#James Wilby and a baby
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oscarwetnwilde · 2 years ago
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I found my favorite images from Howards End.
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taletheoldcrowtold · 9 months ago
Pride 2024 - Day 27
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Movie: Maurice
Made in: 1987 – Set in: 1909 – 1913
Starring: James Wilby, Hugh Grant, Rupert Graves, Ben Kingsley, Mark Tandy, Denholm Elliott, Helena Michell, Billie Whitelaw, Judy Parfitt, Phoebe Nicholls
Rated R for: brief language, nudity (buns and willy)
Based on the book by E.M. Forster, it follows Maurice Hall as he enters Cambridge and befriends fellow student, Clive Durham. Their friendship soon blooms into love, but the scrutiny against homosexuality keeps the two from going too far in their relationship. After the arrest of a fellow student for homosexuality, Clive ends their romance and marries a young girl named Anne while still trying to keep a friendship with Maurice.
It’s a character driven romantic drama that shows the hardships of being homosexual during the early 1900s and showcases two types of people: one who values happiness and love over reputation and security and the other who is willing to ignore his true self to keep his place in society.
Spoilers under Keep Reading Line
No one dies in the end and Maurice and Alec get together.
I liked this movie pretty well, even more so with Maurice and Alec getting together in the end. I half expected it to end unhappy just going by the time it is set and when it was made, but was happy to see that didn’t happen. I can understand why Clive breaks up with Maurice, as it’s really easy to lose everything if someone saw them together. But it was clear he wasn’t completely happy in his marriage with Anne but it was his choice to marry her, so I guess he just had to lay in the bed he made. Maurice didn’t seem to even really consider what would happen if they were caught as he didn’t try all that hard to hide it. I think he was a better fit for Alec and though I would have liked to see what they did with their life after getting together, I like the ending with Clive. It really shows a moment of him wondering what could have been and perhaps feeling regret that he wasn’t able to take that chance with Maurice. It was a little dickish that he invited Maurice to his wedding, though. I had only seen Rupert Graves in newer things so it was a bit of a surprise to see him so young and baby-faced XD
Mom’s Thoughts: This film could be considered a historical, since it takes place during the early twentieth century (most of it takes place around 1910-1913). At the time being a homosexual was illegal and one could be arrested, flogged and sent to prison to do hard labor for even a minor thing as a man kissing another man on the mouth. Clive learns this happens to one of his former classmates and is scared to continue a love relationship with Maurice telling him they will now be platonic friends. Clive goes on to marry Anne and live as a heterosexual. Maurice is heartbroken but finds a new partner with Alec Scudder, the gamekeeper at Clive’s country estate. It’s an interesting story that has no real violence and no one is killed during the movie. The movie ends with Maurice still with Alec. I wouldn’t mind watching it again sometime.
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hawleywilby · 4 years ago
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fermencja · 8 years ago
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Immaculate Conception (1992)
A little baby turtle scene :) 
‘It’s a tough beginning for this poor little bastard’ 
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swanqueeneverafter · 6 years ago
What Dreams May Come, Pt.28
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Storybrooke. Swan-Mills House. (The Swan-Mills', Charmings & Stiltskins are gathered around the dining room table, trying to come up with a plan.) Snow White: "So because we entered his world, Morpheus was able to invade ours and kidnap Henry?" David: "And Hook." Rumplestiltskin: "Correct. And now, in order to retrieve my grandson, I will be forced to enter a world where my son is grown and my wife, dead." Belle: "But it won't be real, Rumple. As long as you remember that, you will find your way back to us." Rumplestiltskin: (Shaking his head:) "I don't like our chances. With the connection between our two worlds, Morpheus will be able to travel freely with no one to stop him." Emma: "There will be someone here to stop him, or at least slow him down. Elsa has opened the gates of Arendelle to anyone in need of her protection." Rumplestiltskin: (Dismissively:) "Her powers will only keep Morpheus at bay for so long. There is no magic powerful enough to stop an immortal, unless it is conjured by an immortal." Regina: "Yes, thank you, Rumple. We all remember our dealings with the Jabberwocky." Belle: "I wish I could help. But I-I've looked through all my books for any information on... how to defeat an Olympian god, but I'm afraid there's nothing. Except the-" Rumplestiltskin: "The Olympian crystal. (Stands, tucking his chair back under the table:) Which was destroyed when Zelena killed Hades." Belle: "We'll keep looking. Call us if anything changes." (Rumple and Belle leave.) Snow White: "Poor Rumple. Forced to reside in a world without his wife and child." Emma/David/Regina: "I've been there." (Everyone shares a small smile.) Regina: "And if we're going to play by Morpheus' rules, we'll have to again." Snow White: "What do you mean?" Regina: "Morpheus wants to rule over the united realms but Zeus won't let him unless it's done his way. Morpheus can't directly interfere in the battle and so he's made sure Emma and I can't either." Emma: "As soon as we enter the Dream World, he'll separate us. Regina will be sent... well we don't know where yet." Regina: "And Emma will be trapped inside the Black Fairy's curse again." Snow White: (Gasps:) "No." David: "Well then it's simple. None of you will go. (As all three women stare at him:) What? I'm Henry's grandfather too, you know. Neal will need you with him, Snow and you two have your unborn child to think of."
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(Before anyone can reply, Blue quickly enters the house.) Blue Fairy: “I'm sorry to interrupt. I came quickly as I could. David called and told me what happened.” Snow White: “Can you help?” Blue Fairy: “Unfortunately, the Dream World is as much a mystery to me as it is to all of you. But I’m almost certain that simply entering Morpheus’ realm through dream sharing won’t work.” Emma: “What are you saying?” Blue Fairy: “I think there may be a way of physically following Henry inside his dreamscape. You would actually travel there, not just in your minds.” Regina: “How?” Blue Fairy: “We fairies believe there is a bit of magic that just might be powerful enough to take you to your son. It's a sapling.” David: “A baby tree?” Blue Fairy: “It was created by the first spark of a true love. It's incredibly rare.” Regina: “Have you got one?” Blue Fairy: “We had one, back in the Enchanted Forest. We assumed that it was left behind in the curse, but now we think it might be lost somewhere here in Storybrooke.” Emma: “There has to be some, like, magical way to find it, right?” Blue Fairy: “There is... a spell that could point the way with a sort of beacon. But it wouldn't be visible just to us. If Morpheus saw it, he would know exactly what it was.” David: “And then we'd have a race on our hands.” Regina: “That’s a risk we just have to take. If we’re lucky, Morpheus is already back in his world forming his army.” Emma: “And maybe he’s not.” Snow White: “Well we have to try. (To Blue:) We’re ready.” Granny's Diner. (Lily and Anton sit together in the diner.) Lily: "Why are the supposed 'heroes' in this town such assholes?" Anton: "Well I wouldn't exactly call David-" Lily: "First, he makes Rumplestiltskin getting shot all about him, then his precious grandson goes missing, again, and David throws his weight around acting as if he's still sheriff! And you just know my dad's trapped down there 'cause he was trying to help Henry." Anton: "Ohh, I see. This is about your dad hanging out with Henry." Lily: (Defensively:) "No. And who's side are you on, anyway?" Anton: "You shouldn't be jealous of Henry." Lily: "I'm not! Look, if I wanted to go sailing with my father, I would. I just don't happen to like the sea." Anton: "Uh huh." Lily: "I don't care that Henry and my dad are friends, I care that anytime my family get involved with the Charmings, something like this happens."
