#Italian books
othmeralia · 1 year
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Il Colombo : Regioni Esterne del Corpo, Scheletro, Sistema Vasale, Muscoli, Organi Interni
Italian-language book on the anatomy of the pigeon. It includes a color illustration of a pigeon and a pigeon egg. The pigeon is composed of two large, double-sided flaps and a series of smaller flaps, each of which lifts to reveal the anatomical layer beneath it, from the pigeon's outer body to its skeleton, vascular system, muscles, and internal organs. The egg is composed of three double-sided flaps that depict the stages of embryonic development.
More images on our digital collection site. And our Director of Library Services wrote a blog post regarding the flap books! Check it out below.
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poetry-lair · 5 months
Hi everyone!!
Today is a special day in Italy, the Liberation’s Day (Festa della Liberazione that it celebrates the 25th April and we honored and commemorate the liberation of Italy from the fascism and nazism’s tyranny, and the people who fought for freedom, like the resistance of partisans.
In these days is very important to remind the important of freedom and fight for what is right, in peculiar for the people who sacrifice their lives for that, especially for awful censorship, made by the Italian national television networks, of the author Antonio Scurati’s monologue, which denounced the terrible crimes of fascism, their silence and their complicity of nazism’s atrocities, that unfortunately they still justified by neofascists.
For this reason, I wanted to share with you this literary suggestion I’ve made, which talk about the experience of resistance by different point of view, or based from true events linked by the Liberation of Italy.
If you want to know more about it or share a thought,
You can write in the comment sections:
Have a nice day!!
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Made by Creative Cloud Express: Design and Canva
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the---hermit · 2 years
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La Scuola Di Pizze In Faccia Del Professor Calcare by Zerocalcare
I have spoken about Zerocalcare before on here, after his netflix series came out I reread a couple of his graphic novels, but I have a long and somewhat complicated history with his books. I found out about him what I was on either my first or second year of high school and fell in love with his graphic novels. He has been my favourite graphic novel artist for years, I like his illustrations, I resonate with most of what he talks about, and overall I really like his sense of humor. But after high school I somehow lost the ability of reading his books, I just couldn't pick them up, and so I was left with a couple of unread books (and very behind on the pubblications, which kills me a bit everytime I think about it). I think it's because I subconciously associate his stuff a lot with the period I started to read his books,and those were probably some of the worse years of my life ngl. And so I was left for years with this desire to get back the stories of an author I loved but I was physically uncapable of doing so, until the other day I decided to finally try again, and I did it. It feels like I finally got back a part of myself I lost long time ago, and I cannot express how much joy this brings me. I read the whole graphic novel in three days at best, and I cannot wait to pick up the other unread book by him I have on my shelf. This graphic novel in particular is a collection of different stuff he made for various magazines and pubblications, a few stories from his blog and a few new stories he mixed in as well. the fact that it's a collection of different stories with very different vibes also helped with picking it up again. If you couldn't tell I really enjoyed my time with this book, it provided a few laughs which I really needed, and I'll be honest it also moved me a bit in one particular story. I cannot recommend enough this author in general, I know for a fact that several of his graphic novels have been translated into English so I urge you to read them.
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jerrylewis-thekid · 1 year
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Just arrived. Bought from ebay of course, it's used, it was written in 1979. One of the many books written in Italy and dedicated to Jerry's genius.
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hdslibrary · 2 years
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Top It Off with More Type
The printer of this 16th century Italian bible took a look at his wild and crazy title page with a teeny tiny bit of white space in its center and said, “You know what this needs? More decoration.” And added another type ornament. Why not.
Il nvovo testamento di Iesv Christo nostro Signore : Latino & volgare... In Lyone: Appresso Guille. Rouillio, 1558.
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sxnshinedaisies · 2 years
And so we lavish on our own children all that we failed to give our mothers; denying ourselves and offering a new example of mortification, of self-annihilation. What if one fine day this fatal chain was to be broken, and a mother did not have to suppress the woman in herself, and a son learned about self-respect from her example?”
_ Una donna, Sibilla Aleramo _
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raky-nerdgirl · 2 years
My spooktacular October books 🐈‍⬛🎃
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fritalianblr · 1 year
Sono andata a Genova in aprile, con la mia famiglia, dopo tantissimo anni a rimandare questo viaggio. E ho comparto libri qua. 3 libri e 2 tomi di One Piece (perchè vorrei avere un tomo di One Piece in tutte le lingue che mi piacciono. Purtroppo non c'era il primo tomo alla libreria dove sono andata. Ho preso i tomi 99 e 102).
Sto leggendo "Loveless" di Alice Oseman, un romanzo queer inglese che volevo davvero leggere da quando è uscito. È molto divertente vedere che il primo libro che leggo entrambi in inglese e in italiano sono romanzi sull'asessualità. In inglese, ho letto "Let's talk about love" di Claire Kann. E Loveless si tratta di asessualità et aromantismo.
Non l'ho finito ancora. È grosso (quasi 500 pagine), e come ho detto, è il primo romanzo che leggo in italiano. Va bene, ci sto riuscendo !
Questo romanzo è davvero tanto importante. Da leggere. Se volete capire che cosa sono l'asessualità e l'aromantismo, e vi piace i romanzi 'young adult', è per voi. Mi ritrovo perfettamente in questa storia e personaggio. Non sono aromantica ma spiega così bene tutto ciò che provo nella vita come persona asessuale.
