#JBs sleepover
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brandogenius · 1 year ago
more julien and femme gf pleaseeeeeee
HC - julien x femme gf (short)
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- reader loves to do makeup on jb. often times she’ll grab her makeup pallet and apply some eyeliner on jb “you look so beautiful”
- painting each others nails like a girly sleepover. “tell me the drama on tour” reader says as she paints julien’s nails a nice pastel pink
- “honey you don’t understand. this is the latest purse- of course i’m going to need to buy it”
- very passionate about her outfits.
- “what?” “why are you wearing a dress and heels. baby we’re going shopping” “i need to look my best.”
- julien picks out your new design / colour for your nail appointment.
- “croquette?” coquette darling. not potatoes”
- window shopping but julien treating reader to some heels they saw in the window
- julien surprises reader with their dream bag for their bday and it has reader CRYING”
- reader likes tulips so julien always buy reader tulips ( even fake ones)
- jb tries to win reader plushie everytime they go to the theme parks and arcades, reader having a little collection of bears that jb had won for her :’)
- they name the bears together and think of backstories
- “these two are lesbians. they are also married and own 3 cats” “perfect”
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lustnluv · 1 year ago
obx boys relationship with reader parents
john b meeting puppy!reader stepmom was unknown to reader. her mom married her after divorcing her dad and she didn’t get to keep reader after she died. he’s begging her to have custody over hyper because she’s amazing and deserved to be treated as so. her stepmom and him become close and work together to get puppy in safety. puppy’s dad is verbally abusive and degrades her any chance he gets. when jb met him for the first time he kept cracking jokes about puppy’s accent, how her fingernails are always caked in paint, her grades in school, and the fact she talks too much. jb took a instant dislike to him and kept his distance away from him. always making sure his phone is not on dnd so he pick her up anytime once it gets too much.
jj met bat!reader parents when they were kids. he was instantly apart of the family and as a kid he would go there to get dinner and just stay there for days when his father was too drunk or high. her parents actually made it seem like a huge sleepover so the kids won’t think twice about it. he was there for a month one time. luke is scared of her family csuse she has brothers who are in high school when she’s like seven and they look at jj like their little brother. best believe they’re protective. even when bat and jj had their little break, he was still welcome to eat and stay the night. as he got into high school her dad taught him how to fix cars and he would work there until he got the job at the country club. he names their kids after her parents.
swan!reader lives with her grandmother and mother. rafe comes over and they’re feeding him piles and piles of food. they’re complimenting him and he leaves with a full head and a full stomach. her grandmother dotes on him and leaves protection charms in his pockets as a way to show that she cares. she doesn’t speak english but they still find a way to communicate. rafe respects swan’s mom and goes to her for advice. they’ll be in her office for two hours helping him make his business better. if he does something good without her advice she compliments him so much he gets hard. he’s weird like that. he figures out why reader is so stubborn because look who raised her. he brings wheezie over so she can be influenced by them too.
pope didn’t have an option to meet kitten’s parents. she was always compared to her mom as she got older which her mom hated. her father was always strict with her and kept her on lockdown. he’s friendly with them because they shop at his father’s shop. she introduces them a year into the relationship and they’re all polite like at first then got very judgmental. saying slick things in spanish which pope doesn’t understand but he can tell by kitten’s face it’s bad. she explains later it was mostly towards her being with him and him settling. he then stands up to them and they kick him out their house. he gets the best head in his life for that. pope doesn’t go over much and he tries his best to be the civil one. they’re only civil when his parents are around.
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ningeology · 1 year ago
Rockstar!reader going through an reputation era and writing love songs like gorgeous, call it what you want about jb !!!
love it ?? and can definitely see reader one day calling all the boys to show some of the songs they want on their next album so everyone’s having a good time at readers house and they go like “ok guys it’s time i show it to you” and they start singing maybe dress and julien gets so shy because on one specific sleepover she said the exact same words to reader “i don’t want you like a best friend.”
can also see that after the album releases, fans start theorizing about who the songs are for because at the time reader hadn’t hard launched julien yet + i can see reader including jb’s vocals in the background, and so the fans that already knew abt reader’s friendship with boygenius start going like “wait i think i know this voice”
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maybanksbabe · 2 years ago
little maybank and sarah teaming up agains jb and little jb during a sleepover
😂😂🧡 for water fights, prank wars, the works 👌🏻
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elixirfromthestars · 1 month ago
hi my dear, i wasn't sure if you saw this or not since i think i submitted during your valentine sleepover but i know you said to message/ask in case you didn't see it so - here's the link to my second submission for your cinema!!
