#Jackson heights weed delivery
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chronicbuddhausa · 3 months ago
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Gumball Gelato | Chronic Buddha
Bubblegum Gelato, known for its irresistible flavor, offers a deeply relaxing yet creatively inspiring high—ideal for a laid-back weekend at home. This strain boasts a sweet blend of raspberry and cherry flavors, underscored by sugary bubblegum notes, and its aroma mirrors this fruity sweetness with accents of rich cherry and bubblegum. A few minutes after your last puff, Bubblegum Gelato brings an uplifting euphoria that melts away any negative or racing thoughts, allowing a wave of creativity to take over—perfect for artistic pursuits. Thanks to its calming and mood-lifting effects paired with a THC level of 16-19%, Bubblegum Gelato is often recommended for those dealing with chronic pain, appetite loss, nausea, stress, insomnia, and fatigue.
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pastelbatfandoms · 6 years ago
Mommy Survey Part 2
A.) Mommy
First Name::Michelle
Current Age::32
Age when child was born::31
Single, Dating, or Married?:Married
Eye Color::Brown
Hair Color::Brown
Body Type::Petite
Month of Your Birthday::April
Number of Kids::2
Kids Current Ages::4 years and 1 year
First Name::Michael
Current Age::33
Age at Child’s Birth::31
Eye Color::Blue
Hair Color::Brown
Body Type::Stocky
Religion::None but not Atheist
Month of Birthday::December
Number of Kids::2
Still together?:yes
How much is he involved with the kid?:Very much
External image
Did you think you wanted kids?:yes
Did you ever babysit/work with kids?:No
Did you party a lot?:No
Smoke?:only as a Teen
Do drugs?:Smoked Weed as a Teen
What were your favorite things to do/hobbies?:Read,Dance,Collect Dolls,Watch TV,Shop,Write,Computer,Play with My Pets
How did you meet the baby’s father?:We Found each other on a Dating Site Called Geek 2 Geek and Met 4 Months later at My Brother’s House in Tacoma.
What was the 1st clue that you were pregnant?:I didn’t know until we were at The Doctors and Michael Mentioned that I might be lol I didn’t notice that I’d missed My period.
How did you feel when you found out?:Excited,Nervous <<Same
How long did you wait to tell the dad?:He knew before I did lol
How did he initially react?: Excited cause we had been trying.
Were you dating, married, or not together at the time?:Married
Was the baby a surprise, or were you trying to get pregnant?:trying
How long before you told your friends?:I think I called My Family right away
What about family?:Same<<I don’t have any friends
Were you nervous to tell anyone?:No
Did anyone’s reactions surprise you?:No
Did you ever consider abortion or adoption?:We Considered Adoption or I did but it’s so Expensive and such a long Process. Michael’s always wanted his own kid.
If so, what made you change your mind?:Michael
Were you living with your parents, the dad, or on your own?:We obvi live together
Were you working/in school?:No
Did you have to “shop around” for the right OB?:No <<We stuck to the one we already had.
Did you find out the gender before birth?:Yes <<
Describe how you felt when you first saw the baby on an ultrasound::Happy
Was the dad there?:yes
Were there ever suspicions that something was wrong with the baby?:No
If something WAS wrong, did you question going through with the pregnancy?:I would never abort
How far along were you when you started to show?:3 Months <<4 Months I think idr
Ever took pictures of your pregnant tummy?:Yes
Were you a smoker when you found out that you were pregnant?:No
:Did you ever drink during pregnancy?:No
What about drugs?:Nope
:Did you take prenatal vitamins?:Yes
Did you ever have morning sickness?:Once <<No just lots of Nausea 
What about gestational diabetes, swollen feet, etc?:I had Gestational Diabetes and Swollen Feet and Hands the last few Months <<No because it was Winter thankfully.
Do you have any genetic probs. you were afraid would pass on to the baby?:No
Did you ever cry about silly things because of hormones?:yeah
Did you have any weird cravings? For what?:in the first Month,Like Pickles Hot Dogs and Mustard wrapped in a soft Tortilla <<Surprisingly No just drank lots of Orange Juice lol
:Did you go to lamaze classes?:No
Wasn’t it amazing when the baby kicked?:yeah
Did people ask to rub your belly?:thankfully no
Did you ever dream about the baby?:yeah
Do you miss being pregnant?:I did for awhile not anymore
What was your expected due date?:Oct 3,he was born on Sept 14 <<Later than March 8 but idr
Did you ever get hurt or injured while pregnant?:no <<Yes while at The Fair I didn’t know until the next day when I started bleeding. thankfully I had just ripped My uterus and it wasn’t a Miscarriage. it was a pretty scary day though. 
