#James would find them on the shore of the black lake and clean them before giving them to Regulus
James would find rocks on the floor and give them to Regulus because he thought he’d like them.
Regulus would think it was silly of James to do that but he keep all of them, of course he did. They have a special place on his bedside table in a tin.
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st0nesnglitter · 4 years
Poly relationship w/ the marauders
Headcannons and drabbles about dating James, Sirius and Remus
Mentions of sex, nudity and non-sexual nudity
Not proofed
It’s the most beautiful relationship ever
Growing from platonic love to romantic is hard as it is, so when it happened between four people you really needed to have a strong foundation
Remus was pretty surprised when he started seeing Sirius and James share intimate moments around their dorm but he also felt a twang of jealousy as he watched the interractions
So now their was constant reassurance that the love was between all of you, everyone loves everyone
Sirius can get a little bit possessive over the three of you and would not hesitate to throw out dangerous looks to anyone that lets their gaze lingers
The biggest sap out of the four of you is definitely James
He loves slowdancing in the kitchen in the morning as you cook breakfast
”Aw come on you two, you’re gonna burn the food!” Remus whined and runs up to the stove to stir, but James just giggled.
”But how could I focus to such a mundane task when I can admire this beauty?”James grinned toward you and you rolled your eyes.
Prongs always remember every date that needs to be remembered, and a couple that doesn’t and loves celebrating birthdays
Sirius had never had a real celebration for his birthday and can barely remember the date of his birth
And Remus don’t want to be a burden and try to refuse to tell James when he asks
Remus is always very warm and often goes to sleep in the guest bedroom when all of you have fallen asleep, not because he doesn’t want to cuddle but because he feels like you would get uncomfortable from his heat
But in the morning he wakes up with all three of you cuddled up to him in the guest bed
You’d spend the summers in the Potter’s summer house, right by a lake
Sirius tries to insist that clothes are unnecessary and wants to implement a ”no pants”- rule
James agrees and walks around in only boxers for three days straight
Skinny dipping in the lake after really hot days
The suns wrath was upon you and sweat trickled down the back of your neck. Remus’ prediction that it would cool down toward the evening could not have been more wrong and at around 7 PM it was unbearable. The rule Sirius had tried to get you all to follow had come true and the four of you were lounging around in the thinnest shirts you could find.
”Lets go to the lake” James murmered and stands up from his loveseat, stretching his arms over his head ”gotta cool off”.
Thankfully the shore was basically in the garden and you and Sirius raced down and stripped as fast as possible before running down the jetty and jumping into the water.
James and Sirius took their time taking off their clothes, spending some extra time aprreciating the others body, before walking out to you and Sirius.
Rem collects chapsticks and you show him the best muggle brands <3
And Sirius has made it a game to kiss him and guess the flavour
”I know, wait... SHUSH” Sirius pulled a hand through his hair as he took in the flavour with a laughing Remus behind him.
”Marshmallows!!” The raven-haired boy exclaimed proudly but his face faltered as Remus didn’t burst out in celebration.
”Actually it’s ”s’mores”, so that means that you are once again incorrect”.
Walks are very common throughout your group
Remus likes to air out his brain after long study sessions or a hard day of work
Sirius wants to smoke and since you’re hard on him to not do it out a window you bring him outside
James wants to pick flowers, look at the scenery and plan pranks out of hearing distance from potential victims
Dinners are wild
Remus will climb on top of the table to gain some attention to explain his newest ideas to take over the world
And Sirius will tug on his pantleg so they almost tip the whole table over telling him to ”sit down you baby!”
James is a very picky eater and is grumpy the whole dinner whenever Remus uses a new recipe
Putting Sirius’ hair up when it’s in his way or it’s too hot, and keeps saying that he can’t do it himself
Jamie is the sleepiest boy
He can almost always be found on the couch or in the giant bed snoozing away or blinking heavily whilst desperately trying to listen to Remus reading
Even though he just wants to read on his own he adores when you, Si and Jamie lay down around him and a silence spreads except Remmy baritone voice and the occasional flip of a page
Before a date two dark-haired boys are cramming into the mirror in the bathroom trying to style their hair to the nines as you and Rem sits and waits out in the living room
Introducing them to movies and they decide that you’ll have a movie night once a week
Showing them all your favorites and atleast one movie from each genre
Cigarettes after sex, the only time you let them do it inside cause you are all too tired to move and the sight of these goregous men smoking is too good to be true
Sirius handed James, who sat to his left, the cigarette before the bespectacled boy took a long drag. He leaned his head back as he blew out the smoke before reaching over Sirius to give it to Remus. Soft lips wrapped around the filter and he sighed as he felt the nicotine enter him and the engery that he had lost from prevoius actions started to come back. Rem ashed into the ashtray before looking over to you with hooded eyes.
Kisses are a constant
Being the attention whore that he is Sirius always wanted one for every single one that was shared where he was excluded
I’ve said this before but: James is a sub
Sirius is a switch
Remus is a dom
James is also a himbo
He’s really fascinated by muggle things but his excitement is sometimes ruined by the other boys making up stuff and him strutting over to ask you about it
Gently telling him that that wasn’t true but making it up by telling him a true fact
Singing songs from the top of yojr lungs as Sirius or James olays guitar
Only one who gets to touch Sirius’ hair is Remu (brushing, styling, cutting)
All of the boys have their own set of insecurities and can be caught comparing themselves to each other
Remus wants Si’s clean and whole skin, without cuts and scars, and jeslous of James rippling muscles
Sirius wants Remus height, being the shortest of them will leave you to the bad end of some petty jokes
James desires their intelligence, especially during their time at Hogwarts cause he felt like he is slowing their academical achievements down
Painting Pads nails black to try and make him stop biting them
Jamie making up songs on the spot and singing them loud eneough to be heard from every room
”Prongs I swear to FUCK if you don’t stop singing I’ll put your mouth to better use!
Discussing sharing a last name
Siri does not want you to be Blacks since only pain and sadness follows that name
Rem does not want it to be Lupin since it reminds him of what he is everyday
So you settle on becoming Potters
James is so, so excited and lays you down and just stared at the three of you with awe
”You’re mine, you all are so beautiful and you are all mine”
Sirius sobs when he finally legally is a Potter
And he’s no longer a Black
Full moons are hard but you soothe Rem best you can
The night he comes back and is hurting you always make him a cup coco since his jaw is too sore to chew regulat chocolate
He adapts this and everytime he sees one of you down he goes and makes some coco
Wearing each others clothes to bed
Your closets are just a mess and you take whatever it gives you
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ericsonclan · 3 years
Evening ASMR
Summary: James records a video for his ASMR channel and settles in for the evening.
