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deathlywounded · 2 days ago
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I was already missing them 🍷
(Yes, long haired Astarion for life. And no, Athios is not a vampire, he’s just a romantic & a degenerate.)
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or-fi-s · 2 years ago
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Commission for Pizzie11 and sans-sarif
Posted using PostyBirb
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beansprean · 1 year ago
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no bats were harmed in the making of this art (it was consensual dkjhsk)
[sticker + prints!]
Support me on Patreon or send a tip on Kofi!
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: Full body of Guillermo, topless and wearing green chinos tucked into brown boots, a stake in each hand, high-kicking a large bat out of the air. Guillermo's hair is overgrown, he has a cuff and fang pierced in his ear, double bar piercings in both nipples so it looks like a cross, an actual silver cross around his neck, multiple gnarled scars on his hands, stomach, chest, and face, and tattoos covering his body. The tattoos include, on his right arm: a saguaro cactus, a stylized Nahua gila monster, an evil eye, a bote joghe, and 'familia' written in cursive. On his left arm: an ankh filled with celtic knots, a circular maze, a sacred heart, some chain, and 'nandor' written in farsi. Both hands have an arrow on the back, a cross lain over his fingers like knuckle dusters, and 'de la cruz' written across each knuckle letter by letter. Also visible is a line of red crosses around his throat, crossed arrows and a star of david over his chest, a thunderbird on his stomach, a calli house on his right side, and a celtic knot on his left side. /end ID
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msrosatiworld · 4 months ago
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With trembling fingers, John cautiously lowered the zipper of his Mom’s dress all the way down, just above the ample bottom of the imposing lady. Mrs. Panelli then slipped off her dress and stood in her underwear before John’s tearful and astonished eyes. Her ample bosom was barely contained in the black lace bra, and the sheer gray pantyhose veiled her wide hips and powerful thighs. Beneath the pantyhose, the skimpy panties, also black lace, barely covered the pubis, and when the lady turned to return to her chair, her majestic, womanly bottom wobbled skimpily contained in them. Jogh gulped at the sight of his Mother in such attire and, immensely ashamed, felt his already aroused manhood stirring up in a full-mast erection.
Mrs. Panelli finally sat back down, called John in front of her, and with one powerful move, yanked her wet, naked son over her pantyhosed, meaty, toned thighs, grounding his erection into them.
“Moom, nooo! Nooooo!” John exclaimed, trying vainly to avoid what was unavoidable.
“Be quiet, young man. You don’t decide what to do or not to do in this house. And surely you don’t yell at Mommy using profanities. You are long overdue for a good buttocks roasting!” Threatened Mrs. Panelli, who couldn’t help but admire the beauty of her son’s muscular but supple, meaty hillocks.
Excerpt from Ms. Rosati Spanking Tales, vol. 13
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yume-chiyo · 3 months ago
What are your fav games??? Any game recommendations for a bored anon?? (/--)/
GAMES HUH? >:3 <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>
Okay. Ekhem.
Hello Charlotte → it's a indie rpg game and it has 3 parts. Part 1 and 2 is free and part 3 is paid but it's cheap anyway. it's a really good horror+ psychology+ philosophy game with riddles and fucking awesome lore and characters. This game literally broke me istg.
Zeno remake → another horror indie rpg about disease that turns ppl into cannibals:D it's about solving riddles and awesome lore with awesome characters and 12 endings
Witch's heart → ANOTHER indie rpg. It's about a haunted mansion bla bla bla and a few characters stuck there and witches and solving secrets:3 it's really cool
Pocket mirror → another indie rpg because I love indie rpgs. It's about a girl who woke up in a weird place and js tryna get out. Characters and graphics ARE FUVKIN GORGEOUS I SWEAR THIS IS THE PRETTIES GAME I EVER PLAYED.(And there's prequel → "little goody two shoes" :3)
Other indie rpgs I love but too lazy to tell more abt em: the grey garden, wadanohara, shtdn, flesh blood and concrete, tomorrow won't come for those without
uhhh from non-indie rpgs↓
Identity V, cry of fear, afraid of monsters, ensemble stars, hypnosis mic, d4dj
Uhhh and I recommend novels ↓
14 days with you, the kid at the back, jogh doe, a date with death
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willowreader · 5 months ago
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Read the explanation on X (Twitter)
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lexa-griffins · 1 year ago
In farm clexa at what age do Lexa and Clarke talk to their kids about their miscarriage is it more in-depth when their teens or is it more of a filtered down version? Yup, I went there with the angst.
