thescoobisman · 2 years
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rinnie-marylin · 2 months
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Becky in blunderland AU made by glowin-theSHARK on ff.net! (Underlined text is link to the fanfiction. It's literally so good yall need to read it even if it's not finished.)
If yall have been stalking my profile enough, yall would know that i made a concept design for becky in the AIW au. Because i loved the fanfic so much i kept fantasizing about what an au like this would have!
Everything i drew here was mentioned in the fanfic (except for the books that i added for a mysterious touch. And granny may as the queen of hearts because that fits SO much!)
Now the author already made a design for becky in this au with a wordgirl themed dress, but i felt like it would be more fitting for it to be becky botsford theme. Because alice wants a much more exciting and eccentric life. And it's kinda similar to becky with her wanting a much more exciting life for her real self instead of her alter ego. Basically alice is supposed to be childish and reckless, and the same could be said for becky. because as wg, she's more responsible and mature.
Anyways i just wanted to talk about this because it's my number one fav wordgirl AU and i wish more people payed attention to it.
(Everyone mentioned in the tags has appeared in the fanfic.)
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fair-city-reporter · 2 days
Whumping in Wordgirl
Please forgive the atrocities I'm going to write!
As a current Whumptober participant, I figured why not talk about the newest Wordgirl fic because it's a little disaster. Becky's our unfortunate whumpee in this, and it's a bit... mature (meaning darker depictions of things than the canon-). This fic will not be for everyone, but the idea simply wouldn't leave me alone tbh,
Though let's get right to it, yes?
Wordgirl Whump Ramblings;
Everything begins after Becky defeats a villain, but finds herself extremely winded and tuckered out which unfortunately leaves her vulnerable for other people. Due to the involvement of an organization, which doesn't have Fair City's best interests in mind, Wordgirl unexpectedly goes missing. Of course, the city falls into a literal uproar because of villains still being on the loose. Though... crime suddenly stops as Fair City's villainous citizens suddenly embark on a mission to find her, but... the damage is already done.
Let me just say one thing: the villains do see Becky as a member of their family; at absolute best, they're work colleagues who respect each other, and are mindful of one another. To see if one of their own suddenly vanish without a trace - well, it's not going to end well.
Of course, on top of the fact Wordgirl's missing, another very unrelated incident has gone down. Becky Botsford also went missing. Her family is now freaking out - having filed a report on their daughter, hoping she'll come home. No one is certain of what's going on, and well, to say the least... Sally Botsford will stop at nothing to bring down the fools who kidnapped her daughter.
Read below the cut for more information!
Headcanons/Rambles (Pt. 2)
Becky is going to be around 14-15 within the context of this universe. As it is major whump, the themes are dark and heavy which I will not be doing to a ten (and a half) year old Becky
Her powers do get stronger upon hitting the Lexiconian version of puberty; however, excessive use of powers does tire out the user and it's what's being used to weaken her for the fic (among other things, but we'll get to that later)
As mentioned before, the villains view Wordgirl as an adoptive member of their odd, little family. They are highly protective of their super-heroine (at least when it doesn't have to do with their criminal activities!)
The organization is an independently run facility. Being a little too curious on how superpowers work, they decide Becky's the perfect way to see this and, well, you'll just have to read the rest
Becky is an orphan back on Lexicon. This won't be relevant to the fanfic in the slightest, but I wanted to bring it up 'cause why not?
D2B has mixed thoughts on Wordgirl, esp. considering their history. It's just tense all-around but this man would level a building if something happened to her lol
The Butcher, Chuck, and Wordgirl have more of a sibling thing going - although Chuck's kind of like the awkward uncle at a family reunion; and because there may be Cheese Sandwich shipping here but I'm not sure yet
I'm not including every villain, but let me just say things will go very, very south once it becomes apparent what happened to the missing heroine
Tobey's crush on Wordgirl has simmered down over the years, and it did nearly vanish. He sees her as more of an equal - the plans, of course, a little different
This is whump. Becky's the chosen wet cat of the hour, unfortunately and is still a delight for me as writer - I'm going to break her in this, but this does have a happy ending, I swear. Just be patient with me lol
I might make this a multi-chapter, or there's a chance I write a lengthy one-shot. Reader Discretion is advised when reading this because it's going to deep into the prompts and I'm definitely mean when it comes to writing angst/whump
I would definitely say this is 'canon' in a very vague sense. It is set post-canon, but it still wouldn't have anything to do with it; it's just my own interpretation, woof but I'll leave this for now!
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fountainpenguin · 3 months
Minor Fanfic Updates
- I'm slowing Life of a Loser's posting schedule down to just Wednesdays and Saturdays [my time zone] instead of every other day. An update will go out Thursday so the end note can inform readers of its schedule change, and the next one will be Saturday.
-> Update schedule was so frequent because I didn't see the point in holding out too long when the whole 'fic is already up on FFN (and I'm not familiar with best schedule for chapters that average 3k words or less, and this 'fic is summer vibes so I didn't want to take forever), but I do think the every other day schedule is overwhelming. Slowing down is smart.
- I have several Hermitcraft-themed 'fics in the anonymous Guess the Authors collection that will have authors revealed on Monday. I spoke more about what that means for subscription emails and plans HERE.
- Updated my Pinned Post to include a What's Going On? section. I added the FOP 'Fics page link, the MCYT 'Fics page link is there but currently unlinked, and I updated my Currently Updating section.
-> You can check that any time you want to see the update schedules for my current projects.
- I've been making Frayed Knots progress, but it's still slow (I have a big, personal thing happening IRL that takes lots of my attention; everything I've been updating throughout the summer is stuff I'd prepped in advance).
-> I was hoping to post consistently in June or July, but I think sometime in August/September is more likely, as I would rather have multiple chapters on hand before I post. My big thing ends early August, so I'll be able to give more attention to writing new content then.
- I've been thinking of finishing Come What May before posting more Frayed Knots. It has 6 chapters left and then I can finally wipe my hands of it after starting it in 2018. I'd love to finish it before 2025. Thank you to everyone for being patient with it!
- I recently added new headers to Dog's Life, Origin of the Pixies, and Frayed Knots that include links to their chapter-by-chapter recap info, so that's there for anyone who wants a recap guide as they go. I've prepped a more detailed recap for the next Frayed Knots chapter that recounts what's happened thus far in Act 3 since it was on hiatus a long time.
