#Jan to Apr 2021
just because im curious
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lazarusemma · 11 months
Nov 6 - Cas is
Nov 11 - He’s
Nov 18 - Sam says Mia says journaling helps. Sure.
Nov 19 - Should’ve been me.
Nov 20 - Sam, if you’re reading this thing, I’ll kick your ass.
Nov 21 - Spaghetti for dinner. Cas still dead. Journaling still stupid.
Nov 24 - I should’ve said
Nov 25 - Should’ve told him.
Nov 26, Thanksgiving - Not a whole lot of thanks around here. Thanks for dying in front of me, man. Thanks for saying all that. Thanks for disappearing again before I
Nov 30 - C not back.
Dec 5 - 1 month. C gone. J quiet. S annoying.
Dec 6 - Least Sam’s alive.
Dec 8 - [drawing of Castiel, half sketched]
Dec 10 - Not much of a friggin’ artist huh.
Dec 26 - No miracle.
Dec 31 - Gonna be another year without 
Jan 1, New Year’s - Midnight alone. You should be here. You should
Jan 2 - I should’ve
Jan 5 - 2 months
Feb 5 - 3 months since I should’ve fucking kissed you.
Feb 28 - If this was a leap year man I bet you’d be back tomorrow you always did shit like that surprised the hell out of me.
Mar 1 - So it goes.
Mar 2 - S thought the library here had Vonnegut. Didn’t.
Mar 5 - 4 months Went to get a library card in town.
Mar 11 - “And I asked myself about the present: how wide it was, how deep it was, how much was mine to keep.”
Mar 30 - Sam might have a hunt for us. Don’t know if
Mar 31 - Turned it down. Passed it to Jody’s crew.
Apr 1, April Fool’s - Real funny C. Joke's over. Come back already.
Apr 9 - There’s things I can’t say things I’ve never been good at saying but you gotta know
Apr 29 - He didn’t know he didn’t know he didn’t know he didn’t
May 5 - You died not knowing, you asshole. 6 months and you’re not back so I can’t tell you.
May 6 - You missed Star Wars day, you know.
May 7 - Didn’t even Han you. Well I didn't know did I.
May 8 - Did I?
May 9 - Maybe I
May 26 - “How nice — to feel nothing, and still get full credit for being alive.”
June 5 - 7
July 5 - 8
Aug 5 - 9
Aug 6 - What if you don’t
Aug 10 - You missed my birthday. S’s too. J’s.
Aug 11 - If you can hear me
Aug 12 - What would he even
Sept 5 - Nearly crashed the car today. S had to drive. Banged up my head leaning on the window in the backseat like a kid. 10
Sept 6 - Researching.
Sept 7 - Ain’t fair you missed a whole year. Gonna have a lot of catch up to play when
Sept 8 - …when we get you back.
Sept 18 - Been 12 years. You believe that, Cas? Since I came back. Since you brought me back. Guess I hoped today would be the magic bullet to getting you back. Like you’d tip your head at me and say Hello Dean. And I’d tell you how I raised you from perdition. Whatever. Just a day I guess. Universe doesn’t care it’s our anniversary
Sept 19 - Still gonna say it though. When it works.
Oct 5 - 11. It’s gonna work
Oct 31, Halloween - Never got to put you in a dumb matching costume. Next year though.
Nov 4 - Can’t sleep. Sam says time is powerful magic or some shit like that. Says an anniversary can have echoes. So we’re trying it tomorrow. God, this better work. Cas, you hear me? We’re coming for you. I’ve been praying all year and I’m hearing nothing back. I’ll tell you tomorrow. Gonna get this stuck mouth of mine to make good. It’s just the words, even on paper, they don’t—Tomorrow though, tomorrow I’m telling you everything. Promise.
Nov 5 - Today.
Nov 6 - !!! 🙂🙂🙂🙂
^ heh. check out this dork
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
Now that L has painted a big arrow on the timeline at June 2021, I’m curious about what you think S2 filming was like between the two of them?
L was still with J, they had found out they were going to be leading season 3, they had less screen time and more downtime than S3, and they posted THAT selfie. Thoughts?
Let me just give y'all my thoughts:
I think there was always feelings between the two of them and S2 filming really started to cultivate the blurred lines for them.
They knew early on in S2 production they would be leading S3 and they have both been very vocal about the prep they started to lead S3.
I think they both recognized pretty quickly they had feelings for each other but never discussed it and the used S3 filming and their characters to act on their feelings.
I personally don't think they ever crossed a line physically outside of their characters, pre or post break up with J.
I think a conversation was had between the two of them, sometime between the wrap party and her going to his play. I'm leaning closer to the wrap party.
I do think N was the one to shut things down for multiple reasons like L just getting out of a 4 yr relationship, them being in the BTON bubble and blurring lines, and then her truly thinking that maybe they had gotten whatever it was out of their system during filming.
I also don't think L was honest when they had their conversation. I know a lot of people within the fandom think his confession sort of "scared" N off with him dropping the love bomb. I feel the opposite. I think he downplayed things out of rejection.
Which is why we see him do a 180 last summer, he is running.
I think after she went to his play there was limited contact between them, partly because she had been seeing someone else, until Dec '23 when they met back up for reshoots.
During reshoots they fell right back into the blurred lines because nothing was actually resolved from their previous talk. They may have had another conversation with an understanding regarding the upcoming tour.
Which I believe is part of the reason we get the tension after the NYE kiss and during the early Jan interviews.
I don't believe N was seeing anyone Dec '23/Jan '24 but I do think it may have been rekindled in Feb/Mar done by early April.
We can tell from all of the press junkets and livestream events Feb-Apr that there is something there between L and N, I don't think it was lost on them either.
Australia def solidified things for them exhibiting their feelings outside of their characters and being forced to really examine it. Another conversation was had.
Then we have the InStyle stunt followed by a bunch of articles claiming L to be single.
A week later they are in Italy.
There is tension. Why? I think it is truly due to their lack of clear and honest communication up to that point. Another conversation is had, with their bodies, and all is well for the rest of the Italy stop.
I don't believe L had any intention of taking A to the NY premiere but I also don't think she flew there and surprised him. I don't think he was happy she was there but I also don't believe he yelled at her or got into an argument with her at the after party.
Reasons why I don't believe she was ever invited to NY:
She had bought her own ticket to get into the premiere/after party.
Her seat at the Knicks game seemed to be a last minute get.
And the Chaos dinner.
I'm def in the minority with this one but I don't think L would have accepted the invite if A was planned to go to NY. I could be wrong but the dinner already seemed completely outside of L's scene of ppl to network with. He was going for N and N alone, you can't change my mind.
Then we get Brazil. This is tricky because I don't believe L had ended things with A like some ppl do but I do believe they were just casual.
