#Jagan Road Show
cchankyanews · 6 months
CM YS Jagan’s Memantha Siddham Road Show at Gooty, Anantapur District| M...
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unlockthelore · 4 years
Woken by a soft cry, Hiei answers a loved one's plea and loses himself in his thoughts of what's to come and what is in front of him.
Part of the Smile Bomb series. For more updates, follow smile bomb on this blog.
If anyone would have told Hiei he would become the Summoner of the Dragon of the Darkness Flame, reunite with his twin sister, surround himself with humans and demons alike who cared for him just as he begrudgingly came to do in return, and become the Mate of Youko Kurama to which he would help father twins — he wouldn’t have run them through simply for deigning to speak with him.
To say this life was dreamlike for Hiei would’ve been an understatement. Every morning, he’d awake to his Mate sleeping peacefully at his side until the shrill cry — almost sounding like a fox’s whine — broke the stillness. Kurama, ever in the mood to care, shifting to rise from their bed and only assuaged when Hiei pushed him back to the sheets.
Hiei insisting he would care for the newborns in Kurama’s stead. He was accustomed to waking early and had no obligation to a job as Kurama did — and the fox laughed softly, mumbling something about that not being the only reason. Brushing his words aside, Hiei swept into the nursery quickly and found which of the twins was fussing. It wouldn’t be long before the other was awakened to their sibling’s distress and he’d rather not have two weeping infants on his hands.
Still, no matter how grating their cries were, he couldn’t help but feel fond of them. Completely mystified by how much he’d come to care for them in the short time they spent breathing. Kurama insisted it was love. Whispering the word against the shell of Hiei’s ear, the breath curling against his skin, making him shiver even now.
Wailing cries tapering off into confused sniffling sobs as he loomed over the opening of the crib, staring down at the tear-streaked reddened face, crimson red eyes glazed with unshed tears beading at the corners of downturned eyes. Fluffy red hair parts as Hiei runs his fingers through it and the tears are steadily blinked away when he slips his hand beneath his son’s head, carefully lifting him to his chest.
It confuses him. The utterly trusting way his son regards him, tiny chubby fingers reaching out to brush against his cheeks and beneath his eyes. Sobbing temporarily forgotten as Hiei holds him closer to his body, thankful for his decision to forgo wearing a shirt to bed. Skin to skin contact helps with soothing, or so Shiori had told him when he stared bewildered at her cuddling the crying children until their sobbing subsided.
“You are safe, Asahi.” Hiei reminded, remembering to keep his voice low so he wouldn’t wake the silver-haired child still slumbering in the crib. Asahi smacked his hand against Hiei’s cheek, the sting going unnoticed. “Nothing will harm you, not as long as we are here…”
Asahi meets his gaze and Hiei wonders if he could understand him just as Hiei himself understood the koōrime and their intentions toward him from birth. Did Asahi know that Hiei meant every word that he said? As long as his heart continued to beat, he wouldn’t allow harm to befall him or his brother? Would never allow either of them to be separated or seen as lesser?
Not for the first time does Hiei think of using the Jagan to see what it is that his son is thinking. Asahi’s face is expressive, much like Kurama’s own, and Hiei is captivated by what might be lingering in his head. He relents though. Unwilling to pry into his son’s mind even for a hint of what it is he feels. Instead, he tries to learn him. Take the harder road to earn his trust and his affection.
When Asahi’s gaze drifts from him to the doorway and his struggling is renewed, frustration building when he couldn’t reach what he was holding his hands toward, Hiei knows Kurama is awake. Quiet as he always is, Kurama steps into the room and Hiei hands Asahi to him without a fight. Hiei dipping his hands into the crib to carefully lift the slumbering child to his chest, cradling him with a quiet hum.
Silver hair, spun from moonlight ( or so Hiei liked to think ), rested atop his head. Beneath closed eyelids, crimson red eyes similar to that of Hiei’s own lingered. But everything from the serenity to which he slept to the gentle rolling waves of energy from his small body reminded him of Kurama’s other form.
「 You were worrying again. 」
Beside him, Kurama gently hums as he holds Asahi to his chest, allowing the boy’s wandering hands to trace his cheekbones and beneath his eyes. His chuckle, deep and rough from sleep, courses through Hiei just as much as it entertains Asahi.
「 Can you blame me? Hearing them cry is a call I could never ignore. 」
Hiei rolled his eyes, ignoring the budding warmth as he watches Kurama rub his nose against Asahi’s smaller one. Asahi’s squeal stirs the child in Hiei’s arms though he doesn’t wake, shuffling about in the fox-printed onesie, the silver-furred creatures writhing as the top bunches up. Carefully, fixing his clothes, Hiei combed his fingers through silky silver hair and brushes his lips along the crown of his head.
He can practically feel Kurama staring at him and sighs.
「 You don’t have work, do you? 」
Kurama’s laughter is as annoying as it is cherished. Agitation from deceit quickly rushes out of Hiei when the fox leans over, brushing their lips together in a closed-mouth kiss, interrupted with another of Asahi’s squeals. Mirth glimmers in green eyes as Kurama pulled away, smiling wide at their son.
「 How could I argue with you when you were being so sweet? 」
Rolling his eyes, a quip sits heavy on Hiei’s tongue until he hears a soft warning cry. Crimson red eyes peering up at him, thinly glazed with sleep and tiny fisted hands wiping awkwardly at his eyes.
Another warning cry and Hiei shushes him softly, cradling him close to his chest. “It’s alright, Kagerou. You’re safe…”
Kagerou fusses less than Asahi does — but his eyes are all the more knowing. Like Kurama, his eyes give him away. Hiei’s words seem to register in his mind and he gradually calms, fisted hands opening and closing as they lock eyes. In this moment Hiei feels. Just like Kurama, could Kagerou see right through him?
Did he know how much he held deep inside or was that simply Hiei’s own self-loathing?
Kagerou arches up into his touch, seemingly trying to flatten himself against Hiei’s front. Turning his hold from a cradle to holding his son against him, head resting on his shoulder, Hiei sighed. It was pathetic. Being intimidated by an infant’s gaze.
But this wasn’t just any infant — and his opinion meant more to Hiei than he was comfortable with.
「 You’re thinking of something. 」
「 Aren’t I always? 」
Hiei shrugs, combing his fingers through Kagerou’s hair. It’s the best he can do to keep airs of nonchalance and appease his son at the same time. Asahi’s squealing and cooing seeming to calm as he nestled against Kurama’s chest, fist curled in the front of his t-shirt.
With a gentle press of Kurama’s fingers to the underside of Hiei’s chin, the fire demon felt almost helpless. Allowing Kurama to guide his head to one side and their eyes met. Understanding and affections so deep and clear were there, unabashedly on display, and drawing him in. Hiei cursed beneath his breath and attempted to close his eyes but Kurama’s voice was in his head.
「 Humor me. 」
And with that, the walls he’d built to smother the feelings threatening to overflow, crumble.
Hiei sighed and the words flowed between them with the consistency of mud. Thick in their wording, difficult to understand and unsurprisingly deep. A watery mixture of emotion and logic. Never a good mix.
