#Ivan Nikitin
oldroze · 1 year
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Ivan Nikitich Nikitin (1690–1741)
Peter the Great on the deathbed 1725
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korayaker · 1 year
SİYASET Lenin Sol komünizm Lenin Nisan tezleri Lenin Proleter devrim dönek kuattscki Lenin devlet ve devrim Lenin Emperyalizm Lenin Burjuva demokrasisi ve proleterya diktatörlüğü Lenin Ne yapmalı Lenin Materyalizm ve Ampiryokritisizm Lenin Bir Adim Ileri Iki Adim Geri Lenin Din Üzerine Lenin Ssosyalizm ve Savaş Marx Engels Komünist manifesto Yahudi Sorunu Alman İdeolojisi Ekonomi Politiğin Eleştirisine Katkı Ücretli Emek ve Sermaye Ailenin ve özel mülkiyetin kökeni Konut Sorunu Mao Zedong Çelişki Üzerine Uzatmalı Savaş Üzerine Seçme Eserler -ı-ıı-ııı Kızıl Kitap Josef Stalin Diyalektik Materyalizm ve Tarihsel Materyalizm Marksizm, Ulusal Sorun Leninizmin İlkeleri Anarşizmi mi Sosyalizm mi Bolşevik parti Tarihi Muhalefet Üzerine Georgi Dimitrov Faşizme Karşı Birleşik Cephe Leo huberman Sosyalizmin alfabesi Politzer Felsefenin başlangıç ilkeleri Politzer Felsefenin Temel İlkeleri Nikitin Ekonomi politik Maksim Gorki Küçük burjuva ideolojisinin eleştirisi Kalinin Devrimci Eğitim Devrimci Ahlak Che Guevara Ekonomi ce sosyalist ahlak Paul lafargue Tembellik hakkı A.Şnurov Türkiye proleteryası John Reed Dünyayı Sarsan On Gün Ellen Meiksins Wood Sınıftan Kaçış İbrahim kaypakkaya Seçme eserler Mahir çayan Bütün Yazıları Hikmet kıvılcımlı Türkiyede kapitalizmin gelişimi Emrah cilasun - Mustafa suphi ve yoldaşlarını kim öldürdü Kapitalizm, Arzu ve Kölelik, Frederic Lordon Yeryüzünün Lanetlileri - Frantz Fanon Terry Eagleton Marx Neden Haklıydı Jhon Zerzan Gelecekteki ilkel Paulo Freire Ezilenlerin Pedagojisi Kropotkin- Ekmeğin Fethi Ivan Illich'in Okulsuz Toplum Hüseyin Can Sosvyetler ve Kürtler A.Kollontai Komünizm ve Aile N. kruspkaya Halk eğitimi Platon Socratesin Savunması Arthur Schopenhauer- Eristik Diyalektik
Friedrich EngelsAilenin, Özel Mülkiyetin ve Devletin Kökeni Clara Zetkin Kadın Sorunun Üzerine – Clara Zetkin Lenin'in Bütün Dünya Kadınlarına Vasiyetleri Auguste Bebel Kadın ve Sosyalizm Alexandra Kollontai Marksizm ve Cinsel Devrim Alexandra Kollontai Komünizm ve Aile Alexandra Kollontai Bir çok hayat yaşadım Sibel Özbudun Marksizm ve Kadın Emek, Aşk, Aile Sibel Özbudun Küreselleşme , Kadın ve Yeni - Ataerki Ricardo Coler Kadın Krallığı Elisabeth Badinter Biri Ötekidir Shulamith Firestone Cinselliğin Diyalektiği Diana Gittins Aile Sorgulanıyor Simon de beauvoir ikinci cins Valeri solanes -Erkek doğrama cemiyeti Judith Butler- Cinsiyet Belası
Sigmund Freud Totem ve tabu Sigmund Freud uygarlığın huzursuzluğu Sigmund Freud Düşlerin Yorumu Joel Kovel Tarih ve Tin Michel Foucault Deliliğin Tarihi Jean Twenge Ben nesli Rollo May Kendini Arayan İnsan Pascale Chapaux-Morelli İkili İlişkilerde Duygusal Manipülasyon Erich Fromm Sevme Sanatı Eric Fromm- Özgürlükten Kaçış Caren Horney Çağın Nevrotik kişiliği  POSTMODERN FELSEFE john zerzan- Gelecekteki ilkel Terry Eagleton Postmodernizmin Yanılsamaları Fredric Jameson, Postmodernizm ya da Geç Kapitalizmin Kültürel Mantığı Jean Baudrillard Simülakrlar ve Simülasyon Jean Baudrillard Tüketim Toplumu Jean Baudrillard Kötülüğün Şeffaflığı Jean Baudrillard baştan çıkarma üzerine Jean Baudrillard Neden herşey hala yok olup gitmedi Rainer Funk Ben ve Biz Postmodern İnsanın Psikanalizi - Zygmunt Bauman Akışkan Aşk / İnsan İlişkilerinin Kırılganlığına Dair Zygmunt Bauman  Akışkan Modernite Jean François Lyotard Postmodern Durum Michel Foucault Özne ve İktidar / Seçme Yazılar Michel Foucault Cinselliğin Tarihi Karakter Aşınması - Richard Sennett Kamusal insanın Çöküşü Richart Sennet Guy Debort- Gösteri toplumu
