#Jamil graduates from Pre-
starboyshoyo · 2 years
The Summer After Graduation
Characters: Kalim Al-Asim, Deuce Spade, Trey Clover, Epel Felmier x fem!reader (separately)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Genre: Fluff, domestic
Warnings: suggestive jokes, nothing inappropriate.
It’s the summer after graduation and the beginning of the rest of your life. After moving to your boyfriend’s hometown and living with his family, you begin to realize that there may be a future in Twisted Wonderland for you after all.
Part One (HERE) || Part Two (Malleus, Silver, Sebek)
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Four years have passed since the Dark Mirror beckoned you forth. Your time at Night Raven College and as the Ramshackle prefect have come to an end. You and your high school sweetheart have made the decision to move back to their hometown and build a new life together, starting with the summer after graduation…
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Kalim Al-Asim
‘The Asims are a generous family that love and cherish their son and future daughter-in-law. In tradition with our past, you and your lover will spend the summer at  Port Ormos, a seaside village off the coast of the Land of Scalding Sands. Don’t worry about transport or living situation- it will all be taken care of for you. We love you, Kalim, and we’re so proud of you for graduating!’ 
That’s what the letter from Kalim’s mother and father to him read. Right after graduating from NRC, you and your boyfriend were swept up in a gaggle of servants and guards. Jamil had packed all of your belongings already, and a bashful Kalim informed you that you were on your way to something he referred to as the ‘Asim pre-honeymoon vacation.’ It’s a tradition in my family for newlyweds to spend some time together at the village, he laughed. I guess they were just super excited to know I had someone as wonderful as you by my side, and got a little hasty! I hope you don’t mind.
With that, you were off through the magic mirror and on your way to your new summer home.
Kalim’s parents weren’t kidding when they said everything would be taken care of. Not only had servants transported all of your things neatly and carefully to the Asims’ manor overlooking the town, but a parade and festival had been thrown in honor of your arrival. Why, you might ask? Because the Asims owned the entirety of Port Ormos. You knew they were wealthy, but this was a whole other level. 
Immediately upon arrival, Kalim was dragging you into various shops and restaurants around town. Each time you walked through a door, you would be greeted warmly by eager staff and ushered in to have a look at their finest goods. Point to any one you like, and an attendant will be by your side, packing it into a bag for you or loading it up to carry it back to the manor. Only the best for Lady Asim, you hear managers whisper to their employees. 
In fact, it seemed like everyone in the harbor town treated you like you were part of the Asim family already, even though you were an ordinary student at Night Raven College not even a week ago. For the duration of the trip, you would take on the family name and honored titles. You don’t miss the happy, flustered grin that Kalim gives you every time someone calls you Miss Asim or Lady Asim. You’ve even caught him browsing jewelry shops for rings on more than one occasion… What could he be planning? 
Jamil, as usual, had been chosen to accompany you and Kalim on this trip. However, he wasn’t staying with you two in the manor- he and his own family had been given a beachfront home to stay in. While Jamil did check on you and Kalim from time to time, he mostly gave you your space, and for good reason. His eyes were still scarred from the time he walked in on you two in the dressing room… He’ll stay in his own home, thank you very much. 
Mornings in the harbor town with your boyfriend are much like those in Scarabia dorm, but with a lot more privacy. Kalim likes to sleep in late, and get up whenever he feels like it. So you two will be cuddled up in bed together for a while, even after waking up. If you do try to leave early you’ll be met with arms looped around your waist, and a sleepy Kalim mumbling in your ear, five more minutes? By the time you manage to roll out of bed, it’ll be noon. 
Your room in the mansion is just as luxurious as you could expect from the Asim family- a king-size bed with crisp white sheets, sheer curtains, and a gorgeous view of the sprawling port town far below. Breakfast consists of light sandwiches and wraps to start off your day, plus fresh-squeezed fruit juices or coffees to compliment the meal. It’s all cooked by Jamil of course, and brought up to your rooms by him as well. The Al-Asims weren’t taking a risk with the food prepared for you or Kalim- they would never forgive themselves if the newest member of their family were to get sick. 
Kalim is a very spontaneous person, one of the reasons you love him so much. Every day he’ll think of something new and fun for you to do. The world is his oyster, and you’re the pearl! You could stroll along the docks, holding hands and greeting every sailor along the way, or browse the street markets for artisan goods. Any time you stop to look at something for more than a few seconds, Kalim will drape himself over you and join you in ogling it over your shoulder. Anything fascinating to you is interesting to him too! There won’t be a boring day anywhere in your summer. 
When your time in Port Ormos comes to a close, you can’t help but feel a little sad. You and Kalim will spend one final day around town, enjoying your time together. Another festival is held in your honor- this time, in the evening- and Kalim will bring you out onto the balcony of your room to watch fireworks being launched into the sky. 
When the first round of sparks explode high above your head, you’ll notice he has a ring box in his hand. He even might trip a little as he gets down on one knee, he’s so hasty in trying to get everything right. 
I know this was supposed to be just a little taste of what life together is supposed to be like, but I want this every day with you, for the rest of my life! You bring me so much happiness and my family just adores you, too- not to mention, we’ll get to come back here! So please… won’t you marry me?” 
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Deuce Spade
Moving into Deuce’s childhood apartment after graduation was a quiet but well-managed affair. You didn’t have much to transport anyways. However, formal introductions would have to be made when you arrive in the Kingdom of Hearts- you had never met Deuce’s mother before. You already knew what a generous and kind person she would be, though. Deuce spoke highly of her at all times. Her greetings to you are warm, and Deuce’s cheeks are dusted with pink. He looked as if his heart was going to explode- The two people he loved most in the world were finally meeting! Everything was all coming together now. 
Deuce’s family’s apartment is cozy and well-kept. The shelves are dusted and everything seems so homey. Looking down the hallways, you notice small, faded marks low on the wall- crayon scribbles. Frayed edges of carpets and photos on the walls make it clear- your boyfriend had been raised in such a loving environment. It’s not very big, Deuce tells you with an embarrassed look, but it’s the best we can do at the moment. I promise we’ll get a bigger home in the future. You look back at him with love in your eyes. It’s perfect, Deuce. Just take things one day at a time- little steps.  
Though Deuce tried his best in school, he wasn’t able to make it onto the honor roll. Still, the moment his mother saw his diploma from Night Raven College, she gasped and pulled him into a tight hug. His diploma and graduation photo were framed and hung on the wall- and with your permission, Deuce’s mother would frame and hang yours as well, right next to his. You and Deucey are first in our family to graduate, she would tell you proudly, admiring the papers on the wall. I’m so proud. Thank you for looking after him…
Well, you could say the same back to her. 
Within just a few days of returning home, Deuce had to start work. He had been hired in a mechanic’s shop halfway across town, and was gone on long shifts for most of the day. He’s not around much, but when he is, he tries his best to spend time with you. No matter what he’ll kiss you good morning and good night, even if you’re asleep when he leaves or arrives home. On his rare days off, he’ll make sure to take you on a date, even if it’s just eating a meal together in the park on a picnic blanket. He’ll bring you small gifts from the shops around town, from extra tips he’s collected over time. You will never feel unloved under his watch. 
During the day while Deuce is out working, you help his mother around the apartment. She’s perpetually cheerful when her son is around but sometimes, when it’s just the two of you at home, you’ll notice her having to sit down often and rub aching joints. The poor woman has worked herself to the bone trying to care for Deuce by herself all those years. When you ask her about it, she’ll confide in you- I haven’t told Deuce about this, she says with a rueful smile. I don’t want to worry him. But I’m so happy my little Deucey found someone so lovely and kind. I’d be proud to call you my daughter. 
After that conversation, you write a letter to Riddle Rosehearts- an old friend of yours who is studying to become a magical doctor. He agrees to have a look at Ms. Spade, and give her a trial medicine he’s been working on, free of charge- hopefully it will help with the pain. Deuce’s mother tries to protest- There’s no way I can accept such generosity! But in the end, she caves. She’s not quite ready to tell Deuce yet, but that’s alright. It’s just like you told him; things might take a while- we’ll start with little steps. 
