#Japari Bus
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tsunflowers · 7 months ago
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you will never be the japari bus from kemono friends
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Kaban-Chan The Japari Park Guide
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Nicknames: Guide-San
Species: Human Friend
Apparent Age: 14
Height: 5’2
Occupation: Tour Guide/Engineer/Sailor/Idol Manager/Natural Scientist/Paranormal Investigator/Cartographer and all around problem solver of the park.
Home Area: Savannah Area
Abilities: Kaban is a natural STEM prodigy who can do about anything if having to with natural or mechanical science.
Short Bio: Kaban is the only Human Friend. Alongside her traveling party Kaban traveled the entire park in search of humans or human technology helping everyone she met along the way and obtaining the job of Park Guide from the park’s computer system.
While she never met her mother the famous Mirai-San she did meet longtime caretaker Nana who became her mentor and brought the various regions of the park back into contact.
Kaban has since settled into her role as Park Guide giving tours to the adventurers and scientists who still make it to the park despite it being quarantined and investigating various portals that go from the park to other points in the multiverse in her trusty tour bus which is always kept expedition ready.
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goldklee · 6 years ago
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I wanted to practice with vehicles real quick. I’ve still got a long way to go with that.
I also kinda got the back end of the Japari Bus wrong, but oh well.
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tni-kemonofriends · 7 years ago
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serval | treeware
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kdmp · 8 years ago
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twpunk · 8 years ago
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たつき/irodori(けものフレンズ監督) on Twitter, 2:15 - 2017年3月29日 (https://twitter.com/irodori7/status/846772693844213760)
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officialyasen · 8 years ago
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burntuakrisp · 5 years ago
Kemono Friends Nexon Transcript Notes (Main Story)
Part 1
Towa is a guy
 Sure he and Mirai will get married (Serval ships them)
 Silver fox is sneaking 
 Towa has had the amulet for as long as his family has existed (descendants of ancient humans that go the amulet from the Vok, stolen)
 Silver fox has an interest in the amulet 
 Mirai is part way a furry
 Mirai glasses allows for scanning and study
 Serval is getting visions of her losing memory of her future 
Silver fox mission is to watch over Towa
 Mirai is still new to being a guide
 Serval loves to eat food and is easily sensitive 
 Cerulean type: Akagau
 Serval reads
 Caracal is stubborn 
 Serval got soy sauce on Caracal’s clothes and got cake on a book
 The amulet allows all Friends to be loyal to the one who possesses it
 Caracal likesto tease Serval
 Cerval keeps saying “I must go”
 Silver fox still follows 
 Serval once made a silly dance one time
 Chase after Cerval
Chapter 2
 Serval steps into a Cerulean 
 The age of Arai-san 
 Raccoon once ended her words with Noda, request to capture the Cerulean that looks like a Friend 
 Caracal mentioned hell 
 Town squares are where Friends can rest and safe from ceruleans
 Crested ibis song is like the sound of the underworld 
 Towa knows that the voice is a song
 The people at this park literally have no info on Ceruleans
 Caracal calls Towa a scary kid (I’m postive Towa is a grown man)
 Even Ceruleans hate Crested Ibis’s singing (it sounds like Unicron emerging)
 A Random cerulean is happy to have finally have been noticed 
 Professor’s previous name was Professor Konoha-Chan
 Assistant was once called Mimi-Chan
 The sages took time to introduce the ceruleans that we’re chasing them
 Professor is brutally honest 
 The sages are literally staring at Towa’s chest as they examine the charm
 Fennec thinks Raccoon is cute 
 Assistant is able to pretend to be an eagle to scare away foes
 Assistant hissing 
 Towa can’t abandon troubled animals 
 Towa cries too easily
 The Professor and assistant want the charm
 The Professor suggests that she and her assistant steal Towa
 Copaiba tree sap makes you feel like you’re being reborn 
 Shoutking Z
 Crested ibis singing can heal
 Assistant and Professor are the type of twins that watch you in your sleep 
 Airabian Oynx is too long so rabi rabi 
 Towa is a tall guy
 Thompson’s gazelle is called lulu
 Ceruleans can disguise themselves as a lake of water by huddling together 
 Ceruleans also can function like a pillow 
 The amulet gives Friends powers
 “Tie you up like an adult”
 Raccoon also says nanoda
 Serval says that raccoon was a gag character 
 Raccoon loves to clean things
 Raccoon also means araiguma 
 Fennec is good at digging holes 
 Serval knows how to pluck at the heart strings 
 Ever since she met Towa
 Crested ibis also is called Toki
 Ceruleans broke the barricade to cause the drought 
 Serval’s secret twitching-ears-and-swinging-tail technique 
 A big cerulean keeps drinking the water where the oasis gets its water from 
 Toki thinks Caracal expression is cute
 Mirai gets distracted by animals too easily 
 Lulu is sensitive 
 A cerulean that can store a lot of water 
 Serval’s naming sense is terrible 
 No data on ceruleans
 Silver fox is referring to someone
 Serval gets in trouble a lot 
 Serval is very misfortunate
 There is a disease known as “Gaogao Disease” that causes Friends to not speak properly and only let out animal cries
 Mirai is extremely defensive towards Friends 
 Raccoon forgot an oar
 Hippo was once called Kaba-sama 
 Cerval loves Japari buns
 Black Rhino thinks she’s a knight for white rhino who she thinks is a princess
 Black Rhino reads the Bible 
 Cerval makes a sloppy face when wanting to eat Japari bun
 The disease is abdominal 
 Cerval can understand what able to understand what someone is saying when infected with the disease 
 A rainbow liquid drips from those infected 
 Undine is a water center in the water front area
 Silver examines the liquid 
 Amatatsu Waterfall
 Black Rhino said the d word
 Serenity Jungle
 Raccoon just swam and Fennec road on her back
 Black Rhino totally has feelings for White Rhino
 A cerulean caused the disease 
 “Everything in the name of the Queen”
 Cerval seems to be second hand to the Queen 
 Silver fox makes a vaccine for the disease 
 Silver fox tries to disguise herself with glasses 
 The vaccine is called “Gaonaras Q”
 Silver fox got shot flying but left the vaccine 
 Black Rhino writes poetry to white rhino
 The group drags Silver to the snow area, she is currently knocked out
 Silver fox has the scent of the amulet 
 Ceruleans can hide in the snow 
 Silver fox got amnesia from the hit
 Ezo red fox had a map to give
 Hot spring visit
 There is a hot spring that can cure amnesia 
 Some hot springs have different effects 
 The hot springs effects are caused by a giant sleeping cerulean 
 Hot springs could heal you
 Ceruleans can steal “sparkles” from people or Friends to copy their forms/appearance 
 White Rhino got drunk from the hot spring 
 Drunk white Rhino thinks the Japari bus is black Rhino
 And she thinks a rock is fake Serval 
 Serval can’t think of come backs
 Actually everyone except serval, Mirai, and Towa get drunk, even raccoon and Fennec arrive
 Mumble madness hot spring 
 Serval wants to be Friends with fake serval
 Ceruleans took the sparkle of words with the disease 
 Sparkle is something that’s felt through wordless things (friendship,hopes,memories, etc...)
