#JZX thinks these siblings are so fucking annoying he hates them
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Wei Wuxian: -anyways, and now we turn to this area, which is nothing suspicious-
Jin Zixuan: *was convinced to bring Yanli to check out the Burial Mounds by the most annoying set of Yunmeng siblings to ever exist* Why does that hut have a sign that says ‘Corpse Storage’?
Wei Wuxian: :) that’s Wen Ning’s hut :)
Jiang Yanli: Aww, that’s cute.
Jiang Cheng: lmaoooo
Jin Zixuan: *is wondering how Yanli hid her gremlin side from the world so much, these siblings are so annoying he’s gonna throw rocks at them* That… nice…
#the grandmaster of demonic cultivation#the untamed#mdzs#incorrect mdzs#wei wuxian#incorrect untamed quotes#jiang yanli#jiang cheng#burial mounds#jin zixuan#JZX thinks these siblings are so fucking annoying he hates them#they’re all so feral and goblin shaped#he’s so in love with Yanli tho he’s fucking stuck with them#wwx went and made himself fully feral again and JZX is gonna ask NMJ how to un-feral him#he can’t bring wwx into the public like this and NMJ un-feraled MY so he knows things#they have to domesticate this bitch all over again this is gonna be like when jzx was 10 and wwx cried all the time#before he started calling jzx names and being rude. he just. cried at him#god this is gonna take a fucking hot second#JZX IS GONNA SAY A SLUR
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I am very boring and picky, so there are few things I've discovered I don't enjoy reading (at least, for now; people grow and change):
Becoming a fierce corpse. I think it's a terrible situation! You don't need to sleep, eat, heal and if it has positive aspects (you are super strong and lethal), what does life mean to you? What do you even enjoy? Fierce corpses are made of resentful energy, they are full of hatred and resentment; how do they feel? And when the resentment isn't there anymore, what would happen to them?
Being a demonic cultivator. In the novel Imo is quite clear how wwx is fucked up by the resentful energy (me looking at jzx's death), without considering the cultural contest. So, I would love a character who practices demonic cultivation and then spirals in madness and grief (yeah, the yling patriarch' downfall is my favorite arc), but I've seen writers going literally the opposite side, so, ugh.
Fixing everything. Why would you do that? Idk if it's born from the conviction that if someone has good intentions, then they will succeed and everything will be fine. Everyone in mdzs has good intentions! Everyone is trying their best with what they have! But that doesn't fix shit, instead it makes things even worse! And isn't it satisfying? Watching your character push to make things better and at the end finding themselves without nothing if not dead bodies and guilt? (yeah, I love the yling patriarch' arc lol)
What I find very annoying is the definition "they are so good, they can't hate anyone"... Mmmm, kind people are still people??? Hate isn't a synonym to bad, it's an emotion people can feel, regardless of their character/temper (for example I read a fic where wwx left without notice the jiang siblings and after 6 years he returned; jc was quite pissed while jyl embraced him without questions. I got the feeling that jyl didn't give a shit about wwx lmao, even if the author' intent wasn't it.) Hate is a feeling most of time born from pain! I would like to read a fic where a character doesn't hate to a fault, creating unhealthy relationships, but, again people go the opposite direction, so, ugh.
#Idk if it's a mdzs's things but people are quite strange lol#In particular when handling some characters#I know people spend a lot of time writing and I respect that#Without even considering that everyone filters things based on their life experiences etc...#But people have strange take about kind people#In particular about jyl#wn is very kind but he has shown how cruel he can be and how much resentment he feels!#Anyway this are only my stupid thoughts
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modern mdzs au where wei wuxian is a big name celebrity who gets cancelled due to his complicated relationship with the law (maybe he advocates for minority rights, like LGBT stuff, and the government isn’t cool with that?)
this got way longer than i intended it to be the rest will be under the cut
so instead of dealing with the pr nightmare he fucks off to some farm town where the only ones who know who he is are his two best friends from college, Wen Qing and Wen Ning. The Wen siblings had to move back home after college to help with their grandparents’ farm and Wen Qing decided to open a small clinic there while Wen Ning helps with the actual farm stuff.
