#It's funny because he will be so quiet and let them assume he's not as intelligent as he actually is
eri-pl · 1 day
Interesting timing
So, on the reread I noticed that just after the Moon and Sun are mede, there's a speculation that Morgoth went to find the newly-awaken Men to talk with them*, and left the war efforts to Sauron.
Which means, something like this very likely happenned:
Day 1. Morgoth leaves and Sauron starts organizing the war, optimizing the strategies and what not.
Day 2. Maedhros is gone from Thrangorodrim and nobody in whole Angband knows what hapnned.
All the following days until Morgoth's return: Sauron is trying to find a way to explain it. Everyone else is as quiet as they can be. (Also, there is a siege now.)
* i have no idea how to describe it in short, because it's one of the parts where Tolkien's intent and his execution don't really match that well for me, so I have a hard time talking about it witout making it sound funny, but also it's on top of my "what Melkor did wrong" list, so. Let's just call it "talk to them" and assume the readers know the lore. Or at least can imagine what type of talks he is interested oin having. I think you would imagine it better than the [semi-]canon manages to.
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cxpperhead · 9 months
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Copperhead takes time to warm up to people. In his experience, most people cannot see past his appearance and treat him differently, be it with thinking he's creepy or worse, thinking him an animal due to his serpentine looks. Copperhead is okay with the latter; people who assume his intelligence is low or that he doesn't 'experience feelings' like a human only makes it all the easier to take them by surprise when they underestimate him so badly.
#🐍 || musings#🐍 || headcanons#He experiences this a lot#Moreso people finding him 'creepy' which is fine by him#He doesn't trust people easily and is fine with whatever they think so long as they pay him for his services#Those who try to play him or give them less than what he agreed to will pay for it another way#It's funny because he will be so quiet and let them assume he's not as intelligent as he actually is#When really he's taking everything in and judging the fuck out of them#One of the few things he's thankful for in having a hard time expressing himself facially is that he can feel rage but look calm af#Which is another thing that's creepy about him because he just can't make the same facial expressions ordinary humans do#And a lot of people naturally assume that because he can't show it then he can't feel it#No eyebrows to indicate surprise or incredulousness#No ability to blink so can avoid any tells that excessive blinking would indicate#No blushing because scales#Can't really blame people for finding him uncanny but it is what it is#I'm feeling a bit better again but I have the hospital in a few hours so gonna catch a quick nap#I have two days off but otherwise I'm working damn near every day until New Year so maybe I can eke out something#Thank you all for being so wonderfully patient with my stupid ass#And thank you to new followers also I promise I am not ignoring you I'm just having a tough time lately#Bless you Chrome for inspiring this thought#I needed distractions tonight x
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oracle-of-dream · 5 months
Sweetness #7 (Final)
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Minors DNI
This is the final chapter of the Sweetness series! Thank you for reading till the end!
Summary: Riize proposed a competition to you. Whoever can please you the best tonight. Gets to keep you... If you're conscious enough to choose a winner.
Warnings: Male reader, a lot of dicks, Justice for Sungchan, Throat fucking, Group sex, Multiple Orgasms, Stomach Bulge, Creampie, Handjob, Blowjob (Rec & Giving), Rough Sex, Talk him thought it, Bukkakke, Crying, Overstimulation
Wordcount: 3.7k
You opened your eyes and groaned as you rolled over in bed. You'd fallen asleep at some point but didn't feel any better. It was the third time you'd woken up, still in Sungchan's room. On the desk was a cup of water and a change of clothes–you were still naked under the covers. You got out of bed, put on your clothes, and drank the water. 
Your brain was still full, wondering about what to do about tonight… Tonight, seven handsome men would have their way with you. And you had to choose which one to have as a boyfriend... The whole situation sounded like a bad movie–but this was your bad movie. Sungchan, Anton, Seunghan, Eunseok, Shotaro, Sohee, and Wonbin. All of Riize wanted you. And you felt guilty for wanting each of them too. How could you possibly choose?
A knock at the door pulled you out of your thoughts. 
Anton poked his head through as he opened the door."Hey, y/n? I thought you might be hungry, so I cooked you something." Your stomach answered before you could. The thought of food sounded amazing right now. Anton put the plate on the desk–pancakes, Anton's specialty.
"Thanks, Anton, these look great." You stabbed at the pancakes with a fork and started eating as he watched you.
While picking at his nails nervously, Anton sighed before speaking. "Y/n, I don't want to make you feel like you have to choose anyone... It's a lot of pressure." Anton scooted closer to you, his dark hair dusting his eyes as he examined you. "But, if you were to choose... I-I just want you to know I'm here for you–even if you don't pick me. I'll always be here for you..."
You stopped eating, looking up at Anton. "You don't think I'd choose you?"
"I don't want to assume. The others have all of their charms, and I know I'm quiet and shy. It makes sense that you like them more."
"Anton, you're charming! You're so funny, and I love it when you play your cello for me. You're so talented and kind."
Anton's hand covered his face, trying to hide the silly expression on his face. "T-Thanks, but–"
"But nothing! Anyone would be lucky to have you."
"I don't want anyone else..." Anton's words hung in the air. Your appetite was gone, pancakes half-eaten, and your stomach rumbled ruthlessly. The pressure and guilt returned with a vengeance. "I-I didn't mean to try and make you do anything! I was just trying to be honest."
The door suddenly burst open. Sungchan was standing in the doorway. "Anton, out. We all agreed we wouldn't do anything to mess with y/n. We'd let them think."
"Keeping me in here isn't very fair, is it?"
"No one will stop you from coming outside, y/n."
"The staring is... You all won't stop looking at me when I come out. And making Anton leave for talking to me, makes me feel like I'm in jail or something."
Sungchan looked at Anton, then over his shoulder as he spotted the others around the corner trying to listen in on the conversation. "Right... Sorry, I'll tell them to try and relax. I wasn't– I didn't mean to... Nevermind." He walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.
You slumped onto the desk with a sigh. "See what I mean? Everyone's so tense right now–and it's my fault. I shouldn't have done this in the first place."
Anton knelt, looking up at you. "We all want you. Not because of anything you did. All of us, in some way, liked you before you slept with us. And now that we know everyone else's feelings, we're just trying to get to you before the others... But we're also not being very considerate to you, are we?"
Anton understood you, which made you feel better, but you couldn't get over the situation. "I spend more time alone. Thanks for checking on me, Anton..."
He nodded. "Of course, call me if you need anything else. I'll leave the food here if you get hungry." He stood and left, closing the door gently behind him.
You went back to bed, drifting off to sleep for the fourth time, surrounded by only your thoughts to keep you company. You don't know how much time passed but the next time you woke up, there was a voice near you.
"You're even more precious like this..."
You laid still, eyes closed, pretending to sleep.
"What if you really don't choose me? I don't know if my heart can take it... I liked you first. So, why not pick me?" It was Wonbin, without a doubt. You felt breath on your cheek as a weight was placed on your chest. He laid his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. "Your heart's racing. I wonder what you're dreaming about..."
You opened your eyes and said, "Would you laugh if I said you?"
Wonbin's eyes lit up seeing you awake. "I'd love it if you dreamed of me..."
"What if I dreamed of more than you?"
"What else did you dream about?"
You hesitated, wondering if this was the right thing to say, but Wonbin's eyes encouraged you to be honest. "I dreamed about everyone. All of us were happy, together.”
"You want all of us?"
You nodded. "I don't think I can choose one of you. I love you all... And I want each of you to be mine. The same way I want to be yours."
Wonbin took your hand, placing it on his heart. "If it makes you happy, then I'll be willing to share. But, we've gotta come up with a schedule or something. Sungchan gets possessive."
"Will a relationship of eight people work?"
"Probably not forever. But if everyone loves you, then it has to." Wonbin's heartbeat was steady, and his hands were warm and soft. His smile was tender as he looked into your eyes.
"How should I tell them? They want a competition..."
"Well, how about we talk to them about it? And, we can celebrate by fucking you–as one big poly couple." Wonbin winked at you with a smirk.
You nodded as he helped you out of the bed. Fingers locked with each other, Wonbin led you out of the room. The others were all in the living room, the tense air relaxed when they all saw you.
Wonbin cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention. "Y/n has something they want to tell us. So, let's be quiet and hear him out."
You stepped into the room fully, holding Wonbin's hand for support. Sohee and Shotaro were looking at you brightly, ready to listen. Sungchan and Anton were eyeing your hand, wrapped tightly with Wonbin's. Eunseok and Seunghan were more nonchalant, not showing how they felt, but listening.
"I-I wanna ask you all. It's just too hard for me to choose one of you, and I hate the thought of losing any of you." You looked around the room, reading their faces. "I... wanted to try and have all of you. If you'd let me, I want all of you to be my boyfriends."
Seunghan looked around. "So, we're dating each other, too?"
"If you want. Or if you're just willing to share me, that's fine too."
Sungchan's jaw went slack. "So, we're all going to share you? Is that even possible?"
"I don't know..."
Wonbin stepped forward. "I already agreed to the idea. If you don't want him, feel free to say no and leave more for me. You don't have to say yes."
Anton jumped up from his seat. "Y-Yes! I say, yes." Anton's face was flushed but filled with relief. Eunseok and Seunghan agreed next. Then Shotaro. And Sohee. The last one standing was Sungchan...
"So... we're all okay with this? Sharing you? I'm not–"
"Then fuck off, Sungchan." Wonbin pulled you into his arms.
"I'm not opposed!" Sungchan stepped forward. "But I just don't know how it'll work... I want you so bad, I don't know if I can share you with the others."
You nodded. "I get that I'm asking for a lot. It's different, and I don't know if it'll work forever... But I want to try."
Sungchan approached you slowly, lifting your chin. "Are you sure?"
Sungchan softly kissed your lips, closing his eyes and giving you his heart. "Then, I'm on board. If it's you..."
"Scoot over, it's my turn," Seunghan said as he pushed Sungchan aside, kissing you too. One by one, your boyfriends kissed your lips as they each promised their love to you.
Wonbin cleared his throat. "Well, now that we got the hard part out the way. I've got an idea to celebrate!" Your smile immediately dropped as you remembered what Wonbin's plan was... "We should break in our new boyfriend together, right guys?"
Sungchan scooped you into his arms. "Who's got the biggest bed?"
"Wonbin's is a queen!" Sohee answered.
Sungchan carried you to Wonbin's bed as he kissed your cheeks. When he placed you on the bed, he pulled off his shirt and almost dove into you before Shotaro stopped him.
"Who's going first then? How do we decide?"
"I'll take his ass, and you guys can have the rest," Sungchan scoffed.
"Hold the fuck on, that's not right. We all get to fuck him properly, but we need something in the meantime, okay? Our baby can do that, right?" Seunghan looked at you with a smirk as you looked around at all of them.
"What should I do?"
"We'll show you..." He said as he led the charge. Seunghan kissed you as he stripped off your shirt. "Now, you've got two hands, do something with 'em." Sohee and Shotaro stepped forward, cocks out, ready for your hands as they fucked your hands the way they liked. "Good boy, lay on your back, head off the bed." You rolled over and around, making your head hang off the bed. "I've got a mouth that needs to be filled, who’s in?" Anton's fat cock slapped your cheek as he knelt to you.
"I'll try to be easier this time," He whispered as he pushed his cock into your waiting mouth.
"Eunseok, come help me here." Seunghan and Eunseok organized themselves by your legs. Eunseok under you and Seunghan over you. "He's been stretched out by dick for days, so he can take this, right?" Seunghan chuckled as he slid his cock into your ass, making you moan around Anton. "Eunseok, now you." Eunseok followed orders as he stretched you more, with two cocks in your ass.
The feeling was more than full. You were being stimulated almost everywhere–your hands, mouth, and ass were all being used.
"What about us?" Sungchan complained.
Seunghan chuckled. "I don't know, jerk each other off until you get your turn. Just be patient, we all deserve a turn inside, y/n."
Wonbin looked at Sungchan. "Yeah–no. I've got something I'm gonna do, you can jerk off and watch alone." Wonbin entered the fray, finding a spot and he started licking your cock before sucking it. Now you were being completely stimulated.
Sungchan, at first, stood proudly as he watched. But his hard dick was straining in his pants more than he could take... Before he knew it, he was jerking off to you getting fucked–loving every second. The sounds of sex were so loud in the room, you couldn't hear your thoughts. Your cock was being sucked, your hands fuck, your mouth full, and your ass was split in two... There was so much happening.
The first person to start losing it was Sohee, understandably since he was the least experienced... He was fucking your hand too fast, loving the softness of your hand and the power-high he got from controlling the pace.
"Sungchan, take Sohee's place. We don't want him busting too early," Seunghan teased as he thrust into you. His pace was the opposite of Eunseok's–when one pushed in, the other pulled out. Eunseok loved the way you squeezed him when he thrust into you. Sungchan took Sohee's place as he lazily stroked himself with your hand, still warm from Sohee's cum. The next person to cum was Eunseok. His climax snuck up on him as he came inside you, biting into your skin which made you suck harder on Anton who was sweating as he tried to hold back. Eunseok pulled out of you, and Anton took his place. Shotaro moved to your mouth and Wonbin moved your hand to jerk him off while he focused on your cock.
Even with two members down, you were still completely occupied. Anton's cock was bigger than Eunseok so he pushed deeper. The Seunghan picked up his pace, signaling he was close. "Okay, lovely, I'm gonna fill you!" He announced as he fucked through his orgasm mixing his cum with Eunseok's. As soon as he was out, Shotaro was in. Shotaro's thrusts were sharper than Seunghan's and you could feel how swollen his cock was from your mouth.
"Sungchan, I can suck you too," you offered.
"I've had enough of you sucking me, I wanna save for the best part. But I'll take a kiss." Sungchan cradled your head as he kissed you. you moaned into his mouth as Anton and Shotaro fucked into you. You tried to focus on the kiss, but your orgasm was climbing too quickly to slow down. You bit on Sungchan's tongue as your whole body tensed–squeezing the cocks in your ass and shooting cum into Wonbin's mouth.
Wonbin pulled off you with a loud pop. "That's what I wanted..."
Shotaro couldn't last long after lasting through your hand and mouth, cumming inside you as well. But before Wonbin or Sungchan could take his place, Sohee stepped back up. "I might be a little fast, y/n. I'm still sensitive, but I'll cum inside you and make you feel great." Sohee was true to his word–he came quickly after getting into you, his thick cock rubbing against Antons and being squeezed by your... He had no chance. He returned to his spot with the others, on the ground with their flaccid cocks dripping excess cum.
Wonbin took the chance to take Sohee's spot, fucking you now. Anton and Wonbin were having an unspoken competition, or it felt like it with the way they were both fucking you so fast.
"Is little Anton gonna cum soon? You're slowing down~" Wonbin Teased.
"I can do this for at least an hour," Anton grunted through gritted teeth.
Sungchan watched you cutely shaking on the bed as they fucked you. He laid your head on his leg so you didn't hurt your neck as you jerked him off. You occasionally popped his cock in your mouth to wet it, but Sungchan wouldn't let you suck on it for too long.