 The way to get the sparkle back is by defeating the cerulean that took it in the first place
 Serval named Cerval
 Super secret hot spring 
 Caracal throws a snowball and starts a snowball fight 
 Silver makes an igloo 
 Serval, Silver, and Towa fall into a fountain instead of a hot spring 
 Vision from the very beginning of the story (remember)
 Silver fox was protecting Towa, under the orders of Oinari-sama, holder of the special power
 Oinari is a guardian entity that looks over a protects Japari Park
 Cerval feels uneasy after hearing about Oinari
 Oinari lives in Park Central (where there are amusement parks, hotels, shops)
 Park Central is currently under blockage
 The spark of enjoyment has been stolen making people not have fun when they come to park central 
 The park is currently closed due to the Cerulean outbreak 
 Maybe Oinari gave Towa the amulet 
 Cerval is trying to wake up the giant cerulean 
 The ground in the snow area is getting  hotter due to Cerval who is under mind control 
 Raccoon is good at distracting ceruleans
 Turns out she and Fennec were not just the comic relief characters after all
 Cerval is trying to break free but she’s under the Queen’s power
 The rise is temp caused an avalanche 
 Cerval almost said friends 
 Oinari wants Towa to learn more of the park
 Fennec sees Cerval as an enemy 
 Silver fox will just stand in the shadows 
 Towa has a party?
 Houtoku region sky race invitational 
 Catch up with Cerval before Raccoon does 
 Sea of clouds area
 Passenger pigeon is mail delivery 
 Hotoku region is occupied by birds
 Called bird land
 The Sky Race
 Each region and area has its own set of events and celebrations 
 The Sky race involves a group of 3 and goes through various checkpoints until they reach the finish line 
 Even non bird friends can take part in the race
 The Professor and assistant made a flying bicycle to participate in the Sky race
 The winner gets a prize 
 Arai is Serval’s rival (apparently)
 “Hyper-special-great-delicious” sensei
 Arai loves cool sounding words 
 Dodos are pigeons 
 The group is divided into 2 groups 
 Toki, Lulu, and Caracal
 Serval, White Rhino, and Silver Fox
 Servals team is called the Towa’s
 Cerulean “Cheerful motions”
 Nothing in love and peace about them
 Sky race is set up by pigeons (plus Dodo)
 Dodo loves to say “love and peace”
 Team Caracal is the other team of the group 
 groups are called Sky Impulse and Sky Divers are rivals
 Towa has become famous in Japari Park or at least well known
 Silver fox was able to remodel the bus to fly
 The Sky race is narrated by Superb Lyrebird 
 The race passes through the entire region 
 Towa uses the bus while Caracal uses the bike
 The race is going to be broadcasted 
 The race also involves the team going through the race while carrying a certain Friend (Lion/ stellar sea lion/Moa) around 
 The Professor and assistant are here as well (just because) on a team
 Towa has to carry Lion
 Sky impulse has to carry stellar sea lion
 Sky divers have to carry moa
 Caracal has to carry Scarlet Ibis
 Stellar doesn’t like being referred to aaa fat
 Scarlet Ibis is going to be a loud mouth
 Right as the race starts, Ceruleans attack
 Silver Fox’s “Huge Rubber ZZ” on the remodel Japari bus
 The Huge Rubber ZZ is like a catapult that will also give you acceleration
 Silver fox is uptight 
 Scarlet Ibis is smug that she feels high and mighty riding in a basket 
 Silver fox is willing to cheat in order for Towa to win
 A Cerulean that is combined with a Friend (Cerval)
 Some Ceruleans can fly
 Towas team started late due to fighting ceruleans
 Something happened to the team Sky impulse, it’s leader was left behind 
 Northern Goshawk is acting like the race is stupid and lame
 Her sparkle was taken
 White Rhino literally drags her to come with the team Towa
 White Rhino can have a temper when she loses paicent 
 Professor diary
 The Professor’s team dropped out due to the Cerulean 
 Forest Owlet and Kyutie were with the Professor and Assistant 
 Kyutie has a habit of not being noticed 
 Kyutie is a Kyuushuu owl who likes to create different characters for herself 
 The Cerulean is after Scarlet Ibis voice because it was charmed by her song
 Scarlet Ibis speaks in 3rd point of view 
 Caracals team is in trouble 
 Cerval wants wings so she stole
 Birdien > Poultrien
 Sky Diver is in the lead
 Free Patrolling Squad dropped their baggage 
 The bird land is next to the snow land 
 Team Towa and Caracal are chasing a giant cerulean 
 Cerval is riding the Giant Cerulean 
 Arai and Fennec, Towa team, and Caracal team have entered a cerulean lair (danger zone)
 Arai was on the bike and flew it by herself 
 Yama gets embarrassed easily (porcupine)
 Arai lands the sky bike and it rides like a normal bike(it’s a rickshaw)
 Sensei was a Cheetah(part of Raccoon team) to get the race victory and Cerval
 But suddenly cheetah slowed down 
 Cerval is in the race
 Bush warber loves haikus 
 Green pheasant team drops out after being scared by ceruleans
 Arai San has no time limits 
 Cerval took golden goshawks seriousness 
 Cerval took something from Serval, resulting in her copying her form
 Eagerness was stolen
 Sky divers are dealing with ceruleans
 Cerulean took goshawk self confidence 
 Minimum twose 
 Puffin thought she was clever
 Only team Caracal and Towa are left
 Cerval is in the lead
 Ceruleans will kill goshawks teammates who are surrounded 
