#JESUS is my strength
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tears-that-heal · 7 months ago
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Humbled, Convicted & Empowered!!! 🤟🥹
Thank you, Jesus, for you are my strength. ❤️❤️❤️
Mood: emotionally uplifted, but so freak’n tired. (zombie mode)
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This scene popped into my mind in a vision I was given earlier today from God along with these words. I thought I'd share. I was able to find a picture that resembled it pretty quickly even! I posted it to instagram already but I thought maybe someone might need some positivity on here as well?:) I love you and so does Jesus, Huggs!🩷
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beemintty · 1 year ago
i've come to terms with the fact that my faith in god is not normal according to the church... the way i view the bible is this: truth but not necessarily complete history. like any historical script it's been translated and rewritten a thousand times so it may not speak of exactly how every event happened in complete fact but the core message is the same: trust god and love the world. my faith may look different but it is still faith, and it's still a massive part of who i am and how i walk through life.
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shareyourloveandhope · 2 years ago
Hi, today I would love to share with you a poem that is special to me. It's called ”My Salvation”. I wrote it today (on 29th April 2023). I struggled with starting to write these days but I finally can do it again and feel the joy that's coming from it. I'm glad that I can share it with you.
My Salvation
He saved me from the darkness
He saved me from being brokenhearted
He saved me from constant anxiety
He saved me from the enemy
He saved me from all of my traumas
He saved me from having all painful flashbacks
He is my Savior, Way and Truth
He is the Light that never stops shining on our hearts
His Holy Arms are always opened to welcome you
For He is there to the very end of the age to lead you
To the lovely Kingdom of His Father who is Merciful
He created us with love and peace, made us feel so grateful
For He gave us His only Begotten Son to break every chain
He died on the cross in a brutal way
For us to be saved with Holy Spirit, Him and His Father
He broke the chain of the sickness
He broke the chain of the intrusive thoughts
He broke the chain of what seemed to be a never ending sadness
He took away from me all of this always judging voice
He died for us and showed us the greatest love
He was perfect, Holy, made of pure love and hope
In Him our strength, joy, peace that cannot be overcome
In Him there is a power for He is the Lord of Lords
Song I recommend you to listen:
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lightman2120 · 1 year ago
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krishmanvith · 1 year ago
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sidespart · 1 year ago
Janus, arrives to the party visibly drunk and proceeds to be an enormous bitch to everyone until he gets slapped in the face: I can’t believe they don’t invite us to more events.
Remus, his shoes covered in human excrement: they don’t know what their missing.
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aspirant1598 · 1 month ago
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ae-cha08 · 9 months ago
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What a beautiful verse, what an awesome picture. Do you see it? A full reward be given you by the Lord, the God of Israel under whose wings you have come to take refuge. 💙
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glorfindel-of-imladris · 1 year ago
The call came… oddly pronounced, which was perhaps what made Erestor turn towards the noisy hall. He tended to avoid the Hall of Fire on evenings such as this, when the brisk air called for the inhabitants of the valley to gather around the fires, keeping warm and making merry.
He was not necessarily surprised to find Glorfindel with the usual group of Elves: Lindir, Elladan, Elrohir, Galadir from the guard, among others. Lindir, often the leader when it came to mischief, waved and smiled his innocent smile at Erestor—which, of course, had Erestor instantly suspicious.
"Erestor, you have to help me,” implored Glorfindel, stretching his arms as Erestor neared their table. As though the slight slur in his words wasn't a clue, there was also a telling flush on his cheeks where it caught the light. “I am being made fun of and I do not care for it!”
Erestor stopped to stand on Glorfindel's side of the benches, though he pointedly stayed out of reach of those—just what is Glorfindel doing?
“Hands off the robe, Glorfindel,” he admonished, swatting at the hands reaching for his robes. “What is this that you are complaining about this time?”
“These terrible trolls! Sorry excuse for friends!” Glorfindel made a clumsy kind of wave at the Elves around him, who only snickered amongst themselves. “They have been teasing me all evening!”