I am def in the minority here as well, I don't believe L took A to SF during the break between Brazil and Toronto. I think the pic A shared was an old one. Could be wrong tho. I think he was elsewhere and not with her and that was the reasoning behind the liking spree and getting some family/friends to follow her. All so she didn't act out, go figure it would be her mom who caused the drama...
Cut to Toronto. There is perceived tension between L and N but I think the fandom got this one wrong. They both seemed to have been ill in Toronto so I think that and jet lag started to catch up with them. All was fine in the end.
Not much to say about Dublin or Galway. I think lines were drawn by someone as things got a little too real.
And now here we are.
Let's discuss...
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matan4il · 4 months
On this Yom Ha'Zikaron Le'Chalalei Ma'rachot Yisrael (Memorial Day for Israel's Fallen Soldiers and Terror Victims), I figured it's important to remember that Israeli victims did not exist solely on Oct 7. We have lost loved ones before and since. Here's a list with just one random victim to represent each year. Please scroll down the list to see how far back it goes.
(part 1/5, all parts in the reblogs)
2024: On Jan 7, we lost 19 years old Shai Garmai
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2023: On Oct 7, we lost 28 years old Osama abu Madiam
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2022: On Nov 23, we lost 18 years old Tiran Faro
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2021: On May 12, we lost 5 years old Ido Avigal
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2020: On Aug 26, we lost 39 years old Shai Ochayon
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2019: On May 5, we lost 49 years old Zaid al-Chamamda
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2018: On Dec 12, we lost Amiad Israel Yish Ran, who was murdered in his mother's womb
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2017: On Nov 22, we lost 21 years old Hodaya Nechama Assoulin
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2016: On Oct 25, we lost 14 years old Rami Namer abu Amar
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2015: On Feb 17, we lost 4 years old Adelle Biton
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2014: On Oct 22, we lost 2.5 months old Chaya Zissel Brown
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2013: On Dec 24, we lost 22 years old Salech al-Din abu al-Atayef
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2012: On Jul 18, we lost 28 years old Yitzchak Idan Kolangi
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2011: On Apr 17, we lost 16 years old Daniel Aryeh Viplich
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2010: On Feb 26, we lost 52 years old Netta Blatt Sorek
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2009: On Apr 2, we lost 13 years old Shlomo Nativ
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2008: On Mar 6, we lost 26 years old Doron Trunach Mahareta
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2007: On Jun 17, we lost 85 years old Meir Cohen
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2006: On Aug 10, we lost 4 years old Fatchi Assdi
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2005: On Jul 12, we lost 16 years old Nofar Horvitz
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2004: On Sep 29, we lost 2 years old Dorit Massarat Binsan
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2003: On Sep 9, we lost 20 years old Naava Appelbom
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2002: On Nov 10, we lost 4 years old Noam Levi Ochayon
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2001: On Dec 12, we lost 42 years old Ester Avraham
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2000: On Nov 21, we lost 19 years old Itamar Yefet
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1999: On Jun 24, we lost 34 years old Tony Eliyahu Zanna
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1998: On Dec 2, we lost 41 years old Osama Moussa abu Aisha
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1997: On Mar 13, we lost 13 years old Natali Alkalai
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1996: On Feb 25, we lost 57 years old Yitzchak Elbaz
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1995: On Jul 24, we lost 60 years old Zehava Oren
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As Tumblr limits a post to 30 images... part 1/5 - the next parts will be posted in the reblogs momentarily. Please check out the full list.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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duck-newton · 2 years
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heroesriseandfall · 7 months
Canonical Batfamily Birthdays
Here are all the birthdates I know of that are canon somewhere in DC, with a preference for the main comics continuities. I have included exact sources and image references when possible. I am not including character introduction dates, just actual birthdays.
If you find any other sources for Batfamily birthdays, please do share!
A moment of silence for Batfamily characters who don’t have canonical birthdays yet, so far as I know. This includes Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas, and more. :(
Source images will be further down, but here’s an overview in roughly age order (I’m not sure of Kate vs Selina’s ages) with the dates the birthdays were introduced and used:
Tim Drake: July 19th (from 2003)
Jason Todd: August 16th (from 2004)
Cassandra Cain: January 26th (from 2002)
Helena Bertinelli: February 14th (in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold universe, from 2010)
Helena Wayne: September 7th (from 1984), potentially October 20th or the 22nd of unknown month or maybe October 22 or maybe Feb 28th (all the New 52 on passports from 2011-2012). These could also be New 52 Helena Bertinelli’s birthdays or nobody’s birthdays. who even knows.
Dick Grayson: March 20th (from 1995), October ~24th ish (from 1990), November 11th (from 1976), December 1st (on Earth-16 in animated Young Justice universe, from 2012)
Barbara Gordon: September 23rd (from 1976), sometime in fall (from 1987)
Selina Kyle: March 14th (from 1976)
Kate Kane: January 26th (in Batwoman TV series from 2020), March 21st? (word-of-god by J.H. Williams III from 2012)
Bruce Wayne: October 7th (from 2021), February 19th (from 1970s various to more recently), April ~7th (from the late 1940s)
Jim Gordon: January 5th (from 1976)
Alfred Pennyworth: April 8th (from 1976), August 16th (in the Injustice: Gods Among Us universe, from 2016)
Note: in this post when I say “main comics continuity(s)/universe” I’m referring to anything that’s been a “home” continuity for the comics at some point. For example, pre-Crisis Earth-2, Earth-1/New Earth, and Earth-0/Prime Earth, as opposed to Elseworlds or DCEU earths that are still part of the broader DC multiverse but have never been the primary continuity of the comics.
Below are further details and source panels.
Details and Sources
Tim Drake
Tim has only been given one canon birthday. He turned 16 on July 19th in Robin Vol. 2 #116 (cover date Sep 2003).
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Robin Vol. 2 #116 (Sep 2003)
Jason Todd
Jason turned 18 on August 16th in Detective Comics #790 (March 2004). This is his only canon birthday.
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Detective Comics #790 (Mar 2004)
In post-Crisis/preboot (1986-2011) continuity, there was a gap of six months between when Jason died and when he was resurrected (Batman Annual 25). Jason died April 27th according to his death certificates in Batman Annual 25 and Batman Files 2011, so he would’ve resurrected near late October.
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Batman Annual 25 (May 2006)
So, it could be that post-resurrection Jason is biologically 6 months younger than he chronologically should be. But honestly, do we even really know what multiverse-breaking resurrection punches and then a Lazarus Pit on top of that do to someone’s body??? Either way it’s just much more simple to just use his chronological age.
Cassandra Cain
Much like Tim and Jason, Cass has only ever been given one birthdate: January 26th from Batgirl Vol. 1 #33. With that birthday, she turned 18 in Batgirl Vol. 1 #37.