When it happens, Clarke is really the one to tell the kids the baby that was inside Lexa's tummy isn't there anymore and they don't elaborate much more for a good few years.
The first time they ever talk about the miscarriage since it happened with the kids in a way of explaining it is with Madi. She's 15 and just had a pregnancy scare so they find it's probably best to tell her about it almost as a reality check. She was 9 so she does remember it the best and while Lexa isnt graphic when explaining what she felt during that time and Clarke does water down the more medical details a bit, its enough for Madi to get the picture of what her moms went through, the pain Lexa went through and why a pregnancy at her age, having the baby or not, would be life changing.
Aden is around 17 when he asks about the extra tree growing. He knows his moms plant one for each kid but there is one between his and his twin siblings. Of course he wasn't there when it happened, but he does want to know about it and Lexa and Clarke decide he deserves to know what happened too. Its more watered down than the talk Madi got, but unlike when she talked about it with Madi, Lexa does break down, realizing fully that while the other kids in a way met the baby when Lexa was pregnant, Aden never even got to know the baby existed.
The other three kids are already adults when they talk about the miscarriage again.
Saige is pregnant when she asks Lexa about it and Lexa tells her she doesnt want to talk about it while Saige is expecting her little girl but Saige insists she wants to know. She's heard everything Lexa had to say about the joghs and lows of her own pregnancies but she wants to know about the baby her mom lost. If anything happens, Saige wants to be ready for it. All she remembers is that for a few months Lexa shit down completely. Of course given how sensitive Saige usually is and much more with the pregnancy hormones she breaks down crying about the baby and the pain her mommy must have gone through. Clarke only catches half of the conversation but is sobbing too.
Skie and his wife have an unfortunate miscarriage too with their second baby. It was much earlier than Lexa's but that doesnt make the pain any less. Skie and Willow were both so small when it happened, only two years old, they barely remember it happened. And to be honest, Lexa and Skie's wife dont particularly get along but the talk Lexa has with her and Skie about her own lost, Clarke right by her side nodding along and her feelings mirroing the ones their son feels right now does strenght that bond a little.
Willow.... Willow never knows the details. Perhaps because they dont want to or because they remember Lexa's face when she came back from that first therapy session, the pain in her moms' face that never fully left their mind ever since they were little. Lexa never blames them for not wanting to know. Overall, Willow is the one who grows up to be more like Lexa. Closed off and guarded with their feelings. Never really sure if touching certain wounds is for the best. So, they prefer to never know, not even when Clarke offers to be the one to tell them. Its not until they are old and both Clarkr and Lexa have passed that they ask their siblings to tell them about it, and they are actually the one who get all the different pieces of info about it that their moms told their kids over the years.
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daily-klingon · 1 year ago
jogh quadrant (n)
They haven't translated the terms Alpha Quadrant, Beta Quadrant, Gamma Quadrant or Delta Quadrant yet.
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njmkkkkkkl · 1 month ago
1 cuisines, 2 jogh, 3 route, 4 routed dcfvgbh - flat bottom boats dcxxxfvgggb hjjj paid locked laypaid cfvg paids locked.
