#JJ Sneed
colinodonoghue · 2 months
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Colin O'Donoghue as J.J. Sneed ↳ Dolly Parton's Heartstrings
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killianjonezs · 2 months
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Colin O'Donoghue as J.J. Sneed ↳ Dolly Parton's Heartstrings
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captainfloorouat · 1 year
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killian-whump · 1 year
Question! I haven't seen Dolly Parton's Heartstrings despite all my efforts but for a thing I'm writing, what happened to JJ's knees?
Well, it's kinda definitely a bit of a spoiler... I mean, the "JJ ain't got knees" joke itself won't spoil much, but the context would.
But if you don't mind the spoiler, click the Keep Reading...
At the end of the JJ Sneed episode (which is the only one you need to worry about seeing ;)), JJ gets his comeuppance when the female lead confronts him. In the JJ Sneed song, she shoots him dead - so the viewer's expecting that outcome all along. But instead of killing him, she kneecaps him (shoots out both his knees) and leaves him writhing on the ground. The wounds won't kill him - but given the state of health care in the wild west, and the likelihood of him ever seeing any... he'll never walk again, 'cos
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oakwyn · 2 years
what I think is happening: "ew look at this new person, they're probably weird or mean. We should stay away from it"
what is probably actually happening???: i'm new and no one knows me yet???
So, I want to introduce myself to all the fellow Colin fans.
Name: Oakwyn | Age: 30
Gender: F/nonbinary
Some stuff you might be wondering about, and some info about myself:
I love Captain Swan, or whatever fictional ship people want to ship. I'm not gonna dis your ship 'cause I don't care what ya ship, you know?
That said, I don't ship real folks. That includes Colin and anyone he works with.
Yes, I think he's 🔥. Like surface of the sun 🔥. There may be a little gender envy in there, too? Maybe that's for Hook...
I don't like the NFT thing. I don't think anyone really does. I'm with the "don't like but will support Colin's other work in the meantime" consensus.
I'm a big fan of animation, Douxie is my favorite little spunky punk, and I love the VA work Colin has done recently. I really hope he gets more into the animation circle.
Detective Rogers is AN ABSOLUTE BABE AND BABY. Definitely a favorite.
I just REALLY wanna talk about this awesome dude's work and be a part of the amazing fan base he has that's supporting him. My asky boxy thingy is open, if you have any thoughts or questions. I'm here for joyful things. I'm not here to cause a ruckus or yuck anyone's yum. Rest assured I come in peace. 😎✌️
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piraterefrigerator · 1 year
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lethal-liability · 1 year
I can't remember if I made this post already but shout out to Colin O'Donoghue for somehow managing to have his most iconic roles (to me) be portaying the three most sluttiest male professions, priest, pirate, and cowboy
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Dispite my intense pain and inability to do much of anything rn I CAN put a bowler hat on and
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colinodonoghue · 1 year
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Colin O'Donoghue as J. J. Sneed ↳ Dolly Parton's Heartstrings
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wyntereyez · 1 year
Is it me, or is he starting to look like JJ Sneed again?
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captainfloorouat · 1 year
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Wet Colin 👀
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killian-whump · 1 year
As we stand on the precipice of another Colin Convention Weekend, one most likely with the Stupid Beard™ (Colin's words, not mine!), I find myself contemplating said beard and my thoughts on it.
And I'm gonna say it.
The beard looks good on Colin.
I've tried and tried to hate the beard, because Colin thinks it's stupid and he hates it, but... Gosh, it looks nice on him. To be fair, there aren't many things I wouldn't think look nice on Colin, but I think this beard actually looks nicer than the JJ Sneed beard did. It's not "dastardly" looking like that one was, making him look like a villain everywhere he went... No, this one is more dignified and, dare I say, a bit presidential *cough* *cough* *coughing fit*
That said, it is very old-fashioned and not at all in style... but who cares? Well, I don't care. And I doubt any of his fans really care, since they all know why he has it and are just excited that it means we'll have new Colin work someday soonish!