Arthur Schopenhauer Cinsel Aşkın Metafiziği Arthur Schopenhauer ,Hayatın Anlamı Arthur Schopenhauer İsteme ve Tasarım Olarak Dünya Emil Michel Cioran Çürümenin Kitabı Terry Eagleton Hayatın anlamı Fernando Pessoa Huzursuzluğun Kitabı Ferdinand celine gecenin sonuna yolculuk Jean Paul Sartre Bunaltı Cesare Pavese Yaşama Uğraşı Franz Kafka Dönüşüm Samuel Beckett Godot'yu Beklerken Hermann Hesse Siddhartha Dostoyevski Yeraltından Notlar Dostoyevski Suç Ve ceza Nietzsche Böyle Buyurdu Zerdüşt Nietzsche Ecce homo Nietzsche Decal Candide - Voltaire Albert CamusYabancı Jhon fante toza zor Terry Eagleton Kötülük Üzerine Bir Deneme
Maksim Gorki Ana Maksim Gorki Benim üniversitelerim Dimitır Dimov Tütün Kropotkin Ekmeğin Fethi Jack London’ Demir ökçe John Steinbeck Fareler ve İnsanlar Harper Lee Bülbülü Öldürmek Victor Hugo Sefiller Goethe Genç Werther'in Acıları Balzac vadideki zambak Dostoyevski Suç ve Ceza Dostoyevski Kumarbaz Dostoyevski Budala Dostoyevski Ev sahibem Dostoyevski Yeraltından notlar Stefan Zweig Satranç Stefan Zweig Bilinmeyen Bir Kadının Mektubu Irvin D. Yalom Nietzsche Ağladığında Lev Tolstoy Anna Karenina Vladimir Bartol Fedailerin Kalesi Alamut Amin Maalouf Doğunun Limanları Harper Lee Bülbülü Öldürmek George Orwel Hayvan Çiftliği Jhon Steinbeck Fareler ve İnsanlar
Türk Edebiyatı
Sabahattin Ali Kürk Mantolu Madonna Sabahattin Ali Kuyucaklı yusuf Sabahattin Ali İçimizdeki Şeytan Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar Huzur Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar Saatleri ayarlama enstitüsü Yaşar kemal İnce memed Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem Araba Sevdası Mehmet Rauf Eylül Peyami Safa Yanlızız Peyami Safa Fatih-Harbiye Peyami Safa Dokuzuncu Hariciye koğuşu Peyami Safa Bir teredüdün Romanı Namık Kemal İntibah Orhan Pamuk Orhan pamuk kırmızı saçlı kadın Yusuf atılgan Aylak adam Ahmet Ümit İstanbul Hatırası Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu Kiralık Konak
Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu Yaban
Aldous Huxley Cesur Yeni Dünya 1984 - George Orwell Ursula K. Le Guin Mülksüzler Damızlık Kızın Öyküsü
Din Tarih ve Antropoloji
Tanrı'nın Tarihi - Karen Armstrong
Ludwig Feuerbach-Hristiyanlığın Özü Marx Engels- Ailenin ve özel mülkiyetin kökeni Lewis Henry Morgan-Eski toplum Wilhelm Reich- Cinsel ahlakın boy göstermesi Freud totem ve tabu Claude Levi – Strauss  Yapısal Antropoloji Samuel NoahbKramer Tarih Sümerlerle Başlar Samuel noah Kramer Sümer mitolojisi M. İlin-İnsan Nasıl İnsan Oldu Darwin Türlerin kökeni Turan Dursun Din bu Dine Karşı Din - Ali Şerati Ataların Hikayesi Richard Dawkins Sibel özbudun -Antropoloji: Kuramlar, Kuramcilar Lenin Din Üzerine Karl -Marx Yahudilik Üzerine Hayvanlardan Tanrılara - Sapiens , Yuval Noah Harari Deccal - Friedrich Nietzsche Ahlakın Soykütüğü- Friedrich Nietzsche Peter Hopkirk İstanbulun Doğusunda Bitmeyen oyun Hans Lukaks kieser- Iskalanmış Barış
Martin Van Bruinessen Kürtlük Türklük Alevilik
Nuri Dersimi Kürdistan Tarihinde Dersim
Erdoğan Çınar Kayıp Bir Alevi efsanesi
Erdoğan Çınar Aleviliğin Kayıp Bin yılı
Ahmet Taşağıgil Gök Tengrinin Çocukları
Jena Paul Roux. Türklerin Tarihi
Tori Bir Kürt Düşüncesi Yezidilik
İrene Melikoff Uyur idik uyardılar
Hamza Aksüt Aleviler
Jean Hamilton Aanadoluda Heretik Hareketler
Faik Bulut Dersim Raporları
Mehmet Bayrak Dersim Koçgiri
Mehmet Bayrak Alevilik Kürdoloji Türkoloji Belge.
