#It's also got werewolves in it oooo
writingwordseveryday · 9 months
8th January - 2024
500 words
(Start of a rather spontaneous idea. Based on a print I own and a joke I came up with while at work. Probably end up being a short film if this idea actually leads anywhere)
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September Choices Insiders Tidbits
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All the brain storm ideas for the weapons in Blades 3! Number 3 for the magic crossbow would have been epic! It looks like a machine gun. I wonder if that's why they reverted back to a more crossbow look. Number 3 shield is so pretty! It look like a shield of the cosmos.
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Cg pairing of the LIs. Nia and Aaron, the contrast of them using Light and Shadow magic. Mal with his favorite buddy Tyril and my 2 wives together ❤️ I got a feeling the one with Imtura and Valax is going to be my favorite cg of 2024.
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🥹 oh I love them! I hope they get along with our owlbear. I got a feeling Blades 3 is going to be an expensive book lol
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So ID 3 next year and Blades 3 for wide release in November. Lol I think they're getting tired of all the people begging for a TCH 3, I'm always seeing a comment under all their IG posts with someone asking for a book 3.
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Inheritance? I wonder if they're rewriting/putting a new spin to Rules of Engagement. Though with a goc LI thank goodness. I also wonder if Years Apart is going to be about a long distance relationship or exes getting back together story, like Filthy Rich but no billionaire lol.
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I am so so so excited for TeFe tomorrow and AoU coming later this month!! This is a good month of books. And obviously Plus One is coming out in October and Blades 3 in November.
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Oooo interesting, so our hunch that it would be about vampires and werewolves was right. They're throwing in TCH references so I wonder if this book is going to take place in a different world, like a fantasy world. I hope we don't play as human. We probably will but it would be really cool if mc was a fairy or a selkie or something magical. Being a human dropped into a fantasy world with LIs more powerful than us is getting old.
Anyway, what do you guys think about the upcoming books?
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unvolver · 1 month
2020 was the pandemic year so that's when normies decided to get Super Online. I'm convinced that a lot of people made the jump from Anita Blake novels or Twilight to omegaverse and thus they went "oooo werewolves gigglesquee~~~!!!!" Then they figured out there was a Queer Activism slant to it which basically meant that any basic normie could wrap herself up in the blanket of I'm Fighting for Gay Rights ("and therefore no one can criticze my writing) and this culminated in the horror taking place before our eyes. It's all because normies got into fandom. They're responsible for a lot of anti sentiment that takes place (normies don't understand the Geek Social Fallacies that means we all try to tolerate each other's weird shit because otherwise our Weird Shit won't be tolerated) and they have people skills so they can stir up online lynch mobs.
No idea why companies and publishers are getting into it, they must be seeing some sort of financial return. Worst case scenario is that there's a tiny corner of fandom trying to hold out against it and trying to ignore it while the kudzu crawls through the cracks in the walls rofl. If you want to know the future just imagine a dog dick slapping an omega's face forever.
Our only hope is that it's like all market trends and it will pass after reaching some sort of peak. It happened to Star Wars, surely we'll get lucky and it will happen to this too and then we will never be bothered by it ever again.
yeah basically that’s what happened, fandom is egregious on tiktok especially, i’ve seen so many people complain that having fun with ships and hcs is impossible because people bitch about it not being canon. also from my experience in the beatles fandom so far tumblr and twt are pretty much pro-rpf but there’s the stragglers who come by and start complaining about why it’s weird or unethical. even weirder when they comment it on fics, what are you doing at the devils sacrament! i was not a big rpf shipper i considered myself even anti-rpf for a long time but i naturally avoided those communities. i was used to the reader x hot celeb guy fics on wattpad and the weird celeb smut videos id watched with my friends in the past so i just avoided it. but if you’re going to go on the notoriously pro rpf site of tumblr expect beatles yaoi. actually expect it anywhere because it’s a band fandom people are going to ship the members no matter what. sorry about that tangent it’s been on my mind for a while
when the omegaverse craze dies and publishers move onto some weirder shit, like whatever’s going on on booktok tho it seems like they’re all self published i’ll finally have some peace
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disastrousduckss · 5 months
Kismet x Supernatural post. Idk where I'll go with this, but I wanted ot get this out of my system.
It was hot. That’s all he can remember from that night. He remembers that it was hot in that room, the heat licking at his skin as if it was going to consume him. But it soon disappeared, he felt cold wash over him. He was crying, why was he crying?
He felt hands rubbing his back. Soothing words were spoken but he couldn’t understand, he only heard the tone. The tone was calming, wavering a bit but it didn’t matter, he snuggled into the comfort.
He felt warm, the comfort warm.  But….the warmth started to disappear, feeling the cold start to creep up on him once again. He could feel icy hands start to drag him away from the warmth. He didn’t want to leave. 
