#Jake Shears
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thesnappiestoperator · 1 year ago
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If I paint my fingernails green, and well it happens that I do paint them green.
Cabaret at The Kit Kat Club - West End Playhouse Theatre - October, 2023
Taper: @lasagnatrades
Emily Benjamin's LAST SHOW as alt Sally Bowles
Stars: Jake Shears, Emily Benjamin, Nathan Ives-Mobia, Beverly Klein, Teddy Kempner, Wilf Scolding
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hotcelebritymenilike · 2 years ago
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Just a bunch of hot out queer celebrities I had waiting to be posted: Andrew Keenan Bolger, Billy Eichner, Chris Salvatore, Dam Amboyer, Jake Borelli, Matteo Lane, Mike Doyle, Murray Barlett, Robert Grant, Jake Shears, Steven Grand, and Vincent Rodriguez III
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gayloveandlovers · 2 months ago
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Jon Reynolds and Jake Shears
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yourfavealbumisgender · 1 year ago
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Ta-Dah by Scissor Sisters is a Nonbinary Lesbian!
requested by anon
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Cabaret at TheKit Kat Club Experience !!
So, I saw Cabaret at the Kit Kat Club at the Playhouse theatre on November 15 (11/15/2023) with Nic Myers as Sally and Jake Shears as Emcee.
Below the cut is where spoilers start lol: honestly the whole thing is super secretive- from the stage to the venue itself. So if you ever plan on seeing it live or have the opportunity to do so, you have been warned!
When you walk into the theatre there’s this awesome:
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You will see before you descend the stairs; at the bottom of the stairs, they put a sticker on your phone :)
You’ll continue walking down the hall where the walls are white and covered with pictures all over of the actors past and present.
You probably pass some of the actors who are milling about, chatting, flirting, dancing playing instruments.
I was in the first row of the upper dress circle and god it’s tight up there. Definitely wish I’d payed a bit extra to be on the floor and to at least have room 😖
Also note; I don’t talk about Herr Schultz and Frauline Schneiderall that much in these notes, but that’s because their scenes are so sweet and straight forward. These two give you the Schneider and Schultz you’ve seen and you know you love; there’s nothing outlandish or left field that happens with these two like some of the choices with Sally and Emcee. The same can be said for Ernst and Cliff. Nothing wild has been changed with their characters. In fact, most of this will probably be me trying to decode the strange new take on the Emcee and The Kit Kat Club. Anyway! Here are my thoughts and stuff that stuck out to me!
(Also if you’ve seen this production with Eddie Redmayne or have listened to it and have a hypothesis— he makes this strange sound like he’s spitting? In a lot of the songs- I thought it maybe part of the orchestration, but I didn’t notice it with Jake Shears and chalked it up to Eddies character choices. So if you know what the sound is or can give me staging It would soothe my brain)
🍷 in Willkomenn, when the Emcee does his whole “comment ca va?, do you feel good” speil he paused after every time, as if to test what language the audience would respond to
🍷 He kept the “do you feel good- yeah I bet you do 😏” line even tho it wasn’t on the revival album🥹
🍷The way to tell Victor and Bobby apart is to lift their arm and stick your face in their armpits and take a big wiff. Bobby did not want his armpits sniffed and Emcee had to beg him
🍷 Bro I love Hermann; he was so stoic and dead inside- he just stood there and did the most basic version of what everyone was doing. He was also fully clothed lol
🍷When they sing the whisper verse, they were all posing in various positions and the Emcee crawled between their legs
Don’t Tell Mama:
🎀 When sally screams at the beginning, she was lying on her back throwing a tantrum
🎀 The Emcee is on stage for the final verse and he acts as Sally’s brother: when sally says the line, “if he squeals on me i squeal on him” they squeezed each others nipples
Perfectly Marvelous
💚When Cliff and Ernst are talking and Sally barges in, she’s wearing her coat, a beige and orange scarf, funky sunglasses and carrying a ton of luggage
💚at the end of Perfectly Marvelous, when Cliff says “besides I’ve only got one narrow bed,” the Emcee rises out of the circle in the center of the platform wearing the exact same thing as Sally: the coat the scarf and the glasses. Two Kit Kat Girls come up the same platform in a suitcase that looks just like the one Sally was carrying
💚 Nic Myers didn’t do an American accent
Two Ladies
👯‍♀️ The KitKatGirl who “makes thebed” puts on a hardware belt and does explicit things with a hammer while the other has a spatula. Or a whisk ,, The One That “Does The Cooking” goes behind Emcee and uses the whisk to “thrust” into him and when he says daily bread, she pulls out a baguette, she also fills out a whip lmao
👯‍♀️ During the instrumental break all the other Kit Kat Members come up through the stage wearing explicit things and doing explicit things to each other. The one that stood out the most to me was Helga jacking off to a copy of Mein Kampf— it was super chaotic and I don’t remember details
It Couldnt Please Me More:
🍍More often than not the sailor Kost was fucking was either Bobby or Hans- even referring to the former as such. Also, they refer to her as Fritzie explicitly so it’s cannon that Kost=Fritzie and not just an actress double casted.