It was getting down to the wire in their competition. Anton and Wonbin had fucked you for almost a full seven minutes, not slowing down.
"Jeez guys, he'll pass out at this rate... Y/n, say something."
You spoked your mouth and a loud moan escaped. You tried to form a sentence but you could only throw out fragments. "I-I can't... Cock... So good... I–love my boyfriends..."
Anton and Wonbin came at the same time hearing you say that you love them. Wonbin, above you, had hair stuck to his sweaty forehead as his eyes rolled back. Anton, below you, gripped your sides so hard you screamed slightly from how he squeezed the air out of you. The two took a moment to breathe before pulling out of you and joining the pile of men. Eunseok and Seunghan put their clothes back on–even getting a snack.
Sungchan was last. "Finally... My turn," He grumbled as he turned your body with ease. "Can you handle a little more, y/n?"
"Anything... for you," You said in between breaths.
"That's my baby." Sungchan kissed you as he slotted himself between your legs. "I've been waiting so long for your sloppy hole around me, even letting them go first..."
You mewled in protest. "I-I'm not sloppy..."
"Yes, you are. See?" Sungchan pushed his cock into you, slick with all the cum in you. "So slippery, so sloppy..."
You hissed in pain. "Wait! You're too big–"
He paused. "Too big? Even after all that?" You'd seen his cock before, it was big, about the same as Anton's. So why was it so much bigger now... Was he not even all the way hard before? Sungchan scooped you in his arms, wrapping them tight around you.
"Be honest, did you get bigger?"
He chuckled. "Probably. It's not easy for me to get completely hard, most of it's just a half–like before. Just tell me if I need to slow down. You almost have it."
Wonbin spoke up. "He's lying, there's another five inches to go."
Your eyes widened at 5 inches. Your eyes were wet with tears. "S-Sungchan, I don't think I can... Please, be careful–"
Sungchan tried to smile. "Baby, you've taken so much cock already... And you want to skip me? You fucked all of them twice and I got a blowjob once." Sungchan's voice got deeper the more he spoke. "I'll make it fit." You trembled under Sungchan. "Here it comes," He cooed as he kissed you through it. He held your thighs, pushed your knees toward your head, and pushed deeper into you. You instantly clutched his massive arms, they flexed as he controlled your body. His cock filled you more than any of the members hard, reaching places none of them had, you shook and tears rolled down your face.
"How are you still squeezing me like this? Is it because of this?" Sungchan moved your hand to your stomach where you could feel a bump. "That's me, baby. Moving your guts to get inside you." Sungchan rolled his hips into you, making the bulge shift. You moaned and realized it wasn't just you. The other members of Riize were jerking off as they watched Sungchan's display of strength and size. "Make as much noise as you want." Sungchan licked your neck. "But make sure to say something if I need to stop." He pulled back slightly before pushing back into you, hitting your spot in the center. Your back arched as he put your legs on his shoulders and moved his hands to the bed you held himself up. He was planking over you as he fucked into you. Maybe it was the position or his cock. It only took three thrusts for you to cum again. "We should get you a cock ring. If not, you'll run out of cum every time we fuck."
You couldn't even register his sentence with the way you convulsed around Sungchan's cock as your boyfriend railed you. His pace wasn't too fast, but it was hard. The bed shifted, but the sound was drowned out by your whines and cries. Sungchan smirked as he got an idea, making his hand into your newest necklace which earned a gasp from you. He drank the look in your eyes as he leaned down to kiss you. You were zooming toward your next orgasm, crying. Your brain was a scattered mess.
"...M-More, p-please." You muttered.
Sungchan's eyebrows raised. "Oh, you're such a slut... You want more!?" He looked over to the others, who were jerking each other off. "Don't just stand there, your boyfriend needs a cum shower!" The members of Riize surrounded you as Sungchan fucked you. "Don't worry baby, we're all here to satisfy you." Sungchan fucked into you faster, moving toward his climax. "We'll cum all together."
Everyone agreed as they were all close.
It wasn't long before you let out a scream, as you came for the third time. Riize painted you with cum, either jerking themselves or helping each other get there. Sungchan came inside you, leaning back as he did to get as deep as possible and watch the show.
You saw white–or maybe someone's cum got in your eye. But there was nothing after. The next time you opened your eyes, you were in bed–fully clothed. Your hair was brushed, your body cleaned, and the bed was washed. Like nothing had happened. You moved to look around but there was an immense surge of pain that shot up your back, making you yelp.
"Y/n? He's up!" Wonbin shouted to the rest of the house as he entered the room. He gently moved you to your original position. "You should lay still, baby. You're not ready to walk around yet..."
Your body ached all over. "What the fuck happened!? I feel like I was hit by a bus." Your voice was hoarse, so much that it didn't sound like you were speaking.
The others trickled into the room. Sungchan knelt by you. "Hey, you okay?"
"No," You grunted.
He smiled, nervously. "I may have gone a little overboard... But you did ask for more."
"What happened?"
"You passed out from Sungchan's horse cock pushing too deep into you," Eunseok explained. The others had spread out around the bed, so they could all see. "We've been taking turns keeping an eye on you for when you wake up..."
"So, now what?" You groaned.
"Painkillers, cough drops, and service from your seven amazing boyfriends, who will get you whatever you need," Sungchan said as he kissed your hands. "I'll be your carriage, and carry you anywhere you want." You smiled at them... Your boyfriends. The feeling might've been too much, or maybe it was the pain, but you started sobbing–much to their dismay.
"Nice one, Sungchan, you made him cry." Seunghan smacked Sungchan's shoulder.
They brought you gifts and food until you were stable enough to stand. Sungchan followed you everywhere, in case you needed him to carry you. Anton played his cello for you while Eunseok brought you video games. Sohee and Wonbin sang for you while Shotaro massaged you. Seunghan would take care of you when the others weren't watching and brought you candy and any other treats you wanted.
You were so lucky to have Riize as your boyfriends...
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crosbyism · 21 days
"but then again this is the guy who’s publically known for loving to eat ass so"
I'm sorry, I thought Nate eating ass was fanon. Are you telling me this is an actual canon fact??
god i love when people don’t realise how much “fanon” around sid and nate is actually canon. it’s like heroin to me. also bc it’s like. 90% of the stuff in fics (which is probably why people assume it’s fanon but. oh boy it’s not. there’s shockingly little fanon around these two, mostly because canon is so abundant).
yes, nathan mackinnon is a known ass-eater. let me direct you to this post, anon. you’re welcome.
other nate (and sid) facts you might not have realised are canon:
nate is a known advocate for therapy. he’s been seeing a sports therapist since 2017
they wear matching clothing all the fucking time, sid has said publicly that he started wearing white sneakers and updated his wardrobe due to nate’s influence (iirc nate might’ve even bought him his first pair of white sneakers? either that or it was a “he told me i need to so i did” situation). they share a tailor. unfortunately i now have to bring your attention to the fact that since they have an alarming amount of matching clothes that they’ve bought for each other, that means that they in fact have to know each other’s clothing sizes off by heart. they also low-key share clothing btw
their families celebrate canada day together and their dads are best friends. in-law behaviour goes crazy
nate did in fact stalk his way into sid’s heart (got the same personal trainer and agent at age 13; built his house next door in 2017; they’ve been spending every day in the summers together since at least 2015. sid cooks for them daily, or at least did pre-pandemic. sid refuses to use nate’s gym tho so they always use sid’s).
nate used to have a fan twitter account more or less where he rooted for the pens. it was active until 2017.
sid and nate regularly go to summer weddings together as each other’s dates. they have done this since, once again, at least 2015
nate has confirmed that he used to have a poster of sid on his wall as a teenager (he didn’t confirm he used to jerk off to it but frankly. i think that’d be saying the quiet part out loud)
when sid won the cup in 2009 and held the parade in cole harbour, nate stood by the side of the road watching it. he was about to turn 14, he was already working with sid’s trainer and agent, and he was about to start attending shattuck (sid’s junior high). due to old pics we also know that this was RIGHT before nate had his first growth spurt and hit puberty. i’m not saying seeing sid with the cup kickstarted nate’s puberty and gave him his first boner but i’m not NOT saying it
nate dated vanessa morgan of riverdale fame in his rookie year. she’s now good friends with elias petersson from the vancouver canucks (this means nothing but i do think it’s a very funny coincidence).
nate schmidt, formerly of the VGK, once failed a drug test (it turned out to be a testing-fuck-up); when nhl players were asked about it natemack iconically said “i don’t think he was sticking a needle up his ass” (i just like this one)
when he was a kid, the one other thing sid wanted to be was a hairdresser. nate, on the other hand, “didn’t have a plan B”
nate is canonically possessive of sid (see: the asg 2024) and sid is canonically delighted by this and into it
they go on so many lunch dates in the summer my dude. they go grocery shopping together. like there’s so many pics of them in grocery stores or out having coffee or weird green shakes
oh i almost forgot, they went on a roadtrip through ireland last year. they’ve been on holiday together multiple times over the years though. done some eurotripping together and stuff. in 2015 they spent three months together, three weeks of which were spent living in sid’s santa monica condo together just the two of them
sid has put up a picture of every stanley cup winning captain in his basement since 2008, when the pens lost in the scf to DET. apparently this serves as motivation for him to win the cup. he notoriously does not watch the playoffs after the pens are out
however, he partied so hard at nate’s cup party he actually closed down the party with his dad. nate is the only non-teammate sid’s ever been seen supporting for a cup run (he’s also never been to his teammates’ cup parties afaik so. there’s that)
also they talked on the phone daily and between periods during nate’s cup run. they also canonically have almost weekly phone dates that can run multiple hours. quote nate “i can’t talk to anyone else the way i can talk to him”
they each have pictures of the two of them together framed in each other’s houses
there’s rumours they’re building adjoining houses on neighbouring properties in cape breton next to a golf course bc apparently being neighbours in halifax isn’t enough or something. this one is as yet unconfirmed by reputable sources though
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mochinomnoms · 4 months
Wondering if MC and Jade marrying each other and have children, will that child have MC ability to read people mind? And If so, imagine that MC didn't tell jade about her ability only for her child casually told their father about it Infront of MC, MC be like:
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I am currently leaning to having Jade find out about Yuu's telepathy in PTM, but this scenario is also incredibly funny as hell.
I can't go into why Yuu got magic, as it's a very large spoiler, but I can say that no one is quite sure if their abilities are hereditary or not due to the nature in which they were gained.
Assuming these are biological children, it's a delightful surprise for Yuu when they find out that their little one can also read minds! How nice, to have someone just like you! Yuu is excitedly telling them all the ways in which they can overcome the difficult parts of being a telepath, how to try and not be too invasive, and how to be sneaky about it with others.
Yuu, however, forgets to tell their kid that their dad isn't exactly privy to their telepathy. So they're sweating just an itty bitty bit when their kid's big mouth goes off on it with their dad, saying:
“It's so weird, Papa! This one girl at school likes me, I can hear her head, but she's always so mean to me. But Ama says that it's not too bad once you get used to it, like they did with you in school! Ama said that you had a buncha thoughts about them in school all the time, like my classmate did. Oh! Do you think I'll get to marry her too, like you and Ama?”
Jade is staring at you with a pleasant smile, chin in his hand, as he hums along to his child's talking. “Why, of course!” He tells them, still staring at you with mischievous eyes and an even more mischievous smile.
“I think you like this girl too, or else you wouldn't be thinking about marrying her. Now, why don't you go off and play with your friend next door, we'll clean up.”
Your kid, none the wiser and not really trying to process whatever thoughts are going through your heads, nods and runs off to play. You two stay in the kitchen as you take the dishes to be washed, and Jade puts the leftovers away to take for lunch tomorrow. As you wash the dishes, Jade spooks you by wrapping his arms around your midsection and kissing your left temple.
After years of marriage, you'd become less aware of Jade's presence around you, it was becoming second nature. Like his mind was just another part of your own. So, when you were distracted like times like this, Jade reveled in being able to spook you, just a bit.
“So, telepathy, hmm?” Jade sighed, leaning down to whisper in your ear. “That would certainly explain a few things. Though, that does bring up a question…”
Jade pushed you against the sink, tightening his hold around you and he hummed against your neck. His thoughts were busy with ideas of taking you against the sink, of covering your mouth to keep you quiet, of littering bites along your collarbone like a pretty red necklace.
“Did you like hearing all my dirty thoughts about you? About the ways I wanted to take you? Use you? Make you my own?”
The front of your shirt was getting wet, the plate in your hands dropping into the soapy hot water as you grabbed his hands, wandering under your shirt and into your pants.
“J-Jade, not here, it's embarrassing—”
“Oh, but you like that, why else would you let me pursue you? You knew how I felt, and yet never shut me down. Why? Because you wanted me too? You can admit it my pearl, it's okay, I like it when you get flustered~ You're so cute when you are, no wonder you had me wrapped around your finger~”
Jade began moving his hips against yours, his breath becoming heavy as you moved against him despite your earlier remarks. Because yes, you really did like the way he made you hot and bothered. You liked that he desired you so reverently, even now, after years of being together. It was like you two never really left your honeymoon phase.
“Our little one will be at their playmate's for a while, why don't you read my mind and tell me about all the things I want to do to you?”
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honkytonk-hangman · 2 years
Line of Sight
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
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Summary: You're almost certain that Jake Seresin could care less about you, that is, until you're in a tight spot and the one guy you assume will hang you out to dry, instead comes to your rescue.
Warnings: language, creepy club dudes, hangman being a little cold but actually he's just shyyyyyy
Notes: this is for @ussgallifrey who let me bang on about the feelings this man has given me <3 honestly this might turn into a mini-series because i havent even begun to resolve all my emotions about this whole vibe yet
Series Masterlist
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“Wait, is that Rooster?” you frown, trying to duck your head to see around the crowd of people at the club bar, your straw falling away from your lips as you do. “And Payback, and–” you cut yourself off, now certain of who and what you were seeing, and turn to look accusingly at your companions. Next to you, Phoenix follows your line of sight, but shrugs, seemingly unbothered about the impromptu appearance of the rest of Dagger Squad. Across from you, Halo winces guiltily, and lowers her brightly coloured cocktail away from her face.
“I may have mentioned our little soiree, and extended the invitation…” she admits, before hurriedly placing down her drink altogether and lifting her hands in a surrendering motion. “Look, in my defence, we’re all friends, and whatever you think about Hangman–”
“–It’s not what I think, Cal! It’s him who clearly doesn’t think much about me!” you stress, a little frustrated that your carefree girls night was now going to end up like all the other weekend nights you’ve had since befriending Dagger.
You loved Dagger, you really really did. They had welcomed you unofficially into the squad with open arms after Phoenix and Bob had adopted you one night at the Hard Deck. You’d been stood up, then dumped unceremoniously, and after crying off all your makeup in the bathroom, you’d been comforted by Nat, who had then introduced you to all her friends, all of whom seemed to dedicate the rest of their night to cheering you up. 