He didn’t want to leave. He tried to shake off the icy hands, only feeling them grip him harder. They prickled at his skin, as if needles were puncturing him all at once. He writhed, trying to get away. But the feeling only intensified, the cold being replaced with a burning feeling. He didn’t like this. He didn’t like this. He wants to leave. He wants to leave. He wants to leave. He WANTS TO LEAVE. HE WANTS TO GO HOME-
He jolts awake, falling down onto the floor. He meets the floorboards with a thud, groaning right after. He rubs his nose, looking for blood. He sighs in relief before getting off the floor and glaring at the intruder. Boom looked at him sheepishly, rubbing his arm. 
“Uhhhh, Uncle brought back food.”
Branch rolled his eyes, sitting on the bed glancing at the clock. 
“1:24. Have I been asleep this whole time?” He felt his bed dip a bit. Boom sitting right next to him, “Yeah. I know how you’re obsessed with waking up early but Uncle told me to let you sleep in. You’ve been out for hours, it’s a good thing I was able to convince you to change clothes.” He nudged Branch into his side. 
Branch hummed, feeling Boom rest his head on his shoulder. “So….what was it this time?” 
“.....It was a drunk guy who glued bear skin onto himself.” Branch said as he got up to put his short cuts on. Boom groaned, flopping down onto the bed. “Really?! Damn, I was sure he was a werewolf.” Branch hummed and nodded as he put his shorts on. You may think that Boom’s imagination runs wild with what he said, but he was telling the truth.
Werewolves, vampires, monsters, were real. All the urban legends of them were real, and he hunts them. It wasn’t just him, it was also two of his friends; Trickee and Ablaze. They were mostly gone for days hunting them down. Even weeks at times, but Ablaze was made sure to keep in touch with them, having multiple burner phones in a drawer. They had multiple phones for a few reasons. One, being the most obvious, if they lose their phone, they have a backup. The second being that whenever they run into law enforcement, they would call a certain phone number, letting the others know what to do. 
Branch threw a pillow at Boom, “C’mon then, I’m hungry.” He started to walk down the stairs, hearing the other jump off of his bed. “What did Uncle get?” Boom rode down on the rails, “Oh you know, burgers and fries. Oooo! He also brought milkshakes too!” Boom said as he waited at the bottom of the stairs. Branch nods, stretching as he walks over to the kitchen. He pears in to see bags of food on the table, two of them being fast food bags.
“Ah, afternoon Branch. I take it you slept alright.” Sky said from the fridge, putting away the vegetables and dairy products. Branch hums, sitting down at the table while grabbing one of the bags. Boom sat right next to him, grabbing his burger and fries while reaching across the table for a milkshake. The two begin to eat, mostly Branch as he was wolfing down his burger, only stopping to look around. 
“Hey Uncle, where’s Hype?” 
“Hmm, oh yes. He asked me to drop him off at the library, he needed to check out the lore on a monster.” Sky said, grabbing the canned foods from the table and putting them away in the cabinet. Branch and Boom both tilt their heads, “But the monster from last night was just a drunk guy, nothing else. He wasn’t a monster, unless he did something really awful then I don’t mind killing him.” Boom said as he popped a fry into his mouth.
Branch nudged him, “Dude. Not in front of my burger.” He didn’t need to be eating meat while visualizing a dead body, that was the quickest way to lose your appetite. Boom stuck out his tongue as he drank his milkshake. Sky smiled at the two before going back to his task.
“Oh I know Branch. But, while you were out last night, Hype was listening in on the police line and…..a new case came up.” He sighs. Branch looked at him slack jawed. “And you didn’t think to tell me when I came home?”
“You were barely awake! I was surprised you managed to drive home, which by the way is not happening again.” Sky finished as he put the plastic bags into a bag. He then sat down, grabbing the newspaper. “Then….do we have some idea on how it killed?” Branch asked, looking at his uncle. 
Sky sighed, “That’s the thing….it left a blue handprint on the victims.” He set the newspaper down, “Me and Hype went over to the sheriff’s office and the morgue myself. Turns out they were college kids just out looking for fun.” He looks down, “Delta is working on the cover story, Hype suggested that he research on what killed those kids.” 
“What do we do now?” Boom asked, wrapping his arms around himself. 
“We wait. And hopefully Hype finds something soon. I don’t want anyone else dying in this town.” 
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dateamonster · 1 year
controversial take on werewolves (also how was your b-day? )
oooo im gonna make the girlies mad and say if i never see the words alpha and beta and omega ever again itll be too soon. the only instance i want to see ur werewolves talking abt the greek alphabet from now on is if theyre in a sorority.
um or greece. i guess.
anyway yea even before abo or finding out the concept it was based on was psuedoscientific bull anyway ive never been much for Alpha Wolf trope thats seems to reign over contemporary werewolf fiction. people love contrived hierarchies and playing with power dynamics i get it i get that really but idk it always seemed to be played so self-seriously? and its always so like heteropatriarchal. the alpha male and his chosen mate, him jumping at the chance to enact violence even on his own pack if they try to take his property woman or threaten his masculinity authority. idk bro shits boring! i hope werewolf jakey dies!
(my birthday was very nice thank u! my family visited and we went antiquing and got dinner. i also got bitten by a thousand beautiful women named moskeeter at the botanical garden <3 my own fault. i was wearing shorts and the ladies cant resist these thickass blood-filled calves.)
