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possibly-eli · 2 months ago
why so /srs - the /j'er
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seiarc · 2 months ago
why so /srs
- the /j'er
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jackhkeynes · 2 months ago
bucol "idyll"
bucol /biˈkɔl/ [bɪˈkɔl]
idyll, haven, paradise, solace, oasis, a peaceful location or circumstance especially in the countryside;
respite, break, relief, lull, a (usually temporary) decrease in stress or difficulty;
reverie, daydream, idle and pleasant thoughts
Etymology: Middle Borlish, a backformation from earlier adjective bucolic "idyllic, peaceful", a borrowing from Latin bucolicus "pastoral, rustic". The word had broadened from the first senses by the late eighteenth century, and has been used for purely mental peace since the early twentieth.
Jo kiglau l'oç seyon rovað dec j'er bucol hamtant. /ʒo kaiˈlo lɔts siˈjɔn roˈvaθ dɛk ʒɛr biˈkɔl hamˈtant/ [ʝo kɐiˈlo lɔts ˈsjɔn ʀʊˈvah dɛk ʝɛː bɪˈkɔl hɐmˈtant] 1s miss-pst df=s.dt 3s.agt ask-p.pst because 1s=cop.ipf idyll dwell-p.prs I missed what he asked because I was daydreaming.
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bean-face · 10 months ago
"why so /srs"
-the /j'er
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lorelaibackerblyndeff · 11 months ago
happty aplr fools
naven x ramsey is real (no fake)
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yann25 · 4 years ago
Bonjour ma très et charmante dame comment tu vas je me prénomme Alexandre et je suis novice par ici et vous j'ers pers ne pas vous déranger
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famkepauwels-blog · 8 years ago
Week 13: categorie A: een gedicht over muziek
7 Noten 7 noten slechts… moet je mixen, met 't juiste ritme en magie. Als je 't goed doet, dan ontstaat er… een betoverende melodie. Een melodie om naar te luisteren, zélf te zingen of te spelen. Op je eentje heel alleen, saam met enkelen of met velen. Muziek, doet een mens ontspannen, geeft hem vleugels, nieuwe moed. Brengt meer vreugde in zijn leven, 't doet hem écht alleen maar goed. 7 noten slechts… 't is een wonder, wat j'er allemaal mee kan. Ze brengen mensen bij elkaar… Iédereen… geniet ervan!
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super-perspicacia · 8 years ago
He still didn't understand why he was here, but it was painfully obvious why the rest of them were. "Before Alderaan. You're all survivors, aren't you?" J'er Nahj barked out a harsh laugh. "Survivors? Didn't you hear? There were no survivors. An entire planet, gone in an instant. There were those of us who were offplanet, yes. Those of us who were at a 'fresher convention on Delaya while our wives were vaporized in the middle of cocking a pot of L'lahsh, our children blown to bits while running through the meadow picking t'iil blossoms. There were those of us who escaped," he said fiercelt. "But make no mistake. None of us survived."
Hostage, Rebel Force #2 by Alex Wheeler
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jackhkeynes · 6 years ago
I sta cossy candon j'er hient.
/i ˈsta koˈsi kanˈdɔn ʒɛʀ ˈjɛnt/
[ɪ ˈsta kʊˈsi kɐnˈdɔ̃n ʒɛ‿ˈʀjɛ̃t] (Capital)
3s be.imp thus when 1s be.imp make.it.ptcp.pst
It was like this when I got here.
Translate: “It was like that when I got here.”
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sverregericke-blog · 8 years ago
WEEK 16: categorie A: zoek een gedicht over muziek
7 noten slechts… moet je mixen, met 't juiste ritme en magie. Als je 't goed doet, dan ontstaat er… een betoverende melodie.
Een melodie om naar te luisteren, zélf te zingen of te spelen. Op je eentje heel alleen, saam met enkelen of met velen.
Muziek, doet een mens ontspannen, geeft hem vleugels, nieuwe moed. Brengt meer vreugde in zijn leven, 't doet hem écht alleen maar goed.
7 noten slechts… 't is een wonder, wat j'er allemaal mee kan. Ze brengen mensen bij elkaar… Iédereen… geniet ervan!
De titel van het gedicht is 7 noten. Dit is een gedicht dat heel goed omschrijft wat muziek is. Eigenlijk lijkt het heel simpel omdat je maar 7 noten hebt maar je kan er ongelooflijk veel mee doen en dat is waar muziek om draait.
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flames2stardust · 9 years ago
Hello my K-BEAUTY LOVERS! Here's my review on a product from a new brand called J'ERS! This is their J:DEW GREEN MOIST EMULSION! I really recommend it for dry and/or sensitive skin types! It's main featured ingredients are aloe vera, green tea, and broccoli from the clean soils of Jeju Island. Great for soothing, combating redness, skin repair, and moisture! Even though it's an emulsion (the lighter of the moisturizing types) it sure does a great job! Check it out here on Q-Depot: http://www.q-depot.com/jdew-green-moist-emulsion?tracking=56d4fc2a1737a
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jackhkeynes · 9 months ago
grabattour "paramedic"
grabattour /ˌgra.baˈtur/ [ˌgʀa.bɐˈtʊː]
paramedic, EMT, a person trained to medically stabilise injured people on-site before they can be transported to a hospital;
(historical, esp. Millstone War) stretcher-bearer, a soldier or auxiliary serviceman who carries the wounded away from the battlefield on stretchers
Etymology: 20C, agentive derivation from grabat "stretcher, gurney; emergency medical transport". This is a borrowing via another Romance language from Latin grabātus "cot, pallet, camp bed", from Greek. Transfer from the military context to peacetime healthcare is attested from the 1950s.