- Drafted a series page for my MCYT 'fics (similar to my 130 Series Table of Contents page). It will be up on Monday after Guess the Author is revealed. The purpose of this page:
-> To be linked in my Pinned Post for easy access to people browsing my Tumblr (as previously my only AO3 link there was my multifandom Personal Faves list)
-> Help people see what I write and direct them to series so they can customize the content they receive AO3 emails for
-> I was linking to every other series on my individual MCYT series pages, and there are a lot of them. Every time I added a new series, I had to edit every series page and it got annoying. I'm planning to redirect people to the Tumblr page for series info, which mirrors my current set-up with the 130 series (as of my recent footer update).
-> After the author reveal on Monday, I'm going to update the footers for all my MCYT 'fics (as they are currently inconsistent) to link to this page. I'm working on some more detailed descriptions for series content as well, which will also be linked there to help people decide if they're interested in reading.
- Factor It In still on hiatus for now. I was hoping to update it again in August, but my IRL busy-ness has slowed my ability to get Frayed Knots up. Factor It In is not abandoned; just paused while I work on a 'fic that's older.
-> /cry smile as I think about how Frayed Knots is only one year older than Factor despite them being posted online 6 years apart
-> I promise I have not lost interest in Factor, lol... It's my baby, but it's also my middle grade-adjacent style experiment and it's important to me that it feels a certain way, so I don't want to rush it.
-> Might finish some little WordGirl one-shots I have sitting around, though. They've been sitting with me since 2018... I've just been nervous to post them because. idk. Feelings about them.
- I have been sitting on a far-future Inside Out draft since the movie came out, and now that Inside Out 2 is out (it was lovely! Seeing it a second time today with family), I'm tempted to finish it... You might see that or maybe you won't.
-> It's about the inherent awkwardness of trying to control a body and flirt with another's emotions you know exist but will never meet, especially if you yourself are an emotion and aren't getting the physical sensations that other parts of the body are :') Anxiety and Ennui also getting dropped in my lap, my beloved...
All righty! Thanks for reading my work!
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thewildsophia · 6 months
WordGirl//Dr. Two Brains x Reader
A/N: Back on my bullshit again lmaoo. Idk why but my sister reminded me of how 6-year-old me was in love with Two Brains back in like 2010. Anyway, I'm very disappointed by the shattering lack of fanfics for this guy. So, like always, I made my own headcanons for him. I actually do have a full fanfic drafted out for him, but I'm not sure when it will be finished.
A/N pt 2: LMAO I FORGOT TO TAG THIS PERSON. So I got the idea from an ask on @cheese-induced-madness ‘s page about an affectionate reader and wanted to do my own version of it.
A/N pt 3: so apparently it wasn’t cheese induced madness who posted the prompt I was referencing??? I had to search for it again but it was actually by @dearest-painter. Sorry!
Words: 1489
"Read More Link" placed due to length
Dr. Two Brains x Affectionate!Reader
I imagine it’s in Reader's nature to be both physically and verbally kind, but with Dr. Two Brains their affection is multiplied by like 100 lmao.
And Dr. Two Brains LOVES it omg.
Two Brains is also affectionate in nature but doesn’t show it often until you and him become official. I mean, he loves his henchmen but he doesn’t always treat them the best :/
You and him are probably both touch-starved sorry I don’t make the rules. But that’s okay because you have each other.
You would often try to be in physical contact with him as much as possible: brushing shoulders, holding hands, bonking heads, anything really that allows you to touch him. It’s your own brand of affection and he doesn’t mind the unconventional choice of touch.
I feel like he’s also weird with the way he chooses to show physical affection. Like yes, he enjoys hugs and holding hands, but he also gives little love bites while kissing you or he straight up just walks up to you and bites your shoulder. He’s very careful with his teeth tho.
You often try to keep him calm while he’s working on things. Squeaky doesn’t let him rest much, so Two Brains gets antsy when he’s not being productive.
He may have been working on something for hours on end without taking any breaks, so you’ll walk up behind him, rest your chin on his shoulder, and lace your fingers with his, stopping his motions. He’d ask you what’s wrong before you’d hug him, wrapping his own arms around his waist and kissing his cheek. 
He’d giggle at the ticklish sensation of your lips on his skin and shake from being embraced so tightly. You’d whisper sweet nothings into his ear before letting go of him and allowing him to turn around and face you. 
If you told him to take a break, he’d do it in a heartbeat for you. 
You’d cook sometimes for him, and other times he’d cook for you. Most dishes have cheese in them, but occasionally he’s able to eat something small without cheese and squeaky not getting upset at it. 
I could see you two carrying each other around the secret hideout at random times. Like you could be doing your work or cooking and he’s on your back. Or Two Brains may be working on some invention and you’re on his back, arms wrapped around his neck and legs hugging his waist. 
You can’t tell me he doesn’t have the strength to do so. And since I’m tall and strong you’re also strong. Sorry, I make the rules now lmao. 
You also like to carry him with him facing you and peppering kisses across his face and neck, leaving him a flustered and stuttering mess in your arms. 
Sleeping with this man (not like that (¬_¬") ) is so random and never consistent. He sleeps at random times, sometimes late at night, other times in the middle of the afternoon. 
The only consistent thing is how he chooses to sleep with you.
He often begs you to go to sleep with him even if you just woke up. He says that you calm him enough to actually fall asleep and that you keep squeaky at bay. 
If you just woke up you’ll lay with him until he falls asleep and then go back to whatever you do. If you were just about to go to bed then there’s no problem!
I will say that this man is ALWAYS all over you. He often likes to lay on you lmao. Even if he didn’t start off laying on you - like if you two were originally just next to each other - you’ll wake up in the morning barely being able to breathe because this man is laying on you like you’re the fucking mattress. 
Two Brains will apologize with this small voice and it’s hard to stay man at him. 
He also likes to snuggle into you. Two Brains likes to lay his head under your chin and face in your neck where he’ll kiss you while his arms wrap around your waist with legs tangled. 
He likes it when you gently comb your fingers through his hair, being careful of the mouse brains, and whisper quiet words of affirmation to him. He falls asleep FAST. 
Little. Spoon. Fr.
This man just LOVES to be held and you hold him so gently okay??? 🥺
He feels secure in your arms. You hold him firmly yet carefully and he’s never felt so loved than in those quiet moments. 
Two Brains probably gets a little jealous when you also dote on his henchmen. He knows that it’s just your nature to be kind and physically affectionate, so he doesn’t actually get mad when he catches you squeezing their shoulders or hugging the two together. 