“To be fair, Master Erestor,” said Elladan, “we do that most evenings.”
“As I thought,” said Erestor, looking back down at Glorfindel, “which is why I am wondering what could be so terrible this time."
If possible, the flush on Glorfindel's cheeks grew higher as he declared, affronted: “They said I will never marry!"
The laughter from the other Elves was on cue. It was just as well that they were all distracted, for Erestor did not join in on their amusement, and instead had grown quite still.
It took a moment for him to respond, and when did, it was a careful: "I did not know you wanted to marry.”
"Well, I do!”
Another moment, then a quieter, "I see."
"But they said!” Glorfindel cried again, oblivious to the racing thoughts his sudden claim caused within his oldest friend. “They said that I couldn't, and do you know why? Because they said you obviously do not plan to marry ever, to which I said, no! No! They cannot very well know that about you, can they? Unless you have told them—”
"Eru forbid."
"Right? So I said—"
"Why exactly am I involved in this equation?"
Glorfindel looked up at Erestor as though this was a very silly question. "Why wouldn't you be? There is no one else I want to marry, is there? But then if you are not intent on marrying, then obviously I cannot get married either."
Erestor took a moment again—a different kind of moment, this time around. “O-Oh. Obviously."
He glanced at the other Elves around the table, who this time conveniently found something of interest on the floor, on the ceiling, or on their nails while the two of them were speaking. Erestor picked up the vessel nearest to Glorfindel. "Is this your cup?"
"Aye! Good stuff.”
"Hm. Potent, too. I thought you do not drink?"
"I don't."
"You are as drunk as a Dwarf."
"I resent that,” said Glorfindel with a—oh, by the Valar—a pout. "You said there is nothing attractive about Dwarves."
“I have said no such thing.”
“Erestor!” This time, Glorfindel looked distressed. “Are you saying you are, in fact, attracted to Dwarves?”
By this point, Erestor could no longer resist the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. "No, but what I can say is that there is nothing attractive about this picture either."
“Oooh,” Lindir finally chimed. “Harsh.”
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livingfortheheartofchrist · 7 months ago
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“If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me, and the light around me will be night” - even the darkness is not dark to you. The night shines like the day; darkness and light are alike to you.”
“For it was you who created my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”“I will praise you because I have been remarkably and wondrously made. Your works are wondrous, and I know this very well.”
“My bones were not hidden from you when I was made in secret, when I was formed in the depths of the earth.”
“Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in your book and planned before a single one of them began.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139‬:‭11-16‬ ‭
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kalavathiraj · 5 months ago
After confessing your sins. Don’t stand in the rain of self-blame. Give it to God and accept his showers Of mercy and forgiveness.
Walking with God, QUOTUS
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rugbuggk · 1 year ago
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lightman2120 · 1 year ago
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nerdsandqueens · 3 months ago
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The fact that Andruil is confirmed to have been a spirit of purpose corrupted into a demon of desire, and that we were going to have a demon of desire in Veilguard at one point - as a companion - gives me some solace that details that would have elaborated on Ghilan'nain that felt missing, may have been planned but were dropped.
Her connection to Andruil and most of the subtext in her origin stories are non-existent in the game, save for that one codex mentioning that she was betrayed.
Andruil may have been similar in nature to Imshael. Quite literally. And would have allowed us to piece together the full mystery of Ghilan'nain and the Evanuris. That Ghilan'nain was offered a sinister devil deal, which she took, but not without consequences. And surely there is some context of this occurring when Ghilan'nain was already in some allegiance to Andruil beforehand. Her Beloved. Regardless of the cost, the remnants of Ghilan'nain after her ascension remained forever devoted to Andruil.
To be clear, Imshael isn't Andruil. But the presence of this character in game might have been tied to uncovering lore about Andruil herself. The symbol Imshael was supposed to wear is very reminiscent of Andruil's.
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wecanbeperfect · 1 month ago
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