 It’s okay to fail as long as you get back up and try again 
 Don’t be scared of yourself 
 Goshawk has a plan
 Use the rubber to launch goshawk to her teammates 
 Lion pulls the rubber to launch 
 Both team Sky divers and Sky impulse work together to save the day
 Eagle loves justice and is able to use wing tucking 
 The ceruleans collide with each other 
 Cerval is the only Cerulean left
 The race is almost complete 
 Team Towa, Sky divers, Sky impulse, and Caracal are the only ones left
 Cerval is getting strength from the Ceruleans
 No other cerulean has ever done that before 
 Lulu refers to Rabi
 Mention the Cerulean Queen 
 Cerval disappears 
 Serval still wants to be her Friend 
 Photo finish 
 Sky Divers were third place
 Towa was 2nd place
 Sky Impulse won
 Towa helped a small fox in the past
 Serval for some reason begins to cry after hearing Towa’s past. It brings her a feeling of nostalgia 
 A sparkle could return if they are motivated enough 
 Cerval is heading towards the Gokoku region 
 Margay is planning an event
 Serval once went to the Kemono Hospital due to being injured 
 The Kemono Hospital is in Park Central 
 In park Central is Kemono Castle
 Fennec leaves with a passed out Arai San
 What was it that Cerval stole?
 Who is the Cerulean Queen?
 Why did Towa’s story move Serval so much?
 Margay is working on something but then she gets discovered by a cerulean 
 Margay seems to be a writer of some kind
 Margay goes to the Japari Cafe
 A bridge collapsed 
 Back then, we didn’t quite know. The big thing that was starting to engulf the whole Japari Park.
 Serval doesn’t know why she cried after hearing Towa’s story 
 It seems like what happened was from a memory from her past
 Everyone recovered from their muscle cramps from the race
 Gokokou region is made of seas and mountains 
 There are rumors going on about the ocean nearby 
 A rumor that there is a ghost ship that is able to move by itself 
 A rumor about a spot where pirates have buried treasure 
 Serval thinks it’s romantic for some reason 
 A rumor about the mysterious giant ghossi monster 
 Ghossi is a cryptid ghost carp
 Ghossi will let you ride on its back
 Serval believes in ghossi
 Caracal believes Ghossi is a cerulean 
 They meet Ikkaku san the narwhal 
 Cetacean animal girl
 Mirai is crying tears of joy over meeting narwhal and possibly meeting dolphins 
 Mirai goes on and on about telling Towa about whales and dolphins 
 Narwhal looks more then a Knight then black Rhino did, as her tusk is her spear
 There is an Art Festival 
 Margay loves art stuff
 Margay is feeling down for some reason 
 The team decides to go and cheer her up
 Raccoon dog is doing caligraphy
 Her brush is made by her fur
 Raccoon dog had a crumpled piece of paper with Towas name on it.
 She ran away in embarrassment 
 Raccoon dog might have a crush on Towa (Reaelry likelike)
 Margays script for her movie was taken by a Cerulean and now she can’t remember how it goes and she needs to start filming soon
 Margays sparkle of creativity was stolen 
 The group decides to recover the script 
 Margay drew a picture of the Cerulean in question 
 Snow sheep rearranged white rhinos hair style 
 Crossroad hairstyles 
 Oxpeckers tend to the skin of animals that are unable to do so. Like Hippo and Rhino
 The Cerulean went to Hammer Mountain
 Snow Sheep gives the best hair styles
 Fennec imitates Arai voice
 Silver Fox is here also
 Arai is still down for recovering on her muscle cramps so Fennec is alone for today 
 Toki called Arai a noise maker 
 Fennec wants to travel with the group today
 Fennec travels with Arai because it’s fun. And she likes messing with the group and Towa
 That time when Serval went to the Kemono Hospital was because she had a broken foot. It was there before she became a friend 
 The person that treated her was as nice as Towa
 “It’ll be alright, you’ll be better soon because you’re strong.”
 Fennec also once went to the Kemono Hospital and she remembers Serval before becoming an animal girl
 “I wonder what would’ve happened if “the miracle” didn’t happen...
 Muskox is great at knitting and is making a giant scarf for the Art Festival 
 The Cerulean went to Gomanto River
 Mediterranean monk seal and stellar sea cow are practicing a song to sing for the Festival 
 There is a stage above the river
 Mediterranean seals were what inspired sirens from Greek myths 
 Mirai is so happy to get to see all these new Friends 
 Mirai mentions “Professor Kako wish has come true”
 Kako is a Japari Park staff member that research into extinct animals 
 Mirai looks up to her as her senior 
 Silver fox is quiet about something 
 Fennec talks about in the past when Park Central was attack by Ceruleans and everyone had to flee the hospital. Serval was there as well
 Serval can’t remember any of the past
 Both Serval and Fennec heard “the voice”
 Silver fox asks if Serval can remember. Remember being saved by a human and being touched by Towa’s past. The familiar scent of the amulet 
 “A certain experience”
 The Amulet begins to glow
 Serval is starting to remember 
 Toki flees after hearing a song
 Serval remembers what happened. Back at the Kemono Hospital Serval heard a voice. It was the night before the Cerulean attack
 That voice was from Oinari sama 
 She said “a great calamity will take place here, very soon. Those who will fight, should steel their hearts. Those who are weak should get ready to run away.”
