#Jackal r6
phandomtaleweaver · 1 year
More Siege fun facts the average player might not know:
Bandit named his gadget (CED) after his brother Cedric
Glaz plays poker with the FBI SWAT
Bandit has his pilot’s license and Valkyrie is working to get hers
Glaz’s full name, Timur Glazkov, roughly translates to “eye of iron” or “iron sights”
Fuze was engaged for two years but eventually called the wedding off
Finka, Mute, Mira, and Doc all have phds
Zero knew Finka’s father and even met her when she was a child
Jäger references Star Trek in his “I’m an engineer, not a medic” line (reversal of Bones’ classic line)
Rook loves rock music and wanted to pursue a career in it at one point
Jackal is good at off road driving (idk how a man who doesn’t sleep drives but whatever)
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rightshoeonleftfoot · 5 months
On Edge
Pairing: Marius "Jäger" Streicher x Ryad "Jackal" Ramírez Al-Hassar
Summary: Jackal and Jäger are both training as attackers and defenders respectively. Jackal tracks Jäger while he is roaming.
Warnings: Canon typical violence, no blood since this all happens during practice.
Words: 862
This is a little one shot for bestjagermain on twitter!
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Jäger put his last ADS down near an entry point, and took a deep breath. He could hear his teammates moving about, setting up site for the imminent entry of the attackers. Though he knew it was only practice, he was still very on edge, with Mira calling the shots.
He checked his mags and took a mental map of how the site was set up, before Mira yelled out a few orders. "Jäger, Caveira! You're both roaming, understood? Jäger, you head for the east entrance, Cav, go for the west entrance." Jäger and Caveira both nodded and headed to their respective positions.
The building was quiet, except for the sounds of his teammates walking upstairs. Though he's done this multiple times, he can't help but feel stressed. He takes a shaky breath in as he roams the hallways, keeping an eye and ear out for anything out of place. He can't hear anything but his own breathing and heartbeat. It's nerve wracking, hearing the sound of his own footsteps bouncing off the walls.
His grip on his gun tightens as he peeks around corners, making sure the way is clear. He's worried, looking over his shoulder constantly, he does not want to get flanked. His team depends on him after all. His headphones crackle to life, with a desperate call from Blitz. "ONE SECOND FLOOR, CASH ROOM, FU-" The radio cuts off, leaving him in eerie silence once again.
He's not sure if Caveira will be going after the person on the second floor, and right as he decides to continue roaming, he gets a transmission from Cav. "I'm dealing with Ace over here, Jäger go after him!" She's clearly out of breath, so he sneaks his way to the second floor. He quickly gets to the server room to find it completely empty.
It's eerily quiet upstairs, the distant sounds of gun fights in the background. He clears the server room, aiming his gun at anything he finds suspicious, before peeking in the cash room carefully. He walks in slowly, making his footsteps as quiet as he possibly can. The only sounds audible are the beeping and buzzing of the electronics in the room.
He hears his own breathing as he peeks at an angle, keeping an ear out for any footsteps. He turns suddenly, having an odd feeling of being tracked. There's no one there. He's just met with an empty room as he peers into the garage. He watches it for way longer than he should. It might just be the atmosphere, but something is making him more on edge than usual.
Then, he hears a single footstep. He turns instantly, only to be met with a wall. Scheiße. He decides to rotate back to the points, knowing he's most likely already been spotted. He moves quickly, but whoever is hot on his trail moves quicker. He doesn't hear anyone as he makes his way back to the stairs. Then, he gets a gut feeling. His heart drops as he immediately turns around to shoot.
Unfortunately, he gets met with the hard concrete wall against his back. His gun had fallen out of his hands, the violence of the pin having him disoriented. "You should be more careful, cariño." Jackal's voice is hushed as he presses the blade of his knife against Jäger's throat. Jager can't feel the cold of the blade thanks to his balaclava, but he can feel the sharpness of it and the pressure Jackal is putting on it.
Words fail him as his breathing gets more laboured. He really wants to reply with a quip, but all he can do is stare. "Cat's got your tongue, amor?" Jäger shakes his head quickly. "N-no, you just scared me." He feels almost relaxed at the sight of Jackal, despite being held at knife-point. The pressure Jackal is applying to his knife lightens.
