#Jack Rollins smut
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Hi! I am happy that you found your way to my tumblr Page. I am Talia Rumlow, a pen-name given to me by my good friend and writing colleague @kitsuneraven29 . I was born in the amazing year 1983, which probably make me older than you. But worry not, I am young at mind.
I've always loved writing, but it wasn't until Covid landed on earth and shut down the entire world that I found the courage to share my writing. English is my second language, so I needed to build up my confidence before I shared.
I usually write Frank Grillo characters stories. But I'm open to write other characters as well. Yes, I do take requests. But I can't promise you that I'll say yes, or if the character you want me to write about is known to me.
I write explicit, NSFW 18+ content. So, if you're under the age of 18. Please stop reading now. I've warned you, and you are responsible for your own media consumption.
Dividers in my masterlist by @firefly-graphics and @breakablebarnes
You can also find me on AO3, Facebook and Instagram
Home Sweet Home (AU Brock Rumlow/OFC) WIP
Fight For Me (Alvey Kulina/OFC) WIP
Bound & Brockened (Dark Brock Rumlow/OFC) WIP
You Should Be Punished For That (Jack Rollins/OFC) Coming Soon
Call Me Daddy (Brock Rumlow/OFC) Coming Soon
A Helping Hand (Brock Rumlow/Jack Rollins/OFC) Coming Soon
@nekoannie-chan @late-to-the-party-81 @rip1009 @ladysif8 @there-goes-thefighter @the-ero-writer @kitsuneraven29
#brock rumlow#rumlow#rumlowfiction#rumlowsmut#jack rollins smut#jack rollins#bucky fic#james bucky buchanan barnes#james bucky barnes#bucky fanfic#bucky smut#alvey kulina fiction#alvey kulina kingdom#alvey kulina smut#masterlist#fanfiction#alvey kulina#frank grillo#fan fiction
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Te Esperaré
Personaje: Jack Rollins
Advertencia: Un poco triste, referencia a smut.
Nota: Este shot nació de un reto de escritura de @nekoannie-chan a quien agradezco por haberlo traducido al ingles. También será publicado en mi Wattpad (solo la versión en español).
Frase: "No somos asesinos, pero tampoco somos ángeles" Canción: Don't you see de Zard. "Eso es porque tengo miedo de lastimarme", "No lo ves", "Aunque pido y rezo, por milagros y recuerdos"
En uno de los parques de Nueva York, un par de niños paseaban por ahí, cada uno por su lado hasta que inevitablemente se encontraron.
—Entonces, no eres de por aquí, ¿verdad? —pregunta el niño sin dejar de mirarte.
—No, recién llegamos, soy… —escuchaste el llamado de tu madre— ¡Uy! ¡Me tengo que ir! —te acercaste más al niño mientras te quitas tu pulsera—Soy T/N—le dijiste tu nombre a pesar de que sabías que no debías hacerlo—Solo T/N—le sonreíste con dulzura mientras le colocabas tu pulsera. Tu madre volvió a llamarte—Te esperare aquí la próxima vez—empezaste a correr en dirección a tu madre.
—¡Soy Jack Rollins! —te grita mientras te alejabas corriendo.
Al perderla de vista, Jack mira la pulsera con mayor detenimiento, una pulsera Tous, con una perla de plata. Entendió que eso fue una promesa de que se volver��an a ver.
Pasaron varios días desde su primer y único encuentro, Jack fue en múltiples ocasiones al parque donde pasaba horas antes de volver a casa. A pesar de sus esfuerzos, nunca más te volvió a ver.
16 años después
A pesar del tiempo que había pasado, Jack no te había olvidado, en el fondo aún esperaba encontrarte, poder reconocerte con solo mirarte aunque ya fueras adulta al igual que él, esa simple idea podría tenerlo entretenido por horas
—Tenemos una misión —informa Brock, irrumpiendo en su oficina.
—¿Qué te dije sobre entrar sin tocar?
—Nos reuniremos con una informante —Brock continua hablando, ignorando la pregunta de su amigo—Que también es una comerciante del mercado negro, parece ser que nos encargaremos de hacer un trato con ella.
—¿La misión es de HYDRA o de S.H.I.E.L.D.?
—Ambas, la información es para SHIELDRA, pero las armas son para HYDRA.
Este tipo de misiones no era en absoluto extraño para ellos, en múltiples ocasiones realizaban misiones de ambos bandos, aunque claro, S.H.I.E.L.D. no se enteraba de todo.
—Aquí está el archivo con la información, nos vamos en unas horas—le entrega el expediente para luego irse.
Jack toma el archivo para revisarlo y apenas lo abre, queda perplejo por la mujer de la imagen, no está seguro si su mente le está jugando una mala broma o si en verdad eres tú.
El parecido era innegable, pero curiosamente tu nombre real no estaba en el expediente, solo nombres que sueles usar, tu alias y lo que más llamo su atención tu relación con el Clan Mercurio.
El Clan Mercurio era un Clan de informantes y vendedores del mercado negro que ha ayudado tanto a HYDRA como a S.H.I.E.L.D. desde sus inicios, de forma neutral. Cosa que seguían haciendo hasta la fecha, pues muy pocos de sus miembros sabían de HYDRA y lo seguían manteniendo en secreto.
Jack recorre su manga para destapar pulsera que le diste, ya un poco desgastada debido a los años, pero aun así sigue estando en buen estado.
«¿Será ella realmente? ¿Me recordará?, si es del Clan Mercurio… ¿Por qué no…? No, primero tengo que asegurarme que sea ella realmente»
El lugar acordado era un bar de estilo rústico al aire libre, muy agradable, en realidad. No paso mucho para que te encontraran, Jack te vio en la barra sentada con tu bebida y un elegante vestido negro.
—Deja que yo me acerque primero, tal vez así sea más fácil todo —Jack pidió, aunque la petición fue extraña, Brock no se negó.
Jack luchó contra los nervios al momento de acercarse a dónde estás, tras tomar asiento justo a tu lado, pidió una bebida, lo miraste de reojo, te resulta familiar, pero por el momento debías esperar a los de S.H.I.E.L.D., ya te preocuparías por él después.
El bartender le entrega su bebida a Jack y él finalmente decide hablar, antes de darle un trago a su bebida.
—Solo T/N, ¿no? —él dijo, no obstante, para amenazarlo, volteaste de inmediato a verlo tras escuchar tu nombre, pero algo te detuvo, lograste ver su pulsera ya que la manga no la cubría mucho por la posición en la que estaba—No eres de por aquí, ¿verdad?
—¿Jack? —cuestionaste, él asintió, el corazón de ambos empezó a latir como nunca lo había hecho — Es imposible… yo…
—Sé que ha pasado mucho tiempo — él te interrumpe.
—16 años, de hecho — dijiste, él asintió.
—Pero, soy yo con quién te ibas a reunir.
—¿No se supone que vienes con alguien? Me informaron que serían dos personas — cuestionaste confundida.
—Cierto, en un momento llamo a Brock — Jack se golpeó mentalmente, se olvidó por completo de Brock. Ambos se pararon para ir a un lugar más alejado, Jack le hizo una seña a Brock.
—Sigamos como si nada, te buscaré después de esto y esta vez, te voy a encontrar, Jack…
—¿No recuerdas mi apellido? — él preguntó al notar que estabas esperando a que él dijera su apellido. Reíste bajo en respuesta.
—Me lo dijiste mientras corría solo logré escuchar tu nombre, aun así, te busqué como una desquiciada cuando crecí — admitiste a lo que él sonrió más.
—Jack Rollins, te esperaré, pero no me hagas esperar otros 16 años — ambos rieron ante su broma.
—¿Y él? —preguntaste, Jack voltea confundido encontrándose con Brock, dando un grito ahogado, apenas audible — Me imagino que es su compañero —Jack asiente.
Después de presentarse y de alejarse de las personas, los tres comenzaron su trabajo. La misión fue un éxito. Jack y Brock volvieron a la ciudad, pero algo no iba bien, no hubo ninguna señal tuya después del bar, aun así, Jack conserva la fe en que te volverá a ver.
Apenas entra a su departamento, el olor de la comida entra en sus fosas nasales, poniéndolo en alerta, sin hacer ruido, saca su arma, va a la cocina, pero antes de poder asomarse.
—Sé que ya llegaste — Jack se sobresalta al escuchar tu voz y sale de su escondite, sin creer que realmente seas tú, quien ahora está de espaldas cocinando — Te escuché cuando abriste la puerta.
—¿Cómo entraste aquí?
—Tengo mis trucos — apagaste la estufa para voltear a verlo — Y te dije que te encontraría esta vez, ¿no? — sonreíste con picardía — Tenemos mucho de qué hablar, Jack Rollins.
Y ese fue solo el comienzo, el comienzo, no paso mucho tiempo para que su relación pasara a algo más que una amistad. Por desgracia, a las pocas semanas tuviste que irte de Nueva York, tu trabajo te impedía quedarte mucho tiempo en un lugar.
—Volveré —aseguraste. Te recostaste en su pecho desnudo — Solo serán un par de días y volveré… o tú podrías venir conmigo.
—Dudo que eso pueda pasar —contesta desanimado. Dejar a HYDRA no sería nada fácil.
—Por si no lo recuerdas, el Clan Mercurio es respetado por S.H.I.E.L.D. y por HYDRA —mencionaste, Jack se levanta un poco por la sorpresa, sosteniéndote por la espalda.
—¿Sabes acerca de…?
—Desde el comienzo cariño, pero descuida, su secreto está siempre a salvo con nosotros — la idea de que supieras de HYDRA ya había pasado por su cabeza, pero nunca se atrevió a confirmarlo o a abordar el tema, no quería correr riesgos.
—¿Puedo preguntar algo? — asientes, ninguno de los dos despega su mirada del otro — ¿Por qué siguen guardando el secreto de HYDRA?
—Muy simple, dinero y una infinidad de información sobre el gobierno, las organizaciones y todo en general. Te sorprendería todo lo que ocurre en un solo día.
—¿Hay algo más que debería saber? — ante su pregunta haces fuerza en su pecho, para obligarlo a recostarse.
—Eso no es gratis — la lujuria es notable en tu voz — Tengo un par de horas antes de irme — ambos se miraron con complicidad para besarse y aprovechar las horas que aún les quedaban.
Su relación a distancia no fue fácil al principio, casi siempre estaban ocupados por el trabajo, en especial tú al estar viajando casi siempre, pero con el tiempo lograron encontrar una forma de llevar su relación. Jack le contó a Brock sobre su relación unos meses después de su relación.
Puede decirse que te volviste la informante y vendedora personal de ambos y Jack se encargaba del pago.
A lo largo de los años, en varias oportunidades, le propusiste a Jack y a Brock unirse a tu Clan, ambos se negaban siempre, es cierto que HYDRA le tiene respeto al Clan Mercurio, pero el miedo de que HYDRA se alzara en contra de tu Clan siempre estaba presente, aunque les afirmabas con seguridad que no sería un verdadero problema.
Pero, los verdaderos problemas empezaron a llegar con el descubrimiento del Capitán América, así como el dios que cayó en Nuevo México, también el científico que se convierte en una criatura verde y el multimillonario con su traje de metal y miles de armas que para colmo formaron parte de la iniciativa Vengadores junto a dos agentes de S.H.I.E.L.D.
Las cosas cambiaron de un momento a otro en HYDRA. Se volvió más complicado lidiar con los superiores.
—Ven con nosotros, ven conmigo, déjame protegerte — le rogaste a Jack. Quien apenas había llegado a su departamento, tomándolo por sorpresa.
—Sabes que no puedo, menos ahora con lo que están planeando con los Helicarrier, si huimos ahora nos matarán a todos.
—¡Soy consciente de eso, Jack!
—Entonces, ¡¿por qué insistes en que huya contigo, cuando las cosas están empeorando y ambos podemos terminar muertos?!
—¡Eso es porque tengo miedo de lastimarme! — Jack se quedó mudo — ¡No lo ves! Aunque pido y rezo, por milagros y recuerdos, tú no estás dispuesto a dar ese paso, a pesar de todo lo que pasamos, sigues dudando…
—¿Cómo sabes que nada saldrá mal? — en su voz se notó el miedo. Te acercaste a él y colocaste tus manos en su rostro.
—No somos asesinos, pero tampoco somos ángeles… mi padre y nuestro líder hicieron un trato con Pierce, estaremos bien, solo… ven conmigo — el silencio se apoderó de la habitación.
—¿Podrías darme unos días? — sentiste como si un balde de agua fría te cayera — Déjame resolver unas cosas — lo miraste sorprendida, por su pregunta, pensaste que querría tiempo para pensarlo — En cuanto las resuelva, podremos irnos, lo prometo.
—Te esperaré, lo prometo.
Sellaron su promesa con un beso. Pero él no podría cumplir su promesa, las cosas no transcurrieron de la forma que él esperaba, de hecho, nadie esperaba que todo este desastre ocurriera.
La existencia de HYDRA fue revelada al igual que sus secretos y los de S.H.I.E.L.D., sin mencionar la destrucción de los Helicarrier y el Triskelion. Muchos miembros de HYDRA lograron escapar o bien fueron asesinados o capturados, para fortuna o desgracia de Jack, él fue de los capturados.
—Señor Rollins, es hora de su traslado a la prisión Raft — informa el guardia abriendo la celda de Jack.
Él no dio resistencia alguna, ya no había razón para luchar, la culpa de no haber cumplido lo que te juró lo carcomía, no tenía idea de donde estabas y lo único que sabía de Brock es que estaba en el hospital.
Fue llevado uno de los jets junto a otros prisioneros. Todos iban en silencio, nadie decía nada. Hasta que de pronto uno de los guardias ataco a los otros dos con dardos eléctricos, dejándolos inconscientes.
La mayoría de los prisioneros empezaron a festejar, pero había otros que no estaban seguros si esto era algo bueno o malo.
—Ya podemos ir al verdadero destino — informa el piloto — Libéralo — el guardia de inmediato se acerca a Jack y lo libera, este se queda atónito ante la situación, no está seguro de lo que sucede.
—¡¿Oiga y nosotros qué?! — reclama uno de los prisioneros.
—La dama solo nos ordenó liberarlo a él. Confórmate con no ir a prisión por el momento.
—Sosténganse, vamos a aterrizar —informa el piloto, pero antes de que Jack pueda preguntar mira por el parabrisas para saber en donde estaban y quedo atónito cuando su mirada cruzo con la tuya. Las respiraciones de ambos se volvieron agitadas
En cuanto el jet se detuvo totalmente en tierra, ambos se acercaron a la parte trasera del jet, y en cuanto se abrió la compuerta Jack salió disparado para reencontrarse contigo. Se abrazaron con fuerza sin lastimar al otro, casi llorando, creyeron que nunca se volverían a ver.
—¿Cómo es que…?
—No importa — te alejaste de él y tomaste su mano en la que colocaste su pulsera — No pude esperarte más — ambos rieron por tu comentario. Acto seguido, Jack besó tu mano.
—Yo tampoco
—Ven — con tus dos manos tomaste la suya y empezaste a caminar — Es hora de ir a casa, tu amigo llegará en unos días.
—¿Brock? — él sonó extrañado, tú solo asentiste.
Tal vez no parecía un gran cambio pasar de HYDRA a un Clan de informantes y comerciantes del mercado negro, pero en realidad si lo era, al menos para él, pues por extraño que parezca, por primera vez en mucho tiempo, se sintió libre y todo gracias a ti.
#Jack Rollins X Lectora#fanfic español#Jack Rollins#Marvel#fanfic#Brock Rumlow#Annie’s1KKittiesWritingChallenge#Annie’s 1K Kitties Writing Challenge#writing challenge#writingchallenge#marvel writing challenge#Reto de escritura#Sad#Smut#Referencia a Smut
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masterlist & rules
requests are CLOSED!!