「 They exist and I feel… overwhelmed. A year ago, they weren’t even a spark and now, I don’t want their fire to go out. 」
It’s a morbid thought as many of the ones Hiei has are. He waits for this idyllic time to come to a close. For their family, their friends, the “peace” they created to come to an end. Ruefully, he wondered if his mind would have confirmed this as a victory. A right against everything he thought. Nothing good could last for long.
Spirits, he wanted it to.
He wanted this to last.
For their sons to grow, to stand against the test of time, and forge their own paths —
— and Hiei wanted to be with him for as long as possible.
He wondered if all of these emotion show on his face. If everything he kept inside is laid bare before Kurama without even trying. It wouldn’t surprise him. He wrenches his eyes open slowly and finds Kurama closer than before, their lips touching and green eyes slip shut. One kiss turning to two and then two to three. A tender catch in Hiei’s voice when he tries to speak, understand what it is Kurama is trying to convey, but another press of their lips distracts him.
「 You love them. 」
A sharp throbbing in his chest breaks the next kiss as Hiei inhales deeply. Wondering for a moment if his heart was close to escaping from his chest. Blood rushing to his ears as he turned to look down at Kagerou, the child sleeping peacefully with his cheek tucked against Hiei’s skin, soaking in the warmth radiating from him with ease.
「 You would never hurt them. 」
Asahi grabs his attention next. Always boisterous, active, and happy, it’s strange seeing him quiet.
「 Let yourself have this, Hiei. 」
Hesitantly, Hiei breathes. Cool air pricks his lungs in the same way Kurama’s kisses dotting his cheeks singe his skin. Traitorous voices tell him this is wrong. He’ll fall into this trap of normalcy, and it will all be taken from him when he least expects. But he helps Kurama with laying their sons down in their crib, ensuring they’re asleep before they leave with the door ajar. The early morning quiet surrounding them but the air between them is louder. Hiei’s thoughts drowning him and Kurama is there to quiet them.
It’s difficult for him to think this is wrong when Kurama settles over him, smiling down at him as if he hung the moon and stars above their heads for the fox’s delight alone. Caressing a scarred body, finely tuned into a weapon, as if Hiei were fragile and would break at the slightest touch. He’s slow and methodical with taking him apart. Knows just where to press and how much to give and take to make him writhe.
Kurama enjoys this, Hiei believes. The desperate squeeze of his knees at his hips, arms wound around his neck and the crush of their lips to muffle noises for no one else’s ears but their own. But there are words Kurama utters which makes Hiei think he loves this. When he’s too far out of his mind to push back against the fox’s endearments, words of praise and adoration, complimenting and reminding — love and devotion mingling together as Hiei falls deeper and deeper.
Kurama catches him. He always has and promises while Hiei claws at his back that he always will.
If this is a dream, and this idyllic life will one day come to an end, Hiei pitied whoever caused it — because death would be a mercy too kind.
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anarcho-smarmyism · 6 years
“In 1967, in the wake of numerous revelations about CIA covert financing, the new head of AFSCME admitted that the union had been heavily funded by the Agency until 1964 through a foundation conduit (see Appendix I). It was revealed that AFSCME's International Affairs Department, which had been responsible for the British Guiana operation, had actually been run by two CIA "aides".
CIA work within Third World unions typically involves a considerable educational effort, the basic premise of which is that all solutions will come to working people under a system of free enterprise, class co-operation and collective bargaining, and by opposing communism in collaboration with management and government, unless, of course, the government, as in this case, is itself "communist". The most promising students, those perhaps marked as future leaders, are singled out to be sent to CIA schools in the United States for further education. The CIA, said The Sunday Times, also "appears to have had a good deal of success in encouraging politicians to break away from Jagan's party and government. Their technique of financing sympathetic figures was to take out heavy insurance policies for them." 
During the 1961 election campaign, the CIA's ongoing program was augmented by ad hoc operations from other American quarters. The US Information Service took the most unusual step of showing its films, depicting the evils of Castroism and communism, on street corners of British Guiana. And the Christian Anti-Communist Crusade brought its traveling road show down and spent a reported $76,000 on electoral propaganda which lived up to the organization's name. 8 One historian has described this as "a questionable activity for a private organization, which the State Department did nothing to discourage". On the other hand, the activities of US government agencies in British Guiana were no less questionable.
Despite the orchestrated campaign directed against him, Jagan was re-elected by a comfortable majority of legislative seats, though with only a plurality of the popular vote.
In October, at his request, Jagan was received at the White House in Washington. He had come to talk about assistance for his development program. President Kennedy and his advisers, however, were interested in determining where Jagan stood on the political spectrum before granting any aid. Oddly, the meeting, as described by Kennedy aide Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. who was present, seemed to be conducted as if the Kennedy men were totally unaware of American destabilization activities in British Guiana.
To Jagan's expressed esteem for the politics of British Labour leader Aneurin Bevan, those in the room "all responded agreeably". To Jagan's professed socialism, Kennedy asserted that "We are not engaged in a crusade to force private enterprise on parts of the world where it is not relevant".But when Jagan, perhaps naively, mentioned his admiration for the scholarly, leftist journal, Monthly Review, it appears that he crossed an ideological line, which silently and effectively sealed his country's fate. "Jagan," wrote Schlesinger later, "was unquestionably some sort of "Marxism."
No economic aid was given to British Guiana while Jagan remained in power, and the Kennedy administration pressured the British to delay granting the country its independence, which had been scheduled to occur within the next year or two. Not until 1966, when Jagan no longer held office, did British Guiana become the independent nation of Guyana.
In February 1962, the CIA helped to organize and finance anti-Jagan protests which used the newly announced budget as a pretext. The resulting strikes, riots and arson were wholly out of proportion to the alleged instigation. A Commonwealth Commission of Enquiry later concluded (perhaps to the discomfort of the British Colonial Office which had appointed it) that:
There is very little doubt that, despite the loud protestations of the trades union leaders to the contrary, political affinities and aspirations played a large part in shaping their policy and formulating their programme of offering resistance to the budget and making a determined effort to change the government in office.
The CIA arranged, as it has on similar occasions, for North American and Latin American labor organizations, with which it had close ties, to support the strikers with messages of solidarity and food, thus enhancing the appearance of a genuine labor struggle. The agency also contrived for previously unheard-of radio stations to go on the air and for newspapers to print false stories about approaching Cuban warships.”
-Killing Hope: U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II by William Blum
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liveindiatimes · 4 years
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PM Narendra Modi Says Pray For Everyones Safety
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Vizag gas leak: PM Modi tweeted on the gas leak in Andhra Pradesh
New Delhi:
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said he is praying for the safety of all those affected this morning by a gas leak from a chemical plant in Andhra Pradesh’s Vishakhapatnam. The Prime Minister has also called for a meeting of the NDMA (National Disaster Management Authority) at 11 am to review rescue operations in the southern state.
“Spoke to officials of MHA (Ministry of Home Affairs) and NDMA (National Disaster Management Authority) regarding the situation in Visakhapatnam, which is being monitored closely. I pray for everyone’s safety and well-being in Visakhapatnam,” Prime Minister Modi tweeted.
Minutes later, the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) announced the PM’s meeting with NDMA officials.