🍍Before Kost runs into Schneider after letting Bobby out, Schultz is leaving Schneiders room and accidentally is trying to out her robe on instead of his jacket
Tomorrow Belongs to Me
* So Emcee comes on stage holding a box and is dressed in a robe and only a wig cap
* One by one, the member of the Kit Kat Klub put these dolls that are wearing brown suits with Blonde hair on the stage. They are standing militanty. very much providing Nazi imagery
* During the song, the figures go around the turn table while emcee is singing
* At the end of the song when he says the last line, he pulls out a blond wig and holds it in the spotlight
💸Money was the song I was most excited for because of the images I’d seen of the skeleton costume. I had a hard time figuring out why the skeleton, but it was cool nonetheless.
💸 the Emcee rises out of the middle of the floor, his clawed hands reaching out first.
💸 I watched Emcee legit drool on the stage (Groffsauce in Hamilton vibes) he was spitting those lines out so hard
💸 I don’t know how to interpret the staging of the song, the real star of the scene is the costumes, but I took it as the Emcee represented money? Everywhere he went the KitKat Girls followed, wailing and begging him and the surrounding audience for money.
TBTM (reprise )
* I mean. I feel like the staging for this song is always consistent and similar throughout all shows; the individuals singing with Cliff, Sally, Schultz and Sneider standing somberly. The emcee is usually eerily looking on and depending on the show is seemingly jubilant or looking wistful.
* In this, the Emcee rises out of the middle of the turn table wearing his outfit from money. He has a conductors stick and begins conducting them with a smile on his face.
* My sister said the Emcee is “If Art The Clown could talk” and Yeah, that’s pretty accurate. He goes form being the raunchy Emcee we’ve all come to love- I think the Emcee, no matter who plays him is kinda creepy, so the creepiness didn’t seem unusual- to an evil nazi
* But when we see him in money and onwards, he’s definitely giving Killer Clown- she was right, Art the Clown from Terrifier.
* The Art The Clown juxtaposition to when he appears bare faced during some songs was super interesting. It really feels like the idea of “The Nazi’s weren’t demons, they were people who did things we thought demons were only capable of,” and that’s what makes it terrifying. The clowning character is seen praising nazis and cheerfully conducting their songs- he really does seem like a force of evil that’s simply from hell. But then he talks off his makeup in the coming scenes and you’re reminding- he’s just a human who behaves like a demon and that’s terrifying-. Idk if I’m doing the best at explaining my analysis of this, but that’s what I was getting
💃🏾The kickline is lively and the members of the Club are trying to hype up the audience before getting into formation
💃🏾They were all wearing red party hats so when the emcee comes on in his red Pierrot clown get up, he has the longest, pointed and most menacing looking hat.
💃🏾he also has a gun? Thing? He shoots a Nazi flag out of it
💃🏾 The Members of the club form a hakenkreuz shape around Emcee and he hand the flag to Bobby and they march off.
Married (reprise)
🧱 the scene before Married Sneider and Schultz are talking about the engagement. Emcee is slinking around the stage and he has something in his hands wrapped in a napkin. His movements remind me of a mime, or as Chelsea says, Art The Clown, the facial expressions with overdramatized emotion and fluidity
🧱 he slinks between Schultz’s and Sneider with a smile on his face and suddenly there’s a loud ass crash that makes- I shit you not- the entire theatre jump. The lights black out. When they rise back on, there is white confetti floating downward, to represent the broken glass
If You Could See Her
🦍Usually, the gorilla in this is dressed up and it looks more cartoonish, but to, this was just a straight up gorilla- (A really good costume) with absolutely no elements of humanity. No clothes, no slightly upturned mouth, no walking on two legs and absolutely no understand what was going on.
🦍The Emcee would address the Gorilla as if she was human, but she would only respond in an animalistic way like scratching her ass, sniffing Emcees ass or flat out ignoring him and doing her own thing.