HELLLOOOO EVERYONE!!! thanks so much for stopping by! before you make any requests, please read through the following rules. thank you!!
requests will be posted as i have time to write them; i cannot promise they’ll be posted immediately
i write smut, fluff, angst, and have shared some prompt posts on my page that i’m more than happy to use in a request
i reserve the right to not fulfill a request if it is something i do not feel comfortable writing or feel as though i cannot do the subject matter justice
if you don’t specify if you’re requesting headcanons or an imagine or anything else, i will choose what ends up being written
my limits on smut are as follows:
i will NOT write anything with virginity/taking virginity/anything non-consensual (including CNC), gore/extreme violence, pedophilia, incest, or ageplay/age regression. everything else is fair game unless the request makes me very uncomfortable
the people listed in my masterlist are who i usually write for, but the following is a more comprehensive list
the judgement day as a whole
rhea ripley
damian priest
dominik mysterio
finn balor
seth rollins
becky lynch
liv morgan
brooks jensen
josh briggs
house of black members - mostly malaki black and buddy matthews
adam page
jon moxley
jungle boy
if you have a specific person to request that is not in this list, please still request them and depending on who it is i may still fulfill the request if i feel as though i can give you what you’re looking for
please check the masterlist to see if a request has been fulfilled already
when sending a request, please make sure you include who to write for, what you’d like me to write (specifics are nice, but too specific is tricky), and a prompt from a list if that’s what you’d like. also specify if you’d like headcanons or a drabble.
check here for all of my writings! i’ll have them organized by series/superstar and hopefully this makes it a lot easier to access everything! i’ll update as things are posted! ❤️
their secret weapon (the judgement day):
regular series: pt. 1 pt. 2 pt. 3 pt. 4 pt. 5 pt. 6 pt. 7 pt. 8 pt. 9 pt. 10 (written by @witcherfromwallachia ) pt. 10 (my version) pt. 11 pt. 12 pt. 13 pt. 14
headcanons: secret weapon’s aesthetic
headcanons: secret weapon and dominik
headcanons: secret weapon and finn
headcanons: finn’s a meanie
headcanons: in sickness and in health
headcanons: secret weapon and rhea
headcanons: secret weapon and damian
headcanons: movie marathon
their secret weapon: little black dress
their secret weapon: tag team
their secret weapon: spa night
their secret weapon: happy birthday
their secret weapon: hall of fame
their secret weapon: and new...
their secret weapon: bad dreams
their secret weapon: first kisses
their secret weapon: attack (work in progress)
damian priest:
haters gonna hate
headcanons: meeting the parents
double trouble
sworn enemies (spy!au)
becky lynch:
it takes two to punish a brat (w/ rhea ripley)
brooks jensen:
headcanons: brooks jensen’s buckle bunny
giddy up
dominik mysterio:
sunshine and snuggles
headcanons: bully
headcanons: father’s day surprise
rhea ripley:
blood is thicker than water
headcanons: thunderstorms
headcanons: friends with benefits
finn balor:
backstage admirer
deal with a demon (series):
pt. 1 pt. 2 pt. 3
cody rhodes:
‘jungle boy’ jack perry
one more night
#{:masterlist:}#poly!judgement day#poly!judgement day headcanons#wwe the judgement day#wwe x reader#wwe imagine#wwe the judgement day imagine#rhea ripley#rhea ripley x reader#rhea ripley imagine#rhea ripley headcanons#damian priest#damian priest x reader#damian preist imagine#damian priest headcanons#finn balor#finn balor x reader#finn balor imagine#finn balor headcanons#dominik mysterio#dominik mysterio x reader#dominik mysterio imagine#dominik mysterio headcanons#brooks jensen#brooks jensen imagine#brooks jensen x reader#brooks jensen headcanons#becky lynch#becky lynch imagine#becky lynch x reader
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American Apple Pie
Pairing: Low/Mid Honor Arthur Morgan and female OC.
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Savigne Ricci is a temporary guest at the Van der Linde camp. Her path crosses with the enforcer of the gang, Arthur Morgan, and despite their differences, a relationship develops between them. Whole lot of smut and fluff, slow burn-ish.
Chapter 32
AOC link:
Arthur was heading to his horse when Hosea called him over. He changed course and walked up to the older man sitting in a chair on Shady Belle’s porch.
“Where are you going?”
“Gonna check on a lead in Strawberry. Heard some cash loaded wagons rollin' in twice a week.”
“That’s quite far now,” Hosea sighed. “The thought of riding out there alone makes me dizzy.”
“That’s what you got me for, old man,” Arthur grinned. “‘M gonna be gone few days. Ya need anything before I go?”
“I’m working on something.” He gave Arthur an intense look and the other man understood and drew closer. “Could be that last job we need.” Arthur grunted as if to say ‘go on’. “Talked to some fellow at the ball. Once I convinced him I'm some fur trader with a lot of cash but no bank to stash the profits in, he couldn’t stop babbling about how much money they keep at the Lemoyne bank in Saint Denis.”
The younger man’s eyebrows shot up. “Never robbed in a big city before,” he said warily. “Much less a bank.”
“I know,” Hosea waved his hand. “I know it’s risky. That’s why I said I’m working on it.”
Arthur sighed and sat on the steps next to Hosea’s chair. “It’s risky alright."
“Way I see it…We can rob a hundred coaches - that’s a hundred times rolling the dice on things going sideways or not...or we can rob one bank - a well prepared, well executed robbery - and be done with it.”
Arthur bit his cheeks and squinted out to the camp, looking unconvinced. “Dutch say anything?”
“Dutch thinks we should move on that trolley job. Bronte whispering in his ear that it's foolproof. I ain't so convinced of Bronte's good nature.”
“Well I don’ like that neither,” was the grumble of a response. “Anything in Saint Denis is gonna have a hundred lawmen flockin’. Dozens of civilians in the way, each dumber than the next…”
Hosea didn’t say anything for a while. “I think he’s just trying to impress Bronte. There's also a little payback for Jack in there. Some tug and push between the two, I imagine. In my case…nothing personal, just business.”
“Bank is in Bronte’s town.”
“It’s one of the many branches of the Lemoyne Bank. Doesn’t belong to Bronte.” There was a short silence. “I know you don’t like it. But I’m not asking to go tomorrow. I’m working on it.” Arthur hummed. “Pinkertons breathing down our necks. Bronte and Dutch eyeing each other making me nervous, too. I feel like we’re on a timer here.”
“Yeah,” the younger man admitted reluctantly. “Told Savigne just a few more months and…gonna be that, soon.”
“Okay,” Hosea said, gripping his shoulder. “Good. We do this right, this might be it, son. But…” he eyed Arthur. “…might be a bit awkward for you with her still working in the city. She’d have to stay close and you’d have to run far after.”
“Said she sick of Saint Denis. Might not be a problem,” Arthur shrugged.
“That’s good then! Nothing certain yet, mind you. Still working out the kinks. But I wanted to run it by you, see what you think.”
Arthur groaned and rose to his feet. “Told ya, ‘m done with Dutch’s plans. I’ll follow yer lead. But..." he squinted in the direction of his own tent, "...also told Savigne I ain't takin' stupid risk no more. Ya gotta make sure, Hosea.”
Hosea nodded grimly. “Will do, son. Will do. I need some time. Won’t rush it.”
“‘M off,” Arthur adjusted his hat. “See ya in a few days.”
Savigne was fussing with her plate, turning it left and right to look at it from different angles. The scallops looked fine, but maybe a bit too symmetric? The dressing on the bottom looked like soup though. She thought maybe she could slightly thicken it with cornstarch and smear it on the plate instead for a more dramatic look. The shade could also be more vibrant.
She was contemplating these things, trying to juxtapose the imaginary version in her head on what was in front of her when Chef Ecco appeared by her station.
“Mr. Bronte was extremely pleased with the frutta martorana. He asked for you, but you were gone.”
“It was late,” she said politely, pretending to be absorbed with her dish.
“That’s when the real ball starts,” he said. “You should have stayed.”
She didn’t answer. Mr. Bronte and Ecco were the kind of people who were very capable of politeness when it came to their friends or customers, but had a blind spot for their workers. The idea that not everyone lived around the corner from the rich neighborhoods and needed to be home at a reasonable time was somehow inconceivable to them.
She expected it, but it still filled her with dread when it came: “I want to pay you, come to my office.”
Calm down, it's just payment, she thought and yet, couldn't quite convince herself. She wrestled with herself for five minutes before she could make her legs work and turned to head up to Ecco's office.
When she entered, he was already sitting behind his desk. He pushed an envelope across and she took it and put it in the pocket of her apron, momentarily her mood lifting because it felt weighty. Just when she was about to scurry out of there, he said “Do you like it here?” and she froze and everything flew out of her head. Stupid, stupid woman, she thought. Why would you come back in here ever again? Why would a mouse follow a cat to a dead end? It immediately triggered her shivering. She felt her throat constrict and perspiration dot her forehead.
“I’m learning a lot,” she found herself whispering.
This time the fracturing was immediate, organic. She separated from herself and stepped aside, leaving her twin in the middle of the room.
Breathe, Savigne, her inner voice whispered. Nothing can touch you here. You are invisible. Invulnerable.
“Good,” he said, pleased, eyes crawling over her rooted form as she glided to put her back against the wall, as far away as she could get from the both of them.
A long while later he rose to his feet. Savigne watched with fascination as her body shifted her feet but remained helplessly rooted while he came to stand to her left side.
“You think me sadistic, Savigne?” he sighed in her ear.
“Yes,” her body droned.
“Ruminations of a small mind,” he said, fingers absentmindedly correcting the bow of her apron in the back. He walked to her right side, straightening the back of her collar. “You’re a good cook, but without guidance that’s all you’ll ever be. Some people will be cooks forever. All they will ever do is toss ingredients in a pot and expose it to fire." His fingers adjusted the lapels of her shirt to be perfectly symmetric, "But food - real food - is art, Savigne. Art is perfection. And perfection requires pain. Do you understand?"
She watched herself nod.
"You are right handed, are you not?"
Her body blinked at this and nodded again.
“There was never an artist who produced a masterwork without a proper buildup of pain,” he said quietly, gliding back to her left side. “Of humiliation. Of failure. Of rejection. Of shame. Not experiencing suffering is like being blind painter. It can not be done." His hand closed on her left upper arm. In her corner against the wall, Savigne just felt the slightest of pressure, but nothing else.
“I require absolute submission. You are a tool in my hand. You will bend when I bend you. You will straighten when I straighten you. This…” he sighed with regret, “…is hard for some people. They can’t relieve themselves of their pride. But I have no use for such people. Do you understand?”
God, he really likes to hear himself speak, doesn’t he? her inner voice scoffed.
Her body shuddered slightly and shifted on her feet again, but stood steady. It was evident that Ecco's grip was painful, but in this corner, to her invisible self, it was distant, muted, like sound underwater.
There was a mouse-like whimper from her body and a flush of color rush to her face.
“All these things I will give you. You will not like it. But you will excel under me. Just like a diamond forms from coal dust under pressure.”
Why won’t he apply that pressure to the likes of Ruth and Sarah then? Her inner voice mocked.
The cry of pain distracted her and she realized that it was coming from her body. She felt a stir of worry - she needed that body and didn’t want it to get hurt. Also…what if it left a mark?
He knows it will. He wants you to worry. He knows you have a partner and he expects you to manage it.
Ecco shushed her and continued to tighten his grip until her body stopped whimpering - which was a long time - and only then did he release it.
Savigne noticed the tears streaking the cheeks of her double, saw the shuddering of breath she took.
“Well done,” Ecco cooed.
He walked around the desk and sat in his chair.
“Next time I call on you, don’t take as long as you did. My time is valuable. Now leave.”
Again, she walked around a long time thinking herself into corners and, in the process, walking into dead ends in Saint Denis. She tried to come up with things to console herself. Arthur was away, that was good. It was cooler now so she did wear a long sleeve nightgown to bed, that was good, too. The weight of the envelope in the pocket of her skirt was good. Then she got angry at herself for thinking these things and avoiding the real issue. Arthur was right, she really was a runner, a coward. And that would not serve her here, because the more she played along with it, the bolder Ecco got. Sarah might believe that he would eventually tire of her but Savigne had the gut feeling that he was only just starting.
So at long last when she found herself at the back door to the steakhouse again, this time she took a deep breath, pulled it open and entered.
“Oh Lord,” Luther grumbled, lighting a cigarette. “Just when I was havin’ a good day.”
“I missed you too, Luther,” she said drily as she drew over the stool to perch up on it.
“Can’t miss ya if ya never stay away, ever think o’that?” he scoffed.
She didn’t say anything and just sat there, watching him grill the last batch of steaks for the day. That sense of shame came over her again. Like it was all her fault. For being ambitious and leaving the steakhouse, not knowing what a good thing she had. For not somehow being smarter or stronger. For convincing herself every time that it would pass when all it did was accelerate. For getting tangled in a mess she didn’t know the way out of. Even now, sitting here, she didn’t know what she was trying to accomplish except unload her problems on someone else and she felt shame for that, too. What if Luther was really sick and tired of her drama? He was an old man and had his own problems, didn’t he? Why did she come here to pester him with her own?
“What done happen now?” he interrupted her ruminating.
She felt the pulsing band of pain on her left arm, hot and searing as if she had pressed it against a frying pan and, to her own shock, exploded into sobs.
The big man stilled at this, but didn’t say anything for a while, just shuffled over and brought a cloth napkin.
“‘M sorry,” she cried, “I’m just…a sentimental mess these days.”
”It’s fine,” he said roughly and flipped some steaks. He brought her a glass of water and she drank it with shaking hands.
A long while passed as she slowly got herself under control and watched him cook. There was an admirable economy to his movements, a precision that came from long years of practice. His might not be art like Ecco’s food, but it was a craft - an inherent, almost instinctual sense of timing no matter the cut of meat. Something he made look easy, although she knew that juggling this many steaks with different requirements wasn’t easy. There was a reason Luther, despite holding a perfectly ordinary position, was like the king of the kitchen. As simple as it looked, he did his job extremely well. Customers could tell by the taste alone if he was at the grill or not.
“You think Mister Harrison would give me my job here back?” she asked finally.
This surprised him. “Might could,” he said carefully. “Why? Ya finally sick of that fancy nonsense ya been cookin’?”
She shrugged and watched him work a little longer.
“Come to yer senses, have ya?” he teased her, probably to coax her out of her sullen mood. “Wanna cook real food again?”
“Yeah cause endlessly plating mashed potatoes is ‘cooking real food’” she rolled her eyes, wiping her cheeks.
“Apple pie is,” he countered.
“They have apple pie there,” she sniffed.
“But not mawmaw’s apple pie, is it?” he jabbed his steak fork at her.
“What the hell is that?”
“True food,” he said around his cigarette. “Measured with instinct, baked with gut. Like yours.”
She clicked her tongue, a little abashed at the flattery. “It’s just plain pie.”
“Some things can’t be improved, Savigne,” he huffed. “Cause they perfect as is. Ya think on that.”
A few moments passed. “Why ya wanna come back?” he asked, more serious.
She hesitated. He gave her an inscrutable look at that, but didn’t push.
“I’m thinking…” she mumbled, “…thinking…I just feel like…”
She couldn’t get it out, it was like a splinter wedged inside her. Taboo to look at, criminal to talk about. Luther turned some steaks and patiently lighted another cigarette.
“Is it the work?” he tried to help.
She shook her head. He harrumphed.
“The pay, the hours?” She shook her head again. He hummed and contemplated that for a moment.
“Is it yer boss?” She felt the color surge up her face but even though he must have seen it, he didn’t push further.
“Ya know I’m yer friend,” he said at long last.
“I know,” she whispered. Then: “Promise not to tell Arthur. Just in case he comes here. He probably won’t, it's very very unlikely, but just on the off chance…”
He gave her a long, heavy look and she blushed further under it. “Okay,” he said at last. “I won’ tell yer man.”
She nodded and took a deep breath.
She told him everything, starting with Rachel. Then what Ruth had said. Then her hand. Then Sarah. What he had done in his office. Estelle. And then today. She cried about that last part and he offered her another big cloth napkin as she apologized again because of her ridiculous sentimentality. The cleaners came in and Luther dropped his apron, put on his jacket and his hat and ambled out with her in tow. She was grateful that Arthur was gone for a few days and enjoyed walking with him to the harbor, a comical pair overall, where they sat on a bank and watched the ships. Now that she had started talking, it was as if she couldn’t stop. Like it was a deluge no barrier could hold. She went on rants and side issues but Luther knew her well and reminded her to breathe and gently guided her back to the main subject.
There was a long silence after during which she just sat squirming as he smoked his cigarette.
“You haven’t said a word in an hour,” she said finally, drawing her jacket closer against the chill evening. He took off his own jacket and put it over her shoulders. “No I’m fi-”
A long while later she asked “What do you think I should do?”