It was funny now to think that that was how this all started, but soon enough you were close with all of them. Well, almost all of them.
Hangman had been nice enough that first night, but after that it seemed as though he could care less about your presence at all. He wasn’t ever actively rude or mean to you, not at all, instead it was like you were just perpetually a stranger. Him snarking at you would be a step up, in your opinion. At least then you’d feel like he saw you as a friend, but as it stands now, his tight smiles and quiet chortles felt like a slap in the face compared to the mega-watt grins and regular peacockish behaviour he’d display with his other friends.
You hate yourself a little that it affects you so much. You know it shouldn’t, but you can’t help it. You liked Hangman. Although a little prideful and pricklish, you could see yourself getting along with him quite well, could exchange banter with him nicely, if he’d ever actually give you a chance. It certainly didn’t help that you weren’t immune to the way he looked, perfect in every single sense, smoulderingly hot even when he wasn’t trying. He was exactly your type, right down to a T, including, you suppose, the fact that he didn’t want you at all.
It had been bothering you more and more recently, and where once you would just shrug him off, now you realise, you’ve been actively avoiding hanging out with your friends, just to sidestep the kick in the guts that came every time he fixed you with a level, seemingly emotionless pity-smile. This week would mark one year since the night you’d been dumped and subsequently picked up again, and if you’d thought about it for longer than five seconds, you’d have agreed with Halo that you should have been celebrating with all your friends.
Phoenix easily waves down the boys, and soon enough your tall standing table is filled out with the rest of the team, and you let yourself relax for a moment as you accept several hugs, the longest of which is with Javy, who shakes you a little as he does, before he reaches for your drink and finishes it off in one.
“Happy one year, bay-bay!” he announces cheekily in the face of your protest, and you playfully swat him away. Coyote relents, but leans back just enough, with his mouth open, and you roll your eyes, before plucking the maraschino cherry from your now empty glass and placing it between his teeth.
The display is enough to make you laugh genuinely, and you watch with a far more relaxed and happy grin as Javy pushes back from the table, pointing at you, Phoenix and Halo.
“Another?” he asks, quickly gathering everyone’s orders and announcing the first round was on him as he disappears toward the bar. Unfortunately, that is when you realise his empty spot at the table is stepped into by someone else, and despite yourself, you can’t help but look.
If you hadn't known that he’d only just arrived, you might have fooled yourself into thinking Hangman been here all along, with how natural he looks leaning with one arm against the table, his eyes scanning the club behind you over your head as you take him in.
You refrain from cursing at just how good he looks in civvies. It was rare you’d see him in anything aside from either his flight suit or his tan uniform, and you’re fairly certain the only other time you had was at one of Dagger’s many beach parties, where he’d been barely dressed at all. Now though, Hangman is filling out a pair of dark wash jeans and a silk jade-green button down like nobody's business, his hair for once not slicked back and styled for work, and he has what you can only assume must be several days worth of stubble.
He looks goddamn good, and you almost vibrate all the way across the room because of it.
Bright green eyes suddenly lock on to yours, and you most hope he calls you out for staring, teases you relentlessly, but after a moment, he simply nods at you, and turns inward to the table.
“You look great,” he says simply, and after letting out a quiet sigh, you choose not to let this ruin your night.
“Thanks, so do you,” you reply, maybe a little sadder sounding than you intended. Hangman glances back over at you and your heart skips just a little when he lifts his chin at you.
“Same dress you were wearing the night that asshole dumped you, right?” His voice holds slightly more humorous inflection than usual and you hate yourself a little bit more for living for the crumbs he gives you.
“Yeah. figured it was thematic or whatever. Look at me now, and all that,” you wave a hand, and really try hard not to sound so glum this time, but you’re not sure it works. Hangman cocks his head, and you swear you see a playful glint spark in his eyes just as he opens his mouth, but unfortunately you never get to hear what he has to say, because Javy chooses that moment to reappear, placing down an armful of drinks and beers right between you.
With the reappearance of his friend, Hangman seems to go back to ignoring you, and you go back to pretending that it doesn’t bother you.
Five minutes ago you had been dancing wildly and laughing with Rooster and Phoenix, three drinks down and getting your giggle on. Now though, you’d managed to lose both your friends in the crowd, which had been okay at first, you weren’t exactly a wallflower and didn’t mind getting your flirt on with a stranger or two, but now, you were wishing hard that at any moment either Rooster or Phoenix might show back up again and save you.
While you weren’t a wallflower, you also weren’t anywhere near as cock-sure as Halo or Phoenix, you weren’t the type of girl who felt comfortable stamping on a creep’s foot and telling him to fuck off and that you weren’t interested.
Which is exactly what you wanted to do right now.
You were trying to be polite still, for some reason, but the drinks in your system prevent you from really reacting as necessary, even as you attempt to move the hands of the guy you're dancing with back to your hips and away from your ass.
“Hey, look, I’m going to get a drink!” you yell over the music, trying to extract yourself from this guy, but just as your luck would have it, he nods happily and makes to move with you, his hands still trying to feel you up.
You move anyway, hoping that at least you might be able to lose him in the crowd, but your new shadow seems determined to stick with you. You really don’t know at this point how to shake him, and as a last resort, you desperately begin scanning the edges of the crowd for any of your friends, so you can try and make eyes for them to bail you out.
Strangely, all your friends seem to have disappeared from the table you’d left them at, even Rooster and Phoenix are nowhere in sight, but you do catch sight of something familiar toward the bar. For once you don’t dread the sight of Hangman and his expressionless gaze, and for once, you attempt to maintain eye contact with him as he glances almost dismissively over at you.
Maybe it’s the look on your face that causes him to doubletake back at you when he briefly looks away, but whatever it is, you’re glad for it, because the next thing you know, the blond is frowning at you, his eyes flickering between you and your unwanted companion. You watch as he straightens up from leaning against the bar, his face filled with the kind of determination that you had only seen on him during the more heated rounds of pool at the Hard Deck.
You could almost let out a cry of joy when he pushes away from the bar and begins beelining towards you, seemingly making sure that he doesn’t lose sight of you even despite the throng of people that he has to weave in and out of. When he’s only a few metres away, his expression shifts from almost angry, into an easy cocky smile that he’s never directed toward you before. It nearly throws you off step, but even if it had, it wouldn’t have been an issue. In a few short strides, Hangman is in front of you, his arm smoothly slung around your shoulder and he uses it to tug you a few steps into his side, and away from your prior dance partner.
“There you are,” he says sweetly, actually sounding glad to see you for once. In your sheer relief at his rescue, you let your hand fall to his chest, your fingertips gliding over the soft silk of his shirt, which doesn’t go unnoticed by him. You blink up, mouth open to utter a soft thank you, and get ready to excuse yourself from the other man’s company, but a tugging at your hand cuts you off.
“Uh, I thought we were getting a drink,” the other guy interrupts, looking accusingly between you and Hangman. The blond barely even looks at him, an insult you know well, before he’s focused back on you, and arm around your shoulder pulling you even closer into him, and forcing your dance partner to release you.
“I’ll take it from here,” Hangman says to him, though he’s gazing at you, doing a damn convincing job of seeming lovesick. “You thirsty, sweetheart?” he adds as he begins to turn you, lead you away from the scene, and you find yourself embarrassingly speechless, only able to nod at for once being on the receiving end of Hangman’s notorious charm.
“Whatever, just so you know man, she didn’t say she was taken,” you hear from behind you. 
“She shouldn’t have to.” Hangman doesn’t even stop moving as he turns his head to shoot back, though his voice is filled with more annoyance than you’ve ever heard from him before. You could almost trick yourself into thinking he was actually mad on your behalf.
“Fucking slut.” The words are just loud enough for the both of you to hear, and even though you tense up at the accusation, you expect the both of you to keep moving, at least until you’re away from this guy. That doesn’t happen though. Hangman does stop this time, though unlike before, you don’t see a trace of anger on his face. Instead, he takes a step back toward the other man, his arm dropping from your shoulders to wrap snugly around your waist. He smiles wide and full, completely infuriatingly, and you see him size up the creep, look him deliberately up and down before he tips his head and opens his mouth.
“And yet, she’s still not going to fuck you,” he stays smiling, wide and cheshire-like. You feel yourself drop into a pool of complete and utter enamour with him, as at last he pulls you away again, leaving your unwanted partner behind, mouthing dumbly at the killer of a takedown he’d just endured, now totally forgotten by the both of you.
You’re still recovering from the utter annihilation when you finally reach the bar, and at last Hangman lets his hold on you drop, and he comes to stand next to you at the bar. He’s still grinning, though it looks like it's to himself, but it widens ever so slightly when he glances down at you while motioning for the bartender. He orders himself another beer, and the same cocktail Javy had stolen from you earlier before you’re finally able to get your thoughts straight again.
“Thanks for that,” you say, nodding towards the dance floor. Hangman looks almost surprised for a few seconds before he shrugs and pays the waiting barman.
“S’nothing.” he waves you off, but fixes you again with a slight frown moments later. “Are you alright? You looked pretty upset when you were trying to shake him.”
You think this might be the most genuine emotion the man has ever shown you, and you’re too far gone to question why, for now you simply want to bask in it.
“I’m no good at telling guys to piss off. Mostly they get the hint, but sometimes… that’s why I always stick with Phoenix or Halo,” you explain a little bashfully. You know how confrontational Hangman can be, you’d seen it for yourself tonight, so you know he likely sees your lack of assertiveness as some kind of weakness. Maybe that was why he didn’t like you?
Hangman frowns again, deeply this time, and hands you your drink. For a while he doesn't say anything, but it makes you anxious the way he doesn’t stop staring at you even as he takes a good long drink of his beer. After a moment he relaxes somewhat and glances away. You’re hoping maybe he’ll drop it, or maybe some of your friends will come along and spare you whatever comes next, but he doesn’t, and they don’t.
Hangman points back toward the dance floor with his beer hand and fixes you with a hard, intent stare.
“You feel like that again, you come find me, alright? I’ll tell them where they can go,” the blond tells you firmly, making you blink and splutter, but he holds up his hand and waves you off before you can deny him.
“Halo doesn’t always come out with us, and Phoenix and Rooster are currently eating face, so,” he takes half a step toward you and leans lower into your space, almost making you stumble back. “Next time,” he slings his arm across your shoulder again and grins almost maniacally. “Let Hangman sort them out for you.”
For the first time you really feel like perhaps Hangman is warming up to you. No longer were you feeding off the crumbs of attention, now you see the man revel in your sputtering embarrassment, fully teasing you like you’d wish he would for the past year. You were in his sights now, and you feel your whole body trill with satisfaction.
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kimbap-r0ll · 11 months
Hi there! Can i request TWST housewardens (seperate) finding out that their S/O likes to hold their breath everytime they cry because they dont want anyone to hear them crying and worry. (The said housewarden was trying to find them when they stumble on them crying)
You are an amazing writer and i hope you have lovely day/night! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
Hey, thank you for the ask and the lovely note, hope you have a great day/night too! I low-key feel like I needed some comfort headcanons so I'm glad I can write some haha. Hope everyone's doing well or things get better too
Dorm leaders finding their s/o trying to hide their crying
He looked everywhere for you but couldn't find you — he looked at places he knew you liked to hang out, some of his own favorite places, but you were nowhere to be seen. When he was about to give up, he heard some noise in the storage closet in Ramshackle.
"Y/n? Are you in there?" no response. He assumed you would be in there even if you weren't making a sound, so he just yanks open the door. He's about to ask you (not in the nicest way) why you didn't respond to any of his texts nor did you let yourself be known when he passed by the closet fifty times, but he holds all of that back when he sees you on the floor with your hands over your mouth. You had tears in your eyes and just looked at him and the door.
Riddle probably knows what's going on since he's been through situations like this before. He just sits on the floor with you and asks if you're alright. "If you need some time alone, I can give you that, but if you want me to be here, I'll stay." Depending on what you want, he'll do just that. If you ask him to stay, he'll also let you know it's fine to cry, saying it's healthier for you to let it out.
He's extremely gentle when he hugs you, doesn't say much but keeps you close to him. He's not the best with words because he himself never got comforting phrases that often when he was a kid, so he just does what he can. Riddle also tells you not to worry about crying when he's around, he wants you to feel safe and that he'll worry more if he sees you scared of getting attention for crying
When you're a bit calmer, he might get some tea for you two and might ask if you want to talk about it. If you don't, he'll try to change the topic into something you're interested in, whether that is a new book that you two started reading together or something funny he saw that day. Riddle's not the best with comfort, but he wants you to know it's fine, no, much better if you cry since it can help you de-stress. He just wants you to feel better soon, and if you need anything from him he'll do his best to provide.
I feel like he wanted to ask you about hanging out together but forgot to and took a nap. A few hours later, he woke up and was like "...where are you?" He went looking but it seemed like no one knew where you were, not even Ruggie who usually finds people really easily. Leona was about to give up and just call you on his phone but he swore he heard some muffled sobbing from a darker section of the library.
I feel like it would be hard to hide your crying from him because his hearing's too good. Also, he does what you hoped he wouldn't — worry, alot. Leona pulls you up from the floor where you're sitting and asks you what is going on. Did someone hurt you? Does he need to go find this guy? Honestly, whatever caused you to tear up he's extremely upset about. You won't really notice him worrying because he has a very calm face. "...Did you want to talk about it? Also what are you doing here all by yourself?"
He'll notice you're trying to stay quiet. Sighing, he pulls you into a hug and pushes your face closer to his chest, he'll tell you to more or less "let it out" and that no ones around because it's like midnight. He'll just hold onto you until he can tell you've calmed down a bit. Even if you try to push him off I feel like he'll tell you "No you're clearly trying to hold all of the emotions in, that's not healthy."
Also someone who's not good at comforting others, he'll do what he can while being respectful. You two might just sit in the library in complete silence while he just keeps an arm around you, if you choose to speak to him about what upset you he'll listen 200%. After this, he might ask if you want to walk back to Ramshackle together, or if you look super tired you two might just sleep at the library
Either way, he's similar to Riddle in that he has no idea what to say to help you other than to listen to you. If it turns out someone upset you he might throw some fists but before that, he wants you to know it's fine to cry. He'll make sure you know he doesn't think it's weird to cry when he's around, and it's healthy to let some tears fall from time to time.
He cries often, so he probably knows what it's like to not want others to see you crying. He thought you might be having a bad week (he's just really good at reading people) but decided against asking you about it. However, when you went missing and the Leech twins said they have no idea where you ran off to, he starts to panic. Did he scare you away? Did someone kidnap you? Did you decide to leave Twisted Wonderland and not tell him anything?! He spirals a bit but decides to go looking for you before he goes into his octopot and de-stresses
Literally almost turns the whole school upside down but finds you in the Ramshackle closet. "Oh, darling I was worried sick about you! What are you doing—" he stops, noticing you shaking and not facing him, you were crying. Azul curses himself for complaining first thing and immediately sits down on the floor, placing a hand on your back. "...Is...is everything alright? Do you need some time by yourself?"