He’s just a little jealous that it isn’t him you’re holding (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
He gets over it fast when you run up to his and rest your head on his shoulder. Or better yet you, literally, sweep him off his feet and deposit the both of you somewhere else.
When it comes to dealing with the mouse brain, your verbal affection shines. 
There are some days when Two Brains and his mouse brain disagree with each other, the mouse brain usually berating Two Brains. You’re there to comfort him and get the mouse brain back in line.
Because of that, the mouse brain doesn’t particularly like you. It thinks you're nothing more than an obstacle in the way of acquiring more cheese. When Squeaky took control he forced Two Brains to push you as far away as possible. It hurt, but you knew those weren’t the actions of Two Brains himself.
When Two Brains was allowed to be himself again this man was crying, BEGGING for your forgiveness and him affirming how much he loved you and didn’t want you to leave him.
You told him you were never mad at him and THREW himself at you. Bro had you pinned down on the ground just by laying on you and crying into your chest. He didn’t move for a few hours lmao.
Two Brains gets flustered a lot. He’s not used to much verbal affection considering he’s a villain and all. Even when he was just Steven no one really paid mind to him in that way.
So whenever you say something simple like, “You look handsome today, as you do every day.” or “You’re so pretty <3” he absolutely loses his mind. This man is blushing and stuttering like a little schoolboy omggg.
He also just really appreciates hearing you say kind things about him; Two Brains doesn’t have the best self-esteem. He’s more than confident in his intelligence, but not so much in the physical department.
He knows that he looks…odd. Not many people found him attractive when he was Steven, and even less now as Dr. Two Brains. So hearing you say he’s pretty and that you love him makes his day every time.
But he doesn’t just receive compliments from you; He makes sure to voice just how much he loves you the same way you do. 
He says casual things like, “You’re so sweet.” or “Oh, look how pretty my S/O is.” It’s so cute really, he can’t help but blush whenever he’s trying to compliment you. You just make him so nervous sometimes because you’re so beautiful/handsome (whatever you prefer) to him.
In more intimate movements like when you two are cuddling or just enjoying each other’s presence in the few fleeting free moments, Two Brains is much more confident in what he says. He’s not as much of a blushing mess as when you two are around his henchmen or Wordgirl. He’ll whisper how much he loves and adores you, pressing gentle kisses to your skin in between breathless praises.
However, if you say even the simplest of compliments to him in these moments, all of his previous confidence leaves his body and he’s back to the muttering, stumbling mess he usually is. 
Call him pretty, call him smart, call him kind he absolutely loves every word you say about him. Just be careful with how much you say in one sitting because one complements too many and he’ll start crying from how much he loves you.
Two Brains is a sucker for praise. His henchmen often praise him for his intelligence and ingenuity with his creations, but this man will do anything for you to praise him.
Two Brains will make inventions based on your late-night ramblings or he’ll cook and clean for you; This man would pull the stars out of the night skies as a gift for you if you only said the word.
Dr. Two Brains is completely and totally infatuated with you and he’s so lucky that he’s found someone who is equally infatuated with him.
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your-pal-nebula · 5 months
Hey, have you ever wanted to know what happens when you combine a severely mentally ill transmasc egg in the sixth grade (11-12yo) with the WordGirl resurge?
Yeah so I've been... doing some thinking about my weird ass phase when I was 11-12 where I literally made WG my only personality trait for the entire school year (which was sixth grade).
It was basically all I talked about to people. I would literally plan out everything I'd say in the every day to make as many WG references as possible. And I still remember the despair I felt when I realized nobody got my references, which meant there were no other kids who liked it in my classes. I was actively getting ruthlessly bullied for how much I liked the show, but I didn't care. When I say the show was the only thing keeping me alive when I was that young, I'm not exaggerating. As previously mentioned, I was basically on the verge of purposefully overdosing on my mom's prescription pills 24/7, and WG was something that made me happy and distracted me from it.
I hope yall know I would completely unironically come up to my classmates and casually ask if they wanted to read my WG fanfiction. My WG fanfiction which made up about 70% of my diary at the time. And when they said no, I would become extremely offended over it. I have the very distinct memory of telling someone "C'mon, I'll skip the smut part" when they didn't wanna read my weird ahh Provoclone fanfic or whatever, and can ever more distinctly remember yelling in this poor girl's face "WELL I BET YOU'RE JUST HOMOPHOBIC" because she didn't wanna read my Lefthandedbill marriage fic.
On one hand, I was at the worst point in my life I've ever been mentally, but on the other hand, it was definitely really fucking weird that I practically paraded my Rhyme x Self Insert fanfic around like it was the most beautiful piece of literature ever created, and looking back, those kids had a right to think I was crazy. I'm not saying "oh it was a good thing I got bullied, it made me come to my senses" because it didn't, but... yeah my classmates had a right to wanna avoid me
I actually earned a nickname based off of this. My nickname was, "The WordGirl version of a furry." Commonly shortened to "WordGirl Furry" or "Wordy."
I'm not joking. This all happened and I regret it every day of my life and I don't think I'll ever live this phase down
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womanofwords · 2 years
OC dossier
Tobey’s Community Service (COMPLETE)
Synopsis: as penance for the many times his robots have destroyed the city, Tobey’s community service is to teach the basics of robotics to children. (This is a WordGirl fanfic.)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Ghost Hunters Series (COMPLETE*)
Synopsis: two boys go ghost-hunting in an abandoned, dilapidated mansion and stumble across something amazing that changes their lives. (Based on a series of artworks by @shyticklemonster and listed in reading order.)
Ghost Hunting
Ghostly Vengeance
Ghost Tricks
A Taste Of Halloween Candy
*I will add to this series if @shyticklemonster makes more artworks for me to base my writing on.
The Offer of a Lifetime (COMPLETE)
Synopsis: Hero and Sidekick stumble across a superpowered civilian and recruit them into the team. There’s just one problem: they don’t want to.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
High School (COMPLETE)
Synopsis: Frustrated by their behaviour, Superhero turns Hero and Villain into teenagers and sends them to high school to learn some important life skills.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Glitter (COMPLETE)
Synopsis: Hero has always been a guy’s guy. That is, until he gets assigned the girliest female sidekick to ever live. The worst part is, it’s beginning to rub off on him, and that could spell disaster for his image! What’s a guy to do?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
STEM Kids Shenanigans (COMPLETE)
Synopsis: When the principal of Marbleton Secondary School created a STEM club for the best and the brightest, she expected prestige and respectability to come to the school. When the students heard about it, they expected it to be filled with nerds.