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Batgirl Vol. 1 #33 (Dec 2002)
When Jan 26th actually comes, Bruce suggests David Cain could’ve lied about it, but Cass denies that idea and continues to treat the day as her birthday.
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Batgirl Vol. 1 #37 (Apr 2003)
Why it's likely her real birthday: Bruce initially believes Cain must’ve lied because he doesn’t think Cain could’ve known her birthday. However, we later learn Cain had lied about her origins and was actually her biological father. Batgirl v1 #62 and #73 show he was there for her birth and could absolutely know the date.
On top of that, in Batgirl #37 Cass remembers celebrating her birthday with him as a child, so he did seem to actually keep track of it. I honestly don’t see any reason to believe he’d lie (Bruce is just a jealous spoilsport).
Helena Bertinelli + Wayne
I’m combining them here because the New 52 gives me a headache.
Helena Bertinelli celebrated her birthday on February 14th in a spin-off comic from the animated Batman: The Brave and the Bold series. This is obviously not part of regular comics continuity and the characters differ from the usual comics in many ways. And yet, for reasons that will soon be clear, it’s my favorite for actually being about Helena Bertinelli the Huntress and for not being an utter mess.
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Batman: The Brave and the Bold #14 (Apr 2010)
In a character profile at the end of Infinity Inc. #7 (Oct 1984), Helena Wayne’s birthday was September 7th, 1959. Calculating back from October 1984, that would make her 25 at the time.
During the New 52, Helena Bertinelli was initially portrayed as a long-dead (secretly alive but don’t worry about it) mobster’s daughter and replaced by Earth-2’s Helena Wayne who got stranded on Prime Earth. This H. Wayne stole H. Bertinelli’s identity in the form of several forged passports and IDs, which had hints toward birthdates. The question is, can we take any of those birthdates seriously, and if so, which birthdates and for which character? (Cue my headache.)
Skip ahead to Dick if overthinking fake passports sounds boring.
When comparing to a real Italian passport, the date on H. Wayne’s fake Italian passport appears to be a birthdate. Note that the fake name is Carol Bertinelli, not Helena. H. Wayne said her IDs were inspired by H. Bertinelli but clearly she’s taking liberties for the IDs so that’s a point toward these being useless for H. Bertinelli birthdays.
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Huntress Vol. 3 #1 (Dec 2011)
I don’t recognize the month abbreviation as a real abbreviation, but from the visible letter O I’m going to assume it means October. If it is, then the date is 20 October 1985. Sidenote: a 1985 birthdate during 2011 could put her age at about 26, which is actually quite close to how old she could’ve been based on pre-Flashpoint! 1985 has been given as Helena Wayne’s death year before, so it’s an interesting choice of a birth year for her. (Thanks to DC’s sliding timescale, though, birth years don’t actually mean anything in the comics.)
They don’t show her complete US passport, but I can see a “22” in line where the day of the month should be for her birthdate. This already contradicts the previous passport. This one uses Helena Bertinelli’s actual name, though–does that make it more relevant than the Carol one or this all still ridiculous because of the discrepancies?
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Worlds’ Finest Vol. 1 #1 (Jul 2012)
We can try to glean the US passport birth month from the passport number at the bottom. The first two digits (“12” here) indicate the agency that issued the passport. 12 means the Honolulu agency. Right after “USA” is supposed to be the birthdate plus an extra number, in the order of year/month/day with the year being the last two digits of a year. Here we encounter another problem. It says 810228. This would imply her birthdate is 1981/02/28. That’s February 28, 1981. Since the earlier line indicated her birthday fell on a 22nd, this already contradicts itself.
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Interpreting a Machine Readable Zone (MZR) on a Machine Readable Travel Document (MRTD)
However, I’d bet comic writers and artists aren’t always well versed in passport numbers (it’s already a stretch for me to bother checking it…). If they put the extra digit before the birthdate instead after, and the date is formatted month/day/year (the most common format in American English, so probably their first instinct), then we can drop the first 8 and it’s 10/22/8[?] with the last digit unknown. This would put her birthday as October 22, sometime in the 1980s. The 22 matches the earlier line, the October might match the previous passport if that really did say October (but contradicts the 20th), and the 1980s year could be 1985 to match the Italian passport.
At the end of the day I’m personally just going to let Helena Bertinelli be a Valentine’s born baby and call it a day, unless/until she gets a better one in the comics. For Helena Wayne I’d easily pick September 7th.
(My question is: did they give the crossbow vigilante a Valentine’s birthday as a Cupid joke??)
Dick Grayson
Dick has probably had the most birthdays of everyone (unless Bruce has more I don’t know about). All of them have their drawbacks.
In a main comics continuity, his most popular and most recent is “the first day of spring” so probably March 20th. This comes from Robin Annual 4 when his mom says she calls him Robin because he was born on the first day of spring. That presents some problems since there are other explanations given for the origin of “Robin,” including that his mom said he was “always bobbin’ along” (Dark Victory #12, page 17) or the original inspiration of Robin Hood (Detective Comics #38, p3).
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Robin Annual 4 (Jun 1995)
Before that, in Secret Origins Vol. 2 #50 (Aug 1990), Marv Wolfman wrote a version of Dick’s origins where Dick turned 10 a week before his parents died on Halloween. That would make his birthday October ~24th (presuming that “a week” before Halloween literally means 7 days here).
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Secret Origins Vol. 2 #50 (Aug 1990)
The first drawback of the October birthday is that it’s tied to Dick being 10 when his parents die on Halloween. Dick’s age and the date his parents die change a lot depending on the writer (Nightwing Vol. 1 #1 says his parents died June 27th, Dark Victory #8-9 says May, etc.). The second drawback is that few people remember this version of his birthday even exists.
Dick’s birthday is November 11th in Super DC Calendar 1976. Note: Despite being a non-diegetic calendar from almost 50 years ago, this source remains well known and used among comic enthusiasts (including those working at DC). Generally, I would say it should mainly apply just to pre-Crisis continuity, but it is also useful for characters that haven’t gotten updated birthdays ever since (like Roy Harper, Barbara Gordon, or Selina Kyle, for example).
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Super DC Calendar 1976
Sidenote: Since Damian doesn’t have a canon birthday, November 11th is favorite to steal for my own fan canon Damian birthday. Dick has plenty birthdays to share and I think it’s cute. @ DC, give Damian and Steph birthdays, they’ve been birthday-less for decades!
Indeed, DC writer Tim Sheridan and editor Mike Cotton debated whether Dick’s birthday was in March or November. They favored March 20th and wrote a birthday scene in Teen Titans Academy #1 (published March 23rd, 2021). The publishing time near Dick’s birthday was intentional, though the date isn’t mentioned within the comic itself.
