#Jaina solo x reader
fandomnerd9602 · 5 months
Can I please request Jaina Solo x reader
Jaina and Y/N ready the Falcon for take off…
Y/N: so where to, Captain?
Jaina shutters a little…
Y/N: what?
Jaina: I love it when you call me captain, ace
Y/N: oh Captain my captain how I could compare you to a-
Jaina: shut up
She grabs Y/N by the collar and kisses them…
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Fan Cast: Alicia Vikander as Jaina Solo
Happy Revenge of the Fifth everyone!
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A new Light
Poe Dameron x Elena Cass (Jaina Solo) 
 Poe Dameron finds out That Elena is pregnant with his kids 
Note: this take place during before/ during ROS and DOTF ?
Warning: mentions of sex , mild smut , Pregnancy events
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 Elena already knew ….that’s she’s pregnant. Not only that the force and medical droid told her before hand, but she’s know who the father of her child……it’s Poe Dameron. Leia was both shock and yet caring that she is a almost 3 weeks pregnant and is slightly showing heck Poe’s best friend Finn whom she kept his secret about being force sensitive until he feel like when he is ready to tell Rey about it. 
“Finn, Poe cannot find out that I’m with child “ she told Finn with plead hidden in her voice  “Why wouldn’t he be over the moons of Jakku that your carrying his baby?” Finn told her then she told him how she memory wipe Poe memory the times that she and him had sex to protect him from her older brother Jacen and how to Poe he’ll only remember is a two night stand. she doesn't think she’ll ever fly again considering it’s kinda showing the baby bump as she put her hand on the bump that is growing “I’m also not sure me and Poe are ready to have a child and i’m not sure he even wants one” she sighs the worst part of hiding the pregnancy  in the heat of the new base on Ajan Kloss isn’t helping due to fact she been hiding her pregnancy from most of the base wearing dark color cloths. 
 During her time Leia told her to go to visit one of the forest planets to check if they are willing to help unfortunately to them Poe arrive there earlier before her, helping a residence of the planet he told them stories about his adventures and stories of the rebellion “and how the battle of Endor ended the empire” once Poe finished telling the children the story , he smiles at the children and returns to scouts the area , he heard some raiders that threaten the village he in up staying here until things die down at the same time he grown a beard ‘I wonder how would Elena react to me having a beard?’ He thought . “Poe Dameron... there’s another resistance ship is landing ” a boy said pointing the land ship and out came Finn and Elena in her resistance uniform but strangely her desert shawl crisscross around her waist “odd” he thought but couldn’t help but smile at her holding shipments of supplies . and a child ran up to them and Poe smile as he  fallow the child to them
 “well hello” Elena smile at the child , a  little girl who came up to her as she handed supplies to Finn just for her to talk to the little her “My name is Elena whats your name?” she ask , the girl smiles at her “my name is Hela Kiles” she told Elena as she hands her a flower and putting a necklace  “and I think your pretty “  “thank you Hela, I think your pretty too” Elena told her and examine the necklace meanwhile Finn is talking to Poe, “Poe I don’t think it isn’t the best time to talk to her “ Finn told “Why? she here and it felt like ages since I last saw her”  Poe asked with curiously, "It’s complicated” Finn  tried to tell him but did not stop Poe to walk over to Elena who was  busy to notice him coming.
 “That is for luck “ Hela said  pointing at the necklace she gave Elena “For what ?” she ask as she gotten up Hela giggled “for you and the baby “ Hela answered putting a hand on Elena belly realizing that her shawl had fallen down to reveled right as Poe finally came up and saw it “Y-your pregnant?” Poe responds made her look at him and went pale in fear and embarrassed , before Poe can ask anything she move past him and another resistance member to get away , her fear came true ‘Poe now knows she is pregnant with his child’
 “DID YOU KNOW?!?!” Poe shouted in frustration at Finn and general Organa , how was it possible? who gotten her pregnant ? who touch her ? “Poe you should calm down -” Leia started but Poe didn't listen “Did you all know that she is pregnant?” he asked them , Leia and Finn look at each other “Yes, i knew she was pregnant “ she sigh sadly , Poe is stubborn , he always love Elena,and she loves him but finding out she with child, he felt betrayed and heartbroken .  Finn tries to comfort his friend but shrugs him off  “You could have least tell me that Elena is with child Finn you were my best friend” Poe scold “Hey she told me not to tell you that she is carrying your- I mean a child”  Finn respond and mentally sigh in relief, but apart of him needed to tell poe that it’s his child she carrying so he need to chill. Poe look at him in disbelief “Oh you are deafening the man who impregnated her , she told me she wanted to get married then have have after the war and Now she can’t-” “Enough,!” Leia slammed her fist down making both men stop “Both of you stop fighting,  listen we’re all on the same side and yet  I suspect you holo call me about allying them but didn’t expect both of you fight over what happen with Elena!” “General-” “Poe you need to talk to Elena about, you needed to know  and that’s an order ,” Leia order him and Poe groan “Alright” just like that Poe left to find Elena , he needed to find the answer from her. 
 It didn’t took long to find where Elena is thanks to Hela father pointing to what room she is in and found her sitting on the floor holding the small dump and was crying. “This shouldn’t have happened little one “ she told the tiny baby that was in her “ I don’t know how to explain it to your father….” Poe stood in front of her and she excepted it him to check on her when she looked straight at him wiping what remaining tears she has on her cheek. “ Did you or did not have slept with some one after we return from Yavin 4 ?” He asked her , Elena wanted to say ‘yes it been with you, but I have to wipe those memories away to protect you from my Sith Lord of a brother who wants to kill you’ but that didn’t happen, instead she just said “yes….it was with you.” she suspects Poe Dameron will do something crazy to her but he didn’t, he just probably don’t believe that he was father of his child,then how could he “we only slept together for only two nights and nothing more “ Poe stated like it a fact and Elena regret memory wipe the months they had romantic sexual relationship for months “ but I will not excuse you of anything terrible but once we back to Ajan Kloss I’m going to ask the general to send you med bay to figure out who took advantage of you“. Oh my god that what Poe thinks of their baby “I haven’t been taken advantage of Dameron!” She said in offensive tone in her “I regret ever having to wipe those memories of those months of us having sex” Poe look at her wide eyed “I wished you never agreed of doing it .” He just have an disappointed look on his face “I don’t understand what you are talking about-“ “no because it’s was the only way you can think of away to protect you from Jacen. I’m sorry, you need to get the hell out “ she pushes him to the door leaving her to cry alone again ‘Even she pregnant, she is still stubborn’ Poe thought while walking away from the hut he needs  help ,
Months Prior
“Just a few more love “ Poe murmured softly to Elena as he continue thrusting in her hard with passion “Poe, I-I can’t hold much l-longer” She moan gripping him tightly as she came “I got you Elena, I gotcha” he muttered while kissing her lips, chest and even sucking her breast as he come inside her for one final time before collapsing on the bed with her  panting he slowly slid out of her and lays next her closely like she will fly away “I can’t do that to you Poe” she finally spoken to him tracing his chest with her hand  “you can I believe in you star girl” Poe said “ I promise I’ll still love you even if I won’t remember the months of us together “ he wipe away the tears that were falling down on her cheek  “You gotta be strong ,heck maybe one day after your battle your sith lord brother is done , you can try and regain my memories back” she nodded and breathes “ can we just sleep together one last time” Elena quietly said sadly “alright “ and with that Poe gave her one last kiss a goodnight.
Poe Woke up gasping for air in shock, it was a memory or is it a dream ? whatever its is it felt real. When morning came he went to find Elena still asleep,  carefully not to wake her he put his hand her belly “Hey little buddy, it’s your daddy “ he whispers to the baby dump  “Sorry that had a fight with your mom , I promise it wouldn’t happen again , I promise that ending this war I will be with you and your mamma when you arrive okay little guy?” Elena stirred and see Poe talking to the baby inside her “Poe?” she started and Poe kiss her  head “I’m sorry” he told her “I’m so sorry that I didn’t believe you, i’m really am sorry “ “Poe I forgive you, it’s your child too boy or girl they will forgive you too, ” she him and embrace him,  “what now? you remember now ”  Poe just smiles and kissed her “Your the mother of my child and I’ll never leave you or our child”  he told her and she smile with happiness, “would you marry me ? i know its not the right moment, after we win this war-” “Yes if only you shave that beard of yours ” Poe laughs at her remark and both went to tell their friends the news.
