#JKT48 仲川遥香
mysteron2068 · 1 year
インドネシア在住の元JKT48・仲川遥香、天皇皇后両陛下と面会 11年間滞在で「一生の宝物になる機会」 「頑張ってよかった」
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snowinherbangs · 6 years
English Translation of Nakagawa Haruka’s 27th Birthday Message
As said by her:
“Thank you very much for your birthday wish. ^^
This year I turn 27, I wanna tell something to you all.
It’s a bit long but please read until the end.
I’ve never told about my own family.
But I’ve been in Indonesia for about 6 years.
Many were asking “your family didn’t go to Indonesia?” or “do you miss your parents?” I replied that I didn’t mind it because I enjoyed being here.
But I also thought that you’re curious and I’m tired to lie so I considered when I’d tell about it but I’m confused so I was looking for the correct time.
Maybe as I’ve turned 27 so this is the correct time.
Since I was 3, I never lived with parents anymore, because my dad and my mom divorced, I followed my dad so since I was 3 I’ve never met my own mom again. I don’t remember her face and have no idea where she is now. Since that I lived with my grandma and because my dad might be busy so I never lived with him either. Also my grandma suffered heart disease making her going to hospital very often so me and my siblings looked like living in an orphanage.
Maybe I still had grandma while some others didn’t have anyone anymore but I was sad because in primary school event I was always alone, no one from my family accompanying me. I made the lunch myself and no one picked me up to come from school.
But fortunately there were my siblings so I wasn’t alone.
During graduation grandma came but I was embarrassed because the others came with their moms and dads. But I didn’t think anything as I was still very young and I had to be grateful I still had grandma.
Grandma’s condition were worsened during my primary & middle school so I spent some years living in an orphanage. It was sorowful but I met many friends who had similar fate as I had. They must be sad for having no parents but I got many new siblings. Some of them are still close to me until today.
I wanna tell but inside of me I didn’t because it’s embarrassing. Moreover in Indonesia many love their families but since I had no parents, it’s embarrassing to be different than others.
I often tell about mom & dad but everything was a lie so I’m so sorry that I’ve been lying to you all.
I moved to Indonesia, in the beginning I was sad because I was alone but now I had a such big family whom I often meet, hanging out together, also in Indonesia everyone is nice to me.
Moreover JKT48 members, staffs, & fans are like family to me.
I could be spoiled to fellow members, staffs sometimes rebuking me, when I got ill, they took me to hospital, before that when I got ill I had to do all by myself.
So now I’m not alone, having many friends who aid and love me.
All this time, I was sad because I couldn’t tell it to anyone but here i could tell to friends because friends here heard about my story very well.
One of the reasons why I love Indonesia.
And if I never came to Indonesia I’d never tell about myself and never reveal it to you all. I was born in Japan but moved to Indonesia and got so many important things. Thanks for always love me. Some day I will be married and I swear  I will be a good mom and will never let my children to suffer like I did.
And I’d like to tell the kids who have similar fates as me that someday you’d get people nice to you. Maybe not now but someday it will be, you’ll get such a great life. I’m very sure because I did.
Now I’m grateful for having such awesome friends. If I never came to Indoneisa, this might never happen.
Now I can’t live with grandma but I very love her. Thanks grandma for always supporting and encouraging me. I’m happy if grandma is happy and always smiling so I’ll fight harder so grandma will be happier if I’m more succesful in entertainment business.
For me grandma is my mom. Love you grandma and I was born because of dad and mom. We’re separated but you’ll be always be my dad and mom. Thanks mom and dad. When I was very young I couldn’t be with dad but in the future I wanna make a memory with you and someday I’ll be married, make sure you’ll be by my side.
Everyone thank you very much and please always your encouragement.
Hope this year I’ll be happy and healhty and whatever happen we should thanks by God, Amen.
仲川遥香 Nakagawa Haruka”
Translated by Haris aka @astrorhine on xtenmongakux.tumblr.com accompanied by 白金燐子 (Haris’ wife) & Sigur Rós Bracket Album on Spotify.