Word Count: 1702
Read on AO3:
“Evening, everyone,” James’ soft voice whispered, his mouth hovering over the mic. “Groggy and I hope you all had a good day,” His fingers lightly drummed against his rubber frog nightlight, the pleasant rhythm creating the exact sort of calming bliss that was James’ signature when recording for his channel. “My day wasn’t very eventful, but it was calm, pleasant. I’ve been drinking a new blend of tea today from Sarita’s Teashop - Evening Breeze,” James took a sip of hot tea then placed the mug on the table between both of his mics, his painted black fingernails continuing their steady, soothing rhythm, this time along the outside of the mug. “The offer from my last video still stands by the way: use the code Tranquilitime15 at checkout online for a 15 percent discount on your order from Sarita’s Teashop. Now let’s get to the main part of our video. It’s Tuesday so you know what that means. It’s time for Weekly Walk,”
Leaning back in his chair, James reached behind himself to pick something from his bag of finds. “Jesse and I went for a walk along the lake. Along the way I picked a few strands of grass since the texture intrigued me. Jesse told me it’s common reed grass. It makes quite a lovely sound. Let’s listen,” Lifting up the grass, James softly ran it along his mic, letting the equipment pick up the faint rustling sounds the grass made as it ran along the mic’s surface. James continued this motion for about five minutes, letting the moment last as he too became entranced by the sound the reed grass made. Finally he pulled his hand back, ready to share his next find.
“I also spotted another rock to add to our collection. The lines of white quartz running through it are really lovely,” James held the stone up close to the camera so his viewers could see the details themselves. “Into the rock bucket it goes,” With his free hand, James lifted up a small pale blue pail full of rocks and dropped his latest one in, running his fingers through the collection of stones in silence. There was no sound round him, only the soft rumble of the stones tumbling against once another. James was grateful there were no parties going on in the dorms tonight. Sometimes, even with the padding and soundproofing he’d done to his room, it was still difficult to find recording times where his surroundings were quiet enough to properly do ASMR.
Several minutes passed before James set aside his rock bucket and picked up his next find: a curved piece of driftwood from the lake. Holding the piece up to the camera, James turned it slowly so his audience could have time to admire it properly. “This was right along the shore near the end of our walk. I love the depth of color in it. Such a rich brown,” James’ fingers trailed along the branch, inadvertently tapping against it. It had become second nature for James to tap any object of interest he came across, always on the search for new sounds that he could bring to the channel that might give his audience the tingles.
As he tapped along the wood, James hummed softly, transitioning to another segment his viewers were especially fond of. The tune he chose this time was one Jesse had taught him, a Cherokee lullaby. Though James hadn’t been able to learn the words yet the tune was still fresh in his mind. Switching back to the reed grass, James softly hummed the lullaby, closing his eyes and getting lost in the moment. He could almost imagine that Jesse was here with him, sitting upon the floor and letting James brush his hair. The sound of Jesse’s hair would make great ASMR. James didn’t want to push him into anything he was uncomfortable though. He knew how much Jesse hated feeling as though he was performing for others. Perhaps that was a sound that was reserved for James then, one only he got to hear.
Finishing the tune, James picked up Groggy once more. Turning on the nightlight, James drummed his fingers along the little frog’s back, enjoying the bounce of the rubber under his fingertips. His ASMR wasn’t only for his audience. It calmed him as well. He looked toward the camera. “I went on a hike a few days ago with a couple friends of mine. My friend Clem brought her little brother. He was really curious to learn about what ASMR was exactly. He picked out some items on our walk for me to share as well. He wanted to be here himself, but it’s past his bedtime. Hi, AJ,” James waved at the camera, knowing Clementine would show the video to AJ as soon as it was posted.
Picking up the pinecones AJ had given him, James began to run his fingernails along them. The light scratching sound that produced sent a tingle up his spine. James smiled softly to himself as he continued, rolling the pinecones slowly in his hands then against one another. He then picked up a few of the countless leaves AJ had scavenged from him. These were drier and produced a hollow sound as James tapped upon them. He alternated between tapping and running his fingerpads along the leaves’ surface.
As he did, the memories of that day reached the surface of his mind. AJ had been so excited that day, running ahead of them on the trail despite Clementine’s warnings to stay nearby. He’d simply been too excited to remember to keep his word though whenever his promise did reach his mind AJ would freeze and look back guiltily. On the times when he didn’t remember, Clementine would have to barrel ahead to catch up with him, leaving James and Brody alone to chat. Brody would sometimes pause to grab a flower or other plant to press when she got home. She and James also kept their eyes open for interesting leaves that Clementine could use for leaf rubbing though AJ by far gave her the most finds.
Finally, James drew back. Setting aside the pinecones and leaves, he brought out Groggy once more. As his fingers tattooed a calming rhythm upon the little frog, James smiled warmly at his audience. “Thank you for staying with me tonight and hearing my stories. I hope you all sleep well and have a beautiful day tomorrow. Till next time, like, share and subscribe and I’ll see you next time for Tranquilitime,” With that James ended the recording. Cleaning up his workspace first, James then settled in to get the video uploaded. It was a bit of a process but one he was familiar with.
While the video uploaded, James poured another cup of Evening Breeze for himself and took a thoughtful sip. The tea had a clarity to it, a freshness that reminded him of being by the lake. He’d have to pick up some more next time he dropped by the teashop. He hoped the promotion was going well for Sarita. He’d only recently gotten his channel big enough to merit sponsorship and he’d wanted to start with a brand he trusted. Perhaps if this went well he could reach out to Tripp as well and promote his sweet shop.
His phone lit up and James glanced over to check the notification. It was a text from Louis. Hey hey! Just checking if we’re still on for this Saturday.
James set down his tea and texted back. Wouldn’t miss it. A few weeks ago on a visit to Ericson’s Diner when Louis had dropped by the table to strike up a conversation with James and Jesse, he and James had somehow gotten onto a tangent about Tokyo Ghoul. Louis had been wanting to watch it but was a self-professed wimp when it came to anything horror so he’d asked if James could be his watching buddy. Since then they’d VCed on Discord each Saturday afternoon to watch another episode. Louis had been loving the series so far though there had been several moments that had made him scream and James had enjoyed revisiting the series. Maybe if Louis had the patience for it James could suggest they buddy read some of the manga together next.
With some time left to kill while he waited for the upload to finish, James opened up a new tab to peruse Picrew. Maybe he’d make another chibi version of Jesse. His boyfriend was easy to make in most Picrews with his dark eyes and long, black hair. Finding a picrew he liked, James settled in to look through the different options. He hoped Jesse never stumbled across the Picrew folder on his computer. Though he’d sent Jesse a few that he’d made, the sheer amount of picrews of his boyfriend James had saved to his computer was downright embarrassing.