Did you read baby books/magazines?:yes
Top 3 boy names you liked::Adrian,Logan,Jackson<< Aubray,Alexander
Top 3 girl names you liked::Meredith,Madeline,Echo<<Alexis,Aubrie,Alexandria,Adriana.
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Did you have just one, or more?:1
How far along were you?:7 Months <<<8 Months I think
Did the dad attend?:yes
How many people attended?:idk a good handful
Did you have activities/games planned?:yes
What was your favorite gift?:The Diaper Cake was pretty neat <<The Bassinet
What gift ended up being the most helpful?:the clothes <<Yep and Diapers
Did you get anything that you never used?:yeah we got two Baby Carriers so we sold one<< The Sport Clothes and Socks
Did you have a diaper cake?:yep<<No My Mom made a real one
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Where were you when you went into labor?:at home
What were you doing at the time?:I was awake screaming on the floor until Michael got home yeah fun times...
Were you alone?:No My Son was Home but he was only 3 :(
How long before you went to the hospital?: right when Michael got home
How did you get there?:Michael Drove
How did you feel? (nervous, excited, scared, etc):Nervous I guess I was just in pain there were no emotions lol
Did you give birth before, after, or on your due date?:Before He was born on March 8.
Who all came to the hospital and waited in the lobby?:My Husband and Son,didn’t have time for anyone else to get there!
Who stayed in the room during birth?: My Husband
Did anyone film the birth?:No
What kind of birth was it (C-section, vaginal, water birth, etc):Vaginal
Did you have an epidural?:No didn’t have time!
If yes, did you still find labor/delivery painful?:Not with an Epidural,the beginning when I was in labor without the epidural yeah
Did you have an episiotomy?:idk what that is
Was your OB there, or did you have an on-call doctor? Yes he delivered  The Baby
Were there any complications during/after delivery?:Thankfully not
Did you curse anyone out during labor? Scream/cry?:No But I did Scream lol
How long were you in labor before you started pushing?:Not very long,in total it took 15 hours <<Shorter than that lol 
How long were you pushing before the baby was born?:awhile <<Not very long I was in Labor before we even got to the Hospital
What time was it when the baby was delivered?:5:16 PM <<I think it was 8 PM idr
How long before you first got to hold the baby?:right away
Did you have any injuries from labor and delivery?:I did tear <<Same I think
Name::Alexander Marcelus
Whose last name did the baby keep?:Our’s
Birth weight::I honestly don’t remember I think 6.9 maybe...
Bald, a little hair, or a full head of hair?:Full head of hair
Eye color at birth::Blue
Did it change later?They are now Hazel
Hair color::Light Brown
Features inherited from mommy::Hair Color (and it being Oily unfourntly),Face Shape,Eyes
Features inherited from daddy::,Nose,Feet
How long did you stay in the hospital?: Only a Couple Days
Did the baby have to stay longer?:we stayed with him the whole time
Did the baby have to go into the NICU?:No
Did you have any issues with the hospital or nurses?: No I liked Most of the Nurses Especially Audrey who did Most of  the Work while I was having Him. <<Same
When it was time to go home, were you excited or scared?:Excited
Did anyone stay at the hospital with you?:Michael
Who all came to visit in the hospital?: My Brother and Sister in Law,Michael’s Mom I think
Was he/she an easy baby?:yes
Did they have colic?:Yes
Breastfed or formula?:Both
If breast, did you have any problems with nursing?:yes,which is why he’s formula fed now. but he was breast fed for a few Months
Did baby use a pacifier?:yes
If so, what word did you use for it?:Binkie
Cloth or disposable diapers?:Disposable we do have some Cloth but we haven’t used them ever
Where did the baby sleep?:in His Crib,His Swing or With Me
Did the belly button ever make you nervous?:a bit
If it was a boy, was he circumsized?:yes
Did you bring them to the hospital often?:No Just for his Checkups
What was the hardest thing to adjust to?:lack of sleep
Something funny you did because of sleep deprivation::Funny,there was nothing funny about it lol that <<
Something cute they did as a newborn::he always does cute things,his laughing,Now his running around and yelling
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Do you remember the first real smile?:yep
How often did you do tummy time, and when did you start?:we tried to do it once a day,he hated it though.
How old were they when you finally felt comfortable leaving them w/ someone: 1 Month probably but I don’t really remember
Who, besides dad, helped the most at this age?:Grandma’s
How long before you went back to work?:
What about dad?:he could only get a Week off but he did take More Days after that.
How well did siblings/pets adjust to the baby?:I think the Pets were used to it lol and Adrian loves him.
Did you ever use a baby sling?:No
What about a walker?:yes
Anything scary happen to/with the baby at this age?:Not really
Did they ever have febrile seizures?:no
Stop breathing?:no
Cutest outfit at this age:: His Spider Man or Super Man Onesies.