But the four members of the club find themselves making tight friendships and awesome inventions. They also find themselves in a war with the most relentless prefect to ever be a prefect.
Chapter 1: Making STEM Club
Chapter 2: Introductions
Chapter 3: Change
Chapter 4: Spice
Chapter 5: Trinkets
Chapter 6: Parent Observation Day
Chapter 7: Study Group
Chapter 8: Subtle Messages
Chapter 9: The Unseen
Chapter 10: Day Of The Pink
Chapter 11: Connections
Chapter 12: Slime
Chapter 13: Surveillance
Chapter 14: Public Opinion
Chapter 15: Flight
Chapter 16: Front Page Fallout
Chapter 17: Paint
Chapter 18: Melanie’s Cousin
Chapter 19: Bird’s Nest
Chapter 20: A Very Grounded Young Man
Chapter 21: Adult Supervision
Chapter 22: Matching Patches
Chapter 23: Gloves
Chapter 24: Layla’s Plants
Chapter 25: The Other Secondary School
Chapter 26: The Hated One
Chapter 27: Monitoring Melanie
Chapter 28: Feral Newspaper Hound
Chapter 29: Acting Out
Chapter 30: Bugged
Chapter 31: Checking In
Chapter 32: Stephan’s Black Book
Chapter 33: Engineered Dramatics
Chapter 34: Talking To The Sainsbury Girls
Chapter 35: Stashed Secrets Spilled
Chapter 36: Principal’s Office
Chapter 37: Celebrity and Confessions
Chapter 38: Apologies
Chapter 39: Unwanted Appearances
Chapter 40: A Proper Conclusion
The Poisoned Prodigy (COMPLETE)
Synopsis: When normal Vincent Song is invited to his best friend’s school’s end-of-year awards ceremony, his only real worry is whether or not his brother’s old tux will fit him. But when said best friend, Renaissance boy Patton Reynolds, collapses at the podium after drinking some tainted water, it’s obvious that he was poisoned.
Patton names someone just before he passes out and at first, it seems like the genius solved his own murder attempt. But something’s not right. It’s up to Vincent, described by his own brother as ‘the lamest teenage boy in the world’ to navigate a world of geniuses to find the true culprit and get true justice for his best friend.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Nerd Juvie (IN PROGRESS)
Synopsis: Marco, a troubled yet gifted young man, gets sent to the Lazarus Institute after getting caught drag racing on a bike that he made himself. The Lazarus Institute is a rehabilitation centre run by Dr Bertram Lazarus especially for gifted teenagers on the wrong side of the law, and for a while, it seems like everything is looking up. But when Marco stumbles across sinister plans for the residents, he is forced to question everything. Is Dr Lazarus the benevolent man everybody believed him to be?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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the-gayest-show · 1 year
Fandoms (usually self-explanatory*, may have subtags)
#tgamm (the ghost and molly mcgee) #beast of brighton bay (an au created by Snook)
#good omens
#mao mao (mao mao heroes of pure heart)
#wordgirl #dr two brains
#ok ko let's be heroes #lord boxman #professor venomous
#ee (epithet erased)
#wander over yonder
#toh (the owl house)
#ducktales (the 2017 one but that's not tagged now is it)
#adventure time (also contains fionna and cake so BE WARNED!!)
#digital circus (the amazing digital circus)
#sherlock and co (the podcast uwu)
#hazbin hotel
#moon girl (moon girl and devil dinosaur)
#Lucifer (Lucifer the TV not to be confused with Lucifer from hazbin hotel)
#shred force (SHRED FORCE *epic guitar riff*)
#house md
#fop (The original fairly oddparents show only)
#fop a new wish (fairly odd parents reboot)
#smg4 #mr puzzles
#sofia the first
Misc. (not fandom)
#posts (stuff i post specifically. rants, asks, art, etc.)
#asks (people ask, i answer. I get a lot of them nowadays, needed somewhere to put them all you see)
#videos (random tiktoks and funny videos i find)
#my art (i draw a lot and post that sometimes, fandoms tagged)
#my reviews (episode reviews of various media)
#important (PSAs, general cool things/apps, etc.)
#art advice (art advice)
#art reference (basically just reference but art)
#job advice (there's like 1 post there and i will probably go back to it eventually)
#writing advice (hopefully you see the pattern here)
#apps to use (also a 1 post unless i find more, cool programs i should consider using bc money ain't on trees and i want Skills)
#special interests (i happen to be autistic and i like this really niche thing)
#books (book recs and general cool readings)
#recipes (food)
#save for later (I forget what i want to do with certain posts at this point so im trying to fix that)
*fandom tags include anything/everything related to that fandom. Asks, metas, analysis, fanart, fanfic, etc.
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novelmonger · 11 months
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
Lol, the last time I answered a question like this, I was accused of being racist for saying that Sam Wilson is funny and emotionally stable XD
But as I think about it now, I suppose the real answer is that the toughest characters for me to write are snarky geniuses. The main ones I've had occasion to write would be Sherlock Holmes and Tony Stark. For one thing, they're much more intelligent than I am, so that's hard to write, and also their areas of expertise are very far removed from my own. Then, at least in Tony's case, I always feel the need to reference pop culture in some way - but not the nerdy stuff I would actually know about. Tony's always dropping references to movies I haven't seen or bands I don't listen to or something, so it takes a lot of effort to figure out what to make him say, and both he and Sherlock have this mocking way of talking a lot of the time that doesn't come naturally to me. I don't feel like I've ever really gotten either of their voices quite right.
🌻 How often do you read your own fics?
Less than I used to, I think. These days, I usually only read my own stuff when someone comments, "I love how you did XYZ!" And then I'm like, "Wait, I did XYZ?" and of course I have to go read it to see what they're talking about :P By the way, I'm not counting reading back over earlier portions of whatever WIP I'm in the middle of. That's just part of the writing process.
🍬 Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
From my FFNet profile:
Tumblr media
So yes, I would say so XD
I only have one fic apiece for Wolf's Rain, Castle in the Sky, Death Note, Prince of Persia, Oddworld, Lovely Complex, Tsubasa Chronicle, Professor Layton, Supernatural, Star Wars, WordGirl, Daredevil, Avengers, and Dororo, so that goes without saying. Here are the others:
Final Fantasy X - Someday the Dream Will End My novelization of the game. Please note the date this was published and realize I was sixteen the last time I touched this thing ^^' It is very far beneath my current standards, but it's what got me into writing fanfiction in the first place, and it taught me so much about how stories work, how to write novel-length works, and also a lot of my preferences when it comes to writing and posting fanfic, specifically.