Finally the upload was complete. Powering down his computer for the night, James set it aside and headed over to his bed. He immediately faceplanted upon it before rolling up in the covers and letting out a content sigh. His phone lit up again – another message. James checked it and found it was a notification from Prisha this time. She’d finished her turn in Scrabble Go and now it was his. Opening the app, James pondered his options. He didn’t have a great selection of letters but he could make something of them if he found the right opportunity. After a few minutes he’d made his selection.
Sending it off, James closed the app then opened his music library. His selection was habitual by now. Nature sounds filled the room: the gentle rush of wind, the subtle flow of water and the faint call of birds as the grass rustled gently. James set his phone upon its charging pad and reached up to turn off the light. As he closed his eyes, he could almost picture that he was there on the walk with Jesse once more. Everything was calm, peaceful. Serene. A faint smile stayed on James’ lips as he started to drift off to sleep, walking once more in his dreams.
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dogfatherpads · 4 years
Love through the Seasons! (Sirius Black)
Hello again everybody! I cant explain where this idea came from. This will be a four part “series” if you want to call it that. A “chapter” for each season. Enjoy. 
for Ellie @marauderskeeper
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It was easy to love Sirius in the Summer.
In the summer, his hair lightened from being out in the sun all day
Tinkering with the bike again because “It’s going to fly this time, I just know it.”
He hated the freckles that came with the sun and splattered across his shoulders and nose until one night when you tried to kiss every single one of them as he giggled and whined that it tickled 
You lost count after 352
Sirius wasn’t a very great cook but in the summer, he loved to make fruit tarts and delighted in hearing you scream as he turned the merengue bowl over your head
“If the peaks are stiff and I’ve done it correctly, I can put the bowl over your head and why are you hitting me it’s still in the bowl!!”
He’d take you for rides on his motorcycle to relieve the heat
the speed at which he flew down the highways was always exhilarating 
you liked to rest your head on his shoulder with your eyes closed as the wind whistled in your ear and blew the scent of his lavender shampoo across your face
“let’s floo to Italy instead,” he’d say when you suggested going out for ice cream. “I don’t like soft serve and the best gelato is served in Italy. We’re going get your shoes.”
You find him sitting in the kitchen by the window at 3 in the morning and stop yourself from speaking when you notice his eyes are closed, the breeze blowing his hair across his face and tickling his nose.
You stand frozen, almost entranced as the beads of sweat drip languidly down his chest 
“‘s not polite to stare,” he’d murmur 
“You weren’t in bed..”
“Too hot, the sheets are too warm. Im sorry I left you there alone, come and join me,” he’d hold out a hand towards you, opening a single eye when you hesitated.
“I have an idea.” 
It was only seconds before you had the mattress laying in front of the open french doors in the living room, a spell cast to keep the bugs and other intruders out
“You’re brilliant,” he’d sigh with a contented smile as the breeze fluttered in
He’d risen an eyebrow when you hesitated once again to join him, then smiled softly when you pulled your night gown over your head
you’d wake up in the morning wrapped around him, the morning breeze making you shiver 
“Cold?” he’d mumble sleepily, rubbing his hands up and down your arms to keep you warm
“Only a little.”
“I’ll warm you right up,” he’d chuckle at your squeal as he rolled over and onto you.
Sirius sang in the shower
This wasn’t any thing new, but in the summer, the songs were much happier 
Here comes the Sun, I think we’re alone now, Dancing Queen, and
“Stevie Wonder?” you wrapped your arms around him from behind, pressing your lips to his shoulder.
“It’s a love song,” he’d turn in your arms and smile sheepishly. “Lily was listening to him all day yesterday. Got him stuck in my head so she lent me her... radiator?”
“Radio, Sirius,” you’d giggle and he’d roll his eyes, beginning to lather soap into your hair 
“This one’s my favorite, listen.”
You’d rest your head on his chest, listening to him hum along with Stevie wonder as his fingers massaged your scalp
“You are the sunshine of my life, that’s why I’ll always stay around,” he’d sing softly, “you are the apple of my eye, forever you’ll stay in my heart.”
And then he’d giggle and you’d smack him when you’d realize he’d been lathering your hair into a mohawk the whole time
“the king of romance obviously.”
His lips would taste of Lily’s mint lemonade in the afternoon after brunch with the Potters
“I can’t believe Lily’s so big already, Harry will be here in no time,” he’d mumble against your lips, his fingers playing at the hem of your blouse. “Perhaps we should make him someone to play with.”
Many days were spent at the Potter’s and at the lake near their home
He’d teach you how to skip rocks and grin when you rolled your eyes as he moved in behind you, much closer than necessary
“Just trying to show you the proper technique and posture love!” he’d put on the most innocent expression 
He and James would argue over the rope they’d tie to swing off of and into the lake
“that’s much too high”
“Don’t be a chicken Prongs!”
“Im not a chicken Im a father!”
“He’s a chicken!” Lily would yell back causing Sirius to snort and James to clip him in the back of the head
Lily would cheer you on from the shore as you wrestled James from atop of Sirius’ shoulders
“How could I not win with my wife cheering me on, you should give up now!” James would shout, already wobbly on Remus’ shoulders
“I was talking about y/n. Kick his ass!!” Lily would yell
“Could you weigh any more Prongs?!”
Sirius would pout when you’d laugh at the tan lines as he removed his shorts before a shower one evening after being at the lake with the boys all day
“My ass is not pale. Stop laughing!!”
It was endearing to watch him in the kitchen with Lily
“Have you also put on a few pounds since these two started their baking phase?” you’d rest your head on James’ shoulder as you two watched them from the couch
“I knew my waist line was in trouble the second I said I do. I already put on the happy husband weight!” he’d complain
“PUT YOUR HEAD ON MY SHOULDER!!” he and Lily would shout as they slow danced in front of the stove 
“Your singing is as bad as your dancing,” James would laugh
“Shut up Prongs, at least I don’t step on her feet!”
“Exactly,” Lily would laugh with him as they continued around the kitchen
The nights of the full moon were always difficult
Remus always came down to the Potter’s smiling ruefully
“Prongs you don’t have to do this. You’re gonna be a dad now.”
“I can handle Moony on my own Prongs!” Sirius would chime in, smiling brightly. Always stupidly brave
you had to bite your tongue, it was dangerous when it was all four of them but Sirius alone?
You’d never resent Remus for needing the company, but it worried you to think of Sirius out there alone
“Don’t be stupid you two, I’m coming,” James would shake his head and you’d sigh selfishly in relief, “you think I’d let you have all the fun without me?”
Sirius would turn to you before leaving 
“I’ll be safe, I promise.”
“I know, I just can’t help but worry..”
“Hey, I come back to you every time, don’t I?” He’d tilt your chin and give you a small smile
“Yes, Remus needs you now. So go,” you’d put on your best grin and he’d brush his fingers softly across your face
“I love you.” And then he was gone.