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The above birthdays were all meant to apply to a main comics continuity at some point. However, Earth-16, better known as the animated Young Justice universe (therefore outside of main comics continuity), says YJ Dick’s birthday is December 1st.
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Young Justice Vol. 2 #20 (Nov 2012)
Unlike Helena Bertinelli, Dick has plenty of comics birthdays to choose from, so personally I’ll only count Dec 1st as being the birthday for YJ animated/Earth-16 Dick Grayson until or unless it’s ever mentioned to apply to main comics continuity.
Barbara Gordon
Super DC Calendar 1976 says Barbara’s birthday is September 23rd.
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Super DC Calendar 1976
Since then, the only time I recall her birthdate hinted at is in Secret Origins #20 when her adoptive mom says her birthday is in the fall. This could support her birthday being September 23rd.
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Secret Origins Vol. 2 #20 (Nov 1987)
Although she has celebrated her birthday on panel since then (the end of Nightwing Vol. 2 #153), she hasn’t been given any other actual birthdate. So I’ll keep September 23rd and call it a day.
Selina Kyle
Super DC Calendar 1976 says Selina’s birthday is March 14th. Once again, although it hasn’t been mentioned within a comic, it’s stuck around in popular consciousness (see: Catwoman actress Zoë Kravitz wishing Selina a happy birthday on March 14th).
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Super DC Calendar 1976
Selina celebrated a birthday on panel in Catwoman (2002) #37 but the date was never mentioned. I don’t know of any other reference to her birthday, but my reading of Selina is thus far more sparse than my reading of the others.
Kate Kane
Kate’s birthday options all come from outside of the comics themselves.
In “An Un-Birthday Present,” season 1 episode 11 of Batwoman, a parallel version of her twin Beth had a driver’s license showing her date of birth as January 26, 1990. She and Kate later celebrated their birthdays on an episode aired Jan 26th, 2020. I don’t keep up with live action DC shows so I unfortunately can’t offer a screenshot (if anyone has one or the timestamp, please let me know!).
(I kinda wonder if somebody looked up Batwoman’s birthday for these episodes, saw Batgirl’s (Cass’s) birthday, and just ran with it. Batwoman and a Batgirl sharing a birthday is just. Ughhh.)
In 2012, one of her comic writers tweeted to choose a random date for her birthday and picked March 21st, which so far as I know has never been used as her birthday in comics.
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Link to tweet
Bruce Wayne
Bruce’s most popular birthday is February 19th, but his most recent one is October 7th from the digital-only comic Legends of the Dark Knight. I believe that’s the only time October 7th has been referenced, but I’ve heard the animated show The Batman said his birthday was in October (can’t confirm, haven’t watched it recently).
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Legends of the Dark Knight #10 (Jun 2021) - Note: two pages have been combined into one for this post
Still, even associates of DC seem to remember his February 19th birthday better. In February 2023, Warner Bro’s Gotham Knights game did a sale for Bruce’s birthday. I’ve also heard the birthday was used in the Gotham TV show, but again, I don’t watch much live action DC shows.
The February 19th birthday appears to come from the 70s and 80s. It’s his birthday in the Super DC Calendar 1976, and in Batman Family Vol. 1 #11: “Suprise, Suprise!” (May 1977). Bob Rozakis (known as DC’s “Answer Man”) said Feb 19th was Bruce’s birthday in the letter column of Detective Comics #494 (Sep 1980).
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Letter column of Detective Comics #494 (Sep 1980)
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Batman Family Vol. 1 #11: “Suprise, Suprise!” (Jun 1977)
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Super DC Calendar 1976
Way back in the 40s, his birthday was in April, possibly April 7th. During a birthstone murder mystery, Bruce says his birthstone is a diamond, which is traditionally the April birthstone.
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World’s Finest Comics #33/6 (Mar-Apr 1948): “The 5 Jewels of Doom!”
Star Spangled Comics #91 (Apr 1949) might imply the exact date was April 7th but we’d have to assume the party is on his birthday and that “this month” refers to the publishing month of April. I believe this is where people get the April 7th birthday when they bring it up.
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Star Spangled Comics #91 (Apr 1949)
Early April also shines in Batman: Year One where it shows Bruce’s first night out as Batman being either the night of April 6th or the early morning of April 7th (Batman #405). So although the April Bruce birthday hasn’t been used in decades, it’s still a Batman birthday in a way.
I have also heard people say Frank Miller considered Bruce’s birthday to be in November. However, I have yet to find an original source of him saying that, and honestly (just like the “March 21st” birthday for Kate) if he never used it in any canon material I don’t put much weight in that.
Jim Gordon
The only birthday I’ve ever seen for Jim is January 5th from Super DC Calendar 1976.
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Super DC Calendar 1976
Alfred Pennyworth
Alfred’s birthday in Super DC Calendar 1976 is April 8th.
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Super DC Calendar 1976
In the Injustice: Gods Among Us universe (an alternate reality where the video game of the same name is set in), they show Alfred’s birth certificate, where it says his birthday is August 16th, 1943.
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Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Five #26 (Jun 2016)
Maybe you’ll notice that August 16th is Jason’s birthday. A little funny considering the issue features Alfred refusing to share his birthday only for us to learn it’s the same date as Jason’s. Still, annoying. There are so many days in the year! Stop choosing the same ones!
This Alfred birthdate runs into a similar problem Helena’s birthdates did: it’s not part of main comics canon, it’s an alternate universe, so it may not be applicable to the main comics universe.
Note: if we calculate that 1943 birth year from Jun 2016 when the comic was published, that’d make Alfred 72 soon to be 73. Does that mean anything in canon? Probably not, but oh well. Also...token British character born by Windsor Castle? …of course.
Personally, I would rather go with the April 8th birthday than the Injustice one, since Injustice is an alternate universe. Also, outside of the humor of it, the idea of Alfred and Jason sharing a birthday is a bit too much for me. Still, it’s up to people’s own cherry picking.
The birthdays in publishing order alongside notable reboots. A soft-reboot refers to reboots that only changed a few details with minor consequences, keeping the overall continuity mostly intact. A major reboot has significant effects on continuity (too many to list).