Hakkı Naşit Uluğ Dersim Medeniyete Açılıyor
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kikenhanna17world · 2 years
Maria Cantemir, fiica domnitorului Dimitrie Cantemir. Portret de Ivan Nikitin
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italonews22-blog · 7 months
Historical experience of goodwill
In the near future, the political climate and the defusing of tensions on the planet may largely depend on informal communication between representatives of different countries, on the efforts of goodwill ambassadors. Unlike official diplomatic departments, which often focus on finding pain points of a geopolitical rival, informal peace ambassadors can find points of contact and common interests, find and test options for normalising relations between different countries and Russia.
Most people find absurd the attempts of the collective West to isolate from them a large country that is not only a treasure trove of natural wealth, but also a treasure trove of culture.
Dostoevsky spoke about the universal responsiveness of the Russian people. History has demonstrated the validity of this statement many times. We can recall the feat of the Russian pilots Lieutenant Colonel Vladislav Berkutov, Lieutenant Colonel Vadim Karasev, Colonel Evgeny Kuznetsov, Senior Lieutenant Nikolai Omelchenko, Senior Sergeant Yuri Chubarov, who died in August 2021 while fighting wildfires in Turkey. Or let us recall how in March 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, an advanced detachment of Russian military medics came to the aid of their Italian colleagues.
Russia's opponents are making great efforts to demonise it, to falsify its history. But even in those countries where the authorities decide to demolish monuments to Soviet soldiers-liberators, many people, sometimes even at the genetic level, remember something important. The Wehrmacht troops came to them with torture chambers. And the Soviet soldier came to the liberated towns with a field kitchen. This argument alone is enough for us not to doubt: the universal responsiveness of the Russian people is not at all abstract words or the fiction of a great writer.
For millions of people across continents, Russia gives hope that there is an alternative to the unipolar world that imposes its rules on them. They are impressed by Moscow's consistent anti- colonial policy. The Russian Federation builds relations with other states as equal partners and does not allow itself a consumerist attitude towards either large or small nations. Therefore, Russia serves as a reference point for the part of the world that is exploited by the countries of the "golden billion" and for whom the demand for justice is becoming more and more urgent. Moreover, millions of people realise that Russia is also the guardian of the coordinate system in which traditional values were formed.
The era of double standards has practically devalued institutions such as the UN Security Council, where deadlocks are created time and again. At the same time, it is becoming increasingly urgent for Russia to appeal directly to the benevolent part of the world. Therefore, the role of people's diplomacy, peace envoys representing various spheres of life, will increase dramatically today.
Russian history has produced a whole gallery of goodwill envoys. In the 15th century, the traveller Afanasy Nikitin carried out this mission in India. In the 19th century, traveller, ethnographer, biologist and anthropologist Nikolai Miklukho-Maclay became a goodwill ambassador for the population of South-East Asia, Australia and Oceania.
Another vivid example. Russian General Ivan Belyaev, a participant in World War I and the Civil War, fought for the freedom of Paraguay in the 1930s. He became an honourable citizen of the Republic of Paraguay. His name is still honoured and respected there. General Belyaev's experience is also valuable because he stood at the origins of the Paraguayan "Russian Hearth": many of his compatriots who left their homeland as a result of the civil war found refuge here. In addition, General Belyaev did much to save the Paraguayan Indians from extermination.
It should be recalled that this year marks the 150th anniversary of the great artist, thinker, writer and traveller Nicholas Roerich, who can be considered a messenger of goodwill to the whole world. Suffice it to recall at least the fact that he was the author of the first ever international treaty on the protection of cultural heritage, which established the primacy of the protection of cultural property over military necessity (the Roerich Pact).
By the way, on 8 October the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg will open the exhibition "The Flaming Firmament" (which will run until 19 January 2025), dedicated to the spiritual heritage of Nicholas Roerich. Museums not only from Russia, but also from Mongolia, India, Azerbaijan and other countries will provide their exhibits.
When we say that the Russian world is present in all corners of the Earth, it is not a stretch. Russian culture, Russian traditional values, Russian responsiveness are in demand everywhere.
The main link for the Russian world is its great culture. In his time, Thomas Mann called "holy Russian literature" what still unites many millions of people. The story of the future German Slavist Wolfgang Cossack's turn to Russian literature is worth it. As a young man he was mobilised into the Wehrmacht army, and in a Soviet prisoner-of-war camp he became acquainted with Russian culture. After returning to Germany, Kazak devoted himself to Slavic studies. He became a prominent populariser of Russian literature in the West, author of the famous Lexicon of Russian Literature of the Twentieth Century.
Foreigners studying at Russian universities today are a fertile environment for developing an unbiased and objective attitude towards Russia. Many of them can become the very goodwill ambassadors in whom not only the Russian Federation is interested. They are no less, if not more, necessary for the rest of the world, much of which, in fact, is stealing from itself by isolating itself from Russia and its great culture.
Today's statistics in the sphere of higher education inspire optimism and hope. At the end of last year, speaking at one of the events of the III Congress of Young Scientists on the federal territory of Sirius, Deputy Minister of Education and Science Konstantin Mogilevsky voiced such data. In 2022, 351 thousand foreign students were studying at Russian universities. In 2023 their number increased, according to preliminary data, to 355 thousand people.
