pandora-possum · 2 months
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Some NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN photos from Jack and Sam’s wedding in season 3 episode “Points of View” they are from an episode of Dial the Gate on YouTube and edited by some users on Twitter!!! Love these photos
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dadfuckerfest · 10 months
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Dadfucker December is a celebration of SPN dads fucking during December, in the form of a prompt meme. "Fucking" is loosely construed. So is "dad." And also the event will be open through January 15th.
Keep reading for rules and regulations:
HOW DOES THIS WORK? Leave a prompt, claim a prompt, fill a prompt. Prompt submissions are now open! Fills will be accepted through January 15th. Make sure to link/cross-post to tumblr so we can reblog and save your creations for posterity!
WHICH DADS AND WHICH FUCKERS? John Winchester is the daddiest and most fuckable of all dads, but other eligible dads include Chuck, Cain, Crowley, Castiel, Sam, Dean, etc. Any dadfucker is allowed as long as the dad they're fucking is their dad, or they're otherwise fucking some other dad in a dadfucking way.
HOW LONG SHOULD MY PROMPT BE? A prompt can be as long and detailed or as abstract as you want. You can request a "vibe" in a couple of words, or you can specify a pairing and an act and a line of dialogue; the prompt tagging feature is your friend!
HOW LONG SHOULD MY FILL BE? Your fill has to be zero words long! Art and gifsets and edits and mixtapes are most welcome! If you do want to write fic, however, a minimum of 500 words is probably a safe place to start.
HOW MUCH DADFUCKING? We're here to celebrate dadfucking, obviously, but sometimes just a little hint of dadfucking is enough. This is to say, we'll gladly take all ratings as long as the work can be reasonably tagged with a slash ("/").
MUST MY PROMPT/FILL BE HOLIDAY-THEMED? No. The holiday is the dadfucking we jerk off to along the way.
I WANT TO MAKE SOMETHING THAT NO ONE HAS PROMPTED. Send in the prompt yourself! Prompts are anonymous! Otherwise you can just mention @dadfuckerfest on your lovely creation and we'll go from there.
I HAVE ANOTHER QUESTION YOU DIDN'T ANSWER. Send an ask, our box is open!
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queermania · 2 years
It's not really fair to say that Sam is terrified of Jack and that's why he puts him in the box because Sam is actually afraid of Dean and is scared of upsetting him. Sam isn't okay with putting Jack in the box. That's why he protests it.
okay so does sam go along with the plan because he's too afraid of dean to stand up to him? or does he not go along with it and protest it? because it can't be both.
the canon answer is neither. the canon answer is that sam goes along with the plan but is weary of it because he's afraid it won't work, not because he doesn't think they should do it. it's not until after jack is in the box that sam puts up any actual protest to the plan, at which point his protest is not that jack is in the box, but that dean doesn't have any further plans for how to save jack.
the next time sam protests any thing they're doing is when he and dean are discussing dean using the gun to kill jack, which will also kill dean, and sam's protest to that is that he's already lost too much, he doesn't want to lose both of them.
sam was entirely complicit in putting jack in the box, even if he didn't like it.
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bluebird-mccord · 2 years
Okay Stargate fanpeeps!…
Eilidh has a question for you all… Please ignore me spoiling her video at the end! 🤣!
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solareclipsesams · 4 months
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Doodles from my stream! :]
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fmarkets · 4 months
Jacksam Corporation Faces Financial Setback with Sharp Revenue Decline in Q1 2024 $JKSM #OTCM
Unfavorable Performance Raises Concerns about Market and Stock Performance Jacksam Corporation, a prominent player in the market, recently reported a disappointing performance during the January to March 31, 2024 quarter. The company experienced a sharp decline in revenue, which plummeted by 53.004% to $0.30 million. Furthermore, the net deficit per share increased to $-0.01 compared to the same quarter the previous year. This unfavorable outcome follows a previous quarter that showed signs of improvement with revenue rising by 26.158% to $0.23
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tfw-needs-baby · 5 years
samjack|missed you
for @codependent-idiots
read on ao3? - missed you
‘Sam?’ Jack had knocked gently on his bedroom door, still deciding whether or not to tug his sleeves down or roll them up. When he hadn’t gotten an answer, he opened the door slowly to see Sam pulling his shirt off. He flushed red, standing in the doorway awkwardly. ‘Sam?’