 After hearing her voice, everyone was healed of their injuries and filled with the feeling of wanting to help others 
 Everyone broke out of the hospital but then Serval was passed out.
 When Serval woke up, she was in the Savannah area.
 The miracle was the experience Kemo Harmony.
 Toki sings in front of a friend but she is unresponsive. It was a northern fur seal (able to continue activities while only using half of brain)
 Toki says “tough crowd”
 They find the black Cerulean holding Margay’s script 
 The Ceruleans form a brigades 
 The ceruleans are distracted by seal juggling a cerulean 
 The black ceruleans are different from the ones from before 
 Black Ceruleans multiply
 Narwhal is surrounded
 The ceruleans take narwhals spear
 The Ceruleans grew horns (horncell)
 Narwhal lost her fighting spirit 
 Ceruleans are working together 
 Narwhal got her spear back
 A new species of ceruleans
 The script was torn to peices
 Margay feels absolutely miserable 
 The Cerulean took her spark of inspiration 
 They decide to gather as much of the peices as possible and read what they have. They can ad lib
 They head to the film set
 The story is about the pirates seeking treasure of a ghost ship. The protagonist is the daughter of the great pirate and up until the they reached the treasure, they are in conflict with other pirates and navy.
 Mirai was able to borrow a boat (pleasure cruiser) to use for filming 
 Serval is the protagonist 
 Fennec doesn’t want to make Arai jealous of being in a movie without her
 Caracal is the enemy pirate 
 Lulu, Silver Fox is good
 Caracal, Toki, white Rhino are enemy pirate
 Margay calls Toki singing a horror movie 
 Mirai is in charge of the camera
 Narwhal is ocean adviser 
 Towa is stagehand
 Dolphins are co stars
 Start filming 
 Serval says the d word
 The real ghost ship arrives 
 The crew head forward to investigate 
 Ceruleans have highjacked the ghost ship
 Cerval is there
 The ceruleans are playing pirates 
 They are reenacting the script remains 
 Margay asks that the Cerval helps in filming the rest of the movie 
 Margay is inspired again 
 Serval is overwhelmed by the cerulean forces sent by former Friend Cerval
 The dolphins take out the ceruleans
 The films keeps on rolling 
 Cerval calls Serval a Friend for the first time 
 The horn ceruleans attack
 Cerval heard the Queens voice
 The black ceruleans follow the queens order
 Cerval doesn’t want to fight her Friend Serval
 Something emerges from underground 
 A giant cerulean that is thought to be Gosshi emerges
 Cerval is eaten by giant cerulean 
 Towa gives Serval power to rescue Cerval
 Cerval is spat out and sent to the Riukiu Region the true sea area
 Margay might not have made a successful movie but she got her creativity back
 Fennec is back 
 Kemo Harmony is when Animal Girls hearts resonates it creates a giant phenomenon that can only be described as a miracle 
 Before the park was raided by ceruleans Oinari called out to all the animals in the hospital. Every animal did everything they could to all escape as everyone was healed 
 Serval stood ahead a of everyone’s hopes and dreams of saving them. Even in her previous dire state
 Serval was “special”
 Cerval stole Serval’s special power
 Her “specialness” was taken as well as the memories of it
 Her memories of the attack were also stolen and only the memories of the pre day opening of the park can be remembered 
 Oinari is in park central using the miracle to contain the Cerulean boss (cerulean Queen)
 Cerval will use the Harmony she stole to help the queen win the fight
 Or at least that is what is first assumed
 They need to reclaim the Harmony 
 The group heads to the Riukiu region, with Fennec going to get Raccoon 
 two mysterious Friends (lefty and righty) are awaiting Towa to arrive to the region 
An Okinawa Rail is with them
We shall prevail 
The group arrives at the region
The dolphins are there 
Narwhal is there as well
The Riukiu is filled with sea and tropics
Rio the ironmote cat is a guide for Towa
A certain two want to meet Towa 
The group arrive the middle of the island 
They finally meet lefty and righty
Shisa lefty (Riukiu guardian animal)
Shisa righty (younger twin sister)
Shisa San is a legendary beast. Open mouth is fortune, closed is to prevent misfortune 
Silver fox goes into the shadow again since she knows too much but does not want to explain anything 
The beast give them pineapple Japari buns
The shisa are in charge of protecting the Riukiu region 
Oinari told them the situation 
Cerval fell into the region but is currently guarded by black ceruleans
There are some already investigating the cerulean guard and they will hear from them tomorrow so the team should rest for now 
Mirai and Towa go star gazing at night 
The night breeze feels good 
When Mirai was younger she met a woman that taught her about all different kinds of animals. It inspired her to persue a job with animals. Kako taught her everything.
Kako is a huge inspiration to everyone 
Kako lost her parents when she was younger 
Mirai was hoping to meet Kako when she became a guide. But then all the commotion happened 
The romantic moment is cut off by the sleepy Friends being chased by Ceruleans.
Righty keeps mentioning fortune 
Ryukyu boar has the reports of the investigation 
Mirai is overly fascinated by boar but boar is scared of animals she doesn’t recognize 
The Queen wants to bring back Cell Harmony
Cell Harmony is like Kemo Harmony but for Ceruleans
Cerval has stimulated ceruleans with the power she stole from Serval
Black Ceruleans are evolved ceruleans
It could create the Ultimate Cell Harmony 
This would result in all ceruleans evolving at once and they being able to steal as much sparkle as they desire. They would be unstoppable.
