imacryptid2 · 1 year
So I got bored, I suck at writing but I want to improve so I wrote a small little thing here. Basically I was thinking of making a series of this story, it follows my OC's in the multiverse and all that so uh here's this
Part l: Amor
The night was silent as I sat there completely restless. I looked around the area that was once a beautiful field with winter blossoms and blue tulips, which now was nothing more than dirt. One piece of nature life, if you could really call it that, remained. The tree stump, which can no longer grow. It sits there, constantly reminding me of that horrid day. I'm trapped in this horrid place. I'm the only person alive, unless you count the shadows that lurk in this area. Everyone else died a long time ago. If only those villagers hadn't tortured him, and if only dream would have cared more about him. Call me selfish and narcissistic if you wish but it was their fault he bit into that cursed apple. That day was the day everything was taken from me, the only person I ever loved was pushed to a point of no return and he killed almost everything his eyes had been set upon. I say almost because somehow, I'm still alive even after being the first in his sights. Then dream abandoned me here, he left while I was resting one day and when I woke up I was alone. I miss what this town used to be, the pretty colors and the books. The only thing I don't miss is how the village treated night and I . I miss night, granted we were both bullied. You see, we were both considered freaks and were practically outcast from the village. He was outcast for being the guardian of negativity and I was outcast for how I looked, it was silly really. The children thought I was odd because my hair was naturally an abnormal dioxazine color and the adults thought I was a witch. It was all so long ago yet it feels like it happened just yesterday…I began to cry, something I hadn't done in a long time. Everything I felt came pouring out through my tears, all the built up anger and sadness from being heartbroken, abandoned, left for dead, and being alone. I hadn't shown any true emotion in over a decade. A loud, frightening noise came out of nowhere startling me and causing my sobs to intensify as I looked around desperately trying to find the source of the noise. As another loud noise, seemingly closer than the previous one and now sounding like a predatory growl, made itself known I ran. I ran as fast as I could, trying to find a place to hide from whatever may have found me. I could hear it getting closer as I ran and my eyes darted around looking for a place to hide. I eventually landed on an old abandoned area that looked to have plenty of hiding places and escape routes. I could make a sharp turn here to throw the thing off for a moment while she ran in and hid, then I'd make my escape when I was sure it thought I was in the house. Deciding that was the best chance of getting away from the creature, I made a sharp turn and ran into the house. I quickly found a well hidden area on the second floor, I could jump from the window unscathed and make my escape. I covered my mouth to muffle any sounds and I did my best to steady my breathing. As I heard the thing come up to the second floor my heart sped up. I heard a sigh come from the creature, then I heard it leave to check the third floor. After awhile the creature went down to the first floor again and I used the opportunity to get out of the house. I stealthily came out of my hiding spot and made sure not to make any noise as I escaped. Finally I managed to get out of the house from the opposite side as where the creature was. Or so I thought….
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overdosedonthesound · 10 years
Baby let me love you and take u into my arms and make the world revolve around u because u deserve it all
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