1935-1986: Pre-Crisis era (Golden Age begins ~1946, Silver Age runs from late 50s--early 70s)
Mar-Apr 1948: Bruce’s birthday is in April
Apr 1949: Bruce has a birthday party on the 7th of “this month”
Skipping a good three decades because I barely even know what’s in there. Sorry lol
Mid 70s to early 90s: Bronze Age era
1976: the super dc calendar says Bruce’s birthday is February 19th, Alfred’s is April 8th, Dick’s is November 11th, Babs is September 23rd, Selina’s is March 14th, Jim’s is Jan 5th
Jun 1977: Bruce celebrates his birthday on February 19th
Sep 1980: letter collumnist says Bruce’s birthday is February 19th
Oct 1984: Helena Wayne’s birthday is on September 7th, 1959
Mar 1986: the major Crisis on Infinite Earths reboot (begins post-Crisis/New Earth era, many previous comics are now considered Earth-2 instead)
Nov 1987: Babs birthday is in fall
Aug 1990: Dick turns 10 a week before Halloween (probably October ~24th)
Sep 1994: Zero Hour soft reboot (Batman and Robin become urban legends so Robin is not allowed on video, Bruce’s parents’ murderer is changed to unknown instead of Joe Chill, Selina is no longer a once-prostitute)
Apr 1995: Dick’s birthday is the first day of spring (probably March 20th)
Oct 2002: Cass learns her birthday is January 26th
April 2003: Cass turns 18 on January 26th
Sep 2003: Tim turns 16 on July 19th
Mar 2004: Jason turns 18 on August 16th
Jun 2006: Infinite Crisis soft reboot (Joe Chill is restored as the arrested Wayne family murderer, Superboy-Prime's punch retroactively resurrects Jason)
Apr 2010: In the Batman: Brave and the Bold universe, Helena Bertinelli celebrates her birthday February 14th
Oct 2011: the major Flashpoint reboot (end of post-Crisis/preboot, begins the New 52 and changes the primary universe to Prime Earth; significant character/timeline changes and erasures)
Dec 2011: Helena Wayne’s fake Carol Bertinelli passport seems to list October 20th as a birthdate
Jul 2012: Helena Wayne’s fake Helena Bertinelli passport lists some 22nd unknown month, Oct 22nd, or Feb 28th birthday
Sep 2012: Batwoman writer J.H. Williams III randomly picks Kate’s birthday as March 21st on Twitter
Nov 2012: Earth-16/YJ animated Dick Grayson celebrates his birthday on December 1st
Jun 2016: In the Injustice: Gods Among Us universe, Alfred’s birth certificate says his birthday is August 16th
Jul 2016: Rebirth reboot (restores some pre-Flashpoint continuity, some characters regain previous histories but now semi-synchronized with the New 52 era)
Jan 2020: Batwoman TV show Kate celebrates her birthday on January 26th
Mar 2021: Writer Tim Sheridan says he & his editor chose March 20th as Dick’s birthday over the November option
May 2021: Infinite Frontier holds all previous continuities as potential canon, restoring more of pre-Flashpoint
Jun 2021: Bruce says his birthday is October 7th in a digital-only comic
Feb 2023: Gotham Knights game has a sale for Bruce’s birthday
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boschintegral-photo · 9 months
2021 Tumblr Top 10
1. 2,939 notes - Apr 30 2021
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2. 2,222 notes - Feb 2 2021
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3. 1,991 notes - Jan 3 2021
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4. 1,643 notes - Jan 31 2021
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5. 1,280 notes - Jan 25 2021
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6. 1,229 notes - Jan 4 2021
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7. 1,209 notes - Feb 12 2021
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8. 1,155 notes - Apr 4 2021
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9. 1,098 notes - Jan 8 2021
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10. 1,003 notes - Jun 2 2021
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These are my photos with the highest number of notes in 2021. Find more in my archive.
Thank you for your support!
Created by TumblrTop10
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tcustodisart · 9 months
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Okay, here's the second summary, this time for all the work I've done this year.
Jan | Feb | Mar
Apr | May | Jun
Jul | Aug | Sep
Oct 1 &2 | Nov | Dec
Honorable mentions go to: this year's pride month post, "I wish I had wings", some kisses, baby Faust, BFFs, grrahrarjshhhhrhjjrhragrrrgaghghr, all of Faustober
2014 |  2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022
I want to take some time to share my thoughts on 2023, it's kinda personal and long so you can read it under the cut.
This year has been the hardest year of my adult life. It started with my grandma coming back from the hospital. She was in a terrible state so we had to take care of her almost 24/7. Which was colliding with my work a lot because we we're understaffed. I have very vague memory of the first 4 month of this year because to me it was: go to work, go to my parents to take care of grandma while my parents are at work, go back home, sleep, repeat. Unfortunately grandma passed away near the end of april. But that wasn't the end of my problems, now I had problems with my apartment. Some of you may know I was struggling with bedbugs, I spent over 1k PLN for professional help just for these feckers to come back because they were coming from my neighbors. Then around summer a cable in my kitchen melted and caused a power outage. I'm ending my year with a gaping hole in my bathroom wall because an upstairs neighbor flooded me and the bathroom cabinet had to be removed because it was destroyed by water. It was an awful year for me personally. I'm surprised all that stuff had almost no effect on my art. While picking stuff for this summary I had some hard time picking just one for month. I'm hoping that the next year will be better, because I can't believe it can get any worse. Thank you for following my silly little blorbos from my head, it means so much to me, you have no idea. Here's to more happy Fausts in 2024.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 2 months
Hello hello fandom friend! I love love love your blog. Thank you for all that you do for the this part of the internet. I have a slightly subjective question: I know that there are SO many creative, wonderful, smartly written pieces. But in your opinion, what are the top 10 (or less, OR more :-)) most gorgeously written stories? Anything where the writing made you think JESUS CHRIST and absolutely blew you away. I know this will be a personal call. Feel free to use your own measures. (Most re-read, most haunted by, ones with lines you still remember 10 years on?) Thank you so much in advance!
Hey Nonny!
Oh gosh this is such a broad question because everyone has different tastes, and stuff I may think are works of art may not appeal to other people. I think the safest way for me to answer this question is to direct you to all of my Fave Fics lists... I hope that's okay! <3
Top 20 Fave 40K+ w. Fics (April 2017)
Ten Fave Short Johnlock Fics (Easy Reads April 2018)
25 Fave Johnlock One Shots (April 2018)
Top 10 Fave Fics (September 2018)
Top 20 Bookmarks of 2018 (March 2019)
Another Top 10 Fave Fics (June 2019)
Top 30 Read-Again Fics (March 2019)
Top 30 Read-Again Fics Pt. 2 (Sept. 2019)
Fave Read-Again Fics (10) (Dec 11/20)
Top 25 Fave Non-Ao3 Fics (Nov. 2019)
Top 25 Fave Non-Ao3 Fics Pt 2 (Apr 2022)
Top 25 Fave Non-AO3 Fics Pt 3 (May 2023)
Top 25 Bookmarks of 2019 (Dec. 29/2019)
Top 30 Bookmarks of 2020
Top 25 Bookmarks of 2021
Top 20 Bookmarks of 2022
Top 35 Bookmarks of 2023
Top 20 Comfort Fics (Feb 2022)
Top 30 Fave Angst Fics Under 10K
25 Fics for Fic Rec Bingo
10 Current Fave Multi-Fandom Fics (June 2023)
I-J’s Last 50 Bookmarked Fics (June 2017)
Last 17 Bookmarked Fics (July 2017) 
Last 30 Bookmarked Fics (November 2017)
Last 86 Bookmarked Fics (Jan 2019) || [MOBILE]
Top Five Fandom Fics on Ao3, Plus 1M Hit Fic (Dec. 2018)
Fandom Favourites / Popular Fics
My List of “New Classics” (July 2021)
Sorry I'm kind of useless at this reply mainly because I think SO many fics deserve all kinds of love, but I hope you take joy from these lists. 💜🖤
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Explore the sapphire universe!
