#James: *has the happiest smile as he follows Sirius to their next lesson*
the-original-gays · 13 days
Sirius, catching James staring at Regulus: Ask him out.
James: Now?
Sirius: Yes, now.
James: Right now?
Sirius: Yes, right now. Prongs, I don't think you get it here. You're a Quidditch captain, okay? You're head boy. Everyone wants you, you know, you're like the hot girl every guy wants.
Remus: *Walks up and stops beside them*
James: I'm the hot girl?
Sirius, walking away backwards: You are the hottest girl.
Remus: What?
James: I'm the hot girl.
Remus, nodding: Yes you are.
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Miss Popular (Marauder Era x Female!Reader)
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A/N:  So this is the prologue to my series Miss Popular. The next chapters will be the choice endings.
Endings; Bellatrix Lucius ???: Not Complete ???: Not Complete ???: Not Complete ???: Not Complete ???: Not Complete ???: Not Complete ???: Not Complete ???: Not Complete Special Chapters Tom Riddle Fred & George Salazar Slytherin The '???' will only change when the chapter is complete, to possibly hold suspense
Hogwarts. A name all magical folk are familiar with. But every generation of magical children that walk through those doors always leave with a different story. This story is set in the year 1975. During this time there was an individual, the most popular person to ever cross through those doors in a long time. This student was a Slytherin, which makes the amount of popularity quite surprising, but she was very charming and quite sweet. Though you wouldn't want to get on her bad side, she is quite fierce when needed to be. This student is (Y/N) (Y/Last Name). This student is you.
________________________________________________________________ Slytherin Dorm (Y/N) woke up before her roommates as always and decided to take a quick shower before her best friend woke up. She entered the bathroom with a towel and spare clothes. After her shower she tried to find the clothes she put on a chair next to her shower but they weren't there. She looked around the room until she felt breath hit the back of her neck. She froze. Her wand was with her clothes so that won't help. Looking up at the mirror to catch a glimpse at who was behind her, she saw wild, curly black hair. "Bella! You scared the life out of me!" (Y/N) screamed as she spun and saw her best friend Bellatrix Black holding her clothes and wand trying so hard not to laugh. Failing miserably I might add. "Give me back my clothes!" "You should have seen your face, priceless." "Only you would get off scaring me. Clothes. Now!" Bellatrix threw the clothes at (Y/N) before proceeding to take her own shower, cackling all the while. "Wasn't that funny" (Y/N) mumbled with a small smile gracing her features. As she heads back into the room she realises her and Bellatrix aren't the only ones awake. "Hey Lucinda" "Oh hey (Y/N). You thought about my proposition?" "I have and the answer is still the same. I can't rejoin the quidditch team this year, I have to focus on my studies. My parents hate the fact I joined quidditch in my second year so I made a deal, this year full study then I can rejoin next year." "That's a shame, your our best seeker. Definitely give that Potter a run for his money." She says with a wink. "Haha, yeah. Sorry though Luce." "Nah, it's fine. You'll have a spot next year though." Lucinda Talkalot says as she heads to the door. "Thanks Luce and good luck in the match tomorrow. I will be in the stands cheering." I say as she leaves the room. "I'll be in the stands cheering" I hear a sickly sweet voice say mockingly behind me. "Ugh, could you be any further up her arse." Bellatrix cackles as I turn round. "Shut up! I've got to make sure I keep my seeker position for next year!" "Yeah I know. Come on, lets go down and meet Cissa before we head to class." Bellatrix says as she heads to the door leading down to the common room (Y/N) following close behind.
________________________________________________________________ Slytherin Common Room As Bellatrix and (Y/N) entered the common room, they spotted Narcissa Black already waiting for them on one of the couches. "About time you two showed up. I've been waiting for about an hour." Narcissa complained the moment they reached her. "Not my fault, Bella stole my clothes." (Y/N) explained. "The opportunity was too perfect to pass up." Bellatrix stated, shrugging nonchalantly. "Oh Merlin, he's doing it again." Narcissa stated whilst looking over (Y/N) shoulder. "Whose doing what?" (Y/N) says as she turns around. What she sees is Lucius Malfoy staring right at her before looking away when he realised he had been caught. "He's staring at you again (Y/N), jeez what a stalker!" Bellatrix stated irritably. "It's nothing serious, come on. Let's get to class before we are late. We have DADA and I don't want to get detention with Filch again." (Y/N) stated whilst glaring at Bellatrix. "What? I said sorry!" but Bellatrix went ignored as Narcissa and (Y/N) left, leaving her to run after them.