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Trey Clover
Living with your boyfriend’s family is hard work, but rewarding. Trey is expected to inherit the Clover family bakery when he gets older, and he works tirelessly to keep business up and running. His parents had doubts about you moving in at first- since the Rose Kingdom is on an island, they weren’t able to meet you previously. But with a bit of hard work and effort, they’re willing to look past your inexperience and see you for the wonderful person their son has come to love. 
During the day, when Trey is busy with work, his mother or father will help teach you the basics of running the shop- how to work the ovens and give orders to the employees, as well as use more advanced equipment they use to make the delectable treats they sell. Don’t mind the little ones when they ask for a sweet, Trey’s father tells you, sending a disapproving glance at his two younger children. Chances are they’ve already stolen one or ten from the back counter when you weren’t watching. 
Speaking of Trey’s younger siblings, they absolutely love you. His little brother has a bit of a puppy crush on you and will hang around the bakery when you’re working there. He’ll often have a little gift in his hand when he returns from playing outside. Look, I found this flower on the trail near the stables!  
Trey’s younger sister is just as adoring of you as her brother, but in a different way. She’s so used to roughhousing with two boys, and is super excited to have a sister around now! She’ll chat your ear off about anything and everything, and is always willing to help you out if you don’t know what to do with certain ingredients or bakery customs. 
Though Trey works long hours, the Clovers live above their bakery shop and he never has to deal with long travel times. That leaves him with a decent amount of time to spend with you. He’ll often ask you to accompany him on strolls around the village, where he goes out of his way to help neighbors. You learn that Trey has a bit of a reputation as a heartthrob in the small community where they live- they’re so excited to know someone has finally won his affections! The town’s golden boy is growing up so fast… 
At home above the shop, you and Trey are mostly left alone to your devices. His parents trust you enough not to monitor your every move- but Trey’s father has one rule. You two sleep in separate rooms, and no closing the door when you’re in the bedroom together! We have enough little sprogs running around underfoot already. You have to promise him that no funny business will be going on in the home. (Well, at least for now- but don’t tell him that!)
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Epel Felmier
Having visited Harveston once before, the trip to Epel’s home village was like returning home after a long vacation. Epel’s grandmother, Marja, welcomes you back as kindly as ever, all the while nagging Epel for not visiting home more often! You should think about your lonely old granny from time to time, Epel. You aren’t in the village for long, though- for the summer, you would be visiting an entirely new place- a town a few hours south of Harveston, where the rest of Epel’s extended family resided. 
Epel’s aunts, uncles, cousins, and more have yet to hear about you. When you first step into the large farmhouse where the family has gathered, you’re immediately swarmed by dozens of blue-eyed, lavender-haired relatives, all gushing- Epel! Who is this young lady, and why didn’t you tell us about her before? She’s so cute! How did that sailor-mouth of yours manage to snag you someone so lovely? 
Epel might be a little sour over their comments. He gets a bit possessive at times- he wants your attention on him as much as possible, and there are so many people to compete with! I’m not rough all the time, y’know! I can be a gentleman when I want to be. Now hands off’a her, she’s mine. He’ll ease up a bit when you remind him to overstep. 
It’s a bit impressive how similar all of Epel’s relatives look. They’re all a bit on the short side, with the same hair and eyes. Small differences are evident in separate branches of the family, but overall they look very put together. You might feel like a bit of an outsider at first, but don’t worry! The feeling won’t last for long. It’s hard to feel lonely among such a boisterous crowd. 
During the warm months, the apple orchard is still in full capacity. While most of the apples aren’t ripe yet, a small sect of trees, the summer orchard, is ready for harvest. Everyone in the family pitches in to pick apples. Though you’re not as practiced, you join in on the fun! At least, you try until Epel’s youngest cousins grab your hands and pull you away to play with them. Marja tells you not to worry about work- they can handle it. Go have some fun!
Epel glares at his cousins as they retreat, dragging you in tow. Marja pokes him in the back with a smile on her face. Go on, boy, she tells her grandson. You can have the day off- spend some time with your lady love before those little rascals steal her away. She pauses. I wouldn’t mind having a granddaughter in law before I leave this earth. 
Red to the tips of his ears, Epel scurries after the children to find you. He joins you laying in the grass watching the kids nearby and mumbles in your ear- Y’know… I’ve been thinking- maybe it’s not a bad idea to get hitched after all. 
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A/N: The Kalim favoritism is so obvious here… 
Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! 
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ryuichirou · 1 year
I love your Sultan AU so much, how it shows Jamil and Kalim 5 years into the future! How do you see the other NRC guys in the future after they graduate? I'm just curious
Thank you, Anon! <3 I am very happy you like it! I really hope we’ll have more content for this AU in the future, but then again, that’s me with every AU…
We haven’t thought about other students in this universe specifically, we might come up with stuff as we go, so nothing of what I’m about to say is concrete yet. I also won’t write about every single character, just about the ones that come to mind more easily…
First of all, when it comes to Octavinelle and Ignihyde guys, there might be a crossover situation lol, maybe the AzuIde marriage AU or the Mafia AU exist in the same universe at this one. Age-wise, the second option fits more, I guess, but I’m still thinking that it’s the first one. In any case, they are definitely up to no good with Azul working hard on his rapidly growing business, with the Tweels helping him out and Idia being forced to help out too in his own way. Ortho is always by Idia’s side, no matter the AU. But he also might pursue his passion for movie-making in some ways, as least as a hobby.
(Azul also definitely does business with the Asim family, so the Octa-trio and Kalim+Jamil are still in touch, even though they don’t talk on a regular basis)
Speaking of movies, Vil’s future is pretty easy to determine. He works harder than ever, and has his own set of problems: his perfectionism has never left him; he is a workaholic that finds it difficult to slow down and relax. The industry is also as toxic as ever, so with every big win he also gets a ton of new things to fight. But he’s doing his best, as always, even though this job quite literally drives him insane, despite how much he loves it, both acting and make-up production and other project he does.
Rook and Vil are still together, but Rook also pursuits his own thing, whatever it is. It’s hard to say what the hell Rook’s doing: he is still quite an enigma of a person; even Vil doesn’t know for sure (probably something shady, so Vil doesn’t really want to know). Rook also keeps hinting that Vil shouldy ditch all of his big projects and try directing an indie movie.
Riddle is also overworked and overstressed: despite the fact that he really wanted to become a lawyer when he was still at NRC, he did end up becoming a magical doctor like his parents wanted him to. He decided that it was the right thing to do, not only because of his parents, but also because this is such an important occupation only the most brilliant mages can handle. So right now he spends the majority of his time either studying medical literature or practicing at a very prestigious magical clinic, and he knows that he should be feeling proud of himself and satisfied because of doing something he was meant to do, but he can’t shake off this feeling of disappointment and emptiness. Thus, at some point he began to also study law whenever he has free time for that, and that makes him much happier. But the drawback of it is that he has literally no time to talk to any of his friends anymore, it’s like he defaulted to his pre-NRC situation. Trey (who is a pastry chef btw, we know he would be one) is very concerned but can’t do much about it, although he is one of the few people from the NRC Riddle still talks to occasionally.
Ironically, another person Riddle talks to from time to time is Floyd, because he accidentally found out where Riddle works and now visits him from time to time just to mess with him.
Deuce is also kind of disappointed in how things are going at his workplace (the Magical Police department): he realised that it’s much more corrupt than he expected it to be. He hangs out with Ace every day, and Ace always talks about how naive Deuce is and that no one is going to take him seriously if he keeps being so stupidly earnest and hardworking instead of just making “right” friends and bribing his way into the elite squad. It pisses Deuce off, because he knows that Ace is right, and also hearing that from someone who doesn’t really have a job is annoying.
Ace doesn’t have a job because he had a fight with his boss and left. So now he spends his days sleeping, providing hot takes for every situation, earning some money by doing magic tricks aaaand probably gambling.
Hmm, I also think all the first-year boys still talk to each other quite regularly even if they don’t live in the same area. Epel surely visits Deuce and Ace at least every couple of weeks, Jack probably does too. Sebek is less likely to do that though, he is way too busy.