Extremely careful with you, honestly you might start worrying more because he seems super cautious. But if you ask him to leave, he'll say he'll be in the Ramshackle lounge in case you want to talk to him later. If you want him to stay, he'll pull you closer and stay with you. He won't tell you to cry it out since he thinks it won't do anything, but he'll at least let you know it's fine to cry and he himself cries often. He doesn't care if you want him to stay by your side for the next six hours, he'll do just that because you're the person he cares about the most
After you've calmed down a bit, he'll ask if you want to talk about it. He wants to know if there's a way to help you out with whatever situation you're in (of course no contracts are involved). If you don't want to talk about it, he's like Riddle in the sense he'll just try to switch your attention to something else. He'll try to make you something warm to drink since it's always helped him feel better. He won't leave your side no matter what though, so if he goes to the kitchen you'll be with him
Azul's actually not that bad with kind words since he's really good at talking to people. The issue is he's not sure if he's overdoing it or if he's helping you. The best thing he does is hug you because it's the right amount of pressure (he's really strong) and he tells you it's healthy to cry. "I'll be by your side, even through tears."
He worries immediately when you can't be reached in like two hours of him looking for you. He almost goes to a different country because he's worried you might've been kidnapped (Jamil stops him from using his carpet). However, he does find you in the graveyard area of Ramshackle. Immediately, he runs over to you, shouting your name and with a big smile since he's relieved to see you, but that small drops when he sees you hiding your face and trying to stop yourself from making any sounds. You're crying.
At first he's lost, he thinks back to how Jamil used to cheer him up but has no idea how to replicate that since he's never really done it himself. I feel like Kalim might want to just ask you if you're fine and try to get you to cry it out at first but he knows that's probably not going to work. After standing there for a few seconds, he crouches down and tries to get you to look at him. If that doesn't work, he'll at least sit closer.
"H-hey, what's the matter? Are you okay?" he might seem clueless but I feel like he would be one of the best when it comes to comforting his s/o. He pulls you closer, tells you to cry it out and if it's cold outside he'll help you get back into the dorm. Will tell you variations of "it's alright, don't worry it's perfectly fine to cry" while patting your back. He doesn't let go of you until he feels your breathing come back to a calmer pattern.
He sits down with you, holding your hand and asking if you wanted to talk about it. He's a bit more pushy about it since he thinks it's much better to let it out than bundle it up, but if you don't want to then he'll understand and respect your decision. He tries to cheer you up by talking to you about something funny or turning on the tv to watch something while he gets some snacks from the kitchen. Tries to divert your attention away from whatever is stressing you out until you're ready to talk to him about it. If that never happens, that's fine too, he just wants to know what he can do to help. "Good food helps me feel better, want some?"
I think Kalim is misunderstood as someone who doesn't really know boundaries. True, he forgets about them from time to time, but when something's serious he'll take it extremely seriously, maybe even more seriously than anyone else in NRC. He wants you to know you can be safe with him, he would never judge you for crying. If you need anything, he's the type of person to drop everything and run over, no matter what time of the day it is.
He noticed you were more stressed than usual, but he didn't ask since he didn't want to overstep. However, you went missing one day and you weren't responding to his texts. He asked Rook if he saw you, and to Vil's surprise the hunter hadn't seen you in a few days. Vil low-key panics and also almost turns the whole school upside down looking for you.
He eventually finds you in the library in a quieter, less noticed section. At first, he coldly asks you what you are doing there late at night, not responding to him, and sitting on the floor. "Do you know how worried I was?" He would ask but then he senses something's off, you aren't making any noises, it's like you're holding your breath. He's seen this before, perhaps something he used to do as a kid, but whatever it is he drops his usually cold aura and gets closer to you.
He's at a loss of words at first, not knowing if he'll be able to comfort you with anything he says. Vil will ask you if you want him to stay. If you want him to leave, he'll say he'll be outside of the library or if you want him to stay then he'll pull you closer. He's extremely gentle with you too, telling you to let it out and not to worry. It pains him to see you hurt, he'll let you bury your face in his uniform and just hold you. "Don't hold it in, it's fine, I'm here for you."
When you're a bit calmer, he won't immediately ask if you want to talk to him about it. Instead, he asks if you want to go back to his room and have some tea. The two of you might have a little bit of a self-care session along with it. While you two are having tea, he'll listen to you if you choose to talk about what was causing you to cry. Vil also assures you it's perfectly healthy to cry and he's teared up multiple times himself.
I feel like what scares people around Vil is his usually stoic, cold persona but when he's with you he's extremely gentle. He wants to be someone you can go to when you need help. He's had to bottle up feelings so many times, but he doesn't want you to go through the same things. If anything, he would rather you express your emotions, tears or laughter.
Also someone who was super worried at first when you disappeared. He wondered if he creeped you out to the point where you left, but Ortho assured him that wouldn't happen. Idia runs over to Ramshackle to see if you're there, but he doesn't find you. That's where he starts to panic.
Eventually, he finds you in one of the towers of the school, a place where the stars are clear and no one would find you. "Y-y/n! I was looking for you everywhere I was so worried—" he runs over but notices you're crying but your holding it back. I feel like he would feel his heart skip a beat because the panic he's feeling doubles. Why are you crying? Did someone hurt you? Was it him? No, it wasn't time for him to worry about that, he had to make sure you were alright first.
He sits down next to you, taking one of your hands and asks if you're alright. You squeak out a little "don't worry about me" but he doesn't take it. He then pulls you into a tight hug and asks you to cry it out. It's always helped him to cry when he was stressed, though yes it wasn't with anyone around he wants you to know it's perfectly fine to cry in front of him. Hell, he might tear up a bit because he's just so worried about you.
After you (and maybe him too) calm down, he asks if you want to talk about it but doesn't pressure you. "We-we can go back and watch some movies? I have a few I wanted to watch with you," he might suggest, it's a way to divert your energy away from what is bothering you. When you two do go back to his dorm, you he'll bring a ton of blankets and the two of you can wrap yourselves in them. He'll have an arm around you, keeping you close.
He's not too confident with his own words, so he might not give out as much comforting words as others. However, he tries to show his care through his actions, either through the movies you two watch or keeping you close. He also lets you know it's better to let yourself cry and if you need anything he'll be there for you. He doesn't want to see you sad, he'll do whatever he can to help.
The school probably saw a thunderstorm when he realized you weren't anywhere to be found that day. He tries to keep calm but there's just so much going on in his head — did you leave him without saying anything? You're the most important person to Malleus, and that's what causes him to react much larger than any of the other dorm leaders. He basically looks for you everywhere until he finds you in the woods.
He notices you crying, even if you try to hide it from him he's really good at reading people. "Y/n, is everything alright?" he ask, placing a hand on your shoulder. You're sitting on the grass with your head buried in your arms. He's seen this before with himself, he's tried to hide his tears before and it pains him to see you like this too.
Picking you up, he pulls you into his chest and tells you it's fine to cry. "You're safe with me, it's alright to cry do not worry." He hugs you tightly and doesn't let go of you until you calm down. He might kiss the top of your head a few times too while whispering to you it's going to be okay. While he might not be the best at words, he does his best to calm you down with what he's seen Lilia do with Silver, Sebek and Malleus himself
After you calm down, he might ask if you want to talk about it. If you do, he'll listen and continue to hold you close. If you don't want to talk about what's been bothering you, he'll respect that too. He'll also ask if you want to go back to Ramshackle since he doesn't want you catching a cold (he caused a thunderstorm and it was raining) or back to Diasomnia. Either way, he'll carry you back to either dorm. Until he sees you smile or at least show you're feeling much better, he won't leave your side.
Malleus cares deeply about you and will let you know it's much healthier to cry than to keep yourself from it. He wants you to feel safe with him and will drop everything and run over if you need his help, no matter how big or small the issue. You made him feel comforted first as a friend and now as a boyfriend, he wants to do the same to you.
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11rosebunny · 4 months
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content: f!reader, fluff
characters: Haruka Sakura, Hajime Umemiya, Toma Hiragi, Hayato Suo, Jo Togame, Tomiyama Choji
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Haruka Sakura
He is equally as stupid so it's not surprising whenever somebody sees you two, they can expect one of you to start jumping from building to building like a monkey.
Nobody knows how you two are even living, especially with the way you meet new people could rub off the wrong way, you two are known for your notorious insults...
However, you are dumber than him which is terrible, when two stupid people pair up together, what do you expect? He sometimes gets frustrated if you two end up arguing, you can't even help each other when none of you know what to do, and the worst part is he can not have peace and quiet if you're around.
Hajime Umemiya
This boy finds it funny because of how stupid you are. If anything, he will still treat you well just like everybody else but sometimes, when he sees you mess up during an argument, say something abominable that could get you locked up in jail, start a fight because someone looked at you funny, or genuinely mess up any task your given, he does end up getting a bit annoyed, because how do you mess up watering plants?
It's like he has a personal dog, like a border collie that runs around in circles chasing their own tail, it's funny, cute, but also a lot of responsibility...
Toma Hiragi
He feels like he's raising his own child. Suo had noticed that he'd always have to pick you up and toss you over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes before you did anything remotely moronic that could lead you in a huge mess.
He needs double the stomachache pills when he's around you... which is all the time.
He still finds it cute and engaging to see you act all clumsy and oblivious to anything, the only down part is he doesn't like it when you can't read the room. He has to cover your mouth with his hand before you continue to talk about something that would get you beaten up, drag you away and apologize on your behalf before scolding you in a random alleyway, if it was from a different perspective, a person would have assumed he was babysitting his friend's younger sister.
Hayato Suo
Surprisingly, he deals with you very well.
He knows how to correct behaviours in a proper manner, something Toma lacks... he's learned the different tricks and plans to get you to stop acting like a nuisance whenever he doesn't approve of the way you're acting, and it works very well!
He'll tell you to stop and let you off with a warning, cherish the way you light up whenever you're speaking a little too loud in public, he even lets you insult someone as long as you don't take it too far.
Jo Togame
To be honest, he has the slightest interest in stupid girls.
He wasn't aware that that could be a type of personality he was interested in till he met you. Your outlook on situations, people, objects, drama, made him have to take a double guess on you, he convinced himself for a while you were maybe just outgoing, till listened to you speak one day that you used to think the moon would always follow you as a kid whenever you were in a very long car ride.
'Maybe she is just stupid...'
Like Umemiya, he will love the way how funny you are without even trying. If he were to just look at you from across the room and you were simply just standing there, he would start snorting to himself to refrain from bursting out laughing. But, instead of stopping you from doing dumb things, he lets you continue to do them. The only reason why allows you is because he knows he can always stop you whenever you go to far.
Tomiyama Choji
Everyone has to run and hide from you two if you manage to come in their sight.
Choji was already bad enough in the beginning, especially for Togame who had to withstand if from the very start, so once you rolled around, he oddly began to fall sick even more, weird...
You two are known for being trouble makers, because this boy does not stop you from doing stupid things, in fact, he might even encourage it if it's just you two alone and have no one else to tell you otherwise.
You're not alone when you do your stupid things, because 99% of the time, he's joining you. The only time he'll stop you is if he or you gets hurt, not even before you get hurt, it's only after.
He loves the way you're just as outgoing as him, he finds it amazing that you're able to keep up with his personality.
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priniya · 10 months
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SYNOPSIS. jj maybank gets a little too involved with a kook for his friends’ liking, but he wouldn’t be jj maybank if he gave a shit. on contrary, you do and it bothers him.
NOTES. jj maybank x kook!reader. a little short + not proofread
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you definitely underestimated how much things people assume on a daily basis. it had never bothered you before you got with a certain blond pogue — maybe, because beside your small friendship with sarah cameron (and an occasional hook up with her older brother), no one really cared. then you started hanging out with jj maybank and nothing was truly the same.
some people shamelessly assumed that your sweet relationship was strictly of convenience. maybank was with you for the money, giving you weed and fulfill your sexual needs whenever you wanted. some would say that you knew how rafe… wasn’t exactly a fan of pogues, so you hung out with jj to get back at the oldest cameron sibling.
on the other hand, hardly anyone reckoned that due to all that time you were caught spending together made you genuinely like him. no, you always had to have some kind of cruel reasoning for skipping school to smoke weed in the back of twinkie (and make out).
did it bother you? unfortunately, a little bit too much. your boyfriend just got into your room by the halfway open balcony door while you were scribbling down math homework on your ipad. your coursework was one of the small amount of activities that let you rest your brain and get busy with something so insignificant to your relationship.
jj knew you were subconsciously upset. he didn’t really have to ask — the uneasiness painted all over your gorgeous face. his long, distressed sigh got you out of trance. your eyebrows scrunched at the sight in front of you. how did he get there?
“tell me what’s in that pretty head of yours.” he muttered, face inches away from yours after having kissed you — too shortly for your liking.
“my brain.” you let out, hands going to the collar of his t-shirt, unsuccessfully trying to pull him into another of those sweet, mindblowing kisses. “jay.” a groan slipped from your lips as he refused once again and you felt like going insane, one night he says he can’t stop himself from kissing you and now he does? liar.
“let me rephrase the question, you brat.” his eyes rolled. “what’s bothering you so much that you can’t tell me?” his fingers brushed through your hair as you sat yourself in his lap.
“kiss me and i’ll tell you.”
“tell me and i’ll kiss you.” another groan left your mouth, earning a quiet chuckle from him. he was worried, but sending you over the edge was funny, hilarious even.
ten minutes. that’s how long the two of you sat in silence until you were ready to reveal the reason of your upset, thoughts organised and your forehead against his shoulder, while his fingers were tracing different patterns on your back, sending a shiver down your spine once in a while.
“i just— shit, it’s so stupid.” you mumbled, your voice muffled against his shoulder. “i hate that people think you want something particular from me or the other way around.” it’s there and jj couldn’t help but chuckle at your explanation.
not because he thought little of your worried, but because it was almost unlike you to be so bothered by people so insignificant in your life. “doll.” the blond cracked a smile, gently nibbling at your earlobe. “me and you, ride or die, eh?” jj’s smile only got wider, when you nodded. “let them assume whatever they want, why stop ‘em? you know your feelings and i know mine. this is the thing that matters. not gonna lie, though, if you were with me just for my weed or my dick, that would probably give me a god–complex. imagine that the hottest girl in the entire outer banks is with you, because you fuck her so well? jesus, i might get a hard–on right now.”
“you really can’t simply tell me that you love me, can you?” you asked with a smile lingering on your lips long before he finally pressed his mouth against yours.
“you know i do, doll. where’s the fun in that?”
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eymie · 8 months
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pairing: sejanus plinth x fem!reader
warnings: smut, kissing, fingering, handjob, doggy style, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), cream pie, oral (f. receiving)
summary: you’ve liked sejanus for a while, to your excitement he’s assigned as your project partner this year.
a/n: i’m sick and tired of trying to get sejanus fics and they all have coryo in them UGHH (still enjoy them though)
def doing a pt2
When the professor called out your name followed by Sejanus Plinth, your interest piqued. You turned to meet his gaze, a soft smile on his face, probably happy he wasn’t assigned to Arachne or Livia.