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Anton: "Hm. They do tend to find most of the trouble in this town. But I still say David's not that bad once you get to know him. And he's definitely better than his no-good twin brother." Lily: "Oh, god. There are two of them?" Anton: "There were, and trust me, James was a real piece of work." Enchanted Forest. Past. A Pub. (Anton, in his full giant form, is looking through the window at the pub's patrons, laughing and having a good time. Feeling very alone, he starts to walk away.) Prince James: (Accompanied by a woman, he calls out to Anton:) “If you want some ale, you should ask! They'll serve anyone who can pay, my friend. I'm James, Prince of this realm. I wanted to make sure you received a warm welcome.” Anton: “I'm Anton. I'm a giant.” Prince James: (Laughing:) “Now I can see that. What brings you to our land?” Anton: “I've always been fascinated with your customs. I just wanted to see it for myself.” Prince James: “Well, we would be... more than happy to show you around. Of course, there's the matter of your size.” Anton: “I'm too small for back home. I'm too big for here.” Girl: “Don't despair, Anton. I have something that may help you.” Anton: “What is it?” Girl: (As Anton kneels before her, she pulls out a magic mushroom:) “Magic. A piece of mushroom from a far-off land. I once slayed a jabberwock that was terrorizing a village, and they—they couldn't pay me in gold, so they paid me with this instead. If you eat it, it will change your size. Its effects are temporary, but we have more. (She drops the mushroom into Anton's hand:) I'm pretty sure this one makes you smaller.” Anton: “Pretty sure?” Girl: “Well, I haven't had the occasion to try it, but the wise woman who gave it to me swore by its power.” Prince James: “Go on, Anton. Give it a try.” Anton: “I have no way to repay you for your kindness.” Girl: “No need. If it makes you happy, that's all the payment that we desire.” Anton: “Well, then at least tell me your name.” Girl: “Jacqueline. But... most people call me Jack.” Anton: “Nice to meet you, Jack.”
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Storybrooke. Present. Granny's Diner. Exterior. (Regina paces outside the diner as Tinker Bell rushes toward her.) Tinker Bell: "Regina, I got your message, what's the matter?" Regina: (Shakes her head:) "Not here, I got us a room upstairs so we could talk." Granny's Bed & Breakfast. (Entering the room first, Regina looks anxious as Tinker Bell follows her inside, closing the door behind her.) Tinker Bell: "A married, pregnant woman and a fairy alone in a hotel room together? Tongues will wag. You look sensational by the way." Regina: (Sighs:) "Thank you." Tinker Bell: "So what's this about, your message sounded urgent." Regina: (Nods:) "Blue is getting ready to help us find a way to save Henry." Tinker Bell: "I heard. The Dream World won't be easy to navigate. But then neither was Neverland. You lose your son a lot, come to think of it." Regina: "Which is why I’d like your help." Tinker Bell: "Anything." Regina: "I want you to help me protect Emma, but she can't know about it until it's too late." Tinker Bell: (Seeing the anguish written across Regina's face:) "What do you need me to do?"
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Storybrooke Docks. A Short Time Later. (The Charmings and the Swan-Mills’ gather on the docks as the Blue Fairy uses her magic to find the sapling.) Blue Fairy: (A blast of light shoots out from her wand travelling across the water:) “There, where the light has landed. That's where you'll find the sapling.” David: “All right, let's go.” Snow White: “Regina, would you like to do the honours?” Emma: “Wait, just remember that when we find this thing we can’t touch it. Not until we’ve organised our people. Dad, I’m looking at you.” David: “Don't worry, I’ll behave. I'm in good company.” Emma: “Gina?” (Regina nods then waves her hand, transporting all four of them from the docks.) Enchanted Forest. Past. (Wilby returns to David, whimpering and licking his face until he wakes.) David: (Coming back to his senses:) "Gabriel. (Wilby barks and David follows the dog to Gabriel’s wagon:) Hello? Is anyone in there?” Snow White: (From inside the wagon:) “Yes! The Woodcutter locked me in!” David: “There’s a big lock on the door.” Snow White: “The Woodcutter will be back any second. If he catches you, he'll kill you. You need to go! (David runs off. All is quiet for a moment before he returns, attacking the lock with a large rock:) Oh!”
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Storybrooke. Present. (Reappearing beside the stream, the foursome continue their search for the sapling.) Snow White: “Look. There.” David: “That's where the beacon hit. Come on.” Snow White: (Taking David’s hand, they walk together:) “Hey, you know where we are?” David: “Yeah. Where you found me during the curse, when I wandered out of the hospital. Where you saved me.” Snow White: (Chuckles:) “What are the chances?” David: “Think it's a sign?” Snow White: (Sighs:) “I think... I don't know what to believe anymore. Except that it's good to be on an adventure with you again.” David: “It's always good.” Emma: “Hey, lovebirds. Found something. (Calling back:) Regina, over here. (Conjuring a pick axe, she takes a swing at the ground, hitting something metal.) David: (Clearing debris with his foot:) “It's a trap door.” (David lifts the hatch door as Regina catches up with them.) Emma: “You ready?” Snow White: (Takes David’s hand again:) “Always.” Regina: “Good. (Taking Emma’s hand:) Then hang on.” (Using her magic once more, Regina transports them in a cloud of purple smoke down into the tunnel below.)
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honorborn-a-blog · 6 years ago
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new verse ! for abc’s once upon a time.
kal was very much an orphan after his pod crash-landed in misthaven. upon a peasant woman, ruth, finding the wailing baby stuck in a pod, she took him to her farm, where she decided to raise this little orphan boy alongside her own son, david. as youth became of him, his extraordinary abilities came to light, little by little   ⎯⎯⎯   super speed, advanced hearing, super strength, etc., and that’s when they knew he was no sorcerer but something entirely different.
however, since they’d had no name for the boy, ruth called him clark. he never had parents, until his teenage years when she deemed it time to show him the stashed pod from his arrival to their realm, fragmented parts of the fortress of solitude unexpectedly coming to life in holographic form through a device activated in the pod by his touch. his biological father, zor-el, manifested before him, informing him on who he truly was :
kal-el, from the house of el 
born on planet krypton   (   which was soon destroyed   )
the last real son of krypton
his abilities were enhanced from eath’s yellow sun
the knowledge of kryptonite and its lethality to kryptonians
ever since this enlightenment, he went by the name kal, but, he was still a poor shepherd boy alongside his brother, david. this was his life for the ensuing years and into early adulthood. when he wasn’t doing his share on the farm, he wandered about misthaven working short shifts at taverns and assisting lumberjacks with large loads in surrounding villages, since he was very well capable.
his abilities were no secret growing up, his family and other folk esteemed him greatly as kal-el, son of krypton, his suit something seldom worn to protect the people from dark magic and thievery. but, regular life came to a standstill when david had to go take james’ place in order to save the farm, kal was left with wilby and ruth. many things went downhill from there, although his brother survived, their mother didn’t. and it’s something he blames himself for every single day. 
following the curse, his memories now wiped clean, the name clark resurfacing, and beige-washed walls of a little apartment in a modern town called storybrooke, maine was apparently home. clark was a quiet man with abilities that he felt needed to be kept hidden, therefore, were. things seemed too normal there, far too mundane. something he knew he wasn’t. so, he stuck to what he enjoyed   ⎯⎯⎯   farming, writing for sydney and the town paper, the daily mirror, helping out at shelters and posing as some extra brawn for town labors. he was only superman when he wore his suit, when his identity could be kept secret. 
but, things seemed to shift upon emma swan’s arrival to storybrooke, he never spoke on it, never dug for a story either.
when emma broke the curse with true love’s kiss on her son, henry, kal found himself struggling between his real memories and his recently cursed memories. he remembers never meeting his biological parents, them being destroyed by their dying planet, krypton. he remembers his mother, the woman who raised him being poisoned seconds too late, he remembers her laying in his arms   ⎯⎯⎯   her delicate hand weakly pressed to his cheek as she tells him how much she loved him and how proud she’d been that he’d chosen her. even if he hadn’t, he’d just gotten lucky. and he remembers david, his brother, his best friend.
with regaining his memories, also came the utilization of his real name, again. kal even found his pod, hidden on the farm he tends to, where he then stored his super suit since he wouldn’t need it as much anymore, given his identity not being much of a secret when he lived in the enchanted forest. he continued his daily routine, but now that routine included his family. 
kal wasn’t alone anymore.