Months later/ Battle of Exegol 
Poe (POV):
 “Snap, they’re on your tail” I shouted at Snap as he is being tailed by ties  “No I see it!” He told me  , I tried telling “NO “and “ Stop” before he gotten shot and kill by the ties , damn it Kare is  going to kill me  , if we ever survive this, I thought Elena and our unborn child realizing if I die , I never going to have a chance to see them again,  and I didn’t see her on Ajan Kloss before everyone we have left to fight  this final battle and learn from Jupiter that she went to fight her brother,  and to be honest i’m starting to lose hope and this what’s left of resistance we are out numbered  “My friends....” I started to say “ I’m sorry, I thought we had a shot ,but there’s is just too many of them” hope is lost - “But there are more of us,Poe “ I heard Lando voice said “ there are more of us “ I saw it I’m  seeing the number of ships emerging from hyperspace “Look at this, Look at this” I was in shock , Lando did it , he gotten everyone who allies with us to help finish this  war “Hits  those underbelly cannons! Everyone  we knockout is a world to saved!” I ordered ‘we’re ending this battle once and for all’ I thought
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Elena/Jaina (Pov):
 After all thing happen, Leia’s sudden passing , the Battle is happening on Exegol and me being pregnant and having my final battle with my Jacen. Yeah welcome to my life right now “I’LL NEVER LET YOU WIN OR THE FINAL ORDER” I shouted at him and used every lightsaber formation i know to block attack but feeling my stomach in pain  ‘can you two at least wait until mommy finish this fight before you guys pop out?’ I mentally asked myself before blocking Jacen next attack. It almost felt like 30 minutes when I finally said goodbye to my brother before using my saber to both free him and end his terror , I limped back to the ship I the force telling me that Plapatine’s gone and so is Ben solo . I sighed hopefully my friends made it safety, I was about to call for a ship when a huge pain in my stomach and felt wet?….I looked down Kriff my water just broke “why now? why now?” I hissed in pain when I started the called “This commander Elena Cass of Ivory squadron , and I need a pick up because i’m in labor.... right now” 
Authors pov :
 The war is over Rey, Finn and Poe reunited with a hug after that , Rey’s face shifted , both men notice this “Rey what’s wrong?” Finn asked looking worry, “It’s Elena .....” Poe frowns, Rey’s answer made him fear the worst “What about her ?  she is alright ?” he asked “Where is she?” Rey look at him and smiles?  Poe was about to say anything  Rey answers “she’s in the med bay “ “the Med bay? Why would she be ....” the realization hit Poe like light speed “Shit , she is in Labor now? I have to go, come on BB-8 !” As Poe ran to the med bay with BB-8 fallowing him.  
 Laying in labor and in pain screaming ,Poe rush in  to Elena who was giving birth “poe?” she looks at him looking at him “I’m here star girl I’m here” he told her holding her hand for her to squeeze it as more of the contractions keep kicking her and pushing the baby out of her and heard a cry from the baby , the droid nurse announced “it’s a girl” Poe look at the baby girl “a girl, that’s amaz-“ he didn’t get to finish when he heard her scream again “what wrong?” “General Dameron, the second one is coming “ “Second one?, wait we’re having twins?!? “ “I can’t do this “ Elena was crying in pain and the tiredness is showing,Poe look at her “yes, you can, you are the strongest person I know, don’t you dare give up on this next bevy okay?” She nodded at him , she tightened her grip on Poe hand and let out one shriek as she gave one big pushed. “It’s a boy” the nurses exclaims as both Poe and Elena smile , with joyest laughter as they look at their babies when they held them. 
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 BB-8 rolls in making beeps and looks at the newborn twins with curiosity. “it’s okay BB they are small.” Elena said making BB8 give happy beeps “did you have name our children yet?” Poe asked the mother of his children  and she smile sadly “I thinking naming the boy Anakin Ben” she told him and Poe understand quickly, even though he didn’t like Ren  “what about our daughter?” and she smiles “I was thinking of naming her after your mother Poe, Shara” Elena told him, and he looks at her “that’s .. perfect for her” Poe smile tears coming down his cheek in happiness. “Anakin and Shara Solo Dameron “ she said Poe looked at in confusion “Why solo? that isn’t your last name” he told and she look at him “I’m been thinking the Elena Cass Dameron doesn't out the tongue” that was true Poe did cringe at that “So your changing your last name or...planing to change your full name?” He asked and she response “Jaina Solo, that’s going to be my name now” Elena, final now called Jaina Solo said and Poe pop the question “El- Jaina Solo will you finally marry me ?”  “Of Course flyboy “ and Jaina kissed Poe unaware that Rey , Finn, Rose , Chewbacca  and their squadrons were watching “finally it took them long enough” Rose said ,Chewbacca growls in agreement making Jaina  and Poe look at their friends who were watching them . “How long have you been standing there?” Jaina asked in surprise  “Long enough that you two just announced that you two are getting marry”   Finn answered smiling at them , everyone  agree that this is the brightest moment of their day, and both Poe and Jaina look at their children with the brightest “To honest honey this is the greatest gift we’ve given since that pocket knife I gave you on life day” Poe joked and earning a light punch on the shoulder “I maybe tired but I can still punch you “ she countered back “That I believe” .  
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A/N: Holy Kriff , I wrote 2771  words on this fic that’s crazy !!!!!
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checkoutmybookshelf · 7 months
You Have My Attention: New Jedi Order First Lines
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Ok, so Vector Prime wasn't my first Star Wars EU book; that would have been at least semi logical and honestly logic and hinged-ness is not how I would characterize either my experience with the Star Wars fandom, the EU, or just Star Wars in general. We have Anakin Skywalker, hinged is not the vibe. That said, Vector Prime was my fourth Star Wars book, and despite some flaws and peaks and valleys in quality, the New Jedi Order holds a very nostalgic place in my heart. Let's see how the authors of the New Jedi Order books catch readers.
It was too peaceful out here, surrounded by the vacuum of space and with only the continual hum of the twin ion drives breaking the silence.
-- R. A. Salvatore, Vector Prime
Standing there, on the bridge of his Nebulon-B frigate, the pirate Urias Xhaxin clasped his cybernetic left hand to the small of his back with his right hand. He stared straight ahead at the tunnel of light into which his ship, the Free Lance, flew.
-- Michael A. Stackpole, Dark Tide I: Onslaught
Shedao Shai stood in his chamber, deep within the living ship Legacy of Torment. Tall and lean, long-limbed with hooks and barbs at wrist, elbow, knee, and heel, the Yuuzhan Vong warrior had pulled himself up to his full height and held his open hands out away from his sides.
-- Michael A. Stackpole, Dark Tide II: Ruin
If the system's primary was distressed by the events that had transpired on and about the fourth closest of its brood, it betrayed noting to the naked eye. Saturating the local space with golden radiance, the star was as unperturbed now as it was before the battle had begun.
-- James Luceno, Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial
It was morning in Gyndine's capital city, though that fact was scarcely evident to anyone on the surface. The rising sun, when glimpsed at all, was a blanched disk behind roiling smoke belched from flaming forests and buildings.
-- James Luceno, Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse
Lieutenant Jaina Solo rolled her x-wing fighter up on its port S-foil and shoved her throttle forward. A seed-shaped Yuuzhan Vong coralskipper had been harrying her wingmate.
-- Kathy Tyers, Balance Point
Outside the medcenter viewport, a ragged crescent of white twinkles known as the Drall's Hat drooped across the violet sky, its lower tip slashing through the Ronto to touch a red star named the Eye of the Pirate. The constellations above Corellia had not changed since Han Solo was a child, when he had spent his nights contemplating the galactic depths and dreaming of life as a starship captain.
-- Troy Denning, "Recovery"
Dorsk 82 ducked behind the stone steps of the quay, just in time to dodge a blaster bolt from across the water. "Hurry on board my ship," he told his charges. "They've found us again."
-- Greg Keyes, Edge of Victory I: Conquest
Blood, drifting in starlight. That was the first thing Jacen Solo saw when he opened his eyes. It had beaded into what looked, in the dim, like polished black pearls reflecting the ancient starlight filtering through the transparisteel a meter or so away.
-- Greg Keyes, Edge of Victory II: Rebirth
The dark sliver of a distant starliner crept into view, a blue needle of ion efflux pushing it across the immense sweep of a brilliant orange sun. Like a million such suns in the Core region alone, this one lacked any world with a civilization or even a sapient species, and it was too inconsequential for any name except an obsolete Imperial survey number. With so much emptiness, so many planets untouched, it seemed to Jaina Solo that there should have been no need for fighting, that there should have been room for all.
-- Troy Denning, Star by Star
A sunrise corona limned one edge of the planet Myrkr, setting its vast northern forests alight with a verdant glow. Viewed from space, the planet appeared as lush and green as Yuuzhan'tat, the long-lost homeworld of Yuuzhan Vong legend.