It’s kind of difficult to say anything about Diasomnia, so I’ll leave them out for now. Leona is doing his Leona thing, probably still complaining about not being appreciated. I don’t know what Cater does, but I hope he is happy? He might be an influencer of sorts, but he’s usually a loner that becomes visibly animated when he reunites with his college friends. He is also definitely away from his family.
So yeah everyone has issues lol The only one who is 1000% thriving is Ruggie. Things are going well for Ruggie. Good for Ruggie! He deserved it.
Ehh, I think that’s all for now. It took so long to write this reply for some reason, but I hope reading it was somewhat fun.
Thank you for your question again <3
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whatintheatualfuck · 2 years
My take on ___
 I keep seeing the TWST + seven deadly sins theory and wanted to post my thoughts, as I disagree with a couple aspects I keep seeing and want to know others thoughts.
 I’m currently in the works of rewriting the entire thing in order to make more sense, because I’m not very good at communication. That and the section about Scarabia ended up being longer than intended because I ‘accidentally’ explained the (almost) entire relationship between Kalim and Jamil pre NRC. So I’m rewriting this but just wanted to put thing out there. NOTE: I tried to write these (first drafts) form the perspective that the reader doesn't know what is going on in TWST. Also I didn't do a section for Malleus and Idia because I haven't read Idia’s chapter and unconfirmed trauma for Malleus (I will find it.) Warning: I’m bad at communicating my ‘thoughts’ ~-~ About 1.4K words
Politics without principles. - (Riddle) - Wrath
His mother was very strict, over baring, and controlling. His anger seems to stem from the oppression of his interest, and childhood in general in which he takes out on his underclassmen, forcing them to follow 810 with insane strictness like "If you are on duty to paint the flamingos, you must wear pink". This is an exaggeration of the rules Riddle was forced to follow as a child his mother made him. Examples in game are related to health (as his mother was a nurse) and his grades. What's shown in game does show his mother to be overprotective and controlling with very high standards. 
To support his overprotective childhood and showing how it affected him long term, here are some quotes from during his overblot; ="I am absolutely correct!" ="Those foolish enough to disobey me, I have no need for them in my world!" (Showing how he believe that if he disobeyed his mother, she had no need for him. To be convenient/good enough for her was more important than being her son.) ="I am the law in my world, I am the rules!" ="No other response than 'Yes, lord riddle' is acceptable!" (This could refer to as a child, Riddle was taught that no response other than "Yes mother" was acceptable.)
Wealth without work. - (Leona) - Sloth
He is the second prince of Sunset Savanna, his brother Falena is older and thereof got more praise as a child, hindering Leona's mentality towards himself, and his respect for his brother. His brother is described as the polar opposite of Leona, through out all this we can see that Falena was always overshadowing Leona, in Leona's words, "...Just because I was born later.". During the second chapter, he is shown to be clearly as capable as his brother, but when he is confronted just before his overblot, he outright gives up without a fight. 
From how he sees it, I believe his view is that because he had been trying and trying over and over, he eventually gave up, since he always gets the same results. (Hence the Sloth sin, as he lazes around because although he can clearly do what he needs/wants, he doesn't because he always gets the same result, failure to live up to his brother and get out of his shadow.) I also believe he reason he has not graduated NRC yet (he was kept behind due to bad grades. (see previous notes)) is because he purposely fails so he doesn't have to be home with his brother. NRC, although a bother for him, is his only safe space away from his brother, especially considering they are both royalty.
Commerce without morality. - (Azul) - Greed
Azul's unique magic is that he can take someone else's magic with out without the other parties consent. To keep this in check, he runs a side business (side to the restaurant/café) after hours where he makes contracts with students where they sign off an aspect of their magic (or doing something for Azul) in exchange for something from him, such as a better singing voice, a magic item, test 'guides' (read: answers), potions, basically what ever the student could ask for. While these students try to complete their end of the contract, Azul sends the Tweels (Jade & Floyd) to sabotage them so Azul can have what ever the student signed up for as collateral. During his overblot when we get a peek at his backstory, he was always an outcast as a child and deemed lesser than/by the other children around him. During his overblot, he took everyone's magic who was nearby, he said he wanted power, it was never enough power, he always wanted what he didn't have.
Pleasure without conscience. - (Kalim/Jamil) - Gluttony  
 - I'll start with Jamil's unique magic, Snake Charmer allows him to turn anyone into a slave (Think of Jaffar's snake staff from Aladdin). Now for their dynamic. Kalim was born into a very wealthy family and absolutely has the authority to do what ever he wants because his family funds like 90% of the schools budget. Jamil is a literal servant to Kalim, although Kalim has high praise for Jamil but is ignorant to Jamil's dislike for him and their dynamic. To be clear, Kalim isn’t stupid. He isn't 100% oblivious to other peoples emotions. He is simply unwilling to (or refuses to confront) acknowledge when something semi unfixable it going on. Boy needs to emotionally mature.
 - Next is Jamil's plan for winter break. He used his unique magic to make Kalim order the whole dorm to stay over winter break to work on their grades since they didn't do as good as usual in their last round of tests. His aim was to make the whole dorm hate Kalim enough to revoke his title oh dormhead and give it to Jamil so he could be out of Kalim's shadow and have power over him for once. (He was actually dormleader before Kalim transferred to NRC after being home-schooled.) 
 - To clarify why I chose Gluttony as the sin for Jamil, google defines gluttony as "...over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink, or wealth items(1a), particularly as status symbols. In Christianity, it is considered a sin if the excessive desire for food causes it to be withheld from the needy.(1b)". 
 1a- Jamil wanted to take Kalim's reputation and title as dormhead.
 1b- As a servant, Jamil was always seen as lesser than Kalim, being forced to lower his grades and performance in many areas in order to make Kalim look good. I'm struggling to put it into words how it connects but it does.
- To also clarify why I have "Pleasure without consequence" for Kalim is because he does what he wants with no regard to consequences or how others may feel. (He is the definition of spoilt. Although he is a ray of sunshine and does genuinely mean well, he is painfully oblivious.) This includes the feelings of Jamil, who is the one to take each consequence for him. During Jamil's overblot, he kept saying he wanted to have Kalim knocked down so he could have power over Kalim for once.
Knowledge without character. - (Vil) - Lust  
-= In this instance, Lust does NOT mean sex. More of popularity and fame. For context, Vil is a literal celebrity, idolization. 
 - Vil's chapter takes place along side the VDC, for all intents and purposes of this rant, its a singing/dancing contest. He wants first place but surprise! His major celebrity rival is Neige LaBlanche (Snow white). Vil's character is obsessed with trying to be better than Neige. When VDC is over and the audience has voted for first place, Vil looses to Neige by one vote. He is then told something to the affect of (cant find the exact quote/source); "Neige's teams execution and skill left much to be imagined, but they won because of their personality and relationship with the audience, and the ability to connect with them. You have the skill for this, but the audience will never see the real you and will always fail to connect.", hence the Skill without Character. (To clarify the Lust sin. Again, not sexual.) 
As an idol, it makes sense that he would want to be seen, as the game and snow white fairy tale say, the most beautiful, I can see how wanted to be wanted, and idolization ties into his character and motivations.
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pisayers · 1 year
Ahhhh, Pisay. Where do I even begin with you?
In all honesty, the thought of me graduating hasn’t really hit me hard yet. Sure, there were moments in our last day on campus that a tear droplet nearly fell out of my eyes as I walked through the corridors for one last time, but I can’t really describe what I’m feeling as I’m writing this. I liken it to a state of limbo in which I’m extremely hyped to dip my toes into the realm of college, but also torn to shreds every time I think of the people that I have to leave behind in the process.