it's congressman!Bucky 💖💗💖 thank you again - and i still have a part 2 for Tony x stellina in progress 🥰 -m
Hello my darling!! 🫶🏼 Thank you so much for sending me a reminder!! I have a google doc where I have a whole table filled out with all the submissions for my writing challenge (it helps me keep track of what I have read & it has all the details I need for the masterlist ♡) and I just checked it and I do have your submission saved ❤️
I have been so behind on my notifications, but I'm hoping to catch up this weekend with all of them and do lots of reading!! Between finishing up my valentine's sleepover asks while going through some job changes/transitions, I have not had the proper time to read the submissions and give them the comments/feedback they deserve 🥺 But I hope this weekend will change that!! 🫶🏼
And I am soooooo excited to read up on your Congressman!Bucky 👀❤️ That man has been running through my head rent free since his cameo, so I cannot wait to get to it 🤭💖 And do I even have to mention that I cannot wait for that part 2 on Tony and Stellina's story?? 🥰 I'm excited to see where their story goes 👀❤️
Thank you again for reaching out!! 🫶🏼
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mvnces · 1 year ago
"hey," they're across from one another, not too far, on the floor on a mess of a sort of makeshift campsite in the middle of his living room, all blankets and pillows and snacks all around. once he's got gregg's attention away from whatever conspiracy binge they've been watching, he's holding up a singular piece of popcorn, waits long enough so that he gets it, and then eggsy tosses it over, hoping he'll catch it in his mouth. jb and trinity perk up from where they're both two small loaves of warm dog on the edge of the blanket. all in all? a very cozy and comfortable night.
Greggory had always loved the nights with his friends that seemed to be more like middle school sleepovers than anything else. The ones that were filled with snacks and some sort of movies or games — The ones were you knew that you and your friends would not be going to bed until early in the morning? Late in the morning? The record for what Gregg and his friends had managed was five am before they passed out. It was nice. It was fun.
A great break after the end of a long week, too. If a long week could be considered merely milling around at work and being a somewhat respectable adult.
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"Huh?" The sound of Eggsy's voice was enough to, after a second, tear Gregg's attention away from the screen of the TV.
He stared at the other for a second before his gaze flickered to the piece of popcorn and back to Eggsy. You could practically see the lightbulb going off above his head when he realized what the Brit was trying to communicate. And, suddenly, Gregg was more serious than he had ever been in his life as his focus sharpened in. He had to quickly lean back, mouth open, to catch the piece of popcorn before his teeth clacked shut. Throwing his arms up in the air, Gregg shot a triumphant grin toward Eggsy as he made a show of chewing and swallowing.
"Hand it over," he said as he leaned out, reaching out for the popcorn. "Now you gotta try."
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years ago
Can u do a Tom Holland x black reader were the hollandare going to readers families house for dinner and there very excited because readers mom throws down In the kitchen and they love soul food 🥰 ending in fluff
T.H| Uncle?
Damn yo baby wild
Warnings: helping you put on jeans, mother crying for .5 seconds- sam holland being very hungry- language? Idk
A/n: I kinda just woke up. Ive been alseep all day wtf is wrong with me
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“come on braydon!” you shouted at the two year old, who was currently naked running around the house, “Thomas help!” “i see you naked!” he playfully shouted at the baby trying to catch him. “NO!” braydon continued to run down the halls, you groaned as you put the toys in the bath. “BRAYDON NO!” he yelled, your eyes widened as you were confused. “WHAT DID HE DO?” you yelled, looking at the open door. 
tom let out a loud groan, grabbing the baby and bringing him to the bathroom. “how did that happen?” “he runs like the flash, i swear i only blinked my eyes for a second and then BOOM here he was” you both looked at the baby, who was licking the icing off of his fingers. “just- come on” you sighed and held out your hands in a gimmie gimmie way, tom gave the naked baby to you and you started to wash him up-
after 5 minutes of fighting braydon trying to not make him eat the lotion nor grease you god him dressed, you all matching shoes. “y/n hurry up!” tom said, throwing his bed on the phone on the bed as he waited for you to put on your pants. “they literally wont come up, i need your help” you looked back at him, all of a sudden his face started to brighten up as he climbed over to you, grabbing the hem of your jeans and trying to pull them up “sheesh, you've been eating good” tom commented, struggling to pull up the pants. “fuck you, no sex for two weeks” you tried to slap his hands away but his jaw dropped looking at you through the mirror “i sincerely apologize for my actions” he said, trying to sound sweet. 
“ill think about it, get off me” you waved his hands away but they never left “im gonna get these on and we are gonna act like i never said anything. agree?” he said, “uuuuuhhh” “i will pull these down y/n” “i have other jeans smarty pants” “well then i will leave you like this” he sent a look at you like he knew it all. “whatever” “mommy phone please” braydon said, he grabbed your phone from the night stand and crawled to you trying to hand it to you, you smiled and took the phone, unlocking it while tom stood and pulled up the pants, only to fail again, his fingers started to red but he was very determined to get them on “alright im gonna need you to turn around, then your gonna hold onto my shoulders- and then jump, okay?” he said, looking at you through the mirror as you only nodded and gave bray the phone.
from the top, make it drop thats a wet-
you quickly took the phone away from braydon as tom looked at you as if you were crazy, closing Instagram you put on a very wide smile handing him back the phone “lets just get these pants on” you said, finally turning around to tom and holding onto his shoulders. “one...two...three!” you jumped and he pulled them up “one more time...one..two..three!” he pulled them up higher and you looked at yourself behind letting out a ‘yay’ “you see how strong i am?” he flexed his muscles and you and you only shook your head “we got places to be thomas”
tom offered to go to Safeway for a whole new, non homemade cake which you of course disagreed, at moms house nothing was store bought other then the ingredients, and ramen.. but other than that she was all good.
