morning-star-joy · 1 year
i need at least 40 chapters sorry i’m not ready for this to be the end
JDFKSL that makes me so happy that you'd want to read 40 chapters of it!!!!! There will be many one-shots/scenes/drabbles to come from this universe even when the main fic is done <3
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woosohn-archived · 3 years
what 🤨🤨🤨
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olwolo · 3 years
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the spectators want a fight.
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girl4pay · 3 years
i feel so bad for matthew but also reading this bit about his sneakers all i can think is *clown shoes squeaking*
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kth1 · 4 years
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Park Jimin Selca | Icons
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lokiarsene · 4 years
I believe that Akechi is alive based on the true ending in Royal, but I was wondering what are your theories and speculations on his fate?
I have none. He’s alive.
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youngsamberg · 5 years
i am genuinely dying laughing at the gifset i am making right now
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friedesgreatscythe · 6 years
six month ago i prophesied that u hoes weren’t ready for when i got far cry 5 and wrote fic and meta
i now submit to you: you still ain’t ready for when i watch american horror story: apocalypse and get rdr2.
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musubiki · 6 years
I’m sorry, Taffy who? idk even know who to ship what with who and what? I’m guessing he’s sorta the touya to touka (coco in this case) but honey, Oscar shot up my fav list (higher than Taffy and Lime) from that one line
HDJSKDF LMAOOO SAME!!!! and i totally forgot about touya (lmao) he was just supposed to be an oc without being based on anyone, but yeah i guess hes kinda like the touya guy!!!!!!! hes a good soul. good humor. he catches the feelings for coco
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marigoldtears · 6 years
For the prompts thing “fuck off. i mean it.” w Cib/Steven?
“Steven. Steven. Steve Steve Steve Steve.”
Steven felt his eye twitch, but he stared resolutely at his computer screen, not wanting to give Cib the satisfaction of having drawn his full attention. “What,” he said, jaw tight as he continued clicking through floor plans of various banks nearby.
“Steve,” Cib groaned, drawing out the vowels from where he lay on the floor, back flat on the ground, starfished out like he was making a snow angel. “Dude, I’m so bored.”
“Well,” Steven said, hand clenching around the computer mouse, “there’re easily about eighteen things you could be doing right now that would be helpful and productive. But, twenty minutes ago you told me they were ‘fuckin’ stupid’ and that you ‘just wanted to shoot things,’ and now here we are.”
Steven heard Cib shuffle around on the floor, and a sigh sounded from the floor. “Well, in my humble defensive, they are stupid,” Cib said, in his nasally impersonation of a smart person that made Steven want to bang his head against broken glass.
Spinning his office chair in a one-eighty, Steven finally turned to face Cib. The man in question had sat up from the floor, now in a criss-cross position, hands flat against the hardwood floor of their office. His hair was mussed, his headband off-kilter, and his eyes wide.
“Steven,” Cib repeated, “all of this planning is a waste of our precious time. I wanna run willy-nilly-pilly into a random bank and shoot the shit out of the teller. Bathe in the blood of our newfound enemies. Y’know,” Cib placed a warm hand on Steven’s knee, a cagey grin on his face, “like old times.” Cib’s hand gently squeezed and something in Steven’s stomach jumped up before he could clamp it down.
“Yuck,” Steven said, voice flat, “never touch me.” He reached down and encircled Cib’s wrist with his hand, moving it off of his knee and pretending like the warmth of Cib’s skin didn’t leave a comforting heat on Steven’s cold fingers. Because it didn’t. And even if it did, Steven definitely wouldn’t have noticed.
Cib gave an aggressive pout, lips tilted so far down that it verged on a grimace- which Steven ignored, of course. It didn’t affect him in the slightest. Of course.
Fuckin’ Cib.
“And also,” Steven said, remembering the reason he was having a conversation with Cib in the first place, “we can’t run into a bank blind because you know we don’t work like that anymore.”
“Don’t work like what, with violence?” Cib frowned, sitting up taller, a hint of actual irritation showing in his furrowed brows. “Are we even a gang? Or are we just… crime planners? Crotch planners. Cream platters.”
“Jesus Christ,” Steven said, turning back to his computer in an attempt to end the conversation. “Of course we’re still criminals, idiot, we’re just trying to be… careful ones.”
“Steven,” Cib said, voice wounded in a way that would have run a chill up Steven’s spine, you know, if he gave a shit. “I wanna rob a bank now. I wanna do reckless shit and-”
“Fuck off. I mean it,” Steven said, turning once more to Cib, and he knew his voice sounded harsh, harsher than he meant it to. He took a deep breath, and his hands clenched around the arms of his office chair. “We’re being safe, right now. All of us. No more reckless shit.”
Cib had stopped shifting around on the ground, the room was quiet except for the hum of the air conditioning, and Steven knew that he had given too much away.