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All of Evermores jewelry is made of silver, and unlike bob, he is educated on how it just weakens them
I can imagine John limping home one night from a silver bullet in the leg during wolf hours, and jack being very worried for him
Oooo yeah
I can imagine Evermore being smug bc he knows how to use silver on werewolves and that it's not just an end-all be-all, you have to follow up if you want the thing dead. And also that Bob got his ass kicked lmao
Awwww :<
Jack got to work real quick getting the bullet out and was with John the rest of the night. He hated seeing John hurt so bad
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thegodcomplcx · 2 years
Loved the TenMartha fic recs you provided. Do you have any longfic recs or Mr. Smith and Martha recs please?
oooo this is tough bc i feel like one shots that fucking hit you in the gut are like the staple of this ship, but here's some longer/multichapter fics
Fail Safe by Haliene Delail: i recced some of their work on last one bc they're one of the few consistent long fic writers. this one in particular i reread a lot. it's got dark!doctor and some dark!martha as well. and they fuck nasty for a lot of it.
Surrender by Marcus S. Lazarus: it's martha's wedding and she has to save the doctor's ass. a lot of nostalgia for classic who and a sweet ending.
Solid Skies by Veldeia: this isn't really ten/martha per se, it's more ten & martha, but it's quite sweet, has a lot of good plot and worldbuilding, the character interactions are pretty nice. iirc they also have a sequal in the same universe and a ficlet with actual tenmartha (smut). very much recommend.
you'll have to forgive me for this last one bc it's a little bit of a hassle to read, but i think it's one of the best pieces of tenmartha long fic ever written.
Nightfall by KendraWriter: werewolves! southern gothic! sexual tension! this fic has everything. just genuinely good writing. it was deleted a while ago tho, so you'll need to put this link into the wayback machine to read it: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5965861/1/Nightfall
sorry for the hassle but it's worth it i prommy <3
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emakenz · 2 years
Hi! I got you for the twilight secret gift exchange! I know you wanted something for Carlisle. I was wondering what are some of your favorite things about him (as a character, as a father, as a doctor, etc.)? Which other characters do you like to see him interact with the most?
OOOO HELLO!!!!!! personally im a sucker for self inserts tbh, i love making up scenarios where i happen to be the 💝special protagonist💝. with this series specifically, i usually lean towards being similar to bella in a lot of ways, such as being clumsy, stubborn, and sarcastic. (i mean thats just how i am anyway which got me into the series as a kid, i related to bella ((from the books)) to an uncomfortable degree fr). being a fragile human around all these resilient vampires and werewolves is such a great opportunity for 💝me💝 to be the reluctant center of attention a lot of the time in the family (carlisle being overprotective and being an actual guard dog if he feels lil ol me is in !danger!). carlisle is quick to accept bella into his family and dote on her as if she was his own kid and that got me hooked onto him so easily. doting parental characters my beloved lmao
so anything ranging from some good ol whump (ouchied protagonist with a side character nursing them back to health gets to me) or just a funny shitpost of being an absolute devious cat of a person in the cullen household (biting the family members for funsies as an example) are possibly the best examples i could give for an idea of what you could possibly be inspired from.
my favorite things about this generic ass white man include his kindness and empathy along with his need to help others. he's obv a v involved father and doting to his kids. being the town doctor is a lot of work yet he's praised by the townspeople, signifying he listens to his patients and put their needs first and foremost. as a character, he's fleshed out enough to see he's generally just a nice guy willing to help where he can. he's also got good humor (ex: saying "nice kitty" to rosalie during the baseball game) which is fun.
i hope i answered your questions clearly and if not, please feel free to ask more specifically! i dont mind! im not the best at explaining things lol. anyway i cant wait to see what you got in store for me and hope youre having a nice day <:)
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oooh i used to love the goosebumps show. and its like every episode either ended on a cliffhanger, good end, bad end, was a misunderstanding, or has one of the most bizarre plot twists.
like that show was ridiculous but in a enjoyable way. now i can't remember the full contents of the episode but when i was younger my favorite episode was the one where some girl was being controlled by a mask i recall it being very silly
SKSKSKSKS IKR ITS SO ENGAGING!!! its definitely got a lot of bizarre moments but thats what maked it charming imo. ive only seen 5 eps so far but bc my roommates like to watch it sometimes ill probs see more!! its silly but i like that, its got that 90s appeal yknow??
also oooo i havent seen the mask episode :O so far my fav is the two parter one where this photographer kid goes to stay w his aunt and uncle and finds out that there are werewolves in the town?? i rly liked the main kid in that one i thought he was funny and cool ajsjdjdj also his aunt was hot 😳😳😳
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roughentumble · 2 years
if you had to write a werewolf Jaskier fic, what would the plot be?
hmmmmmm...... hadnt really thought about it before, let me really chew on my options...