-- Elaine Cunningham, Dark Journey
"A god cannot die," Charat Kraal said. "Therefore it can have no fear of death. So who is braver, a god or a mortal?"
--Aaron Allston, Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream
Jaina Solo banked her X-wing starfighter into as tight a turn as she could endure. The g-forces of her maneuver crushed her into her seat, but she called upon the force to protect her, to keep her centimeters away from the edge of blackout.
-- Aaron Allston, Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand
Outside the universe, there is nothing. This nothing is called hyperspace. A tiny bubble of existence hangs in the nothing. This bubble is called a ship.
-- Matthew Stover, Traitor
As she sat in the chair that was hers by right of death, she raised her eyes to the cold faraway stars. Checklists buzzed distantly in her mind and her hands moved over the controls, but her thoughts flew elsewhere, amid the chill infinitude. Searching...
-- Walter Jon Williams, Destiny's Way
Saba Sebatyne knew the moment she emerged from hyperspace that Barab I was burning. Where the planet normally displayed a cloudy, gray face lit the glow of its primary, a sullen red dwarf, her infrared sensitive eyes now saw a fiery inferno.
-- Sean Williams and Shane Dix, Force Heretic I: Remnant
The man who was no longer a man stood before an alien who was not what it seemed. "Everything is in place," the man said.
--Sean Williams and Shane Dix, Force Heretic II: Refugee
Neither moved; neither spoke. They stared unflinchingly into each other's eyes. Surrounding her, hidden by shadows, Tahiri could sense an alien landscape.
-- Sean Williams and Shane Dix, Force Heretic III: Reunion
Three kilometers beneath the surface of Yuuzhan'tar--the world once known as Courscant--the sound of chanting drifted up a shaft nearly as wide as it was deep, the melancholy strains yearning toward the few distant starts that could be seen from the bottom. In the pale blue light of lumen reeds, the faces of the chanters appeared ravaged, their bodies misshapen.
-- Greg Keyes, The Final Prophecy
Selvaris, faintly green against a sweep of white-hot stars, and with only one tiny moon for companionship, looked like the loneliest of planets. Almost five years into a war that had seen the annihilation of peaceful worlds, the disruption of major hyperlanes, the fall and occupation of Coruscant itself, that fact that such a backwater place could rise to sudden significance was perhaps the clearest measure of the frightful shadow the Yuuzhan Vong had cast across the galaxy.
-- James Luceno, The Unifying Force
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yjk-imagines · 3 years
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I'm back! Maybe request something? Couples, ships, friends, romance, platonic relationships, individual characters, I'm here for anything and everything about the Young Jedi Knights of Yavin IV
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londonfog-chan · 7 years
Kylo Ren x Reader: Connect/Disconnect
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Part 1 (Here)  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4
A/N: This is it. This is the fic that’s going to get me through 2018. I’m in pain and hurting but god dammit I’m not going down. I’m going to cling to Star Wars and Adam Driver and I’m going to be ok. This is my healing me fic. It will be ok. 2018 will be ok...
He had plans for the four of you. Four became three, and you wanted them far away from the monster he became.
You were students. It was wrong. He was seventeen, a year your senior. You came from nothing. There were rules for a reason. He had the unmitigated temerity to break them. You had a tendency to look the other way. Both of you were throwing away the code and risking punishment, a stupid decision considering the way of the Jedi was what the both of you had wanted in the first place.
“First, we will have a girl.” you decided finally.
Ben Solo smiles and his large, skinny hands rubbed the area just below your stomach. It’s a different place and time. He took risks then, albeit poorly calculated ones. It was the middle of the night. The other padawans and Master Luke were all asleep soundly in their huts, Ben having snuck from his abode to yours because this way you both were so far from the others. No once could hear Ben’s whimpers or your grunts of ecstasy as you two touched through the barriers of your clothes, you sitting in his lap clothed from the waist up in your tunic, legs covered in bandages from fresh lightsaber wounds while Ben’s busy hands avoided the tape and touched you intimately on the stomach like a gentleman. In the dark you both become different people. No longer students of the Jedi way, but instead two very desperate lovers who ache and feel in sync with each other. When the two of you unite, the Force within you both seems to knit together an impenetrable wall that hides well your illicit affairs. His calloused fingertips would always catch on the rough fabric of your tunic, but he didn’t mind. Not when he held in his hands a realm of possibilities. A finite bubble that with proper nurturing and care would contain a multitude of potential. If he listened closely, he could hear them calling softly in his ears. Drowning out the seed of doubt in his mind and filling him to the brim until there was no Jedi temple, there was no Ben Solo and his forbidden lover. There was only the two of you. His warm hands over your womb.
This was stupid... This was too sudden.
“I want a boy.” He murmured into your hair after deep consideration, and you relished the whoosh of air in your ear as he breathed in the smell of your locks. Pouting lips captured the shell of your ear with a chaste kiss, while your hands lay on his and busied themselves stroking the soft skin.
“But first a girl Ben.” you insisted, laughing softly when his tongue penetrated your ear canal in play. “I want our son to have a sister who will take care of him, show him how to be gentle. I’ve always wanted a beautiful little girl with your raven hair.”
“And your bright eyes.” he sighed.
“Yes. I will allow that.” you chuckled. “But I hope both grow to look like you.”
Ben held you possessively, and you loved every minute of it. Loved the way his hands cradled your lower abdomen as though it was already swollen with child. There was something about it that filled a void in both of your hearts. It fulfilled some missing element in the relationship even though you had each other. Like ravenous young lovers, you allowed the young padawan’s essence to permeate every pore of your being when he reached out to you, his head resting against yours. You explored each other’s feelings and minds, the Force acting as curious fingers which probed and prodded the very cores of your being more intimately than anything you could have ever known. He knew every secret carried in your heart, every fault and flaw, and at the time you knew his. Once, unpleasantly, you had caught a taste of the doubt and of the dark, only to chase it away with your own strong light. Unfortunately, your own worries penetrated his mind strongly.
“You needn’t be scared of carrying two children.” Ben whispered, sensing your fears at the thought of even carrying one baby. “I’ll be there to look after you and tend you.”
“Mostly I fear the pain.” You replied honestly. “More-so than the punishment of getting caught, and having to take the brunt of the absolute mayhem of not only Leia Organa, but of Master Luke as well.”
“We can handle that.” Ben insisted. “We’ll run away. Maybe if I tell my father, he’ll be able to come back and help. I think he would understand how I feel about you. If there's anyone that would be willing to take the risks we want it's him.”
“I know.” your fingers laced with his as he continued to rest his hands against your stomach. “But that does not solve the issue of the birth pain I’ll have to endure... Women have died because of it you know.”
“I’ll be there for you.” he reassures you with gentle nosing as you shiver. His hands begin to rub your abdomen. Beginning at the bottom where he cradled your womb and ending just below your breast, until the entire process is reversed and repeated.
“I’ll be right there when the time comes.” Ben assured. His voice is so soft and soothing, you could stay like this forever.
“Maybe... Maybe something can be done for the pain. There certainly must be a way that I can take some of it away if we make a connection. I would bear every burden for you if it meant sparing you the agony of bringing our children into the world.”
“You take such good care of me Ben Solo.” you whisper.
In his own way, he begs for his lips to be paid attention to. You give him offerings of your own, your lips chapped and rough from the intense physical effort of neglecting beauty in favor of training to catch up with the others. Ben frowns, his tongue darting from his parted lips to lap at your own, coating them in his saliva and softening the dead skin. You sigh contentedly, pulling yourself up onto his lap where you writhe against him skillfully. He’s wary of your new wounds, avoiding a grip on your hips and instead keeping his hands on your stomach as you grind against his parts. He doesn’t like how Master Luke treats you and the three other girls, even if the Knight is his blood relation. The sexist notion that female jedi must undergo far tougher physical conditioning to catch up to the level of the boys sickens him. There’s one in his year, Pavel, that could barely handle the lightsaber properly. You and another young lady called Heela always lead lightsaber practices under Luke’s eagle eye. But often times it’s just Heela, because your recklessness with a lightsaber often causes more burns than Ben Solo would like to admit. But it’s not that you’re clumsy. Far from it in fact, Ben feels as though you and the blade become lost in one another so thoroughly, you often forget it is a separate entity. Your skills are fairly good, the green blade slices to ribbons anything that Master Luke sets before you and only falls when Ben Solo focuses everything he has into your defeat during training. It becomes an extension of your arm, so natural and fluid with a particular grace that Ben can not get enough of when he watches you. He supposed that’s why you would try and sheathe it while still activated. Tomorrow, Master Luke promised, he would find a solution for your habits.