Jäger's hand comes up to hold Jackal's on the knife. Jackal has a cheeky smile, but Jäger is still trying to calm himself down from the sudden scare. "You're dead and out, Marius." Jackal speaks, before completely withdrawing his knife. "Thought so." Jäger chuckles quietly. Jackal lifts Jäger's balaclava just high enough to see his mouth and closes the very small distance between them, kissing him. Jäger kisses him back without hesitation, just wanting to enjoy this small moment of "privacy" between the both of them.
Jackal pulls away, and Jäger can't help but smile. "Good luck, liebe." They can both hear footsteps from the upper floors, so they go quiet for a second. Jackal completely moved himself off of Jäger. He continues his way up the stairs and looks back at him. "You better go before my good mood runs out, my love." He's teasing him, and Jäger just shakes his head, a grin plastered on his face.
Jackal disappears around the corner and Jäger sighs. He pulls his balaclava down and makes his way out of the building, only to be greeted by the blinding sun once outside. What a fucking dick. He thinks. He'd never admit just how much he likes it though. Not even with a knife to his throat.
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skrillborn · 8 months
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r6shippingdelivery · 1 year
Two snippets of lore from the Battlepass that I want to comment:
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Contrary to popular belief around Twitter, I don't see this as flirting but as Kapkan calling Fenrir inexperienced & lost. He might or might not be thinking to act a bit as his mentor to try shape him into what he thinks a proper soldier should be (after all, we know from Kap's bio he likes mentoring other soldiers, and he was Finka's mentor too). Not to mention going for petplay "flirting" at work would be weird as all fuck guys wtf
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I am so happy to see some more about Lion and Jackal's friendship! We were told they were friends, but until now I think we never saw/heard them intereact in any way. And this is 100% something you'd say to a friend, not to mention he calls Jackal by his name rather than callsign. Idk, I really enjoyed seeing this little blurb 😄
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l3r40l · 4 months
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Pillow with wizards for magical sleep, obviously
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masked-men-fantasy · 4 months
Welcome to my masked men fantasy
Welcome to this blog of mine. There are things you should know about before you proceed further in my blog. Please read before doing so.
What is this blog all about?
This blog mainly focuses on fanfiction and headcanon writing for masked men I found hot from games and some TV shows. Feel free to check the Masterlist for the character I write about.
This blog focuses on Character X Male!Reader prompt. If that is not your thing, I understand that. Please feel free to move on.
This blog will likely contain some NSFW content. Therefore, NO MINOR is allowed to be here.
I am not native. You may have found a lot of mistakes in vocabulary and grammar. Please accept my apologies in advance.
I currently do not accept any requests, for now. I write just to satisfy my own desires, and I am not confident in my writing yet. I hope you understand me.
Feel free to chat with me through the ask box. I might not answer all the messages, though. Not because I am arrogant, but because my mental state is not so stable right now. Sometimes I feel very lonely inside, but my brain won't let me talk with anyone, and I hate myself for that.
No hates. No political issues. No toxicity. Please. I have had a tough time in real life already. I do not want any more sadness. Please let this blog be the last oasis for me.
If you are nice to me, I will be nice to you. As simple as that
I hope you enjoy your stay :)
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141-jackal · 26 days
Some shenanigans. Yeah, there's some Seige in there too.
In this household, we play for shits and giggles.
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r6s-imagines · 2 years
jackal x reader >> quit your squirming
warnings: swearing, light injuries, tiny bit of nsfw, makeout sesh
summary: jackal needs more practice perfecting his appearance, and the organization pilot happy to provide assistance.
your knees wobbled from the lack of movement as you stood from the foam pad on the pavement floor, wiping your forehead and leaving a thin streak of grime onto your skin. rainbow should invest more into their vehicle care than their damn firing range, you thought. what good is aim if you can’t take it anywhere? bias aside, your error report was due to the director and you felt your joints cry out as you took slow steps back into the facility.
the universe had oddly comedic timing, making you climb up three flights of stairs to get to the drop-off destination. your eyes traced the fine stripe running alongside the wall, catching each door label and looking for the right one.
having been employed there for a large part of your working age, the door placements were almost muscle memory. marius’s mechanics office was fourth door down the south wing. you’d been there a million times, and when you swore you hit the fourth door, you knocked once and looped your arm around the knob, swinging open the door.