A LITTLE FYI   ⎯⎯⎯   i do have a few closed verses with ouat based muses for kal that do not originate with him being david’s brother or found by ruth. in those, he was basically raised by a village, but with no real place to call home. he was always on his own, figuring out life and his abilities one day at a time. this is done to further expand and properly develop a specific relationship between the muses if it were to interfere or clash with my main ouat verse canon !
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somewhereinmalta · 7 years ago
So absurdly young! And cute!
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oscarwetnwilde · 3 months ago
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Immaculate Conception (1992): James Wilby and baby.
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lilacmoon83 · 7 years ago
Finding You Always
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 135: Duality
Snow and Eva trekked through the woods and found a good tree as a target, before putting their stuff down.
"This looks like a good place," Eva said, as they readied their bows. They spent several arrows from their quivers and shared a smile when they finished the first round.
"I've missed moments like this...spending time with one of my babies," Snow mentioned.
"Me too, Mom," Eva replied.
"So...how are things with you and Paul?" Snow asked, as they collected their arrows.
"Mom…" she chided, but knew her mother simply couldn't help herself.
"You know I can't help myself. Besides, you and Paul did share true love's kiss back in that warped world Isaac created. That's kind of a big deal, honey. Things have just been so crazy non-stop that we never really got a chance to talk," Snow mentioned. Eva nodded.
"Things are great...it's a bit surreal sometimes," Eva replied.
"What do you mean?" Snow asked in confusion.
"Well, I mean...I guess I always thought that just because I came from a true love as amazing as what you and Daddy have, I knew there was never a guarantee that I'd find it myself," she replied. Snow smiled.
"But you did...and don't negate how important that moment was for you and Paul," she added, as she put a hand on her shoulder.
"Remember, there was a time when I didn't believe in true love at all. I thought it was all a lie when I was living as a bandit, just trying to survive," she reminded.
"Then Daddy found you," Eva said. She nodded.
"Mmm...it took us a while to find our way to each other and stop denying what we both knew we wanted," she said, as she trailed off for a moment.
"What is it, Mom?" Eva asked. Snow recalled that moment in the woodcutter's mobile dungeon when she had held his arm back and allowed the stranger to dispatch him, saving her life. But that man was no stranger and she remembered the connection she felt when their hands brushed briefly. Her husband had saved her life, long before he even knew it. Her encounter that day with him had led her to change her course completely. She had planned to leave the Kingdom that day, possibly for a new life across the vast ocean and beyond the Queen's reach. But he had changed her decision that day. Their encounter had changed her mind and she decided to stay and fight, even though the Blue Fairy had warned her about the bad things that could happen if she did not leave. Bad things had happened, but more good and bad, for finding herself in that net months later was the best thing that had ever happened to her.
"Mom?" Eva asked, breaking through her reverie.
"Sorry sweetheart...I was just thinking about all we've been through and I realize that even the bad was all worth it. True love is worth fighting for," she assured. Eva nodded.
"I know...I just wonder sometimes if I'm strong enough. You and Daddy have fought so hard and you're still fighting, this time because of some mad scientist that keeps trying to find love in all the wrong places. How do you do it, Mom?" Eva asked curiously. Snow sighed.
"Well, I may seem all put together right now, but I'll be honest, honey. I was a mess last night. I tossed and turned all night...your father probably didn't get any sleep either. We both felt a little helpless and we hate that. We don't do helpless well at all," she mentioned.
"But I find hope and love every time your father kisses me or touches me. I find hope and love every time I look at you and your sisters and brothers. To be honest, Jekyll's infatuation with me is puzzling, because he knows he has no chance. It has seemed to only make him more determined," Snow explained.
"He certainly fooled everyone at first into thinking he was harmless. But you know Daddy. He'll find him and lock him up. He's the hero in your story, not Jekyll," Eva reminded. Snow smiled. Her daughter was so right. Charming was the hero of her story and no one could ever replace him. Jekyll had his chance to find his own story, more than once, and had blown it each time by turning to the darkness.
Snow smiled and cuddled the baby and her daughter close.
"You're right, your father will always be my hero, in any world," Snow agreed, as her phone rang. She saw it was Regina and immediately answered.
"Hey Regina…" she greeted, but her smile faded into a frown.
"She did what?" Snow exclaimed, as her mouth hung ajar and Regina continued to explain the newest predicament.
"Hang on...Eva is with me. We'll be right there," Snow said, as she hung up the phone and looked at her daughter.
"We need to get to the hospital and fast. You're never going to believe this," Snow said, as they hurried back through the woods toward town.
It had been a relaxing day so far. Robin may not have been exactly himself, but after breakfast, they had gone horseback riding and then had lunch at Granny's. It felt almost like a typical family day for them, so she shouldn't have been surprised when her sister showed up to make sure it all went to hell.
Zelena showed up on her door, knocking frantically just a few moments ago. And if it hadn't been for the round bulge in her stomach, Regina would have slammed the door in her face.
"Zelena...what the hell?" she demanded to know.
"Please help me...she did something to me," the redhead pleaded.
"You want me to help you? Seriously?" Regina hissed.
"Regina...please," Zelena begged, as another contraction ripped through her and her legs nearly buckled.
"What kind of trick is this?" Regina demanded.
"It's no trick...I'm pregnant, barely a few days along and now I'm this!" Zelena tried to explain through the pain.
"The Queen…" Regina realized, as she brought her into the house. Robin was stunned when he saw the state she was in as well, but there was no time for them to process what was happening.
Regina magicked all of them to the hospital and chaos erupted around them. Paul was shocked to say the least when they wheeled a very pregnant Zelena into the delivery room.
"How the hell did his happen? I didn't even know she was pregnant," he exclaimed.
"It just happened and then the Queen used some kind of magic to accelerate it. There was no way she would want to wait nine months to throw this in my face," Regina replied bitterly. Paul gave her a sympathetic gaze.
"I'm sorry," he offered. She nodded and looked at her stunned husband.
"Robin…" she started to say.
"What do I do?" he asked. Regina felt her heart pulse with an aching.
"You need to be with her...that's your child," she urged. But he surprised her and took her hand.
"I need you there too…" he said, as they went into the delivery room.
"Arghh...it hurts! Can't you make it stop?!" Zelena cried.
"I'm afraid it's a little late for an epidural. Your water just broke," Paul responded, as Eva rushed into the room with Snow behind her and the witch glared murderously at the raven haired princess.
"Get her out of here!" she cried.