The diplomatic institutions of today's world turn a blind eye to many realities and self-distract from their main mission. But there is hope that the olive branch of goodwill will be brought as soon as possible to their countries by those young people who wanted to learn about Russia not from the media, but on the spot, in its universities.
It should be noted that even Western travellers of retirement age have shown interest in Russia in recent years. People who are wise in life are distrustful of the propaganda clichés imposed on them by the authorities and the media in their countries.
For example, Frenchman Jean-Francois Darot fell in love with Russian culture after the Moscow Olympics in 1980. A man of many facets, he realised himself in sports, journalism and charity. He worked with Paralympic athletes. He became the founder of the French piano museum (one of only two in the world) in the Chapel of St James in Limoux. In 2017, as a journalist, travelled to Russia, to Altai. Married a resident of Barnaul. Adopted Orthodoxy to get married to his chosen one. In 2023, the website of the portal " Eternal Barnaul" writes that Jean-Francois Daro "is ready to become a goodwill ambassador, promoting the establishment of cultural ties between France and Russia".
And the weekly Arguments i Facts in 2023 told the story of Frenchman Alain Musnier, who moved to Crimea to open a brewery. A former sailor, a tourist with many years of experience, he settled in the village of Uyutnoye near Yevpatoria and realized a long-held dream. Here, Alain Musnier built and launched a brewery.
"Arguments i Facts quotes the opinion of Frenchman Alain Musnier on the current geopolitical situation: "I believe in the future of Russia. In the current conflict, my heart is on the side of your country. And this is not because I live here. I see how NATO has been organising provocations against Russia for many years. Not only I, but many other French people realise that this is not just a conflict between Russia and Ukraine. This is a conflict between Russia and the collective West. I am against the way the West is trying to demonise your country".
Also this year, Crimean media reported about the arrival of another French traveler to Yevpatoria - 85-year-old Philippe de Duvan. He is the grandson of Semyon Ezrovich Duvan, the famous mayor of Evpatoria (in 1906-1910 and 1915-1917). Sevastopol news portal ForPost writes about Philippe de Duvan's impressions: "According to his observation, in Europe they vilify Russia - "we are now America's dogs", while here "it's quite different from what we are told, you have a nice place".
To paraphrase a great Russian poet, we can say that all ages are amenable to love of Russia. And goodwill ambassadors are not deterred by age.
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Ivan Nikitich Nikitin (Russian, c.1680s-not earlier than 1742) Portrait of Princess Natalia Alexeyevna (1714-1728), 1728
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Praskovia Saltykova
A portrait by Ivan Nikitin, early 18th century, parsuna style
Praskovia Fyodorovna Saltykova (12.10.1664 - 13.10.1723) was the daughter of Fyodor Petrovich Saltykov and Yekaterina Fyodorovna Tatishcheva.
Not much is known about her early life. Her marriage to the co-Tsar Ivan V had been arranged by his sister, Sophia. At that time Russian had been ruled by two tsars; Peter (later known as Peter the Great) and the feeble-minded (or mentally disabled) Ivan V. By marrying Praskovia to Ivan, Sophia wanted to make sure that Peter would not be able to rule, should their union produce a male heir.
She was the last tsaritsa to have been chosen through the 'parade of potential candidates', where the Tsar could choose one of about a dozen brides. She had been described as being a tall russian beauty with long, thick hair and a full figure. She was known to have been religious and due to her lacking education, also as superstitious.
Her marriage with Ivan V only produced daughters, so that when he died, she retired from Peter the Great's court. They were known to have had a good relationship. She enjoyed the western culture and gave her daughters a western education and often attended parties, theaters and gambled.
She died at age 59 of ill-health and hers was the first Imperial funeral in St. Petersburg.
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wrooom · 6 years
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Saleen S7 & Porsche Carrera GT 
By Ivan Nikitin
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utvarpcity · 2 years
the support 😭😭😭
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martystlouis · 3 years
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game 6, western conference finals. 
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poor-pale-rusalka · 5 years
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Woland and his retinue having some fun. 