A guideline to help navigate this universe (re: masterlist).
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The tales of Bang Chan & Bora 
In which his best friend really is the best anchor for him. Chris x best friend Bora; Chris was the youngest with older sister Hannah, he lost his parents and older brother Lucas a year before his debut.
Mirror (Apr 2018)
Miroh (Apr 2019)
24 to 25 (Dec 2020)
Our wedding? (Nov 2021)
Lock screen (Jun 2024)
Wait (Jun 2024)
Fifteen minutes? (Jul 2024)
Favorite fanart (Aug 2024)
Stories from Lee Know & Iris 
About how they found their way back to each other once they were ready for each other. Minho x high school friend Iris
Kibbles (Jan 2020)
Somewhere cool next time (Jan 2020)
Light bites (Apr 2020)
The headspace of a maknae (Nov 2022)
Methods of recharging (Jul 2024)
A foreign urge (Aug 2024)
Constant presence (Aug 2024)
Bias (Aug 2024)
An anthology of Changbin & Chaeyeon 
Which includes the full experience of falling in, and out, of love, and everything in between. Changbin x Lee Chaeyeon
Sorry, I Love You (Mar 2020)
Less transactional (Jul 2020)
(Very broad) shoulders to lean on (Oct 2020)
A collage of Hyunjin and Jinsol
When it's not the right time to meet the right person. Hyunjin x barista Jinsol
How to get over a heartbreak (Aug 2023)
ice.cream (Aug 2023)
Chronicles of Han & Sara 
Where two people from the same pod bring out both the best and the worst versions of each other. Jisung x coffee shop stranger Sara
Close (Mar 2020)
Closer (Mar 2020)
Ex-aliens (Jan 2021)
Pieces of Felix & Sophia
For he's always there for her and she for him, just not always in the same way. Felix x childhood friend Sophia
Headache (Feb 2022)
Enough (Mar 2022)
Whispers around Seungmin & Soojin 
Of how he matches her weird, as well as she does his. Seungmin x Weeekly's Soojin
Adopted habits (Mar 2022)
Dissolving space and time (May 2022)
Fools (Sep 2022)
A montage of I.N & Jasmine 
Featuring a love story as delicate as the melodies surrounding them. Jeongin x indie-jazz singer-songwriter Jasmine
Proving mode (Dec 2022)
Dangerous train of thoughts (Jan 2023)
Quietly (Aug 2024)
Feel free to hit me up on my ask page or my comment sections!
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hartz-penny · 2 years
after celina's "it's 2022" comment in 5.10, i think most of us had a bit of whiplash for "what is the timeline of this show again??"
because i love a good powerpoint timeline and show timeline inconsistencies drive me batty (i've spent way to much time trying to figure out what the grey's anatomy timeline was), i mapped out a timeline based on confirmed dates and time jumps we have in the show.
lucy's DOD is honestly the anchor of it all lol
and surprisingly, the inconsistency in it being 2022 isn't too far off!
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i added some dots to note a few notable events:
1.01 "Pilot" [~ Mar 2019] - Lucy, Jackson, and John's first day as rookies / field training in the FTO program, this will be 13 months in length
1.20 "Free Fall" / 2.01 "Impact" [~ Sep 2019] - Lucy, Jackson, and John's FTO 6 month exam
2.11 "Day of Death" [09Dec2019] - Lucy is abducted by Caleb
2.20 "The Hunt" / 3.01 "Consequences" [~ Mar 2020] - Lucy, Jackson, Nolan begin their "one month push"; Nolan is set up by Armstrong and his time as a rookie is extended by one month; Angela's pregnancy is revealed & she is promoted to Detective I
3.09 "Amber" [~ Apr 2020] - Lucy and Jackson complete their time as rookies and are promoted to P2s
3.14 "Threshold" / 4.01 "Life and Death" [~ May 2020] - Angela and Jackson are kidnapped by La Fiera; Jackson is killed; John becomes a P2
4.02 "Five Minutes" [~ Aug 2020] - 3 months since the events of 4.01, Jackson "Jack" Evers-Lopez is born (at apparently 5-6 months gestation based on the actual timeline but assumed 8-9 months lol)
4.05 "A.C.H." [31Oct2020] - Confirmed to be Halloween
4.11 "End Game" [~ 12Dec2020] - Nyla finds out she is 6 weeks pregnant
4.21 "Mother's Day" [May 2021] - Confirmed to be Angela's first Mother's Day
5.01 "Double Down" [ ~ Jun 2021] - Tim and Lucy go undercover, based on what is said in the episode its probably a week or two between 4.22 and when Hajek calls them
5.02 "Labor Day" [~ Jun / Jul 2021] - Nyla gives birth, again guessing a few weeks have passed since 5.01 since Chris is at home recovering from Rosalind's attack
5.03 "Dye Hard" [~ Aug / Sep 2021] - Lucy returns from her 5 weeks away at UC school
5.06 "The Reckoning" [31Oct2021] - Confirmed to be Halloween
5.10 "The List" [~ 2022] - Celina claims that its 2022 in her conversation with John, Leah Harper-Murray is confirmed to be 5 months old by Nyla so if she was born in ~ June / July, it's feasible that we're in Jan 2022
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stavroguine · 11 months
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ [𝐞𝐧𝐠]
welcome to 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒗𝒓𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒏𝒆, a blog on which i regularly post 𝐟͟𝐫͟𝐞͟𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐬 𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬. 𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒉, i'm not 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑒𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑔𝘩 in english to pretend to use it in my posts ― which is why most of them will be 𝗲𝘅𝗰𝗹𝘂𝘀𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗹𝘆 in my 𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑢𝑒. 𝑖𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠, fell free to send me a 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗺𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗲. 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑚𝑢𝑐𝘩 !