“In the wake of the situation in Visakhapatnam, PM Narendra Modi has called for a meeting of the NDMA at 11 AM,” the PMO handle tweeted, adding that the Prime Minister had also spoken to Andhra Chief Minister Y Jagan Mohan Reddy and assured all necessary help and support.
Spoke to officials of MHA and NDMA regarding the situation in Visakhapatnam, which is being monitored closely.
I pray for everyone’s safety and well-being in Visakhapatnam.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) May 7, 2020
Home Minister Amit Shah also offered his condolences and support, and said he would “pray for the well-being of the people of Visakhapatnam”.
“The incident in Vizag is disturbing. Have spoken to NDMA officials and concerned authorities. We are continuously and closely monitoring situation. I pray for the well-being of the people of Visakhapatnam,” Mr Shah said.
The incident in Vizag is disturbing.
Have spoken to the NDMA officials and concerned authorities. We are continuously and closely monitoring the situation.
I pray for the well-being of the people of Visakhapatnam.
— Amit Shah (@AmitShah) May 7, 2020
Congress MP Rahul Gandhi also tweeted, saying he was “shocked” and had asked party workers and leaders in the area to aid rescue and relief efforts.
“I’m shocked to hear about the Vizag gas leak. I urge Congress workers and leaders in the area to provide necessary support and assistance to those affected. My condolences to the families of those who have perished. I pray that those hospitalised make a speedy recovery,” Mr Gandhi tweeted.
I’m shocked to hear about the #VizagGasLeak . I urge our Congress workers & leaders in the area to provide all necessary support & assistance to those affected. My condolences to the families of those who have perished. I pray that those hospitalised make a speedy recovery.
— Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) May 7, 2020
At least eight people, including a child, have died after gas leaked from the chemical plant that is operated by a multinational firm. Around 200 others have been admitted to hospital.
“There is gas leakage identified at LG Polymers in Gopalpatnam. Requesting citizens around these locations not to come out of houses for the sake of safety,” the Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation tweeted.
In distressing visuals of the incident, people can be seen trying to help injured and lifting them into waiting ambulances while an industrial siren is heard in the background.
People in masks can be seen carrying others who show difficulty in breathing; they are made to sit by the side of the road till ambulances and emergency personnel arrive.
Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman also tweeted, saying news of the gas leak was “worrying” and that disaster response teams were working with the state government to contain the situation.
“The news of gas leak from a polymer plant in Visakhapatnam is worrying. NDRF HQ is working together with the state government in performing the first responder’s duty. My prayers for the safety of all. Condolences to the family of those deceased,” she tweeted.
The news of gas leak from a Polymer plant in Visakhapatnam is worrying. @NDRFHQ is working together with the state government in performing the first responder’s duty. My prayers for the safety of all. Condolences to the family of those deceased.
— Nirmala Sitharaman (@nsitharaman) May 7, 2020
Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot and Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav were also among those to express sorrow over the incident, offering condolences to bereaved families.
Set up in 1961 as Hindustan Polymers, the company was taken over by South Korea’s LG Chem and renamed as LG Polymers India in 1997. The plant makes polystyrene and expandable polystyrene, a versatile plastic used to make a wide variety of consumer products like toys and appliances.
Live India Times
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The largest Painting on Covid-19 Awareness during Lockdown
·        A marveles  painting within the extent of 12012 feet within the span of 60 hours in 5 days.
·        The artists are the Govt. teachers.              
The painting summerises the view that 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night of efficient administration of the Govt without sparing even one minute.    
· A tremendous painting ever on the cement road
·        The painting summarizes the efforts of the Govt to control the world pandemic Covid-19
·        The painting covers the images of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy and our Local MLA A. Siva Kumar and the precautions to be taken by the public to keep away from the  world pandemic Covid-19.
An extraordinary record established in the painting sector by the Govt School teachers in Tenali. This is the prodigious painting drawn on the spacious corner on the cement road in Tenali market area with an extent of 12012 square feet within a span of 60 hours in 5days. This marveless painting is an assiduous effort of the Govt teachers to bring awareness among the public on the World pandemic Covid-19. The message oriented astronomic painting shows the thought process and effective management skill of our beloved Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy who is working under the guidance of our Hon’ble Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi and cooperation and services of different administrative wings like Medical, Revenue, Municipal authorities and journalists during the world pandemic Covid-19. The painting also demonstrates the precautions to be taken by the public to stay away from Covid-19. This tremendous painting is the creation of T. Vijaya Prakash, a Govt drawing teacher with the cooperation of other teachers Bellamkonda Venkat, Puli Bhaskar and Parisa Sardar. The local MLA Annabattuni Siva Kumar and Tenali Municipal Commissioner Jaswantha Rao extended their cooperation for this tremendous work. The speciality of this prodigious work is painted within the measurements of 78 feet length and 154 feet width total area of 12012 sq feet during lockdown period.
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todaybharatnews · 4 years
via Today Bharat YSRCP MLA sets an example by holding cremation ceremony for corona victims in Tirupati Tirupati MLA, Covid Coordinating Committee Chairman Bhumana Karunakar Reddy himself stepped into the fray to dispel rumours about the funeral of coronavirus victims' bodies. An awareness program was organized at Govinda Dam on Karakambadi Road to dispel the myths about burying coronavirus bodies. On this occasion he cremated the corpses of the dead. Tirupati Municipal Corporation Commissioner Girisha was present on the occasion. He said the bodies were taken out of the hospital, loaded into ambulances, handed over to family members and cremated. He said that it is inappropriate for people and family members to be scared of coronavirus victims The MLA said he was attending the funeral of Coronavirus victims in Tirupati as per the directions of CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy. He said the event was organized to inform the people of covid that even with proper guidelines and proper precautions, funerals can be held. Bhumana Karunakar Reddy who attended Coronavirus victims funeral stood as example. Many lauded MLA Bhumana at the funeral for creating awareness among the people. Meanwhile, state's Covid-19 infection positivity rate crossed the 10 per cent mark on Saturday as its aggregate number of cases reached 2,81,817, with the addition of 8,732 in the last 24 hours. The latest bulletin said after a cumulative 28,12,197 sample tests, the infection positivity rate touched 10.02 per cent, the highest so far. The recovery rate also showed an improvement, touching 67.82 per cent after 10,414 patients got cured on Saturday, taking the gross to 1,91,117. In the last 24 hours, 87 fresh coronavirus deaths were also reported in the state, taking the toll to 2,562.
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
Visakhapatnam Gas Leak LIVE Updates: At least five dead, over 70 hospitalised after gas leak at LG Polymers plant in Andhra Pradesh
10:06 (IST)
Primary report suggests polyvinyl chloride gas leaked from plant early morning
The primary report is that polyvinyl chloride gas, (reports say that it may Styrene as well) had leaked from LG Polymers, Vepagunta near Gopalapatnam in Visakhapatnam at around 2:30 am on Thursday morning, reports News18. 
09:59 (IST)
Visakhapatnam civic body issues guidelines for people living near the gas plant
 The Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation has issued guidelines for people nearby the site of the incident. "Please use wet cloth as mask to cover mouth and nose" it read.