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venicepearl · 6 years
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Ivan Nikitich Nikitin - Natalia Alexeevna
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oldroze · 1 year
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Ivan Nikitin, A Malorossian Hetman (c. 1720s)
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korayaker · 2 years
Lenin Sol komünizm Lenin Nisan tezleri Lenin Proleter devrim dönek  kautsky Lenin devlet ve devrim Lenin Emperyalizm Lenin Burjuva demokrasisi ve proleterya diktatörlüğü Lenin Ne yapmalı Lenin Materyalizm ve Ampiryokritisizm Lenin Bir Adim Ileri Iki Adim Geri Lenin Din Üzerine Lenin Sosyalizm ve Savaş Marx Engels Komünist manifesto Yahudi Sorunu Alman İdeolojisi Ekonomi Politiğin Eleştirisine Katkı Ücretli Emek ve Sermaye Ailenin ve özel mülkiyetin kökeni Mao Zedong Çelişki Üzerine Uzatmalı Savaş Üzerine Seçme Eserler -ı-ıı-ııı Kızıl Kitap Josef Stalin Diyalektik Materyalizm ve Tarihsel Materyalizm Marksizm, Ulusal Sorun Leninizmin İlkeleri Anarşizmi mi Sosyalizm mi Bolşevik parti Tarihi Muhalefet Üzerine Georgi Dimitrov Faşizme Karşı Birleşik Cephe Leo huberman Sosyalizmin alfabesi Politzer Felsefenin başlangıç ilkeleri Politzer Felsefenin Temel İlkeleri Nikitin Ekonomi politik Maksim Gorki Küçük burjuva ideolojisinin eleştirisi Kalinin Devrimci Eğitim Devrimci Ahlak Che Guevara Ekonomi ce sosyalist ahlak Paul lafargue Tembellik hakkı A.Şnurov Türkiye proleteryası John Reed Dünyayı Sarsan On Gün Ellen Meiksins Wood Sınıftan Kaçış İbrahim kaypakkaya Seçme eserler Mahir çayan Bütün Yazıları Hikmet kıvılcımlı Türkiyede kapitalizmin gelişimi Emrah cilasun - Mustafa suphi ve yoldaşlarını kim öldürdü Kapitalizm, Arzu ve Kölelik, Frederic Lordon Yeryüzünün Lanetlileri - Frantz Fanon Terry Eagleton Marx Neden Haklıydı Jhon Zerzan Gelecekteki ilkel Paulo Freire Ezilenlerin Pedagojisi Kropotkin- Ekmeğin Fethi Ivan Illich'in Okulsuz Toplum Hüseyin Can Sovyetler ve Kürtler A.Kollontai Komünizm ve Aile N. kruspkaya Halk eğitimi Platon Socratesin Savunması
Friedrich EngelsAilenin, Özel Mülkiyetin ve Devletin Kökeni Clara Zetkin Kadın Sorunun Üzerine – Clara Zetkin Lenin'in Bütün Dünya Kadınlarına Vasiyetleri Auguste Bebel Kadın ve Sosyalizm Alexandra Kollontai Marksizm ve Cinsel Devrim Alexandra Kollontai Komünizm ve Aile Alexandra Kollontai Bir çok hayat yaşadım Sibel Özbudun Marksizm ve Kadın Emek, Aşk, Aile Sibel Özbudun Küreselleşme , Kadın ve Yeni - Ataerki Ricardo Coler Kadın Krallığı Elisabeth Badinter Biri Ötekidir Shulamith Firestone Cinselliğin Diyalektiği Diana Gittins Aile Sorgulanıyor Simon de beauvoir ikinci cins Valeri solanes -Erkek doğrama cemiyeti Judith Butler- Cinsiyet Belası İnsan Sonrası - Rosi Braidotti | Aşk paradoksu pascal bruckner camila pagtlia-Cinsel Kimlikler
Sigmund Freud Totem ve tabu Sigmund Freud uygarlığın huzursuzluğu Sigmund Freud Düşlerin Yorumu Joel Kovel Tarih ve Tin Michel Foucault Deliliğin Tarihi Jean Twenge Ben nesli Rollo May Kendini Arayan İnsan Pascale Chapaux-Morelli İkili İlişkilerde Duygusal Manipülasyon Erich Fromm Sevme Sanatı Eric Fromm- Özgürlükten Kaçış Sahip Olmak ya da Olmak, Erich Fromm Caren Horney Çağın Nevrotik kişiliği Ben ve Biz - Postmodern İnsanın Psikanalizi, Rainer Funk ..
john zerzan- Gelecekteki ilkel Terry Eagleton Postmodernizmin Yanılsamaları Fredric Jameson, Postmodernizm ya da Geç Kapitalizmin Kültürel Mantığı Jean Baudrillard Simülakrlar ve Simülasyon Jean Baudrillard Tüketim Toplumu Jean Baudrillard Kötülüğün Şeffaflığı Jean Baudrillard baştan çıkarma üzerine Rainer Funk Ben ve Biz Postmodern İnsanın Psikanalizi - Zygmunt Bauman Akışkan Aşk / İnsan İlişkilerinin Kırılganlığına Dair Zygmunt Bauman  Akışkan Modernite Yaşam Sanatı, Zygmunt Bauman Jean François Lyotard Postmodern Durum Michel Foucault Özne ve İktidar / Seçme Yazılar Michel Foucault Cinselliğin Tarihi Karakter Aşınması - Richard Sennett Kamusal insanın Çöküşü Richart Sennet Guy Debort- Gösteri toplumu Byung-Chul Han-Psikopolitika