You and Lily spent most of those nights awake together, brewing wolfsbane for Remus as she’d read somewhere that it would make the wolf calmer
 but it was harder for her now 
she’d sleep with her head in your lap as you absentmindedly braided her hair
“You should sleep,” she’d mumble late into the night, “he’s gonna come home bruised and so is Remus. They’ll need us alert in the morning to clean them up.”
You’d doze off eventually, praying to whatever higher power existed that those boys got home safely
“babe?” your eyes would snap open, focusing on his grey ones
“Sirius!” you’d embrace him strongly, pulling back abruptly when he winced
“Im so sorry. Where is Remus, are you hurt?”
“Breathe for a minute love,” he’d chuckle, pressing his hands to your face.
“Remus is sleeping, nothing major, Lily already cleaned up his scrapes. Can you help with mine?”
It wasn’t as bad during the summer. No broken bones for Remus, only a few scrapes for the boys
perhaps it was the sunny days and laughs and carefree days that made the full moons easier during the summer
“Don’t move or it’ll hurt,” you’d kiss him softly when he winced at the wet cloth, “what happened here.”
“Rough housing,” he’d chuckle light heartedly and you’d wrap your arms around him tightly.
“Hey...” he’d rub your back softly, “I’m alright love. Honest. A split brow just makes me look cooler anyway.”
“It never gets easier,” you’d mumble into his neck.
“I know. But I’ll always come back to you. I promise.”
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spitefulpumpkin · 6 years
Moonshine Lake; Ch.1: Strangers
Mirror on AO3
Self-indulgent as hell AU fic about a boy meeting a fish creature and their unusual love story. Co-plotted with @jyagantz
Trigger Warnings: Homophobia, Bullying, Animal Cruelty, Drug Abuse, non-explicit Interspecies Sex Unbeta’d, mostly written on mobile!
The Junkenstein family was a small institution. In fact there used to be a whole clan attached to the name, but only three of them were left behind in the small town of Adlersbrunn. Those would be the traveling merchant Lord James Richard Junkenstein, his wife of over twenty years Camilla and finally, their God given gift, their little son James, lovingly called Jamison. The Junkensteins loved their son, as for over a decade they had tried to conceive an heir to their name and land. The more they treasured the boy, fed him well and kept him proper. And like a true mother Camilla saw only the best in Little James. "He is such a smart child. He leaned to walk so early on and he could already write his name at tender three years old." she had cooed with former servants of the household. Much to her husband's dismay, who loved their son just as much as she did but was more grounded in his world view as a former soldier to the Adlersbrunn guard. "He might be smart but he will need a proper education to put his talents to use."
After he was able to talk Jamison got home schooled. The teachers were pleased with him but everyone working in the Junkenstein household knew the boy was a force of nature. Outside of his mother's guarding eye he would climb on furniture, draw on walls with ink or steal kitchen tools to make himself armor to fight against the neighbor's German shepard as if it was a dragon. Jamison was full of energy and it drove his parents who were both already in their fourties to their knees. They confused avoiding stress with taking care of their son, secluding him from the outside world more and more. The boy grew awfully lonely, surrounded by servants and teachers, his parents growing busier with every year and his frustration over it turning the once energetic child to a timid little soul who prefered books over human company. But then, one night - Jamison was nine years old - he found his first ever friend. In the most unlikely of places.
That night Jamison snuck out of the house. It was way too easy for the boy to avoid the guarding eyes of the servants and the door in the kitchen that led to the garden was old enough for a child to unlock with a simple old spoon. He liked the garden at night time. Mother's flowers would shimmer in muted colors through the night and the herbs were let to grow wildly, filling the late spring air with the gentle scent of lavender and basil. In the far back, past the old willow tree with his swing set and the white rose bushes, was the boy's favorite spot in the garden. Framed by large bushes with evergreen needles was a white fountain, carved out of stone. It looked older than the house, even though this couldn't possibly be, as Father kept saying he bought the house with the fountain back in the day. The water stains left it looking withered and used, and Jamison really liked that. People barely went into the far back of the garden, as its fence of green shuttered it from initial sight. Sometimes the gardener came through to remove weeds, and to see if the water still ran, but that's it. Jamison liked this spot. He spent many days watching the water of the surprisingly deep fountain run and reflect in the light. He liked the noise of the water hitting the stone and the smell of wetness. This was chosen isolation, not the one forced onto him by his parents. The kind of isolation he wished he was able to share... The boy barely touched the cold stone to sit at the edge of the fountain, when a noise startled him. Something was beyond the bushes. Jamison had climbed through a hole between the needles before, he knew of the little bit of forest behind it, as its trees grew higher than the roof of his home. He inched closed and peaked through, seeing only vague shapes. The little boy took a deep, brave breath in before he dug through the bushes, scratching his hand on a twig. He couldn't ignore the noises, because he knew these noises way too well: Crying...
The crying became louder the more the forest went down a little steep. Jamison held on to the trees as to not stumble over the roots poking from the ground as he made his way down. He saw water running. That's right, there was a river running through this forest. Maybe this was where the fountain got its water from. Once by the water Jamison looked around, trying to locate the crying. He followed the stream downward, until he was close enough to make out a bundle laying on the ground near the water. The boy gasped. At first he thought it might be an otter or another animal, but it was way too big for that. With green-blue scales shimmering in the moonlight, Jamison saw what looked like a little boy with large blue fins on his neck sit near the water, crying his eyes out. Jamison tried to close his mouth from the awe. He had never seen a creature like this before. Curiously he came closer. The fish boy had no hair and his scales looked weirdly dull. Maybe he was covered in mud, Jamison could barely tell through the darkness. He also noticed that little tail that reminded him of a frog's tadpole tail. And then he saw the blood. The side of the boy's leg was scratched open, as if he cut himself on a stone. "Oh no." Jamison spoke up and regretted it, because the fish boy spun around, his enormous dark eyes staring at Jamison before snarling and hissing, showing an impressive set of teeth. The boy raised his hands. "No, no, no, please don't be scared!" The fish child twitched, his face turning to a confused one. Jamison swallowed his own spit. This wasn't what he had expected would ever happen to him. This was...exciting. Slowly he lowered his hands and inched towards the scaled boy. The cut didn't look deep but it was dirty and probably still hurt a lot, given that the fish was still weeping, his almost black dark green eyes shimmering from tears. Jamison went on his knees. "Come. I carry you." The fish boy shook his head as Jamison tried to touch him to pick the smaller child up. So he did understand him. "You sure you can stand? It looks bad." Jamison returned but the fish child, somehow managed to get onto his one, very shaky leg. "I'm....warrior..." came out in heavy voice, even for a kid. His tongue wasn't used to so much strain. Jamison got up again and hopped over to give his unusual find support. "There's a fountain in our garden. We can wash your leg in it." The fish wanted to protest. He obviously didn't like getting help forced onto him, but he barely had a choice. Jamison was sure, if an adult had found him the poor fella would be tossed into a circus, or worse, end as someone's dinner.