“come on bray, time to see nana” tom whispered, trying to tickle his neck as bray let out little breathes, wiggling his head a little bit, but when he opened his eyes a smile found his face that made tom chuckle “yeah bray,  were gonna go see her” he cooed, unbuckling the car seat and taking him out.
stepping up to the house brought back memories, but it was time to make new ones..tom walked with the diaper bag on his back and bray on his hip, his hat backwards as he bounced braydon some, watching the door open revealing “papa!” bray cheered, a big smile on his face and his eye creases that he got from his daddy, he threw his arms out trying to wiggle out of toms arms which you all laughed at, “hey pops” you said while he reached for the baby “hey princess, how are you?” he asked, opening the door more and tom held your hand, walking in.
“good, wheres mom?” “shes in the kitchen” he smiled, you seprated yourself from them both leaving bray telling them make believe stories about knights and dragons and how he gave them an uppercut, it left pops questioning if the house is safe or not but oh well.
you walked into the kitchen finding your mom cooking the greens. “oh- ive been waiting for you” she smiles, taking the ladle out of the pot and putting it on the glass painting you made. you smiled and walked closer into the kitchen, right infront of the sink. she crossed her arms over the chest and looked at your figure “how have you been baby?” she asked and you shrugged.
“im happy...like really happy, which is actually strange you know, the love i have for tom is.. indescribable actually” you smiled as her bottom lip quivered “mom dont do it, pleaseee dont” you whined looking away from her. “i cant help it!” she whispered, biting her bottom lip. “god your all grown up-” she looked away from you took, placing one of her hands on her heart. 
“you wouldnt be doing this to jamie” you said glaring at her. “because hes a man, and when he was a boy he was a damn handfull” “all he did was play the game!” “exactly” she tipped her head at you and you giggled.
she opened her arms and you playfully rolled your eyes, walking over, you embraced her “you were our little princess, you asked for a prince everyday and begged for a frog” you both laughed “and i had to tell your dad every single goddamn day to hide the skirt, hide the dress, it was madness”
“and then- and then it went woooshhhh” bray said, sitting on papas lap and speaking with his hands. “very interesting, and when did this happen?” he asked, bray thought for a minute.. “like yesterday!” tom laughed at the small child's words while papa had to act like he believed it letting out an ‘ahhh i see’ and nodding his head.
it took a while for everyone to get there but everyone came, Sam continuously reminding harry that he fasted to the meal that your moms gonna cook while harry thought about it his self, his mouth watering as he drove to the house.
Jamie came over with his wife, their kids older than your own by a year so they could socialize all they please, you all took your time talking to each other, Nikki sticking with your ma and dom with pops, you and tom plus his siblings sat around and watched the kids speak, you looked over at tom who looked over giving you a childish smile which you returned putting your hand through his hair and playing with his loose curls.
“i swear she was always so thirsty” “shut up Jamie” you rolled your eyes, all sitting around the dinner table. “she would wake me up in 5 in the morning telling me its morning time and asked for orange juice” he said proving a fact as everyone around laughed, “she still does it now” tom added on making everyone laugh a bit harder “i think shes passing it on to bray” everyone looked at bray who was way to invested into the chicken bone, when he looked up he let out a “wut?” he really said `-` and took another bite.
sam finished his plate early, harry calling him fat and having a minor argument, you and Jamie wife shae talked while tom chatted with Jamie, all invested as a family, braydon played sword with Jamies son Shawn while his daughter Jannie ate the green beans, she walked over and asked for your corn bread noticing you haven't touched it.. you weren't such a corn bread fan so you gave it up to her “you look so gorges” “thank you auntie!” she said cutely, her dimples popping out as you let out an awe and looked at shae which she laughed.
it all ended in everyone watching the old movies, the ones you grew up watching. Eddie Murphy, Martin Lawrence and “uncle!” bray shouted, everyone look at him confused. Samuel l Jackson on the screen “what bray?” you asked, tom laying on top of you with bray laying on top of him, well sitting on him. “he told me- he told me he my uncle!” he turned to you and pointed at the screen, nodding his head aggressively. tom laughed “yeah i bet” he starts to remember when he took bray on set.
everyone let out tired laughs from the explanation and slowly fell asleep, tom holding your thigh as you left your hand in his hair.