Harry Potter - Change I don't actually like any of my HP fics very much, if I'm being honest. I wrote most of them ages and ages ago, so the writing isn't very good, and I don't think I handled the few good ideas I had with the delicacy they required. So I picked this one because I wrote it much later than all the rest, so it's at least fairly competent. It's just a little exploration of a headcanon about how the broken Hogwarts House system could be tweaked to not be quite so divisive and counter-productive.
Full Metal Alchemist - The Ultimate Sacrifice Oh my gosh, I've written so many FMA fics over the years, it's almost impossible to pick x.x Some of them are really old and not very well written, some have really good ideas but my skill at the time is holding them back, some are quite good but...are they my favorite? In the end, I decided to go with this oneshot because it was burning a hole in my brain for years before I finally got it written down, and I think it still holds up okay seven years later. Basically, it's an AU that explores what it would be like if Ed uses his love for Al as the toll to get Al's body back. Super angsty, lots of tears, it's great! :D
ICO - Piaculum My novelization of the game, written after the official one was published in Japan but a good three years before it was ever translated to English, so that's how I justified writing it ^^' I didn't really know what I was doing. Parts of it are still kind of good, and I like how I dealt with certain themes and drew in connections to Shadow of the Colossus. But yeah, if you want a book that contains the story of my favorite game of all time, just go read Castle in the Mist by Miyuki Miyabe instead.
Legend of Zelda - One Hundred Beats A 100 Themes fic centered around the friendship of Link and Navi. I wrote this whole thing during one of the busiest and most exhausting periods of my life, and I'll always be impressed by past-me for doing that. I also really like some of the stories I came up with for it, especially all the AUs. Most importantly of all, brainstorming one chapter led me to the headcanon that healed the pain of what they did (or didn't do) with Navi in the canon, and for that I will always love this fic.
Sherlock - Memento Mori One of my kidlock oneshots, an AU where John and Sherlock met as kids. This one deals with the death of Sherlock's dog Redbeard (needless to say, it's quite different from the canon). Personally, I think this is the best one of my kidlock fics.
Captain America - Make Me Whole Obviously! This is the fic that took over my life and changed me irrevocably. For the first time ever, after so many years of writing just to get the ideas out and because no one else was doing it, this time I had a story where, even if ten other people came out of the woodwork with the exact same concept who were much better writers than me, I wanted to be the one to write it. I really got the sense that God wanted me to write this story, and I've seen the fruit of that over and over again. And, of course, without this fic I wouldn't be writing the mammoth WIP I'm working on now.
🚦What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.?
You know, I've always said that bittersweet endings are my favorite. Endings like LotR, where the good guys win and evil is defeated, but not without great cost. But as I think through some of the endings I've been most satisfied about in my own writing, I think I need to fine-tune that. I think my favorite kind of ending is a particular brand of bittersweet, where it's not exactly "the Shire has been saved, but not for me." It's more like "we've been hurt, and we're not okay yet, but I think we will be." To me, that's the most realistic kind of ending you can get, because that's the way our lives are. (Not that I don't appreciate a good, completely happy ending where everybody lives happily ever after!)
Fanfic Writer Asks
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💕and 👀 (specifically The Anecdote of Rhyme and Reason) for the Fanfic Writer Emoji thing?
💞 Who's your comfort character?
Jack Skelligton will always be my number 1 comfort character but if we're talking Wordgirl it's Invisibill 100%
There's just enough of him in cannon to make me love him but since he isn't there much I can let my headcannons about him run wild and overanalyze every appearance he's had without driving myself crazy.
Plus the way he acts are like the symptoms of my abandonment issues personified so I project onto him hardcore/lh/hj
And let me just say there went all out on his character design! That is a dapper little dude right there!
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Okay so I've been working on a 10k word Wordgirl Halloween special which is why I haven't updated any of my other fics in a while- I'm hoping to get that out about a week after spooky season is done and then after that everything will be back on track!
But basically the next chapter for The Ancidote of Rhyme and Reason is going to be them bonding for the first time. Jack (Reason but before he was a villain for anyone who hasn't read the fic) being the logical little guy he is tries to figure out what Jill's (pre-villain rhyme) deal is and for the life of him can't understand it, meanwhile Jill is just having the time of her life. We also get insight into Reasons home life
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dandymaximilian · 2 years
✨🤖🌹if that isn't too many to ask at once-
Thank you for the ask!! 😄 Sorry this took so long to answer. This is a bit of a ramblefest, forgive me! 😅
I had a hard time picking specific Wordgirl fanfiction, so I have to say that my genre of choice would be villain centric fic. I just love reading about the villains in general, to be honest, especially the underrated ones. Wordgirl/villain Found Family fics are really cute too!
LefthandedBill in particular is such a comfort ship for me, so any fic that features them, that isn't my own, is an instant favourite. It helps that there is so much cute, well written fanfic for me to enjoy! There's something about their chemistry that just captures my attention.
(On a sort of related note, I'm really looking forward to reading more of your proposal fic!)
This second question is a toughie. I'm torn between really wanting an episode that explores Wordgirl's alien society, and a slice of life episode that shows the villains living their daily life.
I think the former would've been really fascinating, especially in learning about Becky's biological family and culture. It would've been cool to see how that knowledge wouid impact Becky in the present.
Yet, I also love the idea of seeing the villains doing mundane stuff, like doing laundry and going to EVA meetings. Ths comedy potential is unlimited. 😆
For the third question, in terms of design/relatability, Invisi-Bill is 1000% my favourite character. I just adore him. He is just so dapper, so energetic, and eager for approval. What an absolute icon. He is the embodiment of a silly little dandy, and I stan him for it.
In terms of writing, I am tied between The Butcher/Wordgirl. In terms of a protagonist, Becky Botsford is a fantastic role model and character. She's flawed, but she's admirable. She's a hero, but she often has to make tough choices as a kid hero. She is funny and witty. She is so much more than a means to teach vocabulary, and I love her for it.
The Butcher is also a perfect kid show villain, imo. He has a kind heart, but he's a threat. He's intimidating, but he's also silly. He has depth and reliability that often wasn't granted for kid shows back when Wordgirl first came out. He definitely was written by people who cared.