“Ya should tell yer man.”
“He butchered a Murfree for touching me," Savigne hissed with some heat. "There isn't a chance he won't kill Ecco.”
Luther hitched his enormous shoulders. “Maybe the man needs killin’.”
She stared at him, speechless. “What does your Lord say about that?”
“Lord kills a lot of folks, don’ he?”
Savigne gave him a slow head turn at that. Sometimes she wondered if Luther really was who she thought he was. To her, he was a big plush teddy bear. But every now and then he said something that gave her pause.
“Ya really gonna let this cockroach sink yer career? All them years of hard work?” he continued, his black eyes blazing at her.
“What choice do I have? I’m not letting him touch me again. It's just...escalating."
“Course not,” he scoffed. “Ain’t gonna just stay with touchin’ either, believe me that.” He gave her startled face a scoff. “Ya wasn’t born yesterday Savigne. You know for all his bluster, he just another sick gutter deviant.”
“Then I’ll just come back to the steakhouse. Or...I can find another job." She watched the reflection of the lights of Saint Denis swimming in the dark water. "Could also go somewhere far..."
“What about the next girl?”
She swallowed and looked away. “I know. But…what can I do? Do you think I should talk to the owners of Antoine’s?”
He chuckled with dark amusement. “They know.”
“You think so?”
He grimaced. “Course they know.”
“What should I do then? Don’t say 'tell Arthur' because I won’t. And you can’t either, remember that.”
He adjusted his hat and took a deep breath. “Lemme talk to Mr. Harrison.”
She breathed a sigh of relief. “Okay. Thank you.”
“Gettin’ late,” he groaned and rose to his feet. “‘M old and I need my sleep.” She handed him his jacket as they started walking towards the stables. “Ya gonna be okay ridin’ back?”
“Yeah,” she sniffed, then hugged his big chest and he gave her a meaty pat in the back.
“Gonna be just fine, Savigne,” he sighed. “Gimme few days. And don' go up to his room no more. Ya hear?”
“Okay,” she grinned with happiness and ran into the stable to pick up Cricket as Luther looked after her for a long time.
She swam back to consciousness and almost immediately felt his presence behind her, warm and heavy, sloping the mattress with his weight. She took a deep, quiet breath of relief and closed her eyes, reveling in the feeling of knowing he was safe. If this had been six months ago, he would be in his own cot right now and she would be waking up in her small tent, completely oblivious to him, unaware that he had even left. Now his comings and goings, his presence and absence were natural forces that colored her days like the Sun and the Moon. How strange to think that for months she had slept a stone’s throw away from him and hadn’t given him a single thought. He had been a background character in her own story, merely a stage extra in her play. A man that she occasionally spotted in camp and of no particular interest to her. There was something both flimsy and frightening about the notion that they could have passed each other like ships in the dark and she would have never known that she had just missed out on a man she would come to love so profoundly. Was all of life really just luck? Of being at the right time in the right place? What if Javier had walked out of those bat doors in Valentine that day? What if she had rejected Arthur's absurd ask? What if the O'Driscolls had never come to camp? Never taken her? And he had never pursued her? What if, what if, what if...
She carefully shifted to lie on her other side to face him and watched the shadows on his face move almost imperceptibly with his breathing as he slept. Awake, he was magnetic, intense; his presence hard to ignore. In sleep he looked at ease and vulnerable. The sharp corners of his jaw softened by the days long beard, petering out on his throat, the ridge of his nose, broken at some point and healed over, the criss-cross of lines around the eyes, the sun spots on his left cheek, the chapped lips, that scar on his chin and the strong eyebrows framing his eyes. Her gaze glided over the slope of his shoulder and the fuzz of hair on his chest, following the firm muscles of his arm to his wide forearm, ending with a big hand, resting in a loose fist.
She watched his breathing, slow and subtle for a long time, trying to imagine what he would look like a year from now, five years from now, twenty years from now. If he would still be here by her side when she woke up or long gone. The idea marred her perfect morning and she pushed it away. When she sighed gently to dispel the cobwebs of sleep, he opened his eyes and looked at her. Then he slowly blinked, waking up, drawing a deep breath.
“Welcome back,” she whispered and gently ran a hand over his cheek, down his chest. The heartbeat against her palm was slow and subtle, his skin warm. “I missed you.”
He watched her a long moment. “Wasn’t gone long,” was his raspy answer.
She smiled. “Felt long.”
Her fingers glided through his hair, tucking it behind an ear as his azure gaze rested on her. Then his hand cradled her hip, gliding to her waist. She wondered if he still had moments when, even if only for a second, he was surprised by her presence as he woke up or if she had become a constant to him now like he was a constant to her.
“Do you ever miss your cot, your own tent from before?” she whispered as birds outside started their twittering. Less of them now that Fall was here.
His brows furrowed with confusion “Why?”
She shrugged deftly, fingers stroking his beard. “I was thinking, how a few months ago you would have returned to your cot and I wouldn’t even know you left.”
The hand on her waist flexed, thumb brushing back and forth against her hip bone.
“What ya think of me back then?” he mumbled, voice still hoarse with sleep.
“You scared me,” she grinned, brushing his cheeks. "Thought you were a mean man."
"Ya let mean men take ya to the woods, Savigne?" was his amused question.
"Apparently," she huffed a laughter. "Probably the best stupid thing I ever did."
“And after?” he asked at the heels of a silent moment. She knew that he meant after that first night and shrugged coyly.
There was a spark in his eyes as he hummed. “Thought of me, did ya?”
His gaze became predatory as he read her lie. “Tell me.”
“Nothing to tell,” she huffed.
The corners of his lips curled smugly. “What ya spin in yer head?”
“Please,” she bit her cheek in mock annoyance. “I can barely remember. I was drunk.”
When she shifted to lie on her back, he followed and rolled to lie on top of her. His lips sought out hers, gentle and coaxing, the kiss teasingly slow but deepening in waves, capturing her mouth, then releasing it, then closing on it again.
“Did ya think on me takin’ you against that tree?” he whispered into her ear as he suckled on her lobe. She felt herself getting wet. These days it didn’t take much, really.
“Maybe,” she gasped as her palms glided over his shoulder blades, feeling the firmness and the warmth of his skin, slightly sticky with sweat as he rose on his elbows and kissed her harder. This has to be the best feeling in the world, she thought. Waking up next to someone you missed and making love in the quietness of the breaking dawn.
His face traveled down her neck, then her chest. He suckled her breast, leaving a dark mark on the fabric of her nightgown. She arched into his mouth and gasped as his beard scratched her sensitive skin.
“What else?” he mumbled, giving her nipple a long lick with the flat of his tongue, blue eyes locked to hers.
The fingers of his left hand snaked into her bloomers and glided over her wet folds. He hummed with approval. “Think you can,” he whispered.
She moaned when his callused trigger finger teasingly circled, parted and then entered her, her inner muscles closing on it eagerly. He grunted and and kissed her again as her hands danced on his ribs, clutching at his lower back.
“I imagined you came to my tent,” she gasped, squirming under him, hips undulating to get friction.
He perched above her on one elbow, watching her face as his finger pumped her slow and deep.
“Go on.”
“I just…” she moaned, eyelids fluttering.
“Tell me what I did,” he grinned as she writhed in pleasure under him.
She could feel his hardness against her stomach but he had better control over his needs than she did these days.
“You…touched me,” she moaned and rose on her elbows to kiss him hungrily.
“Like this?” He curled his finger and she cried out softly against his lips, her nails leaving trails on his back.
She nodded with delirium and fell back on the pillow, panting with need.
“What else?”
“Kissed me,” she whimpered, clawing at the sheets. The intensity of her arousal was frightening, gaping in front of her like a an open maw, ready to swallow her whole and consume her.
He kissed a trail down her chest as she watched him disappear under the covers. Her breath hitched as her nightgown was pulled aside and a trail of hot lips and wet tongue strolled casually down her stomach. His left hand never ceased its merciless slack pumping while his right hand glided her bloomers off. The stutter of a moan escaped her as he traversed down the patch of hair.
“Like this?” was his muffled question before his lips closed on her folds as he curled his fingers and ever so slowly brushed against her sensitive spot.
The jolt of lightning that forked through her blindsided her. Her thighs clamped on his head as she was surprised as she came immediately with a guttural groan, desperately clenching around his finger. He gently licked her bud and fingered her as she rode her orgasm, eyes rolling back in her head, her spine arching off the mattress. When she bonelessly fell back, he withdrew his finger and lapped at her wetness, curling his tongue to enter her as she panted his name. She felt on fire, burning with some internal flame that sometimes flared, sometimes smoldered, but refused to go out entirely.
He crawled back up and emerged from under the covers, hair mussed, a broad grin on his lips and obnoxiously proud of himself.
“Ya taste different, little bird,” he drawled. “Stronger. Sweeter. I like it.”
She shuddered as she watched him insert his trigger finger into his mouth, suck it to the tip and remove it with a slight pop. There was something so unabashedly perverse about it, she found her arousal stirring at it again. “Oh god,” she moaned, bewildered at the reaction of her own body. "Think I'm going crazy."
Arthur was well aware of her heightened libido and happy to exploit it with maddening brazenness. His hands ran up her thighs and her stomach as he gave her a heated look. “What else?”
“You fucked me,” she said breathlessly.
He rose on his knees, pulled down his cotton bottoms and positioned himself at her entrance as his eyes, blown with lust, locked on hers. She gasped at the mixture of pleasure and pain when he pushed in slowly, watching her face. He muttered a “Damn yer warm” as he pulled out all the way to the tip, then his hands gripped her hips and he pulled her to himself as he glided back in.
“Like this?” was his rumble of a question.
She hissed a “Yes”, hands clutching at anything they could find. Her arousal was like a wild, furious fire, flaring up every time he pulled out entirely and bucked into her again. She closed her eyes, squirming and panting as he repeatedly and slowly slammed into her, their harsh breathing and the slapping of flesh on flesh loud in the early morning quietness.
“Or like this?”
Her right leg was pulled up against his shoulder, secured against his chest as he increased his pace and crouched over her. She felt his hot breath on her breasts as he fucked her into the bed, the angle allowing him a deeper penetration. She whimpered his name and stuttered an approval as her body went up in flames.
“Lemme guess…” he panted above her, “…then I did…this.” His pace increased as did the fervor of his thrusting. Fingers found and started to roughly massage her still sensitive nub, tearing peals of desperate cries from her throat. She rose on her head, nails digging into his shoulders as he grunted and those cowboy hips started rutting into her. Her mouth fell open, slack with mindless pleasure. He let go of her leg still hooked over his shoulder as his hand gripped the back of her neck and he crushed his lips against hers when she came, swallowing the scream of orgasm that tore from her.
She whimpered and spasmed as he rode her through it and moaned when he continued on, helplessly bucking and jerking and slapping into her until he groaned into her lips and she felt the warm spurts of his cum jetting into her, filling her.
He gasped and tore his lips off hers, puffing gasps against her face as he stopped moving while her inner walls rhythmically milked him empty.
“Christ,” he whispered as cracked open his eyes and found her looking at him, flushed and panting under him. She rose a little and kissed him gently on the lips before she fell back on her pillow. He let her leg drop around him as he settled above her on his elbows, breathing into her neck and groaning with pleasure when she ran her hands through his hair.
“No, I don' miss my cot,” he huffed with amusement and kissed her neck before he shifted to lie beside her and pulled back up his cotton bottoms. He lightly grasped her hand as they lied side by side and watched the light run through its spectrum of color for dawn. She asked him where he had been and what he had done like she usually did and he answered in his signature stoic way, both happy to perform their little private ritual as they basked in the afterglow of their orgasms.
She wished it was Sunday and she could just stay here and didn’t have to go back to that hellhole. Or better yet, that they could spend the day packing the wagon and pull out of camp, heading somewhere far away. As the weeks ticked by and the timeline grew closer, she grew even more eager and restless with the notion of leaving and both of them starting fresh - like clean, pure snow. They said it can be done in America - starting fresh. They said it was a big, wild country; that there were still a lot of places that offered anonymity, where you could be a new person as easily as changing your outfit.
Eventually she rose, sighed away her daydreams, gave him a kiss and scrambled off the bed. “What do you want for dinner tonight?” she asked as she wiped herself clean, then wiggled out of her nightgown. “Don’t say lasagna, you always want lasag-”
“What happened to yer arm?”
She glanced at him lying sideways on the bed, watching her and shifted to point her left side away from him. “Nothing.” She put on a clean chemise.
In the corner of her eye he shifted to sit on the edge of the bed. “Lemme see.”
“I’m going to be late.” She put on a shirt and hastily buttoned it up, lifted her hair out of it, then turned to the shelf to find a fitting skirt. When he materialized right beside her as silent as a cat, she jumped a little with surprise.
“Lemme see,” he said softly, his azure gaze locked on her.
“It’s nothing,” she said again and felt the stirrings of panic when he didn’t move away.
“Wasn’ there when I left,” he drawled and stepped closer, watching her reaction.
“I ran into something at work yesterday.”
A moment passed as they stood there and she felt the weight of his gaze crawling on her face. Savigne knew that she had never been a good liar, but it was utterly frustrating how even lies she thought she performed particularly well set off Arthur’s bullshit alarm.
She shifted on her feet, unable to hold his gaze and pulled up her skirt.
“Savigne,” he said, voice soft but now the timbre of warning audible. “Show me yer arm.”
“You’re ridiculous, it’s nothing,” she rolled her eyes and fumbled with the ties of her skirt.
“Ain’t nothin’ if yer lying to me.”
“I’m not lying.”
“Then show me yer arm.”
She pressed her lips, flustered and couldn’t make herself lock eyes with him, afraid that she would blush and give everything away. He started to unbutton her shirt. She gripped his hand to stop him and their gazes collided. He seemed unfazed by her hard stare, returned one of his own, roughly pushed her hand away and continued unbuttoning her shirt. When it was done, he peeled the left sleeve off and lifted her arm to inspect it closer. The purple had faded to a weak red but the imprint of a hand was obvious. His eyes flicked up to her face immediately and he looked at her for a long time as she stood there, silent.
“What happened?” was his quiet question.
“Someone gripped me a little hard at work.”
“Thought ya ran into something,” he said, his eyes hard.
“Yeah, they gripped me so I wouldn’t, that’s what I meant.”
Another very long moment passed. Her earlier mood of joy turned to ash in her mouth. It had always been hard to look angry Arthur in the eye, but that day she found out that it was ten times harder when his anger was directed at her. This was no flare of ire either - something crested in his eyes like an iceberg pushing up the surface of blue waters and kept rising as she stood there, a deep sense of dread in her stomach. Chef Ecco had hurt her and the pain had scared her, true, but that seemed very mild compared to the trepidation she was feeling with Arthur looming above her right now. Not exactly fear of physical pain, but a sense of dismay combined with anguish at the idea of what would follow - the collapse of all her dreams. Her mind scattered down the forks in the road and where the offshoots lead and each one promised a prospect worse than the next.
“Gonna ask again,” he said finally, voice audibly strained now. “What. Happened?”
She stood under his hard stare, feeling obnoxiously exposed. Her heart was thumping in her ears and she had an irrational fear that he could hear it. She was about to respond but he was faster:
"And don' say nothin'."
She opened and closed her mouth like a fish several times and was unable to come up with something.
He pulled a chair out and ordered her to sit.
"I'm going to be la-"
"Don' care."
He pulled the other chair out and she flinched a little when he banged it down, ran a hand over his beard to calm himself, then sat across from her.
Savigne morosely threaded her arm through her sleeve again and sat down, absentmindedly buttoning up her shirt.
It got so silent, she heard the stirring of conversations in the camp even though it was a good distance away.
"Arthur," she managed finally. "You have to trust me on this." She inspected her hands, unable to look him in the eye. "It's noth- it's not important."
"If it ain't important, should be easy to spill."
She wet her lips and started to draw shapes on the table.
"I was...I was..." she stammered, her mind going blank. At the orphanage, whenever her and her friends got caught doing mischief, Savigne had always been the weakest link. She would unravel immediately under the hard stare of the Sisters and spill everything, so much so that after a while the other girls didn't want her to string along anymore. When she had been angry and upset about this, arguing that she had just one of those faces and it wasn't her fault, her friends had told her that her mistake was not sticking to the lie. You have to stick to it, Savigne. No matter how absurd the lie, you can never stop telling it. Don't elaborate, don't explain, just repeat it. She had already messed up by embellishing the lie with the addition of how she almost ran into something, now she had to stick to it.
