by taking money from the goons and the prostitution. He is a crime lord, like all the others"
"What don't you understand in "He keeps us safe!". The money is always dirty in Gotham anyways." You justified Red Hood again
The silence following was defeaning. Batman made one step towards Red Hood, and you shot past his ear.
"It's a warning Batman, my mother taught me how to use guns against violent men" you threatened him
"Alright, let's go, Nightwing," Batman groaned. He didn't want to fight with a civilian
You watched them go before looking down at Red Hood, you felt the adrenaline slowly leaving your body and you felt a little bit sick. But aslo very proud of yourself. You smiled at the man who was still sat down on the ground.
"Are you alright? Do you need help with your wounds?" You asked
"What's your name, brave girl?" He asked in return
"Y/N" you said with a slight blush
"Y/N, thank you for making me happy for the first time in a very long time" Red Hood softly whispered to you
"Anything for you, Red" you smiled even more
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ravenna-reid · 8 months
The Tortured and the Test Subject
Jason Todd x Cadmus Test Subject Reader
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This one is a lil different to what I usually do. A mix of what happened to Super Boy in Young Justice (Cadmus Labs) and Eleven in Stranger Things. But I hope you all like it anyways <3 Pls lmk if you would be interested in a Part 2!
Warnings -- swearing, mentions of death and torture
The deafening sound of a distant motorcycle reverberated off of the walls of the batcave. As the tires screeched and the smell of rubber filled the air, Jason came to a stop, turned it off and held his helmet in his hand. Looking around, the batcave was eerily quiet and empty.
“Hey Bruce, you in here?”
The only thing that answered him was the echo of his own voice. And the sound of soft shuffling against material and a faint, constant beep. Weary of his surroundings, and what crazy things he might find in this cave, Jason edged in the direction it came from. As he walked past one of Bruce’s large technological whatevers and turned the corner, he froze in his tracks. 
Lying on one of the med beds, with restraints strapped on her arms, legs, and across her stomach, was one of the most stunning girls Jason had ever seen. Skin like porcelain and dark eyelashes fanning over her cheeks. She was dressed in some sort of grey jumpsuit, the numbers 09714 embroidered near her left shoulder. But there was one key detail that really stood out to Jason. The white streak that ran through her hair. Pulling his eyes away from it, Jason looked over at the machines she was hooked up to, each one of them saying that she had no heartbeat. No breath. Nothing in her at all. An unsettling sensation instantly washed over him as he dared to creep closer. 
With widened eyes, Jason whirled around to find Bruce standing behind him, dressed in his Batman suit with his mask off. Hardened expression painted across his face, Bruce seemed completely unfazed with having a dead woman in the batcave. 
“Bruce, who the hell is this?” Jason asked, voice accusatory and brows furrowed. 
Ignoring him, Bruce moved past Jason over to his many computers. He brought up images of what seemed to be a secret lab – another Cadmus Lab Jason realised – and it looked like it was in Blüdhaven. Dozens of police cars were parked outside of the building, the lab disguised as an industrial factory. 
“Dick had been working with others to locate another hidden Cadmus Lab and bring it down. Once they’d broken in and detained the scientists running it, he and Starfire tried to save as many as they could. Including her.”
Bruce brought up an image of the girl that lied motionless behind them. Eyes bright and gleaming, a soft smile gracing her face. Jason took every detail in. 
“They were running some kind of tests on her. I’m still not sure what. But interestingly enough, once Dick and his team entered the facility, remaining scientists quickly let off some sort of knockdown gas in her cell.” Bruce let out a deep sigh as he turned back to face her. “All I know is that she was their only successful test subject. And that even though she is alive, technically, she’s dead.”
Jason’s stomach dropped down to his feet.
“What?” What the actual fuck. Could the Lazarus Pit be involved? No, because his heart was still beating, whereas hers….
In that moment, the restraints attached to her began to rattle against the steel of the med bed. Turning to look at you, Jason watched as you began to stir from your deep slumber, his eager eyes looking between you and the machines that were telling him you were dead. 
“I guess we’re about to find out what she’s capable of. I’m going to go get Dick, stay here and watch her.”
“What? Bruce, no. I just came here to –” It was pointless finishing his sentence, Bruce was already gone. 
A soft hum came from you, and all Jason could do was watch and wait. Suddenly your eyes flew open. Large and bright, intensely taking in your surroundings. You began to try and move your arms and legs against the restraints to no avail. Jason wanted to say something, but what would he even say?
Suddenly, your focus settled onto him and something got caught in his throat. Silence enveloped the room until he forced himself to speak.
“Finally decided to wake up, huh?”
All it took was a single breath. A single blink of his eyes and suddenly you had torn off all of your restraints, were on your feet and had him pinned against the wall. 
“Fuck.” He hissed, shocked by your immense strength. Your touch was ice cold and unforgiving, your glare just as harrowing. 
“Who are you?” You snapped, your face just inches from Jason’s. 
“Usually, I’d ask you out on a date before letting you get this close to me.” He strained. 
Your glare faltered, a confused frown occupying your face now. 
“You’re mocking me?” Your grip tightened on his shirt. 
“No, no I wasn’t mocking you.” He began. Jason searched for a distraction. Searched for something else to say to you, anything. “Do you remember what happened? Remember Cadmus?” 
The mention of that place obviously struck a nerve. A glint of fear quickly passed through your eyes and Jason felt a tinge of sympathy. What the hell did they do to you in there?
“I’m not there?” You asked.
“No, you’re not. You're safe now.” Jason’s breathing mellowed out a bit as he watched the gears in your head turn. As he watched you hang off of every word he said. 
“Are you going to take me back there?” 
“No, I promise. But I’m going to need you to answer a few questions. for me and --” 
Your glare was back, and this time you came in even closer, your breath fanning his face. His heart skipped several beats.
“Swear it. Swear you won’t hand me back over to them.” 
“Cadmus is destroyed. Everyone that worked for them is going to prison.”
He could tell his answer wasn’t enough. Jason brought his hand up to where his heart was, and made a cross over the fabric of his shirt with his index finger.
“Swear on my mothers grave.” 
Looking down at the shirt you held onto, you saw an array of silver streaks on his skin peek out from behind it. Scars. 
And for some reason, you felt you could trust him. That if anyone could ever be able to understand what you had been through, it was him. You had no idea why.
After that, Dick and Bruce had returned, astounded to see the restraints on the floor and you holding Jason against the wall. Bruce tried to be rational with you and Dick tried to work his sympathetic charm, but your eyes remained on Jason.  They all sat around you now as you fiddled with the sleeves of your jumpsuit.
“We just wanna know what they were doing at that lab. Doing to you.” Jason asked, and you didn’t seem to mind how blunt he was. 
So you told them everything. How you’d been taken in when you were 18. How they were eager to see whether or not they could create a metahuman. Or at least turn a born human into one. How the tests were torturous, and how you ended up developing a few abilities thanks to the chemicals that they had pumped in you. Of course, it resulted in you dying and coming back to life... However, your vital organs were no more. No more breathing. No more blood rushing through your body. You tried to ignore that part. Tried to romanticise it by telling yourself you were like the vampires from the shows you watched in high school now. 
“So, superhuman strength? Durability?” Bruce began as he took notes. 
“It’s hard for me to die.” You added, another unique ability you knew you had. Neither of the bat boys wanted to know how you knew that. 
“But I can also heal. That’s all though.”
A silence settled over the room like a weighted blanket. Jason watched you and couldn’t help but feel like he could understand you on some sort of level. Understand how it felt to be tortured for so many days on end. To have someone try to turn you into something you’re not. And becoming successful in doing so. Jason was also pretty pissed that Dick was the one who found those assholes working at Cadmus, cause if it was him, he would have killed every last one of them for what they did. 
Bruce’s gaze settled on you and the boys knew it all too well. It was his pity look. It was the look he gave when he was about to say something that would be better left unsaid.
“Do you know how long you were there for?” He asked.
You shook your head, almost not wanting to know the answer. “No.” 
“Based on the information I retrieved from their database, you've been stuck in Cadmus for almost three years. You’re turning 21 in four days.”
You closed your eyes, the realisation of how long it’d been since you left that damn building hitting you like a truck. You could feel the hot tears sneak up on you as they made their way to your eyes, but fought hard to suppress them. After a moment to yourself, a shaky breath left your body. 
“Hey, it’s ok. At least you're out now! You’re free y/n.” Dick began. 
A pain so deep and fervent began in Jason’s chest. A pain he hadn’t felt since Bruce betrayed him and replaced him with Tim.
Jason got to his feet and Bruce and Dick’s eyes followed him. 
“Come on, we don’t need to discuss this anymore. We have all that we need.”
“Jason –”
He cut Bruce off. “No Bruce. She just woke up. She probably hasn’t even seen the sun since she was taken to that hellhole. Just give her a break for a second.”
Dick’s mouth almost fell open, his eyes meeting with Bruce’s.
“Alright.” Bruce replied coolly, intrigued by how Jason was handling the situation. ‘Mr. doesn’t want to be involved.’ ‘Mr. revenge and hate.’ 
You sat nimbly though, lost in your thoughts and eyes trained on the floor before you spoke up. “I don’t have anywhere to go.” 
You fought for the memory that was buried deep at the back of your mind. “I’m an orphan. I was staying in dorms…I was there for just one week.”
“It’s alright, you can stay here.” Bruce concluded, and with that, he got up and left, preparing for another night of patrol.
“Hey,” Your eyes flickered over to the boy who had similar hair to you as Jason grabbed your attention. Dick simply sat back and watched. “I can show you around if you want?” 
You gave a nod before both you and Jason left the batcave so that he could take you to Wayne Manor. So he could take you to your new home.
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Why doesn't Batfam age? Because they're vampires, all of them except Damian Wayne
Let me explain:
Everything starts years ago when Dick moved to Blüdhaven, he found the Vampire court there and - in one failed mission - he becomes one
Dick starts living as a vampire and adapts himself very well to his new life, Bruce dislikes it and both argue a lot
Dick tries to convince Bruce that becoming a vampire is a good choice, being Batman is not enough, Bruce is still a human, one day he will become old and the city will still need Batman. Bruce needs to do more. Be more. But Bruce rejected this idea and did not become a vampire.
Tiny Jason then shows up, canon stuff happens and then Jason died
This destroys Bruce, "if I listen Dick, Jason could be alive now" he blames himself, guilt eating him inside, Jason could be alive if Bruce was not a coward, if Bruce was a vampire he could save Jason. Jason died because he was weak
And Bruce doesn't want to be weak anymore
Dick then turns Bruce into a vampire days after Jason's funeral
Alfred also becomes a vampire that night, both by Dick
When Tim shows up Bruce is already a vampire, he rejected Tim in the start but afraid to lose Tim in the same way he loses Jason, he asked if Tim wants to become a vampire as well
Tim, desperate for acceptance and to be part of something important, accept
Bruce bites Tim and turns him into a vampire
When Stephanie appears, she automatically refuses the invitation, "you're not my dad, Batman"
Unfortunately, after her incident with Black Mask, Bruce bites her against her will
Bruce finds her covered in blood, pale and breathing weakly. Almost dying. He's losing a child again. Something he promised would never happen again. But then Stephanie is dying. Desperate to save that child and redeem himself, Bruce bites her
Stephanie was very hurt by this and moved away from vigilantism for a while to adapt to her new life. This cursed.