DADA Classroom Fortunately, the three witches managed to make it to lesson on time. The only problem was, they noticed names paired up on the board and knew that they had assigned partners. Bellatrix and Narcissa were lucky enough to be paired together but (Y/N) wasn't as lucky. (Y/N) was paired with Lucius Malfoy. Don't get the wrong idea, (Y/N) was actually friends with Lucius but the staring was becoming teasing material for the Blacks. (Y/N) made her way over to her original seat whilst waiting for Lucius to join her. She didn't have to wait long as he arrived moments later. "Hello Lucius." "Hello (Y/N)" Lucius replied with a small smile. They couldn't say more as at that moment, the teacher walked in. "Anyone who walks into my class from this moment on will have detention with Mr. Filch. As for the rest of you, if you are not with your assigned partners then I suggest you do so now. I have no time for dawdlers and slackers in my class. Now, we will be continuing on from our last lesson of the Patronus Charm but this time the practical instead of the theory. You will work in your pairs to-" The professor was interrupted by Sirius Black and James Potter bursting into the class looking quite out of breathe. "Ah, Mr. Black and Mr. Potter, so nice of you to join us. Class started five minutes ago, I don't care for your excuses please just take your seats." James and Sirius looked at each other and took their seats as they were each others designated partner. They looked quite relieved when they were seated. "Oh and Potter, Black?" They looking at their teacher expectantly. "Detention with Mr. Filch after classes." He said simply, wiping the relieved look of their faces. (Y/N) winced on their behalf of the detention. "Now as I was saying. You will work in your pairs to help each other learn how to cast the Patronus Charm. Do not be worried if you do not succeed in a fully corporeal version on your first try as that is to be expected. I will personally award 100 house points if someone does it first time. Now, start practising." At once the students turn to their partners ready to try to get those 100 house points. "So basically you have to think of your happiest memory, right?" (Y/N) asks Lucius. "That is correct." He replied. "Well it can't be that hard...I've got one. Let me try." (Y/N) raises her wand, brings her happiest memory to the forefront of her mind. "Expecto Patronum." A (F/Animal) bursts from the tip of her wand, though not lasting long as the shock of the animals appearance causes her to forget the memory. "My word. Well I didn't expect that, 100 points to Slytherin Miss (L/N), well done." Came the voice of her teacher behind her before he moves on. "That was very impressive." Lucius tells her sounding astounded. "What did you think of, if you don't mind me asking?" "Not at all, I thought of the first time I made my parents proud. I had never seen them so happy and in turn, that made me happy." "I suppose I should try next." Lucius thought long and hard about which memory he would use before finally deciding. "Expecto Patronum" A Python lunged from the wand and hissed at a couple of students before it too disappeared. "Another 100 points to Slytherin, well done Mr. Malfoy. Yes, quite impressive." "Wow. For some reason I was expecting a ferret." (Y/N) stared at the spot where the python had previously been. "Why?" Lucius replied incredulous. "Not sure. What were you thinking of. Only fair that I asked since you asked me." "Ah yes, I was thinking of-" Lucius was cut off by the bell. "Tell me next time yeah?" (Y/N) says kindly before joining Bellatrix and Narcissa again for their next class. "I was thinking of the first time we spoke." Lucius says to no one.
________________________________________________________________ Potions Classroom Horace Slughorn was not (Y/N)'s favourite professor. In fact, she hated him and found him both annoying and distracting. He keeps trying to 'collect' her because she was the heir to the most powerful and famous pureblood family...Who was good at potions. Thus being the reason he steers clear of Sirius and James. During this lesson (Y/N) had been paired up with Severus Snape, a relief to be with someone who knows what they are doing for once. "If he comes up to us to ask how the potion is going one more time, I might end up cursing him." Snape murmurs to (Y/N). "Only if I don't curse him first." (Y/N) shares an amused smirk with Severus. "Honestly, who collects people. It's weird and creepy." "I'm glad he hasn't come after me yet." "That won't last long, I heard he has started to notice how good at potions you are." She replies empathetically. "Great and I thought Potter coming after me was bad enough." "He still coming after you?" (Y/N) tone changed from amused to concern at that. She cares for Severus and doesn't like it when her friends go after her other friends. "Nothing I can't handle (Y/N). Pass me the jar of Billywig Stings." The rest of the lesson continued uneventfully, if you don't count the fact that (Y/N) and Severus did indeed hit Professor Slughorn with mild curses when he asked about their potion again, nothing too harmful. (Y/N) meets up with Narcissa and Bellatrix at the end of the class to tell them she is heading toward the library for her free period.