You were called to sit with your partners to form study plans for further need. Sejanus was soft-spoken for the most part, unless provoked you assumed.
You both decided it was a good idea to meet at one of your homes instead of the library that filled up awfully fast more often than not.
Sejanus’ house was good but he opted not to. You didn’t bother to ask why so you offered up your own house. For the most part your parents were out working, they had a high ranking and were close friends with Sejanus’ parents. Your maids were quiet and you had no other guests at the time.
Your first project came up quick, a presentation to the class on the Hunger Games like there was every year. It was an annual project in the curriculum, you and Sejanus were assigned the history and forming of the games.
You had seen Arachne whispering something to him later than day, to which you ignored at first. The more you thought about it was odd, Sejanus talking to Arachne. Odd.
Arachne knew that you liked him and you were embarrassed to consider she told him.
Sejanus was supposed to come over to your place on the weekend to work on the project together. You spend the rest of your friday after school wondering what Arachne had told him, hoping it wasn’t what you assumed.
You knew your maids would let him in and direct him to your room, to which you were supposed to leave your door a few inches open. But, neither of your parents were home and they wouldn’t be til Sunday and Sejanus would come over on Saturday.
You hated yourself a little bit that you planned your outfit ahead of time. Your top was tighter than you remembered so you put a cardigan over top, you didn’t intend to seduce him. Yet, you wouldn’t mind if it worked.
“Miss, you have guest.” Your maids voice rung through the air, your door cracked open to reveal her and Sejanus.
“Thank you, you can come in.” You smiled sweetly, adjusting your cardigan slightly. You haven’t seen Sejanus out of his uniform since the last gala, to which he wore a suit. His clothes were more casual, not too casual because he still had expectations. “I already did some research, at least we got an easy topic.”
“I did too, I brought my notes.” He placed his notes on your desk, pulling up a chair to sit with you.
To your surprise Sejanus and you worked well together. Brief small talk about class, friends, interests and his laugh. You really did like his laugh. You felt a slight spark when his skin brushed yours, intentionally or not.
“Sej?” You asked, he looked over to yours. His gaze was sincere, a soft smile on his face as he nodded at you to continue. “Are you close with Arachne?”
“Oh… can’t say I like her company very much.” He replied, the smile dropping from his face. He went back to writing more notes. “Why?”
“No reason, I just saw you two talking in class.” You mumbled, a bit embarrassed to have brought up the subject. You looked down at your hands, fiddling with your fingers.
“She told me something funny, don’t know if I can believe something Arachne would say.” He mentioned, a slight teasing tone in his voice and suddenly your interest was piqued. You knew what he meant.
“I wouldn’t either.” You looked up at him, a teasing smile lingered on his face.
“Why not?” He rose an eyebrow, a playful tone in his voice.
“I just don’t know if I trust everything she says, she does like to tease.” You mentioned, to which he nodded his head. There was a pregnant pause between the two of you before he spoke up again.
“She told me something about you.” Your eyes widened, knowing exactly what he was referring to. You could believe Arachne couldn’t told him, not that he’d tell you she did. “Are you two close?”
“Not very, but she is close to my close friends.” The only reason Arachne knew was because Livia couldn’t keep her mouth shut and you had told her at a sleepover. You played with loose threads of your cardigan, shyly looking back up at him. “What’d she tell you?”
“Something I hope she wasn’t teasing about.” He said, a sincerity in his voice. He laughed a bit, a breathless one.
You were quick to reply, “Maybe she wasn’t.”
“I don’t want to ask.” Sejanus said, hanging his head low not wanting to make eye contact. You licked your lips, admiring the way his chocolate brown curls fell.
“Should I drop it?” You asked, a sense of anxiety coursing through you.
“Well aren’t you curious?” He looked back up, a smile on his perfect face. You weren’t curious, you knew exactly what she had told him. But, who did it hurt to lie.
“Of course I am.”
“I thought about it for a while, I can’t tell if she was being truthful. You and I have known each other since I arrived here, our parents are friends after all.” Sejanus admitted, looking at you for a bit of reassurance. You nodded along, acknowledging how long you’ve truly known him.
You were kind to Sejanus when everyone bullied him for being from the districts, along with Coriolanus who tolerated him.
“So why’re you being so shy.” You asked, your knees brushing against his to which he didn’t pull away.
“Because I don’t what it to be a lie.” He admitted and you couldn’t help but feel like he was confessing something.
“I think I know what she told you.” You regretted the words when they left your lips, practically confessing your feelings.
“You do?” You nodded, your hands now brushing his. Your chairs were close, both knees now touching. He leaned in a bit closer, eyes boring into your own. “Well, is it truth?”
You nodded again, to which he leaned in even closer. His eyes didn’t look away from yours once, you were the one to turn your head. His hand delicately moving your face back to look at him. You barely had time to react before his lips were pressed against your own. A surprised moan slipping from your lips into the kiss. It was soft, his hand delicately caressing your cheek.
Sejanus deepened the kiss, his other hand coming up to cup your cheek as well. He moaned into the kiss, feeling a rush of emotions he had never experienced before. This was wrong, but it felt so right.
You pulled him in further, and he gladly followed. His hands slid down to your waist, pulling you closer to him. His lips parted, allowing his tongue to slip into your mouth tasting the sweetness of your lips. As his tongue pressed against yours, his hands slid off your cardigan, revealing the soft material of your top underneath. He groaned into the kiss, feeling the heat between them growing stronger.
"Sejanus,” You mumbled against his lips, fingers clawing at his shirt.
Sejanus broke the kiss, breathing softly as he looked into your eyes. His heart racing, his body tingling with desire. "Are you sure this is what you want?"
"Yes, for so long." You mumbled, brushing your lips against his. Sejanus smiled softly, relief flooding through him.
"Good" He leaned in to press another, this time firmer, kiss to your lips. His hands traced the outline of your waist, pulling you closer to him once more.
A soft moan that escaped your lips only served fuel to his desire. His tongue danced with yours again, his hand sliding up to cup your breasts through the fabric of your top. He groaned into the kiss, feeling as if he was going to lose himself.
"The bed,” You whispered, barely audible.
Sejanus broke the kiss once more, his breathing heavy as his eyes bore into yours. He asked, his voice rough with lust. "What?"
"I need you." You confessed, hands pulling at his shirt. He smiled and you moved your hand to run your fingers through his curls.
"I need you too." He whispered, his hands never leaving your body. With a gentle nudge, he guided you back towards the bed. His lips trailed kisses down your neck and collarbone as he helped you onto the mattress.
He traced slow patterns along your legs with his hands, never quite making contact with the pars of you that ached for him. Your eyes immediately flew to the crack in the door, you heart beating out of your chest. "Fuck, close the door."
His eyes flickered to the door before meeting yours once more. A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he leaned in to capture your lips in a slow, deep kiss. One hand slipped between you, finding the hem of your shirt and slowly pulling it upwards.
"Sej, the door." You whined, not wanting to get caught by one of the maids.
Sejanus broke the kiss again, this time pressing his forehead against yours. He stood up and reached for the door handle. He closed the door and flipped the lock with a nonchalant motion before returning to the bed, his gaze never leaving yours.
As you pulled your shirt off, Sejanus' eyes traced the movement before settling on your bare chest. His breath hitched slightly as he took in the sight of you.
"What?" You questioned, shyly covering yourself to which he pulled your hands away.
Sejanus shook his head slightly, trying to clear it. His hands traced light patterns along your skin before leaning down once more, this time pressing his lips to the soft flesh just below your earlobe. He breathed out, "Nothing, You're just... beautiful."
You squirmed under his touch, panties soaked through with a small wet patch. His hands travelled to pull off your shorts, fingers pulling at the elastic waistband of your panties.
"I'm so wet." You embarrassingly admitted, clenching your thighs closed so he couldn’t see your glistening cunt.
"Really?" He whispered, his hand sliding lower to explore the wetness between your legs. His thumb tracing soft circles around your clit before delving inside you.
"Sejanus wait!" You grabbed his wrist stopping him.
Sejanus froze for a moment, his eyes searching yours for guidance. His fingers still moving inside you as he asked, "Wait for what?"
"I wanna touch you first." You mumbled, looking into his deep brown eyes.
Sejanus smiled softly, his hand leaving you for a moment to gently tug off his belt. "Then let me help you," He whispered before guiding your hand to his cock, already half-hard.
As you spit in your hand, Sejanus watched with a mix of curiosity and need. He leaned down to kiss you softly, his tongue playing with yours as he felt your hand wrap around his length. He groaned softly into the kiss, hands bucking forward slightly as he felt the wet warmth of your hand on his hard length. He kissed you deeply, their tongues entwining as he rock against your hand.
"Good?" You asked, begging for reassurance.
Sejanus broke the kiss with a soft moan, his eyes half-lidded with pleasure.
"So good," He whispered, his fingers finding their way back between your legs. "You're so wet and ready for me."
"Need your cock." You admitted, squeezing your thighs shut, to which his large hands spread back open.
Sejanus' breath caught in his throat at your words. He leaned down to kiss you again, "I want that too."
"Are you close?" You squeezed your hand tighter, sliding it up and down. A groan escaped his lips, curling his fingers inside of you. "Need you to come."
Sejanus' eyes darkened with desire. "You can have that and more." He whispered, his fingers slipping inside you. He thrusted his fingers slowly, his cock jerking against your hand as he felt your fingers squeeze him tighter.
"God your hands." You moan, walls clenching around his thick digits.
Sejanus' fingers found your sweet spot, his thumb brushing against your sensitive nub. "Tell me what you want," He whimpered into your ear, his hips grinding against your hand.
"Want you to cum." You whispered, begging him silently to come undone.
As he felt his orgasm building, he groaned softly int your ear. His fingers moving faster inside you as he bucked his hips into your hand with growing desperation.
"Please." You beg, your voice low and sultry.
With a hoarse groan, Sejanus' body tensed and his seed spilled out between your fingers, painting your palm with his release. His lips found yours again in a deep kiss.
Sejanus let out a long sigh as he felt himself slowly coming down from his high. He watched as you licked his cum off your fingers.
"Sejanus, I want you to fuck me." Your eyes bore into his, a long pause between you. The air was thick but the silence was thicker.
"i want that too," He whispered, his voice hoarse with desire. "Are you sure?"
"So sure." You nodded, leaning back on your elbows.
"Spread your legs for me," He ordered softly.
You whimpered slightly before spreading your legs for him, revealing your glistening wet cunt. Sejanus' eyes darkened with lust as he stared down at you.
"You are so beautiful," He breathed, his fingers tracing light patterns on your inner thighs.
"It's embarrassing." You whined, turning your head away from his gaze. You attempted to close your legs but he held them open.
Sejanus' lips curved into a tender smile
"Don't be embarrassed," He whispered, his fingers sliding between your legs to tease your entrance. He pushed his fingers inside of you slowly feeling you stretch around them.
"Sej, I wanted your cock not your fingers." You whine, not trying to act like a brat but you couldn’t help it. You wanted to feel him, not just his fingers.
"I need to stretch you first." He slowly thrusted his fingers back inside you, slipping in a third one. You squeezed your eyes shut, wondering how much more he’d stretch you than this.
"Don't care if it hurts." You huffed, grabbing his wrist trying to stop him, to which he was quick to pull your hand away.
Sejanus' eyes widened slightly at your response. He took a deep breath, steadying himself before pushing his fingers deeper inside of you.
"Don't you want it?” You ask, trying to convince him to skip the foreplay.
"Yes-- but I need to take care of you first." He assured you, slowly thrusting his fingers in and out. "I want this to be good for both of us."
"I don't want to cum on your fingers." You huffed, lying back on the pillow.
He smiled reassuringly, he continued to stretch you with his fingers. Gradually he increased the depth and speed of his thrusts. "Don't worry. we'll get to that soon enough."
"Wanna cum on your cock, Sej--" You whined, squeezing your thighs around his hand. His large hands spread your legs back open.
"I know you do," He murmured, pulling his fingers away and positioning himself at your entrance. He paused for a moment before slowly pushing inside of you.
Your back arched off the bed, a soft moan slipping from your lips. Sejanus watched as you arched your back, the bed creaking beneath you. He groaned deeply, his eyes locked on yours as he began to move inside of you.
"Oh my god, you're so big." The stretch burned, you didn’t expect him to stretch you this wide. You threw your head back, trying your best to accommodate his girth. A throaty moan ripping from your throat.
Sejanus' fingers dug into the sheets as he tried to maintain control. "I want this to be good for both of us," He gritted out, his hips beginning to move faster and harder.
"It's so good." You panted, bucking your hips up to meet his thrusts.
He felt his body tense, the pleasure becoming almost unbearable. "You feel so good," He moaned, pressing deeper inside of you as he lost himself in the sensation.
"W-wait-- wait a second." You pant, pushing against his chest.
Sejanus' eyes flickered open as he felt you writhe beneath him. He pulled out, leaning back before asking "Are you okay?"
You turned onto your stomach, arching your ass into the air. Your glistening stretched cunt on display in front of him. "Fuck me like this."
He positioned himself behind you, his thick cock at your entrance. With a deep breath, he slid inside you once again, taking you in a powerful thrust that filled your needy pussy. His hips slapped against your ass with each powerful thrust. His hands found your hips, holding onto them as he took you harder and faster. He groaned, his body slamming against yours, hands groping the fat of your ass. His hand slid down to the arch of your back, pushing down causing you to moan out.
"Sejanus-- fuck!"
"Oh god," He moaned, his eyes closed as he felt his orgasm building up inside of him.
"Inside--" You beg, pushing your hips back to meet his thrusts. You whine at the way his large hands spread your ass.
With a deep groan, Sejanus pushed his cock into you one last time, his thick cock sliding deep inside pulsing and twitching with release. Your tight walls gripped his cock tightly as he emptied his seed into you.
"Yesss!" You whined out, gripping the sheets under you. You heard him pant above you, your cunt still stuffed full of his cock and cum. He leaned forward to place soft kisses along your neck and shoulders.
Feeling you whimper around his cock, Sejanus smiled softly. Gently pulling out his cock from your full cunt. "You okay?"
"Mhm" You hummed, panting into the pillow. Your body twitched in ecstasy, needing him inside you again.
His eyes searched your face for any signs of pain or discomfort but he only found pleasure and need. "You didn't cum?"
Sejanus' fingers spread your tight cunt, watching his cum spill out. His tongue went out to lick your cunt. Feeling your warm cunt, he knew couldn't hold back from tasting you. His tongue darted out to explore your sweetness, lapping up every drop of your juices.
"Ohh--" You gasp, arching your ass up further. Your fingers threading into the pillow, grabbing it for stability.