Surprising Cassandra accepts without hesitation, no one really understands her reasons for accepting this
Cass has a slight adjustment problem at first, but she tries to live as much as possible as if nothing has changed
And then Jason Todd returns
He is really hurt (emotionally) for all this shit and hates Bruce for what he did and what he didn't
Jason also hates Tim in the start for having accepted this shit so easily
No Bruce or Alfred can't convince Jason to become a vampire (they don't want to lose Jason again)
Then who bites him? Dick
They fight a lot, but Dick Grayson is charismatic, he always gets what he wants and this time there's no difference, Dick bites Jason
Years past and then there is Damian
The blood son, the heir of the Demon
Everyone is sure that Dick will bite Damian, they're close to each other, and in true Dick almost did it, but then Damian rejected
They fought really bad that night, Dick lost and Damian doesn't talk with him for a month after that accident
No one knows what happened
Why did Damain reject this?
They all thought Damian wanted to become part of the family, then why Damian rejected this?
After a while Duke Thomas joined the family, he hesitated to become a vampire in the start, but in the end he accepted it
This becomes the most funny joke of all time because his powers
And Damian is still the only human
Once again Bruce tried to lure Damian to become a vampire and once again there was a bloody fight, and in the end Damian is still a human and he stopped talking with Bruce for two months after that
All important members of Justice league know about the vampire family and accept it very well (it was a mess in the start but Batman is there for so long, they don't see him and his family as dangerous anymore)
Damian dies and comes back and he is still a human
Jon then becomes his friend, and all Kent house is chocked when they see Damian eat his vegetarian food
"Aren't you a vampire?" "No"
They assume that Bruce doesn't want to turn a kid into a vampire and let Damian grow a little. They're wrong about that
Time passes and Damian is now a teenager, life is own life doing his own stuff, not as Batman, not as Robin either Demon, just he own hero path
Jon is unsure when Damian will become a vampire, then he decided to ask his best friend about this
"tt" Damian is tired of this vampire shit, he knows how his family looks for him, every single one already tried to talk about this stuff with him and this always ends in a mess. Actually he is not surprised with the ask, but who is asking. Jon, his best friend. The stupid half alien and Damian are just tired
then Damian decides to talk the truth, the same truth he talks at Dick, Bruce and Alfred years ago after they stop fighting against each other. The same truth who is always together with the silence treatment
"My mother... She is not perfect, she made a lot of mistakes as well my father too, she turned me who I am and she also told me about this vampire thing, and she said she wouldn't be mad if I became like him, and in the past I also wanted to become like him but now..."
"but now?" Jon started Damian, the half alien is always curious about this fact and he doesn't understand why Damian is talking about his mom
"when I choose to live with my father and give up the league I thought it would be different, but then here we go Damian, there's a vampire cult with people who fear the dead and, even when they deny it, they also seek for power. The truth is I'm tired of cults, Ra's or Wayne's, they're not so different, this is still a cult"
"I... I don't want to live like them, Jon, I want to die as a human, Batman becomes an immortal and the demon head is also immortal. I don't fear the dead, I want to die as a human"
I just like to think about the potential angst with Damian and his family, how betrayed he will feel when he realizes that Dick and Bruce are not so different from Ra's, people afraid of death
In the worst case scenario Damian becomes a vampire against his will, who did it? Tim Drake
It was an extreme a desperate situation, Tim Drake just wants to save his baby brother lives and ignore Damain pleading to let him die
That was the first time that the house saw Damian crying. He understands why Tim did it, but still he feels betrayed and sobs with this curse
Damian is inconsolable for days and isolates himself, becoming exactly what he always feared, an immortal who steals people's lives to gain power exactly what his grandfather always said he would become
346 notes · View notes
blackreaderfics · 1 year
Checking In | Dick Grayson x Black!BatsisReader
↳ Pairing : Dick Grayson x Black!AFAB!BatsisReader
↳ Rating :  E (18+ minors dni‼️)
↳ Summary : After your brother Jason’s death, Dick Grayson keeps “checking in” on you. But as far as you’re concerned, he no longer has any right to be a part your life.
↳ W.C : ~5.2k
↳ Tags+Warnings : faux incest - step siblings (direct mentions), mild angst, hate(?)to love, sexual tension, not Titans DC!verse I just like the actor lol, canon divergence: set after Jason Todd’s death and before Red Hood, reader is a model (body type unspecified), referenced stalking, oral (f receiving), P in V sex, degradation (slut, whore), implied daddy kink, porn with plot!, special guest appearance by Booster Gold
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“Hot date tonight?” 
You felt your eyes roll back into your head at the sound of the male voice that trilled like a mosquito in your ear. Fucking hell, you muttered a curse under your breath. After your shift of late-night vigilante duties, you always seemed to forget to take out your in-ear receiver. 
What was that thing Alfred always told you about breathing exercises? You took a deep breath, allowing yourself to quell your irritation.  In. 1. 2. 3. Out. 1. 2. 3. 
“No action tonight, dick?” You rebutted. 
“I can hear when it’s a lowercase ‘D’, Y/N. ” Unlike yours, his voice betrayed no hostility, rather, he sounded quite amused.
You and Dick Grayson had never been close. In fact, you thought of him as more a stranger than a stepbrother. Bruce Wayne had adopted you into the family after Dick had already packed his bags and moved out of the manor to Blüdhaven. The only times you saw Dick was when somebody died and you had to attend the funeral. 
You didn’t grow up with him like you had Jason. And now that Jason was gone, it was suddenly like the golden “boy wonder” had been trying to squeeze himself into your life to make up for it. Ever since the detective had arrived in Gotham last week on “private business”— whatever, you didn’t want or care to know—he’d been “checking in” on you a bit too often.
“Are you making small talk ‘cuz you’re bored or are you just being annoying?”
“I’m in the middle of something actually.”
You stilled to listen closely, and now that he mentioned it, it did sound like he was in the middle of a fight. 
“Well, I would offer to help you but— ”you paused, wincing at what sounded like a man being punched in the gut. “—seems like you got it covered.”
“More than covered, sweetheart. Unlike what you’re wearing.” He made it sound like he was joking; though, the remark itself had bite.
“What?” What the fuck was that supposed to mean?
“That dress. Seems a little much for a first date don’t you think?”
You heard a yelp of pain in the background. Dick probably had some guy’s arm twisted around. 
“How the fuck would you know what I’m wearing? Or that I’m going on a date?”
You eyed the room while putting on the other half of your earrings. The idea of privacy wasn’t exactly a thing at Wayne Manor. That was the whole reason you moved out and into your penthouse apartment in the city. 
If for some reason he had seen you, he would’ve seen your figure in a slinky black mini-dress. A tasteful, but still unapologetic show of legs, cocoa skin, and cleavage all in one. 
“That guy plastered you on a billboard in the middle of Gotham. So, y’know, doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. And relax, your comms was on. You ever notice that you talk to yourself? Like a lot.”
He was about to be talking to himself if he didn’t shut the fuck up soon.
Ok, breathe. In. 1. 2. 3. Out. 1. 2. 3.
You were violently broken out of your breathing exercise when a screaming welp and cracking of bones sounded through the earpiece. 
Dick spoke again, slightly winded. “Bruce say you could wear that?”
“Yes, Dick. Actually, he’s the one that bought it for me,” You deadpanned, voice dripping with sarcasm. Besides the fact that the old man would not give a flying fuck about your wardrobe, you were way too old to be slutshamed or worse, babysat.
“Now I know you’re fucking with me. He has way better taste than that.” You could hear the mirth in his voice; he was clearly just trying to banter with you.
“Oh like you would know anything about taste, Discowing.”
You got him there.
“Just make sure—”
“Good night, Richard.” You closed the line before he could give you another lecture and pocketed the listening device into your purse. 
You regarded yourself in the mirror one last time. It was a certified banger of an outfit, went quadruple platinum in all the clubs in Gotham’s nightlife scene. But that’s not where you were going tonight.
Feeling a little paranoid, you quickly scanned your apartment for any sign that you’d been bugged. Finding nothing, you shut the lights and locked the door behind you. Tonight you did have a date, with one of Gotham’s most eligible bachelors at that. So you were going to look hot and that annoying buzzing in your ear was just going to have to deal with it.
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A sleek Tesla was waiting for you at the curb in front of your apartment building. You gave a small wave to a handsome blonde-haired man leaning against the sports car.
Your date was Michael Carter, some hotshot tech CEO you’d never heard of before until his company, Goldstar Inc. blew up out of nowhere. From what you knew of him he wasn’t as famous or rich as your billionaire adoptive father, but what he lacked in influence, he made up for in boundless persistence.
For the past month and a half, he’d been courting you with bouquets of roses, designer shoes and handbags, and more recently a billboard of you in the middle of Times Square asking you out. The billboard was what made you finally go out with him, not particularly because you liked grandiose gestures from douchebags, but mostly so he could leave you alone.
When you approached Michael he let out an appreciative whistle, and you let him wrap his arms around you in greeting. He looked down at you, appraising you and probably getting an eyeful of your tits at the same time.
“You are an absolute knockout. Who’s the lucky guy?” He quipped, eliciting an eye roll from you. 
Yes, he was also very corny but you decided you liked that about him. You’d dated too many men before that reminded you of the men in your family, and this Michael character was a blonde spark of life, a welcomed change from all the brooding and the fucking bats.
“Hope I didn’t make you wait too long.”
“Oh, I don’t mind waiting. Got a lot of time on my hands.”
You smiled up at him, steadying yourself on his arms and feeling the muscle underneath your fingertips. You had to admit, even though he was corny he was complete eye candy. Built like a football player, dimples, pretty face…Yep, you were definitely going to fuck him tonight.
Your eye caught sight of something from over Michael’s shoulder. You shuddered; not because of the temperature—It was a warm enough summer night— but because you could feel that you were being watched. There was… a shadow… lurking on a nearby building.
Michael followed your line of sight to peer over at the dark, confused at where you were staring. 
“Something the matter, princess? You cold?” He rubbed some heat into the goosebumps pebbling your arm.
“N-no. It’s nothing. Sorry,” You shook your head, breaking away from him to climb into the passenger seat, swiftly shutting your door before he could offer to close it for you. He scrambled back to the driver’s seat, clearly caught off guard from your sudden change in demeanor.
“How about we—” Michael turned toward you, mouth open in mid-sentence.
“Drive.” You cut him off.
“Excuse me, what?” He blinked in confusion. 
“A-alright.” He paused, perplexed, then quietly obeyed, gripping the steering wheel as he pulled away from the curb. 
You fished into your purse, opening your messaging app to type out DON’T FOLLOW before hitting send. You didn’t need to see the reply to confirm your suspicions you were being stalked, and you knew Dick Grayson well enough to know he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t. 
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You frowned at the empty seat in front of you. You had already arrived at the restaurant and taken your orders, but your date had been taking a “business call” in the bathroom for over 20 minutes now. You were starting to think you had been ditched.
“This seat taken?” 
You looked up but instead of your date you were greeted by the sight of Dick Grayson in a crisp navy button-down rolled up at the sleeves. He looked like he could be a CEO in his own right, like the kind of CEOs people read in romance novels.
His forearms looked extremely capable, courtesy of his rigorous training; Broad shoulders and dense muscle made his shirt fit slightly too small. He cleaned up nice, a bit too nice since other women kept sneaking glances at your table. 
Dick was an undeniably handsome man, but you would never admit that to him. Instead you gave him a withering glare.
“I don’t know what you think you’re doing but whatever it is, I didn’t ask.”
“So a guy can’t catch up with family after work now?” He sat down in front of you with a look feigning offense until it melted into a playful grin. He looked a bit too smug taking the spot of where your date would’ve been.
“You’re really shameless y’know that? You showing up and expecting me to just welcome you with open arms does not make you family.” You leaned back and crossed your arms. “What the hell did you do with Michael, Dick?”
“What did I do? What, you think I killed him? Like on some mobster Falcone shit?” 
“No, like on some Bruce Wayne shit. Real chip off the old block.” You scoffed. “I know you paid him off. It’s the same story with every other guy I’ve dated.”
He was silent as if mulling over whether or not to own up to the accusation.“I gave them an option and they took it,” he said simply as if there wasn't anything wrong with what he just confessed.