Yet it might not even be possible for you to get up and walk to the temple tomorrow. The way Ben holds you, whispering in your ear his plans for the children and the home life the four of you will make together on some undisclosed planet made you uncertain. Often times in meditation you would catch these negative thoughts. Instead of connecting with all life in the universe, you found yourself deep in thought regarding if this training was really for you. You wanted to be strong and protect the ones you loved from the darkness, and Ben had expectations riding on his success as a new Jedi Knight. Then there was the life you planned to live together, for life was not worth living if one could not have the other. There were so many things twisting you both apart. He felt the seed of your doubt in his own heart, and reached out with a silent insistence that everything will be fine.
"It won't be easy..." you said.
“They’ll be very angry at first,” he said logically, “In time, they’ll understand how we feel. It will take a great deal of reasoning with them if they find us. For now, we simply have to keep up this facade until I can get hold of my father to smuggle us away.”
“So we can’t be together in the interim?” you ask, voice too soft for him to notice the break in it. But inside his mind he feels your hurt pierce him like a dagger.
“Oh my sun, my moon, my stars.” he gushes your praises like an old poet with each pet name punctuated with a feverish kiss, far too much of an old romantic not to make you laugh. “Of course we can be together. I would never leave your side.”
Your thoughts return to your own mind. Ben jumps a bit from the sudden disconnection, and even though you’re near to each other the separation in consciousness makes him stir crazy. An anxiety takes over his mind whenever he is not completely melded with you, as though he is missing some crucial part of himself. He feels vulnerable, afraid that if you close off from him too long, some unseen force, his own doubts and darkness, might take root in the place you’ve left behind.
It sounded like a belch at first. A hitch in your breath. He wondered what you were talking about, until you entwined your fingers with his and returned them to your stomach from Ben’s resting place on your lap.
“Her name will be Jaina Solo, and she will be the spitting image of her father.” you smile.
Ben Solo understood then.
“And he will be Jacen Solo, and he will be every bit as charming and sensitive as his mother.” he agreed. Instantaneously your Force connection was restored, driving away the seeds of doubt and keeping them at bay for a little while at least.
“I think we should try soon.” he whispered into your ear. A warm, jolting shiver descended down your spine as Ben became brave. He told you how and when you both with try, because he’s been waiting for this moment since the two of you became infatuated with school time crushes. He whispers sultry things in his deep voice, having dropped a few octaves since you’ve known him in the earliest days of training. Very much so you still were in the honeymoon stage of the relationship. Yet because Ben was such a smooth, even talker, and because his hands and body were so deliciously lanky and so completely yours, you felt the honeymoon would never end.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 2 years
Could you do Jaina Solo x male!reader where y/n was Luke's apprentice, Luke brought him in when he was about Jaina's age when she was 9 since she was Ben's younger sister. After the temple was destroyed y/n looked for Luke and found him on ahch to, he tried to convince Luke to help stop the First Order but Luke refused. Luke gave y/n his lightsaber and tells him to be worthy of it. During years y/n set up a Jedi base in the planet Ajan Kloss, and he took in students who are force sensitive. He teaches the new generation of Jedi the same way Luke From legends do. He also wears a suit to scare away people so their location wouldn't be discovered by the first order or anyone.
The story takes place after the Last Jedi as the resistance set up base on Ajan Kloss, they heard rumors that a mask figure roams in there and protect his territory from wonderers. Poe and Finn decided to see if this is true, they step in a trap and y/n came out of knowwhere like a horror movie and knocked them out. Leia then sends Rey and Jaina to find Poe and Finn, they then stubble appon a Jedi base and y/n (mask figure use the Force to throw Rey like a rag doll but recognize Jaina. He took his mask off and Jaina throw her arms around him and kissed him on the cheek as she thought he was dead. Y/n then tells his students to cut down the trap where Poe and Finn was. Y/n and Leia helped with Rey's training and teaching her how the Jedi order fall in the prequels. He and Jaina become more closer then ever, they started having a relationship. Y/n's students also teases then by making kiss noises and ask when's the wedding. Y/n also tells Leia and Jaina that Ben didn't destroyed the Jedi temple, someone else did it (y/n doesn't know that palpatine did that but he know that Ben didn't do that). The story ends with them getting married and having kids.
The is request is based on a Star Wars Fan film:
How y/n's Jedi order works:
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Y/n's suit to scare people away from his Jedi base to protect his students:
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I will see what I can do
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kuwaiti-kid · 4 years
The 20 Best Star Wars Books of All Time (Canon and Legends)
With the recent reveal of the Star Wars: The High Republic mixed-media series, now seems like a great time to look back on the novelizations, stand alones, and book series that have been an integral part of building the rich and expansive universe that we know and love today.
The first Star Wars novelization was released six months following the premiere of Star Wars: A New Hope. Ghostwritten by Alan Dean Foster, but credited to George Lucas, Star Wars: From The Adventures of Luke Skywalker was the first venture into worldbuilding beyond the cinematic universe.
Over the course of forty-three years, nearly five hundred books have been added to the Jedi Archives, uh — I mean the Star Wars library. In 2014, almost four hundred of these novels were decanonized by Lucasfilm to refocus the canon around The Walt Disney Company’s restructuring of the franchise.
The Expanded Universe was rebranded as Star Wars Legends, but it was far from forgotten by its fans or the authors of the new canon novels.
The Ten Best Star Wars Legends Books
Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn (1991)
You would be hard-pressed to find a fan of the Star Wars Expanded Universe who doesn’t love Timothy Zahn’s novels. He introduced us to beloved characters like Mara Jade and Thrawn.
Set five years following The Return of the Jedi, Zahn kickstarted the Expanded Universe with an enthralling story that followed the continuing adventures of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo. Grand Admiral Thrawn attempts to track down a pregnant Princess Leia, while Luke Skywalker faces off with the smuggler Mara Jade (who just so happens to be the former Emperor’s Hand).
It is by far one of the best stories in the Expanded Universe.
The Han Solo Adventures (Trilogy) by Brian Daley (1979-1980)
Daley’s series recently returned to Star Wars discourse after High Republic author Cavan Scott tweeted out his current reference material for another project.
The trilogy follows Han Solo and Chewbacca through their days as smugglers in the capitalistic Corporate Sector, as they uncover a slaving ring, rescue kidnap victims, and face-off with a religious cult.
If you loved  Solo: A Star Wars Story, you’ll love this trilogy.
The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime by R. A. Salvatore (1999)
Set twenty-one years following the destruction of the Death Star, Salvatore did the unthinkable in Vector Prime. Sanctioned by George Lucas himself, the character death depicted in this novel is the only original series character to die in the Expanded Universe.
It is the first novel in a nineteen-book series entitled The New Jedi Order. While this novel sacrificed the life of a beloved character, it also introduced the villainous race of the Yuuzhan Vong.
The original trilogy characters are paired off with the younger generation (the Solo children) throughout the novel, before converging at the crux of a devastating battle.
Star by Star by Troy Denning (2002)
The Yuuzhan Vong continue their ruthless campaign throughout the galaxy, leading Anakin Solo to concoct a dangerous plan to thwart their attacks. Denning’s novel delved a devastating blow for the Solo family as their youngest son Anakin Solo sacrificed his life to buy time for the rest of the team to kill the voxyn queen and escape from the Vong.
This is a book filled with death and destruction, and it proves to be a real page-turner.
Dark Journey by Elaine Cunningham (2002)
If you love Jaina Solo, then the tenth novel in The New Jedi Order series is the one for you. Dark Journey follows Jaina as she struggles with despair and her need for revenge following the death of her brother Anakin Solo and the Vong’s capture of her twin Jacen.
They retreat to the Hapes Cluster, where they encounter the grieving Teneniel Djo and the familial struggles of the Hapes. The Former Queen Mother attempts to arrange a marriage between Jaina and Prince Isolder — an offer Jaina rejects.
Enemy Lines (Duology) by Aaron Allston (2002)
This pair of novels can easily be read as a singular story. It follows Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker, Han and Leia Solo, Lando Calrissian, Wedge Antilles, and Jaina Solo as they respond to the Yuuzhan Vong’s capture of Coruscant.
Wedge is a stand-out character throughout this novel, and I believe this characterization is one of the reasons that he remains a beloved minor character. The rebellion’s determined efforts lead them to a victorious battle on Borealis, though the Vong are far from defeated.
Shadows of the Empire by Steve Perry (1996)
This novel was Perry’s contribution towards the ambitious mixed-media series (also called Shadows of the Empire) created by Lucasfilm in 1996. The series included both a novel and junior novelization, a comic book series, a video game, action figures, a soundtrack, trading cards, role-playing games, posters, and so much more.