If you ask me what I remember from my Pisay life for the past six years, the default answer I would give would probably be the grandest events. Buwan ng Wika with the best quartet in Pisay CARC history: Edryll, Maron, RP, Jamil. The field trip where I visited spots in Baguio for the very first time as a born and raised Baguio boy. Food Fair with my best performance as a dead weight. Pi Day which turned into a two-week break which turned into a two year blended curriculum. Last Intramurals season with my teammates helping me get to the Mythical 5, shouting out the Grade 12 peeps Wrenzel, Zyr, Paul, Rainier. Prom night. Isko night. My journey to Mt. Pulag. These would probably be the most common themes if you were to survey the batch regarding their best experiences here in this institution. However, what is going through my mind right now are the little things, fleeting moments that will probably be forgotten as years pass, but can’t help reminiscing over because of its raw sentimental value.
The jamming sessions, Harley on the guitar with Andrew blasting his vocals singing Ang Huling El Bimbo for the nth time. The random conversations with Wrenzel and Raizen where Raizen hits you with the most out of the blue question to the point that you can see a large ass question mark on Wrenzel’s forehead. The 3v3s with the teachers, chasing Sir Jed and Sir Ace around screens like they’re Pisay’s version of Steph Curry and Klay Thompson, then proceeding to rotate to Sir Dems or Sir Jo violently backing you down like they’re Nikola Jokic. The pick-and-rolls with Johann, the dude seems to just get it to your hands at the right place at the right time every single possession. The chaotic games with the Grade 9s as Zach tosses up his Manny Pacquiao looking ass jumpshot and Kishan rebounds it to blow the putback layup. The high scores I would get in the English literature quizzes as I compare them with Kimee’s and Leah’s. The Grade 7s flocking around me on the yellow bleachers to dap me up after airballing their shots a whopping 60 times. The bear crawls across the 1st floor as punishment for the District Meet team, Kyle having the goofiest one there. The commute to Aurora Hill with Zyr where he is either in the deepest slumber possible or trying to get an update on my romantic situation. The blue store convos that can reach up to 7pm with Maron, Nicole, Neal, and Sam. The service days with Aya and Leah back when watching them get sermoned was hilarious. The nerve wracking debates, Aira and Pao carry me every time. The post-math LT verification process with Harley explaining what is basic trigonometry to me, The heart-to-hearts with Paul. The times I confessed my feelings. The times I got rejected. The times I cried myself to sleep doubting my physical appearance.
The little things.
Combine them all together and you have a melting pot in which you can experience what my Pisay life was like with just one sip from the ladle. If you notice, it really isn’t any different from a high school life in general. Pisayers get put with so much pressure and mounted expectations that we tend to forget that we’re not just robots churning out requirements, and while Pisay for me meant that in some sort of capacity, it also meant discovering myself more as a newfound adolescent. A sort of Holden Caulfield journey with less travelling around the States and more phony characters in play.
But it worked out in the end. Pretty high GWA. Academic award. Excellence award. Proficiency awards. Competitions under my belt. Personal projects on the side. Somewhat of a nice legacy. Pisay has also granted me the opportunity to see beyond the academic realm and discover who I truly am. No longer was I the valedictorian in elementary who was tasked to do pretty much everything for the image of the school. I needed my own niche. My own bubble. My own universe condensed into the palm of my hands ready to show the world what I can bring to the table.
And so, to end this stream of consciousness…
To my parents, thank you for your unwavering love and support for me. I know it started out rough for me. It was the first guidance counsellor meeting for low grades and the first time I saw a flying saucer related to silverware and not aliens. However, knowing that I had a place where I could be unapologetically me helped in building my own sense of identity, and your caring nature got me to where I am today. To Dad, thank you for the late night snacks, and to Mama, thank you for the weekend dates. I’m going to miss both of you so much in QC.
To my teachers, thank you for imparting your knowledge and wisdom unto me. To be honest, I’m really questioning the real life application in half of the lessons I have learned in my Pisay journey, but one aspect I will never forget is the values and critical thinking skills that were passed down through diffusion along the way. To Ma’am Melai, thank you for always believing in me and my ability for every writing competition I participate in. To Ma’am Melki, thank you for your generosity and warmheartedness that I will treasure forever. To Sir Quantum, thank you for igniting my passion for Physics with your corny jokes and effort in crafting fun practice problems for us. To Ma’am Krystel, thank you for enlisting me in my very first competition, and subsequently increasing my self-confidence tenfold. To Ma’am Sol, thank you for your everloving care for us Stats babies; we really miss you and I hope to see you face to face some time soon. To Sir Arfe, thank you for teaching me how to cook; hopefully I can use it come college time. To Ma’am Abby, thank you for molding my writing ability into its current quality. To Sir Ariel, thank you for your unwavering kindness for our batch and your willingness to help us judge or critique our requirements in other subjects. Lastly, to Ma’am Eden, thank you for being the first teacher to see the potential in me to do great things here in Pisay. It sounded ludicrous at the start, but I’m glad I manifested it.
To my batchmates, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I know I started off being probably the most obnoxious and arrogant pre-teen in the fabric of space-time, but I am genuinely grateful that you gave me a second chance at life, given that it was probably easier for your mental health to just simply cancel me and cast me off aside as early as Grade 8. I also know that I did and will continue to make mistakes in the future, but I hope you know that I am going through all of these with the subconscious effort of making strides to better myself as a person. I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors.
To myself, well, you’re not done. UPD Economics is coming your way. New faces, new campus, new professors, new chinitas, but same old you. Don’t lose that spark inside you that has been igniting your motivation to study for the past 18 years you have been doing this. Don’t marry early either. Wear protection.
Thank you for everything Pisay! I’ll see you when I can.
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hiitomos · 2 years
GOOD AFTERNOON, I am awake, and I have ideas which means I am not shutting up so I can take time off summer work!!
Witch Hat Atelier Yuu AU!! (Yuu is Gender Neutral here, with They/Them being used.)
Yuu is currently a graduated witch (aged somewhere around 16-17) and is currently practicing making various types of glyphs. Their outfits are always filled with a glyphbook, a sketchbook and extra paper, items for making glyphs (like the conjuring ink, pens, and what else, plus a just in case for ink making), plus their shoes are soarboots. They're ambidextrous due to their practice and due to having a tendency of causing their wrists to suffer and are dextrous enough to use their feet and mouth to write.
This Yuu is a bit more excitable and curious than most but is also very keen and understanding. Though, at the start, their guard was up due to their suspicion. They slowly do get used to NRC, with a bit of annoyed jabs to Crowley.
Yuu relies on their glyphs less than they did pre-travel to Twisted Wonderland but they do rely on them in secret and have practiced them a lot.
The ink of their glyphs attract overblots, much to their dismay, and often causes issues for Yuu to deal with. It's awful enough that they decided to try and study overblots to save themself.
Yuu has interest in magic, and is often curious at the magic this current world holds for them to see. They can't use that magic but they do try recreating it, so long as it won't break the laws of their world's magic.
There was a time that, during their birthday, someone gave them art materials (rulers, protractors, those pens where you can make a perfect circle, circle rulers with loads of sizes, and more) which caused Yuu to make lots of glyphs for fun out of gratitude and extreme excitement.
Yuu is a very studious person and takes note on anything needed to understand. They're someone who takes note with any needed detail. They pay attention to detail and often portray things as such.
Yuu finds interest in Ignihyde and Diasomnia especially, with one specializing in magic and the other in technology. Yuu likes to learn more from those dorms especially and is a bit more excitable around them but tries to act calm about it, though it's something very noticeable even if they try to act calm.
Possible spoilers for WHA under the cut + Angsty things:
Yuu utilizes memory wiping glyphs on the regular, much to their annoyance. Yuu doesn't hesitate to do it and is very swift with their choice on doing that.
Yuu has tried forbidden spells in secret from a spellbook the Brimhats brought to them. However, no one has found out and they don't speak of those rules of magic to Twisted Wonderland simply because they don't know the full story yet.
Yuu hides their glyphs at first and only does it in secret but is forced to use them in chapter 4, especially with the Jamil Hypnosis thing going on. They do use it in secret before it, with the main ones being the soarboots and glyphs used to make hidden areas.
Yuu isn't on good terms with the Knights Moralis, since they've sensed a trace of the Brimhats from them, much to their confusion. They do their best to not interact with them much and do follow their rules. Yuu has learned their lesson from that encounter and tries to follow the rules more, especially around Riddle who reminds them of the Knights.