So Wei Wuxian becomes a farmer in a town with a population of like 200 people.
but like, before going ghost he tweets something cryptic like “thank you for all the good times and sorry i wasn’t enough...” and so after a year or so of hearing nothing from or about wwx everyone assumes he died and it was covered up
wwx would still go visit his family during the holidays and important events like jin ling’s birthday but he would always make sure not to be seen
he thinks the sns posts that claim he’s dead are kinda funny (mostly due to inaccuracy of facts/assupmtions) he also has a folder full of memes about his death/disappearance that he sends to jiang cheng whenever jc gets mad at him
so after 13 years of being out of the spotlight he decides he wants to be closer to his family and move back, he assumes he’s changed enough in the 13 years to be mostly unrecognizable and as a precaution uses a fake name in public (Mo Xuanyu)
at some point, Mo Xuanyu, is introduced to Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji and he assume they don’t recognize him because they don’t react to meeting him. but it does seem like lwj is very interested in getting to know mo xuanyu.
which kinda pisses wwx off, he tried so hard in high school to get lwj to notice him and be his friend, and now he’s suddenly friendly. did lwj really hate him that much?
so after a few strictly platonic one-on-one outings with lwj (they platonically hold hands at the beach so neither gets pulled away by the waves) wwx is getting a little frustrated that lwj seems to refuse to call him by name, it’s always “you” or nothing
until the day that lwj drank some wine at family dinner, lwj obviously passes out and wwx offers to take him to the guest room so he can sleep it off
cue yanli commenting about how good of a boyfriend a-xian is being (and jc making a noise in loving disgust)
yanli’s comment plays over and over again in wwx as he’s carrying lwj upstairs. all he can think about is how much lwj would probably hate him if he found out that he had lied about who he was and was actually lwj’s annoying friend from high school
so he lays lwj down and tucks him in and, in a moment of weakness, he kisses lwj. lwj’s eyes flutter open and wwx is immediately ready for lwj to get mad at him and to say sorry
but instead drunken lwj pulls wwx in to cuddle and wwx is ready to assume this is because lwj’s drunk but figures he should enjoy it while he can
after awhile wwx moves to stand up and leave lwj to sleep but lwj pulls him closer and says the most shocking thing wwx has ever heard
“Wei Ying, stay.”
and so, wwx cuddles up to lwj with his heart bursting, lwj knew and still wanted to be close to him
cue post-drunken sleep shenanigans where wwx and lwj play like just dance or mario party with the fam (jyl, jzx, jl, jc, and lxc (because this is a xicheng au))
after that wwx offers to walk lwj home to make sure he gets there safe but after he’s tucked lwj in, lwj won’t let him leave. so wwx tells himself he’ll stay until lwj falls asleep and then leave but lwj is warm and his bed is soft. before wwx realizes it he jolted awake when lwj practically jumps out of bed when he wakes up in the morning.
cue that scene from the novel where wwx teases lwj by implying they drunken banged
and although they don’t talk about what happened that night they grow closer regardless
they go on a couple more definitely not-dates and then wei wuxian gets noticed by a fan, then a couple fans, and then suddenly #weiwuxianisntdead is trending on twitter, and then he doesn’t hear from lwj for days...
normally, it wouldn’t worry wwx too much, lwj didn’t really use his phone, but then he doesn’t come to family dinner. and when wwx ask lxc about it he says “lwj just thought you need sometime alone”
and now wwx is confused, he thought lwj already knew but maybe he didn’t actually? maybe lwj just mistook mxy for wwx while drunk but didn’t do that while sober?
when in reality lwj meant that he thought wwx would want time to sort out being thrust back into the limelight without dealing with his not-boyfriend
they end up spending more time apart than either expected since both were waiting for the other to be ready to come to them
but eventually jiang cheng is done with his brother’s emotional bs because not only does he hate watching wwx be so forlorn but he also has to deal with lwj as well (everytime jc wants to hang out with his bf lxc suggests they invite lwj along because “he needs to leave the house” and jc begrudgingly can’t say no)
so jc and lxc set up lunch with both wwx and lwj but don’t say the other is going to be there and then they bail as soon as they know lwj and wwx aren’t going to run away
insert sappy conversation where they admit all of their feelings and laugh at how stupid they’ve been then they hold hands and kiss and stuff
and they lived happily ever after. the end. :D
#mdzs#mdzs au#i've spent the last 3 hours writing this out#thank you hyper-fixation?#mdzs modern au#i actually kinda want to write the full thing nowm#but feel free to use this as inspiration if you want to write it#just link the fic back to me because i want to read it! lol
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Untamed rewatch Episode 7
Finally getting the first glimmers of Plot
-oh...lan yi didn’t even know bssr had disciples and her reaction when she learns who wwx is heartbreaking. the actress does a lot with very little I think.
-the show does that annoying thing where it lets you figure out the plot before the characters by showing you more information, so by the time the characters put everything together you’re like ugh get with the program. (this is about the yin iron making the puppets.)