I hope this wasn't too all over the place! Thank you again for the ask! 😄
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arobraindead · 2 months
Usual when older kid shows get this uprise of popularity, people are like "oh wow I remember this show from when I was a kid, its so peak!" and sure some people get more into it to the point it gets its own fandom (Wordgirl) and then outsiders forget about it (understandable). HH... Didn't get that treatment.
Instead of people remembering it, people found it. And instead of talking about how good the show is, they talked about the "child abuse".
HH isn't as big of a name, it kinda shows the show has no other good parts about it other than the... you know.. CHILD ABUSE.
This rise in popularity of course, gave it a fandom. The thing is..
At first it was fine.. and then it started to suck.
Why you ask? Overcompensating.
Outsiders saw this show as the "child abuse show" and people in the fandom instead of not giving a shit, instead they try to make it pure and sweet and so "nice". Which means even the smallest "sinful" things "So bad!" which is bullshit.
Is that why the fandom is dying only... months later?
I wasn't really much into the wordgirl fandom. hardly actually. I knew it was a thing and I even read this amazing fanfic from it. But it just shows how different of an introduction hh had compared to other "older kid shows" like it.
People don't like the show and thats why most of the fandom focuses on the books. which is fair and correct.
And you can't forget about all pedos in the fandom! again with overcompensating.
More ranting: Why are we trying to erase the edgy fucking abuse angst? I know I said it wasn't canon but I never said to get rid of it DAMN!
That was the foundation of this fandom, most of y'all found it because of that. Why get rid of it? It's like the only thing that makes this a fandom. without it, why are we here?
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"And put a pause on their good and evil sonas and to the clever banter, to put down the goody two shoes and evil genius act, and just be two kids together, holding hands by the river, eating ice cream and talking about their day without a care in the world."
Quote from Complicated Robotics for the Advanced Engineer by kiimonoda on AO3
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fountainpenguin · 7 months
Fanfic Schedule News - 2024
You can find this post later in my Pinned Post links
- Fairly OddParents - On hiatus while buffer building. Weekly Friday updates when ready, probably in summer. Origin and Knots are planned to alternate to show both sides of the war, but can be read independently. - WordGirl - On hiatus while buffer building. Weekly updates when ready, but lower priority than FOP. I'd like to post a few one-shots in spring and summer. - MCYT - Weekly Tuesday updates (Dog's Life until Chapter 30, then other 'fics while Dog's Life is on break). I'm also posting on Friday, but am moving towards posting on Sunday. - Total Drama - I'm not writing new content for the TD fandom, but I have 40+ 'fics I posted on FFN, but not AO3. Now that many are 10 years old, I'd like to archive some on AO3. - Every year I say I want to post my Mario drafts, but... I don't think 2024 will be that year. We will see.
Fandom-Specific Series
I post 'fics under my AO3 account, FountainPenguin.
If you'd like to get notifications for new works but don't want to follow me as a user, consider subscribing to some fandom-specific series:
Fairly OddParents
130 Station - All pieces in the 130 Reasons Why I'm Fairy Trash series.
These are further broken down into "Trains" (Ex: Main cast, Anti-Fairies, Pixies, shippy stuff, etc.) - Find info HERE
Notable pieces that are not 130 Prompts include Origin of the Pixies, Frayed Knots, Come What May, and Reedfilter Rules, which may be best subscribed to individually- They do not have a series at this time.
Heroes' Journey - Stuff about WordGirl and Huggy learning to share Fair City with Kid Math
28 Million Degrees - Character studies
MCYT - Not RPF, but the 4th Wall is very thin
Pixels Imperfect - Pixel people (who are all mob hybrids) live in a server hub and roleplay with their friends. Lots of interpersonal and social drama mixed with humor.
Neighborhood Watch AU - A serious take on the Life series lore and mechanics, ft. a semi-medieval world where the first 5 Life seasons take place in a single timeline.
Roundabout - Misc. MCYT content
These pages also have links to character relationship series.
Total Drama
Riddle's Drama - Total Drama 'fics I wrote 2013-2016.
These are also on my FFN, where I cross-post my FOP and WordGirl content as well.
Fairly OddParents
I'm working on a buffer for Origin of the Pixies and Frayed Knots chapters so they can alternate during the war. At the moment I'm posting content for other fandoms, but once the buffer is ready, these will roll out weekly. Hopefully by summer.
- Origin is caught up and ready for the war meeting next chapter, so we're just wrapping up Anti-Cosmo's school and relationship drama in Knots :) - We're in the era of 2016 draft chapters, so it's a combo of "Lots of stuff is already written" and "Lots of stuff needs to be updated."
Origin and Knots will update on Fridays when the time is right (alternating weeks).
The 130 Prompts wrapped up Arc 2 in December and is on hiatus.
If you missed the Arc 2 finale, check out "Grudge"- It's about Happy Peppy Gary and Crocker striking a dangerous deal and I think it's cute :)
Ideally, I'd like to finish the whole Come What May draft before I post more chapters (so we don't have more of these long lurches between chapters), and Reedfilter Rules is in a similar boat.
Origin and Knots are my priority, but once Come What May starts, I'd like to do weekly or bi-weekly updates until it's done.
Factor It In - I'm very happy with how the story has come out so far. It's fully outlined, but this is a "serious and fluffy" story and I've been on a "silly and angsty" streak lately, so the mood isn't there.
- I'd like to circle back to it soon, but don't want to post more chapters until I have a nice buffer. - I'd like to post again in autumn 2024 and keep up weekly updates for several months. Origin and Knots are higher priority, but I really like this story and look forward to more.
I have some WordGirl one-shot drafts I've been sitting on for months. I haven't been satisfied with them enough to post, but you might see them soon as I finalize them. There's no schedule for these, but they include:
- Local alien girl is SO brave about Rex's problems while they lie in the grass discussing love and culture - Local alien boy loses his fawn spots, comes of age, and hits up Hal Hardbargain for alien-strength deodorant - Character study for Victor Best (My horrible son) - Character study for pre-series Rex living on Hexagon (My somehow more horrible son) - Other drafts from 2018 that need polish
I so desperately want to show the world my "Hopelessly romantic life planner since he was born" x "She can't commit to anything including this" marriage of convenience superhero drama... He's oblivious... She's dying inside... He is so embarrassing... Do u understand my vision?