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jjproject · 4 years ago
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tag yourself I’m mark
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superbatson · 3 years ago
not really a hc or anything but some of my thoughts and ruminations on Elvis and why it worked so well was how it really had a theme, which is something a lot of biopics tend to lack. I watched walk the line, ray, borhap and a couple of others and while they’re fine on their own (well some of them) elvis just actually had something to say. And didn’t feel like watching a Wikipedia article. I liked the fairytale aspect of it especially towards the end. What a great film.
i can totally see your point. while elvis is generally viewed as a biopic, it absolutely sets itself apart by having overarching themes and parallels and whatnot. baz really made sure to tell a story first and foremost and applied all the great storytelling techniques to the film to make it much more than your usual biopic.
i'm not sure if it's one of the biopics you've seen, but i thought rocketman had a similarly great fairytale/fantasy element to it. at least, it's a musical, so a lot of the numbers play like fantasies existing in elton's head. it would probably make for a nice film to pair elvis with when it (elvis) hits digital/streaming.
honestly i feel like i have to watch more music biopics. i've seen some of walk the line in school (i took a film class in high school where we watched it but i was absent one of the days it was shown) but i never watched it in full. i feel like that's the next one i really wanna watch bc johnny and elvis had similar starts to their career (i believe they both started at sun records?) and of course they knew each other. but also obviously i like joaquin phoenix now and while i might be too chicken to watch joker, i can and should definitely watch some of his other films. and then i'll move on to borhap, get on up, etc etc.
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brandogenius · 10 months ago
how femme reader and julien tell each other they like each other?
BLURB - julien x femme gf - telling each other they like each other (short)
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- it depends how you want to go about this. if we wanted to do it where they try to confess their feelings, i feel like reader would do it classy. deciding to take julien out for a nice meal at a fancy restaurant to propose in a ‘ i want to be your girlfriend’ way. maybe femme reader would be cheesy and make the waiter bring over a slide of cake with ‘will you be my girlfriend’ written in chocolate sauce and jb looks up like :o and fem reader sitting there with her glass of wine smirking
- i feel like julien would be cheesy too 😭 she would probably write reader a song, perfecting it and stressing her little head about it for days on end. wanting it to be this good as fuck song to sing to you. obviously you��ll love anything jb writes, but she wanted it to be special. she got you sitting down one night, both opting for a lazy day, inviting you to her house for a sleepover. she’s like “can i show you this new song i’m working on?” and you’re like absolutely! so she sings it and confesses within the song if it makes sense?
- if we want however, how do they tell each other they love / like each other while they are together?
- julien is a acts of services type of person. she shows her love to reader by opening the door for her when walking into places. “princesses first” and gestures to you
- she’s also the type of person to come back from the studio with some bagels or coffee like “i seen these and thought you’d like them / you didn’t ask but i got you then anyway” it’s domestic fluff and it warns readers heart to know that jb thinks about her
- fem reader on the other hand. is most likely a words of affirmation or physical touch person ( i can’t choose)
- she is one to compliment julien at any time of the day and it WILL make her blush and get flustered.
- “baby you look so pretty today!” and julien’s like :D
- fem reader would be the type kinda like masc grumpy reader to squeeze jbs hand like to signal the i love you. she’d squeeze julien’s hand 3 times to signal i. love. you. when they are out and about
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fallinforerling · 2 years ago
LOVE ISN'T ETERNAL. chapter 3 - jb
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ೃ⁀➷ jude’s masterlist
ೃ⁀➷ masterlist
ೃ⁀➷ jude’s taglist
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The “sleepover” as you called it earlier, turned into a mess of insults directed at Jude, lots of crying and hushing, Nikki yelling that she should have kicked his ass when she had the opportunity, and, finally, you switching between laughing and crying.
It was so surreal and stupid; the whole situation was just bizarre. Against your own judgment, you begged Nikki for more details about what she saw at the club as soon as she arrived. Turns out she spotted Jude right away and thought nothing when she didn't saw you with him; maybe you were in the bathroom. But as soon as she saw him flirting with some girl for a couple of minutes, she knew you weren't anywhere around and he was definitely planning on cheating. She just waited a bit more until he did something, so you could have proof.
Not like it mattered anymore. You two weren't together and today confirmed what you feared the most: he was over you from day one. What a joke.
“Our relationship was absolute bullshit to him, wasn't it?” You said after your cries calmed down, feeling something similar to anger starting to build up inside you. “That's why I never got to meet half of his friends. Why bothering? Almost a year! Did I waste ten months of my life on a douchebag?”
You didn't got a response. Nikki and Mia were just listening, letting you get off your chest everything you were keeping for yourself the past week. You were angry, so so angry at him... But you still thought about him with such love. It was so stupid from you to do so.
“I want to hate him...” You whispered after a while, sighing when some tears fell from your eyelashes. “I think I'll hate him eventually, right?”