“marius, i have the--”
a whisper-yell violated your ears and you stumbled, spilling the documents across the floor. the lone wolf jackal was sitting at his desk, chip up toward the ceiling and a large weathered hand concealing his neck. quite literally being the last man you hoped to meet in your condition, your temperature flared up and you could feel your underarms dampening.
the spaniard's hair was slicked back with curly flyaways, water dripping down his thick neck. his facial hair seemed to be taking over his face, though not too unkempt. you always considered him a perfect specimen, from his stone-cold perspective on extractions to the way he'd rest against a wall during a business celebration. "perfect," in your mind, did not mean flawless. he's slipped up, missed meetings, sometimes even forgotten his helmet for a mission. he was your hot, imaginary disaster of a boyfriend. in your daydreams, at least.
to those besides yourself, to call specialist jackal a disaster would be a practical understatement. sure, you’d catch his passing glance in the transport helicopter or watch his back muscles flex as he shrugged on his vest, but that doesn’t mean his interior was stable.
ramírez was a man past his prime, yet not weathered to the extent of being “too old.” your trusted co-pilot, jäger, called him your salt and pepper crush (for unclear reasons to you) to the point of you threatening to send the copter straight into the ocean.
"ramírez," your voice cracked. "sorry for the interruption. it seems i entered the wrong door. have a good day."
"i- no- wait-" he huffed, lifting his hand from his neck. he glanced in the mirror which caused his eyes to widen. ramírez reached out to you, quickly yet tenderly taking hold of your forearm. "could you... help. really quick. please."
it seemed like a cruel setup to an evil prank. you were too old for games, but you could name a few other operators that would seem up for such a thing. he continued.
"could you get me some gauze, l/n? a cotton ball. something. anything, por favor."
"are you okay?"
"yes. i cut my neck shaving," he looked up to your panicked expression. "just a little nick, don't worry."
you scurried toward one of the many first aid kits nailed to the wall. you flipped it open, fumbling for some sort of bandage. you paused, gripping it in your palm.
now's your chance, mein frund, you could hear jäger in your head. you nodded to yourself and reentered his room. jackal had not moved from his position but was now standing an inch from his mirror.
"gracias," he thanked, reaching out to grab the gauze from your hand. your quick thinking caused you to pull back.
"let me help," you said, with a light smirk. it had been some time since you last had the chance to flirt, with work and all clouding your mind since you got out of college. "i can see it better. sit."
he sat down, legs wide. you shuffled between his left leg, practically sitting on it. he readjusted in his seat. without even thinking twice, you held his chin and turned it upward.
"i can't reach it, it's like.. right under your jaw-" you mumbled mostly to yourself. you watched his jaw clenched and eyes glue to the ceiling and said nothing about it. it's working. "where is it?"
"here," jackal whispered back, placing his hand over yours and moving your hand to his pulse. you began to wipe at the blood, yet it never seemed to stop. fighting the frustration, you furrowed your brow and continued cleaning his neck, when suddenly, you heard a low groaning noise.
"quit your squirming," you instructed, holding him down with more authority. he continued to breathe through his teeth, and you felt his body heat radiating despite the gap. you began to get worried.
"is this okay?" you asked, referring to the cut. his breathing became heavier and body stiffer.
"yes... hhh—stay like that."
you raised an eyebrow, checking your surroundings. during your frustrations, you seemed to have taken a seat on his lap, with your hand applying gentle pressure on the sides of his neck. you soon realized he was not talking about the blood.
"me encanta esto." it was almost inaudible, said barely above a whisper, but you heard it.
for a moment, time stopped. you pulled your gauze-hand back, and truly seizing this glorious opportunity, placed it on his chest. it was just as amazing as you pictured it felt. was this actually happening right now? is he just really into this, or is he so uncomfortable he can't even speak?
he lowered his chin, meeting your eyes once before glancing down at your lips. you couldn't help but admire his long, dark eyelashes. his lips parted.
"can i kiss you...?" ramírez asked, fixated on your mouth. you nodded, slowly.
as if waiting a million years, his instincts took over as he grabbed the back of your neck and waist, pulling you in and smashing your lips together. you kissed back feverishly, holding the sides of his face and starting to slowly grind against his thigh. he tasted like minty rain and you loved every bit of it. after nearly a minute straight, you pulled away, taking a deep catching breath. you were so caught up against his lips you didn't notice the small trail of blood soaking into his shirt collar.
"ramírez—" you began, but he kissed you once more, just as deeply but as quick as a peck.
"thank you for the help," he replied in a low rumble. "i think i've got it from here."
you jumped up, remembering the report. you started to apologize before he grabbed your hand, squeezing it once.