The only way to stop the plan is to get the specialness back to Serval.
Operation “infiltrate Cerval Island”
They board the Japari Bus boat to the island where Cerval is
The black ceruleans on under strict command and preventing others from getting on the island 
The dolphins and Narwhal are back and they brought Blue Whale
The dolphins look up to blue whale as a mother
Blue dolphin has a huge presence, being the world’s biggest animal 
Blue whale is everyone’s mom
They will take the bus under the sea to get the island 
The Japari bus goes into lockdown mode so it can travel underwater 
Arai and Fennec are stalking the group to get to Cerval
They snuck a seat under the bus
The bus is now a submarine 
Serval hopes Cerval is okay 
They arrive at an underwater cave
The bus floats back up
Arai and Fennec have been discovered 
Black Ceruleans are guarding the cave
The group splits up with Ikkaku to find Cerval
Lefty and Righty were going to be a decoy for Towa
Towa has the ability to connect with animals 
Shisas suggest that if Towa can’t stop Cerval, he might as well leave the park
Cerval will definitely head to park central 
The ceruleans attacked when the cerulean Queen appeared. It was at the time the staff and Oinari United to create a barrier. Lefty and righty tried to fight back but the Queen was too strong. The only way to defeat them is through Kemo Harmony. But without Serval’s specialness, then it will be useless against Cell Harmony. It’s only a matter of time till the Queen obtains ultimate Cell Harmony and then it’s all over.
Lefty doesn’t want a Towa to get hurt so she says that he shouldn’t get involved.
Silver fox asks why Lefty and righty can use their powers to get Servals specialness back.
They can’t do that because Cervals specialness that gives her an ego that makes her stronger then any other cerulean.
If they were to retrieve the specialness, Cerval would disappear completely.
Serval doesn’t want to lose Cerval.
If they don’t do it, the world will be drowned in darkness. Everything will be nothing. Fennec doesn’t want to lose her time with Raccoon.
If they do it, Oinari can be saved from her crisis 
Arai wants to punch both Cerval and the Queen with her Arai San punch
Mirai and Towa return to Narwhal
Shisas have successfully distracted the ceruleans while everyone looks for Cerval
Fennec is absolutely determined to save the park no matter what, she truly loves everyone in the park.
Serval is struggling to be happy and stay positive, but is failing slowly 
Okinawa rail makes herself known, thinking the phrase “don’t worry, be happy” was calling her name 
Habu keeps biting Servals tail
Rail will guide the team
Habu is now biting Arai tail
Cerval is almost complete 
But she has a doubt
All ceruleans must serve the Queen no matter what 
Fennec wonders if Arai tail tastes good
Rail and habu plan to distract the black ceruleans
They are also taking Arai because habu keeps chewing on her tail
Arai gets dragged away 
Cerval must go
They have to make Cerval disappear
Toki thinks Serval should have the final say, after everything she’s done for everyone.
Serval however has strong doubt in herself and doesn’t trust the team anymore 
But Toki silences everyone by threatening to sing
The bond between Serval and Towa has been the biggest strength the park needs to be unstoppable 
Cerval left a note saying “she must go”
Can’t rely on tuning fork anymore 
They need to get to park central, there the Queen is and where Cerval must be going
But the group is the surrounded by black ceruleans
The black ceruleans keep coming, the Queen has made records of their movements and studied them to counter any attacks 
The group keeps fighting ceruleans but they are slowly getting tired 
Blue whale, rail, Fennec, habu, and Arai are here to save the day
Lefty and right are here as well 
Blue whale catapulted them
Serval was unable to get her specialness back but the Shisa gave Serval the shisa infused amulet that should allow her to get her specialness back from Cerval with.
Serval is struggling as her thoughts are resembling a time off
The Professor and Assistant arrive
Things are going to be a bit harder and the Friends fear that Towa might be harmed due to the increasing number of ceruleans
The Salt Amulet was added to inventory 
Cerval must go but she doesn’t want to go. She wants Friends 
The group arrived at Park Central 
Everyone is happy that Towa is with them
Park Central has shopping districts, hotels, entertainment centers 
Serval and Lulu are overwhelming with excitement of being in park central 
Before you know it, everyone is excited and looking at all the cool things in park central (fitness center, karaoke bar, and more)
Crested ibis begins to sing at the Karaoke bar but the sparkle of the bar is gone
A sparkle of a place is something that no one has heard of before and they are unsure if they are able to get it back
This once happy place is now being filled with utter sadness 
The fortress of the ceruleans
Mirai has been trying to get in contact with the control center but she comes back all quiet 
Something has happened to Kako-san 
Towa comforts Mirai with a loving hug
Mirai is scared but she wants to stay positive no matter what 
During the cerulean attack at the Kemono Hospital, most of the staff were able to get out okay. But Kako was found unconscious and was transferred to the hospital outside of the park, but she is still unable to regain consciousness 
Kako San was attacked by Ceruleans
She might never open her eyes again 
They group finds Cerval who must go but doesn’t want to go
Cerval is heading emono Castle, an amusement park that uses Japari Park as its theme. The Perfect place for the Queen to reside
 Cerval is moving slow and so the group tries to catch up to her
Cerval enters the castle 
But a strange wall of light (barrier) is preventing the rest of the team from entering the castle
The group tries to break down the door but nothing they do works
The Professor and assistant arrive 
The Professor knows a way to break down the barrier 
The barrier was formed from different ceruleans scattered throughout the park. If they can defeat the ceruleans from each region, then the barrier will fall.