‘Jack? Is everything okay?’ He raised an eyebrow, folding the orange and blue plaid shirt. ‘Cas and Dean okay?’
‘Yes! Just…’ Jack gestured to his exposed upper half of his body, and the younger Winchester passed a nervous smile. Grabbing a black shirt, he tugged it on quickly. ‘Sorry.’
‘No, it’s okay. I should’ve paid more attention.’ He sits on the edge of the bed, patting the empty space beside it and Jack hesitates, staring at his hands.
If he stays for a bit, they both know where it’ll end up. Jack glanced nervously at Sam, and his heart jumps, because he’s wearing the same look on his face. Tentatively, he walks over to Sam, reaches out and cradles his face. They both just -- stare into each other's eyes, trying to get some sort of idea of what the other is thinking and Jack starts tearing up, because he wants this, he wants to be happy.
Jack kisses his lips quickly. He flushes again, trying to pull his hands away softly but Sam’s grabbed them, placing them back onto his face and holding his hands gently yet firm. And then, Sam stands up, Jack looking so much more shorter.
Sam leans down and kisses him slow, biting Jack’s lower lip and tugging slightly, as if that was some sort of confirmation that whatever was happening wasn’t a dream.
Everything is racing. His heart, thoughts, room -- it’s becoming blurry and Jack lets his tears fall, because this is what he wanted and he has it and no one is writing his story but himself.
‘Shit. Jack, I’m sorry, I misread everything --’
‘No, I’m happy. I’m really happy, Sam.’ Jack smiles at him -- and -- well, he can’t exactly think about God the same way anymore -- hell if that isn’t one of the most beautiful things he’s ever seen in his life.
‘I’m happy, too.’ Sam grins, kissing Jack’s forehead gently. ‘I missed you.’
‘I know. I missed you and Dean and Castiel. I missed my dads a lot.’
‘Would you like to go somewhere? Anywhere you want, you don’t have to have an exact location in mind yet. I think we all need a break.’
Jack grinned, nodding his head. ‘Yes! I missed that a lot too. But I missed you more.’
‘I missed you too.’
‘I know. I heard about Eileen.’ Jack says, and Sam flinches at the name. ‘You don’t need to apologize, there is nothing to be forgiven.’
‘I kissed her, Jack.’
‘I understand.’
‘You should be upset with me. I didn’t try to get you out of the empty.’
‘Because there isn’t a way to come out. You were trying to move on, because I was dead.’ He replies, and gives Sam a hard glare when he tries to say something. ‘Billie grabbed me.’
That changes the topic quickly, and Jack knows the conversation has been shelved. Sam looks, shocked. ‘What? How?’
‘I don’t know.’ He shrugs. ‘All she had said was, it’s time. And that she would tell me when I was ready.’
‘Ready? Ready for what?’
‘I -- I don’t know.’
It’s silent between the two of them for a bit, and Sam is the first one to break the silence.
‘I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to get tired of standing. Do you want to --’
‘Yes!’ Jack gladly replies, because he honestly didn’t want to sleep in his own room tonight, fearing that the Empty would grab him. Sam awkwardly slips underneath the cover and lifting the blanket up, and Jack slides right next to him, throwing an arm over. Jack rests his head on Sam’s shoulder, as he curls up against him and legs tangle with each other.
‘Can I say that I love you?’ Sam murmurs.
‘Well, I love you.’
‘Then I love you.’
‘I love you too, Sam.’ Jack’s eyes flutter close, and lets himself drift off with his hand on Sam’s neck, pulse thrumming underneath his fingertips.
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lttlewing · 7 years
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pandora-possum · 4 years
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Why have I never seen this adorable picture of Jack and Sam from the wedding in the 200????? Omg, it's the cutest thing ever! Are there more pics of the wedding that I've never seen before?!?!?!?
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godwithwethands · 3 years
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Baal/Sam/Jack be like | insp
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pollyna · 2 years
Not Sam and Jack being (basically) soulmates but Sam and Jack being (basically) soulmates in every other reality but the canon one.