"i'll be here. don't worry, i'll wait for you."
you nodded, closing his door behind you. it felt like high school prom! you cheered to yourself, throwing punches and kicking the air. who knew it was that easy?!
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meddreamer · 1 year
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More art for Rainbow
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alphaeuscreatives · 2 years
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siriusao · 2 years
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sarahqart · 2 years
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One time i was bored and i thought it would be fun to have a Jackal hipster skin
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jeankl · 1 year
Here’s my first finished FanFic.
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merlions · 3 months
Cabled Cat Motif
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Posted on request by @deathreceptors 😊 lmk if you need any extra explanation or tips or translations of my notation or anything!
Written to be worked flat, but can be made to work in round by just switching even numbered rows' Ks to Ps and vice versa! Aside from row 14, all even rows are just just K-ing the Ks and P-ing the Ps of your previous row anyways :)
Cable notation:
KC2B (knit cable 2 back): slip 2 sts to cable needle and hold in back, K next two sts on left needle, K sts from cable needle. Leans embossed shape outwards to the right.
KC2F: same as KC2B but hold cable needle with 2 stitches in front instead. Leans shape outwards to the left.
PC1B: slip 1 st to cab needle, hold in back, K1 from left needle, P1 from cab. Leans shape inwards to the right.
PC1F: slip 1 st to cab, hold in front, P1 from left needle, K1 from cab. Leans shape inwards to the left.
CO 14 or more sts. Motif is 14 sts wide (st count increases and then decreases again, which adds to 3D embossing effect, but starts and ends with 14sts) and this pattern only describes the motif w.o any border, but I always find a border of at least 2 or 3 stockinette sts, on either side of the motif P block, for contrast, looks really nice!
(RS) Row 0a (setup): stockinette 2 or 3 rows, or as many as you'd like
(WS) Row 0b (setup): K across
(RS) R1: P6, M1R, K2, M1L, P6 (16sts)
(WS) R2: K7, P4, K7
R3: P4, KC2B, KC2F, P4
R4: K4, P8, K4
R5: P2, KC2B, K4, KC2F, P2
R6: K2, P12, K2
R7: P2, M1R, K12, M1L, P2 (18sts)
R8: K2, P14, K2
R9: P2, SL1, K12, SL1, P2
R10: rep row 8
R11: rep row 9
R12: rep row 8
R13: rep row 9
R14: K2, P6, K2, P6, K2
R15: P2, K4, PC1B, P2, PC1F, K4, P2
R16: K2, P5, K4, P5, K2
R17: P2, SL1, K2, PC1B, P4, PC1F, K2, SL1, P2
R18: K2, P4, K6, P4, K2
R19: P2, SL1, K1, K2TOG, P6, SSK, K1, SL1, P2 (16 sts)
R20: K2, P3, K6, P3, K2
R21: P2, PC1F, K1, P6, K1, PC1B, P2
R22: K3, P2, K6, P2, K3
R23: P3, K2TOG, P6, SSK, P3 (14 sts)
(WS) R24: K across
(RS) R25: K across
(WS) R26: P across
Cont in stockinette or whatever you'd like! But I do find it looks best to close the shape off on top with one row of purls and then a minimum of 2 rows of knits, when looking at the RS of the piece.
There are like at least 3 different variances I tried and I liked this one, but I could also see it being a little jackal-like with the long ears, and it might be your preference to do the 2nd decrease row a row or two earlier than in this version. Another variance is switching one or two of the cables and/or decreases for the ears to the inner side of the ears to make them taper more to the center of each half of the face instead of following the outside line. I didn't like that shape as much for my project but everyone's taste is different!
I sewed on eyes but it works maybe even better with safety eyes. And sewing on the whiskers add a huge amount, really changes the shape and makes it look really good and cat-like really quickly.
Happy craftin yall! 🥰
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l3r40l · 11 months
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Siegetober: days 21-24
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masked-men-fantasy · 4 months
Choose you poison
If I were to write a smutty character x male!reader short fic, around 500 words or so, which would that character be?
NSFW Content. MDNI.
Scenario: A good rough sex after a long day of work. Maybe at home, barracks, or hideout. With some dirty talk, perhaps. And some, erm, ahem, breeding kink, cough, cough.
Disclaimer: No guarantee that I will write though. I am mentally unstable, not sure when my thought will push me down again. But I will try, as long as I am still sane.
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