Set between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, the novel introduced readers to the Black Sun criminal overlord, Prince Xizor, whose primary motivation is to seek vengeance against Darth Vader. He does that by plotting to murder Luke Skywalker once his heritage is revealed. It’s a brilliant book that can be read as a stand-alone or as part of the mixed-media experience.
Survivor’s Quest by Timothy Zahn (2004)
Three years following the marriage of Luke Skywalker to Mara Jade, the couple struggles to balance their marriage and their duties as Jedi. Led by an urgent transmission, they journey together on a quest to locate the remains of the Outbound Flight expedition, which had been destroyed by Grand Admiral Thrawn on the planet of Niruan decades ago.
Expecting to find a graveyard of destroyed Dreadnought ships, they are surprised to find intact vessels and signs of life among them. Luke and Mara Jade come up against the vicious Vagaari to rescue the survivors of the errant Outbound Flight project. If you love Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker — this is the novel for you. They are at their best when they’re working together.
Black Fleet Crisis (Trilogy) by Michael P. Kube-McDowell (1996-1998)
Sixteen years following the end of the Original Trilogy, Kube-McDowell’s novel picks up with an era of peace for the New Republic. This trilogy of novels sits somewhat outside of the canon of The New Jedi Order and X-Wing series and provides a slightly different approach to the beloved heroes of the universe.
Chewbacca returns to Kashyyyk to be with his son; Luke works towards higher Jedi enlightenment in a self-built hermitage on Coruscant. Unlike other novels that focus on the characters and their arcs, this series is more focused on political and military plots.
The story follows the genocidal campaign of former Imperial slaves, referred to as Yevethan forces, as they seek to conquer the Koornacht Cluster.
This story deviates drastically from what we know about Luke and Leia’s mother, Padmé, thanks to the prequel trilogy, as Luke travels to the planet Fallanassi to learn more about his mother’s homeworld. Overall the trilogy makes for a great Star Wars story.
Wedge’s Gamble by Michael A. Stackpole (1996)
Wedge Antilles and his X-Wing pilots, the Rogue Squadron, plan to infiltrate the Imperial High Command controlled Coruscant. Still, first, they free the imprisoned Black Suns criminals in hopes of bringing down the Empire.
The story is a race against time for the rebels as they work to take down the planetary shields protecting Coruscant. In the process, allies are lost, and a traitor is discovered among their ranks.
It’s the second novel in a ten-part series and proves to be a fast-paced read.
 The Ten Best Star Wars Canon Books
The Last Jedi by Jason Fry (2018)
Of the three novelizations included in the Sequel Trilogy era, Fry’s work stands out. He masterfully adapted Rian Johnson’s screenplay, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and shed new light on aspects that may have been lost to the casual viewer.
The book provides readers with a look inside the heads and hearts of nearly every character seen in the movie — which genuinely enriches the story.
Star Wars: Bloodline by Claudia Grey (2016)
The novel delves into the ramifications of Senator Leia Organa’s heritage, as trusted allies turn against her at the revelation that she is Darth Vader’s daughter.
Grey delivers an incredibly poignant look into Leia’s psyche throughout this ordeal as well as how she handles balancing being a mother and a senator.
Star Wars: Resistance Reborn by Rebecca Roanhorse (2019)
If you were not overly thrilled with the dynamics between Finn and Poe in The Rise of Skywalker or were hoping to read more about Leia’s last days with the Resistance, this novel is a surefire favorite. Roanhorse truly knows these characters inside and out, and she brings a fresh, exciting adventure to bridge the gap between the Battle of Crait and the Resistance’s base on Ajan Kloss.
Leia works diligently to rally the forces after their defeat at Crait, which brings the familiar Inferno Squadron members, Shriv Suurgav and Zay Versio, into the picture. An interesting element of the novel is the recruitment of defecting Imperial forces that are welcomed into the Resistance. Overall the stakes are low in the story, but it still manages to deliver a memorable read.
Last Shot (Star Wars): A Han and Lando Novel by Daniel José Older (2018)
Created as a tie-in to Solo: A Star Wars Story, Older’s novel covers five storylines told in five parts with a mix of flashbacks between Han Solo and Lando Calrissian as they face a new threat by an old foe.
It also covers aspects of Han’s marriage to Leia, as well as his relationship with his young son, Ben Solo — which helps readers understand how things fell apart by the time The Force Awakens occurs. If you loved Daley’s Legends series about Han Solo, you’ll love Older’s novel.
Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy by Chuck Wendig (2016-2017)
The trilogy expands the extensive period between the end of Return of the Jedi and the start of The Force Awakens. Wendig introduces readers to Norra Wexley and her teenage son Snap Wexley (later seen on screen) and delivers an engaging storyline for Wedge Antilles.
The story follows the New Republic as they work towards defeating the remaining members of the Empire. This series also introduces Emperor Palpatine’s Observatory on Jakku — an exciting piece of foreshadowing for The Rise of Skywalker.
Star Wars: Thrawn by Timothy Zahn (2017)
The first in a series of three novels, Zahn returns to Star Wars and reintroduces Grand Admiral Thrawn to the Star Wars canon. The story begins with the exile of the Chriss warrior, Mitth’raw’nuruodo (Thrawn), and follows his path to the Empire alongside Imperial Cadet Eli.
Thrawn offers to serve Emperor Palpatine in order to protect his people. Throughout the novel, Thrawn’s calculated tenacity allows him to climb the ranks within the Empire, ultimately rising to the position of Grand Admiral. Thrawn is a fan-favorite, and this series is just the beginning of his storyline.
Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel by James Luceno (2016)
If you watched Rogue One and wanted to know more about Orson Krennic or Galen Erso, this is the novel for you. It covers Erso’s research into the energy kyber crystals under the Celestial Power project and follows his concerns as he realizes his research might be used for something devastating.
It’s an interesting approach to members of the Empire and shows the duality among the ranks and the inner confliction at the advent of the Star Destroyer. Familiar faces like Tarkin and Saw Gerrera also appear in this novel.
Battlefront II: Inferno Squad by Christie Golden (2017)
Golden’s novel follows the members of the Empire’s elite team of soldiers, the Inferno Squad, as they deal with the ramifications of the theft of the Death Star plans. The central characters, Lieutenant Iden Versio, Lieutenant Junior Grade Gideon Hask, and Lieutenant Commander Del Meeko, are all featured in the EA Game’s Star Wars: Battlefront II.
Versio and her team are tasked with eradicating the remaining members of Saw Gerrera’s Partisans, newly reformed as a terrorist cell known as the Dreamers. Gideon and Del infiltrate the Dreamers, while Iden is arrested for alleged sedition after intentionally revealing her disillusionment towards the Empire — which leads to the Dreamers rescuing her.
It’s not often that we get to see how members of the Empire fully believe that their actions are the right actions, and this novel delivers.
Alphabet Squadron by Alexander Freed (2019)
The first of a trilogy of novels focused on a group of New Republic pilots. The series crosses over with Marvel comic series Star Wars: TIE Fighters and has a forthcoming sequel novel Shadow Fall arriving in June. The book explores the costs of war in the wake of the Battle of Endor as it follows Yrica Quell, an Imperial defector.
Freed introduces readers to a colorful group of pilots (featuring X-Wings, U-Wings, and Y-Wings) who react with different degrees of suspicion when Yrica joins the squadron. It’s a compelling piece of fiction that is rooted heavily in the military aspects of Star Wars and strongly reminiscent of the 1990s X-Wing series.
Star Wars: Ahsoka by E.K. Johnston (2016)
Dave Filoni created Ahsoka Tano for the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and she quickly grew into one of the most beloved characters from the Prequel Trilogy era. The young adult novel starts with Ahsoka during the Siege of Mandalore and explains how she came to adopt the pseudonym Ashla after fleeing to the remote Outer Rim Moon, Raada.
In the shadow of the growing threat of the Galactic Empire, Ahsoka works alongside Bail Organa and the Rebellion to evacuate the at-risk villages on Raada. Obi-Wan Kenobi also appears in this novel and struggles with the grief of Anakin’s betrayal as he remains in hiding on Tatooine. Overall it’s a great novel exploring an aspect of Ashoka’s life that had yet to be explored.
The final season of The Clone Wars is currently airing on Disney+.
Choose Your Adventure
While we endure the post-The Rise of Skywalker world, there is an entire galaxy’s worth of Star Wars novels out there to read.
Check out your local library or used bookstore and track down some of the older Legends books or jump on Amazon and pre-order the new The High Republic series.
Choose your own adventure, and as always, may the Force be with you.
The post The 20 Best Star Wars Books of All Time (Canon and Legends) appeared first on Your Money Geek.