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quietwings-fics · 4 months
Supernatural Ships Tag Masterpost
adamlucifermichael, amaradean, annadean, annalucifer, avalily, azazelzachariah
casifer, castielhannah, charlielucifer, charlierowena, clairejack, clairelucifer, crowleykevin
deanjack, deanlisa, destiel, drowley, ducifer
gabifer, gabrieljack
jacksam, jacklucifer, jackluciferoc, jackrowena, jakesam, jessifer, jesssam, josam, johnlisa
lindalucifer, lucifercest, lucifernicksarah, luciferother, luciferraphael
michean, michifer, midamoul, metatronzachariah, midam
wincest, winkline
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peleth · 6 years
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fmarkets · 9 months
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Jacksam Corporation Fights Back: Overcoming Setbacks and Building Profitability in Challenging Times $JKSM #OTCM
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scftprctector · 4 years
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
Show Me - Part 1
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Pairing: Sam x Jack Rating: 18+ Part Tags: Bi!Jack, Bi!Sam, Age Difference, Pseudo-Incest, First Kiss, Mutual Masturbation, Pining!Sam, Eventual Dom/Sub Relationship, Dom!Sam, Switch!Jack Word Count: 3k Created for: @winklinebingo - Bisexuality | @spnkinkbingo - JackSam | @samwinchesterbingo - SAMasturbation
Beta: @raidens-realm Thank you so much for all your feedback going through this series, it has been so valuable ❤️
A/N: @jackandthesoulmates commissioned this piece and I’ve had so much fun coming up with all these sexy scenarios 🖤
Mini Series Masterlist
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“Sam? Dean?”
“In here kid!” Dean answers Jack’s call loudly, taking another sip from his coffee mug, eyes not leaving the newspaper he’s reading. The boy bounds into the kitchen with the usual spring in his step, giving Sam one of his stationary waves in greeting when he enters. Sam nods and smiles at him, eyes dropping back to his laptop as he speaks.
“There’s more coffee if you wanted some.”
“Thanks,” Jack chirps and Sam hears him pouring himself a mug. He resolutely does not look up while Jack’s back is turned toward him. Jack takes a seat in the chair at the end of the table, looking between the brothers and their respective research efforts. He catches Sam’s eye and Sam looks up at him. Jack looks weirdly nervous, and Sam has a feeling he knows where this is going. He wants to come on whatever hunt they’re leaving for (as soon as they find one worth going on).
“Somethin’ on your mind, Jack?” Dean breaks the ice, folding his newspaper and pushing it aside. Sam braces himself to give Jack yet another gentle rejection, praying it doesn’t upset the kid too much.
“I want to known about sex,” Jack forces the words out into the open, and Sam opens his mouth ready to say ‘no’, but winds up gaping instead. That was so not what he was expecting. Dean clearly wasn’t ready for that question either, because he just barely stops himself from spitting coffee all over the table in surprise.
Dean eventually manages to swallow. Sam is still speechless. Jack looks awkwardly between them.
“Would– could you guys, maybe, um, teach me?” Jack looks down, playing with his fingers in his lap. Sam’s thoughts are going about fifty miles a minute, clogging up his brain to the point where nothing can get through the neural pathways that would result in actual words leaving his mouth. Dean notices and, probably assuming Sam is being a prude, steps up to bat, clearing his throat.
“Whaddya wanna know?”
Jack’s head shoots up, swivelling toward Dean, eyes full of hope. Sam is instantly bitter that Dean is the one on the receiving end of that look.
“Uh, everything,” Jack shrugs, and then the questions tumble out. “Like, how do I tell if someone wants to do it with me? Or, if I meet someone I want to do it with, how do I ask them? And, I suppose, how to actually... do it,” he finishes with a blushing glance at Sam, then looks back to Dean. “I asked Castiel, but he said you two would be much better suited as instructors.”
Dean scoffs and laughs under his breath. “Yeah, he’s not wrong about that. Dude’s only got laid like, one time.”
“So, you’ll show me?” Jack asks hopefully, looking between Sam and Dean, but Dean seems to be at a loss for words now, suddenly hesitant. Against his better judgment, Sam reaches out and clasps Jack’s shoulder bracingly, fingers curling into the warm cotton of the boy’s t-shirt.
“Sure thing, Jack,” Sam smiles, and he knows it was the right answer when Jack beams at him gratefully and his heart flutters in his chest.
“Hang on now, kid. I don’t know about showing you everything. I can show you how to pick up chicks and tell if they’re into you, but you wanna watch sex, just google porn,” Dean says gruffly.
“But what if I have questions about the porn?” Jack asks seriously, and Sam laughs at Dean’s horrified expression.
