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kikapops · 28 days ago
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vqtblog · 1 year ago
Antonio Muñoz Molina: Pestilencia del crimen
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patronsaintofposmodernity · 2 years ago
not jordi evole diciendo que viva españa porque vox a ha perdido veinte escaños en plan read the room
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vavalladolid · 1 month ago
«Me llamó y me dijo…»: Desenmascara por fin a Isabel Pantoja delante de Jordi Évole
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furiousbouquetmiracle · 4 months ago
Lo que ha dicho Jordi Évole al recoger su Premio Ondas resuena hoy por todas partes https://www.huffingtonpost.es/virales/lo-dicho-jordi-evole-recoger-premio-ondas-resuena-hoy-todas-partes.html
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ivanreycristo · 2 years ago
En La última entrevista de Pau DONES de JARABE DE PALO en TV con JESUS Cintora salía con camiseta de SANTA CRUZ [marca de surf/Skate fundada en esa localidad de CALIFORNIA o a donde a continuación se fue a vivir] y decía q la peor de sus QUIMIOTERAPIAS comparado con las RESACAS de cuando salía x las NOCHES era un COSTIPADITO mal curado..pues insisto salir x las NOCHES a BEBER EN EXCESO, FUMAR, tomar DROGAS es una PERDIDA de SALUD, TIEMPO , MORAL Y DINERO cuando más lo que intentas o quieres es ECHAR UN POLVO q bajo esas condiciones q fomenta la FALSA MORAL o DINERO no es muy Recomendable o saludable
Pues además sale sobre_impresionado el anuncio del programa de SALVADOS de Jordi evole [q le haría una entrevista documental para CINE 2 semanas antes d morir] sobre SEXO: LA MALA EDUCACION
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viejospellejos · 4 years ago
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deixones · 4 years ago
Si a Jordi Évole le importaba tanto luchar contra el discurso ’’negacionista’’ no habría entrevistado a Bosé para empezar. Darle espacio en la tele a ese payaso para que meta miedo, diga mentiras y menosprecie el dolor de los que han perdido a los suyos no va a ayudar en nada a que la población se conciencie. Lo único que va a provocar es que twitter diga tonterías y los antivacunas  ganen más protagonismo.
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pacienciaras · 6 years ago
Extra: Entrevista completa
Extra2: algunos comentarios en twitter.
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bestsportmedia · 4 years ago
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Leo Messi  exclusive  interview with Jordi Évole: Part 1
              On family and his private life:
Evole: What are your Christmas plans?
Messi: Heading back to Argentina for Christmas, all my family are there .... it's complicated though with the pandemic..... it's difficult in Argentina too...
Evole: What was your favourite gift for Christmas as a kid?
Messi: I remember getting an official match ball ...it was expensive but my folks made a major effort and I also remember getting a Newell's shirt which was special.
Evole: I wasn't sure if this interview would go ahead as the pandemic has really turned things upside down but you are one of the few people who have made me jump from my seat in the past 15 years....
Messi: I'm not one for speaking about matters such as a global pandemic in public.
Evole: Have you ever used Cristiano when playing on the Playstation?
Messi: Never.... I just pick random teams
Messi signs a Barcelona shirt and Evole asks what the FCB shirt means to messi
Messi: This shirt means everything for me, my love for the club, the city, my kids were born here
Evole: How are you now after the summer?
Messi: I'm good now and the episode of the summer is behind me .... the club is having a rough time but I'm full of enthusiasm but the club is in bad shape.
Evole: Everyone is analyzing your constant moves.... pictures on social media, gestures.... how is it living with that ?
Messi: There's no way I could live my life worrying what everyone thinks.....
Evole: Have you cried recently Leo?
Messi: For sporting matters no, but yes for a personal issue that I'd rather keep private.
Evole: Are you in the Whats-app group with the other parents at the kids school?
Messi: (laughs) ...no, that's something that Antonela looks after
Evole: Do you watch the likes of Peppa Pig or Paw Patrol with the kids
Messi:  Yes, I've seen all those .... they also like to watch videos on YouTube and are keen to play with devices ... I like being with my children, playing football ... I enjoy everything that is being with them. Every night some of them appear in bed. Thiago is not so much anymore, but Mateo still comes.
Evole: I heard one day that Thiago came back from school somewhat hurt as the other kids were teasing him for being your son..how was that ?
Messi: Yes, that was sad episode but we've seen how the three kids now stand up for one another and Matteo is the least introverted of the three I'd say. Thiago is like me: introverted, shy ... and has a hard time when they tell him some things about me. anyway, from the age of 4 he has had the same companions and they themselves protect him and take him out of all that.
Evole: analysing Messi's life ...can you just pop down to the local supermarket?
Messi: Sometimes, but it can be difficult .... I still go to restaurants with the family in Gava and Castelfidels.... I go to the Casanova Beach for example and am good friends with the owner. My life is very normal and sometimes boring. I get up, have breakfast, take the boys to school, I train, I go back, as with Antonella ... the truth is, little else. Sometimes I have gone to the supermarket to buy. Not always, but I also like to go. Not to the markets anymore, because a lot of people get together and it becomes difficult. I have lived here for ten years (in Castelldefels). It is small and I know everything, of course
Evola: Many people you feel you live a privileged life .... what would you say to those individuals
Messi: It's true.... we do live a privileged life but I'd like at times just to be able to pop out to the market or head to the cinema but that's impossible. Every time I leave the house with the kids, we're aware of hundreds of eyes on us.
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kikapops · 28 days ago
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vqtblog · 1 year ago
Festival de Cine de San Sebastián 2023: Documental de Jordi Evole sobre Josu Ternera
01 Josu Ternera: El Festival de San Sebastán proyectará un documental sobre el ex líder de ETA 02 Documental de El País: El fin de ETA 03 Josu Ternera es detenido: Las 10 claves de un histórico de ETATailored Timelines
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brevascigars · 6 years ago
Universidad, corrupción y poder: de Cristina Cifuentes, Jordi Evole y doctorados honoris causa
Recuerdo que, siendo alumno de la Facultad de Derecho de la UMU, escuché una conversación entre dos profesores que recordaré siempre. El uno le decía al otro
copyright © 2016
        from Universidad, corrupción y poder: de Cristina Cifuentes, Jordi Evole y doctorados honoris causa via Universidad, corrupción y poder: de Cristina Cifuentes, Jordi Evole y doctorados honoris causa March 12, 2019 at 06:54PM
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blog-lamirillacontenidos · 4 years ago
Pero a veces,  cuesta mucho más asumir lo inasumible, les dejo con la entrevista de Jordi Évole a Miguel Bosé y sus teorías controvertidas.
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furiousbouquetmiracle · 4 months ago
Lo que ha dicho Jordi Évole al recoger su Premio Ondas resuena hoy por todas partes https://www.huffingtonpost.es/virales/lo-dicho-jordi-evole-recoger-premio-ondas-resuena-hoy-todas-partes.html
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goeighthe · 7 years ago
Universidad, corrupción y poder: de Cristina Cifuentes, Jordi Evole y doctorados honoris causa
Recuerdo que, siendo alumno de la Facultad de Derecho de la UMU, escuché una conversación entre dos profesores que recordaré siempre. El uno le decía al otro
  copyright © 2018
from Universidad, corrupción y poder: de Cristina Cifuentes, Jordi Evole y doctorados honoris causa via Universidad, corrupción y poder: de Cristina Cifuentes, Jordi Evole y doctorados honoris causa July 12, 2018 at 07:05AM
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