Arthur Schopenhauer Cinsel Aşkın Metafiziği Arthur Schopenhauer ,Hayatın Anlamı Arthur Schopenhauer İsteme ve Tasarım Olarak Dünya Emil Michel Cioran Çürümenin Kitabı Terry Eagleton Hayatın anlamı Fernando Pessoa Huzursuzluğun Kitabı Ferdinand celine gecenin sonuna yolculuk Jean Paul Sartre Bunaltı Cesare Pavese Yaşama Uğraşı Franz Kafka Dönüşüm Samuel Beckett Godot'yu Beklerken Hermann Hesse Siddhartha Dostoyevski Yeraltından Notlar Dostoyevski Suç Ve ceza Nietzsche Böyle Buyurdu Zerdüşt Nietzsche Ecce homo Nietzsche Decal Candide - Voltaire Albert CamusYabancı Jhon fante toza zor Terry Eagleton Kötülük Üzerine Bir Deneme
Maksim Gorki Ana Maksim Gorki Benim üniversitelerim Dimitrov  Dimov Tütün Kropotkin Ekmeğin Fethi Jack London’ Demir ökçe John Steinbeck Fareler ve İnsanlar Harper Lee Bülbülü Öldürmek Victor Hugo Sefiller Goethe Genç Werther'in Acıları Balzac vadideki zambak Dostoyevski Suç ve Ceza Dostoyevski Kumarbaz Dostoyevski Budala Dostoyevski Ev sahibem Dostoyevski Yeraltından notlar Stefan Zweig Satranç Stefan Zweig Bilinmeyen Bir Kadının Mektubu Irvin D. Yalom Nietzsche Ağladığında Lev Tolstoy Anna Karenina Vladimir Bartol Fedailerin Kalesi Alamut Amin Maalouf Doğunun Limanları Harper Lee Bülbülü Öldürmek George Orwel Hayvan Çiftliği Jhon Steinbeck Fareler ve İnsanlar Bir Çöküşün Öyküsü, Stefan Zweig
Sabahattin Ali Kürk Mantolu Madonna Sabahattin Ali Kuyucaklı yusuf Sabahattin Ali İçimizdeki Şeytan Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar Huzur Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar Saatleri ayarlama enstitüsü Yaşar kemal İnce memed Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem Araba Sevdası Mehmet Rauf Eylül Peyami Safa Yanlızız Peyami Safa Fatih-Harbiye Peyami Safa Dokuzuncu Hariciye koğuşu Peyami Safa Bir teredüdün Romanı Namık Kemal İntibah Orhan Pamuk kırmızı saçlı kadın Yusuf atılgan Aylak adam Ahmet Ümit İstanbul Hatırası Sodom ve Gomore, Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu Kiralık Konak Kadri Karaosmanoğlu Alemdağda var bir yılan, Sait Faik Abasıyanık Kemal Tahir- Körduman Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu Yaban
Aldous Huxley Cesur Yeni Dünya 1984 - George Orwell Hayvan çitfliği  George Orwell Ursula K. Le Guin Mülksüzler Damızlık Kızın Öyküsü - Margaret Atwood
Din Tarih ve Antropoloji-Siyaset
Tanrı'nın Tarihi - Karen Armstrong Ludwig Feuerbach-Hristiyanlığın Özü Marx Engels- Ailenin ve özel mülkiyetin kökeni Lewis Henry Morgan-Eski toplum Wilhelm Reich- Cinsel ahlakın boy göstermesi Freud totem ve tabu Claude Levi – Strauss  Yapısal Antropoloji Samuel NoahbKramer Tarih Sümerlerle Başlar Samuel noah Kramer Sümer mitolojisi M. İlin-İnsan Nasıl İnsan Oldu Darwin Türlerin kökeni Turan Dursun Din bu Dine Karşı Din - Ali Şerati Ataların Hikayesi Richard Dawkins Sibel özbudun -Antropoloji: Kuramlar, Kuramcilar Lenin Din Üzerine Karl -Marx Yahudilik Üzerine Hayvanlardan Tanrılara - Sapiens , Yuval Noah Harari Deccal - Friedrich Nietzsche Ahlakın Soykütüğü- Friedrich Nietzsche Peter Hopkirk İstanbulun Doğusunda Bitmeyen oyun Hans Lukaks kieser- Iskalanmış Barış İsa'nın Çarmıhtaki Yedi Sözü, İhsan Özbek Martin Van Bruinessen Kürtlük Türklük Alevilik
Nuri Dersimi Kürdistan Tarihinde Dersim
Erdoğan Çınar Kayıp Bir Alevi efsanesi
Erdoğan Çınar Aleviliğin Kayıp Bin yılı
Ahmet Taşağıgil Gök Tengrinin Çocukları
Jena Paul Roux. Türklerin Tarihi
Tori Bir Kürt Düşüncesi Yezidilik
İrene Melikoff Uyur idik uyardılar
Hamza Aksüt Aleviler
Jenet Hamilton Aanadoluda Heretik Hareketler
Faik Bulut Dersim Raporları
Mehmet Bayrak Dersim Koçgiri
Mehmet Bayrak Alevilik Kürdoloji Türkoloji Belge.
Sean Martin Katharlar
Yalçın Küçük-Tekelistan
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anewbeginningagain · 3 years
2022 Beijing Olympics - Team Event Review - Remining Countries
In contention for a medal: None.
Georgia, Germany, Ukraine, and the Czech Republic all have only one entry in each discipline so it makes predicting their strategy easy :)
Team Georgia
Realistically the only country out of the four that has a chance to finish top 5 and to qualify for the FS segment. All four of their entries can perform well and if any country underperforms, Georgia it right there ready to take over. 
First (and only) Strategy - No switches:
Men - Morisi Kvitelashvili
Dance - Kazakova/Reviya
Women - Anastasiia Gubanova
Pairs - Safina/Berulava
Team Germany
First (and only) Strategy - No switches:
Men - Paul Fentz
Dance - Müller/Dieck
Women - Nicole Schott
Pairs - Hase/Seegert*
*With Seegert testng postivie for COVID today, there’s a big change Germany will have to withdraw from the team event.