As precautionary measures, the colonies and villages around the industry may leave to the safer locations. PLEASE USE WET CLOTH AS MASK TO COVER NOSE AND MOUTH.
— Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC) (@GVMC_OFFICIAL) May 7, 2020
09:53 (IST)
Over 200 hospitalised in Vishakapatnam say reports
Over 200 are reported to have fallen sick though several media reports pegged the number at 1,000. People are being taken to the hospital after they complained of a burning sensation in their eyes and breathing difficulties.
09:49 (IST)
At least 5 dead after gas leak in Vizag
At least five persons are dead and hundreds sick after poisonous gas leaked from the LG Polymer plant at Gopalapatnam on the outskirts of Visakhapatnam, reports Indian Express. 
Visakhapatnam Gas Leak Latest Updates: At least five persons are dead and hundreds sick after poisonous gas allegedly leaked from the LG Polymer plant at Gopalapatnam on the outskirts of Visakhapatnam, reported Indian Express. and NDTV.
Authorities fear the number of deaths will rise, with news agencies reporting different numbers. PTI reports two people, including a child, were killed and nearly 70 hospitalised after the gas leak in the wee hours of Thursday.
According to ANI , a total of three persons have died in the incident. RK Meena, CP Visakhapatnam City told ANI that the gas leak has been neutralised. "NDRF team has reached the spot. The maximum impact was in about 1-1.5 km but the smell was in 2-2.5 kilometres. Hundred to 120 people have been shifted to the hospital. A total of three persons have died in the incident. FIR has been registered against the company," he said.
#UPDATE Gas has been neutralised. NDRF team has reached the spot. Maximum impact was in about 1-1.5 km but smell was in 2-2.5 km. 100-120 ppl have been shifted to hospital. Total 3 persons have died in the incident. FIR registered: RK Meena, CP Visakhapatnam City. #AndhraPradesh pic.twitter.com/1foFpdtEKh
— ANI (@ANI) May 7, 2020
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People in the Gopalapatnam area, where the chemical plant is located, complained of irritation in eyes, breathlessness, nausea, and rashes on their bodies. District Collector V Vinay Chand told PTI two people were killed due to the gas leak, while some are in a critical condition.
Close to 70 people have been admitted to the King George Hospital after for treatment, he said. TV channels showed people lying unconscious on roads. Teams of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) have rushed to the spot.
Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy enquired about the incident and directed the Visakhapatnam district collector to ensure proper medical care for the affected people and is currently en route the site as per reports.
With inputs from agencies
via Blogger https://ift.tt/3fosYWp
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scitechman · 5 years
Mid-Life Blood Pressure Linked to Later-Life Brain Function
Mid-Life Blood Pressure Linked to Later-Life Brain Function
September 21 is World Alzheimer’s Day.
A recent study shows our blood pressure at mid-life may have an impact on our brain function down the road.
Cleveland Clinic’s Jagan Pillai, M.D., Ph.D., did not take part in the study, but said high blood pressure, if left unchecked, can set us up for memory problems as we age.
“What they found is that people, compared to people whose blood…
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owofonfopfm · 6 years
Watch LIVE : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj_qv2HTvsY AP CM Chandrababu SENSATIONAL Comments On YS Jagan At Narsipatnam Road Show | AP Elections | MOJO TV #MOJOTV Subscribe MojoTV : https://goo.gl/qB2KKv Subscribe to our channel MOJOTVLive ➱ https://www.youtube.com/mojotvlive Subscribe to our channel MOJO Filmnagar ➱ https://www.youtube.com/mojofilmnagar Visit our website ➱ https://www.mojotv.com Like us on Facebook ➱ https://www.facebook.com/mojotvchannel Follow us on Twitter ➱ https://twitter.com/mojotvchannel Follow us on Instagram ➱ https://www.instagram.com/mojotvchannel RealMOJO ➱ https://mojotv.com/upload-news (Now you can directly upload the news) MOJO TV, India's First Mobile Generation Full-Fledged Satellite News Channel is THE next generation of news! It is India’s First MOBILE.NEWS.REVOLUTION. MOJO TV redefines the world of news. MOJO TV delivers to the sophisticated audience, local and global news content on a real-time basis. It is no longer about Breaking News, it is about changing the Breaking News Paradigm. MOJO TV communication accelerates news collection, curation and delivery to the urban, suave and upwardly mobile audience, by delivering the right message at the right place, at the right time. © 2019 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - MEDIA NXT INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED
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todaybharatnews · 5 years
via Today Bharat New hope over timely completion of Polavaram Project Polavaram Project works gained significant momentum, both in terms of construction works and engineering clearances. Efforts are on full swing to complete this multi-purpose project within the specified timeframe. Intending to focus on the public interests in place of short-sighted political and contractual interests, the state government is showing high priority to complete the project using sophisticated engineering technologies and scientific methods. As all the unscientific gaps and loopholes in project design and its implementation are being addressed, this prestigious national project has gained a new pace with a refined engineering model. Considering the favourable time to speed up the works, the contracting company Megha Engineering Infrastructure Limited (MEIL) is taking all the steps to use the resources more productively. All-out efforts are being carried out to pool up the expertise and resources to accomplish the project within the stipulated time. The company is determined to demonstrate its mettle again in executing such prestigious projects in a time-bound manner. The State Government is also extending all its support by taking appropriate decisions and providing needed direction for the project implementation. While Spillway works to an extent of 62818 cubic meters have been executed within a short period, preparatory works to speed up the rest of the project works are in full swing. Vibro compaction works to test the strength of the soil, preliminary works linked to Gap-1 constructions, blasting works for construction of Hydro-Electric Power Station, cofferdam works on the upper and lower part of the project site that prevents obstacle due to unforeseen floods are going on with rapid pace. It is critical to obtain required approvals for scientific designs to execute the project within the deadlines. If such design clearances are not there for the works to be taken at present, there is no utility in speeding up the works. Realising this, MEIL sought speedy clearances for such designs from the government, during the project review undertaken by Chief Minister Mr. YS Jagan Mohan Reddy. It made it clear that such clearance is necessary to complete the project in time. Chief Minister instantly responded and issued orders for appointment of two special officers, to be placed at Delhi and Hyderabad, for getting needed clearances for the project. Ever since project works gained much-needed momentum.Indeed, the rules and engineering technicalities for the project are very clear from the beginning. But their overlook by the erstwhile government has made the project implementation more complex, resulting in a situation where villages getting submerged even with a small flood in the river. Now works are concentrating on rectifying such gaps and an overlook of technicalities. Though MEIL got these project work in November itself, it could not initiate the works instantly. Almost three months of valuable time has been lost due to modification of earlier works that were carried out in a non-engineering process by the previous government. The high priority given for the construction of Coffer Dam by Mr Chandrababu Naidu government, with so much of shortsightedness, has resulted in a submergence issue. He tried to complete the construction of Coffer Dam and store some water in it, in a way that can be released through the left and right canals during the flood times; the idea was to make the people believe that the project is partially completed. This is highly in contrast to the engineering principles. At that time, Central Government also fell in line to his pressure and permitted for construction of Coffer Dam