"I was going to run into something..." she started stubbornly.
"Woman..." was his growl.
"...I almost ran into something and someone in the kitchen grabbed me too hard," she rattled off. It reminded her of the prayers she would prattle off when asked to - a jumble of sounds that had been reduced to meaningless memorized gobbledygook with years of repetition.
Another long minute passed. "Did the same someone..." he said and she heard the creak of his chair as he slowly leaned his elbows on the table between them, "...grab yer hand back when, too?"
Her eyes jerked up to him in shock before she could control her reaction. She could have sworn that something ignited in his eyes then. It was eerie how clever Arthur was, really. It's like he never threw anything out and just stockpiled his memories only to be retrieved later to neatly line them up to reveal ghosts of patterns and conclusions that weren’t there before.
Regardless, she found herself saying "N-no."
"Y'aint denyin' someone grabbed yer hurt hand, then?" he said slowly, as if talking to a child.
"I don't...remember," she whispered. She had been unable to look at him and now that she had, she couldn't look away.
He just sat there, gaze unblinking and so hard, it had a weight to it. He had never looked at her with this sort of anger before and she had an irrational fear that it would set her skin aflame.
"Please," she whispered and wet her lips again. "It was just an accident." When he didn't respond, she was desperate to try again: "I'm going to be late."
He looked at her so long, she thought she must have not said it out loud and was about to again, but then, to her utter surprise, he suddenly said "Fine."
She hesitated, thinking she must have misheard him. Or that a "but" would follow with a threat of some kind if she left the tent.
When nothing of the sort happened she dared to ask "Really?"
His jaw clenched as if he was fighting himself to say it but eventually he managed a "Really."
"Okay," she sighed and the relief that washed over her made her dizzy for a moment. "Okay. It was noth-" He looked away as if insulted and she swallowed the rest of the sentence. "Sorry."
She hastily got up and finished dressing and didn't even bother with her hair, just grabbed her satchel. Then she had a terrifying idea.
"You're not going to storm into Antoine's or anything like that, right?" was her timid question.
"Was an accident, no?" was his sarcastic, bitter retort.
"Yes. Accident," she said breathlessly.
"Okay then." He clicked his tongue and grimaced like he was willing to humor her nonsense.
In her gut, she knew he didn't believe a single word she had said but ultimately the danger had passed. She hadn't cracked under pressure and there was nobody else who could tell him, she had made sure of that. A relief flooded through her along with guilt. "Lasagna tonight?" she asked, eager to move on and to make it up to him.
He wouldn't look at her but nodded in agreement. Wary to push her luck further, she ran out after that, hesitated when she remembered that she hadn't kissed him goodbye halfway to her horse, then decided that it's not important right now and ran on.
Perhaps, if she had known that this was the last time they would make love in that tent, she would have decided otherwise.
#arthur morgan x female reader#arthur morgan fluff#arthur morgan smut#low honor arthur morgan#mid honor arthur morgan#red dead redemption 2#arthur morgan#fluff#smut#fanfic#dom arthur morgan
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Imagine being Rumlows roommate (he just has one because I said so 🤣) and one day you catch him coming out of his room like this:
First little peak you get of his body, but boy does it do things to you. And by each day it gets harder and harder to resist the attraction 😏
My lovely Lily, this has been sitting in the back of my brain since you sent it in. This is sort of a roommate situation. I hope what you like what I did here. Thank you for the ask my love! ♥️
Starting Over
Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Brock Rumlow x F! Reader
Warnings: Swearing and Smut! (18+ please or else I’m telling on you!) Oral F! Receiving, fingering, unprotected P in V sex(be safe out there), Drinking
Word Count: 4.5K-ish
Summary: After a bad breakup, you needed to have a fresh start but after getting a new job and selling your house, you forgot one important thing…a new place to live. Luckily a friend of yours might have a solution.
A/N: I haven’t written any smut in awhile so I think I’m a little rusty. Please be gentle and I hope you like it. I know there was something else I wanted to put in here but my brain fog has been so bad lately, I can’t remember what it is
As always, thank you for reading! I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
“Why can’t she just stay with you?” Brock asked, the tone of his voice was elevated and raspy.
Frustrated, Jack replied. “You know I only have a studio and she should have her own space. It won’t be for very long, I promise. She’s looking for a place to live as we speak.”
You did leave home rather hastily but your break-up had been tough. Even though you tried moving on, your ex just kept popping up everywhere you went and it appeared that HE had no problem moving on, showing off his younger piece of ass every chance he got. So for your sanity, you had to move on and move out of your hometown.
It was hard to watch so you just decided not to subscribe to that channel anymore. You stayed long enough to sell your house and find a new job in a new city. You wanted a fresh start and Jack was the only person you knew that lived in D.C.
He was a childhood friend from high school and you had been on a couple of dates with him while in school but it just worked out where you just ended up being really good friends.
Brock seriously considered saying no but Jack caught him on a good day. He felt a little bad for you that you felt like there was no other way to move on with your life except to leave town.
“Ok, fine but you owe me, Rollins!” Brock said.
Jack felt a sense of relief as he let out a long exhale.
“Thanks Rumlow, I really, really appreciate this. I’ll bring her by later.” Said Jack.
The call ended and Brock placed both hands on the counter, hung his head so his chin touched his chest, and took a deep breath. He wondered if he was going to regret agreeing to let a stranger live at his place for who knows how long.
He thought about reminding Jack what his favorite kind of vodka was so he could bring it with him later but he let it go. He finished his coffee, gathered the things he needed for work and locked the door behind him.
It was going to be a long day.
Brock arrived home that night around 6 and started to prepare for your arrival. He made up the bed in the spare room and tidied his apartment a little. He was a bachelor, used to living how he wanted, not answering to anyone, and definitely not used to having a woman around.
But he would have to get used to it no matter how much he didn’t want to.
There was a knock on his apartment door around 7:30. When Brock opened the door, he wasn’t what you were expecting to see on the other side. He was quite handsome with dark brown hair and eyes the color of Tennessee whiskey. You hoped he didn’t catch you staring at him with your mouth open.
“You must be y/n. I’m Brock, Jack told me a lot about you. Please…come in.” He said.
You entered the apartment, wheeling your suitcase behind you with Jack following close behind. You had a handle of Tito’s vodka in your other hand and then placed it on the kitchen counter and extended your hand for Brock to shake.
“It’s nice to meet you, Brock. Thank you so much for letting me stay here, I didn’t exactly think it all the way through, picking up and leaving like I did. I made sure I had a new job but forgot I needed a place to live. But I really do appreciate this…I got you a little present, Jack told me it’s your favorite.” You said with a warm smile.
Briefly, one of the corners of Brock’s mouth turned up into a half smile but then went right back to pressing his lips together, firmly and furrowing his brow.
It was obvious he wasn’t really comfortable with someone invading his space like this and you couldn’t blame him for being a little grumpy. Jack did spring this on him at the last minute and gave Brock little time to prepare for your arrival.
“Yeah…You’re welcome. So, I made up the spare room so you can put your stuff away…down the hall and first door on the left.” Said Brock.
You left Brock and Jack to talk while you went to your room to settle in a little but you felt a little guilty for disrupting his life like this. Clearly, he was used to living alone and now because of your hasty decisions, he was stuck keeping a roof over your head until you could find a place of your own.
You were close to finding one though. Every apartment that was acceptable, you put in an application for it so you were just waiting to hear back from one of them at least.
You heard Jack call down to you to tell you he was leaving. He gave you a hug goodbye, said he’d talk to you soon and he would talk to Brock tomorrow. After he left, there was an awkward silence between you and Brock.
You guessed he was a man of few words and it didn’t help that you were painfully shy so starting a conversation with him would be difficult for you but you needed to make it more comfortable if you were going to be staying there.
Brock finally broke the silence.
“You wanna drink, y/n?” He asked.
You nervously sat down on the couch and protectively pulled your knees into your chest.
“Oh…yes, please. That would be great.” You replied.
“Thank you for this, by the way. It’s really generous of ya.” He said, taking ice out of the freezer.
Watching him reach for the glasses in his cabinet, the sleeve of his black t-shirt rolled back to reveal the muscles in his arms. You bit down on your lower lip wondering what his body looked like under his shirt and warmth rushed to your cheeks.
It had been months since you had been shown any physical affection and now you were sharing an apartment with an incredibly sexy man.
While Brock was mixing drinks, you pulled out your phone to text Jack.
“Why didn’t you mention that Brock was hot?”
You texted.
He texted back.
“Um, because it’s not something that crosses my mind y/n. Ohhhhhh it’s been awhile for you, hasn’t it?”
You squinted and furrowed your brow as you wrote back.
“Oh shut it…goodbye!”
He texted back a bunch of laughing emoji’s.
“Oh you’re welcome. It’s the least I could do for you letting me stay here. I promise it won’t be for too long…at least I hope it won’t be.” You said with a slight tremble in your voice.
“Here ya go, doll.” Brock said, handing you the glass with your vodka soda with lime.
You felt yourself start to blush upon hearing the little pet name.
“Thank you. So, you and Jack work together? He won’t tell me exactly what he does, I don’t suppose you could tell me?” You asked.
“Sorry sweetheart, I can tell you the basics but nothing juicy.” He said with a slight smirk, taking a sip of his drink.
You were turned on just by the way he held the glass and watched his throat move up and down as he swallowed the cold liquid. Thankfully, he distracted you with a question.
“Can you tell me what you do for work, y/n?” Asked Brock.
Your eyes widened as his question snapped you back to reality.
“Oh, the defense contractor I worked for up north also has an engineering office down here so I just found another job doing similar work.” You said.
Trading questions back and forth, you talked with each other for a couple of hours until you both started to yawn and your eyelids became heavy with sleep. It seemed like the both of you had a long day.
“Well, I’m off to bed…towels are in the hall closet for when ya wanna shower. I have a bathroom in my bedroom so take your time…goodnight y/n.” He said softly. His voice sounded extra raspy.
“Goodnight Brock, and thank you again.” You replied.
He went into his bedroom and shut the door, leaving you in the living room, alone with your thoughts. But you didn’t want to be alone with your thoughts.
It seemed all you could think of was your ex and how badly he hurt you, continued to hurt you in the months following your breakup and how he made it absolutely unbearable to stay in your hometown. That was your home, you shouldn’t have had to leave but he didn’t leave you any other choice.
With Brock asleep, you decided to clean up the dishes you dirtied and managed to find the coffee along with the filters to set up the timer on the coffee pot so fresh coffee would be ready for when you got up the next morning for work.
After your shower and with your head resting on the pillow, you just stared at the ceiling, the room filled with darkness as you waited for your eyelids to get heavy again but for some reason, they didn’t.
You were wide awake listening to the whistling sound the wind made outside your window and your mind wandered to thinking about Brock.
You closed your eyes and imagined his strong hands roaming all over your body, the scruff on his face lightly scratching the sensitive skin on your inner thighs, pinning your arms above your head as he kissed you aggressively.
That’s how you pictured being in bed with Brock Rumlow, a little bit rough but those thoughts made you so wet that a soft moan escaped your lips as you finally drifted off to sleep.
You had a feeling it was just going to get harder to resist the attraction to him and how long it would be before you couldn’t resist any longer.
The alarm startled you awake and out of the dream you were having. It surprised you that you had slept so well in a strange place but you woke up feeling better than you have in a long time.
You put the finishing touches on your outfit for the day before emerging from your room to get some coffee. Brock’s bedroom door was still closed so you tried to be extra quiet while taking a mug from the cabinet and looking around for the sugar.
You heard Brock open his door. When he walked around the corner, he was pulling his shirt down over his muscular torso. It was difficult not to stare, he was in really great shape…as close to perfect as anyone could be.
The ache between your thighs was growing, forcing you to clench them together and release a soft gasp that you hoped he didn’t hear.
“Sorry, I didn’t hear ya get up. Actually, I forgot you were even here…been alone for so long, I just have to get used to ya bein’ here.” He said, the husk in his voice more pronounced after being asleep all night.
“You want some coffee?” You asked.
“Yeah…sounds great, thanks.” Brock said as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and yawned. “How are ya gettin’ to work this mornin’?”
“Oh I have my car. I followed Jack over here last night.” You replied.
Brock looked around at his kitchen and remembered there were dishes in the sink last night. The counters had been cleaned and his mail was neatly piled at the corner of the breakfast bar. The confused look he had on his face made you crack a smile.
“The kitchen was dirty when I went to bed last night, right? I’m not seeing things.” He asked.
You covered your mouth to try and keep him from seeing you smile.
“Well, I noticed it was dirty after you went to bed so I just cleaned up a little before my shower.” You said.
Brock finished his coffee and placed his cup in the sink. “Thanks…Ok, well I’ll be back around 6 tonight. Jack told me you go into work early also but I know you’ll get back before I do. The spare key is under the mat…I’ll see ya later.”
He picked up his backpack, his motorcycle helmet and walked out.
These were the types of exchanges you and Brock had for about a week. He was a man of very few words and it was almost like he had no idea how to live with someone else.
He would go to work, come home, and that’s it. He’d never go out with anyone, not even Jack which made you a little sad for him.
You finally got a phone call about one of the apartments you had filled out an application for, it was the one that was the nicest and the one you wanted the most but it wouldn’t be ready for another two weeks.
“I’m sorry, Brock. I know I said it wouldn’t be for that long but I’ll be outta your hair in two weeks, I swear.” You said nervously.
He looked at you with a slight smirk across his lips and said, “I told you doll, it’s alright…stay as long as you need to.”
At that moment, he seemed a little more comfortable having you there. Maybe he actually liked having you stay with him? Whatever it was, it didn’t feel awkward anymore but it was still hard to pretend you weren’t attracted to him.
To know what his body looked like under his clothes, his handsome face and honey colored eyes…just thinking about him made you blush.
You got into the habit of making dinner when you would come home from work. Sometimes he would be around to eat it before you went to bed and sometimes he wouldn’t be. After dinner, you would sit and talk…he was always asking questions.
You thought the reason he asked so many questions was because it kept you from asking anything about him, which was fine…he didn’t have to talk about anything he didn’t want to.
Being in a new city was scary and having only one friend in that city was even more frightening. But after a few more days, you felt like you could consider Brock a friend too. Although, you were sure that friends don’t picture their other friends naked.
Well, maybe some of them do.
Some nights, it wasn’t uncommon for you to go to bed before Brock got home. On a particular rainy night, you heard him come home late. Large drops of rain pelted against the building and the ceaseless winds seemed to make it their business to try and uproot the trees below.
It sounded like he threw his backpack hard against the wall and continued to make a lot of noise so you decided to get up to see what was going on with him.
You should have known better than to sneak up on him. Jack had told you enough about what they do to know that they were highly skilled in hand to hand combat so before you could even say Brock’s name, he had grabbed your wrist, spun you around to face away from him and pinned your arm against your back while holding a knife to your throat.
“Brock! It’s m-me! It’s y/n!!” Your voice trembled.
His hands felt cold and wet against the soft skin of your wrist while his thick fingers held onto you very tightly. The blade felt cool against your neck and suddenly your mouth became very dry, making it difficult to speak again.
Brock finally realized what he had done and dropped the knife. You heard it hit the floor and your eyes immediately welled up with tears. After turning around to look at him, Brock raised his hands in front of him to show you he wasn’t holding anything else.
“Y/n, I am so sorry! I didn’t know it was you! You can’t sneak up on me like that!” He yelled.
His actions scared you and you were paralyzed with fear but the look he had in his eyes was equal parts sadness and anger. And rather than run away, you inhaled sharply and let out a long exhale before doing the only thing you could think of that might comfort him.
You wrapped your arms around his torso and squeezed as hard as you could. His body tensed in your embrace but quickly relaxed when he returned your affection.
Burying his head into the crook of your neck, his warm breath brushed against your skin making the hair on the back of your neck stand up and sent a shiver down the length of your spine.
“What happened, Brock?” You asked softly.
Still dressed in his tactical clothing, he told you he, along with everyone else, thought it would be a simple mission but it went wrong…horribly wrong.
It was supposed to be a convoy to go from point A to point B, drop off the package and leave. But they had a number of new agents with them that panicked when things didn’t go smoothly.