“And here I thought I was the problem.”
“Might be. If you keep choosing guys that’ll walk out on you at the whiff of a few bucks.”
“Fuck you, Dick.” You shot him two middle fingers and gathered your things to go. You weren’t gonna stay and hear this shit.
“They were all full of shit and you know it.”
“D-did anyone order the steak?” 
Dick broke his serious gaze from you and flashed a dimpled smile to ease the nervous waiter.
“We’ll take it to-go, thanks.”
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You watched your 5th Uber request get denied and sighed. You really didn’t want to have to resort to getting the Wayne driver, but these were incredibly desperate times. Maybe if you faked being in danger, they could get to you fast enough to escape from Dick.
You were in the middle of dialing the number up when you felt something heavy across your back; The smell of leather, wood, and spice interrupted your thoughts. You didn’t refuse the warmth; it was welcome. Somehow it had gotten colder than you had originally accounted for.
“Really good thing I was here. Looks like someone needs a ride,” you felt Dick whisper into your ear. He gave your shoulders a playful squeeze and walked ahead of you to his car. You looked up just in time to see him, head turned and smirking back at you.
“Shut. Up. Just take me home,” You gritted out.
“Your chariot awaits.” He tipped an invisible top hat your direction, bowing theatrically as he opened the passenger door to his car. God he was annoying. You slipped past him, and kicked off your heels as soon as you hit the plush leather seat.
The drive back to your apartment was quiet. You weren’t surprised that he seemed to know exactly where you lived. Which, due to the nature of your job was to be expected. Bruce probably had you all chipped anyway, but you appreciated the illusion of privacy at the very least.
You turned your head to stare thoughtfully at his side profile as he drove, one hand on the steering wheel, the other arm resting on the shift. It was oddly intimate to watch him from this perspective. Gotham City’s lights waxed and waned across his face as you passed through the night streets.
“What?” He seemed uncharacteristically conscious under your gaze. 
“So…you’re saying I need to date some sort of incorruptible and righteous superhero. That would be good enough for you, right? Someone that can’t be bought or bribed?”
He glanced at you brow furrowed before returning his attention to the road. “Wasn't saying that.”
“Now that I’m thinking about it Hal Jordan’s kinda cute.”
“Real classy, Y/N,” He said, visibly irritated now.
“What? What’s wrong with Hal?” You pressed, knowing you’d struck a nerve. Dick was terribly predictable and fun to annoy when he wasn’t busy annoying you.
“Uh I don’t know, maybe the fact that he’s Bruce’s friend?”
“Please, they’re barely friends. Coworkers at best.”  Since when was that an issue for the dude who hooked up with the commissioner’s daughter anyway? The hypocrisy was truly baffling.
“Fine,” You pouted at him. “Everyone cares about money, Dick. It’s Gotham. And you don’t even live here anymore, so who else does that leave that money won’t sway? Alfred?”
He gave you a pointed silence, not in any more mood for the topic of conversation. “We’re here.”
You blinked, surprised. Sure enough, you were in the familiar surroundings of your parking garage. Maybe you’d been too busy staring at the cut of the older man’s jaw to notice you were already home.
“You’re not gonna walk me up? ‘Cuz If I didn’t know any better, I’d have thought you were my personal bodyguard.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.” 
“Cockblocker.” You muttered under your breath as you scuffed your heels back on. You shrugged out of his jacket and exited the car.
“Hey, wait! Keep the jacket on, it’s cold,” He called after you, but you only waved him off dismissively. You heard his car door slam shut and in a few strides, he was next to you again, draping the jacket over your shoulders.
He wordlessly joined you in the elevator, pushing the button to your floor like he'd been there before. At the door of your apartment, he passed along the plastic bag filled with restaurant takeout.
You briefly considered the raven haired man and then the takeout bag in your hand. “I’m probably gonna regret this, but…you hungry?”
“I could eat,” Dick shrugged, following after you into your apartment. 
You kicked off your heels and made a beeline to the kitchen. “Bathroom’s on the right. Just make yourself at home. I would give you a tour but, you probably already know your way around.”
“Thanks, but it’s the first time I’ve been in here, Y/N.” He replied drily, hands stuffed in his pockets. “Look, I know you don’t trust me, but I wouldn’t do that, ok?”
You only hummed, not really believing him. Dick Grayson wasn’t the type to lie, he was the type to withhold. 
You set down your bag on the kitchen table, reaching into the cupboard. “Wine?”
He jingled his car keys as an answer. 
“Ah. Right. ‘Protect and serve’ not ‘drink and drive’, got it.”
Dick seemed to be paying a lot of attention to the knickknacks on your shelf. You watched him pick up a few photo frames, inspect them closely for a bit and then carefully set them back In their places.
“You’re making my living room look like a crime scene, officer.” You chided strolling in closer. “What, are you gonna need a baggie for that evidence too?”
He rolled his eyes and shook his head, humored. “I didn’t know you liked photography is all.”
“Yea well, there’s a lot of things you don’t know about me.”
“I know enough.”
“Like what?”
He looked around the room and then settled on the books and magazines stacked on your coffee table. “You’re into fashion.”
“Well yea, I’m a model, Dick. Not exactly breaking news,” You scoffed. “You sure you’re a detective?”
He broke into a grin, the kind of grin that made the dimples in his cheeks deepen. It was like he genuinely liked when you made fun of him. “Well, I also know you also have terrible taste in men so…”
“Have you considered that maybe I just wanted to get laid?”
“No, and I hope that never crosses my mind." He made a face like the very thought disturbed him. "Besides, you don’t want that.”
You chose to ignore the blatant patronizing. “Not a want; It’s a need. A biological one. Girls have those too y’know.”
“Ugh alright, can we change the subject now, please?” He wrinkled his nose, cheeks faintly flushed. It would’ve been so easy to tease him about how cute he looked blushing.
“You’re the one that brought it up.”
“I did not bring that up. I’m…just saying that I know you’re not that type of girl.”
“Not that type of—And what would that be?” You narrowed your eyes at him.
“The one-night stand type. That’s not you.”
“How would you know what I am and what I’m not?” You retorted, agitation building. Getting date-ditched was one thing but getting mansplained to about your sex life was just the cherry on top of a shitty Saturday night.
“I know you,” He spoke slowly with an edge that confirmed your suspicions; The tone in his voice was backed by knowledge of your history—who you were before Bruce rescued you out of that hell and scrubbed your background clean.
“More like you’ve been stalking me. That’s not fair, Dick. You can look up all the data you want on me on that supercomputer but you don’t get to know me. It’s—it’s too late for that.”
You thought about Jason and how he was ripped away from you too soon. Tears fell faster than you could stop them. One second you were ok and the next, Dick had crossed the room to bring you into his arms. You fisted his shirt as you cried into his shoulder.
“You weren’t here. You left. You left us.”
“I know. I’m sorry.” He comforted softly, tightening his arms around you.
“That’s not fair, Dick. It’s not fair.” You can’t remember the last time you cried this pathetically. He was rocking you gently now, whispering apologies in your ear.
“I know. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Y/N. I’m gonna make it right.” 
He gazed at you now, a sadness in his eyes. You wondered what exactly he meant by that. The only way to make it right was to bring Jason back. 
He gently held your face in his hands, thumbs swiping away stray tears. Years of training had calloused his fingers and you could feel them now against your cheeks.
“Let me make it up to you. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
His soothing voice released flutters in your stomach—a bubbling concoction of fear, anticipation, and…something more. 
Inhale. 1. 2. 3.
Your breathing became shallow as he brought his head down, lips hesitant before yours. When you didn’t move away he brushed against you, softly first, waiting for permission until your eyes fluttered closed and you finally let him in.
Your cheeks burned. Something about kissing him made you embarrassed or maybe you were ashamed, like you knew you were doing something you shouldn’t.
You fumbled out of his jacket, now too hot, and pawed frantically at the buttons on his shirt. He kissed you with more passion, swallowing your moans as his hands shamelessly roamed your body, groping and grabbing handfuls of your ass. 
“Bedroom. My bedroom.” You said quickly between fraught kisses. If you hadn’t, he would’ve probably taken you right there on the sofa.
He nodded in agreement, picking you up with ease and swiftly treading to your room with you in tow. He set you on the bed and resumed where he left off until you were lying under him. That’s when you could feel him, all of him, pressing against you. 
“‘m gonna make you feel good.” 
Ripples of abs and lean muscle ground against you as he kissed down your neck. You gasped softly when his hand moved to rub you over the cloth of your panties.
“Wanna see you. Please, let me see you.”
He tugged the top of your dress down, undoing the clasp of your bra and revealing to him the peaks of your tawny nipples. You inhaled sharply, watching him take your breast into his mouth, eyes on you, as he licked and sucked.
You writhed under him, already overwhelmed by everything he was doing to you. He snaked his hand back into the front of your now-soaked panties, rubbing at first and then inserting a finger, then two until you were stretching around him.
“So wet for me, my pretty girl. Look at you milking my fingers in this slutty little dress. You were gonna let him do this to you, right? You were gonna let him finger your pussy too huh, baby?”
You whimpered his name, eyes wide as he continued to speak with his fingers squelching in and out of you. Normal, everyday Dick Grayson had the image of being a “nice guy”. He was probably that neighbor you’d ask to borrow sugar from; You would never expect to hear such dirty words coming from his mouth.
He hiked up the skirt of your dress some more and brought your hips to his face.
“Let me take care of you, huh? Let me take care of this pretty little cunt.”
You cursed softly, as he began to kiss and suck around your clit as he fingered you.
“Fuck,” He groaned, “You taste so good, baby.”
He lapped at your cunt, making lewd slurps and noises. When he removed his fingers, he replaced them with his tongue and the sensation made you squirm.
“Quit moving so much. Didn’t you say you wanted to get laid? Don’t you want me to eat you out?”
“Y-yes. I want—Mmhfuck.” You nodded, finally finding some semblance of language. The way he spoke down to you was so agonizingly frustrating. It reminded you how patronizing he'd been earlier that night, telling you to cover up and dictating your life for you.
“You haven’t been fucked in a while, huh?” He mocked. “That’s why you were gonna let some guy you met today fuck you—Such a fucking slut that’s why you wore that, right?”
You whined at his words, bucking to earn some more friction from him.
“Holy shit, you like that? You like when I call you a slut.” His smile grew as if he just made a huge discovery. “Yea, ‘course you like it. Should’ve spread your legs on that billboard that guy bought. Let Gotham see how much of a fucking whore you are.”
Your cheeks warmed in embarrassment. You felt betrayed by the physical reaction you gave with how crudely he was speaking. He'd figured you out; You liked being treated like a cockdumb slut.
He planted a few more kisses on your thigh, unbuckling his pants with a free hand.
“Wait for me, babe. Touch yourself and wait for me like a good girl.”
You obeyed, rubbing at your throbbing mound to no avail. Your fingers didn’t feel as good as his did. 
He freed his cock from his underwear and you could see it now, leaking beads of precum from the tip, swollen and bobbing up against his well-defined stomach. Your mouth watered, you wanted to feel all of him on your tongue. But when you reached for him, he brought your fingers up to his mouth instead, sucking the pussy juices off your fingertips. He kissed your knuckles and returned your hand to you.
“Keep those pretty fingers busy, sweetheart.”
He stroked slowly, watching you tentatively squeeze one of your breasts, your other hand rubbing and dipping between your folds. 
“Fuck you’re so fucking beautiful.” He groaned before he kneeled to position himself between your legs, aligning himself at your entrance.
“You just need a cock to fill you up, doesn’t matter which one, huh? That’s what you wanted, right?”
He rubbed himself against you, tip occasionally catching on a soft divot, but not fully being inserted inside.
“You’d even let your stepbrother fuck you, huh? That’s how much of a dirty little slut you are.”
You felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes, a mixture of humiliation, frustration, and desire. How could your body like it so much when he was being so vulgar, so mean?
“Please, I need—“ You panted, trying to push yourself onto his cock for release.
“Mmh? Speak up, princess. What do you need?” 
“F-fill me up. I need you to fill me up.” 
“Only good girls get filled up Y/N. But you’ve been talking back to me all day like a fucking brat. You gonna be a good girl for me, baby?
You nodded dumbly in agreement. He pushed inside you a little deeper, only to take it out again.
“P—lease, I’ll be good. Just—need you inside.”
If only the patients at Arkham Asylum could see you now. They’d probably grab front-row seats to see you pathetically begging for some cock. 
“You could barely take my fingers, princess. You sure it’ll fit?”
He was right. It was a tighter fit than you anticipated, but you could feel him now hot and pulsating as he stretched you out.
“You’re doing so well for me, baby. C’mon you can take it.” He cooed, muttering curses to himself until he finally bottomed out, fully seated inside you.
You moaned, holding onto his forearms as he rutted in and out of you. You could see his length disappear and reappear with every thrust, gathering a ring of your cream around his base.
“How do you feel princess?” He grunted out, pace quickening. “How does it feel to have me balls deep inside that tight little cunt?”
“It. Feels. So. Goo—Ahmmhfuck.” You clenched around him, voice vibrating with every thrust.
“Fuck, you’re milking me, sweetheart.” He laughed, voice smug. “You’ve thought about this before, haven’t you. Fuck, you’re so fucking dirty. You been thinking about my cock filling you up huh? Being my personal fleshlight? It’s everything you ever dreamed of right?” 
You could tell he was enjoying this, enjoying degrading you as you laid helpless underneath him, your release depending entirely on him. It was infuriating that he had this much power over you, but the amount of pleasure he was currently giving you superseded your pride.
He pushed your thighs back as he went deeper into an unforgiving mating press, knees by your ears, not caring that you weren’t as flexible as he was. 
“Such a good girl taking my cock so well. Wanted this for so long. You’re so pretty. You’re so fucking pretty. You feel so good; so good for me.”
He moaned into your ear, placing sloppy kisses at your mouth and jaw.
“This pussy’s made for me. You’re made for me. I’m the only one who can make you feel this good.”
You felt his balls smack heavily against your ass as he continued to pound his fat cock into your sensitive cunt, reaching your G-spot.
“Whose is it, baby? Whose pussy is it? Please, baby. Say it’s mine. Just for me.”
“I-it’s yours. O-only. Yours.”  You gasped out, feeling a warmth blooming at the apex of your thighs as you came unraveled underneath him.
His length twitched as he unloaded thick ropes of cum inside you, some of it leaking out and down your ass as he thrusted deeper.
"That's right, take my cum. Take it, it's yours. It's all yours."
He continued to fuck his cum into you until your walls squeezed around him, coaxing out every last drop.
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It was morning now and sunlight peeked out from between the gaps in your curtains. You grounded yourself back into your senses. Your satin pillowcase cooled your cheek, but there was an unfamiliar warmth pinning you down—an arm wrapped around your waist.
He was half-hard now, erection resting lightly against the plump of your ass. You could feel his chest rising and falling, warm against your back as he slept. Deep breaths in. 1. 2. 3. Out. 1. 2. 3.
You liked the way you fit together, your soft curves snug against his hardened body.
You turned a little to try and meet his eyes but your stirring only prompted soft kisses at your shoulder, and a strong arm pulling you ever closer, willing you not to leave the bed.
“Good morning.” He said between nips and kisses, intertwining fingers in yours. “What do you want for breakfast, beautiful?”
“Hmm? You’re still here.” It was more of a statement than a question.
“‘m still here.” He mumbled against your neck. His morning voice became noticeably deeper when sleep still clung to it. 
“Not a one night stand type of guy?”
He chuckled softly, the contented sound losing itself in the groove of your shoulder. 
“Nope. More like one night and one morning stand.”
You smiled at the terrible joke but willed it away quickly before he could see it. 
“I saw that smile,” He accused.
“No, you didn’t.” You tried to smother the corners of your mouth downward again. “You know for someone so smart you say a lot of stupid shit.”
“Aww, you think I’m smart, babe?” You didn’t have to look at him to know he probably had the dumbest smile plastered on his face. 
You rolled your eyes. “You also realize you talk way too much right?”
“You weren’t saying that last night.” He palmed your breast, kneading it softly. “Got so turned on you were literally begging me to fuck you. You were all like ‘Please daddy, please fuck me.’”
“I did not say that shit, weirdo.”
“It was implied.” He simpered.
You couldn’t help it; you were giggling now too. “You are such a dumbass.”
“First I’m smart, now I’m a dumbass. Which one is it, hm?” 
“Hmm, let me see…Which one is the quiet one, again?”
“You wouldn’t like it if I was quiet, though.” His voice had a hint of challenge in it.
You pursed your lips. He wasn’t entirely wrong.
“See? I know that filthy shit gets you going. Wanna test that theory, baby?” He murmured, kissing the shell of your ear. “See if you’ll call me daddy?"
Evidently he wasn’t the only one who got off to dirty talk. His cock was now fully hard and pressing against your ass.
He rolled on his stomach, pulling you closer to him by the thighs. Your eyes fluttered closed as he nuzzled into your sex, laving and sucking, deep blue eyes locked on you. His lips curled into a smile against you when you moaned and sighed with pleasure.
Dick pulled up briefly, pussy drunk, wearing his spit and your essence on his face like a badge of honor. He peppered a languid trail of drowsy kisses from your mouth and up your jaw as you spoke.
“Wha-what happened to breakfast?” Your question spilled out breathlessly from the way his mouth worked, a futile attempt at remaining coherent. Losing face now meant inflating his ego, especially if you proved his little “theory” a bit too quickly. 
“How about I eat you out first, then you let me fuck my cum down your throat later, yea?” 
His suggestive whisper sent a heavy wave of arousal straight to your heat. 
Your bodies became a desperate tangle of limbs; your legs wrapped around his hips as you bucked up to grind against him, wanting—no, needing— him back inside you. Breakfast was definitely going to have to wait.
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©️ blackreaderfics // credit to cafekitsune for the dividers
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rokishimizu4 · 18 days
Nightwing’s Big Brother adventure
(Sorry for the long wait, I’m moving to a new place and starting a new job, so very busy with that. Also, I’m writing stories-BatFam, Yautjas, Undertale AUs, Homer (Odyssey) x Gods/Goddesses, Hetalia Nordic 5, etc.) This one is gonna be dialogue heavy, because I see Dick & Jason being chatty when especially nervous. (Aka there is a child that Jay told me threw up brains and powdered meth and it’s staring at me from across two buildings on top of a fucken roof) Enjoy!
Warning: Todd being Todd, foul language, in a bad mood Nightwing
The months leading up to Nightwing traveling back and forth from Blüdhaven to EVERYWHERE else was one of with a sharp decline in villain activity in his claimed city as he was not in the mood to be nice.
Especially when he learns that there may be a organization out there that’s probably experimenting on people that NO ONE can find and a child out there that Jay says “threw up a bunch of meth users’ brains and got so sick that I was ready to call dad and beg him for help”.
That shit does not fly by Dick Wayne Grayson, especially when it comes to children that might be experimented on.
So, cue Nightwing prowling across Blüdhaven from when the sun starts to go down to as soon as the sun is high in the sky with his team. He barely goes to bed before he decides to head over to Gotham to help out with whatever he can.
However, this night was far from his ‘normal’ routine as he was in route to a bank robbery when he notices that the next roof he was ready to jump onto had something strange sitting on the ledge, glowing purple in the flashing lights of the fuck ton of cop cars down below. (Dick let the cops have a head start cause he was feeling nice)
The thing reminds Nightwing of a being made of oil, slime, and water, and/or some type of clay. But, seeing the goop moving in the flashing lights like a living, breathing, human did something to his brain that reminded him of when he first met Jason Todd.
“Hello there, a lot of noise here huh? What are you doing out here so late at night? Do you need some help? Are you hungry? Thirsty?” He asks in a soft tone, trying not to scare the mysterious child, who was smaller than Jason before his death and maybe even smaller than Damien when he was dropped off at Wayne Manor.
However before Nightwing could ask anymore questions, a beeping from his com renders him speechless. He quickly puts a hand up towards the figure, while his other hand goes up to his ear and presses a small button.
“Go for Nightwing.” “Hey Wing, just heard from your girlfriend that you haven’t been fucken sleeping dick head!” “Hood, I really don’t have the time for this.” “Oh no, the famous Nightwing doesn’t have the time to take his own god damn advice! Fuck you Wing, I’m gonna come over there and beat your ass til you can’t get the fuck out of bed for a week.”
”Hood, I really need you to watch your language at the moment.” “Why, you gonna come over here and wash my mouth out with soap? Too bad, I had worse. So try me bitch!”
”Jay Bird,” Dick could tell that Jason was now actually listening, “I have a goop child sitting a full roof top away from me that is staring at me and tilting it’s head side to side like it can hear you and understand you. So please, little brother watch your language.”
”Please tell me you’re joking. Dick, please fucken tell me you’re joking.” “I wish I was, because there is currently a robbery in progress and while the cops are there already, the still flashing lights do NOT fill me with confidence. And, from what you told me about this child, I refuse to leave them alone.”
”Where are you? Please tell me where you are NOW.” Jason growls and Dick did not need to hear Jason to know that he was rushing through his house/hideout getting clothes on and tripping his own feet to make it to Dick’s location.
”Blüdhaven, the biggest bank. Please hurry, cause I don’t know what to do yet.”
”Do you have any chocolate or anything like that on you? Yes, I’m being serious, cause the kid ate a shit ton of chocolate once it got all that shit out of its stomach.”
”How the fuck…” Dick’s jaw threatens to drop in confusion as he remembers that the backpack he was carrying was full of different types of chocolates and candy to make up his absences from date nights with Kori.
“Don’t fuck tell me that you have chocolate on you.. Pfft!” Jason busts out laughing as he realizes that the kid probably followed Dick because he has fucken chocolate!
”Jay, please shut your mouth. I’m gonna give this kid some chocolate and if you’re not here in the next 10 minutes, I’m gonna convince Kori to adopt this kid with me.”
”Hey! Fuck off! I called dibs first!”
Dick cuts Jason off with a double beep, which closes the conversation, and places some chocolate bars on his combo sticks and balances it over to the building roof in between the two of them, and slides it onto the roof. Then retracts so the kid could grab and go if they wanted to.
Which, to the disappointment of Dick, and Jason, who just landed on the same roof of Dick’s building, is exactly what the child did.
In a blink of two pairs of eyes, the goopy child grabbed the small stack of chocolates bars with a pair of tentacles and then jumps off the FUCKEN BUILDING, only to disappear into the mass of flashing lights like mist.
“WTF?” “Did you?” Two coms beeps-“Wing/Hood to Oracle!”