"None of this is Snow's fault...the Queen did this to you!" Regina snapped.
"But she...she started all of this! Oh, I can't wait until the Queen finally makes you pay, you little retch!" Zelena screamed.
"I'll watch Roland," Snow offered, as she held Bobby and went out into the hallway where Roland was waiting.
"Come on sweetheart, let's go get you a snack," she suggested, as he took her hand and they went to the cafeteria.
The morning search for Jekyll so far had yielded no results. Even more frustrating, James and Aphrodite had seemingly disappeared into thin air. The locator potion that Emma and Xander used failed completely. They knew that didn't mean they were dead necessarily, but only that some other kind of magic was blocking them.
Leo and Chad were tracking and had reported that they thought Wilby might have a scent, but had yet to report back yet. In the meantime, David and Emma got a call from Gold about a break-in at the shop. He was unsure off the top of his head what was missing, but demanded they find the culprit straight away.
They knew that if someone had broken into the Pawn Shop and had not been vaporized by any of Gold's magical protections, then they knew what they were doing.
"I can't believe that creepy doctor. I swear, the moment I get my hands on him, he's getting another punch in the face," Emma promised, as they trekked through the woods. David chuckled.
"I'll gladly let you...he's definitely mentally unstable. You know, his admiration of your mother unnerved me from the moment he stepped through that portal. But even I didn't peg him to go as far as to drug a woman and try to assault her," he lamented.
"Dad...he is not touching Mom and from the sounds of the story, hopefully Rose Red found Fandral and they escaped Jekyll's reach. This is one monster that we're going to lock up in a padded room," Emma assured.
"I know...he's smart though, Em. Really smart...I feel like a physical fight isn't going to work with him. He's the type that can outsmart me at every turn," David said worriedly.
"Dad...you are not stupid, far from it. He may be a super genius, but you and Mom have the one thing on your side that so far no villain has been able to defeat," she reminded, as she looked at him. He smiled slightly.
"Love," he said knowingly.
"Exactly and for all his book smarts that you and I both lack, I happen to be a pretty good strategist when it comes to battle and one guess as to where I learned that," she added, as she looked him fondly.
"I don't know, your Mom is pretty good at it too," he reminded and she lightly nudged his arm.
"Stop...I'm trying to talk you up here," she retorted. He smiled.
"I know...thanks Em. It's just...not really the first time I've been made to feel like I might not be good enough for your Mother," he muttered.
"Daddy…" she chided, pulling out all the stops with the title that she knew was an instant way to melt him.
"You are everything to Mom...and to us! You are an amazing husband to Mom. You're also the best Dad any kid could ever have and believe me, I feel like I can be an authority on that," she reminded. He put his arm around her and kissed her forehead.
"I know...I still hate that those first ten years you went through what you did," he lamented. She smiled.
"I had hope though, because of the book and my blanket. And then I found you," she said. He smiled.
"You did," he agreed.
"But enough about me, how are you doing lately? Your Mom mentioned that you had a couple of dreams," he inquired. She shook her head.
"They were nothing...just memories of a few times they tried to put me in therapy, you know, because of the whole "My parents are Snow White and Prince Charming thing," she replied.
"I can't imagine trying to deal with people from outside Storybrooke all the time. I mean, those two FBI agents literally saw full scale magic in front of their eyes and were still skeptical," he mentioned. She nodded.
"I know...I don't even know why those memories surfaced all the sudden," she replied. He glanced at her.
"Are you sure about that?" he asked. She gave him a look and he shrugged.
"You and I are A LOT alike, Em," he emphasized.
"To quote your Mother, to a frustrating level," he added. She sighed.
"I'm fine...I guess with the Queen back, it just got to me a bit finally. I guess I'm scared of losing you and Mom. I mean, there was crazy Drizella Tremaine and then the dreamshade poison in Neverland. Then Atlantis and Zelena and Camelot and then the Underworld...I thought that one really might be it. And now some crazy mad doctor is fixated on Mom and the Evil Queen is intent on making her suffer," Emma lamented.
"Hey...I know this family has been through more than any family should ever have to endure. But we're going to get through this...together," he assured. She nodded.
"I know...and I haven't had another dream since that one. I talked to Killian and he offered kind of the same perspective; that it was just my subconscious worrying about going back to the life I had before I found you and Mom. But I know that wouldn't happen," she responded. He nodded and sighed.
"So Killian...you guys seem like you're getting close," he mentioned.
"Oh God...are we really going to go there?" she asked.
"I know, but you know, you're my little Princess and no one is ever going to be good enough for you," he replied stubbornly.
"Do I have to remind you that my little sister is also dating?" she teased.
"Yeah, I really don't want to talk about that," he grumbled.
"You like Paul and Killian, I know you do," she said, casting him a sideways glance.
"Paul is a good man...and Killian's kind of grown on me, I guess," he grumbled. She let out a laugh.
"Yeah, he has that effect of people," she teased and he gave her a withering look.
"It would just help if he wasn't a three-hundred year old pirate sometimes," he complained.
"Well, to be fair, Paul should actually be pushing fifty," she reminded. He rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, I really really don't wanna talk about this," he complained and she giggled.
"Oh Daddy...Eva and I may both have men in our lives, but you're always going to be Daddy and we're always going to need you," she assured, as she held onto his arm.
"Promise?" he asked.
"Pinky swear," she answered, as she hooked her pinky with his. He was about to say something again when he heard faint footfalls. Emma heard them too and they stopped dead in their tracks. He looked at the large tree trunk on their right and she nodded to him, as they split their defenses.
Sure enough, a hooded figure ran from behind the tree and through the woods. Emma ran after the person and tackled them to the ground.
"Get off me...I didn't do anything!" a female voice cried.
"Oh yeah? Cause I'm thinking that you're the person we're looking for that broke into the Pawn Shop. Gotta say, you've got guts. Gold has fried people for way less than stealing from him," she warned, as she cuffed the beautiful dark haired woman. David picked up her satchel and pulled out an intriguing sword.
"Let me guess, this isn't yours," he said, but she only glared at him, as he pulled out a second item.
"A genie lamp?" he asked curiously.
"I need it…" she pleaded.
"Wishes always come with consequences, you know that, right?" he asked.
"What would you know about it?" she hissed.
"More than you think. My wife's father once found a genie lamp and let's just say, it didn't turn out well for him," David replied.
"I need it...to find my missing Kingdom," she begged.
"Missing Kingdom...who are you?" Emma asked.
"Jasmine?" a new voice asked. They looked over, instantly recognizing the unique accent.
"Aladdin?" she exclaimed.
"You're back…" David said, as the former street rat rushed to Jasmine's side.
"Come on David...why the cuffs?" he asked.
"Well, she kind of stole from Gold's shop. But I'm guessing there's a much bigger story behind all this," David replied, as he made the decision and removed the cuffs.
"Thank you…" Aladdin said, before turning his attention to Jasmine.
"And you...breaking into Rumpelstiltskin's shop? The hell were you thinking? If he caught you, who knows what he would have done," Aladdin scolded.
"Excuse me for trying to find a way to save Agrabah! What the hell have you been doing? Running away again?!" she shouted.
"That's not fair! I got scared, but I was going to come back when I realized I couldn't leave you and Agrabah behind. But then...I got caught up in the Dark Curse. My father and I went back to the Enchanted Forest though to try to find you and Agrabah," he shouted back.
"But you couldn't," she said knowingly.
"No...it's gone. I don't know how it's possible, but it's gone," he replied.