you could crib off the werewolf quest in the witcher 1. jaskier gets turned, and geralt tries everything, everything to break his curse, every folk remedy he can get his hands on with any reports of even marginal success. but when they all fail, and signs show that the curse is getting worse, that soon it wont be able to be broken at all, in a last ditch effort geralt searches for someone to deliver him true love's kiss. oooo you could even have it where he drags jaskier all the way to the countess de stael, only to be heartbroken when it doesnt work, jaskier is still cursed. but then jaskier confesses that it isnt her, he hasnt ever loved her-- loved ANYONE-- the way he loves geralt, and they kiss, and come morning they find the curse miraculously broken! the thing that saves him an act of pure love from a witcher(which he happily turns into the climax of the stunning ballad he writes based off the events of the tale, written as proof that witchers do in fact have feelings)
it also depends on how AU-y i'd get with it, since witcher werewolves can totally be reasonable even in wolf form... but those tend to be werewolves that are born to it, and the curse-afflicted ones almost always go violent when they turn! which makes "jaskier gets turned and learns to live with it" type stories kind of walking a fine line, where even if he's rational now, there's always the fear that someday he wont be anymore. and unless im labeling it an AU, i probably wouldnt want to stick my toes outside that bit of lore. i think it's a neat little bit or worldbuilding
hmm. wait. no. im thinking of a concept that could be neat but doesnt have a lot of form yet, but if it's using witcher canon then i would have to ignore all the lore i just said i didnt want to ignore 😅 BUT i dont think ive seen a story where the kaer morhen witchers are a literal wolfpack..... who then, perhaps inadvertantly, turn jaskier. i could see there being a whole fic of lil jaskier the baby wolf getting adopted into the family by virtue of being turned(and perhaps being geralt's mate 💕👉👈). especially if the fic touched on jaskier's homelife as a rather bad one. and now he's got all these complicated feelings, because his life and his body have been changed forever, but he also now has a home and a family who support and accept him, and a man who is very clearly head over heels for him, and he's never felt the freedom he feels when he runs through the woods at night, wind in his fur.
i imagine them as still witchers, or at least in a very witchery sort of role, in this AU, so perhaps lycanthropy is a quirk of their mutations?? jaskier would be the runt of the pack no matter what though. he's built for speed, not fighting.
also picturing him waking up one day lamenting "nooooo im so hairy now look at my arms look at my chest ;A;" while geralt is in the corner like 👀
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oooo your kinktober list looks super exciting i can't wait to read them all!!! maybe next year some food for the monster enjoyers? like vampires werewolves demons witches etc.
also is she stuck in the drafts what happened to her 😭
i thought about that for this year but wasn’t confident enough to write a full oneshot with monsters lmao i wanna put a lot of effort and research into that cause i’m ✨thorough✨ that way catch me on google trying to figure out exactly what a prostate feels like to the touch back in june and it would take me twice as long i feel like. but i think i’ll be trying to do a halloween drabble special the day of 🤭
as for f2l san, she’s sitting in the drafts at the moment because i’ve had a lot on my plate (if my lack of activity on here has been any indication lmao) but i WILL finish her soon, i promise. i’d say i’ve got another 2k words but she’s 😮‍💨 i just need to stay ahead of schedule for kinktober lmao
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jeeperso · 3 years
D&D Quotes Without Context
Ravenloft edition, Barovia Arc, part 2
"Look I know you're a homicdial maniac, but it's after nine and we got kids!" "I'd ask if the sun ever shines in this misbegotten domain, but I'd say the answer is a resounding No." "No, vitamin D deficiency is.. common here it seems." As you say this, you hear a loud thump as something lands on top of your wagon. Looking up you see a large fat black tabby cat with one bad eye. It stares at Nyx, then lets out a loud meow before leaping off into the brush. “Fucking Ravenloft.” "I was worried it was raining corpses." "Right, so let's get this stupid evil box, deliver it to the stupid evil temple, and get the hells out of this stupid evil domain." “Yeah, the undead really need to step up their drama game.” "Well they can't all be the Duchess." "DID THE COUNT SEND YOU?" "Yes. Yes he did. We are here to move the Coffin." "OH GOOD. PLEASE DO. TAKE THAT ACCURSED THING OUT OF MY CITY." “HOW ACCURSED ARE WE TALKING?” "ITS... HARD TO EXPLAIN. I DON'T THINK THERE'S A PROPER WORD FOR IT. ITS LIKE... THE EARTH ATE THEM." Edmund looks back to the pit curiously. GM: It's still there, still being a pit. “If he’s coming down I’ve got money he dies before he gets here or soon after.” "It's Barovia, that's a suckers bet." “Honestly, it’s Ravenloft, the missing being dead is a best case scenario.” “I’m getting a Junji Ito vibe here. I say we burn the village, salt the earth and get this thing where the only thing it can hurt is the lord of the dead.” “Start with restoration, I’ll start my detect magic dance. Hot tip to the newcomers, the top comes off for this.” “Okay, I