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ [𝐟𝐫]
bon et bien. j'imagine qu'on repasse en mode 𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒄̧𝒂𝒊𝒔. sur internet, mon pseudonyme est 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒗𝒓𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒏𝒆. pour me présenter brièvement, je suis surtout actif dans la sphère francophone du 𝐫𝐩 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐝 ― là où j'ai appris à développer depuis approximativement 𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝘀 une certaine maîtrise de la plateforme 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐜. tous mes 𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 sont 𝗴͟𝗿͟𝗮͟𝘁͟𝘂͟𝗶͟𝘁͟𝘀. je n'ai pas la prétention de faire un travail qui vaut nécessairement de l'argent et je considère qu'il y a trop peu de modèles non-onéreux pour ceux et celles qui n'ont pas les moyens d'investir dans des fiches pour ne pas proposer une alternative libre-service. néanmoins, qui dit libre-service ne veut pas dire que vous obtenez la paternité de votre 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐜. mon expérience dans la niche française sait que de nombreux roublards n'hésitent pas à retirer les crédits de mes fiches en connaissance de cause ― ce qui, généralement, provoque en moins un certain dégoût pour la cause que j'entends servir. alors si vous souhaitez me souvenir, il n'y a pas de secret : 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐳 et 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐳 pour qu'on puisse braquer ce système mercantile et prouver qu'on n'a pas besoin de faire payer des 𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 pour que les créateurs soient respectés comme ils le devraient être.
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ your dearest friend, 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒗𝒓𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒏𝒆.
ㅤㅤ┍⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ · · · ·
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝐎𝟏 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐓 (26 OCT. 2020)
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝐎𝟐 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐘 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖 (19 JUN. 2021)
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝐎𝟑 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐌𝐀𝐍 (28 AUG. 2021)
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝐎𝟒 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐄 (9 AUG. 2021)
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝐎𝟓 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ 𝐖𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐎𝐅 𝐆𝐎𝐃 (12 JAN. 2022)
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝐎𝟔 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 (12 MAR. 2022)
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝐎𝟕 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ 𝐄𝐌𝐌𝐀 (27 DEC. 2022)
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝐎𝟖 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝟒𝟎𝟎 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐒 (26 MAR. 2023)
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝐎𝟗 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐁𝐘 𝐋𝐀𝐖 (27 JUN. 2023)
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝟏𝐎 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐍 (20 SEP. 2023)
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝟏𝟏 𝐁𝐈𝐒 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐈𝐈 (30 APR. 2024)
ㅤㅤ · · · · ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯┛
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henrykathman · 6 months
The Amateur's Guide to Snufkin: Melody of Moominvalley
In this video, I return to the world of Moominvalley to analyze the hotly anticipated game Snufkin: Melody of Moominvalley and its relationship with the original Moomin stories, Tove Jansson, and the philosophies it connects with.
Special Thanks to Kiki from Transparency for looking at the script. You can follow her Moomin Stuff at @marsmombestmom
Disclosure: My copy of the game was provided to me by Hyper Games and Raw Fury. While I think objectivity is overrated, the opinions in this video have not been influenced by the developers and are a reflection of my own thoughts on this game and the Moomins.
Work Cited Page
Bletchly, Rachael. “How Moomin Author Built a Brand Worth £700m and Why Brits Still Love Them.” The Mirror, Reach PLC, 4 Jan. 2021, www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/how-moomin-creator-built-brand-23260983. Accessed 15 Mar. 2024.
Dymel-Trzebiatowska, Hanna. “Moomins Take the Floor. Finnish Trolls in Contemporary Mass Social (Media) Events.” Children’s Literature in Education, Aug. 2022, pp. 1–16. EBSCOhost, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10583-022-09497-6 Link
Ellis, Rowan. “Why Is Cottagecore so Gay?” Rowan Ellis, YouTube, 30 July 2020, youtu.be/5odKiL7jRW0.
Kramer, Ash. “Philosophical Materialism: Vital Materialism.” Philosophical Materialism: A Study of Early Modern Literature and Contemporary Theory, The Alliance for Networking Visual Culture, scalar.usc.edu/works/material_philosophy/vital-materialism#:~:text=Frequently gendered female, vital materialism. Accessed 15 Mar. 2024.
Meereboer, Arwen Dagmar. "Moomins and Complicity with Matter: Tove Jansson’s Moominpappa at Sea as an Intervention in Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things by Jane Bennett." SATS 23.1 (2022): 17-32. https://www.doria.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/180011/meereboer_arwen.pdf?sequence=2
O’Connell, Joe. “The Melancholy Promise of Heidi, Girl of the Alps.” Beyond Ghibli, YouTube, 20 Sept. 2018, youtu.be/_DFPoZN-FoI. Accessed 15 Mar. 2024.
O’Luanaigh, Robin. “Co-Opting Cottagecore: Pastoral Aesthetics in Reactionary and Extremist Movements.” Global Network on Extremism and Technology, The International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation, 19 May 2023, gnet-research.org/2023/05/19/co-opting-cottagecore-pastoral-aesthetics-in-reactionary-and-extremist-movements/.
Peter Marten. “Moomin Characters Ltd Keeps a National Treasure in the Family.” This Is Finland, the Finland Promotion Board , Apr. 2010, finland.fi/business-innovation/moomin-characters-ltd-keeps-a-national-treasure-in-the-family. Accessed 15 Mar. 2024.
Samson, Anna. “How the Moomins Became an Anti-Fascist Symbol.” Huck Magazine, TCO London, 22 Sept. 2021, www.huckmag.com/article/how-the-moomins-became-an-anti-fascist-symbol.
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matan4il · 11 months
Yesterday was quite an epic day for Mileapo. I kept having to add to this post, and almost everything that happened is there, so I'll just make a few small additions here, for completion's sake.
Remember the mirror selfie of Mileapo shopping together that Mile posted? Apo re-shared it.
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The panoramic pic Mile shared on Twitter? He also shared it as an update on IG, where he added to it the romantic song Nothing's Gonna Change My Love for You.
Yesterday, Mile also saw the IG story of a hater. About an hour later, BOC put out an announcement (in English and Thai) that it will take legal action against the people stalking and defaming him. Mile shared on IG the English version. Apo went online, and posted both versions, on IG and Twitter alike. Supportive hubby bff. On IG, Apo added the text, "I feel sorry for Nong Mile." On Twitter he said, "Let's support Nong Mile!" Just a reminder, 'nong' is what you're meant to call someone younger than you, but Mile's older, so Apo is his nong. Well, I think this is Apo expressing his protective side with Mile. That's his baby nong, too.