Team Ukraine
First (and only) Strategy - No switches:
Men - Ivan Shmuratko
Dance - Nazarova/Nikitin
Women - Anastasiia Shabotova
Pairs - Holichenko/Darenskyi
Team Czech Republic
First (and only) Strategy - No switches:
Men - Michal Březina
Dance - Taschlerová/Taschler
Women - Eliška Březinová
Pairs - Zhuk/Bidař
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amiramorozova · 3 years
Dual Summoner x The Darkling pt. 32
Pairing: Dual Summoner Amira Silina x General Kirigan/Aleksander Morozova
Word count: 2297
We laid like that for a bit falling asleep but I felt him stir and leave the bed as I opened my eyes. I couldn't sleep so when we went to look over his war plans I left the room without him seeing. Walking I walked the halls wondering just what was bothering me as I kept walking till I made it to our church connected to the little palace. No one was supposed to be here but I needed to clear my head, I'd never really been here because no saint had been in front of all of us and yet now they thought I was.
The Sun Queen, that's what people call me but it's not true. I'm not just a Sun Summoner, I'm a tidemaker too so what does that make me? I thought 
The fact I came from a bloodline of sun summoners was the secret that no one was wanting to talk about. I was born in a mixed bloodline of summoners, my grandfather was Inferni and my grandmother was Sun Summoner, between those two my dad had inherited the Sun Summoner from his mother and I'd inherited both of my abilities from my parents. 
As I looked at the tapestries I stopped at one, a man with chains on his wrist with the amplifiers on it. Sankt Ilya Morozova, Aleksander's grandfather that people said was dead but then again I didn't completely think that was true. My senses knew dead was never dead as the black Heretic was supposed to be dead and Aleksander was very much alive. I was so focused I didn't even hear the sound of footsteps walking in there until he spoke. 
"Having trouble sleeping, Milaya?" Aleksander said 
I couldn't help but blush at his words as I felt his hand on my shoulder while he saw what I was looking at. I was never really that big of a believer but this power the people had to worship and believe was clear to see. Aleksander didn't say anything right away as I just stared at the tapestries and I questioned if this was right. Was I rushing into marriage because of obligation, because of finding what fate decided was my soulmate?
"Are you having second thoughts?" Aleksander asked and I sighed, "Would you be upset if I thought we were rushing into this?" I asked without looking at him.
He made me turn around to look at him and I saw in his eyes a bit of anger with our arrangement. I was to be his wife and if Dual Summoners were found I was to lead them and here I was second-guessing myself. I knew he was the only person I'd been interested in, there had been no one else.
"I think Nico is a bad influence on you, he'll be sent back to the first army." Aleksander said as I looked at him shocked. "Nico risked his life to keep me safe, to lead me to the stag." I said in a defensive tone.
I'd lost so much already and I was having a debate but I knew my powers were still my own. He wanted to bridge us together someday but it was on my terms because I wasn't a foolish girl he could manipulate. "You can't send him back to the first army; they will kill him! I need allies and he is one of my allies." I said 
Aleksander seemed threatened by Nico just being here because of him being a man, I didn't look at Nico the same way but I knew there was a lot already. I went to walk away as Aleksander grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. I felt the cool of the altar in the church against my back as I looked at him.
"Aleksander, why'd you do that?" I asked, he just walked over as he kissed me, I kissed him back as I put my arms around his neck feeling him lifting me up to where I was sitting on the altar. I pulled away as I started realizing he was getting ideas and I tried to push him back.
"Why are you scared?" Aleksander asked as I looked at him, I knew there was so much going through my head but I was scared of making mistakes. If I was going to be looked at like a saint I thought I needed to act the part and yet he tempted me from those. He made me look him eye to eye as if questioning me "Are you afraid what they'll think if they find out the truth about me? That you will be the Black Heretic's wife?" 
I had no plans to expose him as the Black Heretic because I was partially swayed by his cause but I had my morals with Baghra's training to know right from wrong. "I just think maybe our first should be when we're both ready. You tumbled with others, I'm sure Zoya was one of them." I said, looking away from him. I just wanted to get away from him before I said the wrong thing to him as he had me look at him. "Yes, you're right but you're not her. She was just to distract myself from waiting for my sun summoner, my Sol Koroleva to have by my side. Zoya doesn't mean anything to me, Moye Serdtse." 
He just called me the Sun Queen and his heart...maybe I was wrong. I thought
"When do the nobles need to cross the fold?" I asked, knowing that if I couldn't make the bridge through the fold on my own he would put the stag antler necklace on me. "In the morning, Zoya is to man the sails but I believe you can give us safe passage." Aleksander said and I nod in understanding knowing he gave me the option to the Stag necklace. I was refusing because I thought I could use the part of it that was a part of me already without him knowing.