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partashiolgy · 4 days
ok but vampire batfam au where bruce & alfred r the only!!! vampires in gotham for a time and alfred transformed bruce in 1939 when bruce is 27 because he felt so tight with grief when bruce was about to die to a mere mugger; bruce, overwhelmed with immortality, dedicates his life to protecting humanity and believes this to be the source of the vampire. bruce feeds on animals while alfred continues on humans. for a brief time, bruce resents alfred for what he’s done
it’s not til bruce allows dick grayson in the 1960s his life that he realizes what alfred must’ve felt; after years of resentment, it fades. dick watches, how bruce never eats at the table and how bruce never seems to be found during the day; alfred roams— in his older vampiric age, the sun has little effect on him— and eventually dick realizes what has transpired. it is when dick is 17 that he confronts the man, bruce fumbles for words before explaining his truth. dick, unsure of what to make of this, spends his last year of childhood in confusion and a mess of emotions. he moves to blüdhaven to start his degree in business, as had originally been the plan.
bruce finds and adopts a young jason todd in 1973 after the boy attempts to take the tires off his car. finding himself thoroughly amused, he takes the boy in despite how things happened last time. he lets himself love and care for the boy and even watches as dick gently creeps back into the family if just to befriend the boy. there is a strange air that surrounds them, bruce and dick. they do not speak much when he comes, but dick allows his affections if bruce were to touch his shoulder.
jason todd passes in 1976 in ethiopia after the heartfelt attempt at finding his mother. bruce finds him, on his last breaths and attempts to turn him. tasting human blood for the first time in forever, it being his sons and feeding the boy his own. bruce waits, and waits, but jason’s eyes do not open. his son has passed. it is this event that prompts bruce to offer immortality to dick; dick rejects, he says he does not ever want to be turned. bruce makes mental note.
it is in 1980— bruce did in fact end up transforming dick after his son almost bled out at an attack, causing another rift to form— that jason todd returns. and he looks the same as he did all those years ago, hauntingly 15. a child forever, but not a child all the same. he is much more powerful, almost as much as bruce, and bruce recognizes it of course; jason todd had drank the blood of al ghul.
his own blood, bruce realizes, had not taken so quick. he wonders how much more he must’ve needed to wait for jason to reanimate. for jason to be alive once more.
but idk. just thinking.
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magic-crazy-as-this · 24 days
I'm working on editing the script for my Penelope Todd comic and I'm starting to think about messing with some of the details of the worldbuilding for my AU (aka Earth 860).
Like, for instance, the Batkids are all a little closer in age. Dick is only two years older than Jason so they got a chance to be a little closer before everyone started parting ways.
There's also a bit more time between when the Todd kids got adopted and Jason becoming Robin, Dick was Batman's Robin for the better part of a year before Jason began training. They all went to school together for a short time and Jason and Penelope were around when Dick and Bruce started fighting.
(I like this change a lot because it gives Bruce a different motivation for adopting Jason than just... wanting a kid around. Makes it less transactional, you know?)
⌞ ° • 🦇 • ° ⌟
Another minor-minor change is that I'm moving Gotham to Connecticut. Not just because I grew up there but I grew up there and HOLY HELL ARE THERE JUST STRAIGHT UP MAFIA TOWNS.
Genuinely. I've learned how to recognise a front pretty quick and it's not all that cutesy post about cooking nonnas.
It also gives a little more space between New York, Gotham, and Blüdhaven.
Penelope has yet to visit Dick in Blüdhaven because although she grew up on the streets of Gotham, she's terrified of New Jersey.
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fryingpan1234567 · 2 years
yeah, more of these…
Batboys x reader feat. living together bc I don’t see enough headcanons about that (in some you’re a super and in some you’re not)
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dick Grayson/ Nightwing
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We’re imagining a Matt Murdock style Manhattan apartment, with entire walls made of murky glass, limited amount of walls within the place, very nice. It’s in Blüdhaven (:
There are two bedrooms. The two of you live in the smaller one and the master is for superhero stuff
All your tech, suits, files, medical, all that
The ceiling in your room is glass!!
The doggo is a black German Shepherd with a white patch on his chest that looks like the Nightwing symbol, which is the entire reason you got him. His name is Eagle :D
No matter where you work, the two of you take your lunches together every day and get coffee before work if there’s enough time. You picked this place because it’s close to both your jobs, obvi
As far as decor goes, there are a few high-humidity plants, neutral and blue tones, and cool metal
It’s always humid in your place for the plants, but it’s nice
Rainforest vibes, especially when it’s raining
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jason Todd/ Red Hood
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So many books
All the books
Y’all’s live out kind of in the middle of nowhere so it’s easier to retreat and lay low when necessary
Bout an hour out of Gotham
That’s Albus Dumbledore, the Great Dane
Alby for short cause she’s actually a girl but Jay wasn’t budging on that name
Kitty is Angelica
Anyways it’s nice and quiet out there, no city noises or being constantly worried about a stray bomb being thrown in a window
Every goddamn cup or container in your house is a mason jar
Plates and bowls are literally just hammered out sheets of scrap metal
It’s an aesthetic tbh
Plenty of succulents
Anyways the library? Massive
The kitchen? Top of the line
Maybe you two live out in the middle of nowhere, but no way in hell do you pass up the opportunity to abuse Bruce’s money to build a kickass house with all your favorite things
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tim Drake/ Red Robin
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Tim wanted to stay close to Bruce, as he is still a Robin
So y’all’s are only like a ten minute drive from the manor
Two doggos!! Rapunzel and Rella. They are both trained service dogs for anxiety and PTSD, for you and Tim both. Damian helped Bruce find them for you when the two of you moved in :DD
You have a smaller apartment, but it’s close to the top of the building and you actually get to see the Gotham sun sometimes
Whenever Rella or Rapunzel knows Tim’s been on his computer too long, or you’re hyperfixated on a case, or neither of you have slept in a while, they’ll drag you away from your work for a walk or a nap or food
Da best guard dogs :3
The house has quite the modern vibe going
Bright colors, cool shapes, sensible uses of space
Yes, the loft king bed is a real thing
Although sometimes you guys end up sleeping in the living room with a blanket fort bc your dogs can’t follow you up the ladder
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Damian Wayne/ Robin
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First and foremost: Playdough’s rainbow spots are just dye; she’s fine I promise
Dami brought Titus and Alfred, obviously, but sadly Batcow had to stay at the manor. The condo building owners didn’t like the idea of that; a Great Dane is barely allowed as it is
The other cat is Cookie!! She’s nice but you and Dami tell everyone she’s mean so when they get affection they feel all warm inside [:
Keep in mind these guys are the only permanent ones- you foster all kinds of animals, including more dogs and cats, chinchillas, guinea pigs, rabbits, birds, even a bat once
Dami also had to stay close to the manor for Robin purposes. You guys are a few minutes away
There are little weapons and med kits and snacks (human and pet) scattered all over your place
Everything is so dark at your place so bloodstains are less noticable
(Dami tends to stumble through a window at like four in the morning, potentially with stab or gunshot wounds and bleeds all over the place)
If you’re a nurse, the stitching up came easy
If you’re not… you had to learn pretty fast
But hey it’s not all bad you’ve got four emotional support animals and a giant tv to watch Nat Geo on
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pekejscatbed · 1 year
Band-aids and too many scars | Jason Todd centric
SFW age regression, little! Jason, slight cg! Bruce, slight cg! Alfred, lots of fluff with a dash of angst (only a sentence)
batman masterlist
song: little space - sxye
It's not the first time Jason finds himself in this position, breaking into Wayne Manor and crawling through his adoptive dads bedroom window while said dad is away at some fancy gala or work meeting, and it's also not the first time that Bruce's bedroom window has been left unlocked and Jason wonders if it's on purpose- if Bruce is aware of what his second son is doing, breaking into his room and regressing to the age of a child to relive the childhood he didn't get to experience, and if Bruce is intentionally leaving the window unlocked to make Jason's feats easier. Either way, Jason tries not to think about it too much, because he really doesn't want Bruce to know about his regression, even if Bruce is the one person Jason craves when he's slipped into that state of mind, and instead he just chooses to believe that the constantly unlocked window is merely a coincidence.
Today, Bruce is attending one of the many galas Alfred urges him to go to in attempt to keep up appearances, and Alfred is with him as part of his "butler duties" as he calls them. Dick is still in Blüdhaven, Tim is on a date with his boyfriend, and Damien is... Jason isn't sure actually- that kid can disappear- but he's not at the manor, so Jason's happy (yes, Jason stalks his family, so what? it's not weird-). Since no one is home, it's the perfect time for Jason to indulge in his coping mechanism, which just so happens to involve breaking into his dad's bedroom, yes- but, in Jason's defense, being in the head space of child makes him crave his childhood home and the comforting smell of his Daddy's cologne, okay?
Speaking of his Daddy, little Jay is currently sitting on his Daddy's king-sized bed, pulling little gear out of the small, black backpack he brought with him. The first item Jay pulls out is his black bat Hello Kitty stuffed animal, a Beanie Baby Halloween plush in an orange outfit with details in the same color. Next, he pulls out two coloring books, the first being Superhero themed and the second being of the Lisa Frank brand; he also grabs a few small packages of crayons. The last thing Jay grabs from his bag is his pacifier, black with a red handle, decorated with a small array of stickers.
Jay slips the paci into his mouth, lightly suckling, and opens his Lisa Frank coloring book; he flips to a page of a girl in a princess dress, standing on what looks like a castle wall, a vase of flowers on the floor next to her. Grabbing a light brown crayon, Jay colors her skin first, then switches the color to a dark purple to color the girls curly hair, lips, and eyeshadow. Next, he grabs hot pink to color her dress, switching to a light pink to color the big bow on the front of her gown. Jay then moves onto the flowers, filling them in with different shades of purple and pink, then colors the vase with a orange-ish-brown. Finally, Jay colors the castle walls grey, switching between dark and light shades for every other brick.
The little continues coloring for a while, filling in a couple more pages, the last he does being a picture of Batman from his Superhero book, a present for his Daddy when he's finished, though he knows he'd never actually give it to the man (Jay wipes away the tears building up in his eyes with a sniffle, wishing the thought away). Once the picture is fully colored, Jay smiles at his work with pride, before a small yawn escapes his lips, muffled by his paci. His eyes start to close and his shoulders begin to droop, and the boy realizes just how sleepy he is and lies down on side, curling in on himself and grabbing his Hello Kitty stuffie to cuddle up to his chest. In his small, sleepy state, Jay falls asleep in the comfort of his Daddy's bed, forgetting that he really isn't supposed to be there in the first place.
When Bruce comes home and steps into his room, the last thing he expects to see is his second son asleep on his bed with a stuffed animal in his arms, an adult pacifier in his mouth, and a mess of crayons and coloring books next to the boy's body. The man takes in the sight before him, a fond, although slightly confused, smile on his lips.
Alfred comes up behind Bruce, wondering why his Master has stopped in the middle of his doorway with a genuine happiness on his face, though the butler immediately understands when his eyes lay on Jason, and he smiles, too, then whispers, "It seems Master Jason has made a mess. Shall I clean up for him?"
Bruce nods, though advises Alfred to be quiet, careful, not wanting to risk waking his sleeping son, then lightly walks towards his closet to change out of his suit and into more comfortable clothes. Alfred understands and quietly puts away all the crayons in their respective boxes, going as far as to put them in color order, then moves to pick up the coloring books, eyes widening when he sees the open page of a fully colored Batman. The butler waves over Bruce, who is pulling on a shirt, and shows him the carefully colored picture, hand drawn hearts covering the border as well as the single word, "Daddy".
Grinning, Bruce takes in the picture, asking Alfred to rip it out of the coloring book for Bruce to keep (Alfred has always been better at tearing along perforated lines than Bruce). Alfred does as asked, then gently puts the packages of crayons and coloring books into the backpack at the end of the bed, making sure to keep the Batman page out. As he does this, Jason shivers from his spot on Bruce's bed, a mumbled, "Daddy" falling from his lips as his pacifier gently slips out of his mouth and onto the bed next to him. Both Alfred and Bruce smile warmly at the sight, and Bruce grabs the fuzzy blanket at the end of his bed and gently covers his son with it. He then grabs the pacifier, asking Alfred to clean it off, then slowly pushes it back between his sons' lips. Once Jason is warm and comfortable, and the bed is clean, Bruce and Alfred both quietly make their way out of the bedroom, Bruce slowly shutting the door behind him with the coloring page in hand.
Together, the Master and his butler search the internet for answers to Jason's behavior and learn about the terms Age Regression and Little Space, quickly understanding the coping mechanism and how and why it would benefit Jason.