with a height of 42.5 meters. Except for Polavaram, nowhere an irrigation project has got such clearance for such type of construction. Coffer Dam is a temporary structure normally taken up for diverting the river water during the process of constructing the main dam. It avoids obstruction of project works by the water during the floods. The construction of such a big structure has resulted in a heavy stagnation of water during the floods last year, with which roads were washed away. Almost 4 TMCs of water was stagnated, and it has to be pumped out for continuation of works. Pumping machines continuously lifted out water for nearly 3 months, and project works could be re-initiated only by the end of January. Though all the project works have to be given equal priority, the previous government highly focused on Spillway and Coffer Dam works. It could not even complete those works in time. Along with Earth cum Rock-Fill Dam (Main Dam), works related to 3 Gaps, Spillway, Spill Channel, Approach Channel, Pilot Channel, the convergence of Left and Right Canal and Hydro-Electric Power Station are critical for this project. Most of such works were not even initiated by the previous government. Such neglect is reflected clearly as an iota of work is not done for the Hydro-Electric Project. MEIL has increased the pace of Spillway works from January onwards; ever since they are being continued with even pace. It could complete 20631 Cum of work in January 32124 Cum in February and 21358 Cum in March, till to date. Construction of Spillway beams, bridges, a divider wall, training wall and guide wall is being done with much-needed pace, along with main works related to Earth cum Rockfill Dam, its 3 Gaps and Hydro-Electric Power Station. During the regime of Chandrababu Naidu, the project works witnessed very slow progress, even though it has received all the critical clearances when Dr Y.S. Rajashekar Reddy was Chief Minister. The left and right canals were also completed during his rule. But it could not get needed focus and priority by the following Congress and Telugu Desam governments. During the nine years in between 2010-2019, except a small part of Spillway construction along with Diafram wall and Coffer Dam, no significant work was completed. The project got a fresh breath since a new government was formed by YSR Congress Party under the leadership of Y.S Jagan Mohan Reddy. After taking reins, Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy immediately changed the project construction company with an intention to speed up the works. At the same time, his government focused on taking balance critical clearances which were neglected by the previous government. While this project requires clearances for a total of 45 designs, it took nearly 10 years to get sanction for 37 designs. There were 8 pending clearances critical for the project. Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy took the initiative while reviewing the project and issued needed policy instructions to speed up the pace. These instructions paved the way for Project Authority under the Central Water Commission to inspect the ground level works. On 8th March, the Project Design Committee extensively discussed the issue and came to a conclusion on the 8 pending designs. After careful consideration, the Dam Design Review Team rejected some earlier propositions suggested by the Polavaram Project Authority. The proposal to construct an earthen bund in the third Gap of Earth cum Rockfill Dam was totally rejected. It made it clear that a concrete structure is more suitable as it would be effectively strong during floods. By giving such freedom to engineering experts, the government made it clear that is taking decisions without any political and contractual interest in this matter. The government also increased pressure on the Committee headed by CWC Chairman Mr A.D. Pandya to speed up the clearance process of project designs. It paved the way for taking decisions of evolving designs for construction of Rockfill Guide Wall on the left bank of Approach Channel and a strong construction toward the left bank to prevent the floodwater intensity. As the flood water released from the Spillway will fall on the right bank, it is proposed to evolve a strong design for that purpose. Government has constituted Expert Committees for evolving such new designs. Project officials have already submitted a design proposal to the Central Water Commission that is intended for works related to diverting the floodwater from Spill Channel to Pilot Channel and finally into the Godavari river. The state government is now putting all its efforts to get clearance for this design as early as possible. The earthen and stone works related to Gap-1 of Main Dam are yet to get clearances. Though these are critical works, they are highly neglected by the previous government. Suitable proposals have also been prepared about the nature of construction in Gap-2. All these initiatives are giving new hope over the timely completion of the Polavaram Project.
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investmart007 · 6 years
ST. LOUIS | The Latest: Tiger makes turn at PGA just 2 shots off lead
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ST. LOUIS | The Latest: Tiger makes turn at PGA just 2 shots off lead
ST. LOUIS — The Latest on the PGA Championship, golf’s final major of the year (all times local): 2:45 p.m.
Tiger Woods had five birdies and a bogey on his opening nine of the third round, moving within two shots of Brooks Koepka and Gary Woodland in the PGA Championship.
Woods is in a group at 8 under that includes reigning champion Justin Thomas, first-round leader Rickie Fowler and Adam Scott.
Jordan Spieth is another shot back at 7 under as he tries to win the PGA and complete the career grand slam.
Daniel Berger continues his turnaround. He was 6 over after his first nine Thursday, but he’s roared to 5 under for the championship. He has three birdies without a bogey in his third round. ___ 2:20 p.m.
U.S. Open champion Brooks Koepka has pulled into a tie for the lead at the PGA Championship.
Koepka is trying to become the fourth player to win the U.S. Open and the PGA in the same year, joining Tiger Woods (2000), Jack Nicklaus (1980), Ben Hogan (1948) and Gene Sarazen (1922).
Speaking of Woods, he’s followed a bogey at the fourth with back-to-back birdies to get to 3 under on his round. He’s three off the pace set by Koepka and second-round leader Gary Woodland.
Chris Kirk is also making a move. He’s 4 under through 11 and 6 under for the championship. ___ 2:10 p.m.
Kansas native Gary Woodland isn’t the only guy with a “hometown” crowd behind him at Bellerive.
Brice Garnett made the cut right on the number in his PGA Championship debut, much to the delight of his friends and family from Chillicothe, Missouri. Garnett starred at Missouri Western, a Division II school and the training camp home of the Kansas City Chiefs.
He still calls Gallatin in the western part of the state his home.
Garnett went wire-to-wire to win the Puntacana Resort and Club Championship in March, his first PGA Tour victory and one that got him into this week’s championship at Bellerive. ___ 1:20 p.m.
Emiliano Grillo has back-to-back birdies at the PGA Championship to join the logjam at 6 under that includes Tiger Woods, who came within a whisker of holing his pitch shot for birdie at No. 4.
If Bellerive is offering any defense, it’s the thick fescue and bluegrass rough that became saturated by Friday’s rain. And that’s where Woods drove his tee shot at the fourth before hacking his approach shot shy of the bunkers guarding the right front of the green.
With another perfect lie in the zoysia fairway, Woods’s pitch shot danced to the right and nearly rolled into the cup before settling about a foot away for a tap-in par. ___ 12:45 p.m.
Tiger Woods has birdied the first two holes of his third round at the PGA Championship, and now will try to string a few more together to chase down second-round leader Gary Woodland.
Woods is now 6 under, four shots off the lead.
He got off to a bogey-double bogey start on Thursday at Bellerive, and it looked as if Woods’s comeback tour had hit a wall. But he fought back to shoot even-par 70, then worked around the rain that suspended play Friday to shoot a second-round 66.
Woods is trying to join Walter Hagen and Jack Nicklaus as five-time PGA winners. ___ 11:55 a.m.
Justin Rose is among the players at the PGA Championship who finished their rounds Friday and knew they’d make the cut, allowing them to sleep in a bit on Saturday.
Rest he did, too. Rose said he didn’t watch any of the early coverage on television.