"Answer one question and I believe it I won't ask again. Are you planning to weaponize the fold if I do this?" I asked 
I saw his expression change as he let me off the church altar and I waited for an answer as we stood there. "I'd love to throw Zlatan into the fold, he planned an attack on your life." Aleksander said as he knew there was a lot I could do possibly on my own. "That doesn't answer my question Aleksander. Lives will be at stake if you send the fold towards West Ravka knowing General Zlatan is the cause of the trouble on the night of the Winter Fete." I said 
He didn't seem to have an answer but I couldn't help but consider all of our 2nd army soldiers that might have family on the other side of the fold. People they wanted to see the moment they got off, Zoya regardless of how I felt with her probably had family members in west Ravka. I heard from people she went through the fold many times to visit family while making the sails.
"Where are you going?" Aleksander asked and I just kept walking "I'm going back to sleep" 
I didn't know if I could lay in his bed without worrying he'd use the fold as a weapon on west Ravka. The General deserved so much in fact if I got my hands on him I might hurt him for killing my fellow tidemaker but then again my thoughts went to the people who helped me get out of here. Mr. Brekker and his crew were probably going to be on the skiff.
I hope they hide from him they don't deserve to die but this will be hard. I thought
I walked into my room and laid down as I fell back asleep, when morning came I yawned but I got myself together. Genya came in and she helped me with a few things making sure I looked good and then she brought me over a dress. 
"What is this for?" I asked
"For the trip on the Skiff." Genya said 
I let her help me change into it and I looked at it seeing it was more sun summoner but my tidemaker side was represented too. Genya also put my hair together as I looked at the hairpin in my hair knowing that a lot was going on.
"Genya tells my family I want them on the skiff, if anything goes wrong with me I need their assistance." I said 
Genya nodded as she finished and I wore a cloak to cover myself not wanting to feel so out of place, I questioned if this was right. Why did he suddenly want me to help those through the skiff? Would Zlatan try to harm us if we do this? I heard a lot of noise coming outside so I went to check it out when I heard someone yell "Watch out!", Immediately I put my hands together and used the light to surround me as the air was cut in half.
"Who did that?!" I asked 
"I did." A male voice said 
I saw a boy who had dark hair as I did with my dad's eye color that I would have considered he was my brother. I didn't have a brother as far as I knew, at least dad never talked about his past relationships so I crossed my arms while looking at him. This boy was a squaller that was easy to tell as he had the same power as Zoya.
"And you are?" I asked
"Aidan Nikitin, and you're the Dual Summoner Amira Silina." Aidan said 
"Yes, I am." I said 
I heard the sound of footsteps coming out and I knew who it was as I knew Aleksander's movements compared to my family's movements and the people coming were my family. Father reached me first but I looked over at him, seeing him surprised. "Dad, what is it?" I asked, seeing his shocked face, but then Aidan spoke "Hi Dad, I see you have a new family and my half-sister is the Dual Summoner." Aidan said 
I think most of us, the other summoners, and I were in shock to hear that this squaller was my older brother. I adjusted my cloak so my hands could be free. Aidan noticed the ring and he looked curious that I couldn't help but smile. "General Kirigan asked me to marry him and I accepted." I said calmly, Aidan just seemed to be looking before asking "So when is the wedding?" I didn't have a response for a few reasons one there were a few things more important than me at the time.
"Once her dress is ready, the materialeki are in the middle of making it." Aleksander said as I looked back seeing him walking over and I didn't even hear him come out. He walked over putting an arm around me securely. I didn't forget last night what he was implying and what he was considering. "We need to go lapushka." Aleksander said leaving with me, I nodded but I still insisted on my family going so he allowed it, having two carriages as we headed out. I noticed David was in the carriage with us and Ivan as I sighed until I saw what was in Ivan's hands.
Maybe I should just wear it...I can get the antlers and so what if he could control how far I could push the light father could just back me up. I thought 
The trip wasn't long but it was boring as I looked out the window wondering if this was a good idea. Once we arrived at the tent David now had the two items and I looked at Aleksander knowing what he was offering. Power, joined power to show our union of what was going on.
"Will I still have control of my light?" I asked
"Of course Amira, I have no intention of taking that from you just showing we're doing this together." Aleksander said 
No, I will absorb the antlers once you put them on me. We will be connected but they won't be showing outside of my body. I thought 
I nod as we stood across from the other as David put the necklace around my neck and then I saw the other piece go on Aleksander's hand as He started. I'd never had something infused into me so it was weird but I waited till it was over. I saw him smirk but I knew that he had some claim on the amplifier for killing the stag yet I put my hands together as I felt it slowly go within my body as he looked shocked. 
"How did you do that?" Aleksander asked, "I absorbed some of the power already Aleksander, besides I don't want to look like a freak." I said but didn't even try to remove his part as I put the cloak on and started to walk out freely. Aleksander took me for a naive girl when he offered this but I knew I was cunning like him. 
Baghra taught me well but we are connected, the antlers though I may have absorbed it to not look like a captive he does have the other piece. I thought 
We walked towards the skiff where I was ready, I could feel it more than I had before as we walked on the boat. I was a bit scared as I saw my family there too for support and Zoya was at the sails.  I was scared of going into the fold for the first time.
Is this such a good idea? I thought 
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2022 Ukrainian Olympic Team
Men - Ivan Shmuratko
Women - Anastasiia Shabotova
Pairs - Sofia Holichenko / Artem Darenskiy (Team Event Only)
Ice Dance - Alexandra Nazarova / Maxim Nikitin
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