got a plan. We make a sled for this while Eddie takes a nap and asks his nerd god for curse breaking, then we get the fuck out of here.” As you are sitting there, you suddenly hear a loud thump from the coffin. "No, you shut the hell up. I don't care who or what is in there I do not want to deal with your bullshit." “Marsh, don’t lean on the forth wall too hard. They don’t like that.” Gorbash calls out: "Guys! Curse Coffin is making noises." Jonni storms around and points at the coffin, “And no bullshit from you, or I’m telling Strahd!” GM OOC: The rest of you don't hear a thing by the way. OOC: Jonni still tell it off. She knows better. Jonni starts doing her Naruto hand signs at the coffin. “Do you need a timeout?” Gorbash: "You think you can throw my inner scars at me and get me to fall for your trick like a sucker! Up your game! I survived fucking mindflayers." “Oh, hey, free titty mags!” “Guys, either I avoided the cursed cart, or there’s a burning dude around here.” Marshal stays with the coffin. You can practically hear him thinking of chaining it to himself once you find out if that won't kill him instantly. Irost: *writing a travelers guide* <Hammerlocke, It's the pits.> "Watch the Hole, Watch the Coffin, Watch the Road. Paranoia is only wrong when the world ISN'T out to get you." GM OOC: (You turn and see the hole is now chasing you in a truck.) OOC: Jonni polymorph the truck into a turtle. OOC: Gorbash: "Damn it turn off that gettaway music." OOC: Can’t sleep. Turtle van’ll eat me. The coffin bangs a few times, sometimes you hear whispering from it, but it mainly behaves. Marshal:
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"Hold. State your business." Jonni: “Cursed box disposal.” Jonni: “Also I am here to pleasure as many of your women as are willing and time permits.”
“Yeah, you don’t wanna go near the coffin. It ate a town last week.”
One of the men gives you a curious look, they reach into a pack on their back and produce a wooden lamb mask, holding it up to you so it overlays your face. Jonni: “Oooo… new local kink culture.” The guy puts away the mask and pulls out a wanted poster. For someone called "The Lamb." Jonni: “Nah, I not a furry.”
“Marsh, she’s a furry. I know her type. I can handle this one way or another.”
Nyx is practically bouncing with excitement. "Werewolves, you say. My daggers would love to meet them."
"The Lamb is a fiend. A devil in human form who murders without conscience." Jonni: “Hot.” The captain rubs his brow. "Fucking adventurers." Gorbash: "In Jonni's case, very literally."
“Riverboat murder mystery sounds fun, but road might lead to better fun. I’m good with either.”
"Okay, road and if we encounter this "The Lamb" we let Jonni talk to her first. Maybe she is Jonni's type."
“Man, there are a lot of tittle mags in this domain…”
As you are riding through town, you see something horrifying. “Oh, no… they have The Big Bang Theory in play form…”
"Where was he gonna go, Detroit?"
“Well if he doesn’t wanna know what Super Hell is like he’ll mind his own business.”
"We may have to deal with VLAD once more... Or the Lamb... Or the Burning Orc.... I really have missed traveling with all of you."
As you draw near, the back cart suddenly pitches violently. “Don’t make me come back there!”
"We're on a tour of famous taverns and historical sites of Barovia. We heard Rose Brook has a charming B+B, we are heading there next." Jonni: “I’m doing something similar but with gorgeous ladies of the Domains of Dread.”
Gorbash: "If this turns out like the the maids at the ball, you're paying for clean up."
"Just as well you sprung for a room." The goblin says, "We're storing Jumbo here in the common room, and he takes up most the space himself." The ogre scratches his neck and yawns. Gorbash: "I'd hate for Jumbo to be cramped."
Of course you're currently fixing to be the meat in an Elf sandwich so you are a bit distracted. OOC: True, being drugged is just gonna make the night more interesting.
"If she wants to be struck by lightning in this weather, that's her choice."
"Fork it. I cast Gun."
Jonni shoots up awake at the sound of gunfire. “Huh, wha, boobs?!”
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exquisiteagony · 3 years
don't have any specific questions about either of your vampire aus i just want to hear you ramble about them. so whatever part about either one that you want to talk about but haven't yet
oooo okay
stupid vampire fic (so self indulgent and dumb):
hinges on all of those vampire in the modern world headcanons that go around tumblr. also the only female vamps drink blood and make vamps drink syrup a la mosquitos. stupid vampire fic is basically an all female vampire band at eurovision. they dress up very goth and vampiric because of course, no vampire would look like a party city halloween costume vampire, so they’re hiding in plain sight. bc are also vampires, but because make vampires drink syrup, it’s believed in vampire hunter circles that make vamps don’t exist. male vamps like to work with hunters sometimes so the lady vamps are super suspicious of bc. måneskin are the hunters, who ironically are very sure that the oc band aren’t vampires. the oc band mainly like to cause low level chaos whilst also keeping their blood drinking tendencies hidden. they basically are like ‘we’re immortal, and allergic to garlic, silver, and the sun. we’re gonna at least have some fucking fun’.
i have way more but i’m tired rn
- as well as vampire werewolves and witches, there’s other supernatural creatures like mermaids.
