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mj0702 · 9 months
The other Bronze - Part One
Here we go again 🤣 Thank you (as always) to Crush and Bubs
(the bad Spanish is courtesy of Google and if you find typos or anything please point them out to me 😉)
You finally walked the last steps towards the door of your Sisters small house at the Outskirts of Barcelona. What you're doing in Barca on a random Friday Night? You wanted to surprise Lucy for her Birthday. It took a lot of begging to Mum and Dad to let you fly all on your own from Manchester to Barcelona and when you turned your phone on after landing, you had 26 missed calls and 15 messages already, the last one from your older Brother Jorge telling you to text him if the Plane crashed and you died – real Clown that one. You phoned Mum, telling her that the Flight was just a little delayed and that your still very much alive and not Shark food in the Ocean. You knew Lucy had training, so you stayed a little longer at the Airport, watching people, drinking Coffee. You found some nice company in a Girl, who waited for her Girlfriend and surprisingly spoke English. So know you're currently walking up the steps towards Lucy's front door, her spare key (which you got from Mum, in case Lucy wasn't home), my Earplugs blasting Music and you opened the door – boy what a mistake.
„Luuuucccyyyy!! Happy Birth... OH MY GOD MY EYES!!! OH EW!!“ you started to yell out in horror before spotting my Sister on her Couch. Naked. With another Girl on her knees in front of her, her head buried between your Sisters legs. You turned around as quick as you could, shutting the Door behind you. A few minutes later, some shuffling and swearing from the inside, said door got ripped open again.
„What are you doing here?“ Lucy asked you and you couldn't tell if she was pissed off or just annoyed.
„Surprise??“ you say, your back still facing her.
„Why do you have a Key to my Apartment? You can turn around by the way“ she sounded annoyed, which was good – annoyed is better than pissed off.
„Mum... I just saw things I never wanted to see ever“ you shrugged like it was self-explanatory. „Dear bloody Jesus“ your Sister huffed out, before grabbing your Arm, starting to pull you inside, as you tried to stop her by holding on to the Door frame
„I'm NOT going back in there again“ you say, gagging for good measure.
„Stop being difficult“ Lucy said, putting her arm around your Shoulders instead, having more leverage. Back inside you were sat down at the Kitchen table, the Girl from earlier just making some Coffee.
„I hope you sanitized that Table“ you mumbled, before looking at your Sister „No way you haven't fu...“
„If you finish that Sentence, I'll call Mum telling her that you broke that ugly Vase at Christmas three years ago“ Lucy narrowed her eyes at you, before turning to the Girl „Ona... this is my overly annoying baby Sister y/n... devils spawn... this is Ona, my Girlfriend“
You just looked at the Girl with a blank face nor knowing how to react to these news.
„Manners“ Lucy growled at you and slapped the back of your Head
„Hola“ you said to Ona, not really knowing what to think of her.
„Hola“ Ona smiled back, putting a cup of Coffee in front of you, which Lucy took away the instant it touched the Table „No hay café para ella“ she said to Ona, while ignoring your frustrated „Oi!!“.
„Por qué?“ the dark haired woman asked.
„Look at her.... she's already a pest, I don't need her caffeinated up“ Lucy answered, finally in English, while pointing at you.
„Aye you Arsepiece“ you huffed out, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
„You're English, not Scottish, ya wee shite“ your Sister grinned at you, but finally came over, ruffling you Hair, which is Lucy language for „I love you“.
“I was born in Scotland therefore I’m Scottish” you grumble out.
„I don't understand a word you two say“ Ona said confused, her spanish accent thick as she speaks english and Lucy laughed out loud
„All good...“. She then looks at you again „But seriously... what are you doing here?“.
„Wanted to surprise you for your Birthday... haven't seen you since the Euros“ you mumble a little embarrassed
„You... missed me“ Lucy smirked
„No... how could I miss your annoying Ass?“ you answered quickly and she KNEW she hit a nerve
„I missed you too, Devils Spawn“ she said, pulling you into a side hug
„You never told me you had a younger Sister, Lucia“ Ona said, smiling slightly at our interaction
You just raise an eyebrow at Lucy „Lucia? What have you done to fuck up so badly, that she uses your actual name?“
„Lucia is more common here, you daft punk...“ Lucy rolled her eyes at you still holding you to her side before answering her Girlfriend „I try to keep her away from the Spotlight“
„Oh...“ Ona said, like she understands, which you doubted „I'll leave you two to catch up, I'm going to go...“ she smiled
„Weren't you about to come a little while ago?“ you blurted out, which earned you a very hard punch to the shoulder courtesy of your lovely Sister
Ona just look confused, which causes you to laugh „You can explain that one, Kneeless... Bathroom that way?“.
As you renter the Kitchen, you see Lucy and Ona kissing in the Doorway. You comment it with a loud dry heaving sound. Lucy blindly throws a shoe at you, which misses by miles and you snap a photo of her. You can only see Lucys back and Onas Hands around her Neck, so it's obvious that there's someone else, but you can't see who. You sit back down at the Table, your Stomach starting to growl and you realize just how late it is. You shot up and run up to Lucy, grabbing her shirt, pulling hard successfully ending the make out session
„You have to phone Mum that I'm here, otherwise she'll send a search party and I'm already dead, because I didn't text her that I arrived safely“ you stumble over your words, because nothing is more scary than Mum Bronze in Mum Mode. Lucy rolled her eyes, pecking Onas lips again for a final goodbye, before pushing you back into the Apartment again
„You realize what I just gave up for you?“
„Multiple Orgasms, I know... I don't want to know, but I know... can I post a picture, saying I'm with you?“ you murmur the end of your question, knowing Lucy is very picky with private Pictures and even more, when you're involved
„Let me first call Mum, then let me check the Picture, then we decide what we get for dinner, okay?“ she pressed a Kiss to your temple, already her Phone in Hand, dailing Home.
She was on the Phone to Mum forever, apologizing telling her she was so happy to see you that we forgot to call her. Straight A+ lie, but if someone can pull it off, it's Lucy
„You owe me, Smol“ she said after ending the Call „Now show me that picture, so I can say No and we can go finding food, since my fridge is empty and I planned on eating something else tonight“ she grinned, as you start to dry heave again.
„Please... i REALLY don't want to think about it“ you say pained
Lucy laughed out loudly and you smiled. You really missed her.
„Show me the Picture“ she said, encouraging you, a smile playing around her lips, as you show her.
„That's a good one“ Lucy said after a minute of looking at it closely handing you the phone back „You can use that one... Just don't tag Ona please“
„I don't even know who she is“ you said looking apologetic „but I think she's nice“
Your Sister laughed again „She is... haven't felt like this since Keira“
„Why did you and Keira split up? I really liked her“ you said and Lucy looked at you for a second, really looked at YOU before answering
„We just fell out of Love... nobodies fault... it just happened and it wasn't fair to either of us to keep pretending“ Lucy said carefully, yet seriously, knowing that Topic was difficult for you
„As cliche as it sounds, but we're still friends and I know, Keira will be over the Moon seeing you again“. Truth is, when Lucy and Keira split up you refused to talk to your Sister for weeks, not grabbing fully why she would leave Keira. Keira who was a mixture between a big Sister and a Mother to you. Keira, who made you laugh, when you where sad. Keira, who carried you to bed, when you fell asleep during a Movie. Keira, who held you when you came crying into Lucys Bedroom, just woken up from a Nightmare. In the End, you was just too young to grab fully what was happening. Maybe not too young but you couldn’t understand the feelings behind it.
„Was it my fault?“ you whispered, always the nagging feeling at the back of your Head, that it was your fault they split up.
„What?“ Lucy asked confused „No... of course not! Y/n listen to me... it had NOTHING to do with you“
„But if I would have acted more grown up and not come running nearly every night..“ you stared and Lucy immediately knew what it was about
„Y/n... it had nothing to do with that... nothing! You went through something traumatic and we were honestly glad you trusted us enough to come to us or let us calm you down when you had a nightmare“ she said insistently, holding your look „You had nothing to do with what happened between Keira and I, do you understand me?“
„I just... I feel like it's my fault“ you look down, playing with your fingers
„It's not... and if you don't believe me, you can ask Keira...“ Lucy said, grabbing your Hands in hers, holding them tightly „It just happened“
You let her pull you into a hug and for the first time in a long time you felt safe and home.
„Thanks Luce“ you mumbled against her shoulder
„Always ya wee shite“ she said and you felt her smiling into your Hair.
Yes, even at 16 years old, Lucy is a whole Head bigger than you were. Your stomach growled again and Lucy laughed „What do you want to eat, I'll order“
„I'm in Spain... obviously I want Fish and Chips, Idiot... I want authentic spanish food“ you said sarcastically
„Smartass“ she rolled her eyes „We could also go out, whatever you want“
„It's YOUR Birthday... why do I have to choose? “ you said, honestly confused
„I was trying to be nice... I know a small little Restaurant, not too far from here“ she grinned at you
„Do I have to change for it?“ you asked, looking down at your button down shirt, ripped jeans and the baby blue chucks
„Other shoes and you're good to go“ Lucy said as she threw a pair of NIKEs your way „I'll just go change, don't do anything stupid“ she pointed her finger threatenly at you
„Never, my beloved Sister“ you say sarcastically.
While Lucy is changing, you decided against posting the picture of Lucy and Ona kissing online. You know your Sister values her privacy and even she gave you the ok, it didn't feel right – but that doesn't mean you couldn't send it to someone else... Keira.
Y/n: ~ inserts picture ~ It finally happened Kei... I walked in on her... thankfully I haven't eaten today, otherwise Lucy would have to clean that up too
Keira: You're in Barcelona, Bitsy?! Why didn't you tell me?
Y/n: Sure am... wish I wasn't tho... ehm... surprise?
Keira: I hope you didn't plan to fuck off without saying hi... and don't kid yourself, Bitsy... that definitely wasn't the first time you walked in on your Sister ;)
Y/n: of fucking course not... and how would you know that, Ms. Walsh?
Keira: Because I was there :p
After you read Keiras last Text, you threw your Phone to the other End of the Couch with a loud „EW!!“.
Lucy came running from the Bedroom, looking at you shocked „What happened?? Are you okay?“. „I walked in on you and Keira???“ you cried out in agony.
„What?“ Lucy looked at you confused. You showed her your Phone, which caused her to laugh – full on belly laugh „Oh yeah... I forgot about that“ Lucy laughed.
„I WALKED IN ON YOU AND KEIRA???“ you screeched horrified.
„Yep... multiple times actually“ Lucy grinned.
„Oh god... I think I need to throw up? When... wait no... don't answer that“
Your Sister laughed again, throwing a coat towards you, silently telling you that you were leaving. „Is it okay, if I invite some people?“ she asked you, as you leave the Apartment.
„It's your Birthday, Luce – you can invite whoever you want“ you shrugged your Shoulders. „Whomever“ Lucy corrected you automaticly, before she pulled out her phone and send some texts. „Smartass“ you mumble as your Sister put her Arm around your Shoulders, manoeuvring you through the City.
Just as you rounded a corner into a small side road, someone shoulder checked you, turning around, yelling something in spanish at you. You looked at the guy confused, feeling Lucy going into protective Mode, making herself bigger by your Side. Before she could say anything, you looked at the Guy, yelling at him „Cállate la Boca, matildo hijo de puta!“
Your Sister looked shocked at you as does the Guy. You put on your best Bronze-Fightingface, before making a step towards him. Just as the Guy made up his mind and also took a step towards you, a Woman pushed right in between you two oozing confidence and started talking calmly to the Guy. She was pretty but damn – she was intimidating. The Guy talked back twice, before turning around, leaving the little alley
„What the Hell, Y/n??“ Lucy yelled at you „What the hell did you say to that guy? I understood ONE word and know it wasn't a compliment – and since when do you speak spanish?“
She then turned to the Woman „Hola Alexia... Gracias por interferir“
„Ningún problema“ the woman smiled at my Sister
„And you“ she turned to you „Where did you learn that?“
And there was that intimidating look again, which made you gulp. You grew up with Lucy Bronze, but this woman scared you. You pushed yourself behind your Sister, trying to hide
„Answer her“ Lucy pulled you out from behind her.
You just shook your Head and mumbled „She scares me Luce“
„Good“ your Sister mumbled „now answer her“
You shook your Head again. The woman looked at you and smiled slightly
„Excuse me. Hi, my name is Alexia, I'm a teammate and friend of your Sister“
You're still careful, not to stand to close to her „Hi... Y/n... I'm.. the Sister of my Sister“
This actually made her laugh, while Lucy groaned and started to rub her forehead embarrassed
„So... now that we know each other, where did you learn to offend spanish people? As much as I gathered, you don't speak spanish..“ Alexia said and immediately she got all scary again
„I... no... yes?“ You looked at her and tried to hide behind Lucy again, who groaned again. „Cariño.... my patience is wearing quite thin... you better start talking” Alexia said sweetly, but you knew it was a fair warning
“A girl at the Airport taught me... I just tried to order a coffee, which is SO hard in your country and the Barista didn't understand me and she kinda took over and ordered for me... as a thank you, I paid for hers... and we sat together as she waited for her Girlfriend and since we had time, she taught me some spanish” you stutter out
“Do you even know what you just said?” Alexia looked at you shocked
“ehrm... no... but the girl said I have to put on a Bitchface after saying it... she was cool...”