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azlovesem · 6 months ago
Oversted. Extentions of your stupid self. Ill rub the mat with uiu jist me and dome motley crew. They sell this idea of friendship. Its snoyher cozy bullshit dream. And doesnt prepare us for the deadly reality. Thats why i have a few crews and my jogh school friends. One of them told me one day when i asid something and it came true. You must be Jesus and he wasnt joking. Ill crush yiu snd sny crew you can muster. Think about tjat and ehat it means. It means youre in the wrong. Youve been safe all your life. Taken care of. Entitled to certsin things. You never ever should have worshipped being do fat lazy snd comfortable over me. Im the air. Without me nothing survives here. Yiur friends aint got noghing on me and there are more than teo women who reslly really love me. More than 3 even. So im hsppy i feel that energy. Everyone else youre just another face on yhe endless crowd. To truly connect with who you really are makes you more attractive. That doesnt mean im for everybody. But id be all for and all over her body like she doesnt even know yet in her young life. Sometimes that vonnection is ehat mskes rverything great. Beyond taste style stupid arsthetics. The pursuit if the vacant and bored. We sll like nice settings but ypu can too far with snythi g to yhe point youre just sll ugly no mstter what. And theres less gor the top prople or we hotta het tid of you. Ah fuck the law i eont sllow faulty laws to dictate anything kn my earyh ill knife ehoever erote or who defends the law if yhey get in my way. Yup ssid it not joking uiull get what you deaerve all of you.
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corvidcrafts273 · 6 months ago
Percy jackson end credits overanalysis
(mostly because someone offhandedly mentioned that each episode had it different)(only one way to find out)
uhh no its the same for all of them?
Sequence= main title card aka summation of all the scenes they are about to show
Zeus fist with his lightning bolt at the centre, glowing
The furies
San francisco im thinking(cuz sunset and a sailboat and a train)
A bull, becomes a tiger with a snake for a tongue(im thinking ares)
The sun rises and bunch of students on a rowboat, plus a philosopher(and capture the flag?)(oh this is what i misinterpreted as rowboat nvm) plus 4 kids joghing, plus a train
Gabe ugliano car
What is that Arch like thing? Half hula hoop like
One eye, with a cerberus on left
Underworld with grovers Maia shoes
Owl athena wuth ares on his bike
cuts to apollo??hermes??? Why do they have what looks like a caduceus???and a rotating casino? ohh yup hermes
Hephaestus our good friend
Its a small world after all leads to Poseidon
And then olympus with zeus
I have no idea why that red haired lady with a snake rope and a spear has credits to Leah, hope thats not athena
Then theres a hero with his sword n shield(aegis?), facing a guy with a 2 pronged scepter (no idea why he has maleficent horns on his crown, oh well)
And then show title
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444namesplus · 8 months ago
Blefi Briel Brielis Cesterd Chrostuphis Cierd Comongaem Crievasi Crievus Destis Dostun Dredupod Drehup Duld Dwervip Emizendis Essessop Feggis Feithly Gectus Gelsi Griil Guldip Hirmep Huld Iestirn Ilvip Impisus Inchentis Inchentross Jeorcav Jeorlupi Jesuld Jisuosm Jogh Lollis Long Mengaehi Murd Muxist Nardis Nedniss Nestis Nivellod Nond Nossong Nunint Nunstis Nurtem Ommurtem Osuns Purdod Purthirn Qirsup Shuuvis Skoit Socherd Spedi Stes Stiim Stupi Swurd Thoig Tolvis Trai Tuathirn Uctuqat Ueth Urdis Virrobli Vixt Vogriss Vursu Woctus Xistirn Xoberd
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notevenkagey · 8 months ago
And i gotta stay high all the time to keep you off my mien oh oh oh oh spend my days locked in a haze try to forget you but i fall back down gotta stay high all my life to forget im missing u u u u u staying in my play pretend where the fun ain’t got no end can’t go homr alone again need someone to numb the pain oh staying in my play pretend where the fun ain’t got no end oh oh can’t go home alone again need someone to numb the pain you’re gone and i gotta stay high all the time to keep you off my mind oh oh oh oh jogh all my life to forget i’m missing you u u u u u ah ah
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jog1232 · 2 years ago
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chaticaljohn · 2 years ago
Hello :3
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nununiverse · 2 years ago
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Mihir Jogh
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