The group has to split up and defeat their respective ceruleans
Serval is left with Towa and Mirai 
At the waterside restaurant White Rhino reunites with black Rhino and
At the ruins Lulu meets with Rabi Rabi and they take down the cerulean 
At the park central observation deck, Toki, Professor and Assistant are there, northern goshawk, bald eagle, peregrine falcon, passenger pigeon, scarlet Ibis, martial eagle, lupela father, golden eagle to take down the cerulean 
Golden eagle says the sh word
Both crested ibis and scarlet Ibis sing to their hearts content to defeat the cerulean 
The Professor and assistant need to know more about the garden to prevent the ceruleans from coming back
At the forest park area, Fennec and Raccoon are ready to fight the cerulean 
Fennec says that Silver Fox believes in the miracle of Towa and Serval
Cerval’s fate won’t change
Arai says that Fennec loves the park and Towa and being worried without taking action won’t solve anything 
Fennec always knew Arai was cute
The cerulean is on the obstacle course 
Margay, Brown bear, Koala, Cheetah, Rock Dove are present
Drive the cerulean out of the obstacle course with Arai chasing it
Namichi, Yama-San, tube nose bat, fraternal myotis are here to help
Arai makes the ultimate sacrifice to tackle the fleeing cerulean 
But fennec helps her up
The team together defeats the cerulean 
Arai wants to play on the obstacle course 
Ceruleans have taken over the broadcast station and they need to win it back
At the shopping center Caracal, leopard, black leopard, sheep, Lion, and green pheasant have gathered 
Caracal starts to servely miss Serval
Bary lion arrives to comfort Caracal
The group defeats the giant cerulean 
The group gets distracted by the shopping center 
Black Leopard thinks Caracal is cute
Caracal starts thinking recklessly 
At the sea side narwhal, dolka, nalka, maika and blue whale are looking for the cerulean 
But then they meet some friends who are concerned for Towa (they are Komodo dragon and Tsuchinoko)
They are part of team “I’ll bite you”
Komodo might have a crush on Towa (her laugh proves it)
Moy moy sea cow and Mediterranean seal are here to help the team defeat the cerulean 
Ceruleans are trying to jam into the submarine to sink it
Komodo has dreams of her and Towa running along a white beach in the sun as they whisper their love for each other 
Side note look up info on Komodo Dragon in the future 
After defeating the ceruleans from outside the submarine they need to get rid of the ones inside the submarine 
They make it into the submarine 
Komodo is really into Towa
Blue whale is still best mom
Back with Lulu, she and Rabi Rabi, Okinawa Rail, Okinawan Habu meet Sen and Arma (refer to season 2)
Dromedary, wild Bactrian camel arrive at one of the ruin buildings
As they walk through the building they run into Moose. With the Kemo Courageous Spears Chivalric Order (impala, saiga antelope, Yezo Silka deer, blackbuck)
Blackbuck is extremely goth and poetic 
Together the group defeats the giant cerulean 
Takin is the chivalry groups informer
Lulu leaves to head back to the park central 
Back at the water restaurant white Rhino, Black Rhino, Hippo, gorgopus hippo, capybara, Baikal seal gather to defeat the cerulean 
They then meet PIP (PPP) and Tama
The cerulean is up high so they use their strength to throw white rhino to take out the cerulean 
The cerulean is defeated
The area is a mess so they decide to clean it up
Cleaning live concert
White Rhino runs back to park central 
Silver Fox is at the warehouse 
She finds Ezo Red Fox, Reindeer, Walrus, Mountain hare, arctic hare, European hare.
They find Ceruleans are hiding in the snow thanks to Grey Wolf and Japanese Wolf
Silver Fox uses her “Nose Better ZZ” goggles to see the ceruleans
The snow sculptures have collapsed 
Silver fox runs back to the team
I’ll carry out my duty until the very end. All right then, please take care
Serval and Towa are sitting in front of the castle, waiting for the others to take down the barrier 
Serval asks Towa what she should do.
It’s either get Servals specialness and save the park
But have Cerval vanish and disappear 
Or have Cerval live
And have the whole world wrapped in darkness 
Towa comforts Serval but just then the barrier to Kemono Castle falls and the team run in.
Inside Kemono Castle Cerval is face to face with Oinari sama herself
Oinari feels pity for Cerval, who wants to feel like a Friend to the residents of Japari Park but she is nothing but a puppet to the Queen.
Cerval tries to think like the Queen but she can’t 
At last the group comes face to face with Cerval herself and Oinari Sama
Cerval tries to attack but s barrier by the Queen prevents her
Towa and everyone has to protect Oinari from the upcoming Cerulean attack
The Queen has become too powerful that Oinari can’t defeat
Cerval escapes the barrier and heads to the Queen 
The voice of the Queen is heard
“The one you all call Cerval will be no more.”
“Once the “Special” is delivered to me she will become a mere Cerulean.”
“However, that’s only natural.”
“All Sparkles will eventually disappear. No matter how much you yearn they will never return to their former state.”
“However, we Ceruleans are preserved and restored forever.”
“Cerulean that have mastered evolution by way of Ultimate Cell Harmony can restore even lost Sparkles”
The Queen is trying to decieve the team
Oinari assays that there is still time to save Cerval from her fate
Oinari can’t stop her but the team can
Towa and the team head into the castle 
Along the way Mirai says how the voice of the Queen sounds close to Kako
She also looks like Kako by appearance 
Kako always wanted to see her dead parents one more time 
The Queen stole a sparkle of Kako san and that has no doubt caused her to remain unconscious 
The Queen is a thing that is the embodiment of the Cerulean menace 
......True despair is that which comes to those who appeared bearing hope......
From behind the door, there is an over surge of power
They at last come face to face with the Cerulean Queen herself
Cerval is still okay 
Cerulean Queen... ... You were born from Kako-san’s Sparkle, weren't you?