“Or even better: you'll stop caring about him,” Mia replied, rubbing your shoulder softly. “That's the best thing that will happen to you. Stop caring about him or what he does. I know it's going to be kinda difficult due to him being a famous person, but… Meh, if Selena Gómez did it, I'm sure you're able to do so.”
The three of you laughed at the last part.
“If I have you two by my side, I'm sure I can do it.” You grabbed your phone from the carpet, taking a deep breath. “I'll delete his number and block his Instagram. I don't want to drunk text him someday and embarrass myself beyond repair.”
“That's the mentality, babes. You do that and I'll prepare us something to drink.” Nikki cheared, walking towards the kitchen. Her shiny black dress kept sending sparks of light all over the room everytime she moved.
“Is she still drunk?” You asked, rubbing your eyes. You were tired of being sad.
“Oh, yeah. She is totally wasted.” Mia stood up, grabbing your hand with a smile. “Let's get wasted too or this will be too boring for her.”
You laughed a bit, feeling thankful for your friends and their support.
“Good idea.”
What happened the rest of the night? Neither of you remembered. But you were fine with it because at least you got to forget all about Jude for once.
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Something was making a lot of noise, and your head wasn't appreciating any of it.
“What the fuck is that?!” Nikki shouted right above your left ear, making you cringe away from her voice. “Tell it to stop. My fucking head is killing me.”
“Only yours?” Mia whispered from your right, sounding like a dead person. “I think it's your doorbell, honey.”
“Is it?” You asked, confused and, you suspected, still a bit drunk. The three of you stayed quiet until the deathly sound started again, confirming that it was your doorbell. “Oh yeah, it is my doorbell.”
“Go ahead, then. I'll love life a bit more if my ears can stop bleading from that bloody sound.” Mia's voice was so raspy it scared you.
“Yes, sir.” Better to obey than die from her hangover mood.
You shuffled around the bed until you found a clear space where you could get off of it. As you rise to your feet, it was clear you were still drunk. Fucking hell. Step by step, you made it to the door, where whoever it was behind it hadn't stopped ringing. It better be good.
“Yes?” You said between grinning teeth, facing a middle age guy with the nastiest face on earth. Of course. “How can I help you?”
“I have a package for you, miss.” He said after a few seconds, taking a look at you that, it seemed, wasn't pleasing, because his face kept a horrible expression the whole time. “Sign right there and I'll be out of your hallway as fast as I can.”
Huh. At least he was sincere.
“Sure…” In the middle of sighing, you realized you haven't ordered anything in a long time. “Do you know where this come from?”
“Miss, I don't get paid enough. Good morning.” Those were his last words before giving you a medium package and take off down the hallway.
“Asshole...” You whispered. As you closed the door, you studied the package. It was so normal-looking. Soft, even.
You were curious, but the hangover was stronger than anything else. The fog of sleep was off your brain, letting you check the time without feeling dizzy. Eight in the fucking morning. God, that deliverer was indeed a freaking jerk.
Leaving the package behind, you ran to the kitchen, feeling the sudden need to drink as much water as possible. When you were at your third glass, Nikki's and Mia's steps were evident behind you.
“Having a good morning, ladies?” You asked after a moment, enjoying that you weren't the only one suffering and looking like a hot mess.
“Of course. Your doorbell wake us up and now I'm in a state between wanting to eat your whole fridge and vomit all over this carpet.” Mia's words were flat-toned, but neither Nikki nor you could help but laugh. “Yeah, yeah, laugh.”
While she proceeded to scan the kitchen, Nikki eyed the package with curiosity. Then she looked at you, silently asking what was that.
“I don't have the slightest idea. The asshole that delivered it didn't tell me who sent that. I guess we'll have to open it.” You paused for a moment, worrying about one possibility. “I hope that's not my stuff from Judeʼs place.”
“Iugh.” Was all that came from both of your friends. You gave them half a smile before reaching for it again, grabbing scissors from one of the drawers.
“Let's find out.” With patience, you opened it with a clean cut, grabbing something similar to clothing from inside of it. “Oh my god...”
“Ah! Is this hell on Earth? Why is that devil boy chasing us around?” Nikki shouted.
Staring back at you, a blue jersey with “Bellingham” written in big white letters at the back greeted you. Good, not even 24 hours, and you were, once again, being reminded of your ex. Then it hit you. It wasn't Judeʼs jersey.
“Oh no...” You whispered, taking the shirt in both hands so you could see the number. 27. “It's not Judeʼs.”
“What do you mean by that? It says Bellingham.” Mia said, peaking inside the package to find a scarf and beanie. “What's this? Some sick joke?”
“No... It's... Oh God. It's Judeʼs little brother, Jobe. He doesn't know we broke up, he wants me to attend his match next month. I completely forgot that he even promised to send me a jersey with his number and some goods from the club.” Mia passed you the scarf, which read “BIRMINGHAM FC” in white. “How do I tell him? He got out of the way to send me all of this.”