Everything worked out in the end, they finished their job and everyone made it back safely. But Brock was the leader of his STRIKE team and he wanted it all to go perfectly and when it didn’t, he didn’t know any other way to cope with it than to lash out in anger.
He was quick to apologize again.
“I am so sorry, sweetheart. I would never…” He trailed off and hung his head. “I’m…I’m sorry…”
You had always been painfully shy and quiet, never speaking unless you were spoken to, that kind of shy. And if you were being honest with yourself, it was still surprising that you had any past relationships because it was difficult for you to open up.
It was difficult for you to be assertive in any way when it came to showing affection or being confident in your own skin.
Uprooting your entire life and moving to a new city terrified you. In the past, it was something that you could never ever picture yourself doing but you did it and you did it all by yourself. You were stronger than you thought and if you wanted something then you should go get it.
So it surprised even you when you inched closer to Brock, your eyelids were warm with his breath and you ghosted your lips over his before not being able to control yourself anymore. He smelled like fresh rain and your fingers found their way into his damp hair as your lips crashed against his.
He didn’t pull away but rather pulled you closer, his kisses were hungry with clashing teeth, his tongue dancing with yours as you whispered his name against his mouth over and over again.
You were shocked at the lack of your own restraint when your hands traveled down to the hem of his t-shirt which was soaked from the rain. The heat was radiating off of his skin as your fingers lightly touched his chest and migrated down his stomach muscles to his belt.
The words that escaped his lips surprised you.
“I’ve wanted you since the first second I saw you. Jack failed to mention that you’re absolutely beautiful.” He whispered.
Warmth rushed to your cheeks as you replied, “Well he didn’t mention to me that you’re sexy as fuck, Mr. Rumlow.”
Suddenly his hands were under your ass, he picked you up with ease as you wrapped your legs around his waist and he carried you toward the bedroom…his bedroom.
Brock was not gentle with you but you didn’t want him to be. He practically tossed you onto the bed and quickly climbed on top of you as his lips collided with yours once again. He kissed you desperately and with a hunger that was so new to you.
The passion behind it was something you had only seen in movies, it never happened to you in real life but you craved this type of affection, this type of passion, and it only deepened your desire for him.
Brock nipped at your bottom lip and jawline, peppering kisses down your neck as he tightly gripped your outer thigh, your legs wrapped around his waist as he pressed his thick fingers into your soft skin.
Your t-shirt and shorts were hastily discarded onto the bedroom floor, leaving you just in your panties and his hard cock pressed against your core, causing a soft moan to escape your lips and a low growl escaped his.
You didn’t know it was possible but you pulled him down even closer to you, the warm breath from your mouth lightly brushed the top of his ear which made him even more feral and he growled louder into your ear.
It felt like torture waiting for Brock to touch you in your most sensitive area but that changed as soon as you felt his fingers dip under the waistband of your underwear and slip into you.
He moved them rhythmically, hitting just the right spot deep inside that caused you to whimper and your walls started to tighten around his talented fingers.
“You’re so wet, sweetheart. You gonna be a good girl and come for me?” He whispered against your lips.
He draws out another soft moan from you, it had been so long since you had even been kissed that you felt like you could come just from the finger fucking he was giving you. He drew circles on your clit with his thumb, bringing you closer and closer to your release, and you felt like you were going to explode.
Before you could cry out his name, Brock firmly gripped your chin and captured your lips with his so all you could do was whimper into his mouth as he kissed you aggressively, pressing his hips down in between your legs even harder than before as if to make sure you weren’t going anywhere until he let you.
Breathing heavily after coming down from your high, the corners of his mouth turned up into a slight smile. “Oh I’m not even close to being done with you, doll.”
He suddenly disappeared in between your legs. You could feel his stubble brush gently against your inner thighs as he hummed against your entrance and you ran your fingers through his damp hair. Arching your back off of the mattress, you recklessly called out his name over and over again.
“Brock…I…can’t…” Those words were all you managed to get out before he brought his gaze up to meet yours and finished what you started by removing his pants. You wanted him. You wanted to feel every inch of him inside you.
Your thoughts were all over the place, and you were still shocked this was actually happening. His focus was solely on you and it surprised you how easily he slipped inside you, stretching you out before slowly starting to move, hitting just the right spot deep within your core, the spot that caused your vision to go white and your walls to tighten around his cock.
“You can give me more, sweetheart. I know you can.” He commanded.
You’ve never had someone who had been so eager to please you, who took care of you in bed, or who put your needs first before his own. You could feel yourself soaking the sheet underneath you as the cries of pleasure he ripped from you turned him on.
He fucked you hard and deep, forcefully pushing you into the mattress while your nails scratched up and down his back as he grunted loudly into your ear.
Somehow, it was almost like he knew that you’ve never been fucked this good before. You could almost feel his sly grin against your cheek as you gripped his waist as tightly as you could with your legs before his name fled from your lips. Your walls began to flutter as his movements became faster and insistent, he was close too.
“Ah…fuck!” He cried out.
Searching for his lips with your own, you were eager for his kiss, and desperate for the passion that you haven’t had in so long.
So you lifted your head slightly and pinched his jaw gently with your teeth until his lips met yours. He kissed you hard before spilling into you and then collapsing on top of you.
You could feel yourself trembling underneath him as a tear streaked down the side of your face from the overstimulation. Brock took your hand in his to comfort you but you had never felt better.
“You alright, doll?” He asked. “I didn’t hurt ya did I?”
You shook your head and bit down on your bottom lip.
“No, of course not. If you couldn’t tell, I was having a great time.” You chuckled.
He moved a stray piece of hair away from your eyes and smiled warmly at you. It was probably the first genuine smile you had ever seen from him. It wasn’t forced or a just-being-polite smile, it was an actual smile.
“Is that an actual smile, Mr. Rumlow?” You asked.
He tried to cover his smile.
“Ah, ah…too late. I saw it already. Ya know if you have another bad night like tonight, I might be available again to help work out some of your aggression.” You said with a wink as you tried to catch your breath.
“Is that right, sweetheart?” Asked Brock.
He started to smile again but stopped himself and all of sudden looked really nervous.
“Brock? What is it?” You asked.
He inched closer to you and gently pressed his lips to yours. They were warm and soft as you brushed his stubble with your thumb and smiled against his mouth.
“I was just thinking…” He said. “This probably wasn’t what Jack had in mind when he asked if I could do him a favor. So…who’s gonna tell him?”
Quickly, you pointed to your nose and said, “Not it.” And laughed.
Brock let out a raspy chuckle. “Or, maybe he wanted this to happen. Ya think?”
Gently tugging back on his soft brown hair, you gazed into his light brown eyes and said, “Well, that should make it easier to tell him then, right?”
“I ain’t gonna tell him by myself. Even though I think I can take him, he is bigger than I am.” He joked.
You smiled, kissed him again and said, “Ok, I’ll stay in the room when you tell him, but I don’t think he’ll be mad.”
“You don’t?” Brock asked.
You chuckled as you replied, “Nah, once he sees the smile you put on my face, he’ll probably thank you.”
Your joke made him laugh.
With a devilish grin, he said “Well, I like putting a smile on your face, doll…in fact, I’d really like to do it again, if you’re not too tired.”
Maybe starting over wasn’t so bad after all.
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @munsonownsmyass @k-marzolf @redstarsandnightmares @randomlittleimp @nutmeg17 @gijos @nekoannie-chan
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#brock rumlow#brock rumlow x reader#brock rumlow x female reader#brock rumlow fanfiction#brock rumlow fanfic
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The perfect trap part I
Pairing: Brock Rumlow X Enhanced!Mutant!Reader X Jack Rollins, Steve Rogers X Enhanced!Mutant!Reader (platonic).
Word count: 1141 words.
Summary: The reader is in a relationship with Brock and Jack; she has the task of introducing Steve to our era, something that obviously neither of them likes, but they have no choice.
Warnings: Poly relationship, the reader is an agent of HYDRA, mentions of smut.
A/N: This was requested by @azulatodoryuga. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish: Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter.
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @harrysthiccthighsss @marvelatthisonee @caplanbuckybarness @sapphire-rogerss @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot5555 @here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989
"Have you decided where we're going on vacation yet?" you inquired of your boyfriend as you adjusted your bra.
You were busy when you got the message from S.H.I.E.L.D., in which they told you that they needed your presence immediately at the facilities; you had to get dressed quickly.
"Y/N, there is no time for that; we must get there as soon as possible and see that none of that interferes with our plans," Jack scolded you.
You turned indignantly to see him. "What did you say?"
"Jack, don’t bother her; you better hurry up; you know that if you make her angry, she won't let you do to her that thing you like so much," Brock intervened, causing Jack to leave the room grumbling.
"What's going on?” It's four in the morning," you commented, breaking the silence in the car.
"Something too important; otherwise, they wouldn't have called us, but we're not the only ones, so it's a big deal," Brock said as he drove.
"I don't like this."
"Did you see something?" Jack asked.
"I don't have visions; I just move things around, and, well, you know... you made a sign to indicate that you could kill someone using your powers.” But I have a bad feeling."
"Do you think we've been discovered?" Jack's voice sounded nervous; that wasn't like him at all.
"If that were the case, we'd have several teams breaking into the house to catch us instead of being called in.” It's something else," Brock clarified.
"I hope we don't have to use the Soldiers," you said.
"Does innocent little Y/N want a repeat of last time?” I believe you're a sex addict," Jack teased.
"Jack, shut up; you're the sex addict," you defended yourself.
Brock Jack was waiting for the other one to agree with him.
"Sorry, but Y/N is right; I'm starting to think you really are." Brock backed you up.
"I hate you."
"You're lying, you know you love us, or do you want me to tell you what we were doing before we were interrupted?" You've already scoffed.
Jack grimaced; he knew he had lost the battle.
"Why did you come together?" Natasha asked you when you sat down next to her. It was going to be very obvious if the three of you sat together.
"I spoke to Rumlow, who lives near my house, but my car broke down and I had no way to get there," you answered. You usually made excuses, and you didn't want anyone to know about the relationship you had to avoid putting others in danger. "Do you know why they called us?" You nimbly changed the subject; you knew that she would keep questioning you if you didn't do it.
"They found someone," she answered.
"Someone? Who? "
"They're not sure yet, but they say is Captain Rogers."
"Captain Rogers? You mean, Steve Rogers, Captain America, "you couldn't believe what you had just heard; you had to tell Jack and Brock as soon as possible."
You managed to send them a text message, and they made a great effort to keep their reaction from being obvious. What was going on was confirmed at that meeting, where they explained it to you.
None of the three knew exactly the significance of what was happening, but you were beginning to imagine the consequences. Evidently, Pierce would not be at all happy, and above all, in a few days, he would also gather the agents who were on the mission to intervene with S.H.I.E.L.D.
You were startled when Fury named you at the end of the meeting; he required your presence in his office. Brock and Jack exchanged glances, somewhat panicked, and as much as possible, they stayed close to Nick's office; they were very worried.
"What do you need me for, Director?" you asked, doing your best to appear calm.
"You will take care of Rogers; I need you to help him integrate into our time; you are one of the best agents we have," Nick ordered.
"Is he awake yet?" You were trying to get as much information as you could. You, Brock, and Jack had to come up with a plan quickly.
"This morning, but I need to keep it a secret still," he replied.
You nodded, and he continued to give you instructions. Now that you were trying hard to keep from smiling, maybe it wasn't all bad news; that could mean that maybe you could move up the ranks in HYDRA.
As you left the office, you motioned for them to follow you; you were to talk in a private place where no one could hear you.
They didn't like the idea at all; they didn't like at all that you had to share your time with the enemy or what could happen; they didn't want to share you with anyone else in any way; you were only theirs.
"When are you going to start that?" Brock questioned.
"In three days."
"I don't like the idea," Brock said. He didn't want to think about what might happen; the mere thought made him angry.
"I know, Brock, but if we look on the bright side, we could get a lot of valuable information, and that would make Pierce very happy," you said.
"Y/N is right, but we'll still be close, and if he dares to touch you...
"Is the big guy jealous?" interrupted Jack.
"Pierce wants us to meet, well, all of STRIKE with him tomorrow," Brock interrupted as he saw the message that had arrived.
"Then I guess we have to make the most of the time; we don't know when we might get some alone time together again," you proposed mischievously.
Obviously, you didn't waste that night, so much so that the next day you couldn't even walk, but you didn't deny that you enjoyed it.
Day D
You knew you had to carry out your mission perfectly, although now that Pierce has found out about Steve, you feel more pressure.
"You know you can call us whenever you need us," Brock said, then gave you a kiss and a little box with a necklace he had bought for you.
"We'll be waiting for you; everything will be so boring without you," Jack said as he kissed you on the cheek.
You had never been separated for more than a month, but somehow you were going to get Steve to be part of HYDRA; somehow you would convince him without him noticing.
With the Soldier and the Captain on your side, the world would be yours.
You took a breath of air before knocking on the door, and you opened it slowly when you heard you could come in.
"Captain Rogers, I'm Agent Y/N Y/L/N. I'll be in charge of helping you integrate into our time. Nice to meet you."
#HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARLA!#steve rogers x reader#steve rogers x double agent!reader#brock rumlow x reader#jack rollins x reader#brock rumlow x reader x jack rollins
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What I’ll write
Karl Jacobs
Wilbur soot
Maze runner
(Any movie set)
Umbrella Academy
Ben (sparrow and umbrella versions)
(Any season set)
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
(Any movie set)
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ronald Weasley
Hermione Granger
Fred Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Ginny Weasley
(Any movie set)
Lord of the Rings
The Hobbit
Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack Sparrow
Will Turner
Elizabeth Swan
Rings of Power
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
Din Djarin (Mando)
Cara Dune
Call of Duty
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
John ‘Soap’ Mactavish
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick
John Price
Shadow and bone
Alina Starkov
Mal aretov
Max Brekker
Jesper Fahny
Nina Zenik
Genja Sadfin
Nikolai Lantsov
Pekka Rollins
David Kostyk
Cobra Kai
Hazbin Hotel
Angel dust
Sir penstious
Cherry bomb
School Buss Graveyard
Aiden Clark
Ashlyn Banner
Ben Clark
Tyler Hernandez
Taylor Hernandez
Logan Fields
Ready player one
Wade Watts (Parzival)
Samantha Cook (Art3mis)
I will also write
Smut (for certain characters)
Please let me know if there are any other shows or movies that you would like to see! I will try my best to get to everyone. Send a request and I will see if I can do it.
For some of these characters I am uncomfortable doing any kinda of smut considering some of them are teenagers. But other than that yall pretty much have free reign. Yall can also be anonymous if yall want to
Also sorry it’s so long. I wanted yall to be able to choose freely
#dream smp#the maze runner#the umbrealla academy#tua#avengers#hp#harry potter#transformers#rise of the beasts#lotr#lord of the rings#the rings of power#the hobbit#the mandolarian#cod#call of duty#shadow and bone#cobra kai#hazbin hotel#sbg#school bus graveyard#potc#pirates of the caribbean#din djarin#simon riley#alastor x reader#peter parker#five hargreeves x reader#newt x reader#legolas greenleaf x reader
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Hydra Agent Corbin Cole (aka 'the kid' (affectionate) if you're Rumlow, or 'CeCe' (derogatory) if you're Rollins)
age: 24 (CA:TWS) d.o.b: January 13th, 1990 joined STRIKE: age 20
as introduced in:
Training Session: Total Control (NSFW) - 2640 words Rumlow/Winter Soldier, Agent Cole/Winter Soldier, Rollins non-con/rape, conditioning, blowjobs, deepthroating, breathplay, voyeurism
also found in:
Won't Regain Consciousness - 940 words Rumlow & Winter Soldier, Agent Cole, Rollins mild violence, possessiveness
You'll Forgive me if I Promise (NSFW) - 5750 words Rumlow/Winter Soldier, Agent Cole, Rollins non-con/rape, violence, choking, choke collar, leash, anal plug, cock cage, kenneling, cages, boot kink, boot worship, masturbation, facials, finger sucking, spanking
Table Scraps (NSFW) - 2805 words Rumlow/Winter Soldier, Rollins, Agent Cole non-con/rape, hand feeding, pet names, cock warming, deepthroating, comfort in conditioning, the author doesn’t play poker and it shows, friendship whiplash, are they friends? do they hate each other? I don’t know - it might be both tbh, this is also kind of soft, unhealthy relationship
Who Died/Relax (M) - 1930 words minor Rumlow/Winter Soldier Rumlow, Rollins, Agent Cole, Winter Soldier dealing with death, blood and violence, unhealthy relationships, hurt/comfort
Lashing Out - 580 words Rumlow, Winter Soldier, Agent Cole, Rollins confusion, jealousy, a broken nose
Smeared Cream (NSFW) - 2875 words Rumlow/Bucky - 2875 words Jack Rollins, Agent Cole non-con/rape, porn without plot, ice cream, birthday smut, finger sucking, blow jobs, anal sex, pet names, begging, wet & messy, hydra trash party
Yes I did apparently make an OC, yes it turns out he might be important now. Also yeah, there's more fic coming with him VERY SOON, like so soon that I needed to post this 😅
+bonus gif (after the soldier's put him in the hospital again)
#cara makes an oc#cara writes#cara gifs#hydra agent cole tag#corbin cole tag#he's my baby and i love him#hydra trash party#just nice to have a third for Brock and Roll tbh#yeah i know the soldier is there#he doesn't count in this case
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A Helping Hand (Hydra Husbands One-Shot) X Reader!