“Y/n... you just can't throw around spanish phrases, because SOMEONE told you” Lucy pressed.
“She look trustworthy” you defended yourself
“Cariño...” Alexia said softly “... don't EVER say that again, because you will get hurt in the process”
“Is it bad?” you ask unsure
“It is...” the Spanish woman said “... and if I ever find that Girl, that taught you, I will have a VERY serious talk with her... in spanish” she winked at you
“What are the Odds” you mumbled and Lucy looked at you
“What odds?” she asked you confused
“That girl just turned around the Corner” you said, pointing at a Girl, laughing loudly with some other girls
“I should have known” Alexia groaned out “María Pilar León Cebrián!!! Nosotras necesitamos hablar!!!” she yelled out
The Girl in questions Head snapped towards Alexias angry Voice, her laughter dying in her throat. She made eye contact with you, her eyes went comically wide and you could swear, you saw her mouthing the word “Fuck”, before slowly starting to walk backwards
“Oh please do” Alexia sneered, while walking towards Maria “Please start running, so I can chase after you because after I caught you, I'm gonna drag your sorry Ass up to Nuo and let you run Laps until Training is over and then some more...”
You turned towards your Sister “Isn't Nuo Egg?” you ask confused
“Huevo is Egg.. Nuo is the Stadium where we train and play” Lucy explained
“Ah... and why is Alexia calling me Cariño ... is that some weird spanish name?” you said, still confused
This Time Lucy laughed out loud, while Alexia is “actively” having a word with Maria – she was outright yelling at the poor Girl. You actually did feel sorry for her. Maria looked very guilty, trying to explain, but not getting a word in.
“Cariño is a form of endearment... something like Honey”
“Excuse me?? She could have at least taken me out on a Date first” you huffed, but smiled.
“Are you causing trouble already?” a voice behind you said amused. You turned around and sprinted off, throwing yourself in the Womans arms.
“I missed you, Keira” you mumbled into her neck, while she's hugging you tightly
“I missed you too, Bitsy” she kissed your Hair, not breaking the contact
You felt safe in her arms. Lucy came over after getting over her initial shock of you just sprinting off
“For once, it wasn't her causing the Trouble... it was Mapí” Lucy said, nodding towards a still yelling Alexia with her head
“What a surprise – Mapí causing trouble... these two would absolutely cause havoc” Keira laughed, not letting go of you
“Take a guess, why Mapí is getting yelled at... they have met already” your Sister grinned
“Oh god” Keira groaned laughing “What has Mapí done?”
“She taught me spanish” you said proudly
“What did she teach...” the other english woman started before getting interrupted by Lucy “Don't!!!! Don't ask!”
Keira was a little taken aback, but didn't ask any further
“She taught me a phrase... apparently it's a bad one and I'm not allowed to say it again, otherwise the scary Woman will have my Ass” you said, still pressed into Keiras side
“Scary Woman?” Keira raised an eyebrow at Lucy
“Alexia” your Sister answered shrugging her shoulders
“Mapí would like to say something” said Woman stood behind you three, her hand grabbing the back of Marias neck, who looked like a kicked puppy
“Lamento mucho haberte enseñado algo malo” the smaller Woman mumbled, clearly not happy or comfortable with the situation
“En Inglés” Alexia rolled her eyes “As you maybe remember, little Bronze doesn't speak spanish”. “Su hermana lo hace - ella puede traducir” Maria said
“Maria” Alexia warned “Deja de ser difícil y discúlpate correctamente”
“I'm sorry for teaching you bad spanish” the younger woman huffed out annoyed
“It's...” you started, before Alexia interrupted you “And now we try to say that, like we really mean it” she said to Mapí, grabbing her neck a little tighter
“I'm sorry” the younger girl winced
“Very good” Alexia smiled, but everyone saw it was fake, before getting a stern face again “You still will run laps tomorrow”
“What??? I apologized” Mapí said shocked
“Still doesn't change the fact, that you nearly caused a fight – if I hadn't stepped in, she most like would have end up in the Hospital with a broken nose... or worse” Alexia said
“Oi!” you yelled out “I may be small, but I can hold myself, thank you very much”
“We” Alexia looked at you sternly “Will talk tomorrow”
You gulped again, making yourself smaller at Keiras side, who had watched the whole interaction with an amused grin on her face.
“Can we get food now?” you whispered into Keiras side
The Midfielder laughed loudly “Let's go” she said as she pulled you into the small Restaurant, everyone following you. You sat between Lucy and Alexia, Mapí to Alexias right, next to her her Girlfriend Ingrid, Keira was to Lucys left with one seat free in between them for when Ona would join.
“What's edible here?” you ask to no one particular, studying your menu.
“Should I order for you, Cariño?” Alexia ask, wanting to make you feel welcome and comfortable “If this is you aassuming that this is a date, then no...” you say distracted, still try to figure out the menu.
Alexia was taken aback, while your Sister laughed.
“But what is... potatoes braves?” you asked, looking up confused.
Mapí clutched her heart dramatically “My heart... my Heart burns... I think I have a heart attack.. is this what a heart attack feels? My poor Heart”
“What is her deal?” you asked your Sister, who already had tears in her eyes from laughing
“You just absolutely BUTCHERED her language and food” Keira said, her tone dry as usual still looking over the menu.
“But it says there...” you climbed on top of Lucy, your Knee pressing into her thigh, causing her to groan out in pain, to show Keira on the Menu “Potatoes braves... or something like that”
“Patatas Bravas” Keira corrected you “It is potatoes, but it's not called Potatoes and definitely not Braves..”
“Look at you, all fancy spanishing” you rolled your eyes at her, but she knew you didn't mean it.
“Could you please finally get off me?” Lucy groaned out, pushing you back on your chair “When did you get so heavy?”
“Are you calling me fat, Arse biscuits??” you challenged her by raising an eyebrow
“What if I do, Twat McFuckknuckle?” Lucy taking your bait, raising her eyebrow as well
“Stop it! Both of you, we have company AND in public” Keira said sharply, successfully interrupting your interaction “God the two of you – always trouble”
You kicked Lucys ankle lightly under the Table, she shoving you, pushing you successfully into Alexia.
“Sorry... she pushed me” you mumbled out, while shoving Lucy back.
Alexia looked at Keira “Are they always this violent towards each other?”
“Oh this isn't violent – this is actually them behaving” Keira smiled fake, watching you two shoving each other “Just wait till there's food on the Table – THEN it gets violent”.
Just as they were about to order, Ona joined the small Group, pressing a small Kiss to Lucys lips. You watched that interaction with a frown on your face. You cared deeply for Keira and assumed it wasn't easy on her watching her Ex and her new Girlfriend kissing right in front of her. You carefully looked at Keira, but saw her laughing with Ingrid, who changed seats for conversation purposes.
“What's this dark look on your face, Cariño?” Alexia whispered in your ear, unknowing to you, she always had an eye on you.
“Nothing” you said flatly, not wanting to start a scene “I'm just hungry”
It was your Sisters Birthday after all and she looked very happy with Ona.
“Dinner will be served soon, don't worry” the Barca captain said lightly, putting a hand on your bouncing knee.
“Ale?” Mapí asked from Alexias other side.
“Si?” the woman in question looked at her younger Teammate
“Can we swipe seats?” Mapí asked hopefully.
You look at her confused “You want to what?”
“Swipe seats... I take Alexias, she sits in my seat” the young spanish said
“Oh... OH... you mean swap...” you say as you realize what she wants “and they say I butcher a language”
“No” Alexia said sternly “before you ask, you two won't be anywhere unsupervised”
“Oi” you exclaim “I'm very capable of looking after myself”, while Mapí exclaimed something in spanish.
“No idea what she said, but she's right” you say, pointing at Mapí
“Enough” Alexia said sternly, both of you stop complaining immediately.
Keira looked impressed at Alexia, trying to hide her smirk. Lucy was in her own world with Ona, ignoring everything around her. Finally there was Food on the Table and before the Plagrabfor everyone even were placed on the Table, you and Mapí already starting to grab whatever you could reach. Alexia watched in horror, as you two just loading food on your own plates without waiting for the rest “Excuse me? María León... I know for a fact that you have manners and won't just load your plate with food without WAITING for everyone else – especially for the Woman who celebrates her birthday today... isn't that right, María?”
Mapí looked down on her plate guilty, before starting to put the food back.
“I thought so” Alexia said, still a mad undertone in her voice
You on the other Hand didn't care one bit. You grew up in the Bronze household. You snooze, you loose. You threw a little fried something into your mouth, chewing happily. That was until the spiciness kicked in. Your eyes went wide, tears starting to form in your eyes and you started to have problems to breath. As always, you turned to Keira for help, throwing food at her to get her attention.
“Y/n please... I didn't raise you for years so you start throwing food in public” the Woman said, turning to you before realizing what was happening. Once she saw you in your distressed state, she immediately came over, pulling you out of your chair and out of the restaurant. Lucy finally noticed her surroundings, as Keira pulled you outside. She jumped up, following the two of you outside
“What happened?” Lucy asked worried, seeing you having difficulties to breath and tears streaming down your face.
“I don't know. She suddenly started to throw food at me, I actually was about to tell her off, but saw her having problems to breath and got her out” Keira gave Lucy a rundown, while keeping you upright
“It's okay, Bitsy... calm down” Keira started to talk to you in a low, soothing voice “Take a deep breath for me”
You tried to follow her instructions, but with no luck. Lucy finally sprung into action grabbing you by your shoulders, making you look at her
“Did you eat something?”
You nod, still trying your hardest to breath.
You nod again, thankful that your Sister keeps a cool head.
“You're doing good, Bubs... Do you know what you've eaten?”
You shake your head.
“Okay... we can work with that” Lucy said, a small reassuring smile on her lips, turning to Keira “Could you get something dairy.. milk... yoghurt... whatever”
“Sure” Keira smiled before disparaging inside the Restaurant.
“It's okay, Bubs... it's going to get better soon, I promise – just... don't shovel everything into your gob without asking next time.. these guys here are absolutely unholy when it comes to spicy food”. Just as your Sisters calm voice started to work on your nerves, Keira appeared with a glass of milk AND yoghurt
“Drink Bitsy” she smiled assuringly at you, pushing the glass of milk into your hands.
You took a sip and immediately felt your tight chest loosen up. Greedily you drowned the whole glass, feeling better with every gulp.
“Fuck” was the first word, that left your mouth after you regain your breathing again.
“You okay now, Bubs?” Lucy asked concerned.
“Getting there” you said, leaning forward, your hands on your knees “But I think I need to throw up”
Lucy pulled you upright quickly “Are you serious?”
“Yep” you breathed deeply, your stomach on a wrath for torturing it
“I'm getting you home right now” your Sister said seriously “Spicy is one thing, but your stomach is normally made of steel, that's not normal”
You just groaned
“Stay” Keira said to your Sister “It's your Birthday – I'll take her to my Place and have an eye on her... you stay and enjoy your evening, okay?”
“I can't ask that of you, Kei” Lucy said softly
“You're not asking... I'm offering” Keira smiled softly “If she feels up for it, we can meet for brunch or lately at training”
“Thank you” Lucy whispered, hugging her Ex-Girlfriend before turning to you “You behave... be good for Keira”
You nod before Keira wraps you into a hug, leading you away.
As soon as you're out of earshot and view, Keira let go of you and grinned knowingly “You can stop pretending now...”
You looked at her shocked “How did you know?”
“I was always able to tell... your sister is right, you have a stomach made of steel... your whole face changed after you drank the milk and I knew you're alright again... what I don't know is why you put on a show” the english Woman smirked at you, as she called you out
“Didn't want you to put up with Lucy and her new One being all lovey-dovey all evening... and I didn't want to put up with it either” you mumble caught.
Keira started to laugh loudly “Oh Bitsy... I see that lovey-dovey every day... it's okay for me... Lucy deserves to be happy...”
You looked at Keira and she knew there was more to it.
“What's wrong, Bitsy?” she ask lovingly
“I feel like it's my fault you broke up...” you mumble, having a hard deja-vu
“Oh sweetheart... no it's not... Lucy and I just grew apart. It happens and it's nobodies fault, especially not yours... but there's more, isn't it?” Keira said softly
“I don't like the new one” you mumble out, looking down embarrassed
“Why? Ona is a good person, she's good to and for your Sister”
“She looks like she doesn't even need to shave” you exclaimed.
Keira bursted out laughing “You're one of a kind, Bitsy... trust me... Ona is a good Person and she's good for Lucy... I know you're always struggling with change, but please.. give Ona a chance, she'll surprise you”
“M'kay” you mumble.
You arrived at Keiras Apartment, she let you both in before setting up her guest room for you. You went on exploring Keiras home. You were about to open a cabinet as she called from the guest room “Don't you dare open my Cabinets... I love you but you're a clutz”.
