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etcemais · 2 years ago
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Após o rumor de que James Mangold estaria em negociações para dirigir o novo filme do Monstro do Pântano, o próprio diretor confirmou que as negociações foram bem sucedidas.
Em entrevista ao Collider, James falou sobre trabalhar nos filmes de Star Wars ao mesmo tempo em que trabalha projeto da DC:
“Estou escrevendo ambos agora, e vai saber o que vai acontecer ou qual deles ficará pronto primeiro. Sim, estou admitindo que estou escrevendo Monstro do Pântano, não é mais um rumor, isso vai rolar. Tudo pode acontecer, mas leva tempo já que sou uma pessoa só.”
O diretor também elogiou o trabalho de Alan Moore, que roteirizou a uma das fases mais memoráveis do Monstro, e o ilustrador Bernie Wrightson, que cocriou o personagem ao lado de Len Wein. James não deu mais maiores detalhes, como elenco ou trama, pelo projeto estar nos seus estágios iniciais.
O Monstro do Pântano foi criado em 1971 e é uma criatura humanóide que protege os pântanos e florestas de ameaças externas. O personagem é membro da Liga da Justiça Sombria e já teve algumas versões live-action, como um filme por Wes Craven em 1982, e uma série de TV em 2019, que foi cancelada com uma única temporada mas que se tornou uma queridinha cult.
Monstro do Pântano fará parte da primeira fase do novo DCU nos cinemas, que dará inicio ao universo compartilhado anunciado por James Gunn e Peter Safran o início do universo compartilhado sob a chefia dos mesmos.
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fanthatracks · 10 months ago
SFX Magazine are spitting out the nuggets this issue, with a glut of The Acolyte reveals and now this gem as producer Simon Emanuel appears to have let casually dropped the new title of the James Mangold Dawn of the Jedi era movie, and the title he revealed was Jedi Prime. "James Mangold's Jedi Prime is set thousands and thousands of years before [the original trilogy], and I'm really excited to see what happens there." Apart from sounding like an energy drink movie tie-in from Logan Paul and KSI, what do you think of Jedi Prime as a title? Have at it on our social media feeds and join in with the conversation. [amazon box="1368095194"]
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fabioemme78 · 1 year ago
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lumber · 8 months ago
What if #HannaBarbera/#CartoonNetwork made #Logan?
#MashUp #OldManLogan #Wolverine #X23 #HughJackman/@thehughjackman #DafneKeen/@dafnekeen
#JamesMangold/@jamesmangold #2OthCenturyFox #Disney #MarvelStudios #MarvelComics #SamuraiJack #PhilLaMarr/@phillamarr #GenndyTartakovsky/@genndytartakovsky #PowerPuffGirls #EGDaily/@realegdaily #ButterCup #CraigMcCracken/@cmcccartoons #JeauxJanovsky #JeauxJ #Cartoons #Animation #CalartsAlumni #DeadPoolWolverine #RyanReynolds/@vancityreynolds
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kaliforniaaajenner · 3 months ago
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ericvetrovocalcoach: I had the best time at the LA premiere of A COMPLETE UNKNOWN about Bob Dylan and Joan Baez among other iconic artists. It is a spectacular movie! Working with Timothee Chalamet, Monica Barbaro and the incredible director James Mangold (as well as music producer Nick Baxter, music supervisor @sgizicki & film producer Fred Berger) was a complete honor and a special experience that I will never forget! #acompleteunknown #timotheechalamet #monicabarbaro #ellefanning #jamesmangold #moviemusic #bobdylan #joanbaez
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brennerrama · 2 months ago
“I want to be a folksinger . . . who eats.”
Timothee Chalamet in A Complete Unknown
#ACompleteUnknown #JamesMangold #JamesCocks #TimotheeChalamet #Dylan #BobDylan #moviequotes
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filmnewsweb · 3 months ago
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ICYMI: James Mangold was “hurt” when ‘Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny’ was rejected by critics and moviegoers - #JamesMangold http://dlvr.it/TGqQqb
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entertainmehub · 3 months ago
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Film-News.co.uk James Mangold was “hurt” when ‘Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny’ was rejected by critics and moviegoers - #JamesMangold http://dlvr.it/TGp6GD
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shefancdotcom · 6 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Walk the Line DVD (2005) Directed by James Mangold – Full Screen, PG-13, Clean.