Exhaling softly, Steven slid his fingers under his glasses and pressed them over his closed eyes as if trying to rub something away. When he opened them up again he jumped back. Cib was still on the floor, but close, much closer than Steven remembered- right in front of him, actually.
“Oh, shit,” Steven said, hands reaching to the sides of his chair once more. He ignored the shake in them. It wasn’t important.
Cib’s face wasn’t blank so much as carefully neutral, eyebrows raised slightly as he stared at Steven. “You know it wasn’t your fault, right?” He said, slowly, and Steven’s heart pounded loudly in his chest.
“What wasn’t my fault?” Steven asked, but it didn’t sound like a question, and Steven knew it was because he knew the answer. Knew the answer was the drinking and the car ride and the lack of a gun and the crack of a skull on unforgiving concrete-
“Y’know. Parker,” Cib said, his voice solid, and Steven pretended not to feel the anxious jump of his pulse and his heartbeat in his lungs because he didn’t feel it in the first place.
Steven cleared his throat, a wetness in it that wasn’t there before. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, I know,” he lied. He knew, inherently, that it was his fault- Parker, and everything that happened afterward. Of course it was, he was the leader, anything that went wrong was on him. Hearing Cib, though, and knowing that at least someone believed he wasn’t a complete fuck-up, well… it didn’t hurt.
Cib stared for a moment into Steven’s eyes, blue on brown, and even if Steven wanted to he couldn’t look away. He gulped, loud in his ears, and Cib’s eyes followed the motion of Steven’s adam’s apple.
He didn’t know if Cib found what he was looking for on Steven’s face but his own softened as he stood up from the ground, the tension that had built in the air dissipating like fog. Steven let out a sigh that he was sure Cib heard, but blessedly ignored.
Emotions were so annoying.
“I’m gonna run to get a pizza, for when the rest of the salt pines get back,” Cib said, sounding light, as if nothing had happened at all. He turned back to Steven. “Any topping requests? An-ko-vee, perhaps? Sugar-pine-apple?”
Steven took in the sight of Cib, his grin wide, eyes bright but knowing, shoulders relaxed, and felt himself breathe again. This was what Steven did best- pretend. He shook his head, leaning back in his chair. “Pineapple on pizza is a hate crime,” he said, “get literally anything else.”
Steven felt more than saw Cib laugh, and he was absolutely not comforted by the sound. Absolutely not.
“No pineapple,” Cib said, nodding, the corners of his eyes crinkling, “got it.”
ao3 link
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noodledragon · 3 years
1, 11, 12 :3
sjlkdfjslk uwu <333
artist ask meme here!
1. what is your favorite color to work with?
i tend to work with blacks and greyscale the most but my *favorite* has to be blues or greens! i just love the nuances green holds. not that i understand it-- jfdskld but i know it's there
11. warm or cool colors?
cool colors! which is ironic considering my more prominent ocs are warm-centric. i love sketching in dark muted blue and creating depth and shadow with cool colors *again not that i understand it but i appreciate it*
12. draw one of your characters in 15 seconds.
instead of 1 char in 15 seconds i did 3 chars (Ska, Exton, and Rieldan) in 1 minute cause i got in a squiggle roll jdfksl
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risaho · 3 years
jdfksl sorry if this has been asked before but 🎵sotha sil?
Awww it is fine ur the first one (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧(hold on
for sil it is kinda hard bc he is so special so here u go-
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flores-brillantes · 4 years
sip, comprometida en realidad jdfksl
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airxn · 6 years
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when you spend all morning doing an assignment that,,, wasn’t actually due at all.
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romeshifting · 4 years
1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 12 👉👈
I realized I probably should have specified the personal or shifting numbers jdfksl uh I’ll answer shifting; if you want to ask again for the personal, go on ahead! 1: TikTok was probably where I first heard of it, but then I immediately researched a ton.   3: I’ve been trying for maybe a little under a month now! 4: Take breaks!! Please please take a week to yourself if you’re failing. Also, keep your vibrations up by taking care of yourself!! 6: I’m going to Ace Attorney, Detroit: Become Human, and like three custom DRs! 7: Throughout the day, I try to meditate and take a day to drink water and do things I enjoy. I also listen to music that makes me think of my DR. At night, I drink more water and look over my script! I can go into more detail later but I don’t really have a set routine yet jsdkfl 12: I’m going to do my DRAA self cause it’s not specified! I’m Gadget Speck, and I’m a defense attorney working under Mr. Wright! I’m really perky and pretty meek jdsfklds! I also have purple hair and a widget dude! Thank you for your ask!!  -Cryptid
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voluntaryvictim · 4 years
hey you seem rly cool but im too shy to talk to you. anyways have a good day :)
aw it’s ok jdfksl 
hope you have a great day too! 
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