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Star Wars: Ultimate Rebellion - The Reader's Guide to a Different Galaxy Far, Far Away
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2S1NiEN
by Skywalker114
This is a Reader's Guide containing headcanons and ideas pertaining to the Star Wars: Ultimate Rebellion universe, a Star Wars alternate universe fanfiction project created by me, Skywalker114. ULTIMATE REBELLION sees an altered version of the Galactic Civil War which sees the Rebel Alliance joined by more Imperial defectors and surviving Jedi Knights in their war against the tyrannical Galactic Empire.
Words: 168, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Star Wars: Ultimate Rebellion
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Legends - All Media Types, Star Wars: Rebellion Era - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Relationships: Mara Jade/Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa/Han Solo, Kyle Katarn/Jan Ors, Bigga Darklighter/Nera Dantels, Wedge Antilles/Iella Wessiri, Ru Murleen/Rookie One, Juno Eclipse/Galen Marek, Tyria Sarkin/Kell Tainer, Gavin Darklighter/Asyr Sei'lar, Tycho Celchu/Winter Celchu, Feylis Aradre/Avan Beruss, Dani/Kiro (Star Wars), Jacen Solo/Tenel Ka Djo, Anakin Solo/Tahiri Veila, Zekk (Star Wars)/Taryn Zel, Garik "Face" Loran/Dia Passik, Corran Horn/Mirax Terrik, Soontir Fel/Syal Antilles Fel | Wynssa Starflare, Chewbacca/Mallatobuck (Star Wars), Nawara Ven/Rhysati Ynr, Lando Calrissian/Tendra Risant, Boba Fett/Sintas Vel, Mirta Gev/Ghes Orade, Kir Kanos/Mirith Sinn, Rhys Dallows/Vana Sage, Dash Rendar/Javun Charn, Lux Bonteri/Ahsoka Tano, Ezra Bridger/Sabine Wren, Thane Kyrell/Ciena Ree, Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla, Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso, Norra Wexley/Brentin Lore Wexley, Bo-Katan Kryze/Fenn Rau, Jas Emari/Jom Barell, Shara Bey/Kes Dameron, Conder Kyl/Sinjir Rath Velus, Karé Kun/Temmin "Snap" Wexley, Bail Organa/Breha Organa, Finn/Rose Tico, Kasan Moor/Ace Azzameen, Poe Dameron/Jaina Solo, Ketsu Onyo/Wade Vox
Additional Tags: Rating: PG13, Alternate Canon, Alternate Universe, Fanon, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Multiple Pairings, Good versus Evil, Black & White Morality, Alternate Character Interpretations, Weapons, Spaceships, Outer Space, Interspecies Relationship(s), Heroes & Heroines, Villains, Rare Pairings, Rare Characters, Alien Character(s), LGBTQ Characters, Ancient Technology, Planets, Space Opera, Married Couples, Star Wars Headcanons, Ahsoka Tano Didn't Leave the Jedi Order, Rebel Alliance, Galactic Empire, Jedi Leia Organa, Female Friendships, Planet Naboo (Star Wars), Jedi, Death Star, Mandalorians - Freeform, Yuuzhan Vong - Freeform, Lightsabers, X-Wing(s), Rogue Squadron, New Republic, Mon Calamari, New Jedi Order, Force Ghost(s), Kanan Jarrus Lives, Battle of Yavin, Twi'leks, Hutts, Jedi Ahsoka Tano, Multiple Inquisitors, Defection from the Empire, Imperial Remnant, Planet Manaan (Star Wars), Operation Skyhook (Star Wars), Skywalker Family, Yavin 4, Battle of Endor, Tatooine (Star Wars), Kyber Crystals, Biggs Darklighter Lives, Hoth, Bounty Hunters, Geonosis, Millennium Falcon - Freeform, Coruscant, Operation Skyhook, Unrealistic Everything, Experimental Fiction, Time Travel, World Between Worlds, Star Wars Legends AU with Canon Elements, Jedi Luke Skywalker, References to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2S1NiEN
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movedtosalamoonder · 7 years
a series of unfortunate events
bbc sherlock
culverton smith
eurus holmes
irene adler
james moriarty
john watson
molly hooper
molly x reader
mycroft holmes
mycroft x reader
sebastian moran
sherlock au
sherlock holmes
sherlock vday challenge
sherlock x irene
sherlock x reader
star trek
james kirk
kobayashi maru
leonard mccoy
montgomery scott
nyota uhura
the original series
star wars
han solo
jacen solo
jaina solo
kylo ren
leia organa
a new hope
obi wan kenobi
padme amidala
revenge of the sith
stranger things
studio ghibli
howl’s moving castle
my neighbor totoro
princess mononoke
spirited away
the tale of the princess kaguya
dean winchester
sam winchester
team free will
be more chill
boyf riends
jeremey heere
michael mell
the squip
dear evan hansen
les miserables
the lightning thief musical
phantom of the opera
rocky horror picture show
the sound of music
team starkid
holy musical b@man
sweet tooth
sweet tooth x candy
a very potter musical
a very potter sequel
a very potter senior year
cs lewis
f scott fitzgerald
gregory maguire
john green
jrr tolkien
lemony snicket
neil gaiman
ray bradbury
russel t davies
steven moffat
suzanne collins
terry pratchett
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fandomnerd9602 · 3 months
More Jaina Solo x reader please
Jaina tries meditating…
Jaina: I am one with the force
Y/N: I wanna be one with you
Jaina: I am one with the…oh screw it!
She grabs Y/N’s hand and drags them off…
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The meeting (poe’s pov)
Poe Dameron x Fem!OC
Note: it would be a part  of my second series which its a concept how Elena Cass/ Jaina Solo met poe but this is through Poe’s eyes 
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 “Dank farrik BB-8 we’re losing them!” I told my droid while destroying the oncoming TIES in this section of the galaxy , my squadron and Ivory Squadron are trying to hold off,”Ivory Squadron , where’s Ivory leader?, I can’t see Charlie’s X-wing anywhere”  Zax , Ivory three answer my question “He got shot down back on Naboo Black Leader , he was allowing us to escape and  well I guess they fallow us “ Kriff this is bad , Charlie Cass was suppose to be Ivory squadron’s commander and he’s either stranded or worst killed. My thoughts were interrupted when BB-8 made series of frantic Beeps telling me that a TIE  is at my tail “Kark, hold on “ I shouted through the comms trying to shoot that eyeball of a ship but it seems to know my next move “Happy beeps , we got out of worst situation before “ I told him , bb 8 deeps are suddenly caught me off guard as the TIE suddenly exploded and see that a certain x-wing zoom fast past me ‘Holy shit that charlie X-Wing ‘ I thought but something tells me that isn’t Charlie because, Charlie doesn’t fly that swifty, Snap asked the  “Hey , Charlie welcome back Commander Cass of Ivory Squadron what took you so long ? I see the suppliers with you” I heard a the responds and I froze at the voice which is of a young woman “Wait? My baby brother is a commander of the kriffing Resistance?!?” she said in surprise which made me chuckle a bit, but what made me surprise was the just did the most complicated memover making two TIE crash into each other “I did it, oh my star  I DID IT!” they had said hearing her cheers “Alright everyone jump into lightspeed we’re heading back to base” I told everyone as we all headed back to D’qar .
 Once we landed on the base , I want to see General Organa , and tell her what just happen about Ivory squadrons sudden new leader  because her sounded familiar though “hey Poe” Theo came up to me and patted my back “Thats was some best piloting out there man” I laugh and replied “Well I am the Best pilot in the galaxy ys know” he just roll his eyes “Are you sure about that? from what I saw it’s seems whoever was piloting Charlie X-Wing gave quite a show of their flying skills , so I think your “Best pilot of the galaxy” title goes to this new flyer.” just like he left leaving me confuse, I shook my head and look down to see BB8 but he wasn’t there. Walked by a heard a crash and saw all the creates have fallen when hear beeps from bb8 ‘shit’ I groan apparently he gotten trap in one of the crate as I was about to but-  i saw a girl I seemly recognizes, , she saw the crate that had been knocked over, moving. She kneeled next to it and pushed it back on its feet-Only to hear loud beeps again and see bb8 zoom forward. She was knocked off balance and fell on her butt."Wow, easy there, little buddy!" She laughed , I smile ."It's okay, sweetheart, I've got you."I watch as BB-8 stopped and tilted its head back to stare at her, l."Come here, honey; I'll take a look at you. You were trapped under that crate, huh? How did that even happen?"As she came to her knees, inspecting the little ball of joy with keen attention, the droid beeped enthusiastically."Slow down, sweetheart, your antennas bent , here let me fix that."The poor orange ball had its antenna bent and the woman gently straightened it up. She then wiped off a smudge of grease from his  little head and he beeped thankfully, before going back to narrating how it had ended up trapped in the first place. It bumped into the crate and it fell on his head, effectively trapping him. made a sad face."Oh, honey. I'm sorry. Here, you're all fixed up. What's your name?"He beeped his name and then I heard her name “my names Elena Cass.” that hit me, that girl was Charlie’s sister that he always talks about. 