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fanthatracks · 1 year ago
One of the cinematic surprises of 2023 wasn't how fantastic Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny was, but how it failed to connect at the global box office. With the film now released on Disney Plus and home video, James Mangold sat down with io9 to discuss that disconnect and why he believes the fourth sequel missed out on the top 10 for the year when it's predecessors were 1st in '81 (Raiders), 2nd in '84 (Temple of Doom) and '89 (The Last Crusade) and 3rd in 2008 (Crystal Skull) at the North American box office. “There’s nothing I can do about how much a movie is going to make worldwide in a window of four weeks... other than [interviews] like this ... Our grosses were very much in keeping with other films of similar ilk this last summer and none of them featured a hero who was both Harrison’s age and also was a franchise that had been dormant for 20 years.” “A lot of what expectations are based on is also what movies cost, and I think it’s not just true of our film, but others. We made these films during a time of covid. In the case of Indy, they had already been prepping a different movie and had spent a lot of money before we even started. And so it’s just hard to make large-scale movies when world travel was decreased and you could be shut down at any moment by one person in your crew testing positive. And I thought it was heroic of all the studios to keep pushing on and making these pictures despite that, even though they were all costing 20 or 30% more than they would have if they had been made at another time.” [amazon box="0744084687"]
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theomenmedia · 6 months ago
Timothée Chalamet as Bob Dylan: 'A Complete Unknown' Posters Unveiled
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#TimothéeChalamet #BobDylan #ACompleteUnknown #JamesMangold #DylanBiopic #FolkMusic #NewportFolkFestival #MusicHistory #MoviePoster #BiopicFilm #FilmRelease2024 #CinemaPoster #EntertainmentNews #ActingTransformation #MusicLegend
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xarliclub · 11 months ago
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Para todos los aficionados de #BobDylan, pronto estará su #BioPic, con #TimothéeChalamet Y dirigida por #JamesMangold
#xarliclub #movie #movies #film #films #cine #cinema #peli #pelis #pelicula #Biography
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thelowkeygeek · 2 years ago
Check out the latest LOWKEY GEEK #youtube video! Indiana Jones Special - Dial Of Destiny Discussion | The MovieTime Podcast #51 by LOWKEY GEEK! This week we are celebrating Indiana Jones and the release of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny! We will be talking about our thoughts of the franchise and how the new movie fits and and how we feel about it all! 🔔 Consider Subscribing: https://ift.tt/p9Kkcas 🎤 LOWKEY GEEK Podcast Channel: https://ift.tt/LmiQYVk 🎧 Listen on Spotify: https://ift.tt/joD1I0x ► Fever events and experiences: https://ift.tt/9kFGWuh ► 80s Tees: 30% OFF with code WINTER30: https://ift.tt/R2698CP ► Bulletproof Coffee - 20% Off with code LOWKEYGEEK20: https://ift.tt/R5pSd60 ► Entertainment Earth - 10% OFF In-Stock Items Plus Free Shipping On Orders $40+: https://ee.toys/LOWKEYG ► The gear we use on this channel: https://amzn.to/3L79c1Y ► Merchandise: https://ift.tt/6iABWUP Follow Us --------------------------------------------------- Twitter: https://twitter.com/the_lowkey_geek Instagram: https://ift.tt/bEQj2xP Follow the Team on Letterboxd ----------------- Blake Wolf: https://ift.tt/3hUORV6 Rene A. Zelada: https://ift.tt/gXVJwWR Chapters --------------------------------------------------- #indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #indianajones #movietime #harrisonford #indy5 #lucasfilm #disney #action #adventure #jamesmangold #moviepodcast #podcast #filmpodcast #moviereviewpodcast #filmreviewpodcast #moviediscussion #filmdiscussion #lowkeygeek #filmcritique #filmcriticism #moviereviews #letterboxd via YouTube https://youtu.be/awdcj5B-5Y8
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allonsylvain · 2 years ago
Go and watch @indianajones to see me flash by as the Maitre D' of Hotel L'Atlantique. And yes it's a speaking part.
With great pride I can say I feature opposite Harrison Ford, Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Mads Mikkelsen. Directed by James Mangold. It's a boy's dream come true.
#actor #actorslife #dbagency #disney #lucasfilm #harrisonford #indianajones #indianjones5 #Dutch #movie #DBA #acteur #jamesmangold
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filmnewsweb · 3 months ago
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James Mangold was “hurt” when ‘Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny’ was rejected by critics and moviegoers - #JamesMangold http://dlvr.it/TGp6GN
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ajepyx · 2 years ago
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: DEEP DIVE – GIRL INTERRUPTED (1999) #Cinefiles #UnfinishedBusiness #Television #WinonaRyder #JamesMangold #AngelinaJolie #BrittanyMurphy #WhoopiGoldberg
Unfinished Business TELEVISION‘s DEEP DIVE looks back at Winona Ryder’s vanity project GIRL INTERRUPTED, the movie that won her co-star Angelina Jolie an Oscar. Directed by James Mangold, this intimate drama set in a women’s mental hospital features an all-star cast including Whoopi Goldberg and future stars such as Elisabeth Moss and the late Brittany Murphy. But who were the stars originally…
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