You quickly let go of the handle, looking at the pictures hanging on the wall instead. You spotted one of yourself and Lucy, sound asleep on your Couch in Manchester. You laid on top of Lucy, while she was sprawled out under you, her right arm over your back, holding you safely, her knee carefully placed on some pillows, her glasses askew on her face, your hand fisted in her shirt.
“I love that picture” Keiras voice soft behind you “I came back from training, wondering why she hadn't answered my texts about dinner... I walked in and both of you were softly snoring on the Couch. Your leg was so close to her freshly operated knee, that I was afraid you'd hurt it, if you move and I tried to lift you off her, but both of you started to stir as soon as I moved you. So I just let you sleep – after I took a picture. I think Lucy slept for another hour and you slept for nearly three more hours”
Keiras voice was soft and full of love, that you started crying silently. Another picture showed Lucy and Keira in a park, you asleep in between them. You pointed at the picture, your back still facing her.
“London” Keira said understanding you even without words “Our first anniversary.. She planned this whole Weekend to the brim, with fancy Restaurant, Musical Show, Sightseeing... everything... then your parents got so sick with the flu, that we took you with us... her plans went so fast out the window” Keira laughed quietly “but we improvised and instead of fancy restaurant we did pick-nick in Hyde Park – and I wouldn't change it for the world. You were so done after a day of exploring the city and all of the sights, that you were out like light as soon as you sat down”
You pointed at the next picture, again the three of you.
“You can't remember this one?” she asks you surprised.
“I do” you whisper “but... please”
“Paris” Keira said softly “Third anniversary.. Lucy just joined Lyon and invited me over to France for our anniversary She told me, she has the weekend off and wanted to take me to Paris – I honestly thought she would propose... Somehow you heard Lucy talking to your mum and begged her to let you come as well. It was the first time you two were separated and everyone could see that it was so hard on you. Lucy said as long as I'm okay with it, you could come. I remember you being so over the top with your nerves, that you ran around the Airport like a maniac... I lost you twice” Keira chuckled “and as soon as we started, you were out like a light again. In Paris, I had do carry you off the Plane, because you wouldn't wake up – and I still had to get our luggage AND carry you. It took me forever and Lucy was starting to panic that I bailed until she saw me, packed like a Donkey holding onto your sleeping form, dragging our bags behind me. And what did she do? She first smiled and then laughed – but it was the most beautiful sound in the world to me”
“Do you miss her?” you asked quietly.
“Of course I do” Keira answered honestly.
“Do you still love her?”
“I love her, yes... but I'm not IN love with her” she said.
You finally turned around, hugging her tightly.
“I miss you at home... so much” you mumble into her shoulder, tears rolling down your cheeks. Keira held you tightly “Oh sweet girl.. I miss you too – I really do”
You stayed like this for a moment, before your eyes grew heavy and Keira carefully walked the two of you towards the Guest bedroom, not letting go of you. You held onto her for dear life, letting her guide you.
As Keira kicked the door of the Guest room open, you mumble into her shoulder “Don't wanna sleep alone”
The english Woman chuckled lightly “I thought so... I just thought I'd offer, just in case... being a good host and everything”
She guided you towards her own Bedroom and sat you down on the Bed. You already were half asleep and whined tiredly as Keira let go of you. She smiled at your hunched over form
“Hush you... I need to change and get ready for bed – you too by the way”
You whined again “too much effort”
“Come on” Keira pulled at your Shirt “Teeth, Face, Change”
You felt like being Seven all over again.
“Nooooo” you whined out.
“Don't start... I'm not Lucy, I'm not a push-over... seven years of me in your life should have taught you that” Keira said severe.
You huffed heavy-hearted, before pushing off the Bed, shuffling towards the bathroom.
Keira smiled to herself “Still a big baby”.
After both of you went through your nightly Routine, with Keira basically brushing your teeth for you and changed your button down shirt with a normal shirt to sleep in, you made it into bed, where you immediately cuddled into Keiras arms and closed your Eyes. The older Woman kissed the Crown of your Head as she mumbled sweet nothings into the dark room, knowing you'd fall asleep in an instant.
Part 2 follows... at some point 😅
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lowkeyrobin · 5 months
Hii!! Is it possible to request a Minho x Reader Angst fic? I don’t have any real ideas for what i just rlly like angst😭
Anyway make sure you’re looking after yourself!!
YES 🙏🙏 I concocted the perfect idea for this so I hope you enjoy! ; thank you for requesting!! ; I wrote like a good chunk of this in geometry and physical science so this is actually kinda good lol ; also this is so damn long for me what the FUCK. ; also a bit of inspo in the end thanks to she by jelly roll...
MINHO ; they
summary ; minho loses you again
warnings ; language, guns & gun violence, explosions/bombs, death, he rips off your wckd jacket & top (not sexual), and a panic attack
disclaimers ; top ten most unneeded deaths in cinema
track ; she, jelly roll (again, not a word)
word count ; 2.5k
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Minho lost everything he'd been able to remember once he left the Glade, including you.
You were a smart thinker, which confused him as to why you stayed back with Gally and the other skeptics who didn't want to find escape in the maze. He tried so hard to convince you to come, but with such little time, he couldn't.
He'd spent months imprisoned mourning the loss of your presence. He didn't know how to function without you. He wondered where you were all the time, if you were even alive or not. He'd been wishing the best in your fate, in the scorch and back in the hands of WCKD. He missed your dorky smile and infectious laughter, hoping one day he could hear it again, even in the stars that he oh-so-missed gazing with you.
Your name scorched his heart every time it was spoken. Your face was engraved in his brain, to the point every time he thought of or imagined you, he'd fight back tears to stay strong. You were weaponized against him, being used to create false memories and episodes to help them find a cure.
Every time he'd wake up from a real dream where you were present, he'd end up in tears, to then have to cradle himself back to sleep. He'd been confined like this for months, then another few days before the bust. It was so, so much worse in the Last City, he'd rather have died in some horrific train crash then have missed his chance at freedom.
However, you survived. Gally did, too, though, even after Minho pierced his chest with a spear.
You'd joined some revolution gang together, learning to use guns and join the ranks. You'd been given bulletproof vests once you proved your worth, officially becoming part of the team.
Reuniting with Thomas, Fry, and Newt was a story in itself, but knowing, or at least hoping, that you'd see Minho again made your heart race in your chest. Gally took Thomas and Newt out to explore the perimeter of the city, letting you reconnect and catch up with Fry and get to know Brenda and her father figure Jorge.
Brenda grew fond of you quickly, liking your badassery and passion to overthrow WCKD. She knew you weren't into trying to kill innocents and understood that you wanted bullets in Janson's and Paige's heads, and you were willing to do it for free.
You showed her and Fry how to use the electro-guns, two you'd stolen from WCKD guards that defended the city walls. They're good for torture, but it was never your taste of tea, you left the others to do the sick shit. You wanted your friends back, you didn't even know they'd been free up til earlier today.
Once the trio came back, they set up a plan that you and Gally jumped in on to deflect and suggest ideas. It was set for tomorrow night, and you didn't know how to process it. You try not to think of Minho the rest of the night, which you awfully fail at, as you'd fallen asleep thinking of him.
You play out your role over and over again, overthinking every single detail down to the grade of gun you'd have strapped to your side. Gally, now your close friend after all this time together, could see your nervousness and anticipation.
"You okay?" He asks, leaning on the railing to your shared bunk bed. You slept on the bottom, him on the top.
You nod, arms sprawled over the top of your pillow, basically holding it like it was going anywhere. "I'm good. Nervous"
He nods, "It'll be alright, we're gonna get him back"
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You'd stolen WCKD gaurd suits, your first priority. You and Gally walk around the perimeter of the building post getting the kids on the bus. Your masks are up to avoid any real guards noticing that you're fakes. He holds his bulky gun across his chest, while yours is angled with the safety on across your back. A hand rests over the pistol on your side.
You can feel your heart pounding behind your ribcage, the anticipation of seeing Minho and taking down WCKD killing you. Gally pats your shoulder for reassurance and nods forward silently, wanting to pick up the pace.
You notice explosions in the distance, firey flames illuminating the sky.
As you walk under the main area, you notice a fire extinguisher land in the modern pool, splashing water into the air as it sinks to the bottom. You hear yells, then three bodies plop into the pool. You and three other guards behind you run to the scene, while you and Gally lag behind, knowing who just showed up.
Thomas, Newt, and Minho rise out of the water, floating over to the side after Thomas sends Janson, standing in the bay of the window, maybe twenty stories high, a middle finger. They wade over to the edge and pull themselves out, guards hold them at gunpoint, leaving their faces shaken and in despair.
Gally acts first, shoving one of the guards into the pool, then you pistol whip the one on your right, and you together knock out the last guy. The boys stare at you two, confused as to why two guards had apparently saved them, their questions are quickly answered as Gally rips his mask off.
"Oh, you bloody genius!"
"Oh, shit"
"What the hell?" Minho mutters.
Laying your eyes on him again, even though that mask, it brought you nearly to tears. Seeing his eyes, so tired, his body clearly so weak from the mental and physical stress, your heart broke for him. You make sure your handheld gun had the safety on before tucking it away properly.
"Long story" Gally replies to Minho, knowing what he was thinking.
Minho, still in genuine shock, adrenaline coursing through his veins, looks to you, wondering if you were maybe Brenda or Fry. You bite the inside of your cheek before pulling your mask off, softly smiling at Minho.
Newt and Thomas smile, Newt much more weak, as he was beginning to crank out.
"Y/n?" He questions in disbelief. "How- am I dreaming again?"
You quickly pound the boy into a hug, the moisture from his body rubbing off onto your red and grey outfit. The mask lays on the concrete, where Gally kicks it into the water, same with his.
You hear him begin to sob, holding onto you so tightly in fear you'd disappear like all the times before. You rub his back with your dominant hand, which trails up his spine toward his nape.
"I thought you were dead" He cries, "They've been using you in those simulations-"
"It's okay." You softly speak, "We have to go, you can tell me all about it later"
He nods, eyes still widened in shock and confusion as you follow the other three as they quickly flee the scene.
You take cover by some bushes, leaving Newt on the side to rip his jacket off as he sweats profusely. The veins in his neck were bulging out of his skin, colored a matte black.
You couldn't help but stare, unable to listen to the others talk. You quickly rush to his aid, wanting to help him be the most comfortable he possibly could be.
You crouch down next to him, giving him some reassuring words that he'd be okay. You help him to his feet, where Minho is at your side.
Gally and Thomas lead the way as another explosion rings through the air near you. You duck your head as some loose shrapnel lightly hits your skin, thankfully not enough force given to puncture your face.
The explosions only become worse as you run through a little diner, having no alternate route around as the city was being blown to smithereens.
"God damnit, we said blow up the entrance, not the whole damn city"
Newt falls to the ground, too weak to walk as black ooze drips from his lips. Glass explodes behind you, in which you quickly shove Minho to the ground in front of you to protect him. You cover your head, letting the glass shards hit your protected back.
He gasps for air for a moment as Thomas and Gally prop him up against a safe wall, trying to talk to him. You and Minho follow suit, making a quick plan to go get the temporary cure from Brenda and Jorge, and run back to give it to Newt.
"Stay strong for me, okay?" Minho speaks, his hands on the blonde's shoulders.
He nods, his eyes clearly lost in a daze, his vision blurry and wobbly.
Minho pats his shoulder before standing up, letting you give him a nod of reassurance. You and Gally follow Minho, weapons drawn to protect him as he leads with his quick sprinting skills.
You three get one last look at Newt and Thomas before fleeing, working your way through the maze of buildings and explosions to get to your friends. Gally shoots a guard at his side while you do the same at about a 10'o'clock radius.
"This way!"
You follow Minho, the explosions so loud that they defeaned gunshots. The battery on your stolen WCKD gun runs out, and you toss it to the side, resorting to using your pistol to defend your friends. Another bomb nearly knocks you off your feet, causing you to stumble into Minho.
"Sorry!" You shout over the noise.
"You okay?" He shouts back, helping you balance on your feet again.
"Yeah!" You quickly reply, nodding forward for him to continue running to get the cure.
You make it down to the Berg, where Fry, Brenda and Jorge await your arrival.
"The cure!"
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"We can't leave him here like this"
"We can't take him back-"
"We have to, please"
"It's too dangerous, we won't make it back to the Berg in time, or we'll get blown up carrying him!"
You stand at Minho's side, looking down at the blonde haired boy as he stands up. He wipes the tears from his eyes, looking at you.
"We have to leave him, Minho"
He nods, slowly placing the cure in Newt's cold hand. He takes one last look at him before turning away, waiting for anyone to speak and give orders.
Brenda speaks up again, deciding to get back to the Berg as fast as possible. You all follow her, guns out, ready to shoot whoever you had to at this point.
Minho turns to you as you run side by side, "Why are you here? Why are you putting yourself in the face of danger? To save me or something?"