“How about this Jack, Sammy here will answer all your questions, and when you’re good and ready I’ll take you out and teach you how to talk to girls, and we’ll find you someone to try out all your new skills on,” Dean suggests.
Sam feels his chest tighten for a variety of reasons. He’s glad Dean doesn’t want to be the one walking Jack through how sex works, because the sick, twisted part of his brain very much wants that job to be his, but the idea of the two of them going out to pick up some stranger for the boy to lose his virginity to… Sam’s not such a big fan of that thought.
“What if I want to do it with a guy, and not a girl?” Jack asks innocently, and Sam’s heart sings. Dean takes a moment to consider and shrugs.
“Gay dudes are kinda like chicks, same shit should work on them.”
Sam drags a hand over his face in exasperation. “Dean, you cannot just say shit like that.” Honestly, sometimes it escapes him how he and Dean are even related.
“Whatever,” Dean shrugs, turning back to Jack. “It shouldn’t be that different. You into dudes, then?” he takes a sip of his coffee, curiosity on his face. Now it’s Jack’s turn to shrug.
“I don’t know. Do I have to decide?”
“You can like boys and girls, Jack,” Sam says gently, and Jack smiles. “I do,” Sam adds after a moment of deliberation. Jack smiles even wider.
“You do?” Jack blinks amazedly, and Sam nods. “So you’ve had sex with both, too? You know what it’s like?” he questions intently.
Sam laughs and nods again. “Yes, I know what it’s like. Anything you want to know, just ask.”
“But not in front of me,” Dean grunts and pushes back from the table. He brings his mug to the coffee pot and pours another cup for himself before walking toward the door. “When you’re ready to go take yourself out for a test drive, come find me.” Dean salutes them with his mug and walks off, leaving Sam and Jack sitting at the kitchen table.
“So, can we start now?” Jack asks eagerly, and Sam shrugs. They hadn’t found a hunt yet, so he supposes now was as good a time as any. He tries not to be too noticeably excited.
“Course, Jack. C’mon.”
Safely situated in his room, no chance of Dean overhearing conversations he doesn’t want to hear, Sam shuts the door and turns to face Jack. The younger boy is sitting on the end of Sam’s bed, cross legged, eyes eagerly upturned towards his teacher. Sam can’t choke back the smile that the sight brings to his lips.
“Okay,” Sam claps his hands together, just for something to do with them; so he doesn’t reach out and run them over his young pupil like a very large part of his mind is telling him to do. “What, uh… what do you want to know?” It’s a bit lame, but Sam figures it’s as good an opener as he’ll come up with in his current state.
“Um, I don’t know, really,” Jack starts after a moment of consideration. “It’s like, I know I don’t know much about sex, but because I don’t know about it I'm not sure what to ask. Does that even make sense?” he cringes, clearly embarrassed, if the flush now staining his cheeks is an accurate indicator.
Sam smiles sympathetically, heart melting a little at the earnest vulnerability Jack is trusting him with. He remembers being this scared of sex once, awkwardly fumbling his way through asking Dean how to kiss, and Dean just throwing a couch cushion at his head and telling him to pucker up. He would do better for Jack.
“Okay so, start at the beginning, I guess,” Sam laughs under his breath and sits on the bed next to Jack, bringing one leg up under himself to get more comfortable. “Have you ever kissed anyone?” Jack shakes his head ‘no’, but the response is free of embarrassment. “Is there anyone you have in mind that you think you’d like to kiss?” Now the embarrassment comes back, flushing Jack’s skin a ruddy shade of pink.
“There’s um, there’s this girl,” Jack stutters, clearly struggling with the words. Sam feels his heart sink in his chest, but he fights to keep a smile on his face and ignore the wrench in his gut.
“You don’t have to tell me who, it’s okay,” Sam assures Jack, giving his leg a comforting pat. Jack stares down at Sam’s hand fixedly.
“Will you show me how?” he blurts out, eyes jerking back to Sam’s face, apprehensively awaiting his response. Sam is dumbstruck. Two sides of an argument arm themselves in his mind, preparing for the ensuing war, but before any attack can be launched Sam subconsciously declares the victor. He nods. Jack’s smile of gratitude obliterates the moment of guilt he’d felt.