When Jason wakes up, all his coloring tools are put away, and moonlight shines in through the window he came in. His eyes widen, realization setting in; someone saw him. Quickly, Jason shoves his pacifier and stuffed animal into his bag, momentarily pausing when he comes across a plastic baggie filled with chocolate chips cookies. A light blush spreading across his tanned cheeks, Jason shakes his head, leaving the same way he came in.
(He eats the cookies when he gets to his apartment, the taste immediately giving away who baked them: Alfred. Jason smiles.)
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bluejaysandblackbats · 3 months
A Stone's Throw
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: The night Jason wakes up in the convalescent home, he's accompanied by his favorite nurse (Nurse Kathy). Nurse Kathy follows her instincts and decides to foster him in the nearby city of Blüdhaven. Soon, her partner and roommates become Jason's new family despite hopes that he'll regain his memories.
Chapters: 1/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Original Characters, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon
Additional Tags: Disabled Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne Doesn't Know Jason Todd is Alive, Angst, Fluff, Found Family, Jason Todd Has a Foster Family AU, Jason Todd Moves to Blüdhaven, Original Asexual Characters, Original Lesbian Characters, Amnesiac Jason Todd, "Missed Him By That Much" Trope, Hurt/Comfort, Resurrected Jason Todd
Chapter One: The First Week of His Life
Save for the rhythmic beeping of monitors and Nurse Kathy’s hard plastic fork scraping against her Tupperware. The gentle brushing noise of her white tennis shoes dragging against the faded, scuffed blue algae tiles interrupted the predictable symphony of nighttime sounds. She always sat at Jason’s bedside to eat lunch during her shift, especially at night. The nurses whispered about the strange goings-on in John Doe number two-sixty-five’s room. They complained about an ominous feeling they got being around him at nighttime, but Nurse Kathy was not a superstitious woman. Actually… Nurse Kathy had a motherly fondness for him. 
Sometimes, she’d come in on her off days and read books to him, stopping to discuss themes and talk about movie adaptations. She spoke softly about the world outside, carefully mentioning pleasant things and never upsetting news. Doctors doubted he would wake, but her supervisor encouraged Nurse Kathy’s attentive nature, believing it would improve Jason’s condition. 
A police helicopter flew over the hospital, disturbing the quiet of Huntington Convalescent Hospital. Jason’s nose wrinkled, and his hand twitched as he stirred. Nurse Kathy quickly set her Tupperware aside and stroked his cheek with her finger. The gentle contact he would’ve received from a family member. “It’s alright, sweetheart… It’s okay,” Nurse Kathy replied. 
Jason’s body relaxed, but his tightly shut eyes stayed that way until Nurse Kathy sang a song. Whenever Jason seemed agitated, Nurse Kathy sang a song that trapped itself in her mind. She wondered if it was her voice or the pacing of the lyrics, but it soothed him without fail. He opened his eyes, staring at Nurse Kathy, and she smiled.
The gentle stroking of a single finger against Jason’s cheek turned to four fingers down the side of his face. The line of his jaw felt familiar to her. Nurse Kathy felt naturally inclined toward Jason, like a mother and son. She’d fostered her share of children, but Jason was a different case. She expressed interest in taking him in as a foster child once his condition improved, but his improvement wasn’t promised. But tonight felt different. Jason sat up and removed the monitor on his finger. “Wait, no. Sweetheart,” Nurse Kathy pleaded. Jason leaned forward, and Nurse Kathy tensed. He stared close to her chest. It startled her until she realized he wanted to read her badge. She held it close to his face. “My name is Katherine. Everyone calls me Nurse Kathy,” she whispered. She smoothed his hair down on the right side of his head, and he craned into her touch. Jason’s face remained expressionless as he stared at her. “It’s bedtime… Okay?” She tenderly nudged him backward. He wrapped his arms around her, and she tensed up. “Ohhh… Sweetheart, it’s okay. Let’s tuck you in. Alright, hon.” A light in the hallway flickered, making the same fluorescent buzzing noise. Nurse Kathy tucked him into bed. “Stay put—.” Jason reached past her, narrowly grasping and missing something the first time before grabbing her Tupperware. She reached for it before watching him eat the rest of her pasta with his hands. Nurse Kathy giggled, stepping backward to crack the door. “John Doe number two-sixty-five is awake,” she whispered to a male nurse passing by. He entered the room, watching Jason scarf down Nurse Kathy’s pasta. 
Nurse Kathy clocked in the following afternoon to hear the sound of a violent struggle down the hall in Jason’s room. She rushed to him, wincing at the bruises on Jason’s arms. The restraints irritated the skin on his wrists as he struggled. The monitor beeped as his oxygen level dropped, and Nurse Kathy adjusted his cannula and turned the oxygen up. Jason wriggled and wrestled as he tried to free himself. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he gave in to fatigue. “Has anyone tried to talk to him?” Nurse Kathy asked. Jason’s unemotional expression was interrupted by a subtle change in his eyes as he stared at Nurse Kathy. The other nurse didn’t answer. Nurse Kathy ran a gentle hand down Jason’s forearm. “Let me see… Shhh… It’s alright now. Let me help.” He stopped struggling and allowed her to release his right hand from bondage. The edges of the restraints left a ring-shaped cut around his wrist. 
She cleaned and bandaged his cuts one arm at a time before pulling him into a comforting hug. “Poor baby… It’s alright,” Nurse Kathy whispered. The other nurse tried to explain herself, and Nurse Kathy shook her head. “Don’t speak to me right now. Please don’t.” Jason’s chest rose and fell as he watched her. Only her.
Nurse Kathy wiped his tears and pouted. “I am so sorry. I’m sorry,” Nurse Kathy whispered. He shut his eyes and dozed off. Nurse Kathy rushed to her supervisor’s office and pounded on the door until the man answered. 
“They’re torturing him. Whoever has him during the day is hurting him. He’s a little boy. Just a little—.” 
“Katherine, slow down. What’s the patient’s name and where is his chart?” her supervisor asked. 
“John Doe two-sixty-five. Here’s his chart,”  Nurse Kathy replied. 
Her supervisor read the chart, asked Nurse Kathy to stay put, and left the room. Nurse Kathy bounced her leg, waiting for the supervisor to return. The supervisor took so long to return that Nurse Kathy fell asleep in her chair. She awakened to the sound of the door opening. “Do you mind waiting with him while I fill in a report?” her supervisor questioned. “We can fill out the report together there. You have a soothing effect on him.” Nurse Kathy went ahead of him while he made a few phone calls before meeting with her in Jason’s room. 
“Did the police ever find out who he is?” Nurse Kathy questioned. Her supervisor shook his head. “I want to speak to the social worker when they arrive.”
“You’re still interested in taking him on?” he asked in reply. 
“I am… I don’t know… I feel—. I think I could help him progress if he’s in a more natural environment. And I—. I feel connected to him. I can’t explain it, but I feel like I was meant to take care of him. I talked it over with my girlfriend, and she agreed,” Nurse Kathy replied, “What do you—? Do you think I shouldn’t?” 
“I can’t say what you should or shouldn’t do… He seems to respond to you,” he answered. Jason turned on his side, curling up in the fetal position. “Katherine, I’ve known you for a long time… You’re a good nurse and an even better parent, but this might be a lifelong commitment. He may never speak or remember his identity.” 
“That’s alright. He deserves a home even if he doesn’t remember where his family was,” Nurse Kathy whispered. “What are you going to do about Izzy?” 
“Terminated… I gave her name to the police. What would you do if you were able to bring him home?” he questioned. 
“George, I’ll be honest with you. I might quit to take care of him at home… I’ve been thinking about retiring for a while now. You know that,” Nurse Kathy confessed, “I’ve had a strange feeling about this kid ever since he arrived. He’s special. I think he’s going to surprise everyone.” 
“I’d hate to see you go. You’re one of my best nurses,” said George as he filled in the incident report. Nurse Kathy held Jason’s hand. Jason’s fingers twitched and shut around hers. She didn’t hear a word George said after that. Her fate was tied to Jason’s from that moment on.
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basicbatboys · 1 year
Part Two (Request for #32)
Here is the part two some of y'all requested! Thank you for your engagement!
Pt. 1
Pt. 3
Pt. 4
You tried to play it off, pretending like you didn’t know what he meant so you laughed lightly. “What? Jay, what are you talking about?” You asked. Your eyebrows knit together and you stood stone-still, afraid he could see how badly you were shaking. 
This was it. You’d been so afraid of this moment and here it finally was. How he figured it out, you had no idea. You were freaking out on the inside but you tried to tell yourself there was still hope. Maybe he was kidding. 
“You are Havoc. I don’t know what kind of sick game you’ve been playing but infiltrating my personal life is another level of evil. I’m going to take a lot of pleasure in killing you, but don’t let that fuel your ego.”
Your knees just about gave out. What the fuck was he talking about killing you for? You backed up until you hit the cabinets behind you with a loud thunk. 
“J-Jason…” You sputtered. It was no use. From his waistband he pulled out a gun and began to load it. Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest. He was slow and methodical about his movements, knowing you weren’t going anywhere. You should run, you should do anything but you couldn’t find it in you to move at all. You were stuck. 
“Don’t try anything Havoc. I’m not letting you go now that you know my identity. I can’t believe how stupid I am!” He laughed thickly, swallowing hard as the gun was finally loaded. He aimed and placed a finger on the trigger. “I gave everything to you. I gave you everything.” He reiterated. You could see the gun shake as he did, obviously tortured by the whole situation.
Some sort of hope blossomed inside of you and you took a shaky step forward. Maybe he could be reasoned with. “Jason. Please. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t know anything. Please, please put the gun down.” You begged. It wasn’t until just now that you realized you were crying. You let the sobs wrack your body, hoping to appeal to his humanity. You were trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together, trying to figure out how he knew your secret until it clicked. 
Red Hood. Jason Todd was the Red Hood. 
That’s how he figured it out, he had access to all of Batman’s technology and he had probably been digging for months trying to figure out who you were until he finally let himself realize the truth. You imagined how hard that must’ve been for him, how betrayed he must feel and you let yourself fall to the floor as the weight of guilt came crashing. 
Guilt? Was it guilt? Were you capable of feeling guilt? You hadn’t thought so. You decided to override your emotions and turn on your instincts. This was life or death and no time for analyzing your silly ‘feelings’. 
“Don’t play mind games with me.” He demanded, standing fast and letting the chair clatter to the floor beneath him. “You can’t escape this one. You’re dead.”
You covered your head with your hands, crying and screaming and praying this would just end soon because jeez your throat was starting to hurt. He was being so frustrating. Why, of all people, did Red Hood have to be the one to be following you? You should’ve moved to Blüdhaven, maybe then you wouldn’t be held at gunpoint in your kitchen. 
After a moment, you wondered why he hadn’t pulled the trigger yet. You looked up at him and realized the gun was down and he was staring at the ground, somewhere else. Slowly, you moved to a sitting position and waited for him to speak. 
It felt like hours before he finally said anything. 
“I love you, you know.” He choked. 
You think your heart broke. God, was he getting you to open up?
Come to think of it, Jason was the only person who ever made you feel like, well, a person. Everyone else had kicked you to the dirt but Jason was always there for you. You saw a future with him. You saw a life worth living when you thought of him. 
“Jason.” You whispered, slowly standing. You held your hands up, showing you meant no harm. 
“It’s true. I am Havoc. I know you know but… Well, you’re right I guess. I don’t know. Listen, I’ll stop. I’ll give it up for you. Hell, I’ll even fight alongside you. I’ll… I’ll do anything. I just don’t want to lose you.”
Jason mumbled something you couldn’t hear. 
“What?” You asked, taking a cautious step toward him. 
“What about the people you’ve killed.” He bellowed, his voice unlike anything you’d ever heard. 