BUT... I'm not the one who has to wear this beard to the grocery store, where little old ladies who have no idea who he is are looking at him going, "Who does he think he is? A civil war general?" while he's just trying to pick out a good pineapple or two to put on his pizza.
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I've come to the conclusion that the beard is somehow stupid and not stupid at the same time, and it is okay for me to simultaneously curse its existence and look forward to its appearance.
I am not taking criticism at this time.
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paradiselady19 · 1 year
So... I need to sort out my thoughts... so this is going to be me rambling on about my thoughts to the question...
Okay, so, he does have this amazing new full beard and since he usually doesn't have it, we all assumed, it's for a new role. I'm very much behind this thought!
He is confirmed for three conventions in the states later this year, so we assumed he would be shooting something in the states.
But... now he is in Romania. Posted about Bucharest in his stories. Vacation maybe?
Maybe not, because he started following Federico Caretti, a Make Up artist, and he is in Bucharest as well. Posting stories, referring to 'On set' and shooting 'Day 1 of 102'. This guy has pictures from set, the only maybe "helpful" thing I could see, was a "Saloon" sign.
And at reading Saloon my mind immediately went to JJ Sneed. Dolly Parton herself said, JJ is not dead. But I could not find anything about a second season. And would they shoot in Romania? Probably not.
Then I googled and tried to find anything about films or series being shot in Romania. The only thing I found was the show Wednesday. Haven't watched it, so I can't say if Colin could fit in there and if there would even be a role available. This is probably to far fetched anyway...
Another thought is, when he is shooting something now, he maybe will be promoting the thing, when he is doing the conventions. But, no hint there with other guests who may be related to the assumed project.
And then I started thinking about Cannes Film Festival and this TSR event and that he maybe won't be there in person, just his avatar... because he is shooting. And they only talked about JR getting dressed in a fancy suit, and why not say something about the other hosts as well...
And now I'm lost in my thoughts and really really wish he would tell us something!
Anything. He could just tweet something like "Shooting again, yippieh!" Just so we know.
I really hope he is working and that he is happy and loving it and that we can see it someday.
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piraterefrigerator · 1 year
Thanks to me knowing that JJ Sneed broke his knees I'm doing exactly that to one of my ocs (poor, poor James, he's suffering again) but now I'm tempted to break Killian's knees too!
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piracytheorist · 2 years
Blorbo bingo: both versions of Killian Jones plus JJ Sneed
(totally did not forget to do this for two entire months until I found the bingo cards that I'd done at the time and was like "wait when was I asked for these?" and first searched my blog and then my inbox...) anyway if you see this anon bless your patience
Killian Jones (both OG and Wish versions):
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... I don't remember why I circled "cryptid". Was probably too influenced by @wyntereyez (take that as the compliment that it is). The "joke character" thing is for Wish Hook, who was written as a joke at first (and which I did not like) but bro I'll never, never forget how I slowly lost my fucking mind when 7x02 aired. This episode changed me as a person entirely. Anyway yeah. I'm not so sure anymore for the "perpetually lost", idk, maybe that was just me projecting angst on him a little too much. The blood thing is because, I am a whumper. When I'm concerned, most of the time it IS his blood and I like it that way. A muse sent by the gods no doubt, I cannot even start with how much inspiration this character gave me, but sadly not the OUAT writers because they simply did not deserve him :)
JJ Sneed:
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Aight look I admit JJ is not my top favourite Colin character - as a character; I love Colin's portrayal and it's really just fun to watch the episode overall. But he's not blorbo the way other Colin characters are. The "fish love me women fear me" is amazing for this case lmao.
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thesschesthair · 2 years
Christmas gift:,Custom made clothes w/ your fave Ouat characters on ‘em (along with JJ Sneed)
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Thank you, nonny! That would be an awesome gift 😁
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