"The taste of you made his mouth water, he lapped at your sweet cunt like a starved man. As he continued to suck your sensitive clit, he slid two fingers into your wetness, massaging the spot that would make you cum. "I'll make sure you cum."
He groaned as your body shuddered and your cunt spasmed around his fingers. His hands were gentle yet firm. guiding you through the most intense orgasm of your life. As he watched your writhe, he couldn't help but grin in satisfaction. His mouth lingered by your ear, fingers still exploring your cunt. His voice was low as he whispered praises, "That's it."
"Sej-- oh!" His free hand tilted your head back, capturing your lips in a firm yet gentle kiss as he positioned his cock at your entrance again. "Wait--"
His cock slid back into your slick cunt, filling you to the hilt. The sensation was overwhelming, but your cunt was practically sucking him in. "You're so tight."
"I can't-- c-can't take it." You gasp out, squeezing your eyes shut. The way his thick cock split you open.
But, he didn't slow. Instead, he shifted his position to slightly hit your sweet spot, and watched as you moaned and arched your back. He murmured approvingly, "You can."
Sejanus gripped your hips, cock bullying your insides. His cock pistoned in and out of you, hitting your sweet spot over and over again until you were crying out in pleasure. "Good girl"
"I can't,” You beg. Sejanus’ free hand entwined his fingers over yours. Leaning over your body, his hot breath fanning over the back of your neck.
"Yes, you can," He bit out between clenched teeth. His hips bucked wildly, driving himself deeper into you with each thrust.
"I-I'm so close." You felt the knot inside you tightening, ready to snap.
"I know you are," He groaned, feeling your walls clench around him. "Need to see your face when you cum undone."
Sejanus flipped you onto your back without pulling out. He held himself up on his arms, watching you eagerly.
"Spread your legs for me," He ordered, smirking when you instantly obeyed. You spread your legs showing him your raw fucked out pussy, stretched out from his fat cock.
With a slow, deliberated pace. He began to thrust in and out of your cunt again. Each of his thrusts sending pleasure through your body. His hands gripped at your hips as he leaned down to nip at your neck and earlobe.
"You like that, don't you?" He groaned, his voice thick with need. Feeling you nod against his chest, he increased the intensity of his movements. He cock pounding into you relentlessly, hitting the spot that made you cry out in pleasure.
Sejanus didn't stop his thrusts, knowing that the quicker he fucked you, the quicker you'd cum. Your breaths came in short gasps as you tenses underneath him. You dug your nails into the back of his neck, scratching at his skin to pull him closer. The feeling of your nails and the way your walls squeezed him drove him to the brink of his orgasm.
You slid your hand down to your clit, his hips bucked needily against yours. Your eyes rolled back, your back arching off of the bed. Your nipples pressing into his, chest rubbing against each other.
"That's it," He breathed, his voice thick with lust. "Cum for me."
"Sejanus!" You cried out, your walls spasming around his hard length. Your tight cunt milked him mercilessly as wave after wave of pleasure consumed you.
Sejanus' body tensed and he let out a long, low groan as you clenched around him. His cock twitched inside you, his hot seed filled your cunt, overflowing. "So it was true."
Sejanus smirked, "So you like me."
"Yeah, but you knew that.”
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kinardsevan · 1 month
remember me
(I'm an asshole for writing this and I know it, but now you have to live with it too)
Tommy squeezes Evan’s hand lightly as they walk down the street. The blonde has been quieter as of late, not really letting on what’s going on inside his head. He’s not sure if it’s something happening at work or just noise inside Evan’s head from typical anxieties, but he tries not to push him when it feels like the younger man isn’t in a place where he’s ready to talk. Still, he’s curious. 
“Are you worried about the transfer going through,” he asks softly, bumping lightly into Evan’s shoulder as they round a corner. 
“No,” Evan murmurs back, not much louder than a whisper. “I didn’t put in for a transfer.” 
Tommy furrows his brow slightly, glancing over at Evan again. “Oh. I thought you said-..” 
“No,” Evan cuts him off, but his voice is still in that same low, soft tone. “You assumed.” 
“You gonna take some time off,” Tommy asks. He’s not really sure what’s happening over at the 118, since the last time he spoke with Howie everything still seemed to be going well. Plus, it’s only been a few days since he last sparred with Eddie, and even he seemed to let on that things were still pretty normal over there. “See if things shake themselves out?” 
“No,” Evan replies, pulling his hand away. Both of his hands slide into his pockets as he walks a few paces ahead of Tommy, and they round into an empty alley.
“Hey,” Tommy calls out to him softly. Evan stops walking and turns towards him, and a small smile pulls on the corners of Tommy’s mouth as he stares at his boyfriend. “What’re you gonna do?” 
Evan stares at the ground between them for a beat, and when he looks up at Tommy, his eyes are glassy. Tommy gulps at the expression. He’s only seen Evan upset enough to cry a handful of times, and none of those moments have ever felt like this.
“I’m sick,” he rasps.
Tommy steps toward him, brushing his knuckles over Evan’s cheek and closing the space between them. “Okay. I’ll take you home. You’ll be better in a few days-..” 
“No,” he growls lowly, his brow furrowing in frustration as he takes a half-step back. “Tommy. I’m sick.” 
The older man stares at him for what feels like an age, whatever he’s saying not fully registering for him. Evan’s shoulders sink with a breath. 
“I have leukemia.” 
Something like a laugh comes out of Tommy’s mouth, but it’s not because he thinks the moment is funny. He shakes his head as he looks back at Evan. “No. You’re- you’re thirty-three. You’re perfect-…”
“No. No,” Evan stammers, shaking his head, biting on the inside of his lip briefly. “I found out a year and a half ago and I’ve stopped responding to treatments.” 
Tommy stares at him with that same expression for a moment, quiet as he runs Evan’s words over in his head. He licks his lips and then sets his jaw for a moment. “So why didn’t you tell me?” 
Evan inhales a deep breath as tears run over his waterline, shaking his head. “The doctors said i should go on living life as best I could. I- I didn’t want anybody to be weird around me.” His voice pitches higher as his emotions take over, his chin trembling. 
“Including me?” Tommy asks, and he’s not yelling but his voice has picked up in volume. 
“Especially you,” Evan replies, his resolve completely falling apart. 
Tommy turns his head away as anger fully overtakes him at what he’s being told. 
“You know, I was getting along with everything fine. I accepted it, and then you happened,” Evan tells him, and Tommy’s not sure if it’s the moment, or the new information, but it’s like he’s seeing Evan with brand new eyes, seeing what’s been in front of him the entire time. His sallow cheeks, the purple lines around his eyes, the way his skin isn’t as pink as it was when they first met. “I never saw you happening. And I do not need a reason to be angry about this.” 
Tommy stares at him, anger still present on his face. Evan shakes his head again, stepping further away, but he only gets two or three more paces away before Tommy reaches out and grabs his wrist, pulling him back in. 
“Wait, wait,” he rasps, pulling Evan back in close. 
“I’m sorry,” Evan replies, his voice hoarse as Tommy bumps his nose up against Evan’s, resting their foreheads together. “I’m so sorry. I should’ve told you sooner.” 
Tommy shakes his head, blinking away the tears in his own eyes. “No, I made you do too many things-…” 
“No no no,” Evan argues, lifting his head and leaning back just enough to see Tommy clearly. “If anything, you’ve kept me healthy longer.” 
Tommy gulps, taking a breath. He releases one of Evan’s arms and brings his fingers back up to his face, brushing against his jawline as his eyes skate over the younger man, trying to memorize him. He takes a breath. 
“Are you scared,” he asks. 
“To death,” Evan replies. Tears quickly flood Tommy’s eyes and run over and he looks away from him, his chin dropping. “Lighten up.” 
“It’s not funny,” Tommy argues, looking back up at him. His other hand slides off of Evan’s wrist and around his back, pulling him closer. Evan takes a breath and then leans his forehead back against Tommy’s again, and Tommy closes his eyes, tries to breathe against the ache settling into his chest. When Evan pulls away and looks back up at him, his eyes are red-rimmed and lined with tears.
“I’m scared of not being with you,” he admits, his voice choking off into a whisper at the end as blue meets blue. 
Tommy clenches his jaw, shaking his head as both of his hands come back to Evan’s face, pulling him closer. “Baby, that’ll never happen.” 
Evan’s chest caves with a silent sob as Tommy presses his lips to his forehead and then pulls him in tightly. Evan curls his arms around Tommy’s shoulders, his tears running into the smooth material of the gray waffle-knit henley he’s wearing. 
There are a million things he wants to say. I love you. Don’t leave me. Fight harder. Stay for me. I love you. But in that moment, all he can do is breathe and hold Evan closer, tighter. 
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voltronisanobsession · 9 months
Hi! It's me again, I was wondering if I could ask a Derek hale x sister! Reader where since the hale fire the reader stop talking to anyone but only her siblings (like laura, Derek and cora) and one day the pack come in to derek's loft and saw reader whispering to Derek a d they ate shocked because even at school she never speak but as soon as she saw them she stop speaking/whispering to him. So the pack always try to make her speak by speaking to her or asking her things but reader either sigh or growl but never speak to them even though they're her pack because she's afraid that they'll die once she will start being friendly with tem, sos some people of the pack start getting frustrated and stiles or someone else make a comment about her being mut or thinking that she was mute and Derek her big brother stand up for her. Please and sorry it's so so long.
Derek defending Reader b/c of their Quietness
UGH YES LOVE THIS🦅🦅🦅 it’s not long bro, don’t even worry about it, I love writing for teen wolf teehee
Idk if I did you justice but I hope you enjoy this!!
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Derek is SUPER protective of you, like it’s not even funny😭
Since you’re with your older brother most of the time, the pack has gotten used to your presence and silence, yet were always so curious to know more about you!
But whenever they’ve come across you, whether it be at school, walking down a street, or even when fighting, you never say a peep to any of them
They obviously know that you somewhat care for them with all the times you’ve saved their asses from trouble, but you’re just so quiet that it’s hard to form a connection with you
I don’t think they’ve actually heard your voice besides from the occasion sigh or chuckle you would let out whenever someone said something funny
At one point they all just assumed you were mute until they one day unexpectedly dropped by Derek’s studio when they hear faint talking from outside his door
Of course they hear Derek’s deep voice, but they also hear a new voice as well
This once is much softer, yet filled with life as they heard the joyful laughing of this unknown person
Stiles being Stiles, homeboy just barges in to see who this new person only to see the surprised faces of you and your brother
“You can talk?!” Is definitely the first thing this dude would say
Your mouth is glued shut at the question and before the group can begin interrogating you, Derek steps in to separate you all
Since then, the group (mostly stiles tho) would try and make you talk
Whether it be about the most random things, they are always in some way waiting for your response
I think Allison would be the one in the pack to understand your hesitance of forming a connection with them because of your terrible pst
She understands your boundaries and only converses with you when it’s only the two of you
Allison doesn’t let her surprise how on her face you you laugh at a joke she offhandedly said to make you feel comfortable
She’s the only one you would actually talk to in private, allowing her to take a place in your heart with how many times she’s saved you, and made you laugh
Scott doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable by any means, but sometimes the silence between you both makes him feel awkward
He definitely bugs Derek about it though. Because of how much he asks about it, Derek does fold at one point and reveals why you never speak around them
Scott sees you in a different light at the knowledge of you scared of forming relationships with them, but he doesn’t treat you any differently
He’s learned to embrace the silence and calmness you bring, throwing smiles towards you every now and then when you guys make eye contact
Lydia and Stiles are more of the pushy types, always bothering you about why you don’t talk
Lydia learns to just let I go though after the first few times she tries talking to you
She doesn’t wanna waste her breath when you won’t even respond to a yes or no question😭 you usually communicate with her with your eyes or by nodding your head
Stiles on the other hand won’t let go of it
He’s always asking you questions, waiting for a response before babbling about something else
There are times that he asks sensitive questions which he knows is wrong and insensitive of him but he just wants to hear you speak again
I think we all know how stiles is, pushing someone’s else’s limits until they actually do so emerging to him to him shut up💀
I think Scott might reveal a little about you to Stiles because of how annoying he’s gotten about the subject
Stiles actually gets fed up one random day tho after the group almost gets killed because of your reluctance to communicate with them, making an off handed, and lowkey insulting, comment towards you
“What, are you finally gonna speak at our funerals when one of us dies? There won’t really be a point in doing so though.”
Might not seem like much, but for you, your heart breaks at that
He will admit it’s not his proudest moment
The second the comment leaves his mouth tho, Derek is slamming the younger boy against a way and giving him the death stare
Everyone gasps at the sound of Stiles hitting the wall
Scott tries to make Derek let go, but Stiles was talking shit to his younger sibling and he’s not gonna take that
You quickly walk over though, resting a hand on his arm
Everyone is supposed, even Derek, when you speak
“It’s ok Derek, let him go.”
After a moment of hesitation, Derek lets Stiles go, not before threatening to rip his head off if her ever speaks to you like that
Once he’s backed off, you look to Stiles, eyes filled with hurt and anger
“Are you happy now Stiles?”
And boom, you angrily walk away leaving everyone tense, Allison chasing after you
I think this’ll have a more emotional affect on you because this dude basically forced you to kinda relive a trauma you’ve grown to have
He destroyed the coping mechanism you had, which was keeping to yourself in silence
But maybe this was the push you needed. Maybe you needed someone to break you out of this shell you were in.
It was a difficult and scary process for you, but with the support of Derek and Allison, you slowly began speaking more
Starting with small comments, everyone gave you time and space to go at your own pace when talking with you
I think you would have a stutter because of your limited amount of contact you’ve had with other people throughout the years
So the pack patiently as you get out the words and sentences you stumble on occasionally
They don’t make fun of it, but instead encourage you to continue, especially if you get frustrated when you can’t get out a specific word
They are also there to remind you that they’re always going to be there for you, and that they won’t ever leave you💔
You appreciate so much because that’s been your number one fear ever since the fire that happened all those years ago
While at first things were still awkward with you and Stiles, he apologized the second you guys were alone
He’s super sincere and remorse full of the way he treated you. You accept his apology, but not without giving him the classic Hale threat if he ever does it again🤭
Derek is still super protective of you and always reminds you to not push yourself
You honestly love and appreciate him for that, and often remind him how much you appreciate him
Cora, if she’s visiting, would be surprised to hear you talking freely now. While she gives Stiles the stink eye at hearing how it all happened, she’s lowkey happy that you’ve finally broken from your chains of doubt
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So everyone's talking about the new episode right now. Understandably so, since it had so much new evidence! In fact, I'm going to talk about it as well. However, instead of focusing on the bombshells David dropped or Levi's secret, I'm going to do what I do best: Focus on Ace and ignore literally everything else. /hj
(Spoilers for Chapter 2, Episode 12!)
All joking aside, I'm sure you're wondering what the hell I'm talking about. Ace literally said, like, five lines of dialogue this episode. And yeah, you're right. Actually, that sort of ties into what I'm talking about.
Okay, time to explain. The thing I want to talk about is this: Ace is weirdly...Not as confrontational as usual this episode? Let me show what I mean through examples.