“Poor kid,” Mia said, looking at the jersey with attentive eyes. “Wait… How old is this little brother?”
“Uh… Seventeen, why?” Nikki looked instantly disappointed by it. “Gross! That's illegal, Nikk!”
“I know! I thought he was like a year younger... You know, revenge fuck and all that.”
“I'll ignore you even suggested that shit.” You said with a laugh, gathering your new goods. “Hell, I think I'll have to break the news myself. Seems like Mr. Dickhead isn't brave enough to tell his brother.”
“Doesn't matter, maybe you can still attend and make him super uncomfortable.” Mia said, laughing at her own idea. “I bet he'll be pissed off by that.”
You didn't respond, but that was a good suggestion... If you were the revenge type of gal, which you weren't... Right?
“I'll text him.” You said instead, heading to the room so you could get your phone.
“Check the photos!” Nikki said before going into the bathroom. “And hand me something to wear!”
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You wished you could be a coward and just send a text to Jobe telling him the whole truth, but he was your friend and deserved better than that.
The morning (and hangover) went away faster than you expected, and since that little “Can we meet up today?” conversation the two of you had, Nikki and Mia were long gone. Now you were getting ready to do what you didn't want to. Face your problems.
You were meeting Jobe at a nice little park where few people went at this time of year, so the conversation was secured and private. For your own sake, at least.
When you were about to finish the very much needed makeup (yep, the dark circles were still there) your phone buzzed. You picked it, noticing various messages.
✉️ Nikki: Destroy that cunt.
✉️ Mia: Don't completely destroy him, that thing it's his brother at the end of the day.
✉️ Nikki: Meh, that's not a good reason
✉️ Will be taking it into consideration.
✉️ Jobe: Getting there in 20, okay?
✉️ Same!
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The weather was amazing if you considered the fact of being in London and in autumn. The trees looked amazing and the park, as you prevented, was almost empty. You noticed a small group of girls by a nice tree, but they were too far away to bother.
Jobe's figure was so recognizable that it didn't take you long to find him by some benches. The last time you saw him, he was a lot smaller and not that broad. Teenagers.
“Hey!” You said when you were close enough.
He turned with a smile, keeping you on the spot for a second. Yeah, he still looked a lot like Jude. You smiled back, feeling like an asshole.
“God, I thought we were never going to see each other again.” He said dramatically, pulling you into a bear hug. “What's up? It's been months.”
“I know.” You smiled again, wanting to see anything but his face. “You're taller!” Pointing the obvious was better than going straight into the subject. At least while you guys were still greeting each other.
“Hell yes I am. 6'2. I'm officially taller than your hobbit of a boyfriend. Also, why didn't you come to last night's dinner? Jude told us you couldn't make it because you were sick but in my opinion… You look far from sick.”
You smiled along because you couldn't believe Jude made up some lie instead of telling his family the truth.
“About that...” You said, assuming that ripping the band-aid off was the best way of approach, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. “I need to tell you something... Can we sit?”
He seemed to read the sudden change of atmosphere because he agreed.
“Sure, what's up? You seem worried.”
You both sat on the nearest bench, giving you the time to breathe deeply and wander your eyes around the park before looking at Jobe again. The space was almost abandoned, except for the small group of girls. They were all giggling and pushing each other while holding their phones. You wishes you were that careless again.
“Your brother and I broke up.” You said suddenly, feeling great once the words came out of your mouth. “Well, he broke up with me.” You laughed a bit, not knowing why.
“He did what?!” You didn't expect Jobe's sudden scream, making you jump on the spot.
“God! Jobe, don't scream like that!” You pushed him without actual force.
“Maybe I heard you wrong… Jude did what?” You stayed silent, looking at his angry expression with a half smile. “That cunt… Why did he lie to us, then? When did this happen?”
“A week ago when I was visiting him.” You shrugged, feeling a bit dumb for venting to him. “We were just arriving home- I mean, his place, and just as I took a sit on the couch he said that we should break up. I got up immediately, then ask what did he say. He repeated it and proceeded to tell me his reasons. I kinda acted by impulse and got out of there within an hour. He offered to let me stay with him, pay for my hotel, or even pay back a ticket. It sounded like…” You paused again, not wanting the keep showing weakness toward the subject.
“Charity?” Jobe suggested.
“Yeah, like pity mixed with charity. So I rejected that and took a taxi to the airport… Well, that's what happened. So, I'm sorry for not telling you before. I thought he was the one for that job.” You held his arm lightly, smiling a bit. “Now that you know that… I don't think I'll be able to attend your match, honey.”
His face fell a bit, but recomposed instantly. His eyes were determined when he took the hand you put on his arm, holding it on his.
“You are coming.” He said, smiling when you looked at him with doubt. “I don't care that Jude broke up with you. You're my friend and I want you there. Also, I spend money on that package, I won't let it go to waste.”