“C’mere,” Sam scoots a little closer as he speaks, beckoning Jack into him. The boy comes eagerly, knee knocking against Sam’s as he inches across the bed. Sam’s hand goes to Jack’s face, thumb brushing over his cheekbone tenderly, holding this moment temptingly between them, and letting the anticipation build until all he can hear is the sound of his own heart drumming in his ears. He wonders for a moment if Jack can hear it too. Then he kisses him.
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The lessons with Sam are going well. Jack and him had practiced kissing for ages the day before, and Jack had found that he really, really likes kissing Sam. Dean had interrupted them around lunch time – just as Sam had been explaining what ‘first base’ was, and how it would make more sense why it was a big deal when he tried it with a girl – to retrieve Sam for the hunt he’d managed to track down.
Sam had left him some homework for their ‘lessons’, to help Jack pass the time, which he was now eagerly completing. Laptop on the bed before him, Jack pulls up the first article Sam had found for him and begins to read. It’s all very clinical, very scientific. Jack understands a bit more about everything when he’s finished, but it hasn’t answered his most burning questions. He still wants to know how it all feels. And how to actually do everything the article is telling him about. Some of it he still can’t quite picture. But now, at least, he has a better idea of what questions to ask Sam when he returns.
Sam and Dean are back a few days later, in relatively good spirits considering they waltz into the bunker covered in some kind of monster goo. Jack greets them with a wave and a ‘hello’ when they make their way to the kitchen and crack out their celebratory beers. Sam gives one to Jack too, and he thrills at the small brush of Sam’s fingers against his own when he hands over the bottle. He’s missed those fingers; wants to feel them on his face again; in his hair; on his skin…
“So, Jack,” Dean finishes his beer with a smack of his lips, “I was gonna hit a bar, see what I can see. You wanna come?” He gives Jack a lecherous grin, and Jack looks to Sam, who’s shaking his head in amusement at Dean.
“I think I might need more time before I’m ready to go on a date,” Jack turns Dean down politely, and out of the corner of his eye Jack sees Sam smile.
“Suit yourself, see you two later.” Dean twirls the keys to the Impala around his finger as he hops up the kitchen stairs back towards the garage, and a fun filled night of fornication.
“So, did you have any more questions?” Sam asks as soon as Dean is out of earshot, and Jack turns to him, grinning.
“Yes,” Jack nods assertively. Sam chuckles, low and warm.
“Alright, I’ll grab us a few more beers and we can go back to my room.”
Jack can barely contain his excitement. “Are we gonna practice kissing again?”
Sam pauses for a moment, his back to Jack as he reaches for more beer from the fridge, but when he turns back around he’s smiling. “Yeah Jack, we can practice more.” He takes a deep breath and kicks the door to the fridge closed behind him. “Maybe we can practice some other stuff too.”
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Sam knows he’s awful. He’s a horrible, manipulative, horny-as-all-hell guy who is taking advantage of what could have been a perfectly innocent situation. But he can’t help it. Once he’d gotten a taste of Jack on his tongue, he knew he was lost for good. What’s the point of trying to find his way back out of this dark, twisted maze if he knows he’ll never make it? Might as well enjoy it since he’s here now.
“Did you read the article I sent you?” Sam checks when they’re safely ensconced in his room again. Jack nods and settles himself on the end of Sam’s bed, just like last time. Sam feels his heart jump in his chest, rhythm beginning to race. His mouth feels dry when he goes to ask his next question, so he takes a sip of his beer and tries again.
“Do you touch yourself Jack? The way it talked about in the article?”
Jack shakes his head, and Sam’s breath catches in his throat. Fuck, why was that so hot?
“Okay, I think that’s what we should practice next.”
“Okay,” Jack agrees quickly, eyes bright and excited.
“Come up here with me,” Sam moves to the top of his bed and props his pillows against the headboard, to give them something to lean on. Jack follows him and lays back on the bed, copying Sam. Sam feels his soul descend one more step down the ladder towards Hell, but he pushes the feeling away for now.
“Now what?” Jack asks.
“I want you to think of that girl you like, okay?” Sam starts, glancing over at Jack and seeing him nod. “Close your eyes, and imagine what kissing her might feel like. Think about how it felt when we were kissing.”
He sees the colour beginning to rise in Jack’s cheeks, notices his breath hitch on his inhales. He traces his eyes lower down, to focus on Jack’s waist, hips, groin. Sam reaches out and takes one of Jack’s hands in his own, then carefully places it over the boy’s lap.