- all have their own cultures and rules
- witches are given the most respect because they coexist with humans the best and their magic is frequently used
- all were persecuted by humans at one point or another; it pretty much ends around a hundred years before the story is set, and only because they can all be useful
- werewolves are tolerated more than vampires because they only turn on the full moon, so towns and cities have developed ways to keep people safe, such as curfews
- one common job vampires work that hadn’t been mentioned yet is in dockyards and shipyards because they’re stronger than humans and are nocturnal, so work can continue throughout the night
- there’s more and more tolerance of vampires, but in smaller towns and villages where people are still superstitious, they don’t take very kindly to them at all
- @yours-eternally-ao3 put the idea of communist witch hannes in my head cuz the communist manifesto was published in 1848, but i envisioned the fics being set a little earlier. there’s no definitive year of setting, so it’s not a massive deal, and communism didn’t just come into existence because of the manifesto. the ideas already existed anyway, especially in the years building up, so the witches attend coffee houses and pubs when there’s revolutionary speakers present to talk
- the witches travel around away more than anyone else
- the new england vampire scare is a thing in this fic (though it’s still just tuberculosis) so very few vampires want to travel to america
- there are many vampires in the higher echelons of society, and they were the ones who first suggested shutting other vampires down in the sewers. the vampire sin the nobility were the oldest vampire because their families protected them and they were raised like nobles, so they could get away with it and show they could be civilised, but the vampires who got shut in the sewers were all hungry and confused, and to the vampire nobility they behaved like the uncivilised animals the vampire nobility were trying to not be associated with
- whilst witch justice is very ‘eye for an eye’, werewolf justice usually amounts to expulsion from a pack, unless the crime is serious enough for the death penalty. vampire justice is that the wronged party passes whatever sentence they wish on the guilty party, so some would kill a vampire who stole from them, whilst (for example) joonas joel and aleksi wanted nothing to do with niko and for him to just be out of their lives and a blip in their history
- they let the witches dictate the punishment because of how witches are at the top of the supernatural pecking order
- hannes’s coven’s old friend arde was in their coven, but niko mistook him for a vampire once and tried to kill him. he tortured him badly enough that when arde got free, he stopped with using revival and healing magic like hannes and co, and instead turned to more destructive magic. shiraz still love and care for him, it they can’t follow him down that path
- that is why they don’t like niko
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rereadingtwilight · 4 years
Eclipse Chapter 1
Preface thoughts
we’re back bitches 
I missed y’all :’) 
Interesting adding fire and ice by Robert frost to reference in the preface
The foreshadowing though
Okay the library formatting bothers me do I just buy the last two books??? 
Update: I couldn’t do it and I bought them :)) 
Chapter 1 thoughts 
That note Jacob wrote made laugh and also breaks my heart just a little bit.. okay a lot a bit
“Metals bad for microwaves” lol how many times has Charlie put metal in a microwave?? 
Is it bad that I rolled my eyes when Bella said Edward wasn’t just her boyfriend, he was her “destiny and fate” 
Wait she’s not chill with fiancée but she wants to call him “destiny and fate”? Fiancée is WAY more normal just saying 
“There’s no law that says I can’t cook in my own house” damn right Charlie 
“I don’t know why you read the news, dad. It only ticks you off” welcome to the club bella 
Homicides in Seattle? Or Victoria???
I forgot Bella was a book nerd lol 
Is Charlie trying to have a boy talk with Bella rn bc I’m LIVING for it 
Bella acts like she was in prison
Charlie is trying to get her and Jacob to hang out and that makes me happy even though he doesn’t want to/can’t 
Billy and Charlie do be gossiping like old women tho you right Bella you right 
Aw college acceptance 
“It’s easy to get loans” Bella you do NOT want student debt sis lemme tell you rn 
Charlie mumbling for Edward to go away when he got there is the mood of the day lol 
I just was like “why are Edwards fingers cold” pls be patient with me I’m dumb 
I know this is a common question but what does he do if she’s on her period or does she just not have one 
Oooo he brought college applications how romantic 
LOL CAUSUALLY LIKE “I’ve been accepted to Syracuse, Harvard, Dartmouth..” DAMN EDWARD GO OFF 
“What a coincidence we are both accepted to the university of Alaska!” LOL 
Sassy Charlie is my fav lol 
“I can charge you interest if you wanna pay me back for college” LOL 
“I sign your name better than you do yourself” lol sassy Edward 
I was right there is a vampire in Seattle 
Aw they’ll live with the penguins how nice 
“I need to see Jacob” me too sis 
LOL is he blaming Bella for the werewolves coming back lol 
Why he gotta call Jacob a dog tho 
Edward you act like having her promise you that she’ll be safe will work when we can see from the last book, it made her do more stupid things 
If Edward really keeps her from Jacob, he will have to catch these hands, I’m sorry I do not make the rules. I just enforce them. 
Masterlist for the series / this book
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critical-derolo · 7 years
Do you have some good femslash (and/or slash) or gen Twilight fanfic recommendations? I've read a lot but I need more x_x
oooo shit. well. okay, maybe. Honestly, it’s been years since I’ve read any Twilight fics [other than Cloud’s], so... Idk. My memory isn’t great, and my taste might have changed, but I’ll give you a list that I would have recommended a few years ago? 
