The Ghost Serval
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You've reached an undead, hello hello
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goldklee · 1 year ago
idgaf what cutesy shit tumblr tries to pull for April Fools, this is still the same website where the multimillionaire CEO stalked a trans woman across multiple platforms because she bruised his fragile ego, where a moderator took bribes to delete accounts, where moderation disproportionately targets black, transfem, and pro-Palestinian bloggers, where literal hardcore heterosexual pornography can be both posted without consequence and actively advertised to users while trans women posting transition timelines get hit with the banhammer, where outright hate speech goes unpunished but an obvious shitpost results in the associated account's termination, and where its leadership advertises it as the queerest site on the internet while doing all of the above. No amount of silly goofy gimmicks will change that.
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goldklee · 1 year ago
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goldklee · 1 year ago
To the friends I made on here, (even though many of you aren't using this site anymore and I can just contact you through Discord lol), cheers for the near decade of fun on this site.
Let's get silly somewhere new.
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goldklee · 1 year ago
I'm just so tired of social media bullshit like this. Tired of art platforms doing this shit too. If you still want to see my art, find me on Bluesky or Cohost. I'm not uploading here anymore. Consider this blog abandoned until either it gets deleted, or they backpedal. Though, even if they do backpedal, I can't say I have any trust in them now... so it'd just be an archive of my works from the end of 2014 to the beginning of 2024. Look up Law vs Lili Tekken 8 intro, this explains my feelings.
...I had just gotten done saying I won't delete my Tumblr and they pull this shit. Good dammit. Fuck this. They just make it harder and harder to want to even stay, huh?
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goldklee · 1 year ago
Tumblr formed most of my first, lasting online friendships. Some of the people I met on here are absolutely special to me, and I still talk to them to this day. It's for that reason it had such sentimental value to me. The 2018 TOS change had moved a lot of those friends over to Twitter, so I followed. It was kind of shite, dealing with the more restrictive nature of Twitter. After Musk bought it, it went further to shit. I deleted it, went back to Tumblr, a place that had been an old online home.
I should've guessed that after such a massive change, this place could never be home again. Probably should've just deleted it. But god dammit, it felt good to be back. The past weeks on here however have shown me this isn't the Tumblr I remember. This isn't the same place I made those friends of mine. If this Midjourney shite ain't reversed by the end of March I'm just deleting all my blogs here. I'm not putting up with this shit and neither should you. Fuck this.
...I had just gotten done saying I won't delete my Tumblr and they pull this shit. Good dammit. Fuck this. They just make it harder and harder to want to even stay, huh?
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goldklee · 1 year ago
...I had just gotten done saying I won't delete my Tumblr and they pull this shit. Good dammit. Fuck this. They just make it harder and harder to want to even stay, huh?
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goldklee · 1 year ago
in the span of hours tumblr has banned an out trans woman who was outspoken about her harrassment and the unfairness of the website's system and MULTIPLE out trans women who commented on the absurdity of the situation--has even banned them for posting pictures of hammers and cars.
if staff thought this was going to make the situation go away, all staff's gotten is a class action lawsuit. good job, hellsite "moderators." you showed your whole ass and you're going to go to court. again.
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goldklee · 1 year ago
Another bump, by the way, since it got even clearer how much of a mess this site is. My primary focus is going to be CoHost, but I'll be uploading onto Bluesky about as often. I'm kinda done sticking around social media sites that just keep dumping garbage onto its userbase (hence why I deleted my Twitter). While I won't delete my Tumblr as it has some sentimental value, I just can't keep hopping onto a site that's treating LGBT members like this.
We're reaching another Tumblr exodus from what I'm seeing. This time rather than being caused by a TOS change, it seems this one is caused by staff's handling of LGBT.
I will stay here this time, mind, but if you find yourself wanting to bounce as well you can find me on Bluesky, Cohost, Pillowfort, and Mastodon. I also upload to Artfol if you're just here for art and no funny serval thoughts. I admit I am not always on top of uploading to multiple sites, particularly Pillowfort and Mastodon, but they are still valid websites.
I swear this website can never fully catch a break.
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goldklee · 1 year ago
Honestly, I'm still super pleased with how this turned out. I was thinking about it a ton yesterday.
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Couple years ago I drew my Minecraft Bedrock avatar as a character. This time I did it again, but with 100% more serval. So I guess this is sort of a Minecraft sona of sorts?