"It's my fault...I failed the Kingdom. Jafar did something...that's why I stole the lamp," Jasmine explained.
"Is that why you two came back here? Because Agrabah was gone?" Emma asked. Cassim nodded.
"We realm hopped for a while with what beans we had, trying to find a way back to Storybrooke. And then on our last bean, we ended up in another Enchanted Forest," the elder man explained.
"Yeah...thought we were going to be stuck, but then we ran into a couple of people that helped us find Storybrooke again," Aladdin added, as they moved and revealed that there were three more people with them. Emma gasped, for if she didn't know any better, she would have sworn she was looking at her parents.
"You're…" she started to say.
"Rose Red and Fandral," David finished.
"You know us?" Rose asked curiously.
"Oh, when the people from the Land of Untold Stories came to our town on the Dirigible, it came with a book of stories. Yours is one of them and my wife and I have been reading it," David replied.
"Rose and Fandral provided us a direct path to Storybrooke via the Bi-Frost," Cassim informed.
"Seriously...the Bi-Frost is real?" Emma asked in amazement. Fandral smiled.
"Quite real. We decided to accompany your friends when we heard Jekyll and Hyde had left the Land of Untold Stories," Fandral explained.
"And we knew we needed to come, especially after Aladdin told us of your wife's resemblance to me. He was quite upset when we escaped him and I couldn't knowingly rest if there was a chance that he might fixate on another," Rose added.
"I'm afraid he has. Our son it actually out trying to track his whereabouts now, but Jekyll has teamed up with the Evil Queen. It's a long story, but I'm afraid he's now fixated on Snow," David explained.
"It seems we have much to sort out then. Perhaps there is a better place?" Cassim asked. David nodded.
"Yes...let's go back to town. I'll call Snow on the way," he said, as they led the way back.
Regina couldn't believe it. This morning, she had breakfast with Robin and Roland in their home. And now she was standing in a hospital room where her sister had just given birth to Robin's child. A baby girl...a baby girl that he was holding. He was in shock and awe, but she could see the wonder on his face.
Snow had offered to take Roland home with her, but she politely declined and held his little hand, as he peered down at his new sister.
"She's beautiful," Regina offered and he smiled at her.
"This all seems so impossible…" he said.
"You think it's impossible for you...I was barely pregnant yesterday and now I'm a mother," she uttered. Regina gave her a stiff look.
"The Queen did this for a reason, Zelena," Regina interjected. As she said that, the Queen appeared in a puff of purple smoke.
"Speak of the devil," Regina growled, but her counterpart ignored her and peered down at the baby.
"Ah, I see the little bundle of joy is here," she cooed, but Robin pulled his daughter away from her. She frowned.
"Don't be rude...let her Auntie get to know her," she demanded. Regina stepped forward to intercept her, but the Queen's magic tossed her back against a wall. Robin was unable to move, as the Queen gently took the tiny pink bundle from her arms.
"Why did you do this?" Regina demanded. The Queen smirked.
"Oh, I didn't do this," she said, indicating the child.
"That was all Zelena and Robin," she added, enjoying the pain on Regina's face.
"You pretended to be Marian...I would have never…" he said vehemently, but stopped short of actually saying the words.
"Believe me, I didn't have much interest in you either," Zelena retorted.
"No...but you knew how much it would hurt me, so I'm sure part of you delighted in it," Regina spat. Zelena smirked.
"A bit...though the whole baby thing was pretty unexpected and I'm a bit miffed that you decided to magically move the whole thing along," the wicked witch replied, as she cast a withering glance at the Queen.
"I'm impatient. I wanted to meet my niece," she cooed.
"No...you wanted to twist another knife in me," Regina refuted. The Queen smirked.
"Well, there is that bonus. But I assure you, my revenge is far from complete," she added.
"I think we can be much more comfortable elsewhere," the Queen decided, as she, the baby, and Zelena's bed disappeared from the room. The loss on Robin's face was palpable and despair threatened to swallow Regina. She vaguely wondered if this was karma's way of paying her back for all she had done in the past. She had ripped Snow and Charming apart and with that Emma from them. Now she was forced to watch part of herself do the exact same thing to Robin, the man she loved. Snow, Charming, and Emma had long forgiven her, but could Robin truly forgive her for everything when he got his memories back? Could he forgive her for her part in cursing him with false memories, sleeping with someone else essentially against his will, and her part in the death of the real Marian. Could he forgive her for her part in any future trauma his daughter might have to endure with Zelena as a mother and the Queen still lurking since there was no known way to rejoin them. Or would this be the line that was drawn on forgiveness?
Snow heard the door open, but had felt Charming getting closer to home long before he walked through the door. Summer ran to him and she followed with Eva beside her.
"Daddy!" Summer called, as he scooped her up and kissed her hair. His free arm went around Snow's waist and they sought each other's lips. Snow kissed him desperately, as Bobby cooed between them. As their lips parted, their eyes met and they spoke without words. He knew the Queen's attempts to wreck havoc in their lives and Jekyll's persistence was wearing on her, but his determination and resolve to protect her had never been stronger. He kissed her again, just as his father arrived behind their guests.
"Cassim?" he called.
"Xander," Cassim said, as they shared a brotherly handshake. Snow and David's lips parted, but he held her close, as he turned to their guests.
"You're back," Snow greeted them. Aladdin nodded.
"Then you must be Jasmine...you found her," Snow said, as hope returned to her voice.
"Not exactly…" Aladdin responded, causing her to frown.
"He couldn't find me, because I've been in the Land of Untold Stories up until Hyde brought us here," Jasmine explained.
"My father and I couldn't find a trace of Agrabah, so we realm hopped until we ran out of beans trying to get back to Storybrooke. Fortunately, we found a bit of help getting a direct path here," Aladdin added, as he gestured to the people behind him and Snow finally saw them with gasp.
"You're here…" she uttered.
"Snow White, I presume?" Rose asked. She nodded.
"And your Rose Red…" Snow answered, as both women seemed absorbed by the fact that they were nearly identical, despite Snow's hair being shorter.
"Wow...this is trippy," Leo commented, as he filed in behind them with his animals.
"Perhaps formal introductions are in order?" Fandral suggested.
"Of course. I think you've guessed by now that I'm Snow White and this is my husband David, or Charming as I like to call him," she said, as she took his hand.
"This is David's father, Xander. Our daughter Emma, our twins, Leo and Eva, our youngest children, Summer and Bobby," Snow said. Rose and Fandral looked at them incredulously.
"They're all yours?" Fandral asked. David smirked.
"That's another long story," he replied.
"A story I think we'd eventually like to hear, I'm sure. For now, allow me to introduce my family. I'm Fandral, formerly of Asgard and now Prince consort to Queen Rose Red. And this little one is our tiny angel, Princess Carina," he introduced. Snow smiled.
"It's wonderful to meet you both...I feel like I know you just from reading your story," she said. The other raven haired beauty smiled.
"Aladdin brushed on your story a bit. I only hope you'll regale Fandral and I of some of your adventures as well," Rose replied. Snow nodded.
"First thing is first though...did you find anything?" David asked their son.
"Uh yeah…I think I know where he is. That's not the problem though," Leo said, as he held up his hand and they saw what looked like burn marks on his hand and forearm.
"Honey...what happened?" Snow asked in concern.