- Dog's Life Session 2 will end with Chapter 30. I've finished up to Chapter 28 and just need to tweak the remaining chapters. It will then be on hiatus for a few months while I work on the Session 3 buffer and other projects.
Edit - Session 2 will actually be 37 chapters, so another month
Expecting 4 to 5 months of hiatus from regular updates with some intermission chapters a few weeks apart (Full moon arc, my beloved). I have 'fics I look forward to posting (including new multi-chapters that already have nice buffers and will post weekly), so there will be plenty of MCYT content, but it seemed wise to leave Dog's Life on break to avoid burnout. I hope you enjoy these new stories! When Dog's Life returns, it'll be with weekly updates for several months as per usual :)
My "first half of 2024" goal is to close out as many of my existing MCYT multi-chapters as I can. Thank you for your patience with multi-chapters that have slow updates- I plan to finish them soon :)
I recently completed For Sale: Bird Wings (Never Worn) with weekly updates and am on track to finish One and a Half Birds with weekly Friday updates.
After this, I would like to finish the last 2 to 3 chapters of Criminal Experience (which has always had Friday updates as well). I don't want to post the next chapter until I nail down the story's end, so there's been a delay, but I'm glad I've wrapped up other multi-chapters and I look forward to finishing this soon.
After this, I plan to post MCYT content Tuesdays and Sundays, leaving Fridays for my other fandoms.
What's on Tuesdays?
At the moment, Dog's Life for 7 more weeks. Session 2 ends with Chapter 30 on April 9th.
Edit: Chapter 37 on May 28th
I've started new multi-chapters while chasing inspiration bursts, but I held back from posting them, so now I have buffers for those. I look forward to sharing them throughout 2024. Two notable ones are:
- Chalaza - Quick story about Martyn arriving in New Star Station. Bdubs voice study, some practice writing short scenes, and this is the story that helped me nail down pixel person anatomy. ^ Highlights include Bdubs trotting around with Martyn's dissolved soul in a fishbowl and regaling Etho with tales of how the Phantom Dragon carries phantom hybrids in her mouth. Also, Martyn hides under Etho's couch for 4 days. - Herobrine's Guide to the Between Dimension - A meta story about my Between lore, hybrid anatomy, and hybrid culture. No plot, but I think it's fun.
These are expected to post Tuesdays while Dog's Life is on break :)
What's on Sundays?
At the moment, nothing- I'm posting on Fridays (weekly updates to One and a Half Birds for the next several weeks).
I've also got a draft called "Scar's Castle" that's about Grian doing chores during 3rd Life... we'll see if that turns out nice.
Now that Secret Life is over, I've been able to do more worldbuilding and story planning for Neighborhood Watch AU. I plan to post some one-shots soon. Highlights include:
"Goodchild Oscar" - Oscar Goodchild's lovely parents put out a hit on his soulmate. He drags Grian around the Hearts Club Ball in his attempts to thwart it. Title's subject to change, but this is a fun one :) "They Never Found the Desert" - Local Green Life parrot can't get Red Life soulmate motivated for anything. Desperate times call for desperate measures. "Ethograms, Etho Slab, and Something About Ethics (Probably)" - Joel studies wolves... and the single(?) dad who keeps coming around with his kids.
I've also been working on the big multi-chapter for this universe, which centers around the Clocker family: Arsenic Waltz. It's fully outlined and I'm 5 chapters into the buffer, but it doesn't feel "fun" to read yet, so... Hmm.
- If anyone wants to beta read the first 10k words where Martyn arrives at the Clocker residence and meets his soulmate Cleo for the first time, lmk? Been struggling with the pacing of action vs. world lore for months and it'd be nice to get outside thoughts. - My plan was to start posting in April after Dog's Life ends, but it might need more time. With weekly updates, it should finish in December or January, but I'd like a nice buffer first. Possibly, this story will start in the summer and end in early 2025.
EDIT - I ended up killing all these darlings and moving them to a separate story, which will be released at a later time. The pacing was just not working :)
Additional multi-chapters to wrap up:
Closed Door Policy - Can't finish until Criminal Experience is done. Will post Tuesdays or Sundays as appropriate (Expecting 2 or 3 more chapters).
Dear Future Captain - Waiting for Dog's Life to catch up to this part of the timeline (Between Sessions 4 and 5?) - I like my draft for Chapter 3, but I'd rather wrap up other stories first.
With Acid In Your Eyes - Outlined and expecting 10 chapters. This is a high-tension story I was excited for, but it's on the backburner while finalizing lore, social dynamics, and plot points. It was ambitious to post this one before things were solid, but I look forward to returning when I'm ready :)
If you're interested in being a beta reader for any of my work, you can get in touch. I've not worked with beta readers in fanfic before, but if you're interested, we can talk about it!
Thanks for reading! Happy 2024!
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roleplayallday · 2 years
Sooooo i heard wordgirl was getting popular again, and I stumbled across some fanfics and edits and it kinda got me interested in the show as well.
I read a great fic where Tobey got Wordgirl to slowly realize Fair City didn’t treat her right and that she should just take what she wants to be happy. Tbh I’d love to do something lile that.
So hey if anyone out there wants to roleplay some tobecky, friend me on discord! My username is kazikuns
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beckface · 3 years
Now Presenting: I talk about my personal Boxlietner’s Return AU for an unfortunate amount of time
If Boxlietner ever returned this is exactly how I would want it to happen (ramble ahead)
-Some big horrible event happens and TB and Squeaky are constantly fighting over what to do
-TB is the only one who can save everyone, but to do that he has to overcome the mouse brain. This leads to a painful experience of him creating a ray that removes the mouse brain permanently
-maybe he gets someone else’s help to make the ray, narratively it would be the most interesting for WG or his henchmen to assist him while being incredibly pensive the whole time, and worrying about him as squeaky grows more and more frantic and aggressive but logically I think Mr Big or Tobey would be the most help
-One he’s separated from the mouse it can go one of two ways, either he collapses for the drama, OR one time I read this fanfic where he just straight up kills squeaky and I love that idea (it’s called For with that Grand Collision / Came a Grave Consequence by SylvesterSV on a03)
-One sticking point I have is that Boxlietner should NOT become this moral straight-man type. He’ll be less evil^TM ofc but I want it to be more like a Discord from MLP situation, where he still plays by his own rules. The mouse brain, whether it’s there or not, changed him fundamentally as a person
-So yeah, if this was in the actual show they should absolutely not show Squeaky dying, but Boxlietner definitely is not nice to him to an uncomfortable degree
-This is fan content though so Squeaky can die. And it should shock the people around him, like maybe Steven stands up and seems so happy to be back and remorseful for his actions, and Becky is really happy thinking she got her friend back, until Steven just, murders the mouse with a haunted look in his eye.