A Few Days Ago.....
   I walked through the halls to head back to my room to charge up BB- and rest from a long mission with black squadron, when I heard Charlie’s voice in his room , too be honest I thought it was either RO-GR  or his old BB unit BB-7c, I was about to ignore it when I heard a woman's laugh ‘holy shit he has girl in his room , wait wasn’t he like into That supplier whatever their name was? ‘ I thought , to be fair I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I sneak in and hear “It’s the usual Charlie boring old stuff, but I did sneak out and fly one of the ships” woman voice said as I watch from after and.... wow she looks like an angel, even though it’s a holo projector call but she also look like she what 16 or 17 which is not creepy at all “Well good thing your term as Queen will be up soon and heck you’ll get your chance to be part of the Resistance soon  Elena “ Charlie told her suppressing a chuckle  making her eyes roll , so that’s her name “ Charlie I swear you sometime a man child at times”  she laughs a bit but then frowns “i have to go now , they are nagging me  to deal with their political crap.” she told him causing charlie to says his goodbyes to her. “So you must’ve heard everything Poe?” Charlie asked causing me to jump a bit, “ Not much” I told him and asked “who’s that girl your talking to?because she’s a bit young to be your girlfriend” Charlie made a disgust face ‘First of all ew Poe that’s disgusting   you already know i’m into the supplier, and two that girl is Elena Cass she’s my older sister you creep” He told me and I stumble a little ‘that girl is charlie sister ?’ “that’s your sister? Your pilot sister ”  Charlie laughs “yep that’s her alright , she 25 years old and I bet she’ll beat your ass in flying” I laugh at his comment there is no way that that girl can beat me in flying. “so does she have a boyfriend or something?” I asked lifting an eyebrow , earning a zap from BB-7c ow , “No she doesn’t have time .....I think” charlie shrug “Poe can I ask you something?”  I nod “ Of course Charlie” He sigh “My sis has some.... issue after our parents death but she getting better mostly and all.” that wasn’t a question though “ What I am asking is that If something ever happens to me ,please keep an good eye on her as in keep her safe  and i’m letting her to take my place as commander of my squadron incase I die ?” he asked, now that’s the question, I thought about it and answer “yeah... yeah I can do that “ He smile and told me to leave his room.
I walked up to Elena and bb-8 “That was nice piloting out there “ I said to her , she look up at me and she stare at me like she seen an angel with those different shade of blue eyes and there was a small smile on her lips. “Thank you.....” she said softy , which  I kinda find it cute and it was different ,there was a hint of shyness in her . She blink couple of times “is this your droid ?” she asked , which I replied a  yes,  and then I introduce my self “I’m Poe , Poe Dameron”  I said offering a hand to shake  which she took my hand which it was small and soft and then replied “ I’m Elena “ “I know”I told her 
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Hey, I’m letting you guys to use my oc (Elena Cass/Jaina solo) for your Star Wars fan fiction but please don’t claim her as your own  okay and so tag me for creating her alright.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 2 years
Could you do dating Jaina Solo and being Starkiller would include.
Jaina Solo (star wars legends character) x male!reader where y/n is Starkiller who is Darth Vader's secret apprentice. His origin story is the same as Galen marik who started the rebel alliance and after he sacrificed himself to save the senators vader found out his was still alivenbarely. So he decided to put him in carbonite so do doesn't escape. He was released by Luke Skywalker after years of being in carbonite (his physically 19 years old since he was in carbonite but his older). He and Jaina have the same relationship like leia and Han, he also trolls her and flirts with her. Also include nfsw.
Jaina Solo story:
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Y/n (Starkiller) story:
Y/n's Jedi trials ( https://youtu.be/N99501Knteg )
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This will be interesting to write. I like it
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AO3 stats for smaller Star Wars Sequel Trilogy pairings - December the 12th, 2020
Here’s the current list of the Sequel Trilogy ships with 20-99 fanworks on AO3, excluding platonic relationships (tagged as ‘Character & Character’, not Character/Character’) and Official-Character/OC ships.
The differences between the ranking posted two months ago and the one posted today are in the brackets.
New ships on the list:
-Ben/Kylo x Tai;
-Finn x Jannah;
-Rey x Rey.
1. Armitage Hux/Dopheld Mitaka/Kylo Ren - 98 (-1)
2. Poe Dameron/Jessika Pava - 94 (+3)
3. Poe Dameron/Leia Organa - 93 (+2)
4-5. Matt the Radar Technician/Rey (Star Wars) (+6), Armitage Hux/Phasma/Kylo Ren (-1) - 92
6. Clyde Logan/Rey (Star Wars) - 91 (+3)
7. Poe Dameron/Finn/Rose Tico - 78 (0)
8. Leia Organa/Rey - 76 (+1)
9. Zorii Bliss/Poe Dameron - 75 (+8)
10. Finn (Star Wars)/You - 73 (+30) [such drastic change was caused due to some changes in wrangling Finn x reader fics]
11. Poe Dameron/Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren - 71 (0)
12. Dopheld Mitaka/Phasma - 65 (+2)
13-14. Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren/Reader (+1), Poe Dameron/Finn/Rey/Rose Tico (0) - 64
15-17. Kaydel Ko Connix/Rose Tico (+4), Poe Dameron/Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (+1), Armitage Hux/Matt the Radar Technician (0) - 63
18. Poe Dameron/Luke Skywalker - 60 (+1)
19. Snoke/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren - 58 (-3)
20. Jannah/Rose Tico - 57 (+2)
21. Chewbacca/Maz Kanata - 55 (+1)
22-23. Finn/Armitage Hux (+1), Phasma (Star Wars)/You (0) - 54
24-26. Ben Solo | Kylo Ren/Rose Tico (0), Kylo Ren/Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader 31 and 16 works tagged only as Ben Solo | Kylo Ren/Darth Vader and 4 works tagged only as Anakin Skywalker/Ben Solo (+2), Poe Dameron/Amilyn Holdo (0) - 51
27. Kaydel Ko Connix/Rey - 50 (+4)
28-29. Armitage Hux/Enric Pryde (+3), Poe Dameron/Paige Tico (+1) - 48
30-31. Karé Kun/Temmin "Snap" Wexley (+2), Kylo Ren/Ben Solo (-1) - 45
32. Bazine Netal/Ben Solo 23 and 21 works tagged only as Bazine Netal/Kylo Ren - 44 (+6)
33. Knights of Ren/Kylo Ren 38 and 3 works tagged only as Knights of Ren/Ben Solo - 41 (+2)
34. Armitage Hux/Knights of Ren - 39 (+1)
35. Knights of Ren/You - 37 (+10)
36. Poe Dameron/Finn/Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren - 36 (+3)
37. Ren (Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren)/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren - 34 (+6)
38-39. Armitage Hux/Leia Organa, Poe Dameron/Terex - 33 (0)
40. Clan Techie (Dredd)/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren - 32 (0)
41. Rey (Star Wars)/Flip Zimmerman - 30 (+2)
42. Ben Solo | Kylo Ren/Han Solo - 29 (-1)
43. Armitage Hux/Armitage Hux - 28 (0)
44-46. Rey/Han Solo (+1), Poe Dameron/Muran (0), Dopheld Mitaka/Thanisson (0) - 27
47-50. Leia Organa/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (+1), Dopheld Mitaka/Reader (+1), Finn/Phasma (-1), Armitage Hux/Luke Skywalker (0) - 26
51-53. Ben Solo | Kylo Ren/Tai 21 and 4 works tagged only as Ben Solo/Tai (new on the list!), Phasma/Nastia Unamo (0), Finn/FN-2003 | Slip (+1) - 25
54. Poe Dameron/Han Solo - 24 (0)
55-56. Finn/Jannah (Star Wars) (new on the list!), Armitage Hux/Snoke (0) - 23
57-58. Kaydel Ko Connix/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (+2), Kaydel Ko Connix/Dopheld Mitaka (0) - 22
59-61. Jessika Pava/Paige Tico (+1), Armitage Hux/Thrawn | Mitth'raw'nuruodo (0), Poe Dameron/Jaina Solo (0) - 21
62-64. Armitage Hux/Orson Krennic (0), Clan Techie (Dredd)/Dopheld Mitaka (0), Rey/Rey (Star Wars) (new on the list!) - 20 
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AO3 stats for smaller Star Wars Sequel Trilogy pairings - May the 23th, 2020
Here’s the current list of the Sequel Trilogy ships with 20-99 fanworks on AO3, excluding platonic relationships (tagged as ‘Character & Character’, not Character/Character’) and Official-Character/OC ships.