The way up was a struggle, mostly due to the fish's limited mobility and Jamison's lack of fitness. Still, they got up, even when it meant Jamison's pants would be stained with mud and grass. No one will never know though if he hid them lower in the laundry pile. Once through the bushes Jamison helped the fish sit down at the rim off the fountain. "Here you go. You can clean your legs in the water." He pulled out a handkerchief from his back pocket, that was big enough to wrap twice around his head. "Then I cover it up with this." The fish boy hummed and while he did turn to bath his feet in the fountain he didn't clean out the wound. He just moved his feet around in the water. Jamison removed his large glasses for a moment, wiping them clean on his shirt. "You, uh...who are you?" The question came out sheepishly. The naivety of a child can be strong, every when faced with what others would call a monster. The fish boy glanced up, the sad features slowly soften as his hand reached to his wrist, a little bracelet made of seashells hanging on it. "Ahm...I am..." Curiously Jamison climbed next to the boy, undoing his muddy shoes. "You look like a fish." he commented. The big, translucent fins of the boy flailed up. "I am no simple fish! I am a warrior! My flock is the best along the Cold Shores!" "Sssshhh!" Jamison leaned in with his finger against his lips. "My parents are asleep..." The no-simple-fish boy held his mouth shut with both hands. A glance over the hedge, praying no lights were on. The darkness was a relief. Slowly the blond boy rolled up the legs of his pyjamas to slowly sink his feet into the cold water. "Okay. Warrior. Got it. But...do you have, like, a name?" "Everyone has a name." came as a reply, as if Jamison's question was the most well known thing in the world. The blond boy giggled a little. "Sure, but what is your name? Here, I'll tell you mine, too, if you tell me yours." He reached out his hand. "I'm James Junkenstein." With big eyes the scaled boy looked at the hand in confusion. He poked Jamison's palm with one of his cool fingers, causing the boy to twitch back and giggle. "Hey! That tickles." Fins flailed up again and something akin to a laugh bubbled up from the fish boy. He then raised his hand to pat his own shoulder twice. "Akande." Jamison rubbed his palm before he started to smile. Was that a greeting? He mirrored the motion, knocking with a flat hand again his left shoulder and the boy's eyes started to gleam.
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moonymuses · 2 years
could we live in this tangled mess forever?
gender neutral oc, desperately in love regulus (and secretly reader too). regulus doesn't know how to express his emotions properly so he does his best to hint at it but it doesn't really work (this poor dude).
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if your blood is my blood, i will course.
if your love is my love, i want more.
“I’m scared of getting older.” Regulus’ words were spoken quickly, as if it would protect what he spoke. A hint of desperation rested inside of his eyes, his hands holding his fragile heart, hoping they would take it.
"Everyone is, Regulus."
The words stung. He wished they didn’t, but they nearly knocked him over. They didn’t notice, didn’t want to.
He nods, looking down to the book in front of him. For a moment there, he had entirely forgotten they were in the library studying for OWLs.
James approached the table, sitting down and pulling out his book with a wave and a small smile accompanying as greeting to the two. Regulus returned the wave, and the trio went back to their books.
The sound of quill nibs scratching the surface of parchment and tattooing them with black ink occupied the library, echoing off the walls and mixing with the clicking and clacking of peoples' uniform shoes.
Regulus was anxious.
His fingers tapped against his quill as he tried to think of the next words for his essay, but all he could think about was how good they looked while their bangs fell over their eyes and they rubbed at their eyes. They had been up all night again, he could tell.
It was warm out by the Black Lake, save for the breeze drifting off the waters and the light breeze that would sweep past, rustling Regulus' hair like an old friend.
He found a suitable rock and sat down, pulling his book out of his pocket and getting comfortable. Every once and a while, he'd hear the Whomping Willow shiver, it's dry branches creaking against the quiet sounds of nature. Water lapped against the shore, almost calling his name. If it weren't for the ruthless sirens below surface, he most likely would have joined the cool lake.
"Regulus?" Stevie's voice brushed against his ear, drifting over in the breeze and settling next to him. He looked up, finding their proximity to be quite close. "Hm?" he hummed; Stevie pulled their cardigan closer around their body, looking out to the Black Lake as they thought.
"Nothing, I forgot."
The hospital wing was empty aside from Madame Pomfrey and Stevie. The only sound bouncing off the walls was the two's ocnversation, and the doors being thrown open and quick footsteps.
Regulus marched right over to their bed, looking down at them as Madame Pomfrey continued cleaning the scrapes they got from quidditch practice. "Stevie, can I ask you something?"
"Uhh, sure?"
"Are you in love with me?"
Stevie choked on their spit.
Madam Pomfrey snorts, picking up the dirtied cotton swabs and walking out of the hospital wing with the excuse of visiting Minerva.
Stevie struggled for words, still looking at him, like if they looked away he'd disappear and Madame Pomfrey would replace him, this whole confrontation a dream. "Pardon?"
"Are you in love with me?"
"Um.. why do you ask?"
"Why does that matter?"
"Well- ...I don't know actually."
Regulus sighed, visibly frustrated as he sat in the chair that Madame Pomfrey was in. He picked up the roll of gauze, beginning to wrap their scrapes.
"Why don't you ever just use spells to heal these?"
Stevie shrugged, "They make my skin itch really bad. Like- I've itched them so hard to the point that they bleed, before. Madame Pomfrey decided it best that we just let them heal naturally. The ointments she uses still have magical qualities that speed up healing, though."
Regulus nods, tearing the end of the gauze off the roll to secure it. He tucked a strand of hair behind his ear, but it just fell forward again. He decided to ignore it. His eyes were locked on Stevie's, trying to figure out what to do next.
"Well. I'm gonna go." he stood so quickly that the chair nearly tipped over, but he ignored that too. All he could think about was don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, because he just told his best friend and most likely love of his life that he loves them.
What the fuck was he thinking?
His head was pounding and his heart was racing faster than his feet as he raced up to the astronomy tower, still trying to fight off the tears.
Regulus hates crying.
Regulus had been laying in his bed all day. The sun had long since set when he finally looked up from beneath his blankets. He'd missed dinner — and lunch — but it was fine. He wasn't hungry. He didn't want to see anyone, and he didn't want to see Stevie.
Stevie had gone to dinner (and lunch). They noticed his lack of presence immediately, and it threw them off. They sat with the Marauders, as usual, but despite their usual constant chaos, they stared blankly at their plate and zoned out. Regulus wasn't mad at them, right?
It was still warm out. Only the second week of July as the students of the castle were either wandering about or in their dorms packing. It was strangely quiet.