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goldklee · 1 year ago
I guess the smut is against TOS, which I don't really mind. But I may keep an eye on that, as it's actually kinda refreshing to see something styled like that these days.
So I looked up Spacehey and the fucking opening page had smut on it.
What an introduction lol
I guess it's trying to be a retro styled social media space? German-owned too, so it might be LGBT friendly
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goldklee · 1 year ago
So I looked up Spacehey and the fucking opening page had smut on it.
What an introduction lol
I guess it's trying to be a retro styled social media space? German-owned too, so it might be LGBT friendly
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goldklee · 1 year ago
For me, I'm definitely going to Cohost. It's a cozier experience than most other sites, feels a bit like older Tumblr. It lacks the Twitter vibe of Bluesky (though I'll use it too), and is also no nearly as... odd as Mastodon.
Pillowfort is also a good option, but I feel like it has since been forgotten sometime after the 2018 TOS change. It's one of the slower sites on this list. Though, I dunno threads and spacehey might be even slower? I've never used threads (and don't plan to) and spacehey is not something I've ever heard of.
Mostly asking because it seems like my dash is about 50/50 split between cohost and bluesky rn, would kinda like to know what the actual numbers are. rb for sample size etc etc
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goldklee · 1 year ago
To any and all that follow me and are trans, we all deserve better. It sucks ass this happened to a site that we've a long history with. Lord knows the majority of my time drawing online was spent here.
We're reaching another Tumblr exodus from what I'm seeing. This time rather than being caused by a TOS change, it seems this one is caused by staff's handling of LGBT.
I will stay here this time, mind, but if you find yourself wanting to bounce as well you can find me on Bluesky, Cohost, Pillowfort, and Mastodon. I also upload to Artfol if you're just here for art and no funny serval thoughts. I admit I am not always on top of uploading to multiple sites, particularly Pillowfort and Mastodon, but they are still valid websites.
I swear this website can never fully catch a break.
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goldklee · 1 year ago
I have more context to this shit now and man... yeah probably best for me to do a proper jump as well if it's gone *there*
We're reaching another Tumblr exodus from what I'm seeing. This time rather than being caused by a TOS change, it seems this one is caused by staff's handling of LGBT.
I will stay here this time, mind, but if you find yourself wanting to bounce as well you can find me on Bluesky, Cohost, Pillowfort, and Mastodon. I also upload to Artfol if you're just here for art and no funny serval thoughts. I admit I am not always on top of uploading to multiple sites, particularly Pillowfort and Mastodon, but they are still valid websites.
I swear this website can never fully catch a break.
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goldklee · 1 year ago
We're reaching another Tumblr exodus from what I'm seeing. This time rather than being caused by a TOS change, it seems this one is caused by staff's handling of LGBT.
I will stay here this time, mind, but if you find yourself wanting to bounce as well you can find me on Bluesky, Cohost, Pillowfort, and Mastodon. I also upload to Artfol if you're just here for art and no funny serval thoughts. I admit I am not always on top of uploading to multiple sites, particularly Pillowfort and Mastodon, but they are still valid websites.
I swear this website can never fully catch a break.
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goldklee · 1 year ago
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Steam gifting has unfortunately been updated from what I can see, so I can't get away with doing shit like this anymore. Damn.
(This is how I gifted someone Street Fighter 6)
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goldklee · 1 year ago
Additionally, I'm entertaining the idea of a mechanic called "terraforme". Loosely inspired by overdrive in Blazblue as well as the way people will use words from other languages with little to no understanding of its meaning just because it sounds cool. It basically would give you a power-up for a short period of time, and can be used only once per round.
While this won't get rid of super moves, I think it drawing from the same resource would be fitting so it doesn't act as a "get out of jail free" card for bad rounds.
Additionally, each Terraforme will both: change the design of the affected character (mostly for 2+ player situations so its easy to keep track of), and also each character will have certain focuses on their individual Terraformes such as Speed (movement speed and some recovery buffed), Power (Light and Fierce buffed), Azure (specials buffed), or Terra (balanced)
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There was a robot design for the fighting game project of mine at one point, but as I fleshed things out, it was kind of an outlier. So I redesigned the character to be a sort of opposite to Vera. Also funny tail.
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