The Englishman will be 4 under when he begins his round off the first tee at 12:32 p.m. He’s in a group with Zach Johnson and Emiliano Grillo that is six shots off the lead.
Rose had some back spasms last week at Firestone, but he says “from Wednesday afternoon I’ve been feeling perfectly fine.” ___ 11:20 a.m.
The third round is underway at the PGA Championship, and among those headed out at Bellerive is Daniel Berger — an incredible turnaround given where he was after his opening nine holes.
Berger was 6 over before playing his last 27 holes in 8-under par.
“I just stopped trying at one point. It’s funny how things work out,” said Berger, who was tied for the lead entering the final round of the U.S. Open before finishing in a tie for sixth.
“The last 27 holes I just kind of freewheeled it,” he said, “so that was kind of good.”
Especially considering Berger has been dealing with a wrist injury.
“It sucks,” he said, “because I’ve never been hurt before, and it’s just kind of been lingering and there’s not really a point in the season I can take a break. Just been trying to play through it.” ___ 10:50 a.m.
The second round has wrapped up at the PGA Championship, where Gary Woodland leads at 10 under and it took even-par 140 just to make the record-low 36-hole cut.
The previous low for the PGA was 1-over 141 at Atlanta Athletic Club in 2001.
Some big names missed playing the rest of the weekend, too. Matt Kuchar, Sergio Garcia and Bryson DeChambeau were in a large group at 1 over. Masters champion Patrick Reed was 3 over and Phil Mickelson was in the group at 4 over.
Eighty players made the cut, including some relative surprises. Ben Kern was the lone club pro to make the cut, while 55-year-old Vijay Singh and Ryder Cup captain Jim Furyk made it through.
___ 10:25 a.m.
Julian Suri has surged into contention at the PGA Championship with an eagle at the par-5 17th taking him to 5 under, an impressive showing for the former Duke standout.
Suri’s father, Jagan, is the great grandson of Buchi Babu Naidu, one of the early pioneers of cricket in India. Jagan Suri moved to the U.S. in his teens and spent time as a professional tennis player, and now works in business development of golf courses.
Julian Suri played tennis and golf when he was young, but he clearly showed a preference for the latter. He won last year on the European Tour and has been second time this year.
___ 9:50 a.m.
Phil Mickelson will fail to automatically qualify for the Ryder Cup for the first time since 1993 after a 1-over 71 left him 4 over for the PGA Championship and well outside the cut line.
He still could be among Jim Furyk’s four captain’s choices.
Mickelson is 18-20-7 in the Ryder Cup, but he played well two years ago at Hazeltine National, when the Americans routed the Europeans 17-11 to win back the cup.
Bryson DeChambeau was just outside the top eight that automatically qualify for the team. He missed a short putt at his final hole Saturday to keep from playing the weekend. ___ 9:35 a.m.
The approach that guys will take between the second and third rounds at the PGA Championship will vary widely depending on when they finish Saturday morning and when they tee off again.
Some will have less than an hour between their rounds.
Then there’s Rickie Fowler, who concluded his 3-under 67 to get to 8 under for the tournament and within two shots of the lead. Fowler said he plans to return to the house he’s renting down the road from Bellerive, where he can change out of some wet clothes and catch some rest.
“Put some fresh clothing on and then yeah, get here like we normally would,” said Fowler, the first-round leader. “But it’s still going to be a long day.” ___ 9:15 a.m.
Sungjae Im probably should stop aiming for the greens at the PGA Championship.
The 20-year-old South Korean was right on the cut line Saturday in his second round when he chipped in for birdie on consecutive holes.
That got Im to 2 under for the championship, which would be good enough not only to play the weekend but get within eight shots of the lead.
Im became the second-youngest player to win a Web.com Tour event when he triumphed in his debut in the Bahamas earlier this year. He also has a couple of second-place finishes on the tour.
The youngest champion in Web.com Tour history? Jason Day. ___ 8:45 a.m.
Tony Finau has matched the PGA Championship record for birdies in a round with 10.
If only he didn’t also have three bogeys and a triple on his card.
Finau wound up with a 4-under 66 on Saturday to get back to even for the championship. His birdie display came while playing with Jim Furyk, the U.S. Ryder Cup captain who could have to decide whether to include Finau on his roster next month in France.
The birdie record for the PGA was set by Gary Player. Anthony Kim has the record for birdies in a major championship with 11 during the 2011 Masters. ___ 8 a.m.
Tiger Woods bounced back from his first bogey of the second round with a birdie at the short par-4 11th, getting him back to 4 under in the PGA Championship.
Meanwhile, the topsy-turvy round of Tony Finau presses on.
Finau began his second round Friday with five straight birdies, made a triple bogey, then had two more birdies. He added a bogey to finish off his front nine, and another birdie on the back nine has the U.S. Ryder Cup hopeful at even-par for the championship.
He’s played 12 holes and has made just one par on the round. ___ 7:15 a.m.
Haotong Li did not resume his second round at the PGA Championship, withdrawing with a wrist injury after his round was suspended by rain. He had completed the 11th hold.
Li opened with a 1-over 71 and was 3 over for the championship.
The course is playing soft with no wind and pristine greens, and that could mean record low scores this weekend. Tiger Woods already has another birdie at the eighth to reach 4 under, and first-round leader Rickie Fowler has his first birdie of the day to get to 8 under.
He’s two shots back of Gary Woodland, who already completed his second round. ___ 7 a.m.
Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy and the rest of the players that were still on the course when play was suspended at the PGA Championship have resumed their second rounds at soggy Bellerive.
All of them are chasing Gary Woodland, whose 66 before the rain rolled through Friday left him 10 under for the championship. Kevin Kisner also played early and was a shot back.
They got to sleep in Saturday while 78 players yet to finish their second rounds had to be in position by 7 a.m. There will be a 30-minute break once they finish, then the third round will start with groups of three heading off the first and 10th tees.
That will mean a long day for guys like Woods, who could play more than 28 holes Saturday. He was 3 under and in the fairway at the eighth when the sirens stopped play.