Regulus had only picked at some oatmeal this morning, but his stomach was burning with excitement upon his plan to ask Stevie to join him on a walk. He figured that maybe if they did that, he could find a chance to slip in the good old "I love you. I have for years. Please love me back, you're all that's keeping me sane." (yet simultaneously driving me to insanity).
James Potter was tired of this bullshit. For the past month he'd watched the two dance around each other. He knew what Regulus had asked in the Hospital Wing (that bloody idiot) and had told him that he was fucking stupid for saying it. He had approached Regulus upon seeing him in the Great Hall and smacked him on the back of the head, whisper-yelling quite the jumble of words:
"Haven't gotten the chance. And everything is great now! Why can't it wait till next year?"
James looked at him as though he had either said the most stupid or the most underwhelming thing ever. "Are you fucking serious?"
"Yes?" Regulus looked scared.
"Sirius told me you said that last year."
"Of course he did." he turned to his bowl of oatmeal, sighing defeatedly.
"Please, Reg. Just tell them." he pat him gently on the shoulder before standing up and joining the Marauders.
"It's nice out." Stevie spoke, looking up to the cloud-freckled sky.
"Yeah." Regulus thought for a moment, and then took a deep breath. "Stevie?"
"Yeah, Reg?"
"That rock is shaped like a heart."
"Um...sure." they laughed — the rock looked much more like very saggy tits than a heart.
Stevie and Regulus had just found an empty compartment and started spreading their things on the seats so that no one else would join them.
"Do you think that-"
"I'm in love with you. And I always have been. And I think this is really fucking stupid that I'm telling you on the fucking train and not somewhere more special but I couldn't tell you before and I think if you hate me now I might just go throw myself off the train."
"Oh? Oh Merlin- I knew I shouldn't have listened to James. Fucking hell, oh gods. I'm gonna go find the sweets trolley."
He rushed off faster than he had ever run from Mcgonagall in the hallways, mentally punching himself and tripping over air a few times. And there was James fucking Fleamont Potter. Great.
You could see the question settle behind his eyes, even through those huge ass glasses. "Did you tell them?"
"No, James. Well- yes, actually."
"What'd they say?"
Remus sighed as Sirius held out his hand to him, smirking smugly, "Pay up, fucker." Regulus' brows furrowed at the interaction, but he decided to ignore it.
"That's what I said. But I rushed off before they could elaborate or tell me to fuck off or that they actually hate me-"
"Regulus, can I talk to- oh. Hi, James."
Remus and Sirius poked out from behind him, waving to the subject of the past month.
"And Sirius and Remus.. Um.. Regulus could I just-"
"Stevie, I'm so sorry that I said that and it was honestly all James' fault, I mean he's the one who-"
"Yeah?" his voice came out squeaky, causing his reddened cheeks to deepen in color.
"I was going to say that I actually-"
"Anything from the trolley, dears?"
"Oo, me! Could I have a box of Bertie Bott's, and a handful of licorice wands?" Sirius had money in his hand, and James was looking about the cart. Remus was already holding a chocolate frog — most likely he had asked quietly when no one was looking.
When they were done, they all squished against the wall so the trolley witch could get by. Stevie leaned towards Regulus, whispering, "I feel the same."
"'Oh'?" they were grinning, and Sirius broke into cheers and a very idiotic dance. "PAY UP AGAIN, REMU."
Remus groaned, "Fuck you."
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chelswriting · 7 years
Pranking for Love
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Pairing: Sirius Black x Hufflepuff!Reader
Words: 1,458
Forever Tag List: @missmotherhen
Request: Hello! The potion partners really needs a second part! I love it! I wanna request an imagine with Sirius Black (i hope you don't mind) with a Hufflepuff reader and the reader has a crush on Sirius but hide it pretty well, + she's fun and all but has good grades, and they end together... idk how sorry... if you're inspired by this request, don't do it, i don't mind  have a good day! - @nvmmendes
Author’s Note: Thanks for requesting this and the potions partners part 2! I hope you like this! 
"Evans! Y/L/N!" I heard a voice called from behind me. Lily and I had linked arms on our way to the lake, but it seems like our plans to study we're going to be interrupted. We turned our heads to see James, Sirius, Remus following us with Peter trailing behind them. 
James cupped his mouth and called for us again. I sighed, "Lily, your boyfriend is stalking us now."
Lily giggled, "At least it’s not creepy since James is my boyfriend"
We stopped. I could see the edge of the lake a few feet away and knew it was going to take a miracle for it just to be Lily and me down there. When the boys finally reached us, James wrapped his arms around Lily and kissed her cheek. 
Sirius and I grimaced. "Keep it G," I said. 
"What are you birds doing outside anyway?" Sirius asked. "It's hotter than Merlin’s beard out here."
"Exactly," I pointed out. "And since it's so hot, everyone has crowded into the library to study for their NEWTS."
"So, you and Lily came outside to study?" Peter asked, wrinkling his nose. "Gross."
"It'll be cooler down by the lake then packed inside the school with everyone else," Lily said. "Plus, we could have a cheeky swim if we get too over heated."
"Do you mind if me and the boys join?" James asked.
"If you all shut your mouths so I can study," I said. I turned back around and headed towards to water. Dropping my bag by the water, I stripped off my vest and tie, leaving me in my Hufflepuff shirt and skirt. Crunching grass filled the air as Remus and Peter walked after me.
“That’s going to be a lot harder said than done for James and Sirius,” Remus said. “I’ll join in with your studying if you don’t mind.”
“C’mon now!” Sirius called, “it’s the end of the year, study time is over!”
I rolled my eyes at Sirius. “Of course, you can join in Moony,” I told him, “and Sirius, it wouldn’t hurt for you to start studying for NEWTS. They are nasty.”
“I can handle it,” Sirius said, flexing his biceps.
Remus and I piled up underneath a tree that was shading a small area of the edge of the lake. Lily and James sat close to us but were leaning up on each other. “Black, it would be your best interest to just sit your ass down and start studying,” I pointed out.
Sirius rolled his eyes. “Listen, Y/N, you’re at the top of the class along with Moony and Lily, of course, you would tell us bottom feeders to study.”
“Don’t you want to pass the NEWTS and do something with yourself?” I asked him.
Sirius shrugged and turned his attention to Peter.
A few hours later, the temperature was unbearable. I think even the books were sweating as much as me. Lily dragged me out into the water with the boys. Remus and Peter were splashing each other and everyone else, Lily still had a hold of me, and James and Sirius were wading deep in the water with their pant legs pulled up.
“I don’t like being in the water with them,” I told my best friend.
Lily chuckled, “I know. They’re going to do something and I’m going to have to kill James.”
“Hey, Lils,” James hollered. “I think I found a baby grindylow!”