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Where was baby’s first outing to?:The Store
When did you start transitioning to solids?:idr
What was baby’s reaction?:he liked it mostly
What was their favorite first foods?: Fruit
Did they get sick often?:He did projectile Vomit but that was only once thankfully
First word: Baba
:Second word: Mom
:Were they baptized?:No
first crawled: He crawled for quite awhile I think he started at 8 Months
Age first walked: 11 Months I think 
:What was their favorite thing to do at this age?:at Toddler age? So Now...Climb on Things,watch TV,Play with Brother.
Foods they love? EVERYTHING lol 
:Foods they hate?: he doesn’t really NOT like anything…Some Veggies I think
Who (besides mom and dad) was their favorite person?: My Niece Hailey
What about best baby friend?: He doesn’t have one yet.
Did they attend daycare? Nope
At what age?
:Did you fill in one of those baby scrapbook things?: No I forgot we had one...
If so, did you finish it, or give up on it?:
Did they watch TV as a toddler?: yes he’s been watching TV since he was a baby. He’s 1 year now.
If so, what is their favorite shows?: True and The Rainbow Kingdom
Favorite Movies? Xander doesn’t really have any but he does like watching Bendy and The Ink Machine MV’s lol
What was their bedtime routine?: None
What time was bedtime?: 10<<Now it’s 12 sigh
What time did they wake up in the morning?: 10 <<8 or 9
Did they enjoy bathtime?: He’s loved Baths ever since he was a baby.
:What were their favorite songs?: Bendy Songs lol
Favorite Color: idk
Favorite animals?:Cats
Favorite place to go?: 
Did you go to the park a lot?: No
What about take baby to restaurants?:We take him,he’s usually good. but he does have a habit of throwing his food on the floor.
What were your favorite crafts to do together?:
Did you ever color in their coloring books for your own enjoyment?:No I have my own XD
Were they social, or more reserved?:he’s pretty social.
Did you ever use a “leash”?: No
Ever had a problem with a babysitter?:Nope I’ve never had a stranger baby sit my kids.
Were they gentle with animals, or a little too rough?:He;s pretty Gentle
Did they ever get bit by an animal?: No
What about another kid?: No
Were they biters/hitters?:Hitting a bit
Any allergies?: Not yet
At what age did they potty train?: He’s not at that age yet.
How hard was potty-training for you?:How long did it take?:
Was there any punishment for not using the potty?: 
What was their reward for using it?:
What were their favorite outdoor activities?: 
Favorite indoor activities?: 
Any major behavioral issues?:
Health issues?:
Any friends/relatives they just did not like?
:Some funny things they did at this age: Spinning around in Circles and trying to Dance
:Some cute things they did at this age: ^^
:A scary event that happened at this age:when he fell off the bed and the changing table. thankfully that has only happened once.
:Did you spank them at this age?: No
What about yell at them?: Yes
What one thing did they eat most often? Cereal,Spaghetti O’s,Pizza,Fries ect
:Did they get candy/chips/sweets?: Rarely
What about soda?:No
Fast food?: Sometimes
Were they overweight or underweight?:Neither
Did they pick up any bad words from you?: 
Sing along with mainstream radio?: 
Did you ever give them Benadryl so you could get some sleep? no!
What about take them on vacation?: Not yet
What was their comfort item?: His blanket and Binkie.
Would you say you are more lenient or strict?:A good mixture of both
Were you ever a single parent?:No
Worked or stayed at home?:Stay at home
Did you and your partner ever fight about how to do something “right”?:prbly
Anyone ever criticized your parenting?:Who, and what did they say?: I don’t know and don’t care.
What was the best compliment you received about parenting/child’s behavior?:
Did you ever discipline someone else’s kid?: when I had to Baby sit yeah.
What was your main way of disciplining?: Time out or Grounding.
How often were you guilty of using the TV as a distraction?: lol all the time
Fight/argue in front of them?: try not to
Accidentally break/lose a toy?: yes
Give in to a fit?: Yes
Make a myspace/facebook under your child’s name?:No,he can have one when he’s older
Use WIC?:Yes we do
Foodstamps/welfare?: Nope we apparently “make too much”
Take them to Disney World?:Hopefully!
Take them overseas or on a plane?: Not yet
Get in a car wreck with them in the car?: No thank god
Let them miss school when they weren’t really sick?:
Get them their own pet?:We Might
Rent a Fun Jump/jump castle for their birthday?:Nope
Bake a cake/cookies with them?: We will
Smoke around them?:we don’t smoke
Enter them into sports?: If he wants to
Take them to a public pool?: Sure
Move after they were born?:we will be
Write them a letter to give them when they are older?:No
Take them to a museum?:No but we have been to Jurassic Quest
Take out a life insurance policy?:Write a will?