By ,Associated Press
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
10:06 (IST) Primary report suggests polyvinyl chloride gas leaked from plant early morning The primary report is that polyvinyl chloride gas, (reports say that it may Styrene as well) had leaked from LG Polymers, Vepagunta near Gopalapatnam in Visakhapatnam at around 2:30 am on Thursday morning, reports News18.  09:59 (IST) Visakhapatnam civic body issues guidelines for people living near the gas plant  The Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation has issued guidelines for people nearby the site of the incident. "Please use wet cloth as mask to cover mouth and nose" it read. As precautionary measures, the colonies and villages around the industry may leave to the safer locations. PLEASE USE WET CLOTH AS MASK TO COVER NOSE AND MOUTH. — Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC) (@GVMC_OFFICIAL) May 7, 2020 09:53 (IST) Over 200 hospitalised in Vishakapatnam say reports Over 200 are reported to have fallen sick though several media reports pegged the number at 1,000. People are being taken to the hospital after they complained of a burning sensation in their eyes and breathing difficulties. 09:49 (IST) At least 5 dead after gas leak in Vizag At least five persons are dead and hundreds sick after poisonous gas leaked from the LG Polymer plant at Gopalapatnam on the outskirts of Visakhapatnam, reports Indian Express.  Visakhapatnam Gas Leak Latest Updates: At least five persons are dead and hundreds sick after poisonous gas allegedly leaked from the LG Polymer plant at Gopalapatnam on the outskirts of Visakhapatnam, reported Indian Express. and NDTV. Authorities fear the number of deaths will rise, with news agencies reporting different numbers. PTI reports two people, including a child, were killed and nearly 70 hospitalised after the gas leak in the wee hours of Thursday. According to ANI , a total of three persons have died in the incident. RK Meena, CP Visakhapatnam City told ANI that the gas leak has been neutralised. "NDRF team has reached the spot. The maximum impact was in about 1-1.5 km but the smell was in 2-2.5 kilometres. Hundred to 120 people have been shifted to the hospital. A total of three persons have died in the incident. FIR has been registered against the company," he said. #UPDATE Gas has been neutralised. NDRF team has reached the spot. Maximum impact was in about 1-1.5 km but smell was in 2-2.5 km. 100-120 ppl have been shifted to hospital. Total 3 persons have died in the incident. FIR registered: RK Meena, CP Visakhapatnam City. #AndhraPradesh pic.twitter.com/1foFpdtEKh — ANI (@ANI) May 7, 2020 // // ]]> People in the Gopalapatnam area, where the chemical plant is located, complained of irritation in eyes, breathlessness, nausea, and rashes on their bodies. District Collector V Vinay Chand told PTI two people were killed due to the gas leak, while some are in a critical condition. Close to 70 people have been admitted to the King George Hospital after for treatment, he said. TV channels showed people lying unconscious on roads. Teams of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) have rushed to the spot. Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy enquired about the incident and directed the Visakhapatnam district collector to ensure proper medical care for the affected people and is currently en route the site as per reports. With inputs from agencies
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ashokkothapalli · 7 years
Babu Spending Corruption Money In Nandyal : Alleges Jagan In Road Show
దోచుకున్న సొమ్ము పంచుతోన్న చంద్రబాబు : రోడ్ షో లో జగన్
సిఎం చంద్రబాబు మూడున్నరేళ్లలో దోచుకున్న అవినీతి సొమ్ము పంచే కార్యక్రమం చేపట్టారని వైకాపా అధినేత వైఎస్ జగన్మోహన్‌రెడ్డి ఆరోపించారు. దోచుకున్న డబ్బుతో ట్రాక్టర్లు , కుట్టుమిషన్లు పంచుతున్నారన్నారు. ఓటుకు రూ.5 వేలు ఇస్తానంటున్న బాబుకు , అంత డబ్బు ఎక్కడి నుంచి వచ్చిందని ప్రశ్నించారు. నంద్యాల ఉప ఎన్నికల ప్రచారంలో భాగంగా బుధవారం గ్రామీణ ప్రాంతాల్లో జగన్ రోడ్ షో నిర్వహించారు. ఈ సందర్భంగా మాట్లాడుతూ ఆరున్నర కోట్లమంది ప్రజలకు చెందిన మూడున్నర లక్షల కోట్లను చంద్రబాబు దోచుకున్నారని ఆరోపించారు. అంటే రాష్ట్రంలోని ఒక్కొక్కరి నుంచి రూ.60 వేలు దోచుకుని ఓటుకు రూ.5 వేలు పంచుతామని చెప్ప డం చంద్రబాబుకే చెల్లిందన్నారు. దోపిడీ ధనం ఇష్టారాజ్యంగా ఖర్చు చేస్తున్న సిఎం బాబు, ప్రజలకు సమాధానం చెప్పాల్సి ఉందన్నారు. చంద్రబాబు రూ.5 వేలిస్తే ప్రజలు ధర్మాన్ని తలుచుకుని లౌక్యంగా ఓటు వేయాలని పిలుపునిచ్చారు. సిఎం చంద్రబాబులాగా నా వద్ద డబ్బులు లేవు. సిఎం పదవి లేదు. పోలీసుల బలం అంతకన్నా లేదు. లేనిది ఉన్నట్లుగా ఉన్నది లేనట్లుగా చూపే చానళ్లు, పేపర్లు కూడా నా వద్ద లేవు  అన్నారు. 
అధికారం కోసం దిగజారే మనస్తత్వం తనది కాదన్నారు. నాకున్న ఆస్తి వైఎస్‌పై మీకున్న అభిమానం... నాన్న అమలు చేసిన సంక్షేమ పథకాలే. అవే అండగా ఉంటాయి’ అన్నారు. మీ జగన్ అబద్దం ఆడడు. మోసం చేయడు. మాటమీద నిలబడే విశ్వసనీయతే నా ఆస్తి అన్నారు. విలువలతో కూడిన రాజకీయమే తనకు తెలుసని , దేవుడి దయ..మీ ఆశీస్సులు ఉన్నంత వరకు ప్రజలకు సేవ చేయడమే లక్ష్యమన్నారు. బాబు నోటివెంట నిజం రాదని , పొరపాటున కూడా నిజం చెప్పరని ఆక్షేపించారు.  2014 సార్వత్రిక ఎన్నికల్లో చంద్రబాబు ఇచ్చిన ఏ ఒక్క హామీ నెరవేరలేదని దుయ్యబట్టారు . రైతు రుణాలు, డ్వాక్రా మహిళల రుణాలు రద్దు చేస్తానని ప్రకటించి, వారిని నిలువునా ముంచిన ఘనత చంద్రబాబుదేనన్నారు. బాబు వస్తే జాబు వస్తుందన్న హామీ యువతకు కలగానే మిగిలిందన్నారు. నిరుద్యోగ భృతి ఇస్తానని అన్నెం పుణ్యం ఎరుగని యువతను నిలువునా ముంచారని ఆరోపించారు. 2014 స్వాతంత్య్ర దినోత్సవ వేడుకల సందర్భంగా కర్నూలులో సిఎం చంద్రబాబు ఇచ్చిన ఏ ఒక్క హామీ ఇంతవరకు నెరవేరలేదన్నారు. సీమ ప్రాంతానికి సాగునీరు అందుబాటులోకి తెస్తానని ఇచ్చిన హామీ తుంగలో తొక్కారన్నారు. మన పక్కనే ఉన్న కెసి కెనాల్ దుస్థితి చూస్తే అర్థమవుతుందన్నారు. చంద్రబాబు ప్రచారానికి వస్తే రైతన్నలు కెసి కెనాల్ దుస్థితిని ఆయనకు చూపించాలన్నారు. వైకాపా ప్లీనరీలో ప్రవేశపెట్టిన నవరత్నాల్లాంటి 9 సంక్షేమ పథకాలను రాబోయే తమ  ప్రభుత్వంలో అమలు చేస్తామన్నారు. 