Yuu doesn't have the best self esteem as a witch, they tend to be jealous of those that have accomplished a lot and want to be just like them, but they lack the chances to do so. Yuu was basically placed on the back burner as a witch, but they keep trying to improve just so they could be good enough for someone.
Yuu wasn't the first option for many Professors and was often picked last, and was the last apprentice around the same age with the others to be chosen by the professor. Yuu kept on trying and trying, even trying to use tricks to get the upper hand, but they didn't find any use in it. Once they graduated, they wanted to create more glyphs to practice but also to let out steam.
They created a scream-box where you can scream into it about your feelings and keep it in there, but those emotions will come back once someone listens to it. Yuu didn't reveal nor show it to anyone because they used it to scream their feelings out.
Yuu has made various magically enhanced things in order to make sure their wish to improve as a witch won't die. It's only in Twisted Wonderland where they found use to being a witch and keep going as one.
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murdereraisuha · 3 years
Trey Clover is suspicious as hell
At the beginning, Trey seems like a boring, grounded, big brother type of character whose purpose is to balance out the eccentricity of the rest of the cast. Once you get a little further, you realize he does have his own quirks and moments of selfishness. But then you stay there. You still accept him as one of the most normal characters in the cast, and you register the oddities as flukes... and not as hints into something more.
Hello, I’m still here and I’m still into TWST. As a returning present, here’s a 1k words long overanalysis and theory post about Trey.
Let’s start with his “just a normal guy” motto. He’s said it enough for it to be a meme, but how much does he actually talk about normalcy and staying out of the spotlight? Let’s look at some voice line translations from the wiki.
“My best subject? I guess I’d have to say Alchemy… but I’m pretty average with everything.”   “I’m not that good at getting fired up about things.”   “Well, ‘easy does it,’ right? Getting too carried away isn’t a good thing.”   “Coach Vargas kept yelling ‘Show me what you’ve really got!’ at me today. I wasn’t exactly trying not to put in effort, though.”    “I’m overjoyed that you’re all celebrating for me, but I think I’m better suited for being on the party planning side.”    “You remembered my birthday? Thank you. Let’s enjoy the party without going too over-the-top.”
This is not an exhaustive list of the relevant voice lines, but it’s enough to demonstrate my point here: Trey’s focus on normalcy is not just some little weird trait or a meme. He repeatedly insists that he’s most suited to a supporting role, that he is just average, and that it’s best to remain that way, to the point that I’m astonished he’s not compared to pre chapter 4 Jamil more often. 
Furthermore, like Jamil, it’s highly likely that Trey’s insistence on being normal is a lie. For example, Trey’s gym uniform personal story starts with him noting to himself that it is essential that he neither fail nor get only passing marks in flying class. However, his plans are ruined after he saves Kalim from his malfunctioning magic carpet, when Vargas praises his incredible performance and gives him full marks. Contrary to Trey’s claim in his voice lines that he’s average at everything, in flying at least he is definitely above average. He’s just hiding it for some reason.
So, why does he hide it? The 1st theory I have for this is that it’s because of Riddle. For Riddle, his mother’s quest for perfection isolated him and caused him tons of suffering. After seeing how excellence could actually be much worse than failure or mediocrity, perhaps Trey made a resolution to avoid excellence so he wouldn’t suffer the same fate as Riddle. However, I feel like this conclusion is insufficient. Unlike Riddle’s mother, Trey's parents seem pretty supportive. Trey, being a smart and logical guy, should know that if he revealed himself as a genius, the reaction would not be that bad.
For Trey, this persistent deception would require a reason greater than feelings or risk management. The problem is that there is little possible reason to be found. Compared to almost every other character, Trey’s life is idyllic. His parents are caring, he has a loving relationship with his siblings, he has good childhood friends in the form of Che’nya and Riddle, and he’s set for a peaceful career as a baker once he graduates. It’s a perfect life... perhaps too perfect?
Let’s shift gears a bit and discuss his unique magic: “Doodle Suit,” an ability that lets him temporarily overwrite aspects of things. Fitting his philosophy of averageness, he introduces it in 1-14 by just changing the flavor of the marron tarts, and even refers to it as “a toy” in comparison to Riddle’s UM to downplay it further. However, during the chapter 1 overblot fight, Trey shows that Doodle Suit is able to overwrite Riddle’s UM, completely disabling it. The scope of Doodle Suit is clearly far beyond messing around with food.
This brings me to the basis of my other, more extreme theory for Trey: his backstory is not the complete truth, and he has used his unique magic to help cover that up. Based on his displays of clever manipulation (ex. oyster sauce and the food processor in his stargazer personal story), Trey is an adept liar who is able to spin credible sounding justifications on the go. As detailed as his tales of his family are, it is possible that some or all of what he is saying is a lie. The problem with this hypothesis, however, are his childhood friends who have not said anything to contradict the idea of Trey’s normal past. Here is where he brings into play his unique magic, an ability perfectly tailored for altering the truth. 
There’s something suspicious left out in his room when Che’nya comes over to play? Apply some invisibility to it, courtesy of Doodle Suit! Whoops, someone saw something before he could hide it? Well, if Doodle Suit can work on other people’s magic, why not give their memories a blast too! Y’know, what if, in direct contrast to his supposed backstory, Trey actually has a super messed up backstory that’s painful for him to think about? I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to think he can use Doodle Suit on himself... on his own memories.
See, the thing that bugs me about Trey’s flavor of suspiciousness is how low-key it is. We know about Cater’s depressed moments, we know the truth about Lilia and Silver’s father-son relationship, and we even know about that weird “I’m glad I choose you” line from Jade to Floyd hinting at something going on with them... but we have basically nothing on Trey besides the stuff in Deuce’s dorm uniform groovy. I wouldn’t be surprised if Trey is the exception simply because of how embroiled he is in deception, but what if it’s because even he doesn’t know the truth? After all, one of the best ways to keep a secret from getting out is to limit the amount of people who know about it, and 0 is the lowest possible amount.
I don’t think there’s much evidence that supports this specific theory being the truth and not just a possibility, but I feel like there has to be at least some truth in this. After all, how does a guy with a normal family with loving parents and siblings grow up to have such a disregard for sentimentality and a penchant for lying? How can someone who’s partially based on a character known as the Mad Hatter be a well-adjusted, completely average guy? 
Time to end this post with some assorted little things.
Please look at images 6 to 8 of this fanart log, it’s what sparked this idea of Doodle Suit being used on memories. Honestly, you should look at the artist’s other twst log too, it’s all absolutely superb Trey content.
Eyes usually represent truth and the soul. According to the wiki, Trey’s eye color and his least favorite food are both mustard. 
The French name for the card suit Club does actually mean clover, but I went for a really long time not noticing that Trey Clover doesn’t fit into the pattern with Deuce Spade and Cater Diamond. How tf is this man so good at flying under the radar?
Trey is the only character as of now to have multiple R event cards. His dedication to being a plain supporting character transcends the boundaries of the game.
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thatringboy · 4 years
All of my other TWST HCs
Because my Twisted Wonderland Headcanons have been my most popular posts, here I am giving the mob what they want! An almost complete list of Headcanons I have about every character and house!
This is by far my longest post and it took me three days to type, so I hope you guys get a laugh out of it!
The word “Queen” is gender neutral
Frequently allows students from other houses to study with them
Recently expanded into two buildings dedicated just for dorms to house all of the students
Actually lots of words are gender neutral
Does rebellious things with Trey sometimes
Actually struggled with gender for a while because of his mother and responds to all pronouns (he/she/they), but identifies as male
Sometimes uses the label “Androgynous Male”
Is attracted to Trey, but he can’t tell if it’s because of his childhood or because he genuinely likes his Vice DH
Has Tea Time TM with Vil
Abolished gender roles in NRC despite it being an all guys school
During Summer Vacation he wears jean shorts and mint green tank tops with red flip flops
Has a pet crab that is red and named “Queen” despite Riddle not knowing Queen’s gender
Queen is the mascot for Heartslabyul despite being a sea creature
We stan Queen the Crab in this house.