“You're such an asshole!” You barked, laughing. “But okay, as you wish, my lord. But don't expect me to acknowledge him.”
“I wasn't expecting you to do so... Also, he doesn't deserve it either. You're coming, and if he feels uncomfortable, then he'll have to deal with it.” This time, he was the one to make a pause before laughing. “God, Mom is going to be so mad at him... You are her favorite daughter-in-law.”
“I'll miss her too.”
“You can still visit while he's at Dortmund. Mom and Dad will always greet with open arms.” He got up, giving you an smile. “Come on, let's get something to eat. I need to tell you a few things.”
“Oh! Is that about the girl you liked?”
“Shhhh! Don't say it out loud. God, you're lucky that you're still family.”
You laughed at his blushing cheeks, feeling grateful that at least you didn't lost your little brother.
Jobe was right. Life was more than Jude, even when he kept popping up on your mind and aspects of your life.
It was going to be okay. You could do this.
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some-kpop-outfits · 7 years ago
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Sleepover with Got7 (Requested by anon)
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dazz-linglight · 4 years ago
Requests are now OPEN.
Welcome to dazz-linglight.
I mostly write female reader, but you can specify if you want male reader. I'm not fond of writing full angst, but I can do mild angst with happy endings! I won't write: smut for underage idols, yandere or toxic relationships.
You can request imagines, reactions, send prompts and anything for the groups below! Also, feel free to ask about me if you're curious too. You can buy me a coffee
EXO (OT9) / GOT7 / Stray Kids / Monsta X / ATEEZ / ENHYPEN / JUST B / Seventeen.
Masterlist below: updated 02/06
Optional bias:
New year, new love
Strawberry & Champagne (fluff)
Comfort after a streesful day/ week
First Kiss (Ta-ki)
New Lipstick (Sehun)
First "I love you"
Promise me (Baekhyun)
Jealous Sehun
Mafia Baekhyun
Best friends to lovers (Baekhyun)
Jealous Chanyeol
Comforting the members (to post)
Enemies to lovers with Yugyeom
Mafia JB
Mafia GOT7
High school lovers
JB getting caught (suggestive)
Jealous reaction
Making out
Mafia Jinyoung
Skincare with Jinyoung
Stray Kids:
Comforting the members (to post)
Them confessing
High school lovers
2:56 Chan fluff
Jealous Felix (m!reader smut)
Matching onesies with I.M
First time with Kihyun
Minhyuk fluff
Seonghwa corruption kink | part 2 (to post)
A to Z NSFW with San
San hugging a crying fan
Birthday breakfast (oral with Yunho)
7:54p.m (dom!Yunho)
8:34 (Yunho smut)
MIST (Werewolf!Wooyoung)
Getting caught making out with Mingi
INCEPTION (Werewolf!San)
First "I love you" (Wooyoung)
Making out with Jongho
S/o has small hands (San, Seonghwa and Wooyoung)
22:34 Yunho fluff
A to Z NSFW Seonghwa
Sunghoon nipple play
Nose kisses with Jungwon
The moon is beautiful, isn't it (fluffy Ni-ki)
Professor Jake smut
Soft!Dom Jay
First time with Sunghoon
NSFW A-Z Sunghoon
Dry humping Jay
Jay with oral fixation smut
Bad boy Jay smut
Doctor Yang Jungwon (fluff)
Birthday blurb for Sunoo
Smut with bestfriend Sunghoon
Couch sex with Jay
Athlete Jake and cheerleader reader smut
First time with Jay
Crack EN- hyung line
Public sex with Jay
Pool sex with Jay
Sucking Jake off while he's gaming
Bad boy Jay smut
Enemies to lovers Jay smut
Enemies to lovers Jay fluff
Enemies to lovers Jake
Jealous Sunghoon
Rough sex with Sunghoon
Hard dom Sunghoon
First "I love you" with Heeseung smut
Jealous Jay smut
Mafia hyung line
Dominant Heeseung
NSFW A-Z Heeseung
S/o with small titties (hyung line)
Hyung line mtl to do stuff in public
Too hot game with Heeseung
Jealous EN-
First "I love you" with Jay
Pillow fort with Jungwon
Jay taking care of sick s/o
First time with Jay
Making out with Jay
Jay giving you a massage (smut)
Skincare with Sunoo
Sunghoon getting caught (smut)
Getting caught with Heeseung, Jay and Jake
Keep Driving (Geonu)
Despacito (Bain)
Having an idol s/o
Sleepover with Sangwoo
Birthday gift - JM
Bain taking care of a sick s/o
Having a tall s/o
Bath with Bain
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ghostiewriter · 4 years ago
fuck up the friendship | kiarah
Summary: The tension was always there, no matter how much both of them tried to deny it. And during one fateful sleepover, all those feelings will be confronted as Sarah realises that she trusts Kie in a way she trusts no other. She trusts Kie so much that she is willing to give a part of herself that she can’t take back. And it seems Kie is willing to do the same.