Age Doesn’t Matter In Love by XxKellyxX - I’m gonna assume you’ve read this one because who in the Bellice fandom hasn’t. 
On Broken Wings by paulinemcc - this concept was amazing, I’m a sucker for time travel. 
Fallen by B. Silverbow - B’s my bud and the writing is wicked, dude. Die hard Bellice fan, so you know the content will be gold. 
Equilibrium by YourResidentFreak - possibly my favourite fanfic ever, I’ve reread it a dozen times. The characters were very real and even though I wanted to strangle a number of them numerous times, I loved it all. 
Red Letter Year by theswandive - I remember liking this but I don’t actually remember much of the story.
Midnight by ParanoidPuppy - I’m partial to werewolves so chances are if you’ve got one in your story, I’ll read it. That said, this Bella was badass and heterochromia is my thing. 
Passing Stranger by Morphy - a light oneshot but I adore it. 
Golden Slumber/The Edge by fembuck - these two go together. Also grade A writing. 
There are more I could probably scrape together if I looked hard enough, so if you want them just ask. 
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hannahindie · 7 years
In Which Han and Sandee Get Distracted
Disclaimer: @escabell and I have no clue about what we’re talking about. What I will tell you is that when we looked up A/B/O stuff, we got even more confused and left with more questions than we had answers. Those of you that understand and write about it, I commend you and hope that you aren’t offended by our goofing, but it was too good not to write something involving us grandmas knowing nothing. Anyway, this is just ridiculousness. I pretty much just took our conversation and flipped it into what would happen if the Winchesters walked in on you looking for fanfiction. But then we got distracted. I’m not even going to bother tagging anyone in this because it’s just silliness, but I hope you get a chuckle out of our shenanigans. Also, it’s not beta’d, so any spelling/grammar mistakes are alllllllll me. (P.S. We have nothing against A/B/O at all. We literally just didn’t know what it was and decided to Google it. It wasn’t our best plan. You guys could probably educate us better than what we found. lol)
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“They’re gonna kill us if they find out we are looking up fanfiction about them, you know that right?”
I shrugged, “Yea, well...maybe they shouldn’t leave us alone in the bunker. I’m bored, you’re bored, and we have the internet. I can’t be held responsible for what happens next.” Sandee raised an eyebrow, then slowly smiled and nodded. “Also, if we get caught, we’re equally to blame. I’m not going down alone.” I opened my laptop, “Tumblr or….what else is there? Google?”
“Just go to Tumblr, grandma.”
I pulled up the website and signed in using my old account, “I haven’t been on here in years. Let’s see what we can find…” My eyes were immediately assaulted by very naked genitalia and I scrolled down incredibly fast, “Who the hell did I follow that that was an option? Geeze.”
Sandee laughed, “Yea. Like you don’t remember.”
“Shut up,” I mumbled. “I guess I’m just going to look up Sam and Dean Winchester fanfiction. That should do it.” It immediately pulled up page upon page of fanfiction. “Anything in particular we want to look for?”
Sandee shrugged, “I don’t know. I recall this being your idea.” She squinted at the screen as I scrolled, “What’s a ….reader insert?”
I clicked on it and quickly skimmed the page, “Looks like you just add your name as you read it. Not gonna lie, I just tried to pronounce the y and n together. That’s going to be a thing now. A girl has no name. Only Y/N.” I went back to the top of the fic and began reading out loud, ‘I woke up to the feeling of warm leather pressed against my cheek and the smell of gunpowder and whiskey flooded my senses. My vision was blurry as I rubbed the sleep from them as flashes of last night came back to me. Suddenly, I felt a muscular arm tighten around my waist and I suddenly remembered who I was with. Dean Winchester, the man who’d been raised from hell. I was going to have some explaining to do.’ Huh, I should try my hand at this. We both have pretty good experience with the Winchesters, don’t you think?” I wiggled my eyebrows and Sandee smacked my arm.
“You aren’t writing that down. No one needs to know about that.”
I looked at her wide eyed, “I meant hunting, what did you think I meant? What kind of person do you think I am?” I looked at her for a moment then gasped, “You sly dog, you! I was just kidding! How...when...you know what, I’m just….let’s look for more fanfiction, shall we?” I continued to scroll then stopped when something unfamiliar caught my eye. “What...is…this?”
“What?” Sandee leaned forward to look at what I was pointing at.
“A/B/O. What does that mean?” I scrolled through the fic, and though there was some description, still didn’t answer my question. “It looks...complicated. I think I’m going to google it.” I pulled up a second tab and opened Google: what is A/B/O? “Oh, cool. There’s a wiki page for it. Let’s see…” I could feel my eyebrows furrow together as I read and Sandee waited patiently for me to explain. “Sandee, I’m not entirely sure what to tell you. I mean, I get it, but then...I don’t.”
“Just tell me.”