“Coming!” Lily called back. “Do you want to see?”
“Nah, I don’t want my skirt to get wet,” I said. My skirt was already hiked up so far, but going that deep into the water would cause me holding it around my waist and I wasn’t going to do that in front of all the boys. Especially Sirius.
Lily nodded and took off to see the animal that her boyfriend had found. Lily and James were so cute together, sometimes I wish that Sirius and I would end up like that, but I knew that would never happen. I have had the biggest crush on him since fifth year, and now it was getting close to the end of our seventh and last year at Hogwarts. And I doubt that Sirius Black would fall for me.
Speaking of Sirius Black, I didn’t see him anywhere near James anymore. Or over by Peter and Remus. I started to turn around when I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders and then the cold lake water surrounding me.
I felt more hands grab me and pull me out of the lake’s cold embrace. I sputtered the nasty water out of my mouth before coughing some up, almost throwing up. “Holy shit, Sirius, what’s wrong with you?” Lily questioned him.
I rubbed water out of my eyes to see Sirius Black doubled over laughing. I pulled myself out of Lily’s grip and pushed Sirius down in the water. “You jerk!” I yelled at him.
Sirius started laughing again, “Aw, C’mon, Y/L/N, it was just a prank.”
“That’s not a prank, Sirius, that’s just cruel,” I said. “I’m going back inside. I’ll see you all later.”
“Y/N! It was a joke!” Sirius yelled from behind me. I stormed as fast I as could out of the lake and to my things. I rung water out of my skirt, shoved everything back into my bag, and turned around.
“Fuck off, Sirius!”
I turned back around with tears forming in my eyes.
Sirius Black’s Point of View
“Sirius Black, get your ass up and go apologize,” Lily told me.
I was still sitting in the lake laughing at my little joke towards Y/N. “Sirius, act like a human for once in your life,” Moony said.
“It was just a joke,” I said, standing up.
“You hurt Y/N’s feelings,” Lily said.
“Sirius, just go say sorry,” James said.
“Merlin’s beard,” I muttered, making my way to the shore. “You all don’t give up do you.”
“And really apologize, Sirius!” Remus called.
I waved them off and headed to find Y/N. I made it up the hill towards the school when I saw Sprout talking to Y/N by the greenhouse. She led Y/N inside before going to the school. I rushed to the greenhouse and tiptoed inside.
Y/N was in the back, sitting on one of the tables. Her hands were plastered over her eyes and her body was shaking. “Y/N…?”
Y/N shot her head up and glared at me. I could see how red and angry her eyes were along with the tears rolling down her cheeks. “Get away from me, Sirius,” she hissed.
I put my hands up. “Whoa, Y/N, I just came here to apologize.”
“I don’t want to hear it,” she sniffed. “Just leave me alone.”
“Y/N, it was just a little prank,” I said, getting closer. “That’s it. It was funny.”
“No, it wasn’t, Sirius. I smell like the lake. My clothes are ruined and I can’t walk into the school like this so Professor Sprout is getting me some clean clothes from my dorm. It’s wasn’t funny. It was a jerk move.”
“I’m sorry,” I muttered, now standing in front of her. “I never meant to hurt you.”
“Sirius, you mean a lot to me, so being the butt of a prank isn’t okay,” she said.
I gave her a confused look. “I mean a lot to you?” I asked her.
Y/N smiled softly, “Yeah, you do. You have for a while.”
“But it’s fine because you wouldn’t feel the same way about me,” she mumbled, looking away.
My eyes widen as I heard Y/N say that. “What…?”
“I like you, Sirius,” Y/N said, locking her eyes with mine. “That’s why I’m crying in the greenhouse; my crush is a bit of a jerk.”
“I’m a reject of my family, why would you like me?” I asked her.
“Sirius, I like you because you're smart, hilarious, and super cute. You’re also very nice to me and most of the time you don’t act like you have a broom stuck up your ass. And being the reject of a family isn’t all that bad,” Y/N said. “My family is mostly Ravenclaws and to the day and I’m still ridiculed for being a Hufflepuff. But I don’t listen to them.”
I placed my hands on either side of Y/N’s legs, “I like that you’re a Hufflepuff,” I whispered to her. “You’re also super cute and smart and hilarious.”
“Really?” Y/N asked me, a blush fanning across her cheeks.
“Really,” I breathed out. “I’ve been hiding it for a long time because I thought you wouldn’t want to be with me.”
“Same here,” Y/N whispered. She looped her arms around my neck and pulled me down for a kiss.
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drgoddamndmt · 7 years
new project
THE BACARDI FIVE-HUNDRED by TWP Outline CH 1: Tuesday Night; Chilling w/ the girls & some strange news. A frantic & fulfilling Race Home. CH 2: Thursday Night; Race to score liquor & drugs before pre-game ritual: Bonfire w/ friends. CH 3: Awkward Arrival of a Shorthaired White Girl; Painful dining experience @ Steak n’ Shake in the early AM. Then Home for final preparations. Yakira’s neediness preyed upon… Pack my bags & sleep on the couch… CH 4: Friday Morning Race to Bank & Store after waking up late; Get cleaned up & load the car. Smoke a bowl, have a shot, then hit the road, onto FL-417 North. CH 5: Party On the Road; Maps out, music blasting, blunts, & Bacardi from the canteen. Zach & I each eat one Adderall and two mushroom caps. Good times. Finally enter Daytona. Arrive early @ La Quinta Inn & now we wait. 21st Century Fox is fashionably late & every one wonders what James is doing here… CH 6: Check In & the Nightmare of Parking; Off on foot for quiet, awkward lunch. Weird scenes on the Boardwalk: Doomsday Preachers, hobo street performers, witches. @ Ocean Deck Bar & Grill, some bad vibes, & an acoustic revival. Then back to Hotel. CH 7: Git’ Down; Rolling blunts & mixing drinks, rushing off to ICE machine. Out on balcony, Race to catch the buzz before dusk. Down to pool & hot tub. Swirling whirlpool foursome in Jacuzzi. “Dead Cats, Dead Rats!” Josh takes Meghan to bed. Jackson, James, & Yakira help make sure she’s okay. Me & Zach stay downstairs. What now? Cocaine… CH 8: Neon & Noise; the remaining five of us roam on foot down Main St and Boardwalk theme park district. Go Karts. We race around, but not for very long. Me & Jackson eat some shrooms. Tilt-a-Whirl, then Sling-Shot, & finally photo booth. Singing drinking songs walking back. Waiting @ Domino’s for James’ food, me & her finally get to talk. Having a good time, glad you’re here. Back @ Hotel, more blunts on balcony before Ocelot wants food, TV & sleep. Jackson abides (?!?!?!) & now all beds are occupied. Still wired, what comes next..? CH 9: Night Alive; A messy exit, across street & down block to Yakira’s Corolla. Knew Jackson would snoop thru my bags, so I snuck out drugs & her present. @ Waffle House for another painful dining experience, and some horrible music. Paranoia, angst & hijacking