Pairing: Brock Rumlow/Jack Rollins X Reader
Wordcount: 4803
Warnings: Gay sex, Oral sex, Threesome, Graphic smut, but sweet smut.
A/N: This is my entry to @rip1009 and @hydra-husbands summer challenge. I never wrote anything like this before. And I hope you´ll like it. A big thank you to @ladysif8 for her amazing help.
Summary: Brock and Jack wants a baby, so they ask their best friend (Reader) to help out!
You hear heavy footsteps going through the house, almost immediately after you rang the doorbell. For a second you almost regret agreeing to this. Jack is your best friend, he has been for the last 20 years. You were the first one he came out to. Of course you did suspect that he was gay. He was always a good looking guy, and a lot of girls wanted him, but he never acted on it. So you had your suspicions. But you never told him. He'd come out to you in his own time, and you didn't want to push. It wasn't until he met Brock, that he had to reveal his secret. Brock was the love of his life, and a really great guy. They deserved this. You never hesitated when they asked you to do this. But now, standing here, with a bottle of red wine in your hand, hearing Jack's footsteps approaching the door. You can't deny that you have some second thoughts.
- So, YN? What do you think?
Jack asks. You look from Jack to Brock, and then back to Jack again.
What should you answer? You look at them again. They both look at you with anticipation. And you can see in their eyes that they want you to say yes.
- Listen, YN, if you feel this is too….
Brock starts, but you cut him off.
- Yes!
You say, without even thinking.
- Yes?
Jack asks, placing his hand over yours.
- Yes, Jack! I'll do it. You'll be great parents. I want to help you. Do you have an appointment at the clinic?
You ask, looking at Jack again. He slowly removes his hand from yours. Clears his throat.
- Err.. Yeah… About that…
Jack starts, looking down on his hands, drumming his fingers together.
- We can't afford that… So…
He continues.
- We kinda hoped you'd be open to like…
Brock takes over. Trying to look you in the eye, but you can see that it's hard for him.
- To what?
You ask, narrowing your eyes.
- Doingitthenormalway!
Jack says, fast, without even taking a breath.
- The what?
You ask, reaching for his hand, trying to offer some comfort.
- Err.. We kinda wondered if you'd…
Brock enters the conversation again, dragging his hand over his face.
- If I'd sleep with you?
You ask, with a hoarse voice. You feel your heart beat a bit faster.
- Err.. Yeah..
Jack says again. Trying to look at you.
- Which one?
You ask, looking at both of them. How long have they been thinking about this?
- Err.. Both of us?
Jack says, looking at Brock, before he looks back to you. Brock gives you a tiny nod.
- B… Both… Of you?
You croak. Jack looks at you, nervously biting his bottom lip.
- Yeah.. I… We both checked ourselves, we're perfectly healthy, and there's nothing wrong with…
He gestures to his crotch.
- Your swimmers?
You ask, sending them both a little smile.
- Yeah.. Nothing wrong with those..
Brock speaks again.
- You don't have to answer right away. Just think about it, okay?
Jack tells you. Tugging his lips up in a nervous smile.
- Err.. Would you even be able to do it? I mean with me? Aren't you both….
You say, letting the sentence die out. Can gay men even get a hard on with a girl?
- We're both, all three of us going to be there. I don't think that'll be a problem…
Brock says, pleading you, with his eyes, hoping for you to say yes.
- Don't you care who's it is? I mean, if I sleep with both of you…
You start, but Jack cuts you off.
- It'll be ours. That's all that matters. And we both want you to be the mom. There's no one else we want for that role.
Jack says, gently taking your hand in his, squeezing.
- Okay!
You say. Squeezing Jack's hand back.
- Okay?
They both say, at the same time. Smiling wide.
- Yeah.. I can do that…
You say again. Unsure if you actually CAN do it. But you want to help them. They're your best friends, and they will be great parents.
- Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
They both say, giving you a hug. You hug them back.
- So, when did you think we were going to do this?
That was three weeks ago. You do want to do this for them. But you've never been with two guys at once before, and on top of that, both Jack and Brock are gay men. You don't even know if they've ever been with a girl before.
The cerulean blue front door opened, and the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked bread wrapped around your senses, sweet and yeasty.
- YN!
Jack greeted you, pulling you into a hug.
- Jack!
You squeaked as his big arms surrounded you. You barely got the bottle of wine moved in time.
- Come on in, Brocks out back finishing up on the grill.
Jack said, before he stepped aside, allowing you entrance to their home.
You’d been there many times before, but it never ceases to amaze you how beautiful their two-story home is. The further you got into the house, the stronger the mouth-watering fragrance got. You weren’t surprised Jack loved to cook; he always whipped up something spectacular in the kitchen.
- Something smells amazing
You commented, handing Jack the bottle of wine. Before peeling out the sliding glass door that led to their fantastic backyard, Brock stood dutifully in front of the grill.
Brock was perfect for Jack; he’d brought out the best in your friend. The missing piece Jack had no idea was missing; you were thankful he was operating the grill. Now Jack could cook the most delicious and tender roast you’d ever tasted, sweet curry that left a slight tingle on your tongue. But the man should not grill to save his life; gone were the days of dry steaks and burnt burgers.
You sat at the rectangle-shaped dining room table; Jack handed you a glass of wine. The smokey, red currant flavor danced across your tongue.
- Oh hey, YN!
Brock greeted you as he walked in the door with a plate of steaks. He leans over and places the plate on the table, simultaneously kissing your cheek in greeting.
It doesn’t take long for the table to be set, seared, juicy cuts of meat, a steaming plate of golden delicious sweet corn, a bowl of broccoli salad with thick, crispy chunks of bacon, fluffy baked potatoes, and golden brown, butter airy homemade rolls. Your mouth starts to water at the sight; Brock stands up, reaches across the table, grabs your plate, and fills it with a little bit of everything.
- Here ya go, YN
He says, placing the load plate before you as Jack tops off your wine glass.
The steak is seasoned just right; it’s so juicy and flavorful that the steak sauce isn’t needed. You scoop a bite of the broccoli salad, the creamy dressing for the tiny bits of crunchy fresh broccoli, the sharpness of the cheddar cheese, a touch of sweetness from the dried cranberries, smokiness from the bacon, the spiciness of the red onion, all balanced out. The corn was sweet with a soft butter flavor, and the rolls were by far your favorite, light, yeasty, buttery, and slathered with cinnamon butter.
- Wow, you really went all out on this one.
You say, closing your eyes, to really take in the taste.
- Yeah? Well, only the best is good enough for the future mother of our child!
Brock replies, taking a sip of wine.
You eat and drink for a while, talk about everything and anything. Just like you always used to do. Like a normal dinner. But you know it's not. This isn't a normal evening.
When you're done eating, you help to clear the table. You feel the nervousness welling up in you. Will you be able to do this? Have Jack or Brock even been with a girl before? Are you going to watch them do stuff to each other? How should you react, if that happens? You never took an interest in what other people do in their own bedrooms. But now, you can't help but think about it.
- Hey, YN! You ok?
Jack asks, gently rubbing your shoulders.
- Yeah…
You reply. Taking a breath.
- I'm just…
You continue. But you can't seem to find the right words.
- We should probably talk about this.
Jack says, guiding you over to the couch, and hands you another glass of wine.
Jack sits down next to you, and not long after, Brock sits down on the other side of you.
- We want you to feel completely safe, YN. So if you don't want to…
Brock starts, but you cut him off.
- It's not that. I just have a couple of questions.
You say, quietly. Looking from Brock to Jack.
- Fire away! What do you want to know?
Jack asks, letting his hand rest on your thigh.
- How…. How are we going to do this?
You ask, swallowing.
- You mean having sex?
Jack asks, jokingly.
- Have you been with a girl before?
You ask again. Jack shakes his head, while Brock nods. You look at Brock.
- How was that for you?
You ask. Probably a stupid question. But if you're going to do this, you feel like you need to know.
- It was….. Different.
Brock replies. Looking at Jack, as to make sure he doesn't hurt his feelings.
- Were you… I mean…. Did you penetrate her?
You're usually pretty open about your sexuality, but this situation makes you nervous. And you feel that you should use nice words.
- I was inside of her, yes!
Brock replies, with a little smile.
Jack gets up, and you can almost feel Brock tense up. They're sweet. Not wanting to hurt each other's feelings. Maybe they are just as nervous as you are.
- Let's move this into the bedroom!
Jack says, offering you a hand. You take it, and at the same time, you feel Brock taking your other hand; before they both guide you into the bedroom.
You sit down on the bed, Jack and Brock do the same. Then you nervously drum your fingertips together. Jack places his hand on your shoulder; gently and carefully put a bit of pressure on it.
- Why don't you lie down?
He tells you, and you do. Lie down on your back, with Jack on one side, and Brock on the other.
- Want to tell us what you like?
Jack asks, placing a kiss on your neck.
- Mmmmm.. That!
You answer, surprised about how good this actually feels. You move your head, to give Jack better access to your neck. Brock slips his arms around you, lifting you up in a sitting position, leaning your back against him; you can feel him taking off his shirt. Jack keeps kissing your neck, and you can feel your lower belly clenching, and your wetness flowing.
You can't take it any longer, you grab your shirt, getting it off you. Brock opens the clip on your bra, and before you know it, you're down on your back again; Jack and Brock softly playing with your breasts. You close your eyes, as they both let their lips touch your skin.
- Mmmmm… Ahhh..
You let out a breathless sigh as you feel two pairs of hands caressing your body. Your head lolls back, eyes slipping close, surrendering yourself to their touch. Someone’s hands, you can't tell now, are massaging your breasts as the other slides into your skirt, cupping your sex. You whimper as lips press into your neck and teeth tease the sensitive skin at your pulse.
- You like this?
Brock husks into your skin.
- I think she does, baby; she's so wet
Jack chuckles roughly.
- Mmmm huh...
You answer, afraid to speak, afraid your voice would give out.
You get lost in the sensation of hands and lips touching, caressing, licking, and sucking. Your blood is buzzing in your ears, making you feel dizzy. It's almost too much; it's intoxicating being between them.
Their lips leave your body, and you frown slightly at the lack of attention. Brock’s hand on your breast starts massaging again as Jack’s finger rubs your clothed cunt; you open your eyes, blinking through the lusty haze.
They lean into each other, lips pressed together in a sweet kiss; Brock licks along the seam of Jack’s lips. The blonde whimpers opening up for his husband as Brock dips his tongue in tasting the other man. The kiss turns dirty and fierce; it's hands down one of the sexiest things you've ever witnessed. Jack’s finger presses hard against you; you buck your hips feeling wonderful pressure against your swollen pussy. You bite your lip, moaning as you continue to watch.
- Want to join in?
Jack asks. You can feel your heart beating rapidly in your chest.
- Mmmhmm..
You reply; before your lips meet theirs. Holy shit! This is amazing. Their tongues gliding over yours, your tongue between theirs. Soft, wet, sexy. You feel the need to open your eyes, to watch this unfold; but it just feels too damn good.
Hands roaming over your body, soft moans escaping all three of you. Your bodies rubbing together, grinding against each other.
- Ngsh.. Fuck!
You breathe out, as Jack's fingers slip into your underwear, and glides down your wet folds.
- Want to taste her, sweetheart?
Brock husks, removes the rest of his clothes; as Jack removes yours, as well as his own.
- You ok, with being on all fours?
Jack asks you, with a playful, yet lustful smile. He doesn't have to ask twice. That is one of your favorite positions. If the angle of the guy is correct, this is the best way to do it. At least orgasm wise. You arch your back as best you can, to give Brock better access to you. You don't know how many times he's done this. Hell, you don't even know if he ever penetrated Jack. Do gay men actually do that, or is that just something people tend to think?
You don't get to finish that line of thoughts at all; before Brock enters you. Slow and careful, and Jack lies down and crawls under you. Aligning his face with your pussy, looking up on Brock penetrating you. Fuck! This is hot. You always thought Brock was hot. But he was gay, so you never thought about him this way. And Jack, well Jack had been your best friend for the last 20 years or so. You NEVER thought about him like this. Not until now. Jack is undoubtedly hot. And his cock, standing proud, right here in front of your face. It's beautiful.
- Like what you see, sweetheart?
Brock breathes out behind you, slowly, agonizingly slowly moving.
- Oh, yes, baby! Fuck, yes!
Jack answers under you. You can feel his breath on you. Fuck, how you want to hear him moan. Hear them both moan.
You slowly lean down, careful not to move too fast, so you'll lose the feeling of Brock inside you, massaging your walls with every agonizingly slow movement. You let your tongue glide over Jack's erection. Slowly from base to tip, before you swirl your tongue around his tip. The taste of preecum hits your tastebuds right away. You slowly lick your lips.
- Yes, Angel! You do that! Taste him!
Brock's voice behind you. Horny as fuck. And you don't blame him. This feels like sex herione, and you're unsure if you can live with doing this only this one time. You carefully close your lips around Jack, before you slowly start to bob your head.
- Oh, fuck!
Jack moans under you; as he moves one of his hands up between your legs, letting it glide over you; before he focuses on Brock's balls, caressing them.
- Shit, sweetheart! Oh, fuck!
Brock moans, thrusting harder.
- Want to taste her, Jack, Sweetheart?
Brock continues, letting one of his hands glide up your back.
- Oh, yes baby, please!
Jack answers, and Brock pulls out of you; still keeping his hand on your back. You feel Jack adjusting under you, and even if you can't see; you know that Jack is tasting you off Brock. Fuck you need to see this. You move slowly, careful not to ruin the sight you're about to see. You turn around, and your eyes meet Brock's; before you move them further South.
Screw the kiss, this is by far the sexiest thing you've EVER witnessed. Jack on his back, swallowing Brock's cock down like he was starved for it. Like you're hypnotized by your two best friends pleasing each other; you move closer.
- Oh, fuck, sweetheart.. Feels so good..
Brock moans out, as he reaches out for you, gently grabbing some of your hair, bringing your face up to his; devouring your lips in a filthy kiss. Moaning into your mouth, as Jack keeps taking him down.
You can't help but open your eyes, and look down on Jack. You can't even begin to describe how sexy this is. It's better than any porn you've ever seen.
- Fuck..
You silently breathe out.
- Yeah… You like that, Angel?
Brock asks you. You move your hands down his upper body, until you feel Jack's face.
- Want a taste?
Brock continues; without even answering, you sink down, letting your tongue glide around the parts of Brock's cock, that aren't inside Jack's mouth. You're more turned on than you have ever been before. You can almost feel your juices pouring out of you.
Brock gestures for you to get on top of Jack. You carefully do so. But when you're about to sit down on him, you remember that Jack told you he'd never been with a girl before. Is he a virgin? At least penetration wise. Asking that question now, will surely ruin everything. So instead of asking, you decide on being careful. Gently grabbing Jack's cock, guiding it to your entrance. The second the fat head breaches you, Jack makes a sound from the back of his throat. Sounds like a good sound. But you still tense up a bit.
Brock slowly pulls away from Jack; before he leans down for yet another filthy kiss. You slowly let yourself sink further down on Jack, slowly and carefully, until you're fully seated.
- Fuck, Angel!
Jack breathes out, letting his hands glide up your thighs.
- Yeah? You like this?
You ask, rolling your hips.