"I'm okay...but Zelena's farmhouse is protected by a shield. I think it's powered by the same energy that Jekyll used to build that baton we used on Hyde," Leo said, wincing. He was trying to hide his pain from his mother, but she saw right through it. Her face had gone even paler and the tears gathered in her eyes. She walked over to the covered mirror that they had in their entryway and pulled sheet away from it.
"Is it not bad enough that you stalk me and insult my husband last night, but now you're harmed my son?" she cried.
"Mom...I'm okay, don't give that bastard the satisfaction," Leo pleaded. David put his hands on her shoulders and pulled her back.
"He's right, my darling," he assured, as he pulled her into his arms. Emma covered the mirror again.
"He's looking upon you from mirrors?" Rose asked.
"He's teamed up with the Evil Queen and mirrors are power to her. She can use any reflective surface to spy if she wants to," David explained. Rose glanced at her husband.
"We were right to come...it's far more serious than we thought," she murmured to him. He nodded.
"Have you seen Hyde?" she asked.
"Here and there. He's teamed up with the Queen as well, but to what end, we don't really know," Xander responded.
"Hyde may listen to me, but Jekyll will continue to grow more unstable, I'm sure," Rose offered.
"We got to the part of your story when he saved you, but not much further than that. Obviously you managed to find each other though," David mentioned. They smiled.
"Perhaps we can regale the rest of the tale," Fandral offered. Snow nodded and motioned them into the living room.
"It's best we hear the whole story and then find a way into the farmhouse. The sooner we can lock up the doctor, the better," Emma mentioned.
"And find James and Aphrodite," Xander added. Chad looked down, feeling a bit of relief that they automatically assumed that their disappearance was related to Jekyll or the Queen. He felt the slight twinge in his heart. The Black Fairy was impatient and he didn't know how much longer he could hold her off. He clutched Leo's hand, knowing that he would soon be forced to shatter his heart and his own alike. And there wasn't anything anyone could do to stop it…
Jekyll's eyes locked on her, as she appeared in the mirror. He imagined tasting the tears on her skin and what it might be like. He was long past trying to keep the demons inside his head at bay. These days, his fantasies that he normally would not allow to be entertained were unrepentantly clouding his mind. This was the reason he had worked so hard to rid himself of Hyde. He had long been convinced that Hyde was the reason for his depravity and possessive nature. He was so sure that once he permanently separated himself from that demon that he would return to being a purer man; that he would no longer desire to fulfill such evil indulgences. How he had fooled himself, for the moment he and Hyde became two people, the goodness in him dwindled. It started slowly at first and he truly believed that what he had for Snow White was simply a healthy admiration for the beautiful, brilliant woman she was.
Then it began to evolve into more. He started thinking about her more and more. And then, he had been privileged to spend an entire day with her, working in his lab.
That had been where the downward spiral began, for once the day ended and he realized that was it, he simply could not accept it. Life had been so unfair to him that way. He was giving her a way to subdue Hyde and yet he still wasn't seen as the hero. He had given her the means, yet he was sure that once the Prince used the serum to dispatch Hyde, he would reap all the glory and be showered with Snow White's affections.
He had done this...he had manipulated the situation to keep them from working together again and he had never wanted to make someone pay more than he wanted Prince Charming to pay. Snow feared him now, all because of Rose Red and her cruel rejection of him. He could not deny that her fear excited him though and thoughts of having her invaded his mind. If only she could see how good they would be together, the brilliance they could gift to people. But as long as she was wrapped in that handsome idiot's arms, she'd never see what he could show her. Getting to her with him around was almost impossible...but if he was taken out of the equation, then that would be a different story. She would have no choice but to see then what they could be. Oh, the images of her nearly bare form and what it would be like to touch her filled his mind again. The fear in her eyes would be quite thrilling, but then once he showed her what they were like together, she would see the truth; that she belonged at his side.
"Fantasizing again about what shall never be yours again, Doctor?" Hyde questioned, as he strode into the basement lab.
"What do you want?" Jekyll snapped.
"To warn you that this path is foolhardy," Hyde responded.
"And what do you care of what becomes of me?" Jekyll spat.
"Need I remind you, Doctor, that your fate is intertwined with mine. I do not fancy meeting my end, because you are unable to keep your delusions of having what you cannot at bay," Hyde spat in return. He glared at his counterpart.
"You know very well that you poisoned Rose Red against me! Had you not interfered, she would have eventually forgotten Fandral and fallen for me!" Jekyll growled.
"You mean after you sent hunters after his cursed form to kill him?" Hyde countered. Jekyll slammed his fist on the table.
"It would have been for the best!" Jekyll shouted.
"Only in your twisted mind, doctor. Do be cautious or the next thing you know, Prince Charming's sword shall slay the monster you are. And that comes with a grim fate for me as well," Hyde warned, as he left the cellar and the doctor behind.
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hawleywilby · 8 years ago
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James Wilby
as a boy and a man
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justanoutlawfic · 7 years ago
Please can I have “If you even THINK about touching him/her/them, I’ll kill you.” With daddy charming and ‘grandpa’ George
Another future fic for Scrabble, takes place a couple of years in the future. :)
This verse constantly reminds me of how much I hate George and while I’m glad for David’s sake he didn’t kill him in S6, I wish an anvil would drop on his head or something.
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Also on AO3
Emma was constantly fast on her feet, running aroundlike crazy. She had taken her time to walk, but once she did, David and MaryMargaret had to baby proof the house. The toddler got into things they neverexpected and it was clear, she was a lot like her father: destined to be alittle trouble maker.
Which is why normally they were careful when they tookher out, she stayed in the stroller or in one of their arms. One particular day,however, she was being extra fussy and David knew he had to pick his battles.They had a lot of errands to run that day and if he was going to get back byher naptime, he needed to hurry up. So, when she didn’t want to sit in thefront of the cart in the grocery store, he allowed her to walk beside him. Shewas pushing her own tiny cart down the aisles, grabbing things when David toldher to.
When they got to the cereal aisle, he got distractedas he tried to figure out what kind that Mary Margaret liked. Her tastes hadchanged since she got pregnant again. When he finally remembered and tossed theCornflakes in the cart, he went to talk to his daughter.
“Okay Miss Emma, we just need to get some cookies andthen we can…” He trailed off when he found her tiny cart abandoned, Emmanowhere in sight. “Emma?” He dashed to the end of the aisle. “Emma!”
His heart pounded in his chest. As a former cop, hismind went to the worst case scenario. She had been kidnapped, she had wanderedout into the street. Either way, there was a chance that he wasn’t going to seehis baby girl again.
David felt his heart still, he had never been morehappy to hear that word ever in his life. Turning around, he saw his littlegirl in someone’s arms and a smile went across his face.
“There you are, you knuckled head.” He walked closer toher. “You can’t run off like that, Daddy was so scared.” He took her from theperson and went to look at them. “Thank you for finding her…” He trailed offand his blood ran ice cold.
George stood in front of him, a smirk across his face.David tightened his grip on Emma, kissing the top of her head. He had workedhis ass off to make sure that George would have nothing to do with his family.They avoided the spots that he went to, which was easy considering he mostlymixed with Leopold’s crowd.  He wasn’t stupid,he knew that George knew about Emma and his marriage to Mary Margaret. Even so,they had managed to stay a good amount of distance from one another.
“Can’t keep track of your flock, can you, Davey?”
David was speechless, for the first time in a while. Beforehe could do anything more, Ruby appeared by his side. Where had she come from?
“David, I can take Emma if you want? Get her a cookie?”