-it’s kind of sad seeing them accept this Quest knowing they’ll inevitably fail. it makes the rest of the plot a little sharper. people really hate the yin iron as a device, and I understand why (see above), but there’s something to say for how the high fantasy tropes are set up and subverted in cql
-hey wen ning is a yin iron detector. I think those are the same fucked up contact lenses as the ones from Zixuan getting killed
-jc telling lwj his brother was worried about him is cute
-wq is so observant. Queen
-it’s cute how wwx tells his lie and then turns to lwj with this “we’re both in on the secret, i’ll back you up” smile. they really are so cute even early on in the drama
-I like the sound they use for the yin iron lol
-lwj looks so distressed to learn that his relatives knew about lan yi and didn’t tell him! that plants some seeds for him, I think
-aw lxc calls wwx smart. he is so fair and nice, I remember being convinced he was going to die tragically. and. well.
-wwx keeps their secret to nhs too (and him teasing nhs is fun). then he raises his eyebrows like “see, you can trust me!” like them having this Sworn Quest together is genuinely fun for their relationship
-the mere idea of wen chao and xue yang in a room together is hilarious to me now
-ooh, xy’s reaction when wrh tells him to go to the Chang clan. I think his “wish” was probably to be able to kill them with impunity and have wrh’s protection.
-Ah the lantern launching scene ;u;
-nhs’s wish is me when I was still in college
-jc’s crush continues. I like what it says about him that he’s impressed by wq wishing to protect her brother
-I love it every time yanli teases her shidi, it’s cute
-aw mianmian seems to think she’s doing a favor to both Zixuan and Yanli by bringing up their engagement. it’s not her fault jzx is such a huge disaster. sweet of her to try though
-hoo boy the first we see of wwx Trembling With Rage
-the whole conversation between the clan leaders here makes more sense when you know about Jiang fengmian’s relationship with his wife, especially since he specifically notes the troth was set up by madame yu. y i k e s.
-love jc jumping over the railing to talk to wwx
-oh I forgot about wwx sending the paperman to yanli. that’s so cute.
-I do wish jyl had lost her temper with wwx a little but it’s not in her nature. she says something like “my fate isn’t up to me”, and like...yeah, that’s true for girls in this society isn’t it, and for poor yanli in this narrative. she got done so dirty, in and out of the story.
-SIBLINGS SIBLINGS SIBLINGS SIBLINGS. they’re so fun together. also love wwx defending his friendship with lwj to his brother, like “oh, can’t I just think he’s cool?? it’s not weird! shut up!”
-wwx worrying over lwj is so precious too
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loose idea i’m too tired to develop but think is incredibly sexy:
qin su and jiggy hook up pre-timeskip, as in, when wei wuxian is still around. jiggy pays more attention to getting (allowed to get) married than hashtag murder so let’s also say that while qiongqi path stuff happened, no one died
madam qin still tries to stop the marriage, except qin su finds out roughly at the same time as jgy (reads the letter over his shoulder? forces him to tell her? who knows) and she goes to madam qi like WHAT THE FUCK, MOM
after she finds out that yeah, mom is not kidding, she was born as a result of rape and she’s pregnant with her half-brother’s child, she doesn’t commit suicide, because come on. instead, she’s silent for a very long time. and then she turns to jin guangyao and says jin guangshan needs to die
it doesn’t take long for jiggy to be like you know what, valid
not that long after that, jin guangyao and his wife qin su lose their child to miscarriage. that’s the official version. the unofficial version is that qin su got some herbs for that from madam qin. they still mourn, regardless
they get closer during that, too. i like the thought of jiggy really loving her, but Also i really like the thought of 3zun, so for the sake of this au, let’s say they’re good friends with (until now) benefits, and find each other #relatable due to both harboring unrequited/impossible feelings (in qin su’s case, she saw jiang yanli on the day of her wedding and died on the spot, in jgy’s case, well)
insert plans! discussions about unfairness of life! reforming morality! discussions about what is morality!
extremely angsty “there is no morality” sex because, once again, what is morality, we’ve killed our child and we’re going to kill our father, is there a sin we haven’t or don’t plan to commit? no. fuck everything
yanli, the good soul that she is, tries to approach qin su to comfort her (even though she feels she doesn’t have the right to, because she’s a happy mother). every day qin su loves her more. every day she thinks of a new particularly cruel way to kill jgs
something something happens and they talk to jzx about the uh situation. how many cousins do you have? how many of them are, in fact, your half-siblings? how many half-siblings are out there, outside of the palace, rejected like meng yao? how many does jgs not know about?