You stumbled back in fear and again the tears began to flow. “Jason.” You sobbed, “Please don’t do this. I can be saved. I think I’m sick, I think there’s something wrong with me.”
He shook his head. “You can’t pull that card, you’ve been to Arkham. You had a chance at rehabilitation.”
You shook your head too. “NO! You don’t understand! Arkham is an awful place, they don’t care about the criminally insane, we’re treated like animals there. I was forcefed so many pills I forgot my name. That’s not rehabilitation. The doctors are no better than the people they ‘treat’.”
“You are not a person. Not to me.” 
He unloaded the gun and stuck it back in his waistband. “Listen to me.” He demanded. 
“I don’t want to see you again. Not as you, not as Havoc. You stay the fuck out of trouble and stay the fuck out of my life. Do you understand?”
You nodded quickly, backing up toward the cabinet again. “I understand.” It was better this way. He should stay away from you, you were no good for him. He was right. You’re not a person. 
But you might be someday. You were right too, the emotion you were feeling was guilt, and it was crushing.
Jason left that day without another word and you collapsed back on your kitchen floor and allowed yourself to heave and sob and feel everything you hadn’t felt in years. Who knew all it took was a breakup with your true love to straighten you out? 
After that, you kept your word.  You went to therapy, real therapy, and got help. You worked on yourself. You became better. The best part?
You got really damn good at axe throwing.
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scourgeofgotham · 1 year
Lovebirds Reunited
chapter 8
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mentions of self-mutilation, crying, bruises, knife play mentions
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A/N: to end off this series I’ll include an epilogue and possibly another smut chapter for good measure ♡
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The two lovebirds were cuddling in Jason’s dorm at school, they were only a couple for 3 months but they were inseparable. She would crawl into his room at night and lie by his side, for hours until about an hour before when Alfred would wake up. After school they would do normal teenagers in love things, go to the mall and kiss in the food court, go to arcades and try to win each other things, go to an ice skating rink and realize they could barely skate without falling over.
On a random night, while she was cuddling next to Jason and she heard a window open. She immediately went under the bed, and hid. She looked up and saw the man who adopted her.
“What are you doing here?” Jason asked.
“You have potential, you have one night to impress me.”
He threw a Robin costume and handed him his own grapnel gun.
Batman left Jason’s dorm out the same way.
She crawled out from under his bed and looked at Jason.
“Aren’t you gonna go?” she questioned. He looked at her and started undressing.
“Dude, my dad is out there…” she said in a hushed tone.
He smirked at her and put on the Robin suit.
After it was fully on, he looked at her and grinned, “Do I look good?”
He grabbed the gun and climbed out the window to meet Batman.
After Bruce made Jason his ward, he “officially” had the two teens meet. He scolded Jason and immediately said “Don’t think about my little girl.”
Little did Bruce know but Jason already had his little girl wrapped around his finger. Eventually the two decided to cut a hole in the wall between their bedrooms and stuck two side tables infront of them.
How Alfred never found out? Jason had kept his stash of junk food infront and would move it when he felt like it. She always had her makeup infront.
After months of living together, they snuck into each other's room more and more, eventually just forgetting about the other room. Whenever they went on patrol together was the time they loved the most. Bruce was usually doing his own thing, and Dick was off in Blüdhaven. They didn’t have to worry about being caught.
“I'm sorry...” he sighed with sorrow.
Dick had choked her unconscious, he knew if she still had the chance, she would run back to Jason. He couldn’t let his baby sister run back to a monster.
He made his way to the batcave with the little canary in his arms.
“Alfred?” he called out.
Eventually the door leading to the batcave opened up and Alfred walked in
“Master Dick?” and looked down at what was in his arms, “You found her.” Alfred was realived. All he wanted was for her to come home. “I suppose this means that the Arkham Knight has been taken care of?”
After Bruce and Jason’s fight, Jason was on the ground—pointing a gun at Bruce.
“You did this to me.”
“I’m sorry…”
“You left me to rot in that abandoned wing of Arkham for over a year! with him!”
“It’s not too late. we can fix this together”
Bruce goes to turn around to call Alfred.
“Alfred. It’s—I’ve found Jason.”
Bruce went to turn around and found that Jason had disappeared once again.
Jason vanished.
Jason made his way over to his safe house, wanting to check on his beloved. He received a notification, indicating that the door was opened…
He was furious,
she betrayed me.
He looked at the footage and saw a black and blue figure…
he knew who had taken her...
“Master Todd was alive? He’s the Arkham Knight?” Alfred had to sit down…
“Yes. He manipulated her, he’s just like the Joker.” Dick was ashamed.
Dick looked over at her and passed out on her chair. She was laying on her side facing away from them, and a part of her hoodie was lifted— showing the bruises and hickies that covered her lower back.
Dick went over, curious— about what was under. He lifted it up further, he saw cuts that littered her back, bruises…
He saw the cuts littered in a pattern— “mine.” Not deep enough to leave a scar, but still it was deep enough to scab.
He looked at her wrists, rubbed raw.
He peeled back the shoulder of her sweatshirt,
He sighed in relief—she was wearing a bra.
He turned her to face him, and started to take off her sweatshirt.
“What are you doing?” Alfred interrupted.
“She’s covered in cuts and bruises,” Dick answered.
He lifted it off and gasped in horror—
there wasn’t a part of her body that wasn’t covered in cuts and bruises. It was clear that the deeper ones were from self-mutilation. Jason left a multitude of hickeys across her entire body. There was very few patches of untouched flesh. She looked very bloated among other things—
Dick, however overlooked that
“What do you think you’re doing?” a voice called out. Dick looked up and saw Jason holding a gun at him.
“You think you can just take her away from me?” He was furious, “Don’t think that just because you’re her brother I won’t kill you…” Jason spat.
“You turned her against me.”
Jason stepped closer and closer, without taking his eyes off of Dick.
“I didn’t do anything Jason. You need help. She’s been through enough.” Dick was trying to calm him down.
Jason shot a round next to Dick, just barely missing him. The sound of the gunshot woke her out of her sleep, “What’s going on?” she slurred. Jason took his eyes off of Dick, and looked at her. She tried to open her heavy eye lids and saw Dick standing over her…
“Why am I in the Batcave?” she slurred. She opened her eyes more and leaned up, “Dick why am I here?” she asked.
“You need to stay away from Jason.” Dick commanded.
“You— need to get away from what belongs to me.” Jason corrected him. She looked over at Jason and smiled, “Jay…”
“Hi Peanut. Come over to me.” He pointed next to him, and she started to get up before Dick pushed her back, “Don’t tell her what to do.”
“You’re not going to take her away Boy Wonder. She’s mine. I loved her since I met her, she’s mine.” Jason snarled, and chuckled. “You can’t keep the mother of my child away from me…”
Dick looked surprised, “She’s pregnant?” and looked at her. She blushed and looked away.
“You don’t have to keep it, its not too late to get an abortion, or if you want we can raise it together—“ Dick was interrupted. “You are definitely not raising my child—“ Jason laughed.
“And no Boy Blunder, she wants my baby, she begged for me to give her one.” Jason grinned. “As soon as you let her go and she comes over here with me, we will leave Gotham and you can go back to Blüdhaven.”
She looked at Dick and sighed, she got up and hugged him. “I love you Dickhead.” she lovingly whispered. She walked inbetween the both of them and looked at the ground. “Jason is the love of my—“
“He manipulated you!” Dick cried, reaching out for her.
“I always loved him, he’s the only one that understands the pain I went through… and I’m the only one who understands him…”
Tears were starting to dot along her lash line. “I was so alone without him all those years… I can’t lose him now…” She sobbed, her tears were running down her cheeks.
“I tried to kill myself Dick…”
Jason walked towards her and pulled her in close. “She doesn’t want to leave.” Jason growled, still pointing his gun at Dick.
Dick looked down in defeat, “Can I atleast be involved? I wanna help raise my little sisters baby.”
She looked at Jason, and smiled. “I think that would great—Jay?”
“I’ll think about it. Let’s go home.” He growled as he pulled her away.
“Hold on, let me go say goodbye…”
She ran to Dick and hugged him, “I love you Dickwad…” and then did the same to Alfred, “I love you Alfie, tell Dad I love him too.” she grinned.
“Okay, we can go now….” she smiled at her lovebird.
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atlas-likes-writing · 9 months
TW: Gore, death, viruses, blood, depictions of violence.
Red Hood that comes back to Gotham at the same time he does in canon, but not in the way you'd expect.
Everyone knows the Lazarus Pit changes you, for better or for worse. For Jason, it was so, so much worse.
Imagine the moment he steps out of the Lazarus Pit, with Ra's Al Ghul smirking at the idea that he may, finally, defeat The Dark Knight once and for all.
But that smirk is wiped off his face the minute he sees what he has created.
It's morose. It's ugly. It's grotesque. The skin on his body hangs off the bone and makes a disgusting squelch whenever his feet hits the ground. His arms are drawn upwards towards Ra's, his iris' non-existent and his mouth agape. He staggers towards the Demon's Head, hands grasping at nothing as he stumbles his way towards him.
Ra's Al Ghul has made a zombie. A disgusting, hideous zombie.
It's then when he gets a sick and twisted idea. He traps the undead Jason, and carts him away in a wooden box with "Gotham City" on the label. He's dropped in front of Wayne Tower, and the box he's kept in is opened. He's unleashed, and Jason Todd's reign of terror begins.
Though what Ra's didn't account for, is the zombie's intelligence.
He goes about it systematically. Secretly. Going for little-known thugs and criminals in dark alleyways first, before moving on to drunk party-goers and drugged out civilians that happened to stumble across him in the dead of night. Soon enough, he has an army. An army of unsightly and repulsive walking corpses.
When he's ready, he strikes in the middle of the day. He targets hospitals, shopping centers, and high-rise offices. Within 30 minutes, half of Gotham is overrun by the walking dead.
The Batfamily are on red alert. Nightwing is pulled from Blüdhaven and Bruce finally allows Alfred his time to shine with his vast variety of firearms. Superman. Starfire. Raven. Martian Manhunter. Everyone from the elite meta groups across America are called in to deal with this potentially world-ending threat.
It's only until Tim Drake gets bitten when they realise that this is a real danger.
First it's Tim. Then it's Flash. He got bit while leading zombies into a trap set by the Teen Titans.
Now there's a meta-user out there. An undead corpse is running around at the speed of sound, biting, scratching, and killing every living thing around it.
You know what they say, right? When one goes, the rest is soon to follow.
Next it's Green Lantern. Then it's Aquaman. Then it's Beast Boy. Then, somehow, it's fucking Superman, who got bit by one of his best friends, Wonderwoman.
Soon after that, they all go.
That's right. Earth's mightiest defenders are ripping people to shreds. Tearing innocents clean in half from the top of their heads to the bottom of their torso. It's horrific and is classified as an international emergency.
The entire world goes to shit, until Batman finds Patient Zero. He's locked the rest of his children in quarantined cells, their blood and saliva drips down the glass doors and soulless eyes stare at him as he strides past.
He jumps into the Batmobile and shoots out of the cave, mowing down the undead as he goes with regret in his eyes. Through all that lust for death and murderous gleams in the eyes, they're still human. Humans who are sick and need to be treated. Now, with most of the world's strongest fighters succumbing to this virus, he must be the one to stop it.
He discovers Patient Zero in a warehouse near the docks of Gotham. He enters, batarangs in hand and ready to be thrown at anything that moves. He sees a throne at the other end of the room where a figure sits. He creeps up to it, and realises it's made of human bones, much to his horror. As he gets closer, he makes out the face of the person who started it all.
His son. Jason Todd. The one who got away.
His batarangs clatter on the ground.
His dead son turns to him, face knarled and ruined, and his mouth opens. A horrid sound leaves his throat.