the juke-box. Bad vibes. Madly laughing, “sympathy for the rooster…” Escape. CH 10: Race back to Hotel; Collect liquor & towels. Down to beach. Tequila, & The Black Angels on the dark shore. We split up… Naked run into ocean, cold swim. See something and return, witch going thru my belongings. She says hi. I say hi. In the distance, hear familiar voices & see lights of security carts. The witch was gone. Nervously dressed. Zach & Yakira return. Race back to Hotel… CH 11: Drunk Nostalgia on the Balcony; Three of us reflect on how much we’ve grown up & changed. Talk about the drugs we’ve done, the ones we haven’t & the ones we want to try. Eventually discuss sleeping arrangements & call it a night. Alone on the balcony, I reflect heavily on my journey w/ Jackson & what the future might hold. Heavy thoughts on a heavy night. Hear a party next door or downstairs but don’t care. Lay down w/ pillow & blanket, listening to laughter & sea birds… CH 12: Dreamlike Witch Encounter; Strange girl from beach woke me & invited me to party next door. Inside, there were 100 Corona bottles & a pound of ditch weed. Three other dudes, & the Witch. Balcony, shrooms, coke, weed, beer. Then we find ourselves talking about fulfilling our dreams, & the witch starts asking how willing/ determined we are… She started making strange promises in return for drugs & booze. I never gave her anything. Before dawn, I went over the rails & returned to my own balcony & slept. CH 13: Jackson’s Laughter Woke Me; Stood & saw her in hot tub, pale luscious & GD sexy… I saw James tho & calmed down. “Good morning, Crazy!” She laughed. Changed, grabbed stogies, and joined them. Got to sit alone w/ her half naked in day light hot tub. Shortly followed by Meghan & josh, only 2 minutes alone. I see the dudes from last night staring @ us from their balcony. They wave. I ignore. We all go upstairs to pack. Jackson tells me to clean up balcony, & trash talks. We stare each other down & watch each other’s hearts break. Alone, the dudes ask me what’s up w/ Jackson, & can they get w/ her. Dude, No. She’s my ex, & that’s her baby daddy. Leave her alone. Move cars, load up. Missing gift & key- card scene, was it the witch? EJ tells me don’t worry. Drive confusedly back to boardwalk theme park area. Get turnt & go out… CH 14: Johnny Rock n Roll’s Gift Shop on Main St; lots of amazing sights, beach stuff, Woodstock & Grateful Dead memorabilia. Biker chic, stoner chic, Veteran, Hippie, beatnik chic… Onto Boot Hill Cemetery, & a bad time taking photos, Jackson & James always bickering. Browse thru more gift shops, & I realize James is only here to buy Jackson anything she wants… CH 15: Boardwalk Gauntlet; Sling-shot, liquor, blunt roaches, & tilt a whirl. Philosophies of adrenaline junkies. Split up for taffies, Frisbees, kites & beer. Regroup on beach for full contact free throw Frisbee. Down to the ocean for a quick swim, & a tender moment w/ my woman. After her kite won’t fly, Meghan hears about the go kart track near by, & wants to check it out. CH 16: The Bacardi 500; We bribed some workers @ the track to let us all Race together. It would be three rounds, of five laps each. It was a brutal, unforgiving trial to weed out the worst drivers, & we were all drunk and stoned. Nearly an hour of high speed curving & passing, shit talking screaming, shouting, singing. Hearing anthems like L.A. Woman & Going the Distance in my head… There was no clear winner & the techs had no idea, so it was highly debated, but in the end, I didn’t care. CH 17: Last Look @ the Deep Blue Sea; Another round of drinks, Frisbee, & swimming before the rain clouds form. I finally tell her happy birthday. We head back to the cars… It was time to go. Jackson & her band had more places to stop & things to do before returning to Lake County. The three of us had to get back to Orlando while we still could… We said our good byes & hit the road. We followed her at first, until FL-400, then onto I-4, and finally, FL-417… CH 18: The Stormy Road Home; Still drinking & smoking, Yakira plays some music & suddenly they are venting, talking mad shit about Jackson, her attitude, the way she made everything a downer. I stood up for her but they chewed me out. Heavy music to cope w/ heavy thoughts. Silent breakdown. Finally Zach changes music & everything is better temporarily. We Race Home @ great time, less that an hour. But bad vibes soon return. Arguing & fighting upon return. CH 19: Angry Night Home; I brood & dwell on negative thoughts while Zach & Yakira waste all the hot water. Found the lost q in the backyard & salvaged it. Zach maintained his shitty mood & had to leave for work. Yakira & I went to the gas station & got more beer & cigarettes. Got turnt & made dinner @ the house. Ma came home, & Yakira talked her ear off. Eventually her & I crashed in the living room watching TV & I fell asleep. After two AM Zach came home. They woke me up giggling in the shower & I didn’t go easily back to sleep. CH 20: Sunday, February 19th, Jackson’s 21st Birthday; More ugly bickering w/ Zach. Both of us dope sick, he talks major shit & I break a glass pipe. He threatens to slug me. I punch myself & get a bloody black eye. He leaves w/ Jason to score more weed. Yakira asks if I’m okay, then leaves. Jackson never comes & alone @ the house I reflect heavily on the trip & her scornful words on the balcony. I decide to clean up. Then chill & drink w/ Jorge from work. CH 21: Strange Days; Jackson finally comes on Monday. I take her to get ice cream, then gift her card & an eighth. We talk. Neither of us seem very happy… Don’t hear from her for several days. Back @ the Hardware Store the owners are losing their grip w/ sanity, but I get closer w/ Jordan & Rachael & Shannon. Continue chilling w/ Jorge, Yakira & Yesse P. The next times I hear from Jackson is to buy weed & rush home. Sometimes she brings James, or somebody else… After I angrily speak my mind about it, she stops responding to my calls, texts, or snaps… Temporarily concluded that she hates me & it’s time for me to really move on & let her go. Have the epiphany that happiness comes not from others, but from within myself. EPILOGUE: The Uncertain Future; About a week later, Yakira wanted me & Zach to join her at the fair. We agreed. She came to the house & we chilled. Then she revealed Jackson was coming too. We went in two separate cars & the two of us talked everything out & felt much better. Ate some shrooms @ the carnival & staggered thru the fun house & rode all the attractions. Yakira & Zach got sick after all intense whiplash from the rides. They sat it out while me & Jackson shared a close moment on an incredibly dangerous ride. After everything was over, we had to part ways & go home. She had school & her child. I had work & hustling bags. But as we parted, we did knowing we’d always have each other there, as long as I stayed careful not to fuck it up…
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