they inform jzx that well, sucks to be you, but we’re going to move along with the plan whether you want it or not
as if sensing that, jgs casually complains about how irritating and meddlesome nmj is, right now everyone respects him as a young and succesful lect leader, but if he keeps on being like this, who knows...
jiggy, without batting an eyelash: haha yeah he’s so annoying
also jiggy: listen i know you hate me or whatever but you won’t GUESS what i just heard from my beloved daddy
nmj: what do you intend to do about th-- jiggy, immediately: The Answer To This Question Might Surprise You
at the same time, he sneakily sends info that whoever is in possession of jgs’ bastard, give me a shout, please and thanks
they had their suspicions but they were still disappointed by the number, including but not limited to people literally jzx/jgy’s age
mo xuanyu is there! (age: baby) (don’t ask me anything about numbers and years i Can Not Count)
politics, intrigues, jgs’ bastards hanging out, talking about their lives, their issues and so on, being badass
clearly, since there’s an assassination plot, and also an assassination plot hanging in the air, 3zuns hang out as well
sometimes in bed sometimes outside of it. yknow whats better than this, 3zuns being 3zuns
something somethign action scenes, the culmination being qin su slitting jgs’ throat with jgy’s sword. it’s very sexy
dear god! sect leader jin has been assassinated! ISN’T IT HORRIBLE AND MYSTERIOUS
jin zixuan is the new sect leader, some of his half-siblings want literally nothing to do with this mess, some just want money to help their families live, jgy is too busy being pampered by his sworn brothers to even think about climbing higher on the ~hierarchy ladder~
not officially, but qin su is a hero now. she’s popular
she and jgy sure can’t divorce right now because people will talk, so they just... casually commit mutually encouraged adultery? cheers
oh fuck i forgot about wei wuxian. well, things are good though
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ep4: these guys are real ugly
oh shit caiyi town has the same arched bridge in cql I went to check ep2 and there it is. the opening shots are different though
(that was such a charming scene and the characters were full of life and personality and you could tell how close the siblings were ough I miss them)
last episode I forgot to mention wwx was like "if I have to copy all these rules I'm straight up killing myself" oof
I can't even fucking tell what part of this scene is the show and what part is the cornetto commercial
wwx complaining about how CR starves people is closer to the novel bc I remember they had really bland food there too. I think this was downplayed in cql? bc they were like yeah the wen camp doesn't have good food like CR does
wait wwx just namedropped cornetto. what is real
lxc is like "you wanted wwx to come" and I was like HE DID??? what about his mannerisms or actions implied that??? are we not supposed to know??
anyway it's funny how lxc calls wwx wwx but jc jc. no respect here
lxc is so ugly...scream
the clothing for all the cultivators looks more accurate to all the novel/manhua illustrations - I alwas liked the little triangle that covered the backs of everyone's hands
wwx devising his concept for the compass of evil here! donghua only I think
wwx naming his sword whatever is a highlight of the story quite honestly legend behavior
sandu is so ugly ugh I hate dark purpple
so this action sequence is visually stunning and it's thrilling to see the cultivators actually flying on their swords
wwx getting trapped and reaching out for resentful energy in a last-ditch, oxygen-deprived effort to survive is a nice bit of foreshadowing
the plot's been, so far, better organized than the book and more coherent in the worldbuilding and timeline than the drama. shame they look like That
jc telling wwx to mind his own business and not get involved in dangerous things, yeah that tracks
interestingly it's jzx who notes that if any individual clan were to attack the wens, they'e be destroyed
I am getting NOTHING from donghua lwj. making a love interest hard to read with some small indications of his inner turmoil in a book format is one thing, but in a visual medium if you don't give any indication of what's going on with them it's going to be really hard to connect with or care about that character (that's why the microexpressions were so effective. also having an actual human being play the character - shockingly - humanized him)
the jarringly realistic clouds panning over to an even more startlingly stylized character face...
I was wondering if the loquat scene would be included lol I remembered that from the book. I think it was cut down a lot as I recall that scene being long and full of...mischief and shenanagins and flirting
the sweet loquat sellers have the misfortune to live in a universe where donghua lwj is considered handsome. I wish they could be freed
oh I do think it's cool to mention that gusu residents have an accent/dialect! it didn't come up in the drama but it makes sense
is he more annoying in the novel or the donghua? hard to say. he does a lot more annoying shit in the novel but that VA they picked is killing me
okay...a water demon...I guess
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