ahogedetective · 3 years
"Shuichiiiiii..." *kaito's whimpering as he quickly hides behind the innocent detective, frantically looking each way before giving a sigh of relief*
"Umm... Hypothetically, if you had tossed Kokichi yesterday and he just so happened to land in the pool, what, in your opinion, would you do if he was now hell-bent on revenge? P-purely conjectural, of course! Ha ha! Ha... Mmgh..."
"Ah?" Shuichi blinks when Kaito suddenly hides behind him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he turns his head back, with seeing him look even more panicked, confusing him even more.
“W...Wh-What’s wrong? Oh...” As he listens to Kaito explain, he did not even have to question it; he knew it was not a hypothetical situation at all... “....Kaito.” He reaches a hand up to tug his cheek. “You actually did do that, didn’t you. Ohh I’m sure he’s going to want to get back at you for that. Well if I were you, I would try to pacify him; with an apology and, I don’t know... buying him a panta or something?”
“E-Either way, er.... don’t worry! I-I’m sure he will be able to....laugh it off at the end of the day? Though I still think you owe him an apology... I can’t imagine he was happy about that at all, and that was pretty harsh to do to him just because of some ridiculous ‘holiday’...”
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