You give him a little head tilt to act as a shrug, "You called"
You shake your head, deciding to explain it once you were in the hands of safety. An explosion, which cause the ground to rumble beneath you, knocks you all off your feet and onto the hard concrete.
You all groan in pain, having fallen all over each other. Brenda had fallen onto Fry, and they both stumble to the side, apologizing to one another profusely. You'd fallen onto Minho, of course, and help him back to his feet.
You feel lightheaded, your face growing cold, odd for the amount of heat and fire and running around you'd been doing. You lean onto the boy, feeling woozy, as maybe you'd stood up to fast.
Then you fall to your knees, some invisible force knocking you down, your cargo pants ripping at the knees from the impact.
"Y/n!" You hear Minho shout, his voice echoey in your ears.
You hear three gunshots coming from each Fry, Gally, and Brenda. You look back, seeing a WCKD guard fall on their back after taking three shots to the head and chest. Minho's hands rest on your shoulder and on your cheek as he calls your name, asking if you're okay. You see his eyes glance down, where he quickly looks back up to not scare you.
You stand up, numb to any pain. He follows, making sure you're able to keep balance on your feet. He quickly rips off the bulletproof vest for you and your jacket, revealing the wound right under your collar bone.
You look down at it, then look back up at him, eyebrows furrowed. You look to the other three, eyes widened in shock and fear. Another explosion pops a few hundred yards away, shaking the ground again, though not enough to knock you all down once more.
Minho quickly shouts for anything he can use to keep pressure on the wound. He held his hand over it, as the bleeding was horrible at the moment. His hands are covered in your blood, considering the bullet that shot you went clear through you. You notice the bullet a few feet away, light flickering off of it as it rolls into the street where multiple bloody bodies lay.
Minho rips a piece of his shirt and stuffs it into the exit wound, ordering you to hold it there. He pulls you along as you continue running through the city. Your left arm rests over Minho's shoulders, not wanting to upset your other side. Considering moving, it would only agitate it more, and you were trying to keep pressure on the wound anyway.
As you reach the final yards to reach the Berg where Jorge and Vince wait, you collapse to your knees again, landing face first in the debris covered concrete. Minho falls with you, your weight having dragged him down. He tries to pull you up but notices the pool of blood forming around you. A thin, but large pool.
He calls your name over and over, then flips you on your back, where blood sputters out of your mouth. He quickly pulls you up, your back now held up by Brenda and Fry, who were quick to turn back. Gally crouches down on one knee and slowly removes the cloth from the wound, absolutely drenched in crimson.
"No, no, no, no. Not now! Y/n, get up, please," He pleads, watching Vince and Jorge rush to your aid. "They were shot by a gaurd, went clean through, there's so much blood-"
You reach your hand out to Minho as the men pick you up off the ground, where you stumble to walk with them. They practically carry you on their shoulders to the Berg.
Another explosion knocks you all to the ground again, leaving bruises on faces, arms, and legs as you're pounded onto the ground. You'd be lucky enough not to get AIDS at this point.
Minho stumbles to his feet, rushing to you as the men pick themselves up before you.
He notices blood spewing from the other side of your chest. He rips the extra layers of clothing off your torso, tossing your pistol to the side as well. Gally looks around, finger on the trigger of his gun, looking for a shooter.
"Stray bullet!" Brenda shouts, "Get them in there! Go! Thomas needs us!"
Minho places his hands under your arms and drags you into the Berg himself, all the children right in view of your slumped body. You choke on blood and air, feeling your face grow cold and pale. The liquid trails up into the aircraft, staining the hard metal red for the time being.
Vince jumps into the driver's seat, ordering the others to help you and how to before it's too late. Brenda stands next to him, trying to get any info out of Thomas through the walkies.
You wrap your arms around Minho, feeling the pain in your chest now as you grunt and cry. You squeeze onto the back of his shirt, the pain causing you to claw your fingers into him. He holds you, his heart breaking in two as you struggle to breathe.
The placement, it wasn't possible to keep you this time. It wasn't possible to keep you and be free in any situation, in any timeline, in any universe.
"I don't wanna say goodbye"
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He sits on the beach every morning, talking to the sunrise as if you were there next to him. He didn't mind the sand that would pile up in his boots or the dusty grain that would stick to his hydrophoric hands all damn day if it weren't for the water there to wash it away.
His fingers traced over your name on the rock when he felt lonely, like you were magically there, hugging him again.
He'd never know for sure what you meant when you said that he called. He understood that you definitely didn't hear him call for you after awakening after nightmares, but maybe you did, he wouldn't have known. He guessed in a metaphorical sense, he did call for you, which you both knew, but it still confused him somehow. He wanted you to explain it all so he'd understand, like how you always did.
He regretted never being able to rant about all his feelings to you. He wished he had time to tell you about all he went through so you could reassure him that you'd protect him forever. You'd protect him from the nightmares and the scars, the mental baggage that would weigh him down forever.
He started crying himself to sleep after he began to forget your face.
He just wanted another hug, but your face was beginning to blur out. It sent him into a panic attack right there. No one was there to help him as he cried and clawed into the dirt, trying to ground himself again. He couldn't believe himself, he treasured you so much yet he was forgetting your face after merely a year after your dissapearance?
It didn't help that after a while, he began to forget your voice too, that hurt even more. He'd been forced to talk about his feelings to Thomas like a parent-child conference. He wasn't himself anymore.
His eyes were always swollen, eyebags dark and weighing his happiness down. He was depressed. Every smile he showed was just him trying to make his way through another day's work, distracting himself from the fact that he lost you, for good this time, he watched it.
He wrote letters to you with no address to send to. It didn't help whatsoever that he himself pushed you out into the sea once Thomas regained consciousness so he could say farewell. He watched it all, he knew you were gone this time. At least he had some sense of closure.
He had nothing left of you other than that WCKD jacket you wore, that haunted him as he slept. He only kept it because even with the logo of the corporation that tortured him for years and past the bullet holes in it, it provided him a little comfort that you were still there.
He found that telling stories of you to the younger kids helped.
"They were like the life of the party, bright smile, infectious laughter. They were the one everyone wanted to be around. You could see the sunrise in their eyes."
"Who were they to you?" One little girl asks.
"I don't really know" Minho shrugs, looking down at his hands for a moment.
"Where are they now?" A little boy asks, tilting his head.
"They're in the sky, they have been. They're stuck there. I hope I see them again" He replies with a little nod, looking up at the sun beginning to set up on the island.
"Why are they stuck in the sky?"
"They're afraid of coming down"
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ruewrote · 5 months
𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡 𝑟𝑢𝑖𝑛𝑠.
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PAIRING: tdc!gally x fem!reader WARNINGS: gally's death, no use of y/n GENRE: angst SONG INSPIRATION: i miss you by adele WORD COUNT: 928 A/N: this was really fast paced but i've had the end part in my mind for weeks now so sorry if its rushed :)
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they could never make you hate him, even after what happened to chuck.
as much as you wanted to, you just couldn’t do it. he had been your best friend, your crush, your rock, your lover. 
it was so good at first, maybe too good to be true, whatever it was it felt right with him. gally was the only thing in the glade keeping you sane, whole.
with thomas grabbing you by your waist, pulling you away from his body. gally giving you a last “it’s okay,” before you were snatched away from him. 
tears streaming down your cheeks as you reached out for him, squirming in thomas’s hold trying to free yourself, as you were both tugged through the exit by others in full combat gear.
you were finally out of the maze, but at what cost?
after his death, you were distant from the others except from newt. he always made sure you were eating and drinking, checking up on you when distanced yourself from everyone.
newt was like a brother to you, having him close helped, but then again what could he do for what only felt like heartache. 
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your eyes swollen and puffy as tears rolled down your cheeks, trying to keep your sniffles muffled by the sleeve of your jacket as the others slept.
time heals. well that’s what people used to say, but you think that’s complete utter bullshit because how does this ever get better?
everytime you closed your eyes you could see him, his hand shakily holding the gun in thomas’s direction, his eyes full of tears, the infection spreading across his skin. then bang! jilting yourself out of bed, chest tightening, tears. it was the same cycle every time you slept.
feeling as it was almost selfish, you got to live, you got a chance to try to survive, but here you were here moping. losing winston only added to your heartache.
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nearing the last city the sound of angered shouts echoed far, definitely too many for the eight of you to take on, so you got closer to figure out what to do next. 
gently pushing through the crowd, trying to get to the front to see what was happening. a hand covered your mouth, muffling you crying out for help. the other around your waist as the person who grabbed you lifted you off the ground.
the others were still ahead of you, not noticing what was happening, until it was too late. out of nowhere mini missiles were getting shot at the ground beside you, making the person who had you fumble, almost letting you go.
another person in a gas mask watched this happen, they started to grab your legs and dragged you towards a truck, if you were gonna go, you were gonna go kicking and screaming all the way.
“get off of her!” newt yelled, dragging the man who had your feet off of you, but another two came up behind him and got him too.
both of you were soon thrown into a beaten down blue truck, leaving you sat side by side, breathing heavily. a certain are you alright? look shared between the two of you before staring down the three armed, masked people in front of you.
the car ride tense and rocky as the vehicle drifted around corners, making you bump shoulders with newt. 
it soon came to an abrupt stop, the doors being pulled open and the two of you nudged out of it. looking around you, you could see an abandoned car park, thomas and brenda, multiple guys with masks.
the sounds of muffled fighting could be heard in the van beside you, then bursts out jumping on the person, jorge punching them.
shouting about where brenda was, but soon stopped when he found her.
“it’s alright, we’re on the same side,” 
thomas stepping closer, pushing you protectively behind him, “who the hell are you?”
after a long pause the unknown leader takes off his mask, “gally?” you mutter in disbelief, peeking out from behind thomas.
his eyes soften at the sight of you, “hey sweetheart,” giving you that familiar smile that you had missed so much. 
it doesn’t take long for you to bound up to him, throwing your arms around his neck, bringing him into a bone crushing hug. he hugged you back even tighter, lifting you off of the ground with ease.
you moved back just enough to look at his face, a soft smile danced over your lips as tears filled your eyes once again, “what the fuck. how is this real?”
“i’ll explain everything inside, c’mon,” he placed you back on the ground, grasping your hand in his own as he signalled the others to follow him.
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you were now cuddled up in bed with gally. your head on his chest, legs intertwined, his arm wrapped protectively around your waist pulling you closer to him.
“i never thought we’d have this again,” speaking softly as you looked up at him, “i really thought i lost you.” 
he gazes down at you, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear, “whether you like it or not, i'm not going to give up on you…on us.”
“that’s what i like to hear,” you joke, playfully elbowing his side with your arm, earning a chuckle from him as you cuddled closer to each other.
for the first time in months you’d finally be able to sleep peacefully with him by your side again.
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comments and reblogs are appreciated ♡
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© ruewrote 2024.
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pvlvdin · 4 months
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Jorge Jimenez just never misses with these designs for the batfamily😭👌😫
[Peak Batfam moment ]
~Batman #148
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fizzyorange-v2 · 2 months
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on not being able to save those you love, even from themselves
“I've been inside his head. That guy's a piece of shit.”
“It doesn't matter. I-I don't want to be someone who leaves people behind. I want to be someone who saves his family. And for better or worse... he's family.”