- Oh, fuck, Angel. So soft!
Jack moans. You love this. Him moaning, Brock watching, as he strokes his fat cock. You start to move more aggressively. And wiggle your hips a bit, in the hopes that Jack'll hit that sweet sensitive spot inside.
- Ahhh, ahhh.. Shit, fuck!
Jack almost screams the words. Then he plants his feet down on the mattress, grabbing your hips, and starts to fuck up into you. You let out a breathless moan, as you almost fall forward; meeting Jack's lips in a needy kiss.
- Need to taste you baby!
Jack moans out; then he once again takes Brock's cock down, as he keeps fucking up into you. You can't possibly hold this. The sight of Jack sucking Brock like this, and the sensation of him fucking up into you.
- Ahhhh.. Fuck me!
You scream out; before you take part in the lip, tongue and mouth work on Brock's cock. You're so turned on, you need to feel something rubbing against your swollen kissed lips.
- Oh, fuck, Sweetheart! Let her taste me! Do it together!
Brock breathes out over your head. You feel the urge to look up at him. But what you're doing feels too good, so you continue. Letting your tongue glide up and down Brock's shaft, occasionally Brushing over Jack's tongue. Fucking hell, this is it. You're going to cum, and you're going to cum hard. You can feel it in your entire body.
- Oh, fuck, shit.. Fisskh..
Jack moans, as he thrusts into you, in an unsteady rhythm, grabbing your hips with his big strong hands. You squeeze your legs around him, your whole body is shaking. Your pussy spasming around his fat cock.
- Oh, fuck Angel! Gonna cum!
Jack moans out, before Brock steals the sound from his lips. The sight of them kissing, the feeling of Jack's last deep thrusts inside, before he paints your walls, the sound of Jack moaning into Brock's mouth. It all pushes you over the edge. And you let pleasure take over. You almost lose your balance, your body sways forward; lost in euphoria. Brock's strong arms prevent you from falling all the way down.
You untangle yourself from Jack; lie down on your back. Brock comes over to you; let his hands glide from your ankles up to your knees, then he spreads your legs seductively. Leaning down; giving you a long, torturously slow lick.
- Oh, fuck! Brock!
You moan; your head lolls back, your hands grabbing the sheets.
- I can taste you on her, Sweetheart!
Brock tells Jack.
- You're so fucking sexy right now, baby!
Jack replies, before leaning into your neck; breathing into it.
- Ungh…
You breathe out, when you feel Brock's tongue glide over you again.
- Sweetheart!?
Brock murmurs into your pussy; calling for his husband. Jack plants a kiss on your lips, before moving down between your legs; joining his husband.
- Fuck Baby, look at you!
Jack breathes out, looking down on Brock's tongue gliding over your most sensitive spot.
You let out a shaking breath. Just thinking about the two of them looking at you like this, makes you belly clench. You buck your hips. Almost desperate to feel more. Your eyes closed, to magnify your other senses.
They both have their tongues on you now. Tasting you, occasionally bumping into each other.
- Ahh.. Fuck! YES!
You moan!
You feel Brock moving, sitting up between your legs. Jack's tongue glides over your clit. Followed by The tip of Brock's cock, gliding down through your folds.
- Please!
You whine. Putting your hand on Jack's head.
- Oh, baby, she likes it!
Jack says, letting his tongue glide over you again.
- Yeah? You like this, Angel?
Brock asks you, simultaneously teasing your entrance.
- Yes!
You breathe out, bucking your hips. Desperate to feel him breach you; when the fat head of his cock starts to stretch you out you move your hands up to your breasts. Carefully pinching your already peaking nipples.
- Oh fuck, yes!
You moan, arching your back as you feel Jack's lips moving up your stomach. Before he sits up, give his growing cock a couple of strokes; then he settles on the side of your face, as he keeps stroking himself, slowly.
- Ahhh, ahh..
Brock breathes out, when you clench your muscles around him. This whole situation is so hot, that you're afraid you'll finish too soon.
- Fuck Angel! YES! Taste him for me!
Brock moans again. And you grab Jack, before you close your lips around him.
You feel like you're levitating off the bed. Fuck. Both of them, enjoying both you and each other. It's the most intense thing you've ever experienced.
- Oh, yes.. Baby!
Jack moans out, slowly pulling out of your mouth, before Brock leans in for a kiss. You're almost out of breath already, and the kiss steals more air from your longues. You close your eyes again, take a deep breath. Telling yourself that this is real.
When you open your eyes again, you're looking straight up at Brock, swallowing Jack's cock down; as he keeps pounding into you with renewed force. Holy fuck, how enormeously sexy this is. You can't help it, you need to join in on this. You lift your hand up, letting it glide over Jack's balls, before you lift your head, and let your lips and tongue touch them.
- Yes! Fuck, Angel!
Jack moans out, almost desperate. And you can feel his balls drawing up. Oh, holy fuck. Is he going to cum? You so want to see this. But you're ripped out of the beautiful sight when Brock's cock hits that delicious spot inside you.
- Nghssk…
You almost scream, before you lift your legs up, and wrap them around Brock, pushing him in, as deep as he goes. Your eyes closed, you're totally wrapped up in feeling this. Your desperate moans almost sound like screams.
A couple of hard thrusts inside you, and Brock leans into you. Whispering into your skin.
- Ahhh.. Oh…. Fuck, Angel. You're amazing!
You slowly open your eyes. Brock is still on top of you. Breathing heavily, just like you. Jack lies on his side next to you, looking at you, smiling.
- You're beautiful, Angel. You know that?
Jack tells you, letting his hand brush over your hair. You send your friend a smile. You both know that you just took your friendship to a new level. Nothing could ever ruin the friendship between you. But this sure is something new. Not only did you sleep with him, you also slept with his husband, and you watched them have sex as well. You can't get over how incredibly sexy THAT was.
Brock carefully untangles himself from you, rolls over to his side next to you. Placing his hand on your stomach, Jack does the same. You look at them.
- You really, really want a baby, don't you?
You ask, feeling the responsibility of actually getting pregnant, and carrying the baby to term dawn on you.
- Yes, Angel, we really, really want a baby. But…
Jack replies, and you know that look he has in his eyes, so you cut him off.
- No, Jack. Don't think like that. I'll do this for as many times as it takes to get this right.
You tell him, lifting your hand up to his face.
- Ok, Jack? I have no problems with this.
You tell him, and then you feel Brock's arm sliding around your waist.
- Good, because we wanted to run something by you.
He says, getting a nervous "Really? Now?" Look from his husband.
- Ok?
You reply, turning your head towards Brock.
- We want you to be the mom!
Brock tells you. You open your mouth to reply that you already said yes to that. But Brock continues, stopping you, before you even get a word out.
- We want you to BE the mom. We want the little one to know that you are the mom. We don't want to use formula, and we want you to be part of the baby's life. Every day!
Brock says, swallowing nervously, when he's done.
- What does that mean?
You ask, looking at them both.
- I don't think it's healthy for any child to have two different homes. I'm so…
Again you're being cut off. This time by Jack.
- We want you to move in here. We have a room for you, and plenty of space. We love you. And it will make it easier for everyone.
Jack gives you a "please say yes look".
- And then you can move out of the shithole of a rental you have. You live on the fourth floor, and you don't even have an elevator. How are you supposed to walk those stairs when you're this big?
Jack gestures with his hands how big you're going to get.
- Are you serious? Why didn't you say this right away?
You ask, looking at them.
- I'm not mad. I'm just surprised!
You add, when you see the look on their faces.
- So…. What do you say?
Jack asks, giving his husband a quick glance. With the way he's looking at you, and the way you can almost feel Brock's nervousness behind you. You know what is the right thing to do here.
- Yes, ok.. I'll move in.
You say, giving Jack a little smile, and then his whole face lights up, almost the same way it did when he told you he'd met Brock.
Brock lifts himself up on his forearms, leans over you; giving you a quick kiss on the cheek, then he gets up.
- Ok. I'm gonna pour you a bath. And while you're in there, resting up. I'm gonna whip up some late night snacks for us.
They're like two five year olds on Christmas morning. You can't help but smile at them. Your two best friends, and you, and hopefully a baby, when that time comes. How many times will it take, to get this right? Will you continue this after? Was it as good for them as it was for you? It obviously didn't ruin anything, because you're moving into their home. This wasn't exactly how you'd picture how it'd go down, when you thought about becoming a mom. But to be perfectly honest, this is the best way. It'll be perfect. You know it will.
@nekoannie-chan @bat-mar @late-to-the-party-81 @here4thefanfics @rip1009 @there-goes-thefighter @differenttyphoonwerewolf @saiyanprincessswanie @ladysif8 @the-ero-writer
Check out My Frank Grillo Masterlist HERE!
#brock rumlow#rumlow#rumlowfiction#rumlowsmut#rumlowxreader#tumblr writing society#fanfiction#jack rollins#jack rollins x reader#jack rollins smut#hydra husbands#hydra husbands summer challenge 2023
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Hi! I’m Clay!
My other intro post wasn’t unhinged enough, so I’m making a new one!
Important notes!
I WILL NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES TALK ABOUT POLITICS OR RELIGION. I’m a fandom, music and fanfic ONLY blog. If you’re a minor, you can interact with me, just be aware that I do make NSFW jokes and frequently reblog smutty fanfics. So don’t read those. (It’s not like I can stop you, I’m not your parents. But if you do read them, that’s all on you.)
With that out of the way, go and follow my closest moots! (I love you all, these are just the ones I feel I’m closest to. This list is subject to addition (because I ain’t perfect and I accidentally forget people. Also if you want me to take you off this list, let me know.)
@there-goes-thefighter @mini-rollins @alyyaanna @edgessunflower
Please check out my Meet my OCs and check out my Masterlists!
Meet my OCs! (This is still in progress, haven’t finished making all of them yet.) Masterlist One!
Masterlist Two!
Specialty tags!
2004 Randy Orton: Cutie Patootie🥰
2009 Randy Orton: Unhinged Viper Daddy🐍
Present-day Randy Orton: Viper Daddy💚🐍
Cody Rhodes: My Angel🤍
Seth Rollins: Crazy Vampire❤️
Drew Mcintyre: My favorite Scotsman💙
Damian Priest: Vampire King💜
Roman Reigns: My favorite loser (Affectionate)🩶
Edge/Cope: SpearMaster🔱
AJ Styles: My Werewolf🩵
Darby Allin: SkellyBoy🖤
Dean Winchester: My hunter💕
Jack Kline: Sweet Nephilim🩷
Aaron Warner: Dark Book Boyfriend🖤🖤
Nick Torres: fav agent🫶
Dwight Hendrickson: Chief💛
Duke Crocker: Grey Gull🩶🩶
Johnny “Soap” McTavish: 141 baby🧼
John Reese: chaotic boyfriend🫶🫶
Root and Shaw: chaotic besties👯♀️
Thirsty Clay
Clay needs help
Clay speaks
Clay rants
Angry Clay
Play a game with Clay
Clay answers asks!
Clay’s moots!
Clay’s music tastes
Clay likes things other than wrestling
Clay’s OCs.
Meet Clay’s OCs
Luna Nightingale
Cora Callahan
Celestia Sky
Here’s some fun facts about me!
My favorite songs are as follows:
Psycho In My Head- Skillet. (2023)
Dreaming Of Eden- Skillet (2019)
Collide- Skillet (2003)
Assorted songs from skillet’s “Rise” album (2013)
Almost the entire Revolution album by Skillet (2024)
Boulevard Of Broken Dreams- Green Day (2004)
IF IT DOESN’T HURT- Nothing More (2024)
HOUSE ON SAND- Nothing More (2024
Hope it Haunts You- Citizen Soldier (2020)
Make Hate To Me- Citizen Soldier (2020)
When Legends Rise- Godsmack (2018)
End Of Me- Ashes Remain (2011)
Somebody-Memphis May Fire (2021)
Favorite shows: WWE
person of interest (2011-2016)
and Supernatural (2005-2020)
Haven (2010-2015)
Other assorted random facts!
I went to the 2023 Royal Rumble that was held in San Antonio, TX.
I’m a southern gal!
I’m ADHD and tend to hyperfixate on things and people and at the moment, I’m hyperfixated on Randy Orton and Edge!
My fics are on wattpad ONLY and are generally 18+ due to dark themes (kidnapping, violence etc) on my main acc BabySquishy0218 and pure smut on my second account WWEgirl24
I’m your local insomniac, and I’m usually up till 2:00-2:30 AM as such, asks and DM’s are always open I’d love to hear from you and there are only two rules for both. As I mentioned, I don’t talk about politics so no asks or DM’s about politics and/or religion and if I receive an ask or DM about these topics I will delete it immediately and if a person continues to send such messages to me, unfortunately, I will have to block them. As for the second rule, please be kind! Allow me to add a side note, if you ask me why I don’t want to talk about politics/religion I will gladly answer that question. Please respect my boundaries. I do not want to block anyone, but this is my safe space and if anyone continues to violate my boundaries after I have politely communicated them, I will have to block them. I love you all, and I hope that we can have fun thirsting over men!
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Olive Branch
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/L8EDYON by thejnfs The cross over of the century ft smut, gays, action, superhero’s and more Words: 171, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Captain America - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, Supernatural (TV 2005), Venom (Marvel Movies), Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Clint Barton, Yelena Belova, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Brock Rumlow, Jack Rollins, Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Park Jimin (BTS), Venom Symbiote (Marvel), Eddie Brock, Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester Relationships: Eddie Brock/Tony Stark/Venom Symbiote, Tony Stark/Venom Symbiote, Eddie Brock/Venom Symbiote, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Female Character(s), Peter Parker/Tony Stark, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, James "Bucky" Barnes/Brock Rumlow, Jack Rollins/Brock Rumlow, Steve Rogers/Brock Rumlow, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Brock Rumlow, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley/Tommy Kinard read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/L8EDYON
#Bucky#Captain America#Winter Soldier#Sam Wilson#James Barnes#Falcon#SamBucky#BuckySam#IFTTT#ao3feed
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I'll Wait For You
Character: Jack Rollins
Warning: A little Sad, reference to smut.
Note: This shot was born from a writing challenge by @nekoannie-chan whom I thank for translating it into English. It will also be published on my Wattpad. The english version will be exclusive for Tumblr.
Phrase: "We are not murderers, but we're not angels either" Song: Don't you see by Zard. "That's because I'm afraid of getting hurt", "Don't you see", "Even though I ask and pray for miracles and memories"
In one of New York’s parks, a couple of kids were walking around, each going their separate ways until they inevitably bumped into each other.
—So, you’re not from around here, are you? — asks the boy without taking his eyes off you.
—No, we just arrived, I am... — you heard your mother’s call—Oops, I have to go! — you got closer to the boy while taking off your bracelet — I’m Y/N — you told him your name even though you knew you shouldn’t, — Just Y/N — you smiled sweetly as you put on your bracelet. Your mother called you back— I’ll wait for you here next time — and you started to run in your mother’s direction.
—I’m Jack Rollins — he yells at you as you run away.
As you lost sight of him, Jack looks at the bracelet more closely, a Tous bracelet, with a silver pearl. He understood that this was a promise that you would see each other again.
Several days passed since their first and only meeting, Jack went on multiple occasions to the park where he would spend hours before returning home. Despite his best efforts, he never saw you again.
16 years later
Despite the time that had passed, Jack had not forgotten you, deep down he still hoped to meet you, to be able to recognize you just by looking at you even though you were already an adult like him, that simple idea could have kept him entertained for hours.
—We have a mission — Brock reported, bursting into his office.
—What did I tell you about no knocking?
—We’re meeting with an informant — Brock continues speaking, ignoring his friend’s question. who is also a black-market trader, it looks like we’ll take care of making a deal with her.
—Is the mission HYDRA or S.H.I.E.L.D?
—Both, the information is for SHIELDRA, but the weapons are for HYDRA.
This type of mission was not strange for them, on multiple occasions they performed missions for both sides, although of course, S.H.I.E.L.D. didn’t know everything.
—Here is the file with the information, we leave in a few hours — he hands him the file and then leaves.
Jack takes the file to review it, and as soon as he opens it, he is perplexed by the woman in the image. He is not sure if his mind is playing a bad joke on him or if it is really you.
The resemblance was undeniable, but curiously your real name was not in the file, only names you usually use, your alias and what caught his attention the most, your relationship with the Mercury Clan.