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What's so special about this moment? Well, strangely enough, it's what comes after it.
Now, when I first watched the episode I laughed and thought, "Oh, someone insulted Ace, now Ace is going to be angry" and then they never cut back to him being angry. They just said that (admittedly very funny) line and moved on.
And after it happened, I didn't think too much of it. I was far too consumed by the episode's greatness to care too much, and Ace's reaction wasn't necessary for the scene anyway.
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These two lines aren't as strong for what I'm trying to say, so I'll lump them together.
But I thought it was worth mentioning that in the first photo, Ace joins in with Nico and Levi on saying Arturo should've been better at his job. But after Arturo scolds the three of them, as well as everyone else by extension, it only cuts back to Nico and Levi. Which is fine, it can be assumed that since Ace's comment was a late addition, shorter, and didn't have too much substance, him not getting a reaction makes sense (I mean he's not the one who got called a whore like Jesus Christ Arturo--).
In the second photo, Hu tells Ace to stop blaming Nico because they have an airtight alibi, and Ace...Just shuts up. Nico complains about being interrupted and they move on to other people's alibis (or more like the lack thereof). Which sorta makes sense, Ace can't really refute her point because he can't prove she didn't have breakfast with Nico. Then again, he could've made a point to say no one can prove they did have breakfast together, since they were in private, but still. Maybe Ace is too scared to seriously argue with Hu after that slap, haha.
It's this last example that actually made me notice that there may be anything resembling a pattern here:
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During this part of the episode, I was immediately reminded of J's line about Ace being incapable of being quiet and expected Ace to refute her point. After all, it's basically the same as refuting her earlier point. He just has to say that he's not always spontaneously combusting every 5 seconds like she thinks again. He's not a grenade launcher in a glass house. More like a small batch of fireworks, thank you very much.
But Ace doesn't say anything. This is only made more obvious by Charles immediately cutting off the conversation there.
And this moment made me think something. Keep in mind I could be totally overthinking this an unnecessary amount, but that's what most of theories end up being anyway.
Since the conversation is immediately ended by Charles, DRDTdev could've ended J and Ace's interaction off with Ace trying to insult her back, maybe him going "Listen here, you--" before Charles cuts them off because they have a trial they need to finish. But DRDTdev decided to not make Ace have any reaction whatsoever to this insult, at least not one the audience can see. And based on how loud and opinionated Ace is, I'm guessing that if the comment did make him have an extreme reaction, we definitely would have heard him say as much. But we don't.
I think what makes all this so weird to me is that whenever someone is condescending to Ace, usually he's very upset and it shows. In trial 1, we see him be one of the few to cave pretty quick to the idea that they were wrong and that Teruko isn't the culprit. Yet when Whit says Charles isn't the culprit, Ace suddenly feels very strongly about it, because Whit actively talked down to him about it, (I think Whit said something like "use your big boy words" but I'm too lazy to rewatch the whole trial to find it) and now Ace doesn't want to agree with him (Or at least that was how I interpreted it, he's so petty I love him). So you'd think he'd be more resistant against those who kept making comments about his intelligence or demeanor, but so far, he hasn't.
That could mean two things. One, he's the culprit and is trying to at least vaguely avoid unnecessary confrontation and bringing attention to himself. But honestly, I doubt even that would stop Ace from impulsively insulting people back.
The second option is this:
My first thought and explanation in my head for this connects to Ace's overall arc. Let's recall Ace's secret quote:
"I don't know what to do with myself anymore"
This line gives off a sense of hopelessness. Like Ace has completely given up on everything.
And for some reason, a couple of the moments above made me feel, at least slightly, the same thing. If Charles says Ace is so stupid he's never seen anyone more stupid ever before in his life and didn't think it scientifically possible for anyone to be that stupid? Ace has no response. If J says another line about Ace's explosive demeanor? Ace has no response.
I don't know, something about Ace just not bothering to refute them makes me feel that something is off. He complains that everyone sees him as an idiot and how he hates it earlier in the chapter. He seems so distressed as he does it, it's a full-on break down.
And yet, when people do exactly what he was talking about here, he can no longer muster up a response. It's like he's given up on changing their minds. He knows they think he's stupid, and impulsive, and intolerable, and he thinks there's nothing he can do about it anymore. Blowing up at them will only make them think they're right. So he's given up on doing anything at all.
I suppose my line of reasoning is that maybe small details like this will pile up over time, as Ace, unnoticeably at first, loses some of his fire bit by bit, until inside he's just...Empty. He doesn't know what to do. He's so tired, and he doesn't know anything that can help or distract him from his situation. And seeing as the secret quotes seem to embody a character's mindset at death...That seems to be the place Ace might die at. Perhaps even at his own hands, who knows.
Is that an overreaction on my part? Possibly. Am I overanalyzing microscopic details? Yes. But that's my job.
So anyways I really enjoyed this episode and Ace was great too! Yippee for the return of DRDT, and my Eden culprit idea not being completely debunked yet!
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ilylovelyz · 1 year
⍣ ೋ it's oh so quiet
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˚ · . bokuto x afab!reader
: ̗̀➛ fluff!, studying/working, cuddling, just in love with bo
you're all alone shhh, shhh and so peaceful until... you fall in love.
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"mph–no kou," you mumbled, pulling your face away from his sweet peeks against your cheek, slowly traveling up to the corner of your lip.
"watcha workin' on?" he chirped, settling in next to you, his arm coming over to rest over your stomach, his face resting on your shoulder. "'m working on an assignment, it's due tomorrow." you responded, tone a little monotonous due to the way you were so focused on your work.
"why so many paragraphs? what is it for?" he asked, a little curious at your writing. normally, any person would be a little annoyed at his constant questions, but you're patient and knowing of his natural curiously. it's a bit endearing if anything.
"jus' an essay, for my english class." you said back. your eyes glance down to the time, 11:56PM before going back to focus on typing.
you let out another annoyed whine when his lips peck once more at your collarbone, his kisses quick, innocent and eager. "kou, i'm a little busy, i have to get this done."
"you've been working on it for hours? like 2-3? aren't you tired yet?" he asked, taking note of your eye-bags. "yeah.. but it's really important, because it determines if i will get kicked out of this class." you sighed, removing your hands from your keyboard to stretch your arms.
"oh, so it's really really important?" he smiled, seeming to finally understand the importance of the essay. "really really important." you repeated with an amused grin.
you tilted your head when your laptop was then taken away by your boyfriend, setting it on the edge of the bed. "you should stretch! it'll make you feel better." he grinned, his hands taking your arms and stretching them up into the air, pulling and twisting your sore limbs carefully.
he shifted closer to you, sitting up on his knees while you were sitting criss-crossed. you we're i initially going to decline his request, but after he popped your wrist, you'll admit, it felt good. it was almost funny, the way he was stretching your body for you, a wide grin on his face because he was so happy helping you.
after a particular stretch, you had arched your back slightly after you felt a pop in your lower back. "mmh, m'kay kou, that's enough," you said contently, pulling your arms away from his hold. "see? feels better don't it." he teased, getting back into his previous position laying next to you.
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
you're tired. your eyelids are heavy with sleep, your fingers have been cramping up almost painfully, but you're so close to finishing this essay. it's a quiet night, no noise aside from the light van and your quick typing. there's nothing but the warm dim night-light being on.
your legs are numb, internally vibrating uncontrollably like static. your eyes glance down at the time. 1:53AM.
your laptop's screen brightness practically attacks your eyes, if this goes on for any much longer, you're guaranteed to get winkles prematurely.
you slightly shift in your position, hips rising and setting back onto the bed as you angle your back more into an upright position. you were previously laying more flat on your back, but with this new position, your view is more upright and higher. your laptop rested on his broad back, as his head and upper torso were resting against your body, his face resting against your collarbone.
looking back at your chromebook, you see your boyfriend in the corner of your eye. his eyes are low, almost shut, but he's definitely awake. "kou? i thought you went to sleep..?" you whisper, bringing a hand down to run your hands gently through his dyed hair.
almost 30 minutes ago he went quiet, his body laying limp against yours, so you assumed he went to sleep. he usually goes to bed even earlier, but he extended his bedtime for you today.
"didn't want you to be lonely.." he mumbled, his voice low and full of sleepiness. you couldn't help but smile at his adorable consideration, "go to sleep, i'll be okay."
he groaned incoherent words, seeming to disagree with your offer. "mmh, i'll go to sleep when you go to sleep.." he whined, his hold on you getting a little tighter. you sighed at his words, letting out a quiet 'okay' before rubbing at the side of his back lightly.
another 15 minutes go by, and you finally finish your work. you shut your laptop lightly, careful not to disturb your boyfriend. "done?" he asked, repositioning himself after you wiggled in his hold.
you set your laptop on the floor, hoping you won't step on it when you wake up by accident. you wiggled your body downwards, mushing your cheek against his chest while his arms came to wrap around your body again.
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please like and repost with tags
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teddynivvy · 3 months
I have so many ideas… but first I need to ask if I can be 🫠 anon?
What are your thought on insecure Schlatt? Schlatt who assumes that you would like him more if he cleaned up a little bit (Twink Resurrection ™️). Reader who nearly cries when he tells them this, because they can’t even fathom where this is coming from. Reader who tells him that if it’s what he wants to do then it’s perfectly fine, but that if it’s because of some twisted thought process they will never encourage it. Maybe some fluff or smut where reader shows Schlatt just how much they love him.
just a thought…
hehehe yes ofc u can be 🫠 anon! schlatt my sweet bby :(
i do get the vibe that schlatt would make a lot of randomly mean comments about himself, where you're immediately like ??? what do you mean
and he'd try to be funny about it, being like "no no i'm actually fucking fat like don't coddle me" and you're like schlatt you're insane
and when he starts talking about losing weight and cleaning up his facial hair and all that, you're like i mean if thats what you want ? and you can tell he's unsure because he doesn't know how to explain his emotions
and he's surprised because you're so supportive of him, and he finally feels safe to be honest that he's just very insecure :(
and when he vents to you about himself, he gets really quiet and just lets you hold him while he explains everything and how he feels
and you'd rub his back and kiss him and tell him that he's so valid, and you love him no matter what
when you do get intimate, you find yourself worshipping him, kissing every inch of his body and reassuring him how much u love him just the way he is right now :)
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sonoyoung · 4 months
— Out of reach
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roommate!dino x gn!reader | fluff + fake relationship + oblivious x oblivious(?) | 4.6k
a/n. long one, i spent a bit on this. I hope it's well received i don't really have anything to say i think it's cute lol, also very obviously obsessed with dino's smile.
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“Please guys, you’re just being annoying now” you had invited your friends over for dinner to finally celebrate your new living space, you had been planning it since you had acquired the place. It was a nice spacious apartment in the city centre perfect for your busy life mainly centred in the area so you weren’t too bothered by the fact that you would have to share the space with a roommate – it was more than enough for two people. However, a warning on the gender of said neighbour would have saved you a lot of embarrassing moments from your first week.
He was a nice guy, Chan, pretty mindful of your presence and reserved enough so you could live freely. For that same reason you barely ever talked in the 5 months you had been sharing said living space, at first it didn’t bother you since you were occupied with settling in but recently it’s just felt awkward.
First instance, last week you had just got back from work and ordered takeout slightly more than you would usually, just in case he hadn’t eaten. Your first thought was that it would be the perfect excuse to actually have a genuine conversation. So as soon as you entered and saw him in the kitchen you let him know he was more than welcome to take a box of noodles, what you didn’t expect was that he would thank you, grab him box and retrieve to his room before you could even take a seat.
It felt even more confusing since he’d have no problem talking to you at the end of the day, it would be a short conversation just summarizing your separate days and by the end you’d be ready to go to your respective rooms. As convenient it was that you didn’t need to make conversation constantly just because you bumped into each other in the corridor, a huge part of you actually wanted to know him, you didn’t just want to be neighbours, with anyone else it would have been a different story, but something about Chan just had you interested.
Back to your friends on the living room floor filling the usual quiet space with so much laughter just from the joys of teasing your 21-year-old inexperienced self.
“No seriously, let’s go to the club right now. It’s that easy y/n, you don’t have to stay clueless to the pleasures of life” Joshua stated, getting up on his feet in unison with his words, you just watched him giggle as he struggled to find his balance thanks to the wide range of alcohol they had brought along with them, all very quickly consumed.
“I’m fine, sit down please before you hurt yourself” reaching out your hand for him to hold on to as he found his seat back on the carpet, beside you Wonwoo took the opportunity to pat your head reassuring you that you were not a lost cause.
As much as you wanted to deny it, all their nagging was getting to you, you knew they were all just playing around because you were easy to pick on but you needed to make it stop and you weren’t going to go to the club to get some chlamydia’d dick, a simple white lie should be enough, after all you hadn’t seen each other much in 5 months, a lot can happen in 5 months.
“You guys are actually so funny assuming I’m still the same person I was 5 months ago” your plan was to keep it as vague as possible just enough to get them thinking,
“As if you would have fucked someone without asking for our guidance…” Soonyoung rolled his eyes not buying your attempt and the others followed with agreeing laughs,
“Wait but isn’t her roommate a guy?” Vernon brought up after some thought, you had no plans of dragging Chan into this, but he wouldn’t have to know so it wouldn’t hurt right…?
All their attention was brought on you, and it felt like now or never, you would let them enjoy the lie for a week or two before breaking the news, just enough time for you to catch a breath and he would not have to deal with any of it, it was too perfect to let it go.
“You’re so nosy, please stop with the questions.”
“Shut the fuck up, you’re fucking your roommate?!” Wonwoo exclaimed loud enough for it to echo throughout the apartment, thank goodness he was out late today,
“You shut the fuck up, we don’t need the whole apartment complex knowing” technically you didn’t admit to it they just assumed you were being serious, they were easier to trick than you thought judging from their shocked faces staring at you.
“I thought we were besties how could you not tell me? You should have facetimed me while it was happening! What the actual fuck?” Soonyoung whined shaking you aggressively as if it would change the fact, just as you were about to justify yourself you were interrupted by a familiar face walking into the room. Your first instinct was to turn to your friends hoping they wouldn’t start their greetings with “How was it?”.
“Oh Chan! I thought you were coming in late, sorry about the mess” you smile at him warmly hoping he’ll leave to his room as he usually does, he greets everyone with a small wave and slight bow before bringing his attention to you,
“Yeah, I did it’s 2am y/n” you’re almost taken aback by the small laugh that escapes his lips, it’s not the first time you’ve seen or heard him laugh but something about it being directed at you hits you in a completely different way you almost forget to answer.
“Oh sorry, we’ll wrap up soon I wasn’t paying attention to the time.”
“Take your time I don’t mind, it’s our place after all” the way he said those words combined with the way he was looking at you and maybe the amount of alcohol in your system convinced you he heard everything earlier or that was ready to make it reality. He left the room after that without forgetting a sweet goodnight to everyone in the room his eyes never leaving for longer than a microsecond you in the process.