He's speaking, but he sounds like he's screaming.
"Look what you've done, father. This is your fault."
Reblogs appreciated!!
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betustamorla · 2 months
Jason Todd x Helena Bertinelli-Timer Soulmark Soulmates AU-Short story part 3
Here are Part 1 & Part 2, or read it fully at Ao3
The warm sunlight on his face dissolved the darkness of sleep into the red blurriness of his eyelids. Jason groaned and shifted, his body immediately resented the movement, and he turned and hugged the pillow at his side. It smelled fucking nice. Nicer than anything he’d wash any bedclothes of his. Then the smell of coffee and bacon reached him. Finally, he opened his eyes.
He didn’t recognize the white wall to the side of the bed, nor the way the light entered through the window at its foot and other side. Jason incorporated himself slowly and moved the bedding away. He looked down, the only thing of his clothing remaining were his boxers.
“Fuck,” He muttered. His guns, his knives, everything was gone and nowhere in sight. And someone was making breakfast on the other side of the half-closed door. Memories of last night flooded him and he breathed out, passing a hand down his face.
His soulmate, huh? What did he know of the Huntress? Not much. She worked with Birds and sometimes Batman. He didn’t know her civilian name or anything else for the matter. And it seemed like she knew more about him than he of her. He didn't like this at all. And the fact that she had seemed unfazed by him being her soulmate. Hell, she’d even brought him to what he assumed was her place, and not only that but right up tucking him in bed right beside her. What. The. Fuck.
Had she done something to him while he slept?
The door opened and a pair of dark blue eyes peered at him with curiosity. Her dark hair fell around her shoulders as she cocked her head to one side and leaned against the doorframe with her arms crossed.
“Feeling better?” Her voice was smooth and her tone firm.
“I—Yeah…” What the fuck was wrong with him? Yes, she was pretty—fucking gorgeous—but it wasn’t his first time seeing a beautiful woman before, so he attributed his surprise to the beating of yesterday.
“Good. You can take a shower before eating breakfast. I cleaned what I could from the blood and rubble with a towel, but it’s not the same as a bath—Oh, and here—” She moved out of his sight for a second then reappeared and tossed a bundle of clothes at him– “I went to buy some clothes for you, I don’t think any of my clothes would fit you.”
“Where are my things?”
“Over at the laundry. They’re a dirty mess and I won’t be washing that.”
“No one asked you to.”
“No.” She smiled at him, and Jason wanted it to drop because his mind had gone blank again. “Shower, over there. Then we can talk over breakfast.” She didn’t wait for a response and walked away.
Jason didn’t know what to do. This was simply put, extremely fucking weird. To feel at ease and nearly trust someone you just met—come to think of it, he didn’t even know her name. Fuck damn. He shook his head and took the bundle of new-smelling clothes. A bath sounded good to him and the purplish and greenish hues appearing all over his body would start hurting more as time went on, so—
Great, now I smell like a girl. He thought sourly walking out of the bathroom at having nothing else but flowery sweet stuff to wash with.
“Someone could figure out your secret identity by this smell,” He said sniffing. It had come out more naturally than he’d been expecting— because it was.
“Oh, it fades by the time I finish at school so it is fine,” She answered after raising her eyes shortly from the newspaper she had been reading. “Sit down, before it gets cold
“School?” He asked dubiously. And almost chose to remain standing, but the bacon, fried eggs on toast, and glass of orange juice called too much to his hunger.
“I’m a teacher at St. Ignatius High School.”
Jason took the seat opposite her and took a piece of bacon. “Shouldn’t you be in school by now then?”
“It’s Saturday.” Finally, she folded the newspaper and put it to the side, Jason glimpsed at the headline “Nuclear explosion wipes Blüdhaven”. Fuck. Wasn’t that unlucky if not wholly unsurprising? He wondered if the Golden Boy had made it alive. Bruce must be going nuts if he didn’t, or maybe not, for all he seemed to care—
The realization that he was being intensely stared at hit him immediately. He looked up at those piercing dark eyes and irritation replaced the anger.
“What?” He snapped.
“Nothing. Your sudden change of intense emotions is distracting.”
Jason leaned back into his chair and looked at her up and down, then said slowly, “Stay away then.” He had read and heard what finding your soulmate entailed, you kind of formed a link or some bullshit like that. Something that allowed you to feel to some extent what the other was feeling, and he remembered the calmness and the steadiness that had surrounded him last night, it hadn’t been his. He passed his tongue over his teeth uneasily, mainly because he didn’t hate it as much as he wanted to.
She, for her part, answered his rudeness with a sweet smile then a light shake of the head. And Jason felt like a child in the classroom after giving a stupid answer to a question. Meanwhile, Huntress had started to fill her plate with food, but before starting to eat she crossed and tilted her head slightly while he guessed made a quick prayer then started eating.
Jason shifted uncomfortably for many reasons. His body aches for being too long in one position, how she was so condescending and calm, and her religious inclinations, or the fact that she seemed to be able to pick more of their link from his emotions than he could.
Maybe if you weren’t trying to reject it you could get the hang of it. Yeah, right. His mind supplied.
“What’s your name?” He finally asked after shoving an egg on a toast into his mouth.
“Helena Bertinelli.”
“Aren’t you going to tell me yours?”
“That’s mean, Jason.”
“Yes. I’m mean, so what?” Of course, she already knew who he was.
“Well, I think you’re cute.”
Jason choked on his toast.
“Did you do something to me last night?” He said after drinking juice and reaching for another toast.
Now it was her turn to choke, then she followed with laughter. Jason stared blankly for a moment, she really was beautiful, then looked away when he realized his thoughts.
“I’m not attracted to minors.”
“I’m twenty,” He growled.
“You could have fooled me with all that angsty-edgy-rebellious vibe you get going.”
Fuck damn, he’d walked right into it, hadn’t he?
“You reaching your forties?” He shot back and felt like he’d played more into her hand.
Her smile widened and winked at him, “Fifties.”
“Ha. Funny,” He muttered into the glass of orange juice, then put it down and asked, “Then why put me in your bed?”
“There’s no other bed here, and I wasn't sleeping on the couch or the floor. Besides, you became too restless when I separated from you.”
Jason felt his face heat, in parts embarrassment and parts anger. Again he was being controlled by something he couldn’t choose. He glared odiously at the zero marks on his wrist.
“So what will you do now, Baby Bat?” She–Helena asked after a moment of silence while both of them ate.
“If you call me once more that, I’ll—”
“Kill me? Go ahead and try, Baby Bat,” She taunted him.
He growled but somehow he didn’t feel too much against it anymore. And the more he showed dislike the more she would call him that it seemed. Jason started to worry that this calmness and control was not his own, was being forced on him, was keeping him complaint and—
“Calm down. I wasn’t being serious.”
“No—I know… Listen, this—whatever this is, it’s not going to work. Whatever sick force is trying to bind us, we don’t have to let it control us.”
Her demeanor visibly softened, “I’m not forcing you to stay, Jason. Or maintain contact with me in any way. You seem to have gone through a lot, and while I don’t condone many things that you’ve done, I can’t say I don’t understand them. But if you keep down this path you’ll just end up self-destructing and whatever good you might be trying to achieve—it will corrupt and twist. Spilling blood when you may choose not to spill it, just taints you, whether the one you kill is evil or scum, it still will leave its mark on you. And if you chose to stay, you can’t keep that up.”
“Then so be it. I will see all those fuckers in hell if needed.” Jason shrugged. He didn’t know what he’d been expecting. But now that she’d said that, it was the closest to whatever he could have pictured if he’d had more time.
“I don’t think that’s what you really want,” She said after a pause and examination of his face.
“And how would you know?” He snorted.
“Because you’re still a baby in many respects. Even if you’ve seen more than most. You need time to grow and find joy in life. Wouldn’t you rather find that than Hell? Life is tough enough as it is, you don’t need to make it more so.”
Jason didn’t answer, he should have felt insulted, being called a baby—except she hadn’t said it mockingly, nor pityingly, nor patronizing, and she just sounded— tired and a little sad. “So you won’t try to make me stay nor follow me,” He guessed, not a twinge of disappointment there…not at all. 
“No.” Her answer was firm.
It’s not like it surprised him, why would she want a soulmate like him? Just someone else in the long list of people who rejected him. He passed his tongue over his right sharp teeth and asked—challenged, “And what happens when I keep going the way I am? What happens when we come face to face?”
“I’ll stop you if I can.” Then she smiled sadly. “I can’t save you from yourself, Baby Bat. That’s not in my power. But I can accompany you on your path if you want to walk another one.”
That answer deflated him somewhat, he’d been expecting a definitive clean-cut where she’d state to pretend to not know him, or completely ignore their bond. This was so confusing. And he felt a twinge in his heart, a flake that held hope and trust… And it wasn’t his. 
He looked up and asked, “And what would that be?” He asked quietly and the most earnest he’d been all this late morning. How would that look?
“Who knows? Perhaps somewhere far away. Have you been to Italy?” Jason shook his head. “Perhaps you’d love it, the small villages and the countryside… Or maybe just traveling around—there’s enough injustice around the world where they could use some helping hands. The world is wide and many good can be done—many atonement as well…”
They fell into a lull of silence and both drifted into their thoughts. Jason wondered at the last part, he knew she wasn’t speaking just of him. He didn’t know what her story was in-depth, but doubted he’d search more about it. A future day, a different future—could he have that? He hadn’t stopped to think, to even think about thinking. There was something in the back of his mind always nagging to keep moving, don’t stop, don’t look, don’t listen, or the air will run out, or the soil will not give. The laughter won’t stop.
“Baby Bat, you really need to do something about those mood swings.” Helena’s comment pulled him to the present again. “I have to leave now,” She continued looking at the clock over the fridge, “I have to help in the Parish kitchen. Saturday stew night for the homeless, God knows there are too many in this damned city—” She trailed off and got up from her chair.
Jason reached for an apple and bit down on it while following her movements around in silence. It still was odd to think that he really had a soulmate after all it was a fifty-fifty chance you got to be born with a timer, and some timers froze—which meant your soulmate had kicked the bucket. Jason had been expecting that to happen, but it hadn’t and now here they were. For good or for bad he still hadn’t quite made up his mind yet. She didn’t seem about to go and tell Batman about their connection so that much was a win on his books…
“Alright, I’m off. You can eat whatever’s on the fridge, and be a darling and wash the dishes, would you? Thanks. If you leave, make sure everything stays closed.” All these, she said while putting on her purple jacket and pulling her dark hair free from it after finishing adjusting it. Jason had just hummed in response to all, and when he thought she was finally leaving she paused sighed, and walked to him. Jason had to fight the urge to move away from her as strongly as part of him wanted to allow her to reach for him, in the end, he stood still, not wishing to show her how much she affected him, even if he was sure she could feel it to some extent.
Helena took his chin and made him look up at her gently, then after their eyes locked she leaned down and kissed his forehead. The warmness and softness of her lips seemed to envelop his body for the longest of seconds. Then her lips were gone, and she said softly, “Be careful out there, my Soulmate.” He felt her warmness move away and he opened his eyes, he hadn’t even noticed when they had fallen shut.
Jason saw her take her purse and walk out the door, yet he stayed in the same spot for who knows how long, it could have been minutes or hours. My Soulmate. Resounded in his head. Those two words had been uttered with so much fondness and joy–he’d felt it as she had felt it–, it still took some of his breath away, because he hadn’t thought—he hadn’t believed whoever his soulmate would end up being would be glad to have him after they knew who he was, what he was. But she knew enough of his ugliness and debased things he’d done and still seemed happy to have him. It was unbelievable, he couldn’t—
He let out a shaky breath and passed his not-less shaky hand through his hair. Then he snapped out of it and got moving to find his gear before leaving this place before his mind got any muddier. Or more clear, something whispered in the back of his head.
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