He didn’t want to let go of her, but also didn’t wanther around George longer than she had to be. “Okay.” He gave Emma a final kiss.“Be good for Auntie Ruby, okay?”
“Kay, kay.” Emma held her arms out to her godmother,who took her. “Cookie time, Auntie Wooby.”
“One big chocolate chip one coming right up,” sheagreed, walking off, but not before glaring at George.
“Why did you have my daughter?” David asked, his voicelow and it even scared himself a bit.
“I found her standing by herself.” George shrugged. “Youwere too busy, almost as if you didn’t care.”
“Do not touch my child,” David growled, steppingcloser. “You know what? If you even think about touching her, I’ll kill you.”
“Testy, testy.”
“You tried to kidnap my child!”
“I was simply getting to know my granddaughter. Did myinvitation to her christening just get lost in the mail? Perhaps to her lasttwo birthday parties?”
“You are not her grandfather. Her grandfather diedlong before you were in the picture.”
“I clothed you, David. I gave you a roof over yourhead, made sure that you would have the best that life had to offer.”
“And you made sure I paid the price for it, James to.”
“James screwed over his own life.”
“Mother never would’ve let him go down the path youdid. You didn’t care about either of us, you just wanted control.”
“How long do you think you can keep up this happylittle marriage?” George asked condescendingly. “You couldn’t make the firstwork out, what makes you think you will this time?”
“I don’t need to defend my marriage to you. Stay awayfrom my daughter or you will regret it.”
David grabbed his cart and pushed it to the bakery,where Emma was sitting on her godmother’s lap, enjoying a cookie. He picked herup and cuddled her close, cradling the back of her head as he typically did. Itstarted when she was a baby and even though she was 2, he still didn’t see itstopping. Ruby stood up, rubbing his upper arm.
“Are you okay?”
“I didn’t think he could ever get to her. I was sostupid to look away…”
“Hey, we all do that. This isn’t your fault, it’s his.”
David sighed, looking down at his daughter. She was soinnocent, oblivious to everything that was going on as she nibbled on hercookie. She held up a piece to him and he allowed her to feed it to him. “Thanks,Princess,” he whispered.
“Welcome,” Emma said with a yawn.
“I should get her home, it’s almost naptime. Thanksfor all your help, Rubes.”
“No problem.” She saw the panic still on his face. “She’sokay.”
He nodded and gave her a quick one-armed hug beforeheading to the checkout line. The rest of the day was spent with David tryingto keep a brave face for Emma, who had no clue about what had just happened.Finally, around 3:30, the door opened and Mary Margaret walked inside.
“Mommy!” Emma squealed, running towards her.
Mary Margaret grinned and swept her up into her arms. “There’smy sweet girl,” she planted a kiss to her cheek. “How was your day?”
She saw David lingering in the doorway, a pained lookon his face. “Hey, Em, I got some new stickers.” She reached into her bag andpulled them out. “Remember, only on paper. Not on the walls or Wilby.”
Emma giggled, but nodded in agreement and let MaryMargaret put her down. David lead his wife into the kitchen and explained whathappened at the store. She rubbed his back and assured him it wasn’t his fault,but she could tell something was still bothering him.
“George lives in Storybrooke, so does your dad.”
“I just…I don’t know if we should stay here.”
Mary Margaret tilted her head. “We have a whole lifehere. I have a job, you’ve been working on the farm.”
“There are teaching jobs everywhere, we could sell thehouse and get a farm somewhere else. Maybe in Connecticut.”
“You want to run?”
“I just don’t want to keep looking over my shoulders,scared that George will hurt my kids the way he did me.”
“Oh David.” She put her hand on top of his. “My dadcan’t hurt them, neither can George.”
“He almost took Emma today.”
“But he didn’t. If we run, he wins. We have our lives here,we’re happy. This is the first we’ve heard from George in two years. This iswhat he wanted, babe, to get in your head and to scare you. Don’t let him.”
David sighed, knowing that she was right. He had justnever been so terrified. Mary Margaret wrapped her arms around his waist and restedher forehead against his.
“Our babies are safe. Don’t let him get in your head. Hecan’t hurt this family, he can’t hurt you.”
He looked deep into her eyes, slowly calming down. Hisplan to leave town was crazy and over the top, he knew that now. He was gratefulto have her in his life, she was the light in all of the craziness.
“Daddy! Mommy! Need help with ‘tickers!” Emma yelledfrom the living room.
David chuckled lightly, shaking his head. “Looks likeour baby girl needs our help.”
“Let’s go.’
He caressed her swollen bump. “How’s our little guydoing, by the way?”
“Not so little. I had my appointment this morning, he’sweighing in at 5 pounds already. Emma was only 3 by this stage.”
“I guess I should start calling him our big guy.”
Mary Margaret grinned. “I’d think so.”
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ultrasfcb-blog · 7 years ago
European Championships 2018: Nice Britain stars to look at and information to occasions
European Championships 2018: Nice Britain stars to look at and information to occasions
European Championships 2018: Nice Britain stars to look at and information to occasions
Dina Asher-Smith, Adam Peaty and Laura Kenny (left to proper) will all be going for gold on the inaugural European Championships
2018 European Championships Venues: Glasgow, Edinburgh and Berlin Dates: 2-12 August Protection: Dwell throughout BBC TV, BBC Radio 5 stay and sports activities further plus the BBC Sport web site with additional protection on BBC iPlayer, Crimson Button, Related TVs and cellular app.
The primary European Championships shall be a ‘mini-Olympics’ for the continent that includes among the largest names from seven sports activities.
Athletics, swimming, gymnastics, biking, rowing, triathlon and a brand new group golf occasion make up the 11-day competitors that begins on 2 August.
The athletics will happen in Berlin and the opposite sports activities shall be hosted in Scotland, with the golf at Gleneagles.
Greater than 4,500 athletes are anticipated to compete for 188 gold medals.
Usually we might go right into a race and suppose ‘it is simply Europeans’ however now it is received extra of a model and extra status behind it
British swimmer Adam Peaty
Cyclists Laura Kenny and Jason Kenny, swimmer Adam Peaty, athlete Dina Asher-Smith, gymnast Max Whitlock, triathlete Alistair Brownlee and golfer Laura Davies are among the many British athletes seeking to carry residence gold of their respective sports activities.
The concept is a straightforward one – as a substitute of European Championships for various sports activities being held at separate venues and with their very own schedules, they are going to be clustered collectively in a bunch metropolis in a bid to create an analogous vibe to an Olympic Video games.
“It is nice to race on the European stage with the entire different sports activities,” Olympic and world champion Peaty informed BBC Sport.
“It brings all the eye to at least one place and brings a group ethos collectively as effectively as a result of usually we might go right into a race and suppose ‘it is simply Europeans’ however now it is received extra of a model and extra status behind it.”
Athletes clarify what to anticipate from the European Championships
BBC Sport will cowl the motion stay on TV, radio and on-line from Three August.
Hazel Irvine, Clare Balding and Gabby Logan will lead as much as 12 hours of every day TV protection throughout BBC One and BBC Two, and BBC Radio 5 stay will present intensive protection.
Additional protection shall be accessible on Crimson Button and Related TVs whereas there shall be video streams, highlights, on-demand clips and stay textual content pages on the BBC Sport web site and app.
Glasgow’s largest sporting occasion for the reason that 2014 Commonwealth Video games kicked off with a Nice Huge Opening Occasion within the metropolis’s George Sq. on Wednesday.