1 - Billy-Ray Belcourt, A History of My Brief Body / Virgina Woolf, Final Letter to Her Husband // 2 - Nick Schager, The Boys Recap: Don’t Forget Your Second Wind // 3 - Adrienne Rich, For the Dead // 4 - Jodi Picoult, Handle with Care / The Boys, Assassination Run / Lena Oleanderson, Love in the Thoracic Cavity / Friedrich Nietzsche / @ell-hs, x / unknown // 5 - The Front Bottoms, Twelve Feet Deep / Dazai Osamu, No Longer Human / Walter Benjamin, One Way Street (tr. Edmund Jephcott), Selected Writings, Vol I: 1913-1926 / lillie, via Pinterest // 6 - John Le Carré, The Looking Glass War / Bring Me the Horizon, True Friends / starparkdesigns, via Instagram // 7 - Clive Barker, The Hellbound Heart / The Crane Wives, Tongues and Teeth / @neuxue, x // 8 - Susan Sontag, As Consciousness is Harnessed to Flesh: Journals and Notebooks (1964 - 1980) / Molly McAdams, Stealing Harper (Taking Chances, #1.5) / The Mountain Goats, Training Montage / Hael, Who Made You A Monster? // 9 - Bares, Montage // 10 - Aeschylus, Agamemnon / Garth Ennis, Preacher / D.N., excerpt from a book i'll never write #71 / @catradoraism, x / Poor Man’s Poison, Black Sheep // 11 - The Mountain Goats, Up the Wolves // 12 & 13 - Natalie Young, Notes on Earth Life // 14 - Brandon Sanderson, The Final Empire / unknown / David Fincher, The Social Network // 15 - Margaret Atwood, "Hesitations outside the door", Power Politics / @theartistichuman, x / Jorge Rivera-Herrans, No Longer You // 16 - unknown
as always please let me know if any links break, any credit is incorrect, or if you’re aware of where a missing piece of media is from :]
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After some time, you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and imprisoning a soul; You learn that love does not equal sex, and that company does not equal security, and you start to learn…. That kisses are not contracts and gifts are not promises, and you start to accept defeat with the head up high and open eyes, and you learn to build all roads on today, because the terrain of tomorrow is too insecure for plans… and the future has its own way of falling apart in half. And you learn that if it’s too much even the warmth of the sun can burn. So you plant your own garden and embellish your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring flowers to you. And you learn that you can actually bear hardship, that you are actually strong, and you are actually worthy, and you learn and learn…and so every day. Over time you learn that being with someone because they offer you a good future, means that sooner or later you’ll want to return to your past. Over time you comprehend that only who is capable of loving you with your flaws, with no intention of changing you can bring you all happiness. Over time you learn that if you are with a person only to accompany your own solitude, irremediably you’ll end up wishing not to see them again. Over time you learn that real friends are few and whoever doesn’t fight for them, sooner or later, will find himself surrounded only with false friendships. Over time you learn that words spoken in moments of anger continue hurting throughout a lifetime. Over time you learn that everyone can apologize, but forgiveness is an attribute solely of great souls. Over time you comprehend that if you have hurt a friend harshly it is very likely that your friendship will never be the same. Over time you realize that despite being happy with your friends, you cry for those you let go. Over time you realize that every experience lived, with each person, is unrepeatable. Over time you learn to build your roads on today, because the path of tomorrow doesn’t exist. Over time you will see that even when you are happy with those around you, you’ll yearn for those who walked away. Over time you will learn to forgive or ask for forgiveness, say you love, say you miss, say you need, say you want to be friends, since before a grave, it will no longer make sense. But unfortunately, only over time…” ― Jorge Luis Borges
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demonstars · 3 days
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MY PART FOR THE WORLDWIDE DTEAMIES COLLAB. thank you @suenitos for the wonderful idea born in our dms xoxoxo. Anyway. have some ecuadorian dteamies with snf being victims of my favorite carnaval tradition which is To throw water at any traveler during carnaval. translation under the cut!
DRIM: U guys ok? SYLV: ?!? *LAUGH* JORGE: I'm never going out with this guy in carnaval. DRIM: ... At least your hair looks good? JORGE: Don't come at me with faggotery, THEY MASSACRED US. SAPITO: DON'T FUCK WITH ME—
Some details :333
sylvee is drinking inca kola which is actually a peruvian drink but eh. i see it plenty in ecuador. she is also wearing a barcelona (ecu team ver) shirt.
dream is wearing a guayas shirt, which is the costal south region of the country. he is also sporting marathon shorts, which are The sports brand.
it is currently illegal to wet people on the street just because. this doesn't mean that it doesn't keep happening. i like to think snf got the short end of the straw in going outside and through a carnaval street and lost to kids with water guns and balloons, which is something that has happened quite a lot of times to me. i have also thrown water at many people from the sky, to be clear (BEFORE IT WAS MADE ILLEGAL. SMILES.)
george is also wearing marathon and also probably a white shirt because february in ecuador is so hot and humid you really shouldn't be wearing black. sapnap is wearing black because he wanted to use his don ramon shirt. that is a national treasure too, btw. every self respecting man should use one.
i like to think they're coming from super despensa aki for no reason other than I miss my local super despensa aki.
in ecuador you use "man" as you would use "dude", with the thick spanish accent, which i find very funny.
hey kudos to you for making it down this far!
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nomoreusername · 8 months
Random TMR Headcannons
• Frypan is Gally's best friend. He's the only one who knows how to calm him down.
• Frypan once went on strike and wouldn't cook his famous stew because everyone made fun of it. It lasted just two weeks.
• When they were Runners Gally always wanted Newt to be his partner in the Maze.
• Aris loves history books.
• Aris is just naturally a night owl.
• Rachel and Aris were together at one point or extremely close to it.
• Aris always blamed himself for Rachel's death.
• Harriet almost died in the Maze but never told anyone.
• Minho called Gally eyebrows instead of Greenie.
• Minho refuses to let anyone see him cry.
• Minho admires Newt more than he could describe.
• Newt did write Minho a letter. He just took a long time to get the strength to read it.
• Newt always wanted someone with his accent to come up.
• Newt is extremely self conscious about his limp.
• One time a Greenie asked about Newt's limp. Someone else had to take over the tour that day.
• Newt gives the best hugs.
• Thomas still has dreams that everyone is alive only to wake up to everyone dead.
• Thomas is scared to love someone because they all end up dead.
• Teresa has extremely neat yet tiny handwriting.
• Chuck only started pranking people because he wanted someone to pay attention to him.
• For about 5-6 months the Gladers purposely sent down stupid requests they knew they wouldn't get because they wanted to piss off tbe Creators.
• Teresa was excited about being with the Group B girls because she didn't get a chance to be around any before.
• Whenever Sonya hears someone say Lizzie she feels like it's familiar.
• Sonya randomly felt like a part of her was missing when Newt died.
• Aris would debate telling someone about his bigger role in WICKED to get some of the guilt off of his chest. 
• Brenda used to call Jorge Dad when she was little.
• Minho spent every Greenie night for a year after he got his limp.
• Thomas always wears Newt's letter around his neck because it makes him feel safe.
• Newt came up with the idea of a fight ring on Greenie night because he could tell that Gally was holding in a lot of anger.
• Gally threatened anyone who was even slightly mean to Chuck.
• Gally used to test out his 'special drink' and made himself sick the first few times.
• Sonya, Harriet, and Aris had dreams of being reunited while they were apart.
• Aris thought he recognized Sonya and Harriet's voices from the start when they were reunited but was terrified of being wrong.
• Sonya and Aris ended up being together.
The Fever Code
• Sonya used to constantly talk about Newt to her friends
• Harriet would comfort the new girls and explain everything whenever one came.
• Teresa hated being immune because of everyone isolating her.
• Aris would color code his notes.
• Aris would constantly fall asleep in class.
• Occasionally some bored teenagers would dare each other to get as close to the Crank cage as possible.
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Dr. Bronze
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Hi guys!
This is a small one with Ona and Lucy :) It comes from several request, so I hope you will like it!
Please enjoy ♥
TW : None
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She’s a doctor. It’s still funny for Lucy to say that, but she likes the idea, to be honest. She’s pretty honored and this distinction made her think back about the woman she was at that time. She was so far away to imagine where she would be more than ten years later.
Not here in the English Camp, looking at Tooney and Alessia giggling about something she doesn’t want to know. But here like having be able to live so many things with football. She has won the Women’s Euro in 2022 and almost won World Cup in 2023 with England. And she won almost everything with Barcelona those last past years too.
And she can say that she never has been so happy as she is right now. And not only because of football, even if she met the woman she loves deeply thanks to football and their mutual friends.
She sighs softly when she reads one more time Ona’s last message, saying how sorry she is for not being able to come to the ceremony in Leeds University. Lucy wasn’t expecting her to be able to come to be honest, Ona is with her national team somewhere in Spain, training for the Olympics.
She would have love to see her again though. She misses her girlfriend, like crazy. They had a long discussion in Cuba about Lucy’s future and their relationship when they learn that Barça hasn’t accepted Lucy’s wishes. They knew it would be difficult to be separate again, but it was only for several months until Lucy will finish her career and come back in Barcelona to Ona.
That’s their project. Lucy joked about opening a bar, but she really thinks she would love it now. She hasn’t talk about it to Ona, scared that the younger one will make fun of her.
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“Lucy, get your ass here right now or you will be late for fuck’s sake!”
Lucy groans when she hears her brother screaming in their parents’ house. It’s the day where she was supposed to received her distinction and she really needs to leave right now. But she really wanted to hear Ona’s voice before leaving and her girlfriend doesn’t seem to want to answer for now.
Lucy’s frowning when she comes down the stairs and when she goes in her brother’s car. Their parents’ left before them with Sophie, Lucy’s little sister, but the footballer can’t help and try to call Ona again.
“What the hell is she doing?” Lucy groans in a low voice.
“Maybe she’s tired of you. Maybe she realizes how easier it’s to live without you” Jorge teases her sister.
The slap he received after that echoes inside the car.
“Shut up your face, will you?”
He rolls his eyes playfully, but Lucy’s reaction makes him realizes that maybe it isn’t the right place to joke. They never really talk about their respective feelings and love life to each other. But Jorge likes Ona, and he likes his sister with the Spaniard.
“Sorry if it was a bad choice for jokes” he says after a moment of silence.
Lucy groans for any answer, busy to write to Ona. She frowns again seeing that her messages are being delivered but not read.
“She’s not answering at anything” Lucy mumbles.
“I’m sur she’s fine, Luce. Maybe she has some tactical class or something?”
“Yeah. Maybe.”
She’s not scared anymore like she was last year when Ona wasn’t answering her phone quickly. It happened from time to time for Vilda being the reason of Ona’s silence. Vilda isn’t here anymore, and things got a little better since, even if it’s not the best conditions. But it’s the evening and they usually are free.
Jorge looks at his sister, briefly leaving the road with his eyes.
“You are going to be alright; you know? Ona and you.”
“How can you know?” Lucy asks after a moment of hesitation.
“I just know. That girl is really in love with you, and I can say you are too. It’s different from your other relationship, I can say it. And everyone who knows you can say it, you are like two parts of the same orange. It’s like all the things who could separate you aren’t and make you both even stronger.”
Lucy stays silence several seconds, really touched by her brother’s words. She’s sure that Ona is the love of her life, but she’s not sure that she’s Ona’s one. She will probably never be, never taking the girl for granted.
“It’s going to be so hard to be away from her” Lucy points softly.
“I never said it will be easy. But you will survive this.”
Lucy smiles for real this time. She never thought that Jorge’s words would one day make her feel better about her love life and her choices.
Ona still hasn’t answer to her when she faces the outfit she’s supposed to wear for the ceremony.
She would have love to see Ona sitting next to her mother in the crowd, but she’s not mad or even disappointed. Just a little bit sad to have a reminder of what their life will be for now. She will miss having Ona dead asleep next to her every morning when they were supposed to gets up for training. Or a koala-Ona begging her not to leave the bed.
After her speech, she got lost a little bit in her thoughts, but managed to smile at the right time and give right answers to what is addressed to her. They talk to some people around them for several times before Lucy’s father grab her arm.
“Come on, let’s go to the restaurant now” mumble Lucy’s father, probably tired of all this protocol.
Lucy smiles when Jorge snorts and follow her family, taking a look at her phone again. She got several notifications, but still nothing from Ona and she’s writing to Mariona when they pass the doors of the building.
“Hola, Doctor Bronze.”
Lucy almost misses a stair step. She knows that voice by heart and would be able to recognize it between thousands of other voices. But that voice isn’t supposed to be here, she’s supposed to be training in Spain.
But when she raises her eyes, Ona is really in front of her. With her freckles, her chocolate doe eyes and a slight cocky smile.
Lucy doesn’t speak, she breaks the distance to Ona in three great steps, before taking the youngest girl in her arms, in an embrace probably able to break her two or three ribs. But Ona doesn’t complain, in fact she puts her arms around Lucy’s shoulders and hide her face in her neck.
“You are here” Lucy whispers in Ona’s hair, making the Spaniard smiles.
“Of course I am” she whispers back.
“Don’t break your opponent’s back, Luce” Jorge shout from afar.
They both can hear Diane shoving Jorge and the others away, making the couple smile again.
“How are you here?” Lucy asks, looking at her girlfriend.
“Your parents came to take me from the airport. I explained to Tome what was happening, and she said I can come” Ona explains softly, stroking Lucy’s face with her fingers. “It’s just today and tomorrow though.”
“I take it” Lucy smiles.
And now that her family is gone, she puts her lips on Ona’s. She can feel her smile under her lips and she kind of regrets not to be alone with Ona to deepen the kiss.
“So, this is where you studied?” Ona asks, looking around.
Lucy hums, unable to stop looking at Ona. She got a tan from her training in Spain, and she definitively has more freckles. Lucy resists to the envy to kiss every single one of them, choosing to kiss her jaw instead.
“You want me to show you around?”
“Mh deepens. Will there be secret places where you took other girls to kiss?”
“No” Lucy laughs. “Come on.”
Without any hesitation, Ona takes the hand Lucy is reaching out, interlacing their fingers. Like she proposed, Lucy shows the places where she studied, even if she took a lot of classes online too, to be honest. But she likes to have her girlfriend for herself before actually going to the restaurant with her family.
They managed not to cross the path of a lot of people. They know that there is people around and probably photographers. Everyone has a smartphone to take a picture now anyway.
“Oh. There is one more place I want to show you” Lucy says while they were going back to the car. “Come.”
Ona happily follows her girlfriend, not letting her hand go a single second. Lucy turns behind an old building before stopping suddenly. Ona doesn’t really understand what happened, but soon she’s trapped between a wall and her girlfriend, who is smirking at her.
“Now, I have a place here where I kissed a girl on this campus.”