The Queen keeps repeating her voice from earlier 
The teams voice is unable to reach the Queen 
I'm confident that the Cellien Queen is the same way... ... The Celliens gather information in order to further their evolution, reconstruct themselves to increase their efficiency, then they just replay the memories... …
The Cerulean Queen strikes 
The Queen demands that Cerval give her the special sparkle
Let Cerval go!
Serval is unable to run to Cerval due to the Queens intimidation power 
But then Toki begins to sing and Serval could move again 
Lulu throws White Rhino into battle 
Silver Fox uses a cerulean destruction bomb
The rest of the team made it on time 
But there is not even a scratch on the Queen 
Eliminate all obstacles 
She's been touched directly by the Queen... ... because of that, she's become completely enslaved to the Queen. Half of the "special Sparkle" has likely already entered the Queen
Serval tried to reach out to Cerval as a Friend 
The Queen’s hold on Cerval begins to fade
Serval uses the special salt on her amulet to help set Cerval free
But Cerval has already accepted her fate of disappearing completely 
Cerval says goodbye 
Serval begins to cry as her Friend disappears
But then Margay appears on the monitor screen
She has something to cheer Serval up
It was a video of Cervals voice
Serval can still hear Cerval’s voice
Cerval is Servals Friend!
Serval eats the salt but too much causes her to pass out.
But Cerval wakes up calling out Serval’s name
Cervals body begins to sparkle till she changes shape
And finally becomes a Friend.
Cerval did the impossible and made a sparkle out of her love for her Friend Serval
Cerval is no longer under the Queens control
the small trace of Sparkle left inside of Cerval-san...it reacted to Serval-san's feelings and created a miracle... ...?
have already collected most of the “special Sparkle”. The procedure has only been changed to include the disposal of the mutant. The Queen wants to kill Cerval
Cerval thinks Serval died
Cerval is now part of the team
The Queen stole the Central Parks sparkle 
The central parks sparkle is what is preventing Cell Harmony 
The team is filled with determination to defeat the Queen and save the park
Serval in a tired state apologies to Towa about getting him involved to begin with. Thank you for being here.
The Queen is coming
Be careful vs Eliminate 
After the fight of a lifetime, the Queen is down
But then the Queen begins to evolve in front of them
Evolution... ... resonate... ...all of... ... the Cerulean... …
Reverberation... ... Cell Harmony. Carried... ... to the tuning fork, and spread to all of Japari Park.
The Queen launches Cell Harmony into Japari Park
But then it is suddenly launched back
all the Friends from the whole adventure are having fun, happy, and living the best life possible.
This creates a sparkle so powerful that it is overpowering the Queen. She cannot use Cell Harmony.
In a fit of pure hatred and rage the Queen transforms from her Kako appearance to an abomination of bloodlust that wants nothing more than all the Friends death
And finally the battle of a life time
The Queen is weakened and refuses to give up.
 “Evolution. Preservation of information. Regeneration. ---- The sparkle lost back then......... I want to see you again. I can see you again. Revival. Even if it's proven false, even then…”
The Queen finally pops and is revealed to be an actually small cerulean and it runs away in fear.
Oinari is okay and confirms that the battle is finally over. The Queen is defeated and peace is being restored 
Towa san, I offer you my thanks. I sensed that one in possession of a "Kemono Amulet" had appeared, and I thus tasked Silver Fox with keeping that person safe. Would you care to show me that amulet to me? I would like to know which beast led you to this place.
Towa hands over the amulet to Oinari 
Oinari encrust the amulet with her crest, giving it more power to protect Towa even more 
Serval thanks Towa for everything 
Silver fox cries at the feeling of being separated from Oinari but she denies it.
Towa, Serval, and all the Friends they made along the way go and play in park central.
Mirai diary 
And so, the Cerulean Queen was defeated, and the crisis which had come to Japari Park has passed.
Additionally, with Park Central freed from the Cerulean, the reconstruction towards reinstating it as the entrance to Japari Park once more can begin!
There's still a long, bumpy road ahead before Japari Park can officially reopen, but this a big step forward! Ah, right, and before I forget, there's one last piece of good news... …
I've received word from the hospital that Kako-san has woken up from her coma. She's been recovering quickly, and she should be reinstated as park staff soon!
... ... It's all thanks to Towa-san and all the others.
Ever since that day, more and more of the animals have been calling Towa things like "Park Director" or "Director- san".
Everyone must surely be hoping that Towa san will become the new Park Director of Japari Park.
In order for Japari Park to reopen properly, a new Park Director is necessary. I also feel like Towa san would be an appropriate pick for the job, myself!
Mirai is in the staff room. Finishing her diary entry. Towa walks in and talk about the preparation to the park.
Do you like animals?
Even if the Queen was defeated, the cerulean threat this lingers.
Mirai and Towa are now officially dating and holding hands as they head to the girls. They celebrate their victory with Mirai and Towa dancing the night away.
Let's eat some Japari Buns together! They're freshly made.
... ... ... ... Hey... Towa.
Ever since you and I met each other for the first time, we've gone through so much, and we've made lots of new memories together.
I got to make friends with Guide-san... I got to meet a lot of new friends... and I made one more very important friend!
We had a huge adventure that took us all the way, north to south! We ended up going a really long way, right?
But... there's a lot of Friends in Japari Park that we still haven't met yet!
Towa , let's always explore together from now on! It's a promise, okay!? Now, let’s go!