Sono tanto felice e fiera di finalmente leggere Loveless ! È une passo enorme per me. Di leggerlo in italiano. Perchè quando ero al liceo, avevo provato a leggere un romanzo, ma non sono riuscita a questo momento. Era il primo tomo di "Vampire Diaries" che avevo comprato in un'aera di servizio dell'autostrada sul ritorno in Francia del viaggio scolastico.
... Dovrei provare a leggerlo adesso, magari ! (Ma dopo Loveless, hehe)
[Accetto volontieri le correzione]
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sayitaliano · 2 years
The Book Theif
Ciao! "Storia di una ladra di libri" (=history of a book thief) is the Italian book's/movie's title version. Funnily enough, the original Italian title was "La bambina che salvava i libri" (=the little girl that was saving books) but it changed -I think after the movie IDK
never heard of | never read | want to read | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
Watched the movie and read the book, here too I did everything lol. Really loved the whole story (but I have a thing for historical/WWII books). Thanks for sending!
Italians adds: Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno (=the path of the spider's nest) by Italo Calvino. A book about the WWII in Italy, written from the point of view of a kid. Il partigiano Johnny (=Johnny the partisan) by Beppe Fenoglio (more about the Resistance period during WWII) C'era due volte il Barone Lamberto (=there was twice the BArone Lamberto) by Gianni Rodari. This has nothing to do with history but it's a short novel for kids and it's about reading too, somehow.
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othmeralia · 3 months
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Now that's a big book.
And a big book requires a big title, right? Get ready for this one:
Nuovo, et universale theatro farmaceutico : fondato sopra le preparationi farmaceutiche scritte da' medici antichi, greci, et arabi ; principalmente da Galeno, e Mesue. Appoggiato sopra le preparationi, dette spagi riche, già da gli antichi, in parte, abbozzate, mà da più moderni medici illustrate, e megliò coltivate ; scritte dal Beguino, Crollio, Hartmanno, Libavio, Minsicht, Paracelso, Quercentano, Sennerto, e Altri : rappresenttante e le une, e l'altre preparationi, per fondamenti unitamente necessarij alla veta, e artificiosa methodo farmaceutica : adornato, e ampliato oltre le fabriche, e compositioni medicinali, in qualsisia forma fabricabili, contenute ne gli antidotarij Veneti de Giorgio Melichio, aumentato da Alberto Stecchini, già farmacopei nella officina dello struzzo, e ne gli altri sin al presente, con le stampe, publicati antidotarij de più accreditati autori, e delle più rinomate città d'Europa, Anversa, Augusta, Bergamo, Bologna, Colonia Agrippina, Fiorenza, Londra, Messina, Roma, e altre ; con quelle fabriche, e compositioni ancora, le quali fossero state descritte da gli più lodati scrittori dell' arte medica, over inventate da' più dotti lettori, e professori della medesima : abondantissimo non solo de gli insegnamenti, dati da inominati antecessori, di nuovo revisti, ma ancora de tutti gl'altri avvertimenti, appartenenti alla intiera, legitima, e perfetta dispositione, alteratione, fabrica, unione, e compositione di tutte le materie medicinali semplici, e composte, cavabili da animali, vegetabili, e minerali ; necessario a ciascheduno farmacopeio: utile ad ogni medico, e amatore della medicina : curioso per gli investigatori delle più desiderate, e artificiose preparationi spagiriche / eretto, et esposto alla luce da Antonio de Sgobbis de Montagna ...
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poetry-lair · 5 months
Hi everyone!!
How are you? Today is the World Book Day (“Giornata Internationale del Libro e del Diritto d’Autore”) and to celebrate this Wonderful occasion I wanted to share with you my personal literary suggestion of books that I love recommend to everyone (They are also my favorites but I couldn’t include everyone, only just the ones that immediately came to mind, because they’re so many that will be a eternity list them and because It’s my personal taste!! 😅😅😅)
Plus one that from my youth in Italy, which positively impressed me a lot.
If you want to share your thoughts about a favorite book of yours, or do you want to recommend a novel, nonfiction or graphic novel, or tell about something you’re reading right now,
You can write in the comment section!!
All the rights of the images, effects and GIF belong to their respective owners.
Made by Creative Cloud Express: Design and Canva
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the---hermit · 1 year
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Macerie Prime and Macerie Prime - Sei Mesi Dopo by Zerocalcare
After thinking about it I decided to write a conjoined review for these two graphic novels. I reread them back to back in just a couple of days (even though on my first ever read I did like the author suggested and read them six months apart as they were released). I have spoken quite a lot about this author lately, since I have been rereading most of his works in the past few weeks, and I don't want to be too repetitive. I love his works and his style, I think he is a master in being funny while still talking about heavy topics, and overall he is probably the only author I read that talks about everyday problems without feeling anxious about it. I tend to avoid contemporary fiction because reading about characters that go through my everyday struggles feels anxiety inducing instead of feeling cathartic. Zerocalcare's works on the other hand have always felt comforting. These two particular volumes focus on everyday life struggles, the daily demons that can plague the life of everyone, the stress and fear about the future, envy and feeling of not having your place, feeling lost as if you can barely breathe. These are still two incredibly funny works even though some themes are very emotionally heavy. They are perfectly balanced as usual. They are some of my personal favourites in my collection of his books, and I am very happy I reread them again.
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jerrylewis-thekid · 2 years
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And also this book is coming to me! The author, who I contacted a few days ago, let me know that he sent it to me this morning @jerrylevitch
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fareaststudio · 18 days
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Il Maestrario
Scritto da: Roberto Morgese, Roberto Piumini
Illustrato da: Evelise Obinu
Book design by Far East Studio
Published by Strorybox creative lab
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sxnshinedaisies · 2 years
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