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The rest of the night went well. They finally went to the restaurant where Lucy’s family was waiting for them and had a wonderful time. The food was delicious and even if they were with the others Bronze, Lucy never let Ona’s hand go. She played with her fingers during all the time they were sitting. Ona always got along pretty great with the others Bronze, much to her relief. Lucy didn’t have the least concern about it.
Then they finally went to the hotel where Ona took a room, happy to finally be alone. They couldn’t keep their hands away from each other as soon as Ona closes the door behind them.
After several hours and a long shower taking together, they are in bed, facing each other. Their legs are interlinked, and Lucy is stroking Ona’s hip while looking at her.
“I love you so much” Lucy says softly. “I can explain how happy I am to have you here.”
“I love you too. And my girlfriend is a Doctor, I couldn’t miss that, right? Doctor Bronze” Ona teases.
“Why is it so hot when you say it?”
Ona laughs this time and Lucy can only smiles, loving to hear that sound. Ona rolls on her back to stretch, but it’s not Lucy’s taste to see her walk away from her, even if it’s only a few centimeters. She passes her arms around Ona’s body to drag her against her.
“What if I sequester you and I take you to a secret place known only to me?”
“Would you stay with me?”
“Of course”
Ona smiles hearing Lucy’s evidence in her tone.
“Then it wouldn’t be a kidnapping, because I’d be entirely consenting.”
Lucy hums, passing one leg on both of Ona and hide her face in Ona’s neck. She misses her smell too. Lucy’s breath makes the younger shiver, but Ona doesn’t move, only playing with Lucy’s hair.
“What are you thinking about?” Ona asks, realizing that Lucy’s eyes are wide open.
“Barcelona” Lucy mumbles. “The places I love, the places we went together and the one I want to go the next time I’m back.”
“What’s your favorite place?” Ona asks curiously.
“Our home.”
It’s sappy, but Ona loves it. She passes her arms around Lucy to feel her better against her.
“You know how we talk about me coming back to Barcelona at the end of my career?” Lucy asks.
Ona’s voice is as calm as possible, but she can’t help but be scared that Lucy already change her mind. England is where she grew up, where her family is. It would be almost normal to want to come back here. Just like she herself wanted to go back to Barcelona.
“We never really talked about what I would do at this time.”
“What would you like to do?”
Ona watch as Lucy rolls on her stomach, so almost completely lying on Ona. But the English Woman just wants to be able to see Ona’s face.
“I know it was just a joke with Mapi in the beginning, but I think I would love to have my own bar. Just somewhere where people can come to drink something and watch sport on TV.”
Lucy is looking at Ona with a lot of attention, almost waiting for the Spaniard to laugh at her face. But Ona never does it, instead she looks thoughtfully at her girlfriend.
“If that’s what makes you happy Luce, just do it” Ona smiles softly.
“You make me happy.”
Ona rolls her eyes with a smile but happily let Lucy kiss her lovingly. The Spaniard missed her girlfriend as much as Lucy missed her. It wasn’t easy for her to let Lucy go in London, but her girlfriend’s happiness is what she cherishes the most.
“But during Barca Femeni’s and Spain women’s games, I’ll have to close the place to come watch you play” Lucy adds soon after.
“Will you wear my jersey?” Ona ask with a smile.
“Mh… Maybe”
“Hot” smirks Ona.
Lucy laughs softly, letting her finger run on Ona’s face. She seems to have more in mind, but Ona knows better than push her to know what’s going on in her mind. Just when she turns her face to kiss Lucy’s wrist, the latter talk again.
“Maybe our children will wear it too?”
“What, a Spanish jersey or a Batlle one?” Ona smirks.
They talked already about having children together, but not really about what team they could play. if they want to play, of course. Lucy is surprised by Ona question, she never thought about it to be honest. But if they stick to their plans, they will be living in Barcelona, so it will be logical for them to play for Spain.
“We will let them chose” Lucy answers wisely.
“Sure, Dr. Bronze” Ona chuckles.
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batbabydamian · 11 months
DC January 2024 Solicitations - Comics Featuring Damian! 🦇
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Written by Joshua Williamson
Art and Cover by Simone Di Meo
Variant Covers: Kael Ngu (+B/W 1:50), Jorge Molina, Pete Woods (1:25)
Batman and Robin have been separated! Batman works with White Rabbit to track down the new femme fatale Shush while his son, Damian, hunts down the criminal mastermind who is targeting his father! But Damian won't like who he finds! Don't miss out on the shocking ending!
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Written by Joshua Williamson
Art and Cover by Howard Porter
Variant Covers: Dustin Nguyen, David Nakayama, Gleb Melnikov (1:25)
FATHER-AND-SON ROAD TRIP! Batman and Robin have gone through hell the last few months, so Bruce decides to take Damian on a camping trip to bond. But as they try to enjoy the great outdoors, they find a different kind of hunting ground..one that hunts the most dangerous game! Trapped and cut off from their weapons and backup, Batman and Robin must use their surroundings to hold off and take down some of DC's deadliest mercenaries!
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NIGHTWING #110 1/16/24
Written by Tom Taylor
Art and Cover by Sami Basri
Variant Covers: Dan Mora, Travis Moore, Ethan Young (1:25)
Nightwing, Batgirl and the Titans are doing all they can to save a world overrun by Beasts. Heroes have become threats, and one of the biggest threats now stalks the streets of Bludhaven. Where once there was a Robin, now there is a cat. Can Jon Kent and Nightwing save the city from Damian Wayne? Or will the Super Sons be torn apart forever?
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Written by Tom King
Art by Belén Ortega and Daniel Sampere
Variant Covers: Belén Ortega, Jorge Jimenez, Mitch Gerads (1:25), Evan "Doc" Shaner (1:50)
Featuring DC's brightest new star, Trinity! Discover Lizzie's earliest adventures as she takes the world of heroes by storm! Reprinting the character's first appearance alongside hilarious tales of the little Amazon and her Super Son babysitters, this special will be an instant classic for fans old and new. Plus, a brand-new story from the all-star creative team behind Wonder Woman that will tease the future of Diana's daughter!
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WONDER WOMAN #5 1/30/24
Written by Tom King
Art and Cover by Daniel Sampere and Tomeu Morey
Variant Covers: Leirix, Julian Totino Tedesco, Cris Delara (1:25), Daniel Sampere (+B/W 1:50)
If the U.S. government can't stop her, then who can?! As Sargent Steel retreats to gather deadlier forces, the Wonder Girls call on Diana, begging her to lay down her lasso. Will she see the truth before it's too late? Plus, Trinity invites the sons of Batman and Superman to Themvscira for a contest thev'll never forget!
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formulapookie · 1 month
under the cut to read
it started as something @giuventus asked me to write, amo spero sia bella, l'ho scritta mezza da fatta e l'altra metà da addormentata
They can only dream beznaia, 1.6k words
They’re running late, they both know that, they spent way too much time in the shower making out and jerking off like teenagers and way too little actually getting ready for the press con they have to attend in 5 minutes.
“Pecco I told you we had to be quicker, they're gonna ask for our heads, ITS FIFTEEN MINUTES FROM HERE how are we supposed to make it?”
“We would’ve been there on time if you didn’t tease me back in the room.
Do you think I am a man intelligent enough to not think about railing you when you walk around in just  my jersey and nothing under it?”
“No, that’s why I do it but -PECCO THE LEFT TURN DIOBO”
They almost miss it, but somehow manage to get there in 10 minutes, parking the bike somewhere random next to the Ducati garage and sprinting to the press con room.
“Where were you two?” Carola is furious, rightfully so, but hands them the pass.
“actually I don’t wanna know, just go in there and fucking act normal”
“What do you mean normal?”
“Like you didn’t just fuck maybe? I don’t want this 
type of mess to deal with right now”
Bez is red as Pecco’s jersey now, Pecco throwing Carola a look that kills while pushing Bez to the room.
“She knows?”
“She’s my sister guess it’s like -siblings thing or something”
They make a run for the room and find Martin already sitting there, smiling at Pecco, just waving at Bez. 
Him and the Spaniard don’t have the best relationship, but he knows he and Pecco in the past have shared one too many nights for calling it casual, and one too many moments together for Bez’s liking.
“Bastardo” he says before sitting on Pecco’s left side.
“Stop it Bez we’re live”
“Tell your little friend to stop being an asshole then”
He shuts up, knowing it’s best to not piss Pecco off if he still wishes to walk afterwards.
The press con goes by pretty easily, they’re asked usual questions about the championship and how they think they will manage a possible title fight up to Valencia.
Then it’s the turn of those bothering personal questions Bez never liked.
Why do journalists care what one does in private he will never understand.
“And for you Bez, do you feel that for Jorge having a girlfriend could be a distraction?”
Now what kind of question is this?
Like what the actual fuck
“Eh I don’t have idea, I’m not currently taken so I don’t know if it can be an incentive to do better or no, you asked the wrong guy sorry” “No girlfriend for you then?” “Not currently no, am free”
He can feel Pecco’s eyes on him, he can’t look back, he’s sure he would combust if he did.
They ask a few more questions to Martin and Pecco about their battles on track and if they think the championship can go to Valencia, Bez doesn’t listen, he’s trying to hide his blush as Pecco compliments him on a last minute action he pulled last weekend.
They get up for the group picture, Jorge’s arm goes to wrap itself around Pecco’s waist and Bez would very much like to push him away from him.
They go out and cross paths with the other three having to undergo presscon, they greet each other, then it’s only them three.
“So Bezzecchi you really have no girl?”
“Nah, focused on racing, plus I have Rubik he’s great company”
“If you say so, see you tomorrow, I have - company waiting for me”
Bez pulls a half disgusted face, turning towards Pecco, who looks everything but relaxed right now.
“Care to come with me to my motorhome Bez?”
“Yeah sure”
He follows Pecco silently, he looks pissed off, he doesn’t know why exactly, could be a question he didn’t bother to listen to during the presscon.
They get to the Ducati garage, they all greet Bez, luckily enough it’s normal for him to be there, so no suspicions arise between the mechanics.
“Lock the door”
Bez does it with no questions, it’s not like they never lock doors to talk, but usually the room doesn’t feel this charged, it’s a space where they usually chill before and after races.
“Everything ok Pecco? You look - I don’t know you look” “Angry?” “Pissed off, did a question bother you or something? I stopped listening after mine, I knew they were stupid questions anyway”
“It’s not the question per se that bothered me, mostly it was the answer”
Pecco goes to sit on the edge of his bed, the other absentmindedly going to find his place on his lap, as Pecco wraps his hands around his hips.
“Did Martin say something bothersome? I’m going to find him if he did” “No no amore nothing like that”
“Then what?”
They are really close now, Bez can smell the shampoo they both used before on Pecco, it’s something mint scented which Bez doesn’t particularly like, but uses anyway because it’s Pecco’s favorite.
“You saying you’re not taken. Saying you are free. I didn’t like it. People are going to get the wrong idea don’t you think? They’re gonna assume they can flirt with you, and touch you here” Pecco’s hands draw small circles on Bez’s hips, that by now is fucking crimson and sweating.
“Or here” he moves his hands lower, to Bez’s thighs, still drawing patterns on them.
“Or even here” Bez lets out a moan when Pecco presses one of his hands against his bulge, feeling him through the jeans he’s wearing.
“Pecco fuck” he smiles, Bez’s head on his shoulder as he keeps palming him through his jeans.
“Imagine what they could think, maybe that they are allowed to kiss you or feel your pretty mouth around their dick mh?”
“Please” he’s hot under Pecco’s touch, burning with need.
“Do you think I liked that, Marco? Seeing their eyes on you like you were a prey? Seeing them thinking that you’re available?”
“I didn’t - fuck - I didn’t mean for them to think that”
“Oh I believe you amore, I do, seriously, but you see, they are now confident they can have you, and I have to make sure you’re seen as off limits the next few days right?”
Bez can feel he’s close, Pecco’s hand working him up without removing any clothes, he’s breathing hard by now, he tries to go unzip his jeans but Pecco doesn’t let him, he wants to be the one in absolute control right now.
“I bet they would pay to hear how you sound amore, and I honestly don’t think I could spend my money better than that”
“I’m close Pecco fuck”
“You know what pisses me off more?”
Bez mutters a muffled “no”, biting his lip to quieten his noises as much as possible.
“the fact they’d think about leaving marks here, all over your neck, branding you with their signature”
Pecco does as he says, pressing a light kiss on Bez’s neck, then moving up slightly, biting and sucking on the spot, which becomes purple almost immediately, drawing out a long moan from Bez, who’s fighting for the last drops of dignity.
“I need them to see that you are not available, not for them not for anyone else, you belong to me Marco, I don’t like when others try to take what mine”
He’s been jealous in the past, yes, especially with Mig, always flirting with him, or Cele, but not like this.
And it’s hot.
Really hot, knowing Pecco wants him as badly as he wants Pecco, that he wants to mark him to draw a line.
“You look so beautiful, and you’re all mine”
he’s whispering against Bez’s collarbone now, hot breath making him shiver, as he begins to leave a trail of kisses from the collarbone until the juncture between neck and shoulder that always gets Bez weak for it, slowly reaching his neck, sucking deep purple and blue hickeys on it, Bez still trying to hold back his orgasm, a whimpering mess under Pecco’s teasing.