________________________________________________________________ Library Corridor On the way to the library, (Y/N) bumps into the Marauders as they turn a corner. The boys immediately start apologising when they notice who was on the floor. Remus Lupin offers a hand to help her up. "Thanks. Where are you guys heading to in such a hurry?" "Nowhere!" Sirius says a little too quickly. "Ahuh....And you just expect me to believe that..." When the boys just stand there looking slightly guilty she realises that yes, they did expect her to just believe it. "Well I'm not stupid, so I'll ask again. Where are you going and can I join?" At this the boys snap their heads to look at her and Sirius starts smirking. "See, told you we could trust her. She may be a snake, but she is also a prankster." "You were the one that refused to tell me." (Y/N) reminds with a smirk. James looks at me with a slight frown. "I don't know guys, she won't like it." James murmurs to the others, (Y/N) only just catching it and her smirk morphs into a frown. "If this has anything to do with Severus, you can forget it!" "I told you she wouldn't like it." "Snivellus deserves everything he gets!" Sirius shouts at her. "Why? Because he's a Slytherin? Well so am I, am I your next target?" "You know we would never harm you (Y/N)" Remus interjects. "So you admit your pranks are harmful." She says sounding smug. "..." the boys keep quiet because they couldn't argue with that. "Fine, we won't prank Snivellus. But in return you have to help us pull of the biggest prank Hogwarts has ever seen." James bargains with me. (Y/N) takes a while to think about it...Yeah she could get detention or suspended if caught but Severus wouldn't be harmed. A snake always protects their own. "Fine. But not today, I've got to study." The boys look disappointed but understand they won't be able to persuade her otherwise. "Fine, see you tomorrow." They say their goodbyes and head on there way. (Y/N) wishes the unsuspecting person they go after, luck.
________________________________________________________________ Library As soon as (Y/N) enters the library, she spots a familiar red head. "Hey, Lily." Said red head looks up from the book she was reading. "Oh, hey (Y/N). Care to join me?" (Y/N) smiles at the offer and takes the seat opposite her after grabbing the book she needs to study. (Y/N) looked closer at the book Lily was studying. "Monster book of Monsters? We haven't needed that since third year, why are you reading that now and on-" (Y/N) peered at the page Lily was reading. "-Werewolves?" "Shh!" Lily covered (Y/N)'s mouth with her hands thus causing her to glare at Lily for the first time in years. Lily removed her hands after deeming it safe and not because she didn't like the glare, nope not that. "Sorry. But you were speaking too loud." "So whats so fascinating that you have decided to study werewolves?" Lily looks uncomfortable for a minute but then decides to talk anyway. "If I tell you, you have to promise not to do anything...you know...Slytherin." "That entire sentence was insulting." (Y/N) deadpanned. "Sorry, I just meant don't do anything rash." "That is also insulting, I'm not a Gryffindor. However, I will promise to hear what you have to say before deciding the next course of action. Placated?" "Yes...ok. Well....IthinkRemusisawerewolf." "...What? I didn't catch that at all." (Y/N) stated with slight amusement. "Try again...slowly." "I think Remus is a werewolf." (Y/N) stares blankly at Lily for a while before finally settling on "Is that all?" "Is that-? What do you mean is that all." She whisper-shouts angrily. "I mean I already knew that, and James knew, and Sirius. Hell, even Peter knew." "Why wasn't I told then!" "If it makes you feel better, we weren't told either. We guessed. And he didn't tell you for the same reason he didn't tell us. Fear. Of our reaction and thus our future treatment of him." (Y/N) stated calmly, hoping to save the boys from the red head's infamous wrath. "Oh. But he shouldn't fear that, we wouldn't treat him any different." "I don't think I'm the one you should be saying that to." (Y/N) said trying to steer her in the right direction. "Right. I've got to go find Remus. Thanks (Y/N)." Lily gathers her stuff in her bag then starts toward the exit, before she reaches it though she pauses and turns to her friend. "(Y/N)?" "Yes?" "Why do you talk to me? I mean your a pureblood Slytherin and I'm a muggleborn Gryffindor." (Y/N) takes a moment to think carefully about her answer but when she does it is with so much determination and sincerity. "Because your special Lily."
