#JAMES  ‘ STRAT ’  BANNING  •  tba.
lovehurried · 4 years
LYRIC STARTER  •  @wasworthy​​​​  •  Rhys Strongfork           Goodbye Yellow Brick Road  ( Elton John,  Goodbye Yellow Brick Road  (1973) )
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“What do you think you’ll do, then?” As far as truces go, theirs is one of the strangest Strat knows of. And it isn’t that he’s asking because he cares what the plan is (or so he tells himself); he just prefers to know what’s going on, even if it isn’t particularly any of his business.
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lovehurried · 4 years
VALENTINE’S STARTER  •  @hopelass​  •  Raven Falco
His words seem more considered, these days.
Part of that is because he’s learned the true value of them, and part of that is because he’s... Less scared of running out of time. Time to speak, time to love, time to live. Which is funny, really, when you think about it.
He’s spent so long running - into things, away from things - that it feels strange to want to slow down. To see slowing down as a reward, rather than something to fear. It would be difficult not to see slowing down as a positive thing, though, if it means he can keep pace with her.
He has so many stories to tell her. Not about wolves and roses, but about himself.
The papers have conjured narratives for both of them, and now - with the time they have - he wants them to know the truth about each other. He wants to hear about the nights she spent up in her tower of glass and steel, dreaming of freedom. He wants tell her about before, about who he was before he was Lost.
There’s no fevered desperation when he reaches for her, now. A hand finds hers, and he’s careful with her as he twines their fingers together. When he speaks, he utters four words he hasn’t said in... Longer than he can remember.
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“My name is James.”
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lovehurried · 3 years
tag drop.    j  +  k.
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