Enjoys breaking the rules with Riddle, even if it’s not very often
He dyed his hair green as a joke with Cater during his first year, but decided to keep it 
Has fallen for Riddle. Hard.
But between his dignity, his position and him not knowing if Riddle likes men, he won’t say anything that could ruin the friendship
Rook found out by accident and actually helps Trey try to work up the courage to ask Riddle out, but Trey always backs down
Invented a type of Tea that soaks clover leaves and it tastes like vanilla mixed with mint
Not really a drama queen, but will egg on fights for views
Sometimes his clones will develop different accents and that’s how you tell them apart
Has a pansexual flag in his room
Spends more time partying in Scarabia than in Heartslabyul
Is close friends with Kalim and actually crushed on him for a bit, but got over it once he noticed the way he looks at Jamil
Actually gives good relationship advice
Was Bi-Curious during his Pre-NRC days and actually tried to put it behind him like everything else
However, like, everyone at NRC is some flavor of gay
So he gave up on his internalized homophobia and now lives his full authentic life!
Still uses the labels Bi-Curious and Questioning and often goes to Cater for advice
But his buddies love and support him no matter what
Is a huge feminist
Cater fully believes that Deuce likes Ace, but he actually doesn’t
Deuce admits when men are attractive, no matter if it makes them uncomfortable or not
Didn’t go over well with Jack
But the two are cool now
Probably one of the straightest guys you’ll ever meet besides Rook
Actually learned what the different teas smell like so that he never messed up again
Enjoys his fights with Grim, even if Grim is a little shit
Like seriously Grim is a little flying rat shit turd fuck but that’s just my opinion
Almost never learns from his mistakes and always pays the price
Chaotic Good.
Loves going on adventures with the Prefect and Grim!
Has never gone back to the Mostro Lounge without Jack or the Prefect
Also got really into Mermaid culture and regularly goes back to the Atlantica Memorial Museum to talk with that one guard
Has memorized the script from the Little Mermaid
Can sing You Pour, Unfortunate Soul in a perfect baritone vibrato despite his high voice
Also takes singing lessons from Azul, but only if someone else is in the room with them
Throws pool parties regularly
Octavinelle is almost always invited
Magift between the two houses is insane
Raging Bisexual, need I say more?
Goes to great lengths to find loopholes and just be lazy
Also goes to great lengths to help Ruggie
Hates his brother, but loves Cheka and his sister-in-law
Can’t properly digest seafood, but eats in in front of Azul and the Leech twins just to be a bitch
Is kinda clingy
Even if he doesn’t want to, he goes to all of the Savanaclaw vs Octavinelle vs Pomfiore karaoke battles
Can’t sing for shit, but likes to watch Ruggie and Jack duet and destroy everyone
Constantly reminds Malleus about the time they swapped robes
Actually swaps clothing with Malleus quite often on purpose to see how they feel
A good singer
But kinda self conscious about it??
Also a Raging Bisexual
Play flirts a lot with Leona, even though they don’t like one another like that
Is FtM Transgender, fully transitioned, and wears his scarf to cover the fact that he doesn’t have much chest hair and his scars
Only Leona and Crowley know
Gets a little dysphoria because his voice is still so high and because he’s shorter than everyone in Savanaclaw, but takes one look at Riddle, Lila and Ace and forgets about it
Jack suspects, but the two make a killer duo during karaoke!
Is straight, but won’t get in your face about it
Actually learned how to become a fast swimmer just to flex on Jade and Floyd
Has memorized almost all of Heartslabyul’s rules just because he didn’t want to be disrespectful
Arm wrestles with Floyd often
Helps out in the Mostro Lounge pretty often when he’s bored
His karaoke skills are out of this world!
Also has memorized the layout for Ramshackle Dorm just so he wouldn’t get lost in there
Tsundere? Maybe.....
Knows something’s different about Ruggie, but can’t figure it out
Respects privacy like crazy
Just a cool guy to be around
Hosts the karaoke battles
Now pays their employees in the Mostro Lounge
Gives free singing lessons
Choir Gay TM
Aromantic Homosexual
Constantly has Boss Bitch by Doja Cat in his head
Actually has shit handwriting and it made his Golden Contracts all the much more powerful
His handwriting is beautiful underwater, though
When he’s feeling lazy, Azul transforms into his Merman form and uses his 8 extra arms to do things for him
Has a single picture from his childhood that he has not edited (or tried to edit)
It’s of him, Jade and Floyd graduating Junior High
All three of them are linking arms and smiling brightly
It sits on his nightstand in a golden frame
Gives most of the singing lessons
But doesn’t participate in the karaoke battles
“I’ll join if Leona joins.”
Petty about the karaoke
Once swapped clothing styles with Floyd for an entire day and was just chaotic towards everyone
Does this more often now just to relieve stress
Only the Prefect could ever tell them apart
Not even Azul knew they had swapped
Is Pansexual and liked Azul during Junior High, but got over it once they started at NRC
Can scare someone so badly that they tell the truth regardless of Jade using his magic
50 students were asked who they’d rather have to fight, 42 of them said “Floyd all the way! No way am I fighting Jade!”
Was actually popular in Junior High, but turned down opportunities to be more popular to spend time with Floyd and Azul
Can cuss in 8 languages
When he swapped clothing with Jade, he actually enjoyed being calm and responsible
Loves to do things like that for Jade
Raging Homosexual, need I say more?
His Bakugou impression is on point
There are several videos of him just standing at the end of a dark hallway laughing and whispering “Die, Deku!”
Also really likes Volleyball despite being on the Basketball team
Takes Bean Day a lot farther than it needs to be
Flirts with Riddle a lot, knowing it upsets Trey
But doesn’t know that Trey actually likes Riddle
Has sea related nicknames for everyone
Everyone has to help take care of Snake
Monthly competitions where Kalim hands out free vacations
The competitions involve taking care of Snake
Who is Snake? You’ll see.
When he learned what Pansexual was, he went around Scarabia clapping pans together to come out
Cater was the one who explained it to him
Loves to party and flirt with Jamil, but can be serious if needed
Sometimes holds group therapy for his dorm residents
Named his magic carpet “Jamil Jr.”
Flexes on Azul with Jamil Jr.
Is open about his attraction to Jamil, but also respects Jamil’s personal space
He and Lila sneak out at night to mess with people
Has a pet snake that he never named
Just calls the snake “Snake”.
When Jamil’s busy, other residents take turns taking care of Snake
There is an entire chore chart and half of the chores involve Snake
Snake isn’t even the dorm mascot, he’s just Jamil’s pet
Tsundere TM
The only reason he doesn’t accept Kalim’s professions of love is because of his family obligations to serve the Al-Asim family
Takes family and traditions very seriously
Internalized homophobia? Maybe....
Petty as well
Has poured sand into people’s shoes and hidden scorpions in beds
Usually wins the karaoke battles
Unless Ruggie + Jack join
Make up tips
I’ve said most of my HCs about him
But I’ll retype them
Wine Mom TM
Musical Theatre Gay TM
Tea Time TM
Fashion Police TM
NRC James Charles
But also respective of people’s sexualities
Has poured water into people’s makeup
Has attempted to give Rook a make over, but Rook is more acrobatic then he looks
Has never actually sung in public
Likes to keep people guessing over his singing voice
Has a cherry apple tree in the school garden that he spends time every day taking care of
Runs NRC’s GSA
Heterosexual TM
Wears Doc Martens sandals with beige cargo shorts and white polo shirts when not in uniform
Can be seen back-flipping away in this outfit while Vil chases him around the dorm
Is allergic to strawberries
Epel’s bodyguard
Throws rotten fruit at people and calls it a prank
His bangs were by accident
But decided to keep them
Pretends to hunt, but can’t shoot for shit
However does go on fishing trips
Has to have some Heterosexual Hobbies TM
Is an actual Prince
Like owns land
Everyone in the dorm protects him
Is actually like Honey Senpai
Will put you in your place.
Like fr is a top.