నవరత్నాల లబ్ధి ప్రతి కుటుంబానికి అందేలా పక్కా ప్రణాళికా రూపొందించి అమలు చేస్తామన్నారు. వైకాపాకు నంద్యాలలోనే కాదు రాష్ట్రంలో ఎక్కడికి వెళ్లినా ప్రజాశీస్సులు ఉన్నాయన్నారు. చంద్రబాబు పాలన పట్ల ప్రజల్లో విరక్తి కలిగిందన్నారు. చంద్రబాబు దుష్టపాలనకు నంద్యాల ఉప ఎన్నికలతో చరమగీతం పాడేందుకు ఓటర్లు వైకాపా అభ్యర్థి శిల్పా మోహన్‌రెడ్డిని ఆశీర్వదించి భారీ మెజారిటీతో గెలిపించాలన్నారు. నంద్యాల ఉప ఎన్నిక సందర్భంగా మంత్రులు, ఎమ్మెల్యేలు, ఎమ్మెల్సీలను ఇక్కడే తిష్టవేయించి అధికార దుర్వినియ���గానికి పాల్పడుతున్నారన్నారు. బాబు తప్పులను ఎండగట్టేందుకు ప్రతి వైకాపా కార్యకర్త కృషి చేయాలన్నారు. నంద్యాలలో వైకాపా అభ్యర్థిని గెలిపించండి. నంద్యాలను నా గుండెల్లో పెట్టుకుంటా. నవరత్నాలను ప్రతి ఇంటికి చేరుస్తానని హామీ ఇచ్చారు. కులమతాలకు అతీతంగా అందరికీ సంక్షేమ పథకాలు అందేలా రాజన్న రాజ్యాన్ని తీసుకొస్తామన్నారు. వ్యవస్థలో మార్పు రావాలని , అందుకోసం అందరం శ్రమిద్దామని పిలుపునిచ్చారు. జగన్ రోడ్‌షోలో వైకాపా నేతలు రవీంద్రనాథ్‌రెడ్డి , శ్రీకాంత్‌రెడ్డిలతో పాటు నంద్యాల అభ్యర్థి శిల్పా మోహన్‌రెడ్డి, శిల్పా చక్రపాణిరెడ్డి , శిల్పా రవిచంద్ర కిశోర్‌రెడ్డి తదితరులు పాల్గొన్నారు.
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2uIuGcl
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todaybharatnews · 5 years
via Today Bharat nbsp; nbsp;On Monday evening, doctors of Vijayawada Government General Hospital spoke to the media about the steps being taken by the hospital, and the Andhra Pradesh government, to contain the spread of the COVID-19 disease in the state. Stating that the people of Andhra need not worry about the disease, GGH Superintendent Dr P Nancharaiah repeated a comment made by Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy one day earlier. Saying that the novel coronavirus was no more dangerous than the swine influenza virus (SIV) or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Dr Nancharaiah said that patients affected by COVID-19 disease are also treated with the same medicine as in the case of any viral fever - paracetamol. ldquo;Paracetamol is like Sanjeevani for all fevers,rdquo; he said, referring to the Hindu mythological plant believed to cure deadly diseases. The statement came a day after Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy alleged that the State Election Commissioner (SEC) was using the coronavirus outbreak as an lsquo;excusersquo; to delay local body elections in the state. He too made the paracetamol remark. Though paracetamol is one of the medicines used to treat the symptoms of COVID-19, the comment has come under much criticism for being dismissive of a disease thatrsquo;s killed scores across the globe. While neighbouring states like Karnataka, Telangana and Tamil Nadu have announced partial or complete shutdown of educational institutions, commercial complexes and have restricted large public gatherings to avoid an imminent outbreak, the Andhra government has not given any such instructions so far. Although the Chief Minister mentioned the eventual temporary shutdown of schools and commercial establishments on Sunday, while lashing out at the SECrsquo;s decision, no formal directions have come from the government so far, and many colleges and schools have continued to function. Officials have been claiming that there is no reason to panic, as only one case of coronavirus has been confirmed in the state so far, in Nellore town. The argument seems to be that since there have been no cases of local transmission yet, there is no need for stringent measures to enforce physical distancing among people. Though the state has announced massive santisiation, has placed order for more ventilators and is generally sprucing up the health systems, their public reaction seems to be driven by the political need to conduct the local body elections. After the Chief Minister asking the SEC to not cancel elections, Chief Secretary Nilam Sawhney in her letter to the SEC requesting that the election process in the state be continued uninterrupted, said that the state is prepared to handle the containment of COVID-19 for three to four weeks, and that the situation can be lsquo;unpredictablersquo; after that. She also wrote that since neither local nor community transmission has begun, an outbreak of alarming proportion is unlikely in the next few weeks. Dr M Venkata Ramana, former state president of the APJUDA (Andhra Pradesh Junior Doctors Association), says that although a few measures have been taken by the state to promote awareness on usage of masks and other maintaining hygiene to avoid exposure to the virus, this may not be enough. ldquo;Government doctors have also conducted rallies and taken measures to spread awareness about precautions. But we also need measures to ensure physical distancing,rdquo; he said. Although only a single positive case has been detected in the state, ldquo;once the virus enters a mass gathering, it will become impossible to control. We cannot authoritatively say that there's no danger for 3-4 weeks,rdquo; Dr Venkata Ramana says, adding that if the situation goes out of hand, the government would be responsible for not acting sooner. The CM himself has said that situation is only likely to intensify in the coming weeks, as more people return to the state from COVID-19 affected countries, requiring more stringent action in the coming weeks. Jaganrsquo;s trivialising remarks regarding the coronavirus epidemic have also received severe flak. The CM claimed that the COVID-19 disease is not very dangerous for most people, and that paracetamol is sufficient to treat it. He also said that bleaching powder must be sprayed on the belongings of people returning from abroad, and showing symptoms of COVID-19. Leader of Opposition and former CM Chandrababu Naidu has condemned the governmentrsquo;s lackadaisical approach to the problem. ldquo;Coronavirus claims lives and it spreads VERY VERY fast. It cannot be taken lightly, especially by a man sitting on the CM's chair. Shocked to see YS Jagan say that it can be treated with Paracetamol," Naidu had tweeted. Calling Jaganrsquo;s attitude irresponsible, Naidu also said that if the situation intensifies, the infrastructure in the state would be inadequate to handle it. The Chief Secretary in her communication with the SEC has also suggested measures like issuing advisories on campaigning, and congregation at the polling stations. ldquo;Candidates can be encouraged to use electronic media for campaigning and queues on the poll day can be restricted and staggered by the election staff,rdquo; she wrote. While the elections were originally scheduled to be held on March 21, 24, 27 and 29, as on Tuesday, the state government is yet to issue any advisories regarding social distancing, despite the central governmentrsquo;s advisory to shut down all educational institutions, gyms, cinema halls and other establishments till March 31. Until last week, large crowds from across India and the world continued to visit the Tirumala temple. On Sunday, thousands of people from Karnataka and Tamil Nadu as well as different parts of Andhra were in Kadiri town for a huge religious procession on the streets, which is part of an annual temple festival. Not only was the gathering not prevented, but special buses were reportedly arranged by the APSRTC (Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation) for the occasion. The YSRCP government has been adamant on going ahead with the elections, and has even moved the Supreme Court in this regard. Meanwhile, the State Election Commissioner Ramesh Kumar wrote back to the Chief Secretary, stating that Maharashtra, West Bengal and Odisha have also put local body elections on hold, as the coronavirus outbreak is ldquo;a circumstance beyond anticipationrdquo;. nbsp;
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