________________________________________________________________ Library Corridor As (Y/N) left the library she could hear voices round the corner at the end of the corridor. The voices seem to be getting louder and louder. As she neared the corner the voices suddenly became clearer. "I don't even get why the hat put you in Gryffindor, you're the wimpiest person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting." "You're also bad at everything you try, you've blown up so many cauldrons this year I have lost count." "And so much for Gryffindor loyalty, you're so wimpy that even your precious house mates aren't here to defend you. Aww boo hoo, is Longbottom going to cry. Hahaha." (Y/N) had finally heard enough, she stepped round the corner and was greeted by three Ravenclaws crowding a Gryffindor into the wall. "Enough!" (Y/N) shouted catching the students attention. "I have never heard such arrogant, disdainful drivel from a Ravenclaw in all my life. I know understand why I was put  in Slytherin instead of Ravenclaw as it seems they share a trait of becoming jealous of anyone who has the capability to be smarter than you, a trait I do not have. You should leave before the whole school learns that Ravenclaw is jealous of Mr. Longbottom for being better at Herbology than them." Throughout the whole speech, the Ravenclaws were becoming more and more angry and Longbottom was becoming more awed. The Ravenclaws, knowing that trying to attack a Slytherin through word or spells and winning was futile, left looking thoroughly shamed. (Y/N) turned towards the boy to see that he was staring right at her. "Um...Thanks. But I'm not sure whether to be glad or scared that a Slytherin defended me." The boy says with a nervous laugh. "Do not worry. I have no intention of making this situation worse for you." This received a calmer smile from the boy. The boy turned towards her and held out his hand. "Frank." (Y/N) took the hand and gave it a firm shake. "(Y/N)." "Oh so you're the 'hot' Slytherin I've been hearing about from Sirius." As if just realising what he said, Frank turned a bright shade of red. "Not that that's what we call you now. I mean it's not that I don't think your hot... I mean, I'm not trying to come on to you or anything, It's just...And now you're laughing at me." It was true, half way through Frank's stuttering, (Y/N) had indeed started to giggle. "Sorry, It's just, you're so shy that it's cute." "I'm not cute!" Frank shouted, appalled at the very idea of losing his pride as a man. "It's not a bad thing, I meant no shame to your pride. Where are you heading to now Frank?" "Um...what?" Frank looked completely lost at the sudden topic change. "Class Frank. Where are you heading?" "Oh, haha. Potions, you?" "Herbology, I suppose this is where we part then. It was a pleasure meeting you Frank." (Y/N) says as she heads outside towards the greenhouses. "Uh, you too (Y/N)."
________________________________________________________________ Outside Grounds (Y/N) hated the transition between winter and spring. The snow had melted but the Ice was still about and now it was more dangerous. In her hurry toward the greenhouses though, she had forgotten this entirely and thus caught the edge of an ice patch and she braced for the hard impact of he ground. Only, It didn't come. Instead she felt the impact of a hard chest. "Are you alright (Y/N)?" a familiar voice asked. "Regulus?" (Y/N) opened her eyes and did indeed notice Regulus steadying her. "Who else saves you from that awful ice. We really need to stop meeting like this." "This isn't funny Reg, I swear the ice is someone's evil invention." (Y/N) said with such conviction that it caused Regulus to burst out laughing. It wasn't long until (Y/N) joined him. "Heading to Herbology Reg?" "Of course, mind if I accompany you? Can't have you falling on anymore ice now can we?" (Y/N) bumped his shoulder with her own. "Shut up." They continued on their way to the greenhouses but a cold breeze crossed their paths and (Y/N) started shivering. "Cold?" "Yeah, not everyone remembers their coat Reg!" She didn't mean to snap, she was just so cold. But...then again, she wasn't. Wait what? (Y/N) looked down to see that a coat had been draped over her shoulders. She looked over at Regulus and there he was, minus one coat. "Reg?" "You were cold." He said with a shrug as if that answered everything. (Y/N) was going to argue more but the coat was so warm so instead she kept quiet and snuggled further into the coat. As they reached the greenhouses, it was considerably warmer inside, (Y/N) gave the coat back. "Thanks Reg." then she kissed his cheek and entered the greenhouse.
________________________________________________________________ Slytherin Common Room Herbology wasn't (Y/N)'s favourite lesson so the detail are blurry at best. She met up with Narcissa and Bellatrix at the end of the lesson and together they headed back to the common room. They started on the assignments that were due the next day, or rather Narcissa and (Y/N) did whilst Bellatrix messed around and tried to distract them. Eventually they gave up and decided to talk about their day and what they were going to do for Hogsmeade weekend. (Y/N) soon realised the time and decided to head to bed. "It's getting late guys, I'm heading up. Bella?" "I'm going to stay and talk to Cissa for a bit, head up without me." "Sure. Night Cissa, night Bella." "Night!" They both shouted behind her.