The Mercury Clan was a clan of informants and black-market dealers that have helped both HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D. since its inception, in a neutral way, which they continued to do to this day, as very few of their members knew about HYDRA and continued to keep it a secret.
Which they continued to do to this day, as very few of their members knew about HYDRA and continued to keep it a secret.
Jack runs up his sleeve to uncover the bracelet you gave him, already a bit worn due to the years, but still in good condition.
“Will she really be her, will she remember me, if she’s from the Mercury Clan...why wouldn’t she...? No, first I have to make sure it’s really her”
The agreed-upon place was a rustic-style outdoor bar — very nice, actually. It wasn’t long before they found you. Jack saw you at the bar, sitting at the bar with your drink and an elegant black dress.
—Let me come over first; maybe it will make everything easier — Jack asked. Though the request was strange, Brock didn’t refuse.
Jack fought his nerves as he approached where you are. After taking a seat right next to you, he ordered a drink. You looked at him out of the corner of your eye; he looked familiar, but for the moment, you had to wait for S.H.I.E.L.D., so you would worry about him later. The bartender hands Jack his drink, and he finally decides to speak before taking a sip.
—Just Y/N, right? — he said, however, to threaten him, you immediately turned to see him after hearing your name, but something stopped you, you managed to see his bracelet as the sleeve didn’t cover it much because of the position it was in. You’re not from around here, are you?
—Jack? — you asked, he nodded, and both of our hearts started beating like you never had before.
—I know it’s been a long time — he interrupted.
—16 years, in fact — you said, he nodded.
—But, I’m the one you were going to meet.
—Aren’t you supposed to come with someone? — I was informed that there would be two people — you questioned confused.
—Right, I’ll call Brock in a momento — Jack mentally smacked himself, completely forgetting about Brock. You both stood up to go to a farther place, Jack motioned to Brock.
—Let’s go on like nothing — I’ll look for you after this, and this time, I’m going to find you, Jack.
—Don’t you remember my surname? — he asked, noticing you were waiting for him to say his surname. You laughed softly in response.
—You told me that while I was running, I only managed to hear your name; even so, I looked for you like a crazy person when I grew up — you admitted, to which he smiled wider.
—Jack Rollins, I’ll wait for you, but don’t make me wait another 16 years — you bot laughed at his joke.
—What about him? — you asked, Jack, turns in confusion to find Brock, giving a muffled, barely audible scream. I imagine he’s your partner — Jack nods.
After introducing yourselves and moving away from the people, the three of you started your work. The mission was a success. Jack and Brock returned to the city, but something wasn’t right; there was no sign of you after the bar, but Jack still has faith that he will see you again.
As soon as he enters his apartment, the smell of food enters his nostrils, putting him on alert. Without making a sound, he pulls out his gun and goes to the kitchen, but not before he can peek out.
—I know you’ve already arrived — you say, Jack is startled to hear your voice and comes out of hiding, not believing that it’s really you, who is now on his back cooking. I heard you when you opened the door.
—How did you get in here?
"I have my tricks," you turned off the stove to look at him, "and I told you I'd find you this time, didn't I?" You smiled mischievously. We have a lot to talk about, Jack Rollins.
And that was just the beginning. It didn’t take long for your relationship to evolve into something more than a friendship. Unfortunately, a few weeks later you had to leave New York, your job prevented you from staying in one place for too long.
—I’ll be back — you assured him. You lay down on his bare chest. It’ll only be a couple of days and I’ll be back... or you could come with me.
—I doubt that will happen — he replies despondently. Leaving HYDRA wouldn’t be easy.
—In case you don’t remember, the Mercury Clan is respected by S.H.I.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA — you mention, Jack stands up a little in surprise, holding you by the back.
—You know about...?
—From the beginning, honey, but don’t worry, his secret is always safe with us — the idea of you knowing about HYDRA had already crossed his mind, but he never dared to confirm it or broach the subject; he didn’t want to take any risks.
—Can I ask a question? Why are you still keeping the HYDRA secret?
—Very simple, money and an infinite amount of information about the government, organizations and everything in general. You’d be surprised how much happens in a single day.
—Is there anything else I should know? — at his question you force his chest, to forcé him to lie down.
—That’s not for free — the lust is noticeable in your voice — I have a couple of hours before I leave — you both looked at each other with complicity to kiss and take advantage of the hours you still had left.
Their long-distance relationship was not easy at the beginning; you were almost always busy with work, especially since you were traveling almost all the time, but with time you managed to find a way to carry their relationship. Jack told Brock about your relationship a few months into it.
You could say that you became the informant and personal salesperson for both of you, and Jack was in charge of the payment.
Over the years, on several occasions, you proposed to Jack and Brock to join your clan; both always refused. HYDRA indeed has respect for the Mercury Clan, but the fear that HYDRA would rise against your clan was always present, even though you assured them that it would not be a real problem.
But, the real problems started to arrive with the discovery of Captain America, as well as the god who fell in New Mexico, also the scientist who turns into a green creature and the billionaire with his metal suit and thousands of weapons who to top it all off was part of the Avengers initiative along with two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.
Things changed from one moment to the next at HYDRA. It became more complicated to deal with superiors.
—Come with us, come with me; let me protect you — you begged Jack. Who had just arrived at his apartment, taking him by surprise.
—You know I can’t, especially not now with what they’re planning with the helicopters; if we run now, they’ll kill us all.
—I’m aware of that, Jack! "
—Then why do you insist that I run away with you when things are getting worse and we could both end up dead?!
—That’s because I’m afraid of getting hurt! — Jack was speechless — Don’t you see? Even though I ask and pray for miracles and memories, you’re not willing to take that step. Despite everything we went through, you’re still hesitating?
—How do you know that nothing will go wrong? — his voice was full of fear. You approached him and placed your hands on his face.
—We are not assassins, but we are not angels either... my father and our leader made a deal with Pierce, we will be fine, just... come with me — silence took over the room.
—Could you give me a few days? — you felt as if a bucket of cold water had fallen on you. Let me solve some things — You looked at him surprised; because of his question, you thought he would want time to think about it. " As soon as I solve them, we can leave, I promise.
—I’ll wait for you, I promise
You sealed their promise with a kiss. But he couldn’t keep his promise, things didn’t go the way he expected no one expected this whole mess to happen.
HYDRA’s existence was revealed, as were its secrets and those of S.H.I.E.L.D., not to mention the destruction of the Helicarrier and the Triskelion. Many HYDRA members managed to escape or were either killed or captured, to Jack’s fortune or misfortune, he was among those captured.
—Mr Rollins, it is time for your transfer to Raft Prison — reports the guard, opening Jack’s cell.
He didn’t give any resistance, there was no reason to fight anymore, the guilt of not having fulfilled what he swore to you was eating him, he had no idea where you were and the only thing he knew about Brock was that he was in the hospital.
He was taken on one of the jets along with other prisoners. Everyone was silent; no one said anything. Suddenly, one of the guards attacked the other two with electric darts, knocking them unconscious.
Most of the prisoners began to celebrate, but others were not sure if this was a good or bad thing.
—We can now go to the real destination — the pilot reported — Release him! — the guard immediately approaches Jack and releases him, who is stunned by the situation and unsure of what is going on.
—Hey, what about us? — one of the prisoners exclaims.
—The lady only ordered us to release him." Be satisfied with not going to prison for the time being.
—Hold on, we’re going to land — reports the pilot, but before Jack can ask, he looks out the windshield to see where you are and is stunned when his gaze meet yours. Both of their breaths became agitated.
As soon as the jet came to a complete stop on the ground, you both approached the back of the jet and as soon as the hatch opened, Jack shot out to meet you again. You hugged each other tightly without hurting the other, almost in tears, you thought you would never see each other again.
—How did you...?
—It doesn’t matter — you pulled away from him and took his hand in which you placed his bracelet — I couldn’t wait for you any longer — you both laughed at your comment. Then Jack kissed your hand.
—Neither could I.
—Come — you took his hand with both of yours and started walking. It’s time to go home, your friend will be here in a few days.
—Brock? — He sounded surprised, and you just nodded.
Maybe it didn’t seem like a big change to go from HYDRA to a clan of informants and black-market traders, but in reality, it was, at least for him, because, as strange as it may seem, for the first time in a long time, he felt free, and all thanks to you.
#Jack Rollins#Jack Rollins X Reader#fanfic#marvel#brock rumlow#Annie’s 1K Kitties Writing Challenge#Annie’s1KKittiesWritingChallenge#Sad#Little smut#Smut#writing challenge#marvel writing challenge
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Play It Right
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/oXBxyZF by Tiger_Niki "You aren’t exactly subtle, Brock. You’ve been dry humping Captain America in the SHIELD gym for weeks now. And I have no idea what you were doing yesterday apart from getting blackout drunk. You coulda spent the whole day screaming Winter’s real name on the White House front lawn for all I know.” During his time with HYDRA, Brock was trained not to ask questions - but things aren't adding up. Who is the Winter Soldier, really? While attempting to juggle his bond to the Asset and his commitment to Pack Leader Pierce, new Alpha Steve Rogers showing up makes Brock's life even more complicated. Smut starts in Chapter 2. Words: 3459, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 8 of Broken Pieces and Unbreakable Bonds Fandoms: Captain America (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Brock Rumlow, Alexander Pierce, James "Bucky" Barnes, Jack Rollins Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Brock Rumlow, Jack Rollins/Brock Rumlow Additional Tags: Alpha/Omega, submission knotting, Betas Aren't Boring, Jack Rollins - Freeform, HYDRA Husbands, winterbones - Freeform, Alpha Brock Rumlow, Hydra, Bonding, Discord: WinterBaron, WinterBaronBones, No mpreg read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/oXBxyZF
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- smut, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, kinks (as long as they don’t fall under my “do not write” list)
- i only write for the stuff listed below, i don’t do anything with oc’s or “x reader”
- my hc’s include different universes. some of these universes involve trans characters (ftm & mtf, mainly kenny, matt, and nick)
- all the characters i write for, i hc bisexual or gay. i also sometimes will hc pronouns for each person.
- my default for writing nick is trans (ftm) nick. i write it to where what he’s working with below, does not match his appearance (aka, he has a 😻). if you were to request a story with nick and DID NOT want the default, please put that in a note.
- my default hc for jackmatt is trans matt with jack, aka matt having a 😻. i also hc matt being jack’s sugar mommy and jack having a mommy k!nk.
- i hc matt and kenny as feminine. i use feminine praise and feminine nicknames for them.
- i hc mox, hangman, and eddie as tops. kenny, matt, and nick as bottoms. jack and cody as switches.
- adding to that, i have certain ship dynamics. if i write hangmox, mox will top. if i write kennymatt, it depends on who fits more as the top in the scenario. with jackmatt, i picture matt as a power bottom. there would be rare times where matt might peg jack. with codynick, i see nick as a power bottom. i picture many times where nick would peg cody.
- hangmatt (hangman adam page x matt jackson)
- jackmatt (jack perry x matt jackson)
- moxmatt (jon moxley x matt jackson)
- kennymox (kenny omega x jon moxley)
- kennymatt (kenny omega x matt jackson)
- golden lovers (kenny omega x kota ibushi)
- hangkenny (hangman adam page x kenny omega)
- hangmox (hangman adam page x jon moxley)
- hangnick (hangman adam page x nick jackson)
- eddienick (eddie kingston x nick jackson)
- okadanick (kazuchika okada x nick jackson)
- codynick (cody rhodes x nick jackson)
- matt jackson & nick jackson (PLATONIC ONLY!)
- mox/golden lovers (jon moxley x kenny omega x kota ibushi)
- the elite (kenny omega x matt jackson & nick jackson)
- mox/hangmatt (jon moxley x hangman adam page x matt jackson)
- hangmatt/kenny (hangman adam page x matt jackson x kenny omega)
- hungbucks (hangman adam page x matt jackson & nick jackson)
- eddienick/okada (eddie kingston x nick jackson x kazuchika okada)
- hangmatt/jack (hangman adam page x matt jackson x jack perry)
- jackmatt/hook (matt jackson x jack perry x hook)
- moxmatt/seth (jon moxley x matt jackson x seth rollins)
- rape/consensual non-consent
- incest
- pedophilia
- omegaverse / furry
- bodily fluids (note: cum and blood are okay!)
- anything m!preg
- anything with shoot names
- anything “x reader”
#writing#fanfiction#aew fanfiction#headcanon#aew#all elite wrestling#hangmatt#jackmatt#moxmatt#kennymox#kennymatt#golden lovers#hangkenny#hangmox#hangnick#eddienick#okadanick#codynick#matt jackson#nick jackson#hangman adam page#kenny omega#jon moxley#kota ibushi#jack perry#eddie kingston#kazuchika okada#cody rhodes#the elite#hungbucks
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Not public
Title: Not public.
Fandom: Marvel, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Pairing: Jack Rollins X Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!Reader.
Rating: Teen.
Word count: 613 words.
Warnings: Secret relationship, mention not explicit of smut.
Summary: You and Jack fell in love.
A/N: This is my entry to multifandom-lover, Annie-1018 & square 3:
"Let me get this straight."
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish: Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter.
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @harrysthiccthighss @marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit
You held your breath a little and then let it out slowly. You had to control the nervousness you felt whenever Jack was around.
You knew what people used to think about him, but you also knew the other side Jack had.
It had all started with smiles, then silly jokes that were probably not funny at all, and then some innocent little outings to coffee shops and bars.
"Do you have anything to do tonight?" Jack asked.
"Watching some probably boring movie while having cereal for dinner," you answered.
No one suspected what was going on between you, so you were always very discreet.
"I have a better idea; I'll meet you at the usual place on the way out."
You smiled; maybe that night was finally going to happen. After you left the Triskelion, you walked a couple of blocks until you arrived outside the coffee shop where you always met. He was already there, and he immediately took you by the hand to help you get on the motorcycle.
To your surprise, he took you to the new theme restaurant that had opened in town. You were very surprised because you had tried many times to make a reservation without success; there were never places. When you asked him about how he had gotten there, his only answer was that he had contacts.
You ended up that night at his house. You had finally agreed to have a relationship, but you didn't want others to find out; you hated gossip.
"So, do you want to go to the beach next vacation?" Jack questioned.
"Just one more mission and we'll have a whole month off," you commented.
"You still haven't told me where you want us to go; I need to make reservations."
"The beach is fine; wherever it is, as long as it's with you, it's fine," you interrupted him.
"Come on, Y/N, you're taking away the fun and the romance... "
"Romantic? You're the one who doesn't want to kiss me in public or let people know about us," you teased.
"That was a mutual agreement."
"I like to make you angry; you look so sexy, so much that we could right now... "
You grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him closer to you. You started kissing him; the kisses were getting more and more intense until you heard the door open, and you separated immediately.
"Jack," Brock looked at Jack and then at you for several seconds, creating an awkward silence. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to interrupt."
You didn't know how to react either. Brock looked strangely frightened as if he had seen the most terrifying thing in his entire life. Jack caught up with him, and you went back to the office.
There, you began to explain to him everything that had happened in the last few months.
"Let me get this straight. You and Y/N have been in a relationship for over a year now." Brock was still feeling stunned; he didn't expect something like this. He suspected Jack was seeing someone, but he never expected it to be you.
"That's right," you confirmed.
"What's weird about it?" Jack asked although you didn't know if he was making fun.
"Nothing is just... "
"Jack doesn't have to tell you everything he does; you're his best friend, but he also likes to have privacy," you replied.
"Like you were going to have," Brock said as he raised his eyebrows.
"You should learn to knock," Jack complained.
"Just don't be late for the mission; I don't care what you do."
As soon as Brock left the office, you and Jack burst out laughing.
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Walking on shadows (I can't lead him back)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/VFwEtjf
by bucky_barnes_gf
Weapons don’t think. Weapons don’t remember. Weapons don’t feel. Weapons don’t look into blue eyes and think of saltwater and cigarettes. Weapons don’t hesitate to shoot a man because the slope of his cheekbones and the flush of his lips stirred a pathetic familiarity in his charred heart.
Words: 2488, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, Captain America (Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Alexander Pierce, Brock Rumlow, Jack Rollins, Hydra Agents
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Brainwashing, Gaslighting, Internal Monologue, Internal Conflict, Canon Compliant, Electrocution, HYDRA Trash Party, No Smut, Hurt No Comfort, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Pining, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Angst, No Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/VFwEtjf
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