#It's kinda like Lennon & McCartney (here I go again with the parallels ) -their stuff together was magic and couldn't be beat ever
paperlovesadness · 2 years
Ugh, sometimes I look into Miles' comment sections and feel so bad for him.
I don't think I need the disclaimer if you know my blog - but just in case. Yes, I love TLSP. As a band - they're in my very top of favorites (next to a bunch of dead people bands). As people - I'm fascinated by them both apart and together.
But I can't bear seeing the amount of people who ignore Miles himself and his solo stuff to just shout "GIVE US TLSP3" / "DO THIS SONG WITH ALEX" at him. Lord, get a grip people. If you love the band so much - be nice and considerate to one of its actual frontmen.
He's talented in his own right. Very. We need more respect and appreciation for that.
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