Despite being so small
I don’t know what his sexuality would be
Probably Bisexual
Can lower is voice a lot if needed
There’s magic inside of the dorm that turns all fire blue, but the fire turns back to normal once outside the dorm
Doesn’t apply to Ortho’s hair, though
Has the most LGBT residents - even more than Pomfiore surprisingly
Actually, not surprising - have you seen Disney’s Hades????
Cat-sits for Professer Trein
Everyone believes he can set his hair on fire, but he actually can’t
His hair is naturally that fire-y color
Loves to prank people, but never in person
Social Anxiety? Personified.
Before he rebuilt Ortho, Iida had a robot he controlled from his room that went to class for him
The robot was named “Meg”
Now he just uses his screens
Owns a crop top that has a cat face on it that Ortho made for him
Actually wears it a lot, but nobody ever sees below his shoulders on his screens
Oh yeah, also constantly questioning his sexuality
Currently likes guys, but that might just be because he goes to an all-guys school
Has tons of cat plushies in his room despite not needing to sleep
Also has a mini library in his room, but he memorized all of the books
Burns things with his hair
Also sews a lot
Spills tea about the dorm residents with Trey, Jamil and Lilia
Has a couple pictures from before he became a robot, but doesn’t remember taking them
Has a bulletin board where he hangs pictures of his friends and family
Actually takes photography classes from Cater
Doesn’t focus on sexuality, so he just goes with “Queer”
People assume he’s scared of water because of his fire hair, but he loves playing in pools
Once cosplayed as Alphonse Elric and Iida was Edward from FML
Has pictures of that as well
Basically one big family
Even more-so than other dorms like Ignihyde
Has a vault of hard liquor that has been sitting there for centuries
Responds to Tsunotaro
Smuggles hard liquor into Scarabia despite not being a drinker
Has a YouTube account where he visits old buildings
Floyd ruined his Ramshackle Dorm video by standing at the end of a hallway and laughing
Can turn into a Dragon
His horns aren’t sensitive
Lilia once hung Christmas lights from them and Malleus didn’t notice for the entire day
Sometimes Lilia jumps and pulls on Malleus’ horns when he’s being dumb
Polysexual, but leans towards men
When he looks surprised by something - he genuinely is surprised, not faking it for someone else
Doesn’t believe in hiding emotions
Is actually like 300 years old, but was frozen for a good amount of it
Also immortal and is stuck at being physically 18
Damn Fairy magic
Oh and he didn’t mind wearing Leona’s ceremonial robes that one time
They were comfy
Enjoys swapping clothes with Leona a lot
Also had a crown made of thorns that is uncomfortable to wear
He burned it, but hasn’t told anyone yet
Takes the term “mom friend” to another level
Just ask Silver
Only calls Malleus “old man” to be a prick
Is like 500 years old
Has gone through high school many times
Can undo stitches in people’s clothing without them knowing until their clothing falls apart
Asexual Homoromantic
“Who needs sex when you can be a bitch?” - Lilia Vanrouge, 2020
Is Malleus’ royal advisor
Spills tea like crazy
Has catfished people
Is the cool dad
Is a Malleus fanboy???
He named his horse Draco
I don’t have many Headcanons about Sebek actually
Probably drinks tea with Riddle sometimes
Oh and definitely a bottom
Is he Bi? Poly? Pan? No one knows
But he’s a power bottom
Doesn’t have a last name because he was raised by Lilia and Malleus
Is indebted to Malleus because of this
and Lilia too, but like I said, Lilia is the cool dad
(he is actually indebted to Malleus in canon, but idk if it’s for this reason or not)
just let him have two platonically gay dads that go to school with him
Once in a Diasomnia/Savanaclaw sleepover, he and Leona passed out on each other’s shoulders while Ruggie and Lilia took photos
The photos haven’t been seen in a while, but are still around somewhere
Actually has several photos of him falling asleep with his head in Lilia’s lap
His bed stretches across his entire wall, forming a bench almost
Owns a suit of armor
It has a sword
He can use the sword if needed
Can he just get a nap????
Because of his relationship with Malleus, seeing fireflies calms him down
Is this guy wholesome? Yes.
Is he a Bisexual top? Also yes.
Can’t make everything wholesome
Holy fuck my fingers hate me. If you managed to read this far, I hope you enjoyed my headcanons for Twisted Wonderland students and houses! I don’t know enough about the teachers to make headcanons for each them, but I do have one for the staff:
Sam and Dire Crowley
This is the only reason Sam runs the school store
Sam is not qualified for anything else
But Dire loves him too much to fire him
Forget the wholesomeness between the Dorm heads and their Vices
This is the most wholesome pair
Okay seriously - I need to stop making these headcanons it’s midnight at my house. I’ve spent probably close to 13 hours (give or take with a lot of breaks) writing these down and doing research on characters just so that my headcanons don’t seem completely out of the blue. Also, don’t be afraid to post your own headcanons, even if canon doesn’t always support them. That’s the thing about fictional characters - they’re open to interpretation!
And now to the long list of tags....
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twisted-nox-sidus · 4 years
Hello! I read you latest update of your fanfiction and I loved it! After reading it, a question popped up: How is Strix during Satan's waterfall days? Is she moody or the same? does she have weird cravings? How would the boys react? If you can make a scenario or headcannon it would be awesome. Have a nice day!
Never have I thought the cycle would be referred to as “Satan’s waterfall days” lmao 🤣 I’m gonna use that here 😆
Strix on her period
Once Strix is at that time of the month, her sleeping habits suddenly vanished. There was never a day where she doesn’t doze off at least once when the sun is above and glaring. Now she actually sleeps decently. That ain’t right.
The boys knew something was off when Strix was wide awake during first period of magic alchemy. Divus had even remarked on it and hoped to see her pay as much attentiveness as she did. He would lose all hope once those 5-7 days pass, though.
Grim was kicked out of the bedroom and had to sleep in the lounge room instead. Makes no difference honestly, though he’s a scaredy-cat who didn’t want to sleep alone when the ghosts are out there and could try pulling pranks on him.
Speaking of, Strix threatened the trio of ghosts with a vacuum tube if they don’t cooperate with her demands for peace and privacy. Maybe she’ll get to experience it like the Ghostbusters.
Strix used to behave the same in her world, but after being surrounded by boys with zero brain cells and inability to cooperate and having only female paintings as girlfriends, it starts rubbing off on her twice as worse during the cycle. So yes, she has gotten cranky. Her cravings tend to lean for any coffee-based sweets and desserts (gotta feed that bitterness into your system to uphold your spite against the world, amirite). Man, she wants some dark chocolate now... (Dark chocolate (+60% cacao) actually helps temper your mood swings, did you know?)
She would deviate from her group of friends to her circle of female paintings during the week to rant of the woes of being a woman. If pre-Strix was there to see her now, the whole thing would be surreal.
Strix nearly prostrated -I repeat, PROSTRATED- before Ashton to let her pass on PE for the next 5-7 days. It sucks when you’re surrounded by sausages who can’t truly sympathize with the excruciating pain. It almost makes you want to ugly sob, doesn’t it? Ashton relented, though she would have to make up for it with written work. Never had he seen a student so overjoyed in his PE class over written assignments.
Sam is her best friend when it comes to woman’s necessities. And her cravings whenever she wants to buy a snack. 
Meanwhile in the office, Crowley could almost tremble at the image of being at the girl’s mercy. He’s been singing his own praises of “how kind he is” less before Strix. Thankfully she hasn’t kicked down his door to demand a week off (yet).
Strix made it a point to avoid Savanaclaw (and anyone with sharp sense of smell cuz yeah. You know. The real question everyone is afraid to address. You know what I mean.) Leona wondered why she had her dream eater send a letter simply stating she’s taking a week off with no reason whatsoever. Then came the “ohh” moment. Okay, carry on.
Leona even had the whole dorm gather in an assembly to address this. If you dare lay a hair on the girl, it’s not Leona that will maul their asses. It’ll be Strix herself. She can and will throw hands if the hotheads think about provoking her during the phase.