-Keep the long white hair but it’s not spikey anymore. Ponytail like in chucktopia I suggust
-His villian friends have no clue how to deal with this. Like absolutely no idea where to go from here
-Steven definitely has to deal with a lot of inner demons and probably exacerbates them himself, but he’s still gonna keep all the traits we love about both canon character(s?)
-He’s still a creative genius with a flair for flamboyancy and sarcasm, he’s overexcitable and forgetful but when he’s in the zone he’s the top of the game. Also he tried to avoid cheese out of guilt at first but it ends up becoming a comfort food
-It takes him a bit of time to come back to being himself, at first he’s very closed off and very in his head
-Wordgirl is really insecure about being around him, not sure how to treat him, and doesn’t know if he even wants her around, but she really wants to be around him like all the time when he gets back, especially with how worried she is about him
-Steven, who is greatly missing his former friendship/mentorship with Becky now that he remembers everything is also really insecure about their relationship
-he’s overly friendly to her but also keeps her at arms length and treats her like a fragile kid (which he never did even as twobrains) making Wg’s insecurities worse, making her think he doesn’t want her around, making him think she doesn’t want to be around him
-Becky can’t stand leaving things unresolved though so she eventually confronts him like “If you don’t want me around anymore just tell me!” and they work it out and begin healing
-Frequent nightmares involving rats and mice and evil laughter
-he’s like either 19 or 70 no one can tell (he’s 32)
-He’s still friends with the villains and sometimes they come to him for help on gadgets (more with the kids then the adults) but he generally won’t help if he thinks it might be too far against Wordgirl.
-The villains, Steven, and WG are are generally more understanding of each other then the rest of the city is to them anyways.
-After some time Becky just starts coming over all the time again, sometimes as WG and sometimes as Becky. Once he starts getting into the groove of inventing again she becomes like his little lab assistant because I said so
-The henchmen and him are best friends and regularly hang out together, but they work for Tobey now (as like a gift from Boxlietner)
-“Tobes, from one former evil genius to another, these guys are the best in the biz. They’ll do well by you”
-The henchmen immediately little-brotherify Tobey. Like Tobey is the smart one absolutely but the henchmen absolutely adore him and lowkey baby him after no time. Tobey has two new (admittedly dull) father/big brother figures now that he gets to spend all his time with because he deserves it
-Glenn doesn’t know what to do now and has a whole subplot of going on an epic journey to find himself and comes back an enlightened hippie because that would be funny. He tell’s Steven that he is “more reformed then you could ever dream to be”.
-Steven convinces Becky to tell her family that she’s Wordgirl. He holds her hand while she does it
-Becky (civilian form) starts getting “tutoring” from Boxlietner, who’s trying to come back to having a normal life in the public eye (He does help her with her homework but it’s just an excuse for them to be working together on bringing back Steven’s life and on superhero stuff without seeming like this random little girl is just spending a bunch of her time for no reason with a former supervillian grown man)
-One day Becky Scoops and Violet are having a playdate and Scoops says “man I wish we could go somewhere we haven’t played before” and Becky is like “dude I got you” and they just barge into Steven’s lab and the man (holding lava in a cup) is just “children what the fuck”
-on that note both Twobrains and reformed!Steven have absolutely no cursing filter around the kids. Granny May hit him with her purse for swearing multiple times
-unrelated to the au but Victoria actively tries to learn swear words from TB and later Steven. Eileen doesn’t care because it doesn’t match her innocent-baby shtick and Tobey considers it beneath him
-I can’t emphasize enough how much this man is going to be an absolute mess like he’s that specific brand of fucked up old man who’s not actually old. He’s trying so hard though, and getting better. I really like Bojack Horseman can you tell.
-Steven reaches out to his sister and neice with the encouragement of Becky, and reconnects with his family, who all thought he was dead
-His niece has a pet mouse. Steven panics upon seeing it and almost tries to off it before being brought back to his senses by Becky (who went with him to see his family because he needs support and because, yet again, I said so)
-His neice is a few years older then Becky and didn’t get the full details, so at first she thinks that this is just her adopted cousin. They bond while the adults talk
-Steven and the Botsford parents get along really well, they appreciate him convincing their daughter to c̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶ tell them about her being Wordgirl, though they clearly wish that Becky had felt comfortable telling them herself.
-Steven becomes the wine uncle to the Botsford kids he was always meant to be
-Sally, as the DA, and Becky, as Wordgirl, help him get get his life together, and Sally and Becky bond over solving legal problems for this slightly pathetic man
-TJ has some angst about his sister being WG, but he gets over it. The siblings love each other at the end of the day
-Becky keeps trying to set twobrains up on dates. (Spoiler she has no fucking idea what she’s doing but she THINKS she does)
-She only chooses men at first, just kindof assuming he’s full on gay, until he tells her that he’s pan (bad idea) and a whole new world of possibilities opens up in Becky’s eyes.
-Poor Steven ends up on blind dates with half of Fair City. He rolls with it because Becky has had him captured in her found family web for years
-The dates don’t really go that well due to his reputation. like Steven is still very charming and social but he’s really pent up at the same time, plus people’s perception of him doesn’t help
-Eventually Becky starts setting him up on dates with Villains, which is like really awkward, until Steven realizes that these are the most relaxed and comfortable dates he’s been going on (like I mentioned before theres this understanding between the villains, wg, and Steven that the rest of the city doesn’t have)
-Pick your fav twobrains ship to become canon idc. Personally I like grilled cheese because Chuck is just this mother’s basement kinda guy and him dating this brooding, tortured brilliant scientist is very fun to me. Also subversion of the normal trope- Steven is the huge flirt and Chuck is the flustered mess who’s trying to stay serious
-“Uh huh yeah babe that evil plan is definitely going to work. After you get captured Wordgirl’s coming over for dinner by the way, you should join us!”
-Whoever Steven is dating suspiciously rises to the #1 villian spot. Becky is like 🤨 but Steven says that he’s definitely not helping them, he just must be so incredibly inspiring to be around, he swears
-Steven isn’t really siding with anyone, he kindof loses any care for Fair City, maybe even growing a bit bitter towards it, he just cares about specific people.
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