“Don’t hold back amore, you deserve it”
Bez barely lasts another half second before feeling his orgasm overwhelm him, coming in his briefs and trousers, embarrassingly much like a teenager.
“Look how pretty you look, all marked by me”
Bez turns his head back, facing the huge mirror Pecco insisted on having positioned in front of his bed.
He’s covered in bruises and hickeys, luckily they can all be covered by a high neck sweater he currently has, otherwise he would’ve never walked out of here looking like that.
They spend the rest of the time making out, showering and making out again, Pecco sucking a few more marks on Bez’s neck, smiling after each one of them has taken its place.
“See you later amore, come to my room ok?” “Yeah yeah I will, don’t worry”
Bez puts on the sweater, pulling it as high as he can to cover his neck, until he’s fairly far from it, walking like nothing happened just half an hour ago.
“You found a girl in the end, Bezzecchi?” 
“Well it’s either that or you have a very bad reaction to something because your neck looks really…messy”
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck.
He checks himself with his internal camera on his phone.
There’s no hiding, they show even if he pulls the sweater higher, and tries to salvage the situation.
“Yeah no, it’s just a uhm a grid girl, nothing special”
“Mh yeah, of course, see you tomorrow Bez”
The curly boy looks as the other goes back inside his motorhome, not failing to notice how he always avoids the same room. 
He thinks it’s hot once again, to be branded by Pecco like he was right now.
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missadangel · 1 month
Little Bird in a Cage (Javier Peña x Reader)
Part 3 - Your'e in his apartment
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Gifs by tomshiddles - azertyrobaz - djo
---------------------------- All episodes here ------------------------
As you spent a few more days in Miguel’s place, you felt like you no longer have any strength to fight or making plan for escape, only hoping for the best. You were thinking of back the military base, the days you spent there. This room was better than a royal suite, however, you preferred that boring little room over to this one.
Little bird in a golden cage…
And Javi…
Indeed, you missed him a lot, the way he looks at you, touches you, how he catches you and hold you with his strong arms when you tried to escape, how he checks on you every day.
You sighed deeply while you sitting on windowsill and watching gansgter-like men outside changing shifts,  you realized how strange life was. You couldn’t stop thinking about how to get out but it was close the impossible.
Anyway you didn't want to lose your hope at all, they should find you sooner or later. Javi would come for you, you wanted to believe that, you had to.
Around midnight suddenly your door knocked. You jumped up from the couch, no one usually knocked at this hour. A man sneaked in and closed the door gently behind him, you recognized him immediately when he turns his body to you.
"Shhh," he shushed you. "Be quiet, Y/N. I don't have much time."
"What's going on? You're working for Cali-"
"Right yes, but I don't work for them anymore, never mind that, I need to tell you why I came here."
You nodded your head in agreement, listening to him with curiosity.
"When I noticed you, I let your friends from DEA, whatever you call them, I told them that you are here. They will come for you, but at the same time they have to get Miguel or our plan will fail and they will probably kill me and my family."
His voice like he’s about to cry. You didn’t know what to say then he took a quick breathe.
"There is only one thing you have to do, you have to leave the room at exactly 1:40 and go down to the lower hall, that’s it."
"What are you saying, it's impossible for me to even walk out the door."
"Don't worry, just trust me and your friends, okay? I have to go now, be careful."
"You too," you said behind him.
Your heart starts racing, Javi, he’s coming for you, you smiling with hope, checking the clock and waiting for the time he said.
"We're ready," Chris said, checking the safety of his gun one last time.
After Javi put on his bulletproof vest, checking his pistols magazine and reloading.
They have arrived with a police team of about 20-30 of them.
All specialized in special tactics and rescue.
"We're ready, sir," the captain informed Javi. He nodded.
"Okay, everybody get in position, you know what to do, let's do it," pointing Chris with his gun to make him move forward, to the mansions entrance.
"The six policemen moved to the garden, behind of the mansion, while the other six heading to the both sides.
Javi, Chris and Daniel headed for the front door. Captain was right behind them with the rest of the police team. Watching their back.
First they rang the bell, but when they weren't allowed in, Javi handed them the paper with the search warrant  written in a paper.
At the same time he was taking a quick look inside.
With a sign from the captain, policemen spreading and began to search the place, warning the armed men to drop their weapons.
Javi and the others approached the golden colored door where Jorge had told them about. The door was leading to Miguel's room at least they thought so.
Your room was upstairs to make them to see you, you had to go down the hall where Jorge told you to go. Golden door opened, Chris and Daniel rushed in but realized no one inside. They came back to the main hall and start to open all the doors one by one and looked inside. Another door caught Javi's attention, and when he tried to open it, he realized it must be locked from the otherside.
"Open it!" Javi ordered one of Miguel's men.
When the man stood expressionless like a wall, Javi became furious, grabbed him by the collar.
"Open the fucking door!”
When clock struck 1:40, you took a deep breath and opened the door as slowly as you could. You are relieved to see no one around. Jorge told you to go down to the hall so you moved to the stairs.
"Open the fucking door!”
You startled and immediately head straight to that direction, his voice was coming from downstairs. You run to the railing without even thinking. And there he was, you felt like you gonna cry.
Before you were about to call out to him, Miguel grabbed you from behind, covering your mouth with his big hand. You were almost out of breath, struggling, trying to push his hand away. With all your strength you start elbowing him but failed, he was pulling you to the opposite direction, away from Javi and others.
"You little bitch, I told you to behave yourself," he hissed.
Miguel was dragging you with him, you struggled more, Javi was down there, you just have to call for him.
Finally you noticed that you have no choice but bite Miguel's fingers deeply, he painfully pulled his hand away.
“JAVI!!!” you shouted as loud as possible.
As soon as Javi heard your voice, headed for the upstairs in a hurry.
But Miguel was faster, grabbed you again dragging you out heading for the exit which leads to the helicopter landing zone. Javi noticed that by hearing the sound of helicopter keeps  approaching.
 Both Miguel and Javi in a race now, like cat and mouse. You were Miguel’s only ticket to flee freely so no way he is letting you go.
"Stop!" Javi pointed his gun at him. "Stop, goddamn it!"
Javi gave you a quick look, but his eyes were on Miguel.
"It's over Miguel, let her go and surrender, now!"
"No way, you'll let us go on, or I'll kill her!"
Your heart began to beat faster with fear, not only was Miguel's arm tightening around your throat, also you felt nauseous with fear.
"No, drop the gun, and let her go, now!" he growled.
Miguel hissed, moving backwards to the helicopter, dragging you with him, his gun pointed at Javi this time.
You were exhausted for being dragged, feeling like you’re going to faint, not able to move anymore.
Javi following you both carefully, never lowering his gun.
When the helicopter landed, Javi shook his head as no.
"No, don't," he warned. There was more pleading in his voice.
"Back off, or I'm really going to kill her, I can see you care about her, Agent Peña. Otherwise you would have shot me by now."
That was true, it didn't matter for Javi to capture him alive or not.
As Miguel was about to get on the helicopter with you, you were looking into Javi's brown eyes, all emotions can be seen in them, desperation, sadness, anger.
And in that moment everything happened so fast, you thought Miguel was going to sit in the helicopter seat and then make you sit too, but no he didn’t.
He pushed you down instead.
Javi ran very fast, but not fast enough to stop you from falling to the ground. As soon as he comes, he lifted your head and sliding slowly his lap. You watch him while, he shooting at the helicopter with his gun until he’s out of bullets, furious as hell. Then he looks at you, is saying something but you cant hear him clearly anymore, losing your consciousness.
You woke up with an incredible headache, opening your eyes and trying to remember what happened.
You moaned involuntarily as you regained consciousness.
"Y/N, you awake? Feeling okay? Are you in pain?"
His warm brown eyes were looking at you with great concern.
"Answer me please."
"Not sure which question should I answer first. " your head was so fuzzy you didn't know if it was a dream or reality.
But when you looked around you realized that you were definitely not in a hospital.
"How can you be funny even in this situation," Javi giggled while he caresses your head then your hair.
"Well, I'm freaking high, okay? I don't know if I'm dreaming, are you really here, Javi?"
"It must be the drugs they gave you at the hospital."
You heard the word hospital and wondered why you weren't there right now, Javi helped you sit up.
"Hospital? I was there?"
"You don't remember? Well we took you to the hospital right away, then you opened your eyes for a little while and that's when your father came and-."
"My father? Really? Wow, why the hell I can’t remember that?"
You were so surprised that you didn't remember a shit.
"You've been through a lot, cariño. You should rest"
You nodded. He placed another pillow behind your back, making you more comfortable. 
"But, Javi, where are we?"
"In my apartment," he smirked.
You raised your eyebrows and that was unexpected.
"Did you kidnap me again?"
Javi laughed.
"Sort of, yeah."
"How this happened?"
"Miguel is still out there, we don't know what he's going to do, besides, I've spoken to your father, it's definitely not safe for you to be in your own house, so he also agreed."
"Are you absolutely sure you spoke to my father? Not someone else?"
Javi licked his lips feeling little guilty.
"Hm, I might not have mentioned him about my apartment," he grinned.
“Wow you’re so mean,” you giggled.
Suddenly you realized your arm covered with one hell of a thick bandage.
"What the fuck happened to my arm? Is it broken?"
"Calm down, no, luckily it's not broken, they said it's a muscle contusion and little scratches. I think you hurt when you fell on your shoulder that time…” his eyes flashed with anger for a moment.
"Oh, I see…" you said suddenly trying to change the subject.
"Come on, get some rest, you'll be better in the morning." Javi stands and covers you with blanket.
"Okay." You nodded, but you couldn't help thinking about you were in his bed right now.
“Thank you for saving me Javi,” you murmured.
He pressed his warm lips on your forehead, his moustache thickled you a little, then you peacefully fell asleep.
When you woke up late in the morning, Javi was already gone. You picked up the note he left on the table.
"I have to go to work, please take your pills, two policemen will be outside to watching over you.”
You walked to the window ledge, there was indeed a police car outside. Feeling safe yet uncomfortable. But you were starving so you went straight to the fridge, took more than you needed and put them on the table. While eating fast, observing his apartment, checking his stuff.
You weren't sure when Javi was coming home, and you were alone again. It was getting boring to live like a prisoner under the guise of protection all the time.
Soon  you decided to go through Javi's dressing room, after all, you had plenty of time, even if it was a mess, so you can tidy it up.
This apartment was a studio, so there were no other rooms. So sneaking into the dressing room was a very tempting idea.
When you opened the closet door, you were surprised to see dozens of suits in different colors. It didn't look like Javi's style. In the next closet you found what you expected, leather jackets, short sleeved shirts and jeans. Even though it was a man's closet, it was looking neat and clean.
You flushed as you imagined Javi getting undressed here, giggled to yourself.
Then you go back to the living room, something was haunting you. Wondered how many times he took a woman here?
Damn, being alone for hours, could really drive a person crazy.
You sit on the couch and turn on the TV, to make time pass more quickly. But you fell asleep in an hour because of the drugs.
When you opened your eyes, you realized Javi returned home already and for some reason he picked you up in his arms.
It must have been a wonderful dream, you thought.
"Are you awake?" he asked softly still holding you.
"What are you doing?"
Such a stupid question.
Javi took you off his lap and helped you to sit on the chair and as soon as you sit, you came back to reality.
It wasn't a fucking dream, damn it.
"Nothing, just, you were sleeping on the couch, I wanted to put you to bed."
After that Javi took a bottle of water from the fridge and started drinking it.
"You know, all the people who go crazy must end up alone before lost their minds, absolutely no one should be alone, never," you said in a firm voice.
He was confused as hell,
"What are you talking about, did you watch some psychobabble shit on TV?"
"No, I was, just a bit feeling lonely today," you kept your head down, wondering when it would end.
Javi put another chair across to yours and sit. He was giving you that famous look from under his eyebrows again while holding your hand which made you blush immediately.
"Cariño, we're very close to the end, just a little more patience, okay?"
You nodded, "I know Javi, I'm sorry, it's really not easy to handle this situation. But I'm trying."
"I know, you're so strong, otherwise you wouldn't have made Miguel miserable," he chuckled.
"Yeah, you should have seen the look on asshole's face when I bit his hand hard," you said with naughty smile.
“You’re fucking amazing,” he smiled back. Then he looked at your bandage. “Your arm better now? Lemme check.”
While he was unwinding the bandage, touching your arm, you couldn’t help yourself to stare at him. You wanted to kiss him badly. His warm, perfectly shaped lips-
“It looks better, lemme dress your wounds and wrap your arm with a thinner bandage, like the doctor said.”
You nodded, licked your lips with desire torturing you inside made you almost cry. He was so beautiful.
“Here, much better, right?”
Damn, he caught you staring at his lips.
“Y-yes, thank you.”
He smiled in response and stood up, "Go to sleep now, I'm tired too, I'll take a shower and get changed."
Then he headed for the dressing room.