And so, Jack and Ruggie barely make contact with Strix. After Strix is free from the cycle, she’ll go to them and ask to touch their ears and/or tail to be soothed from “Satan’s waterfall days”. They never refused even if they wanted to. It’s tough being the only female in the school with no one to relate to, so they might as well help her as much as they could.
The same statement letter goes to the rest of the dorms. Savanaclaw was the first to realize why within three seconds. Heartslabyul soon came second.
Why? Strix suddenly kicked down the door to the common room and ordered Trey to make some cakes (after adding a stiff please in the end). The whole gang was playing cards at the time. Trey and Cater connect two and two together and made eye contact with the other, mouths shaped into perfect circles. Cater knows, too, since he has an older sister to suck up to.
Deuce realized it a few seconds later, being the only boy in his family. Riddle was gauging their reactions and came to the same conclusion as well. A tea party will relieve her cravings, he had decided. Ace however, the same ass who can’t read the damn mood, dared to utter:
“What? Are you PM-” Remember when Strix swore to deck Ace and his unruly hair across the floor as a mop substitute on the first day they had to wipe 100 windows as punishment? She did just that. Never had she felt so accomplished since arriving to NRC.
The rest of the boys huddled by a safe corner. What a beautiful straight punch! Are we sure she’s not compatible with Savanaclaw?
Fortunately, Ace was the only victim to receive this punishment out of the whole cast. Most understood while some select few were confused until they had to spell it out for them.
Azul, being the gracious man he is, treats her to her cravings at Mostro Lounge in exchange for her outstanding piano performance (no contracts were made on that). Jade would serve her tea to relieve the stress while Floyd...has to stay a good five meter radius away from her, lest she’ll be the one to “squeeze him first”.
Kalim would buzz around Strix asking if she wants anything and he’ll have it delivered ASAP. Be it heat packs, snacks, or even the whole selection of period pads. He would have Jamil whip up something for her but by Strix’s insistence that the vice head wouldn’t mind doing more work for her troubles.
Vil immediately pampers Strix and gives her all the care and treatment a lady needs (tbh I don’t know what they are). Poor confused Epel doesn’t know how to help aside from providing her the best quality of apples sent from his village. Meanwhile Rook is lurking somewhere in the shadows taking research notes on the owl’s behavior, diets, and etc. He does pitch in once in a while to help Vil help Strix.
Ortho, the sweet cyborg angel he is, helps Strix by being a cyborg heating pack with a function Idia (who has never been seen during the week) temporarily included to assist Strix. Strix was going to spoil Idia rotten after this with all the dream eater cats she has in her arsenal.
Lilia is the first to immediately understand, being the wise ancient fairy he is. He had to relay the details to Silver since his head is in the clouds too often to understand. While Sebek is rather indifferent (like, okay, should he give her pity?? Is that what she wants? Not really) he doesn’t start bickering with her as much and holds his tongue. The banter will resume once Strix feels better.
Malleus also understood why Strix is suffering through her pain. However, he’s sort of indifferent like Sebek, since he’s lived longer and doesn’t really sympathize (not in a cruel way). It’s more of a reminder for the fae how humans are born the way their bodies are structured.
Strix almost instilled fear into NRC within the span of 5-7 days. Everyone parts like the red sea whenever she passes by in the hallways or makes a beeline for the canteen ordering a single cup of black coffee before leaving. It’s actually embarrassing when the entire school knows when you’re on your period, but whatever gives them a heads-up.
This monthly reminder to all the boys that women are frightening will haunt NRC until Strix graduates or returns home. Whenever that will be.
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theafricanmedia · 3 years
Congratulations Pour In For Tiwa Savage As Her Son, Jamil Graduates from Pre-school (Photo/Video)
Congratulations Pour In For Tiwa Savage As Her Son, Jamil Graduates from Pre-school (Photo/Video). Continue Reading...
Congratulations Pour In For Tiwa Savage As Her Son, Jamil Graduates from Pre-school (Photo/Video)   A-list Nigerian female artist Tiwa Savage has taken to her Instagram story to celebrate her son, Jamil Balogun, as he graduates from pre-school. Tiwa Savage, who is proud of her son’s latest achievement, also shared videos from the event as she told her fans and followers to follow her son’s…
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9jabreed · 3 years
Check Out These Lovely Photos As Tiwa Savage’s Son, Jamil, Graduates From Pre-School
Check Out These Lovely Photos As Tiwa Savage’s Son, Jamil, Graduates From Pre-School
Jamil Balogun, the son of Tiwa Savage, one of Nigeria’s most popular female musicians, has made his family and fans proud by graduating from pre-school. In photos uploaded on his Instagram page, the little child was seen looking good in his blue graduation gown and hat to commemorate the event. Tiwa, his mother, was also present to show her support for her son in what has been characterized as a…
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emergingkarachi · 11 years
Saint Joseph's College
Saint Joseph's College is located in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. It is a college for women, owned by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Karachi.
It was established by the religious order the Daughters of the Cross and is one of the most distinguished women's colleges in the country. [2] It was founded in 1948 and was one of the first colleges for women in Karachi.[3]
The building was constructed by Brother Hilary Lardenoye OFM. Since 1951 it has been affiliated with the University of Karachi. It began as an Arts college with the Science faculty added in 1950. [4]
Sr. Mary Albans (1948–1951)
Sr. Mary Bernadette (1951–1961)
Sr. Mary Emily (1961–1985 and 2005–2008)
Mrs. Bilquis Iftikhar (1982 – 1983)
Mrs. Munira Gulzar ( 1983 - 1993)
Mrs. Kaniz J. Abedi (1993 - 1999)
Mrs. Shahnaz Parveen (1999 - 2000)
Dr. Tanveer Anjum (2000 - 2005)[4]
Mrs. Mary Caleb (2009 - 2010)
Dr. Bernadette Louise Dean[5]
Recent events
The college was nationalised in 1972 and denationalised in 2005, and returned to the Catholic Board of Education. On the 23 March 2009, the Government of Pakistan awarded the college principal Sister Mary Emily FC the Sitara-e-Imtiaz, which she received from the Governor of Sindh. This was in recognition of her services to education. [6]
The college offers students science, commerce and arts education at the Intermediate and baccalaureate levels. In 2011 St. Joseph's College started education of computer sciences at the intermediate level.
The new academic session begins in September each year. Students of the science group from both the Federal and Aga Khan Boards as well as Cambridge students seek admission here. Generally admissions for the science group will be closed at 75 per cent but could be varied depending on the other merits of the student. In 2008 about 125 Cambridge students, 23 students of the general group and 64 of Commerce applied for admission to the first-year. [7]
St.Josephs college focuses on co-curricular activities too. There are various clubs and societies which help students learn in a way they like.
The college provides a platform to the women of Karachi to understand the potential she possesses and the pivotal role that she can play as a responsible citizen.
The College held its graduation ceremony on November 18, 2012. 65 students were awarded BCom, BSc and BA degrees while nearly 450 intermediate students received their Higher Secondary School Certificates in pre-medical, pre-engineering, commerce and humanities.[8]
Prominent alumni
Sehba Musharraf, former First Lady of Pakistan
Shahida Jamil, former Minister for Law & Parliamentary Affairs
Dail Jones (born 1944), New Zealand politician[9]
Fatima Sultan, Curator of South Asian American Art Festivals, USA
Fauzia Kasuri, President of Women's wing in Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf[10][11]
Madiha Zeest Waheed, Lecturer, Institute of Business Management
Sadia Rashid, Chairperson, Hamdard Laboratories Pakistan
Seema Munaf, Professor, Institute of Clinical Psychology
Lubna Farooq Malik, Director State Bank
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naija247news · 4 years
NDA commandant charges cadets on 100 percent loyalty to armed forces
NDA commandant charges cadets on 100 percent loyalty to armed forces
By Mohammed Tijjani Kaduna, Sept. 4, 2020 The Commandant Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA), Maj.-Gen. Jamil Sarham, has demanded 100 per cent loyalty from graduating cadets to the Nigerian armed force and the nation.
Sarham gave the charge at the pre-commission lecture for cadets of Army 67 Regular Course and Short Service Course 46, on Friday in Kaduna.
He added that the nation requires total…
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