I grabbed my glasses and put them on so that I could continue reading. “Let me just make sure I read that right...okay. So apparently it’s Alpha, Beta, Omega. Like wolves, I’m assuming. So there’s that pecking order. Although it appears that the Omegas can be replaced by Betas, since they are the lowest on the food chain, if you will. Or they can be super valuable because they’re rare. I’ve read it both ways.”
Sandee shrugged, “That’s not that hard to understand. Why are you confused?”
I took my glasses off and tossed them on the table a little harder than necessary, “Are they people? Or are they werewolves? Or neither? Just wolves with human qualities? All three? What are they?”
“It’s fiction, Han. It can be whatever the writer wants, probably.”
I waved my hand, “Like HELL. I need to know.” I scrolled back up to the top, “Oooo, related pages. What the balls is knotting?”
“I don’t know that you should click on that, Han. We can just read it and appreciate it for the wonderful writing. Do you really need to know all the terminology?”
I raised an eyebrow, “Are you telling me that you are not the least bit curious? If we are going to read this, after the writer clearly put in a lot of time researching these things, don’t you think we should understand the subject matter? C’mon, Sandee, join me. Follow me down this wikipedia trail of information we never thought we’d need to know.”
“Okay, fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.” I clicked the link and we both leaned in to read what Wikipedia had to say. Sandee looked over at me and grinned as I frowned at the information I was reading, “I told you.”
“Listen, I have nothing against it, this just doesn’t have a ton of information and for some reason all I can think about is a human shaped wolf. I’m having trouble picturing it. Wikipedia is not super helpful here, and then it just gives me more links to vague information.” I sighed, “I just wanna know what knotting means, man. These writers have put a lot of work into these, I want to know what they’re talking about. The internet is hard.” I backtracked to the original page we’d found and skimmed over it again. “Now, hold the phone.”
Sandee looked back at the computer screen, “What?”
I pointed at what I had just read, “Read that. You read that and tell me how that would work?”
I watched as Sandee’s mouth moved silently as she read the paragraph I’d pointed to, then scrunched her nose, “Well...I mean...I don’t know. They’d probably just do it like you would normally do it.”
“That says that Omega males give birth. How in the hell does that work? Do they...where….how? HOW?”
“Why don’t you just ask Siri?” She pulled her phone out of her pocket, “Siri, can an omega poop a baby?”
“OK, I found this on the web for ‘can an omega poop a baby?’ “
“First of all, that British voice is condescending. I feel like he is judging us. Also, those search results are not helpful. I don’t care about babies pooping, I care about Omega males pooping out babies.”
Sandee grabbed the computer and began typing, “The answers are there, you just know have to know where to look.”
I crossed my arms, “So you know where to find information on males giving birth to what may or may not be wolf babies?”
Sandee shrugged, “I have a particular set of skills.”
“I wonder what the girls have been up to today. It’s been awhile since they’ve been left on their own. I hope they didn’t get too bored.”
Dean shrugged, “Sammy, they’re grown women. They can entertain themselves. They’ve got Netflix, and who knows, maybe they even decided to do some research. Hannah and Sandee both like to look stuff up, I’m sure they found something interesting.” Dean put the Impala in park and both Winchesters made their way from the garage and up through the kitchen. Dean put a hand out to stop Sam.
“Do you hear that?”
“It sounds like Sandee and Han talking, why?”
“I wanna know what they’re talking about. If we’re quiet enough, we can probably eavesdrop a little.”
Sam frowned, “Why would you want to do that?”
Dean smirked, “I wanna know if Sandee is talking about me.”
Sam crossed his arms, “And why would she be….oh. Oh. Dammit, Dean. Seriously?”
“I’m not gonna mess it up, Sam. It just happened, and it’s awesome. Got anything else to say about it?”
Sam smiled, “Nah. Let’s see what they’re talking about.” They crept into the library and stopped just outside the door.
“Why don’t you just ask Siri? Siri, can an omega poop a baby?”
“OK, I found this on the web for ‘can an omega poop a baby?’ “
“First of all, that British voice is condescending. I feel like he is judging us. Also, those search results are not helpful. I don’t care about babies pooping, I care about Omega males pooping out babies.”
“The answers are there, you just know have to know where to look.”
“So you know where to find information on males giving birth to what may or may not be wolf babies?”
“I have a particular set of skills.”
“What the hell?” Dean couldn’t help but exclaim as he and Sam walked into the library. Both girls paused, then slowly turned to face Sam and Dean. “What are you guys doing? What’s this about men pooping babies?”
Hannah grabbed her laptop and closed it, stood, and slowly backed towards the other doorway as she threw a quick glance at Sandee, “We will never speak of this again.” She bolted, leaving Sandee to deal with the two very confused Winchesters.
“Well, you see...there’s this….we were looking at...you know, there’s not a good explanation for this.”
Sam laughed, “Yep, you’re meant for each other.” He shook his head and walked out of the room.
“Seriously, what were you guys talking about?”
Sandee laughed, “It’s probably best that you didn’t know. Although it’s become very apparent that Han is literally a grumpy old grandma when it comes to using technology.”
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