Warnings: talks about virginity (I feel like it as a concept can be weird to people so yah), swearing, obviously smut!!! And some angst near the end
Word Count: 8.8K
A/N: look, I know I am a Jiara shipper through and through, HOWEVER, I do feel like there’s a history between these two and I love the idea of it being beyond a platonic relationship. So here’s me projecting my own headcanons onto Kie and Sarah where they actually lost their virginity to each other (sorry JB, but your mate fucked your girl before you did) ANYWAYS BYE ENJOY! Also this is inspired by the son “Fuck Up The Friendship” by Leah Kate! BTW THIS IS DEDICATED TO MY LITTLE LESBIAN FRIEND @albertthesucculant
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Sarah pressed her lips together, a few seconds passing by before she continued. “Have you ever done anything with a girl?”
“About as much as I’ve done with any guy,” Kiara stated, turning to look at the blonde. “Between you and me, girls are better kissers.” She added with a wink.
Sarah wasn’t sure how to reply to that. Not sure what she was even meant to say. Was there even a correct response to have? She didn’t feel uncomfortable about what Kiara said, it didn’t disgust her. In fact, it did quite the opposite. She had thought about it, once or twice in passing. But something about hearing Kie talk about it, adding in her experiences, it sent a thrill through Sarah like a bolt of curiosity.
Just another thing Sarah couldn’t talk to anyone about except for Kie.
Seeming to pick up on the silence, Kiara nibbled on her lower lip as she contemplated the next few words that slipped out of her mouth. “Have you ever tried anything with a girl?”
Sarah sucked in a breath. “N-No.”
Kie shuffled closer to her, until their arms brushed against each other. With Kie on her back and Sarah lying on her stomach, it wasn’t hard for the two of them to look at each other, a shift in the atmosphere as Kiara spoke up again.
“Would you want to?”
Sarah could feel her heart racing in her chest, could’ve sworn Kiara heard it too. And as she looked at her friend, she found her gaze falling down to her lips and wondering just what it would feel like to press her lips against Kiara’s.
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Happy Sleepover ppl!!
For those of you who've missed it: @viscountessevie and I are doing a fun thing since we're aren't interested in watching "the Event". You can read about it in the OG post here.
If you want please join us!!! Share your take on s2, your hopes for your favorite characters, as long it's not offensive all's okay! 😁
I'm going to answer several prompts and since I'm still sooo high from Jonny's instg post (thank you for participating JB) I'm going to start with:
What did I love about s2:
I LOVED how they chose each other, how it was a mutual decision, how they were very much in love when they agreed marriage was what they BOTH wanted. This is really a change I applaud!!
I also LOVED how Kate was confident, witty and a BOSS!
Next up: my dislikes
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poguesofthebau · 4 years ago
dating jj would include... (part two)
pairing: jj maybank x reader part one
-punching rafe in the face once (okay, maybe it was twice. and maybe you hit topper a couple of times too)
-him keeping you away from luke at all costs
-surprising him with a blunt when he had a bad day
-surprising him with a new bong on 4/20
-surprising him with a joint after pope threw his out the window of the Twinkie
-basically just always supporting his love of weed
-painting his nails every once in a while bc he loves having his nails painted (especially when they match yours)
-kelce hit on you once and you kind of thought jj was going to kill him 
-stealing any article of clothing with sleeves that he owns
-“the muscle tanks work for you, but that’s not exactly my look, tough guy”
-being the first one to hear the news at midsummers that “jb’s macking sarah cameron”
-john b warning you and jj not to have loud sex whenever you slept together on the futon in the Chateau for the night
-him whining whenever you did anything besides give him attention
-the pogues constantly teasing him for being such a simp for you
-week-long stretches of time where the only artist either of you will listen to is mac miller
-sexy time in the hot tub (“babe, i know i shouldn’t have bought it, but i did, so we might as well use it”)
-stargazing from the hammocks outside the Chateau
-making a pact not to drink for a full week (and kind of following through, but you really just end up smoking instead for that entire week)
-him keeping so many pictures of you everywhere
   •you’re his lockscreen
   •and his home screen
   •and there’s a picture of you in his wallet
   •and taped onto the tiny dash of his bike
-definitely having a secret handshake (in addition to the pogue one)
-always being partners when you play pong
-him knowing all the words to your favorite songs despite claiming to hate them
-concert dates
-his apologies for tiny fights coming in the forms of joints and bottles of wine
-a polaroid wall in your room of cute couple pics (and some cute pogue pics bc your friends were offended that they didn’t make the cut at first)
-you being best friends with kie
   •jj acting needy when you guys have sleepovers and won’t let him join
   •him pretending to be annoyed at you for letting her third wheel all the time
   •being her “date” to midsummers
-him facetiming you during a shift at the kook hotel bc “i’m so bored”
-him being even more bored when you hang up on him bc “jj, i love you, but go work before you get fired”
-the best hugs of all time
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