“Now I want you to keep thinking about kissing that girl, and I want you to start rubbing yourself right here.”
Jack makes a small whimpery noise, and Sam’s eyes flick to his face. His cheeks are bright red now. Looking back down to the boy’s hand, Sam can see he’s following his instructions, and a bulge is already beginning to grow beneath his hesitant touch.
“Does that feel good, Jack?” Sam asks, voice a little scratchy. Jack nods, eyes still blissfully shut. Sam can’t hold back any longer, and drops his own hand to his lap, where he’s already well on his way to being fully aroused.
“Open your eyes,” he whispers between them, and Jack looks his way. His pupils are so large, the normally blue eyes are nearly eclipsed in black. “Watch me,” Sam breathes.
Slowly, Sam unzips his jeans and dips his hand inside. Giving his cock a squeeze, he lets out a short moan, bucking into his own grasp. After this moment of indulgence he shifts his hips, gets the clothing a little farther down, out of the way, and pulls himself out, on full display. Jack’s eyes are fixed on him, mesmerised by the movement of his hand up and down over the flesh. From the corner of his eye, Sam sees Jack fiddling with his own zipper nervously.
“Take yours out too. Show me,” Sam’s voice is gruff. Jack complies, and a thrill shoots through Sam at his easy obedience. “Fuck,” he groans at the sight of Jack’s erection in his hand. The things he wanted to do with that cock… but he takes a breath, pulls his focus back to the present. He starts to jack himself off, watching Jack’s hand brushing gently up and down his own dick while he does, to make sure he’s doing it right, Sam tells himself weakly.
“Oh my god,” Jack moans, speeding his hand up a little to copy Sam.
“Yeah, feels good, doesn’t it?” Sam chuckles, fingers teasing the tip of his cock. Jack makes a pretty little whimper when he tries the same thing.
“Is this what sex feels like?” he asks breathlessly.
“Sex feels even better,” Sam admits through a groan, his dick twitching in his hand. “Pushing your cock inside something warm, and wet, making it yours…” he trails off, reaching his other hand down to cup his balls while he bucks into his fist. “Fuck, Jack, it feels incredible.”
“Holy… shit,” Jack swears, gritting his teeth over the word, and Sam has to bite his tongue to keep from laughing. The boy’s face is a wreck, bright red, and straining with pleasure.
“Jack, look at me,” Sam instructs gently, and Jack turns his head to Sam obediently.
In the same moment, they both lean forward to kiss. Jack pokes his tongue out, traces it over Sam’s lips the way Sam had shown him, and Sam lets him in, sucking the boy’s tongue between his teeth and tangling it with his own. Jack moans and whines, and Sam can feel his hips bucking and shaking the bed each time they land.
“Sam,” Jack groans, voice trapped high and tight in the back of his throat. “Sam, something’s…” he gasps, hips bucking again. “Sam, what’s happening?”
“Just let it happen Jack,” Sam breathes, eyes glued to Jack’s face, which is screwed up in anticipation of his coming climax, though he doesn’t know that’s what it is. “It’s gonna feel so good baby boy, just keep going. Let it happen.” He hadn’t meant to call Jack ‘baby boy’, but it was out there now, and he wasn’t taking it back.
“Saaaam,” Jack whines again, hand flying across his dick, every other muscle in his body pulled taut, waiting.
“Cum for me, Jack,” Sam whispers against his lips. “Just let it go. Want you to cum for me, baby boy.” Sam hears Jack’s strangled yell, and knows what’s happening. Looking down just in time, he sees the final spurts of Jack’s orgasm leak out over the boy’s hand, just as he feels his own hit hotly against his skin.
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Part 2 coming to Tumblr on November 13th or read now on my website!
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We’re All Mads Here: @vulgar-library @jackandthesoulmates @negans-lucille-tblr @fandomfic-galore @petitgateau911 @schaefchenherde @kickingitwithkirk @little-diable @laxe-chester67 @kassyscarlett @austin-winchester67 @flamencodiva @katbratsupernaturalwhore @drakelover78
All SPN: @cemini-winchester @akshi8278 @stoneyggirl @deandreamernp @lyarr24 @lovealways-j @slamminmine @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @alaufeyson @raidens-realm @tatted-trina6 @defenderrosetyler @delightfullykrispypeach @05supernatural20
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