The scene had the perfect effect on your group, each apologizing for ever doubting you, however it left you questioning every exchange you ever had with him and how you never realized how everything about him was so alluring, you had to kick the kids out.
“I can’t believe you’re kicking us out for dick y/n, you have changed” Joshua shook his head as you stood between the door seeing them out after ordering them an Uber home, you patted his head gently before waving goodbye and closing the door shut, taking a minute to lean on it before heading back to the living room.
Just as you step in your roommate steps out, he looks at the empty room and then at you,
“You really didn’t have to send them out” he sighs in disbelief making his way to the kitchen, you hadn’t thought about how you’d approach the subject, so you just settled on lurking till he brought it up himself,
“They were getting on my nerves” there it was again, a soft chuckle from his direction making you look up at him instinctively just to get a glimpse of his smile – what is going on with you?
You ended up staying there a while with him, maybe it was the fact that you were both slightly intoxicated but neither of you felt an urge to leave the room, you talked, laughed and by the time the sun was rising you had forgotten why you chose to stay instead of sleeping after your company had left. After months of stagnant conversations, you finally had a real one, about your friends, your aspirations and now came the sudden fear that this was a one-time thing and after this night you would just go back to where you were,
“So… absolutely of topic but I need you to act like my boyfriend to those guys for… a week maybe?” seeing him laugh makes you realize you could have probably used a different approach to bring it up but at least it is out there.
“I was actually waiting for you to bring it up, your friend yelling really got me curious” you couldn’t help hiding your face in your hands, he knew this whole time. It somehow felt more embarrassing than randomly begging him to act like your boyfriend, you could tell he was smiling clearly amused by the situation. You could hear his footsteps approach you on the couch, his hands uncovering your hidden frown face to face with his caring smile.
“I’ll help you that’s not a problem, don’t worry” your frown changes into a soft pout showing your gratitude, he lets out a scoff unable to hide his smile “…you’re cute”.
The whole situation had you confused and hearing those from him didn’t help your case nor did the fact that he was so close to you that you could so easily lean into his… maybe you needed to rethink this, if you were to fake a relationship with your roommate you could fall for him and if you did fall for him it would be one sided 9 times out of 10 considering he’s only doing this to help you.
You laugh off the remark leaning back into your seat as far away as it would be considered a conversation between two new acquaintances, he watched as you did so, apparently everything you did he found humour in, trying to keep a straight face.
“That’s really nice of you Chan, I’ll probably just tell them the truth by tomorrow though” he nods understandingly, a part of you just wants to take the chance to see where this would go but it’s overruled by your mature mindset reminding you there would be no escape if you do.
The mood might have shifted or maybe it’s just the fact that it’s morning and neither of you slept, you watch as he shuffles in his pocket for his phone letting out a loud sigh as soon as it flashes on and there he goes, back on his feet on his way to his room,
“The offer still stands if you change your mind let me know, I’ll gladly do it” the emphasis on gladly made your head spin, “Try get some rest okay? I’ll see you later.”
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A couple days would pass, and the solution would become clearer, you tried multiple times to reveal to your friends it was a joke and you had nothing going on with your roommate but somehow your denying only reenforced their suspicions. Your conclusion was to ignore them and hope that with time they’d come through, but their stubbornness was stronger than your patience and so the operation begun, you needed to plan everything out leading up to your inevitable breakup and you had Chan to help through the rollercoaster.
“5 months? I feel like we can get through this in 1” you read his conditions for the arrangement shocked by the absurdity of it all, but the time frame is the most shocking, there’s no way you’re surviving 5 months of fake boyfriend Chan.
“It’s all about the impact” you look at him in disbelief confused as to what that even meant, he just tells you to trust him and you just shrug it off just wanting to get through this. Just like that you were dating your roommate Lee Chan with a long list of conditions signed in a contract.
There are many ways this could have gone, you could act like you were dearly in love with each other when you were around your friends, you could even just share little looks or touches just enough to convince whoever was around that there was at least some affection, but you somehow found a way to be the most awkward pair of people, forget being in a relationship, it was up for debate if you even knew each other.
When Soonyoung first asked you to come along with him and Vernon for the exhibition they were planning on seeing together you had thought it would be the perfect opportunity to formally introduce Chan to your friends, you wouldn’t have to talk too much about anything unrelated to the exhibition and they could see a bit of your “relationship dynamic” but you should have known better since it was coming from Soonyoung,
“You guys are so awkward, what the fuck?” he teased as you sat around the lounge, the famous exhibition lasted about 10 mins guiding you into a room where you could eat and drink for free, so he had taken the opportunity to interrogate you on how your lives work at home and so far, you hadn’t come together on a single answer,
Chan turned to you making sure your eyes met before he leaned closer to meet your ear, “Should we make a run for it?” a soft laugh escaped your lips the smile lingering for a second before bringing your lips to his ear, “On three. One, Two, Three...”
“Oh fuck, we forgot the turkey” he leans back, his eyes widening from the sudden realization his fist covering his mouth as he turns to you, you watch his acting skills play out genuinely amused by the sudden scenario.
“Ah yes, the chick- the turkey, we have to hurry. I can’t believe we forgot.” Shaking your head at your clumsiness, getting up on your feet from the comfortable lounge seats. You let him slide his hand in yours, almost getting used to the quickening of your heart after experiencing it 6 times in the evening.
You take a final look at your friends at the table who are clearly confused by the situation, giving them a sorry smile before turning away to let Chan lead you out the restaurant, you can almost hear their “what the fuck was that?” as you walk out the door.
The whole journey back was just you both echoing laughter back and forth, it felt like you were genuinely enjoying each other’s presence so much so that once you got home you wanted it to continue, you wanted to laugh at his funny impressions and admire the look on his face when he watched you laugh, just for that look you wanted to only laugh for him.
“No seriously you’re so good at acting, I was struggling keeping up” his face brightens up as he watches you dump yourself on the couch, adoring the way your words slur together from the little alcohol you had drank earlier,
“You do know I’m an actor, right?” you prop up from the couch looking at him in utter shock as he grabbed drinks from the fridge, seeing your expression he let out a loud laugh flashing his teeth for a second before covering his mouth in his elbow.
“It’s mostly part time for now but that’s the goal” you nodded attentively genuinely impressed by his aspirations, he handed you a drink sitting beside you, and though he felt close it was a proximity you liked, it didn’t feel forced or rushed it was just right.
You spent the rest of the night delving into your thoughts and passions, the things you loved and hated, your goals and expectations of yourselves seeing how they somehow aligned together, how you had similar mindsets, similar hopes, beliefs it made you feel somewhat confused because of the position you put yourself in, it felt like once you were done with this mini phase of your lives you would move on, and all these similarities would mean nothing.
The alcohol in your system was no help in drowning those thoughts but you tried your best to focus on the present moment and how much you were enjoying your newfound friendship,
“Oh wait, there’s this movie,” you watch him reach over you for the remote noticing the subtle hair growth on his jawline as he inched close, your fingers almost reaching up to feel the skin just as he leaned back into his seat, “have you seen it?”
On the screen you read Boogie Nights then turn to him with a confused smile, the moment he saw your face he sighed with a wide smile, “Listen, not everyone has” you shake your head at his misjudgement,
“And I’m everyone?”
A quick apology and you had moved on, deciding on rewatching the adaptation from the comfort of your couch, it was starting to get hard to differentiate real from fake being in this moment watching a comfort movie with him on the couch, slightly intoxicated, you felt more like a couple that you did a few hours ago when you were meant to be. You let yourself relax into the warm embrace of the couch, shoulders brushing, skin touching but keeping your focus on the movie, easing into it more you rest your head on his shoulder.
It felt so natural you hadn’t even realized his arm around you, his fingertips on your skin tracing circular patterns, you liked his soft touch it wasn’t alarming, even though it was distracting it felt nice. You tried to keep your eyes focused on the screen, watching every scene but registering nothing but the images flashing back and forth, that was until the scene came on.
Sex scenes rarely bothered you, if anything you’d just let it pass or just skip though it but now you were bothered, you had forgot how explicit this film got and you didn’t want to seem like a wuss but the way his touch felt on your skin seemed completely different, now it was intimate paired with the images on the screen. The heat burning up in your face as you kept your eyes on the screen while being so close to him, being so touch starved and inexperienced, it was only driving you crazy.
“I’m so tired…” you yawn getting up as you did, he’s already smiling knowingly almost smirking at you, his arms crossed over his chest legs spread open, the images playing on loop in your head, you needed to leave, “I’m gonna sleep bye, good night, enjoy your movie.”
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Things would slowly evolve in your play couple, and you would start to feel closer to Chan, it was an inevitable consequence of living together and having planned the whole thing together. Chan would be so kind and patient with you but not wanting to get to attached would brush it off as nothing and it was starting to feel like the roles had reversed and you were now the one avoid him finding refuge in your room.
Your feelings were already getting mixed up in the first week of faking it, so now every hand touch, smile, lingering gaze felt like something more and that felt stupid because you put yourself in this spot in the first place so you couldn’t be the one catching feelings. But there was something in the way he cared, even when no one was there, in the way he’d become so talkative when it was just you two in the room, in the way he voiced his thoughts openly to you, making sure you didn’t feel uncomfortable in any way, you weren’t sure but it brought you some sort of warmth, a feeling of security in whatever it was you had going.
“What a lovely surprise” you felt his arm watching it slide around your waist before looking up at him.
“Shit. Sorry. Reflex.” Pulling his hand away almost as soon as your eyes met, you didn’t actually want him to let go but you supposed it made sense, you were in public but no one here on this random street cared about if you were fucking or not, he clears his throat trying to move past the random awkwardness.
“It’s okay, I was just heading home you too?” he nodded with a soft smile, walking by your side through the quiet street, it was a quiet walk neither of you had much to say, your mind was to focused on the slight brush of your hands against each other at every slight movement, it felt like you would so easily lean in to the yearning and complete your fingers’ puzzle but it wasn’t that easy. He could feel it too, he tried fixing his gaze on the trees, the cars passing but his head would turn, and his eyes would land on you watching you deep in thought, maybe everything you did he found beauty in because he couldn’t just look away.
Amidst all the chaos of unrequited love, you didn’t realize how far the rumours of your relationship had been spread thanks to your small groups of gossip girls, that was until you got a message from one of your closer friends inviting you and Chan to a party the upcoming week, your first reflex was to call Wonwoo.
“No seriously I told them not to say anything, it already messy enough as it is” listening as he explained, you sighed falling flat on your bed, you had no intentions of making Chan go to that party just because of your dumb lie, “It’s not that bad, it’ll be mostly friends no one is gonna hang you I swear.”
Somehow you weren’t so sure of that, considering it had already been 3 months of you gaslighting your friends into believing you were very much sexually active with your friendly neighbour. As fun as it was playing the role it felt like your runtime was out and you needed to end the show.
You didn’t expect it to be so nerve racking to just end a simple contract earlier that agreed but as you approached the living room where Chan was sited you just wanted to act like nothing happened and continue acting like a couple forever. The confrontation part of breakup was obviously not your forte.
“Oh hi, y/n” he scanned your face for a second before continuing, “is everything okay?” you didn’t know it was so apparent on your face, now it just felt like you were making a big deal out of nothing, you nod taking a seat beside him on the couch.
“I think we should break up” the confused expression on his face forced you to clarify, “like you know… figuratively?” a soft smile grew across his lips at your sudden shyness,
“Yeah, why though? Did something happen?” he shifts slightly in his seat inching closer to you showing genuine concern, you shake your head reassuring him before explaining the situation to him, he listened attentively, as he always does, before speaking up.
“I don’t mind going, it’s kinda what I agreed to” he nods to himself before looking at you, your eyebrows are furrowed trying to understand why this was harder than you assumed it would be,
“Not really, I didn’t plan for it to go this far out.” You explain and he comforts you once again.
“Why?” the words slip out before you can filter them, “You’re not gaining anything from this, I don’t really get it.”
“I don’t know I just want to see this to the end, I guess” he shrugs, and you can hear the “oh” escape your lips you didn’t even know you had been hoping for a specific answer till it came out, you finally accept it and retrieve to your room.
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So you went, you went together holding hands as usual, smiling at the compliments that were thrown at your couple, accepting the little touches of affection with a soft blush on your face. It wasn’t a small party, it was a birthday party almost a time capsule of everyone you had met over the years, it was funny to see them all in one place, but you couldn’t shake off the feeling of deceiving them and at this point it wasn’t even fun to you anymore. You watched Chan grinning amongst the chattering crowd, he got along with everyone so well, somehow made himself a space in your friendships, in your life and now it was screaming at you, how badly you wanted this to be real, his hand fit so perfectly in yours and for what.
After a while of just sucking in the hurt you finally excused yourself to the backyard, to get fresh air you said but you just wanted to escape the feeling. You didn’t expect the tears to flow in with the rush of cool breeze, but it was expected you had been holding back the whole night, you sat there just taking in the night sky trying to distract yourself. You wipe the tears abruptly as you hear the backdoor open, glancing toward the sound and there he was. He had taken off his jacket, the sleeveless shirt he had on hugged his body perfectly, you watched as he approached you with a lazy smile running his fingers through his hair, his arm muscles flexing as he did. You tear your gaze away from him surprised at how quickly your thoughts could evolve.
He took his seat beside you on the bench, placing his finger right on your chin to pull your gaze back to him, his face dropped at the sight of your red eyes, if anyone would have noticed through the waterproof make up of course it would be him. You turn your head back to the grass underneath your feet not expecting him to follow it kneeling on the grass before you. Just seeing his worried face made them rush back in, his soft hands cupping your face while his thumbs wiped off the drops on your cheeks.
“You don’t have to act like this no one is here” you sniffle your eyes dropping from the slight contact unable to face him,
“Hey, hey, hey” trying to grab your attention, wanting your eyes on his before he spoke again, “I’m not doing this for anyone but you.” Why did it hurt even though he was being so nice?
You could see his panic as your tears multiplied “I really think we should end this, I’m sorry I dragged you into all of this” he shakes his head franticly, pulling you into his arms where you let yourself sob some more.
“You barely dragged me, I did it ‘cause I wanted to help you,” his soft caresses on the back of your head soothe your cries as his whisper flutter against your ears, “’cause I wanted to know you”
You found yourself wanting to stay in his arms forever, so you pulled away, wiping your tears and apologizing for making a mess on his top, you finally force a smile through the heartache, he returns the smile letting his fingers slip back around yours, gentle rubs back and forth from his thumb to your knuckles. “I guess you know me now… what’s the final review?”
His eyes are fixed on your hands glued together, nibbling anxiously on his bottom lip before looking up at you, “I think I love you.” 
“What?” you could have stopped breathing from the shock, his gaze trails off, taking a deep breath before facing you again.
“Fuck— I’m sorry”
“Do you really?” you lean in closer to him hopefully, he looks up at you hesitantly, breathing out a quiet “More than you know.”
ty for reading, feedback is much appreciated!
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