________________________________________________________________ Slytherin Dorm As soon as (Y/N) entered she went about her nightly routine, which was a lot easier to do without Bellatrix around. She changed into pyjamas and headed to bed. However, once she reached her bed, she noticed something on her pillow. A note with her name on it and a (Fave/Flower). She picked up the (F/F) and inhaled the beautiful scent. She then picked up the note and opened it. The note said...
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itsapottersword · 6 years
It means true Love
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A\N : Hiii ! Second imagine on this blog. First, it was supposed to be a James’ one... but then it turned out it’s a Sirius’ one ! I’m happy with that one. Just a little reminder : English is NOT my mother tongue ! So if you see any errors, please tell me so I can correct them ! 
Pairing : James X Reader - Sirius X Reader
Warning : Noneeee
Resume : Sirius is teaching to the reader how to make a Patronus. Turns out it’s not what they tought....
Being friends with the marauders, and being the only girl, meant a lot of things. People always thought you were with one of them. Of course, you were all very close to each others. Meeting them in the first day in the Hogwarts Express was probably the reason behind that. Sirius, Peter and Remus were all like your big brothers. You never felt that way with James, touhgt. Maybe that was because of your huge crush on him. You never knew why him and not another one. James made you feel like home, wherever you were. And you felt that way since the first day.
You were now in sixth year and James was more than ever into Lily Evens. You understood; Lily was really nice. She had beautiful long red hair and a face only an idiot would not find attractive. And she was doing the one thing that made James fel for her : she did’t want to be with him. She was nothing like you. You were not that confident and even tho you did try, you couldn’t find a way to put your hair up like hers. 
The only one who knew your secret was Sirius. You didn’t say a word, he just knew. Maybe him fiding you crying your eyes out the first time James told you he was having a crush helped a little. Even tho James was Sirius’ best friend, the Black never said anything about it. He did tried to find a way for you to talk about it, but it never worked. James was your friend. And you didn’t want that to be ruined for feelings that were not the same.
You were all in the common room, Peter trying to explain to you how to make a patronus. All of them nailed it, but it was the only one you struggled with.
- «(Y\N), as I have said a millions times, just tried to remember the nicest memory you have.» - «Well, sorry for me, Peter, I don’t have any in mind. None of the ones I’ve tried were enough.» - «You are a lost one.»
You giggled a little. Peter was not the most patient in the universe.
- «I’m not as good as you guys in that kind of spell. Remember when it took me a year to spell stupefy correctly?»  - «Oh, I do remember!» Laughed James, who was sitting next to you on the coutch. «I almost got caught spelling it for you on the final exam.»  - «Shut up, would you?» You said, low voice. «I don’t want anyone to know about this.» - «A ‘’Thank you James’’ would have been better.»
You gave him a punch on the arm, a small smile on your face. You were a muggle born. The first two years at Hogwarts were not that easy for you. Your parents never really understood what was the magical world, and you neither. It has been six years and you were again so surprised by how this world was beautiful. James suddenly excused himself and ran of to the boys dormitory. An eyebrows in the air, you looked at the three others. 
- «What was that ?»  - «He’s meeting Evans for a study date,» informed you Remus, who was still reading. 
Without a look, you knew that Sirius looked at you, but you didn’t want to looked back. If you looked back, everyone would know and you were not ready for that moment. Seeing you not saying anything, Sirius stood up and gave you his hand. 
- «Come with me, my dear. We are gonna make you do a freaking Patronus.» - «You think you’re going to do better than me, Pads ?» asked Peter with a smile. 
Sirius just gave him a smile while you took his hand and followed him. He didn’t say a word and made you pass the Portrait, pushing you in the corridors. Sirius really was your best friend. He was there for you, even in the little moments of sadness, like this one. You weren’t THAT sad, because you were used to James being with Lily. But each time he leaved to meet her, your heart broke a little, and the Black knew it without even looking at you. Following him outside, you watched him with high eyebrows. 
-«Stop looking at me like that, (Y\N). We’re going to the Quidditch field. You need to be alone to create a perfect Patronus. I’m the one who tought it to Peter... and you don’t want to be caught by any professors..The Patronus is a form of advanced magic which even the most qualified wizards can struggle with.»