Asher-Smith leads GB cost in athletics
Dina Asher-Smith broke her personal British 100m report with a run of 10.92 seconds on the Diamond League assembly in Oslo in June
Each the athletes and swimmers have focused these championships above the Commonwealth Video games as their key competitors for 2018.
British Athletics are sending 102 athletes – the biggest contingent for a significant video games for greater than 100 years – with Europe’s quickest girl this 12 months, Dina Asher-Smith, one of many nation’s finest hopes for gold together with Commonwealth heptathlon champion Katarina Johnson-Thompson.
However Dutchwoman Dafne Schippers, the 100m champion, will look to scupper Asher-Smith’s dash double hopes and Belgium’s Olympic champion Nafi Thiam will search to beat Johnson-Thompson within the heptathlon.
Russian two-time 110m hurdles champion Sergey Shubenkov will go into his occasion because the favorite following a stellar season on the Diamond League circuit.
Shubenkov shall be one in all 30 Russian athletes collaborating as neutrals, with the nation nonetheless banned from competing within the sport as a group.
Can anyone cease Peaty?
‘I am obsessive about being one of the best’ – Adam Peaty
With no Australia to thwart them, as on the Commonwealth Video games, the British group will hope to repeat their success on the European Swimming Championships of two years in the past in London after they gathered essentially the most medals.
Olympic champion Peaty will look to repeat his achievements of 2016 when he gained the 50m and 100m breaststroke titles and the 4x100m medley relay crown.
Peaty is coached by Mel Marshall, as is Sarah Vasey, one other Briton to look at having shocked many by taking 50m breaststroke gold on the Commonwealths.
Different Gold Coast champions – James Wilby (200m breaststroke), Ben Proud (50m free), Siobhan Marie O’Connor (200m particular person medley) and Aimee Wilmott (400m particular person medley) – may also be fancied to win European titles, as will 100m freestyle winner Duncan Scott, who could have the backing of his residence crowd in Glasgow.
Within the diving, Olympic 3m synchro champion Jack Laugher shall be hoping to retain his European title however Tom Daley is taking a break from competitors.
There’s additionally synchronised and open water swimming among the many aquatics occasions.
Mr & Mrs Kenny goal titles and Whitlock leads GB gymnasts
Laura and Jason Kenny have gained 10 Olympic gold medals between them
Husband-and-wife Jason and Laura Kenny will look to maintain up with a few of their Tokyo 2020 rivals when the monitor biking will get beneath manner on the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome in Glasgow on the opening day.
The pair returned to racing this 12 months after taking day trip to take care of their new child son. Six-time Olympic champion Jason Kenny stated Albie is a “good distraction” however added that their lives have modified.
“It is all the time stated that athletes are egocentric, and you’re in a way as you place your physique first in relation to competing and resting, however when you may have the baby you do not have a alternative,” he stated.
“It does change but it surely’s superb what number of belongings you thought had been necessary earlier than, however you may take care of quite a bit simpler.”
The native curiosity will deal with Scotland’s first monitor biking world champion Katie Archibald, who gained the Commonwealth 3,000m particular person pursuit gold title. Her brother John, who gained silver within the 4,000m particular person pursuit in Australia, can also be within the British group.
Former Olympic and European group pursuit gold medallist Dani Rowe will hope so as to add a European highway race crown.
Within the males’s occasion, Mark Cavendish – winner of 30 Tour de France levels – shall be up towards Slovak Peter Sagan, who has gained the Tour’s factors classification on 5 events.
Mountain biking and BMX are among the many different biking occasions.
Over on the SSE Hydro – which hosted the the 2015 World Championships – double Olympic champion Max Whitlock will look to win his first European gymnastics title since 2014.
British Commonwealth champions Alice Kinsella and Georgia-Mae Fenton, and James Corridor, Dom Cunningham and Courtney Tulloch will hope to shine once more.
Nonetheless, the group shall be with out two-time European bars winner Becky Downie who has withdrawn through injury.
Strathclyde set for sporting feast
Mohamed Sbihi shall be in the course of the Nice Britain males’s eight boat
The rowing will happen at Strathclyde Nation Park. Following the withdrawal of single sculls champion Vicky Thornley, among the British medal hopes will relaxation on the lads’s quadruple sculls of John Collins, Jonny Walton, Graeme Thomas and Tom Barras, who’re in good type having gained the final World Cup occasion in Lucerne.
Britain even have a powerful males’s eight with Olympic champion Mohamed Sbihi a part of the crew – however world and European champions Germany shall be one of many favourites for that title.
The ladies’s, males’s and mixed-team relay triathlon occasions shall be held on the identical venue. Double Olympic champion Alistair Brownlee is called within the British squad though he withdrew from June’s World Triathlon Sequence in Leeds due to a “few niggles”.
Glasgow-born Marc Austin, who gained Commonwealth Video games bronze, will compete alongside the 30-year-old within the males’s occasion, and Jess Learmonth will search to defend her European crown.
What concerning the golf?
Laura Davies has gained the Women’ European Tour order of benefit on seven events
The brand new European Tour occasion – European Golf Group Championships – will happen concurrently the ultimate main of the 12 months, the US PGA, and simply three days after the conclusion of the Girls’s British Open.
The occasion will happen on the illustrious course at Gleneagles and can comprise of males’s and girls’s group match-play competitions, in addition to an 18-hole foursomes strokeplay mixed-team championship.
There are 4 Nice Britain girls’s and males’s groups. 4-time main winner Laura Davies will associate Georgia Corridor, who was tied third ultimately 12 months’s British Open, and 2019 Solheim Cup European group captain Catriona Matthew has teamed up with England’s Holly Clyburn.
The lads’s groups comprise of Callum Shinkwin and Lee Slattery and in addition Scottish duo Connor Syme and Liam Johnston, who changed Richie Ramsay and Ryan Evans after they each withdrew.
European Championships 2018 – Venues
Swimming – Tolcross Worldwide Swimming Centre, Glasgow
Diving – Royal Commonwealth Pool, Edinburgh
Synchronised swimming – Scotstoun Sports activities Campus, Glasgow
Open water swimming – Loch Lomond & The Trossachs Nationwide Park
Monitor – Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome, Glasgow
Street – Glasgow metropolis centre and metropolitan areas
Mountain biking – Cathkin Braes Mountain Bike Trails
BMX – Glasgow BMX Centre
PGA Centenary Course, Gleneagles
Rowing & Triathlon
Strathclyde Nation Park, North Lanarkshire
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oscarwetnwilde · 2 years ago
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You, Me, And It (1993) and Immaculate Conception (1992): The power and appreciation of James Wilby's facial expressions.
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oscarwetnwilde · 10 months ago
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The safer version that won't get me flagged: James Wilby and Suzanne Burden in You, Me, And It (1993) and an interview on the filming of the show:
"The series highlights that in this situation sex becomes purely a means of having a baby. It seems to lose the loving element, and that causes all kinds of problems. The couple also, frequently think there is something very inadequate about them."
James and Suzanne have to play many intimate love scenes in the production. "They are not difficult. If you have two actors who are prepared to throw their inhibitions in the wind and got on with it. These scenes really focus on the fact that they are trying to have children. They are not lurid or pornographic, and without them the production would be rather empty." -James Wilby
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oscarwetnwilde · 1 year ago
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Baby James Wilby in Privileged. (1982)
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oscarwetnwilde · 3 months ago
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Screencaps: James Wilby as Alistair in Immaculate Conception (1992) and a baby.
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