Wait a minute, what does it mean? So he was going to sleep next to you? 
You got so excited, your body was on fire. Your palms were sweaty and you were thinking about how you could seduce him and your time was ticking.
Also you wondered why he didn't make a move to get you into bed. Maybe because you just got injured with effect of falling, still have bruises on several parts of your body. Maybe you should courage him, give him a signal.
While Javi was in the shower, you rushed to your suitcase, knowing of course that your father wouldn't put a sexy nightdress or lingerie in there, unless it was packed by the housekeeper lady Dolores. Luckily you giggled mischievously when you found a nightdress that was quite sexy.
Thank you Dolores.
Your smile grew wider and wider as you thought about Javi's reaction.
Even though you were wearing a sexy nightdress, it felt ridiculous to just stand there, so you did as he told you and lay down on the bed. You turned the other way, not in the direction Javi was about to come. Your body was starting to feel like it was boiling with heat.
As Javi was in the dressing room he realized he had no pajamas, he usually slept half naked with his underwear.
He wore a thin pair of pants underneath, so as not to make you nervous. On top he wore a black short-sleeved shirt, but he didn't button it. Because he could never sleep like that.
Javi was surprised and gasped, seeing you like that from behind, started breathing fast, his heart racing. He wanted to touch you so badly.
A moment later he rubbed his face hard, trying to erase all the feelings immediately but not quite successful though. His eyes were locked on you as he approached from the other side of the bed.
When he sat on the bed, you opened your eyes with shake he caused. But he wasn't looking at you, he lay down on the pillow with one hand under his head. He seemed to be watching the ceiling. You were almost angry, how the fuck he didnt feel anything? You hissed and turned over.
However, that move made him feel even worse, because your thighs exposed, like an open invitation.
"Having trouble sleeping?"
He finally speaks as soft as velvet.
You wanted to sit up in bed and leave, as if you felt rejected. But you sat up so fast that you staggered and fell back on the pillow.
"Are you okay?" He was worried, he put his one hand just next to your body, and touching your face with another hand.
"Damn, cariño, your face is, burning."
As he put himself on top of you was so unbearable. You pushed his hands away and got out of bed.
Javi couldn't make sense of it, he thought he had said something wrong.
He also got out of bed.
"What's wrong, Y/N?"
He was just standing behind you.
You couldn't handle with your feelings anymore, you wanted him with every part of your body, suddenly you stopped thinking and turned around, pressed your lips to his.
He was surprised, yet, immediately responded by grabbing you around the waist with both hands kissing you back, you gasped with pleasure, his moustache tickled your upper lip and your cheeks which was perfect.
His breath became heavier when he sliding his hands under your nightdress, feeling your soft skin. You threw your head back by his touch, and he used that opportunity to place kisses on your neck, while he was busy with that, you grabbed his shirt taking it off, dropping it on the floor.
“Javi,” you murmured through his ear, “I thought you wouldn’t want me, so I was upset.”
Javi looked into your eyes, “Y/N”, he whispered to your lips, “I want you baby, I want you so badly. I was thinking maybe you wouldn’t want me this way.”
“what do you mean?” you asked curiously keep rubbing his muscular shoulders, feeling every curve of them.
“All the trouble I caused, and all the things you've been through, I didn’t want to ruin anything—“
You stopped him with a kiss.
He was already halfway undressed and this time he started kissing you back roughly, then he picks you up and pushes you up against the dinner table, knocking off some papers and files which some of them certainly important well he didn’t give a shit.
You were pulling his body closer to you with your legs surrounding his hips, made him pressed his body even more against you, then you were startled by the dial phone ringing.
Javi stopped for a moment, but his lips hadn't left yours yet. After the phone went silent, he's kissing you again, but this time he was in a hurry. 
Unluckily Javi's satellite phone started ringing too.
"Fuck," he growled, his harsh breathe hit your face then his lips left yours and he pulled his body back involuntarily.
"I gotta take this, baby” said after he grabbed his phone.
You nodded. "It must be important, go ahead. "
Feeling a little sad, you sat on the edge of the bed and looked curiously at Javi on the phone.
Damn phone.
You soon realized it was Chris, you can hear his voice over the phone. Then Javi smiled while his eyes still on you. His smile turned you on again.
How much wetter can I get, you thought. The lower part of your body squirming, wants to you belong to him, bitting your lower lip, when Javi turn his back, you pressed your hands on your pelvis and tried to relax.
Finally Javi hung up the phone and sighed deeply, happy.
"I guess something good happened?"
"They managed to catch Chepe, another leader of Cali cartel. He's still being interrogated right now and it's only a matter of time before he gives us Miguel."
"Oh, he's the only one left, then."
Javi nodded, smiling.
"We're very close to the end," he said then he stopped for a minute.
"I'll need to change, mm, including my underwear."
He winked at you, gave you a kiss on the cheek and hurried to the dressing room.
"Me too, but need to take a freezing cold shower first," you said, heading for the bathroom.
---------------------------- All episodes here ------------------------
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After Jorge's passing, life on the farm was becoming difficult, and the bills were piling high. With one less set of hands to tend the animals and their crops, much of the burden fell on Valentina's shoulders.
Her afternoons were now spent shoveling horse manure and chasing after ornery chickens and toddlers; and gone were days spent amongst her daises and bluebells, and making beautiful flower arrangements.
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After her chores were finished, and her little ones were laid down for their naps, she would often retreat, aching and defeated, to the bathtub to wash up.
Her few precious moments spent in the brackish water were the only moments she had to let her feelings out, and she would often shed a few tears for her family who missed their Papa dearly, and for the life she now mourned as well.
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As sad as she was though, she never forgot that her husband was suffering more than she could ever imagine. Losing a parent was never easy, and Ramon was deeply saddened by the loss, on top of being passed over for yet another promotion. All they could do was continue to support one another, and hope for better times ahead.
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slut4fictionalmen33 · 2 years
Don’t Lie To Me (newt)
Summary: i can’t rly fill this out without it spoiling the story
Warnings: angst, language, gun, tdc spoilers. tdc plot
Word Count: 1.2k
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You, Newt, Thomas, Gally, Fry, Jorge, and Brenda were in a beaten down building. Home of Gally, Lawrence and the rest of the right arm trying to figure out another way into WCKD.
“Same dick who betrayed us?” Brenda blurted.
“I like her.” Gally finished. Newt huffed before standing up straight and speaking.
“What’re you afraid your little girlfriends gonna get hurt? Hmm?” There was a pregnant pause and awkward silence before he spoke up again. “This has obviously never been about rescuing Minho. Has it?”
“What are you talking about?” Thomas questioned, obviously confused at the sudden outburst.
“Teresa!” His volume increased. “She's the only reason Minhos even went missing in the first place. Now we finally have an opportunity to get him back and what? You don’t want to because of… her?” You had never seen Newt like this. So demanding and aggressive. It was sort of intimidating. “Because deep down inside you still care about her. Just admit it.” He pressured backing Thomas all the way against the nearest wall.
“No I-…”
“Don’t lie to me!” Newt yelled, earning a gasp from both you and Brenda. “Don’t. Lie. To. Me!” He repeated.
You could see it on his face, the guilt and regret. You could tell something was wrong. But as he ran out all you could do was watch as Thomas followed.
After a couple of minutes when you gathered enough courage to go talk to him you walked into the cool air revealing a hunched over Newt sitting on the edge of the roof.
“Newt, are you okay?” You asked walking over and sitting down. “I’ve never seen you so upset.”
“Y/n i’ve been hiding something.” He gestures at his arm. “Don’t think I can hide this anymore.” He says pulling up his sleeve to reveal black and blue veins stretched from his wrist to his elbow. You gasped and covered your mouth. You were shocked to say the least. How could your boyfriend hide something so crucial? “I was going to tell you. Not like this. I’m sorry.”
“Newt. I-I it’s okay i’m just not sure what to say. It’s a lot to take in.” You sighed, staring at his forearm.
“Y/n i’m sorry I yelled back there. I didn’t mean to scare you. I love you.” A simple tear trickled down your face as you predicted your boyfriend’s inevitable future.
“I love you too. I will make sure we get through this. You deserve to live Newt.”
“Thank you Y/n.”
Newt was panting trying to catch his breath as you had stopped to rest.
“We’ve got to get the serum. Minho you’re the fastest go!” Thomas ordered.
“I’ll go with him for protection.” Gally said, chasing after Minho.
“Newt stay with me baby. I need you. You’re okay I promise. Stay with me. I love you.” You pleaded keeping Newt's head upright so he could look at you.
His head dropped without your support, eyes bloodshot black liquid running down his chin.
“We have to go Y/n!”
“Y/n.” Newt groaned. “I need you to take this.” He said, grabbing on the bullet around his neck.
“Newt not right no-…”
“Just take it!” He yelled. “Just take it.” He said quietly, almost ashamed of his actions. “In case I don’t make it.” He assured.
“Newt I promise you’re going to make it. I just need you to help as much as possible.” He nodded as he placed the necklace in your hand.
Shoving the necklace into your pocket you and Thomas decided it was time to keep moving so you gathered Newt under his arms and carried him as far as we could until he became dead weight.
“Newt, come on.” You sobbed. “Please.” You collapsed with him.
“Y/n.” Thomas kneeled with you a comforting touch on your back. “All we can do now is wait okay? I promise he will be okay.”
“Yeah like you promised Chuck?” You snapped. “Or Winston? How about Alby?”
“Y/n you know you can’t blame me for this. I didn’t do this. It was WCKD.”
“Thomas.” Speak of the devil. Somehow Teresa was speaking on the overhead speakers telling us some bullshit story again. “You are the cure. Your blood kills the virus. Come back to me.”
“Don’t you dare Thomas.”
“We have to save Newt!” He yelled as he ran back to the lab. Just as he was running off you were greeted by a not so happy guest, Newt.
“Newt?” You questioned inching closer. “Newt is that you?” Before you could get any closer Newt turned around and lunged at you. “Newt what the hell! Newt get off me!” You sobbed.
Newt shrieked eyes, fully blackened hair sticking up in different places trying to kill you.
“Newt please.” You kept pushing. “Please stop.” And suddenly as if the real Newt could hear you his eyes cleared and he stopped holding you down. You took this chance to flip the two of you over and pin him down in case of another episode.
“Y/n? Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
“No Newt you just held me down. It's okay. I love you.”
“I love you to-…” He was cut off by a shriek.
Newt started thrashing under you almost as you were minutes before.
“Newt, please just calm down.” You pleaded. “Minho!” You yelled hoping he heard you.
“Kill me!” Newt yelled from under you.
“Kill me!” He repeated flipping the two of you over once again. “Before I turn into one of them.”
“Newt I-…” But before you could finish he pulled your gun out of the gun holster on your leg and cocked it aiming for his head. “No!” You yelled before knocking the gun out of his hand.
Newt was not happy. He charged at you and tackled you hard.
“Newt please.” You pleaded. Just as Minho and Gally arrived and punctured Newts back with the serum.
“Thank you.”
“Where is Thomas?” Gally asked as Minho tended to Newt.
“I-I don’t know. Teresa said come to the lab. I-I need help.” You said as you felt the back of your head luckily there wasn’t much blood, just a pounding headache and memory loss.
“Y/n I need you to stay with us for Newt.” Gally say you up. “Y/n?” He questioned but you were already unconscious.
Gally carried you all the way to the burg Minho doing the same with Newt.
You woke up to a blinding light. The sun. Your head was pounding and your body was sore.
You looked over to see Newt opposite of you “Newt!” You exclaimed running over to him ignoring the soreness. “You’re alive!”
“What the hell? Where are we?” He asked, hugging you back.
“The Safe Haven. I love you so much!” You hugged him tighter.
“Y/n I can’t breathe baby.”
“Sorry.” You pulled away. “I-I just thought you wouldn’t make it. I thought I wouldn’t make it.”
“I love you Y/n. I will never leave you.”
You crawled in his bed and snuggled into his side. “I love you too Newt.”
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hevexns-realm · 1 month
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“Greet the world with open arms!”
“Greet the world with open arms…?”
Created a small sketch post regarding @superscourge ‘s order AU, where Nazo is a god of order and is trying to create an orderly world of mobius. To which Sonic and the others are trying to stop him.
That is until on the hunt for one of the stones of order, he meets Amy. She’s aware of his business here, and tries to show him that chaos is a good thing. That if he opens his mind and heart to it, he can find ways to make this world better! (Also being followed by some chao!)
… and it kind of works!
It’s strange, he’s never met someone so positive about a world full of danger and hurt. Yet here she is, smiling as brightly as the sun in his world. It’s honestly endearing. Maybe she’ll teach this god a thing or two about this world…!
(Also, this post is based off the song “open arms” by epic: the musical, by Jorge Rivera! Go give it some love! ^^)
(Also, this is NOT a ship. This is a cute little fan-post that has nothing to do with scourge’s cannon. It’s just what Amy does, letting people see the good side of things. She has no real reason to fear Nazo outside of his god-like status, but if he isn’t going to hurt her. Why should she miss the opportunity to make new friends? ^^)
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