You drank his words. Sirius often underestimated himself. He really was a good wizard, even better than the three others. Even if you gave him Potions lessons every Saturday night (you were all having your strengths and your weaknesses !), he was one of the most brilliant students of your year. You let yourself explored his face. Sirius was a good looking boy. Long and straight hair that stops at his shoulders, a big bright smile and a laugh that make yourself laughed every time. He was tall, a head taller than you, and he has great big hands that you wish were grabbing... Woh. You shook your head. What were you thinking ?
While you reached the Quidditch field, he finished what he was saying.
-«... Did ya know that, that’s pretty rare, thought... If two person have the same Patronus, that’s means they have a really strong connection. It means true love, in fact. » 
He paused. He scratched the back of his head, like he had just said something wrong. You gave him a small smile, feeling your face warmed. You took you wand and looked at him, ready for his instructions. 
-« Er, okay...» he cleared his throat, taking his wand too. «So... Peter was not wrong. You have to think about the greatest memory you have. Not the happiest necessary, just a memory that... make you feel like home. A memory that get you warm.»
You searched in you head. You closed you eyes, looking into the tons of memories you had. You had already tried every James memories you had in mind. You tried the one when you learn you were a witch. Even the one when your mom bought you a dog when you were little...  But, out of nowhere, a memory popped in your mind. 
It was the last Christmas break. Every each of you were invited to the Potter’s, they were having a big party with a lot of important witch and wizards. The Potter’s alway had huge celebration and it was your first time, you were a little excited. 
You were upstairs, in James’ room, looking at yourself in the mirror. You had a long and beautiful blue dress that flattered you really really well. Your shoulders were cleared and your hair were up in a cute little bun. You put a little makeup on your face, not too much, just to make a little difference than usual. 
You were asking yourself so much questions. Were you enough for that kind of night ? Or were you too much ? You knew that a lot of your professors were downstairs, the Minister of Magic too. What if you looked ridiculous ? 
But before you could asked yourself more, a knock on the door made your gaze out of you. You saw a blacked hair guy trough the door, a small smile on his face. 
«- What is taking you so long, dear ?» he asked, closing the door behind him. «- Do I look ridiculous ? Be honest !!» you were almost frustrated.  «- Woh, woh, woh, back up beast !» he laughed, putting he’s hand in his pockets. «You looked incredible, (Y\N). Seriously.» «- I am too much, Sirius ?» «- Stop worrying, would you ? You are stunning.»
You took a deep breath. You looked at him and laughed a little. You needed to calm down. Sirius gave you his hand, and you took hit without even a doubt. Without a word, you get downstairs with him, knowing that the night would be a dream if you stayed by his side. 
Back to reality, you opened your eyes, Sirius was in front of you. With a smile, you waved your wand in the air. 
And with surprise, a cleared blue Dog came out of your wand. A big and sincere laugh came trough your throat while you watched the dog ran around you and Sirius. Overexcited, you let out a scream of joy and jumped in Sirius’ arms. 
«- I got it !! It worked, it really worked !!» 
You turned around to watched to dog disappearing in the ground. With tears in your eyes, you looked at your friend, happiness screaming out of your body. But seeing his face, your smile faded a little. He seemed a little sad. 
«- Sirius ?»
Without an answer, he let out the Patronus spell out of his mouth. The same exact dog ran a little around you and disappeared a little after. Your back to him, you covered your mouth with your hand. What did it mean ? His words get back into your head. ‘’If two person have the same Patronus, that’s means they have a really strong connection. It means true love, in fact.’’ All this time, you taught James was the one. All this time, you talked about James but dreamed about Sirius. After the Potter’s party, all you could think about was how Sirius’ hands were so strong and fits perfectly right on your back. All this time you lied to yourself because you were too scared to admit that you were in love with your best friend. 
Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder. 
«- What was your memory ?» he asked, low voice.  «- You. » you replied, turning to face him. «You are the one that... makes me feel like home.» «- You also are my memory.»
You looked at him. Sirius was smiling, a bit too much to look like he was not happy about it. Why does it took you so long to understood that it was him ? It’s always been him. Every time your were ‘’sad’’ about James, Sirius was you happiness. Sirius’ hands cupped your face and you closed your eyes. You knew, at this exact moment, that it was in his hands that you wanted to be. Forever. 
And he kissed you. A long and breath taking kiss. It was so intense, so...
«- Mister Black and Miss (Y\N) ! It’s past curfew and I would like you to go back to your dormitory, right now !!! »
With a laugh, Sirius took your hand and you two ran back to the castle. 
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