#Ive written some extremely unsavory things
The hardest thing about writing TME is exploring the sheer amount of trauma behind it. Thankfully, I don’t have to delve in too much except for the most important parts, maybe emphasizing the repetitiveness, like:
"This bad thing happened to this child and his siblings so that they each would create a separate personality to their father's liking. Sometimes, this happened, sometimes that happened, but it was all for the same reason, the same goal. They weren't people; at least they weren't supposed to be."
The sheer amount of backstory is complex, and will take a long time even within the narrative to properly flesh out.
I'll have to establish some rules for myself like:
Samuel can't save everyone no matter how much I want him to.
People don't just "change." Only God can do that.
Some important people are going to either die or get really hurt.
We can only change what we can, and should focus on that - the world is big and full of too many evil people.
This is Samuel's discovery of who he wants to be apart from the programming and abuse.
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