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koyaji-24 · 8 years
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news-man · 2 years
  ブレーク当初は「私がやりたいことなのかな」と戸惑い  2007年にAKB48チームBとしてデビュー。12年からはインドネシアが拠点のJKT48に移籍した仲川遥香。「世界で最も影響力のあるツイッターアカウント」にもランクインし、現地ではCM女王でもある。移住から約10年がたつがどんな仕事をして、どんな生活をしているのか。現在の仲川に話を聞いた。(取材・文=島田将斗) 1 今のAKB48のメンバーは詳しくないですが初期の時代の頃のAKB48は知っていてよく番組を見ていました。 当時の仲川さんは天真爛漫で笑顔が素敵で愛嬌があってとても好印象でした。 現在こうやって海外の芸能界で活躍してたくさんのファンから支持されているのも周りを元気にさせてくれる天性の明るさと適応力と、日頃からの努力の積み重ねがあるからこそだと思います。 これからも仲川さんに幸せがありますように。…
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jalan-jalan · 2 years
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YES-fm 78.1MHz・毎週木曜22時〜23時(日曜19時再放送)
M1:ナルバキスン(Look At Me, Gwisun) / D-LITE (from BIGBANG)
M2:Kucingmu Lari / Haruka Nakagawa
M3:Gimme Dat Ding / The Pipkins
M4:Time of the Season / America
M5:GPS (feat. My Anh, Lost Owl & Nam Ngo) / Pixel Neko
M6:ลู่วิ่ง (Can't Keep Up) / Tilly Birds
M7:Soul Bossa Nova / Swingle Singers
M8:Empty Promises / Luke Temple
M9:Bismillah / Alif Satar & The Locos & Raihan
M10:Yakinge 2 / All Ok
M11:Mykonos / Fleet Foxes
M12:Ndibambe / The One Who Sings
M13:Across the Universe / Rod Ladgrove
M14:Spilt Milk / Kristina Train
BIGBANGのD-LITEから元JKT48の仲川遥香で始まり、アカペラ版Soul Bossa Nova、マレーシアのイスラム風コーラスやら南アフリカのオーガニック系SSW、さらにBeatlesカヴァー。締めはNYの歌姫、と今夜も振れ幅大きくお送りしました。
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kei139-line · 5 years
タレントの仲川遥香(28)が、きょう6日放送のTBS系『爆報!THE フライデー』(毎週 金曜 後7:00)に出演。アイドルグループAKB48の元メンバーであり、インドネシアの ジャカルタを拠点とするJKT48でも主要メンバーとしても活躍、
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takasho2017-blog · 5 years
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【悲報】はるごんこと仲川遥香さんのお姉さんが28歳という若さで亡くなられたらしい 1: 2019/05/11(土) 23:47:26.39  元JKT48でタレントの仲川遥香(27)が11日、自身のSNSで、今月4日に実姉が亡くなっていたことを明かした。28歳だったという。 仲川は4日に号泣マークの絵文字を連... Source: まとめりー(アイドル)
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akashicrecords19 · 4 years
1: 47の素敵な(東京都) (4級) 2020/04/20(月) 18:05:39.16 1位指原莉乃(元AKB48、HKT48、STU48) (1,696票) 2位川栄李奈(元AKB48) (539票) 3位大島優子(元AKB48) (322票) 4位前田敦子(元AKB48) (231票) 5位川崎希(元AKB48) (185票) 6位高橋みなみ(元AKB48) (170票) 7位松井��奈(元SKE48、乃木坂46) (167票) 8位山本彩(元NMB48、AKB48) (138票) 9位仲川遥香(元JKT48、AKB48) (124票) 10位島崎遥香(元AKB48) (121票) 11位倉持明日香(元AKB48) (119票) 12位秋元才加(元AKB48) (117票) 13位篠田麻里子(元AKB48) (111票) 14位小嶋陽菜(元AKB…
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noko213 · 5 years
インドネシアを拠点に活動中の元AKB48・JKT48の“はるごん”こと仲川遥香さん(なかがわ・はるか 28歳)が、6日放送のバラエティ番組『爆報! THE フライデー』(TBS系 金曜19時)に出演し、これまでテレビでは・・・ Source: 芸トピ
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lucyusan · 5 years
元JKT48の仲川遥香、姉の訃報に悲痛… 「辛いよ。辛すぎるよお姉ちゃん」
2019-05-12 12:10:14 by にゅーす特報。 Source: 暴露ニュース
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himatsubushini7 · 5 years
(出典 aikru.com) 確かに下手にコメントしたくないわな・・・ (出典 【芸能】元AKB/JKT仲川遥香、NGТ山口真帆の事件は「発言したくないな」 現在はインドネシアで活躍) 1 江戸領内小仏蘭西藩 ★ :2019/04/10(水) 21:55:01.27 ID:h4WswTU29.net
2019年4月10日14時45分 https://www.nikkansports.com/m/entertainment/news/201904100000523_m.html (出典 www.nikkansports.com)
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ootatyan · 6 years
1 :ジョーカーマン ★:2019/01/08(火) 13:50:57.26 ID:q8ocE/9X9.net 1月7日に放送されたバラエティー「ヒロミーティング〜またTVでイジリたい美女SP〜」(日本テレビ系)に、元AKB48の仲川遥香が登場。 インドネシアでトップタレントとして大活躍している現在を語った。
スタジオゲストのくっきー(野性爆弾)から「年収は1000万より上ですか? 下ですか?」と尋ねられた仲川は「上です」と即答。
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p-og-e · 6 years
via 2chまとめヲまとめたーたアンテナ http://bit.ly/2PcpiJT
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trendnews2-blog · 6 years
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akb48b · 6 years
1: 47の素敵な(dion軍) (6段) 2018/10/13(土) 12:00:23.50 Haruka Nakagawa 仲川遥香 @Haruka_NKGW10 JKT48の7期生のヨリちゃん♥なこちゃんの初期の頃にそっくりすぎてなんか可愛かった😂💓💓💓 Tadi ketemu Gen7 JKT48 namanya Yori lucu yaaaa😍mirip nako waktu masih kecil😂😂😂😂 pas pulang dia dadahhh gitu😂anak kecil banget😆
VIPQ2_EXTDAT: none:none:1000:512:—-: EXT was configured
From : http://blog.livedoor.jp/hktmatomemon/archives/54286573.html
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piupon · 6 years
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【元JKT48】仲川遥香さん、嫌韓ファンの忠告に反論 www 【元JKT48】仲川遥香さん、嫌韓ファンの忠告に反論 www Source:
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