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Another addition for yesterday, I remembered off the top of my head that by Apr 2, 2021 Mile had already referred to Mileapo as 'double trouble,' but I vaguely had a memory of this happening even earlier. I found it, it's a pic that Us took of Mileapo on Jan 31, 2021, but Mile shared it on Feb 2, and here he is already referring to them this way (and look at Apo's cute reply):
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Also, just look at the joy they cause each other (from Oct 16):
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And their constant need to touch each other:
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(for more of my Mileapo/Kinnporsche silliness, click here)
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p21rewind · 1 year
P21 Student of the Month
Oct - Maddie Ortega
Nov - Izzy Rivera
Dec - Haley Stoico
Jan - Perris Amento
Feb - Madi Beerer
Mar - Lauren Wallingford
Oct - Isabella Kouznetsova
Nov - Izzy Warfield
Dec - Avery Reyes
Jan - Malia Gardner & Leighton Werner
Feb - Jenna Koblin
Mar - Laci Stoico
Apr - Rylee Young
May - Stella Eberts
June - Milan Furtado
Oct - Ellie Anbardan
Nov - Maya Loureiro
Dec - Nyla McCarthy
Jan - Cali Cassidy
Feb - Demi Ulloa
Mar - Kendyl Fay
Apr - Anya Inger
May - Avery Reyes (x2)
June - Selena Hamilton
Oct - Chloe Mirabal
Nov - Sara von Rotz
Dec - JoJo Jessen
Jan - Airi Dela Cruz
Feb - Kendyl Fay (x2)
Mar - Cali Cassidy (x2)
Apr - Loila Rhee
May - Dillon Barron
June - Berkeley Scifres
Oct - Gracyn French
Nov - Lexi Blanchard
Dec - Stella Eberts (x2)
Jan - Cece Chung
Feb - Sara von Rotz (x2)
Mar - Kameron Couch
Apr - Regan Gerena
May - Aliya Yen
June - Bristyn Scifres
Brooklyn Ladia
Kira Lieberman
Brooklyn Liberman
Brielle Lieberman
Brooklyn Safford
Savanna Musman
Madelyn Nasu
Delaney Anbardan
Lilly Barajas
Olivia Armstrong
Mady Kim
Richie Granese
Sienna Carlston
Katie Couch
Madison Ng
Valeria Ochoa
Reese Arkin
Livi Matson
Annie Hu
Emma Walters
Stella Fisk
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narutoevents · 1 year
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2023 EVENTS!
Open Interest Checks
SasoDei Week 2024
Neji Week 2024
MadaObi Mondays
List of Character Birthdays
Monthly Events
Multifandom - Year of the OTP
November 2023
MadaTobi Big Bang - Artist signups - all Nov
Sakura Zine Preorders - Nov 10th - Dec 10th
Founders Week - Nov 20th - 26th
Rock Lee Week - Nov 21st - 27th
December 2023
NaruHina Month - All Dec
Naruto Vacation Week - Dec 26th - Jan 2nd
Akatsuki Gift Exchange - Gifts Posted ???
January 2024
Naruto Vacation Week - Dec 26th - Jan 2nd
TobiIzu Week - Jan 1st - 7th
ButsuTaji Week - Jan 9th - 16th
ShikaNeji Week 2024 - Jan 15th - 21st
KakaSaku Dead Dove Week - Jan 22nd - 28th
Aburame Shino Week - Jan 22nd - 26th
February 2024
Izuna Week - Feb 4th - 10th
KakaIru Valentines - Feb 8th - 14th
SasoDei Week - Feb 22nd - 28th
March - May 2024
June 2024
SasuKarin Month - all June
Potential Events????
Gaara Week 2024
Aburame Week 2024
Semi-Public Discord Servers
Ino Supremacy
Past Events
January 2023
Gaara Week - Jan 12th - 19th
February 2023
Izuna Week - Feb 4th - 10th
SasoDei Week - Feb 22nd - 28th
March 2023
FemFounders Week - Mar 4th - 6th
LeeSaku Week - Mar 20th - 26th
Sakura Week (twt) - Mar 22nd - 28th
Kisame Birthday Bash - Mar 17th - 19th
April 2023
KakaIta Week - Apr 24th - 30th
ShikaSaku Week - Apr 28th - May 5th
May 2023
ShikaSaku Week - Apr 28th - May 5th
HashiMito Week - May 1st - 7th
June 2023
MultiFandom Pride Parade - June 3rd - 11th
SakuHina Week (twt) - June 5th - 11th
ShisuSaku Week - June 26th - July 2nd
KakaIru Themed Gift Exchange Signups - All June
Naruto Calendar Contributor Apps - All June
Naruro Rare Pair Month - All June
SasuKarin Month (twt) - All June
MultiSaku Month - All June
July 2023
SasuHina Month - All July
SasuSaku Month (twt) - All July
KakaGai Tanabata - July 7th
HashiMada Week - July 9th - 15th
MinaKushi Week - July 10th - 16th
Team Minato Week - July 24th - 30th
ShisuSaku Weekend - July 28th - 30th
KakaGai Smut Week  - July 30th - Aug 3rd
Naruto Rare Pair Week - July 30th - Aug 5th
August 2023
Hyuga Clan Week (tw) - July 31st - Aug 6th
Founders Tarot Zine - Preorders - all August
NejiTen Month - all August
Kisame Week - Aug 6th - 13th
Kakuzu Week - Aug 9th - 15th
KakaSaku Week - Aug 6th - 12th 
ItaSaku Week - Aug 21st - 27th
September 2023
Founders Tarot Zine - Preorders - close Sept 7th
Naruto Labor Day Mini Bang - Sept 1st - 4th
Kakashi Week - Sept 10th - 17th
Nagato Week Bingo - Sept 12th - 19th
Akatsuki Gift Exchange signup - Sept 12th - Oct 1st
HashiMada Gift Exchange signup - Sept 15th - Oct 15th
GaaSaku Fanfest - all Sept
MadaTobi Big Bang - Writer/Beta Signups - all Sept
MadaTobi Big Bang - Artist Signups - all Sept - Nov
October 2023
SasuNaruSasu Month - all Oct
MadaTobi Big Bang - Artist Signups - all Oct
Naruto Kinktober - all Oct
Akatsuki Gift Exchange signup - Sept 12th - Oct 1st
NejiTen Gift Exchange signup - Sept 29th - Oct 20th
Fest no Jutsu - Work Reveals - Oct 8th
HashiMada Gift Exchange - Sept 15th - Oct 15th
KakaYama Week - Oct 1st - 7th
Shisui Bingo - Oct 15th - 21st
Hashirama Week - Oct 16th - 23rd
ShiIta Weekend - Oct 20th - 22nd
AkaSaku Halloween - Oct 19th - 30th
TobiDei Week - Oct 21st - 29th
KakaGai Halloween - Oct 28th - 31st
Naruto Cookbook Preorders - Oct 15th - Nov 15th
KakuHida Week - Oct 30th - Nov 6th
November 2023
KakuHida Week - Oct 30th - Nov 6th
Tenzo Week - Nov 1st - 10th
MadaTobi Week - Nov 5th - 11th
Sasori Week - Nov 5th - 11th
Nohara Rin Week - Nov 12th - 18th
Founders Week - Nov 20th - 26th
Rock Lee Week - Nov 21st - 27th
2021 Archived
2022 TBA?
2024 >>
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