J'addoceu my sour d'ig j'er grabattour parsiscent. /ˌʒa.doˈdzaw mi sur daj ʒɛr ˌgra.baˈtur ˌpar.ziˈxɛnt/ [ˌʝa.dʊˈdzaw mi sʊː daj ʝɛː ˌgʀa.bɐˈtʊː ˌpɐː.zɪˈçɛnt] 1s=inform-pst 1s.gn sister of-comp 1s=cop.ipf EMT study-p.pst I told my sister I was training to be a paramedic.
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jackhkeynes · 2 years ago
astr mirar "stargaze"
astr mirar /ˈastr̩ miˈrar/ [ˈas.tɐ mɪˈʀɑː]
stargaze, to look up at the stars at night;
to perform astronomy, to act as an astronomer;
daydream, woolgather, to have a spontaneous series of thoughts disconnected from reality
Etymology: phrase meaning "to look at stars", employing the poetic term astr "celestial body, star", borrowed from synonymous astrum in Latin. This sense of mirar "be amazed by, marvel at" to mean "look at" is also somewhat formal or poetic. In metaphorical use the phrase is seen as early as the fifteenth century.
J'er astr mirant all'hour dou je ados. /ʒɛr astr̩ miˈrant aˈlur du ʒe aˈdɔz/ [ʝɛː‿ˈʀa.stɐ mɪˈʀant ɐˈlʊː du ʝɐˈdɔz] 1s-cop.ipf star look.at-p.prs at-def=hour two day.of behind I was stargazing until two last night.
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jackhkeynes · 2 years ago
roçon "dew"
roçon /roˈtsɔn/ [ʀʊˈdzɔn]
dew, the moisture that settles on plants etc in the early hours;
moisture, wetness, the state of being imbued with a little water;
drizzle, particularly light rainfall;
aerosol, spray, the suspension of droplets of liquid in a gaseous medium;
Etymology: hybrid form attested from the thirteenth century, combining rosað < Vulgar Latin rōsāta "dew" with rorçon < Latin rōrātiō "dewfall", both from rōs "dew".
J'er nuvr sortið cant cou roçon. /ʒɛr ˈni.vr̩ sɔrˈtɪθ kant ku roˈtsɔn/ [ʝɛː ˈni.vɐ sʊːˈθɪh kaŋ ku ʀʊˈdzɔn] 1s-cop.imp recently go.out-p.pst as fall.pst drizzle I'd just left when it started drizzling.
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jackhkeynes · 3 years ago
frigsar "to fry"
frigsar /frajˈzar/ [fʀɐjˈzɑː] - to fry, to cook food in a pan with oil or similar fat - to aggravate, provoke, incite, to cause someone or a group of people to become angry or outraged
Etymology: first attested in early Modern Boral, apparently a backformation from noun frigsoir "frying pan" and replacing earlier verb frigr < Latin frīgō "I roast, fry, parch". The noun is an Old Boral derivation with the tool suffix -oir, modelled on the past participle friȝs < Insular Latin frīxus "roasted, fried". Use of the verb in the sense "aggravate" is first seen in the nineteenth century.
J'er pol frigsant je ados cas mey. /ʒɛr pɔl frajˈzant ʒe aˈdɔz kaz mi/ [ʒɛː pɔw fʀɐjˈzan(t) ʒjɐˈdɔz kaz mi] 1s=cop.ipf chicken fry-ptcp.prs day.of behind home.of 1s.dsj I was frying chicken at home yesterday.
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jackhkeynes · 3 years ago
Apollo on Holiday
excerpt in translation from masquira trevold Apollon Cogmaðer (Apollo on Holiday), written in 2009 by author Endric Kirennaga.
Sengr a comparaçon sta y repasc cocinað par Gevel e Mothe pre Ludric fo repaðrið—lagç a lign con saus mentagler e leum. The meal was a relatively simple one prepared by Gevel and Tim before Ludrick got home—stringlace with mince sauce and greens.
Y pan fo un poy bruslað atorn dell'orlaç pu y ligt gostan fort aðief por engollisc farvent valir, cos particuler posc untal jorn commovent.   The bread was a little crispy on the edges but the rest was tasty enough to be worth scarfing down, especially after such an active day.
Caye tan cæros prestabr yon vole Ludric toð novel de sy figl yembr. It was also a great opportunity for Ludrick to catch up with his children.
"J'oy tu a un religion minour soluð," dis Ludric ag veðerrem dy figl. “I hear you’ve started a minor religion,” Ludrick said to his middle child.
Gevel se dau scoul e gembondau cant sy fraðr fragns a ricottanç gasper. "Jo nole ac cair," dis i. "J'er fabr visant—" Gevel pulled a face and groaned as her brother burst into breathless laughter. “I didn’t mean to,” she said. “I was aiming for drama—”
"Gent son oy tempr costroint sur scaðr platcouf," sceu Mothe digr, ant spal soccoðent. “People are putting shrines up on rooftops now,” Tim managed to get out, his shoulders shaking.
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