The differences between the ranking posted seven weeks ago and the one posted today are in the brackets.
Since last ranking Kytaka (Kylo/Mitaka) reached 100 works and therefore got to the +100 ranking. Congratulations to the shippers!
New ships on the list:
-Rey x Flip Zimmerman;
-Kaydel Ko Connix x Dopheld Mitaka.
1. Finn/Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren - 97 (+4)
2-3. Rey (Star Wars)/You (+6), Armitage Hux/Dopheld Mitaka/Kylo Ren (+3) - 94
4. Armitage Hux/Phasma/Kylo Ren - 92 (+1)
5. Poe Dameron/Leia Organa - 90 (+4)
6. Poe Dameron/Jessika Pava - 89 (0)
7. Matt the Radar Technician/Rey (Star Wars) - 80 (+1)
8. Leia Organa/Rey - 73 (+1)
9. Clyde Logan/Rey (Star Wars) - 72 (+8)
10. Poe Dameron/Finn/Rose Tico - 70 (+9)
11. Poe Dameron/Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren - 66 (0)
12. Armitage Hux/Matt the Radar Technician - 64 (0)
13. Poe Dameron/Finn/Rey/Rose Tico - 63 (+1)
14-15. Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren/Reader (+3), Snoke/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (-2) - 62
16. Poe Dameron/Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren - 61 (+1)
17. Dopheld Mitaka/Phasma - 58 (+3)
18. Poe Dameron/Luke Skywalker - 57 (+1)
19. Finn/Armitage Hux - 52 (+2)
20-21. Chewbacca/Maz Kanata (+7), Poe Dameron/Amilyn Holdo (+2) - 51
22. Phasma (Star Wars)/You - 49 (+2)
23. Zorii Bliss/Poe Dameron - 48 (+9)
24-25. Kylo Ren/Ben Solo (+1), Kylo Ren/Anakin Skywalker 28 and 14 works tagged only as Ben Solo | Kylo Ren/Darth Vader and 2 works tagged only as Kylo Ren/Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader and 2 works tagged only as Anakin Skywalker/Ben Solo (+4) - 46
26. Jannah/Rose Tico - 44 (+11)
27-28. Poe Dameron/Paige Tico, Finn (Star Wars)/You - 42 (+1)
29. Kaydel Ko Connix/Rose Tico - 40 (+5)
30-31. Karé Kun/Temmin "Snap" Wexley (+1), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren/Rose Tico (+3) - 39
32-33. Kaydel Ko Connix/Rey (+6), Armitage Hux/Knights of Ren (0) - 37
34. Knights of Ren/Kylo Ren 32 and 1 work tagged only as Knights of Ren/Ben Solo - 33 (+2)
35. Poe Dameron/Terex - 31 (+7)
36-37. Clan Techie (Dredd)/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (0), Poe Dameron/Finn/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren/Rey (+3) - 30
38. Armitage Hux/Leia Organa - 29 (+2)
39-41. Bazine Netal/Kylo Ren 18 and 10 works tagged only as Bazine Netal/Ben Solo (+6), Dopheld Mitaka/Thanisson (0), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren/Han Solo (0) - 28
42. Armitage Hux/Armitage Hux - 27 (0)
43. Armitage Hux/Luke Skywalker - 26 (0)
44-45. Poe Dameron/Muran (+1), Phasma/Nastia Unamo (0) - 25
46-48. Dopheld Mitaka/Reader, Poe Dameron/Han Solo, Finn/FN-2003 | Slip - 24 (0)
49-52. Armitage Hux/Pryde 22 and 1 work tagged only as Armitage Hux/Enric Pryde (+1), Armitage Hux/Snoke (0), Finn/Phasma (+1), Rey/Han Solo (+2) - 23
53-56. Rey (Star Wars)/Flip Zimmerman (new on the list!), Armitage Hux/Thrawn | Mitth'raw'nuruodo (0), Leia Organa/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren 20 and 1 work tagged only as Leia Organa/Ben Solo (+1), Poe Dameron/Jaina Solo (0) - 21
57. Kaydel Ko Connix/Dopheld Mitaka - 20 (new on the list!)
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AO3 stats for smaller Star Wars Sequel Trilogy pairings - April the 6th, 2020
Here’s the current list of the Sequel Trilogy ships with 20-99 fanworks on AO3, excluding platonic relationships (tagged as ‘Character & Character’, not Character/Character’) and Official-Character/OC ships.
The differences between the ranking posted one month ago and the one posted today are in the brackets.
Since last ranking Poenix (Poe/Connix) reached 100 works and therefore got to the +100 ranking. Congratulations to the shippers!
New ships on the list:
-Hux x Pryde;
-Hux x Thrawn.
1. Dopheld Mitaka/Kylo Ren - 98 (0)
2. Finn/Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren - 93 (-2)
3-4. Armitage Hux/Dopheld Mitaka/Kylo Ren (0), Armitage Hux/Phasma/Kylo Ren (-1) - 91
5. Poe Dameron/Jessika Pava - 89 (+1)
6. Rey (Star Wars)/You - 88 (+2)
7. Poe Dameron/Leia Organa - 86 (+1)
8. Matt the Radar Technician/Rey (Star Wars) - 79 (+1)
9. Leia Organa/Rey - 72 (+3)
10. Poe Dameron/Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren - 66 (+1)
11-13. Clyde Logan/Rey (Star Wars) (+5), Snoke/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (0), Armitage Hux/Matt the Radar Technician (0) - 64
14. Poe Dameron/Finn/Rey/Rose Tico - 62 (0)
15. Poe Dameron/Finn/Rose Tico - 61 (+4)
16. Poe Dameron/Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren - 60 (+2)
17. Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren/Reader - 59 (+3)
18. Poe Dameron/Luke Skywalker - 56 (0)
19. Dopheld Mitaka/Phasma - 55 (+3)
20. Finn/Armitage Hux - 50 (0)
21. Poe Dameron/Amilyn Holdo - 49 (+2)
22. Phasma (Star Wars)/You - 47 (0)
23. Kylo Ren/Ben Solo - 45 (+1)
24. Chewbacca/Maz Kanata - 44 (+3)
25. Kylo Ren/Anakin Skywalker 26 and 12 works tagged only as Ben Solo | Kylo Ren/Darth Vader and 2 works tagged only as Kylo Ren/Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader and 2 works tagged only as Anakin Skywalker/Ben Solo - 42 (+2)
26-27. Poe Dameron/Paige Tico (0), Finn (Star Wars)/You (+2) - 41
28. Zorii Bliss/Poe Dameron - 39 (+4)
29. Karé Kun/Temmin "Snap" Wexley - 38 (+2)
30. Armitage Hux/Knights of Ren - 37 (+1)
31. Ben Solo | Kylo Ren/Rose Tico - 36 (+2)
32. Kaydel Ko Connix/Rose Tico - 35 (+3)
33. Jannah/Rose Tico - 33 (+7)
34-35. Kaydel Ko Connix/Rey (+1), Knights of Ren/Kylo Ren 30 (+1) and 1 work tagged only as Knights of Ren/Ben Solo - 31
36. Clan Techie (Dredd)/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren - 30 (0)
37-38. Dopheld Mitaka/Thanisson, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren/Han Solo - 28 (+1)
39-41. Armitage Hux/Leia Organa (+1), Armitage Hux/Armitage Hux (0), Poe Dameron/Finn/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren/Rey (+1) - 27
 42. Armitage Hux/Luke Skywalker - 26 (+1)
43. Phasma/Nastia Unamo - 25 (0)
44-48. Poe Dameron/Terex (0), Dopheld Mitaka/Reader (+1), Poe Dameron/Muran (+1), Poe Dameron/Han Solo (+1), Finn/FN-2003 | Slip (0) - 24
49. Armitage Hux/Snoke - 23 (+1)
50-52. Armitage Hux/Pryde 21 and 1 work tagged only as Armitage Hux/Enric Pryde (new on the list!), Bazine Netal/Kylo Ren 14 and 8 works tagged only as Bazine Netal/Ben Solo (+1), Finn/Phasma (0) - 22
53-55. Armitage Hux/Thrawn | Mitth'raw'nuruodo (new on the list!), Poe Dameron/Jaina Solo (0), Rey/Han Solo (0) - 21
56. Leia Organa/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren 19 and 1 work tagged only as Leia Organa/Ben Solo - 20 (0)
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