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kemonowarsau · 6 years ago
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Here is a LONG list of all the Kemono Friends character sprites. From left to right. Kaban, Serval, Lucky Beast, Racoon, Fennec , Hippopotamus, Small-clawed Otter, Jaguar, Crested Ibis, Alpaca Suri, Sand Cat, Tsuchinoko, American Beaver, Black-Tailed Prairie Dog, Lion, Arabian Oryx, Auroch, Japanese Black Bear, Moose, Giant Armadillo, White Rhinoceros, African Porcupine, Panther Chameleon, Shoebill , Northern White-Faced Owl, Eurasian Eagle-Owl, Margay, Princess/Royal Penguin, Iwabi/Rocker/Rockhopper Penguin, Gen/Gentoo Penguin, Hululu/Humboldt Penguin, Emperor/Emperor Penguin, Ezo Red Fox 
Silver Fox, Campo Flicker, Reticulated Giraffe, Gray Wolf, Brown Bear, Golden Snub-nosed Monkey, African Wild Dog, Ocelot, Malayan Tapir, Fossa, Indian Elephant, Axis Deer, King Cobra, Southern Tamandua, Peafowl, Tasmanian Devil, Frilled Lizard, Okapi, Scarlet Ibis, Cerulean, Mirai, Mirai (Hologram), Serval (possible Hologram), Black Cerulean, Crunchyroll-hime, Zebra, Thomson’s Gazelle , Capybara ,Short-beaked Common Dolphin, Aardwolf, Brown Thoroughbred, White Thoroughbred, Black Thoroughbred, Bearded Seal, Puma, Giant Panda, Australian Devil, Silka Deer, Black Jaguar, Black Leopard, Rock Hyrax, Blue Whale, Greater Flamingo, Raccoon Dog, Sheep, Smilodon, White Tiger, Woolly Mammoth, Nana, African Bush Elephant, Black Rhinoceros, Caracal, Koala, Quagga, Kako, Queen Cerulean, Cerval, Keoro, Giroro, Tamama, Dororo, Kururu, Godzilla, Tachikoma Type-A , Tachikoma Type-B , Tachikoma Type-C , HAW-206 , Uchikoma , Logikoma, Byakko, Genbu, Seiryu, Suzaku, Japari Bus, Ink Kaban, Ink Serval, Ink Lucky Beast, Grape-kun
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hinatabocco · 6 years ago
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ケムリクサ 02 Hey this one has a Japari Bus too
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thatreclusekemofure · 2 years ago
Indulgent Self Musing - 1st Issue
Roleplay Tone: Easygoing, mixed with playful banter, some friendly teasing.
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As Serval and Kaban bid Tsuchinoko farewell from the back of their Japari Bus, she’d peek out from beyond the deflecting shelter of the wall to which she flocked to. “Today was a good day. Come back sometime if you get the chance,” Tsuchinoko speedily remarked in mellow, prompting a simple excited ‘okay’ back from Kaban in Serval’s delightfully playful look’s contrast.
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“Are you being shy?” Indeed, Serval said soon, with hand on her lip, asked in a manner ever as teasingly playful as it were ever more playfully earnest.
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“You don’t have to!” An unprepared Tsuchinoko was sooner to have responded, whose ever-growing, as it were ever more escaping joy, found its reluctant containment of itself in-between subtleties become just a little furtherly difficult.
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With the Japari Bus's departure announced by its uninterested driver Lucky, "that's mean!" cried back a Serval unaware of her success.
   – Scene adapted from Episode 4: Kemono Friends 2017. Originally written in this response to an ask before being expanded upon in this post. It is also an apology for not yet responding to an ask all the way back in June ‘22. The pages in the pinned post have been revised also. Not much progress has been made on more icons, apologizes for that one too.
OOC Tone: Positive with excitement over progress. In 3rd sentence apologetic.
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renkobon · 6 years ago
10 12 2018
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Today’s daily: Japari Bus
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less-moe-less-problems · 7 years ago
Serval driving the Japari bus, but instead of crashing she just takes off drifting
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tni-kemonofriends · 7 years ago
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ジャパリバスと | sat-C https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?illust_id=65527525&mode=medium
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reversemoon255 · 7 years ago
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Figma Serval
Been a while since I review a Figma. Actually, wait, let me check...Nope, never actually reviewed any of my Figma. Odd, considering I have, like, a dozen now. Not that I actively grab any and all Figma that catch my fancy, just those from the shows I like. And as someone who really enjoyed Kemono Friends I wanted to pick this up.
The Good: This is a great representation of Serval from the CG anime. Even with the giant flared skirt, she’s really posable. I find a lot of the Figma I’ve messed with haven’t been able to do very basic poses that Serval is able to do with ease. There’s also a few improvements I noticed with things like the detachable hair for face swapping or with the ankle tilts that are marketable improvements over my past purchases. While limited, her ears and tail can move around, her neck is more expressive than a lot of other figures, and her full range of movement is above what I’ve come to expect from Figma.
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The Bad: So there’s a replacement wrist in case one of them breaks. That’s a bit concerning. Also, her overall accessory pool is very shallow:
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It’s just hands, faces, and the one Japari Bun. I don’t know what else I’d give her, but even the simpler Figma I have come with at least three non-body part accessories. A crumpled paper airplane with a flame effect would’ve been nice. I know the Nenderoid did that, and it’d be neat to see that represented here, too.
Also, this is a more minor thing, but I really wish they went with the manga or official art design rather than the anime. I mean, I like the anime just fine, but the other designs for Serval are much cuter and less polygonal.
The Ugly: At this point it’s just Serval. Serval is almost never alone, whether she’s with Kaban (who isn’t coming out until October), or Raccoon and Fennec, or Ezo Red Fox, or Carcal, or somebody. They’re up to four Nenderoid announcements now, so I thought the series would be popular enough to get more than two figures. Especially with a bus. Girls und Panzer needed five before they got an actual tank.
She’s just a figure that suffers from loneliness, if that makes sense. She’s meant to be with other people, and the fact that there are no figures to represent those people means it always feels like she’s missing something.
Overall, It’s a pretty great figure, if low on accessories. I just really want an accompanying piece for it, and it looks like I’m going to have to wait about a year before I get it. I’ll just have to figure out something to do with her in the meantime.
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hunty627 · 3 years ago
That’s the Japari Park bus. I wild love to ride on it.
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