🦍 The Emcee seemed to be back at his usually self- joking and less like a demonic force - he’s clowning and making the audience laugh and there’s the Jewish line at the end of the song (which?? I was kind of disappointed by. It didn’t give me shivers and I felt it was a bit rushed.) also people laughed, but it could’ve been a “I laugh at funerals bc it’s awkward,” and not because they actually found the situation funny. My sister hypothesized simple confusion for people who had no idea what was going on. I will agree that some of the Emcees choices are strange if you don’t know the plot/ haven’t read up on this revival before hand.
I Don’t Care Much:
🎙️ Next time Emcee is on stage he is wearing a brown suit and a blonde wig, no makeup on his face- he very much resembles the dolls that were placed on stage during TBTM
🎙️I don’t care much occurs after Sally and Cliff have an argument as usual. But after Cliff leaves Sally is getting dressed. She is putting on the same jacket and pants the Emcee is wearing
🎙️during the song the emcee is doing some weird puppet thing behind her and she’s mirroring the moves she’s doing. it was an interesting choice during this song, but I think it’s been my least favorite change. It was like she was on strings and he was controlling her. I guess it provided a good visual for the notion that the Emcee isn’t a person, rather a representation of the deteriorating culture of the the city as a whole.
🎙️ This song is good at humanizing the Emcee, especially in Alan Cummings revival; smeared makeup, track marks, slurred worlds and stilted motions. It really paints a picture of a human at the end of their rope. In this version it just solidifies that the emcee is the city of Berlin and the evils that are taking over (Which, goes in direct opposition to my previous theory on his costumes providing human- demon Nazi images but whatever I dont have the brain power to think harder about it)
🎙️ After this song Cliff gets beat up by Ernst. After the tussle, the nazi thugs are actually the members of the Kit Kat club, they are wearing the same coat as Sally and the Emcee. They finish Cliff off and take his coat away
🍷I mean. Damn. There’s not much to say here. Outstanding performance. Like there are performances from different actors on YouTube so you could watch those to see the blocking because it’s pretty much the same.
🍷 Nic Myers did an amazing job, I got full body chills
🍷 one critique I’ve heard is that it’s over directed and this song is the perfect example of it. As an actor and a director, I understand both sides,; I don’t see much individuality between the actors on YouTube vs Nic Myers because the staging is so specific. I will say, through my opera glasses, the emotion painted in her face couldn’t be replicated and I think that’s really where the nuances will lie- in their faces.
📸 The Emcee is back on the stage, in the same position as Willkomenn- it’s like this weird pose with his arms and legs bent (you can watch the Willkomenn performance in gram nortons show,, that’s the pose I’m talking about ((I’ve heard people say it’s supposed to look like a hakenkreuz ))the only difference is now he’s in his brown outfit with his blonde hair. Super eerie.
📸 All the characters are standing on the turn table and the Kit Kat Members are on the outer circle of the turn table wearing the same beige suit the emcee has on. The other characters are all wearing brown and there’s an eerie sense of uniformity.
📸 Then there’s the long ass drum roll as they continue to turn before the lights blackout.
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oldbaton · 1 year ago
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denimbex1986 · 2 months ago
"All of Us Strangers came out this last year. As a gay man, I feel like it captured something - oh my God, I mean, just thinking about it like, makes me well up with tears. And it was such an interesting movie because it's just like - I've never seen a movie sort of express the gay experience like it does. And it's like - there's so many ideas in it, and it's funny, and it's sad, and it's romantic, and it's moving; and it all culminates with this song."
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robertxdarling · 1 year ago
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weloveyoukylie · 4 months ago
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martinminogue · 1 year ago
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mitjalovse · 8 months ago
I would dare to claim that the number of tribute albums can also define a musician. For instance, I'm not shocked Elton John had many of them, where you can find some gems. For instance, Revamp contains this cover by Queens Of The Stone Age, which might cause you to pause – how could they even tackle Elton John? However, listen to their version to notice how all these genre purisms, such as rockism, are nothing more than pretentious posturing. Good music is good music and I'm sure Josh Homme would've agreed with that. He noticed how Elton John's pieces function to find the overlap with his group's modus operandi. Actually, they share one thing with Elton, i.e. they're both classicists of their styles who are willing to go beyond that.
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hotcelebritymenilike · 1 year ago
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Scissor Sister's lead Jake Shears
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ollyalexander · 2 years ago
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Olly Alexander with Nicola Roberts, Kimberley Walsh, and Jake Shears at Mighty Hoopla Festival 2023
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a-camp · 9 months ago
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music-catalogue · 11 months ago
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