Get a kids song stuck in your head?: ALL THE TIME
Watch Youtube together?:When he watches it on TV
Download a game for them on your phone?:No he’s too young and when he’s older we’ll buy him a Kindle
Get walked in on during an intimate moment?:Not yet lol
Lie to a pediatrician?:Get a second opinion from another doctor?:
Call CPS on someone?: Almost
Get dirty looks when your kid threw a fit?:Again idc
Halloween Costume: Stitch from Lilo and Stitch
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Pet:: We have 3 Cats and 1 Dog he doesn’t really need his own pet yet.
:Death they experienced::None
Formal event they attended:A Wedding
:Coherent drawing::None 
Professional picture:Our First Christmas together.
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Are most of your photos o them developed or digitally stored?:Digital
Did you keep a journal of moments you don’t want to forget?:I will
Do you make home videos?:Yes
Do you have any of their old toys/clothes in storage?:Not in Storage but we have kept some of his old clothes.
What about things they’ve made (drawings, etc)?:Yes
Do you send family photos as Christmas cards?:we do
Do you have framed photos of them displayed in your house? Not yet we have the photo’s but not frames….
:How about at work?:
In your wallet?: Michael does
Do you still have their ultrasounds?:yes
Did you keep their first lock of hair/tooth?: hair yes
Did you get a tattoo for them?:I will
Tell me about something that happened related to the following.A time when you felt extremely proud::A heartbreaking moment::A time you look back on and regret your actions::Something your kid did that had the whole room laughing::Something they did that surprised you::Something incredibly sweet that they did::An event that made you angry::A moment you wish you had recorded::A bad holiday experience::A moment you would erase::A strange dream you had about your kid::A time you regretted buying a toy::A funny moment involving your kid and their friends::An awkward moment::Worst place you had to change a diaper::A moment involving your kid and an animal:
:XVI.) SOUNDTRACKA song that describes the labor/birth::A song that describes the kid’s relationship with dad::A song that describes your relationship with dad::Song you’d dedicate to your kid::Last song you listened to with your kid::Kid’s current favorite song::Song you sang to them at bedtime the most::Lyric that they always get wrong::A song by an artist with the same first name as your child::Song that has your kids name in the lyrics::
Breastfeeding in public::Not for Me
Vaccinations::Sad to see him Cry but it’s Important to get them
Teach them your religion, or let them discover their own?:Discover their own
Teenagers having babies?:ugh I’m against it
Abortion?:Pro Choice
Gay Parents::Pro
What would you do if your child told you they were gay?:fine with me
Leashes for kids::Mean
Pit bulls and kids::Pit Bulls are not Mean unless they are taught to be!
Smoking while pregnant::I don’t think so
Feeding kids fast food::ok every once in awhile
Letting toddlers watch TV::Fine,Adrian watches TV Now!
Homeschooling::seems hard but I’m not against it
Ear piercings for toddlers::No,that is so Vain
10 Places You’d Like To Take Your Kids Someday
2::Disney World
3::Grand Canyon
4::Universal Studios
6::Puyallup Fair
10::Disney Land
9 Favorite Things To Do Together1::2::3::4::5::6::7::8::9::8 Things You’ve Learned Since Becoming A Mom1::2::3::4::5::6::7::8::7 Favorite Memories1::2;:3::4::5::6::7::
6 People Who Have Helped You Out The Most
3::My Nieces Cheryl,Carol and Hailey
4::Michael’s Mom
5::Michael’s Dad
6::My BFF
5 Quotes From Your Child1::2::3::4::5::
4 Things You Want To Say To Your Child
1::I love you very much
2::you are the cutest baby ever
3::I will never abandon you
4::we will always be there for you
3 Bad Habits Your Child Has1::2::3::2 Good Pieces of Advice for Other Parents1::2::
1 Favorite Physical Feature of Your Kid 1::his smile
OPTIONAL: a picture of your child::
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chronicbuddhausa · 6 days ago
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Exotics Flower Sale | Chronic Buddha
4 incredible strains to choose from and all are high-end indoor exotics. 4 new amazing exotic strains, CANDYLAND SAT – RAINBOW BELTS IND – RED GLUE IND – PERMANENT RUNTZ IND. Don’t Miss Out. We have 4 NEW Special Ounces that will set you up with the finest quality flowers.
These are top-tier exotics at an incredible price, better than smoke shops and stores.
Shop Now: - https://chronicbuddha.com/weed-delivery-nyc/exotics-ozs-2 Order to Call Now:- 7187479797
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